
"I sense a soul in search of answers.  I shalt eat him."

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Started by Anastasia, August 10, 2011, 09:31:43 PM

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Finally finished Seira. I did all the bells and whistles with her (except some item work) since she was so overdue. Notes as follows.

- Her build is one Cor submitted to me back when I started. It took advantage of old BAB/saves with gestalt to excel. It loses 6 BAB and some save bonuses with this. The latter everyone deals with but the former hurts. Without really revising her classes she's not getting full BAB. One of the reasons she has knowledge devotion is to offset this.

- I built her with the default divine rules and not anything special from B1R. If/when that happens this won't be anything more than a casual example. I didn't worry about balancing her versus the posted NPCs a few posts back or Alicia's old stat block.

- Seira starts with the Hope, Glory and Knowledge domains. These are a good start and I imagine she'd branch into things like Fire, Protection and maybe Healing. Not to mention Dragon. Unfortunately DvR1 makes Extra Domain a luxury, and besides, I'm not adding domains to them past the base. Isn't my call to make.

- Dragon-Pact Wizard needs some fairly serious revisions. It's outdated, not to mention that parts of it are irrelevant and worthless with divine rank in play. If sentimental reasons don't matter, I'd recommend swapping out another PrC for it altogether. The various dragon books have some interesting PrCs for mages.

- Feats are mostly straight-forward. Knowledge Devotion was chosen since she has the knowledge domain and needed a to-hit booster. Intensify spell is junk for her and would probably be retraining bait. I didn't realize how worthless it was for her until after doing her spells last. It's not a big enough deal to change out.

- Golden Fires is slightly upgraded. It's meant to be a stepping stone towards Elemental Lord one day.

- Deflect creaks and groans with epic caster levels, but it probably doesn't break. It's decidedly a spell that wasn't meant for CLs way above 20. Beyond that, I revised Unicorn Arrow and made a pair of new spells for Seira. Her spell list otherwise copies what's in B1's memorized spells. Her metamagic game is nasty and automatic maximization of all spells lets her pour on the damage. It bears some similarity to Kascha's spell list, or more accurately, Kascha's learned from Seira.

- I punted on items. With the exception of upgrading the powerbow to +5, I didn't change up or add flavor to any of the items. The latter isn't needed since we know what's up with them, but the former's not really my thing to do here. I don't want to make up fluff that may get obsoleted.

- Next up is polishing Alicia's old writeup in B1's misc topic. Mostly it's just converting to the newer style of epic BAB/saves and a couple of minor tweaks. After that I may work on a goddess I have mostly done. Her mechanics are set, it's a matter of flavor. The problem is that she -really- needs the flavor to be sparkling to sell the concept. Unfortunately I haven't felt the spark to produce what she needs. She's based on the Chalice from the Knight of the Chalice and adapted to being Torm's daughter. Feel free to fill in the blanks there as you wish. If that doesn't spark, I'll probably work Lady Gwynharwyf or a random Demon Lord/Prince.

Swashbuckler 11/Rogue 23//Wizard 10/Dragon-Pact Wizard 19/War Wizard 5

Seira Aryn
Golden Patron, The Dragon Princess
Symbol: A triangular shield with a golden dragon emblazoned upon it
Home Plane: The Cauldron
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Good, elemental balance, investment, the future
Worshipers: Mages, knights, good elementals, idealists
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG
Domains: Hope, Glory, Knowledge
Favored Weapon: Dragon's Grace (shortsword)

Size/Type: Medium Dragon (Fire, Good)
Divine Rank: 1
Hit Dice: 11d10+23d6+306 (554 hp)
Initiative: +17
Speed: 60ft, fly 200ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 67 (+12 dex, +1 divine, +16 natural, +11 deflection, +2 dodge, +12 armor, +3 luck)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +28/+38/77
Attack: Dragon's Grace+52 (1d6+37 plus 17d6 sneak attack plus 2 str 19-20 x2)
Full Attack: Dragon's Grace+52/+47/+42/+37 (1d6+37 plus 17d6 sneak attack plus 2 str 19-20 x2) and bite+45 (1d8+30 plus 15d6 sneak attack plus 2 str) and 2 wings+45 (1d4+25 plus 15d6 sneak attack plus 2 str)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, sneak attack+15d6, opportunist, crippling strike, spells, draconic claw, claw of energy, arcane claw, hold ray.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 15/epic and adamantine, immunity to fire and acid, immunity to sleep and paralysis, spell resistance 49, vulnerability to cold, golden fire, darkvision 120ft, low-light vision, divine traits, dragon ascension(ancient), grace+2, insightful strike, dodge bonus+2, acrobatic charge, improved flanking, elven fencer, trapfinding, improved evasion, penetrating strike, improved uncanny dodge, draconic enlightenment, arcane shielding, arcane resistance, draconic ascension, spontaneous widen spell, enhanced spell area, war spell.
Saves: Fort +35, Ref +39, Will +27
Abilities: Str 31, Dex 34, Con 29, Int 40, Wis 21, Cha 32
Skills: Appraise+21, Balance+18, Bluff+17, Concentration+30, Craft(Alchemy)+20, Decipher Script+53, Diplomacy+49, Disable Device+53, Escape Artist+40, Gather Information+22, Hide+50, Intimidate+49, Jump+30, Knowledge(All)+53, Move Silently+50, Perform(Sing)+22, Profession(Storyteller)+16, Search+53, Sense Motive+23, Sleight of Hand+23, Spellcraft+53, Spot+43, Tumble+50, Use Magic Device+29, Use Rope+14
Feats: Improved Initiative(1), Weapon Finesse(S1), Scribe Scroll(W1), Draconic Aura(Energy:Fire)(3), Widen Spell(W5), Quicken Spell(6), Twin Spell(9), Empower Spell(W10), Residual Magic(12), Dragonfire Strike(15), Maximize Spell(18), Knowledge Devotion(R19)
Epic Feats: Improved Sneak Attackx3(B), Lingering Damage(B), Sneak Attack of Opportunity(B), Improved Metamagic(21), Enhance Spell(DPW13), Epic Spell Capacity(24), Spontaneous Spell(Seira's Unicorn Arrow)(DPW16), Blinding Speed(27), Multiaction(DPW19), Automatic Metamagic(Twin)(30), Automatic Metamagic(Quicken)(WW2), Intensify Spell(33), Sudden Enhance(WW4)
Salient Divine Abilities: Automatic Metamagic(Maximize), Burning Spirit, Divine Sneak Attack, Dragon Ascension, Protect the Innocent
Alignment: Neutral Good

Racial powers:
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Golden Fire (Su)

Seira's flames channel direct holy energy into them, turning them a brilliant golden shade. The flames of her breath weapon ignore resistance and immunity to fire. Likewise, her spells with the fire descriptor ignore resistance and immunity to fire.

Divine powers:
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Spell-like abilities

At will-aid, atonement, bless, bless weapon, bolt of glory, clairaudience/clairvoyance, crown of glory, detect secret doors, detect thoughts, disrupt undead, divination, find the path, foresight, gate, good hope, greater heroism, greater planar ally, greater restoration, heroism, holy smite, holy sword, legend lore, miracle, searing light, sunbeam, true seeing, vision. Caster level 34th. The save DCs are 32 + spell level.

Alter Reality (Su)

Seira exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and her presence can command the very essence of the world around her. This warping of reality manifests in a number of ways. Seira can use limited wish when doing so can help her promote hope, glory and knowledge. Note that in the situation where Seira and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.

Domain powers:
Glory: Turn undead as a cleric.
Hope: Grants a +4 to any one attack roll, skill check or saving throw once per day as the domain power. This must be declared before you make the roll.
Knowledge: +1 caster level to divinations.

Divine Aura (Ex)

The save DC against the Seira's divine aura is 22 and the radius is 10ft.

Immunities: Seira is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters her form. Any shape-altering powers she might have function normally on herself. She is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, and is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). She are also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, and disintegration. An opposed rank check may bypass any of these immunities; each attempt to do so requires a separate check.

Checks: Seira gains a divine bonus equal to her divine rank on all skill checks, ability checks and caster level checks.

Seira does not automatically fail on a natural attack roll or saving throw roll of 1.

Communication: Seira can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. She can speak directly to any beings within seven miles of herself.

Remote Communication: As a standard action, Seira can speak to any of her own worshipers, and to anyone within ten miles from a site dedicated to her, or within ten miles from a statue or other likeness of her. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternately, her voice can form concepts directly in the listener's mind, made of blazing fire.

Create Items: Seira can create any wondrous item with power related to hope or glory; the maximum is 4,500 gold.

Portfolio Sense: Seira is aware of any act of hope, glory or knowledge that involves 1,000 or more people.

Swashbuckler powers:
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Grace (Ex)

A swashbuckler gains a +1 competence bonus on Reflex saves at 2nd level. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and to +3 at 20th level. A swashbuckler loses this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Insightful Strike (Ex)

At 3rd level, a swashbuckler becomes able to place her finesse attacks where they deal greater damage. She applies her Intelligence bonus (if any) as a bonus on damage rolls (in addition to any Strength bonus she may have) with any light weapon, as well as any other weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse, such as a rapier, whip, or spiked chain. Targets immune to sneak attacks or critical hits are immune to the swashbuckler's insightful strike. A swashbuckler cannot use this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Dodge Bonus (Ex)

A swashbuckler is trained at focusing her defenses on a single opponent in melee. During her action, she may designate an opponent and receive a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class against melee attacks from that opponent. She can select a new opponent on any action. This bonus increases by +1 at every five levels after 5th (+2 at 10th level, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th). A swashbuckler loses this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

If the swashbuckler also has the Dodge feat, she need not designate the same target for this ability as for the Dodge feat. (If she designates the same target, the bonuses stack.)

Acrobatic Charge (Ex)

A swashbuckler of 7th level or higher can charge in situations where others cannot. She may charge over difficult terrain that normally slows movement or allies blocking her path. This ability enables her to run down steep stairs, leap down from a balcony, or to tumble over tables to get to her target. Depending on the circumstance, she may still need to make appropriate checks (Jump or Tumble checks, in particular) to successfully move over the terrain.

Improved Flanking (Ex)

A swashbuckler of 8th level or higher who is flanking an opponent gains a +4 bonus on attacks instead of a +2 bonus on attacks. (Other characters flanking with the swashbuckler don't gain this increased bonus.)

Elven Fencer (Ex)

You may apply your insightful strike bonus to any weapon you wield.

Rogue powers:
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Sneak Attack (Ex)

If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage. The rogue's attack deals extra damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.

Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty.

A rogue can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies - undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.

Trapfinding (Ex)

Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.

Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.

A rogue who beats a trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.

Evasion (Ex)

At 2nd level and higher, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Trap Sense (Ex)

At 3rd level, a rogue gains an intuitive sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise to +2 when the rogue reaches 6th level, to +3 when she reaches 9th level, to +4 when she reaches 12th level, to +5 at 15th, and to +6 at 18th level.

Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

Starting at 4th level, a rogue can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

If a rogue already has uncanny dodge from a different class she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

A rogue of 8th level or higher can no longer be flanked. This defense denies another rogue the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target does.

If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the character.

Crippling Strike (Ex)

A rogue with this ability can sneak attack opponents with such precision that her blows weaken and hamper them. An opponent damaged by one of her sneak attacks also takes 2 points of Strength damage. Ability points lost to damage return on their own at the rate of 1 point per day for each damaged ability.

Improved Evasion (Ex)

This ability works like evasion, except that while the rogue still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks henceforth she henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

Opportunist (Ex)

Once per round, the rogue can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee by another character. This attack counts as the rogue's attack of opportunity for that round. Even a rogue with the Combat Reflexes feat can't use the opportunist ability more than once per round.

Wizard powers:
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Seira casts as an 34th level wizard (caster level 35th for spells with the fire descriptor). Her metamagic options are Empower Spell (+1), Widen Spell (+1), Enhance Spell (+3), Quicken Spell (+3), Twin Spell (+3) and Intensify Spell (+6). All of Seira's spells are automatically maximized. All of Seira's 0-3rd level spells are automatically twinned and quickened. Once per day, Seira may spontaneously enhance a spell. The save DCs are 25 + spell level (29 + spell level for spells with the fire descriptor).

0: (Flare), Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Prestidigitation
1: (Burning Hands), Critical Strikex2SC], Nerveskitterx2SC, Shield, Sniper's Shotx2SC
2: (Scorching Ray), Deflectx4PHB2, False Life, Fearsome GrappleSC, Glitterdust
3: (Fireball), DragonskinSC, Ray of Dizzinessx2SC, Ray of Exhaustion, Seira's Unicorn ArrowPHB2, Steeldancex2SC
4: (Empowered Fireball), Assay Spell Resistancex2SC, Dimensional Anchor, Greater Mirror ImagePHB2, Orb of FireSC, Quickened True CastingCM
5: (Cone of Fire), Dancing BladePHB2, Empowered Enervationx2, Empowered Orb of Fire, Greater Fireburstx2SC
6: (Twinned Empowered Scorching Ray), Empowered Greater Fireburst, Empowered MoonbowSC, Twinned Ray of Exhaustion, Twinned Seira's Unicorn Arrowx3
7: (Delayed Blast Fireball), Bite of the WerebearSC, Grasping Hand, Quickened BloodstarSC, Quickened Greater Invisibility, Twinned Enervation, Waves of Exhaustion
8: (Enhanced Cone of Fire), Chain Dispel, Enhanced Greater Fireburst, Greater Stunning BreathSC, Twinned Moonbowx2
9: (Enhanced Empowered Cone of Fire), Enhanced Empowered Greater Fireburst, Empowered Widened Delayed Blast Fireballx2, Quickened Surge of HopeHome, Wish
10: Empowered Energy Drain, Energy ImmunityHomex3, Seira's Unicorn ApocalypseHome, True Meteor SwarmHome
11: Enhanced Empowered Widened Delayed Blast Fireball, Epic Mage ArmorHome, Quickened Twinned Moonbow, Superb DispellingHome, Volcanic GenesisHome, Widened Seira's Unicorn Apocalypse
12: Empowered SunlanceHome, Empowered Volcanic Genesis, Glorious Rallyx2, Quickened Enhanced Empowered Greater Fireburst
13: Mass Energy Immunityx2Home, Quickened Seira's Unicorn Apocalypsex2, Twinned Seira's Unicorn Apocalypse,
14: Quickened Superb Dispellingx2, Radiant StormHome

Dragon-Pact Wizard powers:
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Draconic Enlightenment (Ex)

A character's dragon-pact wizard levels stack with draconic levels for the purposes of determining draconic HD and any class-bases bonuses. For example, a 3rd-level dragon/1st-level dragon-pact wizard's HD for determining the saving throw for her breath weapon is as if she were a 4th level dragon.

Draconic Claw (Su)

The dragon's natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Claw of Energy (Su)

A Dragon-Pact Wizard may choose to manifest her draconic energy in her natural weapons. This energy matches the energy type of the dragon she has made a pact with and deals an extra 1d6 damage. If the dragon lacks an energy affinity, she defaults to fire. Using this power counts as expending a draconic breath attempt and follows the same rules as breath weapons do. Using this power counts as a free action and lasts for 1 round.

Arcane Claw (Su)

Beginning at 3rd level, a Dragon-Pact Wizard can expend a breath weapon use to cast and deliver a touch spell with a natural weapon. Using this power counts as expending a draconic breath attempt and follows the same rules as breath weapons do. If the dragon is able of using this power in a given round, she can only use it once, and it counts as a free action.

Arcane Shielding (Sp)

At fourth level, the Dragon-Pact Wizard may cast Fire Shield 1/day as a spell like ability. Fire based dragons use the warm shield, cold based dragons use the cool shield. Other dragon types may choose between the two.

Hold Ray (Ex)

At 6th level or higher, a Dragon-Pact Wizard can cast any spell that procudes a ray effect as a touch spell instead. The spell's range is reduced to touch, and its Effect entry is replaced with "Target: Creature touched." She can deliver the spell with either a touch attack or a normal attack with a natural weapon, and she can hold the charge as with a normal touch spell. A Dragon-Pact wizard can combine this ability with Arcane Claw to deliver a ray-effect spell as par the condition on the use of Arcane Claw.

Arcane Resistance (Ex)

At 8th level, a Dragon-Pact Wizard gains spell resistance equal to 10 + the total of her draconic HD. Note that due to Draconic Enlightenment, class levels from this class stack with draconic HD.

Draconic Ascension (Ex)

At 10th level, the Dragon-Pact Wizard no longer takes penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties already taken stay in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the Dragon-Pact Wizard still dies when her time is up.

War Wizard powers:
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Spontaneous Widen Spell (Su)

The War Wizard may cast a spell as if it were under the effects of the Widen Spell feat. She does not need to prepare this in advance, and it does not increase the casting time or use a higher spell slot. The War Wizard can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + the modifier for her main casting ability (Intelligence or Charisma, as appropriate).

Enhanced Spell Area (Su)

Any time a War Wizard of 3rd level casts a spell modified by the Widen Spell feat, any numeric measurements of the spell's area increase by 200% rather than 100%. Thus, a widened fireball spell would have a 60ft radius spread instead of a 40ft radius spread.

Sudden Enhance

At 4th level the War Wizard gains Sudden Enhance as a bonus feat.

War Spell (Su)

Once per day, a 5th level War Wizard can call on a spell cast with the Widen Spell or Spontaneous Widen Spell benefit, and increase the spell's area exponentially. The radius of this spell increases by 1000%.

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Dragon's Grace

Dragon's Grace was a gift from Seira's friends, imbued with the power of dragons. It is a shortsword+7. This blade seeks out the weak spots of it's victims, increasing it's wielders sneak attack damage by 2d6. In addition it functions as a staff of fiery power with 50 charges and without its retributive strike.


Breastplate+7. This armor has a maximum dexterity cap of 14, no arcane spell failure and only -1 armor check penalty. The gems in the armor are infused with fire magic, granting her a +3 bonus to her caster level with spells of the fire descriptor. By drawing on the magic within the gems, Seira can enhance (as the epic metamagic feat) one spell or spell-like ability with the fire descriptor per day, with no increase in casting time or spell level.

Krystear Emblem

This emblem is from a faraway world, the symbol of an ancient kingdom there. It channels good fortune around the wearer, granting a +3 luck bonus to armor class.

Seira has many other treasures than this. This includes a collection of wilding clasps, which allow the affected gear to function when she takes dragon-form. It's known that she has a shield made from the shell of a tarrasque, a pair of crystalvein daggers, a pendant that empowers magic via successful predictions, a greater luckstone, multiple metamagic rods and several iounstones.

Seira has a variety of weapons she favors for various situations. The various statistics for them are presented below. Note that unless stated otherwise, a full attack with one includes her bite and wings.


An old, enchanted bow from the shop of Elle Stronger. It has been with Seira most of her career. It is a longbow+5 that allows the use of power attack (as the feat) with any arrows it fires. +50 or +50/+45/+40/+35 (1d8+35 plus 15d6 sneak attack plus 2 str x3). As Powerbow is a ranged weapon, Seira's full attack with it does not include her natural attacks.

Golden Greatsword

This greatsword was recovered in the armory of a forgotten fortress imprisoning a Q'pa. It is dedicated to Raziel and erupts into golden flames when wielded. It is a greatsword+7, fiery blast. The flames of this blade are treated as searing, ignoring fire resistance and dealing half damage against targets immune to fire. +52 or +52/+47/+42/+37 (2d6+42 plus 15d6 sneak attack plus 2 str plus 3d6 fire (6d6 on crit) 19-20 x2).

Crystalvein Greatsword

A greatsword made of pure crystals from the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Salt. It is incredibly sharp and maims foes foolish enough to fight against it. It is a greatsword+6, keen and wounding. Any bonuses to armor class from force effects, such as mage armor and shield, are ignored by this blade. In addition, any force effects active on them or force spells being maintained by them are treated as being targeted by a dispel magic effect with a dispel modifier of +21. +51 or +51/+46/+41/+36 (2d6+41 plus 15d6 sneak attack plus 2 str plus 1 con 17-20 x2)

Custom Material:
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Glorious Rally
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sor/Wiz 12
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Targets: 1 living creature/level, no two of which may be more than 30 ft apart
Duration: 1 min/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

This spell taps into the pure concept of hope and fills the targets with it. Such allows them to overcome their limits and reach heights otherwise impossible. The targets gain a +6 morale bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws and armor class. The targets also gain temporary hit points equal to your caster level times two. For example, a 30th level caster would grant each target 60 temporary hit points. Finally, the targets are immune to fear effects.

Seira's Unicorn Arrow
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target or Targets: One creature or up to five creatures, no two of which are more than 15ft apart
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The shimmering, transparent form of a unicorn flies forward, its corporeal horn lowered in a charge at its enemy. A translucent unicorn shape appears in midair and speeds toward the target of this spell. If you succeed on a ranged touch attack, the horn slams into the target and deals 1d8+8 points of damage. In addition, the target is subject to a bull rush. The CMB for this is +11. If the check is failed, the subject is pushed back 5 feet, plus 5 feet for every 5 points by which it failed the check.

You can conjure an additional unicorn arrow for every three caster levels beyond 5th, up to five at 17th level. You can have them strike a single creature or several creatures, but each horn can strike only one creature. You must designate targets before you make your attack rolls. A creature struck by more than one horn is only at risk of being bull rushed once, but the CMB rises by +2 for each horn beyond the first that strikes it.


An ivory replica of a unicorn (25 gp).

Seira's Unicorn Apocalypse
Level: Sor/Wiz 10
Components: V, S, F
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Area: 150ft by 150ft cube
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell creates a blanketing barrage of unicorn arrows. The caster makes a ranged touch attack that applies to every creature within the area of the spell. Each creature determines hits and misses as normal, with a hit subjecting them to a unicorn arrow. This effect is identical to an unicorn arrow created by Seira's unicorn arrow spell, except that each arrow deals 1d8+24 damage. Creatures struck by this spell are subject to sneak attack regardless of how far the caster is from them. This only applies if the caster has sneak attack and the creature would be subject to sneak attack in the first place, such as being flat-footed.

At the DM's discretion, other types of damage similar to sneak attack may apply to these arrows. Such could include skirmish and sudden strike damage.


An ivory replica of an eagle riding a unicorn worth 2,500 gold.

Prerequisite: Hope Domain, cha 29
Benefit: Everyone in need deserves protection. Yet it is only those willing to fight back who may grasp true power. Those brave souls are the ones Seira supports with all her might! Allies within 60ft of Seira burst into golden flames, dealing +15 fire with every melee attack they make, and any creature striking them in melee (and not with a reach weapon) or grappling with them takes 15 fire damage. Seira needs a swift action to activate this power, and it lasts for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma with each use.

Prerequisite: Must have nurtured and awakened a draconic spark within your soul.
Benefit: Seira has nurtured the draconic nature within her, gaining the power of a true dragon. Her type changes to dragon and she gains all the benefits and drawbacks of that type. She also gains the fire subtype and all the traits of it. The main benefit of this ability is that Seira now has a draconic form - that of a red dragon. She may transform as a swift action and may stay in either form indefinitely. This transformation follows the rules of the polymorph subschool except as follows. She transforms into a red dragon of an age category matching her hit dice. For example, at 34 hit dice, her transformation is that of an ancient red dragon. Seira may cast spells freely in this form and gains the benefit of the eschew materials feat while in it. Seira retains all of her class abilities, only limited by abilities that would not work in dragon form. In all respects, this transformation is treated as being Seira's natural form. A true seeing spell shows both her normal and dragon forms.

Prerequisite: Hope Domain
Benefit:  Those who can fight have a responsibility to protect the innocent bystander caught in a crossfire. As a standard action, Seira can will all noncombatants within 1,000ft to be shielded within Resilient Spheres. Seira can choose to exclude creatures as she sees fit; unwilling creatures are allowed a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma modifier + divine rank; DC 39) to avoid. The spheres remain for two minutes. By once again devoting a standard action to concentrate on maintaining the defenses, Seira can extend the duration by two minutes from that point on with each use.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Alicia. The only changes I made was to her BAB and saves. I'd build her differently if I had to do it again since some of her build was dependent on saves/BAB finagling. There's also the fact that I've done a lot more epic design work since I made this statblock, so my preferences and tastes have evolved. I might rebuild her someday if the mood strikes me, but not right now.

Alicia Reynes
Queen of the Battlefield, The Righteous Avenger, Saint Alicia
Symbol: Black queen chess piece viewed from above
Home Plane: Sylica
Alignment: Lawful Exalted
Portfolio: Magic, battle, justice, perseverance
Worshipers: Warriors, guards, spellswords, gishes, adventurers
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG
Domains: War, Magic, Good
Favored Weapon: Bonds (Falchion)

Sorcerer 34//Paladin 11/Spellsword 10/Sacred Exorcist 13

Size/Type: Medium Outsider(Good)
Divine Rank: 1
Hit Dice: 11d10+100+23d8+240+34 (568 hp)
Initiative: +11
Speed: 60ft, fly 200ft (good)
Armor Class: 62 (+1 divine, +13 deflection, +16 natural, +10 dex, +12 armor)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +30/+42/76
Attack: Bonds+55 (2d4+25 plus 2d6 holy plus 4d6 banestrike plus 3d6 holy and 1 negative level(plus 9d6 and 3 negative levels on a critical hit) plus 2d6 evil outsider bane plus 13 fire 15-20 x3)
Full Attack: Bonds+55/+49/+44/+39 (2d4+25 plus 2d6 holy plus 4d6 banestrike plus 3d6 holy and 1 negative level(plus 9d6 and 3 negative levels on a critical hit) plus 2d6 evil outsider bane plus 13 fire 15-20 x3)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Spells, smite evil 3/day, turn undead 16/day(10d6; DC 33), charging smite, channel spell 5/day, multiple channel spell,
Special Qualities: Divine traits, damage reduction 15/epic, evil and silver, immunity to electricity and cold, spell resistance 49, fast healing 3, familiar, detect evil, divine grace, lay on hands(130 hp), aura of courage, divine health, charging smite, remove disease 2/week, ignore spell failure 30%, chosen foe+4(evil outsiders), consecrated presence.
Saves: Fort +54, Ref +47, Will +50
Abilities: Str 35, Dex 31, Con 31, Int 27, Wis 30, Cha 37
Skills: Bluff+51, Concentration+48, Craft(Painting)+46, Diplomacy+51, Intimidate+51, Knowledge(Arcana)+46, Knowledge(Nature)+46, Knowledge(Planes)+46, Knowledge(Religion)+46, Listen+48, Perform(Oratory)+48, Sense Motive+48, Spellcraft+46, Spot+48, Tumble+48
Feats: Weapon Focus(Falchion)(B), Apt Learning(Tumble and Diplomacy)(H), Power Attack(1), Eschew Materials(S1), Celestial Bloodline(3), Still Spell(S5), Arcane Strike(6), Divine Might(9), Silent Spell(S10), Improved Critical(Falchion)(12), Toughness(SS2), Flyby Attack(15), Chain Spell(S15), Exalted Familiar(18), Explosive Spell(S20)
Epic Feats: Epic Spell Capacity(21), Spell Stowaway(Wish)(S23), Overwhelming Critical(Falchion)(24), Ignore Material Components(S26), Devastating Critical(Falchion)(27), Familiar Spell(S29), Fast Healing(30), Familiar Spell(S32), Holy Strike(33)
Salient Divine Abilities: Banestrike, Divine Armor Mastery, Divine Blast, Divine Shield, Mistress of the Duel
Alignment: Lawful Exalted (Neutral Exalted tendencies)

Divine traits:
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Spell-like abilities

At will-Aid, antimagic field, blade barrier, dispel evil, dispel magic, divine power, flame strike, foresight, greater teleport, holy aura, holy smite, holy word, identify, imbue with spell ability, magic aura, magic circle against evil, magic disjunction, magic vestment, magic weapon, power word blind, power word stun, protection from evil, protection from spells, spell resistance, spell turning, spiritual weapon, summon monster 9(good creatures only). Caster level 34th. The save DCs are 33 + spell level.

Alter Reality (Su)

Alicia exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and her presence can command the very essence of the world around her. This warping of reality manifested in a number of ways. Alicia can use limited wish when doing so could help her battle evil, promote the blending of might of arms and magic, and conduct holy war. Note that in the situation where Alicia and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.

Domain powers:

Good: +1 bonus to the caster level of good spells.
Magic: - (Irrelevant due to being a full leveled sorcerer.)
War: Free weapon focus with your chosen weapon(Falchion).

Divine Aura (Ex)

The save DC against Alicia's divine aura is 24 and the radius is 10ft.

Immunities: Alicia is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters her form. Any shape-altering powers she might have function normally on herself. She is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, and is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). She are also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, and disintegration. An opposed rank check may bypass any of these immunities; each attempt to do so requires a separate check.

Checks: Alicia gains a divine bonus equal to her divine rank on all skill checks, ability checks and caster level checks.

Alicia does not automatically fail on a natural attack roll or saving throw roll of 1.

Communication: Alicia can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. She can speak directly to any beings within one mile of herself per divine rank.

Remote Communication: As a standard action, Alicia can speak to any of her own worshipers, and to anyone within one mile per rank away from a site dedicated to her, or within one mile per rank away from a statue or other likeness of her. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternately, she may contact her faithful with telepathy, speaking directly into their mind.

Create Items: Alicia can create any wondrous item with power related to war, good or magic; the maximum is 4,500 marks.

Portfolio Sense: Alicia is aware of any act of righteous battle or justice that involves 1,000 or more people.

Sorcerer powers:
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Alicia casts as a 34th level sorcerer.


0: Amanuensis, Caltrops, Detect Poison, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation, Stick.
1: Critical Strike, Feather Fall, Light of Lunia, Magic Missile, Shield, Shock and Awe, True Strike.
2: Alter Self, Daylight, Deflect, Knock, Mirror Image, Resist Energy, Whirling Blade.
3: Analyze Portal, Greater Magic Weapon, Magic Circle Against Evil, Major Image, Mass Snake's Swiftness, Sleet Storm.
4: Enervation, Greater Invisibility, Perfect Summons, Rainbow Pattern, Ray Deflection, Voice of the Archon.
5: Dismissal, Moonbow, Sending, Telekinesis, Telepathic Bond, Wall of Force.
6: Antimagic Field, Fires of Purity, Greater Dispel Magic, Imbue Familiar With Spell Ability, Probe Thoughts.
7: Greater Teleport, Limited Wish, Might of the Planetar, Planar Bubble, Radiant Assault.
8: Dimensional Lock, Divert Teleportation, Greater Arcane Fusion, Mind Blank, Sunburst.
9: Gate, Meteor Swarm, Summon Monster 9, Unbinding, Wish.
10: Celestial Valor, Energy Immunity, Naeys' Life Font, Shield of Sylica.
11: Epic Mage Armor, Might of the Solar, Sunlance, Volcanic Genesis.
12: 4
13: Mirror's Mimicry 3
14: Radiant Storm 2


Marielle the courre eladrin.

Paladin powers:
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Alicia casts as an 11th level paladin. She may spontaneously cast any of her domain spells.

1: Divine Favorx2, Lesser Restorationx3.
2: Divine Protection, Shield Otherx2, Stabilizex2
3: Cure Moderate Wounds, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse

Detect Evil (Sp)

At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell.

Smite Evil (Su)

Once per day, a paladin may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack. She adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per paladin level. If the paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.

At 5th level, and at every five levels thereafter, the paladin may smite evil one additional time per day, as indicated on Table: The Paladin, to a maximum of five times per day at 20th level.

Divine Grace (Su)

At 2nd level, a paladin gains a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws.

Lay on Hands (Su)

Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin with a Charisma score of 12 or higher can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. Each day she can heal a total number of hit points of damage equal to her paladin level × her Charisma bonus. A paladin may choose to divide her healing among multiple recipients, and she doesn't have to use it all at once. Using lay on hands is a standard action.

Alternatively, a paladin can use any or all of this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. The paladin decides how many of her daily allotment of points to use as damage after successfully touching an undead creature.

Aura of Courage (Su)

Beginning at 3rd level, a paladin is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects.

This ability functions while the paladin is conscious, but not if she is unconscious or dead.

Divine Health (Ex)

At 3rd level, a paladin gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.

Turn Undead (Su)

When a paladin reaches 4th level, she gains the supernatural ability to turn undead. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. She turns undead as a cleric of three levels lower would.

Charging Smite (Su)

When you charge and make a smite attack, you deal an additional 2 points of damage per paladin level.

Remove Disease (Sp)

At 6th level, a paladin can produce a remove disease effect, as the spell, once per week. She can use this ability one additional time per week for every three levels after 6th (twice per week at 9th, three times at 12th, and so forth).

Spellsword powers:
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Ignore Spell Failure (Ex)

Starting at 1st level, a spellsword's hard work pays off. He can ignore part of the arcane spell failure chance caused by wearing armor. He subtracts the value from this ability from any arcane spell failure his armor causes.

Channel Spell (Sp)

At fourth level a spellsword can channel any spell she can cast into his melee weapon. Using this ability requires a move action, and the spellsword uses up the prepared spell or spell slot just as if he had cast the spell. The channelled spell affects the next target the spellsword successfully attacks with her weapon (spell resistance and saving throws still apply). Even if the spell normally only affects an area, or is a ray, it affects only the target. A spellsword can channel her spells into only one weapon at a time. Spells channelled into a weapon are lost if not used in eight hours.

Multiple Channel Spell (Sp)

A 10th level spellsword can channel two spells into his melee weapon, using a move action to channel each one. Both channelled spells affectt he next target the spellsword successfull attacks with his weapon, in the order they were placed into the weapon. As with the channel spell class feature, saving throws and spell resistance applies normally. Each time a spellsword uses multiple channel spell, two of his five channel spell uses per day are expended.

Sacred Exorcist powers:
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Chosen Foe (Ex)

A sacred exorcist designates either undead or outsiders as her chosen foe. Extensive study and special training in the proper techniques for combating this foe gives the sacred exorcist a +1 competence bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, Listen, Sense Motive, and Spot skill checks and caster level checks to overcome any spell resistance of the chosen foe. At 4th level the bonus increases to +2, and at 8th level it increases to +3.

Turn Undead (Su)

Sacred exorcists can turn undead as clerics do. If a sacred exorcist has this ability from another class, her class levels stack to determine her effective turning level.

Detect Evil (Sp)

At will, a sacred exorcist of at least 2nd level can use detect evil as a spell-like ability.

Dispel Evil (Sp)

Beginning at 4th level, a sacred exorcist can use dispel evil as a spell-like ability once per week. At 7th level, she can use this ability twice per week. At 10th level, she can use it three times per week.

Consecrated Presence (Su)

At 5th level and higher, a sacred exorcist is surrounded by an aura of positive energy that extends 20 feet from her presence. This aura duplicates the effects of a consecrate spell, but it moves with the sacred exorcist. If the sacred exorcist enters an area affected by a desecrate spell, both effects are negated while the sacred exorcist remains in the area. If the sacred exorcist is the target of a desecrate spell, her aura is suppressed for the duration of the desecrate spell.

Holy Aura (Sp)

A sacred exorcist of 8th level or higher can use holy aura once per day as a spell-like ability.

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This falchion was forged in Sylica, putting in metal some of the deep friendships that aided Alicia in her long quest. Bonds is a falchion+7, holy power and evil outsider bane. For each of Jessica, Marie, Antenora, Latha or Syala within 30ft while wielding bonds, Alicia gains a +2 insight bonus to armor class. These bonuses stack with each other.

Holy War

Holy War was gifted to Alicia by Latha, created using ancient techniques of smithing handed down from Celestia. It was forged with metals and minerals alive with the energies of the purification of Sylica. It functions as a breastplate+7. This armor has a maximum dexterity cap of 12, no arcane spell failure and only -2 armor check penalty. The gems in the armor provide sacred power to conduct just war, granting Alicia a +2 sacred bonus to strength. By drawing on the magic within the gems, Alicia can consecrate  and purify(as the metamagic feats) one spell or spell-like ability per day, with no increase in casting time or spell level.

In addition, Alicia possesses a considerable amount of other treasure useful in battle. She carries a portable hole with her, using it to withdraw items and gird herself as appropriate. For most battles she wears bracers of heartfelt blows and a ring of freedom of movement. Alicia is not above using much more treasure and equipment when circumstances dictate.

Custom material:
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Celestial Valor
Abjuration [Good]
Level: Sor/Wiz 10, Glory 10.
Components: V, S.
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Target: One creature/level.
Duration: 1 min/level
Saving Throw: None.
Spell Resistance: No.

Your words of magic fill those that hear them with deep wellsprings of righteous bravery. Each target of this spell gains a +8 sacred bonus to saving throws against fear and any emotion based effect that would sap the will to fight, such as calm emotions or crushing despair. In addition, celestial valor grants a +4 sacred bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, armor class and saving throws. Finally, any weapon they use counts as a holy weapon for the duration, granting 2d6 extra damage against evil targets. This does not stack if the weapon already has the holy special property.

Energy Immunity
Level: Clr 10, Drd 10, Sorc/Wiz 10
Components: V, S.
Casting Time: 1 standard action.
Range: Touch.
Target: Creature touched.
Duration: 24 hours.
Saving Throw: None.
Spell Resistance: No.

This abjuration grants a creature and its equipment complete immunity to one of the five energy types-fire, cold, electricity, acid or sonic. Energy immunity only absorbs hit point damage, so side effects such as deafening from sonic attacks or immobilized in ice by an ice spell still apply.

Energy immunity overlaps with protection from energy and resist energy. As long as it is in place, the other spells absorb no damage.

Shield of Sylica
Level: Clr 10, Sor/Wiz 10
Components: V, S, M, special.
Casting Time: 24 hours.
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched.
Duration: Permanent.
Saving Throw: None.
Spell Resistance No.

Intoning a prayer to the two goddesses of Sylica, you channel the harmony of balance between law and chaos. With this blessing you are of both law and chaos and yet with neither at the same time, granting you special protections against attacks that rely on it. You are immune to any spell that has the lawful or chaotic descriptor, such as order's wrath, word of chaos and so forth. You are immune to damage relying on law or chaos, such as the extra damage from an anarchic or axiomatic weapon.

Material Components

An opal from the Opal Mountain of Sylica and a gold nugget from the streams of the Wychwood of Sylica, both of no less than 10,000 marks value.


This spell must be cast in a place of harmony between law and chaos.

Might of the Solar
Level: Sor/Wiz 11
Components: V, S, M.
Casting Time: 1 standard action.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

Calling on the majesty of the celestial host, you imbue your body with a spark of the near-divine energy that empowers Solars. You gain a +18 enhancement bonus to strength, dexterity and constitution. You also gain a +14 enhancement bonus to natural armor. Your natural attacks and weapons are filled with sacred power, allowing you to treat any attack you make as a bane attack against the target; adding a +2 bonus to hit and damage, as well as 2d6 points of damage.

In addition you gain the benefits of the improved initiative and power attack feats.

Material Component

The feather of a solar.

Evocation [Light]
Level: Drd 11, Sor/Wiz 11, Sun 11
Components: V, S, M.
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (400ft + 40ft/level)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex partial; see text.
Spell Resistance: Yes; see text.

Calling on Lathander's glow, the caster summons a 10ft long lance of pure solar energy. This lance hurtles from the caster and requires a ranged touch attack. On success it deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level(Maximum 30d6) A creature to which sunlight is harmful or unnatural takes double damage. A second later the lance explodes into a burst of radiance. This burst is treated as a sunburst spell with a doubled area(160ft). The area is centered on the target and the target is also affected by the sunburst normally.

There is no saving throw against the sunlance's primary damage and a reflex save is allowed as normal with the secondary sunburst effect. For the sake of evasion, the sunlance's primary damage is not negated on a successful reflex save, only the sunburst damage. Spell resistance is allowed on the lance and the sunburst.

Material Component

A hunk of sunstone.

Volcanic Genesis
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Sor/Wiz 11
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action.
Range: Long (400ft + 40ft/level)
Target: One 20ft patch of solid ground.
Duration: 1 round/level.
Saving Throw: See text.
Spell Resistance: No.

When you cast this spell, you point at a segment of ground 20ft in radius, which promptly crumbles away and reveals a vein of boiling magma a mere 20ft below. If any creatures are standing on the ruptured hole and are small enough to fall through, they must make a reflex save or plummet into the magma below. Creatures who fall in are treated as being immersed in lava, taking 20d6 points of fire damage per round.

Each round this revealed hole causes various effects, as noted below.

1st round: Black, sulfurous gasses escape from the rupture. This miasma spreads in a radius of 10ft per caster level and reaches 30ft high at all points. This is treated as obscuring mist, hampering visibility as per that spell. Due to the thickness of the gas, wind of less than hurricane force cannot disperse it. A hurricane force wind will disperse the gas in one round. Further, the superheated, toxic gasses are damaging. Any creature within these gasses takes 5d6 points of fire damage and is nauseated. A successful fortitude save halves the fire damage and reduces the nausea to sickened.

2nd round: With a rumble, great bursts of flaming volcanic rock erupt out of the newborn volcano. These pummel an radius of 10ft per caster level around the hole, dealing 10d6 points of fire damage and 10d6 points of bludgeoning damage to all creatures within the radius. A successful reflex save halves this damage.

3rd round: A wave of magma bursts out from the hole, spreading out in a 20ft radius around the volcano. This deals 20d6 points of fire damage to any creature within the radius, with a reflex save to halve this damage. Further, it melts the ground below, expanding the radius of the volcano's hole by a like amount.  Any creature on this ground must make a reflex save for fall into the magma below.

4th round and beyond: At the 4th round the 2nd round effects repeat, and on the 5th round the 3rd round effects repeat. Adjust the affects accordingly as the radius of the volcanic hole expands. This pattern continues until the duration expires.

After the duration expires, the hole vanishes and any magma or flaming rock on the ground cools as normal. The gasses dissipate within 10 minutes, though a strong wind or greater will disperse them in one round.

Mirror's Mimicry
Illusion (Figment)
Level: Sor/Wiz 13
Components: V, S, F.
Casting Time: 1 standard action.
Range: Personal.
Target: You.
Duration: 1 round/level.
Saving Throw: None.
Spell Resistance: No.

This spell functions as mirror image; however, you sacrifice a small part of your life force to render the images partially real. For each image created you take 8 points of damage. This damage cannot be prevented in any way, and if it is redirected, the spell fails.

Each round, every image may take a standard action. They may perform any action you are capable of. Each image may take a separate action and your normal actions are not constrained. Due to only being partially real, everything is only half-effective. The attack rolls of your mirror images are half of yours, the save DCs are halved, durations are halved, damage is halved, and so forth and so on. The images may not target themselves with beneficial abilities, nor can they effectively heal themselves. However, they can heal the caster or buff him as normal. Any resources used by the mirror images are expended as normal, despite only being half effective.


A polished mirror engraved with your true name and an image of your true face. This must be of the highest craftsmanship and worth at least 20,000 marks.

Benefit: Alicia is a gifted natural at deciphering the attack patterns of her enemies. Within second she can master a combat, turning it to her advantage and confounding her foes. Every round after the first, Alicia gains a cumulative +2 insight bonus to all rolls concerning an opponent she is in battle with, while her opponent suffers a cumulative -2 penalty to all rolls concerning Alicia. Thus if Alicia has been in battle with two pit fiends for three rounds, the modifiers would be +4/-4 respectively. If a Cornugon enters battle on the third round, then Alicia would gain a +2/-2 advantage over it on the fourth round, while the Pit Fiends would be on +6/-6. The benefits of this ability remain in place as long as combat lasts, but end if Alicia and her opponent are seperated for more than three rounds, and must start again if battle is rejoined. his ability caps at +6/-6.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


This was an experiment. I'd wanted to work on an apocalypse-inspired celestial for some time. Further, I'd wanted to fiddle with some of the themes and signs explored in Elder Evils. Oh, and I wanted to try and use Grey Guard in a productive way. This is the result. He's highly experimental and probably in need of more work. I'm going to come back to him in a few months once it's all settled down in my head. I've gotten about as far as I can right now.

Incidentally, he would have been used against the gnomish God-King if he hadn't shot past that level of power. Likewise, he may have gotten involved in Lifasa if the Child of Lifasa/devils won. Both of those were abnormal situations.

Angel of Last Resort

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The creature before you is a vision of steel, clad in plate armor decorated with radiant writing and images of celestial glory. It is incongruent with his head; a bare skull, empty eyes staring at you. A sword of light is in one hand, pointed towards the sky. The terror of childhood nightmares slams into you mere seconds later, so horrible that you barely notice the world around you shattering in catastrophe.

The Angel of Last Resort is the final weapon for when a mortal world goes terribly astray. He is the weapon of last resort when such horrors come that the only option is extermination. A holy warrior dedicated to slaughter, the Angel of Last Resort brings the end to mortal worlds. He smashes those that reach towards the Far Realm, caring nothing of Creation and courting absolute madness. He exterminates those that seek to bring the Hells to the material realms and damn a world's souls. He is the last, horrible and lamentable hope when no other hope remains.

Long ago, the Angel of Last Resort was a tulani lord. It came to be that Queen Morwel assembled her children and spoke to them. She had seen in her dreams that as the exemplars of free will, the eladrin must take responsibility for when free will is abused beyond all compare. One of her children must take on the mantle of a killer of nations and reaper of civilizations - to bloody themselves in deeds that would make a tanar'ri proud. Only one answered the call. That tulani lord vanished from Arborea, stricken from the memories of her children.

Invested with the power of the apocalypse, the Angel of Last Resort is a terrible creature. In spite of this, he lies deep in the hidden layers of Arborea, eternally asleep in a peaceful dream granted by the Lady of the Lake. He only awakens when Her Majesty calls him forth.

In truth, there is no glory to the Angel of Last Resort's duties. He loathes the power within him yet he has never once considered turning away from his choice. He is a willing martyr, freely accepting the weight of his duties. As long as none other has to taken this measure and oath, he will endure his fate. His choice has saved others from having to commit unspeakable acts, and in this, he has obtained great solace.

The Angel of Last Resort is rarely called on. Several conditions must be satisfied. First, all other hopes and chances to avert what is happening must have failed. The mortal heroes of that world must have failed and lesser measures of divine intervention have been thwarted. Further, there must be a clear and present risk of great magnitude to not just the kingdom or region in question, but the greater world or planes beyond. If those conditions are met, the Angel of Last Resort may be called.

The most common reason for his presence is mortals seeking the power of the Far Realm. Other causes, such as throwing entire prime worlds into the Lower Planes, is known to also be sufficient.

Tulani 35//Paladin of Freedom 10/Grey Guard 25

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Good)
Hit Dice: 35d10+385+35+70 (840 hp)
Initiative: +11
Speed: 60ft, fly 200ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 87 (+11 dex, +22 natural, +14 deflection, +20 armor, +10 shield)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +35/+46/91
Attack: Sword of Ruin+53 (1d8+18 plus 2 to all ability scores plus fate of ruination(DC 41))
Full Attack: Sword of Ruin+53/+48/+43/+38 (1d8+18 plus 2 to all ability scores plus fate of ruination(DC 41))
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Gaze, spells, spell-like abilities, sword of ruin, ruin, smite evil 8/day, turn undead 17/day(3d6; DC 27), debilitating touch, devastating touch.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 25/cold iron, epic and evil, resistance to acid and cold 30, spell resistance 50, protective aura, alternate form, tongues, investiture of dreams, divine traits, aura of good, detect evil, lay on hands(490 hp), divine grace, divine health, aura of resolve, charging smite, remove disease 2/week, sacrament of trust, justice blade(all alignments), unbound justice, sacrament of the true faith, evasion.
Saves: Fort +56, Ref +66, Will +57 (+4 vs poison)
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 32, Con 32, Int 34, Wis 34, Cha 38
Skills: Balance+50, Bluff+64, Climb+50, Concentration+62, Diplomacy+52, Handle Animal+52, Heal+50, Hide+49, Intimidate+64, Knowledge(Arcana)+50, Knowledge(A&E)+50, Knowledge(Nature)+50, Knowledge(N&R)+50, Knowledge(Planes)+50, Knowledge(Religion)+50, Listen+50, Move Silently+49, Perform(Song)+52, Ride+49, Sense Motive+50, Spellcraft+50, Spot+50, Survival+50, Swim+49
Feats: Words of Creation(B), Power Attack(1), Shield Specialization(3), Divine Shield(P4), Shield Ward(6), Divine Defiance(P8), Active Shield Defense(9), Ability Focus(Gaze)(12), Skill Focus(Concentration)(15), Toughness(18)
Epic Feats: Epic Spell Capacity(21), Great Smiting(GG13), Epic Skill Focus(Concentration)(24), Spectral Strike(GG16), Epic Ability Focus(Gaze)(27), Epic Toughness(GG19), Shield Barrier(30), Nauseating Touch(GG22), Shield Evasion(33), Armor Skin(GG25)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

Always active-blessed sight, detect chaos, detect good, detect law, detect magic, discern lies, true seeing. At will-chain lightning*, greater planeshift, greater shout*, greater teleport, horrid wilting*, meteor swarm*, miracle, polar ray*, righteous smite*, superb dispelling, time stop**. Caster level 35th. The save DCs are 24 + spell level.

*Treat these spell-like abilities as intensified, as if by intensify spell.
**Treat time stop's duration as 7 rounds. Do not roll for it as normal.


The Angel of Last Resort casts as a 35th level cleric with access to the Destruction, Retribution and Wrath domains.

Investiture of Dreams (Ex)

The Angel of Last Resort has been granted great power for taking up his tasks. While a tulani, he has standing equal to the greatest of the Eladrin of Might. He has divine rank zero.

Alternate Form (Su)

The Angel of Last Resort has had his alternate form sealed away by Queen Morwel. This is a terrible burden on him, but a needed one. His alternate form is the pure destructive power that ruin manifests. It is unclear what taking on this form would entail, but it is likely it would cause widespread devastation similar to ruin. The means to undo this seal are not known to the Angel of Last Resort and he has no desire to know. The idea of taking this form is intolerable to him, no matter how only having one form maims his fundamental eladrin nature.

Gaze (Su)

Makes creatures of 20 HD or fewer panicked for 1 day, creatures of 21 to 40 HD frightened for 1 hour and creatures of 41 HD and higher shaken for 1 minute. Range 300ft, Will DC 54 negates. The save DC is Charisma based and includes a +7 racial bonus. This ability works in spite of the angel's face being covered.

The rare creature that is affected by this gaze and lives to tell of it is forever haunted by it. They will claim that they forever feel the gaze of the Angel of Last Resort on them.

Sword of Ruin (Su)

The Angel of Last Resort can create a longsword+7 at will as a free action. This weapon is the ruination of nations made manifest; any creature damaged by this blade also takes 2 points of ability damage to all six ability scores. In addition, they must make a DC 41 Will save or suffer from the fate of ruination. This causes all of their ventures to be doomed to ruin, inflicting a -7 penalty to all dice rolls. This doomed fate lasts for 24 hours. It may be removed early by a Wish or Miracle spell. If the Angel of Last Resort dies or loses physical contact with the sword, the sword disappears instantly.

Ruin (Su)

The terrible power of destruction is held within the spirit of the Angel of Last Resort. He may raise his dread sword to the heavens to herald the end of a region, city, nation or even civilization that has gone terribly wrong. This ability may target any area of the Prime Material plane. This area may be as large or as small as needed, but is rarely used on anything smaller than a nation.

This ability has three distinct phases as the time of ruin comes nigh. From 7 months to 7 days until the coming of the Angel of Last Resort, there are three signs. None of these signs can be stopped by any known mortal means.

Innocents Lost

During this time, innocent creatures will vanish from the area. This takes creatures innocent of the horrors that has drawn the coming of the Angel of Last Resort. These creatures are relocated to a different region or world with altered memories to live a happier life or taken directly to their eternal reward. No matter what, once a creature vanishes, they are beyond the reach of any but the Gods themselves. Any attempts to find them or divine information about them fail. As often the only innocent creatures left are babies and young children, this is seldom seen as anything but a curse of the Gods.

A DC 60 Knowledge(Religion) check can identify this occurrence as a sign of the Angel of Last Resort.


The wicked find that divine wrath seeks them out during this time. Creatures that commit egregiously evil acts in the area risk being directly smited. Any such act (DM's discretion) has a 25% chance of provoking the retribution of the heavens. This manifests as a maximized righteous smite spell with a caster level of 30 and a save DC of 50, centered on the offending creature. Unlike a normal righteous smite spell, the blindness inflicted is permanent. A creature slain by retribution is often destroyed in a startling way - such as bursting aflame, turning into a pillar of salt or shattering like glass. In cases where more than one person commits the act, each creature is subject to a righteous smite.

A DC 55 Knowledge(Religion) check can identify this occurrence as a sign of the Angel of Last Resort.

Tears of the Righteous

As the Angel of Last Resort comes closer to his dread duty, even the hearts of statues weep in terror. During this time, statues will weep tears at random times. These tears are sometimes clear and sometimes bloody. Either type of tear has the same effect, acting as acid on evil creatures. Each tear deals 1d6 points of acid damage to creatures of evil alignment. In addition, the creature must make a DC 50 Fortitude save or be afflicted as by the haunting conscience affliction.

A DC 50 Knowledge(Religion) check can identify this occurrence as a sign of the Angel of Last Resort.

From a week until the coming of the Angel of Last Resort, three more terrible signs come. Note that the previous signs continue unabated during this time. These signs are in addition to those.

No Escape

When there is but a week to the coming of the Angel of Last Resort, the area to be affected is sealed. No creature can enter or exit the area by any means (save for good outsiders and those removed by Innocents Lost), including teleportation and plane shifting. The area is still connected to the Ethereal Plane, but escape through it is not possible. Creatures attempting to leave find themselves right back within with no explanation.

A DC 30 Knowledge(Religion) check can identify this occurrence as a sign of the Angel of Last Resort.


So great is the coming sorrow that Selune and Lathander no longer bestow their blessings on the afflicted region. The sun and moon go dim and fade. A hazy twilight overtakes the area as well as a bitter, sub-zero chill. Plants wither and die while water freezes solid. This haze makes sleep difficult, requiring a DC 10 Concentration check to fall asleep and a DC (10 + 1 per hour of sleep) Concentration check to stay asleep each hour. Failing one of these checks causes the creature to wake up (if asleep) and prevents them from falling asleep for 24 hours. Indeed, as a side effect, the creature is immune to sleep effects of all kinds. In addition to the effects this has on arcane spellcasters, afflicted creatures suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls for every 24 hours they go without sleep. These penalties stack.

A DC 25 Knowledge(Religion) check can identify this occurrence as a sign of the Angel of Last Resort. A DC 70 Knowledge(Religion) check can also identify this as the result of Queen Morwel banishing the wicked from the land of dreams.

Writing on the Wall

The last sign of the Angel of Last Resort are prophecies that appear all about the area. These appear as huge writing on walls where they will be seen by many - such as public squares, castle walls or mountain sides. These prophecies are of hellfire and accusation, explicitly spelling out the sins that have brought this fate down. It is the last and final warning as well as sign.

A DC 25 Knowledge(Religion) check can identify this occurrence as a sign of the Angel of Last Resort.

Finally, the Angel of Last Resort appears. Where he appears in the area varies. While he prefers public places, he will appear in safer places if the evil infesting the area is strong enough. He raises his sword of ruin to the sky and calls on the Heavens to erase this blight from Creation in a long prayer. This takes one minute of uninterrupted time and concentration. During this time earthquakes rock the area, the sky turns to leaden ash and the last vestiges of the sun and moon vanish. At the conclusion of the minute, the area is torn apart by apocalyptic disasters. The sky rains fire, the earth splits apart, tidal waves come from dry land to sweep away cities and scything windstorms slice apart villages like a knife through hot butter. This has several effects as noted below. In addition, this ability bypasses and destroys all known mortal barriers, including walls of force and prismatic effects.


All buildings in the area are reduced to rubble. Buildings of wood, dried mud or similar fragile building materials are vaporized and leave no remains behind. Studier materials such as stone or iron leave behind some rubble and ruin, but nothing noteworthy survives. Buildings made of extraordinarily sturdy materials, such as adamantine or diamond, are destroyed but have some minor parts somewhat intact.


Every creature within the area of effect (except the Angel of Last Resort) takes 70d6 points of damage. There is no saving throw to reduce this damage. Creatures slain by this ability leave no body or possessions behind, being consumed by the various disasters unleashed. Further, such creatures can only be resurrected by the direct intervention of a deity with the Gift of Life salient divine ability. The damage from this ability bypasses all defenses, including damage reduction and regeneration. However, a divine shield can protect creatures (the shield takes no damage).


The terrain of the area is leveled. Trees are destroyed, caves collapse, hills are flattened and so forth. In the aftermath, the area is a wasteland of craters, empty lakes and dead lands. No plant will grow in the area for 77 years thereafter. Such areas are often dead in other ways, such as being dead magic areas or preventing conception. After 77 years, the area will begin to host life again.

There are two ways to stop this ability. The first is to repent and cast out the evil that lead to this path. This must be done from when the signs begin to before the Angel of Last Resort appears. Those living in the area must fully cast aside what they have done and strive to make reparations for what they have done. In addition, they must be fully sincere. This is judged overall - a nation with a few who seek redemption while the leadership does not will not obtain respite. Those that do atone are spared damnation when ruin comes. In rare cases, a penitent may be removed in the same fashion as Innocents Lost to seek atonement away from the coming calamity. Most of the time these few are tasked with saving those within the area, however.

The second way to stop ruin is to confront the Angel of Last Resort. Should he take damage while invoking ruin, he must make a Concentration check (DC equals damage dealt) and failure results in his prayer being interrupted. Doing so does not stop the signs nor the natural disasters that are beginning. However, it does require him to begin his minute-long prayer once more to bring ruin - usually after killing those who attempted to stop him. This is a temporary measure and the only true respite is to slay the Angel of Last Resort. This will stop ruin and cause all the signs to cease. To date this has never occurred.

If the Angel of Last Resort is slain, the area earns a different fate. The area is removed from the Prime Material Plane and tossed into the Realms Below. This does not cause any immediate harm to those within the area. All the signs cease but one - No Escape continues with no expiration. Further, evil outsiders can now enter and exit the area freely.

Gear: [spoiler]


The armor the Angel of Last Resort wears appears to be fine mithral plate armor of the highest quality and of elven make. It is decorated with writings in the Words of Creation amid tiny murals of celestial figures creating worlds. These words are impossible to read (save with one hour of examination by someone with the Words of Creation feat and who passes a DC 50 Decipher Script check), but describe concepts of the most holy creation. The power in these words is directed inward as a barrier against the Angel of Last Resort's power. As a side effect of this barrier, this armor offers superb defenses.

Orme-Telu grants a +20 armor bonus to armor class. It does not have any armor check penalty, arcane spell failure or maximum dexterity cap. The wearer is immune to force damage. If Orme-Telu can be obtained and studied by a scholar who passes the decipher script check above, it is said that several secrets of Creation can be learned. What these secrets are, how long it would take to learn these secrets from studying and how these could be used is not clear.

Queen's Mercy

When the Angel of Last Resort first felt the weight of his new powers, he wept bitterly before Queen Morwel. He did not ask for this burden to be taken from him, but only for mercy to give him strength. The Lady of the Lake gave him this shield in response to his request. It is a triangular heavy steel shield, painted a glossy black with a single point of white within right-center.

Queen's Mercy is a heavy steel shield+7, heavy fortification. The mercy of Queen Morwel floods the Angel of Last Resort when he holds the shield. This mercy can be projected out from the single point on the shield, as a 60ft cone of radiant starlight. Any non-good creature exposed to this light must make a DC 50 Will save or be overwhelmed by this mercy. The creature simply stares ahead and takes no actions for 1 minute. Treat the creature as dazed.

Mask of Lamentations

This full helmet takes the form of a skull when worn. This completely hides the wearer's face. The purpose of this mask is two-fold. First, it cloaks the Angel of Last Resort's face. True seeing fails to penetrate the mask, as the mask's skull form is its real form when worn. X-ray vision and similar powers also fail to discern the angel's face. In spite of covering the angel's face, his gaze power is unaffected and works normally.

Secondly, the Mask of Lamentations turns the fear of the wicked he has condemned against them. It absorbs the regrets and curses of the unredeemed dead slain in his duties, crying out for freedom to continue the nightmares they spawned. This desire for freedom empowers the Angel of Last Resort. He is treated as being under a constant Freedom of Movement effect (CL 30). He is immune to all attempts to bind, imprison or banish him. This includes efforts to trap or seize his soul.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Estevan Salazar, Pure Flame of Zaaman Rul

Estevan Salazar is a half elf wanderer. A child of the Selvorn and Khalar, he fit into neither society. His wanderings eventually took him to the lands of the Ash'arai, where a mishap with an ancient portal tossed him into Fire. Only the timely intervention of an azer in the service of Zaaman Rul - known as Dalasy in his world - saved his life. In his adventures to return to his world, Estevan met Zaaman Rul. The Prince of Elemental Good had a strong impact on him and taught him the rites of the ash purifiers.

Since then, Estevan has returned to the Prime Material. He serves Zaaman Rul as an occasional agent on the Prime, helping his master gather further strength against Imix. This work has taken him far and wide in Alera and dozens of other Prime Material worlds. He is known amid the fire giants of a dozen worlds as Etal-Zaa, a mysterious avenger that lays them low for misusing the power of fire. The Empire of Kalkanar knows him as Estevan of the Shadows, liberator of Arai's Mantle. The Knightlords of Alasan know him only by the title Champion for his defeat of Khisaxyax the Red and taking the imprisoned Golden Seven to a realm of fire beyond the Prime Material.

These adventures have inspired a passion to see the planes and learn more of other worlds, both the truth of each Prime world and the truth that lies beyond them. Estevan believes that if he learns to understand these impossible and contradictory truths that all of Creation will be his oyster. His various identities across Creation are part of experiments and rituals to come close to that truth; to this end he pursues the Arcadian Grimorie, a spell-book said to have a record of every truth in Creation.

At heart, Estevan loves playing the dashing hero. He cuts a fine figure as he commits various acts of derring-do in his travels. Backing this up is a fine education in the magical arts and the powers of an ash purifier. Despite the potency of these arts, he calls on his fire spells and abilities only in serious battles against evil. He does not use the flames lightly, unlike many other fire mages.

Estevan is served by a fire mephit named Sizz. This creature has a sour outlook on life but is a loyal familiar. They get along in a large part because Sizz's natural sourness and Estevan's heroic demeanor allow for easy banter.

Half Elf Fighter 4/Swashbuckler 20//Wizard 10/Ash Purifier 14

Size/Type: Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Hit Dice: 24d10+120 (260 hp)
Initiative: +11
Speed: 30ft
Armor Class: 34 (+7 dex, +6 dodge, +7 armor, +4 deflection)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +24/+26/53
Attack: Heat Raiser+38 (1d6+25 plus 1d6 fire plus 2 str on crit plus 2 con on crit 15-20 x2)
Full Attack: Heat Raiser+38/+33/+28/+23 (1d6+25 plus 1d6 fire plus 2 str on crit plus 2 con on crit 15-20 x2)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Weakening critical, wounding critical, spells, burn impurity(all), pure flames 3/day, cleansing meltdown 4/day.
Special Qualities: Immunity to sleep, low-light vision, survivalist, grace+3, insightful strike, dodge bonus+4, acrobatic charge, improved flanking, elven fencer, acrobatic skill mastery, slippery mind, familiar, fire domain.
Saves: Fort +19, Ref +17, Will +9
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 24, Con 21, Int 28, Wis 15, Cha 12 
Skills: Balance+34, Bluff+28, Climb+29, Concentration+32, Diplomacy+30, Escape Artist+34, Jump+29, Knowledge(Arcana)+36, Knowledge(Planes)+36, Knowledge(Religion)+36, Sense Motive+29, Spellcraft+36, Tumble+29, Use Rope+29
Feats: Improved Initiative(1), Weapon Focus(Rapier)(F1), Scribe Scroll(W1), Combat Expertise(F2), Fire Devotion(3), Weapon Specialization(Rapier)(F4), Weapon Finesse(S1), Searing Spell(W5), Eschew Materials(6), Improved Familiar(Fire Mephit)(9), Empower Spell(W10), Melee Weapon Mastery(Piercing)(12), Single Blade Style(15), Fiery Spell(AP5), Arcane Strike(18), Blistering Spell(AP9)
Epic Feats: Improved Weapon Finesse(21), Epic Spell Capacity(24), Extra Meltdowns(AP14)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Swashbuckler powers:
Spoiler: ShowHide

Grace (Ex)

A swashbuckler gains a +1 competence bonus on Reflex saves at 2nd level. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and to +3 at 20th level. A swashbuckler loses this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Insightful Strike (Ex)

At 3rd level, a swashbuckler becomes able to place her finesse attacks where they deal greater damage. She applies her Intelligence bonus (if any) as a bonus on damage rolls (in addition to any Strength bonus she may have) with any light weapon, as well as any other weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse, such as a rapier, whip, or spiked chain. Targets immune to sneak attacks or critical hits are immune to the swashbuckler's insightful strike. A swashbuckler cannot use this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Acrobatic Charge (Ex)

A swashbuckler of 7th level or higher can charge in situations where others cannot. She may charge over difficult terrain that normally slows movement or allies blocking her path. This ability enables her to run down steep stairs, leap down from a balcony, or to tumble over tables to get to her target. Depending on the circumstance, she may still need to make appropriate checks (Jump or Tumble checks, in particular) to successfully move over the terrain.

Improved Flanking (Ex)

A swashbuckler of 8th level or higher who is flanking an opponent gains a +4 bonus on attacks instead of a +2 bonus on attacks. (Other characters flanking with the swashbuckler don't gain this increased bonus.)

Elven Fencer (Ex)

You may apply your insightful strike bonus to any weapon you wield.

Acrobatic Skill Mastery (Ex)

At 13th level, a swashbuckler becomes so certain in the use of her acrobatic skills that she can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. When making a Jump or Tumble check, a swashbuckler may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent her from doing so.

Weakening Critical (Ex)

A swashbuckler of 14th level or higher who scores a critical hit against a creature also deals 2 points of Strength damage to the creature. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to this effect.

Slippery Mind (Ex)

When a swashbuckler reaches 17th level, her mind becomes more difficult to control. If the swashbuckler fails her save against an enchantment spell or effect, she can attempt the save again 1 round later at the same DC (assuming she is still alive). She gets only this one extra chance to succeed at a certain saving throw.

Wounding Critical (Ex)

A swashbuckler of 19th level or higher who scores a critical hit against a creature also deals 2 points of Constitution damage to the creature. (This damage is in addition to the Strength damage dealt by the swashbuckler's weakening critical class feature.) Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to this effect.

Wizard powers:
Spoiler: ShowHide

Estevan casts as a 23rd level wizard with access to the Fire domain.

Ash Purifier powers:
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Fire Domain

At first level, the Ash Purifier gains access to the Fire Domain, including the granted power of that domain.

If you already have access to the Fire Domain, you instead gain a +1 bonus to the caster level of any spell with the fire descriptor.

Burn Impurity (Su)

Ash Purifiers are renowned for their ability to purify the darkness with fire. As they gain levels they gain greater ability to purify evil. These abilities only affect spells with the fire descriptor unless noted otherwise.

At 2nd level, an Ash Purifier's fire spells are difficult for evil creatures to resist. Evil creatures suffer a -2 penalty to saving throws against the Ash Purifier's fire spells. This also applies to the abilities below that allow a saving throw, including Cleansing Meltdown.

At 4th level, the Ash Purifier's fire spells can drive invading evil spirits out. When a fire spell cast by the Ash Purifier deals damage to a possessed creature, the possessing creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma modifier of the Ash Purifier). Failure results in it being driven from the body of its victim as if targeted by dispel evil. In addition, the possessing creature's incorporeal form takes the damage from the spell instead of the possessed creature.

At 6th level, the fire spells of the Ash Purifier gain the good descriptor. For example, burning hands cast by an Ash Purifier would have the fire and good descriptors.

At 8th level, impure creatures are temporary removed from the source of their power when damaged by Ash Purifier's fire spells. Any creature with the evil subtype must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma modifier of the Ash Purifier) or lose the evil subtype for a number of minutes equal to the Ash Purifier's class level. The loss of this connection is traumatic, resulting in the creature being unable to use any spell-like abilities with the evil descriptor. Any other spell-like abilities the creature possesses may still be used, though they must make a Concentration check (DC equal to the saving throw above) or have the spell fizzle. This lasts until the creature regains the evil subtype.

Pure Flames (Ex)

At 3rd level, the Ash Purifier gains the ability to channel sacred power into their fire spells. Once per day when the Ash Purifier casts a spell with the fire descriptor, he may apply the Searing Spell metamagic to it spontaneously. This does not increase the level or casting time of the spell. At 7th level he may do this two times per day.

Cleansing Meltdown (Su)

A master Ash Purifier can summon a massive inferno that cleanses evil. This functions as a fireball spell with a doubled area of effect and is a standard action to use. It deals 2d10 points of fire damage per class level of the Ash Purifier and has a save DC of 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma modifier. All effects from Burn Impurity apply to this ability and it ignores any immunity or resistance to fire evil creatures possess. This ability can be used twice per day.

Spoiler: ShowHide

Estevan uses a rapier+5, keen and flaming, bracers of armor+7, a ring of mind shielding, a ring of protection+4 and a signet ring that grants him a +6 enhancement bonus to dexterity, constitution and intelligence.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


A ruin swarm is a swarm that has increased in size ten-fold or more compared to a normal swarm. This is caused by a spark of power. The exact spark varies, but it can be anything to exposure to ambient magical energies, divine intervention, circumstances continually forcing swarms together until a hive mind forms or myriad other causes. A ruin swarm is a massive entity, hundreds of thousands to millions of creatures banded together into one whole.

In short, ruin swarms are gigantic swarms with a hive mind. They are named for the heavy destruction they tend to cause before being defeated. Most ruin swarm hive minds are hostile, though this varies depending on what composes the swarm. Generally, unless the base creature is unusually disposed to friendliness or good-aligned behavior, the resulting ruin swarm will be hostile.

This template is meant to create huge swarms with room for further customization. Consider this template a base to make a normal swarm epic and add things as you see fit.

Creating a Ruin Swarm

"Ruin Swarm" is an acquired template that can be added to any swarm (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

Size and Type

The base creature's type and size does not change.

Hit Dice and Hit Points

Increase the base creature's hit dice by 20. Apply the changes for increased hit dice as normal.

Armor Class

The base creature gains a dodge bonus to armor class equal to 1/4 of its total hit dice. This results from the superior coordination a ruin swarm's hive mind provides.


Increase the base creature's swarm damage by 5d6 in addition to any gain from increased hit dice. If the base creature does not deal damage in this way, it does not gain the ability to do so.


Increase the base creature's space to 100ft. The base creature's reach remains unchanged.

Special Attacks

Blinding (Ex)

Any creature that begins its turn with a ruin swarm in its space is blinded for one round. In addition, a ruin swarm is so thick to be virtually impenetrable. Blindsense, blindsight, mindsight and other such abilities are blocked by a ruin swarm's blindness. This is caused by the massive deluge of creatures overwhelming these means of perception.

Ruinous Potency (Ex)

The ruin swarm gains a +5 bonus to the save DC of any of its racial abilities, including abilities granted by this template. If the ruin swarm somehow has non-racial abilities, this bonus does not apply to them.

Special Qualities

Blindsight (Ex)

A ruin swarm has blindsight 300ft. A ruin swarm's blindsight is not inhibited by its blinding ability.

Hive Mind (Ex)

Ruin swarms are hive-minds and thus have a minimum intelligence of 3. However, a ruin swarm may not gestalt.

Ruin Swarm (Ex)

A ruin swarm takes up 100ft worth of squares. It is ten times bigger than a typical swarm. Some ruin swarms may be bigger than this. A ruin swarm's exact size can be found under its space/reach entry. The squares taken up can be in any shape, though it must be a contiguous shape.

Fast Healing (Ex)

A ruin swarm has fast healing equal to triple its hit dice. This is from the hive mind's ability to control its losses and attract new members.

Damage Reduction (Su)

Ruin swarms have damage reduction 15/epic. For every 5 hit dice the ruin swarm has over 25 hit dice, increase this damage reduction by 5 points.


Increase from the base creature as follows: Str+4, Dex+10, Con+10, Int+2(minimum 3), Wis+2, Cha+4


If the base creature's intelligence 3 or higher, often any lawful. If the swarm already has a non-neutral alignment or alignment subtype, those override this.

Additional Powers

A ruin swarm may have additional powers. These are based on whatever circumstances created the ruin swarm. Adding additional powers is not mandatory, but instead a way to customize a particular ruin swarm. A few samples are listed below.


This ruin swarm casts spells as a sorcerer equal to 1/2 of its total hit dice. Increase the base creature's Charisma score by an additional ten points. For the sake of spells it casts, the ruin swarm counts itself as one creature. A ruin swarm may not move on rounds where it casts a spell due to the focus involved.

This is the result of ruin swarms created as a result of exposure to magical energies.

Divine Judgment

This ruin swarm is created by a deity to destroy something that has offended it. Increase the base creature's swarm damage by 3d6 in addition to the bonuses granted from this template. If this is a creature, the ruin swarm's swarm ability ignores damage reduction of all types, except for damage reduction -. If this is an object, building or similar thing, the ruin swarm's swarm ability can deal damage to objects and ignores the first twenty points of hardness an object has.

Once this ruin swarm has achieved its mandated goals, it disperses without further incident.


The ruin swarm radiates an antimagic aura. This aura extends to any squares the ruin swarm occupies and 20ft in all directions from it. This is identical to the antimagic field spell in all other respects. The ruin swarm's racial abilities are exempt from this aura, including abilities granted from this template.

This is the result of the swarm being created by a great disruption in the Weave.

Epic Swarm Damage

A swarm's damage from its swarm attack rises by 1d6 at 26 hit dice and every 5 levels thereafter. This continues the pre-epic pattern.

Swarm Accessories

Note: As feats require an intelligence score of 1 or higher, this assumes a hive mind or other method of swarm intelligence. As such, these are reserved for intelligent swarms.

Epic Swarm Attack [Epic]
Prerequisite: Improved Swarm Attack
Benefit: Increase the damage dice of your swarm ability by one die size. This is otherwise identical to improved swarm attack and stacks with it.

Improved Distraction [General]
Prerequisite: Swarm subtype, distraction ability
Benefit: When a creature successfully saves against your distraction ability, they are sickened for 1 round. Creatures with mettle or similar abilities are not subject to being sickened.

Improved Swarm Attack [General]
Prerequisite: Swarm subtype
Benefit: Increase the damage dice of your swarm ability by one die size. For a typical swarm, this increases them from a d6 to a d8. For instance, a 7 hit dice swarm would deal 2d8 instead of 2d6 damage.

Swarm Flow [General]
Prerequisite: Swarm subtype, Dodge, dex 17
Benefit: By momentarily scattering, you can effectively dodge attacks. Once per round as an immediate action, you may break apart to avoid any one attack or effect. This must be an effect that targets or includes you, such as a torch being used to attack you or a fireball cast at you. Doing so negates the attack, but nullifies your swarm damage and distraction abilities for 2 rounds. This ends at the end of the your second turn after using this ability.

Swarm's Focus [General]
Prerequisite: Swarm subtype, Improved Swarm Attack
Benefit: At the start of the your turn, you may choose to deal your swarm damage to a single creature that shares a square with you. This includes any secondary effects, such as poison, but not distraction.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


This is a bog-standard ruin swarm. No customization is used except for scaling up the bat swarm's wounding ability. This is meant to show how a basic swarm is upgraded by this template.

I personally imagine this swarm as under the command of a vampire lord, who uses it as a tool of mass terror when his edicts are defied.

Ruin Swarmed Bat Swarm

Size/Type: Diminutive Animal (Swarm)
Hit Dice: 23d8+161+23 (287 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 5ft, fly 40ft (good)
Armor Class: 21 (+4 size, +2 dex, +5 dodge)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +17/-/-
Attack: Swarm (10d8)
Full Attack: Swarm (10d8)
Space/Reach: 100ft/0ft
Special Attacks: Distraction, wounding, blinding, ruinous potency.
Special Qualities: Blindsight 300 ft, immune to weapon damage, low-light vision, swarm traits, hive mind, ruin swarm, fast healing 69, damage reduction 15/epic.
Saves: Fort +20, Ref +23, Will +12
Abilities: Str 7, Dex 26, Con 24, Int 6, Wis 16, Cha 8
Skills: Hide+35, Listen+36, Move Silently+35, Spot+36
Feats: Ability Focus(Distraction)(1), Toughness(3), Alertness(6), Lightning Reflexes(9), Improved Swarm Attack(12), Swarm's Focus(15), Iron Will(18)
Epic Feats: Epic Ability Focus(Distraction)(21)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Racial powers: [spoiler]

Distraction (Ex)

Any living creature that begins its turn with a swarm in its space must succeed on a DC 39 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Wounding (Ex)

Any living creature damaged by a bat swarm continues to bleed, losing 1 hit point per round thereafter. Multiple wounds do not result in cumulative bleeding loss. The bleeding can be stopped by a DC 33 Heal check or the application of a cure spell or some other healing magic that succeeds on a DC 23 caster level check.

Blinding (Ex)

Any creature that begins its turn with a ruin swarm in its space is blinded for one round. In addition, a ruin swarm is so thick to be virtually impenetrable. Blindsense, blindsight, mindsight and other such abilities are blocked by a ruin swarm's blindness. This is caused by the massive deluge of creatures overwhelming these means of perception.

Ruinous Potency (Ex)

The ruin swarm gains a +5 bonus to the save DC of any of its racial abilities, including abilities granted by this template. If the ruin swarm somehow has non-racial abilities, this bonus does not apply to them.

Blindsight (Ex)

A ruin swarm has blindsight 300ft. A ruin swarm's blindsight is not inhibited by its blinding ability.

Hive Mind (Ex)

Ruin swarms are hive-minds and thus have a minimum intelligence of 3. However, a ruin swarm may not gestalt.

Ruin Swarm (Ex)

A ruin swarm takes up 100ft worth of squares. It is ten times bigger than a typical swarm. Some ruin swarms may be bigger than this. A ruin swarm's exact size can be found under its space/reach entry. The squares taken up can be in any shape, though it must be a contiguous shape.


A bat swarm has a +4 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks. These bonuses are lost if its blindsense is negated.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


In ages past, a primal air elemental was summoned to the Prime Material. It defeated the wizard who sought to control it and set forth to bring Air to the world. With the world's elements in danger of unbalance, a hero confronted the primal elemental. He tricked the elemental into a portal leading deep below ground. Here the elemental was caged and slain by collapsing the cave.

Trapped within the earth, the air elemental's remnants were not able to disperse properly. Instead, thousands and thousands of elementites sprung up within the cracks and crevasses of the cave-in. Over the ages these elementites wore down the earth with wind's erosive power, allowing them to unite. This union was the birthing ground of this ruin swarm, and with that power, it was able to escape the cavern and return to the skies above. Now free of its prison, the ruin swarm desires to gather more elementites to itself, to grow further. Its dim intellect has focused on the idea that enough elementites will fix what is wrong with it. Namely, it will transform the swarm into a primal air elemental.

This backstory is utilized to give the ruin swarm several powers. It gets evasion and primal magic from its elemental sire. These are both degraded, but are both useful powers. A spell-slinging, evasion enjoying swarm is patently unfair. Consume translates its sole purpose into mechanics, giving it a way to pursue its quest for restoration. In addition its racial powers are buffed up numberwise to better suit an epic creature. Blind+distract+trip is a vicious three hit combo. A prone, blind and nauseated character stuck within the ruin swarm is in all sorts of trouble.

Also note that this swarm is bigger than a typical ruin swarm. Primal elementals tend to be mountainous, so this shouldn't surprise anyone. In fact, this is tied into the ruin swarm's consume ability.

Ruined Swarmed Air Elementite Swarm

Size/Type: Tiny Elemental (Air, Swarm)
Hit Dice: 27d8+135 (256 hp)
Initiative: +18
Speed: Fly 80ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 32 (+2 size, +10 dex, +1 natural, +9 dodge)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +20/-/-
Attack: Swarm (11d10)
Full Attack: Swarm (11d10)
Space/Reach: 150ft/0ft
Special Attacks: Air mastery, distraction, trip, blinding, ruinous potency, primal magic, consume.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 120ft, swarm traits, elemental traits, blindsight 300ft, fast healing 81, damage reduction 15/epic, evasion.
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +24, Will +9
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 30, Con 20, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 21
Skills: Listen+33, Spot+33, Survival+31
Feats: Alertness(1), Improved Initiative(3), Dodge(6), Swarm Flow(9), Improved Distraction(12), Ability Focus(Distraction)(15), Improved Swarm Attack(18)
Epic Feats: Superior Initiative(21), Epic Swarm Attack(24), Epic Dodge(27)
Alignment: Neutral

Racial powers:
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Air Mastery (Ex)

Airborne creatures take a -4 penalty to attack and weapon damage rolls against an air elementite swarm.

Distraction (Ex)

DC 35 Fortitude negates.

Trip (Ex)

An air elementite swarm can attempt to trip any opponents (+35 CMB modifier) in its spaces as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the air elementite swarm.

Blinding (Ex)

Any creature that begins its turn with a ruin swarm in its space is blinded for one round. In addition, a ruin swarm is so thick to be virtually impenetrable. Blindsense, blindsight, mindsight and other such abilities are blocked by a ruin swarm's blindness. This is caused by the massive deluge of creatures overwhelming these means of perception.

Ruinous Potency (Ex)

The ruin swarm gains a +5 bonus to the save DC of any of its racial abilities, including abilities granted by this template. If the ruin swarm somehow has non-racial abilities, this bonus does not apply to them.

Blindsight (Ex)

A ruin swarm has blindsight 300ft. A ruin swarm's blindsight is not inhibited by its blinding ability.

Hive Mind (Ex)

Ruin swarms are hive-minds and thus have a minimum intelligence of 3. However, a ruin swarm may not gestalt.

Ruin Swarm (Ex)

A ruin swarm takes up 100ft worth of squares. It is ten times bigger than a typical swarm. Some ruin swarms may be bigger than this. A ruin swarm's exact size can be found under its space/reach entry. The squares taken up can be in any shape, though it must be a contiguous shape.

Primal Magic (Sp)

As a primal air elemental with a maximum spell level of 6th.

Consume (Ex)

This ruin swarm is capable of consuming lesser air elementite swarms. It may apply its swarm damage against other air elementite swarms. If the elementite swarm is reduced to zero hit points in this manner, it is consumed and added to the ruin swarm.

For each swarm consumed, the ruin swarm recovers hit points equal to devoured swarm's hit dice*3. For example, a 7 hit dice swarm would restore 21 hit points.

For every 5 swarms consumed, the ruin elemental's space increases by 5ft. 

For every 100 swarms consumed, the ruin elemental gains one hit die. If it manages to reach 40 hit dice (1300 swarms), it will be reborn as a primal air elemental.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Courre Swarm

Courre swarms are a rarity. The erratic eladrins are not naturally suited to working together like this. As such, a courre swarm only forms under duress or great danger. This is most commonly seen when a greater fiend is caught in Arborea and no greater eladrin are around. Otherwise, they are occasionally formed as the result of great pranks or the suggestion of a powerful eladrin noble. It's known that Faerinaal is fond of courre swarms, often to spice up events or to provide an unorthodox fighting force.

In combat, a courre swarm favors swooping in to pummel (swarm) whatever has earned its ire while throwing out magic. The courre make a decent effort at being coordinated and military, but it comes off as childish antics combined with liberal infighting and arguing. More than one fiend has met a humiliating end while the courre argue over which strategy is the most heroic.

Size/Type: Tiny Outsider (Chaotic, Eladrin, Good, Swarm)
Hit Dice: 15d8+15+15 (165 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 20ft, fly 60ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 24 (+2 size, +7 dex, +4 natural, +1 dodge)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +15/-/-
Attack: Swarm (3d8)
Full Attack: Swarm (3d8)
Space/Reach: 10ft/0ft
Special Attacks: Magic missile barrage, sleep salvo.
Special Qualities: Alternate form, immunity to electricity and petrification, magic circle against evil, resistance to acid 10 and cold 10, tongues, courre cheer.
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +16, Will +9
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 24, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14
Skills: Bluff+20, Concentration+19, Diplomacy+20, Hide+25, Knowledge(Planes)+19, Listen+18, Move Silently+25, Perform(Song)+20, Sense Motive+18, Spot+18, Survival+18, Tumble+25, Use Rope+25
Feats: Dodge(1), Mobility(3), Improved Flight(6), Swarm's Flow(9), Toughness(12), Improved Swarm Attack(15)
Epic Feats: -
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Racial powers: [spoiler]

Alternate Form (Su)

A courre swarm can assume the form of a countless incorporeal balls of light at will. This transformation counts as a standard action. In this form, the courre swarm can only be harmed by other incorporeal creatures, magic weapons, spells, spell-like abilities and supernatural abilities. 0In this form, the courre swarm has a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source, except for force effects or attacks made with ghost touch weapons. A courre swarm in this form can pass through solid objects, but not force effects, at will. While incorporeal, its attacks ignore natural armor, armor, and shields, but deflection bonuses and force effects work normally against them. In this form, a courre swarm always moves silently and cannot be heard with Listen checks if it doesn't wish to be. While incorporeal, the courre swarm sheds light if it wishes, providing illumination with any radius it wishes up to 30 feet. Changing the amount of light it sheds is a free action that the courre swarm can perform once per round.

Magic Missile Barrage (Su)

A courre swarm is capable of sending out an unbelievable amount of magic missiles at once. As a standard action three times per day, the courre swarm can fire a fearsome barrage of missiles. This inflicts 7d4+7 points of damage to all creatures within 50ft of the courre swarm. These missiles strike as magic missiles and have all the properties of them. This is a disorganized burst of magic and doesn't distinguish between friend or foe.

Sleep Salvo (Su)

A courre swarm can overwhelm a single target with a concentrated burst of sleep magic. This ability is a standard action to use and may be used three times per day. This functions as sleep, except that it can affect up a creature of up to 15 hit dice(DC 19 Will negates). The save DC is Charisma based.

Courre Cheer (Ex)

Courre are notorious for being cheerful and happy. An entire swarm of them is akin to a stampede of happiness, crowned by rambunctious songs. A courre swarm can use inspire courage as a 15th level bard. Unlike greater eladrin, a courre swarm is limited to only inspire courage.

Magic Circle Against Evil (Su)

A courre swarm is surrounded by a constant magic circle against evil effect with a caster level of 15th.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


There's hints of why and what Nassrapk is about amid the general slaad weirdness. As much as there's any meaning to what a slaad does. See if you can find the various hidden messages littered throughout this post.

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- Eggs are tasty. Nassrapk came from one.
- Demons are tasty. Nassrapk ate a lot of them.
- Magic makes the colors that screams splendid.
- Magic is not enough. Learned more magic by reversing the electrical charge of death slaad.
- Ate a lot more eggs. Blended into magic. It worked good.
- Magic's done but still hungry. Are you tasty?


By 5390, it was clear to everyone that the Lystadian Divine Imperium had reached an impasse. With the war in the east at a stalemate due to the failed efforts to dislodge Sir Axyal's Griffriders and geographical realities limiting growth in other directions, the long assayed problems of the empire came to the for. In particular, serious flaws in structure, taxation and political organization all contributed to the Ten Year's Trouble.

In no way should any be unequal to another! Let those that preach the lies of the castes be cast out! Brothers and sisters, the light of Tyr guide us in our holy mission. We swear an oath this day to renounce our titles and live amid the common man. For we have no need of prisons made of gold and prestige, for the true rewards await beyond the veil of this life! All those who will never again lie in idle repose while the common make labors for scraps, step forward! If your hearts are true and you cast aside the corrupt comforts of this life, toss your mantles into the flames!

Grigs? Yeah, I know them. They're a type of fey, real small ones. No, there not much of a danger. They're Seelie pranksters through and through, just leave a spare change of clothes a ways behind you and you're fine. They have magic fiddles that make you dance, but as long as they don't think you're an enemy, they won't do anything besides pranks. Yeah, one of those fireballs should do it. Stay calm, be patient and group them together.

What profit is it? WHAT PROFIT IS IT? Profit is the profit of profit! My friend, you can never have enough profit. The more you profit, the better you're off. It's a game and everyone plays it cut-throat. As long as you make profit and stay alive, you can keep going. Keep making more profit and keep winning. Anyone from stablehand to merchant lord will try and take your profit, so don't let them. They'll leave you alone and cold, nothing but rags and tears to fortify you through the cold winter nights. My friend, that is the profit.

Help you? It'll cost you. Feel that? It's your dignity pissing away down your leg. All dressed like a knight and now you have to beg me for help! If you want help, start by helping yourself. Run home and hide, you aren't a hero. There's no such thing, only people like me that make problems go away. Now get! You're one problem down and the next one's gonna get violent. Get! Your Momma's waiting for you!

Indigo is a disgusting color. Indigo is a disgusting color. Indigo is a disgusting color. Indigo is a disgusting color. Indigo is a disgusting color. Indigo is a disgusting color. Indigo is a disgusting color. Indigo is a disgusting color. Indigo is a disgusting color. Indigo is a disgusting color. Indigo is a disgusting color.

Time, space, distance and forever. Where did these things come from? Where are they taking us? Why can't we get off? I want a refund. I've always wanted a refund. The tyranny of time and space is too much to bear. It's why I ate them, so they wouldn't have to bear it any more. Happiness is when time and space aren't felt, like they're gone. Isn't that a wonderful dream, children?



To break all the clocks you have to be faster than the clocks but the clocks are faster because they're always moving and never slow down so they're always faster and faster is bad since it's critical to be faster as only the fastest can reach the beautiful stony goal that drives us all and that has been denied in the light of forever and tomorrow and yesterday but not the day after if we're just faster and faster and fastest we can change our fate and become what we were always meant to be.

It is because we must love ourselves.


To Whom It May Concern

When rounded edges become sharp, a defense previously employed is crunchily. First it is confirmed that yellow cherries taste like the unseen cuirass, followed by sampling the future dippings in advance and finally a rigorous application of chaos. There after the only solution is a shattering one, complimented by the same in eardrums. Removing the game pieces from the throne is acceptable under duress. If the past is inferior to the future, then the summoning of minions is sanctioned; however, they must be purple and never yellow.



Nassrapk, slaad wild mage.

White Slaad 28//Wizard 10/Wild Mage 18

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Chaotic)
Hit Dice: 28d8+364+28+56 (580 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 40ft, fly 80ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 40 (+8 dex, +23 natural, -1 size)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +28/+42/60
Attack: Claw+40 (3d12+13 plus stun)
Full Attack: 2 claws+40/+35/+30/+25 (3d12+13 plus stun) and bite+35 (4d12+6 plus 8d4 and ongoing damage)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Chaos spittle, spell-like abilities, summon slaad, stun, weaponbreaker, spells, wildstrike.
Special Qualities: Fast healing 15, damage reduction 20/epic, cold iron and lawful, alternate form, immunity to sonic, resistance to acid, cold, fire and electricity 20, darkvision 120ft, spell resistance 36, favor of chaos, summon familiar, wild magic, random deflector 6/day, student of chaos, chaotic mind, reckless dweomer.
Saves: Fort +26, Ref +21, Will +20
Abilities: Str 36, Dex 26, Con 37, Int 25, Wis 25, Cha 25
Skills: Autohypnosis+38, Concentration+43, Climb+43, Craft(Possibilities)+38, Listen+38, Knowledge(Arcana)+38, Knowledge(A&E)+38, Knowledge(History)+38, Knowledge(Local:Limbo)+38, Knowledge(Planes)+38, Profession(Detective)+38, Profession(Psychologist)+38, Profession(Revisionist Metronome)+38, Profession(Zoologist)+38, Spellcraft+38, Spot+38, Truespeak+38, Tumble+39, Use Magic Device+38
Feats: Improved Sunder(B), Power Attack(1), Scribe Scroll(W1), Ability Focus(Stun)(3), Empower Spell(W5), Magical Aptitude(6), Rapidstrike(9), Reach Spell(W10), Toughness(12), Improved Natural Attack(Bite)(15), Improved Rapidstrike(18)
Epic Feats: Epic Ability Focus(Stun)(21), Epic Toughness(24), Epic Spell Capacity(WM14), Epic Sunder(27), Tenacious Magic(Cloak of Chaos)(WM18)
Alignment: Anarchic Neutral

Racial powers:
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Spell-like abilities

Always active-detect law, see invisibility. At will-animate objects, chaos hammer, cloak of chaos, deeper darkness, dispel law, disintegrate, fear, fireball, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, identify, improved invisibility, magic circle against law, plane shift, power word blind, shatter, word of chaos. 1/day-true seeing. 1/week-wish. Caster level 28th. The save DCs are Charisma based.

Stun (Ex)

Any creature struck by the white slaad's claw attack must make a DC 41 fortitude save or be stunned for 1d8 rounds. A creature must save each time it is struck by the white slaad's claws, but a creature that is already stunned cannot be stunned again. The save DC is Strength based.

Chaos Bite (Ex)

The white slaad's bite attack deals an extra 8d4 points of damage. For the next 8 rounds, the victim takes an additional 4d4 points of damage. This effect can be neutralized by dispel chaos.

Chaos Spittle (Ex)

A white slaad can spite a glob of pure chaos. This is a ranged touch attack with a range of 80ft. This chaos deals 16d4 points of damage on impact and an additional 8d4 points of damage for the next 8 rounds. This affect can be neutralized by dispel chaos.

Weaponbreaker (Ex)

White slaad gain Improved Sunder as a bonus feat as well as an additional +8 bonus to CMB when they attempt a sunder combat maneuver. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Sunder. In addition, a white slaad's natural weapons are treated as adamantine weapons, ignoring hardness less than 20 and bypassing damage reduction/adamantine.

Alternate Form (Su)

A white slaad can assume the form of any Small, Medium or Large humanoid.

Summon Slaad (Sp)

A white slaad may summon 4d4 red, blue, green, gray or death slaad. It may choose which type it wishes to summon, but there is a 35% chance that it will instead summon one of the other four types. Determine which type appears by rolling 1d4.

Favor of Chaos (Su)

A white slaad is constantly under the protection of chaos. Each round on its turn, it rolls 1d12. If the result is an odd number, add it as a bonus to attack rolls. If the result is an even number, add it as a bonus to armor class. The bonus of this ability does not stack with the bonuses of the chaos devotion feat.

Wizard powers:
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Nassrapk casts as a 28th level wizard.

Wild Mage powers:
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Wild Magic

A wild mage casts spells differently from any other arcane spellcaster. She reduces her caster level by 3 for all spells she casts from now on. However, every time she casts a spell, her use of wild magic adds 1d6 to her adjusted caster level. For example, an 8th-level sorcerer/1st-level wild mage has a base caster level of 6th, not 9th, but her actual caster level varies from 7th to 12th for every spell she casts. Caster level affects all level-based variables of a spell, including spell penetration checks.

Random Deflector (Su)

At 2nd level and higher, a wild mage has the ability to protect herself from certain attacks with this ability. Using this ability is an immediate action (see page 86), which means that a wild mage activates it when it is not her turn. When activated, the random deflector lasts until the beginning of the wild mage's next turn. The random deflector redirects ranged attacks, ranged touch attacks, and individually targeted spells (spells designating the wild mage as the sole target, but not area spells striking an area in which she happens to be the sole target) so that they instead attack or affect a random target within 20 feet of the wild mage. A wild mage includes herself and her allies among the possible new targets. Any creature targeted by a deflected attack is attacked or affected normally, so an attack roll is made normally against the new target's AC, the new target receives a saving throw if a spell or effect allows one, and so on. A wild mage can use this ability once per day at 2nd level, two times per day at 5th level, and three times per day at 8th level.

Student of Chaos (Ex)

Whenever a wild mage of 3rd level or higher uses a magic item that offers a randomly determined effect (such as a bag of tricks or rod of wonder), she can roll twice and choose between the two results. If a random roll is made only once to determine the nature or contents of a device (for example, a robe of useful items or an iron flask), a wild mage gains no special advantage.

Chaotic Mind (Su)

When a wild mage reaches 6th level, the power of chaos infuses her mind. She gains immunity to confusion and insanity spells and effects, and she is shielded by a continuous nondetection effect (as the spell).

Reckless Dweomer (Su)

At 9th level and higher, a wild mage knows how to spontaneously convert her own spell energy into random, unpredictable results. As a standard action, she can eliminate a prepared spell or spell slot of at least 1st level to create an effect similar to that of activating a rod of wonder. The character's student of chaos ability (see above) applies when she uses her reckless dweomer ability. See page 237 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for details on the rod of wonder.

Wildstrike (Sp)

At 10th level, a wild mage gains the ability to make a wildstrike once per day. A wildstrike affects a single creature within 60 feet, surrounding the creature in an aura of shimmering rainbow colors for 2d6 rounds. Spell resistance applies, but the target receives no saving throw. While a wildstrike is in effect, there is a 50% chance each time the affected creature casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability that its intended action fails. Instead, the creature rolls as if it had activated a rod of wonder (see page 237 of the Dungeon Master's Guide).

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Nassrapk carries no gear. By unknown means anything akin to a rod in shape or design can be used by him as a greater rod of metamagic. Nassrapk may choose the type of metamagic applied each time. No matter how many rod-like objects he handles, he can only invoke this power eight times per day.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I'm working on a few more high ranking efreeti, so I made this. Abdul Nasr is more or less compliant to this template and any further emirs will be fully compliant to it. There's nothing worldshattering here, just the template and a few things related to it.

Efreeti Emir

These creatures are the princes of the efreeti, ruling over them as great lords. Each oversees a particular domain and is roughly equivalent to a Duke of Hell or Authority of Celestia. Efreeti emirs tend to have high hit dice but less racial abilities than other creatures of this level. 

Creating an Efreeti Emir

"Efreeti Emir" is an acquired template that can be added to any noble efreet (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

Size and Type

The base creature's type and size does not change.

Hit Dice and Hit Points

The base creature gains maximum hit points per hit die.

Armor Class

Natural armor improves by +18. This stacks with any natural armor bonus the base creature has.

Special Attacks

Change Size (Su)

An efreeti emir may use this ability at will.

Emir's Fire (Su)

An efreeti emir can emit a tremendous blast of fire that resembles the fireballs of mages but is far superior. This is identical to the spell fireball, except that it deals 1d6 fire damage per hit die of the base creature, has a save DC of 10 + 1/2 base creature's hit dice + Charisma modifier and has an area of a 60ft radius spread. This ability can be used at will.

Heat (Su)

The base creature's damage from it's heat racial ability rises by 3d6.

Spell-Like Abilities

The base creature replaces its previous racial spell-like abilities with the following spread.

At will-detect magic, gaseous form, greater invisibility, meteor swarm, mirage arcana, permanent image, produce flame, pyrotechnics, scorching ray, wall of fire. 3/day-grant up to three wishes (to nongenies only).

Acquired spell-like abilities are retained. If the base creature has non-standard spell-like abilities, it may gain alternate abilities to fit those instead.

Special Qualities

An efreeti emir has all the special qualities of the base creature, plus the following special qualities.

Damage Reduction

The base creature gains damage reduction 20/cold and epic. Weapons that deal cold damage, such as a frost weapon, count as cold to bypass this damage reduction. If the creature has pre-existing damage reduction, combine the two using the rules for combining types of damage reduction.

Spell Resistance

The base creature gains spell resistance equal to 13 + hit dice.

Sultan's Blood (Su)

An efreeti emir has the Grand Sultan's blood within him. This is usually through being one of the many bastard children of the Grand Sultan. Emirs that are not blood related to the Sultan imbibe a chalice of his blood, granting them some of his might. This grants the emir nobility over all other efreeti; the base creature is treated as divine rank 0 for the sake of effects, though the creature has no actual divine rank.


Increase from the base creature as follows: Str+8, Dex+8, Con+8, Int+10, Wis+10, Cha+10


Always lawful evil.

Combining Damage Reductions

Note: These rules are meant for high to epic level games where damage reduction is common. These characters can deal with damage reduction in myriad ways. As such, these rules are best used with caution in low level games.

When a creature already possesses permanent damage reduction and gains a new source of damage reduction, the two types combine. This follows the rules outlined below. Note that certain types of permanent damage reduction, such as taking the Damage Reduction epic feat more than once, stack with themselves. In those cases these rules aren't used.

* Damage reduction/- never combines. Unlike other types of damage reduction, it is possible to have this with another type of damage reduction. If damage reduction/- is the highest damage reduction a creature possesses, the other type of damage reduction is lost.
* The higher number is used. A creature with damage reduction 5/cold iron and damage reduction 10/magic takes the ten and discards the 5.
* A creature's damage reduction can comprise of several conditions. Conditions stack with the following exceptions. A creature may only have one material (such as silver or cold iron) in its damage reduction. When there is a choice of more than one material, choose whichever fits the current creature better. A creature may only have one damage type (such as piercing, slashing or bludgeoning) in its damage reduction. A creature may not have conflicting alignment types in its damage reduction (such as good and evil or anarchic and axiomatic), choose whichever fits the creature best.  Damage reduction/magic is superseded and replaced by damage reduction/epic.
* Creatures with unique types of damage reduction do not lose them, even when the rules above would dictate otherwise. For instance, a creature with damage reduction of cold iron and silver would maintain both of those.
* In otherwise unusual cases, use your best judgment.


Damage reduction 5/cold iron + damage reduction 10/magic = damage reduction 10/cold iron and magic
Damage reduction 15/magic and evil + damage reduction 15/epic = damage reduction 15/epic and evil
Damage reduction 3/- + damage reduction 15/anarchic and cold iron = damage reduction 15/anarchic and cold iron AND damage reduction 3/-
Damage reduction 5/slashing + damage reduction 10/silver + damage reduction 5/axiomatic = damage reduction 10/axiomatic, silver and slashing.

Efreeti Accessories

Note: While these abilities are made with efreet and other genies in mind, some can be adapted by other creatures with similar abilities.

Deceptive Scimitar [Style]
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus(Scimitar), Weapon Specialization(Scimitar), Dodge, Mobility, genie
Benefit: You mix your skilled scimitar slashes with speed and your natural ability at illusion magic. When you strike an opponent twice with a scimitar in a round, they see afterimages of you, striking at where you were instead of where you are. The creature's next successful attack against you fails, hitting the afterimage instead. This afterimage lasts until it stops one attack or until the beginning of your next turn. Creatures under true seeing or immune to illusions are not affected by this feat.

Efreeti's Sting [General]
Prerequisite: Efreet, Combat Reflexes, Scorching Ray spell-like ability, cha 17
Benefit: When an enemy provokes an attack of opportunity against you, you may instead cast scorching ray in place of your attack of opportunity. You must target your scorching ray(s) against the creature that provoked the attack of opportunity. You may use this ability once per round. Casting scorching ray in this way does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Using scorching ray in this manner counts as one of your attacks of opportunity for the round.

Heat Aura [General]
Prerequisite: Heat ability, efreet, cha 17
Benefit: Creatures adjacent to you suffer burns as if you touched them. If a creature starts its turn adjacent to you, they take fire damage as if affected by your heat ability. This feat causes you to burn and shimmer with fire at all times when in your natural form. Unattended objects adjacent or in the same squares as you will burn if flammable. This ability can be suppressed and resumed as a free action.

Heat Cloak [Epic]
Prerequisite: Heat Haze, cha 25
Benefit: The miss chance you gain from heat haze rises to 50%.

Heat Haze [General]
Prerequisite: Heat Aura
Benefit: You are surrounded by a constant heat haze. This grants you protection as it obscures your exact location in battle. You gain concealment, as if affected by a blur spell. True seeing defeats this concealment. If you take cold damage, this feat's benefits are lost for one round.

Improved Heat [General]
Prerequisite: Heat ability, efreet
Benefit: The fire damage from your heat ability increases by 1d6.

Searing Body [Epic]
Prerequisite: Heat ability, efreet, con 25
Benefit: Your body burns so hot as to burn fire itself to ash. Damage dealt to creatures with your heat ability is considered searing. Searing fire damage ignores fire resistance and deals half damage to creatures otherwise immune to fire.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The Branded, guards of the Grand Sultan's harem

The branded are the guardians of the Grand Sultan's harem. They first and foremost protect the women within from external threats, while ensuring that the purity of harem is not compromised. Informally, they are also deeply involved in palace politics. They control access to the members of the harem and their various suites of rooms. Any power play or assassination within the harem is doomed to fail unless the branded support it. This functions as desired by the Grand Sultan, so long as those women who he is particularly fond of are not assassinated.

This duty is high prestige and is mostly filled by the sons of influential efreeti. A few do make it into the branded on account of merit, but this is uncommon. Serving in the branded is seen as a chance for an efreet to earn distinction politically and martially. Those who fail at this role are quietly killed or sent home, depending on how powerful the branded's patron is. A successful branded is in line for a promotion into the high officer corps of the Grand Sultan's military if they are from a noble background. Those that made it to the branded on merit are instead promoted into the branded's leadership.

Variant branded may substitute another base class instead of fighter. The devoted defender levels don't change, so this is not a posting for spellcasters. Any class with a religious bend, such as blackguard or cleric, are likewise forbidden from the branded. The intense mental and magical conditioning that creates a branded leaves no room for a patron besides the Grand Sultan.

For the sake of balance, it's best to assume allied defense shenanigans don't stack with one another. Since the bonuses from CE is a dodge bonus and it's technically two different sources, they stack. You can get up to all sorts of shenanigans by abusing this. I'd personally rule that CE/allied defense overlaps, even if it's from multiple different people.

Efreet 18//Fighter 8/Devoted Defender 10

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Fire)
Hit Dice: 8d10+10d12+108 (228 hp)
Initiative: +11
Speed: 20ft, fly 40ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 35 (-1 size, +5 dex, +10 natural, +1 dodge, +10 armor)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +18/+28/46
Attack: Scimitar+34 (1d8+22 plus 1d6 fire 18-20 x2)
Full Attack: Scimitar+34/+29/+24/+19 (1d8+22 plus 1d6 fire 18-20 x2)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Change size, heat, spell-like abilities.
Special Qualities: Change shape, darkvision 60 ft, immunity to fear, fire and mind-affecting, plane shift, telepathy 100ft, vulnerability to cold, branded, status, armor class bonus(+5), harm's way, defensive strike+4, deflect attack+4.
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +17, Will +14
Abilities: Str 29, Dex 23, Con 22, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 17 
Skills: Concentration+27, Diplomacy+24, Gather Information+24, Hide+27, Intimidate+24, Knowledge(Arcana)+23, Knowledge(N&R)+23, Knowledge(Planes)+23, Listen+26, Move Silently+27, Search+23, Sense Motive+24, Spellcraft+23, Spot+26
Feats: Improved Initiative(B), Mindsight(1), Weapon Focus(Scimitar)(F1), Dodge(F2), Combat Reflexes(3), Weapon Specialization(Scimitar)(F4), Alertness(6), Mobility(F6), Melee Weapon Mastery(Slashing)(F8), Deceptive Scimitar(9), Combat Expertise(12), Improved Combat Expertise(15), Allied Defense(18)
Epic Feats: -
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

Always active-detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, see invisibility. At will-detect magic, produce flame, pyrotechnics, scorching ray. 3/day-invisibility, wall of fire (DC 16). 1/day-grant up to three wishes (to nongenies only), gaseous form, permanent image, true seeing. Caster level 18th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Branded (Su)

The branded as so named for the elaborate changes that are wrought on them when they enter the Grand Sultan's service. These enchantments render the branded unable to lie to the Grand Sultan and any who act with his explicit authority. Further mental changes render the branded immune to mind-affecting and fear effects. These modifications turn off the sexuality of the branded, ensuring that the purity of the harem is maintained.

Most branded become fanatics of the highest order, completely devoted to branded, the Grand Sultan and the harem, in that order.

Status (Su)

A branded is aware of the status of any member of the Grand Sultan's harem and any other branded within 500ft. This functions as a status spell except as noted here. The branded is finely aware of the health of each person he detects, as follows. Unharmed (100% hit points), wounded (99-50% hit points), gravely wounded (49%-25% hit points), critical (24%-1% hit points) and dying (0 to -9 hit points).

Change Size (Sp)

Twice per day, the branded can magically change a creature's size. This works just like an enlarge person or reduce person spell (the branded chooses when using the ability), except that the ability can work on the branded. A DC 22 Fortitude save negates the effect. The save DC is Charisma-based. This is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.

Heat (Ex)

The branded's red-hot body deals 1d6 points of extra fire damage whenever it hits in melee, or in each round it maintains a hold when grappling.

Change Shape (Su)

A branded can assume the form of any Small, Medium, or Large humanoid or giant.

Devoted Defender powers:
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Armor Class Bonus (Ex)

The devoted defender concentrates on defense, both for herself and her charge. She receives this dodge bonus to AC as a result of that focus. This only applies when the devoted defender is protecting her charge.

Harm's Way (Ex)

Beginning at 1st level, the devoted defender may elect to place herself in the path of danger in order to protect her single charge. Any time that you are within 5 feet of your charge, and your charge suffers an attack, you may switch places with your charge and receive the attack in his place. You must declare this before the attack roll is made. You select your charge when you roll initiative, and it is a free action to do so. You may not change your charge for the duration of that combat.

Defensive Strike (Ex)

You can make an attack of opportunity against any adjacent opponent who attacks your charge in melee. You gain a +1 bonus to this attack for every two levels after 2nd.

Deflect Attack (Ex)

Beginning at 3rd level, the devoted defender can attempt to parry a melee attack against her charge. She must be within 5 feet of her charge to attempt this and holding a melee weapon or shield to deflect the attack. Once per round when your charge would normally be hit with a melee weapon, you may make a Reflex saving throw against DC 20. (If the melee weapon has a magic bonus to attack, the DC increases by that amount.) You gain a competence bonus to your Reflex save as indicated on the chart. If you succeed, you deflect the blow as a free action. You must be aware of the attack beforehand and not flat-footed.

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Each branded wields a scimitar+5. When the branded uses the combat expertise feat with this scimitar, the bonus to armor class gained also applies as a circumstantial bonus to saving throws. They also use mithral breastplates+5, greater cold resistance and boots of speed.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Branded Captains

Those skilled branded that distinguish themselves and are not snatched up for military service elsewhere get promoted within. They undergo decades of diplomatic, leadership and tactical training. The end result is a branded captain. They command squads of six branded and are in charge of a suite of rooms. Any assassination or other dirty pool has to be approved by the captain overseeing the area. They report to colonels that oversee several captains, who in turn report to the Grand Vizier of the palace.

Generally, branded captains oversee the defenses in battle from the middle, personally protecting targets. The branded will form a box with the harem members in the middle along with the branded captain. This allows for the captain's auras and the branded's allied defense abilities to work with each other, as well as providing several chances to deflect attacks. As the elite of the elite, they are expected to excel in everything they do in their duties.

Branded captains that impress are promoted to colonel. If the Grand Sultan is personally impressed, he may instead offer them a minor title as an opportunity to join the nobility. This is a demotion in most ways, but it opens up many opportunities for them. While most nobles treat a risen branded with haughty contempt, few underestimate the skills of one who was able to last for thousands of years in the thick of palace intrigue. Note that most branded have trouble taking this offer, as they are so blindly devoted to the Grand Sultan that leaving his service is unthinkable. Having the strength of will to take that opportunity is seen as a final test to join the nobility.

Efreet 20//Fighter 8/Devoted Defender 10/Marshal 2

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Fire)
Hit Dice: 8d10+10d12+2d8+108 (250 hp)
Initiative: +11
Speed: 20ft, fly 40ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 38 (-1 size, +5 dex, +11 natural, +1 dodge, +10 armor, +2 deflection)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +20/+31/51
Attack: Scimitar+37 (1d8+24 plus 1d6 fire 18-20 x2)
Full Attack: Scimitar+37/+32/+27/+22 (1d8+24 plus 1d6 fire 18-20 x2)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Change size, heat, spell-like abilities, auras.
Special Qualities: Change shape, darkvision 60ft, immunity to fear, fire and mind-affecting, plane shift, telepathy 100ft, vulnerability to cold, branded, status, armor class bonus(+5), harm's way, defensive strike+4, deflect attack+4.
Saves: Fort +18, Ref +18, Will +15
Abilities: Str 30, Dex 23, Con 22, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 17 
Skills: Concentration+29, Diplomacy+29, Gather Information+26, Hide+29, Intimidate+26, Knowledge(Arcana)+25, Knowledge(N&R)+25, Knowledge(Planes)+25, Listen+28, Move Silently+29, Search+25, Sense Motive+26, Spellcraft+25, Spot+28
Feats: Improved Initiative(B), Mindsight(1), Weapon Focus(Scimitar)(F1), Dodge(F2), Combat Reflexes(3), Weapon Specialization(Scimitar)(F4), Alertness(6), Mobility(F6), Melee Weapon Mastery(Slashing)(F8), Deceptive Scimitar(9), Combat Expertise(12), Improved Combat Expertise(15), Allied Defense(18), Skill Focus(Diplomacy)(M1)
Epic Feats: -
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

Always active-detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, see invisibility. At will-detect magic, produce flame, pyrotechnics, scorching ray. 3/day-invisibility, wall of fire. 1/day-grant up to three wishes (to nongenies only), gaseous form, permanent image, true seeing. Caster level 20th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Branded (Su)

The branded as so named for the elaborate changes that are wrought on them when they enter the Grand Sultan's service. These enchantments render the branded unable to lie to the Grand Sultan and any who act with his explicit authority. Further mental changes render the branded immune to mind-affecting and fear effects. These modifications turn off the sexuality of the branded, ensuring that the purity of the harem is maintained.

Most branded become fanatics of the highest order, completely devoted to branded, the Grand Sultan and the harem, in that order.

Status (Su)

A branded is aware of the status of any member of the Grand Sultan's harem and any other branded within 500ft. This functions as a status spell except as noted here. The branded is finely aware of the health of each person he detects, as follows. Unharmed (100% hit points), wounded (99-50% hit points), gravely wounded (49%-25% hit points), critical (24%-1% hit points) and dying (0 to -9 hit points).

Change Size (Sp)

Twice per day, the branded can magically change a creature's size. This works just like an enlarge person or reduce person spell (the branded chooses when using the ability), except that the ability can work on the branded. A DC 23 Fortitude save negates the effect. The save DC is Charisma-based. This is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.

Heat (Ex)

The branded's red-hot body deals 1d6 points of extra fire damage whenever it hits in melee, or in each round it maintains a hold when grappling.

Change Shape (Su)

A branded can assume the form of any Small, Medium, or Large humanoid or giant.

Devoted Defender powers:
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Armor Class Bonus (Ex)

The devoted defender concentrates on defense, both for herself and her charge. She receives this dodge bonus to AC as a result of that focus. This only applies when the devoted defender is protecting her charge.

Harm's Way (Ex)

Beginning at 1st level, the devoted defender may elect to place herself in the path of danger in order to protect her single charge. Any time that you are within 5 feet of your charge, and your charge suffers an attack, you may switch places with your charge and receive the attack in his place. You must declare this before the attack roll is made. You select your charge when you roll initiative, and it is a free action to do so. You may not change your charge for the duration of that combat.

Defensive Strike (Ex)

You can make an attack of opportunity against any adjacent opponent who attacks your charge in melee. You gain a +1 bonus to this attack for every two levels after 2nd.

Deflect Attack (Ex)

Beginning at 3rd level, the devoted defender can attempt to parry a melee attack against her charge. She must be within 5 feet of her charge to attempt this and holding a melee weapon or shield to deflect the attack. Once per round when your charge would normally be hit with a melee weapon, you may make a Reflex saving throw against DC 20. (If the melee weapon has a magic bonus to attack, the DC increases by that amount.) You gain a competence bonus to your Reflex save as indicated on the chart. If you succeed, you deflect the blow as a free action. You must be aware of the attack beforehand and not flat-footed.

Marshal powers:
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The branded projects auras as a 2nd level marshal.

Minor Auras(+3): Motivate Dexterity.
Major Auras(+1): Motivate Care.

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Each branded wields a scimitar+5. When the branded uses the combat expertise feat with this scimitar, the bonus to armor class gained also applies as a circumstantial bonus to saving throws. They also use mithral breastplates+5, greater cold resistance and boots of speed. In addition, branded captains are given black sash that grants them light fortification and a +2 deflection bonus to armor class.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Akil bin Faheem, Emir of the Flametongued and Special Diplomat of the Crimson Firebrand

Akil's story is as much about Fire and various facets of the efreeti as it is about him. He took forever since this inspired me to write, rewrite, tweak and adjust. Gah.

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Akil bin Faheem was born in the antiquity of Fire. He was one of many children of an efreeti chieftain, one of several petty kings before the establishment of the Grand Sultan's empire. The young Akil was nearly invisible by virtue of being far from the first-born. As such, he was left to develop as he saw fit. Akil was a bright and gregarious child who quickly established a comfortable position for himself amid his peers. This lead to confidence and to being noticed; soon enough Akil was placed with the adult diplomats.

Diplomacy amid the efreeti was rudimentary in those days. The act of negotiations was often merely the prelude to violence, a chance for the one side to capitulate and become little more than slaves to the other. Here Akil took to it naturally, learning to make himself strong and disguise it webs of silken words and tangling promises. In time his tribe grew greatly, conquest after conquest greatly enriching the tribe and Akil in particular. Once Akil reached his majority, he was the most influential efreet in the tribe save for his father and his eldest brother. The assassin that took his father and eldest brother's lives came soon after. This paved the way for Akil to become the next chieftain.

For several centuries Akil bin Faheem enriched himself and his tribe at the expense of any tribe that got in his way. Most were laid low by his words alone, and those that were not found Akil had a core of steely, boiling violence. Beneath his polished exterior was the nature of a killer, ready to take over when diplomacy failed. No tribe could stand against Akil's power. He established his tribe as one of the greatest within Fire, which lasted until the rise of the Crimson Firebrand.

Where the Crimson Firebrand came from is not known, but he took control of a small tribe and began winning incredible victories over much larger forces. Any tribe in his way fell with a calamitous speed before the Firebrand's advance. Akil took notice of this upstart and decided to meet him personally. A meeting was arraigned through the Mercane, who had already come to trade with the races of Fire. Akil strode into the meeting chamber. He was intent on wresting control of the conversation immediately, looking to bury the Crimson Firebrand then and there. Yet when Akil laid eyes on the young efreet, all his words shriveled and his mouth stayed closed. Instead, it was the Crimson Firebrand who took the initiative.

The Crimson Firebrand spoke of a city of basalt, obsidian and flames crowned with domes of brass. This City of Brass would be the seat of power for all efreeti and the throne of an empire that would come to dominate all of Fire. The efreeti would rise as the rightful rulers of Fire, all other races serving them as slaves. Many times Akil sought to speak, to impose his own will on the Crimson Firebrand or to do anything. But he could not. All Akil could do is listen until the end, spellbound to the core. When the Crimson Firebrand finished, Akil knew he was defeated. He could resist the Crimson Firebrand, yet he knew that he and his tribe would be overcome, ground into sparks and forgotten in the past of Fire. Instead he knelt before the Crimson Firebrand and offered his entire tribe and all his wealth, all for the honor of being an adviser to the young warlord.

Akil's tribe passed into memory, most of his tribesman becoming slave-soldiers to the Crimson Firebrand. Akil stayed at the Crimson Firebrand's side as the rest of the tribes formed the Alliance of the Bonfires and the War of the Fiery Heart began. In the course of the war Akil distinguished himself as one of the Crimson Firebrand's greatest servants. Akil lead grand armies to victory in the Crimson Firebrand's name, all while establishing alliances within and beyond Fire. He was at the Crimson Firebrand's side when the leaders of the Alliance of the Bonfires were executed, the the establishment of the City of Brass was declared and the Crimson Firebrand took the title of Grand Sultan.

For his loyal service, Akil was granted the title of emir. During the ensuing centuries, several contingents of baatezu came to explore the new-found City of Brass. It fell to Akil to deal with them. Here Akil found kindred souls more than interested in a profitable alliance; Akil had no compunctions about establishing a mutually beneficial slave trade, as his former tribesmen could attest to, while the devils found Akil's black morals suitable to their tastes. This lead to a long series of diplomatic meetings which lead to the Treaty of Flamesky. This treaty was a smashing success for both sides - a rare case of mutually beneficial evil - and secured Akil's place near the top of the Grand Sultan's court.

When the Crimson Firebrand was assassinated (an event that Akil believes to be a ruse and with some evidence to support him) and a new Grand Sultan emerged, Akil's place was briefly threatened. However, the diabolical ties Akil had cultivated gave him more than sufficient means to politically defend himself. With so many powerful devils willing to support Akil and having some sway due to the Treaty of Flamesky, his position was unassailable. This was not without a price, as since that time Akil has been seen as little more than a baatezu lapdog. He is secure in his place as one of the most powerful emirs, yet every other emir and most other nobles oppose any of his efforts to gain more power.

Akil bin Faheem deals with any and all matters relating to efreeti and devil cooperation. His long life and diabolical dealings has bestowed his name with power. Akil is a common word used in spells binding devils, particularly by those who wish to curry Hell's favor with bribes. Efreeti and efreeti trained bards invoke his names in the chant for spells such as tongues and glibness. Akil is sometimes mistaken by mortal scholars as a pit fiend or even a Duke of Hell. A few scholars also suspect he may have been the creator of the factotum's arts, though this is not a view held widely.


Akil bin Faheem almost always smiles. He usually appears jovial, though the more perceptive notice the smile is the fake smile of a politician. He is a little over eight feet tall. While he is not flabby, he lacks the sharp definition many efreeti have. His black hair is kept short and his eyes appear as little more than chips of obsidian floating in a pool of lava. Akil favors various elaborate outfits of red and gold, all of which match with his Mantle of the Flametongued. He sometimes wears a turban, or if expecting a battle, a conical helmet; Akil prefers to go bare headed the majority of the time.

Most people, mortal or immortal, that see Akil immediately think of a politician. The wise and the holy tend to see past that, catching the slight glint of sharp teeth in that smile, the predatory gleam in his eye, the curl of his fingers towards Razalim's hilt and smell the lingering scent of brimstone around him. While it is not unheard of for an efreet to smell of brimstone naturally, the smell of it on Akil brings to mind the diabolical.


The Emir of the Flametongued is a oily-smooth man who greets all he meets with a smile. He acts to put those he is dealing with at peace, preferring to come off as a rich playboy prince. He weaves flattery with insightful metaphors and similes when he speaks, looking to dazzle conversational partners with his turn of phrase.

To those below him (and thus servants) he spares little more than commands. He never threatens with his commands and they often sound like requests. Those that do not instantly obey find themselves punished most severely; the routine punishment is for the other servants to drag the defiant one out of sight and beat them to death or disfigurement, depending on how valuable the servant is. Akil never bothers to openly show disapproval. Even if a servant or underling angers him to the point of execution, he will take their head with a pleasant smile on his face.

To those equal to him or otherwise worth his time, he engages them in civilized conversation, his veneer warm as he seems to pay attention to everything they say. He will spend hours leisurely chatting with such people, all while they luxuriate in the full flower of efreeti wealth. He prefers to listen and make reactive remarks, guiding the conversation in ways that benefit him. The purpose of this is to gather information and learn about his guests, for this is the first step of successful diplomacy. He keeps this up even with those he loathes, as knowledge is power and more power allows him to better use diplomacy to force his will onto others.

When dealing with the Grand Sultan, Lords of the Nine and other entities that outrank him, Akil is the picture of deferential grace. Nonetheless, he is not afraid to speak up when he feels it may benefit him, no matter the propriety of it. While respectful, he does not allow those above him to think him nothing more than another minion. At the same time, he is happy to offer gifts and tribute to such figures, going out of his way to do so. In all, he cultivates the air of a competent, confident and powerful prince that sees himself equal to the highest rulers. The only exception to this is to Belial and Eblis due to past incidents with them. He avoids both whenever possible and keeps his mouth shut around them.


Akil bin Faheem has never married and has no surviving family. He does have a few lovers at any one time, usually slaves that catch his eye. These women are treated well enough as befitting an efreeti prince's concubines. Akil does not grow close to any of them, using them instead to sate his various desires. Within a century he tires of each one and opts to dispose of them. Precautions are taken to ensure that no children result from his kept women. Akil has no desire for a child or a possible heir, having no interest in the distraction and viewing the child as a weakness to be exploited.

It is safe to say that Akil has many acquaintances, working partners and contacts. His basic nature and his political isolation ensues he has no real friends. He spends the majority of his time dealing with devil diplomats, and neither side is so gullible to think of friendship. Nonetheless, he has a strong working relationship with Hasalur, the pit fiend diplomat currently serving as imperial ambassador of the Ruby Division; the Ruby Division is Hell's diplomatic division dealing with Fire and the efreeti in particular. Both are masterful wordsmiths and meetings between the two involve a great deal of verbal repartee. As large amounts of formal and informal information must pass to Akil, they work together frequently. So far Akil has dominated the relationship, as Hasalur has held this post for less than a decade and is still sorting his division out. Hasalur has no interest in serious maneuvering until he has his own affairs in order.

Beyond the routine devil diplomats of the Ruby Division, Akil often entertains the nobility of Hell when they come to visit. He is familiar with several Dukes of Hell and a handful of Archdukes. In addition, Akil has met several past and current Lords of the Nine. His relations with them vary considerably but a few are of special note.

Akil's relationship with Eblis is strained. While the Fallen's status in Hell is that of an outcast, there is nonetheless need for various diabolical factions to occasionally deal with him. Akil's position as the Emir of the Flametongued means that many of these secretive communications fall to him to deliver. This is made difficult for the fact that Eblis terrifies Akil. When they first met, Akil spoke at length about Eblis' virtues, seeking to curry favor with the Fallen. Eblis merely stared at him throughout and intimidated Akil to the point that his speech faltered. Eblis turned to the Grand Sultan and made it clear that he has no time for useless sycophants; these pathetic things are best slaughtered, burned and destroyed like mortals. This left Akil with a deep-rooted fear of the Nemesis of the Heavens.

In contrast, Belial is fond of Akil. The honeyed words of the efreeti diplomat won Belial's favor and therein Akil found the downside of Belial's favor. The sheer, beautiful agony Belial gave Akil as a gift was indescribable. The sadistic and loving nature of the Lord of the Fourth utterly sickens Akil. Belial's affinity for pain is all wrong to the efreeti prince, pointless suffering that has no role in his proper politics. Akil defers any business from the Fourth Hell to underlings whenever possible as a result of this. This has not lessened Belial's fondness of the emir; throughout the years, Akil has needed to fend off several invitations to visit Phlegethos. So far Akil has managed to avoid a second meeting with Belial.

Past Fire Akil has few true allies. He is known in many courts at least in passing and has contacts with them. None are deep contacts, as he is in too deep with the devils to be seen as anything but an extension of baatezu policy.

Akil can count the Heavens as a unified enemy against him. His diplomacy has resulted in millions of slaves passing into Baator's meatgrinder and the continued tilt of Fire towards evil. His sins count beyond reckoning and have done much to further poison Fire.

Zaaman Rul, Prince of Elemental Good in Fire, considers Akil an enemy that must be overcome before Fire is purified. While he has made a few attempts to eliminate the emir, so far they have been unsuccessful. There has been a series of low level retaliations between the two sides. This is limited by Zaaman Rul's own weak base of support and Akil seeming it as a low priority. Akil claims he has little time to deal with Imix's child. In truth, he simply doesn't view Zaaman Rul as a serious threat. Zaaman Rul's defeat on the Plain of Burnt Dreams is well known to Akil, causing him to dismiss the Archomental.

Lliira finds him distasteful and orders her clergy to oppose him when his workings cross paths with hers. Lliira does not have many dealings in Fire and Akil does not directly meddle in the Prime Material often, so this conflict seldom sees direct hostilities. When it does erupt, it tends to be between powerful servants who cross paths with one another. These conflicts tend to be short, violent and lethal.

Grandfather Time holds a special enmity towards Akil, as the emir took one of his adopted grandchildren into slavery. Unfortunately, Grandfather Time's duties as a keeper of the Temporal Compact prevent him from acting. Should this limitation ever be removed, it is likely Akil will die or cease to exist altogether. Akil is not aware of this enmity.


Akil views violence as natural continuation of diplomacy. When words and flattery fail, the sword will ensure triumph. As such, Akil has no compunctions about entering combat. He is no fool and prefers to allow slaves to slay lesser threats and wear down greater threats when possible. He does not hesitate to enter into melee, trusting his considerable defenses to keep him unharmed.

Against weak opponents, Akil opts to overwhelm them with a charging, full power attack strike and using inspiration to compensate for the penalty as needed. Stragglers and those who attempt to flee are slain by blasts of emir's fire. Akil prefers to take prisoners when possible, for interrogation or slavery as fitting. The typical fate of a prisoner is sale to the baatezu, immersion into the Styx and then integration into a Blood War front line unit. As a matter of politics, Akil will not subject an efreet to this fate.

Stronger opponents result in a variable strategy. Akil prefers to rush down and quickly defeat the weakest looking opponent. Past the first round, Akil will generally aim to kill those who have the greatest ability to wound him. He relies on power attack and combat expertise in equal numbers, perfectly offset by inspiration on each attack. Each round he will shift those numbers to suit the tempo and priorities of the combat. Against foes who last against this or those Akil suspects will, he instead relies on utterdark, hellball, emir's fire and summons.

If Akil is faced with opponents he cannot defeat, is reduced to less than half his hit points or otherwise dislikes an aspect of the battle, he will escape with his plane shift racial power or a scroll of gate. Should escape be off the table, Akil goes all-in with offense and tries to defeat his opponents faster than he can be defeated. His recent acquisition of Razalim has only cemented this, as he refuses to believe he will be another victim to Razalim's curse.

Efreet 38//Factotum 10/Martial Factotum 28

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Fire)
Hit Dice: 10d8+28d10+380 (740 hp)
Initiative: +29
Speed: 60ft, fly 80ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 77 (-1 size, +10 dex, +32 natural, +16 int, +10 armor)(50% miss chance)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +38/+52/88
Attack: Razalim+72 (1d8+41 plus 4d6 on crit and slowed for 1 round on crit 15-20 x3)
Full Attack: Razalim+72/+67/+62/+57 (1d8+41 plus 4d6 on crit and slowed for 1 round on crit 15-20 x3)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Change size, heat, spell-like abilities, emir's fire, inspiration(22/encounter), arcane dilettante(4 spells), improved cunning strike, opportunistic piety(19/day), cunning weapons.
Special Qualities: Change shape, darkvision 120ft, damage reduction 20/cold and epic, spell resistance 53, immunity to fire, resistance to cold 100*, fast healing 30*, plane shift, telepathy 200ft, vulnerability to cold, sultan's blood, cunning insight, cunning knowledge, trapfinding, improved brains over brawn, improved cunning defense, cunning move, cunning focus, cunning toughness, cunning breach, cunning dodge.
Saves: Fort +45, Ref +45, Will +43
Abilities: Str 37, Dex 31, Con 30, Int 43, Wis 27, Cha 33
Skills: Appraise+57, Bluff+81, Concentration+51, Decipher Script+57, Diplomacy+96, Disable Device+57, Forgery+57, Gather Information+81, Intimidate+81, Knowledge(Arcana)+57, Knowledge(Local: City of Brass)+57, Knowledge(N&R)+57, Knowledge(Planes)+57, Knowledge(Religion)+57, Listen+49, Perform(Act)+55, Profession(Slaver)+49, Search+57, Sense Motive+51, Sleight of Hand+67, Spot+49, Use Magic Device+51
Feats: Improved Initiative(B), Weapon Focus(Scimitar)(1), Skill Focus(Diplomacy)(3), Heat Aura(6), Heat Haze(9), Negotiator(12), Power Attack(MF3), Font of Inspiration(15), Combat Expertise(MF6), Improved Critical(Scimitar)(18), Staggering Critical(MF9), Improved Combat Expertise(21)
Epic Feats: Overwhelming Critical(MF13), Great Ability(Intelligence)(24), Devastating Critical(MF16), Heat Cloak(27), Improved Cunning Knowledge(MF19), Epic Skill Focus(Diplomacy)(30), Improved Cunning Insight(MF22), Epic Reputation(33), Epic Font of Inspiration(MF25), Searing Body(36), Dire Charge(MF28)
Alignment: Lawful Vile

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

At will-detect magic, gaseous form, greater invisibility, meteor swarm, mirage arcana, permanent image, produce flame, pyrotechnics, scorching ray, wall of fire. 3/day-grant up to three wishes (to nongenies only).

Change Size (Sp)

At will, Akil bin Faheem can magically change a creature's size. This works just like an enlarge person or reduce person spell (Akil bin Faheem chooses when using the ability), except that the ability can work on Akil bin Faheem. A DC 40 Fortitude save negates the effect. The save DC is Charisma-based. This is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.

Heat (Ex)

Akil bin Faheem's red-hot body deals 6d6 points of extra fire damage whenever he hits in melee, or in each round he maintains a hold when grappling.

Change Shape (Su)

Akil bin Faheem can assume the form of any Small, Medium, or Large humanoid or giant.

Emir's Fire (Su)

Akil bin Faheem can emit a tremendous blast of fire that resembles the fireballs of mages but is far superior. This is identical to the spell fireball, except that it deals 38d6 fire damage, has a save DC of 40 and has an area of a 60ft radius spread. This ability can be used at will.

Sultan's Blood (Su)

Akil bin Faheem has drank the blood of the Grand Sultan, granting him great power and authority. He is treated as divine rank 0 for the sake of effects, though he has no actual divine rank.

Factotum powers:
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Inspiration (Ex)

The factotum is a dabbler, a professional explorer who plunders a wide variety of fields to find the tools he needs to survive. He reads through tomes of arcane magic to gain a basic understanding of spells. He offers prayers to a variety of deities to gain their blessings. He observes warrior stances and exercises to understand the art of fighting. But while a factotum learns many paths, he masters none of them. Rather than train in a given field, he masters all the basics and manages to pull out something useful when the situation is desperate enough. To represent this seemingly random body of knowledge, a factotum gains inspiration points that he can spend to activate his abilities. At the beginning of each encounter, he gains a number of inspiration points determined by his level.

Cunning Insight (Ex)

Before making an attack roll, damage roll, or saving throw, you can spend 1 inspiration point to gain a competence bonus on the roll equal to your Intelligence modifier. Cunning insight does not require an action, and you can use it as often as you wish during your turn or others' turns—provided that you have the inspiration points to spend. Because this ability provides a competence bonus, it does not stack with itself.

Cunning Knowledge (Ex)

When making a check involving a skill in which you have at least 1 rank, you can spend 1 inspiration point to gain a bonus on the check equal to your factotum level. You can use this ability once per day for a particular skill. For example, if you use cunning knowledge to gain a bonus on a Hide check, you cannot use the ability to improve other Hide checks for the rest of the day, though you can use it on different skills.

Trapfinding (Ex)

You can use the Search skill to locate traps with a DC higher than 20, and you can use Disable Device to bypass a trap or disarm magic traps. See the rogue class feature (PH 50).

Arcane Dilettante (Sp)

At 2nd level, you gain a vague understanding of magic. You know that with a few weird hand gestures and an array of grunts and bizarre words, you can conjure up something that looks like a spell. By spending 1 inspiration point, you can mimic a spell as a spell-like ability.

At the start of each day, choose a number of spells from the wizard/sorcerer spell list based on your factotum level.  You can choose one spell at 2nd level, and you gain additional spells as shown on the table.  You can select any wizard/sorcerer spell up to that level, but you can only prepare one spell of your maximum level. Your caster level equals your factotum class level. The save DCs are intelligence based.

Once you have used a spell, you cannot use it again until you have rested for 8 hours. After resting for this time, you can choose new spells and lose any unused spells from the previous day, though you can select the same spell on consecutive days. You cannot select the same spell more than once during the same day. You must provide the material components as usual.

Brains over Brawn (Ex)

At 3rd level, you gain your intelligence bonus as a modifier on strength checks, dexterity checks, and skill checks based on strength and dexterity, such as jump, hide, move silently and so on.

Cunning Defense (Ex)

You study your opponents and learn to anticipate their attacks. Starting at 3rd level, you can spend one inspiration point to gain your intelligence bonus as a dodge bonus to armor class against one opponent for one round. Using this ability is a free action. You can use this ability even while using medium or heavy armor. You can use this ability multiple times to gain a bonus against different opponents, but you cannot use it more than once per turn on a single foe.

Cunning Strike (Ex)

Starting at 4th level, you can spend 1 inspiration point to gain 1d6 sneak attack. When determining if you can SA something that has uncanny dodge, use your factotum level as your rogue level.

Opportunistic Piety (Su)

Factotums are legendary for the number of holy symbols, lucky trinkets, and blessed items they keep handy. As the saying goes, there are no atheists in the dungeon. Starting at 5th level, you can spend 1 inspiration point to channel divine energy as a standard action. You can use this energy to heal injuries, harm undead, or turn undead. At 5th level, you can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom bonus (if any). You gain one extra daily use of this ability at 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level. You cannot use opportunistic piety if you have exhausted your daily uses, even if you have inspiration points left to spend.

If you use this ability to heal injuries, you channel positive energy to heal a living creature of a number of points of damage equal to twice your factotum level + your Int modifier. The energy will also deal the same amount of damage to undead targets.

If you use this ability to turn undead, you act as a cleric of a level equal to your factotum level. No matter what your alignment, you cannot control undead—your understanding of divine magic is too rudimentary.

Cunning Move (Su)

Through pure inspiration you can manage a quick burst of magical movement. By spending 3 inspiration points you can teleport 10 feet per factotum level. Using this ability is a move action that does not provoke AoOs.

Martial Factotum powers:
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Cunning Focus (Ex)

A 1st level martial factotum may apply the bonus from weapon focus to any weapon to which she is proficient with. This does not apply to any other feat.

Cunning Toughness (Ex)

At second level, a martial factotum may use her depth of martial knowledge and rudimentary spellcasting to supercharge her body with energy. As a swift action, the martial factotum can spend 2 points of inspiration to gain temporary hit points equal to her intelligence modifier plus her martial factotum plus her factotum level. These temporary hit points last for one minute.

Improved Cunning Strike (Ex)

A martial factotum that reaches 4th level that uses Cunning Strike gains 1d8 points of sneak attack damage instead of 1d6.

Cunning Breach (Ex)

This ability functions as the factotum ability of the same name, except that it costs 1 point of inspiration to use and only applies to damage reduction.

Cunning Dodge (Ex)

This ability functions as the factotum ability of the same name.

Cunning Weapons (Ex)

A martial factotum of 7th level or higher can temporarily emulate weapon properties into her own weapons. As a free action when the martial factotum declares an attack, she may apply any weapon property to her attack. This lasts until the start of the martial factotum's next turn and costs a number of inspiration points equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus cost. For example, emulating flaming would cost 1 point of inspiration, while adding holy would cost 2 points. This affects all the weapons the martial factotum uses for the duration.

Epic weapon properties cannot be emulated with this ability.

Improved Cunning Defense (Ex)

This ability functions as the factotum ability of the same name.

Improved Brains over Brawn (Ex)

A master martial factotum learns to apply her formidable intellect to how she fights. The martial factotum may use her Intelligence modifier in addition to her Strength or Dexterity modifier on weapon attack rolls and weapon damage rolls. This does not stack with the bonus to attack or damage rolls from Cunning Insight.

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This large scimitar is an early work by Kassim of the Honored Flame. Legends say that a tongue was used as the base of the blade. There's disagreement on if it was the tongue of a charismatic red dragon, a pit fiend or both. Regardless, the tongue was tossed into a boiling vat of silver mined deep in Fire, then superheated so that the tongue and metal turned into a cloud of smoke. Kassim breathed in the smoke and blew it out, pounding it into the shape of a scimitar.

Razalim appears as one smooth piece of silver polished into the shape of a scimitar. The blade has no indents, nicks or signs of wear on it anywhere. When the blade is examined closely, light and shadows form indistinct patterns across it. These patterns are hypnotic, able to enthrall weak-willed creatures.

Razalim is a large scimitar+6. Any creature of 20 or less hit dice that views Razalim must make a DC 48 Will save or be hypnotized by the blade. Such creatures take no actions save to watch Razalim. This effect lasts as long as the creature can see Razalim or until the wielder of Razalim attacks them. During this time, anything the bearer of Razalim says is treated as a suggestion, as the spell with a save DC of 48. Creatures that succeed on the initial saving throw are immune to Razalim's hypnotic powers for 24 hours. There is no limit to the number of creatures that can be hypnotized by Razalim at any one time, so long as they can all see the scimitar. Creatures with 21 or more hit dice are not at risk of hypnosis, but must make the same Will save or be distracted by scimitar. This inflicts a -4 penalty on attack rolls against the wielder, as well as a -4 penalty to armor class against attacks with Razalim. Both types of hypnosis are mind-affecting effects.

In addition to the above powers, Razalim grants a +25 competence bonus to bluff, diplomacy, gather information and intimidation checks. Razalim counts as silver for the sake of bypassing damage reduction, but does not inflict the -1 penalty to damage that alchemical silver does.

In spite of its great power, it is said that Razalim is cursed. Akil is not the first owner of Razalim; he took it from the treasury of a fellow emir he successfully discredited and assassinated. It is said that until the destined hand holds Razalim that all who possess it will come to ruin. The truth of the matter is supported by history, as several powerful efreeti nobles and emirs have held Razalim before suffering grievous misfortune. Further, Kassim has refused to take the blade back when offered and will not speak of it.  In spite of this, various divinations have not discerned a curse on Razalim.

Akil's political position has become isolated in recent centuries. Nevertheless, he refuses to bow to a curse, believing that he is the destined hand and that his setbacks are but weaklings jealous of his powerful position and diabolical ties. He keeps Razalim on his belt at all times, constantly caressing the blade's hilt.

Mantle of the Flametongue

This mantle is golden red, woven in a repeating pattern that resembles flames. It is the symbol of Akil's office of special diplomat, a gift from the first Grand Sultan, the Crimson Firebrand, long ago. In the eons since, it has been imbued with a tremendous amount of magic to bolster the wearer. The costs of these enchantments would bankrupt entire mortal nations.

The Mantle of the Flametongue grants the following bonuses to the wearer.

* Functions as bracers of armor+10
* Functions as an amulet of natural armor+8
* Functions as a cloak of resistance+8
* Functions as a headband of intellect+12
* Functions as a belt of magnificence+6.
* Grants a +15 competence bonus to bluff, diplomacy, gather information and intimidation checks. This overlaps with the bonus from Razalim.
* Bestows a +9 luck bonus to saving throws.
* Increases the damage of the efreet burn ability by 2d6.
* Increases all modes of movement by 40ft.
* Fast healing 30.
* Resistance to cold 100.
* True seeing, always active (CL 27).
* Mind blank, always active (CL 27).
* Allows the following spells to be cast as spell-like abilities at will with a caster level of 27th: Devil's Ego, Devil's Eye, Greater Teleport, Hellfire Storm, Summon Monster 9 (Lawful Evil creatures only).
* Allows the following spell to be cast as a spell-like abilities once per day with a caster level of 27th: Hellball, Utterdark.

This mantle cannot be removed from the wearer by any means, save for the wearer willingly removing it. If the wearer is slain, the mantle may be taken. Creatures who wear the mantle besides Akil bin Faheem explode into a bonfire. They take 20d6 points of searing fire damage per round. Akin bin Faheem can call this mantle to him as a standard action. Treat this as a greater teleport effect. This ability does not function across planes. A DC 60 Use Magic Device check can fool the cloak for 24 hours and allow it to be used safely.

These enchantments have been provided by efreeti and devil spellcasters. In addition to the massive cost involved, it's said that each enchantment entailed the gift of 9,999 slaves to Baator. Each enchantment would have been enough to damn Akin bin Faheem's soul countless times over. The evil of what he did pervades this mantle, causing it to radiate overwhelming evil.

In addition, Akil bin Faheem carries several throwing daggers+9, returning on his person. He keeps scrolls of Gate and Mass Heal at hand, as well as other spell scrolls or items as appropriate.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Belial took quite awhile. This is due to several factors, one of which is that he's unpleasant to write about. I wanted to get him done for the sake of completionism. Notes as follows.

- I went with Gates of Hell having Belial be a fallen rather than a native devil. This is rather needed with GoH's fallen vs true devils politics amid the nobles of Hell. I don't view it as mattering much overall. Belial's a monstrous pervert no matter where he came from. It doesn't meaningfully impact most of his flavor. I favor the Gates of Hell version since it has more freedom to deal with the subject matter Belial represents. Enough said, I don't want to go into that subject matter.
- FC2 suggests the knowledge domain for Belial. I can see where they're coming from with it, but it feels extraneous to the core concept. I decided not to have him take that domain and instead focus on more visceral and relevant domains.
- Belial's offense centers around direct damage, stunning, disablement and domination. Being wracked with pain or entranced into being a thrall of the Lord of the Fourth is a constant danger when doing battle with him. It all tends to mix together into one repulsive whole. Pain leads to domination, domination leads to pain and both lead to a mental breakdown where one can only love Belial.
- Meanwhile, Belial's defense is all about high hit points, regeneration and immunity to non-lethal damage. Belial doesn't have the flashy defensive tricks most deities and powers have for defense, but instead he can literally take an infinite amount of pain. So long as you can't beat his damage reduction or hit him with holy magic. Of course, dealing damage to him is likely to make him stronger, since Agonized Fist enables quickened sadism and masochism.

Fallen Solar 49//Monk 49

Master of Pain and Suffering, The Dark Light
Lord of the Fourth
Symbol: An angel immersed in a lake of fire on a black background
Home Plane: Phlegethos, the 4th Hell.
Alignment: Lawful Vile
Portfolio: Pain, suffering, fire, sadism, domination, perversity
Worshipers: Sadists, torturers, deviants, pyromaniacs
Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE
Domains: Domination, Evil, Fire, Law, Lust, Pain, Suffering
Favored Weapon: Forever Embraced (Trident)

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Evil, Fallen, Lawful)
Divine Rank: 9
Hit Dice: 46d8+3d10+1029+49+392 (1868 hp)
Initiative: +24
Speed: 240ft, fly 400ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 102 (-1 size, +15 dex, +9 divine, +18 deflection, +24 natural, +18 wis, +9 monk)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +49/+67/136
Attack: Forever Embraced+81 (2d6+32 plus 2d6 axiomatic 19-20 x4)
Full Attack: Forever Embraced+81/+81/+81/+76/+71/+66 (2d6+32 plus 2d6 axiomatic 19-20 x4)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, spells, belial's revelation, turn water 21/day, ki strike(magic, lawful, adamantine), gift of pain 11/day, agony fist 49/day(DC 62), divine blast 21/day(27d12).
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 40/anarchic, epic, good and silver, darkvision 120ft, low light vision, heatsense 90ft, immunity to acid, fire and poison, protective aura, regeneration 32, resistance to cold 30, spell resistance 64, tongues, cursed, aura of hell, divine traits, summon devils, endure fire, purity of body, wholeness of body(98 hp), abundant step, body of agony, mastery of the stunning fist, timeless body, tongue of the sun and moon, empty body, perfect self.
Saves: Fort +69, Ref +63, Will +64 (+4 vs petrification, +2 vs enchantment)
Abilities: Str 45, Dex 40, Con 52, Int 36, Wis 47, Cha 47
Skills: Balance+76, Bluff+79, Climb+78, Concentration+82, Diplomacy+79, Escape Artist+76, Gather Information+79, Heal+79, Intimidate+81, Knowledge(Arcana)+74, Knowledge(Dungeoneering)+74, Knowledge(History)+74, Knowledge(Local: Hell)+74, Knowledge(Nature)+74, Knowledge(N&R)+74, Knowledge(Planes)+74, Knowledge(Religion)+74, Listen+79, Perform(Dance)+79, Profession(Torturer)+79, Sense Motive+79, Spellcraft+74, Spot+79, Tumble+76, Use Rope+76
Feats: Dark Speech(B), Spell Focus(Enchantment)(B), Greater Spell Focus(Enchantment)(1), Improved Unarmed Strike(M1), Stunning Fist(M1), Combat Reflexes(M2), Pain Touch(3), Ability Focus(Stunning Fist)(6), Improved Trip(M6), Empower Spell(9), Maximize Spell(12), Power Attack(15), Toughness(18), Corrupt Spell(30), Jaela's Gambit(36)
Epic Feats: Epic Spell Capacity(21), Blinding Speed(M23), Epic Spell Focus(Enchantment)(24), Improved Combat Reflexes(M26), Epic Ability Focus(Stunning Fist)(27), Improved Stunning Fist(M29), Epic Toughness(M32), Epic Trip(33), Axiomatic Strike(M35), Improved Stunning Fist(M38), Intensify Spell(39), Epic Toughness(M41), Enhance Spell(42), Epic Toughness(M44), Improved Metamagic(45), Improved Toughness(M47), Improved Metamagic(48)
Salient Divine Abilities: Agony Fist, Alter Size, Automatic Metamagic(Corrupt Spell), Control Creatures(Fallen Celestials), Divine Blast, Divine Fire Mastery, Divine Spell Focus(Enchantment), Domination Magic, Elemental Might(Fire), Extra Domain(Fire), Extra Domain(Lust), Extra Domain(Suffering), Govern the Children(Fallen Celestials), Mass Divine Blast
Alignment: Lawful Vile

Racial powers:
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Belial casts as a 42nd level cleric (caster level 49th, caster level 58th for caster level checks). The save DCs are 28 + spell level (36 +  spell level for enchantment). All of Belial's spells are automatically corrupted. His metamagic options are Empower Spell (+1), Maximize Spell (+1), Enhance Spell (+2) and Intensify Spell (+5)

[6/day]0: Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Resistance, Virtue
[10+1/day]1: (Angry Ache), Cure Light Woundsx2, Deathwatchx2, Divine Favorx2, Inflict Light Woundsx2, Slow Consumptionx2BoVD
[10+1/day]2: (Produce Flame), Belial's Nimbusx2SC, 1BoneblastBoVD, Cure Moderate Woundsx2, Infernal Woundx2SC, Inflict Moderate Woundsx2, Wither LimbBoVD
[9+1/day]3: (Wrack), BlindsightSC, Cure Serious Woundsx2, DarkfireSC, Flesh RipperBoVD, Inflict Serious Woundsx4
[9+1/day]4: (Wall of Fire), Cure Critical Woundsx2, Damning Darknessx2BoVD, Inflict Critical Woundsx2, Maximized Flesh Ripper, Poisonx2
[9+1/day]5: (Maximized Order's Wrath), Flame Strikex3, Morality Undonex2BoVD, Parboilx2Sand, Symbol of Painx2
[8+1/day]6: (Pox), Blade Barrier, Greater Dispel Magicx2, Healx2, Maximized Parboilx2, Thousand NeedlesBoVD
[7+1/day]7: (Enhanced Maximized Unholy Blight), Empowered Maximized Flame Strikex2, Greater Restoration, Regeneratex2, Withering PalmSC, Wretched BlightBoVD
[7+1/day]8: (True Domination), Antimagic Field, Fire Storm, Intensified Flesh Ripper, Maximized Wretched Blightx4
[7+1/day]9: (Empowered Maximized Fire Storm), Empowered Maximized Wretched Blightx2, Gate, Mass Healx2, Spread of Savageryx2BoVD
[7+1/day]10: (Belial's MercyHome), Curse of Inadequacyx2Home, Empowered Energy Drainx4, Enhanced Intensified Flesh Ripperx2
[6+1/day]11: (Empowered Enhanced Maximized Fire Storm), Mass Regeneratex3Home, Superb Dispellingx3Home
[6+1/day]12: (Enhanced Intensified Flame Strike), Empowered Enhanced Maximized Fire Stormx2, Nerve Overloadx2Home, Sensual Blessingx2Home
[6+1/day]13: (Intensified Incendiary Cloud), Darkfire Impalementx3Home, Maximized Nerve Overloadx3
[6+1/day]14: (Mass Monstrous ThrallHome), Enhanced Intensified Wretched Blightx2, Intensified Energy Drainx2, Maximized Darkfire Impalementx2
[5+1/day]15: (FirescapeHome), Empowered Maximized Darkfire Impalementx2, Enhanced Maximized Nerve Overloadx3
[5+1/day]16: (Maximized Firescape), Enhanced Maximized Darkfire Impalementx2, Mass Nerve Overloadx3Home
[2+1/day]17: (Empowered Maximized Firescape), Maximized Mass Nerve Overloadx2

1 - As Balor Nimbus

BoVD - Book of Vile Darkness
Home - Homebrew
Sand - Sandstorm
SC - Spell Compendium

Regeneration (Ex)

Belial takes normal damage from anarchic, epic, holy and silvered weapons or from spells with the good descriptor.

Cursed (Ex)

Belial has betrayed all he once stood for and has an unsettling nature about him. Belial suffers a –2 penalty on Diplomacy checks when interacting with good creatures, but gains a +2 bonus on all Intimidate checks.

Belial's Revelation (Su)

Belial can reveal the utter depths of his depravity to creatures. This revelation breaks the mind of all but the strongest, turning them into little more than shells seeking pleasure and pain. As a standard action, Belial can focus his attention on a creature within 400ft. The creature needs to be able to see or hear Belial for this power to be effective, telepathy or divine communication are sufficient for this ability. This focus reveals the full depths of Belial's twisted desires to the creature, immersing them in unspeakable fantasies.

The creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma modifier + divine rank; DC 61). Failure results in the creature taking 4d8 points of Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma drain. A creature reduced to zero in any ability score by this attack results in its mind being broken by the horror. The creature is stunned for 4 rounds. Thereafter, its alignment shifts to lawful evil (if not already) and the ability drain is restored. The creature then seeks to indulge in the various vile acts it saw from the revelation, this is now its only desire and reason to exist. 

This condition can be removed in two ways. A wish or miracle spell while the creature is stunned from the revelation negates any further effects. The ability drain remains, further, this ability drain is treated as vile and must be cured on consecrated grounds. Once the creature has shifted to lawful evil, restoration is much more difficult. A wish or miracle spell can still reverse the changes, but a DC 61 caster level check is required. Alternately, a deity can negate these changes with an opposed rank check against Belial.

A creature that successfully saves against this ability is sickened for one round and suffers 4 points of Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma damage. These changes are the result of directly assaulting the creature's spirit. As such, various protections against ability damage, ability drain, stunning, sickening or mind-affecting do not protect against this ability. Belial must succeed on an opposed rank check to affect a deity with this ability.

Aura of Hell (Ex)

The presence of Belial is so vile that it causes lesser beings to cower or pay homage to the might of his evil. All within 900 feet of Belial must succeed in a Will save(DC 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma modifier + divine rank; DC 61). Those who succumb to the evil Belial represents suffer one of the two following effects as determined by Belial (who can change the effect, or discontinue it, as a free action):

Cower: Affected beings cower before the might of Belial. They can defend themselves normally but take no actions.
Induce Fear: Affected beings become panicked and suffer a –9 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. The merest glance or gesture from Belial makes them frightened, and they flee from him as quickly as they can.

Belail can make his servants, worshipers, beings of Lawful Evil alignment, or a mixture of all three types immune to this effect as a free action. This immunity lasts one day or until Belial dismisses it. Other Lords of the Nine, and beings possessing divine rank equal to or greater than that of the Lord, are immune to the Aura of Hell. The Aura of Hell replaces any existing fear aura and divine aura of Belial's.

Summon Devils (Su)

Belial may summon up to 49 hit dice of devils three times per day. Alternately, he can call the same another three times per day. Finally, once per day, he may call a Duke of Hell in his service. The Duke is aware of the situation but must answer the summons.

Divine powers:
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Always active-detect chaos, detect good, magic circle against good. At will-angry ache, bane, bear's endurance, bestow curse, burning hands, calm emotions, charm monster, charm person, clairaudience/clairvoyance, command, create undead, blasphemy, desecrate, dictum, dispel chaos, dispel good, dominate person, elemental swarm(fire only), energy drain, enervation, enthrall, eternity of torture, fire seeds, fire shield, fire storm, feeblemind, geas/quest, greater command, greater plane shift, greater teleport, harm, hold monster, horrid wilting, incendiary cloud, invisibility, liquid pain, magic circle against chaos, mass charm monster, mass suggestion, monstrous thrall, order's wrath, pox, produce flame, protection from chaos, protection from good, refuge, resist energy, sadism, scrying, shield of law, suggestion, summon monster 9(lawful evil only), symbol of pain, symbol of persuasion, sympathy, thousand needles, true domination, unholy aura, unholy blight, wall of fire, wave of pain, waves of exhaustion, wrack. Caster level 49th. The save DCs 47 + spell level.

Alter Reality (Su)

Belial exerts a considerable measure of control over reality itself, and his presence can command the very essence of the world around him. This warping of reality manifests in a number of ways. Belial can use limited wish when doing so can help him promote perversity, pain and suffering. Note that in the situation where Belial and another deity both try to Alter Reality in opposition to each other, an opposed rank check may be necessary to determine how reality is actually altered.

Inflict Wounds (Su)

Belial may cast any inflict wounds spell as a standard action. He may apply any metamagics to this that he pleases. The spell cannot be higher than ninth level.

Domain powers:

Domination: Spell focus(enchantment) as a bonus feat.
Evil: +1 caster level to evil spells.
Fire: Turn water creatures 21/day.
Law: +1 caster level to lawful spells.
Lust: 9/day as a free action gain a +24 enhancement bonus to charisma for one round. Net +5.
Pain: 9/day heal damage from successful attack against an enemy, up to 24 hp.
Suffering: Pain touch 9/day, touch attack that inflicts -2 str/dex for one minute.

Immunities: Belial is immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters his form. Any shape-altering powers she might have function normally on himself. He is not subject to energy drain, ability drain, or ability damage, and is immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). He are also immune to disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, and disintegration. In addition to these, Belial is immune to effects that imprison or banish him. Such effects include banishment, binding, dimensional anchor, dismissal, imprisonment, repulsion, soul bind, temporal stasis, trap the soul, and turning and rebuking. An opposed rank check may bypass any of these immunities; each attempt to do so requires a separate check.

Checks: Belial gains a divine bonus equal to his divine rank on all skill checks, ability checks and caster level checks.

Belial does not automatically fail on a natural attack roll or saving throw roll of 1. He may take 10 on any check.

Communication: Belial can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. He can speak directly to any beings within nine miles of himself.

Remote Communication: As a standard action, Belial can speak to any of his own worshipers, and to anyone within ten miles from a site dedicated to him, or within ten miles from a statue or other likeness of him. The creature being contacted can receive a telepathic message that only it can hear. Alternately, his voice can be heard as a sultry, sexy whisper. In this case, anyone within earshot of the sound can hear it.

Create Items: Belial can create any wondrous item with power related to perversity or pain; the maximum is 30,000 gold.

Portfolio Sense: Belial is aware of any act of perversity, suffering or agony that involves 500 or more people.

Monk powers:
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Endure Fire (Su)

Once per day as a free action when taking fire damage, the Agonized Fist may revel in the pain of the flames. They burn the monk and yet do not truly harm him. The monk may treat that occurrence of fire damage as non-lethal damage.

At 5th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the Agonized Monk gains another daily use of Endure Fire.

Ki Strike (Su)

At 4th level, a monk's unarmed attacks are empowered with ki. Her unarmed attacks are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. Ki strike improves with the character's monk level. At 10th level, her unarmed attacks are also treated as lawful weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. At 16th level, her unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction and bypassing hardness.

Slow Fall (Ex)

At 4th level or higher, a monk within arm's reach of a wall can use it to slow her descent. When first using this ability, she takes damage as if the fall were 20 feet shorter than it actually is. The monk's ability to slow her fall (that is, to reduce the effective distance of the fall when next to a wall) improves with her monk level until at 20th level she can use a nearby wall to slow her descent and fall any distance without harm.

Purity of Body (Ex)

At 5th level, a monk gains immunity to all diseases except for supernatural and magical diseases.

Wholeness of Body (Su)

At 7th level or higher, a monk can heal her own wounds. She can heal a number of hit points of damage equal to twice her current monk level each day, and she can spread this healing out among several uses.

Gift of Pain (Sp)

A 9th level Agonized Monk can use sadism or masochism once per day as a spell like ability. His caster level equals his monk level. He may choose which to cast each time he uses this ability, he is not restricted to one or the other. Non-lethal damage from Endure Fire counts as damage for masochism.

At 13th level and every four levels thereafter, the Agonized Monk gains another daily use of sadism or masochism.

At 14th level, the Agonized Monk may use this ability as a swift action.

Diamond Body (Su)

At 11th level, a monk gains immunity to poisons of all kinds.

Abundant Step (Su)

At 12th level or higher, a monk can slip magically between spaces, as if using the spell dimension door, once per day. Her caster level for this effect is one-half her monk level (rounded down).

Body of Agony (Ex)

At 13th level, an Agonized Monk becomes immune to non-lethal damage of all types. They still feel pain from this damage and take superficial injuries, but no true damage is done. Non-lethal damage from Endure Fire still counts for the sake of masochism, even though the Agonized Monk takes no damage.

Master of the Stunning Fist (Ex)

Your mastery of the art of the stunning fist lets you weave it into your blows like an artist painting a canvas. You may designate any number of attacks in a round as stunning fist attempts. Each one consumes a daily use of stunning fist as usual. You may only use target an individual creature once per round with stunning fist, however.

Timeless Body (Ex)

Upon attaining 17th level, a monk no longer takes penalties to her ability scores for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties that she has already taken, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the monk still dies of old age when her time is up.

Tongue of the Sun and Moon (Ex)

A monk of 17th level or higher can speak with any living creature.

Empty Body (Su)

At 19th level, a monk gains the ability to assume an ethereal state for 1 round per monk level per day, as though using the spell etherealness. She may go ethereal on a number of different occasions during any single day, as long as the total number of rounds spent in an ethereal state does not exceed her monk level.

Perfect Self (Ex)

At 20th level, a monk becomes a magical creature. She is forevermore treated as an outsider rather than as a humanoid (or whatever the monk's creature type was) for the purpose of spells and magical effects. Additionally, the monk gains damage reduction 10/magic, which allows her to ignore the first 10 points of damage from any attack made by a nonmagical weapon or by any natural attack made by a creature that doesn't have similar damage reduction. Unlike other outsiders, the monk can still be brought back from the dead as if she were a member of her previous creature type.

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Forever Embraced

The origins of Forever Embraced are unclear. Belial favored unarmed strikes before his fall and did not carry a trident, nor did he carry one in his time in Hell before the overthrow of Adrammelek. It appeared soon after Belial's rise to Lord of the Fourth. Details remain elusive, as Belial and his servants seem to mistake anyone asking about it as demanding they experience the lovely torments of Phlegethos. As such, only speculation exists to the origins of Forever Embraced.

It is generally accepted that Forever Embraced being made of hellforge iron is meaningful. Adrammelek was banished for bringing the taint of chaos to Phlegethos, leading to speculation that the trident represents Belial's dedication to order. In particular, hellforge iron weapons excel at demonslaying. While a practical choice for many devils embroiled in the Blood War, there is relatively little need for Belial to have such a weapon. This has caused many scholars of Hellish affairs to assume that it is a direct statement against the failures of the previous Lord of the Fourth.

Forever Embraced is a hellforge iron trident covered in sharp hooks. It is coated in Belial's dried blood, as the trident is capable of piercing his flesh. Belial regularly caresses Forever Embraced as well as rubbing it all over his body. It is a large hellforge iron trident+7, keen and returning. It has a x4 critical hit multiplier (x7 against demons) and a range increment of 40ft. The trident can be used for flurry of blows, to deliver stunning fist/agony fist attacks and any other special monk abilities that require unarmed strikes.

Any wound from Forever Embraced does not heal properly. The injury heals and the wound vanishes, yet the pain does not fade. It instead intensifies into an eternal ache that torments Belial's victim. A creature wounded by Forever Embraced that thereafter heals the damage (the means of healing is irrelevant) must make a DC 55 Fortitude save. Success allows the pain of the wound to fade and spares the creature further suffering. Failure results in intense pain in the healed wounds. This pain is permanent, constant and unrelenting, inflicting a -4 penalty to attack rolls, armor class and saving throws. This stacks with the penalty from Agony Fist, as well further injures from Forever Embraced. Creatures immune to pain or that do not feel pain are immune to this ability. A wish or miracle spell that succeeds on a DC 55 caster level check can end this pain, as can a deity who succeeds on an opposed rank check against Belial.

As a side effect of Belial's own masochistic tendencies, Forever Embraced has gained the ability to inflict lethal damage to the Lord of the Fourth. Injuries from Forever Embraced count as lethal damage to Belial, these overcome his regeneration and damage reduction.

Belial carries no other gear with him, preferring to go unclad or in exotic outfits. He tends to neglect his defenses as he wants to feel pain. Nonetheless, he does have a great deal of treasure to draw on as a Lord of the Nine. He'll draw on it for particularly interesting challenges or against opponents that intrigue him.

Custom Material:
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Darkfire Impalement
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Clr 13
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (400ft + 40ft/level)
Area: 50ft cube
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes

You invoke the essence of darkfire, causing the area to be filled with needles made of solid darkfire. All creatures within the area of effect take 35d6 points of fire damage.

Darkfire is invisible to normal sight. Creatures who are currently seeing with darkvision, have the ability to see in darkness(such as devils) or are under true seeing can see the darkfire. Creatures who cannot see the darkfire suffer a -4 penalty to the Reflex save and lose the benefit of evasion and improved evasion, if they have those abilities.

Evocation/Abjuration [Fire]
Level: Sor/Wiz 15, Fire 15
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Anywhere within the area to be warded
Area: Up to 200 square ft/level (S)
Duration: 1 day/level (D)
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: No

This spell is used to ward strongholds for creatures native to fiery climates. The ward protects 200 square feet per caster level. The warded area can be as much as 20 feet high and shaped as you desire. You can ward several stories of a stronghold by dividing the area among them; you must be somewhere within the area to be warded to cast the spell. The spell creates the following magical effects within the warded area.


The entire warded area is superheated. This heat is pleasant to creatures native to fiery climates such as fire elementals and devils. Any creature not immune to fire takes 25d6 points of fire damage per round within the area. The warded building is not affected by this heat, nor are items carried by creatures immune to fire.


The tremendous heat consumes oxygen fast, making it impossible for creatures that are not of fire to breathe. Creatures that are not immune to fire cannot breathe within the warded area. They risk suffocation as normal for a lack of oxygen. Creatures immune to fire find it easy to breathe and suffer no difficulties.

Water and Cold Repellant

Creatures with the water or cold subtypes find it difficult to enter the warded area. They must succeed on a Will save to do so. A creature that fails this save may not enter the warded area for 24 hours. A creature that succeeds on the save may enter as it pleases for 24 hours.

Water and Cold Suppression

Spells and spell-like abilities with the water or cold descriptors are almost impossible to cast within. A Spellcraft check (DC 60) is required to successfully cast those spells within the warded area. Even if the spell is successfully cast, it suffers a -5 penalty to caster level. A spell reduced to a caster level of zero or lower fizzles.

Dimensional Locking

In addition to the above defenses, the entire area is treated as being under a dimensional lock spell.

The entire warded area radiates overwhelming evocation and abjuration. The effects are resistant to most dispelling magic, requiring superb dispelling or greater to remove. A successful superb dispelling brings down the entire ward.

Material Components

A hunk of brimstone, a silver rod and a burning fire.

Mass Monstrous Thrall
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Domination 14
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Target: One creature/level; no two of which can be more than 100ft apart
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance Yes

This spell functions as monstrous thrall except as noted here. The penalty to Will saves is increased to -8. This spell penetrates defensive spells and spell-like abilities of 12th level or lower, such as protection from evil and mind blank. A creature protected must still save, but they do not suffer the -8 penalty. Such spells do not suppress the domination once established. Your control of dominated creatures extends across planes.

Mass Nerve Overload
Level: Clr 16
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Target: One creature/level; no two of which can be more than 50ft apart
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
Spell Resistance

This spell functions as nerve overload, except that it can deal a maximum of 45d8 damage.

Nerve Overload
Level: Clr 12
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft/level)
Target: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

You utter a fervent prayer that cause the target's nerves to go berserk. This causes unbelievable pain to the target, dealing 1d8 points of damage per caster level (maximum 30d8) and stunning them for 4 rounds. A successful Fortitude save negates the stunning but does not reduce the damage taken. Creatures without nerves or who do not feel pain are immune to this spell.

Epic Trip [Epic]
Prerequisite: Improved Trip, str 23
Benefit: You gain a +6 bonus on the CMB check you make to trip your opponent, as well as a +6 bonus to CMD to resist being tripped. This stacks with the bonus from Improved Trip. When you deal damage to a creature you tripped with your extra attack from Improved Trip, they must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 hit dice + strength modifier) or be unable to move or rise from being prone for one round. They may still act otherwise.

Prerequisite: Pain Domain, Stunning Fist, Pain Touch, Improved Stunning Fist, wis 37
Benefit: The merest touch from Belial can inspire overwhelming pain. When Belial successfully stuns an opponent with Stunning Fist, they are stunned for four rounds and then nauseated for four rounds. These effects bypass normal protections against stunning. Only creatures that cannot feel pain are immune to the stunning caused by Agony Fist. In addition, the target is forevermore wracked with pains after the stunning and nausea passes. They suffer a -4 penalty to attack rolls, armor class and saving throws. This penalty is permanent unless reversed by a wish or miracle spell that succeeds on a DC 62 caster level check, a deity who succeeds on an opposed rank check against Belial or by Belial willingly ending the pain. This ability replaces the stunning and nausea from stunning fist and pain touch.

Prerequisite: Domination domain, Divine Spell Focus(Enchantment), cha 35
Benefit: Belial's magic causes incredible pain that breaks the mind and makes creatures serve him. Any creature that suffers damage from Belial's spells or spell-like abilities must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma modifier + divine rank + Spell Focus(Enchantment) feats/SDA bonuses; DC 68) or fall under Belial's influence. Such creatures are controlled completely by Belial, this lasts until the end of Belial's next turn. Until that time, the creature acts as Belial sees fit and cannot resist. Directing the creature is automatic for Belial and does not count as an action. Should Belial spend his next turn focusing on the bond (a full round action), the duration of this domination becomes permanent. Such domination may only be removed by a wish or miracle spell that succeeds on a DC 68 caster level check, a deity who succeeds on an opposed rank check against Belial or by Belial willingly releasing the domination. Belial can keep a maximum of four creatures permanently dominated (temporary dominations do not count) in this fashion. Should he dominate a fifth, the creature who has been dominated the longest is freed of the effect. This is a mind-affecting, compulsion ability.

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Levistus. He's an interesting fellow, but let's face it. He's not getting out unless he's the absolute focus of a campaign. For all his power as a Lord of the Nine, there's no reason to bother stating him out. So I cheated. His aspect has gone rogue in the way only the aspect of a deity of betrayal could. While the aspect is no match for the true Levistus, he is a powerful and active force for lawful evil outside of Hell.

The Levistus here is based on the FC2's portrayal. There are aspects of the Gates of Hell's Leviathan in play, but this aspect is primarily the devil duelist presented in the the canon material. I really like both the FC2's and GoH's takes on Levistus/Leviathan. I leave open the possibility that the true Levistus is different from this rogue aspect, as the aspect has had eons to grow into a unique being. Notes are as follows.

- Levistus's FC2 domains are Cold, Evil, Trickery and War. I retained Cold and swapped Trickery for Treachery. I view Trickery for Treachery to be merely refining the type of trickery Levistus favors. The one I don't get is War. Yeah, Levistus is a betraying son of a bitch, but he's not really a warmonger. He's a backstabber, a betrayer. War feels like jamming him into an SRD domain that doesn't quite fit on inspection. Bel's someone who should have the War domain, as is Tempus and Red Knight. Levistus isn't. The rest of his domains were chosen based on the flavor synthesis from the FC2 and GoH versions.
- Levistus settles for being an excellent defensive dueler. Fighting him is a battle of attrition. He won't score a lot of hits against a worthy foe, but his strikes will count for a hell of a lot. Ability damage, negative levels and bad status on critical hits all lead to a slow path to victory. His style resembles the Styx eroding the memories from a creature that falls in. Each strike takes something from the victim. Otherwise he makes a good boss type with SLAs, summons and a few other tricks. But he's not an offensive juggernaut and isn't going to win most battles quickly.
- Conversely, if he ever gets the psionics of the true Levistus, he'll go way up on the power scale. He'd be a 36th level psion(telepath) if that happens. The attack bonuses alone would make him much nastier, let alone all the other tricks he can pull out.
- The true Levistus gets psion manifesting from his racial hit dice. It's 9/10 progression per ten levels. The manifesting the aspect might gain may not precisely match what the true Levistus has.

Note: The creature described here is a renegade aspect of Levistus. The true Levistus is locked away in Stygia and beyond the reach of any, save Asmodeus. The deity information block refers to the true Levistus while the stats after refer to the renegade aspect.

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Avatars and aspects are an extension of a deity's will, used to interact with lesser creatures and travel in the mortal world. They do not possess free will, yet this rule has been broken by Levistus. Levistus's aspect has taken on a life of his own and now works to his own ends; indeed, he now conspires against the imprisoned Lord of the Fifth.

When Levistus was sealed away by Asmodeus, he had an aspect attending to business within Carceri. The sealing severed the connection between aspect and master, which rendered the aspect nothing more than a mindless shell. It should have immediately returned to Levistus and been imprisoned with the Prince of Stygia. Instead, the aspect was pulled back by Carceri at the same time as the seal attempted to return him.  The prison plane would not relinquish a chance to capture a prime inmate. Yet as the two inexorable forces fought over the aspect, the impossible happened. The aspect, which by all rights should have been reduced to a mindless shell, acted of its own will and betrayed both. It opened a portal and escaped, eluding both forces.

The aspect, which calls itself Levistus and will be referred to as such from hereon, was now fully aware. He was no longer connected to the true Levistus and only a shadow of the might of the Prince of Stygia. Nevertheless, he was still a powerful being and capable of growing stronger. He has all the memories of Levistus, and while he did not believe himself the true Levistus, was not in the least bit disturbed by that.  His connection to Levistus was gone, only leaving the memories of the Lord of the Fifth and fragments of his divine might.

In the aftermath of this, Levistus was furious. Yet the main target of his anger was not Asmodeus, who had sealed the true Levistus away. His fury was not directed to the other Lords of the Nine, who had worked against him time and time again, nor was it aimed at the lesser peerages of Hell. His wrath was focused on the true Levistus. The fool's murder of Bensozia had cost the true Levistus everything, a foolhardy betrayal of Hell's order. He would have revenge on not just Hell, but the blundering idiot now imprisoned within Stygia.

To enact his revenge, Levistus realized that he needed power, both external and internal. He first focused on his own abilities, spending time in a place no devil would willingly choose to live in - Limbo. There he spend years training and progressed from a mere student of dueling to a grand master. His improvement was swift, perhaps fueled by the betrayal against his own diabolical nature. He then went on to travel the planes. Levistus established bases, obtained treasures and gained allies that he always betrayed in the end.

Levistus's allies are bewitched by sweet words and agreeable promises, all before being betrayed and subjected to devour mind. The same pattern emerged countless time over the eons, a secret trail of back-stabs left in his wake. Each one follows the familiar story arc of a riches to ruin tragedy. His new ally would prosper greatly with Levistus's aid, all before being betrayed near the zenith of success. Levistus uses the carefully nurtured hubris of the ally to effectively betray him, trapping the ally in a situation where a duel with Levistus is the only option. This climatic duel ends with the defeat of the ally and Levistus devouring the ally's mind.

Recently, Levistus has cemented his power base enough to begin the next phase of his plan. He has traveled about Creation as a dashing gentleman devil, set on spreading the worship of Levistus. Not the true Levistus, but his own worship. Each stop has resulted in the birth of a new cult of Levistus. His goal steadily gain worship, in time he believes that worship to the true Levistus will come to him instead. He will become a deity able to carve his own desires in Creation. As he is already divine, he is confident that Ao will not accurse him as a hunefer. After all, he will be receiving worship directed to legitimate power.

Levistus believes that once he becomes a deity and obtains all of the true Levistus's worship, that the imprisoned fool will be forever forgotten within Stygia. He will be yet another forgotten and tormented soul within the Styx. This will be his ultimate revenge on the fool that threw away his freedom and it will set the stage for his triumph over the rest of Hell. His worship will rise and he will have the power to defy Asmodeus. Once he does, he will remove his banishment from Hell, storm the pit and devour the minds of the Lords of the Nine one by one. With the memories of the first eight Lords and his own power, not even Asmodeus will be able to stop him. He will devour the mind of the Lord of the Ninth and become the supreme king of Hell.

This plan has shown early promise. Worship has allowed Levistus to regain the domains and spell-like abilities of the Lord of the Fifth, as well as part of the true Levistus's psionic power. Levistus eagerly awaits the day where his dreams become reality.


Levistus is the dapper image of a dashing gentleman. His coal black hair is slicked back and he wears blue and white finery. He has matching black eyes and a neatly trimmed goatee. A sheathed rapier is always at his belt. He finishes his outfits with large, feathered hats. He makes a point not to wear jewelry beyond a single (non-magical) signet ring, as he believes jewelry doesn't match the image he prefers to cultivate. This changes when Levistus expects battle; in those cases, he wears enough enchanted jewelry, clothing and equipment to resemble a remarkably prosperous and powerful adventurer.

Those who study Levistus's appearance for a long time or who are exceptionally observant may notice that his teeth resemble those of sharks. Those that notice that find that Levistus appears far more menacing. He brings to mind a shark on the hunt and his words have ill portends. Mortals find this distracting to the point of forgetting everything else that is going on. Greater creatures can endure this, but still find the knowledge weighs heavily on them. It constantly comes to mind, disrupting thought and causing promising trains of thought to be lost.


Levistus is a charming fellow. He is refined and has excellent manners, coming off as a learned gentleman of action. He engages people in conversation around his exploits, telling riveting tales of his own derring-do. These tales entertain and enthrall, allowing the listener to forget everything and lose themselves in a story. Afterwards, he works them smoothly, making friends and impressing the ladies. The last in particular, for he well enjoys their company.

Beneath this polished facade lies a predator. Levistus rarely tips his hand towards this, instead working his wiles on his prey. For at heart he desires nothing more than to rip the memories from all he meets and devour them. He is a hopeless glutton of the mind. Levistus sees others as resources to be exploited and then consumed, even when it would be in his better interests otherwise. He has repeatedly hurt his own cause by consuming valuable allies, ones who would be more useful intact.


It is obvious that Levistus has no immediate family. He does not consider the true Levistus as a parental figure nor does he have any need for such, coming into his new life fully mature. However, his love of women has resulted in myriad half-fiend children left in his wake. These children are noted for fish-like features, an affinity for cold and a gluttonous nature. Levistus pays little mind to them, usually gone before they are born. He has underlings keep loose tabs on them; he expects them to betray him, as it's only natural, and this is acceptable so long as they don't turn towards good. Those that do are mercilessly exterminated by a Levistus lead strike force. He does not risk escalation by sending weaker servants, instead he relies on a single, irresistible strike that is meant to annihilate the wayward child.

Levistus is generally unknown to the nobles of Hell. Bel is aware of him from before his rise to Lord of the First, but has no interest in dealing with him. There is only one fate for traitors to Baator's military machine; however, he has kept this knowledge to himself. He has loose plans to frame an enemy with connections to this Levistus at the right time, the knowledge is hoarded as a trump card. With Levistus's reputation as a traitor, the proper framing can make a connection damning indeed. Levistus knows that Bel knows, and has properly deduced the reasons why Bel has not informed the rest of Hell. Levistus made several new strongholds across the planes after this realization, to ensure safe retreat is available should he be used as a scapegoat.

Beyond that, only Asmodeus knows of Levistus. He felt and saw the aspect tear away, as it was his power that imprisoned the true Levistus. This was the rarest of rare things for the Lord of the Ninth, a genuinely unanticipated event. He has intensely watched Levistus since then. Levistus's growth into a being separate from the true Levistus intrigues the Lord of the Ninth, while his desire to seek revenge against the true Levistus delights and amuses Asmodeus. He has allowed Levistus to exist on these grounds. While there are a few reasons to be cautious of the aspect, Asmodeus has woven him into his plans. Many of Levistus's adventures have been subtly influenced by Asmodeus, using him as a powerful agent to advance lawful evil. The Lord of the Ninth considers him an unofficial Archduke of Hell in this capacity.

Past this, Levistus has few allies or enemies. Those he deals with are inevitably subjected to devour mind and he chooses his targets carefully. He is relatively unknown and makes an effort to stay that way for now. Still, a few entities have quiet ties to the renegade aspect.

Levistus has made peaceful contact with Olhydra, Prince of Elemental Evil in Water. The two have little use for one another, as Olhydra prefers demons. Nonetheless the two maintain polite diplomacy so they can stay out of each other's way on Water. In return for Olhydra's tolerance, Levistus has taught the Archomental several diabolical secrets centered around the Styx. Conversely, Ben-Hadar is not aware of Levistus. Istishia does know of Levistus; when Levistus first set up a lair within Water, a primal water elemental came to greet him and serve at Istishia's behest. It is an unhidden spy protected from Levistus's devour mind, yet Levistus can do nothing about it. To dismiss or slay it would be an insult to the Water Lord, one he can ill afford.


Levistus only fights when it is to his advantage. His entire life has been defined from his separation from the power of the true Levistus, so he only risks combat under carefully set conditions. This is routinely a duel against a single opponent. His strategy is simple. He engages his enemy head on in an honorable, face to face sword duel, trading full attacks. He fights defensively to gain a massive bonus to armor class, relying on that to keep him unharmed. His blows are not the most accurate, but they weaken, disable and ultimately erode the target to total defeat. Fighting Levistus in a duel is much like fighting the Styx, with each blow sapping away some of the opponent's vigor.

Against duelists that are outmatched, Levistus attempts elaborate combat maneuvers to impress any bystanders. He will do these even if fighting alone, for her greatly enjoys playing the role of a swashbuckler. Disarms, trips and dirty tricks are all employed. Many of these provoke attacks of opportunity, but with his defenses, he sees it as another chance to elegantly parry his opponent's strikes. He draws these battles out long enough to assert his complete superiority before finishing his foe off.

When facing an opponent that can match him, Levistus takes the fight seriously. He goes full defense and is content to settle in for a long battle. These instances are rare and he savors them to the utmost. He tries to encourage his opponent to match him in wild feints, insane maneuvers and acrobatic combat. Should Levistus be reduced to less than half his hit points, be clearly losing the duel or should it go reach a long stalemate, Levistus dips into his spell-like abilities. He is not so honorable as to risk actual defeat and will use his spell-like abilities, summon devils and use all his powers should a duel turn against him.

Should Levistus be forced to battle on terms not of his own choosing, he is a vicious duelist who holds nothing back. He prepares before battles by casting unholy aura, shield of law and mind blank. Generally, he will have a few scrolls with powerful spells to further boost his attack ability. If he has time before the battle, he will call Amea, a 30 hit dice gelugon summoner who serves him, as well as a 10 hit dice erinyes. The erinyes summons 20 lemures as fodder (Levistus's presence is sufficient to ensure the summon succeeds and has the maximum result) while Amea summons more devils then invokes various summoning spells. Meanwhile, Levistus casts elemental swarm each round, garnering large water elementals to aid and establishing the possibility of free reinforcements later. This lasts until the battle is joined.

At this point Levistus stays back, flinging his horrid wilting, acid fog and summon monster 9 spell-like abilities. Amea continues to summon while his servants whittle down the forces against Levistus. Levistus holds nothing back and will summon further as needed. He engages in melee only as a last resort. While he is good at holding his own, an enemy able to forcefully lay a hand on him in this situation means his plans have gone gravely awry.

Prince of Stygia, Traitor of Stygia
Lord of the Fifth
Symbol: A black cauldron filled with chunks of ice
Home Plane: Stygia, the 5th Hell
Alignment: Axiomatic Vile
Portfolio: Amnesia, water, betrayal, mind, consumption
Worshipers: Betrayers, traitors, duelists, telepaths, gluttons
Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE
Domains: Cold, Evil, Gluttony, Law, Mind, Treachery, Water
Favored Weapon: Stygian Rapier (Rapier)

Aspect of Levistus

Devil 40//Swashbuckler 6/Rogue (Feat Variant) 4/Duelist 30

Size/Type: Medium Outsider (Evil, Lawful, Psionic)
Divine Rank: 0
Hit Dice: 36d10+4d8+440 (832 hp)
Initiative: +33
Speed: 60ft, fly 200ft (perfect), swim 100ft
Armor Class: 82 (+15 dex, +15 natural, +13 deflection, +15 int, +2 dodge, +12 armor)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +40/+51/96
Attack: Stygian Rapier+61 (1d6+35 plus 3d6 unholy and 1 negative level (9d6 and 3 negative levels on crit) plus 2 wis plus 7d6 precise strike plus 2 str on precise strike plus 1d6 deadly strike plus 4d6 on critical hit plus slow 3 rounds on critical hit plus confusion 3 rounds on critical hit (DC 41) 15-20 x3)
Full Attack: Stygian Rapier+61/+56/+51/+46 (1d6+35 plus 3d6 unholy and 1 negative level (9d6 and 3 negative levels on crit) plus 2 wis plus 7d6 precise strike plus 2 str on precise strike plus 1d6 deadly strike plus 4d6 on critical hit plus slow 3 rounds on critical hit plus confusion 3 rounds on critical hit (DC 41) 15-20 x3)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, devour mind, aura of hell, insightful strike, precise strike+7d6, crippling strike.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 30/anarchic, epic, good and silver, immunity to cold, fire and poison, resistance to acid 30, spell resistance 55, see in darkness, summon devils, telepathy 500ft, banishment, psionic, divine traits, grace+10, trapfinding, evasion, trapsense+1, uncanny dodge, enhanced mobility, acrobatic charge, improved reaction+10, canny defense, elaborate parry, superior mobility.
Saves: Fort +42, Ref +65, Will +41
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 41, Con 33, Int 40, Wis 31, Cha 36 
Skills: Appraise+58, Balance+58, Bluff+58, Diplomacy+58, Climb+54, Disable Device+58, Escape Artist+58, Forgery+58, Gather Information+56, Hide+58, Intimidate+56, Knowledge(Arcana)+58, Knowledge(Nature)+58, Knowledge(N&R)+58, Knowledge(Planes)+58, Knowledge(Psionics)+58, Knowledge(Religion)+58, Move Silently+58, Listen+53, Perform(Dance)+56, Perform(Oratory)+56, Sense Motive+55, Spellcraft+58, Spot+53, Swim+54, Tumble+58, Use Magic Device+56, Use Rope+58
Feats: Dark Speech(B), Mindsight(1), Weapon Finesse(S1), Deadly Defense(3), Dodge(6), Mobility(R1), Einhander(R2), Combat Expertise(9), Improved Feint(R4), Improved Critical(Rapier)(12), Power Attack(15), Staggering Critical(18), Deflect Arrows(D9), Weapon Focus(Rapier)(21), Improved Disarm(33), Improved Initiative(36)
Epic Feats: Overwhelming Critical(D13), Epic Reflexes(24), Devastating Critical(D16), Improved Weapon Finesse(27), Exceptional Deflection(D19), Stygian Critical(30), Infinite Deflection(D22), Spell Parry(D25), Superior Initiative(D28), Improved Precise Strike(39)
Salient Divine Abilities: -
Alignment: Axiomatic Vile

Racial powers:
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Spell-Like Abilities

Always active-detect chaos, detect good. At will-acid fog, bestow curse, bite of the king, blasphemy, brain spider, calm emotions, chill metal, chill touch, comprehend languages, cone of cold, control water, control weather, create food and water, create undead, death knell, desecrate, detect thoughts, dictum, discern lies, dispel chaos, dispel good, fog cloud, eagle's splendor, elemental swarm(water only), eyebite, glibness, goodberry, greater plane shift, greater teleport, heroes feast, hold monster, horrid wilting, ice storm, imprisonment, lesser telepathic bond, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against good, magic jar, mind blank, obedient avalanche, obscuring mist, order's wrath, polar ray, probe thoughts, protection from chaos, protection from good, shield of law, sleet storm, stone to flesh, summon monster 9(lawful evil only), superior dispelling, symbol of persuasion, telepathic bond, trap the soul, undetectable alignment, unholy aura, unholy blight, vampiric touch, vortex of teeth, wall of ice, water breathing, weird. 1/day-wish. Caster level 40th. The save DCs are 33 + spell level.

Psionic (Ex)

Levistus has some fragments of psionic powers from the true Levistus. He is treated as a psionic character and has a power point reserve equal to a 36th level psion. However, he does not currently have any psionic abilities.

Banishment (Ex)

As a result of the true Levistus being imprisoned with Stygia and his own unusual means of awakening, Levistus cannot enter Hell by any means. This is similar to the banishment certain outcast devils and Archdukes of Hell suffer from.

Devour Mind (Su)

Levistus is able to consume the mind and knowledge of defeated foes. He may place his hands on the head of a helpless character as a full round action. This provokes attacks of opportunity, a successful one that deals damage to Levistus interrupts Devour Mind and ruins the attempt. Otherwise, the target must make a DC 48 Will save; the target may take this save even if being helpless would normally render them unable to. A target that succeeds on this save takes 2d6 points of Intelligence damage from mental trauma. If this damage reduces the target to zero Intelligence, they are treated as having failed the save. A creature that succeeds on the save and is not reduced to zero Intelligence is immune to Devour Mind for 24 hours.

A target that fails this save has its memories taken by Levistus. Levistus gains every memory the creature had in perfect clarity and can draw on them at will. In addition, stealing memories invigorates Levistus. He heals 5 hit points per hit die of the target. The target is left an amnesiac shell, reduced to mental childhood. These memories can only be regained in one of three ways.

Levistus may choose to give the memories back. This is a free action for him. If he does, he loses all of the target's memories and the target regains them and recovers in one round. A wish or miracle spell can restore the memories, though it requires a DC 48 caster level check. If this is successful, Levistus loses the memories but is aware of who regained them and who cast the spell to seize them. Finally, a deity can restore the memories by an opposed rank check against Levistus. In this case, Levistus loses the memories but does not know which deity took them back.

A target shorn of memories loses all knowledge and is little more than a child. It must learn how to do everything all over again. Such creatures develop as normal, save for a marked tendency towards lawful evil actions. They retain any class levels and hit dice they had but may need to relearn how to use various powers they possess.

Mindless creature are immune to this ability, as are deities of rank 1 or higher. Any creature immune to the effects of the Styx is also immune to this ability; however, creatures that serve Levistus may find this immunity to unexpectedly fail. There is a single exception to this rule; Lords of the Nine, Archdukes and Dukes of Hell are not immune to Devour Mind. If the devil has divine rank, they are allowed an opposed rank check to negate this ability. Levistus gains a +5 bonus to that rank check and his target does not gain any strata bonuses against him. The cause of this exception is unclear. Levistus believes it will be a key part of his revenge, while the few others who know of it suspect it has to do with Levistus's role as a traitor.

The save DC is Charisma based and includes a +5 racial bonus.

Aura of Hell (Ex)

The presence of Levistus is so vile that he causes lesser beings to cower or pay homage to the might of his evil. All within 900 feet of Levistus must succeed in a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 hit dice + Charisma modifier + divine rank; DC 43). Those who succumb to the evil Levistus represents suffer one of the two following effects as determined by him (who can change the effect, or discontinue it, as a free action):

Cower: Affected beings cower before the might of Levistus. They can defend themselves normally but take no actions.
Induce Fear: Affected beings become panicked and suffer a –9 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. The merest glance or gesture from Levistus makes them frightened, and they flee from him as quickly as they can.

Levistus can make his servants, worshipers, beings of Lawful Evil alignment, or a mixture of all three types immune to this effect as a free action. This immunity lasts one day or until Levistus dismisses it. Other Lords of the Nine, and beings possessing divine rank equal to or greater than that of Levistus, are immune to the Aura of Hell.

Summon Devils (Su)

Levistus may summon up to 40 hit dice of devils three times per day. Alternately, he can call the same another three times per day.

Domains (Ex)

The aspect of Levistus has managed to tap into some of the divine power of the true Levistus. He gains access to the domain powers and the spell-like abilities of his domains. These function as a deity's.

Cold: Turn fire creatures 16/day.
Evil: +1 caster level to evil spells.
Gluttony: Free action to increase size as if by enlarge person, up to 20 rounds/day.
Law: +1 caster level to lawful spells.
Mind: +2 bonus to bluff, diplomacy and sense motive.
Treachery: 1/day deal an extra 10d6 sneak attack damage to a flatfooted target.
Water: Turn fire creatures 16/day.

Swashbuckler powers:
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Grace (Ex)

A swashbuckler gains a +1 competence bonus on Reflex saves at 2nd level. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and to +3 at 20th level. A swashbuckler loses this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Insightful Strike (Ex)

At 3rd level, a swashbuckler becomes able to place her finesse attacks where they deal greater damage. She applies her Intelligence bonus (if any) as a bonus on damage rolls (in addition to any Strength bonus she may have) with any light weapon, as well as any other weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse, such as a rapier, whip, or spiked chain. Targets immune to sneak attacks or critical hits are immune to the swashbuckler's insightful strike. A swashbuckler cannot use this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Rogue powers:
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Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.

Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.

A rogue who beats a trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.

Evasion (Ex)

At 2nd level and higher, a rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Trap Sense (Ex)

At 3rd level, a rogue gains an intuitive sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise to +2 when the rogue reaches 6th level, to +3 when she reaches 9th level, to +4 when she reaches 12th level, to +5 at 15th, and to +6 at 18th level.

Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

Starting at 4th level, a rogue can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

If a rogue already has uncanny dodge from a different class she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.

Duelist powers:
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Enhanced Mobility (Ex)

When wearing no armor and not using a shield, a duelist gains an additional +4 bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity caused when she moves out of a threatened square.

Acrobatic Charge (Ex)

A duelist gains the ability to charge in situations where others cannot. She may charge over difficult terrain that normally slows movement. Depending on the circumstance, she may still need to make appropriate checks to successfully move over the terrain.

Improved Reaction (Ex)

At 2nd level, a duelist gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks.

At 8th level, the bonus increases to +4. This bonus stacks with the benefit provided by the Improved Initiative feat.

Canny Defense (Ex)

When not wearing armor or using a shield, a duelist adds her Intelligence bonus (if any) to her Dexterity bonus to modify Armor Class while wielding a melee weapon. If a duelist is caught flat-footed or otherwise denied her Dexterity bonus, she also loses this bonus.

Grace (Ex)

At 4th level, a duelist gains an additional +1 competence bonus on all Reflex saving throws. This ability functions for a duelist only when she is wearing no armor and not using a shield.

This bonus increases to +2 at 7th level and +3 at 10th level. If you possess the grace class feature from swashbuckler, the bonuses stack. Add them together to determine your total competence bonus to Reflex saves.

Precise Strike (Ex)

At 5th level, a duelist gains the ability to strike precisely with a light or one-handed piercing weapon, gaining an extra 1d6 damage added to her normal damage roll.

A duelist's precise strike only works against living creatures with discernible anatomies. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to a precise strike, and any item or ability that protects a creature from critical hits also protects a creature from a precise strike. At 10th level, the extra damage on a precise strike increases to +2d6.

Crippling Strike (Ex)

This ability functions as the rogue special ability of the same name, except that it applies to precise strike.

Elaborate Parry (Ex)

At 7th level and higher, if a duelist chooses to fight defensively or use total defense in melee combat, she gains an additional +1 dodge bonus to AC for each level of duelist she has.

Deflect Arrows

At 9th level, a duelist gains the benefit of the Deflect Arrows feat when using a light or one-handed piercing weapon.

Superior Mobility (Ex)

When wearing no armor and not using a shield, a duelist does not provoke attacks of opportunity for moving. She can enter and leave threatened squares without risk.

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Stygian Rapier

This rapier is a replica of a weapon owned by the true Levistus. It does not have the potency of that weapon, but it is nonetheless a powerful blade. It is a rapier+5, unholy power. The blade is made of stygian ice, but it is far superior than normal specimens of it. This rapier does not melt in temperatures above freezing and has no risk of taking damage on a successful attack. The Wisdom (or Constitution) damage is automatic rather than requiring a save DC.

Levistus has a great deal of treasure beyond this. He has collected it from victims of his betrayals and uses much of it. He wears bracers of armor+12 and his finery is enchanted to give a +5 bonus to Reflex saves. He carries a dagger+6, icy blast that also functions as a greater rod of metamagic, piercing cold as well as a bag of holding with an extensive selection of scrolls centered around healing. He has a great deal of other treasure he can draw on as situations warrant. Unlike some powerful entities, Levistus does not hesitate to use any and all of it to the extreme. Being cut off from true power has sharpened his survival instincts to a razor edge.

Custom Material: [spoiler]

Stygian Critical [Epic]
Prerequisites: Overwhelming Critical, Staggering Critical, str 23
Benefit: When you confirm a critical hit with a weapon for which you have the Improved Critical feat, the target is also slowed for 3 rounds. This overlaps (does not stack) with the benefits from the Staggering Critical feat. In addition, the target must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your hit dice + Strength modifier) or be confused for 3 rounds as well due to sudden, brief amnesia.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?