Random DM nagging.

Started by Anastasia, August 06, 2011, 10:56:41 AM

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Cool. This will probably be the last post in here for a few months, so unless you all have anything last minute to bring up?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Anastasia on January 30, 2015, 11:59:05 PM
Quote from: Merc on January 30, 2015, 11:57:49 PM
Quote from: Anastasia on January 30, 2015, 11:55:10 PM
Quote from: Yuthirin on January 30, 2015, 11:51:37 PM
Quote from: Anastasia on January 30, 2015, 11:48:13 PM

We're really behind in logs. So I'm going to offer this: If someone catches the logs up to the end of the Kina-ja fight, they will unlock a special, solo quest for themselves. This quest will have a chance for a great reward or two.
I can't since most of my logs are locked up on my desktop, which is currently sitting derelict in a corner of my bedroom.

What happened to your desktop, anyway? Died or just not using it right now?
I'll have to search, but I should be able to do the logs at some point. I tend to leave IRC running all the time, and even when I went on vacation I had it running.

Not something I have time to do right now though.

Awesome. Let me know if it's going to happen, Ithea.

Guess who found some time~
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


When we finish our first arc of B4 and get back to this, remind me that you unlocked this.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


This one needs some explanation. I do a lot of little, throwaway writing projects to kill time. Most of these involve games I'm running, since it's easy worldbuilding and non-binding. If I come up with something useful, great. If not, I can delete it without a care in the world. Antenora's diary was one such project and one that expanded far past a simple exercise. Hence putting parts of here as a flavor piece.

The style is intentionally overblown, Antenora writes that way naturally. As an erinyes, she was taught to write in a military, precise sort of way. When she rose, she chose to try and reverse that. It ends up being somewhat overthought and overwrought. I may clean this up, tighten it and make some parts into an actual flavor post on the rules and setting board.

In the meantime, I'm throwing it up here. I mention these projects from time to time but rarely show anything for them. To make it more interesting, I'm including annotations to what each part was getting at.

Day 1, Entry 1

I don't know how to begin, so I'll start with what prompted me to start this journal. Syala suggested that a written record of my experiences would be worthwhile. I confess that I'm of two minds for it. The needs for records always exists and a memoir could be a valuable historical tool for the future. AN: Touching on the need for records and for history to be chronicled touches on Antenora's lawful nature. As a lawful outsider, such matters are of importance. This tries to touch on it without directly saying that.

Yet I find that I have never had much desire to write. I prefer to read and to direct. Let others be the keepers of records, as I would rather be the doer of deeds. Nonetheless, here I am. Syala's suggestions are not mere suggestions, after all. They are not quite commands, but they are not things to be discarded or defied. AN: Ironically, Antenora's not much of a writer. Incidentally, it really was just a suggestion by Syala. Antenora naturally defers to (and tends to see, even when not meant) social organization and order. Hence seeing Syala's innocent suggestion in a more iron cast.

Today was a normal day. I spent most of it atop the Opal Mountain and few souls passed into Sylica this day. Is it a good or bad day when that happens? Fewer coming means fewer faithful died, yet that also means Sylica's faithful are not as numerous as those of other realms. It is a question I ponder on slow days, and I have as of yet not come to a satisfactory conclusion.

When I returned home, I found Marie had left for the day. This gave me a chance to reflect on recent events. The defeat of Kina-ja is a victory for us all, but my role this affair was somewhat minimal. I struggle with handing off more duties to others. Gone are the days when Alicia, Jessica, Latha and myself constantly attended to a world's ills. The act of delegation is a serpent, both beguiling and poisonous. We must trust in others, yet that means we must let others do what we would prefer to do ourselves.

There are days where I would give almost anything to return to those fleeting days in Balmuria, when our weights to bear were our weights alone. Yet when I see what our works do to save others, I know that is a selfish desire. I will meditate and pray on this further.AN: The issue of delegation's one that those that rise to planar power often deal with. As most become enmeshed in planar affairs and their own duties, it's natural for them to pass on many things to others. Antenora serves a holy role in seeing to Sylica's faithful and that they are reborn properly, yet sometimes all she wants to do is go smite evil.

Day 2, Entry 1

Is it not strange that the act of a soul's salvation can be broken down into shifts, as a job might be? Rest and other duties are essential and it is insisted that I do not spend all my time there. Yet sometimes...sometimes the beauty of it is too much to let go of. Those ancient celestials that have spent countless eons at one task are ones I understand now. AN: In various Balmuria games, the parties have seen ancient outsiders (not just celestials), who have devoted mind-boggling amounts of time to a single task. This tries to shed a little more light on that. It's essentially impossible to adequately express a transcendent experience with text, so reasoning has to suffice. It's a poor substitute.

Such heavy thoughts come from reading yesterday's entry. I should move on.

Marie was gone again today. She left to Dweomerheart for a diplomatic mission. In full honesty, Alicia prefers not to stay in Dweomerheart too often, so she sends Marie. It is no slight against the Mother of All Magic, but rather akin to a teenager wishing to prove their independence. It is something I understand. Sylica must stand on its own. AN: I'm fond of comparing Alicia ot a teenager. But Mom Mystra, I want my own place!

I did visit Jessica and family this evening. It was a lovely dinner. Jessica's pregnant again; between that and the young ones already, Roald is fortunate he does not need to sleep. Still, I am always welcome to come visit, as Aunt Antenora can give Roald a needed break.

Motherhood has not come to Marie and I yet. We have considered it several times, but circumstances have conspired against us. There a part of Marie that is also not quite ready yet, at least to carry the child. I am more than happy to carry the child, but my duties often interfere.

I am not worried. It will happen in the fullness of time and purpose. AN: This touches on Antenora's simple faith in good. Lawful celestials are often like that, with full confidence that time and fate will work to provide the best outcome. It tries to show that in a simple and sincere way.

Day 2, Entry 2

A quick note that I forgot to include: Marie's gone for 4 to 6 days. A little magic could fix this so that it was always written that way, but I feel that editing is inauthentic. If I am to write this, let it be as it is, all the little bumps and imperfections unhidden.AN: Just trying to be authentic. Sometimes you forget to include something.

Day 3, Entry 1

In diplomatic meetings all day. The Mercane, representing several air elementals, wished to establish trading links. As Sylica is still a demiplane, if one that is growing, entry is controlled. It is not my choice to make, but as Alicia and Syala were both occupied with other matters, it fell to me to deal with the diplomacy.

There is little to say of details. The Mercane are as smooth a devil's lies and both sides went through the motions. The rituals, patterns and flow of proper diplomacy must be maintained, so the day was dedicated to that. I believe they appreciated the attention to detail and the sense of time I brought to the negotiations. Lunch being presented at precisely noon was noted and approved of. AN: This is a nice way of saying that nothing important happened at all, but both sides went through all the proper rituals. If Marie fielded this, she wouldn't have bothered nearly so much. But again, that sort of thing is natural and important to a lawful outsider.

Is it not strange to go from the profound duty of a soul's salvation to the mundane discussion of trade? Yet Sylica is not shining Chronias, such matters cannot be ignored.

I ponder this as I lay down to sleep. A rare indulgence, one Marie would scold me for. Perhaps she'll be home early.AN: Outsiders in Balmuria don't sleep unless they wish to. Opinions on sleeping vary from outsider to outsider. Antenora happens to see it as an occasional indulgence, a way to clear her mind and soothe her spirit. After all, only the privileged devils get the luxury of sleep in Baator. That reflects in the fact that she sees a simple nap as a luxury.

Day 4, Entry 1

Little can be said of today. It was my normal duties, and while wonderful, I will not belabor this journal with endless glories. The written word can do little to express the joy of eternal salvation. Perhaps if I wrote with the Words of Creation I may be able to do so, but...perhaps not. It feels wrong to try and contain such a thing in mere words.

Afterwards I spent my hours working on clockworks. Today's project was a clockwork miniature dog. It proceeds well and I inevitably find this work calming. It brings to mind the sounds and sights of Mechanus, which forever soothe my heart. I really must take Marie soon, no matter how she complains. Failing that, Latha could use a vacation from her duties, and Syala will likely insist on one soon regardless. AN: Mechanus has a deep calming effect on lawful outsiders. It's sort of like a chill-out sedative to them. The song of the gears in particular can bring even a raging barbazu to a thoughtful reverie.

Day 5, Entry 1

It seems fortune is not on my side. Not an hour after I wrote yesterday's entry, Syala sent Latha and her lover on vacation. To Air, to go with the Mercane to continue negotiations. It seems Beshaba instead of Tymora sits on my shoulder. Little else to say today, as I'm taking this chance to clean up all of Marie's messes.

Perhaps I should punish her when she gets back?AN: Antenora and Marie are an odd couple. One's a lawful angel at home in Mechanus. The other is a free spirited eladrin. It's really the root of their relationship.

Day 5, Entry 2

It is likely there will be no entry tomorrow. More later.

Day 7, Entry 1

I will not write of my mission here. There are certain things I must do that could be compromised if I so much as wrote them down, even if another soul never sees it. Normal entries will resume tomorrow.AN: Certain things in Balmuria, such as anathemic knowledge, certain abominations and other things, are so powerful that even writing them down can cause problems. Example: Verrier's name in B1 and B3. What exactly Antenora had to deal with is left to your imagination.

Know that what happened was for the greater good of Creation.

Day 8, Entry 1

Marie's back!

I write in the warm afterglow of our love. Nothing special, but the simple and deep connection that is expressed through lovemaking. There are times when vanilla is truly the best. We made love slowly and tenderly in our garden, beneath the light of the sun.

After, we shared a simple meal and made love again There are few words to express how complete Marie makes me. How little I understood how attached to another person I could become. The deep bonds of love are unfathomable even now - I can only follow them, as the next step on a wonderous trip. Were there some way to express this to the fiends, I could reap a bounty of redemptions.AN: Antenora's flowery ruminations on love aside, she's massively in love with Marie. It has the sincere and innocent passion of a first love combined with a deeper bond of attraction and affection.

There will be a celebration for this tomorrow. More on this later.

Day 9, Entry 1

I did my normal duty at the Opal Mountain today and will leave for the celebration shortly. While night is about to fall here, Alicia and Syala plan to use their powers so that we have sunshine even then. The powers of divinity are unfathomable, yet using it for such personal enjoyment always amuses me. Is it a sin to use your power for trivial things? AN: It isn't, unless you want to call something like Prestidigitation a sin. Antenora's just overthinking things again, she's good at that.

I doubt it, but such reflection is good for the soul.

Also, the celebration is for Marie returning on the surface, though Syala also admits that we all could use some fun. Syala...you really have become all of our mothers, in a way. An incredibly violent way. In any case, I may write another entry afterwards.

Day 9, Entry 2

The party was a complete success.

Anyway, to the celebrations. Of note, Alicia and I had a long conversation about Kina-ja. She largely concurred with my surprise over the outcome as well as the opportunity it presents. I will confess that I have little hopes of reaching a fiend of Kina-ja's power, but it seems that the light smiled on us. Perhaps the darkness that came made it as much the fault of evil? I do not like to understate the power of Good, but this case makes me wonder.

We also briefly discussed petitioning for Kina-ja's soul, but it was rejected. It's Sharess' matter and it's bad form to make that sort of imposition. Syala concurred with that, Marie and Jessica stayed neutral and Latha objected. I feel it was more to play devil's advocate (I wince when I write that phrase) than anything else. Latha knows well how this sort of thing works, I suspect her motives is to make us examine our choice rather than to change our minds.

After all, wisdom states that any choice should be duly examined. AN: Sharess claiming Kina-ja's soul touches on a lot of interesting theological issues, as well as Sharess' alignment. This is mostly to touch on the personality and viewpoints of each, and suggest why each took the position they did. Antenora deferred to authority, Syala agreed since she's loyal to Sharess, Marie and Jessica stayed out of it since it didn't touch on them and Latha played the role of the arguer, all to make the choice be duly examined. She does that sometimes, since she was originally assigned to the Crimson Guard to guide.

Marie's trip was mostly meeting a few important mages, trade a few magical items, that manner of thing. It's important for our realms to have close ties, with this manner of thing supporting them. Naeys also invited a few friends to visit, so that will happen in the next months.

Jessica's far along to have a visible bump now. I sigh dreamily whenever I see it. All of us end up gushing about it first; I confess I find it strangely amusing in retrospect, as always. Life is a miracle and a blessing, yet we women are inclined to be fascinated by it. Syala probably encourages it now due to her nature. The child is also far enough along ot have a telepathic presence. By request I leave the children be - it's best to not impact them yet, as even a simple message can affect an unborn child's development.

Interestingly, doing so can cause a great deal of later life confusion for the child. They will partially reject thier mother in favor of myself. While this is a mortal problem and not one we have to worry of, I still find it worthwhile to keep this sanction in place. AN: Antenora's wanted children for awhile, but the time hasn't been right. Anyway, as a note, fetuses are rather vulnerable to telepathic intrusion. While anything harmful or that allows a save allows the fetus the mother's saving throw (it's essentially targeted at her), simple contact is easy enough. It hasn't ever directly come up, but a DM plans for things, just in case. That's what the following paragraph was mostly about.

Later on, when we were all in our cups of ambrosia, the topic of Aurora came up. Apparently Syala's less offended by them now, to which I am grateful. Just as well for all. AN: This is purely showing that Muirfinn and company earned points with Syala over the Kina-ja thing. It helped.

Day 10, Entry 1

My day was lost, as I had to venture into Ysgard. Somehow a clutch of pyroclastic dragons came to Ysgard through a portal and Strength of Light was there to meet them. The battle was inconclusive, so he called on me to help find them. It was a long, tedious effort to find them and then subdue them.

Tired. It was some draconic plan to rob a hoard here. I confess that it wasn't really our business, Strength of Light was just in the right place at the right time. Truly the Heavens work to the benefit of good. AN: Because even epic level characters run into random encounters sometimes. This is trying to conceptualize how a random encounter is viewed in-world, rather than from our PoV. It's stupid random shit that happens sometimes.

Rest now, more tomorrow.

Day 10, Entry 2

I am blessed to have a wonderful wife who is willing to give me a long massage. Thank you, Marie.

Day 11, Entry 1

If yesterday was a lost day due to circumstances, today was a contrast of a day perfectly routine. In between glorious happenings I had a chance to reflect on the last day. I can say that I am not cross that I fought the wicked. Let it never be said that opposing evil is unworthy of me. Yet this particular encounter vexes me due to the sheer randomness of it.

There is an Abyss-like taint to how it happened. Dragons coming from nowhere is the sort of unpredictable event that one can only endure, like the vagaries of fate have a grudge against you. In light of this, it is best to consider the upsides and why I am so cross at having a day lost to a good cause.

I wanted to be with Marie. The timing was unfortunate, as I wanted nothing more than to spend a quiet day with her. Love is a passion that can match any other, even the passion to rail against all that is wrong in Creation. It reminds me of how much Marie means to me, how much she completes me, how much she is my other half. AN: Another attempt to sort out a bad day. At the core of it it's an attempt to deal with a day that went completely off the rails, just on a far different scale.

It is here that I turn to the works of Pistis Sophia. Her recorded words speak many times on self control and personal balance. All urges and feelings are things to be not feared, but mastered. It is not merely sin and indulgence that much be conquered, but the tendency to lose oneself in what is good. For if we lose sight of all for one, then all but that one can wreak havoc. I must not lose sight of my sacred duty for love, but nor must I lose sight of love for sacred duty. AN: This is really just an attempt to work on Pistis Sophia's dogma and philosophy. It's the sort of thing Antenora would read.

The things I do for love are even more ironic in that light. It is something to ponder.AN: Marie being chaotic is both the blessing and curse of that relationship. Mostly the blessing.

Day 11, Entry 2

A note to myself for later: I must check in with Jaela of Aurora. She came up during the celebration and I haven't talked to her in some time. I fear for the pain she holds in herself, as Ebony's reports are worrisome in that regard. AN: One of those things that never happened with how B3 ended abruptly. Just touching on that in passing.

Day 12, Entry 1

Routine. I find myself in a poor mind to write, though I cannot discern as to why. Perhaps in all things balance my be obtained, including writing? I will allow my mind to lie fallow this day, in hopes of a greater harvest for another day. AN: Some people can't just say that they need a day off. Antenora's one of them.

Day 13, Entry 1

There are days here that I cherish beyond all others. These wonderful days are beacons of light to sustain my spirit in the darkest depths. I am blessed every time one of those days happens.

Today was not one of those days. Two words: slaad infestation.

I go to bathe and wash the stench of Limbo away, as well as to try and figure out how they even got here. The only consolation is that Marie finds my reactions amusing.AN: Sometimes you go on a stretch where the random encounter dice just make your life difficult. Antenora's on one of those right now.

Day 14, Entry 1

Syala took one look at me come morning (we met for breakfast, some new plant she's fond of. I think it tastes like too strong basil, but I digress) and told me to take a day or two off. I'm not sure if she can tell because it's obvious or if she cheated. Regardless, I spent the day in Mechanus.

I found a pleasing gear, home to a vast lake and islands, and settled on an island near the edge. Here I meditated and listened to the song of the gears. I confess that little meaningful thought happened, but my spirit was greatly refreshed by the sojourn.

I am not so inured to power that casually traveling dimensions for a day holiday is unremarkable. I am blessed beyond words to have this option. Perhaps this is merely self-satisfying reflection, but I must not forget how fortunate I am. Yet can these thoughts turn into prideful boasts of station, or irrelevant boasting? Pride is an insidious sin, one that is an ever danger to all. AN: She's also the sort that can't help but over analyze, even when she admits it is rather silly and self-satisfying.

Again, my thoughts return to Pistis Sophia's words. She seems to speak directly to my heart these past few days, of balance, self moderation and self understanding.

Perhaps I am shaken by the darkness of the 666th layer of the Abyss. Syala and Alicia both assure me nothing deletrious remains, at least not supernaturally. But perhaps the trauma takes time to heal. Or maybe I look for a scapegoat for nothing at all.

Day 17, Entry 1

I must confess that I forgot to write yesterday. There's no great reason for it, save for time slipping away in the eternal beyond. One can seem to blink and lose a century. Surely this erosion of time, this gentle lapping of eternity at the sense of self is the first prelude to unison with the planes themselves. Once, such a thought would have birthed terror in my heart.

Now, I understand it is nothing to fear. If it is my fate to one day join with Sylica, Dwoemerheart, Mount Celestia or any other heaven, I know that I move onto something greater. I have overcome the fiendish fear of oblivion, much how mortals overcome the fear of death and its false promise of oblivion. Yet I pray that day does not arrive, for I am needed here. I pray that if it is fate for Marie and I to one day be separated, that it be I who bears the burden of living on. Marie's cheer should never be dimmed by the dark mantle of widowhood. AN: Devils fear oblivion. This is me directly working with how Antenora's resolved that within herself. Naturally, it takes the form of unison and becoming part of a greater whole. Which is true of all the planes, though she came to that by more lawful reasonings.

Again my thoughts turn to melancholy things. Enough of this.

One of Alicia's favored faithful left his mortal life behind and joined Sylica today. He died a martyr, ensuring the escape of dozens of innocents from the ravages of a Banite cult. His sacrifice and life were both beautiful things. My heart rejoices that I was able to ensure that he will be eternally rewarded for them, for he now wanders Sylica as a newborn cherub. This single act feels more profound than the six hundred years I spent in Cania.

Thank you, Alicia.

Day 18, Entry 1

Visited Aurora today. The main purpose of my visit was to check in on Ebony and Jaela, though I did a few other tasks as well. Ebony is doing well. I am struck with how well she has fit in there and that she is content. While I share some of Syala's anger over her twin deaths, it seems not to have impeded her own happiness.

Jaela is another matter. She is fine on the surface, but to one with the right eye, it is not hard to see that she carries great pains. Annalise, the rift with her mother and general disllusionment with much of what she hopes for have taken a toll on her. We had a long conversation that did some to soothe my worries, but I fear that she has a long road of recovery ahead of her.

I also briefly talked with her mother, Hanna. I did not press matters, as it was not my place or role to. I rather like her from what little I've met her. I do not agree with her on many things and in that I can see the dangers to her relationship with her daughter. It is troubling.AN: I hasn't come up IC, but I have a working grasp of where Jaela's at should I need to draw on that. This is me feeling around it. Incidentally, Antenora and Hanna wouldn't get together well at all past surface pleasantries. They just don't click with each other, law and chaos isn't even at the root if it. They're just not compatible people.

Got back in time to share dinner with Alicia, Jessica and Jessica's family. It was nothing profound, merely the miracle of friends and family meeting. That this miracle is so common as to be un-profound is another miracle altogether. I contrast that with Jaela's pain and know how fortunate I am.

We meant to catch a show in Mercia, but the warmth of the hearth fire and good conversation held us rapt. Another day.AN: This just comments on how much Antenora's priorities have changed since she showed up in B1. This sort of reflection is her style.

Day 19, Entry 1

The day was unremarkable. After my duties, Marie and I went shopping in Brightwater. In all truth, it is a needless luxury. Should we desire anything but the most potent magics, the land provides or Alicia and Syala do. I have an entire wardrobe Syala created for me with a slight exertion of divine will. But is not the journey the true joy, rather than the destination? Or more aptly, shopping and doing it with someone you care about is far more fun than what you buy.

Besides, Marie greatly enjoys it.

This came to an abrupt stop when Hell's machinations crossed paths with us. Martinet of Baator was in Brightwater again. Allow me to explain, for as Hell's top diplomat and the personal voice of the Lord of the Ninth, he enjoys diplomatic immunity while on diplomatic missions. I know not what business he had with Waukeen, only that he had it. AN: This came up in B1. Occasionally Hell and the Heavens have reason to negotiate. For Baator it usually falls on Martinet's shoulders to deal with. It's when both sides have captives or things they're willing to trade to get back. It's uncommon but does happen sometimes. Usually it's a one for one trade for powerful servants or magical items, if both sides find a particular trade palatable.

We had a short, sharp exchange with one another. Doubtless that we both provoked one another, but even more doubtless that neither of us would impinge on Waukeen's good will. For while I yearn to strike him down with every iota of my being, I know that Waukeen will not allow it. To allow such a vile thing into her realm must have a reason to justify it, something at stake that justifies his presence.

The actual exchange was as expected. He is gifted in provoking anger in those he parleys with, and I can only say that he excelled at it. His subtle insinuations and tone of voice were enough to make me see red. I do feel that I acquitted myself well, but in the end it was merely a meeting of chance. We soon parted ways.

Syala does not think the meeting was anything special, nor was any information able to be gleamed from it. Nonetheless, she'll check with her friends to see if she can discern what his purpose there was. I await with baited breath. AN: Yeah, that week or so was just brutal for random encounters.

Day 20, Entry 1

How do you express a day of transcendant joy that is yet routine and expected? I don't know and I fear the written word cannot. Writing about paradise is hard. Nonetheless, this routine day has done much to balance myself.

Reading the Redemption Liturgies by Cerulean Joy. More on this once I've finished and meditated on the lessons therein.

Day 21, Entry 1

Spent the day with Alicia reviewing and drilling Sylica's army. Sylica's forces are wholly designed for defense and broken down along those lines. It is far more important to protect what has begun here than to strike out, at least for now. Strength of Light sees to them and ensures they are in flawless condition. As such, I had no doubts they would perform excellently.

I find a passing solace in the rituals and crisp organization of the military. Yet my centuries in Baator have dulled the shine from this particular panacea. All life in Baator is military. All is grist for the great war machine that threatens to bind all of Creation in black chains. I cannot help but be reminded of that when dealing with such matters. One day I am certain I will overcome this bias, but not soon.

Moreover, I find that enemies capable of threatening myself or my friends can often trivialize a mortal army and many immortal armies. In a recent trip to the loathesome Abyss, Muirfinn and I slaughtered hundreds of demons in a single battle. We turned all aroudn us into a charnal house while we stood triumphant. Simply, there are many battles where the elite can thrive while the rank and file die.

What good is an army against those hardened by belief and forged in the crucible of power? It must be understood that reality to us is different. The reality a mortal peasant knows, the reality that a typical traveling hero knows, the reality a wizard knows; all are different to the reality we know. AN: This is touching on a few important points. First of all, armies tend to matter less and less as you rise into the epic levels. Simply put, the abilities of such characters continue to weaken those strategies. It's also intentional to make a more epic feel to things. Taking out a single gelugon as a 30th level fighter is nothing. Taking out a squad of 27 in a few rounds? That's moreso. It's about packaging and presentation as always. Secondly, all that bit about reality is simply that: the world works subtly differently for characters of such power. One of the reasons I do things like epic characters taking out hordes of monsters is to underline that. An epic level character means something in Balmuria.  They simply aren't going to roll over and die because more peasants with simple weapons attack them at once. AT this point, Creation thinks they're more important than that. This is trying to reinforce that conceit.

When Raziel's wisdom speaks of the crucible of conflict, we are the end result of that holy cauldron. We are the shining blade that Tyr states will rend all the wicked apart. We are those who can lay justice on the greatest evils of Creation. Our reality is battles with the force to break apart continents. Our reality is divine will shaping reality to our wishes. Our reality is that hordes of lesser creatures break apart against us as the waves against the shore.

It is why I pray for the wisdom to use this power wisely. As Mystra once said to Alicia, the results of doing otherwise are unthinkable.

Day 22, Entry 1

The fragility of mortal life is ever astonishing. Today, a layperson of Syala's faith passed away to eternity. His cause of death was mundane to the point of absurdity, as he perished by broken neck. He took a mere mis-step on slippery cobblestones and landed precisely wrong. To have one's life end in such a fluke unsettles me. I am a woman who lives for combat and to deal death when righteousness demands it. Yet to see life fade with such trivial circumstance leaves me unsettled.

Is there not enough death in Creation that accidents are unneeded? Is there any order and any meaning to a death spawned from the whims of Chaos? This strikes me as one of the great failings of Chaos. Perhaps I will talk about it with Syala, she will have wise insights.

Day 23, Entry 1

Attended a Selunite revel that spilled over into Ysgard today. The Selunite faith is one I struggle to connect to and understand. As Baator has no moons, the concept of them has little meaning in diabolical society. Selune is obscure to most devils on account of that. Mortals grasp that faith far easier than I. Nonetheless, I do find the celebrations pleasant. They have an earnest charm that I cannot help but admire. AN: Me playing with the idea of a moon goddess to a realm that doesn't have a moon.

The celebration was naught but dance and song. Marie and I had a lovely time. My struggles with Selune's faith are far lighter in the heat of the moment. I should parley this into conversation with Aurora's Selunite priest, Balyss, the next time I visit. She is an interesting figure and there is a vested interest in learning more about those close to the bearer of 21. AN: A simple nod to the fact that Alicia and company would be aware of 21. Nothing much to it or any depth.

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Today we're home to a special battle of heaven vs hell! In particular, this one was inspired by a half-asleep dream I had. On awakening, I realized it was an interesting battle. Will the powerful charger end the fight quickly and score an upset, or will the titanic devil endure and splatter the charging paladin in revenge? Let's find out with Antenora vs Gathgorian.

The rules are as follows.

1. For the sake of this, the two fight alone with no support. This includes no buffs or magic items not already on their sheets.
2. The battlefield is a featureless plane and they start 100ft from each other. Neither is surprised.
3. In the event of a rules conflict between them, I'll make a judgment and also analyze it afterwards, to see if it changed the course of the battle.
4. No retreats. Maneuver is possible, but this is a fight to zero HP or until the result is certain. It's a combat demo, don't worry about it.
5. It's a demo under artificial conditions, so take it with a grain of salt.

On first glance, Gathgorian way outclasses Antenora. However, Antenora excels in one vs one battles and can hit above her weight class in them. Further, a lot of Gathgorian's potency is tied to his prosecutor PrC, which Antenora isn't vulnerable to. Plus Antenora has some potent healing to increase her durability, while Gathgorian can negate up to three of her attacks. So this battle may be closer than it appears on first glance. Let's go find out.

There's no relevant auras to worry about here so we go straight to initiative. Gathgorian does have a fear aura, but Antenora is immune to fear.

Quote> roll 1d20+9 Antenora init
<Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+9 Antenora init --> [ 1d20=3 ]{12}
> roll 1d20+18 Gathgorian init
<Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+18 Gathgorian init --> [ 1d20=18 ]{36}

Gathgorian wins initiative. He can hurl two Gathgorian's fireballs as swift actions, so he'll open up with those first. Antenora's normally immune to fire, but Gathgorian's fireball ignores fire immunity for chaotic or good creatures, as well as inflicting a -3 penalty to the saving throw. The DC is 29. I'm not rolling spell resistance since his +45 caster level check automatically beats Antenora's spell resistance of 42.

Quote<Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+37 (+4 resistance vs evil, -3 spell property) --> [ 1d20=4 ]{41}
<Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+37 (+4 resistance vs evil, -3 spell property) --> [ 1d20=5 ]{42}
> roll 25d6*1.5
> roll 25d6*1.5
<Myannbot> Kotono rolled 25d6*1.5 --> error: malformed expression
<Myannbot> Kotono rolled 25d6*1.5 --> error: malformed expression
> roll 25d6
<Myannbot> Kotono rolled 25d6 --> [ 25d6=97 ]{97}
> roll 97*1.5
<Myannbot> Kotono rolled 97*1.5 --> error: malformed expression
> roll 25d6
<Myannbot> Kotono rolled 25d6 --> [ 25d6=95 ]{95}
> 145 and 142.
> roll 145/2
<Myannbot> Kotono rolled 145/2 --> {72}
> roll 142/2
<Myannbot> Kotono rolled 142/2 --> {71}
> roll 72+71
<Myannbot> Kotono rolled 72+71 --> {143}
Antenora: 385/528

Antenora makes the saves easily, she only fails them on a natural 1. However, all of Gathgorian's spell-like abilities are automatically empowered, so the damage is still substantial. But as Antenora's still not down, he'll charge in to try and finish it in one overwhelming blow. Oh, and he has dire charge, so he gets an x2 multiplier if this charge hits. However, he doesn't beat her damage reduction.

Quote> roll 1d20+50 (+2 charge, -20 PA) vs AC 57
<Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+50 (+2 charge, -20 PA) vs AC 57 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{64}
> roll 8d6+190-20
<Myannbot> Kotono rolled 8d6+190-20 --> [ 8d6=26 ]{196}
Antenora: 189/528

Ow. Antenora takes the hit. But wait, there's more. Gathgorian's stun ability applies to attacks with his greatsword. I also totally forgot about it until I read his attack block now.

Quote> roll 1d20+40 vs stun, forgot he had this, may make the fight academic (+4 vs evil)
<Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+40 vs stun, forgot he had this, may make the fight academic (+4 vs evil) --> [ 1d20=4 ]{44}
> roll 3d4
<Myannbot> Kotono rolled 3d4 --> [ 3d4=8 ]{8}

Stunned 8 rounds? Yeah, that ends the fight. I thought the fight might be interesting but stun makes it an easy win for Gathgorian. Antenora just can't deal with the DC despite her high saves. If she didn't, she might be able to outlast him, that's one of the strengths of her build. In spite of being a charger-type, she can last a good while and heal herself quite well.

Gathgorian's meant to be an absolute beast one on one and it shows. Afina has her work cut out for her, but at least she'd have prep time.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


This is mostly relevant to B3, so I'm posting this here. A preview of the epic skills writeup I'm working on and should finish in a week or two.

Epic Skills

Despite the near-magical nature of some epic level skill uses, all uses of skills are considered exceptional abilities (except if noted otherwise), and thus function normally even within areas of antimagic.

The goals of this is to create interesting epic skill usages that reward people for investing 24 or more ranks into a skill. These abilities are balanced around epic level play and assume that you have 10th level or higher magic as a factor in the campaign. These abilities blur the line between skill and sorcery. At this point, a typical character is well past being mundane, so this is meant to match that reality.


Weapon and armor forging now uses various DC add ons to improve weapons and armor. This has been seen in various facets in stat blocks and looted goods, this is intended to show how it can be done mechanically. Like anything epic, skill check abuse/inflation can lead to abuses.

Afina would find these most useful, especially the maximum dexterity and armor bonus boosters.


Epic usages of Craft skills are divided into sub-groups for each type of crafting. Some Craft skills use set DCs for unique effects while others add to the DC of an existing task.

Craft (Armorsmithing)

Master armorers can make armor far superior to that of normal smiths.

TaskDC modifier
Improved Armor Check Penalty+10
Improved Maximum Dexterity Cap+10
Improved Arcane Spell Failure+10
Improved Armor Bonus+20
Ethereal Armor+40

The character can add multiple effects from the following options. The increases to DC stack. For example, improving the maximum dexterity cap and armor bonus of a set of armor once each increases the total DC by 30. Any armor modified must be masterwork.

Improved Armor Check Penalty

The character can make armor a step above masterwork armor. Improved Armor Check Penalty reduces the armor check penalty of the armor by 2. This can be applied multiple times to a single set of armor, each time reducing the armor check penalty of the armor by 2 (minimum 0) and increasing the total DC by an additional 10.

Improved Maximum Dexterity Cap

The character's crafted armors are easier to move in. The maximum dexterity cap of the armor rises by 2. This stacks with special materials that also raise an armor's maximum dexterity cap, such as mithral. This can be applied multiple times to a single set of armor, each time increasing the maximum dexterity cap of the armor by 2 and increasing the total DC by an additional 10.

Improved Arcane Spell Failure

The character's armors are fitted to be used by mages. This reduces the arcane spell failure of the armor by 10%. This can be applied multiple times to a single set of armor, each time reducing the arcane spell failure of the armor by 10% (minimum 0%) and increasing the total DC by an additional 10.

Improved Armor Bonus

The character creates armor that is tougher than the norm. The armor's armor bonus to armor class increases by 1. This stacks with any enhancement bonus the armor has. This can be applied multiple times to a single set of armor, each time increasing the armor bonus of the armor by 1 and increasing the total DC by an additional 20.

Ethereal Armor

The character can make armor so solid that it can stop ghosts and touch attacks. The armor's armor bonus now applies to touch armor class. This includes any enhancement bonus the armor possesses.

Craft (Weaponsmithing)

TaskDC modifier
Improved Masterwork Weapon+15
Improved Design+15
Improved Range+20
Improved Damage Type+20
Improved Critical Multiplier+40

The character's weapons are unbelievably well made and downright deadly.

The character can add multiple effects from the following options. The increases to DC stack. For example, improved masterwork weapon and improved design increases the total DC by 30. Any weapon modified must be masterwork.

Improved Masterwork Weapon

The character's weapons are superior to masterwork weapons. The weapon's enhancement bonus to attack rolls rises by 1. This can be applied multiple times to a single weapon, each time increasing the weapon's enhancement bonus to attack rolls by 1 and increasing the total DC by an additional 15.

Improved Design

The character's weapons are deadlier and strike with great force. The weapon's damage dice increase by one die size. For example, an improved design longsword deals a base of 1d10 damage instead of 1d8 damage. A weapon that deals damage by d12s instead converts to d6s, with 2d6 for each 1d12 of damage converted. This can be applied multiple times to a single weapon, each time increasing the weapon's damage dice size by 1 and increasing the total DC by an additional 15.

Improved Range

The character can make weapons that fly far and true. The weapon's range increment doubles. A weapon without an existing range increment gains no benefit from this effect. This can be applied multiple times to a single weapon, each time doubling the weapon's range increment and increasing the total DC by an additional 20. Remember that two doublings equal a tripling and so forth.

Improved Damage Type

The character knows how to modify weapons to deal a different type of damage than normal. The weapon gains the ability to deal a second type of damage from the following list: bludgeoning, piercing and slashing. A weapon that already deals all three types of damage cannot be further improved with this effect.

Improved Critical Multiplier

The character's weapons are extraordinarily deadly when they hit true. The weapon's critical multiplier increases by 1. For example, a longsword would deal x3 damage on a critical hit.

Heal's epic usages were hinted at by the Guardian of 21. This particular exchange is relevant:

69. Fine. Moving on, how do diseases spread? I've always wanted to study them: Tiny bits of matter, smaller than the eye can see.
70: So they're tiny bits of matter that...touch the body, or invade it: Yes, that's correct.
71: They travel through the air: Some are aireborn, some are liquid or solid borne, and a few use magic to propagate.
72. Are there limitless diseases out there: Of course, entities can create new ones if they care to or change the rules.
73. What are the worst ones: Irrelevant, that is a concern of bodies made of flesh and blood.
74. If these diseases are really tiny bits of matter, can they be cured without magic like how you'd brush off wetness from something, or repair a crack in a jar: Magic does not need to precisely follow material rules such as that.
75. But are there ways: Certainly so.
76. Is this a worthwhile path to follow for those who don't have access to magic: The amount of effort is many times greater than magic and ultimately blends back into magic.
77. So this is a waste of time: That is correct, yes.

It is possible to use non-magical means to heal more effectively, but it ultimately leads down to a path where your skills border on the supernatural. The fact that the Guardian of 21 called it a waste of time (well, Kascha did, but he agreed) is simply that it's an ass-backwards way of doing it to him. Why bother with all this when you can just cast a spell or have someone cast it? The simple truth is that magic is far superior to non-magical means for healing.

In any case, an epic healer can greatly speed recovery and restore lost sight, hearing and limbs. They can even restore the recently dead, though this is a rare level of skill few reach. Not to mention most of those few are deities, who can just resurrect through alter reality or a salient divine ability. The abilities here are far from worthless, but this is a case where the mechanics of 3.5 make an epic healer competing with a spellcaster a foregone conclusion. So rather than trying to totally overpower the abilities here, I chose to make them good but concede that magic's just superior here.

Balyss could find these skills useful, though two sets of divine casting make it a redundant luxury for her. Tepen would get more mileage out of these, as would Sylvie.


Quicken Recovery40
Treat Blindness and Deafness45
Treat Limb Loss60
Perfect Recovery60

Quicken Recovery

The character can allow a character to regain hit points in a single hour as if he or she had provided long-term care for a full day. The character can quicken the recovery of up to six patients at a time. No character's recovery can be quickened more than once per day (even by different healers).

Treat Blindness and Deafness

The character can restore damaged or lost sight and hearing. This takes one hour's time and cures blinded and deafened. The character can treat the blindness and deafness of up to six patients at a time. For the sake of interacting with effects, treat this ability as heal.

Treat Limb Loss

The character's skill allows them to recover lost extremities in a single hour of treatment. This restores lost fingers, toes, arms, legs and other such extremities. For the sake of interacting with effects, treat this ability as regenerate.

Perfect Recovery

The character can allow a character to regain hit points in a single hour as if he or she had provided long-term care for a full week. The character can use perfect recovery on up to six patients at a time. No character's recovery can be perfected more than once per day, nor can perfect recovery and quicken recovery both be used on the same patient in the same day (even by different healers).


The character can bring back the recently dead with ten minutes of treatment. The character can revive a character that has been dead for no more than 24 hours and a resurrection chance roll is required. A character resurrected by this effect is placed at -1 hit points and is stable. A character's body must relatively intact for this effect. Lost limbs and other unusual damage are not restored by this effect. Effects that prevent resurrection also stop resuscitate.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Anastasia on March 14, 2015, 10:25:40 PM
When we finish our first arc of B4 and get back to this, remind me that you unlocked this.

Quoting this as a reminder to myself.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Second reminder: I promised y'all that we'd start with a level up. Note to self.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


This is unrelated miscellaneous material from a PM with Eb. I'm posting a few interesting parts here. I'm mostly trimming Eb's lines since I didn't ask him to post this.

1. Afina vs Asmodeus

(Context: Talking about Afina thousands of years in the future, trying to finish the list of devils involved in Lifasa's capture.)

> I do wonder - how would Afina ever even try to beat Asmodeus? Assume he's in the same power level as Morwel and the same level of bullshit. I mean, one can even conceive her taking down Bel. I doubt she'd ever finish the last name on her list - Asmodeus is on a lot of lists and he's still going strong.
<Ebiris> Have to collaborate with everyone else. She'd just as cheerfully work alongside Demogorgon as Zaphkiel if it'll suit her ends. Or give aid to disloyal lords of the nine (hi Mephistopheles), though she wouldn't openly collaborate as she would with a demon.
<Ebiris> More realistically she'll just have to settle for pissing him off. His kids are certainly gonna get it.
* Koaway nods.
<Ebiris> And when ragnarock or whatever eventually rolls around, she'll make damn sure she gets at least a hit in.
* Koaway nods.
> I've always worked on this assumption: Beating a greater power takes one of the following: 1. An OCP (21, for example, vs evil), 2. Be another greater power, or a strong intermediate power. 3. The aid of another greater power or equivalent to even the odds.  4. Become some of the strongest non-divinities ever.
> Eblis is a pretty good example of 4.
> He's basically that, with the exception of having divine rank. He has it by a non-standard way anyway.

2. Greater powers hit dice and a bit of fey information

<Ebiris> Being a unique fey might be worth whatever the sylvan equivalnt to divine or cosmic rank is anyway. Well, except that she's an outsider. But she's totally fey in spirit and that's what counts.
> Realistically, greater powers are 60-70 hit dice. Assume divine rank is +10 HD for power at least, and you have to get more HD than them. Easier said than done.
> The fey use divine rank through Titania/Morwel. This is also one of the reasons why there's only three exemplars of CG, but that wasn't directly said in her stat block.
> But I've never filled in a lot of fey stuff in detail.
> The fey have their own structure, but it's very diffuse and chaotic. I usually only touch on it and allude to a lot of things.
> Like you have the Glasae Queen, who's sealed away in her own fortress on the border.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I don't have anything to say, but Dune wants me to say something, so this is me saying something. Now back to house cleaning~
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Quote from: Merc on August 13, 2015, 09:54:23 PM
I don't have anything to say, but Dune wants me to say something, so this is me saying something. Now back to house cleaning~

Bad Merc, bad!
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Oh come on! I did what you wanted! There's just no pleasing some people.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Quote from: Merc on August 13, 2015, 10:04:17 PM
Oh come on! I did what you wanted! There's just no pleasing some people.

You're just mean.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Well, I am that, but still, I tried! Sorta!
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Quote from: Merc on August 13, 2015, 10:37:07 PM
Well, I am that, but still, I tried! Sorta!

You did, at least. Points for that.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?