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Rank 2, Mission 1: "Slash and Slash"

Started by Taishyr, February 11, 2015, 05:18:41 PM

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[16:17] <@Torokasi> Autumn Crow wakes from a dreamless, peaceful night and quickly prepares herself before assembling at the west gate, just before the sixth bell. Para and Solmyr, as well as Adon Cyratus, have already arrived, chatting with the smoker that Crow and company passed by on the way up to Benzin's room. As Crow approaches, she notices that his hand seems almost like a Talkyr, clawed and bristling with muscle, as he gestures with it.
[16:18] * AutumnCrow keeps her distance if the man is currently smoking. The stuff smells nauseating.
[16:19] <@Torokasi> The man's definitely not smoking right now, though there's still the faint scent in the air around him. At Crow's approach, Adon nods to her. "Early. Good. I got your two teammates and Wirelash here up on my way past their rooms. We're supposed to meet one other woman here before we head out, if she comes."
[16:20] <AutumnCrow> "Janda and Lilian shouldn't be far behind me." Crow nods to him and the others as she approaches.
[16:27] <@Torokasi> "Good. Ary's heading out to the Temple of Sath, but all the other temples except Magdanae's have released their guild members to Guild duty." Adon nods.
[16:27] <@Torokasi> "Is the final woman named Marion?" Solmyr asks, looking to Adon.
[16:29] <@Torokasi> Adon shakes his head. "No. An unaffiliated guild member from a disbanded group, who Ramedo was talking with. She's named Kaede, and she's, ah... forgetful."
[16:31] <@Torokasi> "Forgetful?" Wirelash murmurs, his voice raspy and surprisingly deep. "Do we need to go get her?"
[16:33] <@Torokasi> "No. If she doesn't come by the sixth bell, we leave without her." Adon replies after a moment of deliberation. "In part because I don't know where she lives - she's not in any of the dorm rooms."
[16:42] <@Torokasi> Lilian and Janda jog up just as the bell begins to ring. Adon shakes his head. "Alright. We're going to be helping with repairs, cleaning up any remaining pockets of critters, and helping to get people's lives back on track. Stick near me and follow any orders I give. This'll be a long day of work." With that he pushes himself off the wall. "Para, Lilian, you two on talking with people. Crow, I'm going to use some magic on you and Wirelash here so you're both stronger for the day's work once we get to a place that needs assistance. Janda, Solmyr, patch people up. Anyone spots any critters still roaming our town, let us know"
[16:42] <@Torokasi> "Anyone spots any critters still roaming our town, let us all know before charging in. Let's move!"
[16:47] <AutumnCrow> "Ah, sir? Let's not put Para on talking with people and me on physical labor. We'd each be better in the other roll."
[16:53] <@Torokasi> "Right, then you with Lilian." Adon nods briefly as the group heads to the southwest. "We've got reports that the damage was worst in a southwest-northeast line - basically missing the Nets, thank the Seven, since no one wants to have to try repairs there - but the rich districts and the working quarters have been devastated. Sath's temples and outposts are handling the northeast, so we get the southwest."
[16:54] <@Torokasi> Lilian pauses. "Northeast to southwest? Doesn't that more or less follow the larger canyon that goes in that direction?"
[16:56] <@Torokasi> Adon nods. "Yes, it's possible the attack on Verxais came from there. We don't have any proof, unfortunately, and - well, while we're working, I'll debrief you all."
[17:03] <@Torokasi> As the group dives into the southwest quarter, passing multiple groups already working, Adon continues, "The attack was concurrent - not just on Verxais, but also on basically every other city and outpost covered by the Barriers. We've confirmed that the Terian forces have lost a major training outpost to this attack, and there's been widespread damage almost everywhere except three places - the Autumn Temple, Sumotah'l, and the Underlight, which all resisted the offensive. Some cities such as Caldrin got away with light damage, but... there's a lot of places that got worse than we did, somehow."
[17:04] <AutumnCrow> "Everywhere at once?" Crow sighs, "well that's not ominious in the least."
[17:09] <@Torokasi> Adon chuckles darkly. "Indeed. Offenses seemingly tailored to overwhelm defenses, a simultaneous drop of all barriers except the three locations I mentioned earlier... even our capitol, Ithaen, was attacked, despite the practical impossibility of that. Almost every city is floundering, badly, and, well, the second point of order - our maps have gotten fucked - er, forgive the language. But we can already confirm that nothing our maps are saying matches even inital reports of quick scouts outward."
[17:12] <@Torokasi> "How the hell does that even happen?" Solmyr asks. "Like... are you saying the city moved or something?"
[17:16] <@Torokasi> "Closer to 'everything around the city moved'. And finally, we still haven't remade contact with Jagden, Kaela, Redel, or any of their close circle - Hikoi, Flynn, Marisa, all not even contactable. So the Guild is leaderless, not that that changes our approach to the current dilemmas at all." Adon grumbles. "Not that that's stopped the Iron Tower from panicing their dainty asses off."
[17:19] <@Torokasi> "Not... contactable?" Janda says at this, her voice trembling a bit.
[17:21] <@Torokasi> Adon shrugs. "They're alive. We can confirm that much of all of them. But the bosses took off to fight that mammoth dragon, Flynn and Marisa were supposed to be back a few days ago, and Hikoi... Hikoi vanishing wouldn't normally be notable except for everyone else doing the same thing."
[18:01] <AutumnCrow> "...I excpect we'll be seeing Wild Goose in soon, so that there's someone on that level around until they get back." Crow noted...then sighed and added, "presuming the Autumn Temple is still anywhere nearby."
[18:04] <@Torokasi> "Fortunately, it is, so hopefully we see him around soon. We haven't heard much after the initial sending and reply there, which... frankly, is normal, for them." Adon comments drily. "Anyway. Up ahead is our first project - this wall collapsed from a shockwave. Para, Wire, with me. The rest of you have your duties - check on the wounded and take care of whoever you can, and check for other issues we can report to the Iron Tower. We aren't here to solve everything. Leave anything that can wait to the guards."
[18:06] * AutumnCrow pairs off with Lilian and gets to calming the locals down in the wake of the shit-fan impact.
[18:14] <@Torokasi> There's some serious, grisly injuries that Lilian, Janda, and Solmyr tend to, but fortunately to Crow most of the injuries seem fine. As the trio of Adon, Wirelash and Para seem to lift and reassemble the wall with little effort, Crow and Lilian listen to a few complaints before the crowd begins to disperse, Lilian grumbling in frustration. "Water supplies wrecked because no one can bother to reinforce or fix these wells up, food supplies ruined... I'd bet that this takes forever for them to fix if the Guild doesn't push it."
[18:16] <AutumnCrow> "Water is the Weeping Lady's domain, isn't it?" Crow nods in Janda's direction, "we at least have an in to make sure the temple hears about this once they're done with thier own repairs. As well as the guild putting some social pressure on. Getting the working class back on its feet fast is better for everyone, after all."
[18:18] <@Torokasi> "Yeah." Janda nods. "I'll definitely let the Temple know. Hopefully that gets momentum moving... getting a druid to spare for the crops will be a problem, though."
[18:19] <AutumnCrow> "Water first, crops second. People can survive on not enough food longer than on dirty water."
[18:20] <@Torokasi> Lilian snorts. "And there's the issue of collapsed wells not actually being uncommon - Verxais gets tremors, and without the reinforcements they use at the Guild and in the rich districts, a ton of the wells collapse and need repairs. Fortunately, despite this area's... exotic location on this pillar, the wells never seem to dry up, only get fouled. Yeah, that too. Sorry, just a bit bitter - grew up with the crappy wells."
[18:21] <@Torokasi> Janda tilts her head. "Is it really that common? I've never heard of it happening..."
[18:22] <@Torokasi> Lilian gives Janda a quick sidelong glance before shaking her head. "Yeah, it is. They can basically wall the well in thin sheets of metal to stop dirt and rocks and contaminants from falling in, and some of the fancier ones have magical wards or aren't actually wells, just water generators created by a talented mage."
[18:25] <AutumnCrow> "Those have to be difficult as hell to make, or they'd have been installed in regular intervals around the city by now," Crow reasons.
[18:26] <@Torokasi> "Difficult, expensive, and they require regular maintenance, like a normal well." Janda shakes her head. "It's not hard to make a spell that generates a bit of water every day, but to handle the entire needs of a community? And if the spell's inscribing or something gets messed up, it can be disasterous."
[18:27] <@Torokasi> Lilian nods. "Yeah. I wouldn't ask for anything like that here - we sure as hell can't afford the maintenance for any of the ones around here. But stuff to stop the constant cost of upkeep doesn't seem like it'd be too much to ask."
[18:28] <AutumnCrow> "With any luck we'll get a good storm in soonish. ...after we get shetler rebuilt for people at least. Should refresh and freshen up the water supplies. As well as drive the mist down for a few days."
[18:29] <@Torokasi> Adon calls over at this, "We're not expecting a storm, sadly, though this heavy mist surprised all the druids as well so who knows? Still, tho', it seems like the mist is receding again, if slowly. The Guild will likely give orders for people to head out tomorrow."
[18:30] <@Torokasi> Lilian replies, cupping her mouth for amplification, "Thanks for listening in!"
[18:30] <@Torokasi> "No problemo!" Adon cheerfully replies, laughing.
[18:31] <AutumnCrow> "We'll wait until the first wave heading out is back with info, and until Benzin is fully recovered, before heading out ourselves," Crow makes the decision.
[18:33] <@Torokasi> "That should be tonight, for the first wave." Adon comments. "No clue on Benzin, to be honest - that could be a bit longer than you think." Para seems to nod at this comment, tossing bricks up to Wirelash who seems to be rapidly setting them - and smoking while he's at it, though Crow can't smell it.
[18:40] <AutumnCrow> "Well, I thought tomorrow would be the first wave of longer scouting trips, which I'd imagine would take at least a few days."
[18:45] <@Torokasi> "Oh. Yeah, that makes sense. M-1s will likely be helping the town out anyway for the next few days while the scouting goes on, yeah. If there's a more serious job that comes up, we'll let you know." Adon agrees. "We'd like to send you all out but getting things back to normal's the most important part."
[18:48] <@Torokasi> One of the civilians watching, a young man, pipes up, "And there aren't going to be any more attacks, are there? Right, mister?"
[18:49] <@Torokasi> Adon glances to the young man, confusion on his face for a brief moment. "Right. There shouldn't be any more attacks for a while, especially with the mist levels going down. No need to worry, kid."
[18:53] <@Torokasi> The young man scurries off as the people watching sigh in relief. Adon glances over to Crow. "You said food and water issues both? Mmm. Janda, Crow, head over to the Weeping Lady's and let them know. I'll see what I can do about the food myself once we're done with this wall - looks like a lot of internal damage, too, so we'll get that stuff done as well."
[18:53] <AutumnCrow> "Alright." Crow nods and dusts herself off, getting ready to head out once Janda's ready.
[18:55] <@Torokasi> Janda stands up from over a child with a wounded knee, walking over to Crow. "Alright, let's do this. I hope they've got someone available..."
[19:01] <@Torokasi> The trip back to the Temple of the Weeping Lady goes quite quickly, the temple still quite devastated like how Crow and Janda left it yesterday, and about as busy. Janda nods to Crow at the entrance. "Let me go see who I can find - we may not be able to get someone immediately, but we can definitely get someone before the end of the day to come."
[19:04] <AutumnCrow> "Alright." Crow nods and waits outside for Janda for now.
[19:06] <@Torokasi> Janda comes back after a few minutes, her face mildly annoyed. "Someone will be there in an hour or so - they sent a message out to someone nearby. They've requested we try and clear the well of anything big in preparation. I couldn't get anyone there before that - hopefully that's okay?"
[19:10] <AutumnCrow> "Considering they were likely expecting no one to come for at least several days, if at all, I'm sure that will be fine. Also gives us time to get the well clear."
[19:11] <@Torokasi> "Yeah!" Janda nods. "Let's go report and see what we can do to get that well clear, then."
[19:12] <@Torokasi> The trip back is also relatively uneventful...
[19:12] <@Torokasi> roll 1d999
[19:12] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 287 > [d999=287]

[19:17] <@Torokasi> On return to the wall, however, the rest of the group - including the citizens normally nearby - are nowhere to be found, save an older man cleaning the street somewhat slowly, furtively looking around. At Crow and Janda's approach, he stands up. "Hi. Crow and Janda, I presume?"
[19:19] <AutumnCrow> "That would be us." Crow nodded to the man.
[19:21] <@Torokasi> The old man strokes his beard a bit. "They said they'd be back - someone reported seeing a yeek, so they had to go check in on it. The wall's almost done, so I figured I'd clean up while waiting. I'm not afraid of a lone yeek."
[19:23] <AutumnCrow> "One yeek? Yeesh." Even Crow wasn't about to suspect that a yeek involved in the attack could be reasoned with, so she just shook her head, "Para alone will have that taken care of very quickly. Meanwhile, we're back from the temple of the Weeping Lady. They'll have someone out to check on the well in an hour or so, but would like us to see about clearing any large objects out of it first."
[19:24] <@Torokasi> "Hmmmm... We could get some of the youth to help with that, if you'd like to come with me in to the inner courtyard and the well." The old man shrugs. "We don't know what's blocking the water, just that the water isn't coming up when we pull up the bucket."
[19:25] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm. If you can get someone with enough strength to pull me up with the rope, I'll take a look down. Janda can be on standby in case it's something that bites."
[19:29] <@Torokasi> "Alright, we can find a few people that can help, I think." The old man leads Crow and Janda into the complex, into a small, cramped courtyard with bricks and construction materials strewn all over. In the center is a well, probably barely large enough for two people to go into if necessary. The old man nods. "Wait right here. I'll fish a few of our capable populace up."
[19:30] <AutumnCrow> "You have a light spell, don't you Janda?"
[19:32] <@Torokasi> "I do." Janda nods. "Should I drop one down to see if we can spot the bottom? We'll still have a second for you when you head down."
[19:33] <AutumnCrow> "Wait until just before I go down. If it's safe, I'll want to send you down with your water sense, so you can see how far behind the blockage the water is."
[19:34] <@Torokasi> "Alright. That makes sense." Janda nods slightly. "I'd have a third but I used one to clean off someone where I couldn't tell the dirt from the wounds... oh well."
[19:36] <@Torokasi> roll 1d999
[19:36] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 633 > [d999=633]
[19:38] <@Torokasi> After a period of time, the old man returns with a few other elderly men... right as Wirelash wanders in. "Yo, I heard there was an issue here. We're cleaning up the well?" Fortunately, he isn't smoking, and doesn't seem to reek heavily of it right now.
[19:40] <AutumnCrow> "Yes. The temple of the Weeping Lady shoudl have some out here in roughly an hour or so to check on the well, but they want us to remove anything large from it first. I'll take the first trip down, to see what I can loosen up, if you can take the rope."
[19:44] <@Torokasi> "Ah, sure thing, there." Wirelash lazily wraps the rope around a hand that seems to be even more heavily furred than when Crow saw him last, the claws seemingly extended. Over his face is a hazy mask that seems to shift as you look at it. After tying the rope around his arm, Wirelash nods. "Let's do this. You gotta light?"
[19:44] <@Torokasi> Janda nods. "Should I light up a fan, Crow? Will that work?"
[19:45] <AutumnCrow> "Just cast it on my guild pin," Crow suggests.
[19:46] <@Torokasi> Janda nods and briefly touches the pin, causing it to brightly glow. With this, she glances back to Wirelash. "What's the deal with the yeek they spotted?"
[19:46] <@Torokasi> Wirelash laughs. "Furry little Talkyr kid with a spear his momma gave him. False alarm."
[19:48] <AutumnCrow> "I did think it rather odd, yeeks normally don't come in groups of one." Crow laughs as she takes the rope and climbs into the well to see what's up, ready to kick anything that looks bitey that might be hiding in it.
[19:52] <@Torokasi> And with that, Crow descends into the well! It goes down a good twenty, thirty feet... before Crow's feet hit wet dirt. Looking down, it looks like the earth simply fell in from the sides, soaking up the water rapidly. It shouldn't be too hard to get it out, if tedious.
[19:53] <AutumnCrow> "Looks like a lot of dirt in here, the sides caved in a bit." She calls back up, "how should we work on getting this out?"
[19:57] <@Torokasi> Wirelash's voice drifts down. "Hmmm... A lot of soft dirt, then? Sounds like we'll either have to have Adon magic it out of the way or just suffer through manual labor."
[19:59] <@Torokasi> Janda's voice is then audible. "Where -are- they, anyway?"
[19:59] * AutumnCrow sighs, and mutters to herself, "If I could use stone dragon techniques, I could clear it myself in one good hit. But that's my weakest discipline, of course."
[20:01] <@Torokasi> Wirelash shrugs. "They were going to check in on one other report before coming back. They went north a few blocks, if you want to go find them?"
[20:01] <@Torokasi> OOC: Strike
[20:01] <@Torokasi> Wirelash's shrug is practically audible, even to Crow. "They were going to check in on one other report before coming back. They went north a few blocks, if you want to go find them?" 
[20:02] <@Torokasi> "I'm sure they'll be back soon. Let's pull up Crow and wait." Janda replies.
[20:02] * AutumnCrow climbs back out of the well, with a bit of help from people pulling the rope.
[20:06] <@Torokasi> Wirelash seems to do it singlehandedly, wrapping the rope around his hands to drag Crow up rather easily. "Right, then." he nods as Crow emerges from the well. "Doesn't sound like it'll be hard for Sir Cyratus, at least."
[20:16] <@Torokasi> Adon's voice booms out, "And I told you to cut out the Sir Cyratus crap, Wirelash." With that, Adon's massive frame makes its way through the doorway into the courtyard. "What's not going to be hard for me?"
[20:17] <@Torokasi> Janda nods to Adon. "The bottom of the well is blocked by a ton of soft dirt. Wirelash suggested you could magic it out somehow."
[20:21] <@Torokasi> Adon nods slightly. "Yeah, I can probably manage that. Wirelash, lower me down?"
[20:27] * AutumnCrow hands him her pin that is already glowing for a lightsource.
[20:28] <@Torokasi> Wirelash quickly lowers Adon down and in after he borrows Crow's pin, and after a few moments, the earth seems to... shiver under everyone's feet, lightly. After a few minutes, it subsides, and Crow hears Adon call, "Pull me up, it's done!"
[20:51] <@Torokasi> Wirelash quickly pulls Adon up, who nods slightly. "Reinforced it a bit while down there. Lilian, Para and Solmyr are at the next location, and the remainder of what needs to be done to rebuild here needs to be done without magic since I don't trust it to stay together with. You remember what you need to do before the week's out, right, Kase?"
[20:52] <@Torokasi> The old man that led Janda and Crow back into the courtyard nods. "Yes, I do. We'll get it all set back up, and if there's any issues we let you know."
[20:56] <@Torokasi> Adon rolls his shoulders before crossing his arms in thought. "Alright. We should probably go check in on your teammates, Crow, Janda. I'll lead the way." With that he squeezes himself through the doorframe again, as Crow, Janda and Wirelash follow. <More>
[21:00] <@Torokasi> The day continues in this vein, with people talking with Crow and Lilian constantly as the group moves from place to place, partially reassembling walls,  healing wounds, and in one case clearing out a totally collapsed storefront, Crow and Janda helping in trying to recover as much as possible as the rubble is cleared out of the way and bound on the sides of the road for easy transport. <More>
[21:04] <@Torokasi> It isn't until the sun begins to set and the evening bells can be heard that Adon calls the group together, having finished getting the majority of the rubble from the store out to the sides of the street. "Okay. We're done for today, I'm sure everyone's exhausted. Head back to the Guild. Wirelash, I'll talk to you later. Manifold, we'll meet up at the... I think the tenth bell will work? At my room in the west side of the Guild, seventh floor. It's likely you'll be doing similar work to this, but I can't guarantee anything right now."
[21:07] <AutumnCrow> "Alright. It's stuff that needs to be done, may as well be us." Crow sighs, then shrugs. "Well, let's head back then."
[21:08] <@Torokasi> "Alright." Lilian nods wearily. Janda simply stands limply. Para looks relatively fine, as does Wirelash, but Solmyr's shoulders are visibly sagging, his stomach heaving.
[21:09] * AutumnCrow walks over next to Solmyr, "...are you alright?"
[21:10] <@Torokasi> "Out of breath." Solmyr chokes out, taking deep, ragged breaths between words. "Didn't sleep well. Will likely pass out once we get back." He stands up a bit straighter, but his breath still seems laborious.
[21:13] <AutumnCrow> "After yesterday, I can hardly blame you for having trouble sleeping." Crow shakes her head. "Let us know when you've got your breath, then."
[21:14] <@Torokasi> "Right." Solmyr nods as Janda and Lilian wander over. "I... think I should be fine for walking. If I pass out, just drag a blanket over me or something, Lilian."
[21:14] <@Torokasi> "Beer and urine soaked, or just beer soaked?" Lilian asks, her voice the essence of innocence.
[21:15] <AutumnCrow> "I'll just have Para drag you along behind him, if that spell is still going."
[21:17] <@Torokasi> Para nods slightly, leading Janda to sigh. "Do you have to ruin all our fun, Crow?" She barely manages to get the last three words out without chuckling, but breaks down right afterward into a giggle fit.
[21:18] <AutumnCrow> "I'm the team leader, fun ruining is a prerequisite for responsibility." She somehow manages to say that while smiling but without her voice cracking or breaking its level tone in the slightest.
[21:19] <@Torokasi> Solmyr chuckles, which turns into a ragged cough. "In this case, I suppose it's appreciated. Though at least I can trust Para to avoid the bigger rocks as he drags me, just in case."
[21:20] <@Torokasi> "...Sure." Para says, eyes still fixed forward, causing Solmyr to give him a bit of a glare.
[21:26] <@Torokasi> The group reaches the guildhall, Solmyr shaking his head as the chatter continues. "Alright. See you all at Adon's place at tenth bell, all. Para, you coming with?"
[21:27] <@Torokasi> Para shakes his head. "I need food. ... Later, everyone."
[21:29] <AutumnCrow> "Janda, you were dealing with wounded so you can take the bath first." Crow offers, "I'll get food first."
[21:30] <@Torokasi> "Sounds good. Lilian, your plans?" Janda's hair bounces lightly as she nods.
[21:31] <@Torokasi> Lilian shrugs. "I'll bathe last. Gonna... gonna go get something to eat too. Want us to bring anything up, Janda?"
[21:31] <@Torokasi> Janda hums. "Just a salad, honestly. Thank you. I'll see you up there."


[16:28] <~Torokasi> ---------------------------------------------------------------
[16:29] <~Torokasi> The rest of the evening is relaxing - light conversation with Lilian and Janda, before an early rest, Crow feeling entirely exhausted as her head hits the pillow... OOC: Will save. You can choose to fail this willingly; doing so will enter a dream, but you have no idea what the dream will be.
[16:30] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 ahahaahaha Crow willingly *failing* at something even if it would be helpful to her
[16:30] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=1]
[16:35] <~Torokasi> Crow can feel the dream come upon her unwillingly, feeling almost natural as her feet lightly set in a expanse of void, ambiently lit very dimly - almost reminiscent of home. It is almost as though the energy of the last few days have stayed with her into this realm. Glancing around her, there are multiple fonts of light of various colors, bleeding into the ambient light - (More)
[16:37] <~Torokasi> - and next to the nearest one is a figure, practically bent over it, its hands - attached to far too long arms, clad in what looks like a rich man's servant's uniform, white gloves and a well fitting men's suit, shoes dangling in the air (?) as it seems to mutter to itself, dipping its hands into the pool of light sporadically.
[16:38] * AutumnCrow checks her fans as she snaps one open to fan herself, "Ah, and we're having another chapter of Autumn Crow: Dream Princess, I see." Then she walks over to the man to see what he's doing.
[16:39] <~Torokasi> Her fans are hers, her clothing is hers - she seems intact and whole. The man - if it's actually a man - does not seem to notice Crow as she approaches... OOC: Notice. +4 to check because Crow is in control.
[16:40] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 hey whaddya know that gives me a bonus
[16:40] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=13]
[16:43] <~Torokasi> ... The figure does not have hair. Or ears. Or eyes. Or - or anything, really. Its face has minor indentures, shaped much like a face would be, but its bare head is devoid of any genuine humanoid traits, still turned toward the pool of light. And in the light, Crow can see... herself, sleeping peacefully in her bed, covers wrapped around her tightly. The figure does not seem to be trying to reach out toward Crow's sleeping form; instead, whenever it rakes its fingers across the pool, the pool seems to flash and fizzle, causing the creature to mutter, "She resists another night?" (More)
[16:44] <~Torokasi> Hearing its voice, Crow can immediately place it - it seems to be the being that talked to Crow's grandmother, in the previous dream. The indistinct voice, seeming to carry a hint of agitation this time, sounding like silk and fire to Crow's ears more than any human voice.
[16:45] <AutumnCrow> "What, exactly, am I supposed to be resisting, Deceiver?" Crow spoke up loudly this time, expertly closing her fan and then snapping it open again loudly.
[16:49] <~Torokasi> The being's body jolts upward, almost comically, before quickly swirling to face Crow, its face still entirely white and blank, one hand moving to cover where its mouth would be. The suit is tight-fitting but in the way a unisex armor would be, and the face seems devoid of even gender indications, though the Deceiver's other hand seems to reach in briefly for... a white flower, which it twirls between its fingers. "I... thought you were resisting my call to talk here. It seems your control of your dreams is as good as your family indicated."
[16:51] <AutumnCrow> "Well, if discipline is what helps one control their dreams, I'd imagine the line of Autumn Storm would be rather adept, yes." Crow quips dryly. "So, I'm here...what is it that you would like to discuss? you have a name or title you prefer, or should I simply keep calling you Deciever?"
[16:54] <~Torokasi> Crow can feel the surprise from the being for a moment, as if its nonexistant eyebrows were arching. "...Litas Namaech. It is the name I claimed before your kind called me Deceiver. Either will be adequate, child of the Autumn Temple. ...Your power awakens early, as a result of my machinations and those of your kin that protect you. I simply came to ensure you understood... the consequences, fully so."
[17:24] * AutumnCrow stared at the creature a long moment before snapping her fan closed and tucking it back into her belt, "Very well, Master Namaech," she saw no issue with regarding the Deciever with the same respect any master craftsman could command, "consequences of things are something I would like to know as well. Better to have more information than less."
[17:35] <~Torokasi> The creature seems to regard Crow for a length in turn, before removing one white glove, revealing pitch-black skin matching its face (its face was always this dark, wasn't it?). Slowly, it opened its palm to face Crow - to reveal an eye, a jade eye with a white pupil, softly glowing as it shifts restlessly over Crow's form, darting occasionally to the pools of light. "Your blood possesses two curses, two blessings; a third has been granted you against your will, for your sake. I cannot disclose how or why."
[17:37] <AutumnCrow> "Can you disclose what?" Crow accepts what it says it can and cannot say at face value, frankly.
[17:41] <~Torokasi> "... Not in certain terms, but it is a source you and I share. You have felt power, energy, coursing in your mind, behind your eyes, yes? The same for I." Litas curls its hand back up, tilting its head a bit. "A curse of a being that never became a God, I suspect. In you, it has... amplified, quickened, your acquirement of your blood's curses, and strengthened them to some aspect. Once trapped in your dreams, I suspect you will soon master them to an extent only I can rival. Once simply ignored by the Gods save one, now nothing of a divine spark can detect you without your Will, nor will any - any at all - answer your call."
[17:45] <AutumnCrow> " my path is to be bereft of the gods entirely." Crow shrugs, as if that honestly isn't much of a loss to her, "so long as the magic of thier servants works on me normally, I can't bring myself to overly care. If I can't handle something myself, I'm not the sort to call upon the gods to save me." Taking a moment, she asked, " is this something common in my family, or is this just
[17:45] <AutumnCrow> me?"
[17:55] <~Torokasi> "It is common in your family, though there are normally exceptions; the men of your family seem to have a knack for the god of vermin and pests that overrides the bloodline's traits." Litas' voice seems to exhibit none of its its fire and silk, sounding simply like rainfall on a stone roof, like the rainstorms at the Autumn Temple. "The women are scorned by all the Gods - for reasons I do not know - but one acting on their behalf, in desperation, could invoke their aid. Not so for you. While divine magics powered by their agents will function, no God can even see you. Nor can the Mist."
[17:57] <AutumnCrow> "...does that mean the Mist is of the same nature as a God?" Crow latches onto that instantly, then shakes her head, "...I suppose that isn't the point of this conversation, best not to get sidetracked. Alright, what else?"
[18:00] <~Torokasi> "Put simply, that is the majority of it." Litas shakes its head. "You cannot be seen or heard by those that possess a divine spark, nor can you see or hear them. The Mist... is not a deity. Why it functions by the same rules, I do not know. Such mysteries lie beyond even I." A pause, before, "The power of this curse will grow with you, even still. The power to avoid the eyes of the Six and the Seventh is the power to defy fate itself, for it is fate that they tend. Have you begun to notice it at all?"
[18:03] <AutumnCrow> "In one dream...there was someone else, talking to a voice that I could not hear at all. I could not even hear its name when she said it to me." Crow responded, " for the Mist...hmm. I seem to be able to see through it better than most. I could see the Three fighting the dragon above the city when no one else could. ...and somehow I was able to pull some yeeks that were with us at one
[18:03] <AutumnCrow> point into a dream while I was out in the mist. ..unless that dream was also your doing?"
[18:06] <~Torokasi> "The Three?" Litas questions, crossing its legs at the ankle as it seems to drift into the air slightly. "I was aware of the dragon and that mischief, but not of what fools chose to fight it."
[18:07] <AutumnCrow> "The founders of the Kerebos Guild. Most likely the strongest warriors in the city. They....dissapeared, along with the dragon, though the guild somehow knows they aren't dead."
[18:12] <~Torokasi> "Interesting. I had not known of them. ...Basic magics would be able to know if they were dead or not, truthfully. It is entirely possible the dragon shifted to its home, to try and isolate them. I know not if it survived, simply that it had been near the town a while." Litas murmurs. "Seeing through the Mist... a curious power. I do not know how that is, unless-" It pauses mid-sentence, seemingly lost in thought.
[18:13] <AutumnCrow> "Unless....?" Crow prompts....
[18:14] <~Torokasi> "... I sensed something in the town - two sources of power like ours, yet unlike. One or two of them may possess some curse, similar to yours." Litas responds. "I don't know for sure, however."
[18:15] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm. I met an odd woman near a cursed spear..." Crow tells him about the woman she met in that alleyway.
[18:17] <~Torokasi> Litas listens calmly, and as Crow wraps up, simply shakes its head. "The woman and the spear may be related to the Cataclysm and the assault on your village, but I do not know if they possess our power. I will see if I cannot find them in the Dreamscape and tell you more, however."
[18:19] <AutumnCrow> "Alright., you said my bloodline had two blessings and two curses? Being in the gods' blindspot is clearly both one blessing and one curse...can you tell me the other? Or is that simply the hereditary power passed down by Autumn Storm?"
[18:21] <~Torokasi> "It is not. It is the power to enter dreams, sometimes against one's will. An awareness of this world. As before, the curse laid upon you has only accelerated your control, but also the potential dangers to you. Those that dream normally need never fear this world, but despite your relative power, you are... exposed to the various threats here."
[18:25] <AutumnCrow> "...normal dreamers are sort of watching it through a window, while I enter it fully." Crow nods, "well then. Good to know."
[18:27] <~Torokasi> "Not even that. Others see images of their own mind's creation, with only the fleetest of glimpses into here. Your consciousness departs your mind, and enters this place. The Mist sometimes enters the gap between selves, but within the radius of your own light, you should be sacrosanct."
[18:29] <AutumnCrow> "And due to the other effect, the Mist can't see me to target me," Crow nods, "thank you for the information. It makes....well, it makes these dreams less annoying. Knowing the danger is better than being confused."
[18:31] <~Torokasi> "Indeed." Litas shrugs. "And although I will be mostly attending other matters, I would hope you consider me a source of information in regards to all this. My... current master has need of me, but I am to assist you as necessary, should he foresee the need."
[18:32] <AutumnCrow> "And just who that master is, is one more of those things you're likely not allowed to say isn't it?" Crow smirks, "though my first guess is perhaps the same voice I could not hear in my first dream."
[18:33] <~Torokasi> "Yes, and no." Crow can feel Litas smirking?, though the ivory face remains untouched. "He has requested that I not divulge anything more than the barest essentials. And no, it was I you could not hear in your first dream. You were still close to how others sleep, and my voice could not reach you."
[18:34] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm." Crow nods, though the smirk on her face doesn't fade, as if she just might not fully believe a creature refered to as The Deciever in all things.
[18:36] <~Torokasi> "Regardless. In the future, you may learn to... hear or discern who seeks to speak or call you into this realm. It should not take long now that you are aware of it. To call on others, you can try what you saw me doing." Litas tilts its head to the side. "Though, for many if not all, it will not work anywhere near as well."
[18:38] <AutumnCrow> "Well, perhaps another night you can teach me how." Crow tries really hard not to think about how fun it might be to spy on other peopel's dreams and refuses to ask if that's possible.
[18:39] <~Torokasi> "Perhaps. To return to sleep, you may enter your own pool. I would not, in general, advise entering the pools of others. It will not hurt, but..." Litas seems like he's still smirking, to Crow. "And now, I depart. Good luck, Crow. And may your bloodline find you worthy."
[18:40] <AutumnCrow> "Thank you." She nods, and returns to her own pool, taking his advice to heart for now.
[18:42] <~Torokasi> The effusive light swirls around her as she sinks in, consciousness fading - with a soft laugh escorting her out... OOC: One moment.

[18:44] <~Torokasi> It takes a loud rapping at the door to awaken Crow, Janda's voice squeaking in excitement. "Crow, Crow, I think I got us a job! There's someone that wants help clearing out a group of critters gone Mist-crazed, a druid my mom knows!"
[18:47] <AutumnCrow> "Well...alright. Go get Lilian, we have another dream to record, then after that we'll gather the group and you can give us the details of the job." Crow's mind thankfully functions very quickly after waking up.
[18:49] <~Torokasi> Lilian's voice can be heard through the door, "Another dream? Damnation, I was hoping you were done with those after that fever. Are you okay, Crow?"
[18:49] <~Torokasi> Janda can be heard after this, "She was up before I was. Oh, prepare your burning fire fan attack! We might need some fire offense, she said."
[18:50] <AutumnCrow> "Come on in," Crow unlocks the door, "and...ahaahahaha, done. No, oh no, we're nowhere near done. Apparently the adventures of Autumn Crow: Dream Princess is going to be a long one." She is smiling as the two enter.
[18:51] <~Torokasi> " Erest Rosen, you need to be shitting me, Crow." Lilian's face has a tortured grin on it. "Really?"
[18:52] <~Torokasi> Janda's eyes are wide as she enters, Lilian following behind her. With a slight sputter, Janda inquires, "Wait, really? Why - how?"
[18:52] <AutumnCrow> "To start things off, I have a name for the 'Deciever' as well as quite a bit of information from him. We spoke directly...and I trust most of what he said," she hands her dream diary to Lilian, as the templar has the best and fastest penmanship of the three, and begins to tell them about the dream.
[18:54] <~Torokasi> Lilian scrawls - well, writes very rapidly, if entirely legibly - as Crow talks about the dream, Janda's mouth agape. "Litas Namaech. I have never heard of such a being." Janda replies as Lilian and Crow finish, Lilian staring at what she wrote.
[18:57] <AutumnCrow> "So I can expect this to be...something that happens regularly. And I may just be able to learn how to...well, do strange dream stuff myself. Somehow." Crow shrugs, "not sure what good it will do me, but it might be fun to learn."
[18:58] <~Torokasi> "...Crow, your bloodline seems incredibly bizarre. Why would the gods scorn practically the entire line? How are they capable of entering a world... a world surrounding dreams? Are we entirely sure this isn't some full-fledged yarn of this Deceiver?" Lilian says after a moment. "What on earth would cause the Seven- no, you said the Six and the Seventh, even more bizarrely - to forsake ... all of you? Did your family commit some crime against them?"
[19:00] <~Torokasi> "Crow's bloodline is a noble one, not some common criminals!" Janda snorts loudly.
[19:00] <AutumnCrow> "It's probably more to do with the bloodline power passed down from Autumn Storm." Crow shakes her head, "the barrier that surrounds the Autumn Temple, the skills we learn, all focus on the power of the human spirit's ability to overcome anything. Such a level of enforced self reliance may well have seperated us from the ability to participate in the divine."
[19:01] <AutumnCrow> "We simply can't rely on such an outside source for our own power, it goes against everything that we are."
[19:01] <~Torokasi> "...Possible." Lilian nods. "Though it doesn't quite explain the exception, to be honest - or the dreams."
[19:02] <AutumnCrow> "Mother may know more...and at this point I will have to talk to her about it. As far as the dreams...well, who the hell knows." Crow shrugs.
[19:04] <~Torokasi> "Right." Lilian shrugs a bit, eyes glancing over to Janda. "You said that this... Litas Namaech? Commented that you were 'strong' in this dream world. I wonder what that entirely means..."
[19:04] <AutumnCrow> "I will ask him what he meant by 'the six and the seventh' next time, though. ...and after this job we should bring the boys into the loop, now that it's something confirmed that it will keep happening."
[19:05] <~Torokasi> "Oh, that's the original six and The Weeping Lady." Janda shakes her head. "No mystery there - She was the last to join the ranks of the Gods, according to the stories. Technically Zuiseno was the first, but..."
[19:08] <~Torokasi> "Yeah." Lilian nods. "It's just a... like, really really old term, as far as I know. Ancient, really."
[19:09] <AutumnCrow> "Well he's probably quite ancient as well," Crow shrugs, "or just has an affectation for odd terms and wordplay. Anyway, I still need to wash and eat...can you two go get the boys ready, then we can get the details of the mission."
[19:10] <~Torokasi> "Sure thing." Lilian nods as the two get up, Janda leaving first. Lilian stops at the door and glances back. "That was all the dream there was?"
[19:11] <AutumnCrow> "This time, yes," Crow nods, "informative at least, if not very long."
[19:12] <~Torokasi> "Got it. Sounds like you'll control how long they are, from here on... that's good, at least." With that, Lilian vanishes, leaving Crow to her own devices, the dream notebook on Crow's desk.
[19:14] * AutumnCrow tucks the dream diary away in her trunk for now, then goes to wash and munch a quick breakfast of whatever is there before heading out to hear about this job.
[19:17] <~Torokasi> Crow gets downstairs just as Lilian leads the other five enter, Redola perched behind her desk and snorting as the men pass. Janda nods as the group circles together. "Okay, so, the requeeeeeeest is from a family friend of mine in the Dream Boulevard, but thankfully we're going to a large storage building she owns in the southern end of town instead. Apparently the Mist somehow got past the seals on the doors and corrupted a bunch of the animals she raises there, so she can't send her workers in. She'd like us to clear it out, get anything loose and non-hostile back to the entrance, and kill anything hostile due to the Mist."
[19:18] <AutumnCrow> "Have they written this up as an official guild request, or is this strictly a side job?"
[19:21] <~Torokasi> "It will be an official guild job - she went to check on it early this morning and learned the state of the warehouse then. We could go check to see if she has it up yet, but she alerted us after remembering I joined the Kerebos Guild to give us first crack." Janda practically beams.
[19:22] <~Torokasi> Lilian shrugs. "If she plans on registering it with the guild, we can probably just wander by Duessa's on the way out and let her know we're taking it once it comes in. Keeps them in the loop and happy as to our state of affairs, and lets us just go do this."
[19:23] <AutumnCrow> "That works. Now...I am a bit concerned, you said I should prepare my Burning Blade technique...I want to make sure I won't get in trouble for using it in the warehouse? And I'm a bit curious why it would be needed if it's just mist tainted animals?"
[19:23] <~Torokasi> Ary sighs. "Right, and what precisely are we... expecting? Did she raise mousing cats? Cute pets for rich nobles? Trained warhounds? Wait, burning blade- what are we getting ourselves into?"
[19:25] <~Torokasi> Janda raises her hands. "I don't know! She said fire might be needed in the message but didn't say more - and you shouldn't if she's authorizing it, and the warehouse is solid stone and warded. And, ah... she raises reptiles. Lizards that can provide light, or hunt mice or other vermin, or that heat or cool rooms, that sort of thing. Guard and utility pets, but nothing like warhounds, I think."
[19:29] <~Torokasi> "... Lizards do dislike heat, but not that much..." Solmyr's eyebrows are furrowed. "I wonder why she specified that?"
[19:29] <AutumnCrow> "...well," Crow sighs, "lets head over to the Redoubt to put a claim on that job and then go see what's going on, hmm?"
[19:30] <~Torokasi> "Got it." Janda nods. "Later, Redola."
[19:31] <~Torokasi> "Whatever." Redola mutters, her nose practically shoved into a book. "Have fun beating up critters for money."
[19:32] <AutumnCrow> "Don't be jealous, it doesn't suit you," Crow quips on her way out.
[19:35] <~Torokasi> Redola barks a laugh as the group leaves to enter Duessa's Redoubt, the sun barely hinting over the buildings as the group moves. The place is practically dead, but Duessa is upstairs, cleaning mugs with a cloth. Quite a lot of mugs with a cloth, in fact. Only two people are on the second floor with her - a duo over in the corner, both furred Talkyr, quietly chatting between each other. As the group approaches, Duessa puts the glass she was working on down. "Good to see you all hale and hearty. Come to check the boards? There's not much right now."
[19:37] <AutumnCrow> "Well I imagine most jobs right now are 'please help clean up the mess' and the like. We did our time on that one yesterday." Crow grins, "But Janda told us a request should be coming through that we'd like to claim priority on..." she leaves the rest to Janda to explain.
[19:38] <~Torokasi> Janda quickly explains the situation to Duessa, who nods as Janda finishes. "Understood. I'll treat it as a private request then and just file it away for the Guild's records, then.
[19:38] <~Torokasi> OOC: Strike
[19:40] <~Torokasi> Janda quickly explains the situation to Duessa, who nods as Janda finishes. "Understood. I'll treat it as a private request then and just file it away for the Guild's records, then." She returns to polishing a glass. "The warehouse... That'd be Madame Kyrio's Curious Creatures, yes? She was working on frost lizards, especially. That might be the reason for the fire request - those could be ugly if they got mist-addled."
[19:43] <~Torokasi> Solmyr snorts. "So basically we're looking at critters that can abuse the cold. Lovely."
[19:44] <AutumnCrow> "Well, that does explain that neatly." Crow nods, "Is everyone ready?"
[19:44] <~Torokasi> "...Yes." Para murmurs, quietly, glancing at the mugs.
[19:45] <~Torokasi> Ary nods along with Solmyr and Janda. "Yeah. Let's get going. What do we want our marching order to be going in?" Ary asks as the group heads out, waving to Duessa as they leave.
[19:47] <AutumnCrow> "Are we meeting the client first, or going straight to the warehouse?"
[19:49] <~Torokasi> "She said she'd meet us there." Janda smiles as the group heads out, Janda leading the way with Ary and Para next to her, Solmyr and Lilian trailing behind.
[19:51] <AutumnCrow> "That works. Once we find out what she can tell us of what to expect in there....if it's well lit inside, our normal order works. If not, Para I'll want you on point at least at first, you're the most likely to be able to see lurking animals and all."
[19:54] <~Torokasi> "Got it." Para nods as the group heads through town...
[19:57] <~Torokasi> A lot of city guards can be seen working in the city as the group passes through, eventually reaching a large building south of the Iron Tower that seems to be made of solid stone, a large, chained steel door in front of them with a curly-furred Talkyr woman pacing back and forth in front of it, her nose twitching constantly. As Janda calls out, the woman quickly spins around, breaking into a smile as the group approaches. "Oh, thank the Seven! I'm glad to see some help from the Kerebos Guild. It's good to see you well, dear."
[19:58] <~Torokasi> Janda's smile is almost infectious as she hugs the woman. "It's a pleasure, Kyrio! You unhurt?"
[20:00] <~Torokasi> Kyrio nods, shuffling her hands through her brown robe. "I am, as are my workers, thankfully. But the inside is a mess. There's two floors, with the stairs upward on the other end. I don't know what all has happened, but the place is coated in ice and some of the bars are corroded away to nothing. There's still some safe cages, but... a lot of damage. I don't have enough confidence in my combat abilities to clean this out myself."
[20:03] <AutumnCrow> "Well, we certainly have no shortage of combat ability in this group. I would like to ask a few questions before we go in, if I may?" Crow speaks up, approaching Kyrio and doing her leader of the team thing.
[20:04] <~Torokasi> "Certainly, of course, ask away." Kyrio glances at Janda, who nods, before focusing on Crow.
[20:06] <AutumnCrow> "Autumn Crow, by the way," Crow offers a hand as she introduces herself, "I'm the leader of the team. Anyway, I'd like to know what kind of creatures you had in there, as well as what kind of numbers we could be expecting. Also how well lit is the inside, and are there any hazzards to be wary of besides for the animals themselves?"
[20:10] <~Torokasi> "A pleasure, Autumn Crow. Numbers? Well, there's hundreds of my little ones, but... well, some have been eaten by now, I confirmed that much before retreating, and others are still in cages I've warded further." Kyrio shakes Crow's hand. "As for animals, it seems the majority of what escaped were from two batches - there were some convenience animals, those that can illuminate or cool places, that got free, and then the general supply looked like the cages had corroded." (More)
[20:11] <~Torokasi> "There are sigils on the wall that can light up cages or sections of the warehouse, but right now only the entryway one is active. Hazards... yes, there were some floors that have been frosted over so they're somewhat slippery. I wouldn't try charging in there, you're likely to miss and careen into a wall." Crow can hear Ary curse behind them as Kyrio smiles wanly. "I'm sorry I can't give more advice, but if anyone gets badly hurt, I've prepared some healing magics today just in case."
[20:14] <AutumnCrow> "Alright. I want light spells active before we go further than the entrance, and Para you're in first." Turning back to Kyrio, Crow smiles apologeically and asks, "And the final matter, since the paper hadn't come in just yet, what is the offered payment for the task?"
[20:19] <~Torokasi> "Ah... I'd offer a lizard for each of you but the adventuring lifestyle is not very friendly to pets, I'm afraid." Kyrio's smile seems somewhat self-deprecating for a moment before, "Let me think... ten gold for each of you... no, make that fifteen, that seems reasonable... and possibly a bonus if the sweep is done quick enough for the morning shift to get four hours in? Does that sound fair?"
[20:19] * AutumnCrow flicks her eyes to Janda and Lilian who know the value of money better than she does. Do they seem content with that?
[20:20] <~Torokasi> Janda nods happily, while Lilian shrugs a bit before inserting, "How soon would that need to be?"
[20:21] <AutumnCrow> "And do keep in mind that your morning shift will likely be nothing but cleaning up. We're good at fighting, but leave a rather large mess behind us when we do it."
[20:23] <~Torokasi> Kyrio looks over to Lilian in curiosity, "About... I'd say an hour and a half or so. Seventh bell, more or less. There's a bit of leeway since I can move feeding time back if needed, but not too much further." She then turns back to Crow, "Oh, of course. It's more that I anticipate cleanup from this entire disaster to take about that long for everyone I'm pulling in, and then feeding the survivors and reorganizing cages will take most the rest of the day, I'm afraid."
[20:26] <AutumnCrow> "Only two shouldn't take us that long. Once the fighting starts...I think most of the mistmad creatures will come running to the fight rather than make us hunt them down one by one." Crow nods, "alright then, lets get started. Para, you're on point, Ary and I behind. no need for a rearguard since our back will be to the door at first. Once we have our bearings inside and lights
[20:26] <AutumnCrow> going, I'll take point."
[20:26] <~Torokasi> "Right." Janda nods alongside the rest of the group, before she turns to Kyrio. "Do take care, alright?"
[20:28] <~Torokasi> Kyrio nods. "I'll be just inside the door. Please be careful - I don't know how bad this all has gotten in there. If you find any that are relatively docile, ah... if you yell 'Food!' and point at the way you came they should come running in my direction."
[20:28] <AutumnCrow> "I'll leave that to you, Janda." Crow deadpans.
[20:30] <~Torokasi> "Okay!"  Janda nods happily, missing the deadpan. Kyrio moves to the door and pulls out a large key, shakily opening the lock and pushing the door open before stepping back. (More)
[20:34] <~Torokasi> The inside is... musty. Very, very, musty, the smell washing over the group in a wave. The entryway is a crowded mess, cages stacked against the walls of the thirty-by-thirty room, some small, some quite large, with a light source seemingly hanging in the air and revealing ... a trail of blood, crossing the room and going between a large door on the left and a smaller one on the right.
[20:35] <~Torokasi> Kyrio pipes up from behind the group, "To the left are the vermin catchers' normal cage area; they're relatively large. Baby critters are housed in the room on the right, alongside their eggs."
[20:37] <AutumnCrow> "Let's secure the left room first, better to deal with any larger hostile ones immediately." Crow suggests, giving Para a moment to peruse this room for anything hiding and the casters time to prepare light spells before moving to take point.
[20:38] <~Torokasi> Para looks into the room... OOC: Roll Notice for him, if you would.
[20:39] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+13 thanks to Elfsight, and he has Low Light Vision now
[20:39] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=13]
[20:40] <~Torokasi> After a moment, he murmurs, "Three of them look like they're out. Watching us. The light sigil's just inside the door, about five feet. I think I can trigger it safely. Just touch, right?"
[20:41] <~Torokasi> Kyrio nods. "Yes, just touch it to trigger it." Her voice carries relatively well from the safety of the entrance.
[20:42] <AutumnCrow> " do that, then dash back here fast in case they chase you, Ary, you and I are ready to intercept if things come out. Also...ah, if anything hostile gets past us and attacks you here at the door, just yell?" Crow looks at Kyrio for that, "I'm the most mobile so I'll dash back here to help."
[20:43] <~Torokasi> "Understood." Kyrio nods. "I'm used to some aggression, I can survive alright. I've got all my wards up."
[20:44] <AutumnCrow> OOC: alright, looks like we're ready, Para can go hit the lights
[20:46] <~Torokasi> Para nods silently before stepping into the dark room...! The light seems to flicker on like a candle illuminating the entire room. Crow can see from here the large cage on the other end of the room, a massive hole in one corner of it, and the three... lizards seems an understatement. They seem nearly as big as Crow is, standing on two legs almost like birds, feathered and taloned but with patches of bloody skin showing underneath and blood staining their bright green plumage. (More)
[20:49] <~Torokasi> One drops a bone from its mouth which clatters to the ground as all three watch Para, Crow and Ary intently. Looking down, Crow can see the body of what looks like a more typical lizard, mangled horribly. The cage behind them seems empty on a second glance, and is... actually rather large, surprisingly so - practically decorated with grass and foilage and what look like large, flat rocks.
[20:49] <~Torokasi> "Uh..." Para murmurs, slowly walking back to Crow. The lizards don't react to this, simply watching the trio.
[20:50] <AutumnCrow> "I take it these are the mist mad ones?" Crow snaps her fans out with an audible click.
[20:54] <~Torokasi> Crow hears Janda from behind her, "Uh... F-Food?" At hearing this, the feathered lizards screech, quite loudly, before Kyrio calls, "Oh! They sound healthy! Dearies! Food!" At the same time, the lizards seem to bound toward Crow and the group... before bounding past safely, toward Kyrio's voice, Janda exhaling loudly.
[20:55] <AutumnCrow> "Or that." Crow shrugs. "Well, lets go secure the room fully then." She leads teh way into the room those lizards were in.
[20:56] <~Torokasi> The rest of the room seems empty at a first glance... before Para points at the seemingly empty cage. "There's a really small one in there. Can't make it out well."
[20:57] * AutumnCrow taps at the edge of the cage with her fan to see if it reacts.
[20:58] <~Torokasi> Crow can see something stir in the grasses... before a cone of something foul and green suddenly emerges, spraying out at Crow! OOC: Fort save.
[20:58] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 my worst save
[20:59] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=7]
[21:00] <~Torokasi> Crow shields her eyes just in time to block the poisonous spray, lowering her arm to see some small creature - a small, scaled, almost rodentlike critter - dash toward the hole in the cage!
[21:02] * AutumnCrow snaps out a kick towards it's head to knock it out, she'll check to see if it's mist mad or not after.
[21:03] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 simple unarmed strike
[21:03] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=9]
[21:03] <~Torokasi> OOC: Hit.
[21:03] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d6+6 damage in Autumn Stance
[21:03] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 10 > [d6=4]
[21:06] <~Torokasi> The critter reels from Crow's kick before tottering over, feebly attempting to wander away before Solmyr reaches in and grabs it by the tail. "Okay..." Solmyr checks the eyes, before, "I think this one's just skittish, not mist-mad. Maybe this is where the healthier big dudes congregated to, and this was just using them as protection?"
[21:08] <AutumnCrow> "It will be seeing double for awile, but it should recover." Crow replies dryly. "Drop it off on the way out, then we'll check the next room. Para, that's all you found in here?"
[21:10] <~Torokasi> "Yeah. There's no more." Para nods as the group steps out to Kyrio, who seems to be rubbing the stomach of one of the feathered lizards.
[21:11] <AutumnCrow> "We found something that spits poison. I smacked it, but we don't think it's mist mad, just quick to spit." Crow nods as Solmyr drops off the pest.
[21:14] <~Torokasi> As the group approaches, she looks up. "Well, this is all the adult raptors, and that's... one of my baby spitters, oh dear. I wonder... well, no matter. The other door should lead to the rest of the place. I wonder why the juvenile raptors aren't with these three? They normally mother them quite well..."
[21:15] <AutumnCrow> "We did see bones in there, something has been eaten by those three," she gestures to the feathered lizards.
[21:18] <~Torokasi> "Hm? You three, sit." Kyrio gestures to the raptors before quickly jogging into the other room. After a moment, she emerges. "One of the illuminator lizard skeletons. They must be preying on the others... curious. The other room is where I started noticing icy floors, for reference, so the frost lizards are likely in there."


[16:17] <@Torokasi> Solmyr shakes his head. "Can we, ah, get a more detailed overview of what the layout is here? I feel like we're walking in blind, ma'am."
[16:22] <@Torokasi> Kyrio nods slightly. "Hm, yes, my apologies. I don't know what all damage has been done, but... let's see. This is the center room on the first floor, on the north.  The room you just checked out, to the east, is the showroom for the adult miniature hunter-raptors and the spitters, while the room to the west, with the frost I noticed, is where we showcase the lizards that have heating, cooling, or lighting properties. South of that room is the medical supplies room where I treat ill pets or lizards we're raising here, and south of that is a storage room." (More)
[16:26] <@Torokasi> "East of both the medical room and the storage room is our main cages for the juvenile lizards. They're raised together in one large cage that spreads out over both floors and through the majority of that room to help them get used to each other and to give them room to exercise and relax. The stairs are in that room, on the south end; there's walkways inside the cage and a stairway inside the cage, but it's awkward to use either so I'd be careful, please. There's a five-foot wide walkway that leads to the room above us, which is the incubation room since the spitters tend to try and eat eggs if they're available. That should be it."
[16:29] <AutumnCrow> "Well, lets just sweep through one room at a time. The room where the frost lizards are next?" Crow suggests.
[16:31] <@Torokasi> "I hope so. The presence of frost indicates that much, at least." Kyrio wrings her hands. "If that frost extends further... well, there may be issues."
[16:31] <@Torokasi> Ary nods. "Right. We'll probably need to take it slow in this room, then."
[16:33] <AutumnCrow> "Leave the rough terrain to me, I won't fall." Crow nods, then gestures to Para to do his thing to activate the lights.
[16:35] <@Torokasi> Para readies his bow, looking into the next room and frowning. "...two sources of light on west wall and on south wall. I think the light trigger is on the west wall... don't think there are obstacles in either direction. Plan?"
[16:37] <AutumnCrow> "Hit the light trigger and bail back fast, Ary and I will block if anything comes out chasing you."
[16:39] <@Torokasi> "..." Para seems to eye the switch. "Don't think that's possible. Lizard right on it. But no chance I miss with an arrow. Kyrio, what kind of lizard is on it?"
[16:40] <@Torokasi> Kyrio peers in again. "It's a light lizard..."
[16:40] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+14 K:N
[16:40] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=15]
[16:43] <@Torokasi> "...fuck." Kyrio mutters, causing Janda to jerk her head and look over. "It doesn't look good, I think it's been Mist-addled. All four of them in here. They're sparking a bit, and the two on the south wall look like they're shedding more cold than normal and glowing brighter than normal. Kill them, we've got a batch of eggs elsewhere we're going to have to speed up on anyway. It's unfortunate, but."
[16:44] <@Torokasi> Para nods, notching an arrow and aiming at the lizard. "I kill it, you run in and hit the light, Crow?" His stance in the doorway is just enough to allow Crow to get ready alongside him, though the other four would have to prepare just outside.
[16:46] <AutumnCrow> "Fine." Crow readies herself to slide in as soon as Para shoots.
[16:48] <@Torokasi> Para nods. "Alright..." OOC: We're running this as Crow and Para getting an effective surprise round, since the lizards wouldn't be aggressive just yet, then everyone rolling init. I take it you'll run Para and Ary?
[16:49] <AutumnCrow> OOC: sure
[16:51] <@Torokasi> Para draws back the arrow, watching the lizard closesly, before firing...!
[16:52] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 single shot
[16:52] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=8]
[16:53] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+2 damage if that hits
[16:53] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d8=5]
[16:54] <@Torokasi> The lizard hisses, the arrow glowing in its light as it scurries off the light trigger, leaving Crow a chance to run over to it...! OOC: You can tag it as part of your move action, and the two lizards near the switch are within 5ft if you want to move and attack.
[16:57] * AutumnCrow dashes in using the distration of the arrow to get in close and tag the light trigger! As she moves, she keeps a swaying almost random seeming motion in her steps to confound attacks. (OOC: move, total defense, popping the light switch. AC more important than attacking while I'm in alone)
[17:00] <@Torokasi> The light flips on easily, revealing... a room with the cages lining the north wall, all cracked or warped open, with two lizards right next to Crow, both sparking as if charged with electricity, while the two to the south seem to be glowing and projecting an aura of cold around them! The floor is glazed with ice as her team in the door readies themselves... OOC: Init.
[17:01] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2 Lilian
[17:01] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=14]
[17:01] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4+3 crow init(assuming Jandaaura is a thing)
[17:01] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=13]
[17:01] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7 add 3 to all inits, retroactively for Lilian, because Janda yes
[17:01] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=2]
[17:01] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7+3 ary init
[17:01] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=14]
[17:02] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3+3 Solmyr
[17:02] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4+3 para init
[17:02] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=15]
[17:02] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=14]
[17:02] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 shocker lizard 1
[17:02] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=5]
[17:02] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 shocker lizard 2
[17:02] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=14]
[17:03] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 frost lizard 1
[17:03] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=16]
[17:03] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 frost lizard 2
[17:03] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=8]
[17:03] * Retrieving #mistgame modes...
[17:06] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary > Para > F. Lizard 1 > Crow > S. Lizard 2 > Solmyr > Lilian > F. Lizard 2 > S. Lizard 1 (6/13) > Janda | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC'
[17:08] <@Torokasi> OOC: Ary's up. To move and take an action requires a DC 10 Balance check, he's got an effective +2 balance total (+6 Balance, -4 ACP). He can reach any lizard if he makes the check.
[17:08] <AutumnCrow> OOC: +3 from Janda. Motivate Dex
[17:09] <AutumnCrow> Ary carefully moves towards the closest lizard, not wanting to risk charging over ice, and slashes at it! (OOC: Move, 2H PA if he makes the balance)
[17:09] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 balance
[17:09] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=9]
[17:10] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 slashydoom (3 into PA)
[17:10] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=19]
[17:10] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 crit confirm
[17:10] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d20=1]
[17:10] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d10+10+1d6 well that's not confirming
[17:10] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 20 > [d10=6][d6=4]
[17:11] <@Torokasi> The closest lizard, one of the frost lizards on the south wall, splits in half with ease, its eyes glowing a sullen dark blue as its blood practically bursts out! OOC: Para.
[17:12] <AutumnCrow> Para does not enter the room, choosing to volley arrows towards the lizard he already hit to bring it down before it can do anything nasty. (OOC: Rapid Shot on the one he alreay plinked)
[17:12] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 arrow 1
[17:12] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=9]
[17:12] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 arrow 2
[17:12] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=16]
[17:13] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+2 shot 1 if that hits
[17:13] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 3 > [d8=1]
[17:13] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+2 shot 2
[17:13] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 6 > [d8=4]
[17:13] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary > Para > Crow > S. Lizard 2 > Solmyr > Lilian > F. Lizard 2 > Janda | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC/ Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor'
[17:15] <@Torokasi> The injured lizard, attempting to scuttle away from Crow, is pinned easily and slain by Para's arrows! OOC: Crow. Shocker Lizard 5ft away, Frost Lizard about 15ft away on the south wall.
[17:17] * AutumnCrow snaps both fans out and spins low using the ice to gacefully aid her sliding motions as she cuts at the lizard with one fan after the other! (OOC: 5ft step, I can do that on difficult terrain due to Step of the Wind stance. Full attack, no maneuvers this time)
[17:17] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 slash left
[17:18] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=4]
[17:18] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 slash right
[17:18] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=20]
[17:18] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 confirm right slash
[17:18] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=8]
[17:19] <AutumnCrow> OOC: need to know if the 14 confirms
[17:20] <@Torokasi> OOC: It's right on the AC, so it hits
[17:21] <AutumnCrow> roll 2d4+12 of course I crit when I can't use Blood in the Water
[17:21] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 19 > [d4=4,3]
[17:22] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary > Para > Crow > Solmyr > Lilian > F. Lizard 2 > Janda | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC/ Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor'
[17:22] <@Torokasi> The lizard seems to try and tense for something, but the fans cut too quickly and too deep, splitting its body into pieces and scattering them! OOC: Solmyr.
[17:25] <@Torokasi> Solmyr simply raises his hand, gesturing to the final lizard in the room as two arcs of force materialize and sink into the frost lizard!
[17:25] <@Torokasi> roll 2d4+5 (+3 from warmage edge)
[17:25] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 8 > [d4=1,2]
[17:25] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary > Para > Crow > Solmyr > Lilian > F. Lizard 2 (5/13) > Janda | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC/ Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor'
[17:27] <@Torokasi> Lilian grimaces, before trying to move in to engage the injured remaining lizard, across the ice!
[17:27] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+0 balance check, Lilian does not approve
[17:27] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=15]
[17:28] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7 swing and a...
[17:28] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=12]
[17:28] <@Torokasi> roll 1d10+2 hit!
[17:28] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 4 > [d10=2]
[17:28] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary > Para > Crow > Solmyr > Lilian > F. Lizard 2 (1/13) > Janda | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC/ Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor'
[17:30] <@Torokasi> Lilian's balance isn't as good as Ary's or Crow's, and so her blow doesn't quite finish the injured lizard, but its gaping wounds ooze blood, bleeding badly. Regardless, it scurries a bit up the wall, out of reach of Ary and Lilian, before the air in the room suddenly drops in temperature as a wave of ice seems to flash through it! OOC: Fort saves for Ary, Para, and Crow.
[17:31] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 ary fort
[17:31] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=9]
[17:31] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 crow fort
[17:31] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=14]
[17:33] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 Lil fort
[17:33] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=6]
[17:33] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8 Crow and Ary take half as nonlethal, Lil takes full as nonlethal
[17:33] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 7 > [d8=7]
[17:36] <@Torokasi> Janda has her hand on the harp, but doesn't begin playing, carefully watching from behind Para and next to Solmyr! Ary curses as he shivers in his armor, looking up. "I can't reach it from here! Para, finish it off!"
[17:37] <AutumnCrow> Para takes careful aim and lobs off an arrow at the wall climbing bastard. (OOC: single shot for accuracy)
[17:38] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 plink
[17:38] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=8]
[17:38] <@Torokasi> OOC: Hit
[17:38] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+2 formality as it has 1hp left
[17:38] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 5 > [d8=3]
[17:39] <@Torokasi> The lizard bursts open, seeming to explode, its blood practically freezing as another wave of cold surges out with its death! OOC: Another fort check for Lilian, Ary and Crow
[17:39] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 Lilian fort
[17:40] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=5]
[17:40] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 ary fort
[17:41] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=16]
[17:41] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 crow fort
[17:41] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=2]
[17:41] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8 Crow and Lilian take full nonlethal, Ary immunes since the death counter can be fully resisted
[17:41] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 7 > [d8=7]
[17:42] <@Torokasi> With that, the lizard drops to the floor, practically shattering as it does so! OOC: Free act.
[17:42] <@Torokasi> Solmyr grimaces. "Oh, lord. These things explode. Why did you make exploding pets, Kyrio?"
[17:43] <@Torokasi> Kyrio winces. "I didn't! This is... utterly new, they shouldn't even be able to project this aggressively!"
[17:43] * AutumnCrow shivers as the ice washes over her. "Ugh...that is cold. Very cold." With that, she quickly retreats outside of the room folding her fans back up and letting Para do his sweep to find anything hiding.
[17:44] <@Torokasi> Lilian looks over at Crow and sighs, rubbing her skin to warm it up with a soft glow as she joins Crow outside the room as Para looks around carefully
[17:44] <@Torokasi> roll 1d6+2 healing touch
[17:44] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 3 > [d6=1]
[17:44] <@Torokasi> roll 1d6+2 healing touch use 2
[17:44] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 4 > [d6=2]
[17:44] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (48 HP, 3 NL) > Para > Crow (34 HP, 10 NL)  > Solmyr > Lilian (22 HP, 7 NL) > Janda | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC/ Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor'
[17:45] <@Torokasi> After that, she puts a hand on Crow's shoulder. "Lemme get some of that off. Best you enter as unscathed as possible, while we avoid emptying Solmyr or Janda's reserves of healing."
[17:45] <@Torokasi> roll 1d6+2 healing touch use 3
[17:45] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 6 > [d6=4]
[17:46] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (48 HP, 3 NL) > Para > Crow (34 HP, 4 NL)  > Solmyr > Lilian (22 HP, 7 NL) > Janda | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC/ Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor'
[17:46] <AutumnCrow> "Ah...thanks, that helps." Crow smiles at Lilian, then looks back into the room, "See anything else in there?"
[17:47] <@Torokasi> "That better? Good." Lilian asks as the healing sinks in Ary standing near the south door as Para and Solmyr both glance around the room.
[17:48] <@Torokasi> Para shakes his head mutely to Crow's question before looking into the next room. OOC: Spot check for Para, +2 from Elfsight
[17:49] <@Torokasi> Solmyr glances over the room, the cages at the northern wall warped by cold and practically eroded away to nothing in some spots, as if left to rust for days. "This is concerning. Kyrio, I hope you've got someone that can repair all this damage. 12 cages... so 12 adult lizards are normally in here?
[17:49] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+13
[17:49] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=5]

[17:54] <@Torokasi> Para's eyes seem intent on the other room, as he cranes his head in the doorway. "Three frost lizards next to but not on the light switch in here, south wall. There's also something on the east wall... not glowing, though. Don't see anything else. There's a vet table in the middle of the room, facing us. Some dead bodies, I think, as well. Look like the other lizards, but the coloring's different. Floor's frosted over." This earns a muffled curse from Kyrio. "Should we do same tactic in this room, Crow?"
[18:00] <AutumnCrow> "It's a good tactic." Crow shrugs, getting herself set up at the door, "the light switch is..." she tries to peer through, "there? Alright, fire when ready and I'll go on your mark."
[18:02] <@Torokasi> Para nods and raises his arrow, aiming at one of the frost lizards grouped near the switch... "They don't seem to explode if we kill fast. That may help. If you go straight for the switch from there, you should just pass right by the vet table, so you shouldn't run into it." With that, he fires away at one of the frost lizards!
[18:03] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 singleshot
[18:03] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=13]
[18:03] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+2 plink
[18:03] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 10 > [d8=8]
[18:04] * AutumnCrow once again lunges into the room relying on her swaying wind steps to keep her balance on the slippery ice, focuing on turning the light on before anything else.
[18:07] <@Torokasi> The lizard screeches as the arrow sinks in, Crow hitting the light! The three lizards near the light hiss as Crow enters, but louder than them is... one of the spitter lizards, which was crouching right next to the table, eyes healthy but obviously scared, and a strange, black-scaled, horned lizard against the east wall, seemingly chittering as it stares at Crow with fogged red eyes! OOC: Crow can take a standard action to strike or defend, if she wants. The three frost lizards are within 5ft, the spitter within 10ft.
[18:08] <AutumnCrow> OOC: doesn't take my standard to hit the light? Nromally manipulating an object i sa standard.
[18:10] <@Torokasi> OOC: It's counting as part of the move action like last time, because it just reacts to brushing against it. It's a very simplistic/easy to use trigger.
[18:10] * AutumnCrow snaps out with a fan at one of the frost lizards, preferably the injured one if close enough, the moment the lights are on enough to see!
[18:10] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 single slash
[18:10] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=14]
[18:10] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+6 slashy
[18:10] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 9 > [d4=3]
[18:13] <@Torokasi> The injured lizard is split open by the slash, splitting in half and falling to the ground in a bloody mess! Para can be heard from the door, "What the hell is that black lizard..." OOC: Init. Janda aura applies as usual.
[18:13] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2+3 Lilian
[18:13] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=1]
[18:13] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2+3 Lilian reroll
[18:13] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=1]
[18:14] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3+3 Solmyr
[18:14] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=3]
[18:14] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4+3 Janda
[18:14] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 8 > [d20=1]
[18:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 Frost 1
[18:15] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=14]
[18:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 frost 2
[18:15] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=16]
[18:15] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4+3 crow init
[18:15] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=8]
[18:15] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7+3 ary init
[18:15] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=8]
[18:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 Spitter
[18:15] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=9]
[18:15] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4+3 para init
[18:15] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=12]
[18:16] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 black lizard
[18:16] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=15]
[18:18] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: F. Lizard 2 > F. Lizard 1 > Para > B. Lizard > Ary (48 HP, 3 NL) > Crow (34 HP, 4 NL) > Spitter > Solmyr > Janda > Lilian (22 HP, 7 NL) | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Spitter: 10 HP, 16 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor'
[18:19] <@Torokasi> The frost lizards turn to Crow, both reaching out to try and bite her, cold air curling from their mouths!
[18:20] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 F. Lizard 2
[18:20] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=18]
[18:20] <@Torokasi> roll 1d4+1+1d4 cold
[18:20] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 7 > [d4=2,4]
[18:21] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 F. Lizard 1
[18:21] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 4 > [d20=1]
[18:23] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: F. Lizard 2 > F. Lizard 1 > Para > B. Lizard > Ary (48 HP, 3 NL) > Crow (27/34 HP, 4 NL) > Spitter > Solmyr > Janda > Lilian (22 HP, 7 NL) | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Spitter: 10 HP, 16 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor'
[18:23] <@Torokasi> One manages to bite Crow's shoulder, freezing where it digs in painfully, while the other one... falls off the wall trying to reach Crow's arm, landing on its back almost comedically. OOC: Para
[18:23] <@Torokasi> OOC: Para can't see the spitter, but anything else is easily in range.
[18:24] <AutumnCrow> Para sees a large black menazing looking lizard. He doesn't know WHAT the hell that thing does, so he decides to shoot it before he can find out the hard way. (OOC: rapid shot on black lizard)
[18:25] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 shot one
[18:25] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=10]
[18:25] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 shot 2
[18:25] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=6]
[18:25] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+2 one hit
[18:25] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 10 > [d8=8]
[18:26] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: F. Lizard 2 > F. Lizard 1 > Para > B. Lizard (6/16) > Ary (48 HP, 3 NL) > Crow (27/34 HP, 4 NL) > Spitter > Solmyr > Janda > Lilian (22 HP, 7 NL) | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Spitter: 10 HP, 16 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor'
[18:27] <@Torokasi> The lizard hisses loudly as the arrow digs into its flesh, before it... seems to acquire an almost human voice, rasping darkly at Para as a flow of miasma rushes toward him!
[18:28] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 ranged touch
[18:28] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 8 > [d20=3]
[18:28] <@Torokasi> But the miasma slams into the wall next to Para, dissipating harmlessly! Ary, next to Para, mutters, "...what in Sath's blood?"
[18:28] <@Torokasi> OOC: Ary
[18:31] <AutumnCrow> Ary moves in to finish that nasty little bastard off! (OOC: balance check to move again, anc can he reach the black lizard in a single move(25ft for him)?)
[18:31] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 bird knight on ice, the next disney musical
[18:31] <@Torokasi> OOC: Yes to both, as Janda's other aura is +move.
[18:31] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=12]
[18:32] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 slashy slashy 2 into PA
[18:32] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=4]
[18:33] <@Torokasi> The blade chinks off the lizard's scales, causing Ary to gape slightly. "Really? This thing's got tougher scales than I expected..." OOC: Crow. One frost lizard is prone, both are adjacent to Crow, the spitter still 10ft away.
[18:35] <AutumnCrow> Quickly hop-stepping into the air, Crow decends in a spiral with fire flashing off of both fans veering right for the two cold lizards, "Ashen Dance!" (OOC: Burning Blade, full attack, swap stance to Summer Step of the Wind for the +1 to hit)
[18:36] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 vs lizard 1
[18:36] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=16]
[18:36] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 vs prone lizard
[18:36] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=16]
[18:36] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 slashing lizard 1
[18:36] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 8 > [d4=4]
[18:36] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d6+4 fire lizard 1
[18:36] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 9 > [d6=5]
[18:36] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 slashing lizard 2
[18:36] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 8 > [d4=4]
[18:36] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d6+4 fire lizard 2
[18:36] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 10 > [d6=6]
[18:37] <@Torokasi> OOC: They're vulnerable to fire, so that's 1.5 fire damage, so... splat.
[18:38] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Para > B. Lizard (6/16) > Ary (48 HP, 3 NL) > Crow (27/34 HP, 4 NL) > Spitter > Solmyr > Janda > Lilian (22 HP, 7 NL) | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Spitter: 10 HP, 16 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor'
[18:40] <@Torokasi> The lizards are dissected by the burning fans, Crow's body ready for the waves of cold... that fail to come, the fire seeming to dissipate from her fans as the blast of air from their bodies feels more like a spring breeze than anything else! The spitter trembles, before spitting a cone of poison straight for Crow! OOC: Fort save.
[18:41] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 fort
[18:41] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=13]
[18:42] <@Torokasi> Crow's eyes survive the cone with ease as the spitter hisses and flees into the southwest corner! Solmyr, for his part, raises his hands slightly as another set of energy arrows lash out at the cursebearer lizard!
[18:42] <@Torokasi> roll 2d4+5 magic missile plot
[18:43] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 10 > [d4=4,1]
[18:43] <@Torokasi> The lizard shudders as the missiles sink in, its voice rasping horribly as it dies...! OOC: Ary, Para, Solmyr, Crow make a Will save.
[18:44] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7 Solmyr
[18:44] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=4]
[18:44] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 crow will
[18:44] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=12]
[18:44] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 ary will
[18:44] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=12]
[18:44] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 para will
[18:44] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=7]
[18:45] <@Torokasi> roll 2d4 cussing is bad for Solmyr and Para's heart, I guess
[18:46] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 5 > [d4=1,4]
[18:47] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Para (32/37) > Ary (48 HP, 3 NL) > Crow (27/34 HP, 4 NL) > Spitter > Solmyr (28/33) > Janda > Lilian (22 HP, 7 NL) | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Spitter: 10 HP, 16 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor'
[18:51] <@Torokasi> The wave of negative energy washes over Ary and Crow, but Solmyr and Para both recoil from the negative energy! Janda holds at the door, Lilian chanting a spell as the spitter raptor's eyes begin to droop...
[18:54] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 vs. Sleep, DC 14
[18:54] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 5 > [d20=2]
[18:57] <@Torokasi> The spitter totters a moment, before curling up against the wall and falling to the ground. Janda calls out to Crow, "Did its eyes look healthy? Do we need to kill it to be safe, or...?" OOC: Free act. Crow can effortlessly coup de grace/nonlethal coup de grace to knock it out since it's helpless.
[18:59] <AutumnCrow> "'s eyes looked fine to me. Lets get it back to Kyrio...but keep a firm hand on it if it acts up." Crow gestures for Ary to take the spitter.
[19:04] <@Torokasi> Ary nods and grabs the critter just as Janda calls, "Put a firm hand around its mouth!" As it wakes up, Ary quickly if rather ungracefully moves his grip so one hand muzzles its jaw, before lifting it and carrying it back toward the entrance. Para peers into the eastern and southern exits... OOC: Two spot checks
[19:04] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+13 east spot
[19:04] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=3]
[19:05] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+13 para will you stop fucking up the spot checks pelase
[19:05] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=8]
[19:11] <@Torokasi> Para shakes his head mutely at the east room. "Too big, and the lights too faint. Can't tell too well in here." At the south door, he glances in, steps into the door glancing up, then quickly pulls back. "There's two electric ones and a black one above, the electric ones on the ceiling but the black one right above the doorway. It didn't see me, I think." he hisses after stepping back. "Light switch is right inside the door, and there's some lizards behind a bunch of boxes in the southwest corner, but I can only see their glow. I can sneak in and hit the light on your mark, you can hit the black one with your scarf and maybe try to drag it to the ground for Ary?"
[19:18] <AutumnCrow> "Well, I can hit it at least." Crow shrugs, "whether or not I can get it off the wall depends on how good it is at sticking to the stone."
[19:23] <@Torokasi> "Alright." Ary nods. "Worth a shot, then... I can try to maneuver to the corner to get in to hit the ones back there, clearing the way for the mages to hit the stuff on the ceiling?"
[19:34] <AutumnCrow> "You do that. I'll handle the one above the door...Para, help shoot the ones on the cieling first. Alright, let's go."
[19:37] <AutumnCrow> Para takes aim and shoots a cieling lizard!
[19:37] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 plink
[19:37] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=12]
[19:37] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+2 plunk
[19:37] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 10 > [d8=8]
[19:38] <@Torokasi> Crow and company hear the lizards hiss as one screeches in pain, the light flickering on as Para brushes past it! OOC: Init, the initiating
[19:38] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2+3 Lilian
[19:38] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=4]
[19:38] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3+3 Solmyr
[19:38] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=19]
[19:38] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4+3 crow init
[19:38] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=15]
[19:38] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4+3 Janda
[19:38] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=18]
[19:38] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4+3 para init
[19:38] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=16]
[19:39] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7+3 ary init
[19:39] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=10]
[19:39] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2+3 Lilian wants a retry
[19:39] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=6]
[19:40] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 black lizard
[19:40] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=16]
[19:40] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 shocker 1
[19:40] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=6]
[19:40] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 shocker 2
[19:40] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=13]
[19:40] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 ??? 1
[19:40] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=3]
[19:40] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 ??? 2
[19:40] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=19]
[19:41] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+0 ??? 3
[19:41] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 1 > [d20=1]

[19:44] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Janda > Solmyr (28/33) > ??? 2 > Para (32/37) > Crow (27/34 HP, 4 NL) > Ary (48 HP, 3 NL) > B. Lizard > S. Lizard 2 (3/13) > S. Lizard 1 > Lilian (22 HP, 7 NL) > ??? 1 > ??? 3 | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Spitter: 10 HP, 16 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[19:46] <@Torokasi> Janda holds next to the door as Solmyr steps in and to the side, hand lashing out at the first shocker lizard he sees as two energy bolts lash out!
[19:46] <@Torokasi> roll 1d2
[19:46] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 2 > [d2=2]
[19:47] <@Torokasi> roll 2d4+5 it ded
[19:47] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 9 > [d4=1,3]
[19:47] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Janda > Solmyr (28/33) > ??? 2 > Para (32/37) > Crow (27/34 HP, 4 NL) > Ary (48 HP, 3 NL) > B. Lizard > S. Lizard 1 > Lilian (22 HP, 7 NL) > ??? 1 > ??? 3 | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Spitter: 10 HP, 16 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[19:49] <@Torokasi> The lizard drops to the ground, splattering as something shifts behind the boxes... OOC: Para. The black lizard is ~10ft away, above the doorframe, and the shocker lizard is 40ft away. There's also the stuff behind the crates.
[19:50] <AutumnCrow> Para focuses on the shocker lizard, trusting Crow to handle what's above the door. (OOC Rapid Shit)
[19:50] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 plink 1
[19:50] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=20]
[19:50] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 plink 2
[19:50] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=20]
[19:50] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 confirm crit plink 1
[19:50] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=8]
[19:50] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 confirm crit plink 2
[19:50] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=5]
[19:50] <@Torokasi> OOC: One crit one hit
[19:50] <AutumnCrow> roll 3d8+6 crit shot
[19:50] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 27 > [d8=8,7,6]
[19:50] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+2 plunk
[19:50] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 4 > [d8=2]
[19:51] <@Torokasi> The first arrow slams straight into the body of the wretched shocker lizard, pinning the thing straight into the wall! The second one simply pierces the skull, keeping it pinned up there as the blood drips down. Para looks up with something resembling concern. "Uh. Oops."
[19:51] <@Torokasi> OOC: Crow.
[19:52] * AutumnCrow snaps into the room and whirls her scarf at the lizard above the doorway!
[19:52] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 back to Autumn stance for the scarf
[19:52] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=5]
[19:54] <@Torokasi> The scarf hits the black-scaled lizard, but doesn't seem to soak through its hard scales! Ary moves past Crow and around to angle at the corner... as a bolt of lightning burst out from the corner straight at him!
[19:54] <@Torokasi> roll 2d8 Ary, make a Ref save please
[19:54] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 10 > [d8=8,2]
[19:55] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+2 lol ary ref
[19:55] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=4]
[19:56] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Janda > Solmyr (28/33) > ??? 2 > Para (32/37) > Crow (27/34 HP, 4 NL) > Ary (38/48 HP, 3 NL) > B. Lizard > S. Lizard 1 > Lilian (22 HP, 7 NL) > ??? 1 > ??? 3 | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Spitter: 10 HP, 16 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[19:57] <@Torokasi> The bolt slams into Ary's armor, causing him to stumble back, steam rising from the inside of the armor! "Shit! We've got a big one and two little ones over in the corner here, you guys!" The black lizard eyes Crow balefully, before a wave of miasma flies out at her from its surprisingly toothless mouth!
[19:57] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 miasma tries to hit touch AC
[19:57] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=1]
[19:59] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Janda > Solmyr (28/33) > ??? 2 > Para (32/37) > Crow (27/34 HP, 4 NL) > Ary (38/48 HP, 3 NL) > B. Lizard > Lilian (22 HP, 7 NL) > ??? 1 > ??? 3 | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Spitter: 10 HP, 16 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[19:59] <@Torokasi> But Crow's scarf knocks the miasma aside effortlessly!
[20:01] <@Torokasi> Lilian scowls and moves in next to Ary, her hand raised and voice harsh as a burst of sparkling light envelops the corner!
[20:02] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 Wil vs. Glitterdust small lizard 1
[20:02] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=15]
[20:02] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 Wil vs Glitterdust small lizard 2
[20:02] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=20]
[20:02] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 Wil vs Glitterdust big lizard
[20:02] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=3]
[20:04] <@Torokasi> Crow can hear a deep roar from the corner as Lilian snorts. "At least the nasty looking one got blinded! I... think that'll help?" As she speaks, however, a blast of bitter cold slams into her!
[20:04] <@Torokasi> roll 2d8 Lilian will need to make fort
[20:04] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 6 > [d8=5,1]
[20:05] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6
[20:05] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 7 > [d20=1]
[20:05] <@Torokasi> The cold wave blasts her full force, causing her teeth to audibly chatter as she shrinks away from the wave of cold!
[20:06] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Janda > Solmyr (28/33) > S. Lizard > Para (32/37) > Crow (27/34 HP, 4 NL) > Ary (38/48 HP, 3 NL) > B. Lizard > Lilian (16/22 HP, 7 NL) > F. Lizard > ??? 3 | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Spitter: 10 HP, 16 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[20:08] <@Torokasi> The roaring continues, before a spray of cold air lashes out into the air in front of Lilian and Ary, fortunately not reaching either of them! Ary winces. "Damn, is this like a baby dragon or something?"
[20:09] <@Torokasi> "Looks like a grossly mutated lizard to me. Both the ice and lightning lizards are drawing energy from it..." Lilian mutters as Janda runs in, grasping Lilian's shoulder and murmuring a quick healing spell!
[20:10] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8+4 CLW
[20:10] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 6 > [d8=2]
[20:11] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Janda > Solmyr (28/33) > S. Lizard > Para (32/37) > Crow (27/34 HP, 4 NL) > Ary (38/48 HP, 3 NL) > B. Lizard > Lilian (22 HP, 1 NL) > F. Lizard > ??? 3 | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Spitter: 10 HP, 16 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[20:14] <@Torokasi> Solmyr turns to the black-scaled lizard and chants another spell, this time creating a ray of searing flame that lashes out at the critter!
[20:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 man, both wanderer and warmage have worst BAB. sorrow for Solmyr
[20:15] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=5]
[20:16] <@Torokasi> The ray of fire misses the lizard by a hair! From the corner, another bolt of electricity lashes out - this time at Janda!
[20:16] <@Torokasi> roll 2d8 janda will need to make ref save
[20:16] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 10 > [d8=5,5]
[20:16] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 reflol
[20:16] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=15]
[20:17] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Janda (20/25) > Solmyr (28/33) > S. Lizard > Para (32/37) > Crow (27/34 HP, 4 NL) > Ary (38/48 HP, 3 NL) > B. Lizard > Lilian (22 HP, 1 NL) > F. Lizard > ??? 3 | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Spitter: 10 HP, 16 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[20:18] <@Torokasi> Janda twirls back in time to avoid the worst of it, but the arc of lightning still seems to shock her a bit, causing a bit of her curled hair to spring out straight! OOC: Para. There's two small lizards and one big one in the corner Crow can't see, and the curselizard is still up there
[20:19] <AutumnCrow> Para shoots the lizard that just shot at Janda!
[20:19] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 plink 1
[20:19] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=18]
[20:19] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 plink 2
[20:19] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 8 > [d20=2]
[20:19] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+2
[20:19] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 8 > [d8=6]
[20:20] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Janda (20/25) > Solmyr (28/33) > S. Lizard (5/13) > Para (32/37) > Crow (27/34 HP, 4 NL) > Ary (38/48 HP, 3 NL) > B. Lizard > Lilian (22 HP, 1 NL) > F. Lizard > ??? 3 | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Spitter: 10 HP, 16 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[20:20] <@Torokasi> A high-pitched screech fills the air as Para snipes the shock lizard! OOC: Crow.
[20:22] * AutumnCrow lashes out at the curse spewing lizard again, focusing to deliver a power snap right through its scales! (OOC: Emerald Razor, hits touch AC)
[20:22] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 swish and flick
[20:22] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=17]
[20:23] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d6+10 diamond mind strikes huuuuurt
[20:23] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 15 > [d6=5]
[20:25] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Janda (20/25) > Solmyr (28/33) > S. Lizard (5/13) > Para (32/37) > Crow (27/34 HP, 4 NL) > Ary (38/48 HP, 3 NL) > B. Lizard > Lilian (22 HP, 1 NL) > F. Lizard > Giant Lizard (Blinded) | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Spitter: 10 HP, 16 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[20:26] <@Torokasi> The scarf slams into the lizard, sinking into its scales and causing it to howl in pain, glaring at Crow with hazy red eyes! OOC: Ary. He has a straight line and space to charge the giant lizard; I've added its information into the topic. The other two are sort of too awkwardly positioned for a charge, though range attacks work - they're sort of above and behind the big one.
[20:27] <AutumnCrow> OOC: no ice in here?
[20:27] <@Torokasi> OOC: Correct.
[20:28] <AutumnCrow> Ary braces himself...and lunges for the large lizard covered in glitter! As he approaches, his blade comes out in an all too familiar flash. (OOC: Battle. Leaders. Charge.)
[20:28] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 hitting flat footed AC
[20:28] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=13]
[20:29] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d10+16+1d6 slashyslashy
[20:29] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 26 > [d10=7][d6=3]
[20:31] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Janda (20/25) > Solmyr (28/33) > S. Lizard (5/13) > Para (32/37) > Crow (27/34 HP, 4 NL) > Ary (38/48 HP, 3 NL) > B. Lizard (1/16) > Lilian (22 HP, 1 NL) > F. Lizard > Giant Lizard (4/30, Blinded) | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[20:31] <@Torokasi> The roar gets even louder as Ary bellows over it, "Hemda's flaming ti - ah, damn, it's not dead yet?"
[20:32] <@Torokasi> Solmyr snorts. "Censoring yourself, are we?"
[20:32] <@Torokasi> The black lizard, body mostly crumpled...
[20:32] <@Torokasi> roll 1d100-20
[20:32] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 67 > [d100=87]
[20:32] <@Torokasi> seems to hold itself together, launching another wave of miasma at Crow!
[20:32] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 touch
[20:33] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=1]
[20:33] <@Torokasi> But Crow's scarf, again, effortlessly knocks the miasma away with a simple motion.
[20:36] <@Torokasi> Lilian raises her hand and murmurs a soft, almost spell-like sleep song, centered in the corner away from Ary!
[20:36] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1
[20:36] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1
[20:36] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=16]
[20:36] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 8 > [d20=7]
[20:36] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Janda (20/25) > Solmyr (28/33) > S. Lizard (5/13) > Para (32/37) > Crow (27/34 HP, 4 NL) > Ary (38/48 HP, 3 NL) > B. Lizard (1/16) > Lilian (22 HP, 1 NL) > F. Lizard (sleep) > Giant Lizard (4/30, Blinded) | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[20:37] <@Torokasi> Crow can hear a lizard land on the ground with a slight thud as the larger lizard continues to roar!
[20:37] <@Torokasi> roll 1d100 51+ = right square
[20:37] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 52 > [d100=52]
[20:38] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+8 biting Ary
[20:38] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=11]
[20:38] <@Torokasi> roll 1d6+4+1d6+1d6
[20:39] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 16 > [d6=6,5,1]
[20:39] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Janda (20/25) > Solmyr (28/33) > S. Lizard (5/13) > Para (32/37) > Crow (27/34 HP, 4 NL) > Ary (22/48 HP, 3 NL) > B. Lizard (1/16) > Lilian (22 HP, 1 NL) > F. Lizard (sleep) > Giant Lizard (4/30, Blinded) | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[20:43] <@Torokasi> Ary bellows in pain as the roaring is muffled for a moment. "YARGH! That fucking stung -and- froze!" Janda holds as Solmyr grimaces, creating a thin ray of frost aimed at the black lizard!
[20:43] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4
[20:43] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=17]
[20:43] <@Torokasi> roll 1d3 formality
[20:43] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 1 > [d3=1]
[20:44] <AutumnCrow> OOC: even his cantrips get warmage edge
[20:45] <@Torokasi> OOC: Ah, right. Well, that's 4 damage, it's def. dead
[20:45] <@Torokasi> The lizard is struck by the thin beam of cold, its deathly rasp echoing through the room! OOC: Will save for everyone in the room, including its allies
[20:46] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7 Solmyr
[20:46] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=4]
[20:46] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 Janda
[20:46] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=9]
[20:46] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 Crow will
[20:46] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 Lilian
[20:46] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=2]
[20:46] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 7 > [d20=2]
[20:46] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 ary will
[20:46] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=14]
[20:46] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 para will
[20:46] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=13]
[20:46] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 shocker
[20:46] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=5]
[20:46] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 frost
[20:46] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=10]
[20:47] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2 giant
[20:47] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=16]
[20:47] <@Torokasi> roll 2d4
[20:47] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 3 > [d4=2,1]
[20:48] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Janda (17/25) > Solmyr (25/33) > S. Lizard (2/13) > Para (32/37) > Crow (24/34 HP, 4 NL) > Ary (22/48 HP, 3 NL) > Lilian (19/22 HP, 1 NL) > F. Lizard (10/13) > Giant Lizard (4/30, Blinded) | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[20:50] <@Torokasi> The lizard crumples as the curse seems to sink into Crow's bones, causing her muscles and bones to ache! Only Ary and Para seem unphased by this curse, amongst Crow's allies. The shock lizard feebly clings to the wall, shocking Ary again!
[20:50] <@Torokasi> roll 2d8 Ary makes a ref save, please
[20:50] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 4 > [d8=3,1]
[20:50] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+2 ary ref is bad
[20:50] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=11]
[20:51] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Janda (17/25) > Solmyr (25/33) > S. Lizard (2/13) > Para (32/37) > Crow (24/34 HP, 4 NL) > Ary (20/48 HP, 3 NL) > Lilian (19/22 HP, 1 NL) > F. Lizard (10/13) > Giant Lizard (4/30, Blinded) | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[20:51] <@Torokasi> The lizard's lightning spike is weak, and Ary's blade catches the worst of it, not even causing Ary to react! OOC: Para.
[20:52] <@Torokasi> OOC: With a 5ft move he can see any of the three lizards, based on scribbled map I have, I think
[20:53] <AutumnCrow> Para takes aim at the big lizard and tries to drop it before it can do any more damage to the freindly neighborhood birdman. (OOC: well he can absolutely see that one! Rapid Shot)
[20:53] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 plink 1
[20:53] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=14]
[20:53] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 plink 2
[20:54] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=18]
[20:54] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+2 plonk 1
[20:54] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 4 > [d8=2]
[20:54] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+2 plonk 2
[20:54] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 6 > [d8=4]
[20:54] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Janda (17/25) > Solmyr (25/33) > S. Lizard (2/13) > Para (32/37) > Crow (24/34 HP, 4 NL) > Ary (20/48 HP, 3 NL) > Lilian (19/22 HP, 1 NL) > F. Lizard (10/13) | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[20:56] <@Torokasi> The blinded lizard howls, a deafening screech as it crashes to the floor, sending vibrations through the room. OOC: Crow. You could try to jump onto the crates to get in range of the remaining lizards, but from where you were you can't run around the boxes to get to the lizards.
[20:58] * AutumnCrow lightly runs up the crates to take a swing at a lizard with her scarf! (OOC: any checks have to make for this?)
[20:59] <@Torokasi> OOC: Make a Jump check, though it's likely formality.
[21:00] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 short hop f.air
[21:00] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 27 > [d20=19]
[21:01] <@Torokasi> OOC: Made with ease and grace. Either one's in range.
[21:02] * AutumnCrow snaps her scarf out at the little shocking bastard!
[21:02] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 how are crow's aerials
[21:02] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=4]
[21:03] <@Torokasi> The scarf just misses the critter as Crow lands on the boxes, Ary glancing over in confusion before looking over the two! OOC: Ary's up.
[21:04] <AutumnCrow> Ary moves and slashes the hell out of the icy one!
[21:04] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 PA is go
[21:04] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=16]
[21:05] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d10+10+1d6
[21:05] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 17 > [d10=6][d6=1]
[21:06] <@Torokasi> The icy lizard is split open, releasing a blast of freezing air...! OOC: Fort save for Ary, Crow, and Lilian. Everyone else should be just out of range.
[21:06] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 Lilian
[21:06] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 7 > [d20=1]
[21:07] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 crow fort
[21:07] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=5]
[21:07] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 ary fort
[21:07] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=11]
[21:07] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 para fort
[21:07] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=18]
[21:08] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8 nonlethal cold to Crow/Lilian
[21:08] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 1 > [d8=1]
[21:09] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Janda (17/25) > Solmyr (25/33) > S. Lizard (2/13) > Para (32/37) > Crow (24/34 HP, 5 NL) > Ary (20/48 HP, 3 NL) > Lilian (19/22 HP, 2 NL)  | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[21:10] <@Torokasi> The blast is... honestly underwhelming, though it does numb Crow's nose a bit. She thinks. Lilian twitches slightly as well, but no one else seems phased. Lilian and Janda hold, unable to close in to the final lizard, as Solmyr shoots another thin beam of ice at the lone survivor!
[21:10] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4
[21:10] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=20]
[21:11] <@Torokasi> roll 1d3+3
[21:11] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 6 > [d3=3]
[21:12] <@Torokasi> OOC: so 9 total since it crit, presuming crit doesn't mult Warmage's Edge.
[21:13] <@Torokasi> The critter is frozen instantly, but the remaining electric charge in the lizard seems to lash back out at Solmyr through the line of the beam!
[21:13] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4
[21:13] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=12]
[21:13] <AutumnCrow> OOC: one, he'd need to confirm the crit. Two, yes warmage egde will multiply. Three, it would make the crit damage 2d3+6, not 1d3+3 doubled
[21:14] <@Torokasi> OOC: ... I suppose it's obvious I'm fatigued as hell, isn't it? :V
[21:14] <@Torokasi> OOC: Strike damage roll, let's do this right
[21:14] <AutumnCrow> OOC: it's also been awhile~
[21:14] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 crit confirm
[21:14] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=5]
[21:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d3+3 I said to strike the damage, so new roll
[21:15] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 5 > [d3=2]
[21:15] <@Torokasi> The critter is frozen instantly, but the remaining electric charge in the lizard seems to lash back out at Solmyr through the line of the beam! Solmyr barely jerks his hand away in time, however, the lightning dissipating harmlessly. OOC: Free action. Feel free to react before we wrap for the night.
[21:18] * AutumnCrow hops back down from the crates, "Well...I hope that was all in here. How is everyone? I...could use some healing I think. This cold is not agreeing with me, to say the least."
[21:20] <@Torokasi> Lilian exhales as Janda moves to heal people, Crow first. "This thing is... huge." Crow can see it clearly now - a blue and white scaled monstrosity, large and heavily scaled as she hops down, with a huge mouth filled with sharp teeth. OOC: Going to handle healing as we start next time, just so I can track healing uses better.
[21:23] <AutumnCrow> "...did the mist fuse two of them together or something?" Crow eyes the large beast, "or was she breeding lizards that do light and frost...and teeth, from the looks of it."
[21:23] <@Torokasi> "I... would guess the former." Janda says, shakily. "And if she's been breeding those ugly black-scaled ones, I'd be surprised."
[21:27] <@Torokasi> --------------------------------------------


[16:00] * AutumnCrow sighs, "It wouldn't surprise me if one ATE the other and gained its powers or something. The mist is just that crazy."
[16:03] <@Torokasi> Ary snorts. "That'd be... somewhat freaky. Hopefully there aren't any more of those, since they bite really damn hard." His finger reflexively probes the dent in his chestplate where the metal has been caved in, wincing slightly.
[16:04] <AutumnCrow> "I'll take the next one." Crow nods, then gestures for Para to investigate the room, "See anything else hiding in here?"
[16:05] <@Torokasi> Para glances around as Janda moves amongst the group, quickly healing people up... OOC: Roll search for Para while I figure out the healing outload
[16:06] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8+4 Janda heals self
[16:06] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+13 can he roll above a 10 for once
[16:06] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=16]
[16:06] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8+4 Janda heals self
[16:06] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 7 > [d8=3]
[16:07] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8+4 Janda heals Solmyr
[16:07] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 7 > [d8=3]
[16:09] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8+4 Janda heals Crow
[16:09] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 10 > [d8=6]
[16:12] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Janda (24/25), Solmyr (33), Para (32/37), Crow (34), Ary (20/48 HP, 3 NL), Lilian (19/22 HP, 2 NL)  | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[16:14] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Janda (24/25), Solmyr (33), Para (32/37), Crow (34), Ary (20/48 HP, 3 NL), Lilian (22)  | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[16:14] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8+4 Janda hopes Ary doesn't take forever to heal
[16:14] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 10 > [d8=6]
[16:14] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8+4 Janda hopes Ary doesn't take forever to heal
[16:14] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 9 > [d8=5]
[16:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8+4 Solmyr tries to top Ary off
[16:15] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 9 > [d8=5]
[16:15] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Janda (24/25), Solmyr (33), Para (35/37), Crow (34), Ary (48), Lilian (22)  | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Para 11/13 PP, Elfsight/Inertial Armor '
[16:16] <@Torokasi> OOC: Janda has 1 L1 slot and 0 L0 slots of Shugenja left. Solmyr's got all but one of his, and Lilian still has her final healtouch use.
[16:24] <@Torokasi> Para finishes digging in the corner the large lizard had been roosting in, frowning as he pulls out a chewed-up bag of feed that was anchored in one of the boxes. A grimy black substance seems to drip from the burlap sack. "All the feed bags look like this." he mutters as Janda finishes healing.
[16:30] <AutumnCrow> "Let's make sure to call that to Kyrio's attention." Crow nods. "Alright, if that's all room?"
[16:31] <@Torokasi> Lilian's eyes narrow as she chants a familiar spell to Crow's ears, before shaking her head. "It... looks like there's a faint magical aura. But that can't be our culprit - the feed's out here, they should be in their cages, yes? Yeah, we'll let Kyrio know."
[16:31] <@Torokasi> Para glances into the next room... OOC: Spot check, since this is the same room as before but he has a theoretically better angle on it from here.
[16:31] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+13 go go gadget paravison
[16:31] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 32 > [d20=19]
[16:38] <@Torokasi> Para peers into the room, before quickly pulling his head back. After a moment, he peeks back out, very cautiously craning his head to look around from the door frame, before stepping back in. "It's the big room. There's stairs to the next floor ahead, and the big cage has a bunch of nesting critters. No big ones I see, but reaching the small ones will be hard."
[16:39] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm. Can you start sniping them from here and try to lure them over?"
[16:42] <@Torokasi> "... maybe. First, uh, there's a spitter in the corner, scared as shit. Lilian, can you sleep him?" Para mutters.
[16:45] <@Torokasi> Lilian nods slightly and moves where Para points. "...There, yeah? I can see its head but not anything else, but that should be enough..." The words softly roll from her mouth...
[16:45] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3
[16:45] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=9]
[16:46] <@Torokasi> Crow can hear a gentle thump. Lilian nods to Para, who quickly jogs back over to the corner, before bringing a burlap bag over. "I'm going to bag it, Ary can take it to Kyrio, then I start shooting?"
[16:52] <AutumnCrow> "Can you bag it without being seen?"
[16:52] <@Torokasi> "I... think so." Para nods. "The other lizards seem to be looking at the other door."
[16:53] <AutumnCrow> "Alright, be quick and careful. Just bolt back here if they start attacking you, I'll rush in to cover."
[16:53] <@Torokasi> "Right." With that, Para steps into the door, before quickly dodging out...! OOC: Stealth check.
[16:55] <AutumnCrow> OOC: he'll take 10 for 20 if he can. If not, I'll roll.
[16:56] <@Torokasi> OOC: That's doable.
[16:56] <@Torokasi> Para quickly re-emerges with a squirming bag, which he passes off to Ary. "Easy."
[17:01] <@Torokasi> Ary nods and quickly moves back to hand it off to Kyrio, leaving Janda and Solmyr watching Para limber up and stretch. After Ary returns, Para rolls his shoulders before closing his eyes for a moment... OOC: Metaphysical Weapon on his bow, then Animal Affinity. -4 PP.
[17:02] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Janda (24/25), Solmyr (33), Para (35/37), Crow (34), Ary (48), Lilian (22)  | S/F. Lizards: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Lizard: 16 HP, 14 AC. Para 7/13 PP, all buffs up '
[17:02] * AutumnCrow moves into position low to the ground to dart in front of para and start killing lizards if they rush him
[17:04] <@Torokasi> With that, Para quickly draws his bow and aims...  OOC: From his current angle, he can see three shocker lizards and three frost lizards; the frost lizards are closer, while the shocker lizards are higher up.
[17:06] <AutumnCrow> Para takes aim for a further off shocker lizard to hopefully make the frost lizards think the fight is off that way and lets loose!
[17:06] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 shot 1
[17:06] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=16]
[17:06] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 shot 2
[17:06] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=3]
[17:06] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+3
[17:06] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 6 > [d8=3]
[17:07] <@Torokasi> OOC: 12 hits flatfooted. Amazingly.
[17:07] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+3
[17:07] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 5 > [d8=2]
[17:07] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20 int check
[17:07] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 4 > [d20=4]
[17:09] <@Torokasi> The shocker lizard lets out a gasping hiss, causing the frost lizards to turn away from Para and begin approaching the frost lizards! The cry echoes through the room incredibly loudly... OOC: Gambit success. Para can attack again without issue, the shocker lizard is near dead but not quite there yet.
[17:10] <AutumnCrow> Para continues firing, one arrow at that shocker and another at another shocker nearby it!
[17:10] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 injured lizard
[17:10] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=3]
[17:10] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 fresh lizard
[17:10] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=20]
[17:10] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 fresh lizard confirm
[17:10] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=10]
[17:10] <AutumnCrow> roll 3d8+9 crit haaaaaaax
[17:10] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 26 > [d8=8,4,5]
[17:12] <AutumnCrow> (OOC: I assume the first arrow missed because after round 1 it shouldn't be flat anymore?)
[17:12] <@Torokasi> The second shocker lizard just... explodes, as Para's other arrow sinks in a hair's breadth away from the injured shocker lizards!
[17:13] <@Torokasi> The frost lizards hiss, loudly, as Crow and the rest hear another, louder but distant, roar echo through the large room...
[17:13] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4
[17:13] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=20]
[17:14] <@Torokasi> And almost in unison, the frost lizards and shocker lizards seem to turn toward Para, causing him to tense. "They've spotted me, but I've got some more time to snipe them... I'll keep moving back. You guys hide around the doorframe and I'll lure them in."
[17:15] * AutumnCrow slides backwards, "Don't play hero, get behind a corner as soon as you feel threatened." (OOC: roll another set of attacks?)
[17:15] <@Torokasi> OOC: Yep, he's got the space for another set.
[17:15] <AutumnCrow> Para continues firing!
[17:16] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 injured lizard die already dammit
[17:16] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=20]
[17:16] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 OKAY I GUESS CONFIRMATION
[17:16] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=19]
[17:16] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 fresh lizard, another shocker if there is one, frost if not.
[17:16] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=10]
[17:16] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+3 fresh lizard, not even rolling damage on that crit
[17:16] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 6 > [d8=3]
[17:20] <@Torokasi> Crow can -hear- the sickening thud of the first arrow landing, over the screams of the newly injured shocker lizard! Para backs away from the door. "They'll be coming through in just a few seconds..." he murmurs, before quickly swiveling to the side. "Shit, they flanked!" In the doorway of the clear room, peering their heads through, are two of the black scaled lizards, and as Crow glances over their voices croak together in dissonant unison! OOC: Init at this point. I'll establish positioning once we've got init set.
[17:21] <AutumnCrow> "Ary, you're on the black ones!" Crow calls out before moving to face the incoming frost lizards.
[17:21] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4+3 crow init
[17:21] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=8]
[17:21] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7+3 ary init
[17:21] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=11]
[17:21] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4+3 para init
[17:21] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=13]
[17:22] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2+3 Lilian init
[17:22] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=9]
[17:22] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4+3 Janda init
[17:22] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=4]
[17:22] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3+3 Solmyr init
[17:22] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=11]
[17:23] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 injured shocker init
[17:23] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=14]
[17:23] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 frost 1
[17:23] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=13]
[17:23] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 frost 2
[17:23] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=4]
[17:23] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 frost 3
[17:23] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=4]
[17:23] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 black 1
[17:23] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=14]
[17:23] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 black 2
[17:23] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=6]
[17:30] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary > Para > S. Liz (7/13) > F. Liz 1 > B. Liz 1 > Solmyr > Crow > Lilian > Janda > F. Liz 2 > F. Liz 3 > B. Liz 2 | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. '
[17:33] <@Torokasi> OOC: Ary, Solmyr and Lilian are on the side of the door near the black lizard-infested other door. Crow and Janda are on the other side of the door. From your angle, you can't see the approaching lizards unless you peer around the door, but you can see the black lizards since this room and their room (the med room) are lit up. So Ary's got a clear line to charge one if he wants to try.
[17:34] <AutumnCrow> Gritting himself against the negative energy counter he knows is coming, Ary dashes towards the black lizards to snap out his blade and hopefully bisect one of the little bastards! (OOC: Battle. Leader's. Charge.)
[17:35] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 2 into PA dash and slash
[17:35] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=14]
[17:35] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d10+16+1d6 lol instadead. Is the other in cleave range?
[17:35] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 27 > [d10=9][d6=2]
[17:35] <@Torokasi> OOC: Welp. Yes, the other one is in cleave range.
[17:36] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 no charge bonus on the cleave attack
[17:36] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=13]
[17:36] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d10+6+1d6 can he do it
[17:36] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 18 > [d10=7][d6=5]
[17:42] <@Torokasi> Just moments after Crow gives the order, Ary's pivoted and bisected both black lizards with ease, their horrid death wails merging into one brutal cacophony! OOC: One will save for everyone in the room.
[17:42] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 janda will not too hot
[17:42] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=8]
[17:43] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5
[17:43] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=13]
[17:43] <@Torokasi> OOC: That's Lilian's.
[17:43] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7 Solmyr
[17:43] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=17]
[17:50] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 crow
[17:50] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=20]
[17:50] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+4 ary
[17:50] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=10]
[17:50] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 para
[17:50] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=17]
[17:52] <@Torokasi> roll 4d4+2 death rattle
[17:52] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 7 > [d4=1,1,2,1]
[17:54] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48) > Para > S. Liz (7/13) > F. Liz 1 > Solmyr > Crow > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > F. Liz 2 > F. Liz 3| S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. '
[17:56] <@Torokasi> The horrific sound washes over most the group, but Crow can see Ary flinch back and hears Janda yelp in pain! Para begins to draw his bow, before glancing to Crow, "Shocker coming in. I'll aim for the frost." OOC: Para's turn. He's trying to line Crow up to AoO the Shocker Lizard as it comes in.
[17:57] <AutumnCrow> Para moves to make the shocker lizard have to pass by Crow's hiding spot near the door and shoots the furthest back frost lizard with a single arrow!
[17:57] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+11 plink
[17:57] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=7]
[17:57] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+3
[17:57] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d8=4]
[17:58] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48) > Para > S. Liz (7/13) > F. Liz 1 > Solmyr > Crow > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > F. Liz 2 > F. Liz 3 (6/13) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. '
[17:59] <@Torokasi> Crow can hear the lizard scream as the first shocker lizard scuttles in, sparking energy...! OOC: Crow can AoO it here since it's trying to pass straight through Crow's space to get to Para
[18:00] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 scarf for AoOs~
[18:00] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 27 > [d20=19]
[18:00] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d6+4 scarf smack
[18:00] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 5 > [d6=1]
[18:02] <@Torokasi> The scarf slams into the critter's side, and Crow can hear the crack of bones as the critter hisses...!
[18:02] <@Torokasi> roll 1d100
[18:02] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 98 > [d100=98]
[18:02] <@Torokasi> Blood in its eyes, the creature quickly turns and tries to bite Crow!
[18:03] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 yeah this wasn't its best idea
[18:03] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=3]
[18:03] <@Torokasi> But the scarf basically bounces it back with ease, a frost lizard entering after it... OOC: I presume you're not in Spring Path?
[18:05] <AutumnCrow> OOC: ...autumn. That should have been +2 damage. Derp.
[18:11] <@Torokasi> OOC: Okay, then striking back to your damage roll since that kills
[18:11] <@Torokasi> The critter howls in pain as the tendrils of electricity explode from its body toward Crow! OOC: Ref save.
[18:12] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 I do not have evasion though
[18:12] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=1]
[18:12] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8
[18:12] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 7 > [d8=7]
[18:14] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48) > Para > F. Liz 1 > Solmyr > Crow (34, 7 NL) > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > F. Liz 2 > F. Liz 3 (6/13) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. '
[18:17] <@Torokasi> The electric jolt numbs Crow's joints and muscles as the shocker lizard expires! Seemingly unnoticing, a frost lizard scurries past, before stopping in place as it stares at Para... OOC: Solmyr.
[18:18] <@Torokasi> Solmyr raises his hand, before grimacing and holding... "I'll leave these to you and Para, Crow; I'd like to save some juice for any other big assholes!"
[18:18] <@Torokasi> OOC: Crow.
[18:25] <AutumnCrow> OOC: can I reach the other two frost lizards with a single move? If not, I'll wait for them to move in, I want to get adjacent to two frosts at once.
[18:26] <@Torokasi> OOC: Yeah, that's doable.
[18:28] * AutumnCrow slides past the first frost lizard to intercept the other two on thier way in, scarf fluttering to the ground as her fans flash out with fire, one towards each lizard! (OOC: Wolf Fang Strike, Burning Blade)
[18:28] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 swapping to summer stance attack 1
[18:28] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 27 > [d20=20]
[18:28] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 confirm that shit
[18:28] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=6]
[18:28] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 attack 2
[18:28] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=2]
[18:29] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 physical
[18:29] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d4=3]
[18:29] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d6+4 fire
[18:29] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 6 > [d6=2]
[18:31] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48) > Para > F. Liz 1 > Solmyr > Crow (34, 7 NL) > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > F. Liz 3 (6/13) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. '
[18:31] <@Torokasi> One of Crow's fans just skirt past the injured frost lizard, moving slower than Crow expected, but the other fan practically explodes the healthy one, a burst of warm summer air passing over Crow as it dies! OOC: Crow make a Spot check, please.
[18:33] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+0 lol
[18:33] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=15]
[18:36] <@Torokasi> Crow lands facing the injured frost lizard... and in just the position to look up. In the darkness, Crow can see up to the second floor, where a glowing light is... make that multiple glowing lights. Lizards, even. One of them big. She can't tell just yet if they've seen her, though they seem to be moving around, looking for something... OOC: Lilian.
[18:37] <@Torokasi> Lilian, for her part, steps in toward the frost lizard, her blade blurring...
[18:37] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7 slash and slash
[18:37] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=15]
[18:38] <AutumnCrow> not true!
[18:38] <AutumnCrow> sometimes they look like Gohan
[18:38] <@Torokasi> OOC: Wrong chat.
[18:39] <@Torokasi> roll 1d10+2 slash and stab
[18:39] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 4 > [d10=2]
[18:39] <@Torokasi> The blade doesn't sink in too far, but it slashes open the critter's leg, causing it to hiss in pain!
[18:40] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48) > Para > F. Liz 1 (9/13) > Solmyr > Crow (34, 7 NL) > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > F. Liz 3 (6/13) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. '
[18:40] <@Torokasi> Janda steps back, out of the range of the explosion of cold...
[18:40] <@Torokasi> roll 1d100
[18:40] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 5 > [d100=5]
[18:41] <@Torokasi> The frost lizard Crow missed seems to not even notice her, trying to move past... OOC: Crow can AoO.
[18:42] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 fancut
[18:42] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=10]
[18:42] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 physical
[18:42] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 physical
[18:42] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 5 > [d4=1]
[18:42] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d6+4 fire
[18:42] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 8 > [d6=4]
[18:44] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48) > Para > Solmyr > Crow (34, 7 NL) > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > F. Liz 1 (9/13) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. '
[18:44] <@Torokasi> Crow's fan doesn't miss its mark this time, exploding this lizard into a fine warm steam bath as well! The frost lizard in the room that Lilian just sliced seems to sag slightly... OOC: Allies didn't reach it, so its action was wasted. Moment for end of round events.
[18:44] <@Torokasi> roll 1d100
[18:44] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 62 > [d100=62]
[18:45] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+8
[18:45] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=17]
[18:45] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+8
[18:45] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=10]
[18:45] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3
[18:45] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=11]
[18:46] <@Torokasi> roll 2d6+3
[18:46] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 10 > [d6=2,5]
[18:46] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 fort save
[18:47] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=18]
[18:47] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+8 ref save
[18:47] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=4]
[18:47] <@Torokasi> roll 3d8 elec
[18:47] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 15 > [d8=7,6,2]
[18:47] <@Torokasi> roll 3d8 frost
[18:47] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 4 > [d8=1,1,2]
[18:47] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+8 ref save 2
[18:48] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=6]
[18:48] <@Torokasi> roll 2d8
[18:48] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 10 > [d8=2,8]
[18:49] <@Torokasi> Crow can see, up above, something lunge at the big light, digging in - before a veritable calamity of frost and electricty blasts at it in return, a loud, keening cry echoing through the room!
[18:51] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48) > Para > Solmyr > Crow (34, 7 NL) > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > F. Liz 1 (9/13) > Raptor (5/26) > ??? unknown # of lizards (B. lizard injured for 10) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. '
[18:52] <@Torokasi> OOC: Ary's up. He can only see the frost lizard Lilian hit, ditto Para and the rest but Crow can talk as free action so.
[18:53] <AutumnCrow> "...there's more in here!" Crow calls back to the others, "some up above! Para, get in here and tell me what's happening!"
[18:53] <AutumnCrow> Ary simply moves towards the enemy he can see and tries to slash it into pieces.
[18:54] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 2 into PA, two handing the weapon now
[18:54] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=8]
[18:54] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d10+10+1d6 slash
[18:54] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 20 > [d10=6][d6=4]
[18:55] <@Torokasi> The lizard explodes into a wave of cold, washing over Ary and Lilian! OOC: Fort save
[18:55] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 Lilian fort
[18:55] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=16]
[18:55] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 ary save, is crow still in range?
[18:55] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=3]
[18:56] <AutumnCrow> OOC: meant to say Para, not crow
[18:56] <@Torokasi> OOC: Neither Para nor Crow are, it stopped just out of range to hit Para with this since its combo attack has better range.
[18:56] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8 Ary only
[18:57] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 3 > [d8=3]
[18:57] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr > Crow (34, 7 NL) > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > Raptor (5/26) > ??? unknown # of lizards (B. lizard injured for 10) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. '
[18:59] <@Torokasi> The lizard explodes, Lilian leaping back and shielding her face in time but Ary shivering as his armor freezes up for a moment! OOC: Para. He can full move to go look, just out of range to move+shoot though.
[18:59] <AutumnCrow> Para moves in and tries to get a good view of what's going on up there!
[18:59] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+13 he has low light vision
[18:59] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 31 > [d20=18]
[19:00] <@Torokasi> Para grimaces as he gets into sight. "That's... at least three of the smaller for each. And a raptor, and a big lizard. I think there might be more, but my angle is bad."
[19:02] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr > Crow (34, 7 NL) > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost, 3 shock, 1 big (B. lizard injured for 10) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. '
[19:02] <AutumnCrow> "And they're fighting eachother from the sound of do we tell which ones are mist mad?"
[19:03] <@Torokasi> "I think only elemental ones have been mad. The bad food was theirs, veggies mostly. Raptors likely eat meat." Para continues looking up as the scuffle continues.
[19:04] <AutumnCrow> "Alright, lets get up there and try to save the raptors then." Crow tries to find a lightswitch to turn on.
[19:09] <@Torokasi> There's one right near the duo, underneath the walkway. Para quickly barks to the rest of the team, "Solmyr, turn the light on! It'll be to your left!" With that, Solmyr runs in, hitting the light... The lizards seem startled by the sudden light, as does the raptor. Crow can see a stairway up behind her that leads onto the walkway - it looks wide enough for two people, if just barely, though the rail alongside it is corroded heavily. OOC: Crow's up. She can move as a full action and get close, though Crow isn't fully sure how far their blasts can reach.
[19:11] <AutumnCrow> WIlling to take the risk, Crow moves up the stairs to get into the fight quickly, shifting to Winter Stance as she does.
[19:13] <@Torokasi> Crow does so, Lilian following out and looking up... "Alright, I see the big one!" she says, a quick spell coming to her lips as she gestures to the side of the lizards, brilliant light sparkling around them suddenly!
[19:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 Frost lizard 1 vs glitterdust round 2
[19:15] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=18]
[19:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 Frost lizard 2 vs glitterdust round 2
[19:15] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=18]
[19:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 Frost lizard 3 vs glitterdust round 2
[19:15] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=11]
[19:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 Shocker lizard 1 vs glitterdust round 2
[19:15] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=15]
[19:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 Shocker lizard 2 vs glitterdust round 2
[19:15] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 4 > [d20=3]
[19:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 Shocker lizard 3 vs glitterdust round 2
[19:15] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 8 > [d20=7]
[19:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2 Giant lizard vs glitterdust round 2
[19:15] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=11]
[19:16] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+8 ???
[19:16] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=9]
[19:17] <@Torokasi> The spell explodes over the targeted area, the big lizard and three of the smaller ones screaming as they're blinded by the lights! Crow blinks - there's a form, now outlined in the darkness, of a lizard. A big one, only its outline visible from the light of the glitterdust!
[19:21] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 big cursebearer
[19:21] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=7]
[19:22] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr > Crow (34, 7 NL) > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost, 3 shock, 1 big (B. lizard injured for 10) > Big Cursebearer | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. '
[19:23] <@Torokasi> Lilian hisses. "That doesn't look good..."
[19:23] <@Torokasi> Janda quickly runs into the room, moving behind Para. "Be careful, Crow!" With that, Janda begins playing her bardic song, inspiring the team!
[19:23] <@Torokasi> The raptor hisses...!
[19:23] <@Torokasi> roll 1d100
[19:23] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 58 > [d100=58]
[19:24] <@Torokasi> ... before jumping off the platform and fleeing for the opposite corner!
[19:25] <@Torokasi> The lizards flail wildly, emitting a chorus of shrieks and hisses...
[19:25] <@Torokasi> roll 1d100 frost
[19:25] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 91 > [d100=91]
[19:25] <@Torokasi> roll 1d100 shock
[19:25] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 22 > [d100=22]
[19:26] <@Torokasi> roll 1d100 big stormliz
[19:26] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 83 > [d100=83]
[19:28] <@Torokasi> roll 1d100 curselizard
[19:28] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 32 > [d100=32]
[19:30] <@Torokasi> The communication seems to finish quickly, as the frost lizards slowly lead off the big lizard into the cage, away from the big silhouetted lizard and the storm lizards! The storm lizards react first, seeming to shimmer together before launching a bolt of electricity straight for Crow!
[19:30] <@Torokasi> OOC: Crow, roll ref
[19:31] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 ref
[19:31] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=15]
[19:32] <@Torokasi> roll 3d8 Crow halves
[19:32] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 8 > [d8=5,2,1]
[19:32] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr > Crow (30/34, 7 NL) > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost, 3 shock, 1 big (B. lizard injured for 10) > Big Cursebearer | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. '
[19:33] <@Torokasi> Crow staves off the worst of it with a well timed maneuver, but the blast still lands a decent blow, causing Crow's arm to twitch backwards! The frost lizards and the big lizard seem to be trying to maneuver through the cage...
[19:35] <@Torokasi> The big lizard's skin suddenly becomes visible as it shudders into reality, a black-scaled lizard with tiny, beaded eyes and massive thorny ridges on its head! It eyes Crow warily, before spitting a blob of black mucus at Crow!
[19:36] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 ranged touch
[19:36] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=7]
[19:36] <@Torokasi> But the blob bounces off
[19:36] <AutumnCrow> OOC: not even close
[19:37] <@Torokasi> But the blob bounces off the wall, leaving a sizzling mark behind! OOC: Ary. He can either try to sprint upstairs or go protect the injured raptor.
[19:39] <AutumnCrow> Ary moves towards the stairs, since Lilian seems to be casting spells from below. He takes them carefully though, not wanting to slip if they're icy.
[19:40] <@Torokasi> OOC: Balance check, +5 mod but he does have to make the check
[19:41] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6+5-5+3 whee modifier hell
[19:41] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=3]
[19:43] <@Torokasi> Ary manages to get to the top of the stairs but not any further, traction too difficult at this point! Fortunately, he's able to keep his balance well enough to stay standing... OOC: Para. He can shoot anything in the room, pretty much.
[19:47] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr > Crow (30/34, 7 NL) > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost, 3 shock, 1 big (B. lizard injured for 10) > Big Cursebearer | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. Blinded: F. Liz 3, S. Liz 2/3, G. Liz'
[19:48] <AutumnCrow> Para takes aim at the biggest baddest lizard and keeps up the pressure with arrows.
[19:48] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 fully buffed parashots are silly
[19:48] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=9]
[19:48] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 fully buffed parashots are silly mk2
[19:48] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=16]
[19:49] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+3 shot 1
[19:49] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 11 > [d8=8]
[19:49] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+3 shot 2
[19:49] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 9 > [d8=6]
[19:50] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr > Crow (30/34, 7 NL) > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost, 3 shock > Big Cursebearer (+1) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. Blinded: F. Liz 3, S. Liz 2/3, G. Liz'
[19:52] <@Torokasi> The two arrows fly toward the big storm lizard, the first skewering its gut, the second piercing its eye! Screaming, it falls on the floor of the cage, shaking it greatly! The big cursebearer lizard seems to growl in response, a black aura seeming to form around it...
[19:54] <@Torokasi> Solmyr quickly steps into its line of sight, a ball of fire springing into existence right on top of the cursebearer lizard!
[19:54] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 ref check
[19:54] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 2 > [d20=1]
[19:54] <@Torokasi> roll 2d6
[19:54] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 3 > [d6=1,2]
[19:54] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr > Crow (30/34, 7 NL) > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost, 3 shock > Big Cursebearer (3 taken, +1) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. Blinded: F. Liz 3, S. Liz 2/3, G. Liz'
[19:56] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr (Flaming Sphere) > Crow (30/34, 7 NL) > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost, 3 shock > Big Cursebearer (3 taken, +1) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. Blinded: F. Liz 3, S. Liz 2/3, G. Liz'
[19:56] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr (Flaming Sphere) > Crow (30/34, 7 NL) > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost, 3 shock > Big Cursebearer (6 taken, +1) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. Blinded: F. Liz 3, S. Liz 2/3, G. Liz'
[19:57] <@Torokasi> It seems to singe the curse lizard lightly, but doesn't seem to burn too deeply, the lizard barely phased! OOC: Crow. The three shockers and the big cursebearer are all within 30ft.
[19:59] <AutumnCrow> "Ary can you get the small ones?" Crow calls out as she moves towards the big nasty one aiming to rip it a new one with her fan. As she reaches it, she focuses on the weakpoint behind its scales and transfers her energy through the fan in a violent snap. (OOC: back to Autumn Stance for damage. Emerald Razor)
[20:00] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 hitting touch AC
[20:00] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=17]
[20:00] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4+1+2+4 whee modifier hell
[20:00] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 12 > [d4=1]
[20:02] <@Torokasi> The creature hisses and reels back from Crow as the snap ripples through it, glaring at Crow darkly! Ary calls over, "I'll try to! You're better on slippery terrain than I am, though!"
[20:02] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr (Flaming Sphere) > Crow (30/34, 7 NL) > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost, 3 shock > Big Cursebearer (18 taken, +1) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. Blinded: F. Liz 3, S. Liz 2/3'
[20:04] <@Torokasi> Lilian steps forward a bit, trying to angle herself... before grumbling and simply gesturing at the big lizard, a wave of energy coming from her hands and slamming into the creature's side!
[20:05] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+8 Whelm
[20:05] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 27 > [d20=19]
[20:05] <AutumnCrow> OOC: whelm doesn't need an attack I'm like 99% sure. It's a mental assault, will save negates.
[20:05] <@Torokasi> But the creature doesn't seem even remotely phased, its attention solely on Crow! OOC: Yep, that was its will save, I failed to note that
[20:09] <@Torokasi> Janda continues playing, her eyes fixated on Crow...
[20:09] <@Torokasi> The raptor continues to burrow into the corner, seemingly silent now!
[20:09] <@Torokasi> roll 1d100
[20:09] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 54 > [d100=54]
[20:10] <@Torokasi> The shock lizards stare at Crow with beady eyes, before attempting to bite at her, two on the walls and one on the floor!
[20:10] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 SL1
[20:10] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 8 > [d20=5]
[20:10] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 SL2
[20:10] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=8]
[20:10] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 SL3
[20:10] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=20]
[20:10] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 crit confirm??
[20:10] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=13]
[20:10] <@Torokasi> roll 1d4+1+1d4 shockbite
[20:10] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 8 > [d4=4,3]
[20:11] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr (Flaming Sphere) > Crow (22/34, 7 NL) > Lilian > Janda (18/25) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost, 3 shock > Big Cursebearer (18 taken, +1) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. Blinded: F. Liz 3, S. Liz 2/3'
[20:12] <@Torokasi> Two are easily evaded, but the third by some fluke lunges in and manages to bite the nape of Crow's neck, sending an electric shock down her back! The curselizard turns toward Lilian and Solmyr, its eyes narrowing as it sprays a massive cone of acid!
[20:12] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 Lilian ref
[20:12] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=20]
[20:13] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 Solmyr ref
[20:13] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=19]
[20:13] <@Torokasi> roll 4d8 both halve
[20:13] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 28 > [d8=5,7,8,8]
[20:14] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr (19/33, Flaming Sphere) > Crow (22/34, 7 NL) > Lilian (8/22) > Janda (18/25) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost, 3 shock > Big Cursebearer (18 taken, +1) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. Blinded: F. Liz 3, S. Liz 2/3'
[20:15] <@Torokasi> The acid barely hits both, but that is horrific enough, eating through their armor and burning their skin, Solmyr cursing and Lilian screaming in pain! Janda's eyes dart down as she lunges in to heal Lilian!
[20:15] <@Torokasi> roll 2d8+4 CMW
[20:16] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 14 > [d8=4,6]
[20:16] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr (19/33, Flaming Sphere) > Crow (22/34, 7 NL) > Lilian (22) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost, 3 shock > Big Cursebearer (18 taken, +1) > Janda (18/25) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. Blinded: F. Liz 3, S. Liz 2/3'
[20:17] <@Torokasi> Meanwhile, the frost lizards are advancing on the injured lizard, getting almost in range for a blast...! OOC: Ary. On a good Balance check he can make it in to slash at the shock lizards.
[20:17] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6+5-5+3 whee modifier hell
[20:17] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=12]
[20:17] <@Torokasi> OOC: He's good.
[20:18] <AutumnCrow> Ary moves in to where he can reach a pair of the lizards and slams his sword in an arc designed to cleave right through them. (OOC: lining up for Cleave, 2H power attack)
[20:18] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 two into PA attack 1
[20:18] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=1]
[20:19] <@Torokasi> But the blade slams against the wall as the lizard skitters away, sparks flying everywhere! OOC: Para.
[20:22] <AutumnCrow> Para turns his attention to the small lizards, trusting Crow to handle the big one. (OOC: rapid shot at the frost lizards)
[20:23] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 shot 1
[20:23] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=6]
[20:23] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 shot 2
[20:23] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=3]
[20:23] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+3 why did our rolls start sucking
[20:23] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d8=4]
[20:24] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr (19/33, Flaming Sphere) > Crow (22/34, 7 NL) > Lilian (22) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost (1 at 6/13), 3 shock > Big Cursebearer (18 taken, +1) > Janda (18/25) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. Blinded: F. Liz 3, S. Liz 2/3'
[20:24] <@Torokasi> The frost lizard shrieks in pain as the arrow scrapes its side, the lizards turning toward Para in the cage!
[20:28] <@Torokasi> Solmyr's ball of fire stays on the creature as Solmyr adds two energy blasts to the mix, the arrows sparking with lightning! "If this doesn't count as big, I don't know what does!"
[20:29] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 ref for flaming sphere
[20:29] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=19]
[20:30] <@Torokasi> roll 2d4+6 spark warmage's edge magic missiles
[20:30] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 11 > [d4=2,3]
[20:31] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr (19/33, Flaming Sphere) > Crow (22/34, 7 NL) > Lilian (22) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost (1 at 6/13), 3 shock > Big Cursebearer (29 taken, +1) > Janda (18/25) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. Blinded: F. Liz 3, S. Liz 2/3'
[20:33] <@Torokasi> The dark lizard flinches out of the way of the flaming sphere, but the arrows pierce into its hide, causing it to scream in agony! OOC: Crow. You can reach one of the shock lizards and the cursebearer; Ary is basically right next to you and blocking the way to the other two.
[20:34] <AutumnCrow> OOC: ...they all bit at me. They are all in range unless they moved after attacking, in which case I get AoOs. <_< Doesn't matter because I'm focusing on the big guy anyway, but.
[20:35] <@Torokasi> OOC: ...yes, you're right. My mental image is bad, they're in range.
[20:35] * AutumnCrow snaps both fans out and goes into a frenzy of whirling motion aiming to slice the big one into ribbons! (OOC: FLURRY OF BLOWS! please roll high)
[20:35] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 summer stance and Janda, attack 1
[20:35] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=19]
[20:35] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 crit confirm
[20:35] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d20=1]
[20:36] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 attack 2
[20:36] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=16]
[20:36] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+6 attack 3
[20:36] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 8 > [d20=2]
[20:36] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4+1 slash 1
[20:36] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 8 > [d4=3]
[20:36] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4+1 slash 2
[20:36] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 8 > [d4=3]
[20:36] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr (19/33, Flaming Sphere) > Crow (22/34, 7 NL) > Lilian (22) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost (1 at 6/13), 3 shock > Janda (18/25) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. Blinded: F. Liz 3, S. Liz 2/3'
[20:37] <@Torokasi> The fans carve into the critter's chest and legs, causing its stomach to spill open - or it would, had the creature had a stomach! Instead, black bile seems to pour out in an endless cascade... OOC: Crow, make a Ref check.
[20:38] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 good thing this is me not ary
[20:38] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=10]
[20:41] <@Torokasi> Crow leaps out of the way as the bile pours out onto the floor and spilling onto the adjacent cage, burning the metal and rock and causing an acrid smell to permeate the room! Lilian briefly nods to Janda in thanks before sprinting to the frost lizards, an array of shiny lights appearing directly above them and moving in hypnotic patterns!
[20:41] <@Torokasi> roll 2d4+4 not really relevant
[20:41] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 11 > [d4=3,4]
[20:42] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 will save f. liz 1
[20:42] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 2 > [d20=1]
[20:42] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 will save f. liz 2
[20:42] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=14]
[20:42] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+1 will save f. liz 3
[20:42] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 8 > [d20=7]
[20:45] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr (19/33, Flaming Sphere) > Crow (22/34, 7 NL) > Lilian (22) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost (1 at 6/13), 3 shock > Janda (18/25) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. Blinded: F. Liz 3, S. Liz 2/3. Fascinated: F. Liz 1'
[20:45] <@Torokasi> One of the lizards looks up at the light, entranced, but the second looks down at Lilian in anger! The third, blinded, doesn't seem to notice it, confused by its allies' screeches. The raptor still cowers...
[20:46] <@Torokasi> roll 1d100-20
[20:46] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 18 > [d100=38]
[20:47] <@Torokasi> The lone unaffected frost lizard shudders as a wave of cold lashes out at Lilian!
[20:47] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 fort check
[20:47] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=12]
[20:48] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8 halved
[20:48] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 8 > [d8=8]
[20:48] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr (19/33, Flaming Sphere) > Crow (22/34, 7 NL) > Lilian (22, 8 NL) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost (1 at 6/13), 3 shock > Janda (18/25) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. Blinded: F. Liz 3, S. Liz 2/3'
[20:50] <@Torokasi> Lilian doesn't brace herself in time, the chill wracking her! The shocker lizards still chatter, two attempting to bite at Crow while the unblinded one bites at Ary!
[20:50] <@Torokasi> roll 1d100 Crow vs blinded lizard 1
[20:50] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 30 > [d100=30]
[20:50] <@Torokasi> roll 1d100 Crow vs blinded 2
[20:50] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 57 > [d100=57]
[20:51] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 they're still dumb
[20:51] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=11]
[20:51] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 biting Ary
[20:51] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 7 > [d20=4]
[20:51] <@Torokasi> But all three miss their bites, the lizards skittering and seemingly complaining amongst themselves! Janda moves to heal Solmyr...
[20:51] <@Torokasi> roll 2d8+4
[20:51] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 11 > [d8=3,4]
[20:51] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 3 NL) > Para > Solmyr (30/33, Flaming Sphere) > Crow (22/34, 7 NL) > Lilian (22, 8 NL) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost (1 at 6/13), 3 shock > Janda (18/25) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. Blinded: F. Liz 3, S. Liz 2/3'
[20:52] <@Torokasi> OOC: Ary's turn.
[20:54] <AutumnCrow> Drawing his blade back, Ary again attempts to bisect some lizards, starting with the one that bit at him.
[20:54] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 slashy slashy 2 into PA
[20:54] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=18]
[20:54] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d10+10+1d6 damage it up
[20:54] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 21 > [d10=6][d6=5]
[20:54] <@Torokasi> OOC: Cleave!
[20:54] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 bird cleavage
[20:54] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=18]
[20:54] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d10+10+1d6 oh wait ary isn't the trap
[20:55] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 16 > [d10=4][d6=2]
[20:56] <@Torokasi> The two shocker lizards crumble apart, electric energy surging from them and at Ary as their cleanly split bodies practically dissolve! OOC: Two ref checks from Ary.
[20:57] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+2 ow
[20:57] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=18]
[20:57] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+2 ow
[20:57] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 8 > [d20=6]
[20:58] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8 only one hits
[20:58] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 5 > [d8=5]
[20:58] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 8 NL) > Para > Solmyr (30/33, Flaming Sphere) > Crow (22/34, 7 NL) > Lilian (22, 8 NL) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost (1 at 6/13), 3 shock > Janda (18/25) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. Blinded: F. Liz 3, S. Liz 2/3'
[20:58] <@Torokasi> One burst harmlessly dissipates, but the other strikes Ary's armor squarely, causing him to literally buzz for a moment! OOC: Para.
[20:59] <AutumnCrow> Para takes aim at the one frost lizard still spitting at Lillian and lets loose.
[20:59] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 plink
[20:59] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=11]
[20:59] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 plink
[20:59] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=1]
[20:59] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+3 plonk
[20:59] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 8 > [d8=5]
[21:00] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Ary (41/48, 8 NL) > Para > Solmyr (30/33, Flaming Sphere) > Crow (22/34, 7 NL) > Lilian (22, 8 NL) > Raptor (5/26) > 3 frost (1 at 6/13, 1 at 5/13), 1 shock > Janda (18/25) | S/F. Liz: 13 HP, 14 AC. B. Liz: 16 HP, 14 AC. Blinded: F. Liz 3, S. Liz 2/3'
[21:02] <@Torokasi> The injured lizard hisses, its gaze turning to Para instead! Solmyr takes this chance to move the flaming sphere over to it...!
[21:02] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5
[21:02] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=18]
[21:02] <@Torokasi> But it dodges away! Grumbling, Solmyr follows up with an blob of acid flung its way!
[21:03] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4
[21:03] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=6]
[21:03] <@Torokasi> This, too, unfortunately misses the evasive shock lizard! OOC: Crow's up.
[21:03] <AutumnCrow> OOC: can I reach the frost ones? Or just the shocker up here?
[21:04] <@Torokasi> OOC: ... I was about to say it'd take a check, but Step of the Wind pulls weight. You can reach the frost ones with a move action, running onto the cage basically.
[21:05] * AutumnCrow leaves the last shocker to Ary, dashing over to the frost lizards to snap her fan at the one that keeps attacking!
[21:05] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 back in Autumn Stance
[21:05] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=10]
[21:06] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4+1+2
[21:06] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 11 > [d4=4]
[21:06] <@Torokasi> The frost lizard isn't fast enough to dodge out of Crow's way, however, exploding in a burst of cold air! OOC: Fort save.
[21:07] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 no not my worst save
[21:07] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=11]
[21:08] <@Torokasi> But Crow waves the cold air away with a snap of her fan! OOC: I'm... just going to rule combat is done; the team will possibly take more non-lethal but there's nothing left that can do significant damage and all enemies are dead or statused.
[21:08] <AutumnCrow> OOC: works. Blind lizard can't dodge ary swing, Crow gets to flurry on ice lizards next round.
[21:09] <@Torokasi> OOC: Yeah, basically.
[21:10] <@Torokasi> Ary grimaces as the final shocker lizard jolts him a bit on death, Crow easily dispatching the frost lizards as the rest of the team heals up. Lilian is the first to comment, "What was that... accursed huge acid spitter? Blast, and I just got my hair redone..."
[22:04] <AutumnCrow> "I don't know what it was, but dead is what it is." Crow quipped coldly, snapping her fans back shut after flicking the blood off and fixing her own hair. "I do hope that's all for this place."


[16:19] <~Torokasi> Para shakes his head mutely, already alongside Ary and Crow upstairs as the rest of the group heads toward the staircase. "One more room. I'll scout it?"
[16:21] <AutumnCrow> "Go ahead." Crow nods to him, "I'll watch your back...hopefully this fight drew in anything tainted from there, but keep an eye out for more cowering spitters."
[16:22] <~Torokasi> "Got it." Para nods, glancing in. OOC: Spot check?
[16:22] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+11 Paraspot
[16:22] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=14]
[16:25] <~Torokasi> "... dead lizards. A lot of them. Nothing living." Para steps in gingerly, ducking to the side, and the light turns on in the room, revealing a rather surprising amount of blood all over the room, multiple unfamiliar metal frames toppled and broken eggshells all over. "...This is probably where the big ones nested."
[16:26] <AutumnCrow> "I don't envy thier cleanup crew." Crow murmered as she surveyed the damage, "...nor thier accountants."
[16:27] <~Torokasi> "Same." Ary snorts. "Hopefully this isn't a major setback. ...though frankly I'm glad I've not run into anyone who owns one of these..."
[16:29] <~Torokasi> "Hey, Crow, Para, you need us up there?" Janda calls from the bottom of the steps.
[16:29] <AutumnCrow> "Well, I doubt the normal ones are as strong." Crow shrugs, then tucks her fans into her belt, recovers her sash and begins heading back for the door. "Well, let's get out of here then."
[16:31] <~Torokasi> Lilian hops up the stairs, and at Crow's statement, nods. "Understood. Mind if Para and I quickly look over that room first? We may find something like the feed bag that she'll want to know about before the cleaning crews remove it unwittingly - most of them wouldn't have caught the feed bags being corrupted, either, I suspect."
[16:31] <AutumnCrow> "Go ahead. Yell if you find anything moving."
[16:32] <~Torokasi> "Right." Lilian and Para quickly duck back in, Lilian quickly commenting to Para, "Look for anything corrupted in a similar vein. I'm wondering if..." OOC: Search checks.
[16:33] <~Torokasi> roll 1d20+10 Lilian's
[16:33] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=11]
[16:34] <~Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 Para's
[16:34] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=8]
[16:36] <~Torokasi> After a moment, Crow can see Para crossing the room over to where Lilian went, before darting out past Crow, hand over his face. Lilian's voice can be heard, "...oh, gross. Yeah, this is only pieces of an egg, but..."
[16:38] <AutumnCrow> "Oh dear." Crow eyes Para heading past her, then sighs and calls back to Lilian, "a mist tainted egg?"
[16:38] <~Torokasi> After a minute longer, Lilian emerges, nose scrunched, a small bag in her hand. "Yeah, let's grab a bag of the bad feed and go. Looks like one of the eggs got mist-tainted and that may've been all it took."
[16:43] <AutumnCrow> "Lovely. I'll...suggest they get someone familiar with mist taint to help the cleanup crew to make sure they get everything." Crow nods and leads the way back to Kyrio.
[16:44] <~Torokasi> "Yeah." Lilian nods as the group trails behind Crow, Ary grabbing a bag of the tainted feed before they meet up with Kyrio. [More]
[16:46] <~Torokasi> Kyrio is leaning over a sick-looking Para with slight concern, the non-mist dinosaurs curled up in a corner with a ball of warm light hovering gently above them. At the group's arrival she looks over, wiping the top layer of dust and grime off her now-dirty robe. "He said you five were okay but didn't get any more out. How is it looking in there? Do you need a breather before doing the rest?" She gets this off in one breath as Para coughs weakly behind her.
[16:51] <AutumnCrow> "We swept all the rooms, the tainted ones are all dead." Crow sighs, "lots of destruction in there, and Lilian has some information on what is likely mist tainted. I'd suggest you get an expert on that to help with your cleanup crew, even things like the feed and some eggs are tainted."
[16:52] <~Torokasi> Kyrio's back stiffens. "Damn. That's... okay. I'll call in someone from the Weeping Lady's and go from there. How bad was it? Just the little light and temperature ones?"
[16:54] <AutumnCrow> "Ah. No." Crow shakes her head, "there were some odd black ones that spewed...I don't even KNOW what that was. And then three large ones, two that seemed to have cold and electrical powers as well as being large and strong enough to take a chunk out of even Ary. And then a larger version of the black ones that spewed some kind of acidic substance all over everything. Mind the stairs to the
[16:54] <AutumnCrow> upper cages, they're about half dissolved."
[17:04] <~Torokasi> "Large..." Kyrio's eyes widen. "Large? Like, how large? Full grown?"
[17:05] <~Torokasi> Lilian snorts. "Big enough to fit in Solmyr's clothes, more like. Well, they'd probably have room to spa- ow!"
[17:06] <~Torokasi> Janda steps up to right next to Crow. "Very big, bigger than I've seen myself, Kyrio. And using both cold and electricity. It looked and sounds like all the heat lizards died..."
[17:06] <AutumnCrow> "I'm willing to do a walk through with you while my team takes a breather if you want to see the corpses," Crow offers. "If there's anything else left in here hiding if won't be large enough to threaten me alone. Not that mist creatures are prone to hiding."
[17:08] <~Torokasi> "I... that would be nice, for a quick sweep. Janda can come with, too, and we'll go over where these larger ones were?" Kyrio offers.
[17:09] <~Torokasi> Lilian nods slightly. "I'll come with. We found some corrupted feed and what looks like a cursed eggshell, too, and I'd like to point out where those were."
[17:10] <AutumnCrow> "Janda, you...get Para outside to fresh air and look over Ary's wounds as well. I don't trust those bites to not carry something unpleasant. Lilian and I will handle the walkthrough." Crow gives her orders then leads the way around.
[17:13] <~Torokasi> Janda nods. "Sure thing. Kyrio, you're in good hands with Lilian and Crow, believe me." With that, she turns to Para, looking him over.
[17:15] <~Torokasi> Kyrio glances over Lilian very briefly. "Corrupted feed... okay, yes, let's do a quick tour."
[17:15] <~Torokasi> OOC: Any points you want to hit specifically, or let Lilian provide commentary?
[17:17] * AutumnCrow keeps an eye out for any remaining hidden dangers and does point out unstable terrain before anyone else steps on it, but lets Lilian handle the commentary on the mist corruption.
[17:21] <~Torokasi> Lilian briskly walks over the ice, Kyrio handling it relatively well as well as Crow leads the way to the feed bags. As the group turns the corner around the boxes, Kyrio gasps at the sight of the bigger lizard. "What on the Pillar is..."
[17:21] <~Torokasi> "That's one of the bigger lizards. ... Actually, that's weird. You killed two of the black lizards right on the doorframe, since this is where we got flanked, right, Crow?"
[17:21] <~Torokasi> Lilian asks Crow. "We walked right past but I didn't see either of their bodies."
[17:25] <AutumnCrow> "...I am really hoping that they just melted or dissolved or something like that and we don't have self-reviving undead lizards walking around now." Crow deadpans and she looks for any trace of the black lizards.
[17:27] <~Torokasi> Crow quickly checks their death location, and at a check, 'dissolved' seems to be the case - there's funny multicolored puddles, almost like a sickly rainbow or black with an oil lantern spilled over it, where they died, that seems to be evaporating slowly but visibly.
[17:28] <~Torokasi> "... this isn't mist-corrupted. Feed doesn't get this bad even when transported through the Mist." Kyrio says, her voice sounding off, as Lilian and Kyrio continue talking.
[17:29] <AutumnCrow> "Sabotage, perhaps?" Crow suggests the obvious answer after pointing out the oil puddles, "do you have any enemies or rivals who might consider using the recent chaos to strike at you?"
[17:31] <~Torokasi> "Rivals, possibly. Enemies, not unless I've managed to offend someone with an unorthodox theory of how the lizards breed somehow." The humor in Kyrio's voice fails to reach the rest of her face as she dips a finger into the ooze at the bottom of the box, sniffing it. "Sabotage, most likely. Unfortunately, this may have even been before the, ah, cataclysm."
[17:33] <AutumnCrow> "Well, I'm afraid investigation isn't our strong suit, but if you can get to the bottom of it and want some security when you make a confontation, we'd be happy to take the contract." Crow smiles sweetly, though there seems something a about it.
[17:34] <~Torokasi> "I will definitely keep that in mind if I need anything from your group." Kyrio nods almost absently, flicking the ooze to the side. "There was something else, too, ah..."
[17:35] <~Torokasi> "Lilian." With a brush of her hair, Lilian glances to Crow. "And while it might be out of line for me to mention this, I do have some talent in research and investigation. If you'd like to contact Janda or Crow about rates, I'll happily assist if I'm available."
[17:37] <AutumnCrow> "That's fine," Crow shrugs, "you're really the only one of us that does, I'll let Janda handle that negotiation. We should still be in town for awhile before we risk heading out to look for that mark we left."
[17:37] <~Torokasi> "Understood." Kyrio nods, looking over Lilian again more appraisingly. "The other spot, then?"
[17:39] <~Torokasi> "Up in the incubation room." Lilian nods. "We think the big acid spitter came from there." With that, Lilian lets Crow lead the way up.
[17:39] <AutumnCrow> "She's a beguiler as well as a templar of Erest Rosen," Crow explains to Kyrio as they walk to the next spot, "the majority of the brains of our group when it comes to non-combat problems."
[17:40] <AutumnCrow> "Well, non-combat, non-wilderness problems," she amends.
[17:43] <~Torokasi> "A templar of- oh!" Kyrio nods, enthusiastically at this point. "I was going to contact them about this event, so I'll let you be my contact, if that's alright, Lilian?"
[17:43] <~Torokasi> "Sounds fine by me." Lilian replies with a winning smile as the group steps into the incubation room. "Ah, take what time you need to recover here-"
[17:44] <~Torokasi> "It's fine, this is honestly better than I expected." Kyrio shakes her head. "Where was the corrupted egg?"
[17:45] <AutumnCrow> "Yes, this is what made Para lose his lunch." Crow deftly tied her scarf around her face to give some protection from the smell before going in.
[17:46] <~Torokasi> "Aaah." Kyrio nods as Lilian moves one of the incubator racks out of the way... before wincing as the smell of pure rot seems to hit Crow's nose. "Oh dear. That would do it."
[17:48] <AutumnCrow> "...I'll have to thank Para for taking one for the team there. If I wasn't forewarned enough to try blocking it out like this, I'd be the one throwing up right now." Crow somehow manages to deadpan through the nausea, but her voice is a bit pained. "This is the most disgusting thing I've ever smelled, and I've made mulch from rotten mushrooms before."
[17:53] <~Torokasi> "Oh, yes, that's always quite the smell, isn't it." Kyrio gives a false smile, flipping through the eggshells. "This is... the lizard lived, it broke through the eggshell. You can tell from how this one broke. Did it grow immediately? This is... as fascinating as it is disturbing. Thank you for finding this... Let's go. The smell is making my eyes water." She quickly shoves a few large pieces of blackened eggshell in a robe pocket and stands up.
[17:55] * AutumnCrow quickly leads the way out!
[17:57] <~Torokasi> Para is looking better if still queasy as the trio returns back to the entryway, Ary and Solmyr pausing an argument to glance over as Janda waltzes over. "I'm sorry you have to see your place like this, Kyrio. I'm just glad we could help clear it out." Janda smiles sadly to Kyrio.
[18:00] <~Torokasi> Kyrio shrugs. "You kept everything you could alive, and I am hardly a poor or broken woman by any of this. It just means that the Temple of Sath will have to accept a reduced payment for a few months as I rebuild. Fortunately, not all the breeding work goes on here - my incubators at home are perfectly fine. I'll just bring them in after the cleaning, and... phoo, I suppose I'll have to be closed a few days for repairs as I accelerate some of the growth cycles. A harsh loss, but nothing worse than what many others are coping with."
[18:01] <~Torokasi> Lilian nods. "Just let Crow, Janda, or myself know if there's any other matters you want us to deal with, alright?"
[18:03] <AutumnCrow> "Oh, you have a contract with the Temple of Sath?" Crow smiles as she removes the scarf from her face, "well, I'm sure they'll be understanding. Everyone is struggling with the aftermath right now."
[18:06] <~Torokasi> "It's... borderline impossible to run a business off your own money, if you need any more space than what your home provides. And often even then, impossible." Kyrio shakes her head. "But they'll be leinient to me. Others... well, there will likely be some drama there, I'm sure, but nothing I'm involved in. As for payment, a moment." She heads over to a standing desk, Janda trotting after almost obediently, and begins counting coins off.
[18:07] <~Torokasi> Lilian sighs. "I need a bath after this. I can practically feel my hair still frying from that acid..."
[18:08] <AutumnCrow> "Yes. A bath, then some lunch to get that smell out of my nose."
[18:11] <~Torokasi> "And beer at lunch so Solmyr can forget about blasting his ancestor-OW!" Ary yelps as Solmyr's elbow slams into his chin, even though it takes Solmyr standing on tiptoes to manage it.
[18:12] <~Torokasi> "I'd have aimed lower, tin can, but you wouldn't have felt it." Solmyr snorts, rubbing his elbow as Solmyr scowls.
[18:12] <~Torokasi> OOC: s/second Solmyr/Ary
[18:14] <AutumnCrow> "Don't be rediculous, Ary." Crow shakes her head, "these were electric lizards, not electric fish. Completely different things."
[18:17] <~Torokasi> Both Ary and Lilian break down laughing, while Solmyr's back stiffens as he looks Crow in the eyes, all traces of humor gone from his face... for just under a second before a snort manages to escape his nose.
[18:18] * AutumnCrow just smiles~
[18:19] <~Torokasi> "Okay. Well played, Crow." Solmyr finally manages to get out, still desperately trying to maintain a straight face.
[18:19] <~Torokasi> "... Kyrio, are you sure?! That's too-" Janda half-shrieks from the other side of the room before Kyrio gently shushes her.
[18:21] <~Torokasi> Kyrio walks over to Crow and passes over the bag. "For a job well done and for retaining you for future services. Thank you again." It seems lighter than the other bags of money Crow's handled, oddly enough, but Janda seems wide-eyed in surprise and definitely not in annoyance.
[18:24] * AutumnCrow trusted Janda's judgement, so simply nodded politely without even looking in the bag, "Thank you. If you need Lilian to investigate something, certainly let us know and we'll make sure the time is made. We'll mostly be taking downtime for a bit before heading out of the city, and I'll make sure a note is sent to you before we do that so you'll know we won't be available for that time
[18:24] * AutumnCrow period."
[18:26] <~Torokasi> "That's dearly appreciated. I'm going to focus on cleanup here, but I will certainly contact you once I'm ready to do anything further." Kyrio smiles. "Again, thank you dearly, and we'll talk soon, I'm sure. Do any of you need further healing? I did prepare some..."
[18:26] <~Torokasi> Janda shakes her head. "Solmyr and I covered the rest. Thank you so very much, Mrs. Kyrio!"
[18:27] <AutumnCrow> "Healing is one resource we are not short on." Crow smiles.
[18:29] <~Torokasi> "Seems so. Very well. Take care!" Kyrio smiles and turns to the lizards as the group filters towards the door, Lilian glancing curiously at Janda who seems still surprised.
[18:32] <AutumnCrow> "It seems the pay was more than you expected?" Crow looks to Janda as they left, "she may be calling in our services again, for investigating...we suspect this may have been sabotage, not just normal mist corruption, and possibly for confronting whoever did it if she can find out. If that makes the amount make more sense to you?"
[18:34] <~Torokasi> Janda nods absently as the group steps out, making sure the barn-wide doors close behind them before turning to the rest of the group. "...Three hundred gold."
[18:34] <~Torokasi> Ary blinks. "You're shitting me. She said, like, fifteen a person, right?"
[18:35] <~Torokasi> "That would be precisely what she told us. By the consummation of... well. That's a significant amount even for this."
[18:36] <~Torokasi> Lilian finishes speaking as Solmyr and Para simply gape, wide-mouthed.
[18:38] <AutumnCrow> "I anticipate we will be earning the rest of that shortly," Crow simply shrugs seeming rather nonplussed by it. "As she said, retainer fee. On that subject, Ary if you want a legitimate excuse to not make yourself available to Rei during our downtime, I believe since Kyrio has a contract with the Church of Sath then helping Lilian with her investigation should do nicely?"
[18:39] <~Torokasi> "Ah, sure. Not sure how much I can help but I'll do what I can. Will depend on the terms of her contract honestly, but..." Ary nods slightly.
[18:42] <AutumnCrow> "Well, largely it's because I'd feel better about having one of our primary warriors present when someone is investigating potential sabotage." Crow shrugs, "if someone is twisted enough to do something like that, they're not going to shy away from killing whoever might find them out."
[18:43] <~Torokasi> "A good point." Lilian nods. "If I need muscle or anything else, rest assured I'll drag Ary along and ensure Rei's happy with that."
[18:53] <~Torokasi> Solmyr sighs. "Okay. Anything else for the day? Anyone else have, like, sentient oozes or spider yeeks or something we need to kill, or can I pretend today is done already?"
[18:56] <AutumnCrow> "Team meeting this afternoon," Crow sighs, "I need to catch you boys up on something that's been happening. But washing and getting something to eat first."
[18:57] <~Torokasi> Para tilts his head as both Ary and Solmyr frown. "We... already know Mare's in town, Crow." Ary is the first to speak. "Or are you telling us you're keeping her out?"
[19:00] <AutumnCrow> "It has nothing to do with her, it's something else entirely. I'll get into the details after we've had a chance to recover from lizard hell."
[19:02] <~Torokasi> "...Right." Solmyr shakes his head. "Yeah, let's meet up for lunch at the mess hall and talk about it then?
[19:02] <AutumnCrow> "After." Crow replies firmly, "I'd like to keep this completely private, team only."
[19:04] <~Torokasi> "Right." Ary nods. "Let's head back and... we'll figure out monetary spoils splitting at lunch and then have Crow's meeting afterward." OOC: Anything to add on the way back to the Guild?
[19:04] <AutumnCrow> OOC: nope.
[19:06] <~Torokasi> The group makes easy time to the Guild, passing through the gate amid idle banter, before Lilian glances to the group's right. "... Ah. Just as we mentioned you earlier. Where have you been, Mare?"
[19:10] * AutumnCrow nods to the horsewoman, but doesn't have anything to say right now.
[19:13] <~Torokasi> Mare grimaces as she approaches the group, seemingly coated in sweat that, annoyingly, just seems to make her shine harder instead of make her look grimy or anything similar. "Been attempting to contact my sister. Nlocomo's apparently in quite the state, and, well, my dad died in the disaster. So she's the new head of the house. Apologies for- well. Apologies for everything. I didn't have a fucking choice in my departure but I made a multitude of horrific choices and... by Sath, I'm sorry."
[19:19] <~Torokasi> The silence stretches on for a time, before Ary, finally, speaks up, his voice hoarse. "Okay. So?"
[19:21] <AutumnCrow> "We just came from a rather unpleasant job," Crow speaks up, "I'm sorry to hear about your father, but we would really like to wash up and get something to eat before any emotional conversations, if you don't have to leave again right this moment?"
[19:21] <~Torokasi> Mare sighs, slumping a bit before glancing to Crow. "Ah, sure, I'm okay with tha-"
[19:23] <~Torokasi> "Sorry, Crow, but I'm in the mood to hash this out now." Ary replies, his arms twitching. "You can leave if you want, since you only got fucked by proxy, but I'd rather just settle this."
[19:24] <~Torokasi> Janda and Lilian glance at each other as Solmyr sighs. "... everything I have to say right now is in poor taste. Maybe just leave Ary and I to talk to her right now, Crow?"
[19:27] * AutumnCrow sighs and looks to Mare, "I cleaned up the mess you left behind in regards to Janda's treatment especially, but you saved my life in the mess that happened, so I consider the two of us even. I am curious to know the details and reasons behind your poor decision making, but that is hardly a priority. We can talk later."
[19:28] <AutumnCrow> With that, she nods to Solmyr and Ary, then heads for the bath.
[19:29] <~Torokasi> Mare nods to Crow mutely, before looking to Ary as Crow walks off. After a few seconds, Crow can hear Janda's footsteps behind her, and a few seconds later, Lilian.
[19:31] <~Torokasi> Lilian shakes her head once she catches up. "We just told her we'd catch up with her afterward, since she doesn't need us glowering while Ary rages. Flip side is we don't need Ary to soften her up for us."
[19:31] <~Torokasi> Janda smiles. "I don't know what you're talking about, Lilian. That sounds awfully... angry. I'm not angry."
[19:33] <AutumnCrow> "Regardless, it's all worked out for the best. I think she'd wind up being your team leader by virtue of having the most powerful personality of the group from what I've heard and seen, but frankly I'm a better one." Crow shrugs, not bothering with false modesty in the slightest.
[19:34] <~Torokasi> "You don't have incredibly convoluted plans so yes, you win that argument without thinking." Lilian nods with a slight snort.
[19:36] <~Torokasi> Janda chuckles. "Yeah. In hindsight, the whole Solmyr thing is... I mainly want to hit -him- nowadays for that, to be entirely honest."
[19:36] <AutumnCrow> "I learned that from my father, really." Crow smiles, "The fewer...what did he call it, 'moving parts' a plan has, the less chance it can go wrong. Simple, direct, focus on your strengths and eliminate obstacles one by one with as much overwhelming efficiancy as possible and as much brutality as nessesary."
[19:38] <~Torokasi> "Sounds about right." Lilian nods. "I'll bathe last, going to do an impromptu haircut I think given how much hair got damaged..."
[19:38] <AutumnCrow> "You took the brunt of that acid breath, you can go first," Crow nods to Janda.
[19:39] <~Torokasi> Janda nods. "I'll do that. Thanks. If you wait, Lilian, I can give you a haircut?"
[19:44] * AutumnCrow goes to wait in her room until Janda is done.
[19:44] <~Torokasi> Lilian hums, before nodding. "Sure, that'd be appreciated."
[19:44] <~Torokasi> OOC: Skip to lunch?
[19:44] <AutumnCrow> OOC: sure.
[19:48] <~Torokasi> The trio process through the bathroom in relatively quick order, Janda taking the longest to fix her hair and Lilian seemingly just stepping in there for a moment. After this, the three head down to the mess hall, finding Ary and Para relatively quickly. Para waves, but Ary seems fixated on his three bowls of different curries, face like a thundercloud.
[19:49] <AutumnCrow> "Do we need to go to the training room so you can take swings at me until you work the anger off?" Crow offers as she sits down across from Ary with her own food, a more mild vegetarian curry.
[19:51] <~Torokasi> "Maybe tomorrow." Ary grumbles. Lilian sits down next to him as Janda and Crow sit opposite him, next to Para. Ary shakes his head. "Still don't believe this shit."
[19:51] <~Torokasi> "You don't think she's being sincere?" Janda tilts her head.
[19:52] <~Torokasi> "Oh, she is. That's part of why I'm pissed." Ary mutters, shoving a forkful of curry into his mouth and, thankfully, not trying to talk with it in his mouth. After a moment, "If she wasn't this would be much easier."
[19:53] <AutumnCrow> "Is she just apologizing or asking to join us?" Crow pokes for details as she nibbles at her own food. She's not overly fond of this curry stuff, but it's *strong* which is what she needs right now.
[19:55] <~Torokasi> "She's willing to join or not, according to her." Ary snorts. "But the conversation was basically her apologizing for everything. Solmyr's still talking with her, but I couldn't... I just decided to walk off. I can't deal with her right now."
[19:58] <~Torokasi> Janda hums. "Yeah, sounds right. Convoluted shitty plans are sort of a forte for her. Remember the time she tried to give you a surprise birthday party?"
[19:59] <AutumnCrow> "Well, I'll say right now that the decision on whether or not she joins is up to everyone. A single vote of no for any reason at all and that's that." Crow shrugs, "I'll not put a single member of the existing group behind a newcomer. ...well, technically speaking, anyway."
[20:00] <~Torokasi> Ary chokes on a piece of curry for a moment in Lilian's direction, causing Lilian to raise a hand to block an errant piece of rice nonchalantly. "Yes, I remember that. It took forever to wash out the bed, that's when I left Sath's barracks... worked out in the end, I guess."
[20:01] <~Torokasi> Janda laughs. "That's always the most damning part of her plans, isn't it? 'It worked out in the end, but...'" Then, to Crow, "That's good to know. Thank you. Ah, I suppose I should say for the record that I'm okay with her rejoining."
[20:01] <~Torokasi> Ary stares at Janda. "What? Really? But her plan was-"
[20:01] <~Torokasi> "Water under the bridge!" Janda chirps. "That's the Weeping Lady's motto!"
[20:02] <~Torokasi> Lilian snorts. "You're going to kick her in the shins and say you're good. Right?"
[20:03] <~Torokasi> Janda looks to Lilian, her face a surprisingly perfect deadpan. "Water. Under the bridge."
[20:03] <AutumnCrow> "There will be time enough for that conversation after everyone has had thier chance to hash things out with her, and after I get to make my own judgements about her reasoning behind her decisions," Crow waves it off, "no need to make decisions now. I may well be the one to say no I find her justification unsatisfactory or if I don't feel I can trust her to not play games in the future."
[20:03] <AutumnCrow> "For now, lunch and the other conversation are more important."
[20:04] <AutumnCrow> OOC: if I find, even
[20:04] <~Torokasi> Lilian nods to Crow's statement. "Fair. But, uh, just for clarification, Janda... 'under the bridge' isn't some sort of metaphor for 'in the crotch', right?"
[20:05] <~Torokasi> Ary snorts into his food as Janda flushes a bright red. "Of- of course not, Lilian! No!"
[20:05] <~Torokasi> "That's Magdanae code." Para adds softly, chewing on his salad.
[20:06] <AutumnCrow> "So if Solmyr says 'water under the bridge' then we can surmise what he was doing," Crow deadpans as she times her comment for when Lilian was taking a bite or drink of something.
[20:07] <~Torokasi> Lilian smiles. "Look, Solmyr's not that desperate for make-up sex, or any other form of attention." She manages to sip her drink while saying this, somehow.
[20:08] <~Torokasi> Ary, Para, and Janda all glance at Lilian, Ary's face the picture of disbelief, Janda's eyebrow half-cocked, Para almost looking half asleep.
[20:09] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm. I thought I had you with that one." Crow sighs in defeat as she continues eating.
[20:10] <~Torokasi> "I had to bite the tip of the cup to not laugh." Lilian admits with a grin. "Oh, chin up, Ary, it's called a farcial comment 'cuz you're not supposed to believe it. Of course they're probably fucking."
[20:11] <~Torokasi> "Nope." Solmyr drops his plate right next to Lilian before sitting down with a thud. "Too angry with her to."
[20:12] <~Torokasi> Lilian's face doesn't shift as she glances over to Solmyr, though her eyebrow lifts a bit. "That actually surprises me. Though don't consider this an insult on your normal amounts of restraint so much as... well."
[20:14] <AutumnCrow> "If you need to put off having a serious conversation after that, we can do it in the morning. Unless having something else to focus on would be helpful, of course."
[20:14] <~Torokasi> "Yeah yeah I know." Solmyr mutters irritably, chewing on a loaf of bread. "She's staying at the inn just outside the west gate. I got pissed since she never even sent word, she said she had a reason but didn't want to talk about it until Lilian could hear it, that sort of pissed me off-"
[20:15] <~Torokasi> "Her family tracks everything she does. Or did." Lilian shrugs. "Did I ever mention it sounds like she's the calm, rational thinker of her family?"
[20:16] <AutumnCrow> "Oh lovely." Crow sighs, "though in fairness I am probably one of the least violent members of my own family."
[20:18] <~Torokasi> "So what I'm getting is we're all the sanest of our respective families, for good or ill. Except Para and I whose families are dead, with exceptions to brothers." Lilian comments dryly, dipping a bread crust in her soup.
[20:18] <~Torokasi> Para pauses, looking down at his food. "... yeah, I probably beat my brother there."
[20:18] <AutumnCrow> "I said one of the least violent, not the sanest." Crow deadpans with a smile.
[20:20] <~Torokasi> "Point accepted. We're all the least extreme of our families, then. I guess I am the least dead of mine?" Lilian laughs.
[20:20] <~Torokasi> Janda looks down. "I've... never wanted to ask, but they couldn't do anything for your family?"
[20:21] <~Torokasi> Lilian shakes her head. "Can't reincarnate people if none of their body survived, not even the hair. The fire was that bad, unfortunately."
[20:21] <AutumnCrow> "That doesn't sound like an ordinary fire." Crow didn't know anything about Lilian's family prior to this, but didn't want to ask to be caught up to speed right this moment.
[20:24] <~Torokasi> "Who knows if it was or not. Oh, right, you've... basically never heard any of this. Uh, basically, there was a massive fire in the complex my family lived in, the entire place burned down, it was declared accidental - not like that means much - I was found unharmed in a cupboard my mom tossed me in to try and protect me, the priests of Erest Rosen declared me lucky and adopted me at the tender, rebellious age of thirteen. I'm lucky they didn't throw me out after three weeks, haha!" Lilian chuckles, picking away at her salad.
[20:25] <AutumnCrow> "Well," Crow sighed, "I'm a cook. I can tell you that if the fire were hot enough to destroy even the bones? The residual heat would have killed you in the cabinet. Bone doesn't burn like flesh does."
[20:25] <~Torokasi> "And ever since then she's had nightmares of fires occasionally, which is why I was worried about her having bad dreams a while back." Solmyr adds.
[20:27] <~Torokasi> Lilian hums. "Yeah, that's what I thought about the bones. On the other hand, mom was a pretty decent mage as I recall, so she may have enchanted the cupboard or something. I don't honestly know, they couldn't tell me what happened to it when I asked a few years ago. I don't actually remember like 99% of this, mind - I just remember my mom tossing me in there, not anything before that or anything up to like a day after getting out of there."
[20:30] <~Torokasi> Para just shakes his head. "Me, I just don't like yeeks. Though I like lizards less right now."
[20:31] <~Torokasi> Ary snorts. "Man, I think we all like lizards less right now."
[20:33] <~Torokasi> "... So what do you call a chameleon that can't change color?" Solmyr asks after a moment.
[20:33] <~Torokasi> Lilian's head sinks to the table as she groans, but the rest of the group seems confused, glancing between Lilian and Solmyr?
[20:33] <AutumnCrow> "An easy target?"
[20:33] <~Torokasi> OOC: s/?/.
[20:34] <~Torokasi> Solmyr considers Crow's answer. "I guess, if I'm making this joke about them. A lizard with a-reptile dysfunction."
[20:34] <~Torokasi> Ary frowns. "Lilian, please hit him upside the head for me."
[20:35] <AutumnCrow> "...I don't get it." Crow patiently looks at Solmyr for an explanation.
[20:35] <~Torokasi> "Too busy suffocating in salad. You do it." Lilian's voice is muffled as Para chuckles.
[20:35] <~Torokasi> Janda shakes her head. "Ditto."
[20:35] <~Torokasi> Ary shakes his head. "Areptile and erectile."
[20:37] <~Torokasi> Janda flushes again at this, and Solmyr yelps in pain. "That really was bad, Solmyr." Janda chides him.
[20:38] <AutumnCrow> "...oh." Crow shrugs, "I haven't heard that term before."
[20:39] <~Torokasi> "... That makes sense. Didn't think about that." Solmyr nods.
[20:41] <~Torokasi> "Aaaanyways..." Ary shakes his head...
[20:41] <AutumnCrow> "You'll have to excuse me if I don't get jokes or comments about certain subjects. My family had different priorities of education than most."
[20:42] <AutumnCrow> OOC: she'll let Lilian figure out a good private place to talk. She seems like she'd know some.
[20:43] <~Torokasi> OOC: Righty-o.
[20:46] <~Torokasi> On Crow's request, once the group finishes up lunch, Lilian leads them out... and into Duessa's Redoubt, straight to the counter. "One private room, all the defensive works, please. I'll cover the cost out of my share of today's job, Janda." Lilian says before glancing to Crow. "This is probably our best bet for a room that can hold all of us, and forgive me for being a bit paranoid about this one, but I'd like to make sure -nothing- is watching us, not even Sir Deceiver."
[20:47] <~Torokasi> Duessa blinks at this. "The job's done already? She just reported it. Good fast work, you six. I'll make a note of it. And that's five gold, plus five for every hour after the first."
[20:48] <AutumnCrow> "I'll trust your judgement on the needed level of security," Crow nods to Lilian. "And yes, it was a one hour or so job. Not pleasant, but quick."
[20:49] <~Torokasi> Solmyr rubs his head. "Okay, how much have we not been in the loop of?"
[20:51] <~Torokasi> "We weren't sure if this was just... some one off thing, but it apparently isn't, so we need everyone in the loop." Lilian says succinctly, before Duessa drops a key into her hand. "Room 10, then. Let's go and get this conversation done with. If anyone wants anything to drink, get it now because I'm sealing the door behind me until we're done."
[20:57] <AutumnCrow> "A pitcher of water, please."
[20:59] <~Torokasi> "... Janda, one to five this for beer, please." Ary glances to Janda. "Actually am I wrong in guessing you're in the loop?"
[20:59] <~Torokasi> "I am. And it's under control and sounds relatively optimistic, so two or three." Janda replies.
[21:01] <~Torokasi> "We'll go three then. Solmyr and I will be right back." With that, Ary and Solmyr step back over to Duessa's counter.
[21:02] <~Torokasi> Para just looks between the three women, before, "Crow's dreams?"
[21:04] <~Torokasi> "...okay, what the hell, Para?" Lilian frowns. "How? Now I'm really confused."
[21:05] <AutumnCrow> "You're confused as to how the group stealth expert knows something?" Crow raises an eyebrow at Lilain, "really?"
[21:06] <~Torokasi> Lilian opens her mouth, before rubbing her head. "Okay. I earned that one."
[21:07] <~Torokasi> Janda frowns. "I'm confused too, though. Lilian and you and I haven't talked about it with anyone else..."
[21:08] <~Torokasi> "... Crow talked with the yeek on the way home. Said it happened before. I was ahead of the group but I was able to hear it." Para shakes his head. "I don't know anything else about them."
[21:09] <AutumnCrow> "That's enough until we're in the room." Crow states simply.
[21:10] <~Torokasi> Lilian and Para both nod as the other two returned with one pitcher of water and three pitchers of beer. "There'll be cups in there." Lilian nods as she opens the door. "Everyone in."
[21:11] * AutumnCrow ducks in, takes a seat and fishes her journal out of the bag she brought.
[21:13] <~Torokasi> The room is... pretty large, bigger than Crow would have estimated, with a lot more chairs than the group needs. The group congregates around the near end of the large table, the pitchers sliding onto the table and the mugs flipping up. Lilian sighs at this. "Do you want me to give a synopsis or do you just want to go through your journal listings, Crow?"
[21:15] <AutumnCrow> "I'll go through things," Crow nods, then turns to the boys, "I want to preface this with...well, I wasn't intentionally hiding things. I just wanted to get more information about what was going on before deciding whether or not this was something that needed bringing up. Lilian and Janda were the obvious ones to ask to help get information, being the research expert and the healer."
[21:18] <~Torokasi> "I'd also venture that it's something that personally stressed you out." Solmyr comments. "Otherwise there probably wouldn't be this level of buildup, no matter how merited."
[21:18] <AutumnCrow> "Normally I don't dream. Or at least I don't remember dreaming if I do. But I've recently begun having...very vivid dreams where I have complete control of my own actions within them, which I'm told is not usual. I also remember them perfectly as if I were quite awake for the experience." Opening her journal, she began to read things off, adding detail where needed and trying to answer any
[21:18] <AutumnCrow> questions. She wasn't hiding anything about these from people.
[21:18] <AutumnCrow> OOC: from the people in her group. Guh half typed thoughts.
[21:22] <~Torokasi> Solmyr, Ary, and Para listen as she goes through the list, Ary and Solmyr both piping in with clarifying questions when necessary. After Crow works through the journal, there is a lengthy pause. "... Yeah, those dreams sort of escalated on you, didn't they. I can see why you'd wait, and I'm glad you're telling us now that we know you're attracting the attention of something deep within the Mist called the Deceiver that apparently watches you specifically and everyone generally in their sleep." Solmyr says after a bit.
[21:24] <~Torokasi> "You wish we had let you in the loop sooner." Lilian replies dryly.
[21:24] <~Torokasi> "You specifically. Crow not doing so makes perfect sense." Solyr retorts.
[21:24] <AutumnCrow> "It was, of course, me that needed to talk to a priest of Sath about dreams that time, not Lilian." Crow admitted with a shrug. " the time was concerned that I would lose credibility for being so worried about mere dreams. But that was before they escalated."
[21:25] * AutumnCrow then eyes Solmyr, "And it was not her decision to make, unless you are suggestion she should have disregarded my confidence?"
[21:25] <AutumnCrow> OOC: suggesting
[21:25] <~Torokasi> "So I should have betrayed her confi- you know, whatever. It's not like you last long enough with Mare even in your dreams to be caught doing anything scandalous." Lilian retorts at the same time as Crow's line. "Yeah, what you said, Crow."
[21:26] <AutumnCrow> "The cheap shot was unnessesary," Crow gently chides Lilian, but doesn't take it any further.
[21:27] <~Torokasi> Solmyr snorts but doesn't carry the argument further. "Yeah, you're right, Crow. Sorry, just... the idea of this being out there is sort of creeping me out, I have to admit."
[21:28] <AutumnCrow> " my defense, things didn't really escalate until the dream I had during the mist invasion," Crow shook her head, "and at that point we had far more important things to focus on."
[21:29] <~Torokasi> roll 1d20+3
[21:29] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=10]
[21:31] <AutumnCrow> "What I believe that my grandmother that I have recieved the potential to learn the secret arts usable only by the High Lady or her heirs. Which is good. I can already use some of the most basic techniques in the book, the ability to take a seasonal stance in conjunction with my normal stance," she looks at Ary as she explains that last one, figuring that only he would get it.
[21:32] <~Torokasi> Ary nurses his beer gently. "I... would suggest you consult Father Martenn again, Crow. May want to drop parts of this, but asking about this 'Deceiver' might be wise. I'm not really well versed in lore, so I can't suggest anything more profound. And, yeah, that seems like the lynchpin moment, there, was that dream... hrmph. Man, Autumn Temple bloodline is no joke, training aside."
[21:34] <AutumnCrow> "No, it really isn't. And yes, I would like to. Can you try to arrange another meeting with him for me?"
[21:35] <~Torokasi> "Sure thing." Ary says, picking at one of his feathers underneath his glove. "I vaguely think I've heard of this before, but the term was something funky - named after a follower of Sath that could do it. He had a descriptive name, at least, but I'm not pulling it..."
[21:42] <AutumnCrow> "The Deciever named himself as Litas Namaech when I asked," Crow shrugged.
[21:44] <~Torokasi> "Litas Namaech..." Solmyr shakes his head. "It sounds like an old-timey name, a bit. Don't think many people use that sort of ending for a name anymore, that 'Aech' part."
[21:44] <~Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 Solmyr
[21:44] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=20]
[21:44] <~Torokasi> roll 1d20+0 Para
[21:44] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 5 > [d20=5]
[21:45] <AutumnCrow> "He also said he served a master...a 'current' master, even. Though divulged nothing on what that entity may be."
[21:46] <~Torokasi> Solmyr frowns, before pounding his fist on the table. "Hold on a moment. Litas? That's... like, litas covaludi interwast becomi?"
[21:47] <~Torokasi> "Blow your nose, please." Ary comments dryly. "And then explain what that- what, Lilian?"
[21:47] <~Torokasi> Lilian is staring at Solmyr. "That has to be coincidence." she finally says. "I didn't even think of that but it has to be coincidence."
[21:49] <~Torokasi> "It's... the first four words in a charm spell, or at least most variants. 'Litas' being the name to spirits that bewitch or fool others. Deceiver, literally, and he didn't bother hiding it from anyone who makes the connection. So his real name - its real name? You said it didn't really have a gender - is Namaech, I'd guess, the Litas being deception." Solmyr gets out after a moment.
[21:52] <~Torokasi> "...Uh, interrupting here, but first, how do either of you know that, and second, that seems coincidental, almost. Litas doesn't sound that old-timey, and you guys are jumping to a big conclusion here? I don't know, I'm not comfortable with that jump. Also, that sounds really bloody hokey for a spell." Janda tilts her head.
[21:54] <AutumnCrow> "One more thing to ask Father Martenn about, I suppose."
[21:56] <~Torokasi> "Indeed." Ary shakes his head. "... So we'll keep this in mind, and hopefully trying to wake you up mid-dream-wander thingy won't be an issue? Do we know if it will be or not?"
[21:59] <AutumnCrow> "I...doubt it will. If I'm understanding right, I'll probably notice that someone is trying to wake me up and will be able to go back into my own...window, I suppose?" Crow shrugs, "I hope, anwyay."
[22:03] <~Torokasi> Solmyr nods slightly. "That makes sense. Hopefully we aren't ever in a case where we need to find out."
[22:03] <~Torokasi> "...We will be, now that you've said that." Lilian comments.
[22:05] <~Torokasi> Para shakes his head. "Crow has to deal with all of us, her living dreams, and family pressure. Rough deal."
[22:05] <AutumnCrow> "We can always test it while it's safe," Crow notes, "once I can reliably make myself do that dream wandering, Janda or Lilian can try poking me awake some night so we know what happens."
[22:07] * AutumnCrow smiles at Para, "It's not that bad. The dreams are the only real burden. My family...I take on the responsibility of being the heir willingly, even though I am the only one who can. And it's nice actually having freinds...I didn't really have any peers back home. When everyone else got downtime to socialize and such, I got more training."
[22:08] <~Torokasi> "... that still sounds rough." Para mutters before sipping at his beer.
[22:10] <~Torokasi> "I think what he's getting at is that level of training and stress would overwhelm most of us." Lilian nods.
[22:11] <AutumnCrow> "I need it." Crow finds herself confiding, almost against her better judgement. "I'm...very weak compared to my mother...or any previous High Lady. It's been very possible that the position would have to skip a generation, to hope one of my brothers had a daughter with the inclination and talent...which they're being exceptionally lazy about, I might add. But I want to be the heir."
[22:13] <~Torokasi> "...You, weak?" Janda's eyebrows shoot up. "Really?"
[22:13] <~Torokasi> "That's intimidating." Ary mutters.
[22:15] <AutumnCrow> "By the standards of the line of Autumn, yes." Crow sighs, "I'm fast and well coordinated, but that's about it. I lack the physical and spiritual strength normally associated with the daughters of the line. I make up for it by training and studying harder."
[22:16] <~Torokasi> Lilian shrugs. "Strength doesn't mean everything. Look at Ary. Own your reflexes and I'm sure you'll do just fine, alright, Crow?"
[22:17] <~Torokasi> Ary opens his mouth before closing it. "I'd object but she has a point."
[22:20] <AutumnCrow> "Oh, I'm not saying I'm weak compared to anyone here," Crow smirks, "and my skill is not in question at all. Simply that normally...the High Ladies and thier heirs are born with greater gifts than I have. Probably it's just that the most gifted of each generation become the heirs, but for my generation it's only me." She didn't quite make eye contact with anyone during this, but shrugs,
[22:20] <AutumnCrow> "really I've been slacking off on my physical training since coming here, but I've been learning more about other fighting styles so it's evening out."
[22:21] <AutumnCrow> "I'm as good as any Summer warrior my age, at the very least. Which are still held to higher standards than even most adventurers."
[22:22] <~Torokasi> Crow can tell Lilian's eyes have stuck on her, but the rest of the group seems to be too startled to notice. "Yeah, was about to say. You seem to be doing fine, to be entirely honest." Solmyr says first, shaking his head. "Also, sorry to go on this tangent, but how old are your siblings, even?"
[22:26] <AutumnCrow> "We're spread over about twentyish years. Dusk, the eldest, is in his mid fourties now. ...and we have no idea what kids may or may not be his because he refuses to settle down and get married, and the sorts of women he prefers are earthy types that tend to take multiple lovers. Or travellers who come to the temple and promptly leave after a bit." Crow shrugs, but laughs at remembering one
[22:26] <AutumnCrow> of her mother's many tirades at the eldest son.
[22:26] <~Torokasi> "Oh, so the sort of person Solmyr'd get along with." Lilian notes.
[22:27] <~Torokasi> "I resemble that." Solmyr comments wryly. "Still, forty years old... a lot of people don't worry about it until they're sixty, so he's got time. You all do. Spring chickens, off my street, all that."
[22:27] <AutumnCrow> "The only people who don't get along with Dusk are mother and Eagle, the second oldest." Crow chuckles.
[22:28] <AutumnCrow> Then she eyes Solmyr, "Did you miss the part where it took my mother nine tries to have a daughter? And that the family skills can only be passed to a daughter? And I'd like more than one choice of heir so that nobody has to be pressured into it."
[22:29] <~Torokasi> "No, I caught that. It... still seems sorta strange to press it on someone, but maybe it's just Sumotah'l values speaking up there." Solmyr shakes his head. "I'm used to old families, even if I never got one myself."
[22:31] <AutumnCrow> "I can respect that, just...I don't want to find myself the last High Lady. Especially with things getting as dangerous as they seem to be getting." Crow sighs yet again, then stops and thinks, "you know, neither Summer Fang nor Winter Tree have any children either. My uncles. I...have no idea why. I know I asked Winter Tree once, but he promptly changed the subject."
[22:33] <~Torokasi> "Hm. That is sorta weird." Lilian tilts her head. "At least, no children accepted by the Temple, right? Your mom sounds like a very strong personality - could she have convinced them not to?"
[22:35] <AutumnCrow> "I'm not sure why she would? She's not so self-centered as to be that dead set on it being her own daughter to inherit. ...I think." Crow takes a drink of water and considers, '
[22:35] <AutumnCrow> "...well, I could always ask next time I go back, but it likely wouldn't get me any answers."
[22:42] <~Torokasi> "Hm." Lilian frowns. "Who knows, really? At the least, next time someone visits town from there, you could try asking and seeing if tongues are looser outside the Autumn Temple."
[22:44] <AutumnCrow> "Possibly. Though...on the subject of loose tongues," she looks at the group, "it goes without saying that none of this leaves this group other than when we need to consult an expert. I'd rather not develop a reputation for the dream things, and certainly not for...being immune to the eyes of the gods and the mist."
[22:44] <~Torokasi> "Yeah, of course." Solmyr nods.
[22:45] <~Torokasi> Ary nods as well. "... yeah, be careful talking with Martenn, and probably figure out what you want to say beforehand. He'd find the latter part endlessly fascinating and won't stop digging at it if he learns of it."
[22:45] <~Torokasi> "Didn't say anything even to these two." Para notes.
[22:46] <AutumnCrow> "I'll ask him about the Deciever and about the waking dream state. NOT about my apparent additional bloodline abilities." Crow confirms with a nod.


[15:07] <~Torokasi> Lilian nods slightly to Crow's suggestion, before clearing her throat slightly. "Um. While we're here, and before at least some of us go to talk to Mare... I think we need to talk about her. As in, like, figure out whether or not we're going to let her back in the group ahead of time so we don't go in and contradict ourselves."
[15:07] <~Torokasi> She glances to Crow, before, "I know some people have conditions or want to hear more from her, but I think we may be able to make a united front either way regardless."
[15:10] <AutumnCrow> "That's fair." Crow shrugs, "my own condition is that it is unanimous. And this will continue to be my condition for anyone who wants to join our group. If any existing member opposes, I will also oppose. Other than that, I will expect a distinct lack of these overly complicated terrible plans of hers, but I should hope she's learned her lesson about those after how bad the last one went."
[15:11] <~Torokasi> Lilian snorts. "I'll be more proactive in nipping those off fast, I promise."
[15:12] <~Torokasi> Ary's laugh sounds like sandpaper. "Unanimous? I... that's gonna be tough. You serious about being good with it, Janda? Even after what she did?"
[15:13] <~Torokasi> "I'm fine with it. Well, let's put this another way. My condition is Crow remains leader." Janda replies. "I guess you haven't been around when I talked that over with Crow and Lilian, Ary, as much, but I have honestly forgiven her."
[15:14] <~Torokasi> Ary tilts his head, eyes closing. "...too easily, to me. Ugh. ... I haven't decided. I don't honestly want to think about it right now? She'd be a good asset so long as she doesn't jam things up with any plans, sure."
[15:16] <AutumnCrow> "You can take your time. If the question comes up, the official united front answer can simply be that it's still being considered." Crow shrugs. "There's also the option of giving her a trial period. Bring her with us on one trip, if anyone is unhappy about it afterwards I can let her know it didn't work out."
[15:17] <AutumnCrow> "Also, there is still the fact that I have no idea if she wants to join us or not. This may all be moot."
[15:21] <~Torokasi> Solmyr and Para glance at each other, before looking over to Ary, then at Lilian, then back to Crow. Solmyr is the first to speak, "She wants to join the Kerebos Guild, definitely. She wants out of her family bad bad bad, and even if we don't take her back, she'll be joining a different group. It came up during my yelling at her, but I hadn't really had a chance to mention it. As such I'd support the trial period, to make sure she can work with the group we've become, simply put."
[15:28] <~Torokasi> Solmyr and Para glance at each other, before looking over to Ary, then at Lilian, then back to Crow. Solmyr is the first to speak, "She wants to join the Kerebos Guild, definitely. She wants out of her family bad bad bad, and even if we don't take her back, she'll be joining a different group. It came up during my yelling at her, but I hadn't really had a chance to mention it. As such I'd support the trial period, to make sure she can work with the group we've become, simply put."
[15:29] <~Torokasi> "'The group we've become'?" Janda replies, a smile playing on her lips. "That's a rather wise way of putting it. I entirely agree, too. A trial period sounds fair."
[15:37] <AutumnCrow> "Para?" Crow prompts after a moment, "we do need your input, you know."
[15:37] <~Torokasi> Solmyr glances to Janda with a grin before suddenly frowning. Lilian nods slightly and shifts the conversation, "We can tell her we're still considering. That works fine for me, and I'm ... I'm okay with her rejoining in whatever capacity. My view is that it'd be a waste of her capabilities to let her go to another group, and I believe I can keep her madcap hijinks under wraps." At Crow's words, she glances to Para, as the room's attention shifts to him.
[15:38] <~Torokasi> Para looks down at his mug of beer. "... Trial period works for me, I guess."
[15:40] <~Torokasi> After a moment, he looks up. "...She helped me out, but what she did to Janda was bad. But that's also Solmyr's fault, and Solmyr's apologized. If she apologizes I'm okay with her."
[15:44] <AutumnCrow> "And that's everyone, then. Give her some time, I want to see if she brings it up. If not, whoever wants to can take it on themselves to offer her a trial period." Crow nods decisively at the agreement they reached. "Coincidentally, the trial I'd have in mind is seeing how well she does out in the mist when we go check out that strange door we found. We have the mark and the compass...but
[15:44] <AutumnCrow> Para, Solmyr, we'll be relying on the two of you to find our way there. The mist seems to have changed the very geography out there more than usual since the event, from the sounds of the reports coming in."
[15:46] <~Torokasi> "Yeah. I've been doing some reading and these shifts have occurred before, once every thousand years or so. But the most recent one was 450 years ago or so." Lilian hums. "And the scale of the shift seems larger than normal, so it has some unnatural influence going on for sure."
[15:49] <~Torokasi> Para and Solmyr both nod as Ary shrugs. Eventually, Ary leans back and comments, "I'm wondering what those ruins are from. Maybe an old outpost that never got a Barrier or similar protections, and eventually fell?"
[15:51] <~Torokasi> Janda shakes her head. "That'd have to be really dated, then, wouldn't it? As far as I know, the barriers all went up a long, long time ago, and the odds of us finding out about it but no one else..."
[15:53] <AutumnCrow> "Speculation won't do us any good," Crow shrugs, "we'll find out what's in there when we poke around. Just be prepared with some way of being back anything that seems to be of historical signifigance."
[15:53] <~Torokasi> "Got it. We may not get a second shot if things shift again." Lilian nods.
[15:56] <AutumnCrow> "We found it before the shift, it may not even be accessable now." Crow sighs, but nods.
[16:03] <~Torokasi> The group finishes up their conversation and their water and beer, before wandering over to the inn that Mare is apparently staying at - a rather pretty-looking building that looks out of place from the rest of the area, just a few blocks down from where Crow stayed before moving into the Guild. Lilian glances to the group, "I don't know that they'll let all of us in at once... let me go ask her to come down here?"
[16:07] <AutumnCrow> "Sure." Crow nods.
[16:10] <~Torokasi> Lilian nods and steps in, leaving the group waiting. It's not long at all before she steps out again, however.
[16:12] <~Torokasi> Lilian shakes her head as she approaches the group. "She apparently stepped out because she got a message from her family. And... apparently she left some stuff for each of us with the clerk, in case and I quote what the clerk was told, 'family drags me off again'."
[16:14] <AutumnCrow> "Well, just leave a message for her in return I suppose. No sense assuming the worst...though I am really getting curious about just what IS her family about." Crow shakes her head, "they don't sound like pleasant people, and she does not appear to care for them much, but is still controlled by them."
[16:16] <~Torokasi> "Uh... high and dirty politics." Lilian shakes her head. "Her family rules half of a city to the northwest - well, what was northwest - called Nlocomo, with a pretty iron fist. Hands in every operation and a lot of things begin and end with them. I'll leave a note for her to come find us at the Guild, if that works for everyone."
[16:18] <~Torokasi> "Left us things? Like... what?" Ary tilts his head.
[16:19] <~Torokasi> "Uh... looks like gifts, actually. Nice wooden boxes, at least, and I know I saw Ary and Crow's names on two of them at least." Lilian shrugs. "Ideally she's around to hand them off herself, though."
[16:22] <AutumnCrow> "Oh. Politics." Crow just slumps a bit dramatically before straightning back up and half laughing, "I may be some kind of technical aristocrat myself, but I am so very glad we are far too busy training in the Autumn Temple for 'politics' to really take hold."
[16:22] <~Torokasi> "That might be for the best, yes." Janda laughs. "Given as her plans seem to come from that political training..."
[16:26] <~Torokasi> "Yeah, and honestly she's never seemed to care for anything in Nlocomo - politics or anything - other than her older sister..." Solmyr shrugs. "But the education she got there is hard to deny the effects of."
[16:27] <~Torokasi> "You all talkin' 'bout Nlocomo?" A man, clad in merchant guard, interrupts, glancing between the members of the group. "I'd not hold out hope of getting there anytime soon."
[16:27] <~Torokasi> Janda tilts her head. "Why's that, sir?"
[16:30] <~Torokasi> "People are saying scouting spells and other such aren't finding it at the same spot, and between you and me, I heard that even the Horizon Guild can't currently pinpoint its location. They're prolly going to hafta hire the Kerebos Guild or whoever to blaze a new path to it, and until then the city's probably going through hell since we aren't able to port food in!" The merchant vents, rubbing his hand through oily, curled hair. "I've got an order of fish prepared by the best in Mairs, but I might as well sell it here and take the hit, you know?"
[16:32] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm." Crow looks to Lilian and Solmyr to see what they make of this.
[16:36] <~Torokasi> Lilian and Solmyr glance at each other, before looking to the merchant, Solmyr deep in thought. "We're actually Kerebos Guild members, sir. We might be able to look into plotting a route there - we have a native to the city that we're in touch with, and she might be able to help figure out the route. We'd have to discuss it further, naturally." Solmyr says after a moment.
[16:37] <~Torokasi> The merchant looks up at this. "That'd be excellent! I know there's a lot of frustrated merchants stuck waiting here since Nlocomo is your next stop - you could probably make a killing if you figure out something resembling a route!"
[16:39] <AutumnCrow> "You may want to get some merchants together willing to chip in on a reward for it and have it posted as a job," Crow suggests. "Even if we don't take up the task, there are other groups."
[16:40] <~Torokasi> "That's a good idea." The merchant nods. "Where would we go to post it, just into the Guild?"
[16:41] <~Torokasi> Lilian shakes her head. "There's a bar that also handles job requests on the northern wall - Duessa's Redoubt. Stop in there once you've got the job lined up, it'll be the fastest way to get it posted."
[16:52] <~Torokasi> The merchant nods enthusiastically. "Got it! I'll see if I can't line the other merchants up behind this. Thanks!"
[16:54] * AutumnCrow laughs, "well, good luck then. I'm sure people from their side will be looking into this as well, so someone should surely succeed."
[16:56] <~Torokasi> "Indeed." The merchant hikes off, leaving Solmyr to shrug and chuckle.
[16:57] <~Torokasi> Lilian shakes her head. "I'd honestly rather let another group do that and check out our hidden ruins, but if we wind up doing fine after that we could always give it a go. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if Mare refuses to go with us if we actually aim for Nlocomo, but at the least the Kerebos Guild can get in on the action officially."
[17:00] <AutumnCrow> "I'm less than interested in trade routes myself," Crow admits, "but it is something that needs doing. Someone will take on that task, I'm sure."
[17:02] <~Torokasi> "Definitely." Solmyr nods. "We'll have to look into i-... Hi, Mare." In the direction Solmyr's looking, Crow can see Mare walking over, a smile on her face fading as she approaches the group.
[17:03] <AutumnCrow> "Ah, it seems your family has not in fact abducted you," Crow smiles and nods a greeting.
[17:05] <~Torokasi> Mare snorts. "Thankfully, no, they can't. Teleport spells aren't working from there. Teleport circles are busted going there. They can confirm Nlocomo should be reachable, but they have no clue how or where or what happened, and it's not the normal straight shot northwest along the mountain range that it used to be, apparently. So I'm out of their Sath-forsaken reach, finally!" She leaps into air, pumping her fist, before glancing around and composing herself rapidly. "Ah. Sorry."
[17:05] <~Torokasi> Solmyr, Lilian and Janda simultaneously break down snickering at Mare's display, while Ary just snorts and looks away.
[17:06] <AutumnCrow> "This may sound strange from me considering my own familial obligations," Crow notes, "but is there a particular reason you can't simply strike out on your own away from them if working for your family is that much of a pain?"
[17:09] <~Torokasi> "Well that's, uh, kinda what I was trying to do coming here the first time." Mare shakes her head. "Before getting basically dragged back in by my brother. My family is... well, they do their best to keep the talents of the family in the use of the family. My sister is, thank Sath, much more leinient than my dad is on this whole front, overall."
[17:10] <AutumnCrow> "It seems my earlier use of the word 'abducted' is less of a joke than I intended it to be," Crow states rather flatly, being fairly unimpressed with her family the more she learns about it.
[17:14] <~Torokasi> "That is entirely accurate, to be honest. It's also something I am... used to?" Mare shakes her head in disgust, combing a hand through her hair. "I had to step out to the Temple of Sath to get a message from my sister, which was basically her explaining my role now that dad's dead and she's the head of the family. As I said, I'm... thankfully uninvolved anymore, though my sister has said she will ask for aid if she needs it. Which she might. Brothers don't sound too happy that she took the lead."
[18:03] <@Torokasi> "Your brothers being the ones willing to abduct you, yes?" Lilian notes, her voice cool. "Do we have any contingency plans for them... attempting something?"
[18:05] <@Torokasi> "I get to talk to the Kerebos Guild, basically. There's ways to prevent what they did, and they're distracted enough for now, but..." Mare sighs. "Basically we get to hope my family doesn't decide using me as a pawn is a good idea."
[18:08] <AutumnCrow> "Rediculous." Crow sighed, "so becoming a full member of the guild is your next step, then?"
[18:12] <@Torokasi> "Yes. Be it with your group or not." Mare nods slightly. "...On that note. I wish to apologize again, to all of you. I brought gifts - they're with the front desk - because... ugh, okay, there's a saying in Nlocomo. 'Never trust an empty apology.' I know none of you give two shits about Nlocomo - I don't, really, even - but... I'm truly sorry for everything that happened that I've had a part in, and the only thing I'm glad about is that you guys found a better leader than me. The gifts are yours, no matter what. Crow, I... guessed on you. I can trade it back if it's not fitting."
[18:14] <@Torokasi> "Bribes to get us to accept you again?" Ary replies, coldly.
[18:14] <@Torokasi> Mare shakes her head. "No. They're yours regardless of your answer."
[18:17] <AutumnCrow> "We've already talked about this, and the decision was to give you...a trial period. Where you work with us on a mission but are not actually a part of the team yet. My decision is that if even a single person is not satisfied after that and does not want to continue working with you, than you will need to look for a different group." Crow explains, her voice carefully neutral as she does.
[18:18] <@Torokasi> Mare nods calmly. "...Then, thank you. I will do my earnest best to meet your needs."
[18:18] <@Torokasi> "No plots." Janda says calmly.
[18:18] <@Torokasi> "No nasty plots." Mare nods again.
[18:19] <@Torokasi> "No plots, period. I will be your governess on this one." Lilian replies, her nose uplifted into the air.
[18:21] <AutumnCrow> "Yes, my tolrance for plotting is rather low," Crow notes, "subtlety and schemes have thier place, but even if you intend them well they will NOT be employed against other members of the team. Plotting to deal with a situation is fine, plotting to manipulate or maneuver your teammates will be recieved...poorly." Her voice pratically drips venom on the last word.
[18:22] <@Torokasi> Mare nods again, standing stiffly at this point as she focuses on Crow. "Understood entirely."
[18:23] <AutumnCrow> "Now, Janda since you've been looking into guild matters the most lately," Crow turns to the healer, "do you have any idea what Marion will need to do to get into the guild properly as an M1? I doubt she has the time to wait for another group of six to be gathered."
[18:27] <@Torokasi> "I will get the paperwork started. What they'll likely do is treat the first mission with us as a test run, like with our missions out but with an already established group. She was already here once before in the records and we were close to starting our first mission before she got, uh, abducted, so I think it should be easy to meld her back in and set this up." Janda meets Mare's eyes for a moment before looking away. "Of note is that we will be running this as an interpersonal test, but it'll probably be up to you, Crow, to say whether or not she meets the Guild's standards for competency even if we, uh... don't let her in."
[18:29] <@Torokasi> "I accept that judgment if that's what the Guild decides will be the requirement." Mare nods slightly.
[18:31] <AutumnCrow> "You already performed just fine during the barrier breakdown problem, so competency isn't really in question," Crow shakes her head, "but we can go through whatever motions the guild wants for the paperwork."
[18:33] <@Torokasi> "Understood. Ah, should I take it you already have a mission in mind?" Mare tilts her head.
[18:34] <AutumnCrow> "On a previous mission we found a hole in the ground that led to a rather mysterious door." Crow explains, "we marked the door and are planning to go find out what's down there. So...well, a treasure hunt of sorts."
[18:35] <@Torokasi> "Huh. Ancient ruins in this area?" Mare blinks. "That's pretty incredible as a find. Did you check to see if there were any records of what you saw, or...?"
[18:36] <@Torokasi> Lilian shakes her head. "We don't have much to go on other than that it looked abandoned and untouched for a long time, and I couldn't find any info on a similar drop, unfortunately."
[18:37] <AutumnCrow> "We were on an escort mission at the time, and our client wasn't interested in getting sidetracked with a find," Crow shrugs.
[18:38] <@Torokasi> "That makes sense. Alright, I'm looking forward to it." Mare smiles winningly. "Do we have a timeline for this?"
[18:41] <AutumnCrow> "We'll want a couple days downtime after the last job we did. It was...messy. But we can set out...hmm," she turns to the group, "well, let's get the paperwork started then if there's anything anyone wants to do before going, figure that out and let the rest of us know. We'll make our timetable around that. Sound good?"
[18:42] <@Torokasi> "Benzin's better. I can do whenever." Para says simply.
[18:43] <@Torokasi> Ary chuckles. "By which Para means Benzin can carry his buckets of food back to his own damn room."
[18:43] <@Torokasi> "Yes." Para nods with an offkilter grin.
[18:46] <@Torokasi> Solmyr shrugs. "I... could use a few days off, honestly, just to relax and restock. We'll go for the first clear day?"
[18:47] <@Torokasi> Lilian nods. "Crow and I both have stuff to do, at least. First clear day works. Hopefully the Mist abates soon."
[18:47] <AutumnCrow> "That's fine." Crow nods.
[18:49] <@Torokasi> "Alright. I'll keep in touch." Mare nods. " you want me to bring the gifts out, or?"
[18:50] <AutumnCrow> "Keep them for now," Crow makes a decision, "they'll be better recieved after the mission."
[18:52] <@Torokasi> "Understood." Mare replies with a glance at Lilian. "You all take care, then. If you need me I'll either be here or at the Temple." With that, Mare walks with an elegant gait back into the hotel, through the middle of the group.
[18:53] <AutumnCrow> "Alright, and now to actually get to some of that relaxing we're supposed to be doing while waiting for a clear day," Crow deadpans though with a smile.
[19:00] <@Torokasi> The group chuckles softly at this as they head back to the guild...


[16:22] <Torokasi> The Mist still hangs dreadfully upon Verxais' Barrier as the city slowly returns to its normal busy clamor. After a day in which the group assists the Guild again in town reconstruction and is otherwise left to their own devices, Crow awakens early the next day and heads to the appointment that Ary set up for her with Father Martenn, Lilian walking along with, Janda off to run errands in the richer sections of town. <More>
[16:24] <Torokasi> Rei seems unimpressed but gives brief directions to Father Martenn's room, which Crow and Lilian follow. The door is already open, the wafting smell of ginseng tea flowing from it as Father Martenn browses over a old, fragile-looking book.
[16:26] * AutumnCrow knocks gently on the open door before stepping into the doorway, "Father Martenn, thank you for taking the time to see us again."
[16:28] <Torokasi> Father Martenn looks up, a smile on his face. "Ohoho! It's a pleasure, miss Crow, miss Lilian. Help yourself to some tea, yes, it should still be warm! What can I do for you two today? More dream troubles, Ary said, yes?
[16:33] <AutumnCrow> "Yes...though I'd not entirely use the word troubles? More...concerns. Apparently I have some manner of ability to enter dreams, at least according to the entity I spoke with in my last one," she takes a seat and nods, "tea would be lovely, thank you."
[16:36] <Torokasi> Lilian pours the tea for the two of you, dropping a few small lumps of sugar in with a spoon before passing tea and sugar both over to you. Father Martenn tilts his head a bit. "Ah, so you're a Koshinite. It does explain why these dreams seem to recur for you... What sort of entity spoke to you?" He stirs his own tea and takes a careful sip.
[16:39] <AutumnCrow> "...I'll ask what a Koshinite is in a moment, I'm not familiar with the term," Crow notes, then answers the question, "at first he was called The Deciever, later I asked if he had a proper name and he gave me Litas Naemach as what he used to be called. He...had no face..." she tries to describe the Deciever as best she can.
[16:47] <Torokasi> Crow is relatively certain that, in less formal settings, the priest of Sath would have done a spittake at the mention of the name. Watching Crow intently, as she finished, Martenn replies, "Namaech. Litas Namaech... Autumn Crow, your bloodline attracts the most obscure of troubles, it surely seems..."
[16:48] <Torokasi> Lilian tilts her head. "It's a name you have records of, then. I flipped through everything I could find on dreams in Erest Rosen's documents, but of course I'd expect a priest of Sath to know far more."
[16:50] <AutumnCrow> "He has been presented to me ally, of sorts. Though I was also warned not to trust him entirely. And he did mention serving a 'current' master, though he did not divulge who or what that was." Crow shrugs.
[16:50] <AutumnCrow> "Also, if you recall my description of the first dream, he said that he was the voice I could not hear at that time. I'm...not so sure I believe him? But that was the answer he gave me."
[16:56] <Torokasi> "...the mentions of Namaech in our own records are slim, but from what we ourselves have, ah, hoarded in our records, they were supposedly around before even the Mist." Martenn shakes his head. "Not an ally of the Talmen, but hardly a foe along the lines of some of the... greater foes in the dreaming world. Still, an immensely dangerous being, yes, and the Koshinites who have encountered them speak of someone who has been on any given side in a situation, and that he seems to have a goal in mind, a singular purpose that he zealously hides. Now. A 'current' master? Did he divulge anything further?"
[16:59] <AutumnCrow> "Simply that his master has requested that he not divulge anything other than the barest essentials, though this same master has instructed him to assist me as nessesary, 'should he see the need'." Crow shruged. "It was rather...difficult getting things out of him."
[17:06] <Torokasi> "That sounds normal for Litas Namaech, yes." Martenn replies with a wry grin. "If he is protecting you, then you have an ally, for so long as his goals coincide with his 'master', seemingly. Be wary of him, but he does not break an oath - rather, he slips out of them - if you can convince him to make one. I would guess that his 'master' has made him make such an oath."
[17:09] <AutumnCrow> "Well, that's a start at least. So...what exactly is a Koshinite?"
[17:11] <Torokasi> "It's the term the Temple of Sath uses for those who are able to access the Ethereal Plane within their dreams. A very rare ability, and I wasn't aware the Autumn Temple had any such potential in its bloodline. Latent, perhaps." Martenn frowns. "There's no other relevancy to it - it was named after Sister Koshin, the first to fully document her capabilities in the field."
[17:13] <AutumnCrow> "It may come from my father's line," Crow notes with her usual controlled expression, "I do have two parents, afterall."
[17:18] <Torokasi> "This is true, and I don't have any records of Teriander deep enough to check on his bloodline. Father-daughter transfers are oddly common, as are mother-son. Gender doesn't tend to matter for a Koshinite... and neither do generations, so long as someone, somewhere, had the talent. Makes it damnably hard to trace, some days." Father Martenn nods seriously. "I may send a request for some to see if we can discern anything from them, but until then... Well, I can attempt to explain some of the details of what being a Koshinite entails? I am not naturally one - we lack one here in the temple - but I'm trained in that realm through the use of specialized prayers that allow me access."
[17:20] <AutumnCrow> "That would be helpful, thank you. A source of information on the dream realm that does not come from something called the Deciever would be appriciated," Crow manages this with a perfect deadpan.
[17:27] <Torokasi> "Hahaha! They are probably the single best source of it, if you can discern the truth... Well, here are the quick basics. There are three levels of entry in that realm. You've been dreaming in the 'first' - a basic, simplistic place, where the only things that show up even somewhat often are wind, a relatively useless platform under your feet, and sometimes the Mist. The Mist there is much thinner but still present... but also more aware and dangerous if it spots you. Be careful. Any questions, hm?"
[17:28] <AutumnCrow> "Not so far. I'm familiar with the empty place...and I know well to beware the mist."
[17:32] <Torokasi> Father Martenn nods solemnly as Lilian keeps scribbling notes down. "Of note in that realm is that it is sometimes possible to find others strongly dreaming. It is... possible to enter those dreams. Most will not recognize any change in the dream, or if they do, it will be because you have been swept along within it. It takes immense willpower on the end of both parties to use this as anything more than a glimpse at the absurd, and even I have only used it to successfully pass a message along once. One that would have been better suited to waking up Sister Florens and telling her myself, to boot."
[17:34] <AutumnCrow> "The...colored pools? I saw myself through one as I was speaking to Naemach."
[17:40] <Torokasi> "Yes. It's different for every visitor, bizarrely - for me it is doorways, designed differently for each person. Your pool is something of a safe haven - I could use it to try and pull you into your dreams, but as you gain more control, this would need to be of your own voilition. Entering a pool is a way to escape if there is a threat on the Ethereal Plane." Father Martenn shakes his head and pours a second cup of tea for himself, before passing the tea kettle back over to Lilian and Crow. <More>
[17:40] <Torokasi>  "The second level is - well, we call the first the Stage. The second is the Setting. In that, a powerful dream, Koshinite, or other powerful entity of the world - Mist-based or not - has established a place that they are capable of presiding over. Such sections of the Plane bend only to their whim, with a few exceptions. There are castle ruins, great wooded forests, massive labyrinthine dungeons, all of which are governed by such an entity."
[17:42] * AutumnCrow flicks her eyes to Lilian for just a moment as he mentions 'castle ruins'.
[17:43] <Torokasi> Lilian finishes scribbling, meeting Crow's eyes for a second before looking at Father Martenn. "By chance, do you have a record or list of recorded entities out there? I'd find that fascinating reading."
[17:47] <Torokasi> "There are some records; I'll pass on what I can find to the Temple of Erest Rosen after we're done making copies." Father Martenn nods. "The exceptions are mainly that of power - a higher-power being can disrupt the Setting of a lower-power being, or at least try. The other exception is, actually, Litas Namaech. It's doubtful that he's the most powerful being within the Ethereal Plane, but he is capable of controlling practically any place on it."
[17:49] <AutumnCrow> "Rather than power, he simply has...priority, I suppose." Crow nodded.
[17:57] <Torokasi> "Correct. Finally, there is the Story. We have... frustratingly little documentation, here, unfortunately. Stories are more than places; they are moments, days, hours, in a sort of eternal stasis. Some are real; some are not; but for those in a Story, time passes as it would in the mortal world, usually. Sometimes faster, sometimes slower, but the body hungers, the mind grows tired, and it is only on leaving the Story or, somehow, willing yourself back to your pool, that you can escape one. Fascinating, but dangerous, and we only have records of three - one maintained by the yeeks of the Mist, and two others, of forgotten lands." Martenn shakes his head. "Any further questions?"
[17:59] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm. Is learning to exert control over these dreams simply a matter of practice for a koshinite?"
[18:02] <Torokasi> "Yes. A matter of practice and willpower both. Given all I know of the Autumn Temple, the latter will likely not be an issue, I imagine." Martenn chuckles. "Entering the Ethereal Plane and practicing will be your greatest tool for mastering them."
[18:05] <AutumnCrow> "I'll have to try practicing a bit, then. there any problem with waking up quickly, say if I'm being shaken or an alarm is being sounded, while I'm in the dream realm?"
[18:07] <Torokasi> "Waking from the Stage is no issue. From a Setting can be more difficult, but if you're determined to - or would normally wake up in such a state - you will likely rouse without issue. A Story is another matter - those can be immensely difficult to wake from, from what I've read, yes."
[18:08] <AutumnCrow> "I think the Stage is the only one I'll be poking around in for least intentionally."
[18:10] <Torokasi> "Understood. Probably wise to keep your explorations limited to there unless you're in town, and even then, best safe, yes."
[18:13] <Torokasi> Lilian finishes writing for the moment, putting the pen down and stretching her fingers. "I take it that you weren't sure about her being a Koshinite until now?"
[18:16] <Torokasi> "Two dreams in such a short amount of time all but confirms it, as does being able to see the, uh, points of entry for dreams. Someone having the rare dream once a year at max could be normal, so to speak, but as often as Crow has had these dreams... certainly she is one, I'd imagine." Father Martenn nods carefully.
[18:20] <AutumnCrow> "I see. Well, I'll ask Namaech more about why his master might have such an interest in my well being, though I'm not sure how much I'll get."
[18:24] <Torokasi> "From what I know of the being, I would guess little to nothing." Father Martenn chuckles. "If you ever have more questions, feel free to come in. I'd tell you to come to services and meet a few fellow Koshinites, but Ceres Maliste and Eduan both passed just a year or two ago... so simply take care and be safe."
[18:30] <AutumnCrow> "Thank you, this has been helpful." Crow nods and finishes her tea before standing up, "I'll be sure to come back if I learn anything new to ask questions about."
[18:32] <Torokasi> Lilian nods as well, standing and crisply shutting her notebook. "I'll do my best to look through the info on the Settings you pass to us and give her ways to protect herself. Thank you again for your time, Father Martenn."
[18:32] <Torokasi> "Go with Sa... ... Go with Erest Rosen, and with your head held high, yes?" Father Martenn chuckles a bit. "Be careful adventuring out there."
[18:33] * AutumnCrow nods and takes her leave of the old preist.


[17:37] <@Torokasi> Lilian steps out into the hallway with Autumn Crow, sighing as she looks with frustration at the notebook. As the two walk away toward the stairs down, she shakes her head, "I feel like we learned more about theory than practice, though I guess it's decent theory..."
[17:39] <AutumnCrow> "I think theory is likely all we'll learn without...well, putting in the practice ourselves." Crow shrugged.
[17:42] <@Torokasi> "That's true. Argh." Lilian walks in silence for a bit, before frowning. "There's a commotion down in the main temple, it sounds like. ...Is that metal on metal?" Crow can hear it, faintly, as well - as if someone was banging pots or swords together.
[17:43] <AutumnCrow> "Let's go take a look," Crow fully expects it to simply be some enthusiatic weapons practice, but is willing to go poke her head in, unless someone turns her away.
[17:45] <@Torokasi> The group heads to the stairs, from which Crow and Lilian both have a vantage on the situation. A circle of people has formed around what look to be two young men - Ary and an unfamiliar, black-furred Talkyr with a long, fang-filled muzzle, facing off with weapons drawn. As Crow and Lilian approach, the black-furred Talkyr makes some comment and sheathes his weapons, turning away from Ary, who seems to stand there scowling at the other's back.
[17:47] <AutumnCrow> "Ary." Crow speaks up, keeping her voice low, but loud enough for him to hear as she approaches, " something the matter?"
[17:49] <@Torokasi> "The matter is that Hzaou Idigo is an asshole who thinks 'surprise training' is funny." Ary's voice is low and growling, his eyes still trained on the departing Talkyr even as he sheathes his blade.
[17:53] <AutumnCrow> "Does he now?" Crow smiles with her eyes half lidded for a moment as she regards the retreating talkyr, "is this something I should keep in mind if I chance upon him outside of temple grounds?"
[17:54] <@Torokasi> "..." Ary looks to Crow for a moment, before grinning. "Sure. I can't really retaliate since he's a member of the temple, but... option's open for you. And frankly if you get the drop he doesn't stand a damn chance."
[17:55] <@Torokasi> "Wait. Him and his brother... they're the ones Isabella can't stand, right? They were her group's fifth and sixth in their first mission, right?" Lilian asks, frowning.
[17:56] <AutumnCrow> "Oh, they've managed to irritate even Isabella? That's a rather..." Crow let the sentiment drag for a moment as she searched for the right words, "*telling* indication of character."
[18:00] <@Torokasi> "Yeah. Nyci can tolerate them so long as they don't get too close. So of course the teams were Nyci, Talmud and Kalos, and Isabella, Kyazho and Hzaou on their mission. Imagine that lovely time." Ary replies dryly, his mood seemingly lifting.
[18:01] <AutumnCrow> "Do they also report to Rei?" Crow asks.
[18:03] <@Torokasi> "They're not Silver Guard, no." Ary shakes his head. "Hzaou attends the Temple and works with one of the few branches in the poor district, doing errands and stuff for the priest in charge there. Kyazho is a Templar of Hemda. Basically entirely so he can indulge in his love of things that explode or set on fire."
[18:05] <@Torokasi> "Believe me, you three, if he had ever been Silver Guard I would have snapped his mischevious streak in half by now or kicked him out of the Temple entirely." The voice of Rei growls from behind the three. "You handled that acceptably, Ary. I expect you to scar him next time."
[18:05] <AutumnCrow> "Oh, he just sounds lovely." Crow sighs. "Desert Wind is a style I enjoy, but more for its elegance of motion and effectivenss than for any love of incendiaries."
[18:06] * AutumnCrow turns to Rei and inclines her head, "I only asked becuase I was going to suggest that if he was one of yours, I would be happy to help with some training sessions. I do need to practice full contact a bit more often...preferably with people I don't like enough that I won't feel bad about it afterwards."
[18:07] <@Torokasi> "Hmph. Ary, as is tradition... even though it's hardly relevant given her stock..." Rei inclines his head. "Will you vouch for her as being able to keep up?"
[18:08] <@Torokasi> "She's not asking to join, Rei." Ary remarks drily. "But yes."
[18:11] <AutumnCrow> "Ary and I are about evenly matched, if you want a comparison," Crow offers. "If he manages to land that White Raven charging strike, I can't take any more abuse than that. If he doesn't...he doesn't get a second swing against my dance."
[18:15] <@Torokasi> "Then you're welcome whenever you'd like to practice. Despite his... poor attitude and lax work ethic, Ary is probably one of the best of his class, and the only Kerebos Guild member besdies myself. The Temple of Sath would be honored to have one of his compatriots training alongside us." Rei replies simply. "And... if you feel confident about it, Ary, the offer can be extended to anyone else in your group as well. With Tid's departure we're low on people for the lesser recruits to learn from, and they can go only so far training against those with the same style."
[18:17] * AutumnCrow looks over to Lilian, "you should probably come along for a session or two here and there. Just to practice your bladework against someone who doesn't already know all your tricks..."
[18:17] <@Torokasi> Lilian nods. "Yeah. More bluffing practice can't hurt."
[18:18] <@Torokasi> Rei frowns. "Wait, you're the Templar training with the temple of Zuiseno? I've heard of you."
[18:18] <AutumnCrow> "I try to help, but...I've seen you fight too many times and I can predict when the feints are coming," Crow shrugs and smiles apologetically.
[18:20] <@Torokasi> Lilian nods to Crow, smiling. "Yeah, understood." Then, to Rei, "Is that so?" Her voice is that cultured, carefully-neutral tone that Crow's become familiar with.
[18:21] <@Torokasi> Rei nods, seemingly gravely. "I'm glad to know that at least a few Templars are acquiring an excellent background in the more spiritual and magical arts, but I'm also aware of the serious physical deficits in their physical training, as well as of the story of the lone Templar training with them who seems to be capable of adjusting for it, at least in part. You're invited as well. I want to see how this style works."
[18:21] <@Torokasi> "I hope not to disappoint you." Lilian replies, evenly.
[18:24] <AutumnCrow> "While I'm here," Crow changes the subject, still adressing Rei, "our team is going to be leaving in a few days to investigate something. We'll make sure you're notified when we know exactly when we're leaving, but expect Ary to be absent from the temple for awhile soon."
[18:25] <@Torokasi> "Ary informed me of the basics. I'm sure you'll do Verxais and the Autumn Temple proud out there on your mission." Rei nods. "We'll reshuffle patrols around once we know when he'll be gone."
[18:26] <@Torokasi> "I'm right here, Rei." Ary replies.
[18:26] <@Torokasi> "And you were supposed to start patrolling three minutes ago. So get going." Rei snorts.
[18:27] <@Torokasi> Ary shakes his head, half-grins at Lilian and Crow, and heads off toward the interior of the temple.
[18:29] * AutumnCrow chuckles, then turns her attention back to Lilian, "Well, let's get going ourselves. I do need to check in with Solmyr about the preperations to leave."
[18:30] <@Torokasi> Lilian shakes her head. "Anyways. Thank you for your time, Rei. And yes, let's."
[18:33] <@Torokasi> Rei nods as the two leave. "Ary can give you practice times. Feel free to stop in."
[18:34] <@Torokasi> As the two leave, Lilian sighs. "And of course I'm thought of as a 'templar trained by Zuiseno'..."
[18:36] <AutumnCrow> "The man practically exudes arroagnce, doesn't he?" Crow shrugs it off, "I'll have to introduce him to one of my brothers the whenever one decides to come see how I'm doing. I'm sure he'd just enjoy the training session and it wouldn't improve his attitude at all, but it might be fun to watch him get thrown around for a few minutes."
[18:39] <@Torokasi> "That would be pleasant. Should we sell tickets? I'm pretty sure that's in line with Sath's teachings about profit." Lilian comments wryly, kicking a pebble ahead into the Temple Circle.
[18:41] * AutumnCrow snickers, "You know, the more I learn about the gods...the more I really understand why the Autumn Temple keeps the distance that we do. They each have some good traits and teachings that are admirable...and then come the issues. The discipline Sath teaches would be respected back home...the greed and pretentiousness, not so much."
[18:43] <@Torokasi> "That's about accurate. Erest Rosen teaches about knowledge and its pursuit! ...and about distancing oneself from the world and eschewing physical force, which is why Erest Rosen technically has only a handful of templars across the twenty-five cities." Lilian sighs. "I do sometimes envy most people, as they often take the good and can ignore the negative aspects each deity embodies, but according to the teachings... they're all part and parcel."
[18:47] <AutumnCrow> "Well if it helps," Crow smiles keeping a perfectly level tone, "you do manage the eschewing physical force rather well. You're accurate, but you don't hit much harder than Solmyr."
[18:50] <@Torokasi> "That's true." Lilian sighs. "I could have studied as an explorer, but that wouldn't have left me time for magic, and the priests were... well. It wasn't really a possible path. Maybe I'll figure out looking into it someday, but I already have a lot to balance."
[18:54] * AutumnCrow winces, "That...was supposed to be teasing, not actual commentary. I'm not sure how Erest Rosen squares with having templars at all, considering the teachings there."
[19:01] <@Torokasi> "They normally don't, but those that feel called to protect their temples are usually trained by Zuiseno's temples. And... I don't know, I'm just bothered. I wish I was more effective in direct combat alongside you guys, and I do feel useful with my magic, but..." Lilian shrugs. "I can't be everything, I guess. Until I find a spell that lets me do that."
[19:05] <AutumnCrow> "Well, so long as you can protect Janda and Solmyr, that's enough. If you want to focus on combat skills, focus on defense. Ary, Para, Solmyr and myself all pack the offense in various forms." Crow gave her friend a squeeze on the shoulder, "what I need you doing in combat is making sure our healer and warmage stay standing, and keeping your eyes out for enemy tricks."
[19:08] <@Torokasi> "Got it. ...Thanks." Lilian smiles wanly. "I'll see what I can figure out. The temple doesn't really offer training as a Beguiler past where I'm at so much as 'general magic training support', so I'm going to need to figure something out there... I can look into a defensive option there."
[19:10] <AutumnCrow> "I have some ideas for the training at the temple of Sath." Crow smiles, "If I'm pegging Rei's personality right, he'll enjoy the twists I have in mind. They'll be positively evil to his cadets and force them to operate in a way they aren't used to. Which...if he's a guild professional then he knows all to well that in real fights, your enemies don't play by any agreed upon 'rules'."
[19:11] <@Torokasi> "Hah. Yeah, he seems the sort to put his people through the wringer. You might need to be more windful of the cadet's limits than he is, bizarrely." Lilian chuckles.
[19:11] <AutumnCrow> "It's not thier physical limits I'll be testing. It's thier mental capacity for tactics."
[19:14] <@Torokasi> "Ah. ... Given a few of the cadets I've met, I'd say that might amount to mental torture. Which, of course, means I approve. We can figure out brainstorming things there~" Lilian sing-songs.
[19:27] <AutumnCrow> "We'll do that. Might make for fun discussion on the road, I'm sure Ary will have some ideas as well."
[19:30] <@Torokasi> "Definitely. I've got some research to do before we go on this Setting stuff... Hopefully you don't get any strong dreams while we're out there." Lilian shakes her head. "On the other hand, if you're aware of other's dreams... might be an effective way to scout around if we can set up a base of operations quietly?"
[19:32] <AutumnCrow> "I...have no idea if I can use it like that, but I can try."
[19:37] <@Torokasi> "I don't know either, honestly! Still, it's an idea that may be worth exploring."
[19:41] <AutumnCrow> "I'll have to do alot of exploring with this..." Crow agreed then paused and sighed, "Ah...Lilian, while I'm testing what I can and can't do with this, I may need to see just how interacting with someone else's dream works. Would you mind being the experimental target for that? I'm...honestly not comfortable looking into anyone's dreams at all, even with permission, but it's still a part of
[19:41] <AutumnCrow> the ability I'll need to test."
[19:43] <@Torokasi> Lilian is quiet for a little while, before, "Yeah, that should be fine. Just... don't talk about anything you see there? I mean, I know you wouldn't. But... My dreams can get bad, and in very weird ways."
[19:45] <AutumnCrow> "I won't. I'm..." Crow sighed again, "I will have to admit I wouldn't be willing to grant the reverse. I'm rather intensely jealous of what little privacy I've managed to have in my life, so I wouldn't violate someone else's."
[19:47] <@Torokasi> "Understood." Lilian nods, combing her fingers through her hair. "I have my secrets, but ... hah, my own curiousity overrides even my desire to keep my secrets my own. I mentioned how the Temple of Erest Rosen focuses on knowledge, yeah? Well, the term they use for the desire for knowledge is 'hunger'. Mine's... always been greater than they estimated. Even if it takes everything I've got, I want to learn more, even if I keep secret and bound what I've learned. Bad habit, I guess."
[19:50] <AutumnCrow> "Well..." Crow managed after a moment, "I suppose you're in the right church. If you can use that hunger to the team's benefit, all the better. Just don't let it kill you...or any of the rest of us."
[19:51] <@Torokasi> Lilian smiles. "I don't intend to let anyone get hurt by it, believe me."
[19:56] <@Torokasi> After a relatively productive day of practice and discussion about the upcoming trip, Crow retires early, Lilian retiring as well for Crow's practice... <More>

[20:03] <@Torokasi> It seems to take little more than focusing on entering the dreaming state for Crow's awareness to blossom in what Father Martenn called the Ethereal Plane. The first thing that strikes Crow, now that her attention is no longer focused on Litas Namaech, is that the place, beyond its lighting, seems to be... bare. In practically every direction, as far as Crow can see, is a world of dull gray, seemingly endless. However, nearby, there are two... what seem to be arches carved of stone, reminiscent of the entryways to the training halls in the Autumn Temple. From them, light streams forth, but Crow isn't close enough to see what's in either. <More>
[20:04] <@Torokasi> Further away, though how far Crow cannot judge, are other arches, though not many. One, however, catches Crow's eye - around it is a lush, verdant garden of flowers of all colors, many of which Crow does not recognize, glowing softly and bathing the area with its light.
[20:05] * AutumnCrow takes some experimental steps towards the arches, making sure her radius of light moves with her.
[20:08] <@Torokasi> The ambient light around her seems to linger as she advances toward the arches. Up close, Crow can look into the two. One seems to flicker between burning flames, rising higher than Crow can even crane her head, and a tavern setting, bodies and people moving through the smoky air, but something seems strange about the moving image. <More>
[20:11] <@Torokasi> The other seems to be of a library, books flipping themselves as an unseen figure seems to read them, with... a device Crow doesn't recognize on one shelf, liquids dripping into a large cup as they move through it. Neither door seems to have a person visible in them.
[20:14] <AutumnCrow> " of these two should be Lilian." Crow tries to estimate the distance between her starting position and the doors, to guess if any of them are the same distance as her room to Lilians...
[20:18] <@Torokasi> At a guess, Crow feels like the one with the fire inside should be the right distance, though it's hard to tell - it felt like it took longer to walk to between the two arches than it would to even walk outside from her room in the real world, bizarrely enough.
[20:19] <AutumnCrow> "Well...let's see. If this isn't Lilian, I'll just excuse myself in a timely manner." Crow takes a step towards the firey door...and with a deep breath, steps in.
[20:20] <@Torokasi> OOC: Will save. Feel free to just roll it physically and tell me the result
[20:22] <AutumnCrow> OOC: rolled 18 for 27 total. Crow and saves.
[20:28] <@Torokasi> Crow can feel the dream pull her in with a mighty suction, the flames lashing out for a moment... before, around Crow, the flames seem to dissipate and flee, revealing the tavern scene again. The smoke in the air seems scentless as the crowd in the tavern murmurs, words Crow can't pick out or understand. <More>
[20:28] <@Torokasi> Looking around, Crow can see Lilian sitting at a table near the corner... in garb she's never seen Lilian in - a rather skimpy top that leaves little to Crow's imagination, and grey, practically skin-tight cloth pants. She's holding a hand of cards, her expression practically mocking as she looks over the others at her table. There's an empty chair between two of the figures at her table, and if Crow had to guess, whatever game's being played, Lilian's winning.
[20:29] * AutumnCrow raises an eyebrow at Lilian, but goes to stand near the table, "So what are you playing?"
[20:31] <@Torokasi> "Ten-Eyes. You know the game, don't be coy - you wouldn't be here otherwise." Lilian drawls, her voice smoky but audible as her gaze lazily flicks to Crow. "Oh, looks like we've got another attractive lil' lady joining the game, everyone. Be sure to treat her better than you would yourself. Sid, that ain't no invitation on -any- account."
[20:32] * AutumnCrow checks her pockets for any dream money, willing some to be there if that matters, "Refresh me on the rules anyway."
[20:36] <@Torokasi> "Build a run of five cards, either using the pool in the center or the cards in your hand. Eye cards give extra based on the number of eyes, Necromancy high today. You can fold or raise whenever it's your turn but not in reaction to anyone else's actions. Usual, you know. You not from Verxais? Hope you stick around - all these ugly fuckers don't have the cash or the stamina to keep up for five minutes, but I'm sure you won't disappoint." Crow seems to have some coins in her pocket, weirdly translucent and without any real markings on them - but it doesn't look like the rest of the coins on the table are any different.
[20:38] <AutumnCrow> "I'm from the Autumn Temple, so no I'm not from Verxais." Crow sits down and puts her coins on the table in front of her in whatever fashion the others are doing.
[20:41] * AutumnCrow knows Lilian's strengths and keeps a close eye on her movements, looking for cheating once the card game starts.
[20:41] <@Torokasi> "Huh. Autumn Temple, eh? So you're a priest? Good to see men and women of the cloth willing to walk amongst the people they claim to serve." Lilian says, slamming down her cards. "Queen of Transfiguration, flush. Fork up, Jondice." As one of the other figures shifts a pile of ghost coins over, three cards float over to Crow, before putting themselves in her hand - but they're nothing like any cards Crow has ever seen. <More>
[20:44] <@Torokasi> On one is the raging fire from before, on another is Crow herself, both eyes wide open but otherwise appearing calm and ready, and on the third is... a figure, covered from head to toe in black, with what seems to be a pitch-black mask over their face, a lit torch in one hand, and in the other hand a dagger with blood, moving blood, dripping from it and onto the table, making a puddle. Lilian's gaze has left Crow and is now focused on the other figures around them as they seem to move, drawing, folding, and playing without recognizable words. <More>
[20:47] <@Torokasi> In the middle, as the turn seems to reach Crow, are five cards - one is a building, a complex like the one that Maise and Riyin were captured in, standing up in 3D, while the others are a ancient clock with moving hands, what looks to be Lilian's trademark cloak, Janda's face caught in still image, and the Iron Tower, itself flat on the card despite the other building in 3D. <More>
[20:47] <@Torokasi> Lilian gestures at Crow. "Your turn. You can either draw two more cards or take cards from the field, or fold if you want."
[20:48] * AutumnCrow looks at the Janda card to see if her eyes are open.
[20:49] <@Torokasi> They look to be open, staring off into the distance. Her face is calm in the picture, as if she's watching something.
[20:50] * AutumnCrow takes the Janda card from the center and draws one from the deck as her two cards.
[20:55] <@Torokasi> "Staff of Healing, eh?" Lilian comments as Crow takes Janda. "That makes your move plain, though that's hardly a bad thing." The fifth card is of a couple, eyes closed. The woman on the card was stabbed through the gut, stomach ripped open, her hair the same blue as Lilian's but her face much more rocky and firm. The man has a kinder face, similar to Lilian's, but his neck is slashed apart to ribbons. Despite this, the two are holding hands, both smiling. Lilian looks Crow over. "Stand, raise, or fold? You don't have much down so far, partner..."
[20:56] <AutumnCrow> "It's whats in my hand that matters," Crow replies, "I'll stand."
[20:59] <@Torokasi> "Ho ho. See, this lady's got far more spine than any of you blaggards!" Crow blinks in confusion - before, only one person had folded, but suddenly the only two remaining in the round were Crow and Lilian. With an exaggerated gesture, Lilian puts a pink coin on the table - one that looks oddly more solid than the rest, pushing it forward as her bid before drawing the Iron Tower from the board and a fifth card from the deck... OOC: Sense Motive check, since Crow's watching Lilian for cheating.
[21:00] <AutumnCrow> OOC: rolled 12 for 23
[21:04] <@Torokasi> Crow thinks she catches something with the motion of Lilian's hand, but it's over before she can pick up on the details - and Lilian laughs a bit, putting down her hand. The Iron Tower. An elderly priest with a massive, grand white beard down to his knees and a large, knobbly stone staff in one hand that looks almost akin to a club, eyes closed as if in thought. Lilian's sword, her two hands clenching it, seemingly about to bring it down. What looks like a courtroom, a judge obscured in shadows as a faceless figure stands in judgment. A guillotine, the blade frozen in mid-descent. <More>
[21:05] <@Torokasi> "That hand didn't work how I hoped. Shame." Lilian chuckles. "Got Vengeance and Justice, but if I'm not mistaken, you likely win this round. Care to show your hand?"
[21:08] <AutumnCrow> "Certainly," Crow arrainges her cards on the table. First the fires, the man with fire and knife, and the murdered parents....with the fires on the side of the man that holds the torch, with the parents on the side that holds the knife, then beside them she lays down Janda and herself, "Fire and Loss, with Staff of Healing and Miracle Sixth for two parts Manifold, four eyes open."
[21:12] <@Torokasi> "Hah. And Manifold trumps Vengeance, with Healing trumping Justice. Excellent play." Lilian smiles, pushing the coin over to Crow. "Show's over, she's won the game, gents. Get on home to your wives or husbands or harem - just kidding, none of the rest of you could get laid if your life depended on it." With that, her eyes shift to Crow. "Very good play there, lady, but there's a lot I'm sure I can still teach you, starting with how you can spend that little coin of yours..." She stands up, hips swaying as she walks over to Crow.
[21:13] <AutumnCrow> "Are you hitting on me, Lilian?" Crow seems more amused by this than anything else.
[21:16] <@Torokasi> "Why wouldn't I be, beautiful? And you come knowing my name yet insisting you don't know the rules." Lilian kneels next to Crow as she drapes an arm over Crow's shoulder. "My, but your eyes are stunning. I can see how you get away with pleading naivete, but I'm not so easily fooled."
[21:17] <AutumnCrow> "I'm rather...poorly educated in things that aren't combat, but I learn fast." Crow smiles, "I would like to know what you slipped back into that deck to let me win so I'd have this coin to pay you with, however."
[21:21] <@Torokasi> There's a hair's breadth of pause, before Lilian starts laughing, a honest laugh that seems to fill the fading tavern, the room shifting around the two into a murky haze while the table and chairs stay constant. "It wouldn't have helped me win, but I traded for the guillotine... this." Drawing the top card, Lilian shows it to Crow - two statues, one of the Weeping Lady, the other of Erest Rosen, standing together, smiling, in a similar pose to the card of the murdered couple, but with no marks on the statues. "Redemption has no place in my hands, I'm afraid. Never scores well, so it keeps shuffling back in. My luck might be good but it's never good enough to earn that from the world."
[21:24] <AutumnCrow> "So...just to check here, are you aware of who I am? Autumn Crow, heir presumptive to the High Lady of the Autumn Temple? Your guild team leader and...well, you're honestly my closest freind now even though I'm likely not yours." Crow wondered if she could get through to the actual Lilian, "...I am curious why you would need Redemption though."
[21:31] <@Torokasi> "Autumn Crow...?" Lilian stares at Crow, as if trying to remember something... before the entire room seems to shatter around them, the table and chair staying stable as Lilian seems to dissolve into thin air, the cards vanishing as well. After a few seconds, the room seems to reform, wooden walls turning to stone and the table morphing into one of the Kerebos Guild's mess hall tables, Crow seemingly seated at a table in the center. <More>
[21:35] <@Torokasi> The crowds, next, seem to reform, milling about and creating the ambient noise as before. Across from Crow, Lilian appears, this time dressed in her adventuring garb. It almost looks like the rest of the group should be sitting around Crow and Lilian, but Ary's, Para's, and Solmyr's faces are blurred. Janda's face seems clearer, but still foggy, and if the four are saying anything, Crow can't tell.  Lilian looks up from a bowl of steaming dream-food, smiling at Crow, though there's a hint of bitterness behind it. <More>
[21:40] <@Torokasi> After a moment, her mouth opens, "You're right, of course. It was arson. I saw them do it. But the Iron Tower called it an accident.  So what sort of things do you want to do in Verxais? It's such a big town, and you must be so curious about so much. Why do you keep looking at Janda? You're not her type. It'd be easier if you were, you know? Easier on me, at least. Or maybe your secret is that you are, hehe? But she had a crush on Ary... nothing magic can't fix for you, though~ ...Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid of what I'll say?"
[21:41] <@Torokasi> The words seem to come tumbling out, Crow clearly understanding each one despite the blur.
[21:44] * AutumnCrow is stock still for a moment, then sighs, "...of course you've figured it out already. You're too smart not to. And...I should be afraid of you, but...somehow I'm not. I think I realized some time ago that I couldn't hide it from you, but," Crow actually smiled as she looked up at Lilian, "I think when I decided you were my freind, it meant I had to trust you. With something even more
[21:44] * AutumnCrow important than just my life, if it came to it."
[21:50] <@Torokasi> Lilian seems to shimmer and shake, practically vibrating in place, before, "Your secret will die with me, I promise. I plan on finding him. I want to find him. I want to know. It's okay. If I'm right... I get it. Be who you are, be who you want to be. We'll support you no matter what. Oh, I was right? Well, good luck with Janda, then. I'll keep your crush a secret. Or is that not what you meant, hehe~ The Weeping Lady's into pain - maybe you like it rough? Even Solmyr's afraid of me. I've heard what he's said. I know why he's afraid. But I don't want to hurt him. I don't want to hurt you. I don't know what you need to hide from me. If I figure it out, I'll keep it secret. I promise. I don't want anyone to be afraid of me anymore."
[21:53] * AutumnCrow takes a deep breath, gets up and walks around the table to give Lilian a hug, "I'm not. I'm not afraid of you. My secret is safe with you, I believe you. And...when you find him, I will help you. I owe the Iron Tower nothing, whatever thier reasons it means less to me than helping a freind." Crow didn't respond to the other part. Of course she didn't have a crush on Jan...
[21:53] * AutumnCrow blinks...and looks at the image of Janda.
[21:53] <AutumnCrow> "Oh gods DAMMIT."
[21:55] <@Torokasi> The image of Lilian seems to snap into stability as she's hugged, her eyes loosely tracking up to Crow. Slowly, she seems to return it... OOC: Will save again, please.
[21:56] <AutumnCrow> OOC: roll 10 for 21
[22:00] <@Torokasi> ...and as her arms return the hug, a raging flame seems to explode from Lilian's feet, flashing outward and consuming everything near instantly, all details being obliterated in moments. The flames seem to surround Crow and Lilian as Lilian sinks to her feet, sobbing . "No! No, damnit! I'm not losing everything again! I refuse, I absolutely refuse! I will find that asshole who killed everyone, and I will kill them! I'M GOING TO GODDAMN KILL -"
[22:00] <@Torokasi> And suddenly Crow is outside the doorway to Lilian's dream.
[22:00] <AutumnCrow> "You're not going to kill anyone, Lilian." Crow says to empty air.
[22:00] <AutumnCrow> "I attack faster than you do."
[22:01] <@Torokasi> The archway shakes violently as the flames seem to consume it, melting away the stone as if it were wax, burning itself away into dust as Crow's words ring in the empty air.
[22:01] * AutumnCrow goes back to her own archway to wake herself up.
[22:02] <@Torokasi> Crow turns... and sees no archway for herself. The one of the library is still standing, but she can't see any where she entered the Ethereal Plane from.
[22:02] * AutumnCrow simply wills herself to wake up, then.
[22:06] <@Torokasi> As she focuses on waking up, an archway seems to form in front of her, her body resting peacefully in the space in there, daylight streaming onto her blankets.
[22:06] * AutumnCrow steps in
[22:10] <@Torokasi> The dim lighting of the empty world fades as she seems to step into her own body, the feelings of warmth and the softness of the blankets coming over her as her own eyes blink open in the real world.


[15:18] <Torokasi> From the hallway, Crow can hear some faint noise of people stirring, though the conversations seem to be muted.
[15:19] * AutumnCrow goes about her normal morning perparations...then goes and knocks on Lilian's door.
[15:21] <Torokasi> Kalos, Nyci and Isabella are chatting in the hallway quietly, Isabella and Kalos both sipping on tea as Crow passes, greeting Crow. Knocking on Lilian's door gets met with a muffled groan and some unintelligible words, before, "Moment."
[15:21] * AutumnCrow waves pleasently to the ladies from the other team as she passes.
[15:27] <Torokasi> It takes Lilian a little while before she opens the door... OOC: Notice check. Feel free to roll at home as usual, this will likely be one of the few rolls
[15:28] <AutumnCrow> OOC: That's a 4. For a total of....4.
[15:29] * AutumnCrow offers Lilian a soft smile, "Morning. ...we...should probably talk, when you're feeling awake and up for it..."
[15:32] <Torokasi> "... yeah. Here or somewhere more private?" Lilian's smile doesn't quite reach her eyes, for some reason, though she isn't avoiding Crow's eyes.
[15:34] <AutumnCrow> "Privacy would be...ideal. The more private the better." Crow nods, then...impulsively steps in and gives Lilian a quick hug, murmuring, "I trust you. Before anything else, I needed to say that." Then she breaks the hug and steps back.
[15:37] <Torokasi> Lilian's smile widens a bit. "Thanks. ... I trust you, too. I'll meet you at Duessa's Redoubt, same room we used last time for the group chat?"
[15:38] <AutumnCrow> "Sure. I'm...going to go see if Nyci wants a morning workout while you're waking up. I could use the help focusing right now. I'll meet you over there in an hour or so?"
[15:40] <Torokasi> "Sounds good. I... uh. Yeah. I'll save comments for there." Lilian shakes her head, brushing her hand through her hair. "One hour, Duessa's Redoubt. Meet you there. Good luck against Nyci, though you may not need it."
[15:41] <AutumnCrow> "It'll just be a training excersize, not full sparring." Crow nods, then heads back to the kitchen to challenge Nyci to some morning training.
[15:48] <Torokasi> Nyci readily accepts Crow's training session, and the two practice for about forty-five minutes, Nyci taking an early lead but falling behind as her predictable movements get the worst of her consistently. After finishing up, Crow heads to Duessa's Redoubt, meeting Lilian inside the room the group used for their previous meeting. As Crow enters, Lilian looks up, smiling, her notebook between her hands. "Hey, Crow. Go ahead and close the door. I've not written anything down or anything. Don't plan on it."
[15:49] * AutumnCrow closes the door, then plops down with an uncharacteristicly graceless thud.
[15:50] <AutumnCrow> "That...was both fun and a bit disturbing, revealing and confusing and all around hard to wrap my head around. Being a dream princess is not as easy as I was hoping," she laughs and smiles tiredly at Lilian.
[15:56] <Torokasi> "Heheheheh..." Lilian smiles. "I can only imagine. I don't remember too much... I was in some building, then I heard you say my name, and then for a few moments we were in the Guild's mess hall... I remember that somewhat clearly, though I wasn't in control there? And then the fire nightmares happened and..." She shrugs helplessly, hair falling onto her shoulders. "I'm glad it was fun... I wish I remembered more, to be honest. Do you want me to start with what I remember?"
[15:58] <AutumnCrow> "That might help. It's your dream, so I'll tell you everything I saw afterwards if you want." Crow pauses, then laughs again, "I was planning to tease you about how I promised not to tell what I saw and you wouldn't want me to break a promise, but...this isn't really the right time for that kind of thing, I think."
[15:58] <AutumnCrow> "And..." Crow starts to continue, then pauses a long moment...
[15:59] <Torokasi> "...And?" Lilian tilts her head.
[16:01] <AutumnCrow> She takes a deep breath, "I...will answer any questions you have at all. About anything. I...want to ask that the two of us, in private at least, are completely honest with eachother. I think I need someone I can be open about things with, even if only in private. And I'll listen to anything you have to say, and I'll believe you no matter how strange it is. No mistrust, no judgement."
[16:02] * AutumnCrow brushes some of her hair out of her eyes and smiles a bit awkwardly, "I know we haven't known eachother that feels a bit like trying to force something. But I...don't really know how to just let things grow on thier own. All I know how to do is go full force or not at all."
[16:09] <Torokasi> "...Thank you." Lilian nods, still smiling. "And I'm not that great there either, but hopefully I can bring myself to be more honest as well... Anyway. What I remember of the part in the mess hall was... feeling like I was overlapping thousands of thousands of other versions of myself. Like, it felt like there were thousands of me there, trying to talk to you, but many of them weren't making sense or... Some of them sounded almost like it was you talking to yourself? But there were some stronger voices, and I feel like those were what you heard. And then you came over and hugged me, and... then things fell apart for no good reason, since... dreams, I guess."
[16:12] <AutumnCrow> "I heard...four Lilians. Four I could understand clearly. One was...just excited about getting to show me around the city. One was talking about..." Crow sighed, "about the fire. How the Iron Tower called it an accident, but you witnessed the arson. And you're right, even magical fire can't burn bones to ash, and flesh takes a very very long time to go fully to ash. I'm a cook, I know things
[16:12] <AutumnCrow> like this. I think...I think they were killed, and the fire was set as a distraction."
[16:12] <AutumnCrow> "That Lilian was talking about vengance. Wanting to find him." Crow looked at at her and smiled, though it was the hard smile she wore in battle now, "You swore you'd kill him. But I don't think you will. I'm faster than you, after all."
[16:14] <Torokasi> Lilian stares at Crow for a minute, before a low chuckle seems to dig itself out from her throat. "I guess.... I guess I'll have to train to be able to keep up, then." Lilian laughs. "I... yes, I saw them. I remember that, but everyone else thought I had to be wrong... yeah."
[16:17] <AutumnCrow> "I owe the Iron Tower nothing," Crow notes flatly, "helping a freind to me comes before any reason they might have had. I'm not even a proper citizen of this city, I still call the Autumn Temple home. So...I'm with you. I certainly know that if someone killed my family but missed me, they would be hunted to the ends of the mist for their grevious oversight."
[16:20] <Torokasi> Lilian nods solemnly. "I don't know why the Iron Tower would hide the truth. But I intend to find out. Thank you for being willing to help... I don't have many leads. I've been looking into a lot, but most of it just seems to fall apart..."
[16:23] <AutumnCrow> "We should focus on...well, guild work for now. Training, getting stronger. It's the path I have to walk be nessesity, and it will help you here too. The stronger you are, the more doors open to you." Crow shook her head a bit sadly, "might...doesn't nessesarily make right, but it does usually make for success. That's just the way the world is."
[16:27] <Torokasi> "Yeah, agreed. ... The third voice, uh... it said something about Janda, and I remember what you said in reply." Lilian replies, a faint blush on her face. "I had noticed, uh... ... I don't know how it is at the Temple, but even if, uh, you two in a relationship wouldn't be okay there, practically no one would blink an eye to it here."
[16:28] <AutumnCrow> "I..." Crow sighs again, "...hadn't even realized I had a crush on her until you pointed it out. It's...not something I can do at all, relationships of any kind are simply forbidden to me. I think you suspect why as well."
[16:30] <Torokasi> "... I don't understand, actually." Lilian shakes her head. "Uh... but it's probably because you can't rely on magic at all, either, isn't it?"
[16:32] <AutumnCrow> "...what do you mean by 'rely on magic'?" Crow asks after a moment. "The reason is simply that I can't allow my secret to be known. I don't understand what magic has to do with anything."
[16:35] <Torokasi> "Well... there would be ways to... ugh. It's possible to change one's body in basically any regard one wants, to a point where it would be indistinguishable from someone not changed that way. It takes a lot of magic and a lot of time, but that's a decent amount of what a Beguiler does, and..." Lilian trails off in frustration. "I mean I know why it needs to be this way for now, but if there's something you want, you can work towards it. That's the way the world works?"
[16:35] <AutumnCrow> "....that's possible?" Crow stares at her blankly.
[16:38] <Torokasi> "Yeah! It's... like, okay, there's a ton of stuff that needs to be done there for the magics to work, but it's entirely doable. It's something to work for! ... Though." Lilian pauses, frowning. "I'll need to look some things up. There's... like, levels of how far you can take it, from illusions to temporary to permanent, but the permanent has a bunch of conditions..."
[16:39] <AutumnCrow> "...permenant...that...would be lovely. I just hope magically changing my body doesn't interfere with my bloodline abilities somehow. Wouldn't that be ironic?"
[16:41] <Torokasi> "Well, that's the other thing. If... that's the issue, but thus far your bloodline hasn't actually objected to you... maybe there's more to it than you think?" Lilian says. "And this is why I thought I couldn't possibly be right, since the Autumn Temple would record all this, I thought, but if there's exceptions..."
[16:42] <AutumnCrow> "There may be. My mother tells me a whole lot of nothing in general," Crow shrugs, "I...thank you. For helping, for understanding."
[16:42] <AutumnCrow> Then she looks up and manages a smile again, "So...that voice. It also said that...well, that I wasn't Janda's type. But things would be easier for you if I was? What was that supposed to mean?"
[17:17] <Torokasi> "Uh. ...Because I'd be less inclined to drag you into my messes, for one." Lilian smiles a bit. "... I have a type - lithe, strong and agile, and, ah, not very fond of bullshit, so that is... part of it too. I don't need to worry about you if you have someone else? Sort of thing?"
[17:18] <AutumnCrow> "Well...that would certainly explain why you were hitting on me so hard in the first part of the dream," Crow chuckles a bit awkwardly.
[17:19] <Torokasi> "What." Lilian chokes a bit. "Oh god. That was you? I thought that part came way earlier in- shit."
[17:20] <AutumnCrow> "You were a card player who was rather dominating the table," Crow details the dream for her, "I sat in on a game cheated to make me win, I think. Then rather pointely offered to show me how I shoudl spend that coin I just won." Crow is trying not to laugh as she describes it.
[17:21] <Torokasi> "..." Lilian's face turns a certain shade of red. "
[17:21] <Torokasi> "Uh, remind me to get you the story I was reading before bed, then..."
[17:21] <AutumnCrow> "I...won't pretend I wasn't tempted to let it play out." Crow adds quietly. Honesty and all that.
[17:23] <Torokasi> "...and even knowing what I know now, that changes nothing." Lilian replies, her smile shaky. "But it's up to you. And... I don't know why I thought you might not be Janda's type save that I know she had a crush on Ary. That's it, tho."
[17:28] <AutumnCrow> "If..." Crow eventually manages in a quiet voice, "if I can get access to magic that...that lets me be...physically..." she hesistates unable to put it to words for a moment, but forcing it out eventually, "...female. I will have duties. Of, uh, the procreation nature. So...if that ever happens...exclusivity isn't exactly possible. But from what I understand, my mother is rather odd for a
[17:28] <AutumnCrow> High Lady in having only the one lover." She pointedly did NOT give any further thought to her mothers sex life. "But...dammit, I'm babbling."
[17:29] * AutumnCrow takes a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment. When she opens them, the shaking and nerves are gone, a focused serenity settled over her.
[17:29] * AutumnCrow holds a hand out towards Lilian, "...I'm willing to try if you are."
[17:29] <Torokasi> "I understand. We'll... cross those bridges when we get that far, if we decide to go that far." Lilian replies as Crow recovers, before reaching her hand out to meet Lilian's. "I am definitely willing to try... Crow."
[17:33] <AutumnCrow> And as suddenly as it came, the serenity is gone, Crow shaking with nerves but smiling, practically clutching Lilian's hand, "...well...I have a girlfriend now don't I? That's...well, you know I read romance novels, I've always longed for...well, someone. But I thought I'd have to keep everyone at arms length forever because of...well, my secret. Which can't become known, it would ruin the
[17:33] <AutumnCrow> confidence of the temple's warriors in my mother's leadership if it was known, not to mention what they'd think of me...and I'm babbling again."
[17:34] <Torokasi> "Yeah, I very much understand. ...haha, you're probably going to get really used to the town if we're having to hide it this way, but I'm okay with this. If we can trust each other, we'll be okay... I think? I know. I'm sure."
[17:36] <AutumnCrow> "Well...I don't think we need to hide that we're...ah, together?" Crow nods, " secret. Which shouldn't be obvious from just us being together in public. I've undergone quite a lot of training in how to...control certain normally unconcious physical reactions."
[17:42] <Torokasi> "... Ah, right, got it." Lilian flushes after a bit. "Well, we'll figure out what we want to share with the rest of Manifold... at your speed, alright?"
[17:46] <AutumnCrow> "I don't like hiding any more than is strictly nessesary." Crow calms down a bit, though does not let go of Lilian's hand, "I don't mind them knowing we're together, or that you're the one helping me with my dream training. The...nature of my secret is the only thing I don't want them to know. If I'm taking this team in the opposite direction that Marion did, I have to be consistant about
[17:46] <AutumnCrow> it. As little manipulation and secrecy as possible...though some things are just none of anyone's business."
[17:50] <Torokasi> "Understood." Lilian nods with a smile. "So, ah..."
[17:53] <Torokasi> After a bit she closes her mouth, simply shaking her head and smiling.
[17:55] <AutumnCrow> "So...what?" Crow pries, though still smiling.
[18:03] <Torokasi> "... I have no clue where to go from here." Lilian admits, flush as she looks away.
[18:04] <AutumnCrow> "Well..." Crow pauses, "ah...neither do I." Then she just dissolves into a giggle fit.
[18:09] <Torokasi> Lilian, as Crow laughs, stares in concern for a moment before beginning to heartily laugh as well.
[18:13] <AutumnCrow> The fit wears off after a bit and Crow wipes some tears from her eyes, " not used to being so very out of my depth, I have to admit. Dream princess adventures, sharing my secret with someone...getting into a relationship of any kind..." she looks up with a smile, "I suppose we just do whatever we want, and if it makes one of us uncomfortable then we stop. And in the meantime, we prep
[18:13] <AutumnCrow> for the trip, since we are still teammates before anything else."
[18:23] <Torokasi> "Definitely. The temple of Magdanae's forecasting a light storm in a few days, so the Mist should clear up right after that." Lilian nods happily, recovering herself. "Hopefully it stays gone for a while after the storm."
[18:28] <AutumnCrow> "Alright. So we get our preparations ready to set out right after the storm. I'll leave poking Solmyr and Para about travel supplies to you, Janda and I will handle provisions. In fact...I'll see if she wants to go shopping later today, it will give me something to focus on besides dreams." Crow nods, then finally lets go of Lilian's hand...but not before giving it a hard squeeze. "And we'll
[18:28] <AutumnCrow> leave off the dream exploring until we're back for now."
[18:29] <Torokasi> "Probably wise, yes." Lilian gives a wan smile. "Wish I could help you out in exploring there even more now, but..."
[18:31] <AutumnCrow> "Well, you can. A...reletively safe dream to experiment in is really helpful. Also means I can practice without violating someone's privacy, since you're willing to help." Crow smiles back.  "Just having you helping means a lot."
[18:34] <Torokasi> "Yeah. Just... I mean even beyond that. Beyond just offering a place to practice. But I need to be content with what I can do for you in this realm, I think." Lilian sighs.
[18:35] <AutumnCrow> "If I ever find a way to bring you into a dream fully, I promise I will. That...could be a lot of fun, having a concious dream together."
[18:35] <Torokasi> "Yeah, that was what I was thinking." Lilian replied, flushing. "Well, that too."
[18:39] <AutumnCrow> "We...should get going. Before...I start trying to kiss you here. That's better saved for our rooms I think." Crow manages to get that out in a level tone despite the fact that her cheeks have gone red.
[18:40] <Torokasi> "Hah. Yeah, that's probably best..." Lilian manages to get out, slowly standing.
[18:46] <AutumnCrow> "Which...well, you're welcome in mine any time you like. Just knock first." Crow is still beet red, but gets that out and then turns to the door to head out. If she had anything else from the dreams she was wanting to talk about she has since forgotton in the rush of ohmygodsihaveagirlfreindholycrap
[18:47] <Torokasi> "Same for mine. Knocking only really necessary if others are around, but..." With that, Lilian follows Crow out...


[17:14] <@Torokasi> Crow wakens to the same sound of rain cascading onto the roof that's greeted her in the morning for the past few days, the room a bit chilly and damp even through the blankets. As she begins to stir, there's another familiar sound - a rapping on the door, and Lilian's voice. "Hey, Crow. I've got some bread, butter and tea set up in the kitchen, and that's like the one warm room in this place right now."
[17:16] * AutumnCrow gets up and stretches, then answers the door with a smile, "I'll take the cold if it means washing away the blasted mist for awhile. And I hope the bath is also warm, since I do need to wash. I'll join you in a bit?"
[17:17] <@Torokasi> "Bath should warm up pretty fast, I'd hope." Lilian has the familiar bags under her eyes indicating a late night out, but seems pretty cheerful regardless. "Sounds good. I'll be in there reading, so no rush. I think only Isabella's here of us three."
[17:19] <AutumnCrow> "You do know you can sleep in after those nights out, right?" Crow chuckles, "we're not heading out today." Then giving her girlfreind(squee!) a quick kiss on the cheek, Crow heads to the bath to wash up quickly. She'll deal with cold water if she has to, it's not like the water at the temple was always, or even usually, warm.
[17:23] <@Torokasi> "I have an issue sleeping once any light creeps into my room. Bad old habit." Lilian replies, smiling at Crow and squeezing her shoulder as Crow goes to get her bath (fortunately, quite warm!) done. Lilian, true to her word, is still in the kitchen, which is quite cozy, as is Isabella, both reading old books. At Crow's entrance, Lilian closes hers, but Isabella seems entirely absorbed by hers, her hair practically hiding her face as she reads, hunched over it.
[17:25] <AutumnCrow> "Good morning," Crow nods to Isabella despite the distraction, then grabs some tea and bread, "so what are the thoughts on the storm?" she asks Lilian as she takes a seat beside her, "one day and done, or might we have a longer one brewing? Honestly the longer it goes, the longer it will take the mist to recover, so I'm hoping for a good hard one."
[17:30] <@Torokasi> "This should be the last day of it, unfortunately, but they're predicting a low Mist for the next week or so regardless." Lilian shrugs. "They're not often right, but let's hope this time, they are. Means we can get out of town sooner than expected- hi, Redola?  What is it?"
[17:32] * AutumnCrow looks up as Redola enters.
[17:34] <@Torokasi> Redola snorts from behind Crow, entering the kitchen slowly. "Two things. Adon wants to talk to you, Crow, and anyone of your group you can whip up. You'll be responsible for disseminating the news to the rest of your group later. Isabella, Esauvi wants to talk to you, same deal except - Isabella, are you even listening to me?"
[17:34] <@Torokasi> "Sure. Esauvi wants to talk to you." Isabella murmurs, flipping a page in her book.
[17:36] * AutumnCrow silently reaches over and puts a hand between Isabella and her book.
[17:36] <@Torokasi> "Eh?" Isabella blinks, looking up at Crow in confusion.
[17:37] <@Torokasi> Redola snorts again. "No, Esauvi wants to talk to -you-. Or Kalos, but you're the leader I found first."
[17:37] * AutumnCrow gestures to Redola, then nods, "I'll check to see which of the boys are around, then we'll be right over."
[17:39] <@Torokasi> Redola nods to Crow. "Good. ... And just to spare your menfolk the indignity of fainting in front of their supervisor, you probably do want to tell them this. The twenty-six Cities are now confirmed to be twenty-five. Ghen'guldam fell during the catacylsmic event, and if there have been any survivors, Teriander's not saying so."
[17:40] <AutumnCrow> "...I see." Crow shuts her eyes and takes a deep breath.
[17:43] <@Torokasi> Lilian's jaw drops, and even Isabella seems in shock over this. Redola's voice actually takes on a sympathetic tone as she continues, "The information hasn't been given to the public yet for fear of chaos. Ghen'guldam falling is... a massive loss to the Teriander Empire and a blow even to us. We're not sponsoring missions there, yet, either - the offer was made and refused. For now, all we can do is try and figure out the Barrier Formula still further, and hopefully find another place like Koire to re-open."
[17:45] <AutumnCrow> "The next time I return to the Autumn Temple, I'll speak with my mother about allowing mages to examine Autumn Storm's barrier again, if there's anything new they think they could learn about how it held up against the attack," Crow offers, then drains her tea in one gulp and stands.
[17:49] <@Torokasi> "It'd be appreciated." Redola nods as Lilian follows Crow's lead, Isabella scrambling for a bookmark. "Oh, and Isabella, talk to me when you're done with Esauvi. There's someone looking into joining the Guild and your group - well, both of your groups, but Isabella, yours only has four so I figured I'd extend the offer to you first - seems like a good match. Nice girl, if a bit naive, and she's transferring in from the Horizon Guild."
[17:50] <@Torokasi> Isabella nods quickly. "Right, right. I'll grab Kalos from the Temple and talk to you after we're done with Esauvi."
[17:50] <AutumnCrow> "Marion may or may not be joining Manifold after the next mission anyway," Crow notes, "so your group definately has priority on any new people looking to join up."
[17:52] <@Torokasi> "Marion? Oh dear. I don't allow Solmyr into any of the women's rooms here on general principle, as a reminder to her." Redola smiles, mouth opening to show fangs. "Marion isn't going to be an exception. Otherwise, she's capable enough when her family isn't involved. Good luck to her."
[17:53] <AutumnCrow> "She has enough money that they can afford to get an inn room, I'm sure." Crow deadpans, then heads out to go see if Janda or the boys are within easy fetching distance before going to see Adon.
[17:54] <@Torokasi> Lilian follows Crow out, leaving Isabella to fumble further for her book. "I think Izzy gets intimidated by Redola and tries to hide it..." Lilian murmurs as the two walk. "Janda's out at her mom's so we're going to have to talk to some people later about this. We can swing by the men's apartments to see who's there?"
[17:57] <AutumnCrow> "Let's do that. I...don't suppose you know if any of the boys knew anyone from Ghen'guldam? It's horrifying enough to me, and all that city is to me is a name," Crow shakes her head.
[17:58] <@Torokasi> "Uh. ... Solmyr I'm pretty sure doesn't, but it's possible Ary does. He lived in Teriander before coming here, after all." Lilian notes. "Ghen'guldam is- er, was? One of Teriander's fortresses. Practically ran by the Temples of Sath and Hemda, as I was lead to understand, and where everyone in Teriander's military trained."
[18:02] <AutumnCrow> "He likely does, then. Lovely. We'll find a place to break it to them privately before seeing Adon." Crow nods and continues towards the men's dorms
[18:12] <@Torokasi> Solmyr and Ary are sitting around the fireplace in the entry hall of the men's dorm, chatting with the skinny man usually seen on the steps and an unfamiliar, rather chunky-looking and jovial Talstedi man. As Crow and Lilian walk over, Ary looks up. "Hey, Crow. Pull up a seat if you want. I think you've met Wirelash here before-" he says, gesturing to the skinny Talstedi "-and this is Gabit, the healer for another of the M1 groups around here. ...You two alright?"
[18:14] <AutumnCrow> "Adon wants to see us," Crow opens with that, deciding to set the tone as all business, "Janda is at home right now, but is Para in?"
[18:16] <@Torokasi> "He left early this morning." Solmyr shakes his head. "Didn't explain jack of where he was going. Should we go find him?"
[18:20] <AutumnCrow> "No, we'll have to tell Janda later anyway. Two is as easy as one." Crow shakes her head, then gestures for the two of them to get up while she addresses the new face for politeness's sake, "pleasure to meet you, Gabit. I hope our team's comedy duo haven't given you too bad of an impression of the rest of us. Unfortunately, I can't really stay and chat right now."
[18:22] <@Torokasi> "Hahahaha... No, don't worry. Ary's been on his usual best behavior, and we all know about Solmyr. I'm afraid that I might be 'corrupting the youth' more than they're leaving poor impressions!" The man laughs jovially. "It's a pleasure to meet you, miss Crow, and good to see you again, Lilian. We'll catch up another time."
[18:24] <@Torokasi> Ary and Solmyr stand obligingly and follow Crow over, both of them putting on cloaks to cover them from the rain. "What's Adon got to talk to us about? Our plans to head out once the rains cease?" Solmyr asks as the group wanders away from the fire.
[18:26] <AutumnCrow> "Redola didn't say," Crow sighs, "but she did deliver a piece of news that it might involve." Taking a deep breath, and making sure they were out of the earshot of anyone else, she quietly let it spill, "Ghen'guldam fell during the attacks. If there were survivors, contacts in Terriander haven't said."
[18:27] <AutumnCrow> "They aren't making this public knowledge yet, so...keep it within the group until we hear otherwise." Crow doesn't seem to like saying that, but she does.
[18:28] <@Torokasi> Solmyr turns to Ary, whose eyes have widened, pupils huge. "You... what? Ghen'guldam fell?" Ary hisses quietly. "This has to be some massive joke...."
[18:28] <AutumnCrow> "Even Redola's sense of humor is not that bad." Crow deadpans.
[18:30] <@Torokasi> "Yeah. I know. Just... shit." Ary tilts his head a bit. "... Gods above. Sath, grant them peace..."
[18:32] <AutumnCrow> "Let's go see what Adon wants. Maybe he has more news."
[18:34] <@Torokasi> An unfamiliar Talmuri man, grey-scaled and heavily muscled with a lance strapped to his back passes by the group as Ary seems to sit there quietly for a moment, before, "Yeah. Sorry about that. Let's do this." he finally gets out. "He's probably in his office - you know the way?"
[18:34] <@Torokasi> Lilian nods. "I think I do, yes. Let me lead the way."
[18:46] <@Torokasi> Lilian takes the group into the Kerebos Guild, heading up to the seventh floor and leading the group to a door near the stairwell. The door is wide open, Adon inside and staring at a scroll in front of him, his room bare except for a few chairs in front of his plain, mostly empty desk and a bunch of weapons mounted on the walls, most all carved out of wood or stone.
[18:47] <AutumnCrow> "Sir," Crow announced thier entrance, "Redola said you wanted to see us?"
[18:48] <@Torokasi> "Indeed." Adon nods, not looking up. "Come in and be seated. Did she tell you anything?"
[18:48] <AutumnCrow> "She mentioned Ghen'guldam," Crow sighs, "but that was all."
[18:50] <@Torokasi> "So the worst news first. Ary, how are you handling this?" Adon replies, looking up.
[18:50] <@Torokasi> "... I had friends there, and but for Nyci's timing, I could easily have been there instead of here." Ary replies, voice hoarse. "Thank you for your concern, but I'll be fine after tonight."
[18:53] <@Torokasi> Adon nods sympathetically. "Understood. There are a few more topics, but I'll return to that at the end and fill you in on the full details. The first one is regarding Ramedo - he's doing much better and will be resuming duties within the week. He conveys his apologies."
[18:54] <@Torokasi> Solmyr nods slightly. "Healing magic had complications?"
[18:54] <AutumnCrow> "Apologising for getting injured, the mark of a true professional," Crow deadpans in a vague attempt to lighten the mood.
[18:55] <@Torokasi> "A few, but nothing long-term significant." Adon shrugs, chuckling a bit at Crow's comment. "He dislikes having others tend to him. He considers himself the one that should be healing others."
[18:59] <@Torokasi> "Second topic. We've managed to contact the Kerebos Trio, Hikoi and Flynn; they're alive, but also a very long ways out of town, by Jagden's estimate. The dragon, unfortunately, survived, and Reden thinks it was, if not in command, at least aware of the Cataclysm and ready to act when it happened. Further details will likely come when they get back to town." Adon shakes his head. "Also, apparently 'the fucking dragon fucking cheats', as Kaela Scar-eye would like everyone to know."
[19:01] <AutumnCrow> "My father will be happy to hear that. And...I expect he'll want to join them dragon hunting when they regroup." Crow nods. She had no real comment on the cheating part, without any further elaboration on the how.
[19:09] <@Torokasi> "His presence would be more than welcome." Adon notes. "Third... We've finished doing our initial scouting around Verxais, and the story is troubling. It seems the entire valley moved with us, so the route to Caldrin is still navigable, and the Autumn Temple seems to have shifted with Verxais, but... Nlocomo is now nowhere near us, and the prairie you all cut your teeth on is now covered in a thick forest. Most all the landmarks seem to be there, still, and the Autumn Temple seems to only be a day further into the foothills of the mountains, but travel is slower, if easier amidst the cover of the forest."
[19:12] <AutumnCrow> "Lovely. Well, if we're out too long without finding that door we left our mark on, we'll turn back."
[19:19] <@Torokasi> "Probably wise." Adon nods. "Still, if it was in the prairie before, it should still be there now, hopefully, and even learning that the prairie has changed that much would be important to know. Finally, we're issuing bounties for the location of... basically any notable herbs, minerals, anything we can use. I'll get your group a list of the important things, and identifying sources or bringing bits of anything home you can will help, but we mainly need locations to harvest ingredients from. Mark them and we'll send groups out as we need more."
[19:21] <AutumnCrow> "Of course. Solmyr, you and Para can trade off between pathfinding and keeping an eye out for herbs I suppose."
[19:22] <@Torokasi> "Got it." Solmyr nods. "Anything in particular?"
[19:26] <@Torokasi> "...Safena, mainly. Our supplies of that are usually slim, but with the Cataclysm all our old places don't offer anything anymore, it looks like." Adon shakes his head. "For rebuilding spells, tourmalite would also help, but we have a small reserve there."
[19:27] <AutumnCrow> "Well Safena is easy to spot at least." Crow nods, "If we pass any I'll make sure to replant a bunch and mark the area."
[19:29] <@Torokasi> "Indeed. And the more eyes looking out for it, the better." Adon nods crisply. "... As for Ghen'guldam. The other piece of importance is this: Ghen'guldam would not have fallen to the Cataclysm alone, based on our analysis."
[19:31] <AutumnCrow> "...elaborate?" Crow requests with an arched eyebrow.
[19:35] <@Torokasi> "Ghen'guldam's Barrier was estimated to basically be the strongest one amongst the Cities, based on how the Barriers work. It should not have fallen for any longer than ours did, if that, and their initial reports registered absolutely no attack during the initial wave on the Three Gems and Teriander. Communications cut off abruptly only two hours later, and with little fanfare other than sudden reports of the Barrier vanishing . Not breaking, like ours did, but simply vanishing."
[19:37] <@Torokasi> "...Vanishing? How would that even happen?" Ary asks, voice trembling.
[19:38] <AutumnCrow> "Well...the stronger something is, the harder it is to fix when it does break. Willow yeilds before the wind and doesn't break. Oak will never bow, but when bowed it is broken. Maybe the fact that it had the 'strongest' barrier was part of what caused it?" Crow recalls something her uncle told her. Nevermind that when he told her that story, he was refering to her pride.
[19:41] <@Torokasi> "An interesting theory, though there's a far easier, if less pleasant, explanation. Sabotage." Adon sighs. "It would... not be the first time those who obsess over the Mist have managed to cause chaos, though this would easily be the greatest damage ever done if so."
[19:44] * AutumnCrow snaps out a fan and begins fanning herself, "I'm...rather glad Janda isn't here right now, she'd be in a rage at this." Shaking her head, she moves to a point that has concerned her, "so...why exactly are we being given this information ahead of the general announcements? And what of this should we be keeping to ourselves?"
[19:55] <@Torokasi> "In general? We're giving you this information ahead of the general announcements because we need people ready in case... in case the worst somehow happens, or threatens, here. Riots, attempts on Verxais - the city, the city's Barrier, both - disruptive elements... We need everyone in the Guild aware and ready to protect the city while they're here, and searching for anything and everything that can prolong the lives of the Cities when outside of town." <More>
[19:58] <@Torokasi> "To address your second question, keep the fate of Ghen'guldam to yourselves. If you want to inquire as to someone's health, Ary, please do it through us and not the Temple of Sath, for the time being. To be honest, we will be keeping that quiet for as long as Teriander requests it, which is presumably while they continue their investigation. I presume, at least. Rumors will fly - neither confirm nor refute them, if possible. Lilian, I suppose I request you handle that for your team, as much as possible. Our file suggests you'd be the most capable there, along with Crow."
[20:00] <AutumnCrow> "We'll be leaving as soon as the storm lets up anyway, so minimizing our contact with rumormongers shouldn't be hard."
[20:01] * AutumnCrow then turns to Ary, "We can aim for mid-morning tomorrow, if you need some time to settle yourself in the morning..."
[20:05] <@Torokasi> "Nah, early morning will work. I wasn't going to get drunk or anything anyway. Was going to go to the Temple to practice." Ary says calmly.
[20:05] <@Torokasi> Adon nods to Crow. "The storm should end tonight sometime. I estimate the bridge will be busy tomorrow. Hopefully your explorations are fruitful. Any further questions?"
[20:09] <AutumnCrow> "Nothing I can think of..." Crow looks to her group.
[20:10] <@Torokasi> Ary shakes his head, mutely, while Lilian shrugs. Solmyr just nods and says, "So long as we get the list of minerals and plants before we go, we're all good. Para and I can look it over before we go."
[20:10] <@Torokasi> Adon nods. "I'll have a copy brought to your apartments before the night begins."
[20:14] <@Torokasi> Lilian sighs. "Anything else we shouldn't tell people?" she asks as the group gets to the door, Adon right behind them.
[20:15] <AutumnCrow> "Alright then," Crow looks them over, "meeting tonight at Duessa's, we'll fill Para and Janda in there. Ary, did you want company today to keep prying questions off your back, or did you want to be alone?" ...Crow then pauses at Lilian's question, also wanting to know the answer.
[20:22] <@Torokasi> Adon pauses for a moment, hand on the door edge, lost in thought, before breaking into a big grin. "Make sure not to tell anyone about the eldritch abomination we have chained underneath the town, I guess." And with that the door closes behind the group, the latch sliding shut with a dull thud.
[20:24] <AutumnCrow> "Oh, that old thing. Well, obviously." Crow deadpans, still fanning herself.
[20:26] <@Torokasi> Lilian grasps her temples as both Ary and Solmyr break down laughing at this, Lilian beginning to chuckle after a bit as well. As the group calms down, Ary shrugs. "I'd take company if either of you want to practice. We'll leave a note at Para's room and then I'll head over there after suiting up."
[20:28] <AutumnCrow> "I'll come along for some morning practice, but I'll excuse myself once the midday sermons start happening," Crow nods.
[20:30] <@Torokasi> "I'll find an excuse to skip as well, given the priest giving the lessons today." Ary scowls as the group heads out...
[20:48] <@Torokasi> After the frankly simple, if enjoyable, 'workout' consisting of constantly correcting amateur Silver Guard members' stances with blunt force, group Manifold assembles for dinner in the mess hall, finding seating at the opposite end of a table from Kalos, Tammud, Isabella and Nyci (who forcibly moves  Isabella over and pulls Ary next to her as he sits down), as well as an additional face that Crow recognizes. "Oh! It's you, miss Crow! And Lilian and the rest of your group! A pleasure to see you all again!" Copra exclaims, looking up, her ear-fins spread as wide as her smile. "How're you all doing?"
[20:52] * AutumnCrow settles in next to Lilian, and smiles at Copra, "When Redola mentioned a transfer from the Horizon Guild somehow I knew it was going to be you. We're all...well, alive, as you can see. Getting ready to head out on a mission tomorrow."
[20:53] <@Torokasi> Copra nods enthusiastically. "I was pleased to be able to get in! An old friend that transferred before I did got me in. ... You know about Marcel, of course. I was explaining that situation to everyone. After that, Master Andral proceeded to try and blame me for the entire thing. I didn't exactly take that well."
[20:55] <@Torokasi> "Wirelash vouched for her. Apparently Master Andral has a habit of trying to remove anyone that doesn't mold to his expectations exactly. His loss, our gain, yeah?" Tammud nodded happily.
[20:58] <AutumnCrow> "Well, he sounds lovely," Crow's voice was dripping with sarcasm of course, "I'm sure having a habit of driving away talent will turn out to be a wonderful management style." The sarcasm fades as a pleasant smile comes on, "so, you know Wirelash?"
[21:37] <@Torokasi> "I do. He was also in the group when I joined, but left soon after. He has his... odd habits, but he's pleasant enough outside of them, and we got along well before he left due to Andral's demands." Copra shakes her head. "Hopefully your mission goes well, alright?"
[21:38] <@Torokasi> Kalos nods slightly. "We'll be heading out within a few days ourselves. They've got a lot of resources we need to find new sources of..."
[21:42] <AutumnCrow> "My only issue with him really is that smoke," Crow nods.
[21:43] <@Torokasi> "He... has his reasons for that smoke, but yes, it's a noxious habit." Copra winces sympathetically.
[21:45] <@Torokasi> Janda looks to Crow. "Ah... Lilian said you all met with Adon? What happened there?"
[21:47] <AutumnCrow> "We're having a team meeting after dinner over at the redoubt to cover it, though part of it was a request to keep our eyes out and mark locations of reagents." Crow nods, "particularly saphena, which should at least be easy to spot."
[21:50] <@Torokasi> "Right." Janda nods slightly. Copra seems to open her mouth, then glance between Isabella and Kalos before shaking her head and closing it.
[21:51] <@Torokasi> After a moment, she changes tacks to, "I think all the groups have been requested to do that. A lot of the Horizon Guild's being ordered to try and find new paths to the Cities again, so..."
[21:56] <AutumnCrow> "It will be interesting learning where everything has settled out," Crow nods.
[22:00] <@Torokasi> "Indeed. Oh, and Esauvi's told us about the Kerebos Trio surviving and being stranded way out in Erest Rosen knows where, and all of the rest of that." Isabella comments. "Copra's been briefed as well and all of that, we don't need to worry about not making anyone panic here."
[22:03] <AutumnCrow> "I figured," Crow nods, "but I didn't want to risk saying things ahead of the official announcement."
[22:05] <@Torokasi> "Yeah, I just don't like not being able to talk about things in what should be safe contexts." Isabella nods. "Extending the same courtesy to you seemed natura- Tammud, you need to give me a bit of a haircut before we go. My hair keeps dropping in my eyes and I can't ever keep it back when the hair in front is this long."
[22:05] <@Torokasi> "Sure thing." Tammud replies lazily. "Should I braid it as well?"
[22:05] <@Torokasi> "Wait, you work with hair?" Solmyr blinks at Tammud.
[22:05] <@Torokasi> "I grew up with four sisters. Easiest survival technique I ever picked up on." Tammud chuckles.
[22:07] <AutumnCrow> "I'm sure it's also a convenient excuse to put his hands on people," Crow smiles sweetly.
[22:08] <@Torokasi> Tammud laughs. "Nah, I don't really have a thing for hair."
[22:10] <@Torokasi> "Also, even if he ever did mix business with pleasure, he has to travel with at least three women whose cycles tend to sync up and who defend each other rabidly." Kalos comments blandly. "That the issue has never come up is a testament to him only pissing off people he doesn't have to meet again."
[22:12] <AutumnCrow> "So, what do you do, actually?" Crow asks Talmud, "I know Kalos and Nyci's fighting styles, and Isabella is a mage of course, but I don't recall hearing about your role in the team?"
[22:19] <@Torokasi> "I'm a sniper type. Focus on precision strikes and scouting ahead." Tammud shrugs. "Nyci and Kalos take front lines, Isabella and I take the rear. Copra, you're good in either spot, yeah?"
[22:20] <@Torokasi> Copra shakes her head slightly. "I can support from magic from the rear or support with flanking up close. Generally, I don't try and mix the two."