
"It occured to me while drunk, so it must have been genius."

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039. The Temple of Bahamut

Started by Corwin, August 16, 2015, 05:15:55 PM

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[20:19] <@Kotono> Sess 2 is cloudy, cooler and humid. The roads are a mess as the party heads out, all wet from yesterday's downpour. Nonetheless the party leaves soon after dawn, putting Lemmen behind them. As they head northernly, "So there's that monastery coming up in a few days time, isn't it?" T asks, bringing his donkey on up to the wagon.
[20:22] <@Inari> "I think it's somewhere on the way, yes," Inari says.
[20:24] <@Erad> Erad nods as he takes out the map from what seems like so long ago. "That's right. If it isn't too much trouble, do you all mind if we stop on the way? If it's anything like what we found in Lemmen, we might be able to utilize a few things."
[20:25] <@Erad> "That reminds me," Erad continues, "If we ever find someone who follows the Whirling Fury, we should tell them about that location. They might've forgotten about it."
[20:28] <@Inari> "It only makes sense, since it's being kept aside so well for them," Inari agrees.
[20:29] <@Erad> Erad nods and looks to the map to see how far off the beaten path they may have to go.
[20:31] <@Kotono> Helena nods along as she sits back in the wagon, close to Annerose and her icy armor. meanwhile, Erad checks the map. It's three days from Lemmena nd then a day to the west to reach the secluded forest it lies in.
[20:33] <@Erad> Then in that case, onward!
[20:34] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:34] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 54 > [d100=54]
[20:34] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:34] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 35 > [d100=35]
[20:36] <@Kotono> Sess 2 passes in a muddy, humid blur. An unremarkable day of road travel. Sess 3 is drizzy, misty and humid. Another forgettable day on ther oad. Sess 4 is only cloudy and without rain, unseasonably cool and still humid. It's near the end of this day that the party reaches the point they need to go off-road and continue into the wilderness. Helena looks a little bit ahead, "The ground's wet, so
[20:36] <@Kotono> it'll be hard going. But the plains look fairly clear of debris and rocks. The wagon should be alright, if we don't mind pulling it out of the mud a time or two."
[20:37] <Annerose> "It shouldn't be a problem."
[20:37] <@Inari> "It's worth the convenience on the road to exert ourselves a little when we go off," Inari says, not minding much.
[20:38] <@Kotono> T fans his face with a woven straw fan. "No helping it, anyway." He adds.
[20:38] <@Erad> Erad nods. "I'm used to that sort of thing, so it's no problem."
[20:38] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:38] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 52 > [d100=52]
[20:39] <@Kotono> Sess 5 is rainy again. Just rainy and even cooler, almost fall-like weather. Wet and muddy, the party proceeds onwards in the gloom. OOC: Perception checks, all.
[20:39] <@Inari> roll 1d20+13
[20:39] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 27 > [d20=14]
[20:39] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 T
[20:39] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=18]
[20:39] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 Helena
[20:39] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=6]
[20:39] <@Erad> roll 1d20+13
[20:39] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=4]
[20:41] <Annerose> roll 1d20+2
[20:41] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 5 > [d20=3]
[20:42] <@Kotono> Inari can notice something unusual. By about noon, the normal spread of animals has diminished. Less birds, fewer animal tracks, so on and so forth.
[20:43] <@Inari> "Hmm... there might be something in the air here, or we're near the territory of a great predator," Inari says, casting detect magic to see if it's some sort of supernatural effect that deters animals from the area.
[20:44] <@Kotono> There's no unexpected magic around.
[20:44] <@Erad> "There's no knowing what might've made it's lair around here, or where we're going." Erad says with a nod to Inari. "Best to be on the lookout for anything else, then. Or perhaps if you smell something in the air that seems amiss?"
[20:45] <@Inari> "Not seeing any magic, so... great predator or something else that scares animals from the area. The plant-life seems to be doing fine, at least."
[20:47] <@Kotono> "Well, abandoned places are great for nasty beasts to lair in," T observes as he peers up at the rain, "I noticed the lack of animals too. Hope it's not something too nasty."
[20:47] <@Erad> "Well, if it's that bad, we'll simply have to deal with it."
[20:47] <@Kotono> "Violently?" Helena pipes up, "That's how those things usually go."
[20:48] <@Kotono> "Probably so, kiddo," T grins, "Say 'nari, do you know any old stories about big, mean monsters who gave up without a fight?"
[20:49] <@Inari> "Quite a few," Inari responds. "Though it's less about giving up and more finding a way for them to get what they want without losing much yourself. A talented singer or musician is often useful, too."
[20:50] <@Kotono> T makes a show of looking around, settling on Annerose, "Well then."
[20:50] <Annerose> "I do have some modest talent!"
[20:51] <@Inari> "Well perhaps a good song will suffice in place of a meal," Inari says happily, glad it all seems to be working out.
[20:52] <@Kotono> OOC: Ready to move along then?
[20:52] <@Erad> OOC: yar
[20:52] <@Kotono> roll 1d100+24
[20:53] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 79 > [d100=55]
[20:53] <@Kotono> Another hour brings you to the edge of the forest. It's a fairly sparse forest, just enough of a canopy to reduce the rainfall to waterfalls that come down the leaves and branches at the gaps. Besides the falling of the rain, it's quiet indeed.
[20:54] <Annerose> "This is where we leave the wagon?" Annerose muses, peering ahead.
[20:55] <@Erad> "I have to wonder why they even built a monastery in such a place..." Erad says as he looks around for any signs of a path or something. "It just strikes me as a very... hm... questionable choice."
[20:55] <@Inari> "We should at least take the horses with us if not the wagon. Or we might find them gobbled up when we return."
[20:56] <@Kotono> Helena slowly hops out and stretches, "Yeah, I wonder why it's so secluded? Why do monks and those types build secluded hideaways, anyway?"
[20:57] <Annerose> "Isn't it to have as few visitors as possible? They don't like to be disturbed, that's all."
[20:57] <@Inari> "So as not to be distracted? So they can meditate and contemplate in peace, and enjoy the natural world around them?" Inari asks, finding it entirely obvious. "My old temple was such a retreat once, for those who visited and stayed."
[20:58] <@Kotono> T just shrugs as he leads his donkey into the woods. "You also have more freedom to do what you like when you aren't in a city or village. Out here, the only law that matters is your own."
[20:58] <@Erad> "Mm, maybe... but that isn't usually something that Bahamut's dogma adheres to." Erad says. "I suppose we'll find the answers further in either way. As for the wagon... I'd say we should try and bring it as far as we can until we find a reason to stop -- we don't want anyone coming along to steal from it while we're gone."
[21:00] <@Kotono> "It'll be easier to hide if we get it a bit into the forest, anyway," T calls back, "So c'mon."
[21:01] <@Inari> "Just a moment then," Inari says since they're being all thief-conscious, pushing some of a fox's natural stealth onto the wagon and the horses so they won't leave any tracks for the next little ways into the woods.
[21:01] <@Inari> OOC: pass without trace
[21:02] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay. Whomever is leading the wagon make a survival check.
[21:02] <@Inari> OOC: Helena can do it
[21:03] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+12
[21:03] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=16]
[21:03] <@Kotono> You make it a good hour and a half into the forest before you come to a dead end - just a thickening of trees that stops the wagon. It's perfectly possiblet o go on foot, though. "And that's as far as the wagon's going," Helena announces, wiping wet bangs out of her eyes.
[21:04] <@Inari> "I very much doubt anyone's going to find it and steal from it now," Inari says, going to unhitch one of the horses.
[21:04] <@Erad> Erad nods. "They'd have to come a very long way."
[21:06] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[21:06] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 99 > [d100=99]
[21:06] <@Kotono> roll 1d100 uh oh
[21:06] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 26 > [d100=26]
[21:06] * Annerose helps Sigfried get down to the ground safely. Since they're taking the horse along for now, she sees no reason to leave him alone with the wagon.
[21:07] <@Kotono> It's perhaps another half hour, the forest thicker now. It's then that...OOC: Okay, perception all. +2 to Inari'sr oll for reasons.
[21:07] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 T
[21:07] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=13]
[21:07] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 Helena
[21:07] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 27 > [d20=17]
[21:07] <Annerose> roll 1d20+2
[21:07] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=16]
[21:07] <@Inari> roll 1d20+15
[21:07] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=9]
[21:07] <@Erad> roll 1d20+13
[21:07] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=9]
[21:08] <@Kotono> "Hey, did you feel that?" Helena stops, looking around and down at the ground.
[21:09] <@Inari> Inari stops and stands still to see if she can feel what Helena feels.
[21:09] <@Erad> Erad tilts his head but stops as well.
[21:09] <@Kotono> T stops and frowns, "Feel what?"
[21:09] <@Kotono> "The ground. It shook a little bit." As Helena says that, the entire party can feel it - the ground shakes again, like a small earthquake.
[21:10] <Annerose> It's not really one of her specialties, so Annerose is happy she's with people who give her a head's up for things like this. "If you heard it before it's coming here. Where from?"
[21:11] <@Inari> "Something with very big feet," Inari whispers, her ears flattening and her tails fanning around her worriedly.
[21:11] <@Kotono> "Uh, below?" Helena points at the ground. "It shook!"
[21:11] <@Kotono> T draws his dagger, looking around all over. "Nailed it in one. Some big predator?"
[21:11] <@Kotono> OOC: What are you doing, Erad?
[21:11] * Annerose moves away from where they're standing!
[21:11] <@Erad> "Unless it's something that's actually underground..." Erad says. He looks around to see if there's any other sign of anything coming towards them.
[21:12] <@Kotono> roll 1d4
[21:12] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 3 > [d4=3]
[21:12] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 T's flatfooted
[21:12] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 35 > [d20=20]
[21:12] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 T's flatfooted ow
[21:12] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=1]
[21:12] <@Kotono> roll 2d8+8 ow
[21:12] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 21 > [d8=8,5]
[21:14] <@Kotono> Suddenly the ground beneath T explodes out. There's another small tremor as T is tossed a good ten feet into the air, straight up and then down. Erupting out of the hole is a sleek, scaled head with a very big mouth. It grabs T from midair and bites him, before tossing him against a nearby tree. T hits painfully hard and lands in a heap, stomach and back bleeding from being used as a chewtoy.
[21:14] <@Kotono> OOC: Init in a moment. But before that, any of you can make K:A for identifying.

[21:15] <@Inari> roll 1d20+4
[21:15] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 T
[21:15] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=16]
[21:15] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=20]
[21:15] <Annerose> roll 1d20+12+5 K:A
[21:15] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=11]
[21:15] <@Erad> OOC: No K:A here just for the record
[21:15] <@Inari> OOC: oh whoops, I rolled init and not arcana, 'cause I lack that
[21:17] <@Kotono> OOC: I'll disregard your roll, just paste it when I call for init.
[21:18] <@Kotono> Ack! Annerose knows what this is - the dreaded bulette, a landshark! They're fearsome, burrowing hunters that can rip and bite you apart, and also claw. Watch out - it's next move will be to leap out and tear anyone close apart with four claws. Getting off the ground helps if at all possible, since it tracks primarily by tremorsense. OOC: Init here.
[21:18] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 T
[21:18] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=17]
[21:18] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 Helena
[21:18] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=15]
[21:19] <@Erad> roll 1d20+2
[21:19] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=16]
[21:19] <Annerose> "Get to higher ground!" Annerose calls out, quite likely needlessly.
[21:19] <Annerose> roll 1d20+5
[21:19] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=15]
[21:19] * Kotono changes topic to 'T(23)>Annerose(20)>Helena(19)>Erad(18)'
[21:19] <@Inari> [19:15] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=16]
[21:19] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2 LANDSHARK
[21:19] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=10]
[21:19] * Kotono changes topic to 'T(23)>Annerose=Inari(20)>Helena(19)>Erad(18)>Bulette(12)'
[21:20] <@Kotono> "Don't have to ask me twice," T groans, trying to scramble up the nearest tree.
[21:20] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 climb T 5/6 inspiration, climb used for the day
[21:20] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=3]
[21:21] <Annerose> "Tremors!" Annerose follows it up with. "That's mostly how it sees. Got a bunch of claws, too!"
[21:22] <@Kotono> T tries to climb up a wet, slippery tree but just can't do ti at all. He falls back in a heap, a muttered, "FUCK!" OOC: Annerose'n'Inari.
[21:22] <@Inari> Inari runs to place herself between the landshark and the unfortunately prone T, bracing her spear in case it tries pouncing on her.
[21:22] <@Inari> OOC: spear braced readied action
[21:22] * Annerose rushes towards the shark to keep it busy!
[21:23] <@Kotono> OOC: It has reach on you and isn't flatfooted, since it got a surprise round. You'll get AoOed okay with that?
[21:23] <@Inari> OOC: sorry, I assumed T had gotten away and there was room for charging to happen, I'll reline.
[21:24] <@Kotono> OOC: Sure.
[21:24] <@Kotono> OOC: I was aiming that at Annerose anyway sinc eshe went in at it.
[21:24] <@Kotono> OOC: There's room for charging, he got knocked flying.
[21:24] <Annerose> roll 1d20+7+3 freezing touch I'll have to take the AoO
[21:24] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=15]
[21:24] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 chomp AoO resolves first
[21:24] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=1]
[21:24] <@Kotono> OOC: The hit.
[21:25] <Annerose> roll 2d6+3+3 fort if evil
[21:25] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 13 > [d6=4,3]
[21:25] <@Kotono> OOC: Not evil, so golden ice won't apply here.
[21:25] <@Inari> Inari casts shield of faith on herself before moving around so she can hopefully flank the beast with Annerose later.
[21:26] <@Kotono> The touch causes the bulette's chin to freeze solid, making it utter a deep, echoing grumble from deep within it. Meanwhile, Helena takes the opening offered, whipping her shield out and charging right in at it, as it's out of position to contest her charge. "Yaaaaah!" she cries, a momentary pulse as her body throbs larger. OOC: Popping adrenaline rush for +2 str/dex.
[21:26] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+13 (+1 ar, +2 charge)
[21:27] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=16]
[21:27] <@Kotono> roll 1d6+5+2d6 and save vs daze, toob ig to trip
[21:27] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 12 > [d6=1,5,1]
[21:28] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+11 vs 16
[21:28] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=12]
[21:28] <@Kotono> Wham! Helena leaps up and hits the side of its throat, her spiked shield drawing blood. It makes the beast rock back a bit, but it isn't down or stunned yet. OOC: Erad.
[21:29] <@Kotono> OOC: Excuse me, +1 more damage on that due to AD.
[21:29] <@Erad> Well, if everyone else is going to distract it... Erad takes to the air with his wings as his claws start to drip with acid. He flies in to take a strike at creature! OOC: Do you need to do an AoO or can it not sense me since I'm flying?
[21:30] <@Kotono> OOC: It's out of AoOs this round.
[21:30] <@Kotono> OOC: So it's moot.
[21:30] <@Erad> OOC: Okay.
[21:31] <@Erad> roll 1d20+9
[21:31] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=6]
[21:31] <@Kotono> OOC: No joy.
[21:32] <@Kotono> Erad flies in, striking at it - but he finds its hide is tough as iron, claws sliding off its nose. At this, the landshark suddenly leaps up. It becomes a flurry, four clawed arms lashing out at the four heroes nearby as it manages to leap up a good twenty feet, broken branches raining down  with it, followed by rain falling in the new gaps.
[21:32] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 vs all of you save T
[21:32] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 35 > [d20=20]
[21:32] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 uh oh
[21:32] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=3]
[21:32] <@Kotono> OOC: ACs?
[21:32] <Annerose> OOC: 29
[21:32] <@Inari> OOC: I never actually got into melee, I was circling around for a flank
[21:33] <@Inari> OOC: but 28 anyway
[21:33] <@Kotono> OOC: You're off the hook then.
[21:33] <@Erad> OOC: 19 AC
[21:33] <@Kotono> OOC: Helena is currently 16. Ow. Helena's critted and the other two are just hit. Moment.
[21:34] <@Kotono> roll 4d6+8 Annerose'n'Erad
[21:34] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 30 > [d6=5,5,6,6]
[21:34] <@Kotono> OOC: Wow, crazy rolling.
[21:34] <@Kotono> roll 8d6+16 hope it's tamer for poor Helena
[21:34] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 40 > [d6=2,2,4,2,3,3,5,3]
[21:36] <@Kotono> Gah! Blood everywhere. Annerose has her armor sliced into, chest torn open. Erad's legs are savaged,b lood raining down. Helena gets impaled right through the stomach with a claw, gasping as she's banged hard on the ground and kicked off. "Aaah....aaah..." Helena gasps, staggering and gushing blood from her stomach. OOC: T's up.
[21:38] <@Kotono> "Why the FUCK aren't you running or getting off the ground?! Didn't you just say that?!" T says, as the beast lands. It's on all fours now, a massive thing that dwarfs the party. Wood and rain comes tumbling down, as T runs closer. "Idiots!" He nonetheless fishes in, withdrawing a holy symbol for Tempus. "Heal!"
[21:38] <@Kotono> roll 3d6 healing to all and the bulette, since he's more concerned about his friends not bleeding out in the next six seconds.
[21:38] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 9 > [d6=4,3,2]
[21:38] <Annerose> "Protecting you, that's what!" Annerose snaps back.
[21:39] <@Kotono> Healing light covers the party, mending wounds - and even helping the wounded bulette's shield spike impalement. OOC: Annerose'n'Inari.
[21:39] * Annerose retaliates against the shark with full strength!
[21:39] <@Kotono> OOC: Also, 4/6 inspiration after that.
[21:39] <Annerose> roll 1d20+7+3 touch
[21:39] <Annerose> roll 1d20+7+3 touch
[21:39] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=10]
[21:39] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=3]
[21:39] <@Kotono> OOC: Two hits. It's not a dexy beast.
[21:39] <Annerose> roll 2d6+3+3
[21:39] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 12 > [d6=1,5]
[21:39] <Annerose> roll 2d6+3+3
[21:39] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 11 > [d6=4,1]
[21:39] <@Inari> Hitting the thing is less important than keeping Helena alive at this point after the thing nearly ripped her open, so Inari dives into the fray without heed for any attacks she might suffer, pushing healing energy into Helena! "Well start running then!"
[21:40] <@Inari> OOC: AC 28 vs AoO
[21:40] <@Kotono> More patches of cold, covering its face all over. As this happens, it whirls on Inari, trying to swallow her like a foxy snack.
[21:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 vs 28
[21:40] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 31 > [d20=16]
[21:40] <@Kotono> roll 2d8+8 this thing rolls like bitter ol' Rei-chan is the dicebot
[21:40] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 22 > [d8=6,8]
[21:40] <@Inari> roll 3d8+6 healz for Helena even if I need them as much now
[21:40] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 16 > [d8=4,4,2]
[21:42] <@Kotono> Inari's world is pain as she rushes in. Her back is bitten, blood running down her back. Somehow she completes the spell and Helena's wounds heal further, bleeding stopped now. She stands where she is, slamming forward with her shield. "Gotta stop it!" she gasps.
[21:43] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+11 (using ad for the last time today, +1 from it, making a single attack is a shield slam to try and daze the damn thing)
[21:43] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=12]
[21:43] <@Kotono> roll 1d6+6
[21:43] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 9 > [d6=3]
[21:43] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+11 vs 16
[21:43] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=11]
[21:43] <@Kotono> Helena slams into its side, drawing more blood. It's knocked back slightly from the impact - face frozen and body bleeding - but the massive beast isn't ready to keel over yet. OOC: Erad.
[21:45] <@Erad> "I've had enough of this thing..." Erad mutters as he tries to aim for the creature's back, trying to cripple it that way! His claws drip acid once again as he goes in to try and decimate it! OOC: Am I still in range to flurry it?
[21:46] <@Kotono> OOC: Sure, it's big and right below you.
[21:46] <@Erad> OOC: Okay.
[21:46] <@Erad> roll 1d20+8
[21:46] <@Erad> roll 1d20+3
[21:46] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=11]
[21:46] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=3]
[21:46] <@Erad> roll 1d20+3
[21:46] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=19]
[21:46] <@Kotono> OOC: One hit.
[21:47] <@Erad> roll 2d8+2+2d6 last is acid damage if it matters
[21:47] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 22 > [d8=8,7][d6=3,2]
[21:48] <@Kotono> Erad swoops down, claws into a fist as he strikes down at the beast's back. There's a loud CRACK as scales give, acid dripping into the cracks made there. The bulette shudders all over, the ground shaking from that. It rears up, first surging up to try and bite Erad, on its hind legs.
[21:48] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 chomp AC??
[21:48] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=3]
[21:49] <@Erad> OOC: 19 thankfully
[21:49] <@Kotono> But Erad is too fast, swooping to the side as the beast's chomp only gets air. Its claws are also active, one going for Inari and one going for Helena. Like this it can't use the other two, standing on them..
[21:49] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10  Inari
[21:49] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=14]
[21:49] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 Helena
[21:49] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=9]
[21:49] <@Kotono> roll 2d6+4 Helena
[21:49] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 13 > [d6=4,5]
[21:51] <@Kotono> OOC: AC, Inari?
[21:51] <@Inari> OOC: 28
[21:52] <@Kotono> Helena's side is slashed, making her stumble back - but her healed wounds hold. Inari parries the claw away, a fast and deft avoidance. Meanwhile, T stays where he is - and pulls out another holy symbol - this one is a little sketch of Inari glued to wood, as he gestures it. "Heal, you damned fools!" OOC: 3/6 inspiration, he wants no part of that.
[21:52] <@Kotono> roll 3d6 healing to all of you + bulette
[21:52] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 9 > [d6=3,3,3]
[21:53] <@Kotono> Healing energies wash over the party, staunching wounds and erasing pain. It's not a lot, but it's enough to help. OOC: Annerose'n'Inari.
[21:53] * Annerose grabs for the land shark's jaws with her icy cold hands to try and freeze the whole thing solid!
[21:53] <Annerose> roll 1d20+7+3+2
[21:53] <Annerose> roll 1d20+7+3+2
[21:53] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=17]
[21:53] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 27 > [d20=15]
[21:54] <Annerose> roll 2d6+3+3
[21:54] <Annerose> roll 2d6+3+3
[21:54] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 13 > [d6=2,5]
[21:54] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 14 > [d6=6,2]
[21:54] <@Inari> Feeling uplifted by the sign of worship, Inari imbues her spear with divine energies as she winds up and stabs deeply into its flank via the less armoured plates on its underside!
[21:54] <@Inari> roll 1d20+9 divine might
[21:54] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=6]
[21:54] <@Kotono> The beast's jaws are grabbed, ice flowing into them. There's a shatter as several of its teeth freeze and crumble, as Inari tries to hack at its bottom. Stunningly, it's just as armored down ther e- her blows just glance off. Helena wobbles but stays where she is, "Just...stay....down!" she gasps, slamming again.
[21:55] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 shield slam
[21:55] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=7]
[21:55] <@Kotono> But her own blow just bounces off now, as...OOC: Erad.
[21:57] <@Erad> Erad continues his assault on the creature's back, his claws still dripping with acid! OOC: 3/6 uses left for the record
[21:57] <@Erad> roll 1d20+8
[21:57] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=2]
[21:57] <@Erad> roll 1d20+3
[21:58] <@Erad> roll 1d20+3
[21:58] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=14]
[21:58] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=7]
[21:58] <@Erad> OOC: Serith :(
[21:59] <@Kotono> Erad plummels the beast from above, but can't find a place. At this point, wounded and battered, the beast dives back down the tunnel it came, vanishing into the darkness of the earth. OOC: Withdraw action to not provoke AoOs. Free act for the moment, we'll go into init if any of you follow it or have a way of continuing to prosecute the battle.
[22:00] <@Inari> "Alright, now everyone try and climb a tree or something," Inari says, casting mass lesser vigor on the whole party, which requires two castings.
[22:00] <@Kotono> T just stands there, this time waving Gwynharwyf's holy symbol, "I said heal!" he calls. OOC: 2/6 inspiration, 3rd daily use of it. Noting it here since none of you are in #thecauldron.
[22:00] <@Kotono> roll 3d6
[22:00] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 5 > [d6=3,1,1]
[22:00] <@Inari> OOC: +25 hp over 25 rounds

[22:01] * Annerose remains behind as bait, and because she's not about to climb a tree in her armor.
[22:02] <@Erad> Erad hovers over the hole for the time being.
[22:03] <@Kotono> Uncontested, it's not that hard to climb the trees. Wounds heal as the party returns up, save Annerose. By the time lesser vigor has expired, there's still no sign of the bulette or ground-shakings.
[22:03] <@Inari> With everyones wounds assuredly tended to given time, Inari climbs up a tree just enough to sit on a low-branch, not trusting herself to go higher. "It'll probably want to lick its wounds for a few days before trying that again," she comments. Unless it has magical healing of its own, a terrifying prospect.
[22:04] <@Kotono> "That's my thought," T grimaces, rubbing his now mended stomach. "And now I have to prepare mending as a spell tomorrow. Stupid landshark. You ask me, 'nari, we got off relatively lucky. That thing fought like...a...giant shark, actually, with claws."
[22:04] <@Inari> "Here," Inari waves her hand, casting make whole to fix T's clothes. "Since I caught that prayer you offered, it's the least I can do," she grins.
[22:04] <@Kotono> "The claws were the worst part," Helena rubs her own stomach, now fully mended. She looks down at the hole over her belly button and grimaces, "At - eh?"
[22:05] <@Kotono> "Thanks," T grins back, "Y'know, I made that as a joke, but any port in a storm. Still nothing?" he calls out, "EraD? Annerose?"
[22:05] <@Erad> "Are we going to leave it, then?" Erad calls out the others. "I mean, it might come back, but... I don't know that chasing it down is a good idea, either."
[22:06] <Annerose> "I'm not digging into dirt for a shark."
[22:06] <@Kotono> "What can we go? Go into the tunnels and pray they don't collapse on our heads?" T calls back, "If it is lairing in that monastery, we'll find it there anyway. If not, it's a remote forest."
[22:07] <@Inari> "I don't think any of us are that good at digging, and we can't track its progress from up here. There's little we can do," Inari says before returning her attention to T. "If you want to be more authentic my symbol's more of a spiral with nine points, for the tails. I can draw one for you later."
[22:07] <@Kotono> "Yeah, Annerose." Helena hops down at this, coming over to her, "I just want to get to that monastery already, out of the rain and hopefully out of danger."
[22:07] <@Erad> Erad nods. "Then let's just keep going. I'll keep an eye out from up here."
[22:08] <@Inari> Hopping down herself, Inari is all set to continue.
[22:08] <@Kotono> roll 1d100+15
[22:08] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 113 > [d100=98]
[22:09] <@Kotono> roll 1d100+15 really?
[22:09] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 79 > [d100=64]
[22:10] <@Kotono> The party goes on for about ten minutes, further into the woods. OOC: Survival checks, anyone with ranks.
[22:10] <@Erad> OOC: None here
[22:10] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+12 Helena
[22:10] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=17]
[22:10] <@Inari> roll 1d20+10
[22:10] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 30 > [d20=20]
[22:12] <@Kotono> It's then that Helena stops, just as Inari does. It's subtle but there. The trees and ground ahead sag slightly and inward - signs of possibly bad ground, or a sinkhole about to happen. Now that you think about it, a bulette's tunneling could easily encourage sinkholes that need just a bit of weight to give way on.
[22:12] <@Kotono> "We'll have to go around. See that?" Helena says to Inari, pointing at it.
[22:13] <@Erad> "I can carry you over." Erad says. "At least, I think so."
[22:13] <@Inari> "Mind your step," Inari warns, nodding to Helena. "The ground's been undercut. Go slow and watch for more signs like that, you can see it best from the tree roots being exposed around the edges."
[22:14] <Annerose> "How about we just go way around it all?"
[22:14] <@Kotono> T eyes it, "Good eyes," he comments, "Either way works."
[22:14] <@Inari> "Simple is best," Inari agrees, starting around, slow and careful.
[22:15] <@Kotono> Helena hesitates a few moments. "I'll take being carried, just in case," she says, "It's not likely, but if there's secondary tunnels, the ground could be a little chancy around it, too. I've had enough pain for today."
[22:16] <@Erad> Erad will fly over to offer his back to Helena. "If anyone falls I can go down for them."
[22:16] <@Kotono> "Are you kidding?" T smiles a little bit, "Any of us can tell you that pain is a sign you're adventuring towards money. Danger and riches go hand and hand."
[22:16] <@Kotono> Helena hops right on, arms around Erad's neck. "Thanks."
[22:18] <@Kotono> Going around the sinkhole to be is without incident. Soon enough the party proceeds on. Another two hours and the afternoon is wearing on, still rainy and gray. Fortunately, it's here you find a hill. The party slowly climbs up, eventually seeing a break in the trees ahead.
[22:19] <@Erad> Erad uses his slightly higher vantage point to see if he can spy what they're looking around for.
[22:19] <@Kotono> From this view, Erad can see...huh. That's odd. His eyes just glaze over it when he looks. He blinks and tries again - only for his eyes to glaze over.
[22:21] <@Erad> Erad frowns. "I think there's... something weird here." He calls out the others. "I think we might've found that magic you were talking about."
[22:21] <@Kotono> "Like what?" T calls right back.
[22:21] * Annerose takes a look at the ambient magic!
[22:22] <@Kotono> There's indeed magic ahead. OOC: Spellcraft.
[22:22] <@Erad> "It's hard to explain." Erad says. "Try and take a look for yourself and you'll see what I mean."
[22:22] <@Inari> Inari climbs up the hill so she can see what's going on!
[22:23] <@Kotono> Inari climbs on up to the tree break. It's here that there's a strange feeling as she passes through...she isn't sure. Whatever it is leaves her fur on end. Atop the broad hill is a walled monastery, built of sturdy fieldstone. The walls are intact and a rather large building has a courtyard in front of it. You can't see much more from here, just some general highlights.  Odd, as you couldn't
[22:23] <@Kotono> see it a moment ago.
[22:24] <Annerose> roll 1d20+12
[22:24] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 31 > [d20=19]
[22:24] <@Inari> "I can see the monastery from up here," Inari calls. "Though it feels very strange when you get to the top of the hill, it passes quickly."
[22:25] <@Kotono> It's a rather powerful magical effect. It makes creature just...look past it visually, rendering it impossible to be seen unless you're close. Which makes sense, as something on a hill would probably be visible from outside of the forest.
[22:25] <Annerose> "That's just the magical defenses," Annerose voices, following after Inari. "I can't see a detrimental effect."
[22:25] <@Erad> "Oh, that explains it." Erad says with a nod as he flies to get a bit closer, then!
[22:28] <@Kotono> The party approaches - they can all see it now. Plus...OOC: Spot, Erad.
[22:29] <@Erad> roll 1d20+13
[22:29] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=6]
[22:32] <@Kotono> One problem - Erad can see bulettes in the courtyard. The one you fought is there, visibly wounded. Another bulette licks as its wounds, slightly smaller than it. About half a dozen bulettes swarm around, each the size of a horse or so.
[22:33] <@Kotono> The monastary is perhaps 100ft uphill from the party. The bulettes are inside and thus even farther away and out of sight to all but Erad.
[22:34] <@Erad> "Oh for..." Erad mutters. "They've made their lair there. There are... Six, maybe seven, counting the one we encountered." Erad calls out to the others. "If we're going to go in we should probably try to avoid going in the front door."
[22:35] <@Kotono> "Half a dozen of those?!" Helena eeps, hair toinging out every which way. She turns right around, "Well, I bet we can get to the wagon before sundown and make a campfire with magic."
[22:35] <Annerose> "Or we could kill them all in one strike while they're grouped together. Fly me over, say sixty feet about ground?"
[22:36] <@Kotono> "You're talking a dangerous game there," T folds his arms and rests against a tree, "Poking a herd of those things sounds like a good way to be dinner. Do we even have a way of ending them fast enough?"
[22:36] <Annerose> "How are they going to follow us if we just fly away?"
[22:36] <@Inari> "That's a good idea, they'd have no way to retaliate from an aerial attack. The rest of us can just hang back and go climb trees a the bottom of the hill," Inari says. "They might flee but they'd be very unlikely to find and attack the rest of us."
[22:37] * Annerose nods at Inari. "The rest of you could wait up in the tree line, and we could always switch once I run out of the really good spells."
[22:37] <@Erad> "It might send them running, which would give us time to look around. Hopefully they don't just destroy the place in doing so, though..." Erad says with a frown. "The only other real option is I fly people up and inside, but they might try and come in after us if they sensed that, too."
[22:38] <Annerose> "Or they might do the sensible thing and run away."
[22:39] <@Erad> "We won't know until we try." Erad nods. "All right, let's go." He offers his back to Annerose.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:33] <@Kotono> OOC: Sow hat's the plan real quick? Refresher.
[20:34] <@Erad> OOC: I believe I fly up with Annerose and she rains destruction down to disperse the evil sharks.
[20:34] <@Erad> OOC: Or kill them. Whatever works.
[20:34] <@Inari> OOC: rest of us retreat and climb trees
[20:35] <Annerose> OOC: Yes, we start once they're safe. If I run out of cool stuff and the sharks are still out there, Erad can grab Inari next.
[20:35] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay. Tree climbing is without incident here. Describe how you're positioning, Erad, and we'll go from there.
[20:35] <Annerose> OOC: We'll approach from a spot 60ft above them, then lower to 40ft after my attack
[20:36] <@Erad> Erad will fly up with Annerose on his back to the point she designates, approximately 60 feet in the air over their land-based enemies.
[20:37] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay. More coming in a moment.
[20:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9
[20:37] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=7]
[20:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9
[20:37] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=8]
[20:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[20:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[20:37] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=10]
[20:37] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=13]
[20:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[20:37] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=11]
[20:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[20:37] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=17]
[20:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[20:37] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=5]
[20:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[20:37] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=2]
[20:38] <@Kotono> The two approach without incident. The bulettes seem occupied with the wounded one and none look up at the heroes.
[20:39] * Annerose extends her hand down towards the grouped bulettes as snowflakes begin to gather around it slowly. Then, suddenly, it breaks in a violent a gust of frigid wind and frost covers all those below!
[20:40] <Annerose> roll 7d6 DC24 ref half, cold,
[20:40] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 31 > [d6=5,5,3,5,4,5,4]
[20:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 wounded
[20:40] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=5]
[20:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 other adult
[20:40] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=1]
[20:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 child 1
[20:40] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=2]
[20:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 child 2
[20:40] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=16]
[20:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 child 3
[20:40] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=2]
[20:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 child 4
[20:40] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=12]
[20:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 child 5
[20:40] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=6]
[20:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 child 6
[20:40] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=18]
[20:45] <@Erad> OOC: Presuming I am able, I will drop down 30ft unless we need to do init or what have you first.
[20:47] <@Kotono> The icy blast comes on down, freezing the creatures solid. The wounded one shudders badly, a low, grumbling cry from it. The licking one thrashes and looks up, while the immature bulettes let out high pitched whines. Four of them keel over, ice covering them, while two are able to dodge somewhat and stay up. At this...OOC: Init you two. Others don't need to roll since they aren't involved.
[20:47] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2 wounded
[20:47] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 3 > [d20=1]
[20:47] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2 licker
[20:47] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=13]
[20:47] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 baby bulette 1
[20:47] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=9]
[20:47] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 baby bulette 2
[20:47] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=12]
[20:47] <Annerose> roll 1d20+5+5
[20:47] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=4]
[20:48] * Kotono changes topic to 'Licker Bulette(15)>Annerose(14)>Baby Bulette 2(12)>Baby Bulette 1(9)>Wounded Bulette(3)'
[20:48] <@Kotono> OOC: Erad?
[20:49] <@Erad> roll 1d20+2
[20:49] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=15]
[20:50] * Kotono changes topic to 'Erad(17)>Licker Bulette(15)>Annerose(14)>Baby Bulette 2(12)>Baby Bulette 1(9)>Wounded Bulette(3)'
[20:50] <@Kotono> OOC: Open Erad.
[20:51] <@Erad> Erad will move down 30 ft to be 30 ft above the monsters!
[20:53] <@Kotono> As Erad positions, the licker bulette looks up. It emits a loud, bassy sound as it stands on its hind legs and tries to jump up at the heroes, face first.
[20:54] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 jump
[20:54] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=10]
[20:54] <@Kotono> With its massive bulk and sheer strength, it manages to gets its mouth up high enough, trying to bite the attacking heroes in half.
[20:54] <@Kotono> roll 1d2 1 Erad 2 Annerose
[20:55] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 2 > [d2=2]
[20:55] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 AC?
[20:55] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=1]
[20:55] <Annerose> OOC: 29
[20:55] <@Kotono> But it comes up short, landing down with a thunderous crash. OOC: Annerose.
[20:56] * Annerose interposes her shield, before looking strangely down at the bulette. Perhaps the cold is affecting them worse than she first worried! In that case-- Annerose gathers all the air she can take into her lungs, and then exhales at the creatures on the ground!
[20:57] <Annerose> roll 3d4 ref DC21 half or also dazed for a round, frost breath
[20:57] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 8 > [d4=3,3,2]
[20:57] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9 wounded bulette
[20:57] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=20]
[20:57] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9 licking bulette
[20:57] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=5]
[20:57] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 baby 1
[20:57] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=7]
[20:57] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 baby 2
[20:57] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=8]
[20:57] * Kotono changes topic to 'Erad(17)>Licker Bulette(15)>Annerose(14)'
[20:57] * Kotono changes topic to 'Erad(17)>Licker Bulette(15 dazed 1)>Annerose(14)'
[20:58] <@Kotono> The gust of icy air plummels the already frozen bulettes. The wounded one slumps down and ceases to breath, going still in the icy coating that covers the courtyard now. The surviving pups also cease to move, only the licking bulette still resisting. Even that seems dazed by the assault. OOC: Erad. Pass if you aren't doing anything meaningful here and then Annerose can go, since it's dazed for
[20:58] <@Kotono> a round.
[20:59] <Annerose> "We can climb ten feet more, to be on the safe side," Annerose suggests.
[20:59] <@Erad> Erad nods and flies up 10 feet as instructed!
[21:00] <@Kotono> Erad does so, as...OOC: Annerose.
[21:00] * Kotono changes topic to 'Erad(17)>Licker Bulette(15)>Annerose(14)'
[21:01] * Annerose commands the remaining bulette to freeze for good, with her mind!
[21:01] <Annerose> OOC: Hold Monster will DC21
[21:02] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6
[21:02] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=13]
[21:02] * Kotono changes topic to 'Erad(17)>Licker Bulette(15 paralyzed)>Annerose(14)'
[21:03] <@Kotono> Like that, the bulette is paralyzed, unable to move a muscle. OOC: Erad.
[21:03] * Annerose nods slightly to herself, and waves at Inari and the others before telling Erad, "We should be able to take it out quickly now. Let's land."
[21:03] <@Erad> Erad will land in order to let Annerose off! OOC: I'll attack next round.
[21:05] <@Kotono> Erad lands. As he does so, the bulette silently struggles against the paralysis.
[21:05] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 vs 21
[21:05] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=5]
[21:06] <@Kotono> But nothing happens. OOC: Annerose.
[21:06] * Annerose does her best to put the bulette out of its misery swiftly.
[21:06] <Annerose> roll 1d20+12 K:A
[21:06] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 32 > [d20=20]
[21:06] <Annerose> roll 1d20+7+4
[21:06] <Annerose> roll 1d20+7+4
[21:06] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=12]
[21:06] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=14]
[21:06] <Annerose> roll 2d6+3+4 cold
[21:06] <Annerose> roll 2d6+3+4 cold
[21:06] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 12 > [d6=4,1]
[21:06] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 14 > [d6=1,6]
[21:07] <@Kotono> More ice spreads across the beast, now defenseless and able to be plummeled. It doesn't even reach to it ssides being frozen solid, as...OOC: Erad.
[21:07] <@Erad> Erad says a silent prayer to Bahamut as he tries to move in to put the creature down!
[21:07] <@Erad> roll 1d20+9
[21:07] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=13]
[21:08] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[21:08] <@Erad> roll 2d8+2 since I don't think this is evil
[21:08] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 7 > [d8=4,1]
[21:08] <@Kotono> Erad slams a fist into the creature's side. Cracks go along its scaly body, not evne a sound as it is further beaten. Meanwhile...
[21:08] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 vs 21
[21:08] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=7]
[21:08] <@Kotono> OOC: Annerose, it's still paralyszed.
[21:09] <Annerose> This time for sure!
[21:09] <Annerose> roll 1d20+7+4
[21:09] <Annerose> roll 1d20+7+4
[21:09] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=13]
[21:09] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=10]
[21:09] <Annerose> roll 2d6+3+4 cold
[21:09] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 17 > [d6=4,6]
[21:09] <Annerose> roll 2d6+3+4 cold
[21:09] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 12 > [d6=1,4]
[21:09] <@Kotono> OOC: Erad, make your attacks as well real quick.
[21:09] <@Erad> roll 1d20+9
[21:09] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=20]
[21:10] <@Erad> roll 1d20+9 confirm
[21:10] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=17]
[21:10] <@Erad> roll 4d8+4
[21:10] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 20 > [d8=3,6,3,4]
[21:10] <@Kotono> OOC: Crit. Why aren't you flurrying or at least taking your iterative attacks, anyway?
[21:11] <@Erad> OOC: Because I forgot about them
[21:11] <@Erad> OOC: I can do the iterative if ou'd like now
[21:12] <@Kotono> OOC: Sure.
[21:12] <@Erad> roll 1d20+4
[21:12] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 8 > [d20=4]
[21:14] <@Kotono> The final blow lands - with a massive crack, the spine of the bulette is broken. It lies there, dead as the others. Meanwhile, the others see this and catch up, joining the party in the courtyard. All about are broken bulettes and melting ice. The courtyard is full of bulette holes and bones of varied animals. Past it the monastery stands, simple doors closed. It's one story, save for a tower
[21:14] <@Kotono> in the back that rises up higher.
[21:14] <@Kotono> OOC: Free act.

[21:15] <Annerose> "Judging by the bones," Annerose muses, "anyone here must have been long eaten?"
[21:16] <@Inari> "I hope that's the last of them," Inari says, looking over the dead landsharks. "It'll take time for nature to recover in the area, though."
[21:16] <Annerose> "It certainly looked like the entire nest."
[21:17] <@Kotono> "Looks like it," T says, nudging one of the baby bulettes with his boot.
[21:17] <@Kotono> "Still, it's sad to kill an entire family like that. Evne if they were just animals." Helena looks over and shakes her head, "It's really sad."
[21:18] <Annerose> "They were animals that attacked us simply because we were there."
[21:18] <@Erad> "While I would agree with you, they weren't doing anyone any favors. We did this place's memory and the forest a mercy." Erad says. "But there's no sense in dwelling in the past, despite that we stand in it now. Shall we?"
[21:19] <@Inari> "They killed the surrounding forest," Inari says. "Did you notice all the fungus on the trees? Usually deers and rabbits would eat that, but with those creatures devouring anything on legs they also condemned the forest itself to slow strangulation."
[21:20] <@Erad> Erad nods to Inari and moves to step up to the door. It's probably not trapped, but... He turns to the others. "Would you all mind looking to see if this is enchanted in some fashion?"
[21:21] <@Inari> "Of course," Inari obligingly casts detect magic.
[21:21] <@Kotono> The door is indeed magicked. OOC: Spellcraft.
[21:21] <@Inari> roll 1d20+12
[21:21] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=2]
[21:21] <@Kotono> It's magic. Shiny magic. Colorful magic. Maaaagiiiiicccc. Unfortunately what it does is lost on Inari. Oooh, shiny!
[21:22] * Annerose takes a look as well.
[21:22] <Annerose> roll 1d20+12
[21:22] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=14]
[21:22] <@Inari> "It is enchanted, but there's so much else in the air I can't really tell what it does," she says apologetically after a moment.
[21:22] <@Erad> "It would seem whomever was here had a way with magic." Erad says. "To make that illusion was no small feat, either."
[21:22] <@Kotono> Annerose can tell the magic is meant to keep the place sealed unless a worshiper of Bahamut. It's resonating with Erad.
[21:23] <Annerose> "Oh! Erad, it's you! You can open it! And, actually, that would break the seal so be ready for anything."
[21:23] <@Erad> Erad blinks. "Oh. Well I suppose that's... easy enough."
[21:23] <@Erad> He turns and puts his hand on the door to open it!
[21:27] <@Kotono> There is a loud tone, a bell ringing from the tower above. It echos about the empty chamber, before a flash of cold wind knocks Erad back several feet. Before you is the faint image of a man - no, a humanoid, too faint to see. Just a nebulous golden glow. It speaks in draconic, voice faded out and difficult to hear. "At last. Child....child of the Dragon all that is left.
[21:27] <@Kotono> Do with it what you will."
[21:30] <@Erad> Erad is knocked back snd stumbles a bit from the surprise! He looks at the others. "Er... in case you all don't speak that language... it's a bit hard to make out, but it mentioned a 'child of the Dragon Paladin' and... effectively said for us to do what we want with what little is left here."
[21:30] <Annerose> "Go on, then," Annerose encourages him.
[21:30] <@Kotono> As the light fades away entirely, " was it?" The voice asks, "Tell me, dragonborn."
[21:31] <@Erad> Erad nods to Annerose and starts forward, only to stop and look around. "My name is Erad Ioth Bemin ux Bahamuti. I will honor whatever is here and my allies and I will use it to fight evil."
[21:31] <@Erad> OOC: He said that in Draconic, sorry
[21:34] <@Kotono> "Erad...heh, then..." Then the voice and lgiht are no more, silence returning to the courtyard. Before you the doors open. Ahead is an entry room, the walls decorated in murals. It shows a grand platinum dragon in flight around a golden mountain. From the dragon's maw light comes, beams of it cascading down to worshipers below.  Past this is an archway, where it opens up into a wide open room.
[21:34] <@Kotono> A grand altar, topped with a golden carving of a dragon, sits there. Resting against the altar are a few things: A pair of scrolls, a breastplate of what looks to be blue ice and a simple golden ring. Beyond all that is another archway - you can tell that's where it meets the tower. Light comes from there, but it's too far away to tell from what.
[21:34] <@Kotono> OOC: Perception, y'all.
[21:34] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 T
[21:34] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 Helena
[21:34] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=6]
[21:34] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=1]
[21:35] <@Kotono> "Well, that was something," T observes, dusting himself off. "Have spirits tal kto you often, Erad?"
[21:35] <@Erad> roll 1d20+13
[21:35] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 27 > [d20=14]
[21:35] <Annerose> roll 1d20+2
[21:35] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=19]
[21:36] <@Erad> "No." Erad responds. "But does this sort of thing inspire you to have a little more faith, T?"
[21:36] <@Inari> roll 1d20+13
[21:36] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=1]
[21:36] <@Kotono> Erad and Annerose can hear a soft hissing round, followed by a soft sound of a bell ringing behind the party.
[21:36] * Annerose turns to look behind her.
[21:36] <@Erad> Erad turns as well at that.
[21:36] <@Kotono> Helena starts ahead, "Oh, did they leave us treasure? Erad, is it safe to take, do you know?"
[21:37] <@Kotono> Erad and Annerose turn. Around the monastary an aura of light is now visibile. It's crumbling away like broken glass, shard by shard. Before your eyes it vanishes.
[21:38] <@Erad> "It guarded this place for who knows how long..." Erad says. "This was probably its final act of faith for Bahamut..." Erad mumbles to himself. Actually, maybe it was?
[21:38] <@Erad> roll 1d20+6 K:R is this sort of thing some sort of ritual act of protection perhaps?
[21:38] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=19]
[21:39] <Annerose> "I think we'd better go in, in case there is more magic within that can communicate with you. Before it erodes."
[21:39] <@Kotono> Erad can recall that yes, this is likely some sort of deathless spirit. A soul that stays behind from its eternal reward to serve a holy purpose. Now that this purpose is gone, it can move onto Bahamut's Palace and its reward. Based on what's happening, much or all of the magic of the place was tied to that spirit or meant to expire when it left.
[21:41] <@Erad> Erad nods to Annerose. "Yes, that's exactly it. This was its final act before it went to Bahamut's Palace."
[21:41] <@Erad> With that, he walks up towards the altar to answer Helena. "Yes, it's all safe for us to talk."
[21:41] <@Erad> OOC: for us to take
[21:42] <@Kotono> Thus the party approaches the altar. "Oh good," T says, "We'll make something off this side trip now." He kneels down next to the armor, tapping it, "Brrrr. Didn't know Bahamut liked blue ice too."
[21:42] <@Inari> "It does seem oddly fitting," Inari agrees, following behind T.
[21:43] <@Kotono> "Hmmm," Helena murmurs, "So, ar ethey enchanted?" she asks.
[21:44] <@Erad> "He likes cold, so I don't see why he wouldn't be fond of it." Erad says. "I would imagine all of it is."
[21:44] <@Inari> "I'll try and have a look," Inari volunteers, looking it all over.
[21:44] <@Inari> OOC: take 10 for 22 on spellcraft everything
[21:44] <@Erad> "I don't think we're going to find things like gold here, but..." He gestures at the golden carving. "Then again there's this."
[21:50] <@Inari> "Basic protective enchantments on the ring and armour, one of the scrolls is a cold sphere conjuration and the other's one of the most powerful healing spells around - we shouldn't use that one lightly. The golden dragon doesn't seem to be magical," Inari reports after a moments scrutiny.
[21:52] <@Erad> Erad nods to Inari. "Thank you." He glances at the scroll of Heal... hm, not one to bring back the dead? Perhaps there's a message in that, too... he shakes his head. "Well, I don't think this stuff is going anywhere." Erad says as he goes to look at the second archway.
[21:54] <@Kotono> Beyond it is the tower. There's no floors - just niches where glowing white crystals rest. A tinging, ringing sound comes from them all.
[21:55] <@Erad> Erad scratches the side of his head, but tries to touch one of the crystals. They probably won't harm him... right?
[21:57] <@Kotono> roll 1d4-1
[21:57] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 2 > [d4=3]
[22:00] <@Kotono> Erad touches the crystals. The ringing sound intensifies, and before him images play, as beams of light dance amid the crystals. He can see the party aboard a ship. It heaves on stormy waters, a blizzard sending snow everywhere. The coast is before them. In the air, breathing down on them is a white dragon, larger than the ship. Magic is thrown and battle is joined as - it stops. Then a neutral
[22:00] <@Kotono> voice narrates, "Lo, on the approach to Misty Harbor shall a great blizzard come from the seas. The seas will rage with Umberlee's fury and an omen of Auril's hatred shall descend down."
[22:01] <@Erad> Erad blinks and looks over at the rest of the party. "Uh... I'm guessing none of this has happened to you all yet?"
[22:01] <@Inari> "A vision of the past, or a promise of the future?" Inari wonders, trying to get a good look at the coast to see if she can perceive any buildings. Seeing if they match when she gets to Misty Harbour should help tell.
[22:02] <@Kotono> Helena comes on over, "Was that a prophecy?" she asks, "With images, too!"
[22:02] <Annerose> "Lovely."
[22:03] <@Erad> Erad rubs his chin and tries touching a crystal again to see if something different happens.
[22:03] <@Kotono> This time nothing happens at all.
[22:04] <@Kotono> "Treasure and a story. Hey, 'nari, any chance you smell some dinner around here? If they left that, I'm pretty sure they're the best ruin hosts ever." T calls.
[22:05] <@Inari> "If you can get past the armour plates I'm sure there's good meat in those landsharks."
[22:05] <@Erad> Erad will fly in the tower and see if there's anything else besides the crystals. Barring that, he will try and take one. Hm, are these sorts of things common to Bahamut, maybe...?
[22:06] <@Erad> roll 1d20+6 K:R on if these are some sort of religious tool maybe?
[22:06] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=11]
[22:06] <@Kotono> "No thanks," T makes an EW face, as meanwhile Helena goes and picks up the armor. "Say Annerose, come here a moment?"
[22:07] <@Kotono> Erad can't think of anything - if it's a subsect there could be, bu tit's just too obscure to him. There's nothing else but those crystals.
[22:07] <Annerose> "Hmm?"
[22:07] <@Kotono> Lowering her voice, "Say, you don't mind if I wear this, do I? We'd be wearing close to the same thing, you know."
[22:08] <@Erad> Erad nods and will take one if he can. If he meets anyone else they might know more about them.
[22:09] <Annerose> "Won't you be cold?"
[22:09] <@Kotono> Erad takes a crystal. There's a soft blink as what light remains in the others goes out. Meanwhile, Helena looks down and pats the hole in her clothes over her belly button. "Better that than dead." she admits, "Underpadding isn't cutting it."
[22:10] <@Kotono> OOC: Post in loot that you took a crystal, Erad.
[22:10] <@Erad> OOC: Okay.
[22:11] <Annerose> "I really don't mind. But wouldn't it be really, really cold?"
[22:11] <@Kotono> "I can always get something made of steel or even mithral later," She says, "Really that bulette cut through the padding like it wasn't there."
[22:13] <Annerose> "Sounds fine! Wanna change right here?"
[22:14] <@Kotono> "T, no peeking!" Helena calls, turning her back to him and starting to change. Huh, padded armor that isn't filthy or full of bugs. Who knew it actually existed?
[22:14] <@Erad> Erad busies himself with looking around the rest of the area for anything they might've missed.
[22:14] <@Kotono> T studies the crystals instead, "So I'd say we did alright," he finally says, "Not a bad haul for a side trip at all. Plus we know to avoid ships going into or around Misty Harbor now." OOC: PErception.
[22:14] <Annerose> Intimately familiar with the design, Annerose helps Helena don the icy armor quickly and efficiently.
[22:15] <@Erad> roll 1d20+13
[22:15] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=8]
[22:15] <@Kotono> Meanwhile Erad searches about. There's some side doors that lead to living quarters and all the sundry things places to live need. They look fairly uninteresting and unremarkable, very plain.
[22:16] <@Erad> "I don't think it's going to be that easy. If Auril is sending a white dragon after us, I don't know that just avoiding Misty Harbor will be enough." Erad calls out as he pokes around. Hm. He looks around for any journals or books in the living quarters. Anything of value was probably left on the altar, after all.
[22:18] <@Kotono> Nothing like that is found, unfortunately.
[22:19] <@Inari> "We might just be innocent bystanders who happen to be in the way," Inari says. "But if a dragon tries to attack a city we'd be remiss to not try and stop it."
[22:20] <@Kotono> "Yeah, but you're going to need more tails to take on a dragon. A lot more," T shivers, "The hoard's great, but getting it is always a trick."
[22:20] <@Kotono> Helena meanwhile taps her new breastplate, "It's freezing," she admits, "But it's nice this time of year."
[22:21] <Annerose> "Keep to the back until you really acclimate to it," Annerose advises her. "It'll slow you down otherwise."
[22:21] <@Erad> Erad nods. They were thorough when they left, it seems. He heads back to the others. "I don't think there's anything else here." Erad says, then nods to Inari. "A white dragon... hm. I think those are usually aligned with Auril, so that would fit... Well, we might be able to find more answers when we get to Misty Harbor. I think we've found all we can find here, though. Thank you for coming,
[22:21] <@Erad> everyone."
[22:21] <@Inari> "True, I had seven of them the last time a dragon challenged me," Inari admits. "But it does seem like they grow back quicker than the time it took to get them the first time."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[19:59] <@Kotono> The party heads out and camps at the edge of the forest. The night is unremarkable, the forest silent without animals or bulettes. Sess 7 dawns as a yet another gray, wet day. The party takes back to the road, on towards Misty Harbor. OOC: More.
[20:04] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:04] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d100 --> [ 1d100=59 ]{59}
[20:07] <@Kotono> The day's early travel is unremarkable. A little befor enoon, the party passes by a roadside village. It's really just a collection of houses along the road, unremarkable for what it is. Yet as you pass through, you can see all the inhabitants are standing out in the fields past the town, dancing and chanting in the rain.
[20:08] <@Inari> "Oh, it looks like they're having a festival," Inari says, looking out towards the fields. "Shall we join them?"
[20:08] <Annerose> "I'm fine, but go ahead! Have some fun!"
[20:09] <@Kotono> "In this weather? They're devoted or really bored," T remarks, looking over as well.
[20:10] <@Erad> "I suppose it depends on who they might be devoted to." Erad says. "We could at least find that out, I suppose."
[20:10] <@Inari> "Or they've had a drought," Inari says, hopping off the cart and starting to walk towards the field with all the dancing. "Come on, it'll be fun!"
[20:11] <@Kotono> Helena rubs her arms, shivering as she hops up. "What's the worst that could happen?"
[20:11] <Annerose> "I'll watch from over here!"
[20:12] <@Erad> "They could all be Aurilites." Erad says to Helena as he goes to follow Inari.
[20:14] <@Kotono> T shakes his head, "I'll stay," T says, settling in. OOC: Okay, Festival goers go to #evil, I'll keep T and Annerose in here.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[20:28] <@Kotono> As the others go off, "So wonder if they'll manage to get themselves in trouble?" T asks.
[20:31] <Annerose> "It's a bunch of farmers dancing in the rain," Annerose says incredulously. "The worst they'll get is a cough for a few days."
[20:34] <@Kotono> "Wanna bet?" T banters right back, smiling. "Look at our luck lately."
[20:35] <Annerose> "Now, now. There's no need to think the worst of everyone we come across!" She shakes her head. "And lately, yeah, the land sharks weren't evil. Just animals. The temple was okay. No evil ghosts. The last bad thing was an assassin way back!"
[20:38] <@Kotono> "Way back?" T just stares at Annerose, crossing his arms.
[20:39] <Annerose> "Not this week," she asserts. "And it didn't even attack me." Grinning, Annerose adds, "I'm sure you're just exaggerating what happened with you."
[20:42] <@Kotono> "Am not. I would never do such a thing," T's face breaks into a smile, laughing just a little bit.
[20:43] <Annerose> "I can't wait for it to be winter already."
[20:46] <@Kotono> "The natural habitate of Annerose: When it's so cold that you go numb," T just shakes his head and chuckles. "Easy to say that late in summer, since you're so tired of the heat."
[20:48] <Annerose> "Nothing wrong with it, is there?"
[20:51] <@Kotono> "Nah." T turns his gaze over to the dancing peasants, "But if you ask me, I think I'd prefer fall or spring."
[20:53] <Annerose> "You heretic." Annerose swats at him. "Winter's calm and lovely, and families spend time together. No back-breaking work, either."
[20:56] <@Kotono> "Yeah, yeah." T smoothly sidesteps, "It's also freezing cold."
[20:56] <Annerose> "Not if you're at home by the fire!" she scoffs. "It's almost like you're eager to run outside naked the way Auril wants you to."
[20:57] <@Kotono> "Oh really?" T scoffs right back, "You're the one who would do that."
[20:59] <Annerose> "Oh please. Unlike Auril I have my dignity!"
[21:00] <@Kotono> T snickers, "Yet you're the one who brought that up. All you winter-types are the same."
[21:02] <Annerose> "I just like to mock Auril. Do I need a reason, really? You know how they say the gods always listen in to the goings on of Prime? I like to think this is true, and that Auril feels every little insult."
[21:03] <@Kotono> "Then I'll really need to bundle up," T shivers visibly, rubbing his arms, "Because winter is going to be a stone cold bitch this year."
[21:03] <Annerose> "Oh please, I've been doing this for... a long while. I never noticed any real changes. But hey, if I do get her attention, better me than someone she snaps at randomly."
[21:05] <@Kotono> "Yep, that's your type. Act all cold but hope you get attention." This just makes T grin all over again, "I'm more worried about getting through winter than anything else. Remember hearing about that border incident a few weeks back? I haven't heard anything since, but if war breaks out now or next spring? That could be worse than usual. Much worse."
[21:08] <Annerose> "War's always bad, but sometimes you just need to fight." She sighs. "Maybe someone will solve that dilemma one day. That's why I'm headed to the capital, though, in a way. I need to see if our leadership is going to be part of the problem or the solution. We better find out before any wars break out, too."
[21:11] <@Kotono> "Good luck," This gets T to lazily wave a hand, "The last one doesn't give a lot of hope for the next one."
[21:12] <Annerose> "What's this about luck? You're coming too!"
[21:13] <@Kotono> "What fun," T deadpans, "I'm more talking about the last war, though."
[21:14] <Annerose> "I missed it. And I was quite out of the way, too."
[21:27] <@Kotono> "You didn't miss much. Malana made a poor showing of it," T explains, pausing to sigh as the rain picks up a little bit. "Lost some border territories and generally didn't cover anyone with glory."
[21:30] <Annerose> "Had someone in the family that fought in it?"
[21:33] <@Kotono> "Just heard things," T says, as the party comes on back. OOC: Okay, I'm going to re-combine the rooms now, say.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[20:27] <@Kotono> OOC: Quick check on languages spoken.
[20:28] <@Inari> OOC:  Common, sylvan, terran, celestial, goblin, giant
[20:28] <@Erad> OOC: Common and Draconic
[20:31] <@Kotono> Inari, Erad and Helena head over to the villagers. They find them chanting strange words - in a mechanical sort of way, feeling through them.
[20:32] <@Erad> Erad tilts his head at this particular display, but stays quiet for now.
[20:32] <@Inari> So everyone's just chanting? No other activities at all going on?
[20:33] <@Kotono> Looks just like chanting and dancing.
[20:33] <@Kotono> "Huh," Helena watches as well, "Some local custom?"
[20:34] <@Inari> roll 1d20+13 sense motive, do they seem bewitched?
[20:34] <@Erad> "Or they're under a spell." Erad says quietly.
[20:34] <@Inari> roll 1d20+13 sense motive, do they seem bewitched?
[20:34] <Rei-chan> Inari rolled : 1d20+13 sense motive, do they seem bewitched? --> [ 1d20=12 ]{25}
[20:34] <@Kotono> The people seem perfectly normal and uncontrolled.
[20:36] <@Inari> It doesn't seem very inclusive... and honestly rather boring, rather than the interesting festival Inari had been hoping to see. "Can anyone join in?" she decides to ask the crowd at large, figuring that'd at least tell her if there's something she can participate in without being unduly distracting.
[20:37] <@Kotono> A young woman turns, "Please do. We're praying for the rains to stop, before they ruin all the crops. We need a drier fall."
[20:40] <@Inari> "Alright then!" Inari happily mingles into the group and adds her own voice, albeit in sylvan to beseech the rains to stop. Time was she was the one receiving the prayers and she had the power to act on them, but in her current state she can be little more than another voice in the crowd.
[20:42] <@Erad> Erad hangs back for now but does try and think of any deities that might have some sway over this sort of thing.
[20:42] <@Erad> roll 1d20+6 K:R on weather deities or rain in particular, perhaps
[20:42] <Rei-chan> Erad rolled : 1d20+6 K:R on weather deities or rain in particular, perhaps --> [ 1d20=3 ]{9}
[20:43] <@Kotono> OOC: That's a swing and a miss, Erad.
[20:43] <@Kotono> OOC: Have ranks in a relevant perform skill, Inari/
[20:44] <@Inari> OOC: sadly I'm used to receiving prayers not giving them. But I have knowledge in nature and religion as well as diplomacy so I can couch my prayers in appealing terms~
[20:46] <@Kotono> OOC: Just make a charisma check, then.
[20:46] <@Inari> roll 1d20+8
[20:46] <Rei-chan> Inari rolled : 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{25}
[20:49] <@Kotono> Helena settles for hanging back and watching with Erad. Together, they see Inari joint he festivities. The chanting is rather soothing in a way, time passing - but the drizzly rain keeps on falling, the clouds sky gray and unrelenting.
[20:51] <@Erad> "I think they're just better off trying to anticipate that the rain will get worse." Erad says to Helena. "This sort of thing happened all the time in Ailan... you just have to try and find a way to deal with it."
[20:52] <@Inari> Inari doesn't mind the lack of immediate results. It takes time for prayers to be heard, to be acted on, and for the weather itself to change. Just adding her voice is the best help she can give right now.
[20:54] <@Kotono> "Yeah, I think so," Helena says, peering up a the leaden sky, shivering.
[20:54] <@Kotono> Soon enough the song and dance winds down. The people stretch and sigh, one older man comingup. He's short, wiry and completely hairless that you can tell. He walks with a cane and a limp. "Thank you for joining in, traveler," Inari gets a nod. "We can only hope somoene hears and listens, so that the rains are called back to the skies above."
[20:56] <@Inari> Inari smiles and nods. "It was the least I could do," she says, and inwardly she feels quite sad about that, reflected in the drooping of her waterlogged tails despite her smile. "If it doesn't stop, what then?"
[20:56] <@Kotono> "We're harvesting what we can, but we fear it'll be a hard winter," He finally says, "A hard and lean winter."
[20:58] <@Erad> "It's probably not much, but we had problems like this back home too. I can try and show you how we handled it, if that would be of any help." Erad offers.
[20:59] <@Kotono> "Dragon-creature?" He looks to Erad, "What do you know?"
[21:00] <@Inari> Unfortunately even with the bulettes killed it'll take time for game in the surrounding forest to recover so hunting won't avail them much either. Maybe she can do some trading in Misty Harbour and then come back with a load of food? "I could help show people how to forage in the wilds if that skill's any use. The forest south of here is teeming with mushrooms thanks to the damp and lack of
[21:00] <@Inari> animals," she offers as another idea strikes. If it's good for deer it'll surely be good for humans!
[21:01] <@Erad> "I--...oh." Erad shakes his head. Right. "It's a long story, but I lived in a place just a bit bigger than this. Anyway, it's basically just tilling your fields in such a way that the water doesn't affect it as much."
[21:02] <@Kotono> The elder's face twitches at that, "The forests to the south are cursed. Misfortune and death falls on those who enter." At Erad's words, "I think I know what you're taking about, but we'll see if you know anything new. It's too late to help this season with that, but it could help in later ones."
[21:02] <@Inari> "Not any more!" Inari is happy to report. "It was infested with landsharks but we killed them."
[21:03] <@Kotono> "Y-you killed them!?" The elder stares, "How long ago?"
[21:05] <@Kotono> "A day or two?" Helena speaks up, rubbing her armor covered stomach.
[21:06] <@Erad> Erad nods. "Yes, they'd holed up in an old monastery of Bahamut's."
