
"Destiny Challenged us and so we chose to end the world.  There was nothing to regret.  Nothing."

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Rank 1, Mission 4: Shall we start?

Started by Taishyr, September 04, 2014, 04:37:54 PM

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[20:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d999
[20:15] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d999 and gets 384." [1d999=384]
[20:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d999
[20:15] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d999 and gets 572." [1d999=572]
[20:16] <@Torokasi> "Ahead is the endless divide surrounding Verxais. ... We're basically home, you guys!" Solmyr excitedly calls back. "A bit of walking along the divide to get to the bridge, but we're there!"
[20:17] <@Torokasi> The yeek mage nods slightly. "You are effectively home, then, it sounds. Our purpose is done, unless you would have us come with you all the way."
[20:17] <AutumnCrow> "Oh good. This..." Crow looks to the yeeks, "may be where you'd want to part ways. Guards can start showing up any time now, and I'd rather they not try to shoot at you."
[20:19] <@Torokasi> "Understood. All of you, take care. Child of the Autumn Temple, we reside half a day to a day east of that warren." The yeek mage nods, before the psiwarrior walks over. "Come when you have need of us."
[20:22] <AutumnCrow> "I'll keep that in mind." Crow nods, "take care to avoid kobolds on your own way back."
[20:22] <@Torokasi> "There are kin from our warren nearby. We will travel with them." The yeek psiwarrior asserts. "May your warren be safe."
[20:23] <@Torokasi> And with that the two yeeks depart, quickly moving in the opposite direction. Janda exhales loudly. "By the Lady I'm glad they're gone, those... ngh. Well, let's get going - we're basically home, everyone!
[20:25] * AutumnCrow shakes her head at Janda, but nods and gestures for Solmyr to keep leading the way while she brings up the back.
[20:27] <@Torokasi> Para falls back to walk with Crow as the group moves forward, beginning to quietly chatter about return plans. Para's face seems solemn. "You must be right. They only talk when the mist is thick."
[20:28] <AutumnCrow> "I think of it an herb can mostly be poison, but might also have a medicinal use or two," Crow shrugs, "the mist itself is a problem, it's...malevolent, at least towards us, I don't doubt that. But that doesn't mean it can't serve some useful purpose every now and again, nor that everything that lives in the mist is also bad."
[20:30] <@Torokasi> Para nods quietly, walking forward. "... killing them would have been useless, when they were aiding us."
[20:34] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+10 SM
[20:34] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+10 SM and gets 26." [1d20=16]
[20:36] <@Torokasi> Crow takes a moment to glance over Para, and... two things jump out. One is his hand on the shaft of the handaxe he carries, tight enough to be trembling, and the second is... his eyes, practically shaking in their sockets as they dart back and forth near ceaselessly.
[20:36] * AutumnCrow eyes Para for a long moment, "Are you....afraid of them? Yeeks?"
[20:38] <@Torokasi> He seems to be making every effort to not say something, and Crow can't tell how long he's been like this. At Crow's sentence, he glances over at Crow, his eyes still practically shifting constantly - and blinking, too. "... The Mist was thin that day. That day my aunt died, on the trip here." His hand readjusts itself on the shaft of the axe, his face practically expressionless as he goes back to looking ahead of the team.
[20:39] <AutumnCrow> "How old were you?"
[20:41] <@Torokasi> "...thirteen." He barely manages to speak this, before tears begin quietly dropping down his face.
[20:41] <@Torokasi> "...thirteen." He barely manages to speak this, before tears begin quietly dropping down his face.
[20:46] * AutumnCrow puts a hand on his shoulder, "Thanks for following my lead despite that. I learned quite a bit from those two. If I have to seek them out again, I won't ask you to go with me if you don't want to."
[20:49] <@Torokasi> "...Mercy is wisdom. That is what she said." Para chokes out. "The night before. ... We will see. I will not lose someone else."
[20:53] <@Torokasi> After a few seconds, he shrugs himself away from Crow and keeps walking, his face streaked as the group keeps moving.
[20:54] <@Torokasi> roll 1d999
[20:54] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d999 and gets 134." [1d999=134]
[20:56] <@Torokasi> The group continues to make a solid pace, before the edge of the barrier on this side of the bridge is visible, the lack of Mist inside dramatically visible even to Crow as the group keeps moving. The Mist, still thick, seems to be hanging immobile as the group approaches, and finally enters, the barrier. In the distance is the bridge, and the guardhouse... OOC: Para spot check.
[20:57] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+11 Solmyr as well
[20:57] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+11 Solmyr as well and gets 26." [1d20=15]
[20:57] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+10 paraspot
[20:57] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+10 paraspot and gets 21." [1d20=11]
[20:59] <@Torokasi> Both Para and Solmyr stiffen up as they look toward the guardhouse. "... That's a lot of people. And a good amount of smoke." Solmyr is the first one to speak. "Surely something couldn't have gotten in?"
[21:01] <AutumnCrow> "....what. Alright, lets go take a look. Janda, set a pace, let's move."
[21:01] <@Torokasi> "Right!" Janda nods hurriedly, the group making quick time to the guardhouse. (More)
[21:04] <@Torokasi> The scene there seems to be more of medical hurry than a fight, two caravan wagons parked alongside the guardhouse and a group of people running about, various people lying on the ground and medics and healers running around frantically tending to people. The din is similar to the crowds in the street in intensity
[21:04] * AutumnCrow tries to find a guard or anyone she can to tell her what's going on here.
[21:05] <@Torokasi> As the group approaches, a voice can be heard from the crowd, "It's another gigantic kobold! It's broken through-" The voice is silenced quickly, but murmuring passes through the group. Ms. Kila seems to tighten up and stay away from the crowd at this as Crow enters it, finding a guard near immediately - one with near-black scales and wide blue eyes.
[21:06] <AutumnCrow> "I'm Autumn Crow, from the Kerebos Guild," Crow shows her badge, "we're just coming back from an escort job, what's going on here?"
[21:07] <@Torokasi> He turns at Crow's approach. "More journeymen? No, you're Guild. If you need healing it'll have to wait. A caravan from Nlocomo was attacked, and we have multiple casualties and many more injured, even as they fled into the barrier."
[21:08] <AutumnCrow> "You misunderstand, we HAVE healing," Crow corrects the man, "three people with healing skill, plus our escortee is from the Temple of Ratokyst and is no bad hand at it herself. Where do we need to be to help?"
[21:10] <@Torokasi> The guard glances back over. "Talk to Sabbata over there," he gestures at a tall, wispy Talkyr woman tending to a white-haired man, lying unconscious, a relatively fat blue-furred Talkyr sitting next to him and two other Talstedi jabbering frantically at the healer. "She can give your team advice. Uh, probably not best Ms. Kila tries to help, though. The kobolds were about her size, and some of these people would panic seeing her."
[21:12] <@Torokasi> "BROTHER!" Crow barely has time to look before Para dashes through the crowd to the side of the blue-furred Talkyr, eyes wide in panic.
[21:15] <AutumnCrow> "Alright," Crow turns back to her group, and opens her mouth to speak...right as Para goes rushing off. "...okay. Ary, Solmyr, can you two break off from here and escort Ms. Kila the rest of the way back to the temple? The guard thinks it's best to get her away from the crowd. Janda, Lilian, they have wounded here and I'm inclined to volunteer us to help. Any problems?"
[21:17] <@Torokasi> Crow can see the blue-furred Talkyr look over to Para and laugh a bit, before rubbing his shoulder. Lilian says, "Actually, boss, I'd suggest you go with Ary. I can keep Solmyr and Janda in line, and Solmyr's got enough healing that we can help things here and come in with Para. Unless you had specific plans here?"
[21:18] <AutumnCrow> "If more kobolds show up I want one of our good fighters here, and Ary is more likely to be able to scare people away from messing with Ms. Kila than I am."
[21:20] <@Torokasi> "Fair enough." Lilian nods as Solmyr, Ary, and Ms. Kila begin the trek down the bridge. "Let's check in with Sabbata over there."
[21:21] <@Torokasi> Janda nods. "She's one of the chief healers of the Weeping Lady. Makes sense she's in charge."
[21:21] <AutumnCrow> "If you know her, then I'll let you do the talking. I'll go make sure Para's okay."


[15:52] <Torokasi> Crow makes her way to Para's side, where the lad has frantically barged past the two Talstedi - one blond-haired, with an imposing amount of muscle and a healer's frock over chain mail armor, and the other, a short, alert brunette with wrappings on her legs and feet, garbed in a rather bright green - to reach his brother, the chunky blue Talkyr who seems in relatively good spirits despite bandages wrapped around his head and both arms. He seems to laugh affectionately at Para's sudden appearance before glancing to Crow. "Lemme guess... Lilian?"
[15:53] <Torokasi> Having said this, the blue-furred Talkyr tries to sit up before the blond man forcibly shoves him back down, yelling. "Don't get up, asshole! You know how long it took me to get you patched up?!"
[15:54] <AutumnCrow> "Ah, no. I'm Autumn Crow. Lilian is...that one over there," she points off to where Lilian is presumably helping the healers.
[15:57] <Torokasi> Lilian seems to be with Janda, talking to another of the medics present. The final person awake, a tall, leonine Talkyr woman with white fur, glances in the direction Crow's gesturing in. "Ah, Janda is back as well. They will be fine, then." With that, she turns to the man lying on his back, eyes closed. Crow can hear his breathing, heavy and rasping with moisture, as the Talkyr woman looks him over, seeming to cast some spells as she does so.
[15:58] <Torokasi> The Talkyr man chuckles a bit. "Crow, right. He mentioned the red hair, but my memory's slipping a bit thanks to the concussion, I think. I'm Benzin, his older brother. 's a pleasure to meet you. Para speaks highly of you as a leader."
[16:01] <AutumnCrow> "The circumstances could be better, but nice to meet you as well. Apologies if I should have heard of you, I haven't been here that long." Crow nods politely, "If you don't mind my asking...did kobolds do this? They've been out in force lately, we got ambushed by....what was it, three different sets?" Crow looks to Para for confirmation.
[16:04] <Torokasi> "Four, but two were while gathering." Para murmurs.
[16:06] <Torokasi> Benzin shakes his head. "The final attack was, yeah, including one big one - was 'bout as big as Kila. But we had been out a while, escorting a caravan from Nlocomo to here, and the mist fatigue catches up eventually..."
[16:07] <Torokasi> "Bigger than Miss Kila!" The short Talstedi woman replies. "Seriously, that thing was giant! ...and it ripped open our food pack, too. We had managed to catch a goldfawn for dinner the night before..."
[16:08] <AutumnCrow> "We fought some not quite her size, but close." Crow nods, "something is going on, they're not normally that big...nor ever organized like this. They were cooperating, using full pack hunter tactics as well. I'm used to them being...well, a chaotic mess, every kobold for itself, all glory hounds so to speak."
[16:09] <Torokasi> "Yeah, ditto." The tall man replies. "...oh, shit, we forgot to introduce ourselves, Toeki. I'm Janus - Janus Kittima."
[16:10] <Torokasi> The woman gasps a bit. "Oh, right, sorry! I'm Toeki Hasane. It's a pleasure, Miss Crow. And... it's like something driving them to work together, if you ask me. We tried to get them to infight - it can usually be done - but this time it was a no go."
[16:12] <AutumnCrow> "Lilian tried that as well, even her magic wasn't getting them to break ranks." Crow nods, "And...hmm, if you were with a caravan, we may have actually passed you on our way out. We...ah, avoided it due to escorting Ms. Kila, though."
[16:14] <Torokasi> "Huh. Yeah, maybe. That's a shame, but it's understandable - Miss Kila's never been good with crowds." Toeki smiles sadly.
[16:15] <Torokasi> Janus' attention has turned to the lion-like Talkyr. "How's Shakodai lookin', Sabbata?"
[16:16] <Torokasi> "Same as when you asked ten minutes ago, Janus." The woman replies without a hint of humor.
[16:16] <Torokasi> "Calm down, Janus." Benzin growls. "Let her work."
[16:17] * AutumnCrow turns her attention back to Para, "So I volunteered you and myself for kobold smacking duty if any of them manage to show up here somehow. I don't find that terribly likely, but how things have been lately I'm not ruling it out. Janda and Lilian are helping the healers, and Ary and Solmyr are escorting Ms. Kila back to the temple."
[16:20] <Torokasi> Para nods a bit. "Okay. ... Call for me if I'm needed."
[16:22] <Torokasi> "... Deepsteal." Sabbata says after a moment. "Bad case, too. How long were you all in the Mist?"
[16:24] <Torokasi> Janus' eyes furrow. "Two weeks. He was hit the worst by the mist sickness the worst of us, but... He was fine until he got hit by that kobold's huge-ass maul."
[16:25] <Torokasi> Benzin closes his eyes. "Shit. I've heard of that before."
[16:25] <Torokasi> Toeki looks to Sabbata, then to Benzin. "So what does that even mean?" she says, voice getting shrill.
[16:27] <Torokasi> "It means that... he is going to have a very, very long road to recovery. Deepsteal is, effectively, a combination of a coma and an illness. So long as one is present, the other cannot be removed, and magic... is very ineffective, especially healing magic, in combating it. ... We'll set up a room for him in the Temple. There's nothing we can do from here."
[16:27] * AutumnCrow takes a step back so she's not intruding on the conversation but keeps an ear open since this sounds like it could be important adventurer knowledge.
[16:28] <Torokasi> "Shit!" Janus blurts out, fist slamming into the platform and causing both Shakodai's body and Benzin to be jolted. "You mean there's-"
[16:29] <Torokasi> "Janus. Calm yourself." Sabbata hisses. "He will be fine in our care, and we will treat him. ...That's all that can be done, with Mist diseases."
[16:31] <Torokasi> Toeki lowers her head. "... Damnit, I... ...I'll see if Brother Redclaw's got any advice, too. Shakodai's done enough for them that they've got to help, right? ...Right?"
[16:33] <Torokasi> "...You two should carry him to the Temple of the Weeping Lady. Priestess Sabbata, mind sending them a message to let them know Shakodai's on his way?" Benzin replies, his voice weary.
[16:35] <Torokasi> "Got it." Janus replies, as Sabbata begins casting the spell and Toeki sniffles and nods. The two easily heft Shakodai's body via the stretcher, giving Crow a decent look at him - a white-haired, scruffy, rather tall man about as packed with muscle as Wild Goose, seemingly rather young, with bandages over a large chunk of his body, a red cape between him and the stretcher.
[16:36] <Torokasi> The two head out, and Sabbata'
[16:36] <Torokasi> The two head out, and Sabbata's spell resolves. Benzin glances at her. "... What are his odds from here?"
[16:37] <Torokasi> "...we can keep him alive. But outside of the desperation method, I can't vouchsafe that we can cure him." Sabbata replies with a frown.
[16:38] <Torokasi> Para's face drops a bit at this as Benzin shakes his head, before glancing to Crow. "And this is why you don't do long sojourns in the Mist, whenever possible." His gallows humor is betrayed by the hint of sorrow in his tone.
[16:39] * AutumnCrow sighs, "No matter how strong someone is, sometimes the mist just has it in for you."
[16:43] <Torokasi> "Yeah. By Ratokyst, wish we had a templar in our team, but most of them aren't... compatible with our squad." Benzin sighs. "Shaoakh refuses to work with anyone except Mim, Haze is missing and presumed dead... bah."
[16:45] <Torokasi> "Everyone wishes Shaoakh would work with anyone except Mim and Skire every once in a while. Even Mim and Skire." Sabbata replies quietly. "You should probably sleep. The healing spells work better that way."
[16:47] <Torokasi> Para nods slightly. "Yeah. Rest up. ...We'll talk later."
[16:47] * AutumnCrow looks back over to Para and whispers, "I...have no idea who any of those people are."
[16:48] <Torokasi> Para glances to Crow at this. "Oh. Uh... Mim and Shaoakh are M2s. Skire's Jagden Skire, the founder of the guild." he whispers back.
[16:49] <AutumnCrow> "Oh. Yes, I've heard my father talk about Jagden Skire, though...he usually just calls him 'Jag' or something likely insultingly informal like that."
[16:50] <Torokasi> Para snorts, as does Benzin. Sabbata looks over, curiously. "Oh, did your father work with him? I don't recognize Crow as a last name..."
[16:52] <AutumnCrow> "Ah, my father is Wild Goose. I'm Autumn Crow as in from the Autumn Temple, Autumn is my style name, Crow is my given name."
[16:54] <Torokasi> "... OH!" Sabbata blinks. "Yes, right, I heard Goose went there. That explains much, yes. Jagden occasionally mentions wishing Goose Halberd would return for more than the occasional drinking visit. It's a pleasure - I'm not very familiar with the Autumn Temple, but Goose has spoken of it very fondly the few times I've met him."
[16:59] * AutumnCrow blinks, "....Halberd? Ah...okay." Crow has no idea what to do with that information. She looks rather, well, poleaxed.
[17:01] <Torokasi> "I have some stories of your father's travels - I went with him on a few, at the request of the Autumn Temple. Remind me to tell you them on a better day." Sabbata replies. "And... yes, your father went by Goose Halberd when he was here. I haven't the slightest - it sounds a bit fake to, ah, everyone, but... who knows?"
[17:02] <AutumnCrow> "I'll have to come ask, yes," Crow nods.
[17:04] <Torokasi> "Great. I'm going to go tend to others, but it was a pleasure to meet you, Crow. Do stop by sometime with Janda." Sabbata smiles, her grin very much like a large cat's.
[17:06] <AutumnCrow> "Oh, that's right. I did promise to go to a service with her." Crow smiles and nods, then lets her go and goes to...well, keep watch for kobolds, really.
[17:08] <Torokasi> Sabbata smiles and departs, leaving Crow with Benzin and Para. Benzin's eyes are closed, but after a minute he says, "Has she left yet?"
[17:10] * AutumnCrow turns back, "If the she you are refering to is miss Sabbata, then yes. If me, then no."
[17:12] <Torokasi> "Ms. Sabbata, yes." Benzin's eyes flicker open. "I'd rather her not try to put me to sleep with her magics, but I can't rest right now. Too much adrenaline... Four kobold fights, eh? With a lot of the larger normal ones, too, sounds like. Good job making it back here all in one piece."
[17:14] <AutumnCrow> "Well, they're aggressive and strong, but not particularly skilled." Crow pauses, then corrects, "usually not particularly skilled. Some of them were a bit more on point than others. Still, they can't dodge arrows, my scarf keeps them at bay quite well, and Ary can cut one in half in one blow if he has room to charge and do that rediculous fast draw strike."
[17:17] <Torokasi> "The Silver Guard is particularly obnoxiously good at first strikes, yes." Benzin shakes his head gently. "Ary's training sounds even better there than the norm - a lot of Silver Guardsmen are just warblades or templar, but from what Para's said in the past, it sounds like he got training from the Teriander militia, which focuses on that quickdraw style as well. Partially because Teriander's a junkyard, more or less."
[17:17] <Torokasi> Para frowns. "...Don't insult his home."
[17:18] * AutumnCrow quirks an eyebrow at both the description and Para's rebuke.
[17:20] <Torokasi> Benzin snorts. "Look, Para, tell him I said it and see how fast he agrees. There's a reason he's here and that's because Teriander is, like it or not, dying a slow death. Soil's basically worthless up there, hunger's even more common there than in the Nets here, corruption is everywhere... Alternately, he left because he would've been press ganged into the militias or the Guard. Ten gold bet there, Para."
[17:20] <Torokasi> "... I'll ask. But no bet." Para murmurs.
[17:22] <Torokasi> Benzin shakes his head. "Fine, fine. ... Actually, could I ask a favor of you two? Could you carry me into town? These things are enchanted to make lifting them easy - I should be doable enough if it's both of you working on it. I'd rather recover in bed than on this stretcher."
[17:23] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm. Let me make sure they won't need us here, then I'll let Lilian and Janda know." Crow nods, seeing no problem with that, assuming whoever was in charge around here wasn't expecting more kobolds.
[17:24] <Torokasi> "Got it. Thanks" Benzin nods, closing his eyes as Crow turns to find a guard - the nearest one about ten feet away, lifting and moving someone who looks to have passed away, chest ripped open. The only other guard nearby is about thirty feet away and is talking to another white-frocked healer with deep, glistening blue scaled skin.
[17:25] <AutumnCrow> OOC: I have no problem just handwaving the checking in with the guard to make sure they're not needed, then finding Lilian and Janda and letting them know part. Dont' really have anything special to say.
[17:26] <Torokasi> OOC: Alright.
[17:28] <Torokasi> Crow manages to talk to a guard when one of them gets unbusy, then confirms Lilian and Janda are tending to people before heading back to Benzin and Para. Lifting him proves immensely easy - the stretcher feels as light as a feather, even with all of Benzin's mass on it. Benzin smiles sleepily. "Thanks for this, Crow. Para knows the way, so I guess let him lead."
[17:30] * AutumnCrow nods, "Alright. Well, lets get going, it's still a ways to walk."
[17:31] <Torokasi> "Yeah." Para replies, hefting the stretcher...
[17:34] <Torokasi> The group makes solid time crossing the bridge, Para occasionally glancing off to the Nets as the sun begins to set and lights flicker across the expanse, seemingly floating in midair as it gets darker. After getting about halfway across, Benzin's snores can be heard, soft but audible over the noise of the town as they get closer and closer. (More)
[17:34] <Torokasi> After a bit, Para says, barely audible over the snoring and the city, "Thanks for helping me with Benzin."
[17:35] <AutumnCrow> "Well you can hardly carry this yourself, magically enhanced lightness or not." Crow shrugs, "helping out with random things comes with being a team and all."
[17:38] <Torokasi> "... Thanks." Para says again, softly, before continuing on.
[17:50] <AutumnCrow> "So on the subject of your brother," Crow inclines her head towards the sleeping Benzin, "Solmyr's mentioned him once or twice but I don't think you've ever talked about him. Aside from being guild, what does he do?"
[17:56] <Torokasi> "He fights like Ary's friend, Nyci. Except she's power. Benzin's ...flexibility. He transforms to keep enemies off balance, keep them pinned between him and his allies, and rips their weak points apart." Para replies. "Beyond that, he bar hops, keeps an eye on town, on how neighborhoods are doing. He's good with people, with drinking."
[17:58] <AutumnCrow> "I'm guessing you get a lot of commentary about people not seeing how you could be related, if he's a social creature and...well." Crow smiles a bit apologetically to Para.
[18:00] <Torokasi> "We have different moms, too. 's why our hair is colored different." Para nods slightly. "Most people don't figure we're related."
[18:04] <Torokasi> Para shakes his head after a moment. "...and it doesn't matter how fat he gets if he just shifts to another form. He complains whenever he tries to not eat so much, too. He used to be as skinny as me."
[18:05] * AutumnCrow snorts, "Magic cheats in some ways, I suppose. Or is that some kind of psychic power? There's...well, no functional difference from my point of view, but I do know they are different things."
[18:06] <Torokasi> "It's a... I don't know. He can't use it if magic can't be used, but it doesn't function like most magic that I know of. It works off strength of will." Para shakes his head.
[18:08] <Torokasi> "It's not psionic like my abilities or Redola's, or Hzaou's. It's not magic, definitely. Maybe like your ability to spark fire?" he continues after a moment. "Supernatural, I think the term is?"
[18:09] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm. That could be. Strtength of will sounds much like what we do."
[18:11] <Torokasi> "With you all, Ary said it was... thought and motion, I think he said. Intent and power. For me, it's... I focus my mind, and things change. I'm not good at it yet, I'm better with my weapons. But apparently my power is the sort to start slow, Redola said."


[15:26] <AutumnCrow> "Well, your weapon skills certainly do the job for now, so that's fine." Crow shrugs, or at least as much as she can without tilting the stretcher.
[15:28] <@Torokasi> Para shrugs a bit. "Thank you. ...I don't know much about any of this. There's no deity for guidance, same as your abilities. We pick it up and learn on our own. We are what we have to teach and to learn from."
[15:31] <AutumnCrow> "By the Autumn Temple's teachings, that's...hmm, preferable, really." Crow sighs, "we certainly don't disrespect the gods or anything like that, but we really believe that power granted or taken from without is not really yours at all. Power earned by your own study, your own discovery, your own 'blood, sweat and toil' to quote my uncle, is what is real and what you can always depend on."
[15:34] <@Torokasi> "...Yeah. I agree." Para nods. "Have to dig your claws in and practice. ...or fingers."
[15:36] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2
[15:36] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+2 and gets 14." [1d20=12]
[15:37] <AutumnCrow> "Well, the ability to slash with my fingers as if they were claws is a technique I might be able to learn someday. There are those in the Temple that know it. I probably won't though, better to be as perfect as I can with my fans than to try and be good enough at multiple styles."
[15:39] <@Torokasi> "...I vaguely recall something my brother said." Para continues after nodding to Crow. "That the theory was... ...I think he said that it was a triangle  of sorts. Mental power, power of self, spirit power, was the triangle he made. Power of self and spirit power were opposites, connected through mental power."
[15:40] <@Torokasi> "... but he's way better at knowing that sort of thing. I didn't really get it, myself."
[15:42] <AutumnCrow> "Your brother and my oldest brother could probably have a long and educational conversation about that sort of thing. Dusk is...not as ardent in training as some, but more philisophical about things like the nature of power and whatnot."
[15:46] <@Torokasi> "Heh. If he ever comes into town I'm sure Benzin will talk his ear off." Para grins slightly back at Crow before glancing ahead as the gates of town inch steadily closer. "... The town's in a real ruckus."
[15:47] * AutumnCrow eyes the gates, "...wonder what's going on. The attack on the caravan wouldn't be sending the town into a fervor just yet, the news would be too fresh."
[15:49] <@Torokasi> "Yeah. ...Though Ms. Kila likely passed through recently?" Para tilts his head as the two keep moving. "Could that be it?"
[15:54] <AutumnCrow> "I...suppose? If the gate were full of people who hadnt' seen her before. And if there were no guards to say 'calm down she's with the temple of ratokyst'. And if Ary couldn't get the crowd under control."
[15:55] <@Torokasi> "...good point." Para murmurs.
[16:09] <@Torokasi> After a time, the two get to the end of the bridge, where the problem is made clear; parked in the open area surrounding the bridge are multiple caravans and their wagons, seemingly in the way of multiple of the routes out. Para seems able to readily make his way forward, though, walking through the tumultuous crowd and. After a  bit of being jostled, Benzin wakes up, groggily glancing around. "Damn. Thought the caravans woulda dispersed into town... Just follow the road to the Iron Tower. They wouldn't be allowed to clog the path there, for sure."
[16:11] <AutumnCrow> For her part, Crow does not hesitate to snap at people with an authoritative and harsh tone to get out of her way she's transporting an injured man. (OOC:Take 10 on intimidate for 18, plus any bonuses I might get for Para/guild badge/actually carrying an injured man/etc)
[16:15] <@Torokasi> It doesn't take much effort, thanks to Crow's aggressive stance on clearing the way, to make it through to the main road into town - which, slightly frustratingly, is about as packed, though again Crow finds her orders relatively well followed as the trio make their way down it. Fortunately, there don't seem to be any further road blockings despite the packed crowds in the streets, and Para and Crow are able to make their way south through the street and into the Temple Circle. (More)
[16:18] <@Torokasi> The Circle itself is also packed - a few caravans look to have made their way there, and an impromptu show is being held where all the street vendor stalls are normally set, with performers and actors springing into the air over the crowds who seem spellbound by the performance. Crow and Para skirt the edges of the performance and begin approaching the road that directly connects the Temple Circle to the west gate of the Guild when, from the Temple of Ratokyst, the trio hear, "Hey! Crow! Para!"
[16:20] * AutumnCrow looks that way.
[16:22] <@Torokasi> Ary and Solmyr, both looking somewhat exhausted, jog out from the exit of the temple, meeting up with the trio. "No attacks, I take it. We got Ms. Kila in just fine. They said to return tomorrow morning for the payment; I said that'd probably be fine but I wanted to cross-check with you on that." Ary says in near to one breath.
[16:25] <AutumnCrow> "That's fine, hardly a client we can't trust to deliver payment." Crow shrugs, "we're taking Benzin to his apartment now, if you want to help us clear a path....though we seem to be past the worst of that."
[16:29] <@Torokasi> "Ms. Kila managed to get through surprisingly well." Solmyr nods. "I guess the crowds are just used to getting out of the damn way, today. And, uh... I mean, sure? We're all in the same complex."
[16:30] <AutumnCrow> "You wouldn not believe how many people I had to yell at to get through the gate."
[16:30] <@Torokasi> Ary glances to Solmyr, before in a somewhat mocking tone, "Oh no, she gets to see how the men live. Maybe this will be what it takes for you to clean your room so it doesn't smell like static?
[16:30] <@Torokasi> Solmyr blinks. "Huh. Did the crowds get that much thi- oh shut up, Ary."
[16:35] * AutumnCrow snorts, "I wouldn't even know what static smells like. That must be some mess indeed."
[16:35] <@Torokasi> Benzin chuckles a bit. "Eh. Solmyr's got nothing on poor Shakodai. Dude could do nothing and still make everything within a hundred feet smell like a sauna if he weren't obsessive about cleaning it up."
[16:36] <@Torokasi> Ary shakes his head at Crow as the group walks. "Imagine a lightning bolt in your nose. Granted, having been accidentally hit by Solmyr during training-"
[16:36] <@Torokasi> "How many times do I have to fucking apologize before you drop that one!" Solmyr half-bellows.
[16:36] <@Torokasi> "-means I might be better suited to knowing that smell than most." Ary chuckles drily.
[16:38] * AutumnCrow bites back a comment that might actually piss one or both of them off.
[16:40] <AutumnCrow> "Isn't lightning attracted to metal? I think I heard that somewhere. Considering how much of it you wear..." Crow settles on that line.
[16:42] <@Torokasi> "Yeah." Para nods. "Solmyr does fine when we go for practice. Magic is probably harder to aim than a bow, though."
[16:50] <@Torokasi> Ary shrugs slightly as Solmyr mutters, the group passing through the west gate. Para leads the stretcher to the northeast, passing by Duessa's before making his way to a somewhat nondescript door in the wall, pausing there. Solmyr nods slightly to Para and leads the way from there, Crow hearing the Talmuri say, "Hey, Wire, gonna need to ask you to get off the steps, we got someone we need to carry up."
[16:57] <@Torokasi> The first thing that strikes Crow as they enter the building is the smell of pungent smoke - thick as incense but closer to herbs in the scent, though absolutely nothing Crow can immediately pin down. The room itself is relatively poorly lit, but set up similarly to Crow's apartment complex, except with the stairs connected directly into the main room. As her eyes adjust, Crow can see a rather stringy Talstedi man shuffling away from the stairs to let the group pass, his eyes dark red and what looks like a wrapped batch of herbs smoking between his lips as he watches the group go by.
[16:59] * AutumnCrow makes a very visible face at the smell of the smoke. She does not at aaaaaall find it pleasant.
[17:02] <@Torokasi> If the man sees Crow's face, he doesn't react to it as the group passes by and heads up the stairs, where the smell of smoke abruptly ceases, before turning immediately right, Solmyr fiddling with a key and unlocking the door. "Well, here we are." Solmyr shrugs as the door opens. "Benzin's room is the one at the end of the hall.
[17:02] <@Torokasi> OOC: Strike
[17:04] <@Torokasi> If the man sees Crow's face, he doesn't react to it as the group passes by and heads up the stairs, where the smell of smoke abruptly ceases, before turning immediately right, Solmyr fiddling with a key and unlocking the door. "Well, here we are." Solmyr shrugs as the door opens. "Benzin's room is the one at the end of the hall." It looks a bit like these apartments were probably not well maintained even before Solmyr, Ary and Para moved in - the walls are faded and damaged, and show signs of discoloration, darker splotches and areas on multiple of the walls.
[17:05] <AutumnCrow> "The guild certainly seems to put less effort into maintaing the men's quarters..." Crow raises an eyebrow, and follows Para to Benzin's room to drop him off.
[17:09] <@Torokasi> "This is the oldest apartment set, yeah. They don't worry about maintenance to the M1/M2 quarters as much, but they had to rebuild the women's M1/M2 quarters about 25 years ago due to a fire, so I've heard." Benzin replies as the three head down the hall. It's relatively obvious when they pass by Solmyr's room, thanks to the bizarre feeling of needles of what feel like static electricity filling Crow's nose as they pass, but the trio makes their way down to Benzin's room rather quickly. (More)
[17:12] <@Torokasi> Benzin's room opens at a nudge from Para. The room itself is quite clean, though the bed hasn't been made; a desk with a stack of papers and an inkwell, a closet slightly open with clothes neatly hanging, and what amounts to a small toolchest of weapons, items, and various other implements sits neatly ordered behind the bed. Para glances between Benzin and the bed, before, "I think we're going to need to roll you on."
[17:13] <AutumnCrow> "Just set the stretcher on the bed and work that out from under him."
[17:18] <@Torokasi> "Right." Para nods slightly, placing the stretcher down gingerly before slowly working to ease the stretcher out from under him. With Crow's assistance it gets out slowly, Benzin sighing in relief as he practically sinks into the bed. "Thanks, you two. This is going to help a ton."
[17:23] <AutumnCrow> "Not a problem. Should we let a guild healer know you're up here and might need seeing to, or  do just need to rest it off at this point?"
[17:25] <@Torokasi> "For now, just let me rest. Para can catch Gabit if I need further magical mending, but right now I just want to sleep off this headache." Benzin closes his eyes lazily. "You all should rest, too. Probably as exhausted as my group is."
[17:35] <AutumnCrow> "But thankfully less injured," Crow shakes her head and leads the way out so he can sleep.
[17:40] <@Torokasi> Para and Crow step out, where Ary is waiting a bit down the hall, looking into Solmyr's room as the sound of rearranging can be heard. Ary glances up and nods to the two. "There's one other thing that you guys should know. Apparently no one's being let out of town for the next few days, and they're advising a lot of residents to stay indoors when you don't have stuff you need to be doing. ...Not that that warning ever works anywhere."
[17:44] <AutumnCrow> "...interesting. Well, if your superiors have you doing any kind of civic service to help with whatever's going on, feel free to volunteer the rest of us as well," Crow then looks to Solmyr and Para, "unless anyone wants to opt out." Looking back to Ary, "I don't suppose there was any mention of why, unless it's just about the kobold attacks?"
[17:48] <@Torokasi> "The Iron Tower claims that the populace falls prey to Mist illness more easily when the mist is this thick, even inside the Barrier. ...It's more or less horseshit, from what I know, but since a lot of caravans are stuck in town it's probably them trying to keep people off the roads when possible. ...But it's not like we'd get into the Guild if we fell ill to the Mist that easily, so I wouldn't worry about it." Ary shrugs. "And... I wouldn't worry about it - if we get dragged into anything it'll be helping Janda distribute medical herbs and candles, I'd imagine.
[17:54] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm. Just make sure to wear our guild pins when we go out so that people will know not to tell us to get back indoors, then." Crow nods. "Alright, for now...we haven't collected the reward yet, but I'll go ahead and report the mission at Duessa's. Para, you can just keep an eye on Benzin.  Solmyr...if you can keep an ear out for any other news coming in, and see that our reports of the
[17:54] <AutumnCrow> strange kobold activity get to whoever in the guild should hear it. Ary, you're done for the day unless you want to keep an eye out for Janda and Lilian coming in."
[17:56] <@Torokasi> The trio nods, Ary speaking up first. "Alright. I'm going to swing by the Temple of Sath to make sure I'm off the hook for a little bit, then... I can keep an eye out for those two, yeah. We can meet up at the Temple of Ratokyst at tenth bell tomorrow or so?"
[17:58] <AutumnCrow> "That's fine," Crow agrees.
[18:00] <@Torokasi> "
[18:00] <@Torokasi> "Alright, I'll make sure they hear that just in case." Ary nods, before pausing. "Should probably doff my armor first, thinking on it... not gonna need it over the next few days, I imagine."
[18:02] <@Torokasi> Solmyr frowns a bit. "Tell Lilian to catch me at Desira's Bar, too. Probably gonna have both of us keep our ears to the ground - she knows the southern section of town really well, while I can cover the slums and the Nets the best. We'll meet there before splitting up."
[18:02] <@Torokasi> "Got it." Ary nods a bit.
[18:03] <@Torokasi> "... I need more arrows." Para murmurs. "I might stop by the Guild storefront to do that and get my axe resharpened."
[18:04] * AutumnCrow nods and leaves the boys to thier own devices as she heads to Duessa's to report the job.

[18:09] <@Torokasi> The trip out takes little time, though descending back into the smell of the smoke and past the listless Talstedi man has to happen before Crow can step back outside into the fresh air, making the short trip to Duessa's Redoubt and upstairs to the Guild-only section. The area seems much more crowded than the past visits Crow has made, with a great deal of adventurers of all stripes seemingly engaging in drink and talk here. Duessa is standing behind the bar, in light conversation with a rather tall, wolf-like Talkyr male with dark brown matted fur and striking wooden armor. At Crow's approach she breaks off conversation, smiling. "Glad to see you safe, Autumn Crow. The trip go well for all of you?"
[18:12] <AutumnCrow> "Aside from repeated kobold attacks from larger than normal and unusually organized kobolds, yes. We're all alive and the ones that attacked us are not, at least." Crow shrugs, "The temple is apparently busy enough that they want us to come back tomorrow for the reward, but I thought I'd come in and report the job complete now. Or do I need to wait for them to do that?"
[18:15] <@Torokasi> "I'll get confirmation from them soon enough, I imagine." Duessa shakes her head slightly. "And yeah, basically all the groups were reporting issues with aggressive kobolds. Even the ones up north were getting the larger variety as well, then? Probably wise that the city's on lockdown. Anyway, congratulations on the quest completion."
[18:16] <@Torokasi> The Talkyr Duessa had been talking to looks over. "Were you the ones that helped Ms. Kila? Thank you for that."
[18:17] * AutumnCrow nods to him, then sighs, "We weren't able to keep the enemies completely off of her in a fight, but we prevented any injuries that she couldn't just heal off, at least. You'd think after Ary cut one in half they'd focus on him, but I suppose the kobolds just want to attack the biggest creature they can see."
[18:20] <@Torokasi> "Different kobolds seem to hold different priorities, but 'big target big trophy' seems to be a common one." Duessa sighs. "We've yet to get a consistent pattern from their actions."
[18:21] <@Torokasi> The Talkyr nods. "She got home safe. That is what matters. She knows the risks of exploration, and that she has returned alive and well is good news. The Temple will take time from its ritual to welcome her home."
[18:22] <AutumnCrow> "Well, they do practice very crude versions of the martial adept styles. Chances are how they act is influanced by which style they badly attempt to mimic."
[18:25] <@Torokasi> "That's one element." The Talkyr agrees, shifting his bar stool to look at Crow. "But even with this, they will not focus attacks - except when they intentionally do, even without a leader. The thickness of the Mist seems to influence it, in part - while the Yeek gain language, the Kobold gain mock cunning, like that of Talmen pretending to be a pack."
[18:26] <AutumnCrow> " of the kobolds was talking in one attack, with thick mist of course."
[18:27] <AutumnCrow> "Very thick mist. ...and a couple of passing yeeks actually helped us fight them off. Yeeks and kobolds seem to like eachother even less than they like us."
[18:31] <@Torokasi> "Hah. Indeed. The animosity between yeeks, kobolds, and the naga run deep. And... yes, rarely the Mist can help kobolds speak, though I've yet to get anything coherent from the runts I've caught like that." The Talkyr's wooden armor seems to creak with him as he flexes. "Yeek are... volatile - intelligent, sometimes reasonable, but sometimes not. ... Have you ever run into the same yeek more than once in the Mist, so far?"
[18:34] <AutumnCrow> "I don't think so, no. But talking with the ones that helped us against the kobolds, they apparently knew the Autumn Temple. Someone from the temple helped drive off a threat to a yeek warren near it, was the gist of what I was able to get from it."
[18:38] <@Torokasi> "Hrm." The Talkyr nods at this. "I will give a bit of guidance on this; the Mist resurrects the Yeek. At least, that is what we have determined; we have entered combat with a group made from the same Yeeks as the ones vanquished a year earlier, down to the scars placed where we fought them. At the same time, it seems to distort their memories of time. What was years to them may have been days to us, or vice versa. We've not found the why or the how, as of yet."
[18:39] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm....interesting. I have talked to more than one of them that have very different mindsets...despite the fact that they all claim to be connected and act as one."
[18:42] <@Torokasi> "Yes." The Talkyr nods. "It is... bizarre, to say the least, and it often seems as if that tendency strengthens within the Mist. It's always a topic of discussion, but no one has ever managed to prove anything. Rei is convinced that the Yeek are... figments. Illusions of the Mist, attempting to ape the Talmen. I remain unconvinced, however."
[18:42] <AutumnCrow> "We ran into some where there was practically no Mist at all, so I'd doubt that."
[18:45] <@Torokasi> The Talkyr shrugs. "To him, it is no different than a mage's illusions where the mage is not. Conjured spectacles that have obtained their own, deceptive mockery of life. ...I agree with you, but there have been times where I have wondered, when facing some of them."
[18:46] * AutumnCrow shrugs as well, having a distinct gut feeling that Rei is probably wrong about more things than he is right about, but not wanting to say that in front of one of his peers.
[18:47] <@Torokasi> "
[18:50] <@Torokasi> "Regardless. There are many mysteries that we have yet to unlock... even the northern prairie runs deep with them, I suspect. Either that, or most knowledge has been lost, which amounts to the same quandary. I wish you well in your further journeys. My name is Yi Sungren - I look forward to speaking with you again soon." The Talkyr nods at this.
[18:51] <AutumnCrow> "A pleasure to meet you, I'm..well, Autumn Crow as you heard Duessa say, but I should probably introduce myself to be polite," Crow smiles.
[18:52] <@Torokasi> "Politeness is a rare thing nowadays. Value it." Yi speaks with a slight grin. "Good luck, Autumn Crow, and safe hunting."
[18:54] <@Torokasi> "Speaking of hunting, you may want to check the M2 board once this is done, Yi. There's a request from Mairs about a rare beast sighted that you and the crew may be able to track down." Duessa chimes in before glancing to Crow. "As for the M1s, probably best to talk with Ramedo to see if the Guild has any in-town tasks that need doing, but that can wait for a time. If they need your help, they will find you, so you don't need to worry about it if you want to rest."
[19:00] <AutumnCrow> "We just did two back to back, some downtime is fine for a few days at least." Crow nods.
[19:03] <@Torokasi> "... Another workaholic, I see." Yi smiles slightly. "Though Rei's temperament is far worse than yours... Often, especially as you move up the ranks, journeys into the Mist must be taken less often to allow the body to recover, especially as your trips into the Mist lengthen. Do be careful your group doesn't overexert yourselves."
[19:06] * AutumnCrow chuckles, "Well, Ary and I are fairly bad about that, but we do have Solmyr and Janda to balance us. We'll make sure not to tax ourselves too much."
[19:07] <@Torokasi> Yi nods, calmly, before pausing. "Ah, so your group is Ary's. ...Rei speaks highly of him, so long as he is confident Ary is not around. I suppose this will only heighten that divide."
[19:11] <AutumnCrow> "Oh dear. I've never understood why some teachers refuse to ever praise thier students."
[19:12] <@Torokasi> "...In Rei's case, it's because of how he was trained, I think. The Temple of Sath expects people to be self-driven, not motivated by the praise or actions of others. I cannot speak of other teachers, however." Yi shrugs.
[19:15] <AutumnCrow> "It's also an excellent way to make sure his students don't harbor any accidental good will towards him," Crow deadpans, then shakes her head, "But I'll not get into debating someone else's teaching style behind thier back."
[19:18] <@Torokasi> "Heh. Fair enough." Yi nods. "Anyway, I should go, myself - need to meet with two of my team members to discuss what we'll be doing for the next few days." With that, he stands - surprisingly tall, to Crow's eye - and nods at Crow. "Take care, and stay safe."
[19:19] * AutumnCrow nods. Then orders something non-alchoholic to drink before heading back to catch up with the others. Without even looking at the missions! Downtime it is~
[19:20] <@Torokasi> OOC: Skip to tomorrow, then?
[19:20] <AutumnCrow> OOC: sure

[19:28] <@Torokasi> The sky is still saturated with the white trails of the Mist as Crow makes her way out of the Guild and to the Temple of Ratokyst in the morning. Solmyr and Janda are already there, a bit before the tenth bell, and seem to be actively chatting about something. Janda waves at Crow as she approaches, a slight look of worry on her face.
[19:29] * AutumnCrow walks up, and quirks an eyebrow at the look of worry, "Is something wrong?"
[19:32] <@Torokasi> "No, everything's fine. Lilian's just a bit sick, according to Solmyr... They apparently called off canvassing a few of the bars last night due to that. Hopefully it's nothing too serious." Janda says, shaking her head. "I was asking about the symptoms, is all."
[19:33] <@Torokasi> "So if Lilian can't make it today, that's why." Solmyr shrugs. "She said she was going to figure out just sleeping for most the day... I don't really know what's up, but she said it was likely just what she ate last evening after getting back from tending to the wounded."
[19:35] <AutumnCrow> "If she's not feeling better by evening then we take her to a healer if you can't figure out what's wrong. Considering the illnesses the group that just came back in are dealing with, I'll risk overreacting before not acting soon enough." Crow nods.
[19:36] <@Torokasi> "Yeah, fair enough." Solmyr nods. "No sense risking anything like what Para said that... uh, fuck. Shakodai? I think that was Benzin's teammate's name. No need to get what he had, or anything that bad."
[19:38] <AutumnCrow> "Indeed."
[19:38] <@Torokasi> Janda frowns further. "Yes... Janus was talking about it this morning. He's almost emotionally traumatized. To be a healer and not be able to save a dear friend is nightmarish, I can only imagine."
[19:45] <@Torokasi> After a few minutes of idle waiting, Ary and Para come up, both in civilian clothing. Para fails to look any different, but Ary's muscle and bulk are relatively obvious outside the full armor as the two advance. Ary nods to the group. "'morning, all. Everyone rest alright?"
[19:47] <@Torokasi> "Except Lilian, yeah. She's currently not feeling well, so she's resting." Solmyr shrugs. "Ready, everyone?"
[19:48] * AutumnCrow nods and leads the way into the temple.
[19:55] <@Torokasi> The five enter the temple, the greenery still as vibrant as the past visit. A few acolytes in pale brown robes tend to the plants and nod slightly to the group as they enter, meeting Ms. Kila and Uncle Jermene at the altar. Ms. Kila seems to be frowning a bit on seeing the group, but Uncle Jermene smiles genially as the group approaches, his grey hair bouncing with his head slightly as he nods. "Well, well! It's good to see you all. From what Ms. Kila has said and what we've received, the trip went quite well!"
[19:56] <AutumnCrow> "We could have done without the extra serving of kobold, but other than that yes," Crow deadpans.
[20:02] <@Torokasi> "Yes, well, those are the risks taken sometimes. But you got three bags worth, with only a bit of it ruined due to outside factors, according to Ms. Kila. And successful conversing with the yeeks managed conflict avoidance! Wonderful, simply wonderful." Uncle Jermene enthuses, clapping a bit. "So... fifty gold total-"
[20:02] * AutumnCrow motions for Janda to handle taking the money.
[20:03] <@Torokasi> "Sixty. One member is not here." Ms. Kila interrupts.
[20:04] <AutumnCrow> "Lilian is feeling unwell today, unfortunately." Crow explains her absence.
[20:05] <@Torokasi> "Oh! She must be busy, then. Sixty gold total and the stone, as promised." Uncle Jermene nods slightly, pulling out a pack and counting out twelve slightly larger golden coins into Janda's palm. "A shame. Hopefully it is not Mist illness, but if it is, bring her here and we'll see what we can do." With that, he also places a round, black stone in Janda's hands, almost as big as her palm. "Ms. Kila, I believe you assembled instructions on its use?"
[20:06] <@Torokasi> "Indeed. Here." Ms. Kila's massive palm opens, revealing a scroll which she offers to Crow.
[20:07] <@Torokasi> "We would tell you the words needed, but they trigger it regardless of who holds the stone. So... this will do."
[20:07] <@Torokasi> With that statement, Ms. Kila shrugs a bit. "It should be usable by anyone in your group, however."
[20:08] <AutumnCrow> "Ah, well, good to know. We'll keep it wrapped in something heatproof in the pack just in case it gets accidentally triggered. This should help campfire cooking quite a bit, thank you."
[20:09] <@Torokasi> "Not a problem. The trigger words are... not ones that come up in normal conversation, at the least, but that's probably good caution nonetheless." Ms. Kila nods.
[20:10] * AutumnCrow hands the stone off to Ary to carry for the time being, she keeps the scroll.
[20:12] <@Torokasi> Uncle Jermene smiles still wider at this. "We're preparing for the Festival of New Life in a week. Feel free to come if you'd like! The whitegrass is used for multiple of the rituals, so you'll get to see your hard work put to use. Regardless, we're all quite busy, so I'm afraid I must go tend to other matters. Please be careful on your way, and thank you for protecting Ms. Kila!"
[20:13] <AutumnCrow> "Certainly. I'll bring the stone by then to help with the cooking," Crow smiles up at Ms Kila.
[20:16] <@Torokasi> "That'd be nice." Ms. Kila smiles. "My room is an addon at the back of the temple. If you ever wish to catch me, I'll be either there or in the Temple grove proper."
[20:17] * AutumnCrow nods
[20:20] <@Torokasi> With this, the two disperse into the back of the Temple. Janda hums a bit. "This was a really good payout. I'm glad Ms. Kila vouched for us, there... Ten gold each and a useful item for future expeditions is pretty solid from what I know!"
[20:23] <AutumnCrow> "I still admit to having little to no idea how much ten gold is really worth," Crow shrugs as if money is unimportant or something, "but the heatstone is definately something I'm happy with. I'll test this out tonight probably." Crow smiles sadly at Janda,  "Our post-mission girls' night out will have to wait until Lily's feeling better."
[20:27] <@Torokasi> "Sadly, yes." Janda frowns. "I'd give her the evening regardless, even if she's feeling better, just to recuperate in case. And since the city is in effective lockdown, I suppose we've got a decent amount of time to go around shopping and suchlike. Still, she's likely to be pleased at the Temple of Ratokyst's generosity, too!"
[20:28] <@Torokasi> "Perhaps at this point we should consider helping Crow acclimatize herself to Verxais better?" Ary ventures. "I mean, there's usually going to be someone around to help her make her way around, and she's got the compass to make her way back home, but at the same time, if you're interested, Crow, it could be a good way to quickly gain familiarity with the town and what's offered around here?"
[20:30] <AutumnCrow> "I suppose that couldn't hurt. Lets drop the stone off back in...I suppose I'll just keep it with my things, and then we have free time until the festival here at least. We're not even looking at missions for a bit, some downtime for training and rest is the plan."
[20:31] <@Torokasi> "Sounds good, yeah. I think all of us are ready for some relaxation!" Solmyr smiles.
[20:31] <@Torokasi> "And some training." Ary replies drily.
[20:33] <@Torokasi> "Is there anything in particular that you've been wanting to do, Crow?" Janda asks as Ary and Solmyr descend into bickering.
[20:36] <AutumnCrow> "Not that I can think of, really. A chance to actually dance instead of just practice in my room would be nice, but that's about all that really comes to mind. I...don't really know what there is to do enough to know what I want to do, I suppose. At the Autumn Temple, it's just training, chores, free time. Which for me meant dancing or reading. That's all I really know."
[20:37] <AutumnCrow> "Here, there's no chores...and between missions I find myself not doing as much training as I used to....though still more than any of the rest of you, so maybe that's not a bad thing. So that means a lot of free time."
[20:40] <@Torokasi> "Hrm." Janda frowns. "Well, I know a fellow adventurer from the Temple of the Weeping Lady - she's a talented singer. We could find somewhere in the Temple to do an impromptu performance... but I'd want at least one other performer with us, so give me a day or two to check with Tira. I, ah, learned how to play from my mother, but figured out I could put it to inspirational use only when I joined the Guild, so... I don't have the connections Tira does to the performance scene around here."
[20:41] <@Torokasi> Ary shrugs a bit as well. "There's a variety of storefronts with about anything you could imagine to buy, a great number of bars, taverns, and restaurants... If you're looking for others to train with, one option is checking the Guild itself - a lot of people that practice in there don't mind sparring partners or even exercise partners. Honestly, I prefer that environ to Rei barking orders..."
[20:43] * AutumnCrow has to bite back a laugh at the mention of Rei considering her earlier conversation.
[20:45] <@Torokasi> "I guess I'd say, be creative. If there's anything you think you're interested in, let us know. Otherwise, I guess we could just do a general tour of the city? Granted, Lilian knows a lot of the town the best, but Solmyr knows the northwest and Janda the northeast, so we could start there." Ary finishes with a shrug.
[20:46] <AutumnCrow> "A general tour sounds fine, or looking into the performance scene, I wouldn't mind seeing what kind of dancing and music you have here in the city. Likely very different from what we practice back home."
[20:47] <@Torokasi> "Sounds good, yeah." Janda nods. "Let's do a tour of the northeast first, I suppose...?"


[17:15] <Torokasi> Janda takes the lead as the group makes their way through the congested town, people milling around restlessly and murmuring in the Temple Circle. "By the eleventh bell, most food stalls close up for an hour to prepare afternoon meals." Ary comments as the group moves on, glancing over at a few of the pastry stalls and a bakery on the side of one complex. "In general if you're wanting to try others' food, try to get in as close to the noonday bell as possible - that's when it's at its freshest. Granted, I'm not much of a morning meal person when I'm not on mission..."
[17:18] <AutumnCrow> "I hope that means you just eat something light and not a full meal, rather than skip breakfast entirely. Skipping the morning meal is terrible for keeping your energy up for training."
[17:20] <Torokasi> "The former, yeah." Ary nods. "Can't deal with a full morning without eating, but if I try to eat anything more than a light amount it... just doesn't agree with my head."
[17:21] <Torokasi> Solmyr shrugs. "I keep telling you it comes with time, but... then again, I was raised on heavy-light-heavy for meals. I guess there's a cultural difference there."
[17:23] <AutumnCrow> "We had slightly different meal scheduals depending on how you were trying to train," Crow notes, "at least for the warriors. I would eat lightly for the three meals and then have small snacks between them for constant energy since I was in agility focused training. Someone trying to bulk up for muscle would have been on a heavy-light-heavy schedual like that, yes."
[17:37] <Torokasi> Janda shrugs a bit. "I don't know that the Weeping Lady's temple worries too much about that... though I don't know much about the guards' training or anything. Anyway, one of the conveniences of the Northeast District is that it's relatively easy to navigate - there's four main roads going west-east, four main roads going north-south, and three roads that go diagonally from southwest to northeast. I usually take the one straight out of the Temple District, but I figured that the Silver Pass would be... an elegant first impression. Or, uh, second, I guess, we came up her for spices and the spice carrier."
[17:40] * AutumnCrow smirks and fans herself, "Well, I wouldn't expect your guards here to have as rigorous training in everything, including meal regimens, as the Autumn Temple." As Janda finishes her suggestion for the tour, Crow nods, "I admit was likely not paying too much attention, just looking for the spice store. Lead on~"
[17:44] <Torokasi> "Understood!" Janda chirps as the group turns onto a diagonal road. At a glance, Crow can see the Iron Tower looming in the distance as the group turns into the opposite direction, and to the sight of a vast group of fragrant flowers, hanging over the road, the path steeped in petals. Janda gestures widely, "The entire street is taken care of up to this point by a large number of druids that live on this lane. Many work at the Iron Tower on government projects, with the rest helping a lot of the local farms, acting as doctors for crops, more or less."
[17:50] * AutumnCrow nods, "I was wondering, where does the water in the city come from? On a pillar like this...well, even a giant one, I wouldn't expect a river to make it out here."
[17:56] <Torokasi> "The water is provided by the temples, the hedgemages and the druidry. There's a small portion of the city, to the southeast, that connects to the greater land around us, and there's a dry waterbed there. It was probably founded around that, but the town adapted and changed as it dried up to require magic to maintain it." Janda replies. "It's... actually a dangerous situation, as you can probably surmise. The temples keep the wells maintained, but..."
[17:58] <AutumnCrow> "That's....a rather massive amount of magic needed on a daily basis." Crow shakes her head at the thought of that much spellcasting daily.
[17:58] <Torokasi> "...They talked about it in some of the higher-end courses I took at Bastion. Magic failing us her in Verxais is actually a high-level catastrophe for precisely that reason." Janda shakes her head. "Granted, the possibility of that happening is only speculation based on a few events in the Mist that have been reported, and the existence of some spells and powers that nullify magic."
[18:01] <Torokasi> "Verxais isn't alone, there, though its issues are probably the most severe." Ary comments. "There's some rivers that pass through Teriander, but you're almost always better off drinking beer, since it's less likely to make you sick. These cities are admittedly the exception - most cities get enough rain and the Mist provides enough saturation that water wouldn't be an issue, but here? No such luck, with so many houses stacked on each other."
[18:02] * AutumnCrow pulls a face at the mention of drinking beer, "I think I would have to make freinds with someone who can create water rather quickly in Teriander, then. I find beer only vaguely palatable at the best of times, and you certainly can't make soup out of it."
[18:10] <Torokasi> "... hm? Some of the larger herbivores around Teriander have a nice, dark meat. Cook the onion in some darker beer and stock from the meat?"
[18:10] <Torokasi> Ary pauses at Crow's comment. "I don't actually recall the full recipe, but there's some soup recipes that use beers, I'm sure."
[18:11] <AutumnCrow> "As an additive, yes. As the entire liquid base? Doubtful. And if there are, I question the quality of the recipie."
[18:17] <Torokasi> Ary shrugs. "As I said, they use beef stock as well. But... I don't know the full recipe."
[18:22] <Torokasi> Janda shakes her head. "Regardless. The spice store we went to is actually a bit east off this road, but this is probably the fastest route overall. Near the end, however, is somewhere I think you'll want to see, Crow. It's the biggest open air theater in the world- well, I think the world, maybe Teriander ha-"
[18:22] <Torokasi> "No." Ary comments. "Easily, no, we don't have anything that big."
[18:23] <AutumnCrow> "Oh?" Crow's interest is caught. "We'll have to see a show there sometime~"
[18:23] <Torokasi> "Right. So the biggest open-air theater in the world!" Janda smiles broadly. "There's a lot of dancing performances that go on there, and while I don't think we can get seats today, we'll be able to see it as we pass by from the sides. They usually close ticket sales twenty-four hours beforehand."
[18:26] <Torokasi> "Sure, that'd be nice. They list stuff outside the halls about three weeks in advance, usually, though every once in a while it gets used for non-performances - inspirational speeches and the like."
[18:27] <Torokasi> OOC: Strike
[18:27] <Torokasi> "Sure, that'd be nice. They list stuff outside the halls about three weeks in advance, usually, though every once in a while it gets used for non-performances - inspirational speeches and the like." Janda nods to Crow at that.
[18:28] <AutumnCrow> "Let's see if there's anthing interesting coming up and we can make a day of it. We are planning for enough down time for that, I think."
[18:36] <Torokasi> "Right." Janda nods as the group progresses, under a variety of trellises overarching the road, flowers blooming rampantly across the gaps as the group crosses roads small and large. It's about thirty minutes before Janda stops the group, gesturing to a large, stonework theater dug into the earth, railings circling all the way around it. From this angle, Crow can see the relatively large crowd with ease, as well as the performers down on the ground, apparently in the middle of some form of dramatic play, lines booming out rapidly and with a great deal of exaggerated suffering.
[18:38] <AutumnCrow> "Is comedic overacting the style here, or just this performance?"
[18:42] <Torokasi> roll 1d20+2 Janda
[18:43] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+2 Janda and gets 7." [1d20=5]
[18:43] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7 Ary +4 circumstance bonus
[18:43] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+7 Ary +4 circumstance bonus and gets 14." [1d20=7]
[18:44] <@Torokasi> Janda sort of shrugs, while Ary cranes over for a better look, before snorting. "No, this is... a specific play, from a style. The name's slipping me, though... Sath burn it all, what was the type? Baathian? It's from a now rather small town where, a long time ago, a bunch of playwrights emerged. This is one of the better known ones for being the most, uh, overstated of the bunch."
[18:45] <@Torokasi> Solmyr snorts. "How do I forget you know more about art than probably the entire rest of the team combined? Well, minus Crow obviously."
[18:46] <@Torokasi> Ary shrugs. "This sort of thing was one of the few decent things about Teriander. Place doesn't have much to recommend itself otherwise."
[18:51] <AutumnCrow> "There's a place for that sort of theater, I suppose. I prefer dance performances...well, the Autumn Temple's style of performance isn't really theater at all I suppose. It's..." Crow sighs, "how to's theater without talking? Dance and musical accompaniment and the actors going through the coreargraphy, but not actually speaking. I don't know the proper term for it."
[18:52] <AutumnCrow> "It's one of the ways we keep our history," Crow offers as explanation, "there might be a narrarator that reads pieces of the story between scenes in the more elaborate ones."
[18:52] <@Torokasi> "Musical/rhythmic performance is usually what it's called here. Or just dance performance." Janda shakes her head. "This is one of the more popular vignettes." At Crow's follow-up, she blinks. "How far back does your Temple's history go, if I may ask?"
[18:56] <AutumnCrow> "Ah...let's see. Autumn Storm was the first High Lady who founded the Temple and created the barrier against the Mist. So...early after the arrival of the Mist. I think my uncle has said...8000 years or so?"
[18:58] <@Torokasi> "Impressive. I suppose a smaller community would have it easier there. I know we have records dating back around three, four thousand years, but there's been a lot of fires and... honestly, information gets lost." Janda smiles woefully. "And from the way you phrased it, it sounds like the history of the Temple, not the history of the Temple and everyone else, so..."
[19:00] <AutumnCrow> "We're..." Crow winces, a bit embarrased, "pretty bad about caring about the cities, yes." She laughs it off, though, "If we have a flaw in the way we do things at the Autumn Temple, it's that we focus entirely too much."
[19:01] <@Torokasi> "It makes sense, to be honest." Solmyr shrugs. "I mean, Sumotah'l had information about Verxais, but it was... very dated and very, ah, biased? Despite being another one of the Three Gems? What I found when I got here was totally different."
[19:33] <@Torokasi> "Teriander... well. Propoganda abounds, especially since Teriander's doing worse and is trying to pretend otherwise." Ary shrugs. "But yeah, it doesn't surprise me that communities are insular. We're all contained in our own respective Barriers, after all."
[19:35] <AutumnCrow> "It takes a certain kind of crazy to make the trip through the mist all the way to another city." Crow nods.
[19:36] <@Torokasi> "Yeah, or a certain level of determination." Solmyr chuckles. "Me, though, crazy works."                                                                                                                                                                                                       
[19:36] <@Torokasi> "Nyci gave me an excuse." Ary shrugs.
[19:36] <AutumnCrow> "And she's certainly a certain kind of crazy," Crow takes the opening with a smirk.
[19:38] <@Torokasi> "...part of me wants to defend her, but part of me wants to say that's a gentle way to put it." Ary groans. "Still, I do love her, just..."
[19:40] <@Torokasi> "...She's incredibly focused on whatever she wants to be doing, and she doesn't pay much mind to anything else? To the point of absurdity at times?" Solmyr comments drily.
[19:45] <@Torokasi> "...She gets an idea in her head and will run with it as far as she can take it, yes. I'm sort of glad Kalos and Isabella have a knack for keeping her in line, at least." Ary shakes his head in mild disbelief. "Anyway. Where to from here?"
[19:48] <@Torokasi> Janda hums a bit. "Well, there's a few magical charm shops around here, but those aren't of as much interest to you, Crow, I imagine... There's a garden to the northwest a fair ways? Might be a nice place to relax and practice in public - some groups use parts of it for morning exercises, I know that much..."
[19:57] <AutumnCrow> "The garden sounds nice, I like flowers as much as the next girl~" Crow grins.

[19:59] <@Torokasi> "Alright!" Janda nods as the group keeps trecking through the streets. It's relatively easy to notice at this point the wealth of the surrounding buildings - there even seem to be some independent houses spread out here and there, with small patches of food being grown in front, though even the multi-home complexes seem much more well maintained and less scrambled together than the ones in the northwest. (More)
[20:00] <@Torokasi> Almost all the homes seem to feature a decent amount of balconies, porches, or outdoor areas, where a lot of the noise - and even in some cases, music - comes from as the group continues to head northwest, before...
[20:05] <@Torokasi> Janda stops, in the middle of the street, before sighing and motioning the group over to the side, moving with them. "Merchant caravan coming through, looks like. Why this road, I've not the slightest - it's not even a main road."
[20:09] * AutumnCrow blinks and moves to the side of the road, "Maybe they're making deliveries to shops on this road?"
[20:11] <@Torokasi> "Possible, though this is a more residential road..." Janda frowns as the merchant caravan draws closer, before stopping right in the middle of the section of street in front of them, causing Janda to groan in exasperation as people file out of the caravan, seemingly talking to the residents of the road and the shopkeepers.
[20:13] * AutumnCrow raises an eyebrow, "Ah...what?"
[20:16] <@Torokasi> "I... don't know." Solmyr shakes his head, before walking up to one of the men from the caravan. A quick exchange is had before Solmyr returns. "They're apparently looking for both someone and something. I take it none of you have seen a travel case carved out of bright green jade, or a Talstedi man covered in non-religious tattoos carrying said travel case?"
[20:17] * AutumnCrow thinks, "Bright green jade travel case?" (OOC: does that sound like anything she would have any knoweldge of?)
[20:18] <@Torokasi> OOC: Definitely not. That sounds incredibly, uh, luxuriant, and also a waste of jade, as far as Crow can tell.
[20:19] <@Torokasi> Janda shakes her head. "Not that I'm aware of... Also, if this was stolen, why don't they ask the city guard?"
[20:42] <AutumnCrow> "Or put in a request at the guild." Crow nods.
[20:44] <@Torokasi> "Guild could take too long, possibly. Though we could informally offer to keep our eyes open for it?" Solmyr shrugs. "As for why not the guard, no clue."
[20:47] <@Torokasi> Para shrugs. "Maybe... they didn't own the case?"
[20:54] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm. Awfully conspicuous way to ask for something that doesn't belong to you." Crow shrugs and walks up, "I'll suggest putting it in as a guild request and see what reason they give me for saying no."
[20:57] <@Torokasi> Solmyr nods and comes with Crow as the two approach the first person from the caravan they can reach, a young Talmuri woman finishing a conversation with one of the locals, sighing a bit before glancing over at the two. Her ears - more like weirdly curved fins, on a closer look - seem to perk up as the two approach. "Ah, did this young lady see something, sir?"
[20:59] <AutumnCrow> "Ah, no." Crow answers, "I simply wanted to suggest that if it's very important that you find this individual, you may wish to submit it as a request to the Kerebos Guild. My team is taking some downtime right now, but there are others who would love a job that doesn't take them out of the city for a change."
[21:02] <@Torokasi> "...I'll make a point of suggesting that." The woman nods, a bit crestfallen. "I don't think my boss will agree, but... well. It's at least something. If you do see anything, we're staying in the Silver Star, just off the north entrance to town. Please come tell us - we will reward you if we can retrieve the man or the case."
[21:05] <AutumnCrow> "Can I ask for his name, and perhaps a better description than 'a talstedi man'?" Crow inquires, "there are quite a few ways to hide a stolen case, even if it is quite large."
[21:08] <@Torokasi> "Certainly, though his most identifying trait is definitely the fact that he's incredibly ornately tattooed. His name is Marcel Odamane, and he is a priest of Zuiseno. About a head taller than you, and incredibly gaunt. He rarely eats." The woman pauses, before, "He himself would have no reason to hide the case, and we'd know if he wasn't in possession of it... well, I suppose the wards could be tricked, but not easily. They should be together."
[21:10] <@Torokasi> "Skin color... maybe a bit deeper than yours, ma'am, but not by much, and he's cleanshaven everywhere, on account of the tattoos and all." She finishes after a moment
[21:10] <AutumnCrow> "Is he a missing member of your group?" Crow asks, "I'm sorry about my presumption, I hear someone asking after a person and a very specific object and my first thought is that the person stole said object."
[21:13] <@Torokasi> "Ah. Yes, he is. Specifically, he is the one that was entrusted to carry the case on behalf of our client. We... are concerned both the case and the man have somehow been stolen, at this point. We have not seen or heard from him since yesterday morning, and we have no information as to where he could have gone." The woman shakes her head. "He was last seen at breakfast, going back to his room. He was checked on last evening, and was not there... and has not shown up since."
[21:14] <AutumnCrow> "Well, we'll keep our eyes open for him, and ask around back at the guild's tavern."
[21:16] <@Torokasi> "Thank you. I'm Copra, of the Horizon Guild. Just ask for me or leave a message at the Silver Star if anything comes up, and thank you again." Copra nods a bit before getting back into the front of the first wagon as the merchant caravan continues down the road.
[21:16] <@Torokasi> Solmyr watches this, before musing, "...and we still don't know why they won't ask the guards."
[21:19] <AutumnCrow> "Well, they didn't ask us not to ask the guards." Crow replies with a pleasant tone~
[21:20] <@Torokasi> ". That's a good point. And lord knows it sure doesn't seem like they care, what with them asking every Stedi, Muri and Kyr on the roads." Solmyr snorts. "We can look around a bit ourselves and keep our ears open - it's at least an informal case to work on if we want."
[21:23] <AutumnCrow> "I figure asking around back at the Redoubt will get us more than anything else will. And simply mention a rewards and it should turn into an unofficial job for someone."
[21:25] <@Torokasi> "Indeed." Solmyr nods. "Surely someone will fish the guy up, if he's still in town."
[21:25] <@Torokasi> Janda, Para and Ary wander up at this point, and Solmyr just shrugs to them. "Apparently the guy in question is supposed to be minding the case and didn't steal it, but went missing with the case instead. So..."
[21:26] <@Torokasi> Ary shrugs. "Could still be a theft, with the guy taking this opportunity to take it for himself and lie low?"
[21:27] * AutumnCrow relays the description, then adds, "Possible, though he is a preist of Zuiseno apparently. I figure we'll share the story back at the Redoubt and see if anyone else is feeling enterprising...unless we want to go on a manhunt." Crow herself seems decidedly neutral on the subject.
[21:28] <@Torokasi> "I'd just say we keep our eyes out. For all we know, the guy went out to the whorehouses and didn't anticipate everyone else freaking out. She was Horizon Guild, so they'd have mages trying to find him and that'd be one of the better places to throw them off." Solmyr shrugs.
[21:31] <@Torokasi> Janda blinks at this. "I don't follow."
[21:32] <@Torokasi> Ary snorts. "Ah... a lot of the, um, red districts use spells that ward against searching magics, so clients can come in without being found out by others."
[21:35] <AutumnCrow> "I see." Crow replies with a rather flat tone.
[21:36] <@Torokasi> Janda looks between Solmyr and Ary, face wrinkled, before finally turning on Ary. "It's about what I'd expect Solmyr to know, but from you, Ary?"
[21:36] <@Torokasi> Ary shakes his head, groaning. "Blame Nyci. Seriously."
[21:37] <@Torokasi> Janda pauses at this, before her hands clutch her dress slightly. "Wait, what is that supposed to mean...?"
[21:38] <@Torokasi> "It means I only know because of Nyci, and I'd like to drop that story right here. It's... not at all what you're thinking, either, probably." Ary grumbles, shaking his head.
[21:39] <AutumnCrow> "I'm thinking it's just because she hangs out with the sort that would know, like that Tammud....individual."
[21:40] <@Torokasi> "R... right." Janda shakes her head. "Anyways! Garden! We're about halfway there! Everyone still want to go see it?"
[21:40] <@Torokasi> Ary nods slightly to Crow at this but doesn't keep talking as Janda speaks.
[21:43] <AutumnCrow> "Of course."
[21:47] <@Torokasi> The group continues down the road, progressively narrowing just slightly, until it reaches its end at a west-east road. In front of the group is a thick iron-wrought fence interlaced with itself, through and over which Crow can see looming trees and birds, with what looks like a small garden lining the path inward past a gate with a bored-looking guard in front of it.
[21:49] <@Torokasi> The guard seems to perk up slightly at Janda approaching him, though his bored look stays relatively fixed. "Hello, Ms. Lestrad. Here to enjoy the garden? Unfortunately, it's closed today."
[21:49] <@Torokasi> Janda frowns. "Wait, really? Why's that?"
[21:51] <@Torokasi> "It's being used as a meeting ground by the Horizon Guild and the Kerebos Guild. Something about a trade deal, I don't know the details." The guard - little more than a teen, Crow would imagine - shrugs. "They don't tell me much."


[18:03] <Torokasi> Ary cocks his head a bit. "Weird. Hopefully they weren't trying to trade that case they lost..."
[18:04] <AutumnCrow> "That would be unfortunate." Crow sighs, "Well, that's that for the park I suppse. Any other desinations to reccomend, Janda?"
[18:12] <Torokasi> "Ugh... They're really using the entire garden, Kathe?" Janda groans. "No, don't answer, I don't want you in trouble." Then, to Crow, "Okay. Uh... Let's see. The brilliant eateries we'll save for when Lilian's better, ditto the clothing stores... Hrmph. So much trouble with the Horizon Guild in town, it seems. Give me a moment to think."
[18:13] <AutumnCrow> "So can someone tell me a bit more about the Horizon Guild? From what I learned at the temple, I know that they exist and that's about it," Crow looked towards Solmyr and Ary while Janda thought about where else to go.
[18:17] <Torokasi> Solmyr nods. "The Horizon Guild's more or less the main merchant guild. They basically handle a great deal of the inter-city trading and some other matters, including transporting clients. For that sorta thing, they usually hire us if the client will pay enough."
[18:19] <AutumnCrow> "I see."
[18:20] * AutumnCrow shrugs, merchant guilds held little interest to her.
[18:20] <Torokasi> Ary shrugs. "They attract a great deal of people, including a fair few warriors of their own, but they aren't as trained as we are on average. Honestly, most of the time their warriors are retired city guards or Kerebos members, based on what the people in Teriander said. So they have to hire people still practicing."
[18:24] <Torokasi> Ary shrugs. "They attract a great deal of people, including a fair few warriors of their own, but they aren't as trained as we are on average. Honestly, most of the time their warriors are retired city guards or Kerebos members, based on what the people in Teriander said. So they have to hire people still practicing."
[18:27] * AutumnCrow nods, "It makes sense, really. I can't imagine caravan guard duty is particularly exciting, doing that full time would drive me to drink. Every now and again for the right pay or opportunity would be acceptable, but not as a carreer."
[18:30] <Torokasi> "Definitely." Ary nods. "I did it to come down here, and... Horizon Guild basically expects you to be subservient to the clients. I can imagine it'd be okay with good clients, but... ugh. Spoiled Sath-accursed Teriander noblebrats."
[18:33] <Torokasi> Janda claps her hands together. "I can think of one more place, but it'd just be a quick stop for us to look around since I know you'd rather not linger, but I think you'll like the architecture."
[18:34] * AutumnCrow nods to Ary, then to Janda, "Certainly, lets go~"
[18:39] <Torokasi> Janda nods and leads the way, this time east along the road and through the fancily-dressed crowds. It isn't long before the group comes across two rather stout elderly guards sitting by the side of the road, both with distinct silver caps, seemingly watching the traffic. The group passes them, before Janda comments, "They keep out a lot of people from this section of town, but we're Guild and you're with me anyway so it's no big deal. Guild basically acts as authority to get into any part of town, so it's handy to have it on when you're out and about." (More)
[18:42] <Torokasi> The houses here have given way to large, four-story abodes with large, carefully maintained hedges and what seem to be relatively ornate, even gaudy, magical effects over each house - from one that shimmers with the light, to a house where birds Crow doesn't recognize seem to flit about, to even a house decorated with moving sculptures of immensely muscular and scantily clad men, though many houses seem to rely alone on their sheer size and their elaborate construction for impressions. Janda seems to take all of this in stride, but Para seems dumbstruck, and Solmyr, entranced.
[18:42] <Torokasi> Ary's the first to really speak as the group keeps moving, muttering to Janda, "...Would I get beheaded if I said this was just way too much?"
[18:43] <Torokasi> Janda rolls her eyes. "No, but you probably should keep it down. We're just cutting through here, thankfully. It's not my type of house, either." she murmurs.
[18:44] <AutumnCrow> "And I thought the Temple of Sath was gaudy." Crow deadpans, albeit quietly, as she shakes her head at the sheer waste people seem to go through to be seen as 'better'.
[18:45] <Torokasi> OOC: Roll a spot check.
[18:46] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+0 lolnotice
[18:46] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+0 lolnotice and gets 8." [1d20=8]
[18:46] <Torokasi> roll 1d20+5
[18:46] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+5 and gets 17." [1d20=12]
[18:49] <Torokasi> The group continues down the street, Janda shaking her head a bit. "This is, I think, a street where most everyone's a follower of Sath, so, well... Oh, right, you probably didn't know that. A lot of the streets, or in some areas the blocks, in the Northwest District tend to filter by gods. You don't have to worship only Sath to live here, but it probably helps if that's where you tithe the most. This is sorta called "Dream Boulevard" by the locals."
[18:49] <Torokasi> roll 1d20+3
[18:49] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+3 and gets 21." [1d20=18]
[18:50] <Torokasi> Ary pauses. "...Wait. This is Dream Boulevard? Sath below, it's worse then Rei implied."
[18:50] * AutumnCrow snickers.
[18:51] <AutumnCrow> "I take it the martial arm of the church and the...fiscal arm of the church, do not often see eye to eye?" Crow stifles a laugh.
[18:55] <Torokasi> "... It's more of... different branches of the faith. There's a few different factions of the Temple. I grew up in Teriander, where this sort of belief never got a firm hold." Ary shakes his head. "Experientialist, I think they called the Teriander branch when I got here?"
[18:59] <Torokasi> "Sounds maddening. I suppose I'm glad the Weeping Lady's faith does not condone such unneccesary infighting." Janda smiles.
[19:01] <AutumnCrow> "You're familiar with the Weeping Lady's faith in other cities?"
[19:04] <Torokasi> "Relatively familiar, thanks to visitors coming to the Temple. This isn't to say that there are not warriors and healers, like Sath has, but the Temple's faith is unified, on average. Other temples may feature a schism in how they conduct affairs, but... I suppose I should say that if there is somewhere that does not operate on very similar principles to what we have here, I've yet to know of it." Janda tilts her head at the end. "Let's turn right here and get off this street a bit early."
[19:05] * AutumnCrow nods, and follows along~
[19:08] <Torokasi> Solmyr nods. "I'm more of a dabbler in religious matters, but this is one matter I agree with Janda on. A lot of the temples in Sumotah'l - though we don't even have an official one for Hemda there - are vastly different from here, but the Weeping Lady's temple sticks to the same five themes no matter where you go, it seems. Simple, but effective."
[19:11] <AutumnCrow> "I wouldn't imagine Ratokyst's temples would be very different no matter where you go either, honestly. The one at the Autumn Temple is just smaller and more...outdoors instead of in a giant building like here. Same genreral idea, though."
[19:13] <Torokasi> "Mmm. Ratokyst's... honestly they're pretty similar, but the one in Sumotah'l was, honestly, kinda creepy. A lot of the priests were heavily into studying diseases that people got from venturing into the jungle. I suppose we're lucky, though - the jungle's creatures kept away a lot of the sentient beings, like the kobolds and yeeks. We just got naga and they don't care too much about humans unless you take something they had a claim on."
[19:15] <AutumnCrow> "I..." Crow sighs, "I understand the ones who study disease because they want to learn how to cure them, or how to fight similar diseases, things like that. The ones who study disease because they think infections are interesting...." she shakes her head bewlidered.
[19:16] <Torokasi> "Yeah. I take it that wouldn't fly in the Autumn Temple, though?" Solmyr asks.
[19:18] <AutumnCrow> "Well, my uncle Winter Tree, the current druid tending the shrine of Ratokyst there, would likely send anyone interested in that sort of thing to the city for learning at the temple here." Crow half smiles, "more for thier own protection than anything else. The warriors of the temple might...just rough up someone that creepy a bit too much. I suppose I should note it's not a full temple of
[19:18] <AutumnCrow> Ratokyst there, just a shrine."
[19:20] <Torokasi> "Ah. Probably helps to have a druid for crops, and that sounds like the one reason you'd want any temple there with what you've said, yeah." Solmyr nods slightly. "Anyway, where are we heading, Janda?"
[19:22] <Torokasi> Janda smiles. "There's a park of sorts near where I - where my parents live. It's always been a place I liked going to for just relaxing and taking in the day."
[19:25] <Torokasi> "What's so special about it, if I can ask?" Solmyr inquires as the group walks. "I mean, no offense - this time, I guess - but you seemed pumped about the garden more."
[19:26] <Torokasi> "Oh, well... that's got plants, this doesn't. It's... you'll see." Janda shakes her head a bit.
[19:29] * AutumnCrow quirks an eyebrow, and follows along, curious to see this park that Janda seemingly can'r quite describe.
[19:31] <Torokasi> The group continues on a bit further, Janda taking a few odd turns behind buildings as the group gets farther in, before coming out in a small opening, a square probably not too much bigger than the entry hall of the Kerebos Guild. The entire space looks to be covered by a wooden pavillion, but as Crow steps under, looking up, the wood seems to have vanished, replaced by thin crystalline scales that seem to overlap themselves going upward like shingles, scattering rainbows and light all over the ground. (More)
[19:35] <Torokasi> In the center is a statue of the Weeping Lady in the middle of a fountain, the sound of water rippling creating an echo through the pavillion. Around the fountain are a few benches for people to sit, and Janda plops herself on one, looking up. "I know this is probably as gaudy as the Dream Boulevard, but... to me it's just simple and soothing to be able to sit here and rest. It was apparently made by an old follower of the Weeping Lady as a temple before the Temple Circle was built, they say. If you look up, you can see carved figures in some of the scales. And it's usually pretty quiet - even in a city as busy as this, many people don't come back here."
[19:38] * AutumnCrow looks around, then smiles at Janda, "The difference is that this...appears to have been made for anyone to be able to enjoy. The houses on Dream Boulevard...very much seem to be trying to show off, to out-do eachother in impressiveness. The scale is also, ah, a bit different. I think most of those houses have parlors bigger than this entire park..." she shakes her head.
[19:39] <Torokasi> Janda chuckles, a bit of relief in her voice. "Yes, that's true. Those houses are...
[19:39] <Torokasi> "I think the term is 'peacocking', after the birds." Solmyr remarks, looking up in apparent interest.
[19:42] <AutumnCrow> "Yes, that. I was honestly..." she looks over at Ary, "maybe you would know. Do enough people actually LIVE in those houses to justify the space? That's what appaled me more than the decorations. We have space back at the temple, but it's for things like the gardens and practice room. Our living quarters, we're packed in like canned fish."
[19:42] * AutumnCrow then corrects herself, "well, or those of us who can get private rooms get tiny ones."
[19:46] <Torokasi> "Yeah, people definitely do. I know we have a few people from Dream Boulevard that attend regularly. Most of them are about what you'd expect, though there's one really nice woman who... I think she inherited it? Most people use the houses for themselves and the servants live in tiny rooms just off the main building, but apparently she converted a ton of rooms into places for everyone she employs. ...There's a few nasty rumors going around about her, but that's all they are, I think." Ary shakes his head. "What I'm trying to say is yes, people definitely live in those, and yeah, usually it's as much wasted space as you might think."
[19:50] * AutumnCrow sighs, "Of course." She sits down next to Janda on the bench, looking around the park. "But enough about that. This is a nice park, it must have been a great place to get away from things for awhile. Does it have an offical name, or just something the locals call it?"
[19:52] <Torokasi> "I don't know that it has an official name. I just called it Rainbow Park, though my nanny called it Rainbow Waters so that's probably its official name." Janda shrugs. "Or at least as close as it gets."
[19:55] <Torokasi> "Could probably look it up in records somewhere. You said that it was apparently once a temple, yeah? Surely they'd keep some records of it if it was." Ary shrugged. "Might be worth a try."
[19:55] <Torokasi> "... Yeah, that is an idea. I never really thought of doing that. Thanks, Ary." Janda smiles.
[19:57] * AutumnCrow smiles, "Records are often useful things."
[19:58] <Torokasi> "...Do you have family in town, Crow?" Ary asks suddenly, causing Solmyr to glance at him in confusion.
[20:00] <AutumnCrow> "Not that I know of," Crow shakes her head, "we don't have an offical presence here, and...well, I have two brothers who left home that I'd like to run into it, but I have no idea where they are. They could be here! But likely not."
[20:01] <Torokasi> "Two brothers..." Ary mutters, pacing a bit as Solmyr frowns.
[20:01] <Torokasi> roll 1d20+3
[20:01] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+3 and gets 8." [1d20=5]
[20:02] <Torokasi> "Ugh." After a minute, Ary shakes his head. "Something's on the edge of my memory - it has been since we left to come out here - but I can't seem to pull it right now."
[20:03] <Torokasi> Solmyr sighs. "Something something Ary head out of the gutter something. I can't be bothered to make the crack on you, so go ahead and figure it out yourself, birdbrain."
[20:03] <Torokasi> Ary gives Solmyr a dirty glance. "Don't even start, static cloud."
[20:04] <Torokasi> "Aaaand you've ruined the environment for today. Thanks, you two." Janda snorts, rising. "But I'm glad you all liked it. I'm out of ideas for places to go right now, though..."
[20:06] * AutumnCrow rolls her eyes at the usual Ary/Solmyr banter and gets up from the bench, stretching a bit, "Wild Pigeon and Wild Thunder are...well, what I heard they were going by last, if those names ring any bells. I'm guessing no, though. Thunder I'll recognise if I see him, we're the closest in age and got along rather well. Pigeon...if I ever met him, I was too young to remember it."
[20:08] <Torokasi> "Thunde- could he be going by Thunderstorm?" Ary spurts out. "I think I've met him! He was at the Temple of Sath at one point, and I don't think I would have made the connection but you've mentioned being the only daughter of your mom before, and he mentioned having a younger sister and only older brothers..."
[20:09] <AutumnCrow> "It's...possible!" Crow laughs, "he may well have changed his name, especially if he didn't want people here connecting him to our father."
[20:11] <Torokasi> "Huh. ...I don't remember what he was doing there or anything, though. I wanna say I've seen him in town but I'm not placing where..." Ary sighs. "Bah. I'll ask around at least. Might be nice having someone in town you know?"
[20:12] <AutumnCrow> "It would, though I'll not get my hopes up in case it isn't him."
[20:13] <Torokasi> "I'm sorry, but I have to interrupt this touching conversation to say..." Janda says, eyebrows a bit cocked, "Pigeon? Really? Your name works - crows are known to be intelligent and really quick thinking - but... pigeons?
[20:13] <Torokasi> "I guess I don't get your mother's naming philosophy, overall." She shrugs at this.
[20:14] <Torokasi> "...Or is it just a bird theme in your family? Since your dad's name is Goose and all." Solmyr blinks at this. "It'd make some sense then."
[20:15] <AutumnCrow> "He likely changed his name and took it himself. I kept Crow, but when a child from the Autumn Temple becomes an adult, they can take thier own name if they wish. Also, wild pigeons are smarter than you think, they never get lost and can find thier way back to almost anywhere they've ever been." Crow smirks at the small bit of bird trivia she knows.
[20:16] <Torokasi> "Huh. I never knew that... And so adults choose their name? That's a neat system. Not sure I'd change mine, but I can see the appeal." Janda nods.
[20:16] * AutumnCrow shakes her head at Solmyr, "Not really. Summer Dusk, Summer Eagle, Spring Boar and Summer Oak are my other brothers. So three birds, but not all of us."
[20:18] <Torokasi> Solmyr shrugs. "Well, if adults name themselves, taking themselves after their parents in some form make sense, too, so..."
[20:21] <Torokasi> Ary hums at this. "It's getting to be about fourth bell in the evening. Do we want to hike back and see how Lilian's doing, look into a dinner of some form? We can stop by the main guildhall and I can take you to the weapons stores they've got there, Crow, so you can know where to go to get your fans repaired and similar."
[20:22] <AutumnCrow> "Oh, that would be helpful. I think I'll just take dinner in the guild tonight, myself." Crow nods, then smiles at Ary and Janda, "well, thank you for the tour of this part of town at least. We'll have to see the garden some other time, of course."
[20:23] <Torokasi> "Yes, most definitely." Janda smiles.
[20:24] <Torokasi> Solmyr nods. "Alright. Let's swing by Lilian's room first - she was talking about de-notching her blade a bit before she started feeling ill, so if she's up for it she can tag along and get that done."
[20:30] <Torokasi> The group heads back to the guildhall, the trip seemingly much longer than Crow really felt like it took to get to Rainbow Park, in sum, before ascending the stairwell up to Crow's hall. Janda is the first to trot down the hall, sniffing the air a bit. "I think Isabella's baking bread again, or was recently."
[20:30] <Torokasi> A voice floats down from the kitchen, clearly recognizable as Lilian's, "She finished a little while ago. Sorry I missed the meeting at the temple, Janda, Crow."
[20:31] <AutumnCrow> "So long as you're feeling better, it's fine~" Crow calls back up, then heads that way~
[20:33] <Torokasi> Lilian waves as Crow enters the kitchen, a bit weakly. While fully dressed, her eyes betray what Crow would guess has been an absolute lack of sleep. "Hey hey. Sorry 'bout that, boss, but I think I managed to eat something that actively rebelled against me last night. Nothing too long lasting, tho'."
[20:37] <AutumnCrow> "Well then try to sleep instead of staying up reading all night." Crow smiles, but gives her freind a level look at the same time, "I'm sure Janda can mix something to help you sleep if that's a problem."
[20:41] <Torokasi> "It's more vomiting, less pontificating." Lilian replies. "I dunno if I'd have been able to keep it down last night... Isabella baked some bread since she figured I could at least try that. But I was gonna step out for some fresh air... You five heading to dinner?"
[20:43] <AutumnCrow> "That is the idea, want me to make some either mint or ginger tea, whichever you prefer, before we go? Both of those are good for settling stomach problems."
[20:46] <Torokasi> "Mmm. I might actually join you, even if I don't eat, and pick up some tea there. That way you don't have to go out of your way to make it." Lilian smiles slightly. "Would be a nice change of pace from sitting in bed, waiting for my stomach to stop hurting."
[20:46] <AutumnCrow> "That's fine too," Crow shrugs and nods.
[20:48] <Torokasi> "Shall we, then?" Lilian nods as they walk out of the kitchen.


[17:00] <Torokasi> The dinner passes quite uneventfully, Lilian sipping on tea and chatting with the rest of the group as they eat. After a time, the group retires from the guild mess hall, heading upstairs with Ary at the head. At the fifth floor, he comments, "Alright. A lot of the weapons the Guild uses are forged here. They can do basic magical weapons as well, though those are incredibly pricy - Rei's been saving up for forever and doesn't have enough to get his katana enchanted."
[17:01] <Torokasi> He turns to Crow at this point. "Crow, you wanted to find somewhere that could repair your fans and scarves, or make new ones? We've got one specialist in exotic weapons, and he'd probably be your best bet for that sort of thing."
[17:02] <AutumnCrow> "I'll hope enough people from the Autumn Temple have been through here over time that he'll know how." Crow nods.
[17:04] <Torokasi> "Yeah, probably. I'd wager he's dealt with more exotic weapons as well." Ary nods. "Para, Solmyr, the ammo lady's over in that corner, any kind you want last I saw. Lilian, come with us. Janda, uh..."
[17:05] <Torokasi> "I'll come with you three." Janda replies. "I'm sort of curious as to what else people could be using - all my training's been with relatively standard weapons, aside from Mare's... uh, blasts or whatever."
[17:07] <Torokasi> "Got it. Follow me, then." Ary nods, heading into the complex.
[17:08] * AutumnCrow nods and follows along, looking sideways at Janda "'blasts'?"
[17:10] <Torokasi> Ary leads the four into the floor, strangely cool past the entryway and with a strange energy making Crow's hairs tingle. Janda nods to Crow. "She uses... She described it as 'soul energy'. Anyway, she used it to strike targets from a distance alongside Solmyr and Para. I don't actually know if it was magic, but she said it followed some of the same rules and some different ones."
[17:12] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm. I know some martial artists can gather chi energy and strike from a distance with it, but it's an advanced technique I'd be surprised to hear anyone in M1 knowing." Crow shrugs.
[17:13] <Torokasi> Lilian shakes her head. "It's... the melding of a few different things. Apparently it runs in her family - something like ninety percent of the people that use it come from one of six different families. And it's... chi and magic met as one, sort of? It's a weird talent, not even Erest Rosen's had all that much beyond the basics and a note telling us to refer anyone that could do it to three of those six families."
[17:14] <AutumnCrow> "Ah," Crow chuckles, "unique heredetary abilities I am quite familiar with."
[17:16] <Torokasi> Ary snorts a bit. "Yeah. She doesn't hit hard, but if she can see you, she can hit you, more or less, and some of her stuff can turn your stomach or even sap your energy, healing herself a bit. Flip side, she can also heal others at her own expense. Very much a jack of all trades sort of ability."
[17:19] <Torokasi> "And this is it. Tathle's Crucible." Ary says, stopping in front of a doorway with a simple flame engraved and painted above it. The door is open, and Crow can see... fabric. Lots and lots of fabric, spread out across the room between metal poles, with a variety of clothes on the opposite wall and a few weapon racks to the sides. Crow recognizes multiple but not all of the weapons at a glance, but her attention is diverted by the propertier popping out from underneath the piles of fabric. (More)
[17:20] <Torokasi> The Talstedi man, only a bit bigger than a child but with a full dark beard that hits his shoes, squirms himself out from underneath the piles of fabric and nods to Ary appreciatively. "Indeed! It's good to see you, Ary. Rei any further on that down payment?"
[17:21] <Torokasi> Ary chuckles. "Not quite. He's been busy with Temple work. Aren, this is Crow, Autumn Crow of the Autumn Temple, and this is Janda Lestrad, and that's Lilian Wardingrow."
[17:22] * AutumnCrow casually snaps a fan open to fan herself(and see how quickly he recognizes it) as she nods in greeting, "A pleasure to meet you, sir."
[17:25] <Torokasi> "Ah, yes. It's a pleasure - we don't get many of the Autumn ladies down here! I don't get many chances to work on the fans, so if you're sticking around, this will be a great opportunity. I think the last one was... Autumn Sparrow? I worked on her scarf, mainly, but she needed the edges of the fans sharpened - without hurting the art, of course." Aren burbles out. "Tyrik next door dealt with your father's weapons. All of them. I don't know how many he took with him north but he used to come here every single day with something new to repair."
[17:29] * AutumnCrow blinks, " knew my grandmother?" Even Crow's normal composure couldn't hide the shock from that.
[17:34] <Torokasi> "Only met once, around... sixty or so years ago?" Aren nods slightly. "Very pleasant woman, incredible sense of humor, and from all I heard, very, very good at fighting. I'd believe it - her scarf was smooth as silk with the handling, despite obviously having originally been wool! Incredible care and incredible talent, but the weights had begun to slip out of position and she needed someone to handle the finer detail work, so she came to me."
[17:35] <Torokasi> "And whoever came up with mettalic thread to weight a weapon was a genius, by the way. I'm actually using that method with this project!" Aren finishes. "Anyway, is there anything you all need tended to? I'm grateful for the break either way, though, mind."
[17:37] <AutumnCrow> "Ah...that wasn't too long before she passed, then." Crow shakes her head, "I do not have any business at the moment, Ary was just showing me where to go if my fans or scarf get damaged."
[17:41] <Torokasi> "Ah. I'm sorry to hear she passed." Aren's face falls a bit. "Those fans of hers were a true art - they were powerful beyond what you'd expect. I'm surprised something got her with those at her side. My condolences. But yes, of course. Please, come in whenever you need assistance. I'm one of the few enchanters on the floor as well, so if you've got the resources, I can improve your weapons still further beyond the usual masterwork capacity."
[17:44] * AutumnCrow laughs, "Well at only M1, I'm sure it will be some time before I can afford something like that. Especially as I'd need both fans enchanted the same or it would throw my balance off."
[17:46] <Torokasi> Aren nods to Crow as Janda is examining the spread-out fabric, before eventually turns to Aren. "So, wait, what's all this for?"
[17:48] <Torokasi> "Ah. This is for Esta Nieve's, ah, performances. She's a M4, a talented sorceress and dancer. She's having me sew weights in at very specific points so she can basically wrap someone in the fabric and use it as a way to confuse and disorient enemies while her allies deal with other threats."
[17:50] <Torokasi> Aren shakes his head. "I wouldn't even be able to manage to make this without the metallic thread technique, not without a lot of very detailed enchanting. So in its own way it's borrowing a trick from the Autumn Temple as well."
[17:52] <AutumnCrow> "Honestly I have no idea if we even invented that, or if we found it somewhere else and adopted it for our scarves," Crow shrugs. "I know the unarmed and staff arts are older than the fan and scarf arts, but how much older I have no clue."
[17:53] <AutumnCrow> "Well," she corrects herself, "Autumn Storm supposedly used a fan, though there's no record I'm aware of that she used a scarf."
[18:06] <Torokasi> "I don't honestly know, either. It's an excellent trick, however!" Aren bounces a bit. "Anyway, yes, please do stop in if you need anything. And Tyrik's next door to fix up more standard weapons and armor, as well!"
[18:14] * AutumnCrow nods, "I'll be sure to do that."
[18:18] <Torokasi> The group steps out of Aren's room, heading next door to a door with a sign next to it, simply saying "Tyrik's Smithy". The door here is open as well, and Ary peeks his head in before glancing to Lilian. "Tyrik seems to be out. Want to leave your sword here with a note and a gold piece? That should be enough to cover it."
[18:19] <Torokasi> "Uh, sure." Lilian nods slightly, unstrapping her sword. "How long does it normally take him?"
[18:20] <Torokasi> "He's got fast turnaround, usually, and I don't see the stuff from the Silver Guard that Rei, ah, basically bribed the Guild into letting him bring here, so he should be relatively quick. I usually bring my katana here myself, so I know he doesn't mind messages left like this. Just, uh, don't contact him with magic asking where an order is." Ary chuckles. "Rei didn't like the response there."
[18:21] <AutumnCrow> "I'll assume the response was somthing along the lines of 'have the decency to come in and ask in person and I'll tell you'?" Crow chuckles, "only in coarser language, I'm sure."
[18:23] <Torokasi> "Something akin to that, yes." Ary nods as Lilian and Janda both snicker. "He, uh, isn't quite magic-phobic - can't be when your job location basically mandates magic - but he avoids it when possible, from what Aren's told me."
[18:27] <Torokasi> "So... anything else here we should know of?" Janda asks after a moment, glancing around.
[18:29] <Torokasi> "Not... really for you three. There's a few archery stores, some other blacksmiths I don't trust quite as much but are good in a pinch, a ton of scroll shops- wait, that would be important for you two." Ary rubs the back of his neck. "They're located basically to the left of where we entered. There's some potion stores, too, but in general if you can get those from hedgemages the price will be better."
[18:34] <Torokasi> "Got it." Janda nods. "That could be handy for a few different situations. Well, ah... should we go find Solmyr and Para and make our way out?"
[18:34] * AutumnCrow nods, "Do you two want to stop in the scroll stores?"
[18:34] <Torokasi> Lilian shrugs. "No reason to right now. Scrolls... I can use them but they aren't quite my speed. Now, if I could read one while feinting with my sword..."
[18:39] * AutumnCrow nods, "Then let's go gather the other boys."
[18:39] <Torokasi> "Thaaat would require rather inhuman flexibility." Janda laughs, before nodding to Crow. "Yes, let's."

[18:42] <Torokasi> The group meets up before splitting up one last time for the night, the ladies making their way home to the apartments. Crow, Lilian, and Janda make their way through the entry hall, almost to the stairs before Redola's voice calls out, "Hey. Autumn Crow."
[18:42] <AutumnCrow> "Yes?" Crow stops and turns to Redola.
[18:46] <Torokasi> "Package for you." The woman pulls up a rather bulky wooden box which she drops unceremoniously onto the counter. Crow instantly recognizes it as a box Winter Tree carved - it's simple yet relatively distinct, a tight-fitting lid wrapped still tighter with a rope around it. "Some courier dropped it off this afternoon or something. I wasn't here, was teaching a class."
[18:46] <AutumnCrow> "Ah, thank you." Crow picks up the box with a shrug and proceeds to carry it upstairs. If the other girls follow her into her room out of curiosity to see what it is, she wont' stop them~
[18:48] <Torokasi> Janda's eyes have already widened, and Lilian does seem curious as they both follow Crow into her room. "What do you think it is, Crow?" Janda asks curiously, eyes glancing it over. "The box is pretty well made..."
[18:49] <AutumnCrow> "It's one of my uncle's boxes, I can tell that much. As for what's in it, I have no idea." Crow shrugs, then sits on the bed and begins the process of opening it, looking for a note of any sort first of course.
[18:51] <Torokasi> There's no note on the outside, but once Crow opens it, she can see two notes inside - one marked with her mother's handwriting, and one with her father's. Beneath the notes is... a book. A rather old one, it looks like at a glance, with yellowed, ragged edges.
[18:51] * AutumnCrow opens her mother's note first, as is proper.
[18:54] <Torokasi> The writing is her mother's usual crisp fare. 'Your father felt that you would find this useful. I would wait until you were older, but his intuition is scarcely wrong. Practice extensively.' Followed this is Crow's mother's signature - a looping, thick-lined calligraphic rendering of "Dragon".
[18:55] * AutumnCrow flicks her eyes down towards the book...then picks up the second note, setting her mother's down on the bed beside her.
[18:58] <Torokasi> Crow can't actually recall her dad writing much of anything, but his handwriting is actually excellent, with an emphasis on readability. "Hey, Crow! Hope you're enjoying your adventures in Verxais! Your mom was going to hold out on giving you this, but I told her that it made more sense to give this to you a bit early - after all, you passed the test for the Kerebos Guild (congrats by the way)! There's basically no way you're not ready to start integrating this stuff into your moveset. Stay well, our daughter, and thrash those kobolds something fierce! - Goose"
[19:01] * AutumnCrow cracks a smile and laughs softly, "Well...I'll do my best." And then she sets his letter down and picks the book up gently.
[19:03] <Torokasi> The book doesn't even have a title or anything, simply being bound with black leather. Lilian whistles as Crow pulls it out. "That's... wow, that's gotta be as old as some of the Erest Rosen recordbooks. Though it looks like there's newer pages at the end that aren't aged to yellow yet. Must be an ongoing project?"
[19:03] <Torokasi> Janda looks at the notes curiously. "From your mom?"
[19:05] <AutumnCrow> "Yes. almost certainly the manuscript containing the spiritual arts only usable by the line of Autumn Storm." Crow takes a deep breath and opens the book.
[19:14] <Torokasi> The first pages - actually, the first ten or so - seem to be of... Crow actually has an issue mentally parsing this at first. There's very little text used - instead, there are diagrams, poses and diagrams of hand motions and feet positions, one flowing into another rather seamlessly. After a few seconds, one piece clicks - this seems to be based on the stances Crow has learned, but with... variations. Step of the Wind, Blood in the Water - both are present, the images showing variations in the stances, with short bits of text describing what part of the body or where on the battlefield to focus.
[19:15] <Torokasi> Janda speaks up after a moment. "So, uh... why did your parents give you a blank book?"
[19:16] <Torokasi> Lilian frowns. "It's... not magic but it has an aura. It may just be linked to Crow's bloodline or talents."
[19:16] * AutumnCrow looks up at her, looks back at the book, back up at Janda, "Well, it would appear you have to be of the line of Autumn to even read it."
[19:16] <Torokasi> "You cast Detect Magic already?" Janda frowns at Lilian.
[19:17] <Torokasi> Janda nods to Crow slightly. "I guess so. Wish I could read it - you seem enraptured, a bit? I thought it might be magic or something so I said something."
[19:18] <Torokasi> Lilian shakes her head a bit. "I, uh... actually cast it once Redola dropped the package onto the counter. Just in case, sort of thing? It's how I knew it had an aura, though it's definitely not magic, as I said. Chi-based, maybe."
[19:19] * AutumnCrow laughs, "It's fine. It just took me a bit to decipher the diagrams. The first section is full of...variations on stances, it seems. Something about moving from one stance into another. Probably something to do with why women of our line all practice dancing, to prepare us for this."
[19:19] <AutumnCrow> "I am going to have a looooot of practicing to do..."
[19:20] <Torokasi> "Oh dear." Lilian smiles. "Good thing we're on break. And... moving from one stance to another? Huh. I haven't seen Ary do that much, but using that as the foundation for an art, focusing on flexibility in combat... that makes sense. Pretty chill."
[19:21] <Torokasi> Janda frowns. "You're that paranoid about packages, Lilian? I mean, Crow doesn't have any enemies. ...uh, do you?" Janda finishes with a glance to Crow, concern on her face.
[19:22] <AutumnCrow> "Personal ones? No." Crow shakes her head, "people who might have a grudge against the Autumn Temple for some reason or another? Entirely possible."
[19:23] <Torokasi> "That's... true..." Janda frowns.
[19:25] <Torokasi> Lilian shakes her head. "Really, it's just an old habit of mine. I don't like being surprised at all, so I'm really careful about this sort of thing, I guess. And a package is hardly an ideal way for someone to try something."
[19:28] <Torokasi> "So, uh... do you want practice partners or anything? If I'm fully recovered tomorrow that sounds like something I'd like to try - flexibility can only help my bluffing, I'd guess." Lilian nods to Crow at this. "I don't have to be able to keep up with what you do, but..."
[19:31] <AutumnCrow> "Well, your feinting is very unlikely to ever work on me, but that's probably exactly the kind of opponent you should be practicing against." Crow grins, "and while I'm trying to work in the new steps is when I'll be most easily distracted, so I'll have to stay alert and not get caught up in them. Just make sure you're alright before you try anything streneous."
[19:32] <Torokasi> "Understood, boss." Lilian smiles. "Practice makes perfect, after all!"
[19:34] <Torokasi> Janda smiles sort of crookedly. "I can stick around and heal you two, then. Tomorrow's a pretty empty day for me! And after that we can go shopping... or maybe the day after tomorrow if you two practice all day, working out that book's information. Wish I could read it, though... Oh well!"
[19:38] <Torokasi> "So... is the entire book like this? Where we can't see the contents, but you can?" Janda continues after a moment.
[19:38] <AutumnCrow> "That would be useful. Lilian likely won't need much healing, I need to brush up on my unarmed combat to really make use of this, so I won't be using my weapons. I might end up on the wrong end of some hits, though." Crow shrugs, "for now, I need to write back to let them know I got it and that I'll start practicing."
[19:38] * AutumnCrow then pauses, and starts flipping through the book to find out!
[19:38] <Torokasi> Lilian and Janda both watch intently as Crow flips through...
[19:39] <Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 Janda
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+4 Janda and gets 23." [1d20=19]
[19:39] <Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 Lilian
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+5 Lilian and gets 25." [1d20=20]
[19:40] <Torokasi> "...I can see shapes, faintly." Janda frowns. "But yes, most the pages are blank for me."
[19:41] <Torokasi> Lilian frowns. "Actually, I was able to read some of that... sort of? Wow, this is rather interesting. It's strongest when you first flip the page, but it's not fading out entirely for me."
[19:43] <AutumnCrow> "Interesting. I can understand being able to read it or not, that's simple. It's the...partial seeing that I don't get. I wonder why you can see part but not all?"
[19:43] <Torokasi> Crow's eyes are able to see the entire book, of course - stances and forms she's seen her mother use, and some she's only even heard about, as well as modifications to attacks and focuses - Burning Blade, Wolf Fang Strike, Shadow Blade Technique, and a large field of further techniques and stances, all throughout the book. Crow can recognize most of them, but there's a fair few that Crow has never seen before.
[19:44] <Torokasi> As Crow speaks, looking up a bit, Lilian replies, "Actually, when you looked away, I lost it. It's you focusing on the book, I think."
[19:45] <AutumnCrow> "....huh."
[19:45] <Torokasi> "...having Detect Magic is probably helping me here, as well." Lilian comments after a moment. "So maybe it's reacting to your chi and focus, and we're just getting incidental information."
[19:47] * AutumnCrow shrugs and shuts the book for now, "The things that can be done with spiritual energy are amazing sometimes."
[19:50] <Torokasi> "Indeed." Lilian smiles. "Well, you've got something to occupy you for reading material. I'm... going to see if I can sleep - it's still early but I didn't manage it last night. Janda, boss, g'night~"
[19:51] <AutumnCrow> "You can just call me Crow, you know."
[19:53] <Torokasi> "Ah... right, sorry." Lilian chuckles a bit. "Sorry, reflexes. Anyway, Crow, g'night." And with that she steps out of the room, Janda watching her as she leaves.
[19:56] <AutumnCrow> "I assume she used to call Mare 'boss' and the habit just carried over?"
[19:57] <Torokasi> "No, she called Mare Mare. I have no clue where the 'boss' thing is coming from, to be honest." Janda shakes her head in confusion. "She's taken to you pretty fast, though, which is definitely good."
[20:01] <AutumnCrow> "Well, I'm glad. It's nice to actually have freinds." Crow grins at Janda, "I'm really glad I was able to hit things off with you two and Ary so easily."
[20:02] <Torokasi> "Yeah, so am I~" Janda smiles. "And Para... he's creepy but he's fine, just needs to learn to talk I think. Still wish I knew him better."
[20:04] <AutumnCrow> "I wouldn't call him creepy, just shy. He'll open up as he gets more confident I think."
[20:08] <Torokasi> "Hopefully so." Janda frowns, before nodding. "Anyway, I'll leave you to your studies! Rest well and we'll see each other tomorrow for practice!"
[20:10] <AutumnCrow> "'night~" Crow waves as Janda leaves....and then gets to writing a letter to send back to her parents before studying the book more, the usual thanking them for entrusting this to her so soon, she'll make sure not to dissapoint, the usual. Then a bit about her new team and such, since she knows they'll be curious.
[20:13] <Torokasi> The letter signed and ready to be sent out, Crow reopens the book and begins studying for the evening...
[20:16] <Torokasi> OOC: Roll a will check.
[20:17] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 will I make it
[20:17] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+7 will I make it and gets 15." [1d20=8]


[20:21] <Torokasi> Crow's rest is deep and peaceful, Crow waking from it easily with only a sense of feeling like she had been practicing all night in her dreams. The distant sound of the fifth bell can barely be heard in the distance, ringing out softly as the light filters in.
[20:24] * AutumnCrow gets up, does her stretches, and steals away to the washroom to quickly bathe before anyone else grabs it.
[20:29] <Torokasi> Crow manages to secure the washroom, a quick glance down the hallway showing only Lilian's door open this early in the morning. The washroom seems to have a lot of new soaps in it as well, with a note from Isabella mentioning them being a family gift.
[20:31] * AutumnCrow quickly washes, then heads back to her room to get herself ready for the day before going over to Lilian's room to see how she's feeling~
[20:33] <Torokasi> Bathed and dressed, Crow crosses to Lilian's room - which has undergone a bit of a transformation recently, papers and books stacked up in various places in the room. Lilian looks up as Crow approaches the door, smiling. "Hey, Crow. Was just doing a bit of reading here. You ready for sparring?"
[20:36] <AutumnCrow> "Of course~"
[20:41] <Torokasi> "Alright!" Lilian gingerly closes the book in front of her, before picking up a sword next to her - Crow instantly recognizes it as Ary's sword. Lilian chuckles a bit, "I forgot I gave my blade to get fixed up, so I borrowed Ary's. It's a different curve, but the same weight, so I figured it was worth a shot."
[20:42] <Torokasi> "This being said I've also got a practice sword, and I figured I'd use that unless or until you wanted a more aggressive approach."
[20:42] <AutumnCrow> "The practice sword should be fine, I'll be fighting unarmed instead of using my fans."
[20:48] <Torokasi> "Right, right." Lilian nods, picking up a sword-like object wrapped in cloth. "Let's do this, then~" With that, the two head up to the roof. The Mist seems as thick as the two days before, blocking out and diffusing most of the sunlight as the air hangs thickly. Lilian heads to the opposite side of the roof, her practice weapon hanging loosely in her hand. "Do you want to do stretching and exercises first, or sparring practice? I don't know how much more you need to focus on practicing your motions first."
[16:00] <AutumnCrow> "I'll take a couple of minute to practice moving between stances, but then I'll be good. It will be quite a bit longer before I'm ready to practice the techniques from the book at all."
[16:05] <@Torokasi> Lilian nods, beginning to spin the hilt of the practice sword in between her fingers. "Sounds good." With that, Crow begins her exercises, keeping in mind what the book was trying to show. After a few minutes, Crow can begin to feel what the book seemed to be trying to demonstrate, in part - but actually reaching for what the book was demonstrating is proving rather difficult, the precise motions being incredibly minute at points.
[16:11] * AutumnCrow shifts back and forth between her stances several times before shaking her head and moving into a ready position, "Alright, I'm ready."
[16:14] <@Torokasi> "Alright. I'm going to practice my bluffing and dodging, mainly." Lilian smiles wanly. "Magic can help with the ducking and dodging, but only so far, and, like... that's not good enough for me? Anyway, ready when you are~"
[16:16] * AutumnCrow nods, then lashes out a low kick towards Lilian's ankles without so much as an 'en guarde'~
[16:16] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 init
[16:16] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+4 init and gets 8." [1d20=4]
[16:17] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 lilian init
[16:17] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+1 lilian init and gets 3." [1d20=2]
[16:17] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 lilian init reroll
[16:17] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+1 lilian init reroll and gets 18." [1d20=17]
[16:19] <@Torokasi> Lilian's smile changes to a grin as she lightly hops back just out of Crow's leg reach, the practice blade whirling in her right hand incessantly before pausing, her muscles looking tensed to swing!
[16:19] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+10 roll a sense motive check, Crow
[16:19] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+10 roll a sense motive check, Crow and gets 11." [1d20=1]
[16:20] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+13 you get to add BAB to your sense motive to avoid combat feints
[16:20] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+13 you get to add BAB to your sense motive to avoid combat feints and gets 14." [1d20=1]
[16:22] <@Torokasi> Crow easily sees it coming!... but her muscles still react as though the swing was going to come from Lilian's right hand, swaying Crow back. Which turns out to have been the right move, as Lilian's hand seems to fumble on the switch, Lilian's face contorting as she recovers but swings well wide of Crow. OOC: Crow's turn.
[16:24] * AutumnCrow snaps to the side and responds with a technique of her own, analyzing Lilian's stance to strike in at the perfect spot through her guard with a hard kick! (OOC: SNB~)
[16:24] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 concentration vs AC
[16:24] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+8 concentration vs AC and gets 22." [1d20=14]
[16:24] <@Torokasi> OOC: Lilian's AC is 15, for reference.
[16:24] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 lilian is flat footed vs this attack
[16:24] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+7 lilian is flat footed vs this attack and gets 15." [1d20=8]
[16:25] <@Torokasi> OOC: FF AC is 14, so a hit
[16:25] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+5+1d6 damage nonlethal of course
[16:25] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d4+5+1d6 damage nonlethal of course and gets 14." [1d4=3][1d6=6]
[16:25] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Lilian (6/20) > Crow'
[16:27] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Lilian (6/20 (all nonlethal)) > Crow'
[16:30] <@Torokasi> Lilian raises her arm to block the blow, but Crow's kick practically sends shockwaves through her opponent as Lilian steps back, wincing. "Oh, ow, haha... fine, fine." With that, she touches her elbow where the kick landed...
[16:30] <@Torokasi> roll 1d6+2
[16:30] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d6+2 and gets 3." [1d6=1]
[16:30] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Lilian (9/20 (all nonlethal)) > Crow'
[16:31] <@Torokasi> Lilian winces a bit, before reassuming a combat stance! OOC: Crow. Lilian obviously got jarred a bit and is still rather sore from the kick .
[16:31] * AutumnCrow disengages and takes a defensive posture to allow Lilian to heal herself more if needed, "Do you need a moment? You dodged right into that one..." (OOC: just gonna total defense a round or two, let her re-engage at her pace)
[16:32] <@Torokasi> Lilian exhales, seemingly annoyed, but smiles at Crow. "Yeah, let me try that one more time..." With that she touches her elbow again, Crow able to see a faint light around it this time!
[16:32] <@Torokasi> roll 1d6+2
[16:32] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d6+2 and gets 4." [1d6=2]
[16:33] <@Torokasi> Lilian nods slightly at this. "Alright. Think I'm ready again."
[16:35] <@Torokasi> With that, the blade begins whirling, though this time it seems to be moving more erratically...
[16:35] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+10 Bluff v. SM+BAB time
[16:35] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+10 Bluff v. SM+BAB time and gets 23." [1d20=13]
[16:36] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+13 can she follow the blade. AC is 27 if I make the check, 18 if I don't. iirc she shoudl still get to swing even if she fails the feint
[16:36] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+13 can she follow the blade. AC is 27 if I make the check, 18 if I don't. iirc she shoudl still get to swing even if she fails the feint and gets 24." [1d20=11]
[16:38] <@Torokasi> Lilian's left hand swing in...! And Crow correctly spots the (lack of a) switch, a low underhand curve from the right hand being the main strike!
[16:38] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 she can't land this if she fails the bluff, except on a nat 20
[16:38] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+6 she can't land this if she fails the bluff, except on a nat 20 and gets 18." [1d20=12]
[16:38] <@Torokasi> The blow sweeps wide as Crow nimbly side-steps out of the way!
[16:40] * AutumnCrow shifts off of defense and steps boldly inside Lilian's guard to deliver an open palm thrust to the midsection! (ooc: just attacking, no maneuver here)
[16:40] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 long post
[16:40] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+7 long post and gets 18." [1d20=11]
[16:40] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4
[16:40] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d4+4 and gets 7." [1d4=3]
[16:41] <@Torokasi> Lilian rocks back again a bit as the blow lands, again managing to shake her! "Oof... haha, I really need to get better at taking these hits if I want to keep practicing with you, I think..." she mutters as she resorts back to healing herself!
[16:41] <@Torokasi> roll 1d6+2
[16:41] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d6+2 and gets 4." [1d6=2]
[16:41] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Lilian (10/20 (all nonlethal)) > Crow'
[16:44] * AutumnCrow smirks, "Or learn to dodge better. Getting hit often enough will teach you one or the other. My next strike will be low. Dodge it." Crow then returns to her defensive stance, allowing Lilian to make her move before countering.
[16:48] <@Torokasi> "Hah. Yeah, fair enough. It's sort of frustrating - never really consistently had a good sparring partner. Well, outside of Ary. And you've seen how fast Ary can bring people down." Lilian comments wryly, the blade spinning in her left hand...
[16:48] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+10 bluff, make your save
[16:48] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+10 bluff, make your save and gets 30." [1d20=20]
[16:49] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+13 ahaha that'll be rough to beat
[16:49] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+13 ahaha that'll be rough to beat and gets 17." [1d20=4]
[16:49] <AutumnCrow> OOC: 18 ac
[16:50] <@Torokasi> Crow's following the blade as well she can... and then Lilian seems to pirouette, breaking Crow's concentration for just a second as the blade sneaks in, aiming for Crow's left flank!
[16:50] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6
[16:50] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+6 and gets 22." [1d20=16]
[16:50] <@Torokasi> roll 1d10+2 nonlethal
[16:50] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d10+2 nonlethal and gets 4." [1d10=2]
[16:51] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Lilian (10/20 (all nonlethal)) > Crow (26/30)'
[16:52] * AutumnCrow takes the hit, then does what Lilian is almost certainly not expecting, stepping into the strike and bringing the edge of her hand in a hard chop down to Lilian's leg. (OOC: tank the damage, single strike)
[16:52] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 karate chop chop
[16:52] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+7 karate chop chop and gets 18." [1d20=11]
[16:52] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 unless she gets an AC bonus from my telling her where I was going to swing.
[16:52] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d4+4 unless she gets an AC bonus from my telling her where I was going to swing. and gets 6." [1d4=2]
[16:54] <@Torokasi> Lilian manages to move her leg some to avoid the worst of the blow, but the karate chop still nails her in the side of the leg, causing her to yelp softly in pain as she hobbles back a bit! "Haha... well, I managed to land a blow. I suppose I'll take that much."
[16:55] <@Torokasi> Janda's voice calls out behind Crow, "Oh, you two already started?" With that Janda pops into sight in her traveling outfit. Well, one of them. That Crow knows of. "Sorry I'm a touch late - something got me distracted."
[16:57] * AutumnCrow steps back, "Well, I'd suggest picking something and working on it. Power training to make those hits count when you manage to fake out an opponent, or work on developing some parrying techniques. Being vaguely okay at both won't serve you as well as being outright good at either."
[16:58] * AutumnCrow nods to Janda, "Padded sword and unarmed, so we thought it safe enough to start without you. ...going somewhere today?"
[17:08] <@Torokasi> "That's true. Part of the issue is that, as... well, vaguely okay as I am at the sword bluffing, and I can do some actual dodging with the bluffs if I know I can hit - which I'm not so confident on against you, yet - but the real point is that I can use the sword to bluff and then get my magic through against the target, much more efficiently." Lilian explains. "Janda, Crow hits hard. Act shocked. Alternately, heal me, please."
[17:09] <@Torokasi> Janda nods slightly and steps up to Lilian, then to Crow once she's finished with Lilian, the light green aura passing over both of them.
[17:10] <@Torokasi> "And... no. I just thought I'd wear this today while I could. Mother is holding a banquet, I am 'coming, whether or not I desire to be present', as she put it." Janda replies after the healing, apparently rather put out.
[17:11] <AutumnCrow> "Lovely. Planning to show up in your adventuring gear just to spite her?"
[17:13] <@Torokasi> "No, because she will get my siblings to properly dress me if I try that, and there's no use getting any of this ripped." Janda sighs. "But it's later tonight, so for now..."
[17:15] * AutumnCrow sighs, "I'd offer to go with you if you wanted the company, but I get the feeling your mother might try and get a reaction out of me...and I might just oblige. She...does not approve of your desire to be in the guild, does she?"
[17:17] <@Torokasi> "I-" Janda pauses. "I don't actually know. She still sees me as being the one child of hers she needs to protect, that is for certain. But she has let up on trying to find me suitors, for the most part. ...ugh, you may actually have it right, Crow. I don't like thinking about it like that, but..."
[17:21] <@Torokasi> Lilian tilts her head. "Well, did she say you couldn't bring company?"
[17:21] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm...why would you be the one that needs protecting? I mean, you don't take hits well....but that's by *guild* standards, not those of normal people. And with your healing and magic, you're far more capable of handling yourself than most nobles, I would assume. Unless I am grossly underestimating the 'upper class' here?" Crow shrugs, seeming to not care if she was.
[17:22] <@Torokasi> "You're underestimating my family, mainly. They're all - or almost all - trained druids." Janda shakes her head. "I was the one kid without any knack for it whatsoever."
[17:24] <AutumnCrow> "Druids?" Crow blinks, "I wouldn't have called that at all. Though the druids I knew back home were all...uh, crawl around in the weeds naturey people, like the ones from the temple of Ratokyst. Not aristocrats with fancy clothes and expensive houses and whatnot."
[17:27] <@Torokasi> "And... yes, no guests. Though my mother did phrase it as a 'this time' thing... I think Mom's trying to impress one of the older druidic families, the Radehems." Janda laughs a bit at Crow's comment. "That's my dad, sort of - he tests soil the government brings in and sells, makes sure it's safe and good. My mom... My mom got involved in government work, and it pays quite well, so... We're basically 'new rich', amongst the newest of the new. For reference, Isabella's family is actually quite old; made their money through enchanting and sorceries."
[17:29] * AutumnCrow sighs, "Times like this I'm reminded about how very little I still actually know about you all."
[17:31] <@Torokasi> "Well, that's part of why I'm explaining all this!" Janda smiles half-heartedly. "I mean, I don't know everything about anyone else here, not by a long shot! ... Actually, I don't really know much about you, Lilian, at all - I know that the Temple of Erest Rosen raised you, but..."
[17:31] <@Torokasi> Lilian blinks at the topic shift. "Oh. Uh, well, that's... most of all of it, to be honest!"
[17:45] <@Torokasi> Janda tilts her head. "How long were you there? I know Solmyr's mentioned you used to live in the southern part of the city..."
[17:47] <@Torokasi> "Ah... I was raised by the Temple since I was thirteen. That was when my parents died." Lilian shrugs. "Didn't have any other family in Verxais, so the Temple took me in ."
[17:51] <@Torokasi> "That was good of them. Anyway, do you two want to spar a bit further? I can cover the healing as necessary..." Janda replies after a moment.
[17:54] <AutumnCrow> "Well, how many more bruises are you up to taking before lunch?" Crow half smiles at Lilain.
[18:00] <@Torokasi> "Eh. As many as it takes to land another blow." Lilian chuckles, raising her practice sword. <More>
[18:04] <@Torokasi> The day stretches onward, Lilian proving annoyingly persistent regardless of the amount of times she needs to be healed, but Crow still easily coming away with far fewer bruises. Lunch passes, Crow practices more, and at the second evening bell, an hour after Janda leaves to go to the banquet, the group minus Janda is assembled in the guild plaza when a young man - surely younger than Para, even - jogs up to the group, in full guild regalia. "Ah, would you be the Manifold Squad?" he asks, a bit haltingly.
[18:06] * AutumnCrow turns to him from where she was chatting with Lilian, and nods, "Yes."
[18:09] <@Torokasi> "The Kerebos Guild has an order for all members of the Guild, effective immediately. You are to assist the city guard in getting people indoors and off the streets tonight. Low levels of Mist have been found within the Barrier and as such, the streets are not safe." Having said all this in one breath, the young man rapidly inhales. "Assistance is primarily needed in the Bellmaker's, Cobbler's Corner, and Veldta neighborhoods currently."
[18:10] <@Torokasi> "We'll split up and go to both Bellmaker's and Veldta." Lilian comments. "You got the Bellmaker's area down alright, right, Solmyr?"
[18:10] <@Torokasi> "Yeah, if that's good with you, Crow. You and Lil down to Veldta, and we three guys will hit up the Bellmaker's." Solmyr nods briefly.
[18:11] * AutumnCrow nods, "You know the city better, I'm out of my depth here."
[18:12] <@Torokasi> "Right." Solmyr and Lilian nods.
[18:12] <@Torokasi> Ary frowns to the young man. "When did the Mist get in?"
[18:13] <@Torokasi> The young man shakes his head. "I don't know that. I was ordered to spread the news about half a bell ago, so likely not long. Anyways, I need to go find other groups." And with that the young man jogs off at a steady pace to the next group.
[18:14] <@Torokasi> Lilian nods slightly. "Alright. ...I guess that throws a wrench in the plan of introducing Crow to one of the better dancer's bars here in town, but we can save that for next time. Good luck, Ary, Para. Solmyr, don't fuck up."
[18:15] <@Torokasi> Solmyr just glares at Lilian as Para and Ary both chuckle. Ary finally nods. "Yeah, this shouldn't be a big deal, I'd imagine. You two take care as well."
[18:17] <AutumnCrow> "Of course." Looking to Lilian, "You lead the way, if someone starts getting beligerant with you just signal me and I'll handle that one. I doubt most people will want to stick around outside though with this.," she pauses, "how often does something like this happen? I can't remember the mist ever getting in the barrier at the Autumn Temple. ...mist creatures more than once, but never
[18:17] <AutumnCrow> the mist itself."
[18:20] <@Torokasi> "This is... only the third time I remember." Lilian nods as the groups split up, Lilian leading the way out of the guild boundaries and southward. "First time was when I was seven. Second time, well, it may not have actually happened, but that was when I was thirteen. It's relatively rare here, too, though I'd suspect the border having to protect all the way across the canyon has something to do with it."
[18:22] <@Torokasi> "Also, huh. Mist creatures get through the one at the Temple? It must work differently - I've, like, never seen it happen here offhand?"
[18:24] <AutumnCrow> "Well, they don't last long. Not there, of all places. Imagine a mist monster just walking into the Kerebos Guild complex, and you have about what happens."
[18:24] <@Torokasi> "... Well then." Lilian chuckles. "Wolf into the butcher's den, that."
[18:29] <AutumnCrow> "I really is."
[18:29] <AutumnCrow> strike
[18:30] <AutumnCrow> "It really is," Crow shrugs. "The warriors usually have to go out looking for trouble to practice on, when it comes to them it's...more a race to see who can beat it first. Of course that's where some of the worst injuries happen, since everyone's trying to show off."
[18:31] <@Torokasi> Lilian chuckles further, shaking her head. "That's one hell of a mental image, there. Anyway, the Veldta is named after a saint of the Temple of Erest Rosen. Unfortunately it doesn't live up to its name - it's a rather poor neighborhood nowadays. We should probably get to the Temple outpost there and let them know first, so they can be prepared to have people take shelter there."
[18:32] <AutumnCrow> "Right, lead the way." Crow nods.
[18:37] <@Torokasi> "Got it." The duo snakes their way through the streets; unlike the northwest, the roads look maintained and there look to be some larger apartments amongst the complexes, but the skies are still filled with laundry lines stretched between buildings and poorly maintained facades. Lilian leads Crow quickly through and past complexes, the group passing remarkably few people, each of whom seem to be on their way elsewhere - if they aren't city guard. <More>
[18:39] <@Torokasi> Lilian eventually leads Crow to a door in one of the larger complexes, the wall around it painted white and yellow. Lilian swings the door open, peeking in. "Father Tohr? Are you in?" After a moment, she shakes her head, closing the door. "Well, he's not here. I'll apologize to him later; this is the area. I'll lead the way; we'll get people indoors in no time."
[18:41] <AutumnCrow> "Alright, do you know anyone around here we can deputize for some help?"
[18:41] <@Torokasi> "Father Tohr, if we can find him. Otherwise, not really. He might know more people as well."
[18:43] <AutumnCrow> "Well, lets ask around for him while we're delivering the news then."
[18:44] <@Torokasi> "Sounds like a solid plan." Lilian nods as the two set out.
[18:44] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 diplo
[18:44] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+4 diplo and gets 20." [1d20=16]
[18:44] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 intimidate
[18:44] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+8 intimidate and gets 16." [1d20=8]
[18:45] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 Lilian aid another diplo
[18:45] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+3 Lilian aid another diplo and gets 22." [1d20=19]
[18:45] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2 Lilian aid another intimidate
[18:45] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+2 Lilian aid another intimidate and gets 22." [1d20=20]
[18:46] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+12 Lilian gather info, +2 circumstancial
[18:46] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+12 Lilian gather info, +2 circumstancial and gets 16." [1d20=4]
[18:52] <@Torokasi> The group makes very quick time, and something that startles Crow as the group moves is just how willing Lilian is to use her sword to intimidate some of the more burly or raggedy-looking men and women into getting indoors. Regardless, her efficiency is rather remarkable, and the group is approaching the door Lilian entered earlier again when Lilian stops for a moment. "Hey, Sister Fyera!" she calls out to someone standing in the door frame. "Where'd Father Tohr get off to?"
[18:53] <@Torokasi> The woman in the doorframe steps out, revealing herself to be an elderly Talkyr female. "Greetings to you as well, Lilian." she replies wryly. "I take it you're why our humble abode is stuffed with people tonight?"
[18:54] <@Torokasi> Lilian sighs. "There's been Mist detected in the city, so yes, I am. Where's Father Tohr?"
[18:55] * AutumnCrow has let Lilian take the lead here, but has not hesitated to leave a nasty bruise on anyone who didn't back down to the sword fast enough.
[18:58] <@Torokasi> Sister Fyera stiffens. "Oh. Oh, dear. Alright, yes, I..." She bites her lip a moment, before, "Father Tohr's attending to... well. Someone found a corpse, they claimed, so he went to investigate. I'll handle the sanctuary while you go fetch him. Unfortunately, the living take precedence over the dead on a night like this. They found the body in the alley behind the Pale Moonlight; he should still be there."
[19:01] <@Torokasi> "Right. Oh, and Sister Fyera, this is my colleague in the Guild, Autumn Crow. Sorry, but we're on a mission right now..." Lilian nods. "I'll go get Father Tohr and we'll figure out getting everyone else indoors."
[19:02] * AutumnCrow nods a greeting to the woman, and heads out with Lilian towards the Pale Moonlight!
[19:04] <@Torokasi> The two make it there rather easily, only three streets in between. Lilian leads Crow around a corner and down a very tight alleyway before glancing around another corner, hand on the hilt of Ary's katana, frowning. "He should be here..."
[19:05] * AutumnCrow looks around, looking for anyone to ask about the missing priest.
[19:07] <@Torokasi> The alleyway is bare, as Lilian walks around the corner, before letting out a small but audible gasp, then, "...Crow! Here, please!"
[19:07] * AutumnCrow dashes over, really hoping she wasn't about to see what she thought she was about to see.
[19:13] <@Torokasi> Lilian is on the ground, kneeling over what appears to be an elderly Talmuri priest, robed in white and yellow, Lilian's body obscuring most of what Crow can see. In front of the two is another body - this one of a man, stripped naked, face down. The body looks almost emanciated, and is practically entirely covered in ornate, flowing tattoos all over, including his head and the soles of his feet. Through the back of the man is a long, thin, white spear, practically pinning his body to the ground.
[19:17] <AutumnCrow> "....this was the man the Horizon Guild was looking for."
[19:18] * AutumnCrow looks but does not expect to see a Jade box anywhere.
[19:19] <@Torokasi> Lilian doesn't seem to be paying attention, examining the priest. "...Father Tohr's still breathing. Looks like someone just hit him over the head... they may have robbed him while he was examining the body? I don't know. Can you help me get him back to the Temple? Wait, but someone should watch the other body, just in case..."
[19:23] <AutumnCrow> "You're stronger than me, if you can get him back on your own I'll guard here."
[19:25] <@Torokasi> "I think I can, yes." Lilian nods, wincing as she bearhugs him to get a firm grip. "I'll be right back. Sister Fyera is at least able to use healing magic, so I can leave him there. Be careful, Crow." With that she slowly begins walking Father Tohr back.
[19:25] * AutumnCrow leans up against the wall and keeps an eye out for anyone else, hostile or otherwise.
[19:25] <@Torokasi> OOC: Roll a notice check.
[19:26] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+0 lol
[19:26] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+0 lol and gets 16." [1d20=16]
[19:29] <@Torokasi> Fortunately, the wait passes without incident as Lilian returns, out of breath but with a stretcher. "Okay. So this is the guy the Horizon Guild was looking for? No case, though."
[19:30] <AutumnCrow> "I imagine he was murdered for the case."
[19:32] <@Torokasi> "Probably." Lilian frowns. "...We've gotten most the people out of the streets, and there's only a few paths we haven't been down. I'm not comfortable leaving this here since we know who was looking for him, but at the same time the place Solmyr said they were at is, like, opposite end of town. Should we just carry him all the damn way while we get people out of the road? Hardly seems dignified..."
[19:35] <AutumnCrow> "It's that or we find a place to wait with the body while one of us goes to get the Horizon Guild people."
[19:36] <@Torokasi> "Not here, someone just got attacked here..." Lilian nods. "Let's pull the spear out and get him on the stretcher. Sister Fyera will complain but for now it's the safest place for us to place this guy."
[19:36] <AutumnCrow> "Right."
[19:37] <@Torokasi> "The outpost, I mean." Lilian shakes her head after a moment, before moving to pull the spear out...
[19:37] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2
[19:37] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+2 and gets 8." [1d20=6]
[19:37] <@Torokasi> Lilian takes the handle and pulls, before frowning. Using both hands, she yanks, hand, but can't get the spear to budge from her position.
[19:38] <AutumnCrow> "....what."
[19:38] <AutumnCrow> "Lilian, detect for magic."
[19:38] <@Torokasi> "It's... like it's embedded in the light-accursed road!" Lilian mutters before nodding to Crow and chanting quickly.
[19:39] <@Torokasi> "... I... okay, change of plans, we aren't touching that spear. ... Someone wanted him found. This thing is glowing like-" Lilian pauses, before, " something really bright. It's basically soaked in magic."
[19:41] <AutumnCrow> "Go find a guard or someone else that can be out in light mist, have THEM run a message to the Horizon Guild people, and we'll both stand guard here."
[19:42] <@Torokasi> "Yeah. Actually, let me find two. One to the Horizon Guild, one to our guild." With that Lilian bolts off, words of magic in her throat.
[19:42] <@Torokasi> OOC: Another notice check.
[19:44] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+0 notice
[19:44] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+0 notice and gets 6." [1d20=6]

[19:46] <AutumnCrow> After Lilian has been gone a bit...Crow looks around...but seeing nothing of note, she can't shake teh feeling that someone is watching her. Time for a stab in the dark. "If you have something to say, say it."
[19:47] <@Torokasi> Crow waits. And waits. After what seems like an indeterminable time past her statement, a woman's voice can be heard, "... you did a good job stabbing this man?"
[19:48] <AutumnCrow> "We found him like this, whoever did the stabbing appears to have gotten away." Crow looks towards where the voice came from.
[19:51] <@Torokasi> "Oh. Praise retracted, then." The woman is - infuriatingly - standing opposite the dead body from Crow, looking down at him. A Talstedi, her hair looks brownish-red in the darkness, but her skin is rather pale; her robe is stark black, with thin white embroidering decorating the arms and neck. She gently touches the spear, before withdrawing her hand. "I sensed a soul departing, a rather curious one. This looks like it was an interesting event."
[19:52] <AutumnCrow> "Not that it's likely to be a threat to someone like you, but light Mist seems to have gotten through the barrier, and I'm supposed to spread the word so people know to stay indoors."
[19:53] * AutumnCrow does her best to appear completely unphased by the woman.
[19:53] <@Torokasi> "Correct." The woman nods slightly. "I have been called to witness. What I will witness, I do not know. But I am not like those that hide from the Mist."
[19:57] <AutumnCrow> "You were called to witness? By who...or what?"
[19:59] <@Torokasi> "My father." The woman shrugs, looking Crow in the face. Her light blue eyes study Crow for a time. "He does things like this, sometimes. Why are you waiting by this body?"
[20:01] <AutumnCrow> "This man's associates were looking for him earlier, I said I'd keep an eye out for him. And...well, it seems I've found him. I'm making sure it doesn't go anywhere before they get here."
[20:02] <@Torokasi> "Ah. Did they want him dead, or was this another group's work?"
[20:02] <AutumnCrow> "This is almost certainly someone else's work. He had gone missing, they wanted to find him."
[20:05] <@Torokasi> "Ah. ... City life is quite confusing." The woman shakes her head a bit. "Far too many actors than I am used to."
[20:07] * AutumnCrow snorts, "Now that I can sympathise with. Autumn Crow, by the way," Crow politely extends a hand, deciding that...honestly if the woman was going to become hostile, she likely would have by now. "And you are...?"
[20:09] <@Torokasi> "Bright Hand Amidst The Darkness. ... Call me Bright Hand, however." The woman shakes Crow's hand. "You are with the Kerebos Guild, I see. Did you come here to join them, then?"
[20:09] <AutumnCrow> "It seemed like a good way to further my training," Crow nods.
[20:10] <@Torokasi> "Ah. You strive to reach the pinnacle of your talents and abilities." Bright Hand nods, seemingly in satisfaction. "Few motives in this town I've understood, but that is a good, plain, clean one."
[20:14] <AutumnCrow> "I certainly like to think so." Crow nods.
[20:15] <@Torokasi> The woman nods, before, "...I should depart. But let me thank you for this conversation with some advice, if you would accept it."
[20:16] <AutumnCrow> "I'll hear anyone's council that cares to give it, what I follow I'll determine on my own," Crow smiles.
[20:18] <@Torokasi> The woman chuckles at this, a full, throaty sound. "Wise mindset, as well. My advice is simply to be very careful tomorrow. If my father's prediction is correct, that is when... well, whatever he has asked me to witness will occur. And my father rarely predicts happy events."
[20:20] <AutumnCrow> "I'll keep that in mind, thank you. I don't suppose your father's name would carry weight with the guild for me to pass the warning on to the others?"
[20:23] <@Torokasi> "I don't believe so, no." The woman shakes her head, glancing upward into the Mist-filled night. "This being said, they may believe you anyway, tonight. What was this man's name, if I may ask?"
[20:24] <AutumnCrow> "Marcel Odamane, if I recall correctly, with the Horizon Guild. They were asking all over about him yesterday."
[20:25] <@Torokasi> "Marcel Odamane... If I see him tonight, I will see if I can help him find peace. Goodnight, Autumn Crow, and good fortune in your hunt tomorrow."
[20:25] <@Torokasi> With that, the woman steps back into the shadows of the alleyway... and seems to vanish entirely in just a moment, leaving Crow alone with the body.
[20:27] * AutumnCrow quietly waits for Lilian to get back.
[20:28] <@Torokasi> It's only a few seconds before Lilian rerounds the corner. "Okay. Guards sent to fetch Copra or whoever wants to brave the Mist, as well as to the Horizon Guild. I also sent for another priest to tend to the outpost while Father Tohr is unconscious. Everything peaceful here?"
[20:30] <AutumnCrow> "So far, yes. A rather odd woman came to look at the body, but she didn't seem like she had anything to do with it."
[20:32] <@Torokasi> "An odd woman? Did you tell her to get inside?" Lilian asks as she steps over to look at the body again. "There are some mentally ill people in this area..."
[20:33] <AutumnCrow> "I could practically feel the power coming off of her, though I did pass on the warning, yes. She said her name was Bright Hand Amidts the Darkness, and she was sent by her father to 'witness' something."
[20:35] <@Torokasi> Lilian rears her head and looks over at Crow with a funny expression. "Okay, wait, so she seemed like a combatant? Here to witness something? ... Weird, and mildly disturbing. Well, all we can do now is ... wait for the Horizon Guild, I guess."
[20:37] <AutumnCrow> "Let me put it this way, I couldn't sense her presence at all until she chose to reveal herself...when I took a guess that someone was there. And when she left, she just stepped back into the shadows and was gone." Crow shrugs, "I don't think she has anything to fear from the mist. She did pass on a warning, however. She said her father does not predict happy things, and he predicted...something,
[20:37] <AutumnCrow> she didn't specify what, would happen tomorrow."
[20:38] <@Torokasi> "... Right, just crank me up to seriously creeped out here, Crow." Lilian frowns, looking at Crow a bit more intently. "You said she wasn't involved in this, you think?"
[20:39] <AutumnCrow> "Well her opener was congradulating me on an efficient kill, and she seemed a bit dissapointed when I said it wasn't me. She didn't seem to know anything about it, she just...'sensed a soul departing', to quote her."
[20:40] <@Torokasi> "Congratulating you on a- wait, was she an assassin, do you think? What did she look like? She even gave you her name?" Lilian's voice seems to ramp in intensity as she steps closer to Crow, face inscrutable. "Did she give any other information?"
[20:41] <AutumnCrow> "She's apparently not from the city, and no my best guess is that she's not an assassin death just doesn't bother her. Or she has some kind of magic that deals with souls or death, that plus the all in black and the odd name makes me think something to do with Zuiseno from what little I know of that faith."
[20:43] <@Torokasi> "Zuiseno... Maybe. I haven't thought to inquire along those lines." Lilian pauses. "Not from the city, either? Curious. Unless there's some place where a group could congregate outside of the cities... well, I suppose..."
[20:46] <@Torokasi> After a few moments, Lilian shakes her head. "Anyway. Not much we can do if she's not here anymore other than wait..."
[20:47] * AutumnCrow nods, "Hopefully the boys got through with this with less drama."
[20:48] <@Torokasi> "By Erest's beard, yes, hopefully so." Lilian sighs, leaning on the wall next to Crow. "This is entirely too ridiculous for me."
[20:53] <AutumnCrow> "I had just started assuming that life here was just one thing after another, since that's been my experience so far."
[20:53] <@Torokasi> "Hah. No, usually it's a bit more mundane, or at least that's how I felt living at the Temple. Maybe it's being in the Guild that's shaking things up for us." Lilian shrugs.
[20:55] <AutumnCrow> "Blame the Kerebos Guild for everything being weird all the time? Seems reasonable."
[20:55] <@Torokasi> Lilian laughs. "Well. Eventually I figure we'll start making things weird for others. Seems the logical progression of it all."
[20:57] <@Torokasi> It isn't long before Copra, the young Horizon Guild member, runs in, accompanied by a guard. At seeing Marcel, she lets out a low moan, her ear-fins twitching. "Oh, no... this is terrible! This is as you found him, you two? Did anyone witness this? Oh, no, the resurrection fees alone...!"
[20:59] <AutumnCrow> "We found him here, with Father Tohr from the nearby church of Erest Rosen knocked unconcious beside him. Father Tohr might know more once he recovers. The spear doesn't seem to want to come out, and according to Lilian's detect magic spell it is highly magical."
[21:00] <@Torokasi> Copra nods and chants the same spell Lilian did, before looking it over... and practically flinching away from the sight. "I... this was deliberate. An assassination, he was targeted, how did they find him when we couldn't...?"
[21:04] * AutumnCrow shrugs, "I couldn't begin to guess. Do you need any more help from us? I'm not sure how you plan on moving him with that spear, but if we're going to have mist in teh streets tonight we'll need to get him moved. I'm willing to do what I can, but I don't know where to begin with this kind of magic."
[21:04] <@Torokasi> She takes a few deep breaths as the guards look around the area for a moment. "The spear won't come out... well, we'll figure something out. What's your name, you two?"
[21:04] <AutumnCrow> "Autumn Crow and Lilian Wardingrow from the Kerebos Guild, Manifold group."
[21:06] <@Torokasi> "We've got our best mages en route, Crow, Wardingrow. I'll make sure we get something to you as thanks. I... don't think there's anything more for you to do here, no. You said that Father Tohr of the Erest Rosen church nearby may know more once he's roused... Okay, okay. I can do this. We'll figure this out. Thank you two for sending us word. We'll take care of things from here." Copra nods eventually, her fins flat across the back of her head. "Take care while out tonight."
[21:07] <AutumnCrow> "We can at least wait here until your mages get here to join you, if you'd like the added security?"
[21:08] <@Torokasi> "Ah- ah, sure. That would be appreciated. I'll begin attempting to determine the magics on the spear while you and the guards keep watch." Copra nods. "At the least it might help Master Andral once he gets here."
[21:09] <@Torokasi> With that she turns and quickly begins working over the spear...
[21:09] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+11
[21:09] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+11 and gets 20." [1d20=9]
[21:12] <@Torokasi> "This is... disturbing." Copra eventually says. "This looks like it's not meant to be used as a combat tool."
[21:15] <@Torokasi> Lilian tilts her head. "What does that mean?"
[21:16] <@Torokasi> "It means that it isn't supposed to be used to fight. It's... like a sacrifical knife, like you read of old rituals using. The enchantments are incredibly intricate, but it looks like it'd just flat out do nothing against someone who isn't down for the count... but when used to kill someone, its magics take hold. This isn't good at all..."
[21:19] <AutumnCrow> "Designed to pin him here so the mist can do to him what it does to bodies?" Crow ventures a guess.
[21:23] <@Torokasi> "...Maybe, but there's a lot more magic on this than just that. It may explain why we couldn't find him or sense the case had been separated from him." Copra shakes her head. "But that's a decent possibility, yes."
[21:25] * AutumnCrow eyes Lilian, then looks back to Copra, "While I was guarding, a woman came up and warned me that something was likely going to happen tomorrow. Something bad." Crow recounts the encounter with the strange woman.
[21:27] <@Torokasi> Copra looks to Crow in concern as she tells her story. "That's... a very strange name, and a very concerning story. But you felt she didn't know anything about this? ..."
[21:27] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+13
[21:27] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+13 and gets 27." [1d20=14]
[21:28] <AutumnCrow> "She was asking me questions about what happened here, and seemed completely unconcerned by it. This...was an aside for her, I think."
[21:30] <@Torokasi> "... It doesn't entirely add up, though I'll believe that you're confident she wasn't involved. If she 'felt' him pass on, and the priest had heard they'd found a dead body, she must have been close enough to sense it, but far enough away that the priest was alerted and then knocked out all in that time span... It could have happened. We don't know enough about the woman to confirm anything." Copra frowns as she concludes. "If her ability to sense the dying is powerful enough to sense them from far away, it could have taken a while to get here for someone who doesn't know the city."
[21:32] <@Torokasi> Lilian pauses. "Could the spear's magic... have something to do with that? She sensed this person but in a city this big, someone else was dying too, of illness or something - but she found Marcel, and the spear is the one major oddity."
[21:35] <@Torokasi> "I don't know. I don't know." Copra repeated, hands on her head. "This is nightmarish. But we have leads, we can work with this, and if we can resurrect or talk to Marcel we can figure out more. ...Ah, hello, Master Andral." <More>
[21:37] <@Torokasi> Lilian and Crow glance to see a Talkyr man, black-furred, and easily about as round as he is tall, with broad pink hands and a rather bizarre face, waddle up to the group, seemingly frowning. "Hello, Journeyman Copra, members of the Kerebos Guild. Thank you for finding the body. We will handle things from here." His tone is relatively neutral, but his eyes are fixed on Marcel's body.
[21:38] * AutumnCrow nods, "Alright, good luck with that spear, sir." Crow nods to Lilian, "lets go check in on Father Tohr then go meet up with the others."
[21:40] <@Torokasi> "Alright." Lilian nods. "Take care, Copra." With that, she leads the way out of the alleyway, having to squeeze past Master Andral a bit to do so.
[21:45] <@Torokasi> The duo quickly checks in on Father Tohr, who still rests, unconscious, before making the trip back to the Kerebos Guild. Lilian seems preoccupied for most of the trip, but as the walls of the Guild rise into sight, she looks over to Crow. "An odd question - do you drink alcohol?"
[21:48] <AutumnCrow> "I don't, no. I'll cook with it, but I'm not one of those warriors that can manage to not lose thier edge when inebriated."
[21:49] <@Torokasi> "Got it. I was going to offer to get a jug for you as well, but... maybe some unfermented fruit juices, then?" Lilian says. "I'm sort of trying to figure out how not to think about what all happened today, at the moment
[21:49] <@Torokasi> OOC: Strike
[21:50] <@Torokasi> "Got it. I was going to offer to get a jug for you as well, but... maybe some unfermented fruit juices, then?" Lilian says. "I'm sort of trying to figure out how not to think about what all happened today, at the moment. Granted, probably not wise, but... for right now it's my inclination."
[21:50] <AutumnCrow> "I'm going to try meditating, personally. And hoping that this doesn't trigger another Dream."
[21:51] <AutumnCrow> "Fruit juice would be lovely, though. But don't expect me to go easy on you if you're hungover in the morning," Crow smiles.
[21:52] <@Torokasi> "I don't intend on drinking enough to get me hungover. Just to drink enough to make me less... likely to ruminate, is all." Lilian chuckles. "I'll see about getting something for you as well. Meet you back at our rooms." With that Lilian splits off, heading down a side alleyway and leaving Crow within sight of the gates.
[21:54] * AutumnCrow heads back to catch up with the others~
[21:57] <@Torokasi> It doesn't take long before Crow spots the guys of the team near the entrance. After quickly summarizing the situation, Ary's the first to respond, "Damn. So that's why you guys took so long... A lot of the other guildspeople are back in and they're considering locking the gates soon. Hopefully Lilian isn't long, then."
[21:58] <AutumnCrow> "Why don't we loiter by the gates to make sure they don't lock her out?"
[22:02] <@Torokasi> "Probably wise." Solmyr nods. "Our task was relatively short, outside of an idiot attempting to pickpocket Para."
[22:02] <@Torokasi> "...are we sure?" Para asks, looking away, rubbing his hands on his back.
[22:02] <AutumnCrow> "...pickpocketing someone with a guild pin? People are really that stupid?"
[22:03] <@Torokasi> "Well, he approached us from behind, so he may not have seen the pin." Ary shrugs. "And Para feels like the guy was just trying to grope him. Regardless, he's in the capable hands of the guards now, so whatever."
[22:04] <AutumnCrow> "Either way deserves a swift kick in the teeth, frankly."
[22:08] <@Torokasi> "More or less." Solmyr nods, slapping Para on the back. "Besides, I kinda figure they'd have to be twice as dumb if they were trying to grope Para."
[22:08] <@Torokasi> " is it any more or less dumb?" Ary asks quizzically.
[22:09] <@Torokasi> "Well, my fine ass is right here, and they didn't go for that!" Solmyr replies with a shit-eating grin.
[22:09] <@Torokasi> Para just rolls his eyes and looks at Crow. "I'm going to bed. Good night."
[22:09] <AutumnCrow> "Also because Para looks like the kind of guy who could remove your arm if he didn't want it there, nobody openly carries three weapons without knowing how to use them." Crow shrugs, "'night Para."
[22:10] <@Torokasi> "Psh, minor detail." Solmyr chuckles. "See you in the apartments, Para."
[22:14] <@Torokasi> It isn't too long before Lilian jogs up, about the same time as one of the Guild staff moves to the gates, clearing his throat. "Everyone in! The gates will be closing now. I repeat, the gates will be closing now."
[22:17] <@Torokasi> Lilian slips in as the group steps in, the gates swinging closed behind them. The young man nods to the group. "You four should get to your rooms. The concentration of Mist is still notable for in-town levels."
[22:19] * AutumnCrow nods and heads back to the apartments, "See you guys at breakfast."
[22:22] <@Torokasi> "Yeah. Sounds like we should be ready for anything tomorrow." Ary nods as the group disperses for the night, Lilian handing Crow a jug labeled 'Peach Passionfruit Juice'.
[22:22] <@Torokasi> "It's the best I could find." she shrugs as the two head to the apartments.
[22:22] <AutumnCrow> "I haven't met a fruit I don't like, so I'm sure it will be fine."
[22:23] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 will Imake it
[22:23] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+7 will Imake it and gets 25." [1d20=18]


[16:53] <@Torokasi> Crow's sleep is interrupted by a rapping on her door, timed almost perfectly with the fifth morning bell. Lilian's voice can be heard, "Crow, Redola's called us down to the lobby. We need to be ready in about thirty minutes and down there - you've got time to bathe, but not much. I need to go get my sword from the blacksmith."
[16:55] <AutumnCrow> "Ah, hmm?" Crow wakes up and...shakes her head at thin air, "Ah, I'll be fine, I washed last night anyway." Getting up she quickly gathers her things and spends the time to properly do her hair at least, before heading out to meet the others.
[16:58] <@Torokasi> Redola is downstairs, waiting with her foot rapidly tapping and her muzzle seemingly snapping at thin air. At Crow's appearance, she nods curtly, before, "I've alerted Para and the other two to meet us here. They will arrive shortly. Lilian is off fetching her weapon. You'll have to make do without Janda for a time - if she comes back I will route her to you."
[17:00] * AutumnCrow nods, thinking back to the warning she recieved yesterday. She didn't ask what happened yet, as she doubted Redola would want to explain more than once.
[17:05] <@Torokasi> Redola doesn't seem inclined to comment, but watches the stairs. After a second, another group - a stout Talstedi woman in leather armor with wild white hair and almost purplish skin, a Talkyr with an immense head of black and red striped hair and a large greatmaul carried over a broad shoulder, and a serpentine, white-scaled Talmuri with two small daggers at her waist descend, chatting amicably. Redola's snort silences all three. "You three are later than you were asked to be here. Go to the Cobbler's Court and await further instruction. This will be a defensive post unless you are alerted otherwise."
[17:07] <@Torokasi> The Talstedi and Talmuri bristle at Redola's tone, but the Talkyr woman raises her hand. "Understood. We three Gems will do our duty. Good day." With that, she walks out, the Talstedi and Talmuri following irritably.
[17:08] * AutumnCrow quirks at eyebrow at that group, and watches them go.
[17:11] <@Torokasi> Redola shakes her head irritably once the trio leave. "Anyway. At this rate your team will be late as well, but that's more understandable given they're men and Lilian is probably in line at that insufferable smithy's. Your group is to go to the Veldta neighborhood and act as a patrol to keep the people calm. Defend the streets if necessary. Sightings of kobolds and yeeks have been reported within the barrier."
[17:14] <AutumnCrow> "...I see. Permission to split into two groups, one handling keeping people calm and the other seeking out stray kobolds?" Crow inquires, as this seems like an official guild assignment.
[17:15] <@Torokasi> "Handle as you see fit." Redola nods. "You are in charge and as such may choose how to approach the task. The Iron Tower only requests you focus on the Veldta district. Also, I am to understand you were the ones that found the body there?"
[17:18] <AutumnCrow> "Lilian and I did, yes. Did that ever get moved? The spear pinning him down was not coming out by the time we left."
[17:23] <@Torokasi> "The male's body was pulled up through the spear and removed. That area is cordoned off, as Guild mages failed to remove the spear; you have permission to enter if and only if it's necessary to hunt down any creatures spotted." Redola shrugs. "A few other squads will be in adjacent neighborhoods. Have Lilian send up some magic to the sky to try and alert people if there's an emergency, and be aware other groups may call for help in that way. Trust Lilian; she is fluent in getting around the southern parts of town, and has been since she was very young, it sounds like."
[17:25] <AutumnCrow> "I'll have her and Ary focus on crowd control, Para, Solmyr and I will go hunting." Crow nods.
[17:27] <@Torokasi> "Got it. Be wary. There is one such event of this severity so far in our records... and with what Lilian and company saw on their training trip, we're very concerned this could be worse." Redola warns. "... they're still not here yet. I will let you explain matters to the males and Lilian, if that's acceptable. I have to handle some of the psionic members of the Town Guard next, let them know what to do."
[17:28] <AutumnCrow> "I'll pass it along, yes. Ary is probably taking awhile to get his armor on."
[17:31] <@Torokasi> Redola snorts. "I fully expect that oaf Solmyr to be dithering. Ary is relatively quick for a man at such simple tasks, and Para is competent, but I wouldn't trust Solmyr to test the wind on a clear day. I'm off, then." And with that she reaches under her counter and pulls out a strange silvery orb before walking out the door at a confident pace."
[17:32] * AutumnCrow snaps out a fan and begins idly fanning herself as she watches the door.
[17:33] <@Torokasi> It's only a minute or so later that Ary comes into the door, followed by Para and Lilian. Solmyr is last, tugging at his pants and grumbling as Ary looks around. "Sath curse it, Redola already left? I told you we were moving too slow, Solmyr."
[17:34] <@Torokasi> Lilian just rolls her eyes and smiles at Crow. "I take it Redola briefed you as well?"
[17:35] <AutumnCrow> "Sightings of yeeks and kobolds in the city, we have the Veldta district." Crow states flatly with no humor or preface. "Walk and talk, I'll explain as we go." Without waiting any longer for the team she strides out the door past them and begins to explain, noting that if Janda makes it to the guild she will be redirected to the Veldta to join them.
[17:37] <@Torokasi> The group heads out to the Veldta district, Lilian setting a rather quick pace that Ary struggles to keep up with as the group moves. Solmyr is the first to comment as Crow finishes her explanation. "We're splitting up? Seems risky if the bigger kobolds are around. But how in Hemda's inferno did they pass the barrier? We got any info on that?"
[17:39] <AutumnCrow> "None yet. That part isn't important for now, though. And if the rest of you think splitting up is too risky without Janda I'll change the plan, but I want some ideas from those of you who know the area how to cover the most ground instead."
[17:40] <@Torokasi> "Para, are you familiar with this area at all, by chance?" Lilian calls back.
[17:40] <@Torokasi> Para shakes his head mutely, lightly pulling on the string of his bow.
[17:47] <@Torokasi> Lilian grunts. "Solmyr needs to be present as a support healer. I need to be getting people indoors... Crow, I'm going to request that I take the crowd control alone. I don't think we'll see much of anyone out and I'll lure enemies to your team - you're probably best off stationing yourself at a large nearby crossroad and waiting there."
[17:53] <AutumnCrow> "I don't want anyone going alone, either take Ary or Para with you or we'll all try to hunt and clear people off the streets at the same time."
[17:54] <@Torokasi> "... I'll take Para, then. No offense, Ary, but your armor's going to limit your mobility too much." Lilian nods. "Also, that way each group has someone to strike from range." <More>
[17:56] <@Torokasi> The group arrives at the building with the white-and-gold painted door, the streets basically empty thus far. Lilian nods slightly. "We'll do a quick canvass of the area and meet back up... at that intersection just down the road." She gestures slightly, before, "That'll give you the best lines of sight in this neighborhood to anything roaming around. Para and I shouldn't be long, I hope. Anything I'm forgetting?"
[17:57] <AutumnCrow> "Oh, that alley we found the body in, we are not to go in unless we're chasing a monster or trying to get a civilian out. Use magic signals if you get in trouble, and keep your eyes out for other groups doing the same."
[18:00] <@Torokasi> "Got it." Lilian nods slightly. "Be careful, you three." And with that, she and Para trot off at a quick pace, Para sparing a glance back at the trio before jogging slightly to catch up with Lilian.
[18:01] <@Torokasi> Ary exhales and glances at Solmyr, before looking to Crow. "I admit I'm stumped as to how creatures got in, too. I don't know much about the barriers, but shouldn't they be able to prevent that sort of thing more readily than mist itself...?"
[18:03] <AutumnCrow> "I have no idea. The barrier here seems to work differantly than the one I'm familiar with. Mist monsters get through ours easily enough, but the Mist itself never does. Lilian said the opposite is true here, the mist sometimes gets in but the monsters never do. I'm sure we'll get the explanation later once we've secured the city."
[18:04] <AutumnCrow> "For right now, Solmyr you're on pathfinding since you know the city best. Or at least how cities in general work. Lets have a look around then get to the meeting point."
[18:05] <@Torokasi> Solmyr shakes his head. "Sumotah'l's barrier is... unique in that weaker creatures can get in without any hassle, but the stronger creatures can't, and the Mist absolutely can't. Of course, 'getting in' means past the Elder and to the inner walls that guard the ladders and stairs up into town. So usually people never see any of the Mist creatures that reside around the city... Alright." With a nod to Crow, the group starts patrolling...
[18:05] <@Torokasi> OOC: Notice checks for all.
[18:05] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+11 Solmyr
[18:05] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+11 Solmyr and gets 13." [1d20=2]
[18:09] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+0 ary
[18:09] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+0 ary and gets 4." [1d20=4]
[18:09] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+0 crow
[18:09] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+0 crow and gets 15." [1d20=15]
[18:10] <@Torokasi> After a quick patrol, Ary snorts. "All quiet here, it looks like. We probably got assigned a quieter neighborhood..."
[18:12] <@Torokasi> Solmyr shrugs. "Maybe? We still got assigned out here, after all."
[18:12] <AutumnCrow> "Or the creatures are off in a different part of it." Crow is half keeping her eyes on the skyline in case of magic signals.
[18:13] <@Torokasi> It's as Crow glances at the skyline that she sees... something, in the air. A thin line, almost pink in color, spreading across the skyline where Crow can tell the Barrier is. A thin line, stretching, seeming to pulse as it grows longer, its color lazily shifting with its growth to a darker, reddish, hue.
[18:15] <AutumnCrow> "Solmyr. Any idea what that is?" She points at the odd pink line.
[18:16] <@Torokasi> Solmyr looks up and promptly drops his slingstaff. "...That's not good is what that fucking well is." he replies, fumbling for his staff as his eyes remain fixated. "That... Is that the Barrier -cracking-?"
[18:18] <@Torokasi> Ary looks up as well, frowning. "I... don't know. I've never seen anything like this."
[18:20] <AutumnCrow> "Dragons in the quary, kobolds getting intelligent and orginized, weird things even by guild standards happening one after another." Crow sighs, and snaps a fan out in irritation to fan herself with. "And where are those damn kobolds anyway, I would rather like something to hit."
[18:22] <@Torokasi> "...Could the dragon be doing this?" Ary asks, a hint of agitation edging his voice. "What else could it be, even?"
[18:22] <@Torokasi> Solmyr shrugs. "I don'- is that another crack?"
[18:24] <@Torokasi> Following Solmyr's finger, Crow can see a thinner line, light blue, slowly growing as well at an angle to the pink one, beginning to intersect it as the trio watch. As they intersect, the air seems to vibrate, small pots falling from windowsills and merchant stalls rattling in the ground. OOC: Will saves, all. Crow has a +5 unspecified bonus to this check.
[18:24] * AutumnCrow looks up again, "Of course it is, why wouldn't it be."
[18:24] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7+5 crow
[18:24] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+7+5 crow and gets 22." [1d20=10]
[18:24] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 Solmyr
[18:24] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+6 Solmyr and gets 18." [1d20=12]
[18:24] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 ary
[18:24] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+4 ary and gets 13." [1d20=9]
[18:26] <@Torokasi> The rumbling passes over the trio, seemingly growing in intensity as more and more thin, colored lines seem to cross each other in the air, before Crow's ears are filled with a sound, something resembling how a mountain would talk were it capable, a word Crow cannot begin to understand- <More>
[18:31] <@Torokasi> Before Crow feels a pulse of magic wash over her, seemingly without effect. Ary and Solmyr, however, manage only the briefest of yelps before vanishing from sight. In their place is a Talkyr woman in studded leather armor, with a short sword in her left hand and an incredibly striking countenance, with a deep red mane and an elegant, equine face. She glances at Crow for just a moment before looking upward at the suddenly Barrier-free sky. "You capable of fighting?" she asks, a soft, gentle, tone - deep for a woman. "I seem to have been teleported out of position. You, too?"
[18:33] * AutumnCrow blinks at her, ", I'm where I'm supposed to be. My team just vanished, though." Shaking her head to try and focus, she takes a deep breath and then nods to the woman, "Yes, I can. Autumn Crow, M1, martial adept. And you?"
[18:34] <AutumnCrow> "This is the Veldta district, by the way."
[18:40] <@Torokasi> At that exact moment, Crow can see the lower skyline practically erupt in magical signals all around them. The woman mutters before raising her right hand, a burst of strange energy rocketing upward harmlessly before vanishing. "Hopefully that's enough." She then turns to Crow, returning the nod with a kind smile. "Marion Eldesul. You're of the Guild? I may have some questions for you, but now's not the time. Looks like we've got company!" She gestures down the street about sixty feet... <More>
[18:45] <@Torokasi> Two... what look to be giant floating eyeballs in a thin flap of skin seem to be darting about in the air, to and fro; a black, whip-thin tail extends from their back, with a large spear-like tip at the end, and two apparently ornamental wings that don't seem to flap much to keep them hovering at about head level. As Marion gestures, the two creatues both emit a piercing cry from mouths positioned underneath their lower eyelid and begin advancing! "They're called Ahriman - their stings can burn or leave persistent injuries. Be careful not to get hit if possible!" OOC: Init.
[18:47] * AutumnCrow eyes the length of the tails and the floating nature of the beasts...then draws her scarf instead of her fans.
[18:47] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 init
[18:47] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+4 init and gets 9." [1d20=5]
[18:48] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2 ahriman 1
[18:48] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+2 ahriman 1 and gets 11." [1d20=9]
[18:48] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2 ahriman 2
[18:48] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+2 ahriman 2 and gets 6." [1d20=4]
[18:48] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 Marion
[18:48] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+3 Marion and gets 5." [1d20=2]
[18:50] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Ahriman 1 (19/19) > Crow (30/30) > Ahriman 2 (19/19) > Marion (24/24) | Ahriman: 19 HP/14 AC'
[18:51] <@Torokasi> The first ahriman charges at Crow, its tail lashing out at her face!
[18:52] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7
[18:52] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+7 and gets 17." [1d20=10]
[18:52] <AutumnCrow> OOC: my flatfooted is still 18~
[18:52] <@Torokasi> But the razor sharp tip just whisks past Crow as she leans back just an inch! OOC: Crow
[18:54] * AutumnCrow whirls her scarf around her before lashing out in a dizzying dance so fast it almost seems as if there is more than one scarf! (OOC: 5ft back, Shadow Blade Technique)
[18:55] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 attack 1
[18:55] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+7 attack 1 and gets 24." [1d20=17]
[18:55] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 attack 2
[18:55] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+7 attack 2 and gets 20." [1d20=13]
[18:55] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d6+6+1d6 cold since both hit
[18:55] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d6+6+1d6 cold since both hit and gets 9." [1d6=1][1d6=2]
[18:56] <AutumnCrow> OOC: that's +4, not +6. 7 damage.
[18:56] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Ahriman 1 (12/19) > Crow (30/30) > Ahriman 2 (19/19) > Marion (24/24) | Ahriman: 19 HP/14 AC'
[18:56] <@Torokasi> The Ahriman winces and seems to spin in midair, before floating back into position, the bruise growing! Meanwhile, the second Ahriman charges past Crow... OOC: AoO possible.
[18:56] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 AoO yeah no
[18:57] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+7 AoO yeah no and gets 21." [1d20=14]
[18:57] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d6+4 snap
[18:57] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d6+4 snap and gets 8." [1d6=4]
[18:58] <@Torokasi> The charging Ahriman's wing is snapped, Crow hearing the sickening sound of a bone crumpling, but it doesn't seem to slow the Ahriman's charge on Marion, its tail lashing out as well!
[18:58] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7 AC 17
[18:58] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+7 AC 17 and gets 13." [1d20=6]
[19:00] <@Torokasi> But the Talkyr woman jumps back out of the way, chuckling as a sickeningly gray light seems to fill her right hand before bursting out at the ahriman attacking her!
[19:01] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7
[19:01] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+7 and gets 17." [1d20=10]
[19:03] <@Torokasi> roll 2d6
[19:03] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 2d6 and gets 5." [2d6=2, 3]
[19:03] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20-2 DC 17, this isn't ending well
[19:03] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20-2 DC 17, this isn't ending well and gets 1." [1d20=3]
[19:05] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Ahriman 1 (12/19) > Crow (30/30) > Ahriman 2 (6/19, shaken) > Marion (24/24) | Ahriman: 19 HP/14 AC'
[19:06] <@Torokasi> The ahriman takes the blow directly, seeming to shudder and shy away from Marion as the energy dissipates away! Crow's aggressor lashes out again with its tail, attempting to get past Crow's defenses!
[19:06] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5
[19:06] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+5 and gets 8." [1d20=3]
[19:06] <@Torokasi> But Crow's scarf adroitly parries it! OOC: Crow
[19:11] * AutumnCrow rolls behind the one Marion just struck to a flanking position, snapping out with her scarf at the beast's back. (OOC: Tumble into flanking, whack. Hopefully this will make the other one have to provoke to re-engage with me on its turn)
[19:11] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 tumble
[19:11] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+9 tumble and gets 26." [1d20=17]
[19:12] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7+2 whack
[19:12] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+7+2 whack and gets 10." [1d20=1]
[19:14] <@Torokasi> The scarf lashes over the ahriman's head as it bobbles in the air! Its attention caught, however, it seems to turn to Crow, shakily lashing its tail at the martial artist!
[19:14] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 (-2 shaken)
[19:14] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+3 (-2 shaken) and gets 15." [1d20=12]
[19:15] <@Torokasi> This, too, however, goes clean past Crow! Marion nods slightly as her right hand seems to gather more power, before blasting the Ahriman pinned between the two ladies!
[19:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7
[19:15] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+7 and gets 10." [1d20=3]
[19:17] <@Torokasi> The blast sails through the gap between its wings, Marion muttering, "By Sath's doors..." The first Ahriman attempts to reapproach Crow... OOC: It could get you without an AoO but it's moving through your range to try and pin you between it and the other Ahriman, so it provokes the AoO.
[19:18] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 snap
[19:18] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+7 snap and gets 26." [1d20=19]
[19:18] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d6+4 that would be a crit on the fans dammit
[19:18] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d6+4 that would be a crit on the fans dammit and gets 6." [1d6=2]
[19:21] <@Torokasi> The Ahriman's right wing gets cracked by the scarf, but its tail is still able to lash out to try and gouge a wound in Crow!
[19:21] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Ahriman 1 (6/19) > Crow (30/30) > Ahriman 2 (6/19, shaken) > Marion (24/24) | Ahriman: 19 HP/14 AC'
[19:21] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 barbed sting
[19:21] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+5 barbed sting and gets 24." [1d20=19]
[19:22] <@Torokasi> roll 1d4+1
[19:22] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d4+1 and gets 3." [1d4=2]
[19:22] <@Torokasi> roll 1d2
[19:22] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d2 and gets 1." [1d2=1]
[19:23] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Ahriman 1 (6/19) > Crow (27/30, 1 barb damage) > Ahriman 2 (6/19, shaken) > Marion (24/24) | Ahriman: 19 HP/14 AC'
[19:24] <@Torokasi> Crow's arm is grazed as the tail skims past it, and Crow can feel a barb from its tail split off its tail and dig in! OOC: Crow.
[19:24] <AutumnCrow> Between the two beasts, Crow lets her scarf flutter to the ground...then snaps out both fans in a rising swirl! (OOC: quick draw fans, one attack on each critter)
[19:24] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 vs A1 that I'm not flanking
[19:24] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+5 vs A1 that I'm not flanking and gets 6." [1d20=1]
[19:24] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 vs A2 that I am flanking
[19:24] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+7 vs A2 that I am flanking and gets 18." [1d20=11]
[19:25] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 vs A2
[19:25] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d4+4 vs A2 and gets 8." [1d4=4]
[19:26] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Ahriman 1 (6/19) > Crow (27/30, 1 barb damage) > Marion (24/24) | Ahriman: 19 HP/14 AC'
[19:27] <@Torokasi> The unshaken Ahriman manages to duck the spinning fans, but the shaken one is hardly so lucky, getting shredded near instantly! Marion whistles, low, at the display, before quickly turning focus to the other Ahriman and letting loose a second blast!
[19:27] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7
[19:27] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+7 and gets 24." [1d20=17]
[19:27] <@Torokasi> roll 2d6
[19:27] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 2d6 and gets 12." [2d6=6, 6]
[19:28] <@Torokasi> The blast hits the other Ahriman straight through the eye, splitting it as the creature dissolves near-instantaneously into Mist! OOC: Free act.

[19:29] * AutumnCrow snaps the blood off of her fan and tucks them back away, then picks up her scarf and looks at the barb in her arm, "Hmm....this is going to hurt to pull out..."
[19:31] <@Torokasi> Marion glances at Crow in appreciation. "You're pretty good with unorthodox weaponry. Autumn Crow, you said? Hold on." The Talkyr moves over to Crow's arm, examining it. "I don't have the experience to remove this, but the Guild does. We're best off not trying to heal over it unless we need to patch you up, but you look fine outside of that."
[19:35] <AutumnCrow> "If I can find my team, Janda can take care of it I'm sure." Crow shakes her head, "I..honestly have no idea what to do from here. Should we continue to patrol this district? Get back to the guild to find out what's happening?"
[19:37] <@Torokasi> "Somehow, 'everyone gets teleported to random locations' strikes me as a contingency plan almost no one would ever plan for, until after today." Marion shakes her head. "...You said Janda? Janda Lestrad, I take it?"
[19:41] <AutumnCrow> "Yes. I heard you mention Sath, I don't know if you're familiar with Ary Shiguzu? He and Janda are both in my group."
[19:42] <@Torokasi> "Hah. Yes, I'm familiar with both of them, and I suspect by now they both hate my guts. Don't blame them for that." Marion shakes her mane slightly. "Anyway, I'd opt for patrolling this district. Anyone teleported away will likely try to make their way back here if this is where you were all supposed to patrol, so that makes this the easiest way to reunite the group."
[19:43] <AutumnCrow> "Wait....Marion? Did you go by Mare? I may owe you a stiff beating if you are who I'm beginning to suspect you are." Crow's eyes narrow. "Though that can wait, of course."
[19:44] <@Torokasi> "You owe me a stiff beating." Mare confirms with a sad smile. "For rather a large amount of reasons. But if that could wait until after I've gotten myself disentangled from my family permanently, I'd dearly appreciate it. Anyway, you said this was the Veldta..."
[19:45] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4
[19:45] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+4 and gets 17." [1d20=13]
[19:46] <@Torokasi> "...I think I remember this area from when Lilian brought me here. Patrolling it will be the trick, though - lots of narrow roads." Mare shrugs. "If this was where you were standing guard or something, we could simply park here instead and wait for them to return here."
[19:47] <AutumnCrow> "That was Lilian's plan, yes. And...knowing her she will try to return here, though i would like to take a moment to make sure the outpost church we herded people to yesterday is alright." Crow tries to remember the way there....

[19:49] <@Torokasi> The streets are beginning to see people peeking their heads out, the sounds of panic and confusion beginning to ring out. Mare points down the street. "The temple outpost for Erest Rosen? Should be just down the road. Let's check it out - hopefully no one got teleported into a wall or something."
[19:50] <AutumnCrow> "STAY INSIDE! LOCK YOUR DAMN DOORS AND WINDOWS!" Crow shouts at anyone she sees peaking out, while making a good pace for the temple of Erest Rosen.
[19:52] <@Torokasi> Mare assists in calling out as the two make their ways down to the Temple. Mare knocks first, hard, before trying the door. "It's barred. They may be too far in to hear us, or just waiting it out... HEY!" She turns to yell at one head, a child's, peeking out. "Stay inside, kid! Block the windows!"
[19:55] <AutumnCrow> "Well, no evidence of kobolds or yeeks around, so that's fine. We'll assume things are okay, mist monsters would leave some wreckage in the wake I'm sure." Crow nods, "Back to the crossroad...with one more detour." Against her better judgement, but following what her instincts are screaming at her, Crow goes to look into the alleyway the spear is in. Not enter the blasted place...but to see
[19:55] <AutumnCrow> if anything odd is going on there.
[19:57] <@Torokasi> Crow steps into the alleyway... to the sight of an absolutely empty alley. Not even a speck of blood remains where the spear had impaled the man, and all the cans and various other detrius are absolutely vanished. Mare, behind Crow, frowns. "Something important about this alley?"
[19:57] <AutumnCrow> "Long story, I'll explain later. For now...this is both exactly what I was and was not hoping to see here." Crow sighs. "Alright, let's go."
[19:59] <@Torokasi> "Got it." Mare shrugs, leading the way out of the alley... OOC: Notice checks.
[19:59] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+0 lolnotice
[19:59] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+0 lolnotice and gets 8." [1d20=8]
[20:00] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+8 mare, jack of all trades skill-wise
[20:00] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+8 mare, jack of all trades skill-wise and gets 10." [1d20=2]
[20:01] <@Torokasi> The two make easy time back to the intersection, Mare's eyes flitting across the ground. "I hope my guess was right... Though, to be honest, we don't know how far anyone got teleported, do we? I was near the Guild, myself..."
[20:03] * AutumnCrow fidgets restlessly, snapping a fan out with a more decisive click than usual to fan herself while she waits, "Dammit, I hate not knowing where the others are. long as Ary and Solmyr got teleported to the same place they'll be fine. Were you with anyone else? ...wait, that wouldn't matter, they could have just not gotten moved like I did."
[20:06] <@Torokasi> Mare nods. "I was with about four others - Ramedo asked me to keep eye on some of the city guards with him. None of them went my way, sadly. So the whole group got in. Good. I-look out, Crow!" Crow barely has time to turn as a tail lashes right at her!
[20:06] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 surprise round
[20:06] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+5 surprise round and gets 24." [1d20=19]
[20:06] <@Torokasi> roll 1d4+1
[20:06] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d4+1 and gets 5." [1d4=4]
[20:07] <@Torokasi> OOC: Make a Fort save, please.
[20:07] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 my worst save
[20:07] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+5 my worst save and gets 18." [1d20=13]
[20:08] <@Torokasi> Crow's arm again raises to block the edge of the tail, a burning sensation felt lightly upon the cut it makes! Another ahriman - a slightly bigger one, with a dual-pronged tail - falls to hover just above the ground, apparently having dropped from the rooftop of the nearby building! OOC: Init
[20:10] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2 ahriman scavenger
[20:10] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+2 ahriman scavenger and gets 5." [1d20=3]
[20:10] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 ahriman spiritgouger
[20:10] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+4 ahriman spiritgouger and gets 9." [1d20=5]
[20:10] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 Mare
[20:10] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+3 Mare and gets 8." [1d20=5]
[20:10] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 init
[20:10] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+4 init and gets 11." [1d20=7]
[20:12] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Crow (22/30, 1 barb damage) > Spiritgouger (25/25) >  Marion (24/24) > Scavenger (19/19) | Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'
[20:13] <@Torokasi> OOC: The Spiritgouger is about 10 feet away and to the right of the Scavenger, which is the one that just hit Crow. Crow's up.
[20:13] * AutumnCrow draws her second fan and slashes strait at the eye of the one that stung her! (OOC: Full attack, it's already in range.)
[20:13] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 fan 1
[20:13] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+5 fan 1 and gets 22." [1d20=17]
[20:13] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 fan 2
[20:13] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+5 fan 2 and gets 10." [1d20=5]
[20:13] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 I can never hit both of these
[20:13] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d4+4 I can never hit both of these and gets 5." [1d4=1]
[20:13] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Crow (22/30, 1 barb damage) > Spiritgouger (25/25) >  Marion (24/24) > Scavenger (14/19) | Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'
[20:14] <@Torokasi> The scavenger's eyelid is split open, blood oozing as it remains in flight! The larger ahriman holds its tail up as a strange smell seems to fill the air... OOC: Will saves.
[20:14] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 Mare will
[20:14] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+5 Mare will and gets 11." [1d20=6]
[20:15] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 will
[20:15] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+7 will and gets 12." [1d20=5]
[20:16] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Crow (22/30, 1 barb damage) > Spiritgouger (25/25) >  Marion (24/24, shaken) > Scavenger (14/19) | Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'
[20:17] <@Torokasi> Crow can feel her spirit resist, if just barely, but Mare behind her gives a light yelp! "Damnit, I've never seen this kind of - no, stay focused...!" With that, Mare's energies focus themselves in her hand before darting out to envelop Crow's aggressor!
[20:17] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 (-2 shaken)
[20:17] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+5 (-2 shaken) and gets 21." [1d20=16]
[20:17] <@Torokasi> roll 2d6
[20:17] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 2d6 and gets 11." [2d6=5, 6]
[20:17] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20-2 Ahriman will, the saddest thing
[20:17] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20-2 Ahriman will, the saddest thing and gets 3." [1d20=5]
[20:18] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Crow (22/30, 1 barb damage) > Spiritgouger (25/25) >  Marion (24/24, shaken) > Scavenger (3/19, shaken) | Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'
[20:19] <@Torokasi> The Ahriman shudders as the blast rattles its bones, before...
[20:19] <@Torokasi> roll 1d100
[20:19] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d100 and gets 2." [1d100=2]
[20:20] <@Torokasi> it practically turns tail and tries to run! OOC: Can Crow AoO here?
[20:21] <AutumnCrow> OOC: If I was alread in melee with it, yes. If it's smart enough to take a Withdraw action, than no, I don't have reach atm.
[20:22] <@Torokasi> OOC: Yeah, it basically withdrew, so...
[20:23] <@Torokasi> Mare grimaces. "I'll take that one down from here. You handle the big one!" OOC: Crow
[20:24] * AutumnCrow was already dashing towards the other one, both fans ready to snap together in a scissor chop across its face! (OOC: Wolf Fang Strike, attack with both after moving)
[20:24] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 fan 1
[20:24] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+5 fan 1 and gets 17." [1d20=12]
[20:24] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 fan 2
[20:24] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+5 fan 2 and gets 7." [1d20=2]
[20:24] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d100 blur
[20:24] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d100 blur and gets 88." [1d100=88]
[20:25] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 damage
[20:25] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d4+4 damage and gets 7." [1d4=3]
[20:28] <@Torokasi> The spiritgouger howls as Crow hits it across the eye, the gash oozing up rapidly as the ahriman stares at Crow, its eyes widening greatly, practically acting as a mirror... OOC: Will save.
[20:28] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 will
[20:28] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+7 will and gets 8." [1d20=1]
[20:29] <@Torokasi> roll 2d6 recall agony
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 2d6 recall agony and gets 4." [2d6=1, 3]
[20:30] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Crow (18/30, 1 barb damage) > Spiritgouger (18/25) >  Marion (24/24, shaken) > Scavenger (3/19, shaken) | Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'
[20:30] <@Torokasi> Crow's body shudders, almost as if enduring the welts and bruises of training with her mother yet again and again, the scene flashing through her mind!
[20:30] <@Torokasi> Marion, for her part, attempts to steady herself, firing another blast at the retreating ahriman!
[20:30] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5
[20:30] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+5 and gets 17." [1d20=12]
[20:30] <@Torokasi> roll 2d6
[20:30] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 2d6 and gets 5." [2d6=3, 2]
[20:31] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Crow (18/30, 1 barb damage) > Spiritgouger (18/25) >  Marion (24/24, shaken) | Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'
[20:31] <@Torokasi> The lance of energy blasts the retreating ahriman, splitting it apart! OOC: Crow.
[20:32] * AutumnCrow jukes around the beast so if it turns to face her it will put its back to Mare, snapping one fan closed and thrusting the metal point straight into teh beast's eye as it comes to face her. (OOC: Tumble behind, S. Nightmare Blade)
[20:33] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 tumble
[20:33] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+9 tumble and gets 21." [1d20=12]
[20:33] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 concentration vs AC
[20:33] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+8 concentration vs AC and gets 15." [1d20=7]
[20:33] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+3 well I still get to attack anyway
[20:33] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+3 well I still get to attack anyway and gets 19." [1d20=16]
[20:33] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d100 blur
[20:33] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d100 blur and gets 30." [1d100=30]
[20:33] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4
[20:33] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d4+4 and gets 5." [1d4=1]
[20:34] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Crow (18/30, 1 barb damage) > Spiritgouger (13/25) >  Marion (24/24, shaken) | Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'
[20:36] <@Torokasi> The fan's point gouges the ahriman's eye still further, causing it to howl out in pain as a shard of crystal forms between the prongs of its tail! It slowly flies upward... OOC: Crow can AoO, five feet up is still within reach for her.
[20:37] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 get back here
[20:37] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+5 get back here and gets 23." [1d20=18]
[20:37] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 CRIT CONFIRM
[20:37] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+5 CRIT CONFIRM and gets 25." [1d20=20]
[20:37] <AutumnCrow> roll 2d4+8 eatshitanddie
[20:37] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 2d4+8 eatshitanddie and gets 15." [2d4=3, 4]
[20:39] <@Torokasi> But Crow's fan catches the bottom of the ahriman, quickly and neatly dicing it straight open as Crow flips backwards to avoid the dissolving gore! In the distance, Crow can hear Lilian's voice... OOC: Free act.
[20:40] * AutumnCrow quirks her head up and starts moving that way!

[20:42] <@Torokasi> Lilian's figure quickly advances from the shadows. She looks mildly hurt but not significantly so. "Crow! You're al-... ah. Uh, what the hell?" This last part is said with a near-dead look at Mare.
[20:43] <AutumnCrow> "The random teleportations dropped her next to me. Ary and Solmyr went poof I have no idea where. The same happened to Para, I assume? Focus for now, Lillian, you can interrogate her later."
[20:43] <@Torokasi> Mare sighs. "Hi, Lil. Long story short, brother literally teleported me out of town and family drama has kept me in Nlocomo for way the hell too long. And I know I'm basically signing up for the lynch squad by returning, but... yeah, later. Please."
[20:45] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Crow (18/30, 1 barb damage), Lilian (15/20),  Marion (24/24, shaken) | Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'
[20:45] <@Torokasi> Lilian's face scrunches up for a moment, before she shrugs, seemingly suddenly not caring. "Fine. Yeah, Para got warped out - I checked the area before coming here, didn't see him. I didn't get moved thankfully. At this point... we don't have many good options, do we? We wait and these ... creatures can keep dropping on us, or we move back but risk the people that way."
[20:47] <AutumnCrow> "We wait for now. The others are likely to try and work thier way back here to meet us."
[20:48] <AutumnCrow> "Oh, I don't suppose you've got enough first aid training to get this barb out of my arm, do you? It hurts every time I swing my fan..."
[20:48] <@Torokasi> Lilian quickly glances at it. "I... can try. Give me a moment." With that, she moves to Crow's arm...
[20:48] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2
[20:48] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+2 and gets 4." [1d20=2]
[20:49] <@Torokasi> Lilian looks at it before quickly shaking her head. "Definitely not, I'm afraid. Not even going to try with how it's in there."
[20:49] <AutumnCrow> "Lovely."
[20:49] <@Torokasi> Mare frowns. "Alright. Should I send up another blast into the air to call others here?"
[20:51] <AutumnCrow> "That might be for the best, yes. Let people looking know that there is someone here."
[20:51] <@Torokasi> Mare nods and raises her hand, sending out another blast of grey light...


[16:11] <@Torokasi> A moment passes as the blast of energy surges upward, before Mare glances around. "You're the one that knows the terrain, Lil. Do we want to do a quick patrol around?"
[16:11] <AutumnCrow> "I checked the alleyway," Crow fills Lilian in,
[16:11] <AutumnCrow> "as expected, nothing was there. Nothing at all."
[16:13] <@Torokasi> Lilian glances at Mare before grimacing to Crow. "Not even the spear? Hopefully that means the Horizon Guild recovered it, and not the assassin... Well, anyway, yeah, a patrol would probably be sound. Others will likely come here to look for others and we can cross these two main roads often enough to keep an eye on the intersection. Sound good, Crow?"
[16:15] <AutumnCrow> "That's fine. And no, not even the spear. We did check the church as well, all locked up no signs of a fight there. Lilian, you're on pathfinding, Marion you're eyes high, I'll take eyes on the ground."
[16:16] <@Torokasi> "Got it." Lilian nods, beginning to advance.
[16:17] <@Torokasi> Mare glances at Lilian as she moves forward, before shaking her head just a touch. "Understood." With that, the three begin to patrol... OOC: Notice checks, all.
[16:17] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+0 lolnotice
[16:17] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+0 lolnotice and gets 20." [1d20=20]
[16:18] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 lilian only slightly better here
[16:18] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+1 lilian only slightly better here and gets 11." [1d20=10]
[16:19] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+8 Mare, jack of all trades
[16:19] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+8 Mare, jack of all trades and gets 23." [1d20=15]
[16:22] <@Torokasi> Crow's eyes feel as if a heat is building behind them, her senses hyper-actute as they patrol the streets, occasionally warning people to stay indoors and bar windows. Fortunately, there's not much evidence on the streets of any attempts from monsters to enter the complexes - doors and windows seem relatively unscuffled, with only the cobblestone streets and stone walls showing the bloody evidence of combat. <More>
[16:26] <@Torokasi> It's as the group crosses into a small intersection that Crow, to the group's left, down a narrow alleyway, sees two ahriman, seemingly looking the other way, with another, large, land-bound figure standing past them - built like the larger kobolds Crow saw out in the wilds, but with a gigantic greatmaul in its hands. The three don't seem to have spotted Crow or the other two yet.
[16:26] <@Torokasi> At the same time, Mare hisses, very quietly, "Three to our left. And we just got a sign in the air a few blocks ahead - some sort of request for help."
[16:27] <AutumnCrow> "....we see to the request for help first. Then make our way back to deal with these if they're still here." Crow quietly makes the decision.
[16:28] <@Torokasi> Lilian's hand is instantly on her bastard sword, before nodding to Crow. "Yeah. Got it. " With that the three quietly and quickly advance toward the sign, Mare quietly commenting to Lilian as to the location of the mark as they advance. <More>
[16:33] <@Torokasi> It's only a few blocks ahead where Crow can see the conflict - two smaller kobolds and one bigger one, facing off against a face Crow easily recognizes - Kalos Umaurun, her glaive in hand, back against a wall, her left side gashed open and bleeding profusely. The larger kobold, wielding a trident, is tottering unsteadily on his feet but looks unhurt, as do the two smaller kobolds.

[16:34] * AutumnCrow snaps both fans out and races towards the larger kobold in hopes of getting flanking before it can react.
[16:35] <@Torokasi> OOC: roll Stealth. +5 since the kobolds are distracted and not in their right minds.
[16:35] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 stealth minus whatever penalties for moving fast
[16:35] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+8 stealth minus whatever penalties for moving fast and gets 14." [1d20=6]
[16:36] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2 kobold check
[16:36] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+2 kobold check and gets 16." [1d20=14]
[16:37] <@Torokasi> It's only at the last second that the giant kobold manages to catch Crow's movement and swivel, attempting to keep an eye on both its previous and new target! OOC: Attempt at surprise attack failed, time for init.
[16:38] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 crow init where is Janda when we need her I mean seriously
[16:38] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+4 crow init where is Janda when we need her I mean seriously and gets 12." [1d20=8]
[16:38] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 Lilian init
[16:38] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+1 Lilian init and gets 15." [1d20=14]
[16:38] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+9 Kalos init
[16:38] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+9 Kalos init and gets 20." [1d20=11]
[16:38] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 Mare init
[16:38] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+3 Mare init and gets 5." [1d20=2]
[16:39] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2 greataxe small
[16:40] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+2 greataxe small and gets 15." [1d20=13]
[16:40] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2 bastard sword small
[16:40] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+2 bastard sword small and gets 11." [1d20=9]
[16:40] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 large one
[16:40] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+4 large one and gets 17." [1d20=13]
[16:49] <@Torokasi> Kalos' face widens in wonder. "I can't tell who you are, but thank you! I've managed to fell two of these brutes but this big one got the drop on me!" Stepping to the side to stay out of reach of the trident, her hand seems to trace a line in the air, before dark grey lines coalesce around the large kobold!
[16:49] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2 needs 16 or better
[16:49] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+2 needs 16 or better and gets 12." [1d20=10]
[16:50] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 SR check
[16:50] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+4 SR check and gets 6." [1d20=2]
[16:56] <@Torokasi> The spell seems to sink in for just a moment, before the bands seem to wither off the creature's scales! Cursing, Kalos prepares herself as the kobold glances between the two targets, its trident flashing in the air before lashing out suddenly at both Crow and Kalos! OOC: Flashing Sun, using one attack on each.
[16:56] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 (-1 CE -2 Flashing Sun) Crow
[16:56] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+5 (-1 CE -2 Flashing Sun) Crow and gets 12." [1d20=7]
[16:56] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 (-1 CE -2 Flashing Sun) Kalos'
[16:57] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+5 (-1 CE -2 Flashing Sun) Kalos' and gets 23." [1d20=18]
[16:57] <@Torokasi> OOC: Drop both of those by 2.
[16:58] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8+4 even with Shield of Faith up that hits Kalos
[16:58] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d8+4 even with Shield of Faith up that hits Kalos and gets 6." [1d8=2]
[16:59] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Kalos (14/46) > Kobold Warrior (42/42, hexed) > Kobold Greataxe Grunt (22/22) > Lilian (15/20) > Crow (18/30, 1 barb damage) > Kobold BS Grunt (22/22) > Marion (24/24) | Kobolds: Grunts AC 14, Warrior AC 15 | Ahriman: Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'
[17:00] <@Torokasi> Crow dodges with ease, but Kalos gets a gash in her right side, the magical auras around her failing to swerve the blow! The greataxe wielding grunt turns to Crow, moving around to flank her... OOC: It's blatantly moving through threatened tiles. AoO if you want.
[17:00] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 fan snap no TWF penalty yet because I haven't made my attacks
[17:00] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+7 fan snap no TWF penalty yet because I haven't made my attacks and gets 21." [1d20=14]
[17:01] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 slice
[17:01] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d4+4 slice and gets 7." [1d4=3]
[17:01] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Kalos (14/46) > Kobold Warrior (42/42, hexed) > Kobold Greataxe Grunt (15/22) > Lilian (15/20) > Crow (18/30, 1 barb damage) > Kobold BS Grunt (22/22) > Marion (24/24) | Kobolds: Grunts AC 14, Warrior AC 15 | Ahriman: Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'
[17:02] <@Torokasi> The fan slices the kobold's mottled snout, causing it to howl before it slashes at Crow in what Crow can recognize as the Stone Dragon stance, its body tensing up!
[17:02] <@Torokasi> OOC: Strike
[17:03] <@Torokasi> The fan slices the kobold's mottled snout, causing it to howl before it slashes at Crow in what Crow can recognize as the Stone Bones stance, its body tensing up!
[17:03] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 (-2 PA +2 flanking) Stone Bones
[17:03] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+6 (-2 PA +2 flanking) Stone Bones and gets 21." [1d20=15]
[17:04] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+10 baffling defense like HELL I'm taking a greataxe hit when I'm at nearly half life
[17:04] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+10 baffling defense like HELL I'm taking a greataxe hit when I'm at nearly half life and gets 14." [1d20=4]
[17:04] <@Torokasi> roll 1d12+6
[17:04] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d12+6 and gets 13." [1d12=7]
[17:05] <@Torokasi> OOC: +1 because 2h
[17:08] <@Torokasi> The blow slams into Crow, slashing open her arm and stomach! The heat behind Crow's eyes seems to grow immediately in response, a pressure behind her head, pounding. As if in the distance, Crow can hear Lilian scream, "MARE! You heal Crow - I'
[17:08] <@Torokasi> OOC: Strike,
[17:08] <@Torokasi> The blow slams into Crow, slashing open her arm and stomach! The heat behind Crow's eyes seems to grow immediately in response, a pressure behind her head, pounding. As if in the distance, Crow can hear Lilian scream, "MARE! You heal Crow - I can't get to her from this position! I'll try to shut the big one down!"
[17:11] <@Torokasi> Lilian runs into position, before raising her hand as a cone of brilliant colors shoots just to Crow's side, catching the three kobolds in a whirlwind of color!
[17:12] <@Torokasi> OOC: Strike 3, toro's out
[17:12] <@Torokasi> Lilian runs into position, before raising her hand as a cone of brilliant colors shoots just to Crow's side, catching two of the three kobolds in a whirlwind of color!
[17:13] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 SR small
[17:13] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+3 SR small and gets 11." [1d20=8]
[17:13] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 SR big
[17:13] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+3 SR big and gets 9." [1d20=6]
[17:14] <@Torokasi> But the spray seems to simply distract the two, Lilian cursing as well! OOC: Crow
[17:16] * AutumnCrow hisses as the barb in her arm prevents her from reacting fast enough to the axe swing and she takes a full hit. Somewhere in the back of her head she really hoped that swing didn't destroy her clothes, but more of her attention was focused on trying to bring down one enemy at a time, crouching low and snapping her fans out in a scissor chop at the legs of the larger kobold. (OOC: 3
[17:16] * AutumnCrow into CE, AC is now 25, attacking with both fans)
[17:16] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 after flank and CE fan 1
[17:16] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+4 after flank and CE fan 1 and gets 7." [1d20=3]
[17:16] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 after flank and CE fan 2
[17:16] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+4 after flank and CE fan 2 and gets 23." [1d20=19]
[17:16] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 crit confirm
[17:16] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+4 crit confirm and gets 6." [1d20=2]
[17:16] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 well whatever
[17:16] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d4+4 well whatever and gets 5." [1d4=1]
[17:17] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Kalos (14/46) > Kobold Warrior (37/42, hexed) > Kobold Greataxe Grunt (15/22) > Lilian (15/20) > Crow (18/30, 1 barb damage) > Kobold BS Grunt (22/22) > Marion (24/24) | Kobolds: Grunts AC 14, Warrior AC 15 | Ahriman: Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'
[17:18] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Kalos (14/46) > Kobold Warrior (37/42, hexed) > Kobold Greataxe Grunt (15/22) > Lilian (15/20) > Crow (5/30, 1 barb damage) > Kobold BS Grunt (22/22) > Marion (24/24) | Kobolds: Grunts AC 14, Warrior AC 15 | Ahriman: Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'
[17:25] <@Torokasi> The first fan swing goes wide, but the second slashes open the kobold's arm as it fails to raise its trident to block in time! The bastard sword-wielding kobold turns toward Kalos, slavering, its weapon raised to strike...
[17:26] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+9 SR small BS one
[17:26] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+9 SR small BS one and gets 12." [1d20=3]
[17:26] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+9 SR big one
[17:26] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+9 SR big one and gets 29." [1d20=20]
[17:26] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+9 SR small greataxe one
[17:26] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+9 SR small greataxe one and gets 29." [1d20=20]
[17:27] <@Torokasi> roll 6d6 cold damage
[17:27] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 6d6 cold damage and gets 24." [6d6=6, 4, 3, 1, 5, 5]
[17:27] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 Greataxe reflex
[17:27] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+4 Greataxe reflex and gets 17." [1d20=13]
[17:28] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7 big guy
[17:28] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+7 big guy and gets 12." [1d20=5]
[17:30] <@Torokasi> Crow hears the air simply pop, just above her, before a freezing wave of cold seems to cascade over the entirety of the combatants, exploding around them! Despite the chill, however, the frost fails to touch Crow - and it seems the same is true of the rest of the allied team. The kobolds are not so lucky - Crow's assailant is frozen solid, and the larger kobold is shivering madly, attempting to still stand! The third kobold turns to... <More>
[17:32] <@Torokasi> A rather slender, quite short young man, seeming appearing from out of nowhere right next to Kalos, grinning madly as he finishes a flourish. His fur is jet white, and his mouth seems more cat-like than Talstedi. He glances back at Kalos, "Are you alright, Oracle? We saw your sign."
[17:33] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Kalos (14/46) > Kobold Warrior (13/42, hexed) > Lilian (15/20) > Crow (5/30, 1 barb damage) > ??? (???/???) > Kobold BS Grunt (22/22) > Marion (24/24) | Kobolds: Grunts AC 14, Warrior AC 15 | Ahriman: Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'
[17:38] <@Torokasi> The kobold grunt swivels, glancing at its frozen allies before looking to the instigator. Howling, it launches itself toward the interloper!
[17:38] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6
[17:38] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+6 and gets 8." [1d20=2]
[17:43] <@Torokasi> The impish little man spins out of the way of the bastard sword's sweep as Mare raises her hands, an arc of grey light spinning between herself and Crow!
[17:44] <@Torokasi> roll 2d6+8 healing
[17:44] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 2d6+8 healing and gets 14." [2d6=2, 4]
[17:45] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Kalos (14/46) > Kobold Warrior (13/42, hexed) > Lilian (15/20) > Crow (19/30, 1 barb damage) > ??? (???/???) > Kobold BS Grunt (22/22) > Marion (10/24) | Kobolds: Grunts AC 14, Warrior AC 15 | Ahriman: Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'

[17:49] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Kalos (14/46) > Kobold Warrior (13/42, hexed) > Lilian (15/20) > Crow (16/30, 1 barb damage) > ??? (???/???) > Kobold BS Grunt (22/22) > Marion (13/24) | Kobolds: Grunts AC 14, Warrior AC 15 | Ahriman: Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'
[17:49] <@Torokasi> The life seems to surge back to Crow's body, her energy coming back to her quickly! Marion's body shudders for a moment, before she kneels, blood appearing beneath her leather armor as she seems to step back, standing after a moment.
[17:51] <@Torokasi> Kalos hisses, her hand lifting up as a ray of dark energy lashes out at the large kobold!
[17:51] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 sr check
[17:51] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+4 sr check and gets 23." [1d20=19]
[17:51] <@Torokasi> roll 1d6+2
[17:51] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d6+2 and gets 6." [1d6=4]
[17:52] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7 she has to hit first, irgud
[17:52] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+7 she has to hit first, irgud and gets 25." [1d20=18]
[17:52] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Kalos (14/46) > Kobold Warrior (13/42, hexed, weakened) > Lilian (15/20) > Crow (16/30, 1 barb damage) > ??? (???/???) > Kobold BS Grunt (22/22) > Marion (13/24) | Kobolds: Grunts AC 14, Warrior AC 15 | Ahriman: Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'
[17:54] <@Torokasi> The kobold warrior seems to practically drop its trident for a moment, struggling to hoist it up! Glancing between Crow, Kalos and the stranger, it weakly thrusts at the stranger!
[17:54] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 (-3 Str loss, -2 hex)
[17:54] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+3 (-3 Str loss, -2 hex) and gets 21." [1d20=18]
[17:55] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8+1
[17:55] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d8+1 and gets 6." [1d8=5]
[17:56] <@Torokasi> The man is jabbed by the trident, failing to spin away in time! It seems to draw blood, but the man doesn't seem significantly bothered... Lilian steps toward the grunt kobold still standing, her blade spinning!
[17:56] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+10
[17:56] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+10 and gets 23." [1d20=13]
[17:57] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 call bluff
[17:57] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+6 call bluff and gets 25." [1d20=19]
[17:57] <@Torokasi> But the kobold turns to parry as Lilian slashes at it!
[17:57] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 (-1 CE)
[17:58] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+5 (-1 CE)  and gets 6." [1d20=1]
[17:58] <@Torokasi> Her blade is equally met by the enemies, before she's knocked away by the kobold's counter thrust! OOC: Crow. Kobold Warrior is still flanked by you and Kalos.
[18:00] * AutumnCrow snaps her fans at the kobold in a flury of motion trying her damndest to bring it down before it can hit anyone else. (OOC: full attack)
[18:00] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 after CE and flanking
[18:00] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+4 after CE and flanking and gets 5." [1d20=1]
[18:00] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 after CE and flanking
[18:00] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+4 after CE and flanking and gets 24." [1d20=20]
[18:01] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 will it confirm this time
[18:01] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+4 will it confirm this time and gets 18." [1d20=14]
[18:01] <AutumnCrow> roll 2d4+8 looks like it yes
[18:01] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 2d4+8 looks like it yes and gets 12." [2d4=1, 3]
[18:01] <@Torokasi> OOC: Confirm. Also, reroll the first hit.
[18:01] <@Torokasi> OOC: Because reasons.
[18:01] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 this was still before the crit so no Blood in the Water
[18:01] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+4 this was still before the crit so no Blood in the Water and gets 24." [1d20=20]
[18:05] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 confirm
[18:05] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+4 confirm and gets 14." [1d20=10]
[18:05] <@Torokasi> OOC: That's a confirm
[18:05] <@Torokasi> OOC: Strike, it's just a hit
[18:06] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4
[18:06] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d4+4 and gets 8." [1d4=4]
[18:09] <@Torokasi> The pressure behind Crow's eyes... seems to burst open, in one moment, heat seemingly rushing through Crow's body and behind her eyes, burning through her. Her first fan sweep seems to miss... and then the second, in a burst of power, slashes into its chest, causing it to howl in pain and rear back. Crow's body instinctively steps in, the first fan lashing back out and through the kobold's chest and jaw, killing it in moments, the blood spraying every which way except onto Crow, somehow.
[18:11] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Kalos (14/46) >  Lilian (15/20) > Crow (16/30, 1 barb damage, 2/3 ???) > ??? (???/???) > Kobold BS Grunt (22/22) > Marion (13/24) | Kobolds: Grunts AC 14, Warrior AC 15 | Ahriman: Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'
[18:15] <@Torokasi> The leonine imp shakes his hand as two lines of ice seem to orbit around his wrists and knucklebones, before lashing out at the remaining kobold!
[18:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+9 SR
[18:15] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+9 SR and gets 27." [1d20=18]
[18:16] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+10 ranged touch 1
[18:16] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+10 ranged touch 1 and gets 12." [1d20=2]
[18:16] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+10 ranged touch 2
[18:16] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+10 ranged touch 2 and gets 14." [1d20=4]
[18:17] <@Torokasi> roll 8d6 freezing ray
[18:17] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 8d6 freezing ray and gets 23." [8d6=1, 1, 4, 3, 1, 3, 5, 5]
[18:18] <@Torokasi> The two rays only seem to nick the kobold, but that's enough - its body stiffens as the ice spreads across its body, before toppling over and shattering! OOC: Crow, roll Fort save. We can either break right after that or keep going if you want.
[18:18] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 fort
[18:18] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+5 fort and gets 7." [1d20=2]
[18:19] <@Torokasi> The heat seems to pulse through Crow's body still... It's a distinctly uncomfortable sensation, and though Crow seems still able to stand and think clearly, she can tell that she's pushing herself somehow too far.

[18:22] <@Torokasi> The small man nods, walking over to Crow. "Well, that's that. Clean, ah, fan-work, ma'am. I'm Biako, a servant of Zuiseno. Thank you for assisting Kalos in her time of need. ...You look a bit peaked. That blow from the axe did a number, it looks like, though your friend seems to have remedied the worst of it."
[18:23] <AutumnCrow> "If someone doesn't get this barb out of my arm soon I am going to pass out." Crow states bluntly as she staggers a bit.
[18:23] <@Torokasi> The man quickly glances at it, blanching a bit. "Ah, those damn ahriman. Moment..."
[18:23] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+10
[18:23] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+10 and gets 22." [1d20=12]
[18:24] <@Torokasi> The man winces slightly. "In deep, too. Hold still a moment, this will sting." With that, he puts his hand on Crow's arm, almost having to reach up a tiny bit, before...!
[18:24] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Kalos (14/46) >  Lilian (15/20) > Crow (15/30, 2/3 ???) > ??? (???/???) > Kobold BS Grunt (22/22) > Marion (13/24) | Kobolds: Grunts AC 14, Warrior AC 15 | Ahriman: Scavenger: 14 AC  Spiritgouger: 16 AC, Blur'
[18:26] <@Torokasi> Crow can feel the barb shift as he makes a quick push on the barb, seeming to slide it off cleanly before pulling it out through partially-mended flesh! The pain from her arm abates, but the sensation of fire in her muscles seems to continue. The man wipes his hands off before pocketing the barb carefully. "If you were sickened by the barb it'll take time to recover. I'll call further support in. You four ladies please head back to the Guild - we've managed to clear most of the way out to here so it should be a clean trip."
[18:28] <AutumnCrow> "There...were three more, two of those eyeballs and a large kobold...back that way," Crow gestures back the way they came, "about...two, three blocks. Alley on the...right, from this direction. We prioritized the distress signal."
[18:32] <@Torokasi> "Got it. Alley on the right, I'll check it out. Thank you again, ma'am." Biako nods slightly. "Head back to the Guild now and rest up."
[18:33] * AutumnCrow then finally thinks to check her outfit to make sure it didn't get torn too badly by the hit
[18:39] <@Torokasi> The outfit is covering all the proper places, still, if barely - she is definitely sporting a midriff window and her sleeves are torn up by this point.
[18:41] * AutumnCrow uses her scarf to help hold things together for now, then nods to Lilian and Marion, " back to the guild, then?"
[18:41] <@Torokasi> "Yeah." Lilian nods, glancing Crow over...
[18:41] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 Lilian notice
[18:41] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+1 Lilian notice and gets 14." [1d20=13]
[18:42] <@Torokasi> "You're really, like, looking beat, even with that heal. Thanks for being willing to do that, by the by, Mare." Lilian nods to Mare in thanks.
[18:43] <AutumnCrow> "I think that barb was poisoned." Crow states bluntly. "I'm feeling lightheaded."
[18:45] <@Torokasi> Mare nods slightly. "Yeah, no big. I have healing potions on me, too - here, take one, Crow. Might help the lightheadedness, too... you did lose a lot of blood there, even with my trade." Crow notices as Mare extends her arm to offer the potion that the wounds on Marion match where Crow was hit with the axe - through the arm and down the chest, though it looks lighter. "I can't diagnose poison but if Janda's there she'll be able to detect it."
[18:45] * AutumnCrow blinks at Marion, "Wait...when did you get hit?"
[18:48] <@Torokasi> "The Eldesul bloodline is capable of working with the souls of others to a finer degree than most warlocks can. Specifically, we can reverse eldritch blasts - it's somewhat technical but it's basically 'we can heal others by transferring the blows to ourselves'. There's a bunch of other tricks but that's the main one I've figured out how to do." Marion shakes her head. "My sister, the current head of the house with my dad sick, can do a whole lot more with it than I can."
[18:49] <@Torokasi> Kalos catches up to the trio, limping some. "I should have figured that it was you charging headlong in to assist me with flanking, Crow. Thank you, and you, Lilian, and, ah..."
[18:49] <@Torokasi> "Marion Eldesul, ma'am." Mare nods to Kalos. "Call me Mare or Marion, either works."
[18:49] <AutumnCrow> "Oh...risky, that." Crow shakes her head, "but thank you for taking it. I...should not be gettting hit by these fools at all, but I don't have full movement of my right arm."
[18:51] <@Torokasi> Mare shakes her head. "These things seem more vicious than normal Kobolds by far. Regardless, you're welcome, don't worry about it."
[18:52] <@Torokasi> Kalos nods slightly. "Indeed. I don't know where Isabella, Tammud or Nyci went off to - that wave of energy passed over us and everyone with us vanished. Same here, I take it?"
[18:53] <AutumnCrow> "Solmyr and Ary vanished on me, yes. And then Marion just appeared."
[18:54] <@Torokasi> "Infuriating. And now there's this persistent low rumbling in my ears... Whatever is happening to Verxais?" Kalos murmurs.
[18:54] <@Torokasi> Mare blinks, her ears twitching. "Low rumbling?" OOC: Notice checks, all, again.
[18:54] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 Lilian
[18:54] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+1 Lilian and gets 13." [1d20=12]
[18:54] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+8 Mare
[18:54] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+8 Mare and gets 17." [1d20=9]
[18:55] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+0 lolnotice
[18:55] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+0 lolnotice and gets 17." [1d20=17]
[18:57] <@Torokasi> Mare and Crow turn to each other after a moment, before simultaneously looking up at a figure, massive, shifting far above in the thick Mist, the rumbling in the air seeming to emanate from the figure above. Mare pauses for a moment, before saying in a stifled voice, "If everyone else is up for it, I vote we, uh, -run- for the Guild."
[19:00] * AutumnCrow looks for a moment to see if she recognizes this character, before nodding in agreement, "I can run still...I think."
[19:02] <@Torokasi> Crow doesn't seem to be able to make out much more than the size, through the mist. Lilian looks up before shaking her head. "Kalos can't run, not in the city, and Crow doesn't look up for it. Keep an eye on the skies - I can't really see what you two see - and we'll stick to the shadows just in case. Follow my lead. That sound good, Crow?"
[19:02] <@Torokasi> Kalos shakes her head. "I could probably try... but what are you two seeing that's so dangerous in the sky?"
[19:04] <AutumnCrow> "Something big. Very big." Grabbing one of Kalos's hands so the blind woman doesn't get lost, she nods to Lilian, "fine, no running but pretend you're Janda and set a good pace. Come on."
[19:05] <@Torokasi> Lilian snorts slightly. "But Croooow, I'll never find a good enough wig to match her luxuriant hair!" Regardless of her tone, she sets a solid pace toward the Guild, leading Crow, Kalos and Mare!
[19:06] <@Torokasi> Mare shakes her head slightly at this. "No lie, I have always envied Janda's hair."
[19:09] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+9
[19:09] <AutumnCrow> "...just start walking." Crow deadpans at Lilian.
[19:09] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+9 and gets 24." [1d20=15]
[19:11] <@Torokasi> Lilian chuckles. "Right, right." With that the four set pace through the town's twisting streets. Lilian seems to lead the group through various narrow paths, the blood from other fights apparent on the roads as they pass through. After a quick period of time, Mare murmurs, "They must have had people working out from the center of town... We got lucky another person was nearby for support. You faring alright, Crow? I don't think the burning blood should be lasting this long - normally people sweat it out..."
[19:12] <@Torokasi> OOC: Crow can roll Fort
[19:12] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 fort
[19:12] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+5 fort and gets 13." [1d20=8]
[19:14] <@Torokasi> Crow's feeling... better? Sort of? Her body is still feeling like it's burning, but the sensation has become more generalize, rather than being centralized in her muscles, and the heat feels... almost soothing, in a fatiguing way.
[19:16] <AutumnCrow> "It feels like I'm running a fever all over, and it's making me very tired." Crow keeps her response short to conserve breath.
[19:18] <@Torokasi> "... Having had burning blood once, that sounds different." Mare mutters as the group continues forward. "I know the route from here. Lil, you support Crow. Ma'am, I'll lead you. That sound good?"
[19:20] <AutumnCrow> "Well, the kobolds are acting strangely with skills beyond what they should have, why shouldn't those eyeball creatures have something different too?" Crow shakes her head.
[19:22] <@Torokasi> "A good point." Mare agrees, taking Kalos' arm as Lilian moves to assist Crow.
[19:27] <@Torokasi> The four continue to make time, the creature in the skies still creating the low, rumbling sound all through the empty, bloodstained streets. Finally, with the Guild complex in sight, looming over the building walls, Crow hears a cry from the side as Janda and Solmyr run up to the team. "Thank god you're okay, Crow, Lilia- ... Kalos? ... ...Mare?" Janda asks, voice faltering.
[19:27] <@Torokasi> Mare sighs briefly. "Please stall beating me up until we get Crow back to the Guild. We think she got poisoned by an ahriman."
[19:29] <AutumnCrow> "I'll count the wound you gave yourself on my behalf as my share of that, for the record." Crow chuckles as if that was funny, and then tries to offer a smile that is probably weaker than she thinks it is to Janda, "I...need to get to the guild, yes. So you can figure out why this apprently isn't behaving like normal burning blood or whatever it is they normally inflict."
[19:30] <@Torokasi> Janda stares at Mare, briefly, before looking at Crow with concern, chanting a magical spell...
[19:30] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+0
[19:30] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+0 and gets 4." [1d20=4]
[19:31] <@Torokasi> "...I'm not seeing any poison..." Janda shakes her head, before chanting another spell.
[19:31] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5
[19:31] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+5 and gets 24." [1d20=19]
[19:33] <@Torokasi> "AH!" Janda practically recoils from Crow, before her eyes squint, narrowing down to practically pinpricks as she studies Crow. "That's... that's not poison. What in the Weeping Lady's graces...?!"
[19:34] <AutumnCrow> "I sincerely doubt the Lady's graces have anything to do with this," Crow quips, though doesn't move her arm.
[19:36] <@Torokasi> "Describe as we walk, please, Janda." Lilian requests, getting the group to keep moving a bit, Solmyr moving to heal up Kalos while eyeing Mare.
[19:37] <@Torokasi> "It's... like Crow's book. She's glowing like her book." Janda replies, trotting along. "But it's different and much brighter than even the book. There's swirling patterns of gold and green all around her, and her eyes are practically white with energy. That's where the aura is strongest, though it's honestly hard to tell."
[19:40] <AutumnCrow> "On the subject of special bloodline powers..." Crow mutters, then nods, "alright, well, that's good....I suppose. I mean if it's the same as the book from the temple then it surely can't be bad?"
[19:43] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 -5 penalty since Lilian is somewhat distracted
[19:43] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+4 -5 penalty since Lilian is somewhat distracted and gets 12." [1d20=8]
[19:44] <@Torokasi> "I ... don't know. It's like the book but different. The book had more colors, this is just gold and green, but it's... I don't know what it's doing. This is beyond my experience." Janda's hands flutter uselessly in front of her as the group walks, approaching the gate where a large crowd of soldiers are teeming. "I don't know anyone that's experienced with... well, this sort of thing. Do any of you?"
[19:45] <@Torokasi> Mare looks over at Crow as well, concern evident on her face.
[19:45] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 fort save
[19:45] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+4 fort save and gets 12." [1d20=8]
[19:46] <@Torokasi> "OW!" Mare jerks her head back. "Man, Janda wasn't lying - that's brighter than all get out! I can't even stand looking at it!"
[19:47] <@Torokasi> "Forgive me if I wait to try until we get Crow sitting down." Lilian mutters, helping Crow through the gate and the crowd of soldiers who stand back at Solmyr and Janda waving them aside.
[19:48] <AutumnCrow> "SItting down would be nice. Getting washed, changed and lying down would be nicer."
[19:51] <@Torokasi> "Right. I... think we're not going to be able to get you to our apartments, though." Lilian replies, staring ahead. Crow's gaze lifts upward to see the entire courtyard is in absolute chaos - if Crow didn't know better she'd swear everyone in the Guild and the Temples had all gathered here. The sense of magic and mayhem in the air is palpable as the crowds mill. "There's a bench right here in the shade. You can even lie down on that if you need to."
[19:52] <@Torokasi> "Solmyr! Clear those two off that bench!" Janda practically yells right near Crow's ear, as Solmyr jumps and quickly complies, running over to the bench and shooing off two people in priestly robes from the bench, one lingering near it as the other darts off.
[19:53] <AutumnCrow> "No, I'll sit. Don't want to take up the whole bench when you all have been on your feet forever as well."
[19:53] <@Torokasi> "I'm not that tired right now, and everyone else can just sit on the ground." Lilian argues. "Your skin feels like it could be used for cooking. Lie down, Crow."
[19:55] * AutumnCrow lies down as instructed. Though on her side, not on her back.
[19:56] <@Torokasi> Lilian sighs slightly as she finally steps back and glances over Crow...
[19:56] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5
[19:56] * Hatbot --> "Torokasi rolls 1d20+5 and gets 19." [1d20=14]
[19:58] <@Torokasi> Lilian's head shifts back enough to indicate to Crow that she's surprised as well, if trying to fake otherwise. She glances Crow over for a few seconds, before, "I don't know who to consult either. Benzin might know. Have either of you seen Ary or Para?"
[19:59] <@Torokasi> Solmyr's eyes leave Mare long enough to shake his head. "No. Ary and I got split up from Crow, and I take it Para and you got separated, Lilian?"
[19:59] <AutumnCrow> "Hopefully those two ended up together, somehow. Para should be able to keep Ary from getting himself killed rushing into fights."
[20:00] <@Torokasi> Janda nods. "Solmyr and I fell on top of each other after the... warp, pretty much. We helped another group deal with about six ahriman before backtracking here."
[20:02] <@Torokasi> Lilian shakes her head. "Benzin uses spiritual energy. The other option is Rei Naodeen - Ary can talk to him. Right now, though... anyone got water to give Crow?"
[20:02] <@Torokasi> Mare steps forward, unhooking a canteen from her belt. "Here."
[20:03] <@Torokasi> "Thanks." Lilian nods, taking it and handing it off to Crow.
[20:03] * AutumnCrow sits up to drink, and does so.
[20:05] <@Torokasi> As Crow sips the water, which seems practically ice-cold, Solmyr begins to walk over to Mare... before looking up, at the Mist practically parting, or perhaps coalescing, around the massive form... <More>
[20:08] <@Torokasi> The form is unmistakeable to Crow, having never seen it but hearing a great amount of stories about it. The dark copper scales. The eyes, blood-red Mist boiling out of them. The vast, vast wings, barely beating to keep the creature aloft as it flies over the Guild, over the city, over everything. The claws, gigantic, writhing in place, visible energies coursing over them. A mouth that looks capable of devouring cities whole. The tail, thrashing in the air. The sight paralyzes Crow for just a second before the warmth continues to course through her, seemingly keeping her stable. And beneath the dragon, launching upward - <More>
[20:09] <@Torokasi> Three figures, so small as to practically be invisible against the beast yet clear as day to Crow's eyes, two male, one female, soaring through the air, weapons drawn, advancing on the dragon as its head swivels to face them.
[20:24] * AutumnCrow looks upward at the scene, " that's what a real dragon looks like. Hmm."
[20:26] <@Torokasi> Solmyr's jaw drops as he and Janda both stumble backward, staring upward in shock. Lilian's knees seem to visibly shake, but her hand is on her sword, looking upward. Kalos is looking upward in total confusion, glancing around at the rest of the group, seemingly having not heard Crow's comment - but Mare did, wrenching her eyes away to stare at Crow, wide-eyed, before hissing, "How are you so calm?!"
[20:27] * AutumnCrow actually laughs, "because there's no use in losing composure, that's how."
[20:28] <AutumnCrow> "That big figure we saw was a dragon, Kalos." Crow speaks up a bit for the blind woman's benefit.
[20:28] <AutumnCrow> "A few people flew up to go fight it just now."
[20:29] <@Torokasi> Mare simply stares at Crow, but Lilian laughs, her eyes still not straying from the figure above. Kalos turns to Crow in disbelief. "A... dragon? Those are fables. Creatures of myth and scripture."
[20:29] <@Torokasi> Lilian shakes her head. "Afraid not, Kalos."
[20:29] <@Torokasi> Solmyr next turns to Crow. "Someone went up to go fight the thing? I didn't see them."
[20:30] <AutumnCrow> "Three figures....a woman and two men. ...I have no idea how I can see it this clearly."
[20:32] <@Torokasi> Mare shakes her head. "Me neithe- oh!" A bright flash appears, Crow able to see one man's blade slash across its chest and practically creating sparks as it carves through the scales as the woman fires arrow after arrow into it. The dragon's claw shifts, and Crow can see it attempt to plow the three aside, only to be stopped by a blast of force by the other man.
[20:32] <@Torokasi> "The Kerebos Trio." Lilian breathes. "Two men, one woman - a swordsman, archer, and mage, Crow? The woman being the archer?"
[20:32] <AutumnCrow> "One man has a blade, the woman is shooting arrows...and the other man just blasted it with magic, yes."
[20:35] * AutumnCrow tries to keep a running commentary going on the fight for the others' benefit.
[20:36] <@Torokasi> "Strange. And you can see this clearly, what they're doing?" Lilian asks as Crow watches. The man with the sword seems to shift into a stance, before another brilliant strike emanates from his blade as he practically flies across the creature with a slash. The dragon, howling in rage, snaps at the swordsman, grabbing him in its jaws... but a set of arrows from the archer loosens the creature's grip enough for the swordsman to wrench his arm free, bloody and crippled.
[20:36] <AutumnCrow> "The swordsman just nearly got his arm bitten off, but cut a gigantic gash in the creature on the way in."
[20:38] <@Torokasi> The mage's fist seems to grow, massive and gnarled like a tree, before it crashes into the dragon's throat, multiple times slamming into its neck. The dragon's attention diverted, the swordsman loosely holds his sword in his other hand... before a spire of light that everyone seems to react to circles around him as he slashes at the dragon's eye, the eyelid coming down just in time but not being enough to stop the cut going across it. Seemingly, this recovered the swordsman's arm, as the blade switches back to his hand as he dodges a second lunging snap.
[20:40] <AutumnCrow> "The mage just turned his hand into a giant...tree fist or something and throatpunched the dragon. Easy enough when it has that much throat I suppose. And...that flash of light was the swordsman healing himself...I've heard of Devoted Spirit but never seen it in action before."
[20:41] <@Torokasi> "Master Skire is the foremost templar of the Weeping Lady, and a devoted ... I don't know the term. Warblade? In his own right." Janda breathes. "His ability to outlast in a battle is unmatched, I've heard, even by his comrades."
[20:42] <AutumnCrow> "I've heard he and my father fight to a stand-still, so I believe it. To be honest...I would have no trouble imagining my parents killing that beast, so I'm sure these three can do it just as well."
[20:44] <@Torokasi> "Incredible." Janda breathes. The dragon continues fighting for a moment longer, before its head cranes to look to the east... and a massive tremor shakes the courtyard, people falling over, stands rattling. Then another, longer tremor, rattling Crow's bones.
[20:45] <AutumnCrow> "...something to the east is concerning the dragon. And I'd really liek to know what's causing those shakes."
[20:48] <@Torokasi> "So would I!" Mare yells as the tremor stops... and then a pulse of raw energy seems to wash over the city, coming from the east, more coming in time with additional bone-rattling tremors. Crow spares a glance upward to see the dragon escaping upward, the three other combatants seeming to pursue it up into the Mist past Crow's sight, before a particularly strong tremor practically shakes Crow off the bench and sending everyone around her to the ground.
[20:49] * AutumnCrow clutches the bench for stability.
[20:50] <@Torokasi> OOC: Roll Fort.
[20:50] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 can I make one of these plz
[20:50] * Hatbot --> "AutumnCrow rolls 1d20+5 can I make one of these plz and gets 23." [1d20=18]
[20:54] <@Torokasi> Crow's body tenses all over, the fire in her body pulsing against the waves of magic and force, seemingly helping her hold on against the waves. As if through a great distance, she can see Kalos tumble over, before being knocked away by the wave of magic, her glaive tottering in a different direction. A hand grips the bench next to Crow's own - Lilian's, she's pretty sure, through the speeding waves of force practically pounding at the group. Crow can't quite tell where Janda or Solmyr are at. There's a voice, but it's distant - Crow thinks it's Lilian, but she can't hear her over the sound of the waves of energy, crashing over and over.
[20:56] * AutumnCrow tries to grab Lilian's hand while she waits for this to pass and keeps her hold on the benhc,
[20:58] <@Torokasi> The waves seem to be practically rippling the town at this point, the cobblestones popping up from the streets and scattering, the wooden merchant stands nearby practically dissolving into dust as Lilian grasps frantically at Crow's hand as well to keep her stable. Nothing can be heard but the shockwaves of force, roiling over and over the group and the town and the world, it feels like-
[20:59] <@Torokasi> And then there's silence, the earth settling, the waves of energy stopping. Lilian is grasping the bench and Crow's hand, Janda is braced against a nearby outcropping, and Solmyr and Kalos have both been blown about fifty feet away, close to the mass of crowds, almost all of whom have, too, been blasted to the ground. Crow's breath surprises her, feeling like she had been holding her breath through the entire event.
[21:01] <AutumnCrow> "Lily, you alright?" Crow tries to help her freind up before looking around for the others, then prying herslef off the bench to make sure they're all okay.
[21:02] <@Torokasi> "
[21:02] <@Torokasi> "I... that..." Lilian stammers out, attempting to stand and failing. "What in light was... that?"
[21:03] <AutumnCrow> "Above our pay-grade, that's what." Crow tries to joke, "come on, lets help the others up."
[21:04] <@Torokasi> Janda groans, audibly, sinking to her knees, the wall behind her practically being imprinted with her silhouette as Lilian shakily walks over to her. "If there's anyone whose pay grade it isn't above, I'm not sure I want to know who they are."
[21:06] * AutumnCrow laughs and staggers over to help Solmyr and Kalos up, then looks around for Marion.
[21:07] <@Torokasi> Lilian replies to Crow with this, her voice also trying to level a joke as Janda stands. Solmyr and Kalos both manage to stand with some help as well, but Marion isn't immediately obviously seen - until Crow sees a leg, kicking slightly feebly, from under a pile of wood and cloth.
[21:09] * AutumnCrow winces at where Marion ended up,and goes to help her up too.
[21:10] <@Torokasi> Marion is easily dug out, and stumbles to her feet as well, seeming dazed. "I... think I'd like to stop riding this horse, big sis..."
[21:11] * AutumnCrow schools her expression and does not laugh. She doesn't. She won't. She has more composure than that.


[17:02] <~Torokasi> OOC: Alright. Open the session with a Fort save, if you could?
[17:02] <AutumnCrow> OOC: leveled up stats for this one or not yet?
[17:03] <~Torokasi> OOC: Yes, leveled up stats.
[17:04] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 fort save
[17:04] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=3]
[17:04] <~Torokasi> OOC: Okay, another fort save roll, please
[17:04] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 fortsave mk2
[17:04] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=16]
[17:06] <~Torokasi> Crow's body is shaken as if another wave of force passed over, the burning sensation practically emerging all over her body. She can hear Lilian and Janda cry in tandem, their voices impossibly distant, before Crow catches her own footing and manages to stand back upright, steadying herself despite the fire in her veins.
[17:07] <AutumnCrow> "Am I actually on fire?" Crow somehow calmly manages to ask despite her wobbling, "I feel like I might actually be on fire...."
[17:08] <~Torokasi> Lilian and Janda both appear at Crow's right side, Lilian darting under Crow's arm to steady her while Janda looks about frantically. "Okay, I'm- we need to find Crow a healer- you're not on fire, Lilian take her temp, I'm going to go to the Weeping Lady's if I have to and drag her back. Get Crow to her room, Lilian, Mare!"
[17:09] <AutumnCrow> "That's good to know, my clothes have been through enough today I certainly don't need them getting burnt."
[17:10] <~Torokasi> Lilian feels Crow's head for a moment. "... she is burning up. It wasn't poison - some form of disease?" Then, to Crow, in an irritable tone, "We can replace clothing. Let's focus on getting you well. Solmyr, uh... go find the other guys. Kalos, I'm sorry, we'll be back to help you out-"
[17:10] <~Torokasi> Kalos snorts. "Go, kids. I'll be more than fine now that I'm in familiar ground."
[17:11] <~Torokasi> "Right. Mare, take Crow's other arm."
[17:11] <~Torokasi> Lilian snaps at Mare, who quickly complies as the three move toward Crow's apartment, Lilian muttering under her breath. "Wasn't thinking... this is going to take forever, I should have had Solmyr clear the way..."
[17:13] <AutumnCrow> "I don't need two people for support," Crow focuses as much as she can and tries to enter her Step of the Wind stance to keep balance, "Mare if you can clear a path please, I'll be alright just using Lilian's shoulder to keep my balance."
[17:15] <~Torokasi> "...alright." Lilian nods slightly as Mare moves ahead. Crow manages to enter the stance; though her body seems to be heavy as lead with the effort, her grit sees her through and lets her maintain it as the trio make their way through in quicker time. Once near the apartment, Crow can hear Redola's voice, hazy, call out, "What's going on here? What happened to your leader, Lilian?"
[17:16] <~Torokasi> Lilian glances to the two's right and replies, "She's sick or something - it's not normal burning blood poison. We're taking her upstairs-"
[17:17] <~Torokasi> "No, you're putting her in my room. She's not taking stairs in that condition." Redola cuts in. "I'll unlock it."
[17:20] <~Torokasi> Redola quickly leads the three into her room, behind the desk in the lobby - it's about twice the size of Crow's, but the air is thick and heavy with some incense. Lilian gets Crow onto a futon, before Redola leans over, scowling. "Why is she glowing like one of Hemda's pyres?"
[17:20] <~Torokasi> Lilian shrugs. "We couldn't figure that out either."
[17:20] <AutumnCrow> "That is a very good question and one I would like the answer to, myself."
[17:21] <~Torokasi> Redola snorts. "You sound like you're controlling yourself too hard, Crow. I'm going to put you to sleep, with your permission, until a medic gets here. I presume that's where the mousy young lady, Janda, went? Wise of her if so."
[17:24] <AutumnCrow> "She did...and self control is the basis on which my entire skillset is built, so I am not familiar with the concept of controlling myself 'too hard'. I will at least lie down and relax until Janda returns with someone from the temple."
[17:25] <AutumnCrow> "I...have reasons for not wanting to be asleep in this state," Crow looked directly at Lilian while she said that.
[17:25] <~Torokasi> "Right. It'll be a light doze- ah. Fine, then." Redola nods.
[17:26] <~Torokasi> Lilian looks at Crow and nods slightly. "Rouse you if you sleep, then?"
[17:26] <AutumnCrow> "Yes."
[17:26] <~Torokasi> "Right." OOC: Fort check, DC 15, to avoid nodding off.
[17:27] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 fort
[17:27] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=15]
[17:29] <~Torokasi> The heat is still there, and Crow is, if she is entirely honest, absolutely exhausted. Beyond compare. But against everything she wants, she forces herself to stay awake, staring intently at a print of ... something on the opposite wall, something Crow can't honestly recognize even though she feels she should be able to. Redola leaves after a few moments of conversing with Mare that Crow didn't quite catch, and after a minute, Mare glances to Lilian. "Take the chair. I'm going to..."
[17:29] <~Torokasi> Lilian glances to Mare. "... If you try and skip town now-"
[17:30] <AutumnCrow> "She won't."
[17:30] <~Torokasi> "No. I was going to see if they needed help out there in general. Someone should keep an eye on Crow, and I'm useless as a log at normal healing." Mare snorts a bit at Crow's line. "I've my debts to repay. ...What floor are you on?"
[17:31] <~Torokasi> "Top floor, door on the right. Just knock - if someone's there they'll hear you." Lilian replies.
[17:31] <~Torokasi> "Got it." With that, Mare steps out. Lilian glances at Crow. "That worried about those dreams?"
[17:32] <AutumnCrow> "In this state, I wouldn't be able to remember them clearly enogh to write down. Also I'm simply not up for that crap right now."
[17:33] <~Torokasi> "Right." Lilian nods slightly. In the distance, the bells can be heard... OOC: DC 18 fort save to avoid nodding off.
[17:33] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 fort
[17:33] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=18]
[17:34] <~Torokasi> roll 1d999
[17:34] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 212 > [d999=212]
[17:35] <~Torokasi> Crow can't tell how much time passes in that state of exhaustion before Lilian snorts, breaking the silence. "I hope they killed that damn dragon, especially if it caused all this. ...I hope they find that healer soon, too."
[17:37] <AutumnCrow> "That would be nice. If it got away, there are others who can be called in to deal with the dragon. The trio plus my father and uncle would have to be more than even that monster could bare."
[17:38] <AutumnCrow> "My mother, unfortunately, is useless in the air. Stone Dragon is her primary style, you see."
[17:38] <~Torokasi> "I certainly hope so." Lilian murmurs. "... do you think the attack revolved around that spear and Marcel Edamane? It seems almost absurd to think that could be part of it, but..."
[17:38] <AutumnCrow> "Revolved around? No. A piece of the puzzle? Yes."
[17:39] <~Torokasi> Lilian nods. "Stone Dragon... that's the Stone Bones, uh, stance, yes? I don't know much about those - wish I had the talent for it, but Sath's and the Weeping Lady's services never took a second look at me."
[17:40] <~Torokasi> "And I deliberately didn't try for Hemda's." This final comment is made wryly.
[17:42] <AutumnCrow> "Stone Bones is a strike, but yes. The entire essence of Stone Dragon is pulling the power of the earth up through your body and striking with it. You can't use strikes from it if you aren't on the ground, and you have to remain largely immoble to hold stances from it. However, it is extremely powerful both offensively and defensively. My mother can beak a tree with one punch with Ancient
[17:42] <AutumnCrow> Mountain Hammer."
[17:43] <AutumnCrow> "It's her primary style...and my worst one." Crow half laughs, as much as she can at least.
[17:43] <~Torokasi> "One punch... incredible." Lilian breathes, shaking her head. "Heh. Well, you seem to do quite well with what you do use."
[17:43] <~Torokasi> OOC: Fort save, final one, DC not given
[17:44] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 fortsave mk3
[17:44] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=4]
[17:44] <~Torokasi> OOC: I lied, partially. Will save now.
[17:44] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 willsave
[17:44] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=1]
[17:46] <~Torokasi> Crow's eyes refocus on the picture, which seems to grow blurrier with each passing moment. It sounds like Lilian is saying something, but as the heat seems to engulf Crow, the sound is drowned out... <More>
[17:47] <~Torokasi> ------------------------------------
[17:48] <~Torokasi> Crow is practicing. Stances, strikes, forms, motions, flowing from one to the next in a relentless torrent of motion and practice. Smooth, like the book, like her mother, like the ideal form, like what every motion and image and form should be.
[17:49] <~Torokasi> Crow is watching Crow practice. Watching the flowing river of motion, her eyes like tranquil clear morning skies, pale, endlessly following the moves and motions being carried out, one after another.
[17:52] <~Torokasi> Crow is watching Crow watching Crow practice, her eyes solid gold, no whites, no pupils, an endless pool of shining gold, a gold Crow has only seen once; when a certain bundle of herbs were burned, their ashes anointing Crow in a symbolic ceremony. Crow as the heir to Autumn Dragon. Gold.
[17:53] <~Torokasi> The voices seem to fill the air with their silence, two voices, a woman's and an indistinct one.
[17:54] <~Torokasi> "She has fully received it. Do you have any further business?" The woman.
[17:54] <~Torokasi> "... He asked me to watch over her." The indistinct voice.
[17:54] <~Torokasi> "Don't. Go back to Flurry. Leave Autumn Crow alone."
[17:54] <~Torokasi> "...  It's not fully awakened, yet. Until then, I need to watch."
[17:55] <~Torokasi> "Can I help her through that, instead? I am her grandmother, after all."
[17:55] <~Torokasi> "No. It needs to be someone else who bears this burden. Unless you want her to go through what I did."
[17:56] <~Torokasi> "... Fine. But I know you, Deceiver. You will not claim her. You already took one from me."
[17:56] <~Torokasi> "
[17:57] <~Torokasi> "I will not claim her. She cannot be claimed. Not anymore. Not by anyone. ...She had better have the strength you think she does."
[17:57] <~Torokasi> "She will, in time."
[17:58] <~Torokasi> "... Well, whatever. I can live with whatever the result of these years will be. Your temple may not, though."
[17:58] <~Torokasi> "The Temple will survive. ... How about you stop being annoying and do your job, Deceiver?"
[17:59] <~Torokasi> "She can't- look, there are rules to how it- oh, whatever."
[17:59] <~Torokasi> "
[18:02] <~Torokasi> The voice of the woman draws closer, near Crow's ear, as the images fade. "... Autumn Crow. Remain strong, and trust the power in yourself, my dearest granddaughter. My only granddaughter. ...You would not have acquired this power, had you not already merited it. It simply comes early for you. Find my memento, by the sign of the sparrow and the scarf underneath. Your compass will guide the way."
[18:02] <~Torokasi> -----------------------------------
[18:03] <~Torokasi> "...And she won't wake up! It's been fifteen minutes!" Crow can hear Lilian panicking. "Where the hell is everyone, Redola?"
[18:04] <~Torokasi> "I don't know. We'll figure out something. Just rest - I'm sure Janda has someone coming." Redola says, irritation in her voice.
[18:05] <AutumnCrow> " was not to be avoided. At least it wasn't as confusing or ominious this time." Crow vaguely speaks then slowly tries to force her eyes open.
[18:10] <~Torokasi> "You're awake!" Lilian blurts out, turning to Crow. "...damnit, I guess that answers that question. At least we- well, you're okay. Right?"
[18:11] <AutumnCrow> "Apparently, yes." Crow does an internal rundown of how she's feeling, trying to move her fingers/toes/etc, trying to figure out what kind of state she's in after the unwanted nap.
[18:11] <~Torokasi> Crow's eyes open easily. The heat is there, still, but Crow's body now feels light, like as if she was at top of her form, and the heat feels... more mental than anything right now.
[18:11] <~Torokasi> Redola looks Crow over again for a moment, before, "...She's not glowing as much. I think."
[18:13] <AutumnCrow> "I...think I can move, so I can at least get up to my own bed and give you your room back. The heat is less, I'm still lightheaded but I don't feel heavy anymore."
[18:14] <~Torokasi> "Good. We'll still get a healer to look you over. ...and what was the comment about 'confusing and ominous' about?" Redola asks, hand on her hips.
[18:14] <~Torokasi> Lilian glances to Crow quickly... OOC: If Crow would want Lilian to improv cover, Lilian can try to sense motive that off her
[18:16] <AutumnCrow> "I've been prone to distressing dreams lately. The idea of getting spelled to a fever-sleep when I have had entirely too many such dreams lately was not appealing."
[18:17] <~Torokasi> Redola snorts. "Poor dreams are the sign of a cluttered mind. You should attend one of Para's mental training classes some time. I will help with that. But for now, you are well, and I have sheets to change because of sweat."
[18:20] <AutumnCrow> "I will be sure to take your doubtlessly expert opinion on the subject of dreams and mental clutter into consideration." The barb was three quarters out before Crow realized that might not be the best idea right now, but she was already commited at that point. With as pleasant of a smile as she could manage at the moment, she used Lilian's arm as a brace to pry herself up and made her way
[18:20] <AutumnCrow> out, "thank you for the temporary use of your room."
[18:22] <~Torokasi> Redola... laughs, heartily. "So you do have a bark to go with your bite. Good. And I'm as expert as one can get in the Guild on nightmares and dreams, Crow. "Go get rest, inside or outside."
[18:25] * AutumnCrow half smirks, then nods to Lillian to start the walk up to her room.
[18:25] <~Torokasi> With that she moves to change the sheets as Lilian helps Crow out of the room. Lilian glances at the stairs, then at Crow. "How much better are you actually feeling? Is this just a show for Redola?" she replies in a whisper.
[18:27] <AutumnCrow> "If I thought there was the remotest chance I would fall on the stairs believe me I would have stayed down. That would by common knowledge by morning and I'd have to pay Solmyr to make someone else have a worse accident to get it out of people's minds." Crow somehow managed to deadpan all of that, then smiled tiredly at her freind at the end to punctuate the joke.
[18:29] <~Torokasi> "... not to spoil anything, but Janda and I are still working on the counter prank on Solmyr, and with Mare in town it might just get both." Lilian replies with a chuckle. "...Okay. Are you strong enough to stand on your own? We might get somewhere healing you faster if we go find Janda ourselves."
[18:30] <AutumnCrow> "I...believe so, yes."
[18:31] <~Torokasi> "Okay. I'm going to vote we try this, and if I'm wrong I will bloody well carry you up the stairs to bed if I need to but I'd like to get a healer to you faster." Lilian replies, steering Crow toward the door. "I'll play support when I can and get people out of the way when necessary. Sound good?"
[18:33] <AutumnCrow> "Sure. Let's give it a go." Crow nods, feeling like her body is responding at least.
[18:36] <~Torokasi> "Alright." Crow can feel herself recover, slowly, as the two step outside to bedlam. The court appears only slightly damaged - cobblestones tossed around and stands collapsed - but the various guild members, some faces Crow vaguely recognizes and many Crow doesn't, seem to be rushing about, the crowd thinned heavily from when Crow passed out fifteen minutes ago. Lilian glances at Crow as the two walk to the west gate, "So... the dream. What was it actually about?"
[18:40] <AutumnCrow> " grandmother, Autumn Sparrow, was talking to an indistinct voice she called The Deciever..." Crow described the dream from there...not leaving anything out to Lilian at least.
[18:57] <~Torokasi> "The Deceiver?" Lilian replies as Crow finishes up. "That... well, Hemda, Erest Rosen, even the Mist has been titled 'deceiver' - but someone your grandmother would talk to so... evenly?"
[19:00] <~Torokasi> "... wait. Sorry, I forgot about whose family I was talking. Hemda and Erest Rosen may be distinct possibilities." Lilian clarifies after a moment, drily. "I'm presuming no one in your family would be that polite to some personification of the Mist, however."
[19:05] <AutumnCrow> "Ah...honestly we just might. I likely would due to that simply being my default way of interacting with someone, particularly someone i don't understand. I don't know about my grandmother, she died before I was born. But..." Crow shrugs, "I doubt she would allow a personification of the Mist to watch over me."
[19:12] <~Torokasi> "A good point. It'd have to be someone that your family could grudgingly trust." Lilian shakes her head in frustration. "And you mentioned some power you and the Deceiver shared, which seems incredibly off - I can't think of anything you're deceptive about, at all, really."
[19:14] * AutumnCrow shrugs nonchalantly, doing her damndest to keep a straight expression.
[19:16] <~Torokasi> Lilian sighs. "I honestly don't know. You mentioned gold eyes. I can confirm your eyes are the same color, right now... and I don't really know much about anything that would do that..."
[19:17] <AutumnCrow> " eye color changed? Well I certainly hope that's not permenant, I'm rather fond of the pale blue."
[19:18] <~Torokasi> "No, they didn't. But you mentioned you having gold eyes in the dream at one point. I don't really know what to make of that."
[19:23] <AutumnCrow> "Oh...okay, good. And...neither do I, really."
[19:29] <~Torokasi> "... well, she at least gave us a plan of action. Find her memento, eh?" Lilian shakes her head as the group heads out the west gate and north, past rubble in the streets with a concerned glance. "That'll be... oh, Gods, the Temple Circle..." <More>
[19:32] <~Torokasi> The Temple Circle, in stark contrast to the Guild, is in shambles. Spires of the various churches lie sprawling in the street, with glass and wood and bricks broken and scattered everywhere. The center of the circle, with the large fountain, is utterly ruined; all the market stalls are crumbled, and the Temples adjacent to Crow and Lilian - Ratokyst's and Magdanae's - have their doors off their hinges, Ratokyst's set against the wall with wood chips sent through it while Magdanae's is shattered into pieces 
[19:33] <AutumnCrow> "Well, this looks pleasant. Lets see if we can find Janda."
[19:35] <~Torokasi> "... yeah, let's. I think I understand why we haven't seen her yet." Lilian replies, her voice tight as the two traverse the destruction, heading across the Circle to the Weeping Lady's.

[19:38] <~Torokasi> The two make it to the Temple without much incident, passing a few bodies lying in the street, black and green sheets placed over their bodies. Lilian seems incredibly quiet as the two enter the Temple. <More>
[19:41] <~Torokasi> If entered at a different time, the Temple could probably be quite beautiful to look at. But statues lie crumbled in their alcoves, the door blasted inward; pools of water and tracks for flowing water to follow are broken or upheaved to the point of uselessness, and the stained glass panes in the ceiling have shattered, falling haphazardly into the Temple and swept to the side for a great mass of injured people, and a greater number still of bodies covered with the black and green sheets. Of everything, the only thing left whole is the grand statue in the center - a statue of a woman with a veil over her face, dressed in simple robes, tears flowing from it down into a small pool around her.
[19:44] <~Torokasi> OOC: Notice checks.
[19:44] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+0 lolnotice
[19:44] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=17]
[19:45] <~Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 Lilian
[19:45] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=14]
[19:46] <~Torokasi> Both Lilian and Crow spot Janda's kneeling form near the door by her hair. Her back is turned to the two, kneeled over a body with a sheet of black and green over it as if in prayer.
[19:47] <AutumnCrow> "Hey." Crow quietly spoke to Janda, trying to smile as she did so her freind wouldn't freak out.
[19:48] <~Torokasi> Janda stands and turns quickly, her face lighting up - and streaked with tears. "Oh, Crow! The healer got to you!" she exclaims in relief, clutching a small statue of the Weeping Lady in her hands. "I'm glad something went right today..."
[19:49] <AutumnCrow> "Actually no," Crow shakes her head, "I just...passed out for a bit and woke up feeling better enough to walk at least. Figured you'd be held up here and we should let you know not to worry about not getting back to me quickly...since there seems to be a more pressing need here."
[19:51] <~Torokasi> "Oh... well, it's good that you've recovered, though I wonder what ..."  Janda frowns, before shaking her head. "Yes, I'm afraid I need to be here. There's... a lot of people injured. The Guild seems to have been warded - the destruction's vast. I hope Ary and Para are safe..."
[19:53] <AutumnCrow> "So long as they're together I'm not worries. If they got seperated...Para is still probably fine, I think if he wound up alone here he'd go to ground and prioritize staying safe until he could make it back. Going monster hunting alone doesn't seem his style. ...Ary, though..." Crow sighs. "I'll just hope they stayed together."
[19:55] <~Torokasi> "Mmm. Ary is actually rather cautious on his lonesome." Lilian replies with a smirk. "He'll charge into a fight, still, but only if it's one he's confident he wins in one blow. Granted, with that armor, anything will hear him... Yeah, let's hope they found a way to meet up or stay together."
[19:56] <AutumnCrow> "I suppose I haven't had a chance to see him when he hasn't been able to just be as reckless as he likes," Crow nods.
[20:00] <~Torokasi> "Hah... It's incredibly morbid of me, but I feel like I'm doing better with my healing." Janda shakes her head despondently. "Not that it can help some people here. We've had a lot of casualties... This is one of the elderly parishioners of the temple. He always helped with carry plates around... but..."
[20:02] <AutumnCrow> "Lillian, did you want to go check on your temple?" Crow looks over to the templar, "I can sit and rest here as easily as anywhere else."
[20:03] <~Torokasi> "That's... probably wise. I need to check on the priests, and..." Lilian wrings her hands for a moment. "... Take care of yourself as well, Janda. For their sakes as well." With that, Lilian trots off, glancing back at Crow and Janda for a moment before exiting."
[20:05] <~Torokasi> Janda watches Lilian leave before shaking her head mutely. "... Yeah. It's all I can do, but..."
[20:06] * AutumnCrow sits down next to Janda, putting a hand on her shoulder, "when you're ready to break for the day, we'll head back to the guild. We can come back and help with more cleanup in the morning."
[20:08] <~Torokasi> "I... okay." Janda nods a bit shakily. "I'll... go see if there's anyone else they want me to give rites to. I'm out of magic for the day, I think - I feel so drained..."
[20:11] <AutumnCrow> "Well, it's been a draining day. Better to cut out early today if you're not up for it and help more people tomorrow when your magic comes back."
[20:12] <~Torokasi> Janda nods and rises, steadily, alongside Crow, before the two glance over to see Ary limping in, bereft of any armor but the padding normally underneath his breastplate, his left leg and right arm bloody and torn. He shakily nods to Crow and Janda. "Hey. Uh, any chance someone could patch me up? ...And both of you two look rough, as well."
[20:13] <~Torokasi>  Janda blanches. "Uh, I'll, I'll find someone! Let me find someone, you look really badly hurt, I uh..." With that she bolts off into the Temple, Ary watching with a crooked sort of off grin.
[20:13] <AutumnCrow> "Oh good, you're alive. I don't suppose you ran into Para out there?" Crow walks over to give Ary a steadying arm while waiting for Janda.
[20:14] <AutumnCrow> "Lilian is over at the temple of Erest Rosen, Janda and I are here obviously, and Solmyr and Marion are back at the guild, you are Para were the only ones unaccounted for."
[20:16] <~Torokasi> "Nope. Teleport hit, I wound up in the rich district alongside about half a guard contingent and a few other confused Guildspeople. It was... bloody." Ary averts his gaze for a moment while accepting the steadying arm. "I took the armor off after the shockwaves - figured getting healing before I bled out was more important."
[20:17] <AutumnCrow> "Bleeding out is generally unwise, yes."
[20:18] <~Torokasi> "Yeah, basically." Ary grumbles. "So Para's still unaccounted for... gold to galdflanks that he found Benzin and stayed glued to his side. Presuming Benzin was even outside, with his injury."
[20:19] <AutumnCrow> "I was rather assuming that if any of us would be fine alone in this mess it would be Para. he's the best at going unnoticed, and...i'm hoping my assumption that he would default to sneaking back to the guild after something that confusing is accurate."
[20:20] <~Torokasi> "Yeah, hopefully. ... also, gods, that dragon. I'm pretty sure it was the one we saw in the quarry." Ary grumbles. "I hope whoever was shooting at it or flashing at it or whatever managed to kill it."
[20:21] <AutumnCrow> "I...somehow had a good vantage point, it looked like the Three fighting it, from what we could tell."
[20:25] <~Torokasi> "The Kerebos Trio? Damn. Good hunting to them, then." Ary shakes his head, before pausing. "... Okay. So, we know where everyone but Para is, right? Did you get teleported too?"
[20:26] <AutumnCrow> "No, I stayed put. Thankfully I got help teleported to me or both myself and Kalos might be dead right now."
[20:26] <~Torokasi> "Sheesh. Wait, Kalos? Who came to help you two out?"
[20:29] <AutumnCrow> "Well you and Solmyr got teleported, then Marion teleported right next to me just in time for monsters to ambush us," Crow starts to tell the story, "We dealt with them, then met up with Lilian who also resisted the teleport, got ambushed by more monsters, and saw Kalos's distress signal in time to show up and prevent her from getting killed by yet more monsters."
[20:29] <AutumnCrow> "Kobolds and some flying eyeball monstrosities they were calling Arhiman? First I've encountered those, they must not lair near the Autumn Temple."
[20:32] <~Torokasi> "Yeah, we got Ahri-..." Crow can watch the gears turn in Ary's head as he slowly turns to look at Crow, his eyes widening slightly. Eventually, he manages, "Okay. Good job, Crow. That's actually a really good joke, but I can't bring myself to laugh on account of the wooziness and blood loss. Consider this a rain check."
[20:33] <AutumnCrow> "I'm not joking, I really haven't run into them before."
[20:33] <~Torokasi> "... no, the comment about Mare. There's no way she's back in town."
[20:34] <AutumnCrow> "I already said she and Solmyr are back at the guild. Also you all had only mentioned her as 'Mare' I might add, I had no idea her name was Marion until she introduced herself."
[20:35] <~Torokasi> "...She's BACK?!" Ary bellows, causing everyone to turn toward him with the echo. "What in SATH is she... how the... WHAT?!"
[20:37] <AutumnCrow> "Ary you're causing a scene," Crow quips calmly, though she can't help but start to grin now, "And I didn't have time to ask her all that, but I'm sure she'll explain later. She won't have much of a choice really, we know where she is now."
[20:38] <AutumnCrow> "I just thought I should let you know before you ran into her back at the guild."
[20:39] <~Torokasi> "...and does Solmyr know? Wait, check that- does Janda know?" Ary babbles. "What in Sath could she be... I... goddamnit, I'm not sure what part of the day is going to go worse."
[20:40] <AutumnCrow> "Yes they both saw her when we got back to the guild. We had bigger things to worry about at the moment, professionalism first and all. They both managed pretty well, too."
[20:41] <~Torokasi> "... that doesn't sound like either of them at all." Ary shakes his head. "Props to Janda, and Solmyr must be drunk."
[20:41] <~Torokasi> "Props to me for what?" Janda says, wandering back with a woman dressed in white and grey alongside her, her furred ears drooping past her chest.
[20:43] <AutumnCrow> "I told him Marion was back, so it didn't get sprung on him when we get back to the guild." Crow explains, then looks to the woman, "Thank you, I know there's lots of wounded, and I'll be happy to come back with Janda in the morning to help with more cleanup, along with anyone else in my group that doesn
[20:43] <AutumnCrow> 't have thier own places to go help out at."
[20:47] <~Torokasi> "It's fine." The woman nods slightly. "There's not much more to do other than a lot of lifting and arranging formal rites and cremation. We'll welcome Janda's help tomorrow, but she should rest once I'm done here." With that, she touches Ary's brow, a cool blue light flowing over his body.
[20:49] <~Torokasi> The wounds on Ary seem to patch themselves, but a low sounds emanates from Ary's throat until the healing finishes. The woman smiles sadly as she steps back. "That should be enough. The residual pain will fade with time. Take care, all of you." With that, she wanders back into the crowd.
[20:49] <~Torokasi> Ary looks to Janda, mildly put off. "You had to get me one of the pain healers, didn't you."
[20:50] <~Torokasi> "She was one of the few with healing magic remaining, Ary." Janda murmurs. "Sorry."
[20:50] <~Torokasi> "...yeah, okay. No sweat." Ary shakes his head.
[20:51] <AutumnCrow> "Well, lets go get Lilian and head home, hmm?"
[20:52] <~Torokasi> "Yeah, that's probably wise." Ary nods. "I'll... actually, I'll get my armor and meet you two at the Guild, alright?"
[20:52] <~Torokasi> Janda nods quietly, glancing back at the body she was praying over. "Yeah. See you there."


[17:00] <@Torokasi> Janda and Crow turn to leave the Temple of the Weeping Lady, Ary leaving ahead of them, before Janda blinks and glances behind the duo. "Oh, hey, Sabbata. Is there something more you need of me?"
[17:02] <@Torokasi> The leonine woman, white fur matted with sweat and stained slightly, approaches from behind Crow and Janda, eyes half-closed. "Oh, no. You're fine, Janda. I need to rest myself soon, but first... your uncle is Winter Tree, correct, Crow?"
[17:04] <AutumnCrow> "Yes, that's correct," Crow nods, vaguely remembering her uncle taking trips to the city before.
[17:09] <@Torokasi> "He sent a magical message to me - apparently the first few tries to other people failed. 'Autumn Temple reporting. Attempts repelled, no loss of life. Previous sendings to Jagden and Hikoi failed. Please reply with status of Crow, guild, Jagden, Hikoi.' I let them know I didn't know on any of the four in detail. You'll want to contact your superior in the Guild and let him or her know the Autumn Temple is safe, at the least." Sabbata shakes her head wearily.
[17:10] <@Torokasi> "Your friend getting a case of the yelling issues saved me the walk to the Guild, at least..." she adds, tail dropping to the floor.
[17:10] <AutumnCrow> "That is good to hear, thank you." Crow bows respectfully, "I'll make sure to pass that on."
[17:13] <@Torokasi> "Thanks. I'll see you early tomorrow, Janda. Rest well." With that Sabbata turns and walks - limps, rather, her left leg seeming to give out under her a bit - back into the crowd, kneeling at the side of a recent arrival.
[17:13] <@Torokasi> Janda smiles to Crow a bit crookedly. "Your family's well, at least?"
[17:14] <AutumnCrow> "I was hardly expecting otherwise, but it's at least good to have confirmation," Crow smiles back.
[17:16] <@Torokasi> "Right. Let's check in on Lilian..." Janda stretches a bit, before a yawn betrays her exhaustion. "And then I need sleep."
[17:17] <AutumnCrow> "I think we all do at this point," Crow agrees, "but make sure to eat something first." She follows along to the temple of Erest Rosen
[17:20] <@Torokasi> The Temple of Erest Rosen, at an outside glance, looks to be in good shape - the door is still on its hinges, the bricks around it still in place, more or less. It's when Crow and Janda get inside that the damage is evident - bookcases and books have spilled everywhere, with only the thinnest of trails cleared to get further in. The temple itself looks deserted as well at first, until a head peeks up over one of the piles of books and rubble blocking the line of sight to the altar. "We-we
[17:21] <@Torokasi> "We-we'll have someone out to heal you as soon as possible, but you may want to try the Temple of Zuiseno if you can get there!" With that the head ducks down, a voice yelling, "More people here! Lilian, Isa, can you two cover healing?"
[17:23] <AutumnCrow> "We're fine!" Crow calls quickly, "We don't need healing! We're just here to check on Lilian, we're part of her team."
[17:25] <@Torokasi> "Oh!" The voice replies. "Lilian! They're visitors for you!" After a moment, the head peeks back over, glancing around the ground between the duo and himself, bright red hair flopping over one eye. "She's coming, but it might be a bit; they're trying to reassemble the main bookcase. If you'd like to come over I'm making some tea, it'd be rude to keep you two standing and waiting..."
[17:27] * AutumnCrow shifts into her ever useful Step of the Wind stance and lightly picks her way over, offering Janda a hand if she needs one.
[17:32] <@Torokasi> Janda accepts Crow's aid as the two make their way over, Janda stumbling occasionally but managing to keep her balance decently well. In one of the temple's white-gilded braziers, depicting a elderly man with the sun above his outstretched hands, the youth is keeping a fire going. Above is a metal platter, with three teapots resting on top, one blowing out steam. He quickly grabs the steaming one, and taking a tea strainer, quickly pours a cup for both Crow and Janda, passing them over. "There you two go. We, uh, don't have any of our seats cleared off out here, I'm afraid..."
[17:35] <AutumnCrow> "That's fine, we can stand," Crow nods to the priest, "I...hope the damage here is just of the everything got scattered about variety instead of the books getting destroyed kind."
[17:38] <@Torokasi> "We keep backups in a rather inviolatable storage, thankfully. What sort of books are you interested in?" The youth knocks his hair behind his ear, making himself a cup of tea... which, as he lifts it to his mouth, seems to shake, before the young man's hand clamps down on the top of it. "Oh, no you don't, not to- CRIPES THAT'S HOT!"
[17:39] * AutumnCrow just stares at him blankly.
[17:40] <@Torokasi> Janda frowns as well. "Uh... do you have shaky hands?"
[17:41] <@Torokasi> The youth grumbles, shaking his hand. "No, I'm- uh, how much do you two know about oracles? I'm 'haunted', as the term goes - stuff occasionally goes flying around me when I'm not expecting it. It's why I can't help with repairs."
[17:47] * AutumnCrow looks to Janda to see if that's anything that sounds familiar to her.
[17:49] <@Torokasi> Janda tilts her head but nods. "I'm not very familiar, but the Weeping Lady doesn't tend to acquire oracles. Don't they usually... ah, that's- uh, so... so an oracle's curse can take the form of objects being flung about?"
[17:52] <@Torokasi> The youth nods. "Yeah. It's a rare one - myself and one other have it here in town, and her version isn't as bad as mine - she's even in the Guild. I don't remember her name, though."
[18:00] <@Torokasi> At this point, Lilian appears from behind another stack of books, covered in grime. "Hey, Aken. Thanks for getting them some tea. Hey, Crow, Janda."
[18:01] <AutumnCrow> "We found Ary. He's still in one piece and on his way back to the guild." Crow leads off with that since she knew Lilian would be worried.
[18:01] <@Torokasi> "Oh, good. Any news on Para?" Lilian nods a bit.
[18:02] <@Torokasi> Janda shakes her head, before looking to Aken. "Thank you for the tea, Aken. ...but wouldn't doing something like this cause an issue? Setting a fire and heating the tea?"
[18:03] <@Torokasi> "Oh, ah, it can't affect heavier objects is the trick. Or at least not easily. I'd have to willingly drop something heavy for it to get knocked around, so if I'm careful that can't happen." Aken shakes his head.
[18:05] <AutumnCrow> "Nothing yet. He's...honestly the one of us I'm least worried about being alone though, he should just go to ground and sneak his way back to the guild." Crow sighs, "we'll ask around there again when we get back. On that subject, once we finish our tea, Janda and I are heading back to get some rest. Will you be ready to come back with us?"
[18:06] <@Torokasi> "...Have two cups and I'll be right back." Lilian replies after a moment before darting back toward one of the inner rooms of the church.
[18:07] * AutumnCrow snickers, "Better answer than I was expecting at least."
[18:08] <@Torokasi> Janda laughs. "I can do two cups of tea. ...But let me pour them, Aken."
[18:08] <@Torokasi> Aken sighs. "Sure."
[18:11] <@Torokasi> Janda glances around after a moment. "Ah... so there weren't any injuries here?"
[18:11] <@Torokasi> Aken shakes his head. "Apparently one of our priests passed out at the Temple of Zuiseno, but fortune's our specialty. I'm pretty sure we got off quite lightly, relatively."
[18:18] <@Torokasi> Janda sighs. "Yes... a fair few of the followers of the Temple of the Weeping Lady, priests included, have passed."
[18:19] <@Torokasi> The light seems to go out of Aken's eyes for a moment before he shakes his head. "Ah. I'm sorry. We're going to have a lot of rebuilding ahead, all of us. At least we can count on the temples to help each other in this time of need."
[18:19] * AutumnCrow sips her tea, not really sure what to say here. She was glad that her own people were safe at least...
[18:21] <@Torokasi> "Indeed. And I'm sure the Guild and the guards will all chip in, too. We'll survive this, Aken. ...I hope." Janda shakes her head.
[18:27] <@Torokasi> Lilian eventually appears again from behind the books, seemingly cleaned up now. "Hey. I'm ready now. Aken, I'll be back tomorrow after any Guild business."
[18:30] <@Torokasi> Janda nods. "Alright. Let's be going, then."
[18:39] * AutumnCrow finishes her cup and sets it down, "I figure most of us will be coming back to the temple circle tomorrow, you two and Ary each have temples to help out at, and Solmyr, Para and I can help out where needed if nothing else comes up."
[18:46] <@Torokasi> "Understood." Lilian nods. "Let's head out, then." With that, the three wander out of the Temple and back to the guild... OOC: What're you going to do next? Check for Para, deliver the message, something else?"
[18:52] <AutumnCrow> OOC: Deliver the message, then check for Para.
[18:54] <@Torokasi> OOC: Gotcha.
[18:54] <@Torokasi> OOC: roll 1d999
[18:54] <@Torokasi> roll 1d999
[18:54] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 98 > [d999=98]
[18:57] <@Torokasi> Crow, Lilian and Janda make it back to the Guild, and manage to find where Ramedo is from the first guard posted at the east gate... "Yeah, they said he's going to be out cold for a while. Apparently he was trying to heal someone when one of the shockwaves sent him straight into a wall, and at his age, even magic doesn't pull everything back perfectly." The guard shakes her head. "He's my teacher for the medical shift, too. I hope we don't get Haist as his replacement while Ramedo recovers..."
[18:59] <AutumnCrow> "Oh. I...hope he's alright. I was given a message to bring to him, who else should I leave it with?"
[19:02] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5
[19:03] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=6]
[19:04] <@Torokasi> "I... don't actually know or remember who his superior at the Guild is, that'd be who you want to speak to though." The guard shakes her head. OOC: You can make Int or K:Nobility (or another K if you can justify it) to see if you know or remember it.
[19:05] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+3 int
[19:05] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=16]
[19:05] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 Lilian
[19:05] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=19]
[19:05] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+10 Janda excels at K:N
[19:05] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=12]
[19:08] <@Torokasi> Crow thinks on it a moment, before it comes to her - the man that stopped by to see Ramedo when he gave Crow, Janda and Solmyr their M-1 badges. Crow finds herself trying to recall the name, before Janda blurts out, "Oh! Right, Adon Cyratus! That's the name of Ramedo's boss! Do you know where he might be?"
[19:09] <@Torokasi> "Ah- oh! He should be in the Guild Hall. If you have a message for Ramedo, don't hesitate to drag Adon out of a meeting for it if you need to. He'll thank you for it, even if not out loud." The guard nods.
[19:10] <@Torokasi> "...where in the Guild Hall?" Lilian asks. "That's sort of a needle in a haystack issue... does he have a room he's normally at?"
[19:10] <@Torokasi> The guard shrugs. "I don't honestly know, sorry."
[19:12] <AutumnCrow> "Well lets look around for him while we look around for news of Para." Crow shrugs.
[19:12] <AutumnCrow> "Janda if you need to go rest, I can handle this part easily enough. I seem...well, stable and over whatever that was from earlier."
[19:13] <@Torokasi> "Alright. Guild Hall proper's a decent start, and we've got his name..." Janda murmurs, before glancing to Crow. "I can last through this. I'd at least like to know Para's safe, and that message is something worth passing on."
[19:14] <@Torokasi> Lilian pauses. "Okay, wait, what message?"
[19:14] <@Torokasi> "Wait, let's talk as we move." Lilian shakes her head after a moment, as the three set off to the Guild Hall.
[19:16] <AutumnCrow> "Oh, right." Crow looks to Lilian, "The Autumn Temple got a message through to the temple of the Weeping Lady. There was an attack there as well, but it was repelled without losses. And they want someone to contact them with the status of the guild, me, Jagden and Hikoi."
[19:17] <@Torokasi> "Got it." Lilian nods slightly. "...Hikoi?"
[19:17] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+10 Janda is the only one who may even know this
[19:17] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 27 > [d20=17]
[19:17] <AutumnCrow> "No idea." Crow shrugs, "probably someone my parents know."
[19:20] <@Torokasi> "... Hikoi Sandrusher." Janda says after a moment. "I don't know what connection they have with the Autumn Temple, but from what I've heard, they're a cleric of Ratokyst and... something else, to boot. They were one of the first people to join the Kerebos Trio, and from what I understand, was a friend of theirs even before the founding."
[19:24] <AutumnCrow> "Oh. More likely someone who knows my uncle Tree, then." Crow shrugs.
[19:26] <@Torokasi> "Probably." Lilian nods, glancing a bit oddly at Janda. "Well, we'll see..." OOC: Gather Info checks
[19:26] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+8 Janda
[19:26] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=4]
[19:26] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+3 aiding whoever has the highest check
[19:26] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 5 > [d20=2]
[19:26] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+11 Lilian
[19:27] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=13]
[19:28] <@Torokasi> The three enter the Guild via a side entrance, where the noise of a great deal of people can be heard echoing throughout the building. As Crow and Janda duck inside, looking around, Lilian vanishes for a second, before, "Adon'
[19:30] <@Torokasi> "Adon's on the third floor, in a crisis meeting. We can pull him out. I just checked with one of the guards out here - it's apparently going on until Jagden, Kaela, and Redel return from... wherever they went, as an impromptu central command setup."
[19:30] <@Torokasi> " got that that quickly?" Janda asks incredulously.
[19:31] <@Torokasi> "I know that guard well enough to know how to cut to the quick with her." Lilian shrugs. "We've gone out drinking and gambling before."
[19:31] <AutumnCrow> "I'll take whatever small bits of fortune come our way right now," Crow laughs, "the third floor it is."
[19:35] <@Torokasi> "Agreed." With Lilian's acknowledgement, the trio tromp upstairs, to... the central of the chaos. Soldiers, guildsmen, and civilians seem to be streaming in and out, but Lilian leads the way to a large, somewhat low-ceilinged room, with a massive table dominating the center, maps, documents, and objects strewn across it haphazardly, various figures with M-4 or M-5 pins on arguing amongst each other or giving orders to others. <More>
[19:37] <@Torokasi> Adon is simple to spot, his big, wooden-armored frame looming over the M-5 man he's talking to. "... And we can't easily act without any further information. This has sent everything to hell, but the solution isn't weakening the Barrier by - yes, uh... I'm sorry, my memory is failing me at the moment, but you three are some of Ramedo's people, yes?" This final part is directed to Crow, Lilian and Janda as they approach.
[19:38] <AutumnCrow> "I'm Autumn Crow, an M-1, yes. I...was given a message by Subbata of the Weeping Lady's temple to take to Ramedo but he appears to be injured at the moment so we were told we could bring it to you." Crow is respectful in her address and tries to get her point across quickly enough.
[19:41] <@Torokasi> "Yes, that's correct. I'll be assuming temporary command of your unit until he recovers." Adon nods. "What's the message, then?"
[19:45] <AutumnCrow> "She got a sending from my uncle, Winter Tree." Crow closed her eyes a moment to remember the wording of the mesage, "The Autumn Temple was also attacked but repelled it with no loss of life. He attempted sending to Jagden Skire and Hikoi first but the attempts failed. The Autumn Temple requests to be informed of the status of the guild, Jagden Skire, Hikoi and myself."
[19:47] <@Torokasi> "Oh, good, somewhere actually didn't absolutely cock up this entire mess. Granted, the Autumn Temple continuing to set absurd standards for the rest of us is hardly something I'm surprised about." Adon shakes his head, before, "Argh, and I don't know anyone who knows Winter Tree... well, fuck it, that part doesn't matter, they just need to know Goose, right, Chaud?"
[19:51] <@Torokasi> Chaud, the small young man to Adon's side with a M-5 pin, nods. "For a sending? Yes. You can just grab Mamaki for that, those two have met before.
[19:52] <@Torokasi> Adon nods, before bellowing across the table, "Mamaki! Over here, please!"
[19:53] <@Torokasi> A muscular, bulky woman on the other side of the table looks up, before... quicker than Crow can blink, appears on the other side of Adon, frowning up at him. "What's up?"
[19:56] <@Torokasi> "We need a sending to Goose at the Autumn Temple. Lessee... you're doing alright, aren't you, Crow? Or do you want to amend your status from 'safe', 'cuz that's what I'll tell Mamaki her to tell your dad otherwise." Adon asks.
[19:57] <AutumnCrow> "I'm fine, yes." Crow didn't think she needed to get into the weird sickness from earlier or the dreams just now.
[19:59] <@Torokasi> "Got it." Adon turns to Mamaki. 'Verxais minor damage and casualties. Contact with Ghen'guldam lost entirely. Crow: safe. Guild: chaotic. Jagden, Hikoi, Reden, Kaela, Flynn: missing, not dead yet. More forthcoming.'"
[20:05] <@Torokasi> Mamaki nods and vanishes as Adon turns to Crow, Lilian and Janda. "Any of you who don't have tasks, we'll get one; if you have temple affiliations, work with them. We're going to make a concerted effort to try and organize the populace into helping us fix everything that went crashing down, and having a full presence tomorrow will help. After that, however, we're going to have Guild-ordered jobs. There's a lot of shit that managed to go catastrophically wrong today, and every Guild member will be badly needed to try and address this."
[20:05] <@Torokasi> "For today, though, rest. I'll contact your group tomorrow at the sixth evening bell outside the mess hall for a full debriefing."
[20:06] <AutumnCrow> "Three of my team have temple affiliations, so I'll volunteer the rest of us to help them tomorrow if that's alright." Crow inquires, but nods at the instructions.
[20:08] <@Torokasi> "That sounds good. Meet me at the west gate at the sixth morning bell, then, actually. I'll have a few others with me from other groups Ramedo'd be managing, and we'll probably go check on people in the complexes to try and make sure we can return things to normal as soon as possible for them." Adon smiles a bit grimly. "Dismissed. Rest well, you three."
[20:10] <AutumnCrow> "Yes sir," Crow nods and heads out. "And now to go looking for Para. First let's check Benzin's room, he'd have gone straight there if he made it back."
[20:12] <@Torokasi> "Alright." Janda nods. The three quickly head over to Benzin's apartment... but the door leading into the men's hallway seems to be locked, and no one responds to their calls. Janda sighs, shrugging in exhaustion. "Okay. This isn't any good, no one's here, it seems... what are you doing?" This is directed to Lilian, who seems to be crouching in front of the door lock.
[20:12] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5
[20:12] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=13]
[20:13] <@Torokasi> The door pops open in front of Lilian, who stands and shrugs. "You two stay here so it's obvious it's my fault if anyone comes by." With that, she quickly jogs down to Benzin's room, knocking lightly.
[20:14] * AutumnCrow eyes Janda, "Well. Good to know she can do that at least."
[20:15] <@Torokasi> Janda's jaw is hanging open as she watches Lilian. "...what? No, seriously, what?"
[20:16] <@Torokasi> Lilian, for her part, opens the door to Benzin's room - seemingly without touching the lock - and looks in, before closing the door and walking back, closing the door behind her. "Benzin's in but still can't stand. Para's not been back. I told him Ary, Solmyr and Para would brief him later on what happened. He, uh, wasn't happy about that but I left anyway."
[20:18] <AutumnCrow> "Well, let's head down and keep looking around then." Crow nods, not saying anything about Lilian's lockpicking abilities.
[20:19] <@Torokasi> "Where did you even learn to-" Janda blurts out as the group heads down. "How? Where?"
[20:20] <AutumnCrow> "Just roll with it, Janda~" Crow laughs.
[20:21] <@Torokasi> Lilian looks up at the sky as she steps outside. "Uh... my mom, actually. She said if I ever got locked away in something I should have a fighting chance at getting myself out. First time I've used it in a while, though - we got lucky that was a simple four-way."
[20:21] <@Torokasi> Janda glances to Crow. "Right, roll with it... but... wait, your mom? I- uh." Janda sighs. "Sorry, I'm being nosy."
[20:22] <@Torokasi> Lilian shrugs. "It's okay. She taught me when I was twelve, passed away about nine months afterward. End of story more or less. Let's ask around and see if we can get any leads on Para, alright?"
[20:27] <AutumnCrow> "That's the idea. Should we split up to cover more ground, or stay together so we don't have to find eachother after one of us gets something?"
[20:30] <@Torokasi> "The next bell should ring soon. Let's split up and meet back up at the entrance to our complex once it rings?" Lilian suggests. "I'll hit Duessa's Redoubt and the temple square quickly, Janda can check with the east gate, and Crow can talk to the guards at the west gate, and between those three that's basically all the entrances."
[20:34] <AutumnCrow> "Got it." Crow heads out towards the west gate!
[20:34] <@Torokasi> OOC: Gather Info, +4 bonus
[20:34] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+12 Janda
[20:34] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=12]
[20:34] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+15 Lilian
[20:34] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 27 > [d20=12]
[20:35] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 with bonus
[20:35] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=3]
[20:40] <@Torokasi> The guards at the west gate don't seem to recognize Crow's description at all, and no other guards seem to be obviously around, so when Crow meets up with Lilian and Janda after the bell, it just takes one glance at her face before Lilian shakes her head. "You too, eh? No one reported anything at Duessa's Redoubt, and Janda said the east gate's not had anyone like Para passing through. I'm honestly a bit concerned, but... at this point I don't know what to do short of finding someone that can commit to a Sending to a M-1 right now.
[20:42] <AutumnCrow> " and go out looking tomorrow if we have to." Crow shakes her head, "we're not in any shape to go out right now."
[20:42] <@Torokasi> Janda frowns, before, "...Crow, you've got the Rod of Recall, yeah? Can you hand it to me?"
[20:43] * AutumnCrow fishes it out and hands it to Janda.
[20:43] <@Torokasi> Lilian blinks, before, "...We're gonna have to replace the Safena, but yeah, that'll work."
[20:45] <@Torokasi> Janda nods, taking the yellow-tipped end and dumping the Safena onto her hand. "And the red tip, too, since it requires popping that. But I'll do that, worst comes to worst." Tossing the Safena into her mouth, she winces a bit at the bitter taste before taking the red tip and popping it. "Para, this is Janda. Requesting to know your status and location. Everyone here's worried. ... Is there anything else I should tell him? I'm bad at this sort of thing, I don't quite-"
[20:46] <@Torokasi> "I'm pretty sure you just went over the limit, but he got the important information." Lilian notes wryly.
[20:49] <AutumnCrow> "Well, is he alright?"
[20:50] <@Torokasi> "...yes. He got teleported to the edge of the Barrier, and wound up helping the guards fend off attacks while the Barrier was down. He says he'll be back tomorrow." Janda replies after a moment of quiet. "In about a fourth of those words."
[20:51] <AutumnCrow> "Well that's good. Let's let the others know and then get some rest."
[20:53] <@Torokasi> "Yeah. They should be getting back to their apartment any time now. Solmyr and Ary, I mean." Lilian nods.
[20:56] <@Torokasi> Janda nods, smiling. "Right. Let's go wait for them, then..." <More>
[20:58] <@Torokasi> The trio wait for Solmyr and Ary, and it's fortunately not long before the two walk up, quietly chatting between each other. Spotting the trio, Solmyr jogs over. "Couldn't find Para, but found Ary picking up his armor. He said you had already found him, so I'm afraid I wasn't that productive..."
[20:59] <AutumnCrow> "We wound up using the rod to send to Para after no one could find anything. He got teleported all the way to the edge of the barrier and is with the guards there, he'll catch up tomorrow."
[21:01] <@Torokasi> "Oh, geez. Of course the poor kid got sent that far. Hopefully Benzin's okay, since this means no one would've checked in since this morning." Ary shakes his head, clacking his beak together a bit.
[21:01] <@Torokasi> "He is, I checked." Lilian nods slightly.
[21:04] <@Torokasi> "...okay." Ary blinks, glancing over to Solmyr.
[21:04] <@Torokasi> Solmyr just shrugs. "I lent her a key in case I ever borrowed something of hers that she needed back."
[21:05] <@Torokasi> Lilian pauses. "...yes, the key that I used to check on Benzin. That's precisely what I did."
[21:05] * AutumnCrow schools her expression so as not to laugh, "And...what about Marion?"
[21:08] <@Torokasi> "Uh. I don't think... I haven't seen her since the, uh, shockwavesplosion or whatever." Solmyr shakes his head.
[21:09] <@Torokasi> "She's really back." Ary mutters to himself, glaring at the ground. "Really?"
[21:10] <@Torokasi> Lilian shakes her head. "She left once Crow was safely recovering from that hellfever that broke. Whatever was going on there... We didn't really set up a meeting point but she knows where Janda, Crow and I live right now, so she can find us."
[21:12] <@Torokasi> "...she better not skip out." Janda mutters.
[21:16] <AutumnCrow> "I doubt she will," Crow shakes her head, "not if she has any intention of attempting to salvage her relationship with you all."
[21:17] <@Torokasi> "I agree." Lilian looks over the group. "She... seems genuinely ... wanting to do that, yes. Whether or not she can... that's up to you three. For now, though, let's get some rest; everyone's surely bushed."
[21:20] <@Torokasi> "Sure." Ary shakes his head. "I got some thinking to do anyway."
[21:21] <@Torokasi> Solmyr shorts. "For once today? ...OW! Goddamnit, easy on the slaps upside the head!"
[21:21] <@Torokasi> "No." Ary smirks.
[21:23] * AutumnCrow eyes the boys, "Well, at least we can all tell the two of you are doing fine."
[21:24] <@Torokasi> Janda sighs exaggeratedly. "Yes, insert pithy line I can't honestly be bothered to repeat. Good night, -boys-."
[21:25] <@Torokasi> Lilian chuckles and follows Janda off, leaving Ary laughing at Solmyr who sputters a bit. "I'm not a bo- that's- argh, whatever. You ladies have a good night, I'm going to get drunk first and then sleep in unless there's a goddamn good reason not to once I go upstairs."
[21:26] <AutumnCrow> "Oh, right, we're to report to the west gate at sixth morning bell." Crow smiles sweetly, then relays the orders from above.
[21:30] <@Torokasi> "...Damnit. Okay, not too drunk tonight for either of us, I guess, Ary." Solmyr curses at Crow's information. "Night, Crow. Hope that fever's fully gone." With that Ary and Solmyr leave, Ary shooting Crow a strange glance before they depart.
[21:36] <@Torokasi> It doesn't take long to find Janda and Lilian in the kitchen area, Janda sipping at more tea and Lilian drinking water. "Hey, Crow. Sorta surprised you aren't heading straight to bed."
[21:36] <@Torokasi> Lilian says, glancing over. "Janda wanted some hot tea to warm her before bed, and I... I'm not sleeping for a bit, I think."
[21:39] <@Torokasi> "I still can't believe you forgot Solmyr lent you a key, Lilian." Janda chuckles.
[21:39] <AutumnCrow> "Well...let's talk in my room. I had...another dream while feverish." Crow sighs, getting quite tired of those, "And I don't know when we'll get a chance to talk tomorrow."
[21:41] <@Torokasi> "...ah." Janda says, slowly st anding. "That's... okay."
[21:46] <AutumnCrow> "It can wait if you're too tired to think right now." Crow shakes her head, "Not like we can act on anything for at least...oh probably a couple weeks considering how much there is to repair after this."
[21:47] <@Torokasi> Janda looks to Crow. "I can think, it's just the rest of my body that's not quite coherent, I'm afraid. Let's go to your room and discuss this."
[21:49] <AutumnCrow> Getting back to the room, Crow sits on the bed, though she leaves room for at least one of the others to sit as well, "This was two people talking..." she recaps the dream as best she can remember for Janda...and pauses to ask Lilian to take notes on it so she doesn't have to rely on memory again.
[21:52] <@Torokasi> Lilian does so rather efficiently, Janda frowning. "The Deceiver... I can't imagine a god being named that, but it could be a servant of the Gods? But such beings were locked away by the Mist, ever since ancient times. It's not like any of the gods are always friendly to us, though those that approach with supplication receive a bounty in return..."
[21:57] <AutumnCrow> "I honestly have no idea. I'm...tempted to talk to my mother about it at some point. But..." Crow sighs again..she's doing that a lot lately, "she...ah, did NOT get on well with her mother, from all accounts."
[21:59] <@Torokasi> "Hrm. Maybe one of your uncles, instead, then?" Janda asks. "It seems the most tactful solution, and you can probably handwave it as 'Guild research'."
[22:00] <AutumnCrow> "Winter Tree might know something...and I'm not going to bother trying to hedge to him, he'll see right through it. But...well, being a druid and not a martial artist he may be more versed in this sort of thing anyway."
[22:01] <@Torokasi> "That's possible, yeah." Janda nods. "My family's rubbish at dream stuff, but they're very... job-minded. Being the main magic-user in a temple of martial artists probably doesn't lend itself to that."
[22:03] <AutumnCrow> "There's also the fact that he talks the ear off of every traveller that comes through, so you never know what he might have heard of," Crow chuckles at how her uncle's nature is so very different from most of the rest of the family.
[22:05] <@Torokasi> "Fair. So... what did you even 'receive'? That's bugging me." Janda frowns.
[22:06] <AutumnCrow> "I'm...not sure. It might have something to do with the book?"
[22:09] <@Torokasi> "Maybe... could your mother have been somehow convinced by your grandmother to give you the book early? Like, in a dream?" Janda paces a bit as Lilian continues writing, perched on the bed.
[22:10] <AutumnCrow> "I...think it was more likely my father that convinced her to send it to me, but possible I suppose?" Crow did not look convinced by that at all.
[22:11] <@Torokasi> "If it was your father, why would your grandmother be that interested in getting the book to you? Or say 'fully' received it? Or... argh. Maybe it's not the book. First was the ghost lady and the giant, the second was a crazy lady, and now your grandmother and this 'deceiver'..." Janda grumbles.
[21:47] <@Torokasi> Lilian nods. "You talked to me about it, but hearing it again might jog something for me. And, no, let's cover it now, I think."
[22:12] <AutumnCrow> "Well...I more thought maybe it has something to do with the skills from the book rather than the book itself? Though...I can't say I've 'fully' recieved those either, I can barely get the first stance down."
[22:14] <@Torokasi> Lilian pauses. "... Janda, that's- Crow. All three key people were women. Father Martenn speculated the first one was related to Crow. Obviously Crow's related to her grandmother. Does that mean that all three share in Crow's bloodline? Is what was 'fully received' something related to Crow's family line?"
[22:17] <@Torokasi> "That'd still be the book and what it teaches, though. Right?" Janda grumbles, throwing her hands in the air as she continues pacing.
[22:18] <AutumnCrow> "Only...a trueborn daughter of the line of Autumn Storm can use the family abilities, and inherit the title of High Lady." something catches in Crow's throat for a moment as she says that. "I...don't know anything about how one obtains the family's techniques, though. Mother never said, only that I wasn't worthy yet."
[22:22] <@Torokasi> "Hrm. So maybe this is the start of it - not the learning, but the potential for learning, signifying you're a trueborn daughter. ...Why would that even be a question, though?" Janda frowns.
[22:23] <@Torokasi> Lilian coughs. "Bloodlines often have issues, especially mono-gendered ones. It's no real surprise that family might be vaguely concerned, but at the same time, they've their proof, so it's no concern, right?"
[22:24] <@Torokasi> "Right!" Janda nods, smiling. "So, it was probably something involving the book or Crow's potential that she received, and ... that dream seems entirely positive, then. Huh. Good, overall."
[22:24] <AutumnCrow> "Perhaps...there was a question of whether I was worthy? Not every daughter has the least I don't think so." Crow doesn't look at janda while answering with an odd shrug.
[22:28] <@Torokasi> "That makes sense. If there's more than one daughter somehow, there'd have to be a way to figure out who to designate as Heir Presumptive, yeah?" Janda nods. "Yeah, okay, so if it's something that takes time to spark, that makes total sense. ...Like my family waiting to figure out if my healing magic was ever gonna apply to plants..."
[22:31] <@Torokasi> "The dream wasn't entirely positive, either, but it seems to have been a good harbinger, yeah. We don't know if the Deceiver's a threat, or anything, but... we've made progress." Lilian nods.
[22:33] <AutumnCrow> "I...should ask someone back at the temple if they know anything about this. At the very least..." Crow looked less than enthused, "I...should tell my mother about the dream. It might mean something to her. Just...standby if she decides that I'm just trying to insist I'm more worthy than I am and tests to see if I can dodge a punch."
[22:34] <@Torokasi> "Oh dear. Understood." Lilian replies drily. "Somehow I think you're better with words than to provoke such a reaction, but very well."
[22:35] <AutumnCrow> "She may also decide to test to see if I can dodge a punch just to see if I'm keeping up on my training," Crow replies equally dryly.
[22:36] <@Torokasi> Janda's face looks close to tears. "She'd really do that to her own daughter??"
[22:37] <AutumnCrow> "If I'm to be the next High Lady? Yes." Crow smiles at Janda, "my training was harsher than anyone else's by far. Anything less than a constant struggle for perfection was unacceptable, and rightfully so. The High Lady must be the strongest warrior in the temple. If I can't eventually reach that goal...than she will have to skip a generation and start making my brothers get to work on trying
[22:37] <AutumnCrow> to have daughters."
[22:38] <@Torokasi> "Oh..." Janda looks down, distraught.
[22:38] <@Torokasi> Lilian chuckles. "Hey, no faces like that. Didn't we agree that Crow had the spark for it?"
[22:43] <@Torokasi> "Yeah, just... when you head home, let us know. We'll be at your back, even though I'm sure we can't interfere, Crow." Janda turns to Crow, fists balled up.
[22:45] * AutumnCrow laughs, "It's alright, I'll try to remember not to make jokes about her beating me up if it bothers you that badly. She won't hit me full force, of course, it is just training."
[22:48] <@Torokasi> "Right, right." Janda nods. "Well... I need sleep, at this point, and it'd probably help you two as well. See you before we leave for Temple work in the morning, Crow."
[22:49] <AutumnCrow> "We'll definately want to have breakfast first, so I'll see you then. Sleep well, and try not to have any ominous dreams~" Crow tries to lighten the mood
[22:50] <@Torokasi> "Hah. I'll try, Crow. Sleep well." With that, Janda steps out.
[22:50] <@Torokasi> Lilian watches her go, before looking at the wall opposite her and Crow. "...If there are any issues I can help with, let me know, Crow. I'll do anything in my power to help."
[22:51] <AutumnCrow> "That's why I'm talking to you about the dreams, after all." Crow pretended that's what she was talking about. There aren't any other issues to discuss, right?
[22:53] <@Torokasi> "...Right. I'm going to bed, then." Lilian nods absently, before briefly smiling to Crow. "Good night, Crow." And with that she makes her departure as well, shutting the door behind her, leaving Crow in the almost eerily peaceful silence.
[22:54] * AutumnCrow thuds in a very un-ladylike fashion down onto the bed in a mixture of frustration, exhaustion and almost giddyness. She recieved it. She is worthy. At least...she is worthy of being worthy, perhaps?