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010. Tear

Started by Corwin, May 29, 2015, 06:46:00 AM

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[20:37] <@Kotono> OOC: Last call for any town purchases. Also, you were going to buy relief materials?
[20:37] <Annerose> OOC: Yes. Let's get the same as last time?
[20:38] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay. Wagon can eaisly carry that, so post a 30 gp expense in loot.
[20:39] <@Inari> post
[20:39] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:39] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 65 > [d100=65]
[20:41] <@Kotono> A day of travel passes. The roads are thick and busy, but nothing happens. At the end of Tola 29, the party has a simple choice. There's a roadside inn they can stay and get fed, though it'll cost a few gold. Alternately, they can rough it and fend for themselves. More effort but it costs nothing. The sky is clear, and while quite hot, the day's humidity is lower than usual. No sign of storms
[20:41] <@Kotono> .  The terrain here is flat plains, just far away enough from the shoreline to block any easy view of the sea cliffs or beaches.
[20:42] * Annerose thinks there is no reason to stay outdoors when they have money to travel properly, and it would help them be more rested in the end.
[20:43] <@Inari> Inari is also a fan of being catered to as opposed to roughing it!
[20:44] <@Athear> "If our goal is to bring aid to these people, shouldn't we make all haste to do so?" Athear asks. "I'm not opposed to resting to properly recover, however."
[20:44] <Annerose> "The horses must be properly rested, and helping now after the time that has passed means getting all the supplies over," Annerose reasons.
[20:46] <@Athear> "Fair enough." Athear agrees. He'll find a place to put the wagon and the horses, in that case.
[20:48] <@Kotono> OOC: How many rooms are y'all getting?
[20:49] <@Inari> OOC: one'll do.
[20:51] <@Kotono> Fortunately, the inn has a stable. Getting everything set up isn't difficult, and soon you have a nice dinner (roasted venison with greens and carrots, hearty peasant bread with honey and a small bowl of peanuts) and settle in for the evening. The inn's full of travelers but you get a decent room. OOC: Sleeping as normal or any sort of watch? Also, post. I'll move you along once I know.
[20:52] <Annerose> OOC: No watch at an inn
[20:53] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay. Would all of you make perception checks then/
[20:53] <@Inari> roll 1d20+12
[20:53] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 31 > [d20=19]
[20:53] <Annerose> roll 1d20+2
[20:53] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=11]
[20:53] <@Athear> roll 1d20+2
[20:53] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 5 > [d20=3]
[20:55] <@Kotono> Ah sleep. Inari stirs from hers in the middle of the night. The others are asleep nearby, but something's odd. A fourth person is in the room, kneeling and quietly going through the party's packs. With her low-light vision, Inari is able ot see it's a human youth of around 16 to 18 years, dark brown hair and a slender build. He wears plain clothes and works quite quitely.
[20:56] <@Inari> Very quietly getting out of the bed she shares with Annerose, Inari creeps over behind the would-be thief, leaning over his shoulder before asking, "Find anything good?"
[20:57] <@Kotono> OOC: Make a quick stealth check since it's highly relevant here.
[20:57] <@Inari> roll 1d20+4
[20:57] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=16]
[20:57] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6
[20:57] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=6]
[20:58] <@Kotono> :YAAAAAAAAAH!" The young man screams at the top of his lungs, leaping a good four feet into the air, arms waving about. Despite that, he lands well and whirls around, hand on something in his pocket.
[21:00] <@Inari> Inari rocks back on her heels with a vulpine grin, amused at the reaction and gratified her effort didn't go to waste. "Really. What'd you find? Hopefully something good, right?"
[21:00] * Annerose turns away, pulling her pillow over her head.
[21:01] <@Athear> A shout!? Are they under attack by goblins!? Athear reaches for his weapon to scan the room to find out what's going on!
[21:03] <@Kotono> "I..." He begins, sputtering. He stares at Inari before taking a few steps back. He stumbles over the packs he was burglaring, "I....Room inspection," he says quickly, "It's a service we offer. We make sure nothing's out of place so everything's good to go in the morning!"
[21:06] <@Athear> "In the middle of the night? How would you even know what is and isn't out of place?" Athear demands, his tone one of disbelief. He may not be able to see in the darkness fully, but nonetheless, this is a liar!
[21:06] <@Inari> Oh, he might be a dirty rotten thief, but she likes him already! "I'm glad to see this place takes customer care seriously!" she says as if buying it, but Athear ruins the game before she can wring it out any further, eliciting a pout.
[21:07] <@Kotono> "We're extremely well trained," The mand oesn't miss a beat now, "Did you know most travelers pack in more or less the same way? Once you learn, there's only a few ways that make sense to pack." He nods to Inari, "And if things are wrong, we offer free lessons on how to travel better. It's quite the boon for new travelers."
[21:08] <@Athear> Athear glances in the direction of Inari's voice with a grunt. "I must have been mistaken. I will entrust the matter of learning more about this to you, then." He speaks to Inari as he folds his arms and sits up to watch and listen.
[21:09] <@Inari> "Oh, how helpful!" Inari grins. "Athear, why don't you come see? This young gentleman's going to show us how we can pack our things so that they won't attract thieves so easily," she waves the dragon-man over. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name?" she asks the obvious thief, "But I'm sure we could really use some pointers!"
[21:11] <@Athear> Another grunt before he stands and walks over.
[21:12] <@Kotono> "John," he says right away, the darkness not seeming to slow him down at all. "Now this pack here," he pats Athear's backpack, "Is the pack of a traveler. Everything's in order and tightly wound. It uses space well - like you see how things are neatly folded and compressed? That's important. It takes up less space and is easier to get out. By the same token, it means you can fit more in the
[21:12] <@Kotono> bottom. So whatever is in the bottom is well protected by layers of other things. Cannier travelers keep backup money there or other things, like gemstones. It's a common mistake to use a side pouch for those - they're easy to check and easy to grab. Most thieves check those first, rather than digging into the main pack."
[21:13] <@Inari> "Oh, you're right. I would've done just that!" Inari says, already learning new things. "Let's see..." she goes to her pack and opens its side pouches (if they're not already open that is!) to demonstrate.
[21:16] <@Kotono> They aren't open, Inari finds. John nods along, "Yes, just like that. Now some people hide those things on their person, which is another appraoch with its own drawbacks. A small pouch of coins or gems isn't hard to carry, but more solid wealth is difficult to hide in that way. It also depends on what clothes you wear. Sealed clothes, like a jacket, do a good job of protecting from pickpockets.
[21:16] <@Kotono> With that, it's a matter of having clothing around you that stops them. But I'm getting off topic. With packs, you're essentially using the best you can to hide things. Now if you have a horse with saddlebags or a wagon, that offers more choices. If you're flush with options, there's a lot of sense to split up your wealth. So that even if someone gets one cache, you aren't completely devastated."
[21:19] <@Inari> "Mmmhm, mmmhm," Inari makes agreeable noises as she nods along to the lecture, quickly checking to make sure Annerose's pack looks clean of interference while she engages John. "What about if someone tries to pick your pocket? I know it's outside this particular service but you seem a knowledgable young man, so any advice for a recent traveller on how to deal with that?"
[21:21] <@Kotono> Annerose's pack has been rifled through, it looks like. "That's a tough one, but it goes back to having your goods somewhere the pickpocket can't get. If that's not possible, having it somewhere you can see it or keep an eye on it helps. In that case, it comes down to being vigilant. But a good pickpocket focuses on lifting the goods when the target's distracted.  One of the classic ploys is to
[21:21] <@Kotono> have someone run into the target, while a pickpocket passes by and grabs something. The target rarely notices since they're distracted by the bump. Done right it almost never fails, and only then if someone knows to look for it or is incredibly perceptive."
[21:22] <@Athear> Athear, meanwhile, stays silent with his arms folded. Inari surely has a plan, so he allows the thief to babble on for now.
[21:24] <@Inari> "I see, and... oh no!" she gasps, hands flying to her cheeks. "Some ne'erdowell has been at my friend's pack!" she grabs John's arm, pulling him over. "See, it's just like you said! They even went right for the bottom! Oh how could we have been so foolish! You'll help us look, right?" she pleads, pulling him even closer with a firm grip surely borne of panic.
[21:25] <@Athear> "How terrible." Athear deadpans.
[21:26] <@Kotono> "Of course, ma'am." He nods easily and smiles, clapping Inari's shoulder. "That's what we're here for. What I want you to do is go through her pack and find out what's missing. I'm going to go look outside in the hall, see if there's a trail or if any other room is being burglared. I need all of you to stay here, inc ase there is a dangerous burglar out there. He could be a cut-throat who would
[21:26] <@Kotono> as soon stab you as run away."
[21:28] <@Inari> "No," Inari pulls him even closer so they're almost nose to nose. "I want you to look and help me find it. If we're all very lucky, it was just mislaid somewhere in this room."
[21:29] <@Athear> Athear decides to take a moment to go walk over in front of the door. "I'll make sure no one else gets in." Athear deadpans again.
[21:29] <@Kotono> "Ma'am," Again he doesn't miss a beat, meeting her eyes, "As much as I would like that to be true, thieves rarely do that. It's the sort of gambit you read in a story, but reality doesn't work like that. Really, as long as I'm in here, the thief could be hitting other rooms or getting away into the night. So you see, it's really important that I try and find him now."
[21:31] <@Inari> Well he's certainly brazen. Inari can respect that, so she gives him an out because she's feeling generous. "In that case, going by your expert opinion, how much do you think the thief must have gotten away with?"
[21:33] <@Kotono> "It's hard to say without knowing what she was carrying. But based on the pack size? Anywhere from a few gold to a few hundred. Unless she has something valuable like gemstones or small magical items in there, then all bets are off." He smiles a little bit at that, "You'd know better than I would there."
[21:35] * @Inari sighs now. "You did so well at the start John but you must be as dense as I've been pretending to be. Turn out your pockets."
[21:36] <@Athear> "I suggest you not anger her." Athear adds, trying to keep to the stoic personality he invented for this.
[21:37] <@Inari> "I'm not angry, just disappointed."
[21:37] <@Athear> "Oh, I thought we were still pretending." Athear says. "I was trying to intonate that you had an angry side."
[21:39] <@Kotono> John frowns but does so. His pockets are empty, save for a little pocket knife. "Ma'am, I assure you that I'm not a thief," he again just smiles after that, before smirking, "I prefer the term adventurer. So what about you, the three of you are a motley group if I've ever seen one. Off to find adventure and treasure of your own?" At that he shrugs, reaching into his shirt and taking out a pouch.
[21:39] <@Kotono> He tosses it underhand to Inari, "You want the truth, the three of you got my attention. You don't see a dragon man, a fox and one of Auril's amazons traveling together. I thought I'd take a look, see if you were interesting and profitable enough to see if you could use a fourth."
[21:40] <@Inari> roll 1d20+12 gonna sense that motive
[21:40] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=9]
[21:41] <@Kotono> You can't read him - his s mile seems sincere, though. Smooth as a polished breastplate, he is.
[21:41] <@Athear> "I'll dispense with the charade, then." Athear moves over to lift John off the ground by the back of his outfit.
[21:42] <@Inari> "She's not one of Auril's," Inari says, taking a look into the pouch. "Gets quite testy at the insinuation."
[21:45] <@Kotono> It's full of gold coins. More than that should be able to fit int here, if you want the truth. How curious! "Oh. Honest mistake to make," John remarks, held up by Athear. "Probably happens to her all the time. Anyway, I'm serious. I'm good at all this, but I know some of almost everything. A little bit of magic, a good dash of dirty fighting, a lot of good, practical knowledge. Like my eyes
[21:45] <@Kotono> right now? A simple spell to let me see better as long as there's even a little bit of light.""
[21:46] <@Athear> "What is your real name?" It isn't a question, it's a demand. OOC: I can roll Intimidate if you'd like
[21:46] <@Kotono> OOC: Sure, wouldn't hurt.
[21:47] <@Inari> The pouch is probably worth more than what's in it. She puts it onto Annerose's bag and stands up, letting Athear have his fun since he indulged her in hers.
[21:47] <@Athear> roll 1d20+10
[21:47] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=6]
[21:47] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[21:47] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=13]
[21:49] <@Kotono> "Tear," he doesn't miss a beat yet again, "But I prefer T, since Tear sounds like a girl's name. What's yours? I hear dragonborn names are different. Never met one before now, but I've heard stories around.  Didn't realize all of you grew so big, though. I mean, damn, I know half giants that are smaller than you."
[21:51] <@Athear> "Can you tell if he's being truthful or not?" He asks to Inari. His attention back to John... Tear, whatever. "Because I don't associate with liars and thieves."
[21:53] <@Inari> "You have heard stories about foxes and henhouses haven't you?" Inari asks Athear, amused. "How about we let Tear go for now and we can include Annerose in this discussion come the morning? If he wants his little bag of holding back he'll have to wait that long at least."
[21:54] <@Kotono> "Truthful  as Tyr," Tear banters right back, "That's fine with me. How about we meet up downstaris around an hour and a half after sunrise? I'll buy breakfast."
[21:55] <@Athear> "With other pilfered coin, I'll bet." Athear says as he drops Tear to the ground. "I wonder what we'd find if we gave his room an inspection."
[21:57] <@Kotono> "Not much of interest, I'm afraid," Dusting himself off once he's down, "Well, I'll see all of you in the morning. Sleep well!"
[21:59] <@Inari> "Be good," Inari calls after him, making sure the door's locked (for all the good it does) once he's out. Then she can get back to sleep!
[22:00] <@Kotono> OOC: Going back to sleep now, y'all?
[22:00] <@Inari> OOC: yeah
[22:01] <@Kotono> OOC: Going to actually meet with him the next morning?
[22:01] <@Athear> OOC: I'll put a chair in front of the door or something so it makes noise if someone opens it before going to sleep
[22:01] <@Kotono> OOC: Sure.
[22:02] <@Kotono> OOC: Going to actually meet with him the next morning?
[22:02] <Annerose> OOC: Yes
[22:05] <@Kotono> The next morning dawns bright and warm. You find Tear with a table set aside, a breakfast feast laid out. Eggs, bacon, toast, ham, sausage, porridge, biscuits, cured chicken, jam, butter, honey, juice. He greets the party with a jaunty wave, "Over here!"
[22:06] <Annerose> "Good morning!" Annerose greets him, now properly awake and attired. Siegfried waddles along at her side, and she makes sure to select a proper breakfast for him before looking into one herself.
[22:07] <@Athear> Athear shakes his head. At least he's trying to impress them, if nothing else...
[22:08] <@Inari> "Good morning," Inari says, taking a seat and going for some chicken. That talk of henhouses last night gave her a hankering. "I never introduced myself last night, but I'm Inari," she supplies before taking a bite along with some toast.
[22:09] <@Kotono> "Morning. Help yourselves," He gestures at the array of plates and platters. He's munching on some toast with egg on it. "Tear, for the lady who slept through it all, but I prefer T," he says to Annerose.
[22:10] <@Athear> "You asked for my full name. Athear Vrak Narsin ux Bahamuti. You can call me Athear. To be clear, I still don't believe you." He says as he sits down. "But perhaps you can prove your truthfulness in time."
[22:10] <Annerose> "Annerose," she reciprocates, smiling. "Isn't that what the night is for? I suppose it's different for emergencies, or if you're forced to live outside without shelter. But surely not at an inn as lovely as this one?"
[22:12] <@Kotono> "To good sense and priorities," Another smile at that, his toast raised in salute to Annerose. "Did your friends fill you in on what happened?"
[22:14] * Annerose helps herself to the porridge, jam and honey mixed into it. "I heard the what, but not the why. Tell me, please, what possibly possessed you to seek employment by robbing your would-be comrades in arms while they sleep?"
[22:14] <@Athear> Athear does what he can to hide a small smile from the direct question as he goes to take some ham.
[22:17] <@Kotono> "Well," He considers, "You have to understand it wasn't really stealing. Consider it more like studying those who interested me. What's in your packs can tell a lot about you, and if you wake up. Or wake up and manage to silently sneak up on me." He pauses to drink a glass of juice, raising it to Inari this time. "It's like an interview to join a guild, where you produce proof that you're
[22:17] <@Kotono> competent and deserve entry. If you're going to be interested in joining a group, you want to make sure it's the right group for you. Like one time, I was investigating a traveling group, and it turns out a man int he party was secretly an infiltrator from Kabath. Ugly incident, turns out he was trying to turn that group into patsies for some dirty business in Malana."
[22:18] <Annerose> "There is little danger of that happening here," she muses. "Still, wouldn't anyone good enough to catch you in the act misunderstand, and attack?"
[22:19] <@Inari> "I considered it for about half a second," Inari admits, going for some egg and sausage.
[22:19] <@Kotono> Here he shrugs slightly, pausing to get some bacon and munch on it. "Possibly. But being an dadventurer is a risky business. I fyou cant stnad risk, you shouldn't be doing it."
[22:20] * Annerose tilts her head. "I was going to comment on highly unnecessary levels of risks, but those do tend to happen sometimes. Are you quite alright with the sort of danger that might come from, oh, direct confrontations with Auril's most hateful servants?"
[22:22] <@Kotono> A shrug, "The most hateful tend to be the best equipped," he remarks with a tight little smile, "The next time you see some old wizard selling a weapon enchanted with frost, it probably came from one of those who is now enjoying Auril's permanent winter. In other words, yes. Danger's part of it, but so's fantastic riches."
[22:23] <Annerose> "Slavers, torturers and their ilk. What is your stance on such?"
[22:25] <@Kotono> This draws a little smile out, "They bleed just like everyone else. A knife in their back is just as good as a knife in anyone else's back."
[22:26] * Annerose butters up a piece of toast in satisfaction. "I think I can work with that."
[22:26] <@Athear> Athear shifts slightly. "If you travel with us, I will not have you performing lawless acts without a good reason to do so."
[22:28] <@Inari> "Given the state of the country, I'm not sure how much stock to put in its laws," Inari notes. "But Annerose's errand should make that clear for us one way or another."
[22:29] <@Athear> "Theft is never an act I will allow." Athear says plainly.
[22:29] <@Kotono> "I can live with that," T reaches for a refill of his juice, "There's lots of good reasons for trickery or dirty deeds, you know. It's more than just the old story about stealing bread when you're starving. Malana's going to Hell in a handbasket."
[22:30] <@Inari> "Didn't we steal from those goblins back at Ailan?"
[22:30] <Annerose> "Rather thoroughly, at that."
[22:31] <@Athear> "They had already stolen the wealth in the first place." Athear says. "It was not theirs to begin with."
[22:31] <Annerose> "To be fair," Annerose muses, "we cannot know that. Oh, certainly most of it wasn't. But thinking that everything was stolen feels off to me."
[22:31] <@Inari> "The goblin-sized weapons probably weren't stolen at least."
[22:32] <@Athear> "However, I can see where your line of thinking is going -- is it a lawless act to steal back from an evil lord who has impoverished his own people? I will consider the ramifications of that."
[22:32] * Annerose nods, pointing her toast at Inari. "Yep, there's that." She smiles at Athear. "You will? Great!"
[22:35] <@Athear> "Laws are placed to guide people, not to hurt them." Athear says. "A heavy tax on farmers for no reason than to make someone rich may be a law... but it is not one I could support in good faith."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:01] <@Kotono> "Something like that, yeah." T lowers his voice, "World's not black and white is what I'm saying. There's a whole lot of gray in this old country."
[20:02] <@Athear> "I am beginning to see that." Athear agrees. "So do you actually work here?"
[20:05] <@Kotono> "I work here, there, everywhere," Waving a hand and finishing up his bacon, "But I have an old ass out in back, ready to go. Name's Ginny, sweetest donkey you've ever met."
[20:08] <@Athear> "I will need to learn to be more specific in my questions, I see." Athear says with a small smile
[20:09] <Annerose> "How about Maxes?" Annerose muses, wiping her mouth with a napkin. "Have you heard about it?"
[20:10] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+7
[20:10] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=9]
[20:10] <@Kotono> "Now you're getting it," T smiles a little bit, "The first trick to dealing with questions is to know how to answer them without really answering." He pauses a moment, "Yeah, pirate attack a few days ago. Fairly routine for what it was. A big town fends them off and some little village takes it in the neck instead."
[20:11] <Annerose> "We're headed there to take a look," Annerose elaborates. "Help with rebuilding, share some supplies, maybe learn something about those pirates. If you heard anything about the aftermath of the attack...."
[20:14] <@Kotono> He rubs his chin thoughtfully, "Well, I know it's not Clapper Gavin's group, the Bloodbound. They recently had a go-round with the navy. It was probably the Orange Sky. They usually take what they want, burn what they don't and don't care about the refugees. There's not much money in helping the refugees. 'course, the pirates probably have a lot, if that's the real thrust of what you're doing."
[20:15] <Annerose> "I was just thinking that if they had a lot, it would help the refugees a great deal with resettling or rebuilding."
[20:16] <@Kotono> "Sure, if you can find them. That's the trick," T sits back, idly spinning his fork between his fingers. "Got a plan for that?"
[20:17] <@Inari> "We don't exactly have a ship, so unless they have some hidden dock onshore they're beyond our reach for now," Inari speaks up, having eaten her fill. "But aiding their victims, that we can certainly do."
[20:18] <@Athear> "Someone may have overheard something one of them said." Athear says. "We can only try and ask."
[20:18] <Annerose> "Helping the victims takes priority, yes," Annerose agrees.
[20:19] <@Kotono> "Fishing for information," After a moment he makes up a sandwich if bacon, ham and egg, wrapping it in a napkin. "Not a bad place to start. Ready to get going?"
[20:19] <Annerose> "Sure thing!"
[20:23] <@Kotono> Soon enough the party gets back together. T's donkey is an sturdy gray one, carrying several saddlebags. A rather large backpack joins it as he leads the donkey up, pausing only to load some of the bags into the wagon.  With that, the party takes off for another day's travel. (More)
[20:28] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:28] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 30 > [d100=30]
[20:31] <@Kotono> The day's travel is hot, hot, hot! It's a viciously hot day, humid and with no relief in sight. It's noon and perhaps a day and a half's travel to Maxes. The party's just thinking about a lunch break when you can spot something on the horizon. The road ahead looks to be barricaded off - at least a dozen men on horses have it blocked off. Perhaps a dozen more man the fields around it, a wide net.
[20:31] <@Kotono> The party's a fairly good ways away from it, several hundred feet. The flat coastal plain gives excellent visibility.
[20:32] * Annerose has taken refuge in the carriage, relying on her armor to keep her halfway alert. Siegfried has her shield to properly cool him down, at least.
[20:33] <@Athear> Athear looks about the plain to see if there's some sort of monster about that's caused this blockage.
[20:33] <@Inari> Inari seems quite chipper, though one might note that her tails are drooped and mostly immobile right now. "What are they doing?" she wonders, peering at the blockade. Is it a warning or are they bandits?
[20:34] <@Inari> roll 1d20+12 sense motive to see their disposition maybe?
[20:34] <@Kotono> T rides along, wiping his brow yet again and drinking from a waterskin. "Trouble," he murmurs, bringing his donkey up to the front of the wagon, next to Athear.
[20:34] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=3]
[20:34] <@Kotono> OOC: Perception, Athear.
[20:34] <@Kotono> Inari can tell they look pretty on the ball. They're military or at least trained. You can't quite see any identifying heraldry from this range, though.
[20:35] <@Athear> roll 1d20+2
[20:35] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=10]
[20:35] <@Kotono> Athear can spot a banner flying. It has an image of a wave coming apart and falling to the sides. OOC: K:R check.
[20:36] <@Inari> "They look professional. I don't know if they're going to shake us down though," Inari says, making sure her spear is close at hand just in case.