[21:06] <@Inari> "There were about eight of them, and they seemed quite ravenous. I don't think the land could've supported any more than that, depopulated as it was," Inari elaborates.
[21:09] <@Kotono> "Are the bodies intact?' The elder asks, "Where do they lay?"
[21:11] <@Erad> "It'd be a bit of a trek to get all the way back there..." Erad says. "I'd imagine they're still intact, though."
[21:13] <@Kotono> "Then..." The elder paces a bit, quiet for a few moments. "Yes, yes, if we send a few..."
[21:13] <@Inari> "Well it'll be untouched by scavengers, but I don't know how well that meat'll keep, especially in the damp..." Inari says, seeing where this is going. "Though the armoured shells might help."
[21:15] <@Kotono> "We killed one of the pups before. The meat naturally keeps for a long time, as long as the scales aren't peeled off." The elder goes on, "That could be a lot of jerky, the meat's perfect for it."
[21:16] <@Inari> "Well in that case we'll happily guide you to where they were," Inari says. "Just be wary of the sinkholes in the forest. If you try and carry too much at once it could get dangerous."
[21:25] <@Kotono> "Thank you, thank you," A deep bow of his head to the party, "We know the way to the forest, but we've never found a monastery there."
[21:26] <@Inari> "Well why don't you round up some fit young people and we can show them the way?" Inari offers. "If we leave now we might get back by nightfall tomorrow."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[21:34] <@Inari> "You all don't mind going back to that monastery for a little side trip, do you?" Inari asks as she rejoins the group at the cart.
[21:35] <Annerose> "Not really," Annerose responds, using Prestidigitation to dry her companions off. "How come?"
[21:35] <@Kotono> "Depends on why," T says, "So spill, 'nari."
[21:35] <@Inari> "The village's crops are quite likely to fail unless the rain abates," Inari says. "The meat from those landsharks apparently keeps really well, and we left quite a bounty of it back there..."
[21:37] <@Kotono> Helena tags along, "I think we should. If it's going to be so bad, this could save lives."
[21:37] <Annerose> "Works for me. But if you want us to bring all of it here, it'd take more than one trip."
[21:38] <@Inari> "Once they know the way they can handle that," Inari says. "We'll just be guiding them for the first trip."
[21:40] <@Kotono> T sighs, "I suppose I'm going to get outvoted?" He looks to the quiet Erad, before shaking his head. "Yeah, no way you'll say no."
[21:41] <@Inari> "Why in such a rush?" Inari asks, hopping onto the carriage.
[21:41] <@Erad> "You know as well as I that you'd never forgive yourself if a tree branch fell on them while they were helping out." Erad says. "Besides, it isn't that much of a trek."
[21:44] <@Kotono> "I'm tired of the damn rain," T sighs, pausing to wipe his face clean of water yet again. "We all smell like waterlogged dogs, or foxes in Inari's case, and I'm tired of wet clothes, wet shoes, wet hair."
[21:45] <@Erad> "Maybe you should learn a spell to control the weather, then." Erad says with a pat on T's shoulder. "Then you wouldn't have to worry anymore."
[21:45] <@Inari> Inari frowns at the cruel but true accusation. "Well better to just be wet than to be wet and hungry. Have a heart!"
[21:46] <Annerose> "T could maybe stay inside for a change, and we'll tie his donkey's leash to the carriage?"
[21:46] <@Kotono> "If only." T laughs a little at Erad, before turning to Inari. "Sorry, sorry," he holds his hands out defensively, "Fine, let's go and help them."
[21:49] <@Kotono> OOC: REady to hop along,l y'all?
[21:49] <@Erad> OOC: Sure.
[21:49] <@Inari> OOC: yes
[21:51] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[21:51] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d100 --> [ 1d100=34 ]{34}
[21:51] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[21:51] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d100 --> [ 1d100=87 ]{87}
[21:53] <@Kotono> Soon the party is escorting a half a dozen villagers and several beasts of burden. The first half is without incident and the enlarged party camps out a few hours before the forest. Sess 8 brings some relief - it's only partly cloudy, the sun coming out for the first time in several days. It's also much warmer, back to hot and sticky. Fortunately, the forest canopy does help by providing shade,
[21:53] <@Kotono> but it's still not the nicest weather. The party soon finds the bulettes are where you left them, the villagers going right to them. One hangs back, going by the name of Roberts. "You really got 'em," he says, looking around, "We could never find out where those damned beasts laired, so we were sure it was a curse." A middle aged, lanky man with severly balding black hair.
[21:54] <@Inari> "There was an illusion to protect the monastery," Inari says. "Though why they chose to lair here I don't know. Maybe they were sensitive to the magic and recognised it as being protective?"
[21:55] <Annerose> "In a way, you were even right. The spell was preventing people from getting near their lair, yes," Annerose agrees.
[21:56] <@Kotono> "Probably something like that. Or it didn't extend underground and they burrowed up into it one day." T goes to sit down a bit away from it all, reclining back against the monastery walls.
[21:59] <@Erad> Erad idly rolls the crystal he took in his hand as the villagers do their work.
[21:59] <@Kotono> OOC: What are y'all gonna do here?
[21:59] <@Inari> OOC: just keep an eye out for trouble and let the folks butcher the bodies for transport.
[21:59] <Annerose> OOC: And after, our destination awaits!
[22:00] <@Kotono> OOC: Same for Helena and T. Erad?
[22:00] <@Erad> OOC: Same, but I'll do it from the air.
[22:02] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[22:03] <@Kotono> A day passes, the butchery beginning. Regular loads are carried back to the beasts of burden and the wagon. Sess 9 is cloudless and bright, hot as can be. It's around noon, about half the butchery done. It's then t hat...OOC: Perception, Erad only.
[22:03] <@Erad> roll 1d20+13
[22:03] <Rei-chan> Erad rolled : 1d20+13 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{16}
[22:05] <@Kotono> Erad finally happnes to lookup. Far higher in the sky and perhaps a thousand or two thousand feet away is a green dot of some type. It's coming this way and slowly growing larger.
[22:06] <@Erad> "We've got ... uh... something!" Erad calls out. "Up!" He squints to try and get a better idea... or maybe he'd just better move? Nah, he has plenty of time... right?
[22:07] <@Kotono> Erad stays and watches, as meanwhile T looks up, "What's up now?" he asks, peering skyward.
[22:07] <@Kotono> Helena looks up from her conversation, "Eh?"
[22:07] <@Kotono> As Erad watches, he can see it become larger and larger. A massive scaled thing, deep green in color. Great wings transport it...-!!!! OOC: Make a K:A check.
[22:07] <@Inari> Inari casts animalistic power on herself in case it's hostile, reading her spear. "Everyone get inside the monastery! We'll call you when it's safe!" she tells the villagers, her hair and fur spiking out a bit under the influence of her spell, canines enlarging as well.
[22:08] <@Erad> roll 1d20+6
[22:08] <Rei-chan> Erad rolled : 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{12}
[22:08] * Annerose takes position near the entrance, intending to guard the structure and the villagers in it.
[22:10] <@Kotono> Erad doesn't need to know a lot to know it's a green dragon, one of Tiamat's children. Suffice to say, this is bad. As Inari casts and Annerose positions, T rises and Helena readies herself, while the butchers and hunters head into the monastery. It's coming closer, covering hundreds of feet in seconds. It's perhaps a thousand feet away, everyone able to make out a vague, dragon-like shape high
[22:10] <@Kotono> in the sky. OOC: Another round, act, y'all.
[22:12] <@Inari> Inari next casts mass resist energy to protect herself, T, and Helena from acid!
[22:12] <@Erad> "Green dragon!" Erad calls out as he moves to land. "I have no idea what in the world it's doing here, but I have a feeling we're just going to have to deal with it!"
[22:12] <@Kotono> Helena stares up, "Craaaaaaaap!"
[22:12] <@Inari> OOC: resist 10 acid for NPCs and me
[22:12] <@Kotono> T just tenses, separating from the party a bit, "If you kno wanything, it's that breath decimates you if yo uall stand too close." OOC: Noted.
[22:12] <Annerose> "So spread out!"
[22:12] <@Kotono> OOC: Waiting on Annerose's action here.
[22:13] <@Kotono> Thus the party prepares and spreads. It comes closer fast, still high - perhaps 500ft away now and a few thousand feet up. It's coming on in fast alright. OOC: Another round. ACt, y'all.
[22:14] <@Inari> Next Inari casts shield of faith to protect herself in melee and moves towards the hill, following T's advice to spread out!
[22:15] <@Erad> "My guess is it'll come after me first, but... That should give you all some openings." Erad calls out as he just braces himself. He'll make sure he's not standing near anyone else himself.
22:15] <@Kotono> T just keeps moving, as Helena finds a good spot against the wall adn braces, prepared.
[22:16] <@Kotono> OOC: Waiting on Annerose's action here.
[22:16] * Annerose makes sure that she entrance provides her with some protection, but otherwise simply waits for the dragon to arrive.
[22:17] <@Kotono> It arrives - a shadow falls over the monastery and courtyard. The massive beast blocks out the sun as it hovers in place. Around it dozens of magic circles appear, spinning and twirling. You're too far away to tell any details, but soon a massive blob of emerald green fire gathers beneath it. It hovers there for a few seconds, before the oversized fireball plunges down, right at the tower of
[22:17] <@Kotono> the monastery. OOC: Act for a round, y'all.
[22:18] <@Erad> Erad can't do much but watch and hope no one's going to be injured by this!
[22:19] <@Inari> "No, stop! There are people in there!" Inari shouts, casting spiritual weapon to augment her ranged offensiveness.
[22:22] * Annerose waits for the fireball to come into range before attempting to cancel it out!
[22:22] <Annerose> roll 1d20+6 targetted dispel
[22:22] <Rei-chan> Annerose rolled : 1d20+6 targetted dispel --> [ 1d20=10 ]{16}
[22:23] <@Kotono> Annerose channels magic into the fireball, trying to unweave it. There's a clash of eldritch energies as the monastery flashes green. Then....OOC: Aaaaand we'll pause there, since it's just about time.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:01] <@Kowork> Green fire and unmaking meet above the monastery. Annerose's chant for the spell echos into the forest as the green flames plummet down, right towards the tower. But as they do, the flames sputter out into strands of fire, dissolving right before your eyes. Nary a single green flame touches the monastary. But as you register this, the dragon above ROARS. The sky seems to shake as a torrent of
[20:01] <@Kowork> overwhelming sound bombards the party. OOC: Will save, all. Dragonfear.
[20:01] <@Kowork> roll 1d20+6 (+3 inspiration 5/6 left) T
[20:01] <@Inari> roll 1d20+9
[20:02] <Rei-chan> Inari rolled : 1d20+9 --> [ 1d20=10 ]{19}
[20:02] <@Kowork> roll 1d20+6 (+3 inspiration 5/6 left) T
[20:02] <Rei-chan> Kowork rolled : 1d20+6 (+3 inspiration 5/6 left) T --> [ 1d20=4 ]{10}
[20:02] <Annerose> roll 1d20+6
[20:02] <Rei-chan> Annerose rolled : 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{13}
[20:02] <@Kowork> roll 1d20+3 Helena
[20:02] <Rei-chan> Kowork rolled : 1d20+3 Helena --> [ 1d20=11 ]{14}
[20:02] <@Erad> OOC: I believe I am immune to it.
[20:02] <@Kowork> OOC: You're off the hook then.
[20:02] <@Erad> OOC: Unfortunately no one is close enough to benefit from the +4 bonus.
[20:04] <@Kowork> Fear slams into the party like the fist of an angry Ilmater. Inari and Annerose both feel a primal, unreasoning terror hit them like a bullet, leaving them shaky and fearful. T shudders and shakes, while Helena literally whimpers. In the aftermath of this, the dragon goes into a dive, starting to plummet towards the party. OOC: All but Erad are shaken. Act, one round of actions, y'all.
[20:04] * Annerose ducks all the way into the temple, skin even paler than usually.
[20:04] <@Inari> OOC: what range is it at?
[20:06] <@Kowork> OOC: Still about 2k ft up, but going into a dive. That likely won't last long and it'll be much closer soon.
[20:07] <@Erad> "If you run into the monastery, it'll just destroy it and harm everyone inside!" Erad shouts to his allies, noticing that they're all suddenly panicking and understanding why. He can do little but move about 50 feet away from the monastery and towards the exit, in hopes that it might draw some attention.
[20:07] <@Inari> "Hold on!" Inari shouts, moving closer to the rest of the party now and casting heart's ease to wipe away the fear in everyone's hearts!
[20:07] <@Inari> OOC: 6 targets so I can get everyone
[20:08] <@Inari> OOC: range 40 feet so long as everyone is at least within that relative to me, not counting Erad
[20:10] <@Kowork> "R-run!" T says, even as Inari works her magic. He turns and runs in a dead sprint, hurrying out the courtyard and into the forest. Helena merely whimpers again and follows, slowing as Inari's magic washes over her. "" she murmurs, shakes stopping. Meanwhile, the dragon's about 1500ft above now, plummeting fast. He's heading right for the monastery, looks like. Meanwhile, Annerose runs
[20:10] <@Kowork> into the monastery, finding the hunters inside. They look just as pale as she is, Roberts staring at her, "The forest's curse is back and stronger!" OOC: One round of actions, y'all.
[20:11] <Annerose> "We can-- we have to run away!" Annerose calls out to the hunters. "Into the forest, or the tunnels if we can't get that far. Let's go! Now!"
[20:13] <@Inari> "Abandon the monastery!" Inari lends her voice to Annerose's, seeing that it won't function at all as a shelter under this kind of assault. But she can buy a little time, preparing to cast make whole on any parts of the structure that start to crumble under draconic assault!
[20:13] <@Inari> OOC: readied action for that
[20:14] <@Erad> Running away isn't going to help anyone... Erad just stands his ground for now and waits. The dragon may not have even seen him yet.
[20:15] <@Kowork> The hunters nod at this, following Annerose as they flee into the courtyard and towards the exit gates. Helena hesistates at this, by the gate for now. Meanwhile T's gone and out of sight, likely still running as fast as he can. The dragon continues to dive, a mere 1000ft up now. You can see it - surely bigger than a house, casting a heavier and heavier shadow over all the monastery. OOC: Act,
[20:15] <@Kowork> y'all. One round of actions.
[20:16] <@Inari> Inari moves to the rear of the fleeing villagers and readies her spear in case the dragon turns their way. She can't do a thing for the monastery, and it's just bricks anyway. So long as the people are safe, that's what counts.
[20:17] <@Erad> Erad continues to stand in place, waiting for the hunters to get past him. "But why is it even here...?" Erad mumbles to himself as he continues to watch.
[20:17] <Annerose> Bringing up the rear, Annerose raises her hands towards the sky and blots a portion of it herself with a storm of ice and sleet! It's just under half the distance to the dragon, and should hide the running hunters from its sight.
[20:17] <@Kowork> OOC: What spell?
[20:18] <Annerose> OOC: sleet storm, roughly 480ft up
[20:23] <@Kowork> Helena starts to flee as well, behind the villagers and with shield out. Annerose throws some magic up, the dragon coming closer to it. He's now 500ft up and just about at it. It doesn't show any signs of slowing down, though. OOC: 1 round of actions, y'all.
[20:23] <@Inari> It doesn't seem to care about them at least - though they might have to write off the landsharks as a loss, so Inari continues retreating up the rear.
[20:24] <Annerose> "Go! It's not here for us!" Annerose urges the huntes on.
[20:25] <@Erad> Erad stays at the exit. He needs to see what exactly this thing does and where it goes after that.
[20:27] <@Kowork> Thus the party retreats. Erad can see it come through Annerose's sleet storm, not even slowed by it. It plummets down and flies right through the center of the tower. Old stone gives way with a tremendous groan, collapsing onto the monastery. The sound and dust thrown up is tremendous, overwhelming all sound and sight for a time. OOC: Act, y'all, 1 round again.
[20:27] * Annerose keeps running, making sure Helena and the hunters are ahead of her and ready to stop and throw her life away should the dragon come after them next.
[20:28] <@Inari> "Keep going, into the forest!" Inari calls, rushing up to start impressing pass without trace on the villagers and her allies so they won't be found so easily if the dragon comes after them later.
[20:28] <@Inari> OOC: 6 people per cast, I have 3 of them so hopefully will get everyone if enough rounds pass.
[20:28] <@Erad> "Just the tower...?" Erad murmurs to himself, still standing there amidst all the rubble and dust heading his direction.
[20:29] <@Kowork> OOC: Okay.
[20:30] <@Kowork> Thus the others flee. As they go deeper into the safety of the forest, Erad can see the dust clear. The monastery is half collapsed, the tower gone and the entire structure crumbling. During that time, the dragon has ascended a few hundred feet up, circling back around - and it's hovering, positining for another dive - right at the courtyard.
[20:30] <@Kowork> OOC: Go ahead and act, Erad. Others are fine for the moment.
[20:32] <@Erad> Erad furrows his brow but decides to take to the air and move 70 ft towards the forest, but keeps his eyes on the courtyard.
[20:33] <@Kowork> Erad flies up and away - just in time. Like a falling star, the dragon plunges into the courtyard. The entire hill shudders, an earthquake ripping through the forest. The others stumble and fall as the ground suddenly protests. From his position, Erad can see the netire hilltop cave inwards, collapsing all around the dragon. OOC: Act, y'all. 1 round's actions.
[20:34] <Annerose> So long as they stay away from the tunnel-ridden ground, they will be alright!
[20:34] <@Kowork> Helena's thrown to the ground, a hard, "Ooof!" as she lands. She picks herself up with a grimace, "The hell was that?"
[20:34] <@Inari> With the last of the traceless passage spells passed out, Inari moves to catch up. "Everyone stick together and get around me," she calls, moving off the path they'd been taking and preparing to put up an illusion of an innocuous little hill to cover them once they're gathered.
[20:34] <Annerose> "Don't stop! Go!"
[20:35] <@Kowork> "You heard her, go!" Roberts calls, the rest of the party hurrying along.
[20:35] <@Erad> "Was there... something under the hill, or..." Erad continues to mull the various possibilities... He still moves away again, another 70 feet, but stays flying. Maybe he can figure out what direction it goes in afterwards.
[20:36] <@Kowork> As Erad flees, he can see the dragon emerge from the crater. That's all that's left now. It flies up a mere 100ft, before magic circles surround it again. Clouds appear just beneath the dragon, black stormclouds. Rain begins to pour from them, gushing into the newly formed crater. OOC: Erad, go. Rest of the party is fleeing behind Inari's illusion+pass without trace.
[20:37] <@Erad> Erad stays put to watch this. If it's trying to find something or do something specific, it might give him some insight.
[20:41] <@Kowork> The clouds soon fill the crater, turning it into a lake. They then fade, leaving only the dragon - which chuckles, a deep, rumbling sound that carries far, even heard by the rest of the fleeing party. It then takes to the sky, ascending up and away, leaving behind the ruins of the monastery.
[20:41] <@Erad> Erad will do what he can to follow, or at least see which direction the thing's going in.
[20:42] <@Kowork> He can tell the dragon's flying to the west/northwest. But it's impossible to keep up long, the dragon's superior speed soon leaving Erad completely behind.
[20:43] <@Erad> That'll have to do. He'll return back to the forest to look for the others -- oh, this might be a small challenge.
[20:45] <@Kowork> The party makes it back to the horses in shaken but orderly fashion. The great hunks of bulette meat already taken are on the beasts of burden and in the wagon. T's already there, readying and steadying the animals. "Glad you caught up. So how's Misty Harbor this time of year? Let's find out." It comes out in about two seconds flat, blurted out as fast as can be. Meanwhile Erad catches up,
[20:45] <@Kowork> descending down from the sky.
[20:46] <Annerose> "Half the bulletes is better than nothing," Annerose says, happy with their continued survival. "And we're alive and healthy! Let's call this a win."
[20:48] <@Kowork> "Y-yeah, sure." T hops onto his donkey and spurs her along, "You all can catch up, I'll go check the roads."
[20:48] <Annerose> "Hey! Safety in numbers!"
[20:49] <@Inari> "We're lucky to get what we could out of there," Inari agrees. "At least its grudge was with architecture and not us."
[20:49] <@Erad> Erad lands with a grimace. "I can't let something like that just go, you understand." Erad says, sounding tense. "However, I can still journey with you to Misty Harbor to make sure you get there safely."
[20:51] <@Inari> "Pick your battles carefully," is the only advice Inari can offer if he wants to make something of the giant dragon that would have devoured them with ease.
[20:51] <Annerose> "A dragon that large casting a fireball from beyond two thousand feet is more than I can deal with," Annerose says regretfully, shuddering. "It's one thing to make a last stand to buy innocents time to run, and another to think I have any sort of chance to even delay it significantly without serious training first."
[20:52] <@Erad> "Would you so easily be able to walk away from something Auril sent that looked like an enormous fox spirit that desrroyed your place of worship?" Erad asks. "I understand your point, but it is difficult to simply ignore... but, if it's simply a fool's errand to even try and face it, then I will have to hope I can receive forgiveness for waiting."
[20:53] <@Kowork> "Yeah,' Helena shudders visibly, rubbing her arms like she's cold. "Well, why don't we find out what dragon it was ni the first place? All we know is that it's a big green dragon."
[20:53] <Annerose> "Yes. It's just a building."
[20:53] <@Inari> "My place of worship was destroyed," Inari says archly. "I was rather more concerned about being mutilated and seeing my followers murdered before me. Bricks and mortar can be rebuilt."
[20:53] * Annerose nods curtly.
[20:55] <@Erad> "A building that someone was protecting for however countless years, but sure, 'just a building." Erad snaps.
[20:55] <Annerose> "People trump buildings any time."
[20:56] <@Inari> "And the protection was stopped," Inari says. "Why? If it was so important couldn't the protection that has served all these years simply be continued? Whatever message Bahamut wanted you to receive from it has been imparted, it no longer held any purpose."
[20:58] <@Erad> "Yes, I suppose whatever protection it had was ceased when I opened it." Erad says. "It's probably why the dragon came at all. Regardless, whether it was a show of force or something more, there is little to be done about it now."
[20:59] <@Inari> "Best to just dismiss it as nothing more than petty spite. No one was hurt and the dragon received no reward other than the gratification of its own ego."
[21:03] <@Erad> "While I don't disagree, letting an evil creature live is an affront to any decent person." Erad answers. "But your point that we'd all just die trying to fight it is a still valid one. We will simply have to come back someday and deal with it. Or I can do so, once I have the ability."
[21:10] <@Kowork> OOC: Okay, so what's y'alls plan now?
[21:10] <Annerose> OOC: See the villagers and half the bulletes to their village, then go on to Misty Harbor
[21:10] <@Inari> OOC: back to town, then onwards
[21:12] <@Kowork> The trip back reaches into Sess 10. This day is cool and breezy, cloudy and promising afternoon rain. It's like this that the party returns, loads of meat unloaded. The elder comes over and offers his hand, "Thank you. All of this will help a great deal if winter is as bad as we fear."
[21:13] <Annerose> "No problem, happy to help! And with everything gone there, the forest probably isn't cursed in any way anymore?"
[21:13] <@Erad> "I'm glad those creatures will serve some good." Erad says.
[21:14] <@Erad> Erad tenses at that particular remark.
[21:15] <@Inari> "Just remember the mushrooms, if you can gather them before the frost comes they'll be a useful supplement," Inari adds.
[21:15] <@Kowork> Nods, "We'll remember the mushrooms. Also," A glance at Erad, "You mentioned some farming techniques. Do you have the time to go over those, see if you know anything we don't?"
[21:16] <@Erad> Erad nods.
[21:18] <@Kowork> OOC: Erad, do you hav eany ranks in anything relevant here? Just curious.
[21:20] <@Erad> OOC: Unless somehow K:H would apply instead of K:L, no, not really.
[21:21] <@Kowork> OOC: I mean for farming.
[21:21] <@Erad> OOC: Right, that's what I mean. No.
[21:23] <@Kowork> OOC: Okay.
[21:23] <@Kowork> A talk goes back and forth. Erad and the elder both learn a few little things, but nothing too big. Soon enought party braves the latter half of Sess 10. As you take to the roads again, "You know," Helena speaks up here, "It's nice, isn't it?"
[21:24] <@Erad> "Certainly less hot." Erad agrees.
[21:24] <Annerose> "No rain."
[21:24] <@Inari> "That might change..."
[21:25] <Annerose> "Then it won't be as nice."
[21:25] <@Kowork> "For now," T says, peering up at the sky. "Give it two hours."
[21:25] <@Erad> "I did have a conversation with someone back a while ago that alluded to this being a very wet season again." Erad says. "Hopefully it isn't goblins messing with elementals again."
[21:25] <@Kowork> "Not that!" Helena blushes and gestures back towards the village. "I mean that. Helping them."
[21:26] <@Erad> Erad blinks and looks over at Helena. "Oh, yes, well... I'm glad the side trip proved fruitful in more ways than one."
[21:26] <Annerose> "I like how strange life can be, too. Who thought that those bulletes would be good for something?"
[21:27] <@Inari> "Yes!" Inari beams at Helena's comment. "It is, I always feel very fulfilled when I make someone's day a little brighter."
[21:28] <@Kowork> "I never would have imagined they'd help a town like that," Helena nods her agreement, "And yes. I feel better when I see people like that. It really is nice."
[21:28] <Annerose> "Maybe we can stop at every village along the way?" Annerose proposes. "Spend a few hours there, see if we can help with anything."
[21:29] <@Inari> "No reason not to," Inari agrees. "Though I hope they don't all have food troubles. There's only so much to go around..."
[21:30] <@Erad> "Aren't there spells that make food and water?" Erad asks. "I've heard of those."
[21:30] <Annerose> "If it's water, I can make it. Sort of. In a way. But I've never heard anyone using the other spell to hoard up a lot of food. I think it spoils?"
[21:30] <@Kowork> T glances over at this, "Y'know, charity work isn't the best way to make a profit. We do need money, especially if we want magic or favors."
[21:31] <@Inari> "It does," Inari says. "There are spells to fix that, but then you just end up chasing your tails."
[21:31] <@Erad> Erad nods. "I'd imagine if it's a small town, they don't have someone on hand to create the food anyway."
[21:32] <Annerose> "It also is quite bland unless you have Prestidigitation. And it's actually tiring to use it on an entire village each meal."
[21:32] <@Kowork> "Exactly!" Helena nods, "That's why today felt so good."
[21:34] <@Erad> "But you all seem to have been able to call on Eldath, so maybe you can do it again if you find a village in dire need." Erad says. "Unfortunately from my side of things there aren't a lot of 'fruit and plant' dragons, so Bahamut can't really help out with crops."
[21:34] <@Inari> "And in the future animals will return to those woods, offering plenty of meat and balancing the vegetation," Inari goes on. "Really things worked out quite well, just so long as they can get through the Winter."
[21:35] <@Kowork> "Yeah, but winter's still coming, and I bet Auril's in a bitchy mood," T shakes his head.
[21:35] <Annerose> "Always."
[21:35] <@Erad> "Then we'll just have to anger her enough to send a white dragon after us." Erad says with a small smile.
[21:36] <@Inari> "Won't it still be Tiamat's responsibility since it's a dragon?"
[21:37] <@Erad> "Partially." Erad nods. "But I've heard that Auril consorts with certain types of evil creatures like that anyway, so it could be both. Besides -- the message said it was Auril's wrath and Umberlee's... something or other, fury, I think."
[21:38] <@Erad> roll 1d20+6 K:R that's a good point though, are there any specific dragons that consort with Auril?
[21:38] <Rei-chan> Erad rolled : 1d20+6 K:R that's a good point though, are there any specific dragons that consort with Auril? --> [ 1d20=12 ]{18}
[21:39] <@Kowork> OOC: White dragons. She has two courts of them in her frozen realm: The Frozen Brood and the Snowfall Brood. Erad can't recallthe details beyond that.
[21:40] <@Erad> Erad nods as he thinks on the subject. "The Frozen and Snowfall Broods are two such groups of white dragons. So in the end it's a little of both -- so if we can defeat it, well, all the better for us, no?"
[21:41] <@Inari> "Better be smaller than that last one then."
[21:42] <@Erad> OOC: Was it?
[21:42] <Annerose> "It would work best if we can use terrain to our advantage, and don't have to shield innocent bystanders."
[21:42] <@Erad> OOC: I mean, the image we saw -- the dragon.
[21:43] <@Kowork> OOC: Hard to say, but you think so. Also worth noting white dragons tend to be the smallest chromatic dragons.
[21:44] <@Erad> "If the image was accurate, it should be." Erad says. "Presuming that it was true, but I have no reason to believe it wasn't. But if we're to be stopping at every village on the way... it might be a while before we see it."
[21:46] <@Kowork> "We'll worry about it when it happens," Helena resolves.
[21:46] <@Kowork> "Great," T mutters, rubbing his forehead and going into a full facepalm. "Great way to deal with dragons, that."
[21:48] <Annerose> "It gives us more time to train first!"
[21:48] <@Erad> "Well I was rather out-voted on wanting to go to the lair to kill the green one." Erad says, though it's clear he's joking. "So if you have another suggestion other than 'run away because dragons make me scared' I'll be happy to consider it."
[21:49] <@Kowork> T considers a moment, humming. He finally replies, "Say, does Bahamut take requests? Like, come on down and thrash that dragon for us?"
[21:51] <@Erad> "I could always make the request." Erad says. "But I have a feeling it'd be best if I prayed for 'what can we do to make us strong enough to face this dragon?' Bahamut is much more a 'show a man where to go so he can find fish' type of teacher, if that makes sense."
[21:51] <@Kowork> "Damn." T continues to rub his face, "I was afraid you'd say that."
[21:52] <@Erad> "Hey, you're the one who was just talking about our finances." Erad says. "If we managed to beat a dragon, what usually comes after that?"
[21:54] <@Kowork> "Yeah, yeah. I know." T just grumbles, peering up at the sky. A few raindrops begin to fall, cool and bordering on chilly. "Fall's getting an early start this season, too." OOC: Ready to move along, y'all?
[21:55] <@Erad> "I'm sure that's Auril's handiwork, somehow." Erad mutters. OOC: Sure thing
[21:56] <@Kowork> roll 1d100
[21:56] <Rei-chan> Kowork rolled : 1d100 --> [ 1d100=28 ]{28}
[21:56] <@Kowork> roll 1d100
[21:56] <Rei-chan> Kowork rolled : 1d100 --> [ 1d100=39 ]{39}
[21:58] <@Kowork> Sess 10 passes into Sess 11. Another cool and rainy day, unremarkable otherwise. The roads are starting to get muddy, slowing down your progress somewhat. It's lunchtime as the party eats away in the wagon, taking a break from the rain and mud. OOC: Set yourselves up, y'all. Sec.
[21:59] * Annerose has been sheltering in the wagon for most of the trip as it is, and so it's nothing new to her.
[21:59] <@Erad> "I bet Druids make a killing this time of year selling spells to help with crops and that sort of thing." Erad says as he glances out at the rain. "Never really got into that nature stuff."
[21:59] <@Inari> Inari sits at the back of the wagon eating some preserved cold meats from a bird she'd killed the day before, along with a few berries as she watches the clouds. It could be worse.
[22:01] <Annerose> "I doubt most villages could afford that," Annerose muses in response. "If they have the extra money, wouldn't it make more sense to use it to buy another village or town's surplus?"
[22:03] <@Erad> Erad nods to Annerose. "You're right. If a village has a local Druid they probably have some kind of agreement anyway, or don't even have the problem. But it's more likely they don't have anything, I'd think."
[22:03] <@Inari> "I think most druids would do it for free just to encourage a little respect for nature," Inari volunteers lazily. "Or they might not offer at all because what happens when the population expands off these magically fertile fields and then the druid stops?"
[22:05] <@Erad> "There are a lot of variables." Erad agrees. "I hope what you all accomplished at our grove might call one or two near Ailan to help with the recovery."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:13] <@Kowork> As the party chats amid themselves, T sits back and quietly eats. Helena's shivering with her blue ice armor, as...OOC: Perception, y'all. -5 penalty to all but Annerose.
[20:13] <@Kowork> roll 1d20+5 T
[20:13] <@Inari> roll 1d20+8
[20:13] <@Kowork> roll 1d20+5 T
[20:13] <Serith> Kowork roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=16]
[20:13] <@Kowork> roll 1d20+5 T
[20:13] <Serith> Kowork roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=12]
[20:14] <@Inari> roll 1d20+8
[20:14] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=14]
[20:14] <@Kowork> OOC: First one counts since Serith caught both. Second is stricken.
[20:14] <@Kowork> roll 1d20+5 Helena
[20:14] <Serith> Kowork roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=9]
[20:14] <@Kowork> OOC: Since Cor's fooding, could someone roll for him?
[20:14] <@Erad> roll 1d20+13
[20:14] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=7]
[20:15] <@Inari> roll 1d20+2 Annerose
[20:15] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=14]
[20:15] <@Erad> OOC: Oh, I'm sorry, I misread
[20:15] <@Erad> OOC: Mine should be 15
[20:16] <@Kowork> Inari's ears perk up. She can hear a faint rustle, the sound of air moving and tree branches blowing in a blizzard. OOC: Right, Erad.
[20:17] <@Inari> It sounds out of place amidst the breeze so she looks over towards the sound. "I think there's something in the trees nearby," she says, craning her neck out of the cart and into the drizzle.
[20:19] <@Erad> Erad looks over. "Huh, something following us again?"
[20:19] <@Kowork> Inari looks o-ACH! It's coming right for them - a frozen solid, dead body. It floats just above the ground but it otherwise solid. It carries an oversized scimitar in hand, frozen over with frost. Its face is dessicated and frozen solid, mouth sunken in to form a massive open O. No eyes either, eyesocked filled with solid ice. It's 20ft away and closing in on the wagon-resting party. OOC: Init,
[20:19] <@Kowork> all. You just saved yourselves an ambush.

[20:20] <@Inari> roll 1d20+4
[20:20] <@Kowork> roll 1d20+6 T
[20:20] <@Annerose> "I knew you were listening, you frigid bitch!" Annerose cries out towards the sky.
[20:20] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=14]
[20:20] <Serith> Kowork roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=19]
[20:20] <@Kowork> roll 1d20+4 Helena
[20:20] <Serith> Kowork roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=8]
[20:20] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+5+5
[20:20] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=7]
[20:20] <@Erad> roll 1d20+2
[20:20] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=9]
[20:20] <@Kowork> "Crap!" T cries, already fumbling for his dagger as he leaps up.
[20:20] <@Kowork> roll 1d20+8 ???
[20:20] <Serith> Kowork roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=20]
[20:21] * Kowork changes topic to 'T(25)>Inari(18)'
[20:21] * Kowork is now known as Kotono
[20:21] * Kotono changes topic to '???(28)>T(25)>Inari(18)>Annerose(17)>Helena(12)>Erad(11)'
[20:22] <@Kotono> The creature comes to within 10ft, and before any can act, sucks in air through the oversized hole in its mouth. A moment later, it emits a torrent of super-chilled air, freezing the drizzle solid as it envelopes the party. OOC: Ref saves, y'all.
[20:22] <@Inari> roll 1d20+9
[20:22] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=1]
[20:22] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 T (5/6, +3 inspiration)
[20:22] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=4]
[20:22] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+11
[20:22] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=10]
[20:23] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 Helena evasion
[20:23] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=17]
[20:23] <@Erad> roll 1d20+11 evasion (+2 if this counts as an evil supernatural ability or spell, +2 if the creature is either chaotic or evil)
[20:23] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=14]
[20:23] <@Kotono> roll 10d6+5 Inari full, T full, Annerose none since cold, Helena none evasion, Erad none evasion cold damage
[20:23] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 33 > [d6=1,4,4,2,5,1,1,6,1,3]
[20:26] <@Kotono> Annerose starts to dodge, then feels the cold. It does nothing to her, a refreshing if stinking breeze. Helena brings up her shield, blocking the gust entirely. Erad moves fast as the eye can see, leaping back and throwing his plate of food at the gust. The hot food warms the air as he ducks, only the lightest of it barely touching him. But Inari stumbles slightly, caught flush on by it. She
[20:26] <@Kotono> immediately goes numb as frostbite spreads up her fingers and toes. T is likewise caught before he can move, groaning lowly as ice forms all over his body. OOC: Ow. T's up.
[20:28] <@Kotono> T's fingers shake as he stumbles back, chanting a quick defensive spell. OOC: 4/6 inspiration, cast shield for +4 AC. Not going to melee it yet due to damage+undead. Inari.
[20:29] <@Inari> "Oww!" Throwing her now frozen and thus inedible meal off the back of the wagon, Inari surges to her feet and hurls a globe of foxfire at the awful cold corpse!
[20:29] <@Inari> roll 1d20+9 ranged touch
[20:29] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=5]
[20:29] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[20:29] <@Inari> roll 6d6 fire
[20:29] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 17 > [d6=2,1,2,6,1,5]
[20:29] <@Inari> roll 1d4 recharge
[20:29] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 2 > [d4=2]
[20:29] <@Kotono> roll 17*1.5
[20:29] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < error: missing right parenthesis >
[20:29] <@Kotono> roll 17+8
[20:29] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 25 >
[20:30] <@Kotono> The foxfire is thrown, burns appearing all over it as the globe bursts around it. The creature makes another sucking noise, more air coming in. OOC: Annerose.
[20:30] <@Kotono> "What is it with us an assassins lately?!" Helena says, hitting her shield and knocking off ice.
[20:30] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+11 K:R devotion
[20:30] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=15]
[20:31] <@Annerose> "Go back to your mistress!" Annerose bids the shambling thing, sniping at it from afar. "In pieces!"
[20:32] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+8+3 disrupt undead
[20:32] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=18]
[20:32] <@Annerose> roll 1d6+3 positive
[20:32] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 4 > [d6=1]
[20:32] <@Kotono> The creature before you is a variant winterspawn - an undead frozen and carrying weapons of crystallized ice. The weapon doesn't match and they don't normally have breath weapons, so Annerose can presume it's a customized one.
[20:32] <@Kotono> Annerose chants, the spell making a hunk of the winterspawn's arm fall away and dissolve into dust. At this, Helena leaps out of the wagon and barrels into it, shield first.
[20:35] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+13 (+2 charge, +1 ab)
[20:35] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 30 > [d20=17]
[20:35] <@Kotono> roll 1d6+6 unfortunately no skirmish, but free trip and dazing coming.
[20:35] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 7 > [d6=1]
[20:35] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9 (+1 ab) trip
[20:35] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=4]
[20:36] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 fort
[20:36] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=12]
[20:36] <@Kotono> Helena htis it dead on, knocking it back a few steps. But it isn't deterred, the only response is more cold air being sucked in. OOC: Erad.
[20:37] <@Erad> Erad puts a hand on T's shoulder and channels positive energy into him! OOC: Lay on hands for 25
[20:37] <@Erad> With that out of the way, he moves after Helena to get to the other side of the undead creature, ready to flank it! OOC: Presuming I can move enough around it with 50 ft to avoid an AoO anyway
[20:38] <@Kotono> OOC: You can't without eating the AoO. You okay with that?
[20:38] <@Erad> OOC: Yeah, go for it
[20:38] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 AC?
[20:38] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=7]
[20:39] <@Erad> OOC: 20
[20:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d8+9+1d6 (1d6 is cold)
[20:40] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 15 > [d8=3][d6=3]
[20:41] <@Erad> OOC: Cold damage is negated, so 12 I believe
[20:41] <@Kotono> The blade slides along Erad's side, bringing frozen over cuts and numbness. But he's still up and moving, positioning to flank it. As this happens...OOC: It's up. Noted.
[20:41] <@Kotono> The creature whirls about, slashing at Helena and then at Erad.Its scimitar is now coated in frozen blood, gleaming in the icy rain around it.
[20:42] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 Helena vs AC 23
[20:42] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=13]
[20:42] <@Kotono> roll 1d8+9+1d6 (1d6 is cold) Helena
[20:42] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 19 > [d8=5][d6=5]
[20:42] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 vs AC 20 Erad
[20:42] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=8]
[20:43] <@Kotono> Helena gets a slice of her forearm hacked off, leaving an icy coating over blood and bone. As she cries out...OOC: T's up.
[20:44] <@Kotono> Rejuvenated, T steps forward and pullts out his holy symbol of Tempus, "Get rocked by war," he calls, channeling holy power. OOC: 3/6 inspiration, 1st daily use of op.
[20:44] <@Kotono> roll 3d6 healing to allies, damage to the undead
[20:44] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 12 > [d6=5,1,6]
[20:44] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[20:44] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=7]
[20:45] <@Kotono> Soothing light mends wounds and banishes the cold (except in Annerose, where winter is eternal) and the winterspawn shudders. Burnt flesh falls away, leaving holes all over its body. OOC: Inari.
[20:47] <@Inari> Grabbing up her spear Inari jumps out of the carriage and rushes over to put a stabbing into their chilly assailant! "Stay down!" she snaps as it makes contact!
[20:47] <@Inari> roll 1d20+9 divine might
[20:47] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=3]
[20:47] <@Kotono> Inari's spear meats scimitar, the two locking together. AS Inari is pushed back...OOC: Annerose.
[20:48] * @Annerose tries repeating her earlier limited success.
[20:48] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+8+3-4
[20:48] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=12]
[20:49] <@Annerose> roll 1d6+3
[20:49] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 7 > [d6=4]
[20:49] <@Kotono> Another hunk of the undead falls away, this time a part of its hipbone. It lurches to the left side, right side of its body starting to fall apart. Helena meanwhile keeps on it, "Stay down!" she calls, trying to batter it into submission.
[20:50] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+11 (+1 ab, 0/2 pp per day)
[20:50] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=14]
[20:50] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 (+1 ab, 0/2 pp per day)
[20:50] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=14]
[20:50] <@Kotono> roll 1d6+6
[20:50] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 7 > [d6=1]
[20:50] <@Kotono> roll 1d6+6
[20:50] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 8 > [d6=2]
[20:51] <@Kotono> Twin blows slam into the winterspawn. With its side already going, Helena's slams knock its torso apart, sending upper body flying and lower body hitting the ground. Both parts twitch for several seconds and slowly go still. OOC: Free act.

[20:52] <@Annerose> "This was horrible. Let's go somewhere else."
[20:52] <@Inari> "Well, these roads certainly are dangerous..." Inari says, dispensing further healing to the group.
[20:52] <@Inari> roll 3d6 healz
[20:52] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 4 > [d6=2,1,1]
[20:52] <@Inari> roll 3d6 healz again L(
[20:52] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 9 > [d6=2,2,5]
[20:53] <@Kotono> T shakes his head and glances at Inari, "Hey 'nari, you need to put your back into - oh there it goes," T rubs his arm, "Better."
[20:53] <@Erad> Erad almost looks disappointed since he didn't get to tear into it. Alas. "Is there another group of necromancers in this area?"
[20:53] <@Kotono> "I doubt we're targeted two times like that. This smacks of something intentional, rather than happenstance." T sheathes his dagger, "Bet Auril has her dander up with us."
[20:53] <@Inari> "Unfortunately tracking it won't be easy, not with its ability to fly," Inari says. "I could try and follow on scent alone, but conditions aren't ideal."
[20:54] <@Erad> "What even... is this thing?" He asks as he kneels down to look at it. Maybe the weapon could be useful to someone?
[20:54] <@Kotono> "That's a little too coincidental for me to like," T agrees, heading on over with Erad. Searching it, you find the scimitar as well as a ring on its finger. Easy to miss in the heat of battle. OOC: Loot post.
[20:55] <@Inari> Inari checks it over for magic while they consider if it's worth trying to follow.
[20:55] <@Annerose> "Are we going?"
[20:55] <@Inari> OOC: take 10 for 22 on spellcraft
[20:56] <@Inari> "Hold your horses, we're looting it!" Inari calls back to Annerose.
[20:56] <@Kotono> The scimitar is indeed magic. Inari can analyze it, while the ring isn't. It does look to be of silver, however. At that, Helena breaks into giggles.
[20:56] <@Kotono> OOC: Loot post update coming.
[20:57] <@Kotono> OOC: Post.
[20:57] <@Kotono> "Yeah, hold on. Thi sis how we make our money," T shouts back, "Just go powder your nose or something."
[20:58] <@Inari> "The sword has a basic frost enchantment on it, the ring's just a ring," Inari reports after a moment. "Give me a moment to see if tracking its path will be pointless or not and then we can be on our way?" she then asks, having a sniff around.
[20:58] <@Inari> roll 1d20+10 survival
[20:58] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=9]
[20:58] <@Annerose> "I'm sure Auril is most pleased."
[20:59] <@Kotono> Inari can't make out a scent with all this rain. It smells like rain and grass, not to mention wet people. It's just not working. Meanwhile T calls back, "She can be pleased all the way to Carceri and back."
[20:59] <@Inari> "No, sorry," she goes to climb back on the cart. "There's no way to tell where it came from I'm afraid."
[21:00] <@Erad> Erad nods as he gathers the sword and ring up. "Well, we can't do much about it."
[21:00] <@Annerose> "I'm sure she'll send more gifts before long."
[21:02] <@Kotono> OOC: Moving along now, y'all? Anything else to do before that?
[21:02] <@Erad> OOC: Nope, I think we're good.
[21:05] <@Kotono> Sess 11 ends in a roadside inn. It's unremarkable as the party settles in for a meal - rather bland stew and bread, but it wins points for being warm. As the party eats the inn table, a man enters. A soldier dressed in armor. He clangs gauntleted hands together, silence coming to the inn's open room. "Now hear this, now hear this!"
[21:06] * @Annerose listens!
[21:06] <@Kotono> "Ah hell," T says softly, putting down his spoonful of stew back into the bowl.
[21:07] <@Inari> Inari hears with her ears!
[21:09] <@Erad> Erad glances over.
[21:09] <@Kotono> "The Dynast informs the citizenry that a state of war exists between Malana and Kabath. Effective immediately, martial law has been declared." There is a pause for breath, as meanwhile Helena's eyes widen. "Travel to and from cities will be monitored and travel into Misty Harbor is restricted until further notice. A dawn to dusk curfew is in effect in any village and city, and violators will be
[21:09] <@Kotono> punished. "
[21:10] <@Kotono> T slowly closes his eyes, mouthing 'fuck' rather clearly if silently. His fists clench tightly together.
[21:11] <@Inari> "What does this mean?" Inari quietly asks her companions. She's never been involved in a war before, and any that did occur in her life never reached her home.
[21:11] <@Kotono> "The hell happened?" A man calls out from another table in the meantime.
[21:12] <@Kotono> "It means thigns are about to get unpleasant," T answers tightly, "They'll be looking to round up commonfolk for military service, too."
[21:12] <@Annerose> "What's the difference between what was happening already and martial law?" Annerose asks quietly.
[21:13] <@Kotono> "The cowards of Kabath launched an attack on innocent and brave soldiers of Malana!" The guard replies, "This massacre cannot go unavenged and the Dynast has rightly declared war."
[21:14] <@Erad> Erad shakes his head. "Hopefully for us, very little." he says quietly.
[21:14] <@Kotono> "More headaches, more trouble, more stress for the realm. For us? We keep going on and keep our heads down," T whispers back.
[21:15] <@Kotono> An angry murmur fills the room, as the guard goe son. "The 23rd Royal Scouting unit was massacred to a man by those barbarians, skinned and eaten alive like animals. Kabath again proves they are nothing but savages and we will have revenge!"
[21:16] <@Erad> OOC: K:H on whether something like that had happened before in the war?
[21:16] <@Kotono> OOC: Sure.
[21:16] * @Annerose stares at the guard in horror.
[21:16] <@Erad> roll 1d20+6
[21:16] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=19]
[21:16] <@Kotono> Helena does the same, jaw slack.
[21:17] <@Inari> "That is quite grisly..." Inari says, pushing away her stew.
[21:17] <@Kotono> Erad hms. There have been grisly claims like that made on occasion, but they've always turned out to lack evidence. Realistically, it's usually propaganda - not that the commonfolk usualy realizes it. It doesn't fit any patterns of Kabath or Malana.
[21:18] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+13 T will check as well, +6 factotum 5/6
[21:18] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=10]
[21:18] <@Erad> Erad shakes his head slowly. "I think there's a piece of this we're either not hearing or is being overlooked." He says quietly. "Nothing like this ever really happened before, even when the war was at its worst."
[21:19] <@Kotono> "Also likely propaganda, yeah," T murmurs, a little nod to Erad. "I'm guessing someone in the palace wanted to really stir up some bloodlust."
[21:19] <@Inari> "Oh, good," Inari says, pulling her plate back towards her. "I suppose the real reason can't be so easily distilled to induce hatred and horror."
[21:19] <@Kotono> "Yeah, greed for land on one side or both sides is a lot less compelling," T grumbles.
[21:20] <@Kotono> The soldier merely nods nad turns, heading back out after that.
[21:20] <@Annerose> "I don't know quite what to say now. Maybe later."
[21:20] <@Erad> Erad shakes his head again. "Regardless... I'd rather not get wrapped up in war if I can help it. I have better things to do than pointlessly kill others."
[21:21] <@Kotono> "I can think of one thing. How are we going to get into Misty Harbor if they're locking it down?" T asks, sighing lightly.
[21:22] <@Erad> "They didn't say it was impossible, just restricted, right?" Erad says. "We can find a way, I'm sure."
[21:22] <@Inari> "Probably with a lot of bribes?" Inari asks, resuming her meal.
[21:23] <@Kotono> "Probably on a boat in a snowstorm." T grumbles again, rubbing his forehead. "I was wondering why the hell we might sail into Misty Harbor when we're going on land instead."
[21:23] <@Erad> "If it comes to it, we could always ask the gentleman from Lemmen, though it'd certainly be a trek back." Erad says.
[21:24] <@Annerose> "We should still go," Annerose voices suddenly. "I don't know how to feel about the war, but we're so close to the capital and so far from the front. If there's a chance to find out the truth and soon, it'd be there."
[21:24] <@Kotono> "Yeah." T hmms to himself, "I might, emphasis on might, be able to whip something up to. I'd have to really hit the books and see if I can find a spell that does it, though."
[21:25] <@Erad> Erad nods to Annerose. "I think just being direct about it will work."
[21:25] <@Kotono> At this, Helena nods, "I think so too. I'd like to know what's going on...and maybe we can do something?"
[21:28] <@Erad> "Well, if there's someone trying to drum up war for some reason..." Erad shakes his head. "We can't let everyone in Malana suffer because of a few liars."
[21:28] <@Inari> "I hope so," Inari says. "I can't imagine anyone's going to be better off over this."
[21:32] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, ready to move along, y'all?
[21:33] <@Erad> OOC: Yes. I'm also reminding you about the praying stuff you asked me to remind you of.
[21:33] <@Inari> OOC: sure
[21:35] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, we'll handle that real quick. Make a Wis check, Erad.
[21:37] <@Erad> roll 1d20+5
[21:37] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=5]
[21:40] <@Kotono> Erad doesn't get anything noteworthy, but he does feel relieved and reassured come morning. OOC: Going to do anyhing with that or...?
[21:41] <@Erad> OOC: I'll just try again the next chance since that isn't much to tell everyone
[21:43] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[21:43] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 5 > [d100=5]
[21:44] <@Kotono> Sess 12 is unremarkable and warmer, but mercifully dry. No sign of any increased presence here and it's just a normal day. Sess 13's cloudier, cooler and rainy once more. About two hours past noon, the party can see a group coming down the road towards them. A squad of six soldiers, marching along. As they come into sight, "Halt in the name of the Dynast!" one calls to the party.
[21:46] <@Inari> "Is there a problem?" Inari asks, bringing the cart to a halt.
[21:46] <@Erad> Erad will glance over at the soldiers.
[21:52] <@Kotono> T just sighs a little bit and then smiles, stopping his donkey. As the party stops, the soldiers advance. As they come closer, "We're inspecting travelers for signs of smuggling or Kabath sabotage."
[21:53] <@Annerose> "How is the war going?" Annerose asks with interest, peering out of the carriage.
[21:53] <@Inari> "Well we haven't been anywhere near Kabath, only travelling the road from Warmfolk for the past few weeks," Inari says. "But certainly, you're welcome to inspect our cart for any contraband."
[21:53] <@Erad> Well, they aren't smuggling anything, so this shouldn't be an issue, Erad thinks.
[21:55] <@Kotono> Helena just nods, getting out of the wagon and staying quiet.
[21:56] <@Kotono> "Good. Stand aside," The soldier commands, as the others flock over the wagon.  As they do that, "The Kabath savages are being routed under Dynast Franz's inspired leadership."
[21:56] <@Erad> Erad blinks. Inspired...? No, that can't be right, can it? OOC: K:H on Franz's previous leadership skills?
[21:57] <@Annerose> "That's very admirable!" Annerose chirps. And very quick, isn't it? Did any soldiers even make it to the front lines already?
[21:57] <@Inari> "Certainly," Inari says, hopping off the carriage to let them have a look. "Have you found any smugglers or saboteurs lately?"
[21:59] <@Kotono> OOC: It's not really a matter of history here but current. K:L would apply or K:N&R.
[22:00] <@Kotono> "Hope sp," T says with a warm smile, "Ones you find aren't a danger any longer."
[22:00] <@Erad> OOC: Rats! No skills there.
[22:03] <@Kotono> "Not yet, but I'm sure we will," The soldier grins a littl eat Inari, looking her over. As he really looks at her, his smile thins, "Not human, are you?"
[22:05] <@Inari> "The tails and ears gave me away, did they?" Inari asks with a little laugh, reaching up to scratch one of her triangular furry ears. "No, I'm not human. I just look mostly like one."
[22:05] * @Annerose stays silent and out of the way, curious whether she'll get a similar treatment.
[22:08] <@Kotono> "Along with him," A look to Erad, though Annerose doesn't get much more than a look before the guard's eyes narrow a bit. A second glance to Helena, then, "Ah. Why didn't you say something, ma'am?" he asks Annerose.
[22:09] <@Erad> Such perception. Erad just stays quiet for now.
[22:11] <@Annerose> "Hmm?"
[22:12] <@Kotono> "These are yours, aren't they?" he asks, "You wear the armor of Auril."
[22:13] <@Inari> Inari represses a sigh, keeping her poker face serene. It's a helpful misunderstanding perhaps, but a very vexing one as well, as indicated by the unhappy swishing of her tails.
[22:14] <@Erad> Erad slowly turns to look at the guard who would make such a foolish accusation.
[22:15] <@Annerose> "I'm curious at how the searches are executed," Annerose says, choosing to go with a truth. Getting angry would be unhelpful, and she wants to avoid any sort of conflict with the soldiers in which they might end up being harmed. "I suppose we should continue on our way, now."
[22:16] <@Kotono> "Yes. We're searching everyone on the roads, ma'am," The soldier says, before calling, "It's fine, back in formation!" The soldiers stop searching the wagon and come along, falling back.
[22:17] <@Inari> Inari gets back on the cart and drives the horses forward without further comment.
[22:17] <@Erad> "...That happens a lot, I take it?" Erad asks as they travel away. "I'm sorry."
[22:18] <@Inari> "Auril and Umberlee seem to be very highly regarded by the authorities these days," Inari says, allowing a frown now that they're past the armoured human supremacists.
[22:19] <@Kotono> "Yeah, guess enough people got frozen zombies thrown at them," Helena scowls, "At least it works in our favor sometimes."
[22:19] <@Annerose> "And there is our easy way into Misty Harbor."
[22:19] <@Kotono> "Hey, take the good with the bad." T rustles into his bag, before coming out with Auril's unholy symbol. He tosses it at Annerose, "Wear this. I know, I know," he holds his hands up, "But if she's going to sic zombies on us, the least we can do is take advantage of the fear she puts into others."
[22:20] <@Erad> "It's just fear." Erad says with a nod in T's direction.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[19:57] <~Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:57] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 51 > [d100=51]
[19:57] <~Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:57] <~Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:57] <~Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:57] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 72 > [d100=72]
[19:57] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 13 > [d100=13]
[19:57] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 31 > [d100=31]
[19:58] <~Kotono> OOC: Since you didn't answer last time, were you going ot wear that symbol of Auril, Annerose?
[19:59] <@Annerose> OOC: When there's a patrol
[20:03] <~Kotono> The party continues to travel northeast towards Misty Harbor. Sess 12, 13, 14 and 15 pass a blur of warmth and rain. You meet soldiers on the road, but they generally leave the party alone once they see Annerose. It's ultimately just days of travel, routine enough for what it is. Sess 16 begins with the party eating breakfast around the campfire. It's raining already, a cool day of wetness
[20:03] <~Kotono> promised. As this happens, you can see a caravan of wagons and horses coming from the northeast, towards the party. Doesn't look like soldiers - and they're making damned fast time, galloping along.
[20:04] <~Kotono> T busies himself, wringing water an dmud from one of his outfits. "You ask me," he begins, "But I think this weather is Auril's fault. Somehow. Or maybe Umberlee."
[20:04] <@Inari> "They're surely going to throw out the wheels on their wagons going like that," Inari says, looking down the road at the onrushing caravan. "I wonder what the hurry is?"
[20:05] <@Annerose> "Let's ask?" Annerose suggests. "I'll hang back in case you need Aunty Auril to save you."
[20:06] <@Inari> "Assuming they even stop to chat," Inari says, watching to see if they do. While eating of course.
[20:06] <~Kotono> Helena nods, "I'll stay with you and look all intimidating, like I'll freeze someone solid."
[20:07] <~Kotono> The wagons don't slow. However, as they do, a woman's head pokes out of the back of one and calls, "Turn back! Sinkhole! Monsters from the earth all over the road!"
[20:08] <@Inari> "Goodness! Is anyone hurt back that way?!" Inari shouts back, hoping to get what she can before they pass out of earshot.
[20:08] <~Kotono> T grabs his last spoonfull of porridge and takes his waterskin, rinsing the bowl out. "So," he announces, "Monsters in our way."
[20:08] <~Kotono> No response - the wagons are fleeing as fast as they can and the woman ducks back in.
[20:09] <@Annerose> "Erad, can you see how far this all is from the air? There might be someone who wasn't quick enough to flee!"
[20:10] <@Inari> "Good idea!" Inari seconds, trying to quickly devour her food so she can get into action on a full stomach!
[20:13] <~Kotono> Helena just gets up, eating on the go as she slings her shield over her back. "So right, to the wagon?"
[20:16] * @Annerose (~corwin@ Quit (Quit: )
[20:24] * Franceska is now known as Annerose
[20:36] * Nephrite is now known as ERad
[20:36] * ERad is now known as Erad
[20:37] <~Kotono> OOC: Going to line/reply to the flying suggestion, EraD?
[20:38] <@Erad> OOC: Yes, need to read and catch up, one moment please
[20:38] <@Erad> Erad nods and takes to the air to see what all the commotion is about! Maybe he can see the hole from up there.
[20:40] <~Kotono> As the party goes on ahead, Erad takes to the skies. Visibility isn't good in this weather, but...OOC: Perception.
[20:40] <@Erad> roll 1d20+13
[20:40] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 33 > [d20=20]
[20:40] <@Erad> OOC: screw your bad weather
[20:41] <~Kotono> OOC: Roll 1d20+33. This is a situation where an exploding crit could be relevant.
[20:41] <@Erad> roll 1d20+33 time to roll a 1 now
[20:41] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 43 > [d20=10]
[20:43] <~Kotono> Era dtakes to the skies and high up. He can see it, perhaps three miles or so ahead. A good chunk of the road has simply collapsed into a sinkhole. He can't see into it, but he can see a few creatures milling about it. Big, hunched over things, earthen brown as the mud all around and the muddy road. OOC: If you have ranks in K:N, you can make a check here.
[20:45] <@Erad> Erad returns back to the others. "Three miles ahead there's a giant hole in the road. There are... some sort of mud creatures, I think... They're big and hunched over. It's hard to tell what they are from here."
[20:45] <Annerose> "Any innocents?"
[20:45] <~Kotono> T just groans and pats his donkey on the side. "Great, now even the mud is trying to kill us. 'nari, maybe nature really has gone bad on us."
[20:46] <@Inari> "Elementals probably," Inari says. "I can speak with them, maybe there's a reason for this."
[20:46] <@Erad> Erad shakes his head. "None that I saw, but I could check the hole if we go to investigate."
[20:46] <Annerose> "Mud works, I can freeze mud. Let's go!"
[20:48] * @Inari goes to climb onto the wagon, since there's still a ways to go and she may as well rest her legs for it.
[20:50] * Annerose climbs to the front, Auril's emblem left in the carriage.
[20:50] <@Erad> Erad nods to follow suit with the others.
[20:51] <~Kotono> The party thus takes off at good speed, in the rain and misery. After about a mile and a half, they can see it ahead, 200ft. A great lumbering thing - hunched over, gnarled body with long, stringy blue hair. Its hands are crude claws, dragging along the ground It lopes along, covering the distance faster and easier than it should. It's also coming right for the wagon, showing no signs of stopping
[20:51] <~Kotono> or fear. OOC: K:N checks, y'all.
[20:52] <Annerose> roll 1d20+8
[20:52] <@Inari> roll 1d20+12
[20:52] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=1]
[20:52] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=13]
[20:55] <~Kotono> Inari cna tell this isn't an elemental. It looks like a troll - but brownish, as if mixed with the earth itself. She recalls a long ago story of a herd of trolls, tricked by a hero into falling into a chasm and left for dead. But they propered in those dark places with the spirits of the earth and the genasi, growing stronger and stronger with the earth's power.
[20:55] <@Inari> Inari jumps out of the wagon and runs in front of it to bar the way with her body! "Stop!" she shouts in Giant, before adding it in Terran as well in case they learned that language down there.
[20:57] <@Erad> Erad will get out and take to the air to stay nearby Inari, about 10 feet behind and 10 feet above her. He doesn't have to understand the language to understand her intention, after all.
[21:00] <~Kotono> The words in get the creature's attention, as it barks back in a harsh voice, still approaching, "Eat. Must eat. EAT! EAT! EAT! EAT!" Its voice is delerious to Inari's ears, mad with pain. It's now 140ft away and closing in. OOC: Let's go to init here, since it could go hostile.

[21:00] <~Kotono> roll 1d20+6 T
[21:00] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=17]
[21:01] <Annerose> roll 1d20+5+5
[21:01] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=11]
[21:01] <~Kotono> roll 1d20+3 Helena
[21:01] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=8]
[21:01] <~Kotono> roll 1d20+1 Earth troll
[21:01] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=17]
[21:01] <@Inari> roll 1d20+4
[21:01] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=8]
[21:02] * Kotono changes topic to 'T(23)>Annerose(21)>Troll(18)>Inari(12)>Helena(11)'
[21:02] <@Erad> roll 1d20+2
[21:02] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=14]
[21:02] <@Inari> "Don't attack it yet, I want to try something!" Inari warns her friends, hoping bloodshed can be avoided despite the trolls perhaps justified hunger.
[21:04] * Kotono changes topic to 'T(23)>Annerose(21)>Troll(18)>Erad(16)>Inari(12)>Helena(11)'
[21:04] <~Kotono> T just hops off his donkey, patting her side. "Stay," he murmurs, waiting. OOC: Annerose.
[21:05] <Annerose> "Stop moving!" Annerose commands, stretching her arm towards the rushing troll.
[21:05] <Annerose> OOC: Hold Monster Will DC21
[21:07] <~Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[21:07] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=4]
[21:08] <~Kotono> The troll just stops cold, mid-lope forward. It's not moving an inch. OOC: Erad, Inari and Helena. Any of you doing anything here.
[21:08] <~Kotono> OOC: Wait, it's up just after that. Gets its will to break out.
[21:08] <~Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[21:08] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=16]
[21:08] <~Kotono> The troll just stops cold, mid-lope forward. It's not moving an inch...until a moment later, the magic around it breaks like glass, stopping its momentum - but it's moving again, unheld. OOC: Erad.
[21:10] <@Erad> Erad just stays where he is for now out of respect for Inari's determination.
[21:11] <~Kotono> OOC: 'nari.
[21:12] <@Inari> Inari approaches the troll now, continuing to speak in giant. "We have food we can share, but you must be at peace," she bids, casting heart's ease to hopefully give succor to whatever madness currently drives it. Of course if it's just really angry and murderous it won't do much good...
[21:12] <@Inari> OOC: gets a DC 21 will save if it wants to resist the spell
[21:15] <~Kotono> The troll's movement stops as it groans, falling to the ground. It curls up, holding its stomach, "Food, eat, eat, eat...." OOC: FRee act for the sec, it's not doing anythin offensive.

[21:15] <@Inari> "Quick, get some food. Meat preferably!" Inari calls back to the wagon, going to sit by the troll and rub its back comfortingly. "We'll get you something, just hold on," she soothes.
[21:16] <~Kotono> "....Huh." T just stares ahead, "Y'know Erad, sometimes I wonder about Inari's priorities."
[21:16] <~Kotono> Helena nods, going to the wagon at Inari's words.
[21:17] * Annerose stays back for now, and alert. Should the troll try to attack anyone, she'll ensnare its mind again and not let go.
[21:17] <@Erad> "Well, I'm glad it's worked, but if there are more of them, I don't know that we can calm all of them." Erad says. "But... She certainly has unique ways of solving problems."
[21:19] <~Kotono> Helena comes with a large sack of beef jerky, lugging it over to Inari. "H-" She barely gets it out as a claw snatches it out of her hands, shoved at its mouth. It takes bites out of it, sack and all, noisily devouring it.
[21:20] <@Inari> "There, isn't that better?" Inari says, smiling at this peaceful resolution. "I'm Inari. What's your name?"
[21:21] <~Kotono> No answer until over a week of jerky is gone, bag and all. "Rock." It answers then. It looks up at Inari, "Food. Eat."
[21:23] <@Inari> "That's all we have for now," Inari says, wondering if this might end up as bad as the landsharks for ecosystem devastation. But she's committed so she can't back out now - and trolls are intelligent so they could get jobs and engage in commerce for food. "How did you get up here, Rock? And are there any more like you nearby?"
[21:24] <@Erad> Erad stays quiet for now but folds his arms as he watches the exchange.
[21:25] <~Kotono> "Clan. Rock clan. Rock clan freedom by smiling man." The troll answers, looking about. "Earth come down and water."
[21:25] <@Inari> "Who is this smiling man? Is he nearby?"
[21:27] <~Kotono> "Smiling man." The troll answers again, looking around faster, "Food. Eat. Smiling man say food up here."
[21:30] <@Inari> "There is food, but not much. Everyone's having to struggle," Inari says sadly. "But you feel better now, don't you? Lets find your friends and this Smiling Man, see if we can sort everything out?" she suggests, standing and offering the troll a hand to rise before explaining to the others. "These trolls, if I remember my stories, were trapped underground a long time ago, but they survived by
[21:30] <@Inari> mingling with spirits of the earth. Apparently someone Rock here calls the Smiling Man brought them up here with promises of food. I can deal with the madness that's gripped them, but the actual hunger... how are we actually doing for supplies after this?"
[21:32] <~Kotono> Helena shakes her head, "We could feed a few more, but not an entire group of them. We'll need to restock ASAP or live off the land if we do," Helena says.
[21:32] <Annerose> "Can Rock here help you stop them? Hold them in place long enough for you to deal with the madness?" Annerose asks. "If he can, then I'll hold off this shady Smiling Man for you."
[21:33] <@Erad> Erad tilts his head. "So the sinkhole was created by someone to let the trolls out, then?" Erad asks. "But... either way, Helena's right, we can't feed an entire clan of trolls... I don't really know the ecosystem around here but I would doubt it could support them, either."
[21:35] <Annerose> "We can divide it so the food only takes the edge off. We'll figure the rest out by foraging, or stopping travelers and buying some of their supplies!"
[21:35] <@Inari> "Well, the good thing about trolls is that they're omnivores, so they won't be as bad as the landsharks. Also they can actually join society and benefit from farming and fishing rather than just depopulating animals," Inari says. "But yes, we're going to have to stretch things." Maybe if the smiling man is bad they can eat him...
[21:36] <~Kotono> "Worth a shot," T finally shrugs, "Better than having to cut all of them up and get clawed up in return."
[21:36] <@Erad> "I'm still concerned about this person... why would he let the trolls out?" Erad asks. "I'm not trying to say these are evil creatures, but... Well, we can't make any judgement calls until we know more, right?"
[21:37] <@Inari> "Exactly!" Inari nods, before turning to Rock. "Can you take us to the Smiling Man, Rock? If we find any of your friends on the way we'll try to help them like we helped you."
[21:40] <~Kotono> "Smiling man gone," Rock replies, "Gone into rain and sky."
[21:41] <@Inari> "Well, the smiling man's gone, so we won't be seeing him," Inari tells her friends. "Lets just find the other trolls then, before they get into trouble?"
[21:41] <Annerose> "Sure."
[21:43] <@Erad> "Gone? So he unleashes trolls to help them, then leaves... Yeah, this is sounding more and more like someone has an ulterior motive..." Erad sighs. "But yes, let's make sure this doesn't get worse for innocent civilians."
[21:44] <~Kotono> "Yeah, sounds like someone stirring up shit," T hmms, "Wonder if it's someone doing it for another reason, or if it's someone involved in the war?"
[21:44] <@Inari> "Come on Rock, lets find your friends!" Inari tells the troll with a smile.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:08] <@Kotono> From here, the party proceeds on in the wet weather. The roads are quite muddy and unpleasant, tossing splatters of mud over everyone and everything. Rock soon leads the way to the hole - a massive chasm. Dozens of trolls are about, climbing out and looking about in the light.
[20:09] <@Inari> Well that's definitely more than they can feed easily. "Hello down there!" Inari calls in giant, hoping they aren't all maddened and starving.
[20:10] <@Annerose> "Any caravans in sight?" Annerose asks Erad. "Can you take a look?"
[20:11] <@Erad> Erad lets Inari do her work, but for now, casts Detect Evil before a pause and then a look to Annerose. "Hm? Oh, yes, I'll take a look."
[20:11] <@Erad> He will then take to the air to look around again for any other caravans or wagons!
[20:13] <@Kotono> OOC: Who are you detecting evil on, Erad?
[20:14] <@Erad> OOC: If he can reach any of the trolls, them
[20:14] <@Erad> OOC: Including Rock
[20:20] <@Kotono> Rock radiates faint evil. You aren't quite close enough to detect evil from the others in the air. At Inari's call, dozens of eyes swing towards her. A crystallized moment in time, dozens gazing right at her.
[20:20] <@Kotono> Erad flies up. No sign of other caravans in the vicinity ,but yo ucan glimpse some trolls that have already wandered off.
[20:20] <@Kotono> T shifts, "Better make this one count, 'nari."
[20:20] <@Kotono> Helena has her shield at the ready, "Or um, we run really fast."
[20:22] <@Erad> Erad comes back down next to Annerose. "None, but some of their friends have moved off, so we're probably going to have to bring them back..." he says with a frown, glancing at Rock in the meantime.
[20:22] <@Annerose> "It assumes," Annerose says brightly, "that we can easily deal with this many trolls if they don't take us up on our offer!"
[20:23] <@Kotono> "If they don't, we need to ride away like all the guards of the kingdom are after us," Helena says, "I don't want to be troll food!"
[20:23] <@Inari> Oh yeah, no pressure sure. "Everyone doing okay down there?" Inari asks. "Anyone thirsty perhaps?" She can do water after all. "How's the food situation?"
[20:24] <@Kotono> The chorus that comes up as thet rolls begin to advance up and towards her can be summarized thus, "EAT FOOD EAT FOOD EAT FOOD!"
[20:25] <@Inari> roll 1d20+13 sense motive, is that an eager chant or an insane one?
[20:26] * Rei-chan ( has joined #dunes
[20:26] <@Inari> roll 1d20+13 sense motive, is that an eager chant or an insane one?
[20:26] <Rei-chan> Inari rolled : 1d20+13 sense motive, is that an eager chant or an insane one? --> [ 1d20=8 ]{21}
[20:35] <@Kotono> Worse: They're both eager for food and insanely hungry.
[20:37] <@Inari> "I may have overstretched myself on this one," Inari admits. "Rock, can you try and stop any that get near me?" she asks the one dependable troll before she starts casting heart's ease on as many trolls as she can get!  After all, even if hungry Rock did become fairly placid after that issue was sorted.
[20:37] <@Inari> OOC: 4 castings, 6 targets per cast
[20:37] <@Inari> OOC: DC 21 will save if they want to resist
[20:38] * @Annerose will be ready to assist herself, with sleet storm to make climbing out awkward and by ensnaring the minds of those who manage it after all.
[20:40] <@Kotono> "Ah shit," T mutters at Inari's words, dagger out and ready.
[20:49] <@Kotono> Rock nods, "You feed," he says, standing in front of Inari.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:20] <@Kowork> Inari flings spells out as they approach. It takes all 4 castings to still the tide, getting a bunch of confused trolls staring up at Inari - for the moment, at least.
[20:23] <@Inari> "Okay listen!" Inari calls down in giant, "Whatever the Smiling Man told you, the surface isn't full of food. The weather's been bad and people are struggling. We can share a little, but only a taste, okay? And you'll all have to behave and be nice!"
[20:23] <@Kowork> OOC: Make a diplo check here, Inari. G'luck.
[20:24] <@Inari> roll 1d20+18
[20:24] <Rei-chan> Inari rolled : 1d20+18 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{23}
[20:26] <@Kowork> There's a period of rumbling from the trolls - before one charges forward. It seems to break whatever spell they're under, and the entire horde begins to amble up towards Inari. "FOOOOOD! EAT!" they cry. OOC: Init here.

[20:26] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+5+5
[20:26] <Rei-chan> Annerose rolled : 1d20+5+5 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{11}
[20:26] <@Erad> roll 1d20+2
[20:26] <Rei-chan> Erad rolled : 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{17}
[20:26] <@Inari> roll 1d20+4
[20:26] <Rei-chan> Inari rolled : 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=10 ]{14}
[20:27] <@Kowork> roll 1d20+6 T
[20:27] <Rei-chan> Kowork rolled : 1d20+6 T --> [ 1d20=8 ]{14}
[20:27] <@Kowork> roll 1d20+3 Helena
[20:27] <Rei-chan> Kowork rolled : 1d20+3 Helena --> [ 1d20=18 ]{21}
[20:28] <@Kowork> roll 1d20+1 Rock
[20:28] <Rei-chan> Kowork rolled : 1d20+1 Rock --> [ 1d20=15 ]{16}
[20:28] <@Kowork> roll 1d20+1 troll horde
[20:28] <Rei-chan> Kowork rolled : 1d20+1 troll horde --> [ 1d20=16 ]{17}
[20:29] * Kowork changes topic to 'Helena(21)>Erad=Trolls(17)>Rock(16)>Inari=T(14)>Annerose(11)'
[20:31] <@Kowork> "Uh ooooh," Helena murmurs, "Um, are we running for it?"
[20:32] <@Erad> "We can't just leave them." Erad says. "Annerose, can you make the ground more slippery with something? I think we can take a few of them at a time, but not all of them at once."
[20:32] <@Annerose> "Already casting!"
[20:34] <@Erad> "Then let's just deal with them as they come up." Erad says with a nod to Inari. "I don't want to hurt Rock, so if you can get him to stay put I think we'll all be better off."
[20:34] <@Kowork> Helena steps forward then, protecting the edge of the crater and narrowing the range they came come directly at you from. Her shield is up, protectively. OOC: Erad adn trolls. Go Erad.
[20:35] <@Erad> Erad takes to the air and flies nearby Helena, about 10 feet away and five feet off the ground to wait for the trolls to come up.
[20:38] <@Kowork> At this, the trolls start to climb up as fast as they can! OOC: More.
[20:38] <@Kowork> roll 1d20+8
[20:38] <Rei-chan> Kowork rolled : 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{9}
[20:39] <@Kowork> But fortune is with the party - the muddy hole slows them down a bit, and while they make seemingly inexorable progress, they're still 20ft from reaching the crater. OOC: A lucky break. Rock holds. T and Inari.
[20:40] <@Inari> "No, back!" Inari roars, for she is now a displeased goddess, and demonstrates her ire by conjuring the illusion of roaring hot flames all about the hole in the ground to keep the trolls penned in! "If you'll be ruled by the cold in your bellies, first endure the fire on your skin!"
[20:40] <@Inari> OOC: major image
[20:42] <@Kowork> At this, a roar of fear goes through the trolls. Rock himself recoils visibly, immediately breaking and running back down the road, leaving Inari exposed. T just watches all of it, at the ready...OOC: He's holding. Annerose.
[20:42] * Kowork changes topic to 'Helena(21)>Erad=Trolls(17)>Inari=T(14)>Rock>Annerose(11)'
[20:43] <@Annerose> Fire might be floating in a ring around the hole, but within it a storm rages! "Reconsider!" she commands, as ice and hail strike at troll and ground alike, turning the latter to mush. It's certainly real, so there would be no reason to doubt the same for the fire, either.
[20:43] <@Annerose> OOC: Sleet Storm,
[20:44] <@Kowork> OOC: Okay.
[20:45] <@Kowork> Sleet comes pouring down, engulfing the panicked trolls. They're starting to fall and stumble back as...OOC: Helena holds. Erad and trolls.
[20:45] <@Kowork> roll 1d20+1 balance
[20:45] <Rei-chan> Kowork rolled : 1d20+1 balance --> [ 1d20=16 ]{17}
[20:45] <@Kowork> The trolls manage to stay up and fall back - slow at first, in a rushing panick as some of them break out of the sleet storm. They're going back into the earth, roars closer to screams of terror.
[20:45] <@Erad> Erad stays put for now! OOC: He'll just hold since there's really not much else to do, since the scary goddesses have it nder control at the moment.
[20:46] <@Kowork> OOC: Okay, are eitehr of you going to add anythign ot this or just let it plya out?
[20:46] <@Erad> OOC: He has nothing to do add right now.
[20:47] <@Inari> OOC: I'll wait to stab any that try to come out but otherwise maintain the illusion at least until the sleet storm wears off.
[20:50] <@Kowork> OOC: Okay. Annerose?
[20:50] <@Annerose> OOC: Same
[20:51] <@Kowork> The trolls retreat in the dark bowels of the earth, the party seeing them go as the illusion and magic holds. OOC: Free act. SEc.
[20:52] <@Inari> Inari promptly starts casting Make Whole over the ruined road to put it back into navigable condition while blocking out the tunnels!
[20:52] <@Inari> OOC: 60 cubic feet per casting, 7 available
[20:53] <@Erad> Erad turns to look down the road to see if Rock's gone very far.
[20:55] <@Kowork> Rock's ran off at full speed. He's not the fastest, but he's made good time down the road and isn't showing any sign of stopping.
[20:56] <@Annerose> "Maybe you should stop him?" Annerose asks Erad uncertainly, following his gaze.
[20:57] <@Erad> "I can't commnicate with him, but... well, I'll see what I can do." Erad says with a nod as he takes off after Rock!
[20:58] <@Inari> "Say this," Inari says distractedly before yelling some gibberish that translates into Giant as 'Come back, you were never in danger,'
[20:58] <@Erad> "I'll try!"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[21:22] <@Kowork> Erad flies off after Rock, who shows no sign of slowing down. However, it's not hard to catch him from the air...OOC: Go ahead.
[21:24] <@Erad> OOC: Okay
[21:24] <@Erad> Erad will fly down nearby, about 20 feet above him. "Rock!" He'll shout, first to get his attention, then he'll try and remember the words Inari spoke to him, hoping he doesn't get them wrong.
[21:29] <@Kowork> OOC: Mmmm. I'll call this an Int check with a +2 bonus. Not too hard to get right, but possible to mess up.
[21:30] <@Erad> OOC: Lotta 1s today...
[21:31] <@Kowork> OOC: Done.
[21:31] <@Erad> roll 1d20+2+2
[21:31] <Rei-chan> Erad rolled : 1d20+2+2 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{8}
[21:34] <@Kowork> Erad calls out - but whatever he said, it doesn't seem to relaly do anything for Rock. He ust keeps on running.
[21:38] <@Erad> Erad groans and keeps flying, this time moving to get in front of him by about 30 feet and hold his arms up and out to the sides, mirroring Inari's pose from before. He'll try the phrase again, even if he's getting it wrong.
[21:38] <@Erad> "Stop, please!" He'll append in Common at the end of the statement. Maybe he knows a little common? Maybe...
[21:40] <@Kowork> OOC: Diplo check. G'luck.
[21:40] <@Erad> roll 1d20-1 still as diplomatic as a thrown brick
[21:40] <Rei-chan> Erad rolled : 1d20-1 still as diplomatic as a thrown brick --> [ 1d20=15 ]{14}
[21:44] <@Kowork> Rock stops - by barreling right into Erad. Both end up on the ground and  abit dazed from the impact, but it worked. Rock rubs his head a moment, staring at Erad.
[21:46] <@Erad> Erad groans as he's barreled into, but sighs and holds his hand out to him, trying to seem as unthreatening as possible. "Inari." He says, and points back the way they came. "Safe." He tries simple things in common, since his handle of Giant is pretty much nil, he realizes.
[21:48] <@Kowork> Rock stares at him for several seconds, saying something in giant. Whatever it is, it sounds familiar - he's said it before.
[21:49] <@Erad> Erad shakes his head and just gestures towards himself and starts slowly walking back towards the way they came, gesturing again at Rock and towards himself. "Come. Safe."
[21:52] <@Kowork> Slowly, Rock turns and goes back the way he came. It seems to have worked?
[21:52] <@Erad> Erad will walk in pace with him so he doesn't think something weird is happening and head back towards the party.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[21:24] <@Kowork> Inari throws all her make wholes out at the road. It's slow, tough going, but she fixes it with all of them and seals the caves. More or less. It's not perfect, bu tit should stop anything but a concerted effort to escape.
[21:25] <@Inari> "There we go..." Inari says, surveying her handiwork. "I can polish it up tomorrow unless anyone feels like exercising their backs to fill in where I missed," she hints to the team, turning to see if Erad has had any luck with Rock down the road.
[21:26] <@Annerose> "You want to camp out here and make sure the trolls don't return?"
[21:27] <@Inari> "Or at least get the road properly fixed," Inari says. "I'm not an engineer and even if it looks good enough on the surface I can tell it's not perfect. To be honest we've probably scared them off the concept of the surface after that display, I'm more worried about it collapsing under a caravan."
[21:29] <@Annerose> "Good point. Maybe we'll ask Rock to jump on it tomorrow a bit?"
[21:31] <@Inari> "If he comes back anyway," Inari says. "I didn't mean to frighten him, but his two dozen friends were the more pressing issue."
[21:35] <@Kowork> "Well, as long as it's safe," T finally speaks up, "Hell of a businesss that was."
[21:36] <@Inari> "Yes, it was quite lucky for us they hadn't already spread out," Inari says. "We'd have certainly been devoured in a straight fight with so many."
[21:40] <@Kowork> "Small mercy," Helena says, "But what about that Smiling Man?"
[21:41] <@Inari> "I don't know," Inari admits. "Rock said he flew up into the sky and rain, so I don't think we'll find him anytime soon unless he wants to be found."
[21:41] <@Annerose> "Wizard or fey would be my guess."
[21:43] <@Kowork> "Yeah, probably." T grunts, "We just don't know enough to say anything else."
[21:43] <@Kowork> "It's too bad, but at least we spoiled his plan?" Helena brightens at that, "It won't make the war any worse."
[21:45] <@Inari> "If that was his plan," Inari says. "I mean, the trolls were obviously struggling down there. He could have simply been trying to help them, in a reckless and dangerous manner."
[21:47] * @Annerose nods. "That's why it could be fey, really."
[21:48] <@Kowork> "Even better!" T slowly rubs his forehead on that, "Someone doingthat AND thinking it'sthe right thing to do."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[21:58] <@Kowork> As the party starts tos ettle in, Rock and Erad slowly return...
[21:58] <@Annerose> "Success, I see~"
[21:59] <@Inari> "Good job!" Inari smiles at Erad before addressing Rock in Giant. "You shouldn't have run, you were safe so long as you stood by me," she tells him with a note of reproach.
[22:01] <@Kowork> Rock grunts, "Fire hurt. Fire bad. Fire pain."
[22:03] <@Inari> Conjuring up a small globe of harmless foxfire between them, Inari reaches out to place her hand inside the bluish-purple flames that make it up. "My fire only hurts who I choose to hurt. Touch it, and see," she bids.
[22:03] * @Annerose nods to herself, as if something very profound had just been said.
[22:05] <@Kowork> Rock takes one look at it and jumps back a good ten feet. "NO!"
[22:06] <@Inari> Seeing further convincing is needed, Inari reaches down to snatch up a few blades of grass, which she holds into the fire for a moment, then pulls back to show that they remain unburnt. "See, I do not wish to burn the grass, so it is not burnt. Trust that I do not wish to burn you, Rock."
[22:06] <@Erad> "Want me to demonstrate too?" Erad offers. "Maybe it'll convince him."
[22:07] <@Inari> She nods to Erad, shifting the foxfire ball his way.
[22:08] <@Erad> Erad will also hold a hand into the fire to demonstrate!
[22:09] <@Kowork> T just watches, arms crossed and with half a smile on his face.
[22:09] <@Kowork> "See?" Helena reaches out as well, fingers going through the foxfire. "Harmless!"
[22:11] <@Kowork> This gets Rock to stare at it for awhile longer, but from a distance. "Fire bad. You fire?"
[22:12] <@Inari> "I can command fire, so it doesn't have to hurt, so it won't cause pain, unless I wish it to," Inari reiterates. "The other trolls would have eaten me, my fire would have burned them. But for you who stood at my side, it would always be safe."
[22:16] <@Erad> "If we're going down that road," Erad says, more quietly and to the others moreso than Rock, "We need to discuss what he is and if he can be more than just 'an evil troll,' if that makes sense." He gestures once at Rock with a nod before looking back to the others. "The fact that we're talking now I think proves he can be pulled away from evil."
[22:17] <@Kowork> Ever so slowly, Rock approaches. He takes small, ginger steps, his hunched body shaking as he gets closer.
[22:19] <@Inari> "It's okay," Inari says gently. "You can trust me, if I tell you it's safe then it is."
[22:21] <@Kowork> OOC: Lemme call for another diplo check here, y'all have worked him pretty well here, so +6 bonus.
[22:22] <@Inari> roll 1d20+24
[22:22] <Rei-chan> Inari rolled : 1d20+24 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{32}
[22:23] <@Kowork> Slowly - ever so slowly - Rock approaches. He reaches out towards the fire, close to it but not quite. "Not burn? Not hot?"
[22:23] <@Inari> "Exactly," Inari nods approvingly. "Even if you touch it, it won't hurt you when it's like this."
[22:24] <@Kowork> "Fire?" Rock repeats, waving a hand around and even grazing it. "Not fire. Rocky."
[22:27] <@Inari> "So long as we're friends, my fire won't hurt you," Inari promises. But just in case he gets any ideas that she's toothless she really needs to demonstrate the other side of the coin. "It only burns what I wish to burn," she says, tossing up those same blades of grass that endured the fire earlier and then firing the foxfire at them as it converts to its more deadly form, reducing grass to ash
[22:27] <@Inari> by its passage before vanishing. "Nothing else."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[19:42] <@Kotono> Rock promptly skitters well back, "Fire!"
[19:43] <@Inari> "But it only burned the grass, it didn't burn you. And it won't so long as we're friends," Inari reassures him with a smile.
[19:44] <@Kotono> T glances sidelong at Inari, "'nari, may want to keep it a bit simple for now."
[19:45] <@Kotono> Rock just stares warily at Inari after that.
[19:45] <@Annerose> "Fire is nasty," Annerose voices wisely.
[19:45] <@Kotono> Helena murmurs to Annerose, "You know how they say dumb as a box of rocks?"
[19:47] <@Inari> "Simple went out the window when I frightened all his friends with my fire earlier," Inari responds, switching back to common to address T before going back into Giant. "So whenever you see me use fire, just remember that it won't hurt you, Rock."
[19:47] <@Kotono> OOC: Make a diplo check there, Inari?
[19:48] <@Inari> roll 1d20+18
[19:48] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=5]
[19:48] <@Kotono> OOC: Strike both rolls, choose a bot and - there you go.
[19:49] <@Kotono> Rock stays firmly away, not approaching at all. "Fire pain. Fire bad."
[19:51] <@Inari> He was just touching her fire not even thirty seconds ago! Goddess or no, this would test the patience of a saint! "You know what, you're right. It's best to just be on the safe side and not get near any fire, that's a good rule in life," she concedes.
[19:55] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, y'all were gonna camp here and finish fixing things tomorrow?
[19:56] <@Inari> OOC: yeah
[19:56] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:56] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 49 > [d100=49]
[19:57] <@Kotono> Sess 17 dawns muggy and bright, a last gasp of summer's heat. Repairing the roads takes 4 more make wholes, but Inari can say now that it looks pretty good. OOC: Anything else to do here or ready to move along?
[19:57] <@Inari> OOC: lets go along and forage/hunt en route to keep supplies topped off?
[19:58] <@Kotono> OOC: Sure, but that'll slow you down some. Who would be the main one to be doing that?
[19:58] <@Inari> OOC: Helena has the best mod but I'll help. We can show Rock the ropes too.
[19:59] <@Erad> OOC: Erad can fly around and look for anything interesting that might've happened due to the storms.
[20:00] <@Kotono> OOC:Okay to both. Make perception, Erad. Make aiding, Inari.
[20:00] <@Inari> roll 1d20+10 aiding
[20:00] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=4]
[20:00] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+14 (+2 Inari aid) survival Helena
[20:00] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=8]
[20:01] <@Erad> roll 1d20+13
[20:01] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=11]
[20:05] <@Kotono> The roads are a bit emptier today - not as many people out in general. It's slow going but you find some wild berries, an old apple tree that provides a few dozen apples and a wild rabbit is caught. In the afternoon, Erad happens to note something about half a mile to the west of the road. There's a stone house obscured by a few trees, almost invisible from the road. From his vantage point he
[20:05] <@Kotono> can see it. A hunk of the roof looks to have caved in.
[20:08] <@Erad> Erad hrms once as he flies back down to the others. He turns in that direction to gesture. "Stone house about a half mile in that direction. I think it's abandoned, since the roof's caved in. Not sure it's worth the time to investigate, but the last house we found did have some crazy zealots in it."
[20:09] <@Annerose> "If we go, we might waste a bit of time. But if we don't, who knows?"
[20:09] <@Inari> "We're not in any great hurry, so why not?" Inari agrees.
[20:09] <@Kotono> "There might be salvage there, too," T points out, "Worth a shot."
[20:11] <@Kotono> It's a short diversion to the stone house. It's old and quiet, the back half of the house likely lost, as you can see that's where the roof caved in. No sign of anything interesting - just an old house, at least from the outside.
[20:12] <@Inari> Inari casts detect magic because it's not as if she has anything better to do with such basic spells, and has a look around the outside.
[20:13] <@Kotono> No magic. There's a bit of overgrowth on the outside - not a lot, though. Inari can tell it's perhaps a season or two's worth.
[20:13] <@Annerose> "Hello? Anyone home?"
[20:13] <@Inari> "Looks abandoned for about half a year," Inari says. "Not sensing anything magical."
[20:16] <@Kotono> No reply. T swings off his donkey and strides forward, "We're probably beat to salvage, but maybe we can find something worthwhile."
[20:18] <@Erad> Erad nods and goes to take a look inside.
[20:20] <@Kotono> OOC: How heavy are you, Erad?
[20:21] <@Erad> OOC: 165 lbs
[20:21] <@Kotono> roll 1d100+50
[20:21] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 110 > [d100=60]
[20:22] <@Kotono> Erad steps in. It looks like a plain enough thing, a wide open, single rooooooshiiiiit! There's a groan as the floor gives way, sending him plunging down into the darkness! OOC: Ref save.
[20:23] <@Erad> roll 1d20+11
[20:24] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=13]
[20:25] <@Kotono> Sheer instinct saves Erad, as his wings lock up and keep him hovering. Whew! Below is a sinkhole, a great chasm into the earth. The house is starting to rumble, groan and slowly sink down as well.
[20:25] <@Annerose> "Erad! Are you alright? What did you do?!" Annerose calls out.
[20:26] <@Inari> Inari quickly steps back as the house collapses. "What happened?"
[20:26] <@Kotono> Rock goes forward, poking at the ground with his food. "Earth not rocky. Wet. Break up here."
[20:27] <@Erad> Erad will get himself away from the house and the hole, first off! No sense in looking around for anything right now.
[20:27] <@Kotono> Erad safely escapes out. T whistles, "Y'know, I think I know why this house was abandoned now."
[20:28] <@Inari> "Definitely a good decision by the former owners."
[20:28] <@Annerose> "And by us, in case someone else tried to come here."
[20:29] <@Kotono> There's a loud groan as the center of the house sags down, then a THUMP as most of it plunges down. The rest stays leaning heavily inward, distorted.
[20:29] <@Erad> "Inari, you're more familiar with this sort of thing... Is a sinkhole like this normal?" Erad asks as he moves back to the others.
[20:31] <@Inari> "Mmm," Inari waves a hand. "I'm not so familiar with things below the earth, but I suppose it depends if there were any mines in the area? Something has to have undercut the ground." Turning to Rock she asks him in Giant, "Did your people recently move to a new area before the Smiling Man led you all up to the surface?" she asks.
[20:33] <@Kotono> OOC: K:D if anyohn'es curious.
[20:33] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9 Helena
[20:33] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=6]
[20:33] <@Kotono> Rock shakes his head. Meanwhile, Helena speaks up, "Sometimes a wet summer can cause these? I heard that somewhere, that the ground gets so muddy that the rocks start to turn to mud."
[20:34] <@Kotono> "Earth bad. Not rocky." Rock shakes his head again, "Break up."
[20:35] <@Inari> "Rock does say there's an absence of... well, rock, in the ground here," Inari says to support Helena's conclusion.
[20:35] <@Kotono> OOC: Make perception, y'all.
[20:35] <@Inari> roll 1d20+13
[20:35] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=11]
[20:36] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[20:36] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=1]
[20:36] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 Helena
[20:36] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 27 > [d20=17]
[20:36] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+2
[20:36] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=17]
[20:36] <@Erad> roll 1d20+13
[20:36] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=10]
[20:37] <@Kotono> OOC: Carry on.
[20:37] <@Kotono> "Probably something like that," T says, "How about we get back to the road in case this gets bigger?"
[20:37] <@Inari> "There doesn't seem to be anything else interesting here," Inari agrees, heading off.
[20:38] <@Erad> Erad will take to the air to make sure he can call out if that indeed is the case.
[20:38] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:38] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 44 > [d100=44]
[20:38] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:38] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 68 > [d100=68]
[20:40] <@Kotono> The rest of the day is unremarkable. Sess 18 looks to be more of the same warmth as the party rises. As breakfast is sleepily consumed...OOC: Set all of yourselves up.
[20:40] <@Kotono> Helena yawns largely, nibbling on some bread. She sits next to Annerose, almost falling over onto her a few times.
[20:41] <@Kotono> T's sipping some tea and staring up at the road to the northeast. He's quiet right now, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.
[20:41] <@Kotono> Rock gnaws on a hunk of rabbit meat from yesterday's hunting, happily distracted by that.
[20:41] <@Inari> Inari sits by Rock at a considerate distance from the fire, eating her breakfast and trying to coach him in Common terms so he can make himself understood and understand others.
[20:42] * @Annerose is not faring much better, covering her yawning behind her hand.
[20:42] <@Erad> Erad is taking a look around from the air to be on the safe side. Especially if there are more knights coming around because of the war.
[20:42] <@Kotono> With a soft groan, Helena gives up and leans against Annerose. "I don't know why I'm so tired," she says around a yawn.
[20:43] <@Kotono> Erad can see something coming from the northeast. It looks like a group of twenty to thirty rides, carrying banners and pennants. Notably, they show a familiar unholy symbol - Umberlee's.
[20:44] <@Annerose> "The armor of solid ice you're wearing throughout the day might have something to do with it?"
[20:44] <@Erad> Damnit.OOC: How far away are they?
[20:44] <@Kotono> OOC: A mile or so. You can see from this high up, and they're making good pace on horseback. You have time but not a whole lot of it.
[20:44] <@Kotono> "Mgh." Helena mutters, "Better tired than dead."
[20:45] * @Annerose takes a glance with her magical sight, just in case.
[20:45] <@Erad> Erad will fly back down to the others. He gestures again in the direction they're coming from. "Squadron, Umberlee's. Coming this way."
[20:45] <@Kotono> Rock seems more interested in his meal than the lessons, "Food." He says in Common. "Eat," follows.
[20:45] <@Kotono> No unusual magic on Helena.
[20:46] <@Kotono> T rises and stretches, "Great. Just what we needed to jumpstart our day."
[20:46] <@Annerose> "Better tired than fried in the heat, too," she muses, nodding at Erad. "Did they see us?"
[20:46] <@Inari> "Very good!" Inari praises his developing skill with linguistics before her attention is diverted by Erad's warning. "Think they'll give us any trouble?" she asks the others.
[20:46] <@Kotono> "Hmmm, she's called the Bitch Queen. I think so!" T grins over at Inari.
[20:47] <@Erad> Erad shakes his head. "I don't think so."
[20:49] <@Annerose> "What do you think about moving off their path?"
[20:49] <@Inari> "Eat up quickly now Rock," Inari tells the troll. "Some bad people might try and interrupt our breakfast." That warning given she goes to retrieve her spear and then casts sign, shield of faith, and animalistic power on herself so she'll be ready in case of a confrontation. "They'd see the fresh signs of our camp here, it might just make them suspicious and investigate."
[20:51] <@Kotono> "Which means that's out," T frowns, rubbing his chin, "Probably best to brazen it out, then."
[20:51] <@Annerose> "What if they don't?" Annerose asks. "Make us look like a hill again."
[20:52] <@Erad> "They might see the magic, too. But either way, we don't have a lot of time to decide." Erad warns the others.
[20:52] <@Kotono> Helena rises at this, "Yeah, unless we just want to sit here and let them come on us."
[20:53] <@Inari> "That worked because I eliminated our tracks. Now they'll just see our wagon ruts leading straight up to a hill and vanishing," Inari says. "Really if they're the sort that are likely to shake down or attack innocent travellers, shouldn't we stop them? And if they're not, it won't be a problem."
[20:53] <@Annerose> "Oh come on, no one riding down the road looks for magic all the time! And there's no reason to stop if you don't see anything strange."
[20:58] <@Kotono> "Well, either way, let's choose our play and make it," T says, "Or we'll lose the choice and have to play this one."
[21:00] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay people, if I don't see a plan or choice soon, they're gonna come in sight range and i'tll be moot.
[21:01] <@Erad> OOC: Are they basically off to the side of the road as it stands?
[21:01] <@Annerose> "I'm outvoted, and to be honest I'm not really worried about a few soldiers," Annerose says, climbing to her feet. "I'll be at the wagon to glare menacingly when they come closer."
[21:02] <@Kotono> Helena follows, "If they think we're Aurilites, this should go easily enough."
[21:02] <@Kotono> OOC: They're on the road and going down it.
[21:02] <@Erad> Erad nods. "I don't like to rely on that, but... we'll have to see what happens."
[21:02] <@Erad> OOC: Sorry, I meant us. Like if we were out of the oncoming group's way.
[21:03] <@Kotono> OOC: Just off the road to camp, yeah.
[21:03] <@Inari> Inari just waits by Rock for the Umberlaunts to either pass by or start something.
[21:03] <@Kotono> T just takes his postion on his old donkey, while Rock waits by Inari.
[21:03] <@Erad> Erad will stay nearby Inari for now!
[21:03] * @Annerose makes Auril's unholy symbol visible while staying out of direct sunlight.
[21:05] <@Kotono> Soon enough you can see them - at least a few dozen mounted men on horseback. Banners and pennants flap in the wind of their travel, showing Umberlee's symbol. They slow as they see the party, eventually coming to a halt. The lead rider is a masked man in heavy helmet and armor. His features are obscured and his voice is a metallic rattle. His gaze settles on Annerose and he calls, "What is your
[21:05] <@Kotono> business here?"
[21:06] <@Annerose> "I'm traveling to Misty Harbor to get news on the war first hand," she answers honestly. "And yourself?"
[21:07] <@Kotono> "The profit of the Bitch Queen," Is his answer back, as his helmeted gaze sweeps towards Inari, Erad and Rock. "What are those?"
[21:08] <@Kotono> The rest of the riders seem content to stop and wait, keeping silent. There's still a few dozen, and they keep their eyes on the party. They're generally wearing light to medium armor and carrying swords, nets and tridents.
[21:08] <@Annerose> "Fey, dragon, elemental," she responds, eyes narrowing. "Any other pointless questions?"
[21:10] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+11
[21:10] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=7]
[21:10] <@Kotono> The man's tone is imperious and unbending as he replies, "Is the elemental for sale, or the half dragon?"
[21:10] <@Inari> Inari waves as fey is mentioned, in case any of them are slow.
[21:11] <@Kotono> Helena just keeps her peace, matching any looks with cool looks of her own.
[21:11] <@Annerose> "Do I look like I'm struggling for money?"
[21:13] <@Kotono> "Watch yourself," The man warns, raising a hand. The horses and riders behind him begin to move, and after a moment he takes the lead, leading them along and off.
[21:13] * @Annerose scoffs, leaning back into her seat at the carriage.
[21:14] <@Inari> "So... at least they're not resorting to banditry. Still, that's the second time in the past few days I've seen that sort of 'up with humans, down with everyone else' attitude. I don't remember that being nearly so common in my day," Inari observes, watching them go. "It's quite unpleasant."
[21:14] <@Kotono> Once gone and out of earshot, "Whew," T murmurs, "Hey Erad, how much would you go for, anyway?"
[21:15] <@Annerose> "It is pretty strange," Annerose agrees. "I didn't see it happen much in the south." She glances over at Helena. "You didn't think much of it, right?"
[21:15] <@Kotono> "You see it sometimes, but not this commonly. It might just be bad luck?" Helena speaks up, "Though really, most of the people who say that don't mind Malanese elves...maybe the war's stirring up emotions."
[21:18] <@Erad> Erad just looks at T.
[21:20] <@Inari> "Oh well, lets finish breakfast and be on our way?" Inari says, intending to return to both food and language coaching.
[21:21] <@Kotono> T just looks back with a bit of a smile, "What, I'm curious!"
[21:22] <@Erad> "I'd surely hope it'd be worth it, whatever it is." He responds. "I'll keep looking for any trouble." He adds as he goes back up to look around again.
[21:22] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[21:22] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 59 > [d100=59]
[21:23] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[21:23] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 27 > [d100=27]
[21:23] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[21:23] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 33 > [d100=33]
[21:28] <@Kotono> The next several day sare mercifully unremarkable. Sess 19, 20 and 21 pass in more travel. By your maps, you should make it to Misty Harbor late on Sess 22 or early Sess 23. The party's camping again (it's cooler and good weather for it) and chatting with breakfast.OOC: Feel free to make setup lines if you want. Also make a Will save, Inari.
[21:29] <@Inari> roll 1d20+9
[21:29] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=4]
[21:29] <@Kotono> OOC: Anyone have unusual sensory abilities at all?
[21:29] <@Inari> Inari continues to sit with Rock to help him learn common and with his growing proficiency in the language she's even started to give him lessons in life on the surface.
[21:30] <@Inari> OOC: scent
[21:30] <@Kotono> OOC: T and Helena both don't.
[21:30] <@Erad> Since they're closer to Misty Harbor, Erad has taken to scanning the surroundings every half hour or so, so he's doing so again as has become his customary morning ritual.
[21:30] <@Erad> OOC: I Don't think I do.
[21:32] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay. Annerose?
[21:33] <@Annerose> OOC: Just low light
[21:41] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9
[21:41] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=7]
[21:41] <@Kotono> OOC: SR?
[21:41] <@Inari> OOC: SR 18 (22 vs evil spells/outsiders)
[21:48] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[21:48] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 26 > [d100=26]
[21:49] <@Kotono> OOC: Make a Will save, Annerose? SR applies if you have it, say if you do.
[21:49] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+6
[21:49] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=5]
[21:51] <@Kotono> It's a little past noon and the party is riding about in normal formation. You're making good time on the road today, the weather cool but agreeable. As you do...OOC: Perception, Erad.
[21:52] <@Kotono> roll 1d100 whoops
[21:52] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 70 > [d100=70]
[21:52] <@Erad> roll 1d20+13
[21:52] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 30 > [d20=17]
[21:53] <@Kotono> Behind the party, 100ft! Three black clad and masked men appear, each carrying a scythe. They begin to swiftly run up to attack the unsuspecting party from behind. T's holding up the back on his donkey, with Annerose and Helena in the back of the wagon. Rock and Inari at the front, while Erad is 300ft above the wagon.
[21:53] <@Kotono> OOC: Erad sees that, forgot to preface.
[21:54] <@Erad> Well, the enemies already know the party is there, so... "Incoming!" Erad shouts from above, hoping it carries far enough to the others as he starts to fly back down. "Behind you all!"
[21:55] * @Annerose looks out the window in surprise, but that surprise doesn't last long before her first spell is on Annerose's lips!
[21:56] <@Inari> Inari casts a defensive spell in the form of shield of faith before she looks back down the side of the wagon to see what's after them!
[21:56] <@Kotono> T turns and curses, "Incoming!" OOC: Okay init, y'all. You stopped surprise but don't have time to react meaningfully besides that.

[21:56] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 T
[21:56] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+3 Helena
[21:56] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=10]
[21:56] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=18]
[21:56] <@Inari> roll 1d20+4
[21:56] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 5 > [d20=1]
[21:56] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+5+5
[21:56] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 27 > [d20=17]
[21:56] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+1 Rock
[21:56] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 3 > [d20=2]
[21:57] <@Erad> roll 1d20+2
[21:57] <Serith> Erad roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=13]
[21:58] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 ?1
[21:58] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=5]
[21:58] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2 ?2
[21:58] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=18]
[21:59] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 ?3
[21:59] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=7]
[21:59] * Kotono changes topic to 'Annerose(27)>Helena(21)>T(16)>inari(5)>Rock(3)'
[22:00] * Kotono changes topic to 'Annerose(27)>Helena(21)>?2(20)>T(16)>Erad(15)>?3(13)>?1(10)>Inari(5)>Rock(3)'
[22:00] <@Kotono> OOC: Open Annerose.
[22:00] <@Annerose> At her beckoning, the road all around the pursuers disappears behind a cover of hail! The sleet should slow their speed down some, and might even serve to disorient the trio enough that they'll attack separately rather than as a unit!
[22:01] <@Annerose> OOC: where the center is 15ft ahead of them
[22:02] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[22:03] <@Kotono> Helena stares and readies her shield, "Another one? Who did we offend this time?!" she calls. OOC: ?2 is up, Helena effectively holds for obvious reasons.
[22:03] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9 caster level on your spell, Annerose?
[22:03] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 29 > [d20=20]
[22:04] <@Annerose> OOC: 7
[22:05] <@Kotono> The sleet storm appears briefly - before shattering like glass, the magic unweaving. You can see one of them finishing up strange gestures, trails of pale blue light lingering around his arms and fingers. He then advances 30ft, coming to a stop 70ft away from the back of the party. OOC: T's up.
[22:05] <@Kotono> "We got a plan here?" T says, readying himself. OOC: He's not the sort to charge headlong into 3-1 odds first. He'll hold. Erad.
[22:06] <@Annerose> "Keep the distance open and defeat them in detail."
[22:06] * Kotono changes topic to 'Annerose(27)>Helena(21)>?2(20)>T(16)>Erad(15)>?3(13)>?1(10)>Inari(5)>Rock(3)>Wagon(0)'
[22:07] <@Erad> Erad will descend towards the enemies for now! OOC: I'll double-move to go 140 feet down towards them.
[22:07] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[22:08] <@Kotono> Erad descends down, coming to 160ft above the assassins. Then the third one sprints forward, becoming a blur as he covers the distance in a moment. He's on T before anyone can react, trying to shorten him by a head.
[22:08] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[22:08] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=11]
[22:09] <@Kotono> roll 2d4+6 ow
[22:09] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 11 > [d4=4,1]
[22:10] <@Kotono> Just before that happens, Helena leaps out and charges, the two meeting mid-way.
[22:10] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+12 (+2 charge)
[22:10] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=16]
[22:10] <@Kotono> roll 1d6+5+2d6
[22:11] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 17 > [d6=1,5,6]
[22:11] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 free trip
[22:11] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=6]
[22:11] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 Fort vs daze
[22:11] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=11]
[22:12] <@Kotono> It's a massive collision, the two meeting in the middle. He takes a shield right in the chest, knocked a good 5ft back. At the same time, he rears back and takes a good swing at her, trying to shorten her by a head.
[22:12] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 vs AC 20
[22:12] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=8]
[22:14] <@Kotono> But Helena's icy armor catches it instead, failing to cut through the thick blue ice. At this, the first one charges ahead 40ft, just coming 10ft short of Helena and the assassin. He rears back and throws his scythe like a boomerang, glowing with arcane power as it hurtles right at Helena.
[22:14] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+11 (+2 ???) vs AC 20
[22:14] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=17]
[22:14] <@Kotono> roll 2d4+8 and 2 con damage
[22:14] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 11 > [d4=2,1]
[22:16] * Kotono changes topic to 'Annerose(27)>?2(20)>Erad(15)>Helena=?3(13)>?1(10)>T>Inari(5)>Rock(3)>Wagon(0)'
[22:17] <@Kotono> It flies by, clipping into Helena's side - and keeps going. It whirls towards T, coming mere inches short before boomeranging back around and to the assassin's hand. As this happens T curses, "Son of a -" he growls, "No one can just wait to let them come to you and overwhelm them, can they?" With a sigh he circles around, moving 30ft ahead and 15 to the side, positoning. OOC: Inari.
[22:21] <@Inari> "Back us up, Rock," Inari tells the troll, climbing through to the back to join Helena where she can still reach over with her spear to get at anyone causing trouble. Speaking of troublemakers she stabs out at their stowaway. "I don't know why you're here, but you shouldn't have come!"
[22:21] <@Inari> roll 1d20+9 divine might
[22:21] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=3]
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake