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And he called this land "The Sea of Leaves" (Setting Information)

Started by VySaika, June 01, 2014, 07:19:06 PM

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"Listen well pup, for I have told this story a thousand times, and if the Moon Mother is willing I shall tell it a thousand more. The story may change with each telling, but each telling is True for this is the story of life itself. As no two lives can truly be the same, neither can any two tellings of a story, but just as every life begins from birth, every telling must begin the same.

Once there was a wolf who watched the stars. He wandered the land without end, for in his time the land had no end, until he found a land so rich with life that he could not see the stars for the trees. Watcher of the Stars lingered here for some time, then left upon his endless journey, but that is another tale. Our tale is of the pups he left behind in this land he called The Sea of Leaves...

-an excerpt from a telling of the Starwatcher's Tale


While using the Werewolf system, this game will not be using the normal World of Darkness setting. Lore about the setting will be collected in this topic as it becomes relevant. And feel free to make your own topics for note taking if you want!

The Sea of Leaves
The common name for the heavily forested(and jungled) land the Stargazers call their home. Not all of it is jungle and forest, there are plains, hills, the occasional mountain, and other terrain much like anywhere. But even the parts open to the sky are still called The Sea of Leaves until you travel far enough that the people are different and the Stargazers can claim no territory.

Four peoples call the Sea of Leaves their home, though many of these peoples would insist they do not truly belong grouped in with others. Wolves of course live here, as do Cats, Snakes and most of all Humans.

All About Monks
<Marisa> They're OP as fuck
<Marisa> They definitely don't blow in 3.5
<Marisa> after a certain level they basically just attack repeatedly until it dies
<Marisa> they're immune to a bunch of high level effects
<Marisa> just by being monks


Wolves of the Sea of Leaves
Stargazers are the dominant wolf tribe in these lands, mostly through simple numbers. These are wolves who take their spiritual side very seriously, who see themselves as ones who live in three worlds: the world of wolves, the world of man and the world of spirits. As such, they hold themselves between worlds and rarely fully involve themselves in anything, seeing moderation and self control as great virtues. Stargazers are raised to be skilled at violence, but taught never to seek it out. They act as shepherds for the vulnerable humans in their lands, but do not live alongside their charges, preferring to keep separate and watch from afar, intervening only when they need to defend. Stargazers are trained to defeat Darklings and their ilk whenever they arise, but do not seek out evil to destroy it, only defend against it when it comes. They see themselves as masters of restraint and balance, while their detractors might call them noncommittal and dispassionate.

Stargazer lore claims all wolf tribes descended from the same first wolf, who they call "Watcher of the Stars" but understand that each tribe might have their own name for this common ancestor. They treat other wolves as cousins, welcomed but at arm's length, and that welcome will run out very swiftly should their "cousins" misbehave in Stargazer territory. Cats and the elusive Snakes are treated with respect and honor, but kept a close eye on whenever they are too close to a Stargazer sept...or worse yet, a human village under Stargazer protection.

Stargazers go out of their way to keep an even balance between Lupus and Homid born children, as part of their obsession with keeping "balance between three worlds". Metis are treated as an unfortunate accident, but are not treated with scorn, it was the parents' lack of control that led to the unfortunate birth of a sterile pup, not the pup's own fault.

Stargazer generalizations
Stargazers - It pains me to say we are the wisest of our people, as there is so much even we do not understand. If our cousins could learn to listen and think as we do, what wonders could we work together.
Longstriders - Our dearest cousins, they share our desire for peace and for that we will always welcome them into our homes.
Black Furies - How can they shepherd the humans when they frolic and revel with them so readily? At least their hearts are in the right place.
Shadow Watchers - Our shadowed cousins do not understand that rulership brings resentment and resistance from those who are ruled. I only hope they seek what they do out of a sense of duty, rather than entitlement.
Bloodfangs - They understand nature like none other, but have closed their minds to the wisdom of men. A closed mind cannot make sound judgement, angry cousins. If you bring us battle, we will return it upon you in ways for which you are not prepared.
Bagheera - Like us, the Spotted Shadows seek a balance between three worlds. Our similarities are the best example of how we are all Great Spirit Beasts, and not so different as we might first think.
Khan - We have done battle with the Striped Warriors too many times to count. It is fortunate for all of us that they are willing as we are to settle things with honorable challenges instead of death feuds.
Nagah - What can truly be said of the Venomous Ones? We treat with them in good faith when they appear before us, and tie their winding bodies into knots when they plot against us. But they are not of the Darklings, this at least I know.

Humans - It is we who are of their wold, at least partly, not the other way around. Men are as natural as any other creature, the world they make for themselves is a thing of beauty, but they cannot protect it from the dark alone. We do not protect them from every wandering beast, they must have their own strength. We do not control them as playthings, we are not their creators and have no such right. We merely exist alongside them, protect them from things they cannot fathom, and learn lessons of our own as we watch them grow.
Mages - Some humans have power that does not come from the lines of the Beasts, nor does it come from darkness. Be wary of these humans, but do not strike out in fear unless they prove to be wicked of purpose.


Longstriders are wandering wolves who have no septs to call their own. Nor do many of them choose to live in the septs of others, preferring the solitude of the road to even the small crowds of villages or wolf septs. They are in fact a "tribe" only in the sense of sharing a common Spiritual Totem(the ever watchful Owl), and through Owl's wisdom common gifts and an insatiable wanderlust. Striders have little to no organization of their own, and it is very common for a Strider pup to go through its first change without a single adult wolf nearby to raise it. But Owl provides, and always guides an adult Strider to the confused pup before long. Of all the wolf tribes in the Sea of Leaves, the Striders have the closest connection to the Umbra, the spirit world that lies on the other side of the moon, and they use their gifts to travel through it swiftly and silently.

Longstriders have very little of their own lore, but they are the most likely to know a great deal of the lore of others. They do believe in the common origin, that all wolves descend from "He Who Walks", but sometimes wish that their great ancestor had been a bit more picky about his mates when they look at some of their cousins. As far as dealing with the other shifters goes, and attitude towards humans, each Strider is an individual unto himself, wise Owl has nothing to say about those matters.

Notably, there are quite a few Metis Longstriders. Laying with eachother when they meet, or with wolves from other tribes when they visit their septs, is quite common, and the metis child almost always favors its Strider blood. There is no real favor towards Lupus or Homid born children over the other.

Longstrider generalizations
Stargazers - Our cousins always have an open door and open arms for us, for which we are grateful. The road gets rough sometimes, it's nice knowing we have a place to rest if we need it.
Longstriders - Owl cut us all from the same cloth, but the stitches and patterns are different for each one. Other than our love of wandering, I'll make no generalizations about us. We prize our individuality too much for that.
Black Furies - I get on with them great, but I'm a girl. They can be a bit rougher to the boys, but if a boy can't keep his pride in check long enough to visit then he deserves what he gets.
Shadow Watchers - Always with the rules with this bunch. Gets old pretty quick, good thing I don't have to stick around.
Bloodfangs - I'll take a message to a Khan before I'll take one to these racist bastards. 
Bagheera - They like to wander too, and make good company if you can stand the bragging.
Khan - Show one the "proper respect", that is grovel a bit, and he'll usually preen and go on about how mighty and generous he is for a few minutes before letting you go. Oh, and if you get in good enough with them to run a message for one of their kings, they pay reaaaaaaaally well.
Nagah - I pass them in the secret ways through the Umbra sometimes. We nod to eachother and keep quiet about what we know the other knows. I've got no trouble with the Nagah, and from what I've seen of their victims here and there, I don't want any.

Humans - Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
Mages - These guys are a mixed bag alright, some are nice enough, some are bastards, but they're all at least a little crazy and very dangerous. I'm just as glad to avoid them as anything else.


Black Furies are a female dominated tribe of wolves that tend not to live in the Sea of Leaves proper, but make their homes along the coastline of the western sea. While they often venture inland for hunting or exploration, very few Fury settlements exist away from the water, though this is more due to their relatively recent presence in the Sea of Leaves than to any innate affiliation to the sea. Though they have only two actual Septs, both on islands near the coast, the Furies have many settlements along the coast for one simple reason: unlike the Stargazers they do not hold themselves apart from the humans they protect, but live with them as fellows...though not equals. Black Furies are a passionate lot, prone to wild outbursts in both love and war, and to them this is a virtue. Emotions are the true height of purity, a Fury does not become merely angry or sad, a Fury becomes enraged or despondent.

Black Fury lore teaches that Wolves, and indeed all of the shifting races, are not merely Great Spirit Beasts but truly divine. While they are not foolish enough to believe they are immortal(too much evidence to the contrary over the years), they hold that every Wolf carries the divine blood of the Moon Goddess, and even as they live among the humans without setting themselves on thrones to rule, they will encourage worship and reverence. But with that divinity, comes divine obligation. Black Furies are the most proactive and brutal of the wolves at stomping out Darklings at the first scent of them, going so far as to arrange hunting parties to investigate where the foul beasts MIGHT be hiding. This behavior can put the Furies at odds with other tribes, or with the cats and snakes if they believe Darklings to be hiding in the lands claimed by others.

Due to how entwined they are with their human kin, Black Furies are predominately homid at birth. Lupus are rare, though some balance minded Furies go out of their way to refresh the wolf blood in their stock. Furies are strangely protective of their Metis children, viewing the poor things as eternally children due to their defects and inability to become parents themselves. Also, the vast majority of Furies that breed true are female, though of the few male children they have most are Metis. Male Furies are essentially considered to be half a rank lower than they really are, but can still hold any rank or office other than an Alpha.

Black Fury generalizations
Stargazers - Oh, they are wise and clever, no doubt. But I have yet to meet one that has felt the thrill of true passion. I have also yet to meet one that will talk plainly instead of in riddles...
Longstriders - They make good playmates when one wanders through, and they always bring news our own scouts would take far too long to find. It's a pity we can so rarely convince one to make her home with us.
Black Furies - Our dear little humans worship us, and why should they not? We are the favored children of the Moon Goddess, the purest of her lines she gifted to the world. None can equal our fury in battle, nor our fervor in love. Our warriors alone brave the terrors of the oceans, and our mystics alone are blessed with the greatest secrets of the earth and sky. We are Black Furies, every one of us a goddess writing her own legend.
Shadow Watchers - They always want more than what they have. Well, that's true of most people, but the Shadow Watchers are more annoying about it than most.
Bloodfangs - No one loves nature more than we do, giving yourselves over to the wolf entirely doesn't make you more pure, it just makes you a bigger fool. I'll leave you to play in the woods, pup, but try hunting my family and I'll pull your tail out through your nose.
Bagheera - I met a panther once. He was a great asker of questions, but once it came his turn to answer he did everything he could to distract me. Once I had his tail in hand he answered plainly enough...but I still haven't figured out how much of what he said was true, and how much simply clever stories.
Khan - They'd be more tolerable if it were the courts of the Tiger Queens. Stupid male pride is behind at least a full half of their problems. Still, they were pleased enough to learn from us that they too are gods...though with their arrogance it's surprising they didn't realize this on their own.
Nagah - I never hear of the scent of Dark being on them, but if I ever met one I'd smell for it anyway.

Humans - They are our pride, our love and precious treasures. It is the purpose of our very existence to be with them, we were made by the Moon Goddess to be her love incarnate, to bridge the gap between man and beast and guard them from the dark. We do this job quite well, if you ask me. My mates certainly don't complain!
Mages - I have only heard of one, and the tales I heard make me fear them like I fear little else. Even our mystics do not fully understand the powers these "wizards" wield. I do not think they are gods as we are, but neither are they men. They are...something else. But what, I do not know.

Shadow Watchers, like the Black Furies, live primarily with the humans of the Sea of Leaves. But unlike the Furies, they do not treat the humans as beloved family, the Shadow wolves rule over the humans in their lands with an iron claw. The most rigidly hierarchical of the wolf tribes, Shadow Watcher society is very easily understood. The Alphas of their few Septs are the leaders of their people, beneath them are the Wardens who rule at each human village the Watchers have adopted(or conquered), treating the villages as vassal states to the nearest Shadow Watcher Sept. Beneath the Wardens are other ranks of Shadow Watchers, until beneath the lowliest of the Wolves lies the highest of their human charges. Order, loyalty, duty and obedience are the highest virtues to this tribe. Shadow Watchers are also perhaps the most industrious of tribes, as they build walls and fortresses to protect what is theirs, while few others do.

A Shadow Watcher town is a well run, but somber place. Humans work while Shadow Watchers devote their time to training when they aren't seeing to their own duties. Every Watcher stronghold, be it a township or a true Sept, has a place for the Watchers to bring their wolf kinfolk into for safety. Watcher lore holds that existence is a struggle, that danger can come from anywhere at any time, and all they can do is be prepared for it. They are the aristocrats of wolfkind, in their minds at least, and have a sacred duty to protect their lesser kin, man and wolf both, as well as show their misguided and often stubborn cousins the true way forward. However, Watcher strongholds also tend to get bigger than the other tribes, the Stargazers and Furies especially, are comfortable with, and the Shadow wolves must endure nagging from their cousins about the dangers of gathering too many people together at once.

Watchers are fairly evenly mixed between Homid, Lupus and even Metis. Alone of the tribes, Shadow Watchers intentionally breed Metis to be warriors and guardians, though the deformed pups never get any real rank in the tribe. Still, a Watcher Metis can gain glory and esteem of the leaders as easily as any Homid or Lupus, and for this are often the most fanatically loyal of a tribe that already prizes loyalty above all else.

Shadow Watcher generalizations
Stargazers - Their ways are flawed, but they are too enamoured of this "balance of three worlds" to see it. One day they will realize our ways are best, and join behind us to form a true nation of wolves in this disorganized land. I long for that day, but the Stargazers are stubborn enough I regret it will not happen in my lifetime.
Longstriders - The wandering ones keep to themselves, but are useful enough and never fail to come when they are truly needed.
Black Furies - Reckless and wanton bitches who are so full of themselves they see that as a GOOD thing! Still, they hate the Dark as much as we do, and in that if in nothing else we are allies.
Shadow Watchers - Our tribe was called the Shadow Lords once, for we thought would could control the darkness. We were wrong. Never again will we attempt such folly, now it is ours to Watch the shadows, as the darkness is ever waiting to pounce. Still, we are the rightful lords of Wolfkind. Things would go so much smoother for everyone if our kin would just remember that.
Bloodfangs - Their fury is not wholly misguided, though it would be better served under the firm hand of a Shadow Watcher alpha.
Bagheera - Annoying little shits. They love to strut and boast about how wise they are, and are quick to point out so called flaws in everyone else's way of life. But tell me, where are the great works of the leopards that they might boast so much? Oh? Never heard of any? Yeah, me neither.
Khan - The tales of the great courts of the Tiger Kings are enough to make any sane Watcher vomit. The Khan at least understand the need for organization and defense, but such wasteful opulence is sickening. Golden thrones? Favored warriors being attended by at least ten of the most beautiful kinfolk at all times? Jewelers and weavers of silk valued more than masons and workers of iron? I can only hope these tales are just empty boasts, or most of my respect for the big cats is going right in the latrine. 
Nagah - Nobody keeps this many secrets without being up to no good. They may bring us news about the Darklings and tell us where the dark things lair so we can kill it, but the Watchers remember that not all creatures of the Dark get along with each other.

Humans - Left to their own devices, they squabble, fight amongst themselves, and die off. We need them to keep our human blood alive, just as we need the wolves to keep our animal heritage strong. Fortunately, they are easily controlled.
Mages - I've never met one, but I know a Strider who had. He hoped he would never meet another one, and that's enough for me to want to keep my distance. I hope whatever causes normal humans to become these mages never happens to any of the ones in my home.


Bloodfangs are the most feral of the wolf tribes, that make their homes in the deepest parts of the Sea of Leaves. Unlike every other tribe, their only relation to humans is more that of predator and prey, seeing men as corruptors of pure nature just as bad as any Darkling, and seeing other wolves as tainted by their love of humans. Even worse are the lesser wolves that have been domesticated by mankind. Bloodfangs weep for those once noble beasts who have had what it means to be a wolf stripped away from them by the hand of man. Bloodfangs live as wolves were intended to live, in packs that claim and roam a territory, hunting to survive and fiercely defending their land from intruders. This is the way taught to them by Painted Wolf, their tribal totem(though Bloodfangs usually just call him Wolf, to better drive home that they are the truest children of Wolf).

The Fangs have a complicated relationship with other tribes, as they want to reach out to the Lupus and Metis members of the misguided tribes and convince them to return to a proper feral life...but at the same time, want to avoid or sometimes outright kill the Homid born members of the tribes. Rarely a Homid born who wants to forsake the world of man for the world of wolves will be welcomed by the Fangs, but they will watch him for weakness or a yearning for his old life like hawks. For the other shifters, Bloodfangs do not care at all. Hunt in Fang territory and be killed, stay out of the way and live until some Fangs decide to take your territory.

Obviously, Bloodfangs are overwhelmingly Lupus born, with some Metis(usually from a mating with a Bloodfang and a lupus member of another tribe the Fang is trying to convince to come back to the woods with them). While a Homid born Fang is theoretically possible, there really isn't anyone who can claim they know one. Most Fangs who cannot resist the urge to mate with a human would kill the human after to hide their shame, after all.

Bloodfangs generalizations
Stargazers - You cannot balance on three legs when one is so much weaker than the other two. Try all you like, but you will find more answers howling to the moon than in any human riddles.
Longstriders - When I find one of their wolf-born, I try my best to teach him the ways of the wild that his tribe never did. But their man-born are just as annoying as the water bitches.
Black Furies - Perhaps one day the water they are so fond of will rise up and drown them all. That would be nice.
Shadow Watchers - Brothers, we know why you do what you do, but why will you not see it is needless? You do not need to keep those humans to survive, our blood is stronger when we mingle only with the beasts! Shed your towns, your walls, your weapons, all these things that make you weak, and reclaim your pride as wolves! Join us in the deepest forests, we will welcome you here.
Bloodfangs - We are the only true wolves left, the fact that Wolf itself is our totem proves the rightness of our way.
Bagheera - Panther isn't the best eating, but it will do.
Khan - No better then big, striped, violent rats. I wouldn't piss on one to put out a fire.
Nagah - Keep your hissings to yourself, serpent. I know where you live.

Humans - The humans desire too much and care too little for who they take from. Cull them now before they can become the problems Wolf assures us they will someday be. We do not need them as kinfolk, we are proof of that.
Mages - Humans with power. Kill them swiftly before they see you, it's the safest way.
All About Monks
<Marisa> They're OP as fuck
<Marisa> They definitely don't blow in 3.5
<Marisa> after a certain level they basically just attack repeatedly until it dies
<Marisa> they're immune to a bunch of high level effects
<Marisa> just by being monks


Cats of the Sea of Leaves

Bagheera lore tells that once the sun and moon were joined, and from this union were born six children: two human babies one of dark skin, one of fair. Two kitten, a fierce golden leopard and a sleek black panther. Two spirits, one playful and joyous, one mysterious and watchful. These siblings were so inseparable that the sun and moon joined the three sisters and three brothers together into two children who had all the gifts of man, cat and spirit each. Bagheera lore tells of many other things that are equally absurd as well, and the great leopard shifters like to pretend any or all of them are true when it is convenient. Who knows, perhaps they are? Of the two cats that live in the Sea of Leaves, the Bagheera are the more numerous, but also more rarely seen, as they do not build grand temples to themselves or stay in one spot for long. The panthers like to roam, for they love nothing more than learning, the more secret the lore the better. Of all the shifters in the Sea of Leaves, the Bagheera know the most about what lies in lands for perhaps the odd Longstrider here and there.

No two Bagheera are truly alike, though their kind shares many overall traits. Curiosity and a penchant for nosing around where they shouldn't, namely. Some enjoy watching from the shadows, preferring the solitude of nature to the company of men. Some develop a taste for finer things of human life, fine food, art and music. Some crave attention and are quick to bask in the praise of others, some avoid it to the extent of setting up a human or other shifter to take credit for what they have done(until they brag about it for renown at least). Each panther is a law unto himself, the threefold path has many roads to take after all.

Bagheera are a very mixed bag between Homid, Metis and Feline born. Very few are raised by their Bagheera parent(even the Metis), but instead are found shortly after their first change by one they have no relation to at all. The older Bagheera will travel with the younger one for a year, teaching them what it means to be a panther, then leave the younger to their own devices after that year.

Bagheera generalizations
Stargazers - They walk the threefold path as we do, and seek conversation instead of battle wherever possible. We like these wolves. Now if only they weren't so infernally good at hiding their secrets from us...
Longstriders - Good travelling partners, at least for awhile. They would see more if they prized speed less, I think.
Black Furies - These girls give me mood whiplash. One moment it's all wild partying, the next one is threatening to make decorative jewelry out of my spine for some imagined slight. Good company for a bit, but get ready to hide when tempers start to flare. 
Shadow Watchers - No fool alive is more foolish than one who thinks he has already learned all of life's lessons.
Bloodfangs - They have lovely pelts, I know some towns in the mountains to the north that would pay good silver for them.
Bagheera - What is a Bagheera? May as well ask what is the wind or the moon, my friend. We are spirits wrapped in the flesh of man, wrapped in the fur of a panther, wrapped in spirit once again. Or perhaps we are panthers disguised as spirits who wear the trappings of man. Perhaps we are none of these things, yet all of them at once. What is a Bagheera, indeed? You ask the most delightful questions.
Khan - The most valuable things to know are the things whispered in the dark of night. Kindly stop drowning out those whispers with your roars, we all see you, there is no need to make such a fuss.
Nagah - Many a leopard has met his end at the fangs of the Nagah. Their secrets are worth knowing, but be prepared to die for them. They are certainly willing to kill for them.

Humans - Wonderfully inventive creatures, when the need for it arises. They are more dangerous than our cousins give them credit for, I think. After all, no human could kill a shifter in simple combat, so they would have to get....creative. I've seen lands where they have done just that, the lack of shifters by their towns tells me what happened more clearly than any story ever could.
Mages - In my travels I have had the pleasure of speaking with one, once. What things I learned from that man, that wonderfully mad man! He invited me to join him on his own journey, to become Familiar as he called it. I could see the offer for the chains it was, but oh such beautiful chains. I declined, but when I tried to follow him from the shadows to see where he went, I could not find him at all.


The Khan, the great tigers, rule the southern parts of the Sea of Leaves just as the Stargazers rule the north. Three beliefs are central to Khan culture, each one of them held with utmost conviction. First, a belief in the inherent majesty and righteousness of the Khan themselves. Glory and Honor are the twin swords with which the tigers protect their pride and their land. They have more recently adopted the Black Fury ideal that they are not merely kings, but in fact true Gods that walk among men. Though the Khan maintain they believed this all along, of course. Secondly, they believe in reincarnation. No Khan fears death, for to die is simply to be reborn later down the road. Some Khan even remember their past lives with startling clarity, giving credit to this belief. Thirdly, they believe in growth through conflict. Where there is not conflict, Khan will create it, for no Khan will allow himself to grow stagnant when he could be improving. This can make the Tiger Kings hard to get along with, but if you can count one as an ally he will be one of the strongest you could ever make.

The Tiger Kings see all others with power, the Wolves, the Snakes, other Cats, even other Khan, as potential rivals with which to do honorable battle. They see all those without power, humans and common animals, as lesser creatures to be ruled over, as part of the prize they obtain for winning in battle with other beings of strength. As for the creatures wolves call Darklings, the Khan see them as simply an aspect of Callash, one of the two Great Cat Kings they claim created their kind. To them, these creatures are not "evil", merely sent by Callash to be worthy foes for the Khan to sharpen their claws on.

Most Khan are born Homid, though there are enough Feline born to keep the tiger blood strong. Khan laws do not permit Metis births, to disgrace the soul of a Tiger King by caging it in a disfigured body is an unforgivable insult. The metis child will usually be swiftly put to death so the soul may reincarnate into a proper birth sooner, and the offending parents beaten or possibly also killed in punishment. When a Khan goes through the first change, the entire township celebrates at the ascent of a new great tiger. The new Khan is taken from his family(who if Homid born are given great accolades for birthing a true blooded Khan), trained in the ways of the race, and after a full year of training brought into the ranks of the Tiger Kings. If the youngster shows enough promise, he may even have offers from more established Kings from other towns, trying to lure him away from the place of his birth.

Khan generalizations
Stargazers - They have similar rules of ritual combat, which makes it easy to test the might of their warriors. One day their might will fail and we will conquer their lands, but until that time we are content to sharpen our claws upon them in challenge.
Longstriders - Coward wolves, but they understand that they are cowards. One makes a good servant if you pat its head enough to calm its fears.
Black Furies - They share with us the glories of being divine rulers of this land, though they dote too much on their favored humans. Perhaps one day we can have them join us, the Wolf Queens ruling beneath the Tiger Kings...but pride would require a long and bloody battle before we can reach such an accord.
Shadow Watchers - Their laws and walls betray their fear. These wolves do not watch the shadows for duty, they watch them for fear of what lies within. Sometimes what you see within the shadow is the tiger watching you, little pup, and you are right to fear it.
Bloodfangs - We leave them be until they begin to hunt in our hunting grounds. Then we kill them. At least these Bloodfangs put up enough of a fight that the battle is never boring. I await your next attempt, the glory I gain in battle will be excellent.
Bagheera - Our cousins are not half so clever as they claim to be, but that still leaves them more cunning than any wolf. We enjoy the secrets they bring us, but it is good they soon leave in search of more. There is only so long any Khan will tolerate a panther's smugness before smacking it off his face.
Khan - Those blessed with dual natures of man and beast are surely gods, and we are the greatest of them all. None can see the face of the tiger and not feel their blood freeze in their veins. The call us the Bright Kings, the Gods of Battle, the Striped Hunters, these names and more all are true. We rule the day and the night, let all others pay us our due or beware our fangs.
Nagah - Every now and then we find one of our own dead, full of snake's poison. But the Nagah always seem to have a reason for the murder, which they are quick enough to share with us so we do not hunt them down in force. Personally, I think they are the daughters of Callash, sent to keep us from becoming complacent in our strength. It is a good role, they do it well.

Humans - Kings cannot rule without subjects, so it is the humans were created to serve us. It is a wonderful thing, to hear your name chanted in worship, to be gifted silks and gold to earn your favor. I hear in other lands, the humans do not worship our kind at all, but fear and reject us, which only proves how our land is the most enlightened.
Mages - They sound fascinating, I should like one as a pet.
All About Monks
<Marisa> They're OP as fuck
<Marisa> They definitely don't blow in 3.5
<Marisa> after a certain level they basically just attack repeatedly until it dies
<Marisa> they're immune to a bunch of high level effects
<Marisa> just by being monks


Those who Swim the Sea of Leaves
The Nagah is what they call themselves, though many wolves and cats simply call them "snakes". To hear them speak, they have been the longest spiritual residents of the Sea of Leaves, long before the wolf who watched the stars came to this land, long before the cats stopped licking their own genitals long enough to learn human speech, and even before the ancient dragons laid down to sleep, the Nagah have been here.

A strange people, the Nagah are exceptionally secretive in some ways, while quite open about others. Nagah do not allow the wolves and cats, or even their own human allies and mates, to know the location of their spiritual homes. Nor will a Nagah speak to others of the secret ways they use to move through the Sea of Leaves so quickly. However, any individual Nagah will not be shy at all about being seen within the territory of another spiritual shifter, sometimes arriving to deliver news or cryptic warnings, other times simply to observe without getting in the way.

There are many other things to know about the Nagah...but they do not share their secrets with others so readily.

Nagah generalizations
Stargazers - Those who think before they act are always in such short supply. The wolves with eyes turned upwards have my respect for that, at least.
Longstriders - If all the wolves were like them, we would rest easy.
Black Furies - Ill deeds done in throes of emotion remain done. Good intent does not excuse poor action. They are beyond learning, but a lesson they might serve for others.
Shadow Watchers - We remember your true name, Shadow Lords. Changing your name does not change your nature, continue to hone that self control you prize so greatly so you do not return to old ways. If you do, we will be waiting.
Bloodfangs - Stubborn and vicious, but there is a refreshing honesty in their savagery.
Bagheera - There is an old saying about curiosity and cats.
Khan - Prideful kings on thrones of blood. It is good they do not fear death, as often as we must visit it upon them.
Nagah - We have two roles in this world, and to them we dedicate our entire being. But what we know is for us to know, your kind needs only know that we never act without purpose.
Mokole - Sleep well, honored ancestors. We will take your duties on our own head until you awaken.

Humans - They have their purpose, as do we all. We keep our kinfolk safe, but it is not our purpose to herd the rest of them.
Mages - Nothing is more troublesome than one who knows too much but still too little all at once.
All About Monks
<Marisa> They're OP as fuck
<Marisa> They definitely don't blow in 3.5
<Marisa> after a certain level they basically just attack repeatedly until it dies
<Marisa> they're immune to a bunch of high level effects
<Marisa> just by being monks