[20:36] <Annerose> "Perhaps a display of arcane might to open negotiations properly would deter them?" Annerose muses, peering out to take a look.
[20:36] <@Athear> roll 1d20+6
[20:37] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=19]
[20:37] <@Kotono> That is the unholy symbol of Umberlee, the Bitch Queen. The deity of the seas, storms and drowning. Her followers are vicious and demand tribute to cross the sea safely, lest Umberlee's wrath down a ship.
[20:38] <@Inari> "We don't want to provoke a fight if it's not necessary," Inari says, but she casts shielf of faith just in case, before they get close enough for it to be obvious.
[20:38] <@Inari> *shield of faith
[20:39] <@Athear> Athear's face sours. "Umberlee." He says with some agitation. "This will not end well."
[20:40] <@Kotono> "Yeah, like trying to fight a few dozen mounted enemies," T remarks back, "These aren't good odds to get all stoneheaded about."
[20:40] <@Inari> "I'm sure we can talk our way through it," Inari says hopefully. "We aren't even on the water."
[20:43] <@Athear> "I am not so sure, but I do not know we have any other alternative." Athear says.
[20:43] <@Kotono> "Some fast words would be better than fast blades," T agrees, "Anyone got any ideas? I got one if all else fails."
[20:45] <@Athear> "The only words I would have for them would lead to a confrontation." Athear admits, gesturing to the others in deference.
[20:47] <Annerose> "I can try," Annerose voices, grimacing. "Everyone already thinks I follow Auril, so let's see how much they like ambushing us."
[20:48] <@Inari> "Just a moment... budge up a little Annerose?" Inari asks before an illusion fills the back of their wagon with a dozen armed and hard-faced men wearing armour with the regalia of Warmport on it, smelling of sweat and metal as they shift about and mutter every now and then. "That should deter them from getting too avaricious if worst comes to worst."
[20:48] <@Inari> OOC: major image
[20:48] <Annerose> "Even better."
[20:49] <@Kotono> "Good point. Here," Fishing into a saddlebag, a wooden symbol is pulled out. It is a blue diamond, "It'll help sell that you're one of Auril's amazons."
[20:52] * Annerose accepts it with a grimace, and then lays an illusion over herself to display Auril's symbol upon it, as she'd seen some of her ilk do in the past.
[21:02] <@Kotono> OOC: What are you displaying Auril's symbol on? Isn't precisely clear.
[21:04] <Annerose> OOC: Let's say on the armor in a prominent spot, with disguise self?
[21:05] <@Kotono> OOC: Sure. Go ahead and approach IC if y'all are ready.
[21:05] <@Kotono> OOC: Sure. Go ahead and approach IC if y'all are ready.
[21:05] * @Athear will guide the wagon towards the soldiers after the others prepare.
[21:09] <@Kotono> The party approaches. As you come to within 30ft, "Hold!" A man in fine blue clothing demands, Umberlee's holy symbol hanging from his neck. He's a middle aged man, with a silvery beard and hair. His eyes are narrow and sharp, gazing at the party, "In the name of Umberlee and with the vested authority of Lord Scion Jonah Malana-Willsworth, halt! I speak in the name of the Lord Scion and I demand
[21:09] <@Kotono> you halt!"
[21:11] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11 K:L
[21:11] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=14]
[21:12] <@Inari> Unfortunately she has no idea who that is. Hopefully not the boss of the Warmfolk militia! In any case the illusory men in the back seem stone-faced at this, looking around at the Umberleeans that they can 'see' while Inari simply asks, "What is the meaning of this?" sans the irate tone that would usually accompany those words. In fact she sounds downright concillatory!
[21:12] <@Kotono> OOC: On what, Annerose?
[21:12] <Annerose> OOC: On what that is
[21:12] <Annerose> OOC: Who, rather
[21:12] <@Kotono> OOC: The Lord Scion?
[21:12] <Annerose> OOC: Yes
[21:14] <@Athear> Athear just stays silent and does his best to keep a neutral expression.
[21:15] <@Kotono> Annerose recalls he is a capable military leader and an Umberlant. He has the Dynast's ear and is highly ranked, so his name isn't thrown around lightly. He's also extremely rich, though rumor says most of it goes into the sea for Umberlee. Suffice to say, as a follower of Umberlee, he's probably not a nice person.
[21:16] <@Kotono> "I am Umberlant Richard Dalebrook," The bearded man introduces himself, "By the authority of the Lord Scion, we are collecting a tax on travelers. The Lord Scion has declared that this tax will ensure the safety of the navy and trade vessels on the open seas."
[21:18] <Annerose> "A tax, was it?" Annerose asks coldly, looking at the leader. "How much is this tax?"
[21:19] <@Inari> "We're not just travellers, you know," Inari says. "And speaking of safety, we-" she gestures at the men in the back who're looking a bit antsy, "Are on our way to apprehend a vicious fugitive. Surely as fellow servants of the realm an exemption should be made?" she asks nicely, shivering a little and shifting away from the wicked frostmaiden who's playing the bad inquisitor to her good one.
[21:20] <@Kotono> OOC: Make diplo, both of you.
[21:20] <@Inari> roll 1d20+16
[21:20] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=13]
[21:21] <Annerose> roll 1d20+14
[21:21] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 30 > [d20=16]
[21:24] <@Kotono> The Umberlant makes a gesture, one of the riders doing a long, slow circle around the wagon. He eyes the soldiers in the back for a time, before returning. He nods slightly to the Umberlant, who schools his expression to impassivitiy. "Silver's men, eh?" He says, a slight nod to Annerose. "Fine. Let them through!"
[21:25] <@Inari> "Excellent. No time to waste after all!" Inari says happily, the men in the back seeming to settle down as well.
[21:29] <@Kotono> With that, the party passes through the barricade and onward. Soon enough the day's travels continue...OOC: More.
[21:31] <@Kotono> By nightfall, the party has room and board in another inn. This one's a bit smaller, but it's just before where they need to go off the main road to reach Maxes. The night passes without incident and soon Tola 31 dawns. A day that's barely has a dawn, for a glance outside shows heavy, steady rains. It's gray and cooler at least, though quite humid inside. T takes a long look outside the stable's
[21:31] <@Kotono> door, "We're going to get drenched if we travel in this," he notes. "The country roads are going to be a muddy mess, too."
[21:34] <@Inari> "The wagon won't take it," Inari concludes. She really needs to learn how to change the weather again...
[21:36] <@Inari> roll 1d20+9 survival weather prediction go! (DC 15 for next 24 hours, every 5 over gets a further day)
[21:36] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=11]
[21:37] <@Kotono> It looks like it'll rain most of the day. It might taper off around sunset, but odds are it'll last until past that. Tomorrow should be clearer - this is coming off the ocean, so those things usually pass within 24 hours.
[21:39] <@Inari> "Tomorrow should be clear," Inari says after a few moments staring at the clouds. "We'll just have to wait."
[21:39] <Annerose> "We might as well stay a day, then, and keep the supplies safe," Annerose agrees. "Unless it looks like the storm will make the roads unpassable for a while?"
[21:41] <@Inari> "No, I think they'll have time to dry out a bit before dawn. If we leave a few hours after we should be fine."
[21:41] <@Kotono> OOC: Just going to wait this out then? Anyone doing anything noteworthy or good to skip along?
[21:41] <@Inari> OOC: I'm good
[21:42] <@Athear> OOC: I'm going to meditate and pray to Bahamut for the day
[21:43] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[21:48] <@Kotono> The day passes. Tola 32 dawns cloudless, chokingly humid and bright. There's puddles about, but the roads seem alright. Not great going, but you're able to move on and towards Maxes. Thus the party fords onwards. It's getting on towards sunset when you reach the coast. Ahead of you is a burnt, ruined shell of a village. Piles of ash and a few remaining timbers show hat may have once been simple
[21:48] <@Kotono> houses. The scent of ash and death is thick in the air as you approach, and all is silent in Maxes. Perhaps it was once rows of houses creeping towards the shore. Now it looks like a forgotten memory, a ruin of times past.
[21:49] <@Inari> "Looks like everyone's fled..." Inari says, hopping out of the wagon now and sniffing for any fresh human scents further in the razed village.
[21:50] <@Athear> "Senseless." Athear states with disgust.
[21:50] <@Kotono> "Pirates," T looks around with a long sigh, "A waste, you're right about that."
[21:50] <@Kotono> OOC: Make a quick survival check, Inari.
[21:51] <Annerose> "We have to at least check that the people weren't taken as slaves," Annerose insists. "T, would you mind checking on the outskirts to see if anyone is still in the area?"
[21:51] <@Inari> roll 1d20+9
[21:51] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=13]
[21:54] <@Kotono> T nods and goes to do that. In the meanwhile, Inari sniffs about. Nothing fresh around here, or there or...!!! She finds something. A hint of fresh humans to the far northern part of town. It's faint but there. A trail to follow if she wishes.
[21:55] <@Inari> "This way, there's someone close by!" Inari calls, starting to head after the trail, nose twitching.
[21:56] <@Athear> Athear will guide the wagon after Inari.
[21:57] * Annerose disembarks after getting some cured meat and a bit of water, following after Inari on foot.
[22:03] <@Kotono> The party follows. The scent trail leads to a little grove of trees and bushes a bit away from the village and seaside. The scent's coming from there.
[22:04] <Annerose> "Somewhere around here?" Annerose asks Inari, looking around for signs of human convenience.
[22:04] <@Inari> "Hello?" Inari calls out so as not to startle whoever she's found. "Is anyone there? We've brought food, and blankets."
[22:06] <@Kotono> At Inari's call, a reply comes from the grove, "In here!" A woman's voice calls, ragged and tired.
[22:06] <Annerose> "Hello!" Annerose calls out as well, so as to not startle anyone. Her presence announced, she follows the voice.
[22:07] <@Inari> Inari follows on Annerose's heels!
[22:08] <@Athear> Athear will guide the horses and cart after the ladies!
[22:12] <@Kotono> The party comes into the grove. Here lie three people. A man and a woman, perhaps 20something, lie there. They look to be out cold. An old woman, perhaps 50 or 60, sits before them. Her posture is slumped, body beaten and with half-faded bruises across her face. She tries to get up, visibly shaking, "Help? Than-" she wobbles and sits down heavily, gasping.
[22:13] <Annerose> "I'm sorry this was the quickest we could come," Annerose says, kneeling down beside her and offering some water.
[22:13] <@Inari> Inari quickly sets to healing them all, starting with the unconscious and then their guardian.
[22:14] <@Inari> OOC: lesser vigor, +15hp over same rounds
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:15] <@Kotono> The woman's bruises fade before your eyes, the swelling on her face slackening. She'd older and wrinkled, face still tired despite the healing. Dark bags are under her eyes. She reaches out and grabs Inari's robe, "Listen to me. The nights here are not safe since the pirates came. A shadowed creature lurks and hunts us."
[20:16] <Annerose> "Are there others?"
[20:17] <@Kotono> "We're the only three who survived and weren't taken hostage," The  old woman sighs deeply, "The shadow got the other two." She gestures at them with one gnarled hand, "They sleep now without awakening."
[20:18] <@Inari> "We can take you away from here," Inari offers, putting a hand over the woman's. Unlike Ailan this village isn't going to get rebuilt. Though she looks at the two with concern at that last revelation.
[20:20] * Annerose looks at the pair with a magical sight.
[20:20] <@Inari> "Let me try something..." she pulls away from the woman, casting aid on both men (+1 saves vs fear and temp hp) before then casting resurgence on them both. (make a new save vs spell/sla/su ongoing effect)
[20:20] <@Inari> roll 2#1d8+5 temp hp if it ever matters
[20:20] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 7, 11 >
[20:22] <@Kotono> OOC: Spellcraft, Annerose.
[20:22] <@Kotono> roll 1d20
[20:22] <@Kotono> roll 1d20
[20:22] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=10]
[20:22] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=9]
[20:22] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11
[20:22] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=17]
[20:24] <@Kotono> "T-thank you. There's nothing left, only the thing in the shadows. Like a dragon it is..." she shudders all over. Meanwhile, Annerose studies the magic. It's some sort of curse - it keeps them asleep and slowly siphons energy from them. It reduces them to sleeping batteries, nothing more than an energy source for something else.
[20:25] <Annerose> "It's a curse, alright," Annerose voices, shaking her head. "Something like an energy vampire? I don't think real shadows work that way...."
[20:26] <@Athear> "A dragon?" Athear perks up. It most certainly isn't one, but perhaps it bears investigating nonetheless. He nods to Annerose. "If there is something preying on innocents, we should rid this world of it."
[20:27] <@Inari> "I'm going to try and help them shake it off," Inari says, dropping another two resurgences on the pair.
[20:27] * Annerose nods, studying any changes in the magic.
[20:29] <@Kotono> roll 1d20
[20:29] <@Kotono> roll 1d20
[20:29] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=11]
[20:29] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 5 > [d20=5]
[20:30] <@Athear> Meanwhile, Athear decides to try detect evil. Perhaps the creature left an aura in the area he could use to track it down?
[20:30] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11 K:A
[20:30] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 31 > [d20=20]
[20:30] <@Kotono> Nothing happens once more. Annerose can note the magic is strong and stable - it's not some apprentices curse, but something stronger. Supernatural. Shaking it off is quite the difficult task.
[20:30] <@Kotono> The affected man and woman both radiate faint evil.
[20:31] <@Kotono> OOC: To be clear and for the sake of the log, what are you rolling for,Annerose?
[20:31] <Annerose> OOC: Ideas on what it could be
[20:32] <@Inari> "Come on, I know it's doing something..." Inari frowns before an idea strikes. "Annerose, Athear, can you two try shaking them gently as I cast the next batch?"
[20:32] <@Inari> OOC: basically can they aid another on these dudes saves?
[20:33] <@Kotono> Hm. Normally you'd think of undead with something like this, but an old memory comes to mind. A type of wizardry to use creatures as power. It converts the energy the soul produces into power to bolster a creature's spells. It's quite the vile magic, though limitations make it fairly rare. You need to have powerful magical blood on top of being a skilled wizard. You need a wizard's skill to work
[20:33] <@Kotono> the magic and a sorcerer's blood to manage to make it work in the first place. Whomever did this is likely a magical craeture or a crossbreed with one.
[20:34] <@Kotono> OOC: Aid another doesn't work on saves. The magic here is sufficiently strong that merely shaking them won't have a notable impact.
[20:35] <Annerose> "I think it's a chimera?" Annerose says uncertainly. "I'm more confident that the magic has a source in the caster, and he's the one draining their life force."
[20:36] <@Athear> Athear grunts once and looks around the general area with detect evil to see if there's anything else in the area. Maybe the magic involved flows in some particular direction?
[20:37] <@Kotono> Athear doesn't detect any other evil around.
[20:37] <@Athear> "I think the easiest way to deal with this is to kill the person responsible." Athear says plainly. "If they were attacked recently then it should be rather close to here, I would think."
[20:39] <@Inari> "Anyone?" Inari asks hopefully, looking at her companions with encouraging smiles.
[20:39] <Annerose> "Hmm? Sure, it's worth a try."
[20:41] <@Athear> Athear walks over . "Very well, we can try."
[20:42] <Annerose> roll 1d20+7
[20:42] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=8]
[20:42] <@Athear> roll 1d20+10
[20:42] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 30 > [d20=20]
[20:43] <@Inari> Inari casts resurgence on the first man currently being tended by Annerose and Athear!
[20:45] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[20:45] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=12]
[20:48] <@Kotono> The man stirs and gasps. Words tumble out of his mouth in a torrent of draconic, understood by Athear only. "Aligning third energy core. Adjusting third energy core. Adjudicating third energy core and first ley line. Awakening fourth energy core. Aligning fourth energy core. Aligning fire energy for Weavebond.  Aligning cold energy for Weavebond. Aligning acid energy for Weaveb-" Then the man
[20:48] <@Kotono> slumps, back asleep.
[20:49] <@Athear> Athear blinks. What in the world? OOC: Either K:R or K:P relevant here? Or Spellcraft?
[20:49] <Annerose> "I don't think we'll break the curse this way," Annerose tells Inari regretfully. "Good try, though."
[20:50] <@Inari> He's speaking in tongues! Oh but then he's back out again... "I suppose so," she sighs. "I'm low enough on magic that I'd want to keep some in reserve for the inevitable confrontation anyway. But are we confident they're not linked in the sense that they'll suffer any wounds we inflict on their attacker?"
[20:51] <@Athear> "It was Draconic." Athear explains to the others. "Something about... Weavebond and aligning energy cores."
[20:51] <Annerose> "From what I can tell, he's draining their energy for spells, but by that very nature it only goes one way. He wouldn't want to power anyone else's magic."
[20:52] <@Kotono> OOC: K:A is relevant if you have ranks, Athear.
[20:52] <@Athear> OOC: I don't.
[20:53] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11 I do
[20:53] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=2]
[20:53] <@Kotono> OOC: Whiff.
[20:54] <@Athear> "Either way," Athear continues, "Should we look around? I doubt the creature is going to be looking for anything at the moment, from what I can gather I would think it's in the middle of a ritual of some nature. We might be able to interrupt it. It's probably close by."
[20:54] <Annerose> "My name is Annerose," she introduces herself to the older woman. "Once our companion rejoins us, we'll look for the shadow creature. Will you be alright on your own? Perhaps you could stay at our carriage?"
[20:55] <@Inari> "Yes, we can get these two inside as well. Better shelter and access to food," Inari agrees, crouching down to pick up one of the unconscious men.
[20:55] <@Kotono> "I am Anne," She says with a ghost of a smile, "Thank you." OOC: Going to take 'em to the wagon then go hunting?
[20:56] <@Athear> OOC: Sure. Athear can grab the other one.
[20:56] <Annerose> OOC: Between Inari and Tear we should have good tracking, and he might find something while looking around
[20:57] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8
[20:57] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=5]
[20:59] <@Kotono> The party meets up as darkness falls, the sun setting and night coming onto Malana. "There's signs something's been around," He remarks, fishing out an apple and slicing it up into wedges. He replies as he munches on them, "But I'm ont the best at naturecraft or tracking natural trails."
[21:00] <@Kotono> Anne rests in the wagon, quietly eating and drinking with a desperate need.
[21:01] <Annerose> "It's possible that merely setting up a watch and waiting will let him come to us," Annerose muses. "It's a mage. A chimera-- possibly of draconic descent?"
[21:01] <@Kotono> "Good question," Tear remarks as he eats, "Know anything about it?"
[21:02] <@Athear> "I don't think it's going to come looking." Athear says. "The words spoken earlier seemed to... well, I can't say for certain, but it sounded like a ritual. I think if we're going to find this person, we'll have to be the ones looking."
[21:02] <@Inari> Inari gives Athear a quick sniff and then sniffs the two victims for any similarly thematic dragon scents that might be lingering on them.
[21:02] <@Kotono> OOC: Survival check, and that made me giggle ti imagine.
[21:02] <@Inari> roll 1d20+9
[21:02] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=10]
[21:03] <@Kotono> Yes, there's a faint draconic smell to the two sleepers. It's not like Athear's, though. It's more acidic.
[21:04] <@Kotono> Pausing with an apple slice midway to his mouth, T gives Inari a look, "Did you just sniff them?" he asks.
[21:05] <@Inari> "Mmm... tangy," Inari says, wrinkling her nose. "Anne, do you know where they were attacked?" she asks before nodding to Tear. "Of course. I smell really good," she says with a little grin that indicates she's fully aware of the play on words.
[21:05] * Annerose nibbles on an apple of herself while pointedly looking away from all this.
[21:14] <@Kotono> As T groans at that, Anne replies, "Outside that grove," she says. "I couldn't move them far."
[21:15] <@Inari> "Alright, it's quite a distinctive smell so I should be able to follow it," Inari says, climbing out of the wagon. "Shall we?"
[21:15] <@Athear> Athear nods. "Let's find this thing."
[21:16] <Annerose> "Please, lead the way," Annerose agrees, following with her apple, while Siegfried stays behind to keep Anne company.
[21:22] <@Kotono> OOC: Going to try and track that smell then?
[21:24] <@Inari> OOC: yes
[21:24] <@Kotono> OOC: Make another survival check, +2 bonus.
[21:25] <@Inari> roll 1d20+11
[21:25] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=9]
[21:25] <@Kotono> OOC: What are y'alld oing for light? It's nighttime.
[21:26] <Annerose> OOC: Light on my shield
[21:27] <@Inari> OOC: foxfire
[21:28] <@Kotono> OOC: That'll work.
[21:28] <@Kotono> OOC: Marchin' order?
[21:29] <Annerose> OOC: Inari/Annerose/Athear/Tear?
[21:29] <@Inari> OOC: works
[21:29] <@Kotono> OOC: Sounds good.
[21:29] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 ????
[21:29] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=14]
[21:31] <@Kotono> The party follows the nose. It leads to a little path down a seaside cliff, leading to a secluded beach. The beach is quiet save for the lapping of the sea, a steady, soothing rythym. On the far side are several free standing rocks around the cliff wall. The scent leads in that direction.
[21:33] <@Inari> "Getting close," Inari murmurs, casting aid on herself as she slows down a moment before picking the pace back up.
[21:33] <@Inari> roll 1d8+5 temp hp
[21:33] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 10 > [d8=5]
[21:35] <@Athear> Athear continues to sense for evil as they go. It's limited in range but you never know.
[21:36] <@Kotono> The party comes to within 40ft of the rocks. It's then that Athear can detect evil ahead, behind the rocks. Something's there, radiating vileness likea  bonfire in the night.
[21:38] <@Athear> Athear grimaces and draws his weapon. "It's there. Behind the rocks."
[21:38] * Annerose summons a magical image of herself, walking just a step ahead.
[21:39] <@Kotono> At this, it hops up onto a small rock. A green, gargoyle like creature with a wicked grin. A long tail with a dripping stinger lashes about, snapping in draconic, "Flee, little dragonborn! Flee back to Bahamut's bosom!" OOC: K:P, all.
[21:40] <Annerose> roll 1d20+4
[21:40] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=8]
[21:40] <@Athear> roll 1d20+6
[21:41] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=17]
[21:42] <@Kotono> Annerose can't recall what this is, but it looks nasty. Athear is wiser - it is a green abishai. A dragonspawn outsider that serves Tiamat. This variety is known for their acid tail-stingers and the ability to protect pain in various ways. Speaking of, as they see it, a wave of pain comes crashing out over the party like nerve-frying flames. OOC: Fortitude saves, all.
[21:42] <Annerose> roll 1d20+7
[21:42] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=13]
[21:42] <@Inari> roll 1d20+6
[21:42] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=5]
[21:43] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9 (+3 cunning insight, 4/5 inspiration left for encounteR) T
[21:43] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=10]
[21:43] <@Athear> roll 1d20+14+2
[21:43] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=4]
[21:44] <@Kotono> All endure, save for Inari. Her nerves burst aflame, screaming agony as she falls to the ground, momentarily consumed with nothing but agony. OOC: Stunned and knocked prone for one round due to pain, Inari. Roll init, you'll miss your first turn. Init all.

[21:44] <@Athear> roll 1d20+2
[21:44] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=20]
[21:44] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 T
[21:44] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=4]
[21:44] <@Inari> roll 1d20+4
[21:44] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=18]
[21:44] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+7 green abishai
[21:44] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=7]
[21:44] <Annerose> roll 1d20+5+5 nerveskitter
[21:44] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 30 > [d20=20]
[21:45] * Kotono changes topic to 'Annerose(30)>Athear(22)>Inari(22, stunned 1)>Green Abishai(14)>T(10)'
[21:45] <@Kotono> "Ugh," T winces as he draws his dagger, "I swear, gargoyles get uglier each time I fight one." OOC: Open Annerose.
[21:47] <Annerose> Her image takes off to charge the gargoyle, and Annerose follows upon her heels without hesitation! The double attacks from the right, narrowly missing, while the real strike comes from up uppercut delivered as Annerose ducks low and strike from the left!
[21:47] <Annerose> roll 1d20+8+2 charge
[21:47] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=19]
[21:49] <Annerose> roll 1d6+3+1 cold and Fort DC14 for golden ice
[21:49] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 9 > [d6=5]
[21:50] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 vs 14
[21:50] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=3]
[21:51] <@Kotono> OOC: What do your unarmed attacks coutn as, by the way?
[21:52] <Annerose> OOC: Not sure. I'd imagine magic, being magical? And cold.
[21:52] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[21:53] <Annerose> roll 1d6 dex
[21:53] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 5 > [d6=5]
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:02] <@Kotono> Annerose feints and uppercuts the abishai right on the chin. OW! It's like hitting solid steel, no give at all. For a moment there's nothing - no sign of impact, only Annerose instinctively waving her fist in pain. Then golden ice spreads over its chin, face and upper body. Gleaming ice colored gold, beautiful fractals that make the dragon-kin stumble about and cry in pain. OOC: Ow. Athear, go.
[20:02] * Kotono changes topic to 'Annerose(30)>Athear(22)>Inari(22, stunned 1)>Green Abishai(14 poisoned)>T(10)'
[20:08] <@Athear> Athear calls out to his allies as he starts to move forward, "This is an abishai, it's a minion of Tiamat. It can sting you with acid with its tail, so be careful about engagement! They're immune to most elements except cold and they also resist most spells!" Athear moves within 10 ft of the creature and shouts at it in Draconic, "Come, then, face me, you blasphemous creature!" OOC: Fighting
[20:08] <@Athear> challenge
[20:12] <@Kotono> roll 1d20
[20:12] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=13]
[20:12] <@Kotono> The dragon-devil snarls, baring its teeth at Athear, even as golden ice ravages its muscles. Its body is shriveling before your eyes,b its of its body dissolving into motes of light. As Inari reels from the pain overwhelming her, the abishai gestures and concentrates...
[20:12] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6
[20:12] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=19]
[20:13] <@Kotono> Globs of acidic spittle come from the dragon, a quasi breath weapon that threatens to melt both Annerose and Athear. OOC: Ref, you two. SR applies if you have it. Say so if you do.
[20:13] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 in case SR is in play
[20:13] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=17]
[20:14] <@Athear> roll 1d20+10 No SR
[20:14] <Annerose> roll 1d20+9 what is sr
[20:14] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=3]
[20:14] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=5]
[20:14] <@Kotono> roll 5d6 acid both of you full
[20:14] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 18 > [d6=6,5,2,4,1]
[20:16] <@Kotono> It burns terribly, foul smoke rising as both heroes are acid-bathed. Agony tints Annerose's vision red, as Athear manages to stay firm despite the pain. OOC: T's up.
[20:16] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+13
[20:16] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 31 > [d20=18]
[20:17] <@Kotono> T leaps into action, running to the side and around. He hops over a few rocks, rolling to the side and ending up behind the abishai. His dagger flashes out, "Behind you, ugly!" OOC: Double move + acrobatics check to get over the rocks and avoid AoOs while setting up a flank. He aced it. Annerose.
[20:19] <Annerose> The acid bubbles, hissing-- and then freezes as ice creeps up Annerose's elbows from her wrists. Encased in frost, she reaches out for the abishai--
[20:19] <Annerose> roll 1d20+7+2 touch smite
[20:19] <Annerose> roll 1d20+7+2 touch smite
[20:19] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=9]
[20:19] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=7]
[20:19] <@Kotono> OOC: Two hits.
[20:20] <Annerose> roll 1d6+3+1+1d8 cold and good
[20:20] <Annerose> roll 1d6+3+1+1d8 cold and good
[20:20] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 11 > [d6=2][d8=5]
[20:20] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 18 > [d6=6][d8=8]
[20:20] <Annerose> --and from her hands, the ice spreads all over its body!
[20:22] <@Kotono> Dark blue ice spreads over the abishai's arms and torso. Its teeth audibly clatter as it growls, the outlines of an acid-seared pentagram beginning to appear under its feet. OOC: Ow. Athear.
[20:23] <@Athear> Athear takes a swing at the terrible creature with his weapon!
[20:23] <@Athear> roll 1d20+11+1
[20:23] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=10]
[20:24] <@Kotono> OOC: Hits.
[20:24] <@Athear> roll 1d8+8
[20:24] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 14 > [d8=6]
[20:25] <@Athear> "I'm your opponent, you devilspawn!" OOC: Now using Test of Mettle, DC is 17 Will
[20:25] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 vs 17
[20:25] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=17]
[20:26] <@Kotono> Direct hit. The creature reels back from another blow, tough as iron, but its ribs groan under the impact. Despite being surrounded, it isn't down yet at all. OOC: No joy on the test of mettle. Inari. You're prone but can act normally now.
[20:26] * Kotono changes topic to 'Annerose(30)>Athear(22)>Inari(22)>Green Abishai(14 poisoned)>T(10)'
[20:27] <@Inari> Inari's screams and spasms taper off and she slowly picks herself back up to her feet, summoning forth her spectral spear to harass the abishai before she moves in herself.
[20:27] <@Inari> roll 1d20+7 spirit spear
[20:27] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=4]
[20:29] <@Kotono> The spiritual spear strikes, but the abishai is already moving, managing to avoid it as he gestures...
[20:29] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6
[20:29] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=13]
[20:30] <@Kotono> OOC: No joy, he provokes from all three of you.
[20:30] <@Athear> OOC: Is it trying to move away?
[20:30] <@Kotono> OOC: No, concentration check failed.
[20:30] <Annerose> roll 1d20+7+2+1 touch
[20:30] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=12]
[20:30] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+11 (+3 inspiration 3/5 left for encounter)
[20:30] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=6]
[20:30] <Annerose> roll 1d6+3+1+1d8 cold and good
[20:30] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 14 > [d6=6][d8=4]
[20:31] <@Athear> roll 1d20+11+1
[20:31] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=5]
[20:31] <@Kotono> roll 1d4-1+2d6
[20:31] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 5 > [d4=3][d6=2,1]
[20:31] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit, Athear.
[20:32] <@Athear> roll 1d8+8
[20:32] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 9 > [d8=1]
[20:33] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 concentration to avoid disruption
[20:33] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 7 > [d20=1]
[20:34] <@Kotono> Blows rain down. A backstab from T, a touch from Annerose, a heavy blow from Athear. They rock the abishai enough to cause the pentragram to vanish away. It's reeling but still up as...OOC: Perception, all.
[20:34] <@Athear> roll 1d20+2
[20:34] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 T
[20:34] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 4 > [d20=2]
[20:34] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=3]
[20:35] <@Inari> roll 1d20+12
[20:35] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=9]
[20:35] <Annerose> roll 1d20+2 I see nothing
[20:35] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=4]
[20:37] <@Kotono> There's a soft woosh, as suddenly 5 magic missiles rain down. 2 at Athear, 2 at T and 1 at Annerose. 20ft above the Abishai floats a creature similar to Athear. It is a draconic humanoid with green scales. It wears rumpled black robes and a heavy belt full of pouches. In common it drawls, "Look here," Its voice has a faint, snake-like hiss, "Bahamut's dogs still live in this nation? A grevious
[20:37] <@Kotono> oversight, but worry not. Your lives will end momentarily as I correct it."
[20:37] <@Kotono> roll 2d4+2 Athear
[20:37] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 8 > [d4=4,2]
[20:37] <@Kotono> roll 2d4+2 T
[20:37] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 8 > [d4=4,2]
[20:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d4_1 Annerose
[20:37] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < error: missing right parenthesis >
[20:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d4+1 Annerose
[20:37] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 4 > [d4=3]
[20:38] <@Athear> OOC: Any K checks relevant?
[20:38] <@Kotono> OOC: K:A.
[20:40] <@Kotono> Missiles slam down amid the party. T takes them in the chest, stumbling back with a muted, "Shit!" Athear withstands them as he grunts, knocked back. Annerose meanwhile wobbles as more pain hits her, but her vision clears. She's hurt, but it brings a clarity of need and pain. OOC: Ow. T's up. If any of you are going to make that K:A check, now's the time.
[20:40] <@Athear> OOC: I don't have any
[20:41] <Annerose> "T," Annerose says calmly, keeping her eyes on the flying enemy. "Unless you can fly, leave that one to me."
[20:41] <@Kotono> T grunts, "Finish this one off already before we die in spellfire!" He says, thrusting out quickly at the green abishai.
[20:42] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+11 (2/5 inspiration, +3 attack. Also spending 2 for +2d6 SA, since he feels this one really needs to go down already)
[20:42] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=13]
[20:42] <@Kotono> roll 1d4-1+4d6
[20:42] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 11 > [d4=1][d6=2,4,3,2]
[20:43] <@Kotono> A swift stab in the back manages a shallow wound, but it's like hitting iron. He grunts, barely penetrating at all. OOC: The dice don't like his damage rolls, I see. Annerose.
[20:44] <Annerose> Keeping eye contact with the flying mage, Annerose extends her hand in his direction and her most powerful magic comes to the fore!
[20:44] <Annerose> roll 5d6 cold of cold SLA ref DC21 half
[20:44] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 20 > [d6=5,4,2,4,5]
[20:44] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 vs 21
[20:44] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=16]
[20:45] <@Kotono> He's just nimble enough to weave to the side, only his left arm frozen. It's now covered in ice, sagging down as he grimaces. He snaps in draconic, "Stupid cow!" OOC: Ow. Athear.
[20:46] <Annerose> "The time to pay for your misdeeds has come!" Annerose declares, blissfully ignorant of the insult.
[20:47] <@Athear> "A half-dragon as well? Perfect! I was wondering when I'd be able to put you monsters out of your misery!" Athear shouts at the flying creature as he lays another sword strike into the abishai, but also calls for the mage to attack him!
[20:47] <@Athear> roll 1d20+12
[20:47] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=12]
[20:47] <@Athear> roll 1d8+8
[20:47] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 15 > [d8=7]
[20:47] <@Athear> OOC: Test of Mettle vs. Flying guy, DC17 will
[20:47] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 will is his strong suite
[20:47] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=16]
[20:48] <@Kotono> With a powerful blow, the abishai goes down. The head-shot seems to knock it out, the creature groaning and gushing blood from a massive gash on its head. It struggles to rise but fails completely .OOC: Inari.
[20:49] <@Inari> Picking up her real spear now while the phantom one moves onto the next target, Inari looks up at the one floating above and channels one of her foxfire lights into something more dangerous, the wispy blue orb crackling and flying up to strike their aerial aggressor! "Really, haven't these people suffered enough? Are you so pathetic that you only prey on the downtrodden?"
[20:49] <@Inari> roll 1d20+7 phantom spear
[20:49] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 27 > [d20=20]
[20:49] <@Inari> roll 1d20+7 ranged touch foxfire
[20:49] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=2]
[20:49] <@Inari> roll 1d20+7 spear crit?
[20:49] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=13]
[20:50] <@Kotono> OOC: Crit with the spear, no joy with the fox fire.
[20:50] <@Inari> roll 2d8+2 force
[20:50] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 15 > [d8=6,7]
[20:50] <@Inari> roll 1d4 foxfire recharge
[20:50] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 4 > [d4=4]
[20:50] * Kotono changes topic to 'Annerose(30)>Athear(22)>Inari(22)>Green Abishai(14 poisoned)>Half Dragon(12)>T(10)'
[20:50] <@Kotono> OOC: Forgot to add him to init.
[20:51] <@Kotono> The dragon-kin gets impaled in the side, gasping as the spiritual spear wounds him. Blood pours out to the ground below, bubbling like caustic acid. He holds his side with his good arm, as the abishai manages to stay down. But its wounds are healing visibly before your eyes, as it tries to focus...
[20:51] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6
[20:51] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=17]
[20:52] <@Kotono> Suddenly, a massive sense of terror hits Athear. OOC: Will save. Fear effect, you're probably immune unless you ACFed that out.
[20:52] <@Athear> OOC: I didn't, I have Aura of Courage
[20:52] <@Kotono> OOC: Then you're safe.
[20:54] <@Kotono> But nothing happens. At this, the half dragon begins to chant and gestures, more magic missiles coming - all five at Annerose this time.
[20:54] <@Kotono> roll 5d4+5
[20:54] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 19 > [d4=4,2,4,2,2]
[20:54] <@Athear> "What's this, trying to intimidate me?" Athear calls out, a great smile on his scaled face. "Hah, you're even more pathetic than I thought!"
[20:55] <@Kotono> Annerose is knocked wildly back by the missiles, agony as her body is treated like a stick to be bashed around. It's hard to breathe, pain in every breath. The world is tinted gray now, hazy and indistinct. As she staggers, she sees the half-dragon rise up 30ft straight up, now 50ft above the party. OOC: T.
[20:56] <@Kotono> T grimaces, taking his dagger and plunging right into the abishai's gut.
[20:56] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8
[20:56] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=16]
[20:56] <@Kotono> roll 1d4-1+2d6
[20:56] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 10 > [d4=1][d6=5,5]
[20:56] <@Kotono> It's like hitting steel - it hits, but maybe chips those unnaturally hard scales, "What the hell are you made out of?" he grunts, raising up for another stab. OOC: Annerose.
[20:58] <Annerose> She feels faint, but ignores it as much as she can through a now-singleminded focus to bring the other mage down. He's out of reach of the snowball forming at her fingertips, unbidden, but not yet out of reach of her mind! And so Annerose focuses her will into a single command, to freeze!
[20:58] <Annerose> OOC: Hold Monster Will DC21
[20:59] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 vs 21
[20:59] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=6]
[21:00] <@Kotono> Like that, the half-dragon plummets to the ground, un-moving as falls.
[21:00] <@Kotono> roll 5d6
[21:00] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 13 > [d6=1,2,1,5,4]
[21:01] <@Kotono> He lands in a broken bodied heap, completely unmoving after that. The snap of bones breaking echos through the night air, the light of the party showing how badly his body was mangled from the fall. His arm is at a terrible angle, part of his hips poking through his robes now. OOC: Athear.
[21:01] <@Athear> OOC: Does the abishai count as helpless at the moment?
[21:02] <Annerose> OOC: Didn't he recover? But the half dragon is paralyzed and probably prone.
[21:04] <@Kotono> OOC: No, Athear.
[21:04] <@Athear> OOC: Okay. Inari's gonna heal, so I'll whack it.
[21:04] <@Kotono> OOC: Half dragon is nearby nad paralyzed, which as Cor noted, does count as helpless. Assuming he's still living after that fall.
[21:05] <@Athear> Athear strikes at the abishai once more!
[21:05] <@Athear> roll 1d20+11+1
[21:05] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=14]
[21:05] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[21:05] <@Athear> roll 1d8+8
[21:05] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 15 > [d8=7]
[21:05] <@Kotono> With another strike, the abishai goes still - yet its wounds are still mending, the headblow that first sent it down partially restored already. OOC: Inari.
[21:06] <@Inari> Inari steps up to Annerose quickly to heal her, while the spear descends to give the abishai a good stabbing!
[21:06] <@Inari> roll 2d8+5 cure moderate
[21:06] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 12 > [d8=2,5]
[21:06] <@Inari> roll 1d20+7 spear
[21:06] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=8]
[21:06] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[21:06] <@Inari> roll 1d8+1 force
[21:06] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 9 > [d8=8]
[21:08] <@Kotono> Another stab - still it lives, bleeding but healing before you. But it doesn't rise right away, and neither does the abishai. T grimaces at this, before stumbling over and jabbing his knife in the half-dragon's throat.
[21:08] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8
[21:08] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=4]
[21:08] <@Kotono> roll 1d4-1+2d6
[21:08] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 6 > [d4=2][d6=1,4]
[21:09] <@Kotono> It's a solid stab, drawing a gush of lifeblood. At this T exhales, "Damn wizards, throwing around magic like candy." OOC: Annerose.
[21:09] * Kotono changes topic to 'Annerose(30)>Athear(22)>Inari(22)>Green Abishai(14 poisoned)>T(10)'
[21:11] <Annerose> "Really?" Annerose asks disappointedly. "You would paint us all with the same brush as that fiend?" To try and make the abishai stay still, she finally makes use of her snowball after taking a step back.
[21:11] <Annerose> roll 1d20+8 ranged touch lesser orb of cold
[21:11] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=5]
[21:11] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[21:12] <Annerose> roll 3d8 cold
[21:12] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 12 > [d8=4,3,5]
[21:12] <@Kotono> "You're not a wizard, you're a sorcerer. Totally different," T banters back, voice a little hollow as he stares down at the half-dragon. Meanwhile, the orb hits. Ice forms over the downed creature, but still it lives. Bleeding, healing. Bleeding, healing. OOC: Athear.
[21:13] <@Athear> OOC: Would I know any way to stop it from healing itself besides, you know, just killing it?
[21:13] <Annerose> OOC: Drowning
[21:13] <@Kotono> OOC: K:P real quick, Athear.
[21:14] <@Athear> roll 1d20+6
[21:14] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=10]
[21:14] <@Kotono> OOC: You'd know you need a holy weapon. Drowning might work - varies by outsider. Stronger ones don't need to breathe, but weaker ones do.
[21:15] <@Athear> "If we intend to stop it from healing, we would need a holy weapon... we could try and throw it into the sea as well, but that is... Not something I could agree to." Athear says with a grimace before he tries to strike the creature again.
[21:16] <@Athear> roll 1d20+11+1
[21:16] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=1]
[21:16] <@Kotono> Somehow Athear misses - his blade slides off the abishai's scales. Damn. OOC: Inari.
[21:19] <@Inari> Walking over Inar says, "I can't really see how it's worse," she stabs her spear viciously down into its flesh, the motion mirrored by her phantom spear. "This!"
[21:19] <@Inari> roll 1d20+7 phantom spear
[21:19] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=7]
[21:19] <@Inari> roll 1d20+9 regular spear
[21:19] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=12]
[21:25] <@Kotono> OOC: Bot hit.
[21:26] <@Inari> roll 1d8+1 force
[21:26] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 5 > [d8=4]
[21:26] <@Inari> roll 1d8+5 stab
[21:26] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 6 > [d8=1]
[21:31] <@Kotono> Yet more stabs. The abishai looks like a pincusion now, but yet it lives on, healing away. OOC: T.
[21:31] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+7
[21:31] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=14]
[21:32] <@Kotono> T stares down at the half-dragon a little longer, before turning, "We need to do something," he murmurs. OOC: Holding for now since the stabbing thing is well in hand. Annerose.
[21:32] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 golden ice secondary
[21:32] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=14]

[21:34] <Annerose> "We do," Annerose agrees, nodding slightly to herself. "And Inari is right. This is worse, as it is clearly only causing him pain. But he is unrepentant, and while he leaves his two victims slowly die. So if it has to be by drowning, that's how it will be," she decides, grabbing hold onto the abishai and starting to pull him towards the surf.
[21:35] <@Kotono> OOC: Str score?
[21:35] <Annerose> OOC: 14
[21:41] <@Kotono> It's hard pulling - the creature is pure deadweight. Annerose is able to drag it, but very slowly.
[21:42] <Annerose> There is nothing she can do but try her best, and Annerose can hardly force anyone to take upon this righteous task if their own moral codes disagree.
[21:42] <@Athear> Athear will go to help Annerose. His logic -- to put it out of its suffering more quickly.
[21:44] <@Kotono> With Athear's help, the dragonspawn is soon brought into the waves. As water laps at the two's legs, the creature before you slowly drowns. In time, all that's left is black dust and some equipment, the black dust taken away by the sea. OOC: Free act. Loot post.
[21:44] <@Inari> Inari has her phantom spear keep the abishai ventilated so he doesn't regenerate while being dunked. "Grisly business, but they brought it on themselves."
[21:45] <Annerose> "The choice to enslave another, especially through such magic...." Annerose shakes her head. "I cannot understand it." She approaches Inari. "Also, my deepest gratitude for keeping me alive tonight."
[21:47] <@Kotono> T goes to peek behind the rocks, "There's a cave back here," he calls, "I think it's where the half dragon came from."
[21:47] <@Athear> "The fate of those who would follow Tiamat." Athear spits. He will collect the various items left behind so the party can return and identify them. "Ah, yes, you are still injured, are you not?" Athear puts a hand on Annerose to give her another jolt of healing for the journey back. OOC: lay on hands, 15
[21:47] <@Athear> "Then let us find out what they were trying to accomplish." Athear says.
[21:48] <Annerose> "In all my life, I've never come this close to death," Annerose agrees. "Please, go on. I'll stay here and cover your backs from any ambush."
[21:48] <@Inari> "There's more where that came from!" Inari grins, waves of healing passing out from her to aid everyone in the party.
[21:48] <@Inari> roll 2d6 turn undead healz
[21:48] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 7 > [d6=3,4]
[21:49] <@Kotono> T sighs in slight relief, "Thanks," he murmurs, going over to Annerose. "I'll stay here as well. Shouldn't be alone in enemy lands."
[21:49] <@Athear> "Very well. Inari, if you would please?" Athear asks as he heads for the cave.
[21:49] <@Inari> roll 2d6+2d6 two more for fun
[21:49] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 16 > [d6=3,6,5,2]
[21:50] <@Inari> Healing dispensed, Inari heads after Athear!
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[21:58] <@Kotono> Inside the two find a shallowish sea cave. The walls are crusted with salt and the floor is sand. Within you find a magical circle, full of complex diagrams. Past that is a bedroll and a backpack.
[21:59] <@Inari> Detect magic time!
[21:59] <@Inari> roll 1d20+11 spellcraft stuff
[21:59] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=11]
[21:59] <Athear> roll 1d20+6 aid Inari
[21:59] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=9]
[22:00] <@Kotono> The circle is inactive. It looks be a channel for arcane power siphoned from elsewhere - probably the two villagers lost in coma.
[22:01] <@Inari> Will just wrecking it let them off the hook or does it need a more careful approach?
[22:06] <@Kotono> Inarit hinks that destroying the circle will do it, but cause some backlash. A dispel magic or similar means would do it harmlessly.
[22:08] <@Inari> Dispel magic, who do they think she is? Maybe she can dismantle it slowly by working back on how it was constructed to start with? She'll go with that, directing Athear to help out for any tricky timing.
[22:09] <Athear> Athear nods and will do what he can to aid her.
[22:09] <@Kotono> OOC: Spellcraft checks, yo tuwo.
[22:09] <Athear> roll 1d20+6
[22:09] <@Inari> roll 1d20+11
[22:09] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=4]
[22:09] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=10]
[22:13] <@Kotono> It's slow and hard work, but the two think they disable it as safely as possible. Soon enough, the magic circle is down.
[22:14] <Athear> Athear will go and retrieve the backpack. He leaves the bedroll as he wouldn't expect someone else to sleep in something tainted by a foul evildoer. They can rifle through the backpack for useful things when they return to the wagon.
[22:15] <@Inari> "We'll know how that went when we get back," Inari says, having done all she can. Before leaving she takes a quick look around for any hidden goods in the cave though.
[22:15] <@Inari> roll 1d20+12 perception
[22:15] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=13]
[22:17] <@Kotono> OOC: Loot post.
[22:17] <@Kotono> Inari looks around - nothing seems to be hidden. The cave's fairly straightforward.
[22:18] <@Inari> That done off she goes!
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[21:52] <@Kotono> Once gone, T goes to sit on a nearby rock. He's quiet, watching the sea more than anything else. It's quiet now, only the faint scent of blood and acid spoiling the nighttime calm of the sea shore. The gentle lapping of the waves makes even that bearable, a steady rythym that insists on sleep.
[21:54] <Annerose> "Taking a life always feels like a failure, doesn't it?" Annerose muses, standing there with her hands behind her back. "The least good option, since it means we couldn't get the other side to change their ways."
[21:59] <@Kotono> "First time," T says shortly, "I usually avoid them, run away or talk my way out of problems."
[22:03] <Annerose> "I try to do the same. And I avoided a lot in my life. But there is a line, I think, and some just can't help but cross it. Using people as fuel for one's magic, having them slowly die in fear just to increase their own power? That's not someone we could reach an understanding with."
[22:06] <@Kotono> No answer right away. T gazes out into the ocean and then finally says, "At least it'll pay well," he murmurs. "If all those vials have potions in them, we'll make good money off this. Potions are easy as a snap to sell."
[22:08] <Annerose> "You had to go and ruin this moment with money," Annerose mutters, shaking her head, although there is no real rapproachment in her voice. She retrieves her gloves and slowly pulls them on, one after the other.
[22:10] <@Kotono> T smiles thinly as he remarks, "Money makes the world go around. Easy money makes it go around you easily."
[22:11] <Annerose> "Can this really be a coincidence?" Annerose wonders, coming up to the shoreline. "Pirates attack, and right after these dragons appear to besiege the survivors."
[22:14] <@Kotono> T wavers a hand back and forth, "Maybe, but I doubt it. The timing's too good unless our dragon man got really lucky."
[22:15] <Annerose> "Then there really might be a way here to track the pirates and free the captives?"
[22:17] <@Kotono> "Might be." T glances back towards the cave, "Hopefully he took notes or kept something incriminating."
[22:18] <Annerose> "Let's take a look, then?"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:16] <@Kotono> OOC: What's your plan now, head back to Maxes, or is there anything else?
[20:17] <@Athear> OOC: Anyone able to do a K:L on that note?
[20:17] <Annerose> OOC: Check on the people we possibly rescued, sleep, then research the note and ask them about any ships nearby we could use
[20:19] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay. First of all, anyone have K:L to use on that note? Annerose, maybe?
[20:19] <@Inari> OOC: can any of us sail?
[20:19] <Annerose> OOC: No, but it's a fishing village and I'm hoping one of the sleeping people was a fisherman/woman
[20:19] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11 K:L
[20:19] <Myannbot> Annerose rolled 1d20+11 K:L --> [ 1d20=8 ]{19}
[20:25] <@Kotono> The name rings a bell...but Annerose can't quite put her finger on it. It's something...something...argh! She's sure she knew it before, but it's slipped her mind.
[20:25] <Annerose> The locals might have a better idea, if Tear can't recall it either.
[20:26] <@Kotono> OOC: He can't, he already made the check. So back to the village, then? Alright.
[20:27] <@Kotono> roll 1d100+20
[20:27] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d100+20 --> [ 1d100=72 ]{92}
[20:28] <@Kotono> Thus the party heads back in the night, Athear driving the wagon as magelight shines the way ahead. T's on his old donkey and near the front, as...OOC: Okay. Perception, all.
[20:29] <@Inari> roll 1d20+12
[20:29] <Myannbot> Inari rolled 1d20+12 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{14}
[20:29] <@Athear> roll 1d20+2 I really need to get Perception someday
[20:29] <Myannbot> Athear rolled 1d20+2 I really need to get Perception someday --> [ 1d20=14 ]{16}
[20:29] <Annerose> roll 1d20+2
[20:29] <Myannbot> Annerose rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{17}
[20:29] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 T
[20:29] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+8 T --> [ 1d20=17 ]{25}
[20:30] <@Kotono> It's T that looks up as you head along. He suddenly jerks up and to the side, "We need light to our right side," he says quickly, gesturing, "Heard something."
[20:31] * Annerose casts the Light cantrip on her shield and holds it out towards the right, leaning out of the carriage.
[20:32] <@Inari> Inari moves her foxfire even further out towards the right, looking that way herself.

[20:34] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 T
[20:34] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+6 T --> [ 1d20=6 ]{12}
[20:34] <@Inari> roll 1d20+4
[20:34] <Myannbot> Inari rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{20}
[20:34] <@Athear> roll 1d20+2
[20:34] <Myannbot> Athear rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{11}
[20:34] <Annerose> roll 1d20+5+5
[20:34] <Myannbot> Annerose rolled 1d20+5+5 --> [ 1d20=10 ]{20}
[20:34] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+1 goblin 1
[20:34] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+1 goblin 1 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{2}
[20:34] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+1 goblin 2
[20:34] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+1 goblin 2 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{12}
[20:34] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 heat haze goblin
[20:34] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+5 heat haze goblin --> [ 1d20=10 ]{15}
[20:35] * Kotono changes topic to 'Inari(20)>Heat Hate Goblin(15)>Goblin 2=T(12)>Athear(11)>Goblin 1(Miko)'
[20:35] * Kotono changes topic to 'Annerose=Inari(20)>Heat Hate Goblin(15)>Goblin 2=T(12)>Athear(11)>Goblin 1(Miko)'
[20:35] <@Kotono> OOC: Open Annerose and Inari.
[20:35] <Annerose> "Stop this at once!" Annerose commands, focusing her attention on the hateful fire-wielder! He, at least, must be made to stop in his tracks!
[20:35] <Annerose> OOC: Hold Monster
[20:35] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+1 DC?
[20:36] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+1 DC? --> [ 1d20=8 ]{9}
[20:36] <Annerose> OOC: Held!
[20:36] <@Kotono> The goblin is paralyzed abruptly, his mace dropped. It hits the ground, the grass it lands on bursting aflame. A small orange-red glow begins to spread, a touch of fire consuming nature around it. OOC: Inari.
[20:37] * Kotono changes topic to 'Annerose=Inari(20)>Heat Hate Goblin(15 paralyzed)>Goblin 2=T(12)>Athear(11)>Goblin 1(Miko)'
[20:37] * Kotono changes topic to 'Annerose=Inari(20)>Heat Haze Goblin(15 paralyzed)>Goblin 2=T(12)>Athear(11)>Goblin 1(Miko)'
[20:38] <@Inari> They seem too well disciplined to rout or parlay without bloodying their noses a bit, so Inari moves to position herself at the lead of their group and near to the horses, bracing her feet solidly on the ground and resting the back of her spear solidly on the ground as she prepares to receive the initial charge.
[20:38] <@Inari> OOC: ready action to brace for charge
[20:38] <@Kotono> OOC: Right.
[20:38] <@Kotono> The heat haze goblin is unable to move - but his mount isn't so restrained. The goblin falls off as the worg rashly charges, right at the party! OOC: Goblin takes 1d6 falling damage first, then you can do your charge-set thing, Inari.r
[20:38] <@Kotono> roll 1d6
[20:38] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d6 --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[20:39] <@Inari> roll 1d20+8
[20:39] <Myannbot> Inari rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=13 ]{21}
[20:39] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[20:39] <@Inari> roll 2d8+10
[20:39] <Myannbot> Inari rolled 2d8+10 --> [ 2d8=13 ]{23}
[20:40] <@Kotono> The worg is impaled through the chest, at least two feet of spear piercing it. But despite that the beast doesn't stop, trying to rend into Inari through sheer momentum.
[20:41] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9 (+2 charge) AC Inari?
[20:41] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+9 (+2 charge) AC Inari? --> [ 1d20=5 ]{14}
[20:41] <@Inari> OOC: 23
[20:42] <@Kotono> Amazingly, being impaled on a spear is miserable. Enough so that the worg can't finish it - stopping before Inari, held at bay by the massive wound it suffers. Meanwhile, the second goblin stops, snapping in goblin, "Magic!" before hurling a javelin at Annerose, before retreating back 50ft and out of sight, into the darkness.
[20:42] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 AC?
[20:42] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+4 AC? --> [ 1d20=10 ]{14}
[20:43] <Annerose> OOC: 29
[20:43] <@Kotono> But Annerose merely sways to the side, the javelin soaring over and past everyone, doing no harm. Meanwhile T comes around, taking position in front of the horses, blocking the line of charge further. OOC: Athear.
[20:44] <Annerose> "Yes, you'd better run!"
[20:45] <@Athear> OOC: I'm guessing the horses stopped? Do I need to spend a turn to control them or anything?
[20:45] <@Kotono> OOC: They stopped.
[20:45] <@Athear> OOC: Okay.
[20:46] <@Athear> Athear shakes his head. Damnable goblins! "If you all want to forfeit your life like your shaman did on the blade of Bahamut, then come and try and strike me down, you fiends!" Athear shouts out into at the goblins but at any who might be hiding beyond the sight of their magical lights! OOC: Test of Mettle, DC17 Will vs. anything in 100 ft.
[20:46] <@Athear> OOC: Oh they have to have 5 Int too
[20:48] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+3 worg
[20:48] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+3 worg --> [ 1d20=18 ]{21}
[20:48] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+1 paralyzed goblin
[20:48] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+1 paralyzed goblin --> [ 1d20=3 ]{4}
[20:48] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 goblin rider that hasn't acted
[20:48] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20 goblin rider that hasn't acted --> [ 1d20=18 ]{18}
[20:49] <@Kotono> OOC: Doing anything else, since that's just a swift?
[20:49] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 retreating rider almost forgot
[20:49] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20 retreating rider almost forgot --> [ 1d20=17 ]{17}
[20:49] <@Athear> OOC: I'm not really close enough to do anything else, I don't think, so I'll just do that and try and scare them.
[20:49] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[20:50] <@Kotono> The last goblin roots around in a saddlebag briefly, as Athear's challenge echos. It takes out a strange, shiny yellow stick. A sunrod? A common enough alchemical item, thrown in the direction of the party.
[20:50] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 vs AC 10
[20:50] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+4 vs AC 10 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{11}
[20:51] <@Kotono> It lands before them and shatters, a sudden flash of blinding light engulfing all of them. OOC: Fort saves, all. Includes the worg in combat with y'all.
[20:51] <Annerose> roll 1d20+7
[20:51] <Myannbot> Annerose rolled 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{9}
[20:51] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 worg
[20:51] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+6 worg --> [ 1d20=12 ]{18}
[20:51] <@Athear> roll 1d20+14 (+2 if this is an EVIL sunrod)
[20:51] <Myannbot> Athear rolled 1d20+14 (+2 if this is an EVIL sunrod) --> [ 1d20=10 ]{24}
[20:52] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9 T (+3 inspiration 4/5)
[20:52] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+9 T (+3 inspiration 4/5) --> [ 1d20=15 ]{24}
[20:52] <@Inari> roll 1d20+6 everything is fort :(
[20:52] <Myannbot> Inari rolled 1d20+6 everything is fort :( --> [ 1d20=18 ]{24}
[20:53] <@Kotono> roll 1d3 blinded this many rounds Annerose
[20:53] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d3 blinded this many rounds Annerose --> [ 1d3=2 ]{2}
[20:53] * Kotono changes topic to 'Annerose(blinded 2)=Inari(20)>Heat Haze Goblin(15 paralyzed)>Goblin 2=T(12)>Athear(11)>Goblin 1(Miko)'
[20:54] <@Kotono> T quickly looks away, shielding his eyes with his arm. Out of pure instinct, Athear and Inari do the same - but Annerose is caught looking. The flash of light leaves her reeling, vision nothing but white and pain. It's like the sun was just seared into her eyes. When the others look back, they can see the other goblin retreating into the darkness as well. OOC: Annerose and Inari, go.
[20:55] * Annerose cries out in pain, cringing authomatically from the bright light as she almost expects heat and fire to follow on its trail.
[20:55] <@Inari> Inari gives the goblin wolf another quick stab to try and see it off before moving onto the rest of their attackers!
[20:55] <@Inari> roll 1d20+8
[20:55] <Myannbot> Inari rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{15}
[20:56] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[20:56] <@Inari> roll 1d8+5
[20:56] <Myannbot> Inari rolled 1d8+5 --> [ 1d8=1 ]{6}
[20:56] <@Kotono> With the worg already badly wounded, Inari's next stab takes it down. A rip-out, tearing the worg's side open as it collapses, bleeding profusely. OOC: Going to take a move action?
[20:57] <@Inari> OOC: are any goblins within 40 feet of me?
[20:58] <Annerose> OOC: I think the paralyzed one is?
[20:59] <@Kotono> OOC: Just the paralyzed one.
[20:59] <@Inari> Inari moves towards the paralyzed goblin, stopping ten feet away from it so she can menace it with her spear!
[20:59] <@Kotono> Meanwhile, that goblin struggles against the paralysis.
[20:59] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+1
[20:59] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{7}
[21:00] <@Kotono> But it still does not move. Meanwhile, the second goblin perhaps does things unseen, lost in the darkness. In the meantime, T comes up next to Inari's side, bantering, "You know, this is a good time to fold on up." OOC: Athear.
[21:08] <@Athear> Athear stays with the wagon and keeps an eye out for other goblins, but he turns to the last remaining goblin. "If you surrender, we may yet spare your life." OOC: Can I do an Intimidate?
[21:08] <@Kotono> OOC: Sure.
[21:08] <@Athear> roll 1d20+10
[21:08] <Myannbot> Athear rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{13}
[21:08] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+3 The way Serith is going, he'll make this
[21:08] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+3 The way Serith is going, he'll make this --> [ 1d20=10 ]{13}
[21:09] <@Kotono> It's hard to tell if the paralyzed goblin is any more scared than he was before, since he's paralyzed and all. As this is pondered...OOC: Inari. Go.
[21:12] <@Inari> "We got lucky that we arrived just before your attack," Inari reflects, her spear positioned to stab into the goblin's chest at the least opportunity. "But you're lucky as well, since it would be instructive to have you carry a message to your kin. Oh, and before I forget..." she casts create water to douse the flames sparked by his fallen weapon.
[21:14] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, in this situation I'll call for free act, since there's no worthwhile threats or danger left. Go ahead.

[21:15] <@Inari> Inari just smiles at the goblin and waits for him to recover so this can be more of a discussion.
[21:16] * Annerose snaps her fingers to free the goblin of her spell, peering out of the carriage and not looking impressed.
[21:17] <@Athear> "You'd think word of our group would have spread." Athear comments.
[21:18] <@Kotono> The goblin can move. It looks up at the spear and snaps in goblin, "What message?"
[21:19] <@Athear> He may not have understood it, but for something whose life is being spared, it sure didn't sound respectful. Athear glares at the goblin in silence.
[21:20] <@Inari> "Don't go attacking people who haven't done anything to you," Inari says back in goblin, couching in a little self interest, "Or they'll find an excuse to do something back," she weaves her spear around like a snake waiting to strike. "Though I am curious what you thought to find in a village that had already been sacked by pirates." Pirates, dragon-devils, and now this... someone really had it
[21:20] <@Inari> out for Maxes!
[21:23] <@Kotono> The goblin's gaze is unkind, but he notably shrinks back when Athear speaks up. "What village? We've been traveling, I don't know about any village."
[21:27] <@Inari> Unfortunately they're too far for her foxfire to illuminate anything but perhaps the barest edge of an outer building. "The village of Maxes, about a quarter of a mile that way," she gestures in the direction. "Do you always travel off the road at night?" Then again given the state of the country maybe it's not a bad idea...
[21:28] <@Kotono> "Yes," The goblin retorts right back. "It's simplest that way."
[21:28] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8
[21:28] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{15}
[21:29] <@Kotono> T watches this and idly inspects his dagger. "Awfully thin pickings at night, isn't it?"
[21:30] <@Inari> "I suppose it is at that," Inari concedes, voicing her earlier thought. "But you bring complication on yourself by attacking so rashly anyone you come across. And you don't seem poor," she toes his fallen morning star for emphasis.
[21:34] <Annerose> "Do you mind breaking that mace that is on fire?" Annerose calls out politely from the safety and comfort of the carriage.
[21:35] <@Inari> "Well, it is... what's your name?" she asks the goblin.
[21:44] <@Kotono> "Esten," The goblin answers, still staring up at Inari's spear.
[21:46] <@Inari> "It's Esten's," Inari concludes authoritatively. "And we wouldn't want to make him even more desparate by taking away his weapon. Go on, pick it up," she invites. If he tries anything she'll stab him but surely he wouldn't!
[21:46] <@Kotono> The goblin takes his weapon back, eyeing and waiting.
[21:48] * Annerose eyes the scene herself.
[21:49] <@Inari> "So yes, we're done now," Inari concludes, switching back to goblin. "Go back and encourage your fellows not to go around attacking everyone without cause. There's no shortage of people in this land that deserve a bit of goblin justice, I bet, but poor villages and well armed travellers aren't worth the trouble."
[21:50] <@Kotono> The goblin eyes Inari, but at her words, ceases and simply turns to hurry away. It's not quite a run, but not by much.
[21:51] <@Inari> "Can't know if it sunk in, but it was worth a try," she says, heading back to the wagon.
[21:53] <@Kotono> Meanwhile T goes to poke the dead warg, pulling away a saddlebag. He rustles it, "At least he left something for the trouble."
[21:53] * Annerose yawns, settling back out of sight and cancelling her light spell.
[21:54] <@Inari> "You're not planning to eat that are you?" Inari asks warily.
[21:56] <@Kotono> "The worg? Are you serious?" T turns to Inari, making a face. He waves the saddlebag, "I mean that there might be something worth some money in here."
[21:58] <@Inari> "Oh... good, that's fine," Inari smiles, relieved. Even if she has no affinity or fondness for goblin dogs, they're still canine enough to rouse a bit of anti-cannibalistic sentiment.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:11] <@Kotono> Under night's gentle cover, the party returns back to Maxes and the emergency grove. It's here the two are found once more - sleeping, but gently. Breathing more visibly, strong color in their cheeks. Even in the magical light provided, anyone can see that the two look better. Anne goes over to them, checking their pulses and feeling their foreheads. "Mercy, they look better!" she murmurs.
[20:12] <@Inari> "No trouble while we've been gone?" Inari says, finding a spot to sit inside the wagon.
[20:14] <@Athear> Athear nods with a smile. "I'm glad it resolved itself so quickly. I... hm. We did uncover something that I wanted to ask you two about." He looks to Inari and Annerose. "That..." Athear almost has to avoid retching as he speaks, "Half-dragon serving Tiamar had a book on them. I would suggest we burn it along with the blood, but... I thought it might also be of some use to us. I wished your
[20:14] <@Athear> opinions on possibly keeping it as a token that we could use to try and infiltrate any other evil religious sects we come across. I know not if it would be worth to keep."
[20:14] <@Kotono> "No," Anne says, "No trouble at all. It's been quiet."
[20:15] <Annerose> "What book was that?" Annerose asks in confusion.
[20:15] <@Kotono> T settles down, getting himself some water before dismounting his old donkey. "Good girl," he murmurs to her, taking the saddlebag from the worg and starting to peek inside, examining things.
[20:16] <@Athear> Athear will retrieve the book of Tiamat's Five Verses and, with some restraint offer it to Annerose to see rather than just throw it and cut it in half.
[20:17] <Annerose> "Aww, don't be so dramatic!" she says, flipping through it. "What you should really do is annotate the things that are wrong, and write in your own opinions while putting Tiamat down in an amusing fashion. Strike through a few of the worst passages, and generally turn the entire thing around. Then give it to people."
[20:18] <@Inari> "We're fairly distinctive," Inari says. "Our ability to infiltrate anywhere will be hampered soon as word spreads of our actions."
[20:18] <@Kotono> The book is written in draconic - Annerose can't read it. It looks like just a book to her.
[20:18] <Annerose> "Plus infiltrating a cult means you participate in what it does," she adds with a grimace.
[20:19] <@Athear> "That is more effort then I think I am willing to put forth for such a piece of written filth." Athear responds. "You are both correct. I will just use it as kindling to burn the abishai blood as well."
[20:20] <Annerose> "Really?" Annerose peers at him. "I've always found ideas were pervasive, while people and objects are transitory. They're the ones that stay for generations."
[20:21] <@Kotono> "Yes, but ideas come from people," T speaks up here as he peers at a white pearl. "People also tend to spread ideas, rather than ideas spreading themselves."
[20:22] <Annerose> "Exactly! Ideas won't spread themselves! Which is why this is such a good chance Athear will be letting to waste here."
[20:22] <@Inari> "We're people!" Inari says with a grin.
[20:22] <@Athear> "I am not sure any good could have ever come from those two." Athear says as he goes to withdraw the abishai blood. "Although, you do present an interesting situation. If I were to destroy that book in front of a devout follower of Tiamat, it may anger them and make them make a mistake they wouldn't otherwise make."
[20:23] <Annerose> "Yeah, you... do that," Annerose says, shoulders slumping. "So, any leads on the pirates and the captives?"
[20:24] <@Athear> OOC: Is there a campfire where they're at?
[20:25] <@Kotono> OOC: No.
[20:27] <@Athear> Athear will look around for a safe place to put the vials where he can just breathe fire without sitting fire to everything else while the others chat.
[20:28] <@Kotono> Athear goes off and finds a little place that's perfect for it. Not much grass, water nearby. Should be fine.
[20:28] <@Kotono> "There's this note," T holds it up, "The rock thing, the folly and gold. Did all of you read it yet?"
[20:29] <@Athear> He will then put the vials down and then breathe fire on them! Mankind ill needs a savior such as Tiamat!
[20:29] <@Athear> roll 2d8 DC18 reflex but I don't really think vials can dodge
[20:29] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 10 > [d8=3,7]
[20:30] <Annerose> It wasn't her best attempt to change the topic, but at least T saved her from an awkward silence spreading! What a hero! "Thanks for reminding me!" she chirps, despite the late hour and her mounting tiredness. Borrowing the note, she approaches Anne and shows her the note. "Do you recognize any of this?"
[20:32] <@Kotono> The vials are turned ablaze. For a moment there is nothing, before the flames turn dark green. They burn with an intensity that startles Athear, before dyinga nd leaving nothing but ash behind.
[20:33] <@Kotono> "Hmmmm...." Anne takes a long look, "Could you read it to me? I never learned my letters."
[20:33] <@Athear> He considers throwing the book in as well, but maybe Annerose has a point. He may learn something useful about Tiamat by reading it... "Good riddance." Athear spits before he returns to the others.
[20:35] <Annerose> "Sure thing! The first line here," Annerose goes on, gesturing at it, "says 'Twelve miles north west from P's rock.' That's our best bet at a location of some hidden base so far. The next line says Orin's Folly, which I would guess in the current context is a ship? And the last just says 'Gold', which I'm not really sure about."
[20:40] <@Kotono> "Oh! Panther's Rock," Anne says after a moment, "It's a famous rock out in the sea," she gestures, "It looks just like a stalking panther, so it does."
[20:41] <@Athear> "Ah, I suppose then that must mean the second part refers to something that sank there." Athear concludes.
[20:41] <Annerose> "Any islands twelve miles north west of it?"
[20:42] <@Inari> "What if it's buried treasure?" Inari speculates. "I've heard of things like that." Not seen or experienced though... she always lived far from the sea.
[20:42] <@Kotono> "I don't think so," Anne admits, "But you'd best ask a real sailor."
[20:45] <@Athear> "One wonders why they had something like that on them to begin with." Athear says. "But if we are to investigate it... Well, I wonder if any would be willing to take us and how much it might cost."
[20:47] <@Kotono> "Buried treasure..." T murmurs, starting to smile as he rubs his hands together.
[20:47] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11
[20:47] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=2]
[20:48] <@Athear> "I wonder if the 'Gold,' refers to what we would find or something we are supposed to look for specifically." Athear says.
[20:49] <Annerose> "We can ask around sailors about Orin's Folly," Annerose muses, turning away to cover up a yawn. "Right now, I'm going to bed. Does anyone mind me taking the last watch?"
[20:50] <@Kotono> Annerose can't recall offhand. OOC: Good to skip along to morning, all?
[20:50] <@Athear> OOC: Sure thing
[20:52] <@Kotono> Tola 33 is a drier day and warm even at sunrise. The lingering humidity rises up in a steamy bath, leaving behind hot air stirred by the sea breeze. Come morning the party has breakfast. This is unremarkable, but what is remarkable is that the man asleep stirs. He groans and blinks his eyes, trying to speak, but only a croak comes out.
[20:53] * Annerose hurries to his side, offering him some water while holding the back of his head.
[20:54] <@Athear> Athear will watch from a small distance!
[20:54] <@Inari> Inari focuses on cooking breakfast. They've got plenty to work with, having provisioned for rather more refugees, so she's laying out a bit of a feast even if it's not wonderfully cooked.
[20:58] <@Kotono> T's focuses on the food, as Annerose meanwhile offers water. It's taken and drunk, the man clearing his throat after. His voice is weak, "What happened?" he weakly croacks out, voice cracking.
[20:58] <@Kotono> "You were asleep, but you're awake now, thanks to all of them," Anne says with a growing smile, "Welcome back."
[20:59] <Annerose> Annerose settles for a simple, "You are safe," since Anne had surely just reassured him more than any speech would.
[21:00] <@Inari> "I hope you're hungry!" Inari calls from where she's tending to the campfire, filling up a plate with meat and vegetables before approaching the wagon.
[21:04] <@Kotono> "" He says with a rueful grimace, "Hungry. Dreamed of dragons, too."
[21:05] <@Athear> Athear glances over to the man. "Hopefully any you have from now on are more pleasant."
[21:05] <@Inari> "He's a nice dragon," Inari reassures him with a gesture at Athear before handing over the plate. "I'm Inari, and that's Athear," she adds for introductions.
[21:06] <Annerose> "Annerose," she voices, helping him sit down properly.
[21:08] <@Athear> Athear nods to the man as he is introduced.
[21:16] <@Kotono> "T," T adds in with a wave, as the man slowly sits up.
[21:17] <@Kotono> "Dragons...ugh." Rubbing the side of his head, "So many dragons. Ricard, by the way," he offers.
[21:18] * Annerose moves to the woman, now, patting her cheek lightly to see if she would regain consciousness. Some water and a good meal after all that magically-induced sleep can only do her good.
[21:19] <@Athear> "Do you happen to recall anything from your dreams... about anything around here?" Athear asks. "If not, it is fine."
[21:21] <@Kotono> She stirs a little bit but her eyes don't open. "I only remember the dragons and what was around them." As food gets to him, he pauses to eat. After a bite his pace picks up, story told inb etween bites. "I saw two dragons wrestling. One was many colors and one was metal-white. A third was nearby, watching."
[21:22] <@Athear> "Do you recall what color the third one was?" Athear asks. The first two are obvious...
[21:23] <Annerose> "There is water and food," Annerose tells the slumbering woman quietly. "The danger has passed."
[21:24] <@Inari> Speaking of, Inari better get back to the fire and keep things from burning!
[21:25] <@Kotono> T follows along with Inari, murmuring, "Say, quick question."
[21:26] <@Kotono> Ricard frowns, "It was...there were flames. Flames like gold." He rubs his head and then continues eating. Meanwhile, the woman finally stirs at the extra nudging, "Mmgh? Mgh?" Her eyes open slowly, bright blue eyes that are unfocused and faraway.
[21:27] <@Athear> Athear nods. Hmm, gold flames... maybe it's...?
[21:27] <@Inari> "Hm?" Inari hums invitingly to T as she begins preparing another plate.
[21:27] <@Athear> roll 1d20+6 K:R time for a 1
[21:27] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=12]
[21:27] <Annerose> "Good morning," Annerose greets her. "Do you want some water?"
[21:32] <@Kotono> "Why did you think I was going to eat that worg, anyway?" T asks, helping himself to some breakfast in the meanwhile.
[21:32] <@Kotono> "Water," she manages to get out, just barely.
[21:32] * Annerose obliges, supporting her. "You are amongst friends," she assures the woman. "Take your time."
[21:33] <@Inari> "You talked about it leaving something for the trouble while you were poking the carcass," Inari says, one of her ears twitching. "It seemed an obvious inference, though of course I hoped I was wrong."
[21:35] <@Kotono> Athear can recall something about golden flames and dragons, but it's a bit obscure. He can't quite remember.
[21:36] <@Kotono> Water is drunk and slowly, "What happened?" she echos Ricard moments ago, licking her lips after drinking.
[21:38] <@Kotono> This gets T to crack a smile, watching that ear twitch. "What sort of person eats a dog? Or a cat for that matter?" Making a face, "Or a horse? Ugh. 'nari, you should know better."
[21:39] <Annerose> "Evil dragons attacked you, but that's been dealt with. So now you can recover-- oh, where are my manners? I'm Annerose, and these are Athear -- the big guy -- and Inari and T over there by the fire."
[21:40] <@Inari> "Someone very hungry," Inari says seemingly without judgement now she's no longer facing the immediate prospect of seeing it, starting to prepare a plate with her tails slowly waving around in a meandering fashion. "Foxes will eat almost anything they can get, but my tastes have been more refined for a very long time."
[21:41] <@Athear> Athear nods to the woman in greeting, subduing an irritated thought since he can't quite recall what he wanted to.
[21:46] <@Kotono> "Anna," She answers back, as she's helped up. "Thank you."
[21:46] <@Kotono> T watchest hose tails, trailing off into silence or a few. Then he blinks it away, "Oh. Good." HE says that then gets up with his plate, eyeing her tails again.
[21:48] <Annerose> "We're just glad you're alright!"
[21:48] <@Inari> Discussion over, Inari goes to feed up the recently awoken woman now.
[21:59] <@Kotono> "We will be," Ricard slowly looks up, "Thank you, both of you. All of you."
[21:59] <@Kotono> Anne sniffs at this, "I'd worried you two would never wake up and Maxes would be forgotten," she murmurs.
[22:01] <@Inari> "Speaking of that," Inari says, taking a seat now everyone's been fed. "What will you three do, now?"
[22:05] <@Kotono> "Leave," It's Ricard that speaks up, "There's nothing left here. The best thing we can do is go to Warmfolk and regroup from there. We can find some job or another to get our feet under ourselves. They're always hiring sailors."
[22:05] <@Kotono> Anne and Anna both look down at that, the older one sighing gently, "I fear that's right. Maxes is destroyed."
[22:06] <Annerose> "Oh! Then you are sailors, like I thought?"
[22:08] <@Kotono> "Yes. Most people in Maxes are, at least for fishing," Ricard remarks.
[22:10] <Annerose> "There are directions I was hoping to follow, but none of us know our way around a boat," Annerose admits. "Twelve miles north west of P's Rock, which seems to be Panther's Rock. And then, Orin's Folly? Does it ring any bells?"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:01] <@Koaway> "Orin's Folly..." Anna murmurs, "Yes, it's familiar. An old wives tale, about a foolish pirate who tried to bury his treasure at the bottom of the sea floor. He found a fair spot full of sunlight and tossed his gold into the ocean."
[20:02] <@Inari> "Isn't that how sacrifice to Umberlee is given?" Inari asks.
[20:02] <Annerose> Having been about to ask the same, Annerose nods.
[20:04] <@Koaway> T hms, "Got it in one, 'nari," he murmurs, "A little bit of a rib at Umberlee?"
[20:07] <@Inari> "If she wasn't as powerful in the past it would have been a fine bit of mockery, though perhaps dangerous now," Inari says. "I don't think there's anything for us there."
[20:08] <@Koaway> "I'm not so sure about that. Why keep the information locked up if it isn't valuable?" T shakes his head, "It doesn't make sense to lock up the information unless it's worth locking up."
[20:10] <@Inari> "The dragons must have wanted to mount an expedition for it?"
[20:10] <Annerose> "It might be worth a brief divergion to take a look?"
[20:10] <@Athear> "Let us presume for a moment that we want to prusue this." Athear says with a gesture out towards the sea. "There exists the matter of actually retrieving it if it is actually at the bottom of the sea, yes? How would we deal with that, before we worry about the details of even getting out there?"
[20:11] <@Koaway> "Magic?" T rolls his shoulders thoughtfully, "A  little magic to breathe underwater, some swimming, maybe some scheme to raise up a bunch of heavy treasure?"
[20:12] <@Koaway> "If there's treasure at the bottom of the sea, the salt water would be eating it up over time. If it's old, finding it and salvaging it may be a waste of time. The sea water destroys virtually everything if you give it enough time."
[20:12] <@Koaway> "But still, treasure," Anna speaks up, "A chest of gold could set you for life."
[20:12] <@Inari> "Not to mention that Umberlee or her servants must have had ample time to appropriate it for themselves."
[20:13] <@Athear> "Unless Orin's Folly is a place that many utilize." Athear says. "Which would bring its own problems, I suppose."
[20:14] <@Koaway> "That still leaves the underlying question: Was that dragon-man tied to the pirates? If so, this information may have to do with them. If not, maybe it really is unrelated." Here T pauses, helping himself to more breakfast before going on. "It could also be a wizard thing, some sort of magical location? He was trying to channel magic energy for something or another, wasn't he?"
[20:15] <@Inari> "Perhaps a divination to get a more precise location?" If it was just dumped overboard with no landmarks nearer than twelve miles the directions wouldn't do much good.
[20:18] <@Athear> "I suppose Gold could have been a code word for something." Athear admits. "Actually, this is unrelated, but... if you are all to leave this village, perhaps we should all look around to see if there is anything left in the vicinity that may be of use to you on your travels. I realize the pirates destroyed much of it, but there may be a hidden cache or something. If we cannot find anything I do
[20:18] <@Athear> not mind giving you some coin so you are not left with nothing."
[20:19] <Annerose> "Rather than needing gold," Annerose voices, "I'm just curious. There might be something of note, if only we cared to take a look."
[20:22] <@Kotono> Anne looks up at that, "There's no hidden caches, at least that we made. Our Maxes has always been poor.'d give us some money? Just likethat?" The old woman stares at Athear.
[20:23] <@Inari> "Of course. We can't just let you go off with nothing more than the clothes on your back," Inari says, "You've suffered enough without having to face an uncertain future."
[20:24] <@Kotono> "'re really a different breed, aren't you?" Ricard breathes out, eyes wide.
[20:25] <@Kotono> Anna meanwhile begins quietly wiping at her eyes, staring.
[20:26] <@Inari> "It wasn't always like this," Inari says sadly. "There was a time such generosity was common, though no less appreciated. We can take you wherever you want to go, and give you enough to make a fresh start."
[20:27] <@Athear> "Quite right." Athear agrees.
[20:27] <@Kotono> "With a little money, we can get started in Warmfolk," Ricard says, "It'll give us time to find jobs and get a place to sleep. There's still nothing for us here but burnt dreams."
[20:28] <@Kotono> Meanwhile, Anne comes forward and wraps Athear in a hug, murmuring, "Thank you."
[20:30] <@Athear> Athear pats the woman on her back. "In that case, then, should we return there and see about finding a ride across the sea to investigate this place?"
[20:32] <@Inari> "I've never sailing," Inari admits, warming to the idea as evidenced by the mellow undulating of her tails.
[20:32] <@Inari> *never been sailing
[20:33] <Annerose> "Neither have I, which means a new experience!"
[20:34] <@Kotono> "Hope you don't get seasick," T murmurs with a chuckle, as...OOC: Good to skip along now?
[20:34] <Annerose> OOC: Sure
[20:34] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:34] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 51 > [d100=51]
[20:34] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:34] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 27 > [d100=27]
[20:38] <@Kotono> Days of hot, muggy travel pass. It's late in Tola 37 that the party reaches Warmfolk's gates. It's a cloudy, humid sort of day, but one lacking much of summer's usual heat. It's almost bearable as the sun starts to set, the party reaching the gates just before they close. As you pass inside, "How about we all get some rooms and sort out business tomorrow. There's lots of selling to be done. Most
[20:38] <@Kotono> of the things won't be that hard to unload, but a few will take legwork. There's still those bracers, too."
[20:39] <Annerose> "Alright," Annerose agrees. "And we'll probably need three rooms, now, to properly house everyone?"
[20:40] <@Inari> "Just do be careful not to have your rooms robbed, yes?" Inari asks with a grin.
[20:41] * Annerose grins back at her. "Ours should be safe, at least, with you protecting it from harm?"
[20:41] <@Kotono> T coughs at that, "Shouldn't be a problem. I know all about how to stop that. Say, Anne, Anna, Ricard, let me give you some advice about that..." He leads the three away, starting to gab away.
[20:44] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay. What's the party's plan here now?
[20:45] <Annerose> OOC: Hire a ship to take us there, it will be filled with 90% evil dudes. Offer the two younger villagers a job for this expedition since they're sailors, if they like.
[20:45] <@Athear> OOC: Athear can have the bracers identified and unload the magical things we're not interested in, as well.
[20:46] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay. We'll deal with the buying/selling first since it might be relevant. Post.
[20:56] <@Kotono> Buying and selling takes up Tola 38. Early Tola 39 has breakfast in the unremarkable inn (Sally's Shore, odd name t hat) with even more unremarkable food. The eggs are so average as to be almost bland, while the bread isn't fresh nor stale. It's like mediocrity given form. "Thank you so much," Anna walks up and embraces Inari, "With that money, we'll have plenty of time to find a good job and
[20:56] <@Kotono> be alright. That much money's unimaginable, almost. We can afford a real residence instead of paying a landlord."
[20:57] <@Kotono> Ricard reaches out and heartily pats Athear's shoulder, "You're welcome there whenever you're in Warmfolk. If it's up to us, you'll never pay for an inn again."
[20:58] <@Inari> Inari hugs Anna back. "You deserve some easy living after what you've been through," she reassures her.
[20:58] * Annerose gives Anne a wave and a smile, staying behind.
[20:59] <@Kotono> Anne comes over, taking Annerose's hand and shaking it firmly. "Thank you. You've made this old woman'st ragedy a little more bearable. I feel like I'l lnever stop mourning Maxes, but now there's something ahead for me."
[21:00] <@Kotono> At this Ricard sighs, "I miss all my friends, but I'm still numb to it. It's just...whenever I think about it, I just can't appreciate it. It's like a trip away, and any day I'll return home as normal."
[21:00] <@Athear> Athear nods to Ricard. "Courage will give you strength to persevere."
[21:02] <Annerose> "Sometimes we can't return home," Annerose agrees. "All we can do, then, is to just keep going and aim for a new start."
[21:04] <@Kotono> "On and on and on," T murmurs, after a mouthful of food. He makes a face, shrugs and then takes another bite. Afterwards, "Speaking of going on, what about that ship?"
[21:04] <Annerose> "If we have a lead on one, let's go and discuss the trip with the captain?"
[21:11] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, so any criteria for a ship here? How big a one are you looking for?
[21:12] <Annerose> OOC: A ship that can head out into sea, not just hang around the coast. It would be nice if they had the means or magic to go below/breathe water. If not, let's pick up a scroll of it before we leave.
[21:14] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay. Diplo check. One rolls and the other three can aid. K:L can be substituted as well if you prefer, though no aid in that case since you generally can't aid knowledge skills.
[21:14] <Annerose> roll 1d20+14 diplo!
[21:14] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 32 > [d20=18]
[21:14] <@Athear> roll 1d20+10 aid
[21:14] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=2]
[21:15] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9 T'll aid too
[21:15] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=20]
[21:16] <@Inari> roll 1d20+16 aiding
[21:16] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 36 > [d20=20]
[21:19] <@Kotono> The early part of Tola 39 is hot and humid, though the sea breeze helps. Asking around and doing some digging, you find the consensus opinion is that the best ship for your task is the Winnow's Prowl, captained by Captain Burke. It won't provide the magic, but it's a competent crew noted for keeping its word and contracts. If that one doesn't work out, the second bests are the Mermaid's Tits
[21:19] <@Kotono> ran by Captain Jack Briggs or Rastan King owned by Captain Rastan.  As you look around, you can see the docks are heavily patrolled, just as last time. The air is busy but tense - people constantly look to the sea or are on guard. It's hard to miss it, not with dozens of guards keeping watch in wooden towers on the docks.
[21:21] <Annerose> "Competence and being true to their word gets my vote," Annerose voices. "Let's go have a chat with Captain Burke?"
[21:21] <@Inari> "Sounds reasonable," Inari agrees.
[21:23] <@Athear> Athear nods, content to let the ladies do the talking.
[21:23] * Annerose glances at T, and if there is no objection she will head out to do just that.
[21:27] <@Kotono> T just nods and follows along. Winnow's Prowl is a great big galleon, white sails currently down. A few bare-shirted, muscular sailors swab the deck while a few others carry boxes from the hold to the docks and beyond. It's not hard to find Captain Burke - a short, scowling man, bald and fair. His face is sunburned and red, a gray greatcoat covering the rest of his body. He wears no hat. "Yeah,
[21:27] <@Kotono> you have me," he looks all of you over, "What's Lady Auril and servants want the Winnow's Prowl for?" His gaze lingers on Annerose when he says that.
[21:29] <Annerose> "Good morning!" Annerose greets him brightly. "I'm Annerose, and not associated with Auril, I just happen to like the cold. As for the ship, we are interested in trying for a salvage out at sea, and can provide protection from pirates along with the usual payment for the task. How about it?"
[21:31] <@Athear> Athear merely folds his arms to await the response.
[21:32] <@Kotono> The captain returns Annerose's gaze neutrally, "Salvage can be done. How far out is it?"
[21:34] <Annerose> "In the vicinity of Panther's Rock."
[21:35] <@Kotono> A short nod to that, "100 gold up front, plus 20 gold per day at sea. Partial days are paid in full. We'll provide storage for any salvage you bring up."
[21:37] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11 K:L is this a reasonable price
[21:37] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=2]
[21:37] <@Inari> roll 1d20+12 sense motive is he open to bargaining that down?
[21:37] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=9]
[21:38] <@Kotono> Annerose can tell it is expensive, but she's not sure on how much. Inari can tell he's pretty firm, though perhaps willing to negotiate if done right.
[21:38] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+7
[21:38] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=2]
[21:38] <Annerose> "Would this include help with the salvage operation itself?" Annerose inquires.
[21:39] <@Kotono> T whistles at that, "Those are some numbers. There's Lords who get paid less for working."
[21:40] <@Kotono> "As long as it's not dangerous, we'll help haul anything out." He answers back, meeting Annerose's eyes. His expression is completely neutral, "Is this going to be dangerous?"
[21:41] <@Inari> The money isn't really objectionable, and she doesn't want to do any of the sailors out of a living so Inari doesn't comment on the price. "We're not seeking danger, but I heard there were pirates here recently, so no dangerous than any other voyage?"
[21:41] <Annerose> "Only if we come across pirates, where we will defend the ship, as promised," Annerose responds. "This is less a matter of danger and more of experience. We'll need help looking for the wreckage as well, since doing it on our own with magic will become prohibitively expensive."
[21:42] <@Athear> Athear glances out to sea and then back.
[21:43] <@Kotono> "Alright, I can live with that," The captain nods, offering his hand out.
[21:43] * Annerose shakes it, since no objections have been floated so far.
[21:47] <@Kotono> "When do you want to leave?" He asks, "We'll be done unloading our cargo by day's end."
[21:47] <Annerose> "I can't wait to get out to sea!"
[21:56] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[21:56] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 85 > [d100=85]
[21:56] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[21:56] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 55 > [d100=55]
[21:59] <@Kotono> OOC: Oh yes, what are you doing with your horses and mount?
[21:59] <@Kotono> OOC: Er, wagon.
[21:59] <Annerose> OOC: Ideally, we'll pay for the inn to care for them and ask our friends to keep an eye out if they can?
[22:02] <@Kotono> OOC: Easily enough done. 5 gp for stabling and all that, post and pay the expense. Onward.
[22:02] <@Kotono> Tola 40 is bright and hot, the foursome getting on the boat and heading out. The party takes position on deck as the ship heads on out. The winds aren't the most favorable, but you make slow and steady time. Tola 41 is much of the same - until a bit past noon, when the sailor in the crow's mast calls, "Panther's rock ahead!"
[22:03] <@Kotono> Captain Burke clears his throat with a quiet cough and then yells, "Turn to the northwest," he bellows.
[22:04] <@Inari> Inari looks up from where some sailors are teaching her a card game to see this rock that looks like a panther.
[22:04] <Annerose> "Our goal is twelve miles to the north of here," Annerose voices, coming over to the captain's side. She can see the rock from that spot just as well!
[22:11] <@Kotono> T wanders on over and looks out. Ahead is a rocky peak jutting out from the water. A seamount perhaps - that looks exactly like a panther. Unnaturally smooth, polished and well kept. Like a statue. Not a single bit of sea salt clings to it and water runs right off of it.
[22:11] <@Kotono> "What card game was that, 'nari?" T asks quietly in the meantime.
[22:12] <@Athear> Athear looks to the northwest. What could be out there, he wonders?
[22:13] <Annerose> "Do you get these terrible storms out here at sea as well?" Annerose asks curiously. "The ones that stop you dead in your tracks on land, and turn everything into unpassable mush?"
[22:14] <@Inari> "Someone had to have sculpted that..." Inari says, staring at the island, still looking even as she answers T. "It's called Reversis, it's quite fun even though I keep losing," she smiles. Of course she's just biding her time...
[22:14] <@Kotono> The captain nods, "Usually off the coast. They're less common out at sea, but you run into terrible typhoons that make up for it."
[22:15] <@Kotono> "Really?" T murmurs with a bit of a smile, "Are you gambling with it? Because gambling makes any game better."
[22:15] <Annerose> "What should we do if one comes our way? Is there any way to help short of staying out of your way?"
[22:17] <@Inari> "Just for coppers," Inari says. "Gambling for large amounts at sea is bad for discipline, apparently."
[22:22] <@Kotono> "Oh," as T's face falls, the captain remarks, "Brace for the storm." is all he says, "And pray."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:02] <@Kotono> Thus the ship sails on. The blue sky is bright with summer's warmth, rays of sunshine hitting the blue sea. The ship heads northwest from P's rock, back towards the shoreline. But it's still not within sight as you come closer and closer yet. The captain is at the wheel, "We're coming on 17 miles by my reckoning," he calls.
[20:03] <Annerose> "So we went five miles over?" Annerose asks, blinking.
[20:04] <@Inari> Inari had expected they'd miss it so she's really just taking advantage of the novelty involved in sailing.
[20:04] <@Kotono> OOC: 12 miles, sorry.
[20:04] <Annerose> OOC: Strike, then
[20:05] <Annerose> "Thank you," Annerose tells the captain, peering out into the water. "Are you familiar with the fale of Orin's Folly?"
[20:08] <@Kotono> T comes on over and peers down as well. The waters are blue and deep - you can't see the bottom or anything, of course. Th esunlight illuminates the top parts, enough to see a school of fish swimming by. "I've heard of that one," The captain says, neutrally.
[20:08] <Annerose> "What we heard," Annerose continues, "was that the captain simply tossed his gold overboard. Was there more to the story that you might be familiar with?"
[20:12] <@Kotono> Captain Burke grunts and shakes his bald head, crossing his arms. His face is red as a tomato, sun-scorched. "Yeah, and if you hear the bards tell it, you'll find gold, a princess with big knockers and a brand new kingdom, too. I've heard it was rich cargo before, coffee beans or remat eggs from the east. "
[20:13] <Annerose> "Anything dragons might be interested in?"
[20:14] <@Kotono> "Maybe," The captain says, "Does your dragon like coffee? If it's treasure, I reckon any dragon would like that. All of them are greedier than Mammon."
[20:15] <@Athear> Athear glances at the captain. "What does coffee have to do with anything?"
[20:16] <Annerose> Annerose tilts her head, before finally nodding. Righteous or not, they really do like their treasure. "I meant something of more symbolic significance for them, but wealth always works. You're right about that. In any case, if something was thrown overboard here, or the ship itself sunk, how would we go about looking for it down below? Fish movement, different coloration of the water, anything of use?"
[20:18] <@Inari> "Coffee's nice," Inari says with a smile. "I had occasion to try it a time or two in the past. A shame so little of it ever reached me..."
[20:18] <@Kotono> "Scavenging is hard. In shallow waters, you dive in and see. In sea waters, you dive in, use magic and see." He gestures out at the sea, "The sea's a harsh mistress, rarely giving back what it takes. Out here, the best way to find out is to go down yourselves and see. If it were shallower waters, there might be some signs."
[20:19] <Annerose> "And just have a good rope to get back to the ship?"
[20:19] <@Kotono> T glances over, "I think it's because he mentioned coffee beans, big guy," he remarks to Athear. "Never had it myself, too expensive."
[20:19] <@Kotono> "That too," The captain remarks, "That too."
[20:20] <Annerose> "It really gets you going," Annerose muses to T. "It's been far too long." To the captain, she says, "Might I try to dive below without magic, first, and with the proper precautions? To get used to it?"
[20:20] <@Kotono> "Your money," The captain shrugs, "It's your salvage."
[20:21] <Annerose> "Ah, and before that, do you know if the immediate area has any landmarks? Not as famous as Panther's Rock, perhaps, but close enough to matter?"
[20:23] <@Kotono> "Nothing. There's no seamounts or small islands in the immediate area. About 5 miles north there's a little rocky island called Choking Isle. The next closest is Panther's Rock."
[20:23] <@Athear> "Charming name." Athear says.
[20:23] <@Kotono> "Sounds cheaper than magic waking you up," T hmms, "Maybe I'll try some if he hit it here."
[20:24] <@Inari> "Does it look like someone being choked?" Inari asks, peering over the horizon to try and spot it.
[20:24] * Annerose nods, and then heads into a cabin belowdecks to change. Diving with her armor on would be foolish, no matter how comfortable it makes her feel.
[20:24] <@Kotono> "Yeah, the island's surrounded by foul smells and gases." Captain Burke grimaces, wiping his sweaty forehead clean with his forearm. "You can barely breathe on it." OOC: Perception, Inari.
[20:24] <@Kotono> OOC: Go ahead and come up when you're ready, Annerose. Describe your gear/how you're doing this when you do.
[20:25] <@Inari> roll 1d20+12
[20:25] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 30 > [d20=18]
[20:26] <@Kotono> Inari can see an island on the horizon. Hints of something rocky, she can tell that much.
[20:26] <@Inari> "Doesn't look as nice as panther rock," Inari says, leaning off the side before looking over as Annerose descends. "Do you want us to come down with you?"
[20:28] <Annerose> Sigfried is left to enjoy the coolness of her armor and shield, and on reflection Annerose left the upper layer of her travel clothes as well. The rest serve her well when she sleeps, and would do well as she descends into the water to take a look, secured with a rope.
[20:29] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, do you have a swim speed? I fso, what is it? If not, what's your swim modifier?
[20:30] <Annerose> OOC: No! The only thing even remotely approaching this is an ability to move through a blizzard. I just want to take a look below and see how hard it is to tell anything. I do have Light!
[20:30] <@Kotono> OOC: How deep are you going and what's your swim modifier?
[20:32] <Annerose> OOC: I'd guess my str mod, +2? I'll go to the edge of the rope.
[20:32] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[20:33] <@Kotono> OOC: Make a swim check for reference here. This isn't hard, but it's more related to how ably you deal with this.
[20:33] <Annerose> roll 1d20+2
[20:33] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=15]
[20:35] <@Kotono> Swimming down 20ft is nothing. Swimming down 40ft isn't bad. Reaching 60ft leaves Annerose peering down. No sign of the sea floor yet. It's more or less light here, the sunlight reaching deep enough to see. The current rope has about 40 more feet on it.
[20:37] * Annerose swims further down! Either the rope will reach its limit, or she'll see the bottom!
[20:41] <@Kotono> 100ft.  It's getting a bit dimmer here, and further below Annerose can make out something that looks like the sea floor. It's at the edge of her vision.
[20:42] <Annerose> She's seen enough, and decided to return to the ship.
[20:44] <@Kotono> OOC: Make a quick fort save.
[20:44] <Annerose> roll 1d20+7
[20:45] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=18]
[20:45] <@Kotono> Annerose returns up and takes a big breath of air. She feels alright, just a little light headed.
[20:45] <@Kotono> T calls on down, "See anything?"
[20:46] <Annerose> "Just that the surface is about a hundred and forty feet below. How about we all use the scroll and take a look around?"
[20:49] <@Kotono> OOC: Is that the party's plan, scroll up and take a look on down there?
[20:50] <@Athear> OOC: Yeah. I'll leave my stuff on the ship since I can't really use it anyway.
[20:50] <@Inari> "I'll go change then," Inari says, heading down to the girls cabin and emerging a few minutes later nearly nude but for a simple cloth wrapped snugly around her chest and a rather more complicated arrangement that goes around and between her legs and tails. Wouldn't do to scandalise the sailors after all! She still has her bracers on her forearms and her spear in hand in case of any hungry giant
[20:50] <@Inari> fish though!
[20:52] * Annerose sits on the bow as she waits, legs stretched towards the water.
[20:53] <@Kotono> T likewise goes belowdecks, coming back in a simple pair of cut-off pants. He's lean and skinny, dagger held in hand. "Better than nothing," he offers with a wry grin, glancing at Inari for a few seconds. "Damn 'nari, has anyone ever told you that you're a fox?"
[20:54] <Annerose> If glares could freeze skin, T's would be in that state for that terrrible joke.
[20:55] <@Inari> "It's been said on occasion," she smiles, posing a little.
[20:55] <@Athear> Athear will do as the others and return with some cloth pants and his scimitar.
[20:57] <@Kotono> There is no justice, for T doesn't freeze. As sailors eye Inari, T turns to Annerose, "Shall we?" He grins ear to ear.
[20:58] <Annerose> If Inari herself doesn't really care, Annerose supposes it would be churlish of her to think too much of it. "Sure," she agrees, and taps a few silver coins to imbue them with Light before reading from the scroll of Water Breathing....
[20:59] <@Kotono> OOC: CL 5, so 10 hours divided by 4. Everyone has 2.5 hours of waterbreathing. Or 2 hours 30 minutes to be clear.
[21:01] <@Inari> Spell cast, Inari shows no hesitation in diving off the side and scything down into the water. Foxfire blooms out from her, the illusory flame unbothered by water as it lights the way for her.
[21:01] <Annerose> "It should take us two to three hours," Annerose tells the sailors, and then pushes off the boat and into the water. The first breath is trecherous, but she forces herself to open her mouth and act normally once she's past the surface.
[21:02] <@Kotono> The spell spreads over the party, making their lungs feel light and airy. That first gulp is hard but strangely easy - it's like breathing thicker air. It doesn't choke, going down and up with the same ease as normal air. Thus they head on down...OOC: Everyone but Annerose make a swim check. Unless you have a swim speed, in which case tell me instead.
[21:02] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9 T
[21:02] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=12]
[21:03] <@Inari> roll 1d20+11
[21:03] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=7]
[21:04] <@Kotono> OOC: Athear?
[21:05] <@Athear> roll 1d20+6
[21:05] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=14]
[21:06] <@Athear> OOC: Oh that should be +6 more I'm stupid, so 26
[21:07] <@Kotono> The party proves quite adept at swimming, going on down. The party soon reaches the sea floor. It's a mess of silt, mud and sand. Seaweed and other plants grow here and there, illuminated with what sunlight makes it down this far and the party's on magic. Nothing seems to be immediately around except for some fish.
[21:08] * Annerose gestures with a slowly expanding clockwise spiral, and glances at the others.
[21:10] <@Kotono> T nods, starting to swim in one direction.
[21:10] <@Inari> Inari nods and starts to swim out in an arbitray direction and slowly banking right to begin the spiral pattern. Her spear jabs into the seabed every now and then in case of something interesting being buried.
[21:11] <@Athear> Athear picks another direction to follow suit with Inari to look around, but stays close to the source of light the others have since he can't see as well in the darkness.
[21:11] <@Kotono> OOC: Sounds like a plan. Perception checks, all.
[21:12] <@Athear> roll 1d20+2 one of these days, Alice
[21:12] <Annerose> They should both cover for one another should anything go wrong or missed, and explore more ground! Annerose keeps her eyes and magical senses alike out for anything of interest!
[21:12] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=15]
[21:12] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+12 T (+4 inspiration, perception used for the day, 4/5 left).
[21:12] <Annerose> roll 1d20+2
[21:12] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=16]
[21:12] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=11]
[21:12] <@Inari> roll 1d20+12
[21:13] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=1]
[21:14] <@Kotono> Oooh, fish! Inari loses track of things for awhile, distracted by a colorful school of red and blue fish. How lovely! Meanwhile, Athear finds it tough but steady going and Annerose slowly looks about. After about 20 minutes of searching and moving it's T, off to the side, who finally bobs up a bit and waves his arms wildly, gesturing at the others. He's near a large bank of seaweed, waving in
[21:14] <@Kotono> the current.  (2h10min left on water breathing)
[21:15] * Annerose makes sure that Inari and Athear notice T, and only then swims over.
[21:15] <@Athear> Athear will head in that direction!
[21:16] <@Inari> Inari swims off towards the commotion, her long hair and fur a golden halo around her body as she floats to a stop.
[21:17] <@Kotono> T points to within the seaweed. It takes some moving and pushing to get rid of seaweed in your way, but in the middle is a small clearing, a circle of 5ft. Within it sits a small statue of polished pearl, about a foot tall. It's of a mermaid with a cruel smile. At her tail are piles of pearls.
[21:18] * Annerose checks the find for magic, first of all.
[21:18] <@Athear> Athear tilts his head. That note said 'gold,' not 'pearls,' but...
[21:19] <@Inari> Is this some sort of shrine to Umberlee?
[21:19] <@Inari> roll 1d20+11 religion
[21:19] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=18]
[21:19] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11 likewise
[21:19] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=13]
[21:19] <@Athear> roll 1d20+6 I can't really top those rolls but sure
[21:19] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=19]
[21:20] <@Kotono> Annerose can tell there's magic around it. OOC: Spellcraft.
[21:20] <@Athear> roll 1d20+6 aid
[21:20] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=11]
[21:20] <@Kotono> The party can all identify it as a shrine to Umberlee. It's a depiction of the Bitch Queen and her tribute.
[21:20] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11 spellcraft
[21:20] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=7]
[21:21] <@Kotono> OOC: At her fin. Would you fix that in the log, Cor?
[21:21] <@Kotono> There's powerful magic around the statue, but Annerose can't figure it out.
[21:21] * Annerose points to her eyes, then the statue and shakes her head.
[21:23] <@Inari> Inari nods. It's too early to be making that kind of point, not for mere wealth.
[21:23] <@Kotono> Meanwhile, T starts examining around the statue as well.
[21:23] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8
[21:24] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=10]
[21:24] <@Kotono> This gets T to frown adn finally shake his head, a rather fierce scowl showing.
[21:25] <@Athear> Athear looks at the others questioningly before making the same clockwise spiral Annerose made.
[21:25] * Annerose looks towards Inari hopefully.
[21:26] <@Inari> Having seen them both cast detect magic, she can get the gist and so does the same herself.
[21:26] <@Inari> roll 1d20+11 spellcraft
[21:26] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=5]
[21:27] <@Kotono> Inari can't figure out the magic, either.
[21:27] <@Inari> Then she shrugs and smiles apologetically. Nothing left for it, she starts swimming the search pattern again.
[21:27] <@Kotono> T glares at the statue, then pantomimes. His hand reaches out, as if plucking something up, and darts back. Then he points at the statue.
[21:27] * Annerose shrugs, and swims out of the way to allow him to try if he so wishes.
[21:28] <@Kotono> T hesitates a moment, then looks at Athear, then at the statue.
[21:29] <@Athear> Athear looks at T and tilts his head. There's a moment or two where he questions something, but he sighs and then takes a step towards the statue.
[21:31] <@Kotono> OOC: How close ar eyou getting to teh statue?
[21:31] <@Kotono> OOC: The statue, even.
[21:31] <@Athear> OOC: Let's say 10ft for now.
[21:31] <@Kotono> Athear comes closer to the statue. Nothing happens.
[21:33] <@Athear> Athear looks at T one more time and then points at the pearls, then imitates his move from earlier of grabbing something and then moving away.
[21:35] <@Kotono> T sees that look and nods, then points at Athear. He then pantomimes a punch coming hitting his head, his eyes going shut and his body floating limply. Then he puffs up as best he can, standing on his tip-toes on open bottom. Another pantomimed punch, this one barely moving him. He then points at Athear.
[21:36] <@Athear> Athear sighs and resigns himself to whatever is about to happen. He gets within reach of the statue and the pearls. OOC: I think that's 5ft away
[21:36] <@Kotono> Athear comes within reach. The water is warmer here - much warmer, like hot springs water. It's an unexpected change from the sea water around him, but nothing else happens.
[21:37] <@Athear> Athear will try and deftly move in and grab a pearl and then get away before he's uncerimoniously affected by whatever it is that's going to happen!
[21:39] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8
[21:39] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=5]
[21:40] <@Kotono> The water around Athear feels warmer, but nothing else happens. Athear grabs a pearl. Meanwhile, Inari and Annerose cna see magic flare up when the pearl is taken, detect magic still active.
[21:40] <Annerose> OOC: Same magic, or different one?
[21:40] <@Kotono> OOC: Different.
[21:41] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11 spellcraft
[21:41] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=2]
[21:44] <@Kotono> Annerose can't figure it out.
[21:44] * Annerose shrugs in exaggeration at the pair by the statue, and then signals that she's swimming off.
[21:44] <@Athear> Athear will throw the pearl at Tear as best he can before he goes to try and grab a handful this time.
[21:44] <@Kotono> T nods at her, then to Athear. He grins and swims over, patting him on the back and catching the pearl.
[21:44] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8
[21:45] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=13]
[21:45] <@Kotono> OOC: Fort save, Athear.
[21:45] <@Athear> roll 1d20+14 (+2 if evil somehow)
[21:45] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 30 > [d20=16]
[21:45] <@Kotono> OOC: +2 does apply.
[21:46] <@Kotono> Athear gets a big handful of pearls. As he pulls them away - gack! Suddenly there's water in his lungs and he's not breathing it at all. He's suddenly choking, not breathing a thing at all this time.
[21:47] <@Athear> Athear will hand the pearls over to T and hold his breath. Is that it, really?
[21:47] <@Kotono> T takes the pearls as Athear finds something out - holding your breath doesn't do much when your lungs are already full of water. He can't breathe! OOC: Con check.
[21:47] <@Athear> roll 1d20+5
[21:48] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=9]
[21:48] <@Kotono> Athear needs air. He's still functional but choking - drowning! Drowning by the second, lungs burning.
[21:49] <@Athear> He looks at T and gestures as best he can upwards. He'll just have to do what he can to make it up there and trust his ally to get him there if he can't. OOC: He'll try and get himself back to the surface, then.
[21:51] <@Kotono> AS the other two resume the search, T's eyes widen as he follows Athear up. OOC: Make a pair of con checks.
[21:51] <@Athear> roll 1d20+5
[21:51] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=7]
[21:51] <@Athear> roll 1d20+5
[21:51] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=6]
[21:52] <@Athear> OOC: I hate you too, Serith
[21:52] <@Kotono> Athear starts to swim up - but his vision tints gray. He...can't...air...aaaaiirrrr... His vision goes white as the world spins. Meanwhile, the other two can hear a loud burbling, as T...
[21:52] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 (+4 inspiration 3/5 heal used for the day)
[21:52] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=18]
[21:54] <@Inari> Inari looks around to see what all the noise is.
[21:54] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2
[21:54] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=19]
[21:55] <@Kotono> Athear is about 15ft above the sea floor, floating limply. T swims in close, grabbing his face he kissing him? How curious. He then thumps Athear's chest hard with his fist, before trying to swim up with him. He's somehow managing to swim up with him, his entire body visibly straining under the dragonman's weight.
[21:56] <@Inari> What happened? Well she better deal with it! Kicking her legs out, Inari swims back as fast as she can!
[21:57] <@Kotono> Inari soon reaches them, as T continues to drag Athear closer to the surface.
[21:57] <Annerose> Upon catching a glance during her period check on her companions, Annerose makes a beeline towards them!
[21:58] <@Inari> Questions can wait, for now Inari positions herself underneath Athear's massive bulk and grabs on, trying not to be sunk under the weight and indeed attempting to push him in the opposite direction!
[21:58] <@Kotono> OOC: Str check if you're helping you, you two.
[21:58] <@Kotono> OOC: Helping out, dur.
[21:58] <Annerose> roll 1d20+2
[21:58] <@Inari> roll 1d20+3
[21:59] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 8 > [d20=5]
[21:59] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=20]
[21:59] <@Kotono> OOC: Make a con check with a +1 bonus, Athear. G'luck.
[22:00] <@Athear> roll 1d20+5+1
[22:00] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=5]
[22:01] <@Kotono> The party crests the surface - the empty, shipless surface. AS that's noted, Athear reaches out - but he's not breathing. T coughs and spits out water, "Shit!" he swears, "We need to clear the water out of his lungs. Do any of you have training or magic that can do it?"
[22:02] <@Inari> "No, I've never even been at sea before!" Inari says, but she casts a cure moderate wounds on him anyway. Better than doing nothing, right?
[22:02] <@Inari> roll 2d8+5
[22:02] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 13 > [d8=6,2]
[22:02] <Annerose> "I, I only have ice magic, how could this happen?!"
[22:03] <@Kotono> "Help me press his chest," T grunts, "I don't know, the fucking thing must have been cursed!"
[22:04] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+1 heal check hoping for a natural 20 here
[22:04] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=17]
[22:04] <@Inari> She'll have words about that when Athear isn't dying, that's for sure! Swimming around the back, she tries to brace the enormous dragon-man against T's chest presses.
[22:04] <@Kotono> OOC: Aid another for a heal check, Inari.
[22:05] <@Inari> roll 1d20+4 untrained
[22:05] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=6]
[22:05] * Annerose keeps Athear afloat to allow for all this.
[22:05] <Annerose> roll 1d20+2 likewise
[22:05] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=13]
[22:06] <@Kotono> With presses and sheer luck, the right pattern is made. A massive cough follows after Annerose adds in her own thump, a huge gush of water coming out. Athear takes a few shaking breaths. Everything hurts and his head is foggy, but he seems aware. He remembers...something. A dream of mountains? A pleasant dream that's slipping away from Athear. OOC: 3 points of con and int damage, Athear. That
[22:06] <@Kotono> was a damn close run thing.
[22:08] <@Inari> Okay, he seems to be breathing on his own. Good. Inari promptly hits Athear and T on the sides of their heads. "Idiots with eyes bigger than your breath! Were a few pearls worth dying for?!"
[22:10] <@Kotono> "Ow!" T winces, "He grabbed one and was fine."
[22:10] <@Athear> A hack, a cough... why is everyone else here? He blinks once and then again. Mountain...? ...Wait, where's the... "While I..." Ow. "Don't disagree with your a--..." What's the word? Ass... ...whatever. "Opinion, it would seem we are lacking in what brought us here."
[22:11] <Annerose> "Let's get Athear over to the ship and take a proper look below, again?"
[22:11] <@Inari> "Clearly he's not! Such senseless greed is the very thing that's bringing ruin to this land," Inari steams, before finally bobbing around and searching for the ship.
[22:12] <@Kotono> "It was perfectly sensible greed!" T shoots back, "Better than that Bitch Queen getting them!" Meanwhile, Inari looks around - no sign of the ship at all. Like it's just...gone. Not even a trail of water ripples from a large galleon leaving.
[22:13] <Annerose> OOC: Do I sense my familiar?
[22:13] <@Inari> "She already had them, or did you miss the shrine and powerful magics defending it?" Inari asks in agitation that grows worse as she sees no sign of the ship. "Magics which seem to have removed the Winnows Prow."
[22:13] <@Kotono> OOC: How far does that sense extend?
[22:14] <@Kotono> "Well now she doesn't!" Tear glowers, before looking around and sighing, "...ah crap."
[22:14] <Annerose> OOC: 1mile
[22:15] <@Kotono> Annerose doesn't sense Sigfried.
[22:15] <@Athear> "I am more ashamed I couldn't withstand it." Athear states rather plainly. "But, it would seem we have a bigger problem."
[22:15] <@Inari> Diving under the water, Inari swims deep before reversing and rising up to jump high out of the water looking west. Hopefully the coast is still there!
[22:17] <@Kotono> "That idol must be more magical than I thought. I have half a mind to go find a rock adn smash it," T frowns, "But I bet it'll do something like turn us to squids." Meanwhile, Inari takes a leap up. It' faraway, but she does see signs of land. Maybe if you swim far enough...?
[22:18] <Annerose> "Or put them back," Annerose says pointedly. "The ship left beyond the range I can sense Sigfried."
[22:18] <@Inari> Resettling back on the surface after her leap, Inari sweeps her unbound hair out of her eyes and says, "If we don't make for the coast soon we'll all drown soon enough. Unless Annerose's plan works."
[22:19] <@Kotono> "Oh come-" T begins, muttering a cut-off curse under his breath. "Do you really think that'll get the ship back? Fine." Down T dives, heading back down.
[22:20] <Annerose> "Does it really matter?" she calls after him. "Who will you sell them to, the fish?"
[22:20] <@Inari> Inari swims down after him to make sure he doesn't muck things up further.
[22:21] <@Kotono> OOC: Staying on surface, Annerose?
[22:22] <Annerose> OOC: Yes
[22:24] <@Kotono> Inari and T swim back down. As requested, the pearls are placed back where T got them. Above, there is a ripple before the ship appears once more. Annerose can sense Sigfried on the ship.
[22:25] * Annerose starts helping Athear over to the ship.
[22:25] <@Inari> Inari nods approvingly and then swims back up.
[22:26] <@Athear> Athear tilts his head with a frown. "I wonder where it was." He shakes his head and nods his thanks to Annerose as he moves towards the ship.
[22:27] <Annerose> Once that's done with, Annerose regroups with Inari and T and says, "Diversion aside, let's keep going while we have the magic for it?"
[22:27] <@Kotono> OOC: Hold that thought a second.
[22:29] <@Kotono> The party returns to the ship, going up the rope. As they reach the deck, they find all the sailors and captain lie there, out cold. Standing by the wheel is a rotting husk of a man. Blackened teeth are shown as he grins, Umberlee's unholy symbol hanging from his neck. Water constantly drips from his lank, greasy black hair. His voice is a drowning wheeze. "Look here, look here. People just
[22:29] <@Kotono> drowning in greed!" He rubs peeling hands together, bones visible where flesh has worn away. "Such precious treasures before me."
[22:30] <Annerose> "A terrible pun, but under the circumstance...." Annerose sighs. "Let them go and you, in turn, may go your own way as well."
[22:30] <@Athear> "I suppose that answers my question." Athear says to himself.
[22:30] <@Kotono> "Hey you, this is your fault?" T asks, dagger in hand, "This is your curse?"
[22:31] <@Inari> "It was misguided," Inari agrees. "But what was stolen has been returned, none the worse for wear."
[22:32] <@Kotono> "Not yet, young maiden," The rotting man cackles, spitting up thick green globs of mucus. It wiggles on the ground, constantly in motion. "An offering is required to quell the offense of Umberlee, or you will never reach land safely."
[22:34] <@Inari> roll 1d20+11 religion, what offerings are good?
[22:34] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=13]
[22:35] <@Kotono> Umberlee loves gold, jewels and treasure. If you're really nasty, souls work too. It's more the act of offering than the offering, within reason.
[22:36] <@Athear> "This is nonsense. I'll have no part in offering anything to one who thrives on stolen goods themselves." Athear states.
[22:37] <Annerose> "This is the height of hypocrisy."
[22:38] <@Inari> Inari catches herself about to edge away from Athear after that, but she barely stops herself! "Now now, I'm sure we can come to an arrangement," she says placatingly. "If you'll wait a moment I'll provide compensation for the offence." That Athear will hopefully refund her for. But she wants him alive more than she wants him eating humble pie!
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:02] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay. Athear, you mentioned in PM that you wanted to make an K:R check at session start. Go ahead and declare what it's for and roll.
[20:04] <@Athear> OOC: Okay
[20:05] <@Athear> roll 1d20+6 anything on a possible loophole religion-wise for this sort of scenario?
[20:05] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=10]
[20:05] <@Athear> roll 1d20+6 Also any potential deities that would frown on this and if we could appeal to them rather than giving anything to The Bitch Queen
[20:05] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=16]
[20:07] <@Kotono> Athear recalls Umberlee doesn't really 'do' loopholes. She's unkind like that. Really, any good deity doesn't think much of Umberlee. Selune doesn't like her, nor does any good aligned deity that deals with nature.
[20:07] <@Inari> While Athear furrows his brow in thought, Inari hurries off to get her baggage downstairs!
[20:08] <@Kotono> The ragged man grins broadly, "Ah, one of you has some sense!" he declares, rubbing his hands together again. "Yes, yes, hurry! Umberlee will not wait forever!"
[20:08] <Annerose> "No harm will come to anyone on this ship, or the ship itself?" Annerose confirms.
[20:08] <@Kotono> T glares at the man silently, but that's all he does for now.
[20:08] <@Kotono> "If you placate Umberlee, her storms will not trouble this ship," The ragged man agrees.
[20:09] <Annerose> "And everyone wakes up with no ill effects."
[20:09] <@Kotono> "They'll wake up safely," Agreement with that comes as well, a black toothed smile.
[20:10] <Annerose> "Unfortunate but fair."
[20:11] <@Athear> "It was my doing." Athear says. "Why even involve these people who had nothing to do with it? Why are you even here? Do you keep them like this?" He gestures to the crew.
[20:13] <@Kotono> "Such questions! Such questions that the answers are mine and mine alone to know." Looking up and meeting Athear's look with a knowing smile, "Yes, yes, the power is mine. I am favored by Umberlee!" He declares this with a wet, choking cackle, "Yes! Her power bades my commands!"
[20:14] <Annerose> "We are together, and however tenuous, we all share responsibility to a degree for your actions or for not acting to stop you," Annerose voices. "More in my case than on behalf of the sailors, but such is life. I think that's how it goes."
[20:14] <@Inari> Inari returns now carrying a cloth bunched up around a large pile of gold and platinum which she approaches the rotten favoured of Umberlee with. "I've got about a thousand or so gold in here, surely that's enough to make up for my friend's poorly thought out theft, yes?" she asks.
[20:15] <Annerose> "That sounds reasonable," Annerose agrees.
[20:15] <@Athear> "You cannot possibly be serious." Athear looks almost aghast at Inari. "We were just given a favor by Eldath and now you would very readily throw it away to appease this evil creature?"
[20:15] <@Kotono> Annerose's comments are lost as the Umberlant's eyes light up. He stares at the pile, "Yes, yes, yes," He crows, "Bring it to me! Give it to me!"
[20:16] <Annerose> "Free the people, please?"
[20:16] <@Inari> "Here you go," she hands it over, trying not to touch the thing. "Maybe you should have thought of that before grabbing the pearls, Athear?"
[20:17] <@Athear> "Ill-gotten goods for an evil purpose can be made into a good purpose. You're doing the exact opposite." Athear spits. "Fine, do as you will, appease the evil god of the sea."
[20:17] <@Athear> "I will have nothing more to do with this. I would rather just run this creature through and rid the plane of another problem."
[20:18] * Annerose tunes the confrontation out and observes Umberlee's servant expectantly. Should he renege on his deal, the only recourse would be a swift and violent attack.
[20:19] <@Kotono> The sack is taken. At this, the crew stirs, beginning to awaken. "Yes, yes..." A long cackle as the sack jangles. He goes to the far side of the deck and leaps into the sea, a splash as he sinks into the waves.
[20:21] <Annerose> Annerose sighs in relief, before turning on Athear and T. "You," she says, "I understand you are a dragon of some sort and cannot help it. And given how we met," she then tells T, "I can understand the desire as well. Frankly, there is no harm in trying when it's an evil deity and you can get away with it. But getting up in arms about it when you're caught and placing the people you endangered in further harm by belligerence born of hypocrisy has to be... I've never seen anything like it!"
[20:22] <@Inari> "Yes... what was it you so piously told us before, Athear? 'Theft is an act I will never allow'?" Inari says, walking back towards the group after paying the piper, her ears flattened and her tails swaying slowly back and forth despite her serene smile. "While I certainly hoped you'd be a bit more flexible, I never dreamed you'd take to it so quickly!"
[20:22] <Annerose> "This is becoming a pattern! And while I'm flexible enough to see justification for it with the enemies we come across, to then use it as a shield is beyond the pale!"
[20:24] <@Athear> "I will not argue with the both of you about this. Taking something from an evil creature's mouth to do good with it is a completely different scenario than the one you are both trying to paint upon my back." Athear says. "We had a chance to rid the world of another evil creature and you both just caved to it! How can you call yourselves followers of any kind of good being when you would so
[20:24] <@Athear> easily throw yourselves at the mercy of Umberlee!?"
[20:24] <@Kotono> T returns that look with a glare, "I thought we would get away with it! The first pearl was fine, then BAM!" Gesturing about, "I'll be sure to ask the next trap I come across if taking a sample's okay, but taking more isn't!"
[20:24] <Annerose> "What good?! The good of belonging to your hoard?!"
[20:24] <@Kotono> Meanwhile the crew rises, slowly recovering and looking about in dull confusion.
[20:25] <@Athear> "You wish to talk about hypocrisy?! Aiding an evil creature is the definition of doing so!" Athear shouts. He takes a deep breath. "If you believe that something I was to take was to be only used for my own benefit then I am sorry you know so little."
[20:26] <@Athear> "This was your idea to come out here in the first place, need I remind you?" Athear adds. "Why are we even here if not to try and salvage something to help others?"
[20:27] <Annerose> "And we still can, now that Umberlee is not personally trying to make the people who brought us here and will take us back pay."
[20:28] <@Inari> "If you were so set on running it through why didn't you? You had ample opportunity," Inari says. "I have nothing against a bit of thievery now and then, but if you're going to hurt yourself and those around you by it then you should keep your hands to yourself."
[20:29] <@Athear> "Until you find something else that she has laid claim to." Athear says. "Fine. I will take responsibility for my actions." He turns to Inari. "While I cannot fathom your reasons for giving an offering to an evil creature like Umberlee, your own wealth should not be taken due to my folly. I will return to you whatever you gave."
[20:29] <@Kotono> "Speaking of," T cuts in, "If there's more treasure to be found, I say we try and find it." His face is still red and his expression is tight, "I think all of this can be fixed if we do a good job on finding some booty."
[20:30] <Annerose> "I was about to suggest the same," Annerose agrees, jumping overboard.
[20:30] <@Inari> "A thousand gold will do, I gave around that much," Inari answers, her ears and tail resuming their usual appearances, if still water-logged. "Now, time's wasting on our ability to breathe water so I'll follow Annerose," she says, going to dive after her.
[20:31] <@Kotono> "Yeah. Money fixes all problems," T quips, heading on over. He pauses a moment, "Hey big guy."
[20:31] <@Athear> "What?" Athear turns. "You will have to go without me."
[20:32] <@Kotono> "I know." He glances back at him, "I'm....I'll make sure you get your share of anything we find down there." He says after a pause. "Glad you made it." He then leaps in, following.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[20:33] <@Kotono> Thus the party returns back down to the sea floor...OOC: Go ahead and describe what you're doing now.
[20:33] <Annerose> OOC: Same spiral pattern fanning out, just 3 people
[20:33] <@Kotono> OOC: Perception, yo uthree.
[20:33] <Annerose> roll 1d20+2
[20:33] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=11]
[20:34] <@Inari> roll 1d20+12
[20:34] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 27 > [d20=15]
[20:34] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 Perception T
[20:34] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=2]
[20:36] <@Kotono> Another hour passes. You have perhaps an hour or so of waterbreathing left. The party fans out and further out, until at last Inari finds something. It's cunningly hidden by a thin layer of silt and dead seaweed, but it doesn't stop Inari. A small stone slab has been set into the sea floor, covered with runes. Inari can't read them offhand.
[20:38] <@Inari> Inari sends her foxfire lights out in other directions around the search area, periodically forming them into lines pointing her way from different angles so she can let T and Annerose know to come see her. In the meantime she tries to clear out more of the silt around the slab.
[20:38] * Annerose swims over once she notices the signal during her periodic check on her companions to make sure they're alright.
[20:41] <@Kotono> T follows likewise. The slab's maybe 5ft by 2ft or so. Plenty of space for runes, ones none of you immediately identify.
[20:41] * Annerose casts Detect Magic!
[20:41] <@Kotono> The slab indeed radiates magic. OOC: Spellcraft.
[20:41] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11
[20:41] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 27 > [d20=16]
[20:42] <@Kotono> Hm. It's a magical seal of some sort. It would take knowledge of the language written here (or good skills at winging it, ala UMD) and the right ritual to unseal it. Interestingly, it's similar to the magic the half-dragon employed. It siphons energy from somewhere to power itself.
[20:43] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11 K:A where/what would be the logical place to siphon from
[20:43] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=8]
[20:44] <@Kotono> The runes are setup for nearby, so something close. By the magical patterns, it has to be something below.
[20:44] <Annerose> roll 1d20+3 alphabet?
[20:44] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=9]
[20:44] * Annerose gestures towards the surface, and then swims up.
[20:45] <@Kotono> Annerose knows just enough to identify it as draconic.
[20:45] <@Inari> Inari follows after. It's annoying not being able to talk under the water.
[20:47] <@Kotono> T follows, the party soon emerging on the surface. T takes a gulp of air and then asks, "Well? I was about to search it for traps before you beat me to it."
[20:47] <Annerose> "I wanted to share what I saw as soon as I could," Annerose elaborates. "First of all, the tablet is in Draconic and the magic is the same as the half-dragon we fought before. That suggests it's either what we're after, or part of the entire thing. Now, as for the anchor for the spell, the magic suggests it's below the tablet. Perhaps, if we transcribe the runes and you show them to Athear, T, we might come up with a ritual to unseal the entire thing. Or you could try to do it blindly, I suppose, if you're feeling brave? I will be there to support you."
[20:49] <@Kotono> "Yeah, one problem. How do we write underwater to transcribet hem," T scowls, keeping afloat with slow, steady kicks of his legs. "Got any ideas, 'nari? Ink won't work."
[20:49] <Annerose> "Dive below, study a symbol, come up and write it here. The slow but only way."
[20:49] <@Inari> "If we found some slate and a sharp rock it could be done," Inari says. She knows slate's common near shores even inland around lakes, so perhaps some will be found on the seabed too?
[20:50] * Annerose shrugs. "We don't need to win a calligraphy contest, in any case. Actually... perhaps I could shape ice into the form?"
[20:51] * Annerose nods to herself. "Let me try that, first. It should be quick if it worked, but I just never did it before...." She waits for an objection before diving, however.
[20:51] <@Kotono> T shrugs. "Probably easier than finding slate." He glances at Inari, "Are you going to scold me and send me to bed without dinner if I try to activate the magic there?"
[20:53] * Annerose dives, and first surrounds herself with summoned snowflakes. Snowdrift sends them to float in beautiful shapes about her and the tablet, before focusing them into as perfect a replica of the table as she can make them, the snow packed heavier and forming indentations where the words and symbols go. And then, once it's done, she touches it to infuse the snow with her cold.
[20:53] <@Inari> "No, but if you see me shake my head and swim away it might be good to leave it alone," she says. She's less disappointed in T anyway since he makes no bones about being a thief.
[20:55] <@Kotono> "Oh yeah, figured that one out." T slightly smiles, diving down to join Annerose. OOC: What spells are you using here?
[20:56] <Annerose> OOC: Snowdrift and either my freezing touch, ray of frost or frost breath for the cold component
[20:57] <@Kotono> OOC: Tof reeze it? Mmmm. Go ahead and make an int check with a +4 bonus here. It's doable, but there's' still margins for error and chances that betwen the method or a mistake that you'll mess something important up.
[20:57] <@Kotono> OOC: It's not a bad plan.
[20:57] <Annerose> roll 1d20+3+4
[20:57] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=3]
[20:58] <@Kotono> Thus the symbols are transcribed. They're a bit wobbly - it's not the best medium for precise writing - but Annerose gets a copy of things.
[20:58] * Annerose returns to the surface with it, beaming at T and Inari. "It worked!"
[20:59] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11 craft:snow sculptures
[20:59] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=8]
[20:59] <@Inari> "Better hurry before it melts then," Inari says, smiling at the quick solution. She starts to climb up the rigging first so the block can be passed upwards.
[21:00] * Annerose passes it to Inari, and then turns to T. "Sorry," she tells him. "I wasn't actually angry at you except by assosiation, and it was wrong of me to say what I did."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[20:34] <@Kotono> Captain Burke approaches as the rest of the party goes back below the sea. "What the hell happened?" he asks, rubbing his bald head. "Last I remember, there was a flash of green light."
[20:35] <Athear> "I made a misca... mis..." He huffs. His brain isn't working quite right ever since that trip... "Mistake." He says. "It resolved itself, in one way or another, though not to my liking."
[20:37] <@Kotono> "Hell of a mistake," As the captain says that, he looks up, "Everyone back to posts!" he shouts. "NOW!" That gets the sailors moving, and once done, "With me, Athear," he says.
[20:38] <Athear> Athear will follow dutifully, with a sour expression.
[20:39] <@Kotono> Captain Burke leads you to his cabin. It's a small but comfortable space - everything you'd expect. A bunk, a small table, cabinet, seafaring equipment and so forth. Going to that cabinet, he takes out a bottle and two shot glasses. "Whiskey?" he offers.
[20:41] <Athear> He holds a hand up politely in decline. "As much as one would probably set my nerves at ease, I will pass for now. Thank you."
[20:43] <@Kotono> A nod as the captain merely pours himself a shot, which he sips. He sits down on a chair, "I want details of what in Talos' name happened." he says, shortly.
[20:45] <Athear> "There was a statue with pearls in it." Athear explains. "I took a pearl and nothing seemed to happen. I took a few more and then almost drowned." He answers. "I'm not sure at what point the ship was affected -- after one or after more. There was a cursed ... ...pirate, I suppose on the ship after we returned that demanded tribute. My companion paid it and it left."
[20:47] <@Kotono> A shiver at all that, the shot downed. "The Bitch Queen's tribute! You're lucky you're safe...we're lucky we're back. Listen to me, Athear. I've known three people who have dared steal from the Bitch Queen. The luckiest died over the course of a day, slowly drowning in befouled seawater.  The man should ever speak of those fates. Never, never displease her. She takes her price
[20:47] <@Kotono> in blood and tears."
[20:49] <Athear> "I am aware." Athear says with a sour tone. "My pride is harmed more than anything, though I also owe my life to my comrades. Nonetheless, I fear that Umberlee may have already laid claim to anything else down there, what prevents this from happening again? The very act of salvaging seems to be a problem."
[20:50] <@Kotono> The captain shivers again, "We can't do anything." He says in a tired voice, "Anyone who opposes Umberlee or her clerics suffers. It's why my biggest expense is at every port, where I offer bribes to Umberlee's church for safe sea passage."
[20:53] <Athear> "Nonsense." Athear says. "Why not simply offer something to Selune instead? Umberlee cannot be allowed to control all aspects of the sea."
[20:54] <@Kotono> "Same problem, different name. So I start throwing money at the moon and my coffers are still empty for the same reason." The captain pours himself a second shot then puts the bottle away.
[20:55] <Athear> "The difference is that you're not strengthening something called 'The Bitch Queen.' Surely Selune is more willing to give aid without asking for such a blood price."
[20:59] <@Kotono> "Hell." The captain knocks back his second shot, "Maybe. I'll look into it." he finally says, getting up.
[21:01] <Athear> roll 1d20+6 any dragons or friends of Bahamut that might have some control over water or the seas he could mention?
[21:01] * Serith ( has joined #evildunes
[21:01] <Athear> roll 1d20+6 K:R any dragons or friends of Bahamut that might have some control over water or the seas he could mention?
[21:01] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=12]
[21:03] <@Kotono> Athear can't recall offhand. His head's fuzzy and aches when he tries to think deeply.
[21:03] <@Kotono> OOC: Good to move back to #dunes, since the party's coming up with those draconic runes?
[21:03] <Athear> OOC: Yah
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[21:05] <@Kotono> "Yeah. Shit happens," T shrugs a little bit, "Water under the bridge." He climbs up, the party returning. By now the crew's settled down and Athear is found on deck. OOC: Go ahead, y'all.
[21:08] <Annerose> "There is a tablet in Draconic below," Annerose says, "replicated here in content to the best of my ability. It uses the same magic as the half-dragon we came across to draw power from something below, but we cannot read it."
[21:08] <@Athear> Athear will look and try to read it, then!
[21:10] <@Kotono> The runes are magical focuses mixed with some appeals to Tiamat for power. Based on this and his own draconic knowledge, Athear can tell it's a protective seal for a hoard. 'course, the problem is that only a dragonblooded creature, half dragon or full dragon can use it safely. Anyone else, even if they manage to open the seal, will be cursed.
[21:11] <@Athear> "I have good news and bad news." He announces. "It's a seal for a hoard. However, you all can't open it... if you do, you'll be cursed." OOC: Would I understand how to open it?
[21:11] <@Kotono> OOC: You think so, though you'd need skill in UMD or the proper spellcasting.
[21:12] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+7 Tear K:A on something
[21:12] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=12]
[21:12] <@Kotono> "Hey Athear," T speaks up, "Aren't green dragons waterbreathers? We fought that green abishai and that half dragon had green scales."
[21:13] <@Athear> Athear scratches his chin. "I'm not sure I could open it for you, I'm not much of a spell-user." He turns to T and nods. "Yes, that's true."
[21:16] <@Athear> OOC: Do I have any idea about what exactly the curse would do, or just that there is one?
[21:16] <@Kotono> With a slowly growing grin, "I wonder if we're on top of a dragon's hoard. A real dragon's hoard. It's sort of remote place they'd like, wouldn't it?"
[21:16] <@Kotono> OOC: Hard to tell from context. Make a spellcraft check, -5 penalty.
[21:17] <@Athear> roll 1d20+1
[21:17] <Serith> Athear roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=14]
[21:17] <@Kotono> Athear can't quite tell, but it's likely an unpleasant one.
[21:17] <@Inari> "I wonder if the curse can be avoided or negated otherwise... perhaps if you worked in tandem with someone else to cover for the spell-casting that you need?" Inari wonders.
[21:18] <@Athear> "I don't know how I would commu... ..tell you that." Athear says with a frown.
[21:18] <@Athear> "Underwater, I mean."
[21:19] <@Inari> "Oh well. No other ideas, anyone?"
[21:19] <Annerose> "I don't suppose you can pretend to be a dragon?" Annerose asks T expectantly.
[21:20] <@Kotono> "It's...possible," T finally says, "But hard. I...curse...treasure..." he mutters, "I could probably do it," he finally says, nodding.
[21:21] <Annerose> "Can you tell if someone is draconic?" Annerose then asks Athear.
[21:21] * Annerose glances at Inari. "Actually, you could trail them by smell...."
[21:21] <@Athear> OOC: Can I? I'm not sure.
[21:22] <@Inari> "Well, I can tell if they smell like Athear at least," Inari says. "Or like those other two... they smelled a bit like him as well. But I'm not a shark, I can't smell very well underwater."
[21:23] <@Athear> "Hm. Your idea of working in tandem might work." Athear says. "If I were to go down and perhaps guide someone through somehow... but perhaps if I was the one to unlock the final...part?" He shrugs. "I am not sure how specific it is. I wonder if it would not just be easier to try and find someone to do it for us."
[21:24] <@Kotono> OOC: Usually it's obvious, Athear.
[21:24] <@Athear> OOC: Well yeah!
[21:28] <Annerose> "So T tries to fool the tablet, and Athear dives along to add to the trick?" Annerose voices. "Then, whatever happens, Athear goes back up and we support T?"
[21:30] <@Inari> "Sounds worth a try," Inari says. Athear's breath-holding abilities are well demonstrated so it shouldn't be too hard for him to handle.
[21:32] <@Athear> "How far is it? I'm still a bit... woozy." Athear asks.
[21:32] <Annerose> "Still a hundred and forty feet to the bottom, we'll swim laterally to the spot before diving, of course."
[21:33] <@Athear> Athear nods. "All right."
[21:45] <@Kotono> "I'm in," T says, "Treasure ahead!"
[21:46] <@Kotono> OOC: Going on down then, y'all?
[21:46] <Annerose> OOC: Yes
[21:48] <@Inari> Once they're in the right spot on the surface, Inari casts animalistic power on Athear before diving down!
[21:49] <@Athear> Athear will take the biggest breath of air he can before going down.
[21:49] <@Kotono> With that enhancement, the party swims on down. Athear is able to hold his breath as they descend, soon reaching the slab. OOC: Okay, ball's in the party's court, y'all.
[21:50] <@Athear> Athear will walk over to the slab to ensure he had read it properly the first time he saw it and that there isn't anything new about it that he might've missed.
[21:51] <@Kotono> It looks to be more or less in order, Athear thinks.
[21:51] <@Athear> Athear nods and then looks at T and beckons him over.
[21:52] * Annerose studies the magic, ready to react if it seems to be going badly.
[21:54] <@Kotono> T braces in, preparing to do what needs to be done.
[21:54] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 UMD emulate race (+2 circumstance due to Athear, +4 inspiration 4/5 UMD used for the day)
[21:54] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=7]
[21:55] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9 to actually open it
[21:55] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=16]
[21:55] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 (+3 inspiration 3/5 left) Will vs DC ???
[21:55] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 8 > [d20=3]
[21:55] <@Kotono> roll 1d100 ???
[21:55] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 18 > [d100=18]
[21:58] <@Kotono> The slab shudders and glows, spinning around. A vortex appears around it, a portal leading downwards. At the same time T's throat glows black for several moments before fading.
[21:58] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11 spellcraft
[21:58] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=17]
[21:58] <@Inari> That looks like a curse to her! Inari casts resurgence on T and hopes it works better than it did with Anne and Ricard!
[21:59] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 (+3 inspiration 2/5 left) Will vs DC ???
[21:59] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=4]
[21:59] <@Kotono> OOC: On what, Annerose?
[22:00] <Annerose> OOC: The surge cursing T, which is presumably magical. I was monitoring for it.
[22:00] <@Inari> And another!
[22:01] <@Kotono> It is indeed a curse - a curse of gibberish, preventing communication at all.
[22:01] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 (+3 inspiration 1/5 left) Will vs DC ???
[22:01] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=20]
[22:01] <@Kotono> This time Inaric an feel the curse slowly break up and away.
[22:02] <@Athear> OOC: How much longer do I have on holding my breath?
[22:02] * Annerose nods at Inari, thumbs up.
[22:02] <@Kotono> OOC: You've be down here 15 rounds now, for reference.
[22:03] <@Inari> Inari smiles herself and pats T on the back. But as eager as she may be to explore the hoard, Athear's breath can't be lasting that much longer so she points up where all can see and starts swimming that way.
[22:03] <@Athear> Athear will swim up!
[22:04] <@Kotono> T looks longingly at the portal, before sighing and swimming back up as well.
[22:04] * Annerose brings up the rear as they seek to regroup on the surface.
[22:06] <@Kotono> Thsu the party comes up. Athear gulps down sweet air, as the rest of the party reaches the sun-dabbled waves once more.
[22:06] <@Athear> Once they get to the surface Athear will let go and take in a few shorter breaths. "The entire hoard may not be underwater. If it is not, could one of you return to let me know? Otherwise I can prepare the ship for the salvage."
[22:07] <Annerose> "It should be easy enough to check," Annerose responds. "Shall we, then?"
[22:07] <@Athear> "I'll wait here for a few minutes, if none of you come back I'll go back to the ship." Athear says.
[22:08] <@Inari> "Hopefully we'll be back soon," Inari says before plunging back under the water.
[22:10] * Annerose dives back!
[22:10] <@Kotono> Thus the threesome dive back down. They return, finding the portal as they left it. It awaits, almost beckoning.
[22:11] <Annerose> It's her time to risk it, and Annerose swims ahead while using Light and scanning ahead for magic.
[22:12] <@Inari> Inari swims through right after Annerose, cancelling her foxfire so it can be relit on the other side.
[22:15] <@Kotono> T brings up the rear, going down into the portal. Thus the party is swept downwards, as...OOC: We'll paus ehere. It's a few early, but we ran over last time plus it's really a good cliffhnager.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[19:59] <@Kotono> OOC: Do either of you two have darkvision?
[19:59] <Annerose> OOC: I have light and low-light vision
[20:01] <@Inari> OOC: just low-light
[20:01] <@Kotono> The vortex drags the trio down, racing them ahead wildly. Bubbles and swirling waters are your companions as you plunge beneath the sea floor, into darkness. You land somewhere hard and wet, but with air instead of water. After a moment Annerose's light illuminates where you are. You stand in a wide cavern, sretching out in all directions. Not that you can see far by mere magelight. The floors
[20:01] <@Kotono> are damp with puddles all over. The roof is 50ft up, only visible with your low-light vision. Droplets of water fall from the roof, a slow and constant rain from above. No sign of the vortext that took you here - or a way back.
[20:02] <Annerose> "I guess it was safe to come along after all," Annerose says with a frown, looking around with her magical sight.
[20:03] <@Kotono> There's faint magic all over. OOC: Spellcraft if you wish.
20:03] <@Inari> Inari looks up for any signs of the portal that dropped them here, raking her foxfire across the ceiling but coming up blank. "We're not getting out the way we came, though." She swings the foxfire down and out, circling around her at a hundred and fifty feet to see if she can see an end to the cavern anywhere.
[20:04] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11 always!
[20:04] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=9]
[20:04] <@Kotono> T dusts himself off and looks around, "Looks like a oversized sea cave." Meanwhile, Annerose can tell that it's a faint aura hiding more magic - but she can't crack it. Like an ever-present distraction to prevent deeper analysis, a screen.
[20:05] <Annerose> "There's magic all over to guard or hide something," she voices. "Maybe the way out is, too, hidden here?"
[20:06] <@Inari> Inari casts her own detect magic to see if she gets a better read on things.
[20:06] <@Inari> roll 1d20+11
[20:06] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=13]
[20:06] <@Kotono> Inari finds the same thing as Annerose - she can't crack it.
[20:06] <Annerose> "I suggest picking a direction and exploring?"
[20:07] <@Kotono> "Great," T grumbles, "The dragon's smart enough to sotp magical reading. Here I was hoping it was a rare specimen of dragon dumbass."
[20:09] <@Inari> "Lets go this way?" Inari suggests, turning 180 from the direction she faced on arrival and starting off.
[20:09] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[20:10] <@Kotono> The party wanders for about five minutes. No sign of anything - just more cavern. It continues to stretch on in all directions.
[20:11] * Annerose freezes some of the ambient water into an arrow pointing in their direction, and then continues doing so every minute they walk in it.
[20:12] <@Kotono> "Awful big place," T murmurs, "Didn't realize sea caves formed beneath the sea floor like this. You'd think they'd flood."
[20:13] <Annerose> "It's magic, obviously," Annerose responds. "But whether it's magic that plays with our mind or creates a large protected space or transported us...."
[20:15] <@Inari> "There's ways to make mazes out of illusions. I never considered that an open space could be just as efective," Inari says, continuing to have her foxfire circle them at its maximum range.
[20:17] <@Kotono> As T grumbles, the party continues on. After another 5 minutes, the party sights a familiar sight - an ice arrow, frozen solid, just like Annerose left it. It's pointing ahead, as if you're coming up from behind it somehow, instead of having moved on past it.
[20:18] <Annerose> "That's one theory confirmed," Annerose says with satisfaction. "T, can you see any trap doors in the ground or ceiling?"
[20:19] <@Kotono> "Give me a minute," T says, going to search for just that.
[20:19] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8
[20:19] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=17]
[20:19] <@Inari> "Good idea," Inari says, looking for hidden exits herself.
[20:19] <@Inari> roll 1d20+12
[20:19] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=13]
[20:20] <@Kotono> T and Inari home in on something - it's behind you just a little bit. A tiny point of distortion, like heat haze. It hovers three feet off the ground and does not move. "Found something," T calls, "Probably magic of some kind."
[20:21] <Annerose> With such specific directions, Annerose turns her magical senses upon the distortion!
[20:21] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11 spellcraft
[20:21] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 30 > [d20=19]
[20:21] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11 K:A
[20:21] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=17]
[20:21] <@Inari> Inari prods it with her spear.
[20:21] <@Kotono> All Annerose detects is the same faint aura that cloaks everything. She can't make anything out or get any more information. Without anything more, she can't really put out much of a hypothesis. Her best guess is a maical blurring like blur or a possible hole in an illusion.
[20:22] <Annerose> Thwarted, she reaches for the distortion.
[20:25] <@Kotono> Inari prods the distortion with her spear. All around you the world fades and shifts. You stand in a small, perfectly carved square room. All of you are within a 10ft circle, drawn with runic patterns. Ahead - check that. You don't really have time to see. North, south, east, west. At each point of the circle is a large skeleton, perhaps 8 or 9ft tall. Each carries an oversized falchion - ones
[20:25] <@Kotono> you can see as they approach the party, raising them up. OOC: Init here.

[20:25] <Annerose> roll 1d20+5+5 nerveskitter
[20:25] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=9]
[20:25] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 T
[20:25] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=16]
[20:26] <@Inari> roll 1d20+4
[20:26] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=14]
[20:26] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 skeleton 1
[20:26] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 skeleton 2
[20:26] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=18]
[20:26] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=18]
[20:26] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 skeleton 3
[20:26] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 5 > [d20=1]
[20:26] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 skeleton 4
[20:26] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 8 > [d20=4]
[20:27] * Kotono changes topic to 'T=S1=S2(22)>Annerose(19)>Inari(18)>S4(8)>S3(Miko)'
[20:28] <@Kotono> T braces, "Can you turn-" he begins, before the first skeleton comes at him, while the second closes in on Annerose.
[20:29] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 (-4 fighting defensively) T swings at S1
[20:29] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=2]
[20:30] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 vs T's AC of 22 (+2 fighting defensively, +3 inspiration 4/5 left)
[20:30] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=7]
[20:30] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 vs Annerose flatfooted AC?
[20:30] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=12]
[20:31] <Annerose> OOC: 17 without armor and shield
[20:31] <@Kotono> roll 2d6+4 ow
[20:31] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 13 > [d6=3,6]
[20:31] <Annerose> OOC: Not cold iron?
[20:31] <@Kotono> OOC: It's not.
[20:31] <@Kotono> OOC: So DR applies.
[20:32] <@Kotono> T makes a feint at one, giving up his own attack to dive to the side as the skeleton's falchion slices through where he was seconds ago. Meanwhile Annerose is caught off guard, shoulder getting a nasty slice. Her own innate toughness stops some of it, but it's still a nasty, bleeding wound. OOC: Annerose.
[20:34] <Annerose> "I, I can't believe it!" Annerose exclaims, backing away and clutching at the bleeding wound on her shoulder. But the panic is short, and at a gesture positive energy seeks to strike back at the skeleton that attacked her!
[20:34] <Annerose> roll 1d20+8 ranged touch disrupt undead
[20:34] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=12]
[20:34] <Annerose> roll 1d6
[20:34] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 3 > [d6=3]
[20:35] <@Kotono> OOC: Needs concentration, since you're surrounded and threatened by skeletons.
[20:35] <Annerose> roll 1d20+5+6
[20:35] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=7]
[20:35] <Annerose> OOC: I think DC is 15+0?
[20:36] <@Kotono> OOC: Yes.
[20:37] <@Kotono> Annerose fires off the spell, the skeleton before her shuddering. Bones crack but it isn't stopped., as...OOC: Inari.
[20:38] <@Inari> Understanding what T was about to say and seeing the necessity for herself, Inari plants her spear on the ground and raises her other hand. "Turn away from here!" she calls out, a rush of live-giving energy suffusing her allies and eroding at what keeps the skeletons animate!
[20:38] <@Inari> roll 2d6 DC 19 will half
[20:38] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 6 > [d6=1,5]
[20:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 will
[20:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 will
[20:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 will
[20:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 will
[20:40] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 5 > [d20=1]
[20:40] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=16]
[20:40] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=10]
[20:40] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=19]
[20:41] <@Kotono> Annerose's wounds mend, as the skeletons all crack and shudder. The energy makes them pause as one, before the third and fourth stomp forward - right at Inari!
[20:41] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 AC Inari?
[20:41] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 AC Inari?
[20:41] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=13]
[20:41] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=6]
[20:41] <@Inari> OOC: 22
[20:43] <@Kotono> But Inari's guard is up, parrying away the heavy blades safely. Clangs of metal on wood echo about as T calls, "That's it, 'nari! Just like that!" He slips to the side, trying to chip away at the skeleton on him.
[20:43] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8
[20:43] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=20]
[20:43] <@Kotono> OOC: -4 fighting defensively, dur.
[20:43] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 crit check
[20:43] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 5 > [d20=1]
[20:43] <@Kotono> roll 1d4+2 T misses SA (3/5 inspiration, +3 damage)
[20:43] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 6 > [d4=4]
[20:45] <@Kotono> Somehow T manages to leap up and stab the skeleton in the skull. He pokes a hole in it, not that it stops it. T stares and groans, as a sword comes down at him, while another repeats on Annerose.
[20:45] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 T vs AC 18 (+2 fd, +3 inspiration 2/5 left)
[20:45] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=14]
[20:45] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 Annerose AC?
[20:45] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=5]
[20:45] <@Kotono> roll 2d6+4 T ow
[20:45] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 9 > [d6=1,4]
[20:45] <Annerose> OOC: 21
[20:46] <@Kotono> T cries out as his side gets sliced into, "Turn them MORE!" he calls, as meanwhile...OOC: Annerose.
[20:47] * Annerose resolutely continues her fight with the skeleton attacking her exclusively. Once it's been taken care of, she'll be able to help T!
[20:47] <Annerose> roll 1d20+5+6 concentration
[20:47] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=4]
[20:47] <Annerose> roll 1d20+8 ranged touch
[20:47] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=8]
[20:47] <Annerose> roll 1d6 positive energy
[20:47] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 6 > [d6=6]
[20:47] <@Kotono> The skeleton cracks visibly and all over, rib-bones falling into dust from that spell. It's still not down, but you can see its internal structure is giving up the ghost fast. OOC: Inari.
[20:48] <@Inari> People are so hard to please! After batting away the last two attacks aimed at her, Inari plants her spear back down and keeps the nice energy flowing!
[20:48] <@Inari> roll 2d6 DC 19 will half
[20:48] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 7 > [d6=4,3]
[20:48] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[20:48] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[20:48] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[20:48] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=19]
[20:48] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[20:48] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=13]
[20:48] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=2]
[20:48] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=11]
[20:49] * Kotono changes topic to 'T(22)>Annerose(19)>Inari(18)>S4(8)>S3(Miko)'
[20:50] <@Kotono> The first two skeltons crumble to dust, whilst the two on Inari are visibly cracking and crumbling. But they aren't done, as they try and end the fox who dares harm them.
[20:50] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6
[20:50] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6
[20:50] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=8]
[20:50] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=13]
[20:51] <@Kotono> Yet Inari's guard is still up to it, leaping back and into th emess of the broken skeletons. She's safe once more, stopping the onslaught. OOC: T.
[20:51] <Annerose> "Thanks, Inari!" Annerose calls out in gratitude. "T, we'll follow their lead and concentrate on one of them to defeat it in detail!"
[20:51] <@Kotono> T nods and steps in, going for the third skeleton with a quick knife jab.
[20:51] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 (-4 fd)
[20:51] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=12]
[20:52] <@Kotono> roll 1d4+2 (1/5 inspiration left, +3 damage)
[20:52] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 4 > [d4=2]
[20:52] <@Kotono> T manages to jab the skeleton, but it does little good. "Yeah, you'd be feeling that if yo ustill had a liver," he growls. OOC: Annerose.
[20:52] <Annerose> Hard as it is to aim for such a crowded battlefield, Annerose consoles herself with the thought that at least she's not surrounded by armed skeletons from every direction any longer.
[20:52] <Annerose> roll 1d20+8-4 ranged touch
[20:52] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=20]
[20:52] <Annerose> roll 1d6 die
[20:52] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 2 > [d6=2]
[20:54] <@Kotono> Antoher hit, this one making the third skeleton critically crack. It's almost down! OOC: Inari.
[20:56] <@Inari> Reserving her positive energy channeling for later now, Inari hefts her spear and spins around while skipping backwards a pace, building momentum for her to stab the skeleton in the pelvis with a solid jab!
[20:56] <@Inari> roll 1d20+6 -2pa
[20:56] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=12]
[20:57] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[20:57] <@Inari> roll 1d8+9
[20:57] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 10 > [d8=1]
[20:57] * Kotono changes topic to 'T(22)>Annerose(19)>Inari(18)>S4(8)'
[20:57] <@Kotono> With a sharp slash and jab, the skeleton collapses! One left, one that sticks to Inari with a gritty, angry determination.
[20:57] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6
[20:57] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=14]
[20:57] <@Kotono> But inari's form is just good enough to stop it, going a hair above her fox ears. Whew! T steps in then, giving it a cautious jab of his own.
[20:57] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 (-4 FD)
[20:57] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=12]
[20:58] <@Kotono> roll 1d4+2 (0/5 inspiration, +3 damage)
[20:58] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 3 > [d4=1]
[20:58] <@Kotono> But the stab doesn't do a whole lot ,struggling to scrape bone. OOC: Annerose.
[20:58] <Annerose> This time she fires at her target silently, trying to concentrate on bringing this immediate threat down before it gets lucky.
[20:58] <Annerose> roll 1d20+8-4 ranged touch
[20:58] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=13]
[20:58] <Annerose> roll 1d6 positiveness
[20:58] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 6 > [d6=6]
[21:00] <@Kotono> That final hit is enough. The skeleton crumbles to dust, falchion hitting the ground. Got them! You see you're in a simple, carved out room. There's a door to the north and to the south.  The doors are made of shiny black stone - obsidian or the like, perhaps. They drink in the magical light the party provides, reflecting none back. OOC: Free act and loot post.

[21:00] <Annerose> Her first step is to look around for magic!
[21:01] <@Kotono> T grabs a falchion, raising it halfway before dropping it. He grunts and puts it down, "Too heavy for my tastes." Meanwhile there is magic, the same faint magic as before.
[21:01] <@Inari> "Good work, everyone!" Inari says once their foes are dispatched. "Either of you hurt?" she then asks with mild concern, given there's no obvious screaming or fountains of blood.
[21:01] <Annerose> "A bad gash when they caught me off guard, but you already helped with that," Annerose responds, still quite grateful. "I must have forgotten what it was like to fight without armor."
[21:01] <@Kotono> T pats his side, "It's scabbed over and there's not much left. Handy stuff," he remarks, "Now if all the popular faiths weren't full of jerks."
[21:03] <@Inari> "Maybe one day they won't be," Inari says hopefully, going to try opening the door to the North.
[21:04] <@Kotono> The door opens. Ahead is a small arcane circle and a dead end. It comes to life as the door opens, shedding faint light and spinning on the floor.
[21:05] <Annerose> Here, too, Annerose looks at the magic! At least there is a visual cue as well!
[21:05] <@Kotono> Annerose detects the same faint magic as before.
[21:06] * Annerose stubbornly studies the arcane circle!
[21:06] <@Inari> Inari is at last enticed enough to look at magic, walking in and studying the markings of the circle to try and determine its use as well.
[21:06] <@Inari> roll 1d20+11 spellcraft
[21:06] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 30 > [d20=19]
[21:07] <@Kotono> Inari detects the same faint magic as before. She just can't see past it.
[21:07] <@Inari> roll 1d20+11 spellcraft on the circle this time
[21:07] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=4]
[21:07] <@Kotono> OOC: K:A, Annerose. You may be able to figure out something.
[21:08] <Annerose> roll 1d20+11 K:A
[21:08] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 30 > [d20=19]
[21:08] <@Kotono> Inari detects the circle - but that damanble faint aura cloaks it as well.
[21:08] <@Kotono> Based on the runes, it is a teleportation circle. Step into it and end up who knows where in the world.
[21:08] <@Inari> OOC: I must be unclear. I mean I'm looking at the runes and shit with my eyes so I can figure out what they're for.
[21:09] <@Kotono> OOC: Doesn't matter. The faint aura's cloaking it, it's a magical effect that's stopping typical DM+spellcraft shenanigans.
[21:09] <@Kotono> OOC: It's why Cor keeps trying and not getting anywhere on it.
[21:09] <Annerose> OOC: I so got somewhere this time!
[21:10] <@Kotono> OOC: K:A then, Inari.
[21:10] <@Inari> OOC: don't have
[21:10] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay then, see Annerose since she succeeded. It's her line, I think.
[21:12] <Annerose> "Aha! So this is a teleportation circle!" Annerose announces excitedly. "Wow, that's such an advanced magic! And possibly made permanent, too! Why, this has extreme significance, I just know it!"
[21:13] <@Inari> "Well we got teleported from the sea into here earlier, so I don't know that it's that exciting," Inari says, less visibly enthused than Annerose at this revelation.
[21:13] <Annerose> "It is," Annerose assures her. "Though logic suggests we look at the other door first?"
[21:13] <@Kotono> "It's powerful magic, but not the kind you can take back and sell," This draws a long shrug from T, "So it's mostly for academic curiosity. Unless you're planning on using it."
[21:14] * Annerose looks to see if there's a consensus before she opens the other door.
[21:15] <@Inari> "It might be one way again," Inari agrees, going South.
[21:16] <@Kotono> The party goes south. Interestingly, the door is locked.
[21:16] * Annerose gives T a disappointed shrug. "Sorry. Want to try?"
[21:17] <@Kotono> "Yeah, sure," T gives it a long lookover...
[21:17] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8
[21:17] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=1]
[21:17] <@Kotono> "No mechanism on this side," he finally says, "I can't prove it, but it might be magic?" He scowls at it, giving it a little kick that doesn't budge it at all.
[21:18] <@Inari> Inari braces her shoulder against it and heaves. "This is the sort of thing Athear would be good for," she mutters.
[21:19] <@Inari> roll 1d20+3 godlike strength
[21:19] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 7 > [d20=4]
[21:19] * Annerose picks up one of the discarded scimitars and tries to strike at the door, while aiming far away from Inari!
[21:19] <@Kotono> It doesn't budge at all. Meanwhile Annerose hits the door - it doesn't even chip. Whatever the stone is, it's damned hard.
[21:19] * Annerose tests T's theory with a ray of positive energy followed by a frosty one!
[21:20] <@Kotono> Neither has any visible effect on the door.
[21:20] * Annerose shrugs, and casts Ancient Knowledge before heading for the teleportation circle. She pauses just short of it, before asking, "Maybe there's something hidden here as well?"
[21:21] <@Inari> "Yes, we don't spend enough time looking around," Inari says, doing that. "You get so wrapped up in the novelty you end up rushing instead of taking your time."
[21:21] <@Inari> roll 1d20+12 perception
[21:21] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 32 > [d20=20]
[21:22] <@Kotono> OCO: Where are you searching, Inari?
[21:22] <@Inari> OOC: area between the two doors
[21:23] <@Kotono> Inari searches around. The circle you appeared on is pretty but you don't find anything in it or around it. No sign of anything interesting, unfortunately.
[21:24] <@Inari> Maybe that's why she wanted to rush ahead? But she made a fuss about it so she'll keep hunting, moving into the teleport room now to see if it hides any fun secrets.
[21:24] <@Inari> roll 1d20+12 perception
[21:24] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=4]
[21:28] <@Kotono> Nothing interesting in - oh wait a moment. Tucked behind a small stalagmite is a scrap of parchment. In familiar handwriting as the bottle note, it reads, "Seacave: Yes, salt. Lava Platform: No. Mountainside: No. Jungle: Yes, leaf. Abattoir: Yes, blood. Plain: No. Deep forest: No. Twilight: No."
[21:30] <@Inari> "Here," Inari holds out the sheet for Annerose and T to see. "Do you think salt, blood, and a leaf are keys so the teleport platform picks those particular destinations?"
[21:32] <@Kotono> "Yeah, that's agood guess," T reads it over, rubbing his chin. "Huh. 'nari, you think that seaside cave is the same one where the half-dragon was?"
[21:32] <Annerose> "Good thing it doesn't lead to the lava platform," Annerose mutters, shuddering.
[21:32] <@Inari> "No, it's seacave, not seaside cave. I think that's where we were before arriving here."
[21:33] <@Kotono> "Hm. Then what do the pirates have to do with this, or was it really a coincidence?" T hmms and then mutters something under his breath. "Damn. I have stupid puzzles like that. Anyone got any salt handy?"
[21:33] <Annerose> "Let's check out the abbatoir?" Annerose muses. "Blood's around from fighting the skeletons and all."
[21:35] <@Inari> "We could maybe get salt from sea-water," Inari says, considering she still has a lot of it in her hair and fur.
[21:45] <@Kotono> "One or the other," T says, "You ask me, going somewhere that needs blood doesn't seem like a good idea."
[21:46] <Annerose> "I get that, but I also think it will tell us a lot about just what this thing is used for. It's clearly more than some lair or hoard."
[21:48] <@Inari> "Well, the abbatoir could be near the kitchen, if this place is all self-sufficient?" Inari says. Either that or it's full of the corpses of people who tried to sneak in, but no one needs that sort of wild speculation!
[21:48] <Annerose> "It seems worth the risk to me, but trying to head out using salt is valid. I'm not about to force anyone to risk their lives here."
[21:49] * Annerose tilts her head. "Of course, we might as well test it first. There is no simple yes, so I would assume it means stepping into the circle won't do a thing?"
[21:51] <@Inari> "I'll try, then?" Inari says, stepping boldly forth!
[21:52] <@Kotono> Inari steps into the circle. The sea water in her fur and clothes glows, dozens of salt particles glowing around her. The circle spins rapidly before Inari vanishes away! OOC: #terror, Inari.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake