
"Destiny Challenged us and so we chose to end the world.  There was nothing to regret.  Nothing."

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Started by Ebiris, August 18, 2014, 03:54:03 PM

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[18:07] <@Kotono> Summer gives way to fall. One quiet evening leads Gildas to the castle. Here upstairs he meets with Kral. Over glasses of sweet mushroom wine, he remarks, "It's amazing how fast things change."
[18:10] <Gildas> Gildas nods with a small smile. "I still remember the first time we saw the storm you all created before we'd met. It was what ended up leading us to Mister Vasili." Gildas says, thinking back to the old days. "Oh, I'd been meaning to ask you... How did the Circle come to be? I have my own assumptions, but I'm curious if they're actually correct."
[18:13] <@Kotono> "It's a long story," Kral says, swishing his wine in glass. He looks out at the night sky, the full moon slowly rising. "You understand how dangerous the Fair Folk could be - and still can be. Not all of us are willing or able to look away, once we see that."
[18:16] <Gildas> "Yes. I'm going to assume that you met the Dreamer sometime long ago like we met Myann... and from there found out so much about the mantles... well, what used to be the mantles." Gildas says.
[18:23] <@Kotono> Staring out at the moon, you get a slight nod, "That's part of it. Close enough to the truth of it. The Dreamer's something like Myann and Tangles - a mistake or another factor let her do better than most of the other Fair Folk. At the same time, not nearly well enough to be safe. Much of the Circle was creating a dream to help hold her in, to keep her better asleep."
[18:25] <Gildas> Gildas nods. "Is that where... the others came from? They were effectively fragments of her dreams? I imagine so, since we went to the mountain... So I would think that being in such close proximity would..." He clears his throat. "I mean, obviously they were still real... But you get the idea."
[18:27] <@Kotono> "Somewhat." Here Kral goes silent for a time, staring out at the night. "We had a better idea than we let on what would happen with Myann. The Fair Folk never like their secrets being told to others, so we hid the truth beyond misdirections and confusion."
[18:29] <Gildas> Gildas nods. "Well, I cannot blame you for it. You had no idea what we were really going to try and accomplish."
[18:32] <@Kotono> " there's no more need for the Circle." Finishing his wine with a shake of his head, "Eltia wants to stay here. She's grown fond of this place."
[18:33] <Gildas> "I don't know about that." Gildas says with a smile. "I think there will always be need of people who understand the fey to bridge that gap between us and them."
[18:35] <Gildas> "Even if they're not going mad... they're still different from us. There are still people out there who hate them." Gildas continues. "So I think it depends on what you, yourself, want to do. I don't know about you, but I still have a lot to learn about Druidism. I hope you'd at least stay for that sake."
[18:36] <@Kotono> "An apprentice?" Kral muses, slowly shaking his head, "I hadn't even considered it, not in true. But yes, if you want to learn, I'll do it."
[18:38] <Gildas> Gildas nods, a smile creeping its way into his face. "I'm honored, then. I actually have one other thing I want to do... The Dreamer gave me that sword some time ago. I'm going to uncurse it and give it to you, as thanks for all of your help to all of us."
[18:38] <@Kotono> "That sword..." He stops there, "I'd forgotten of it in all the events. It still lies cursed?"
[18:39] <Gildas> "I know how to get rid of it." Gildas says. "I just hadn't found the time to find someone to help with it."
[18:45] <@Kotono> "How are you going to get rid of it?" Kral asks, a hint of curiosity going. His vaguely melancholy look gives way to that curiosity slowly.
[18:47] <Gildas> Gildas smiles. "Mister Vasili helped with that, actually. If it's held by new life... apparently that's the key. We have so many people here, it's really just a matter of finding someone... ah... about on the verge of giving that new life, as they say." Gildas says, slightly nervously. "I don't think it would be difficult to find."
[18:55] <@Kotono> "It isn't." Kral cracks a hint of a smile, "There's a few pregnancies going on."
[18:56] <Gildas> Gildas nods. "Where did that sword come from?" He asks, maybe to just change the subject. "Well, maybe once we uncurse it, then you can tell me."
[18:57] <@Kotono> "I'm not sure about the origins of it," Kral confesses, "We found it second-hand. Most magical items are passed around throughout history, building lore around them."
[18:59] <Gildas> Gildas nods. "Well, perhaps we'll see what it truly is when it's no longer cursed." Gildas says with a smile.
[19:01] <@Kotono> OOC: Good here with this part? Assuming so, you wanted to try contacting the Dreamer somehow?
[19:01] <Gildas> OOC: Yes.
[19:01] <Gildas> OOC: And also yes.
[19:04] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, what's your plan here?
[19:05] <Gildas> OOC: Ask Kral, if he doesn't know then go back to the actual Circle location and try there.
[19:07] <@Kotono> OOC: He's got nothing productive. I'll move you along then.
[19:07] <Gildas> OOC: Okay!
[19:10] <@Kotono> Your return to the Circle is unremarkable. You find that the destruction has partly been hidden by new growths. The location is silent, a reverie that extends in all directions that you see. There is no more fish or bird, Kral or Dreamer. Only peace and the solitude of nature here.
[19:12] <Gildas> Gildas takes a breath and moves to sit in the middle of the field. "Dreamer, can you hear me?" He will ask aloud to the nothingness that surrounds him, then waits for a response.
[19:12] <@Kotono> There is no reply to Gildas's call.
[19:13] <Gildas> Gildas nods and then lays back into the grass. Perhaps the best way to find her is in his own dreams, so with that he will try and meditate into a sleep.
[19:13] <@Kotono> OOC: Wis check.
[19:14] <Gildas> roll 1d20+5
[19:14] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+5 and gets 24." [1d20=19]
[19:15] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:15] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 63." [1d100=63]
[19:15] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:15] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 73." [1d100=73]
[19:16] <@Kotono> Gildas floats. He floats to the edge of a lake, washing up on shore. His sleep slowly parts as the black night sky covers everything in shadows. The lake is a vast sea of darkness, yet you can, you can -feel- something far, far, far away, on the other shore. As if something familiar is watching you.
[19:19] <Gildas> Gildas looks around, then nods. He calls out again, "Dreamer, it is good to see you... well, relatively speaking."
[19:20] <@Kotono> There's still no reply.
[19:21] <Gildas> He decides, perhaps, he needs to get closer. He starts to will himself towards the other shore.
[19:21] <@Kotono> Nothing at all happens. After a few moments, it begins to rain. Heavy, large and fast-falling raindrops come from the dark sky.
[19:23] <Gildas> Rain? Or Tears? He tries to move himself again. "Is this cleansing rain? Have you been freed from your own madness?"
[19:24] <@Kotono> Again mere will does nothing to move Gildas. The rain continues to fall.
[19:26] <Gildas> Gildas shakes his head. Or at least, he would, if he could move. "You'll have to give me a hint if you want me to get any closer, I'm afraid. if you can even hear me." He wonders if there's something he just isn't understanding...
[19:30] <@Kotono> No reply - and then Gildas realizes he's sitting up in the Circle. The lake and the rain are gone.
[19:31] <Gildas> He looks around. Is he awake? He tries to stand up.
[19:35] <@Kotono> He's awake. Standing up is unremarkable.
[19:40] <Gildas> He frowns and looks around again. "Perhaps she really did pass on to the other side... Ah... yes, that's right... She probably isn't... Well, if you can hear me, visit me anytime." Gildas says. He does do a quick detect magic to see if there's anything around at all.
[19:41] <@Kotono> There's no magic around - it seems to be a normal glade now.
[19:44] <Gildas> Gildas nods. He'll just have to solve this mystery some other time. OOC: I Don't think there's much else to do except hope she shows up in a dream someday.
[19:44] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[19:45] <@Kotono> OOC: Lemme pause you here. We'll cover the sword tomorrow before going off on that group adventuring to tie up a few loose ends.
[19:46] <Gildas> OOC: Sure.


[18:55] <@Kotono> "Mm..." Myann feebly paws at Feather as he goes, but her eyes don't open. Going to the door, yo ufind Vasili there, standing in the moonlight. "Good evening, friend," he greets.
[18:56] <Feather> "Evening!" Feather greets him, happy to see the self-styled gentleman of the night. He keeps his voice down, however, and gestures for the courtyard. "Myann's asleep, so wanna talk outside? Or you came to see her too?"
[18:59] <@Kotono> "You can take these," From Vasili's pocket comes a handful of golden mushroom coins. "I hit one of those wood squares flying over here."
[19:00] * Feather snorts, though he accepts the coins. "They always Myann look at them funny."
[19:04] <@Kotono> Vasili looks at Feather oddly before saying, "A mystery for the ages," he remarks dryly. " I came to talk to you about the unkillable skeleton."
[19:06] <Feather> "Found more ways to kill it?"
[19:07] <@Kotono> "I was wondering if you all still wanted it destroyed," he says instead. "Do you?"
[19:08] <Feather> "Well yeah! But see, we ain't come across another priest yet. And we needed one for that, I recall?"
[19:10] <@Kotono> "Well," he begins, "Yes. But I've been thinking that I'd like to keep it instead."
[19:11] <Feather> "Wouldn't it, uh, hate you and try to kill you one day?"
[19:12] <@Kotono> "It would," he agrees, "But I can manage that." He gestures with a hand, "That will be sufficient to hold it in check."
[19:13] <Feather> "You'll punch it? To keep it in line?" Feather asks uncertainly.
[19:14] <@Kotono> "I meant magic," he admits, "There are ways." He pauses here a moment, "Friend, I'm certain I can. The magic on it is still powerful and old. With all the changes going on in the world, new methods will be revealed. One of them may further expose this creature's secrets."
[19:16] <Feather> "Or make it stronger," Feather says dubiously. "Still, you've been alright with us, so if we don't trust a friend, who do we trust?" He shrugs. "Just make sure you tell us what you know about how to kill it, so if it runs off we'll deal with it for good?"
[19:17] <@Kotono> "Thank you, friends," Vasili smiles, "That I will do, you have my word."
[19:19] <Feather> "And speaking of, uh, these changes in the world? New magic? All that?" Feather nods to himself. "Reckon that one day, someone might need to fix the system again. Like we did, and like those Fellows did before. Let's make sure folk know what to do if the time comes? Maybe could train a small group, get this thing started?"
[19:21] <@Kotono> "A Circle of your own." Vasili nods with a slight smile, "A new Fellowship, then?"
[19:22] <Feather> "It gotta have new folks," Feather asserts, grinning now. "Only way to get new ideas!"
[19:23] <@Kotono> "Constant renewal," Vasili says - protect the pack - and nods. "From what I've heard, the Fellowship rotted from the inside out."
[19:24] <Feather> "Young folk, outsiders-- if you don't got those, all you have are people who agree with you. Innit so? Should try to avoid that, at least."
[19:27] <@Kotono> "Mmm-hmm," Myann says, yawning as she approaches. She stretches and murmurs something akin to, "Hello there."
[19:27] <Feather> "Vasili's just visiting," Feather says, turning to smile at her too. "Had a nice rest?"
[19:27] <@Kotono> "I can help with that," Vasili offers.
[19:28] <@Kotono> "Mmm-hmmm," she agrees with a smile, giving the vampire a look. "I'll be in here when you're done visiting."
[19:29] <Feather> "Glad to get that help."
[19:30] <@Kotono> "We can discuss particulars another time," Vasili offers, extending his hand out.
[19:31] * Feather clasps it to shake the vampire's hand firmly. "We're practically neighbours, what with that castle and all. Don't doubt we'll get plenty of chances!"
[19:36] <@Kotono> A few more words sees Vasili off. Once inside, Myann brings over mugs of tea. "We have a problem," she says, all smiles gone.
[19:36] <Feather> "With him?!" Feather asks in shock.
[19:37] <@Kotono> "No." Looking Feather in the eye, "We need to decide what baby names we like."
[19:39] * Feather gives her a confused smile. "Uh, why's that a probl-- oh. Oh!" His eyes brighten and his smile grows into a full-blown grin. "Hey, that's not a problem! It's great news, Myann!"
[19:40] <@Kotono> Myann grins back, "I know!" She hugsonto him tight, "I'm not far along yet, so we have at least a year."
[19:43] * Feather laughs. "So if we gotta visit the folks upstairs, it'll have to wait? Sounds alright by me."
[19:44] <@Kotono> "It's for a good cause," Myann shakes her head happily, "If the Missus is any sign...well...oh." Myann's face pales as she looks down, "Twins? Triplets?"
[19:46] <Feather> "She manages just fine. So'll we!"
[19:48] <@Kotono> "That's a promise," Myann says, "Even if I have to feed you mushrooms for a month...well, more than...nevermind." She laughs and shakes her head, "I'm so excited!"
[19:50] <Feather> "It's gonna be great!"


[18:02] <@Kotono> Days pass in a pleasant blur. There's celebrations as summer winds towards fall. The massive harvest and the arrival of refugees keeps everyone reasonably busy. One lazy afternoon, the first in a little while, John's resting out in the cool breeze, next to his house. Tangles is nearby, playing with several mushrooms that turn to gold at her touch. Occasionally she reaches up and pokes the air,
[18:02] <@Kotono> sometimes a wood block appearing where she pokes. Meanwhile, you can see Missy-Anne coming down the path to your house. "John," she waves and calls.
[18:05] <@John> Sitting in a chair out on his porch, John idly chews on a reed while watching Tangles at play, fairly zoned out and letting the time pass. Hearing his name called he looks over and stands, "Hullo Missy-Anne," he nods in greeting.
[18:08] <@Kotono> Missy-Anne shoots Tangles a look, but doesn't linger on her long. "Harvest is such a beastly time of year, isn't it? Always so busy!"
[18:11] <@John> "S'nice to have something to do. Place'd be pretty dull otherwise, how quiet it's been lately," John opines. "Want to come inside?"
[18:14] <@Kotono> Missy-Anne bites down on her lip and then nods slowly. "Yes, I'd like that."
[18:16] <@John> Taking the reed out of his mouth and chucking it away, John opens the door to let her go first before heading in himself to find a seat.
[18:20] <@Kotono> Once inside, Missy-Anne joins him. She sits next to him, starting to smile and placing her hand on his. "I've heard the stories about what you did below from Myann and the others. That's so brave of you!"
[18:25] <@John> "Well, it wasn't much," John says, looking at her hand on his and thinking to himself. He'd been planning on saying something, but the time just ran away from him... he realises though that he can't just let things continue. It's not fair to keep her hanging on like this. "We all did our bit and, um... look, listen," he says, turning to her, "I reckon we need to talk. About us, y'know?"
[18:26] <@Kotono> At this, Missy-Anne nods and looks up. "About us. Yes?" she looks up, a hint of color coming to her cheeks. She meets his eyes with her own.
[18:32] <@John> Aww hell, is she thinking this is the leadup to a proposal? Robert'd told him that everyone knew those words always meant something bad, but were an important part of the ritual. Trust him to bung that up right at the start. What were the other words... it's not you it's me? No, the way things are going there's no telling how that'll be taken. Best to be as direct and clear as he can. For all that a siren song in the back of his head tells him to just forget about it and take the easy path, he clears his throat and pushes onwards. "I've just been thinking, y'know? About us." Realising that he just repeated himself, he shakes his head slightly and tries again, "I mean, it's just not working out, is it?"
[18:34] <@Kotono> Missy-Anne's expectant look shatters as she slowly blinks. "What do you mean it's not working out?" she asks, voice a little high pitched. "I mean...there was that dress gift and and..."
[18:39] <@John> "Yeah, and you deserve every gift and more!" he's quite to assure her. "You're a great girl, Missy-Anne, a fantastic one. It's just that I don't think we're cut out for each other." Hey, maybe this is a good spot to work it in! "It's not you, it's me."
[18:43] * Joins: Feather (~DarkFlame@
[18:44] <@Kotono> This causes Missy-Anne's bottom lip to start quivering. At the last words, she begins to cry. "B-but..." she begins, "Is there someone else?" she glances outside, "It's not Eltia, is it? Or Lesea? Is it Lesea?"
[18:51] <@John> "No, it's none of them!" John insists, putting his hands on Missy-Anne's. Not that he'd say no to Lesea... but he can't ever recall even having a conversation with Eltia. Not that that stopped him lusting after Em, mind. "I just..." he flounders a moment, unsure how best to put 'Don't want to go out with you anymore' before forging on, "I just need some space, okay? I mean I'll always treasure the time we spent together, but I've been going through a lot of changes, and I'm not sure I'm the same person I was when we first met." Up in heaven he imagines Robert shaking his head and saying that he should've just acted like an ass until she dumped him.
[18:54] <@Kotono> "I thought..." A few sniffles follow this, tears spilling down her cheeks. She pulls her hands away and shakily rises to her feet. "Space? F-fine, have your space!" Her voice shakes and is wet with emotion, "Have all the space you want!"
[18:57] <@John> He just nods sombrely and stands up. "Goodbye, Missy-Anne." What else can he say, anyway?
[19:00] <@Kotono> At that Missy-Anne hurries out, slamming the door behind here. Several seconds pass until Tangles peeks in a window. She grabs a golden coin and throws it right at John's head. "Hey!" she cries, "Making a lady cry isn't nice!"
[19:02] <@John> "Ow! John flinches as he's struck before looking down. "I know. No good way to go about it, though."
[19:03] <@Kotono> "So now what are you going to do?"s he asks, perching on the windowsill. It sags under her golden weight, but doesn't give.
[19:05] <@John> "Nothing," he shrugs, sitting down again. "Never had a girlfriend before, never broken up before. Kinda just learning as I go," he admits. "Guess I'll just take each day as it comes."
[19:08] <@Kotono> OOC: That a good note to end this scene on for you?
[19:09] <@John> OOC: yeah
[19:13] <@Kotono> A few more days pass. John's sleep is deep - images of Lesea, Splashuzu's mom and that pretty little illusory maiden are disrupted. The sound of many voices are heard outside in the pre-dawn darkness.
[19:15] <@John> He wonders if the Dreamer's still around as he wakes, images fresh in mind and requiring a moment before he can get out of bed and dress himself. Opening the door and poking his head out, he looks around for the source of the commotion.
[19:18] <@Kotono> Kobolds! Dozens of kobolds are around a golden tree stump. They bow and pay homage to Tangles, who sits on the tree stump. "Shiny lady! Shiny lady!" they chant in Common, as well as other things in words John doesn't understand. Tangles slowly looks around, a mix of panic and embarrassment visible thanks to her wide eyes and desperate look at John.
[19:20] <@John> Seeing that look and nodding, John makes his way over to the stump and stands beside Tangles and facing the kobold horde. "Should've known this'd happen," he mutters aside to Tangles. "Want me to deal with 'em?"
[19:22] <@Kotono> "Please!" Tangles yelps, hopping onto John's shoulder and clinging there.
[19:22] <@Kotono> "Yaaaah! He's going to take the shiny lady! Get the holy explosions! Lots of them!" Kobolds cry, rising up and leaping about. "Big booms! Big booms for shinies!"
[19:23] <@John> "Alright!" he claps his hands, preparing a speech before his eyes widen at the kobolds' declarations. New speech! "Who dares petition the Giver of Shiny?" he booms out threateningly.
[19:24] <@Kotono> OOC: Make a quick intimidation check?
[19:24] <@Kotono> OOC: +4 since you're a size category bigger than them.
[19:25] <@John> roll 1d20+5
[19:25] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+5 and gets 14." [1d20=9]
[19:26] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2
[19:26] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+2 and gets 14." [1d20=12]
[19:28] <@Kotono> The kobolds whimper and slink back, staring wide eyed, "But we just want shinies!" One of them yelps, "Please please please please please!"
[19:31] <@John> "You want the shinies? You *dare* to presume that the Giver of Shiny will bow to your whims? Well know this - what the Giver gives, the Giver can also take away!" he proclaims dramatically, giving Tangles a look and hoping she gets the message that a demonstration of holy power is in order.
[19:35] <@Kotono> "Um...I haven't figured out how to turn things -back- from gold," she whispers into John's ear.
[19:38] <@John> "Then it's a good thing you've got me as a bodyguard," John nods his head decisively, going over to grab the kobold that just spoke, lifting him up and shaking all the shinies out!
[19:39] <@Kotono> "Yaaaaah!" Glass, bits of metal and a few coins are shaken out. Gasps come from the kobolds as they cry out as one, turning to flee in a panic. "Big scary shiny-taker! RUN! GET THE SHAMAN!"
[19:42] <@John> "These belong to the Shiny Giver now!" John proclaims, setting the kobold down and scooping all the stuff to give to Tangles. "Turn it all gold," he whispers to her, wanting to rub it in. "Please the Shiny Giver and prosper. Disturb her and forfeit your shinies! So mote it be!"
[19:43] <@Kotono> The items quickly become golden. The kobold stares up in shock, "Y-yes, I will! I promise!"
[19:45] <@John> "Then go. And tell others!" John decrees.
[19:45] <@Kotono> With that th ekobold flees with all haste. Tangles lookson and then sighs in relief, "They just came up out of the ground and started going on about it!"
[19:48] <@John> "Yeah, was bound to happen," John says, before brightening. "Still, we did all right. I bet I really could've started a cult if I'd tried," he says with a grin.
[19:49] <@Kotono> "No cults," Tangles lightly baps John on the side of his head.
[19:51] <@John> "Too late, Giver of Shinies," he laughs. "I reckon if you just turn the odd rock to gold where they can find it it'll keep 'em from going nuts again."


[18:03] <@Kotono> It started simply enough - Myann inviting John and Gildas over to see a newmagic mushroom she whipped up. In the front yard and in the fall sunshine, it's a beautiful and cool day. Yet when summoned the mushroom does nothing, leading to Myann kneeling next to a patch of blue and white mushrooms, having a one sided conversation with them. "...Honestly, if you'd just listen," she says with open
[18:03] <@Kotono> peevishness. Meanwhile, from behind, the sound of Kral clearing his throat is heard.
[18:04] <@John> "Mushrooms giving you trouble?" John asks. He can't recall that ever happening before.
[18:04] <Gildas> Gildas nods to John with a smile. "Maybe they're nervous?" He asks before he turns to Kral and nods in greeting. "Good day to you!"
[18:06] <@Kotono> "No, they're newborn and natural prima donnas," Myann sighs, rubbing her temples, "They think they'll only perform well when it's icy or snowy. It's like arguing with a child. I could force them, but I'd rather not if I don't have to. Normally the mushrooms cooperate. These ones are going to take some instruction."
[18:07] <@Kotono> "Do you have that sword ready?" Kral asks, "There's a suitable situation for it now."
[18:07] <Gildas> Gildas laughs a small bit to Myann, before nodding more seriously to Kral. "Yes, absolutely."
[18:08] <@John> "My gran was like that. Said she'd only go out if there were clouds overhead. Reckon she went a bit barmy in her later years," John confides.
[18:09] <@Kotono> "Now listen here," Myann wags a finger at the mushrooms, "If you don't cooperate, no one will see your beautiful blue fireballs."
[18:09] <@Kotono> "Come then," he says, glancing briefly at the other two.
[18:10] <Gildas> "We'll... ah... be right back." Gildas says to the others before he goes to follow Kral.
[18:12] <@John> "See you later," John says, giving the pair a nod.
[18:12] <@Kotono> From here the two head to one of the new built farmsteads. Inside you see a man, tanned and muscular. He wears farmer's clothes and nods, "Sir Gildas," he greets, "I'm told you need to see my newborn?"
[18:15] <Gildas> "Yes." Gildas responds with a nod. "I need to have it touch an object of mine. Your child will be able to break a curse on something." He decides to simply be honest about the entire thing. "An odd way of breaking one, to be sure."
[18:16] <@Kotono> "Will it be safe," The man tenses up immediately, meeting Gildas's eyes.
[18:16] <@Kotono> Kral nods slightly, "Yes. The curse should crumble as soon as the child touches the object."
[18:21] <Gildas> Gildas nods likewise. "I guarantee it."
[18:23] <@Kotono> The man gives both a long look, but nods. "Alright." You're lead back into a bedroom. Here his wife sleeps away, and nearby is a cradle. A little baby, wrapped in clothes and blankets, lies there. Neither stirs as you come in.
[18:27] <Gildas> Gildas will withdraw the sword and very, very carefully move to hold the hilt so the newborn can touch it. He might move the child's hand if he needs to.
[18:31] <@Kotono> The child stirs after several moments, reaching out to the sword. He touches it - and the wrappings fall away. Before you is a longsword of polished and smooth metal, not a drop of blood on it. The child stares at it and utters but one word, "Life," before closing its eyes and returning to sleep.
[18:32] <Gildas> Gildas smiles and carefully moves away from the newborn. He bows deeply to the man. "You have our thanks and our gratitude." He will move out of the bedroom before he casts a quick detect magic on the sword!
[18:33] <@Kotono> OOC: Spellcraft.
[18:33] <Gildas> roll 1d20+25
[18:33] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+25 and gets 27." [1d20=2]
[18:34] <@Kotono> OOC: Loot.
[18:36] <Gildas> Gildas smiles again and holds the sword out to Kral. "I wanted to give it to you as a gift, so... I'm sure you can find a use for it somehow."
[18:36] <@Kotono> Kral takes the blade and nods, "It will find a use," he agrees. "Thie life in this sword...yes." OOC: That good there? We're waiting on Cor now.
[18:38] <Gildas> OOC: Yes, that's fine
[18:46] * Joins: Feather (~DarkFlame@
[18:50] <@Kotono> Soon enough the party heads out to settle various affairs before winter falls. The first is an overdue trip to visit the Sidhe Scholar. Finding his abode is easy - for a massive zone of dead trees now make it up. Not a single tree here looks to be alive as you approach.
[18:51] <Gildas> Gildas blinks. "Did this happen because of the mantle changes...?" He looks around to see if the scholar himself is around...and probably still naked.
[18:52] <Feather> Maybe he died? Feather hopes so, anyway. What a nasty bugger.
[18:52] <@Kotono> Myann looks around, "There's not even any mushrooms alive in there." she adds quietly.
[18:53] <@Kotono> Looking about and within, you can see the center is scorched dirt. Not even grass survives. Lying there is the Sidhe Scholar, eyes wide open. His body twitches occasionally, but otherwise he does nothing.
[18:54] <@John> "Ohh... you think he's been like that since we fixed the mantles? Shouldn't he have starved or something?" John asks, walking over for a closer look.
[18:54] <Gildas> OOC: Does it look similar to the way the Circle looked after the attack?
[18:54] <Gildas> Gildas casts a quick Detect Magic to see if there's anything residual that might give a clue.
[18:54] <@Kotono> OOC: Just a little bit, Gildas.
[18:54] <Gildas> OOC: OK
[18:55] <@Kotono> Myann follows, giving him a look over herself. OOC: Spellcraft.
[18:55] <Gildas> roll 1d20+25
[18:55] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+25 and gets 42." [1d20=17]
[18:56] <@Kotono> The Sidhe Scholar has been cursed. For every day he wished to become a fey, he will spend a year paralyzed, unable to move and unable to die.
[18:57] <Gildas> Gildas frowns. "He's been cursed. He... wow." Gildas just blinks as he realizes the implications. "He's going to be like this for a long time, paralyzed and unable to die. I... really don't think he deserved this kind of punishment..."
[18:58] <Feather> "Wanted to watch all those kids die from lizards and ants while he giggled on the sidelines."
[18:58] <@Kotono> A hiss of sucked-in breath comes from Myann. She bites down on her lip hard, "Trapped, alone and..." she trailss off and looks away, "No one deserves that. Just like the curse I had."
[19:00] <@John> "Is that like those fairy death curses?" John asks. "How'd he end up with it?"
[19:01] <Gildas> Gildas looks over at Myann. "You don't think the same...?" He stops himself, it doesn't matter if it was the same person or not. "I can't remove curses, but I'm sure we have something back at home that can help. I'm sure Forgar and the rest of us can figure something out." Gildas looks over at John. "I... don't know, but I'm sure he can tell us."
[19:01] <@Kotono> "He must have offended someone powerful," Myann finally says, "A death curse could do it."
[19:02] <Gildas> "I don't think he'd have ever killed a fey for any reason, though." Gildas says.
[19:03] <@John> "Maybe..." John frowns. "Maybe he saw a fey changing nearby, when we fixed the mantles. Maybe he thought it was wrong, like it was an isolated one off like Tangles, so he killed it?"
[19:05] <Feather> "Maybe that king would know? He seemed like someone who's always looking out at the world."
[19:09] <@Kotono> Myann hmms, "So what do we do now, then?"
[19:09] <Feather> "Go see him?"
[19:09] <Gildas> "I think the easiest thing would be to just uncurse him. But... I suppose we can ask our friends on the other side, I'm sure they'd know what happened." Gildas says. "We might be able to have them just undo it, or find out what happened."
[19:09] <@John> "May as well. Do any of us even know how to uncurse him?"
[19:10] <Gildas> "There are spells that just remove them. I'd imagine Forgar and I can come up with something." Gildas says. "So we can probably just remove it if we don't find the answer ourselves."
[19:11] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, so your plan will essentially roll into the whole go see what's up with the fey thing?
[19:11] <Gildas> OOC: Sure
[19:16] <@Kotono> A fair deal of work passes. The pixies and lesser Sidhe that Myann means are meek and agree to whatever she says - several days of Myann going about are unremarkable. Finally, one morning with a taste of winter in the air leads the party to just outside of Holset. Here, in a previously empty space, a massive pine tree grows. Apples hang from the branches, and occasionally grow within the bark
[19:16] <@Kotono> itself. There's no words at first, only a sense of being looked at.
[19:17] <Feather> "Good morning," Feather greets the tree, taking his hat off.
[19:17] <Gildas> Gildas nods in greeting. "It's good to see you again."
[19:18] <@John> "Er... Hullo," John meekly follows in his companion's footsteps.
[19:19] <@Kotono> Myann nods in greeting.
[19:20] <@Kotono> "The Mushroom Princess wishes a meeting," A voice comes from within the tree, deep and powerful. "What is it you desire?"
[19:22] <Gildas> "We were just coming to check on everyone on this side." Gildas says. "We... ah... made some changes on our side, so we wanted to make sure everything was okay."
[19:23] <Feather> "That, and see how things were organizing after the changes," Feather pipes up. "Proper thing would be to talk that over."
[19:24] <@Kotono> As you talk, apples fall from the pine tree. They sink right into the ground. "Changes. The world has changed and there is a great deal of silence. It is a new era? No one knows yet, but the brave and bold already act."
[19:24] <@Kotono> "It is," Myann inclines her head into a nod.
[19:25] <Feather> "And we've been called worse than brave and bold. So what we're asking, I reckon, is who else is interested in acting along with us?"
[19:26] <Gildas> "We also were wondering about the scholar who lives on the outskirts of our world, if you happen to know anything about him." Gildas decides to add.
[19:30] <@Kotono> "The courts are changing," The tree goes on, as more apples fall into the earth. "Do you mean that the Mushroom Princess will seek to rule?"
[19:31] <Gildas> "If she does, I think it's only at our home." Gildas says and looks over at Myann for confirmation.
[19:32] <Feather> "The courts ain't the only things changing," Feather voices. "Maybe things won't go bad. Maybe people and fair folk will end up fighting. Maybe fair folk will end up fighting each other a lot more. The only way to have a say at what happens is to lay out new rules, innit?"
[19:33] <@Kotono> "Exactly," Myann agrees, sitting down. A mushroom rises up and shapes into a chair for her. "A few points of what I want. Firstly, enough tormenting the mortals on this side. If you can deal with them peacefully, fine. If not, then at least do them no harm and leave them be. Two, enough with the curses. In the old parlance, they bore me." Glancing athe others, "Suggestions to add?"
[19:34] * @John shrugs. "Just be nice. The rest'll take care of itself, right?"
[19:35] <Feather> "Settle disputes some entertaining way, and not with war?"
[19:35] <Gildas> "If any wish to join the Mushroom Princess's court, they have several rules they have to follow." Gildas says, with as much effort as he can muster to sound like some sort of royal advisor.
[19:36] <@Kotono> "That'll do," Myann agrees, "Those are my conditions and terms."
[19:37] <Gildas> "We truly do wish to have a good relationship with this side. We have since we began our journey." Gildas offers into the conversation.
[19:37] <@Kotono> As you talk, places apples fall sprout up. Before you apple trees bloom and grow in mere seconds. Soon you are surrounded by a grove of fruit-bearing apple trees. "It will be done," the pine tree finally agrees, "I think many no longer have the stomach for what we once had."
[19:38] <Gildas> Gildas smiles and nods. "We appreciate it. Ah... about that scholar, though..."
[19:40] <Feather> "And now, this isn't a rule or anything, just good neighbour behavior. But how about letting each other know about any problems before they grow too much?"
[19:40] <@Kotono> "I know of him. I cursed him myself." The tree says, "He presumed much after the change and presumed to command royalty in his panic. Worse, he laid a hand on me in his desperation. I believe mortals call what happened to him justice."
[19:41] * Feather nods in agreement, before glancing at Myann. "It sure sounds like justice. It's more about sentencing, though. Can it be, uh, lesser?"
[19:41] <@Kotono> Myann murmrus quietly, "If royalty cursed him...we may not even be able to undo that curse."
[19:42] <Gildas> Gildas looks over at Myann before looking back. "I think we can all agree that he deserves some punishment, but I do not think his current one will teach him very much. Perhaps you can bring him here and teach him the new ways?"
[19:42] <Gildas> Gildas nods to both Feather and Myann before he adds, "If he is still unwilling, then... I think you have the right to cast whatever judgement you wish."
[19:42] <@Kotono> "PRincess of the Mushrooms. If you care for him or wish to help him, I surrender his fate to you. Do with him as you will," The pine tree says. "It lies in your hands and the hands of your friends now."
[19:43] <Feather> "Maybe when he starts feeling regret?" Feather offers. "Or learns his lesson? So he ain't up to his old tricks the moment he's freed?"
[19:45] <Gildas> Gildas moves over to Myann to lean in and whisper to her, "Do you even care to find the person who originally..." He trails off before he clears his throat. "Now might be as good a time as any, if it's something you still wish resolved."
[19:45] <@Kotono> "Not enough to, not now," Myann says, "Not with..." a hand goes to her stomach, "I can find out another time, if I change my mind."
[19:46] <Gildas> Gildas nods and steps back. "Then I think we can take things from here."
[19:49] <@Kotono> With that, the tree sinks into the ground is gone. The party stands alone in the new orchard. OOC: So what are y'all gonna do about the scholar now? This may or may not be beyond the scope of the epilogue, depending on what you choose.
[19:49] <Feather> OOC: Maybe Myann could change the curse/release conditions based on my suggestions?
[19:50] <Gildas> OOC: Gildas would be fine with that, maybe force him to perform kind acts for people via the fey or something
[19:50] <Feather> OOC: And wear some damn pants!
[19:51] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, we'll touch on that tomorrow, I need to wrap a bit early.


[18:00] <@Kotono> OOC: First of all, Stormguard. Neph, do you recall how to reach it?
[18:01] <Gildas> OOC: Flying in the middle of a storm
[18:02] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay. Will it just be you or the whole party who tries that?
[18:03] <Gildas> OOC: Gildas wanted to invite Myann along. If the others want to come too they're more than welcome to do so, he just figured they probably wouldn't want to go flying and dodging lightning.
[18:04] <@John> sounds fun
[18:04] <@Kotono> OOC: Myann will request fire mushrooms on all (she can handle that) plus resist energy(lightning).
[18:06] <Gildas> OOC:Gildas can handle that easily enough.
[18:06] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay. Going to tag along, Feather?
[18:07] <Feather> y
[18:07] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[18:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 63." [1d100=63]
[18:07] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[18:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 80." [1d100=80]
[18:07] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[18:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 49." [1d100=49]
[18:08] <@Kotono> The winds howl with a early fall storm. Chill rain lashes the party as they fly about the windy messy. Bursts of thunder and flashes of lightning rattle everything. Over the din as you fly above the canopy of the Vastwoods, "So where?!" Myann shouts, as tiny little hailstones begin to fall.
[18:08] <Gildas> The Bird Gildas just caws and continues to fly in the same direction as he did the last time! OOC: Unless he's just flying via a mushroom.
[18:10] <@John> "This seems pretty crazy!" John says, but nonetheless starts waggling his tail to follow Gildas.
[18:11] <@Kotono> OOC: You call on that.
[18:11] <@Kotono> Myann waggles her tail as well, batting away hail. As they do...
[18:11] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[18:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 34." [1d100=34]
[18:11] <@Kotono> roll 1d100+30
[18:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100+30 and gets 117." [1d100=87]
[18:11] <@Kotono> roll 1d4
[18:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 and gets 1." [1d4=1]
[18:11] <@Kotono> Suddenly, a flash of lightning goes down, right at John! OOC: Ref save, John.
[18:12] <Gildas> OOC: I'll just stick to flight form then.
[18:13] <@John> roll 1d20+18 improved evasion
[18:13] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+18 improved evasion and gets 32." [1d20=14]
[18:15] <@Kotono> John dives out of the way, avoiding a massive stroke of lightning as thick as he is.
[18:15] <@John> "This is what I get for being tall..." John mutters, his heart slowing down after that near miss.
[18:15] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[18:15] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 92." [1d100=92]
[18:15] <@Kotono> roll 1d100 sub tables
[18:15] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 sub tables and gets 66." [1d100=66]
[18:16] <@Kotono> The party flies on - and ahead, suddenly the storm falls away. It's silent and wet now, the sound of dripping water from tree branches the only sound whatsoever.
[18:16] <Feather> "We there yet?!" Feather yells to the others.
[18:18] <Gildas> The Bird looks around for the familiar sight of the gate, or the area beyond it.
[18:19] <@Kotono> There's on archway. But suddenly it's hot. Hot enough to dry you almost instantly, like baking under the sun. Ahead there's a large clearing, as if the forest just ceases to be for awhile. Sitting here are great pyramidal buildings of gray stone topped with antennae of gold. There's a dozen such structures about, each connected with cobblestone paths to one another.
[18:20] <Gildas> Gildas flies forward to land on the ground there!
[18:21] * Feather looks around uneasily.
[18:21] <@Kotono> "Hold on," Myann calls, "Wait, Gildas. There's pixies all down there."
[18:21] <@John> Following Gildas, John alights on the path and looks around. "This have something to do with Tangles?" he wonders, looking at the gold peaks.
[18:22] <Gildas> The bird stops and does not, in fact, land, then!
[18:23] <Feather> "Don't look very golden," Feather muses.
[18:24] <@John> "Suppose, not every gold thing has to do with her..." John admits, landing despite the warning. "Hullo?"
[18:24] <@Kotono> The voices come from below, dozens of cute, giggling voices speaking as one. "Hail Mushroom Princess. Hail Mushroom Princess. Hail Mushroom Princess. You have come to the Stormgate. Tell us your will."
[18:24] <@Kotono> Myann glances at the others before saying, "They  may have questions," She gestures at the party, "Answer them."
[18:25] * @John shrugs, not having any questions. He just came along because it sounded interesting.
[18:26] <Gildas> Gildas lands on the ground and shapeshifts back. He gives a small wave. "Hello again. Thank you for that gift from last time."
[18:28] <@Kotono> "You are welcome," The voices call, as Myann flies over to Feather.
[18:28] <Gildas> Gildas turns and looks at Myann. "Are they, um..." He looks like he's trying to find the right words. "Do they look like pixies, or like Sidhe?" He tries to make that question as subtle as possible.
[18:28] * Feather mirrors Gildas's wave, not really sure what to do from there.
[18:28] <@Kotono> "Sidhe," Myann answers, "They aren't like Tangles was."
[18:29] <Gildas> He turns back to the voices. "What exactly is this place? I know you call it Stormgate... but... is this place on the same side as the rest of the fey realm, or... somewhere in between?"
[18:32] <@Kotono> "Between and beyond, here and there and nowhere," The answer, "Here is where the weather is made."
[18:33] <@John> "Well you's do a good job," John tells them, having no complaints with the weather.
[18:34] <Gildas> Gildas looks over at Myann as if to ask without saying anything 'Really?' then he looks back. "For everywhere? Or... just around here?"
[18:36] <@Kotono> Myann returns it with a light shrug of her shoulders. Under her breath to Feather, "I don't get it, either."
[18:36] <@Kotono> "There, there and here," The voices answer, "Everywhere and here too."
[18:36] <Feather> "John's right, no complaints so far," Feather murmurs back.
[18:37] <Gildas> Gildas opens his mouth and then just shuts it again. "Ah... do you all like in the buildings...? Or... are those used to create the weather?"
[18:37] <@John> "Yeah, so keep up the good work!" John gives the invisible pixies a thumbs up.
[18:39] <Gildas> OOC: *live in the buildings
[18:40] <@Kotono> "That's where we chop up the weather and make it," The pixies call back. "Slice, cut and patch it together every day, for everywhere and over there."
[18:41] <Feather> "Oh hey, did you chop up a really nasty storm and send it after this old vampire last year?"
[18:42] <Gildas> Gildas has this odd feeling that they very well might be literal about that...
[18:42] <@Kotono> There's some giggles at that, "We don't do requests!" they call.
[18:44] <Feather> "Just gonna be a mystery, then," Feather says, shrugging. "You like doing this weather-chopping thing?"
[18:45] <@Kotono> "Yes," they all call back. "We like to slice up the storms, dice up the sunshine and mince the rain!"
[18:45] <Gildas> Gildas scratches his cheek. "Oh, that? No, it was the Circle. They created the storm to keep the Dreamer asleep." Gildas says to Feather. "Do you all make it cold, too?"
[18:47] <@Kotono> "Yes," they call back, "We're starting to cook up some snowstorms for this winter!"
[18:47] <@Kotono> "Cook up snow?" Myann murmurs, before shaking her head.
[18:48] <@John> "Any days we should look out for something special?" John asks.
[18:49] <Gildas> On the one hand, he wants to ask how you cook up snow... on the other... No. Definitely isn't going to ask.
[18:49] <@Kotono> "Uh huh! First day of the new year," they call, "Two feet of snow!"
[18:50] <Feather> "Wanna show us how you folk do that?"
[18:50] <@John> "Alright, we'll sure keep an eye out for that!" John grins, pleased to have an inside eye on how the weather will turn out.
[18:51] <@Kotono> Giggles follow, giggles all over. "You want to see?" They sing-song. "Come here, wolf, and we'll s how you!"
[18:51] <@Kotono> Myann crosses her arms and looks down, "Really?" she asks coolly.
[18:52] * Feather glances between the pixies and Myann, before he shrugs. "Another time?"
[18:53] <@Kotono> "Watch yourselves," Myann glares down, "My entertainments are a far thing from your entertainments." She then nods, "Are we all done here?"
[18:55] <Gildas> Gildas nods. "Yes. I'm glad you all came."
[18:55] <@John> "Yeah guess so. Keep up the good work!" John waves at the pixies before waggling his tail to lift off.
[18:55] <Gildas> "If, ah... any of you ever want to visit, just... make sure you ask the Mushroom Princess first, all right?" Gildas says with a nod to Myann. "She has some rules our guests need to follow."
[18:58] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay. So the only other thing was visiting the old king?
[18:58] <Feather> OOC: Sure
[18:58] <Gildas> OOC: I believe so
[19:00] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:00] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 91." [1d100=91]
[19:00] <@Kotono> roll 1d100-10
[19:00] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100-10 and gets 37." [1d100=47]
[19:03] <@Kotono> The Sidhe realm is brighter now. The canopy is thinner, with more sunlight comign through. Your trip is oddly uneventful - the other fey are rarely seen and then only at a distance. When you at last reach the abode of the old king, you find it gone. Here is an open field of flowers, sunlight streaming in. Sleeping within it is a child, a boy. He's clad in blue pajamas with a blanket over him.
[19:03] <@Kotono> Fluttering in the air around him are a handful of pixies - beautiful, untainted ones. As they approach, they intone in a whisper that carries to you, "Shhh. Here the king of the past and the future rests. Light is his burden now, for dreams became reality."
[19:06] <@John> "Awwww!" John says. Quietly!
[19:07] <Gildas> Gildas blinks, and wonders if they mean light figuratively or literally... He glances over to Myann and whispers. "Can you tell if he still has the same mantle...?"
[19:07] <Feather> "Uh." Feather rubs the back of his head, looking at the pixies awkwardly before turning his eyes to the boy. "Just tell him we said hi?" he voices as quietly as John and the pixies had. "And if he ever needs anything, just say the word?"
[19:07] <@Kotono> Myann stops and nods, "So he..." she murmurs under her breath, "The same for I," Myann adds.
[19:08] <Gildas> Gildas nods and adds quietly. "If he ever wants to come see us, he's more than welcome."
[19:08] <@Kotono> The pixies nod as one.
[19:09] <@John> With nothing more to be said, John beats a quiet retreat.
[19:09] <Gildas> "And tell the Dreamer she's welcome too, if you... ah... ...see her...?" Gildas says quietly before he follows after John.
[19:15] <@Kotono> From here, the seasons turn. Fall begins to give to winter. New Year's Eve is a brillant and beautiful night. Lanterns are out everywhere, contrasting with the start of a snowstorm.  A large section outside is covered by a massive, open air tent. With magic to warm it, everyone here eats, drinks and feasts. "Now," Robert calls with a mug in his hands, "Besides a new year, you know what today
[19:15] <@Kotono> celebrates? Our hometown heroes!" He gestures his mug over at the party, "Who took care of business again and again! Cheers to them!"
[19:16] <@Kotono> "Cheers!" Echos amid the gathering, villagers and friendsa like raising mugs up. "Cheers, cheers, cheers!"
[19:16] * @John ducks his head embarrassedly. It's been a while since they last had an adventure, so he feels the praise is a little unmerited. "Any excuse to throw a party, right?"
[19:17] <@Kotono> "Any excuse," Myann agrees pleasantly, sipping from a hollowed out blue and white mushroom.
[19:17] <@Kotono> "Oh come on," Lesea comes on over, smiling and patting John's shoulder. "It's not just any excuse, it's a good excuse!"
[19:18] <Feather> "Any excuse is good excuse?" Feather asks with a grin, already on his third mug.
[19:18] <@John> "Suppose it could be worse," John grins and raises his mug to her.
[19:19] <Gildas> Gildas smiles and looks just as embarassed. He decides not to jinx things this time and just enjoys some juice for himself. "It's good to be home for a change."
[19:21] <@Kotono> "It really is," Myann says, as the party goes on. Yet it's strange - suddenly everyone seems focused on anything but the four. As you notice this, "Mind if I take a seat? I've been on the road for awhile now," Ribby's voice is heard as he comes on up, dragging an unused chair along with him. "The Stratum's not so good for places to put your feet up."
[19:22] <Feather> "Is it now?" Feather asks, waving for a drink to their friend.
[19:23] <@John> Looking a bit confused at the abrupt shift in attention, John just shrugs and gives Ribby a nod. "Hullo."
[19:23] <Gildas> Gildas looks over at Feather. "You think Ribby'd know the person you were thinking of trying to find? That woman, right?"
[19:23] <Gildas> He looks over and nods to Ribby with a smile. "It is good to see you again, though."
[19:24] <Feather> "Sounds like he's coming over with news, don't it?"
[19:25] <@Kotono> "Good work down there," Ribby remarks, "But no good deed goes unpunished." He sits back and gestures, food adn drink floating over to him. "Do you know what the Lalestos is?"
[19:26] <Feather> "Heard the name. Sounds like bad news? One of those relics that really shouldn't be no more but is?"
[19:26] <@John> "Superweapon, yeah?"
[19:28] <@Kotono> "Sure is," Ribby agrees, "There's forces up there that are moving...and a woman in Sal Farano who can help you stop them before they use it. So," Glancing at them, "Are you up to another quest?"
[19:28] <@John> "Always!"
[19:29] * Feather snorts, saluting Ribby with his mug. "Idiots won't stop themselves. If they need help, that's us."
[19:30] <@Kotono> "I guess it is," Myann agrees, "Sal Farano's a long ways away, to the west, though."
[19:30] <Gildas> Gildas frowns. "They really don't know when to leave good enough alone."
[19:31] <@Kotono> "You have time," Ribby remarks, "It'll take them a few years to get everything together. There's a lot to tell," he goes on, "But you can afford tonight to rest and celebrate. It's the end of one year and the start of a new one." Taking a long pull from his mug, "Righ tnow, let's drink to the fairies being less of a problem." He raises his mug up, "Cheers?"
[19:32] <Feather> "Cheers!" Feather echoes him.
[19:32] <Gildas> Gildas nods. "Cheers to that. The world is a better place."
[19:32] <@Kotono> "Cheers!" Myann taps her mug against his, starting to smile, "To happier todays and better tomorrows!"
[19:33] <@John> "Cheers," John leans over and clinks his mug with everyone.
[19:35] <@Kotono> After another long drink, "Tomorrow's problem..." Ribby murmurs, as he begins to talk. But that's a story for another time. Right now the party is warm, happy and at peace. For the moment, that is enough.