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092. Diplomacy.

Started by Corwin, January 29, 2016, 08:49:37 AM

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[20:05] <@Kotono> It's hard, long going. It's into the night as you hustle, finally at last seeing something ahead in the snow-lit moondrifts. Rough clearings and great banks of snow, piled together to form crude walls. Amanna peers ahead, "I think that's it." THe party's still well away from it, plenty of distance and no visible watch, though with conditions you could easily miss one.
[20:08] <@Kotono> "'bout time," T rolls his neck, "We ready to do this?"
[20:10] <@Inari> "We can only try," Inari says. "Funny, when we first decided this I was worried we'd get laughed out of the Kabath side's camp, but now I'm worried anything we do here will be fruitless as Malana rushes in to slaughter everyone regardless of our efforts here. The fortunes of war change quickly."
[20:11] <@Annerose> "And they may change yet again," Annerose muses. "It is in everyone's interest that we succeed. Of course, we might try to stack the deck by delaying the counterattack on Malana's side, if not everyone feels comfortable venturing into the camp."
[20:11] <@Kotono> "Yeah," Helena stands atop the snow, which supports her weight in defiance of all logic. "Pawns in the wind, trying to stand amid a great temptest. Maybe we can't change all of it and solve the problems, but we can do what we can to make it better."
[20:12] <@Kotono> As Rock gnaws on an old bone and adds nothing to the conversation, T darkly chuckles. "That's a thought, though really, let's consider carefully before committing treason. Don't want to give ol' Jack a reason to hang us high."
[20:14] <@Inari> "I think this is sufficient excuse regardless," Inari says. "Giving aid and comfort to the enemy is the saying? But anyway, lets get in there and see what we can do."
[20:16] <@Kotono> "Right, so who's going into the camp?" T asks.
[20:19] <@Erad> "I'm not much of a diplomat." Erad says. "I can stay with the wagon."
[20:19] <@Annerose> "Amanna and I, to start with," Annerose says, looking at the others.
[20:20] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay then. Amanna and Annerose should head into the room called #evildunes.
[20:21] <@Inari> "I'll go," Inari volunteers.
[20:22] <@Kotono> OOC: You head into #evil as well, miss tail.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[20:24] <@Kotono> OOC: Clearing the way for them through the snow, Annerose?
[20:24] <@Annerose> OOC: Sure
[20:27] <@Kotono> You progress on. Soon you get closer to the great snowdrifts. As you do, you can see they look to have been dug out from behind, soldiers standing near the top and staring out. Amanna murmurs, "There. Scouts. Let me handle this, step back."
[20:28] <@Annerose> "Go ahead," Annerose tells her just as quietly.
[20:29] <@Inari> Inari nods agreeably, confident they've been through enough together and the stakes are sufficiently known that Amanna won't just shout 'Seize them!' or somesuch.
[20:32] <@Kotono> Amanna raises her voice, "Friends of Kabath, I greet you in the name of the Foehammer!"
[20:33] <@Kotono> There's some motion amid the guards and one cups hands over his mouth and shouts, "I greet you in the name of the Foehammer and his ever victorious nature!"
[20:34] <@Kotono> "Yes, then as surely as Tempus strides over this battlefield on his horses, I bring information that much reach Her Majesty!" Amanna calls back. "May I enter?"
[20:36] <@Kotono> "If you can get over the snow drifts, yes!" Is the call back.
[20:36] <@Kotono> Amanna glances back, "Annerose, I presume you can manage that?"
[20:36] * @Annerose walks up to Amanna, and the snow obeys her every whim with but a gesture!
[20:39] <@Kotono> The trio climbs up. You find the guards there are wrapped in warm clothes - less military and more homespun. You're escorted into the camp - a vast sea of tents with the snow cleared partially, down to only a foot in places. Soldiers are about, mostly clustered around large bonfires. As you start to walk in, "How goes the battle?" Amanna inquires.
[20:39] <@Inari> Inari smiles pleasantly at any soldiers who look her way as she tags along behind Amanna. This is her element after all.
[20:41] <@Annerose> There is a time and place to speak up, but it is not now. Later, when they need to speak to someone of authority or with the queen herself, if Amanna can get them that far. But not here.
[20:43] <@Kotono> "The flames of war are quenched by the barbarian's devotions to the ice bitch," One soldier growls, "What else could this storm be but that? I hear they sacrificed dozens of innocent babies from Kabath to do it!"
[20:45] <@Annerose> And yet, this is something she can't abide by. "Aurilites are nasty enough to sacrifice their own at the drop of a hat," she interjects. "Would they really go around this entire army just to steal babies weeks of travel away?"
[20:49] <@Kotono> "Of course they would!" The soldier replies, "They're monsters who started this. They worship this heretical winter bitch and want to stop us from getting justice."
[20:49] <@Kotono> "Calm yourself," Amanna interjects, "What has been done wrong will be accounted for on the battle field."
[20:53] <@Kotono> "Yes ma'am," is all the soldier says. From ther eyou're lead deeper in. Here the tents are bigger, more clustered together. You're taken to one, "In here, ma'am."
[20:57] * @Annerose decides to make sure the annoying misunderstandings about her allegience don't happen this time, and pulls on the necklace holding her holy symbol before letting it drop freely in front of her breastplate.
[21:01] <@Kotono> The tent is empty save for a few bedrolls and a single sack resting besides them. Amanna says, "How long will the wait be?"
[21:02] <@Kotono> "No idea, ma'am," The soldier replies before ducking out.
[21:02] <@Kotono> Once he's gone, Amanna murmurs, "If you want to use magic to enhance your words or nerve, this may be the time."
[21:03] <@Annerose> "It would be nice if I could, I suppose," Annerose muses in response. "But no. The only magic I use is to refresh my memory on details, sometimes. Sink or swim, we'll make do on the merits of truth."
[21:05] <@Inari> "Likewise, my magic isn't that very well developed," Inari says, shaking her head. "We'll just have to let the situation speak for itself."
[21:12] <@Kotono> OOC: Going to do anything but wait, then?
[21:12] <@Annerose> OOC: Just wait
[21:12] <@Inari> OOC: yeah
[21:18] <@Kotono> It takes about a half hour for another soldier to return. "Stalwart Amanna, you will be seen now."
[21:18] <@Kotono> Amanna merely steps out and follows the soldier. "These two will be coming with me, if you were not informed."
[21:19] * @Annerose trails after Amanna silently once more.
[21:19] <@Inari> "Hello!" Inari smiles nicely at the soldier, following after Amanna.
[21:26] <@Kotono> "Yes ma'am," Is all the answer you get, the party lead along. Deeper in yet is one massive tent - a purple one the size of a half dozen of the larger tents you've seen. Half a dozen guards stand around the front and more are spread out around it. Banners hang limply from a pole atop the center of the tent, no wind to move them tonight. "Queen Penelope has messengers," the soldiers says, "The
[21:26] <@Kotono> ones mentioned a few minutes ago." At this, the guards part around the door to inside.
[21:29] <@Annerose> Intending to take her lead from Amanna on protocols of meeting the head of Kabath, Annerose studies her inobtrusively.
[21:38] <@Kotono> Amanna strides in. The tent inside is actually clear of snow, warm with no visible source of heat. Ten guards are about, each in scarred full plate armor decorated with hammer iconography. In the back is a throne of battle worn and half burnt wood where a woman sits. She is blonde and on the tall size, rather plain in appearence. Her gaze is narrow and she wears full plate armor save for a
[21:38] <@Kotono> helmet, a crown in place of it. Amanna immediately kneels, "Your Majesty, Queen of the Tribes and Devoted of the Foehammer. I return bearing vital news."
[21:39] <@Inari> A goddess kneels to no one! But Inari does stand behind Amanna so it doesn't look like she's asserting herself too much.
[21:41] <@Annerose> She can't quite curtsey in armor, but lowering her head in a respectful bow is far more manageable and Annerose does that, staying by Inari's side behind Amanna.
[21:48] <@Kotono> "Amanna," The Queen's voice is rough and smoky, "Who are the demi humans with you and why do they stand?"
[21:51] <@Inari> She can speak for herself. "I am Inari, goddess of the forest. For centuries I have slumbered, only recently waking into a Malana much different from the one I protected long ago."
[21:55] <@Kotono> "Hmph, I know of none by that name. What of the other?" Queen Penelope gazes onto Annerose.
[21:58] <@Annerose> "Annerose, Your Majesty," she introduces herself in turn, once prompted. "I'm working towards a better Malana, one that treats its people and neighbours alike properly."
[22:01] <@Kotono> "A better Malana is one that does not exist," Queen Penelope declares, "You are correct, this Malana is a rotten, wretched pile of corruption and self absorbtion. The solution is simply to let the flames of war burn it to ash. There will only be Kabath and it will be strong."
[22:03] <@Annerose> "With all due respect, Your Majesty, most problems have more than one solution," Annerose voices. "And while this one looks promising, what we have discovered together may yet serve to change your mind on that. May we explain?"
[22:04] <@Inari> "Unfortunately while the situation is not as dire as it could have been, with Auril's undead hordes stopped from gathering, the blizzard hampers Kabath just as much as your fortress-destroying weapon hampered Malana, and the tides look set to turn with some dispatch, your Majesty," Inari says. "While Annerose and I call Malana home, we bear no great love for the current regime. We would
[22:04] <@Inari> rather see it fall without sacrificing the flower of two nations youth, however. And make no mistake, there will be a slaughter within days unless an armistice occurs before Malana truly capitalises on its current advantage."
[22:06] <@Kotono> "You speak of regime change. Continue," Penelope commands, "If not the current Dynast, than who?"
[22:09] <@Inari> "That's more of a long term thing, I only broach it so you understand our position is not solely looking out for Malana's interests, but to help Kabath as well," Inari says, not knowing of any potential candidates and if she did it probably wouldn't be a good idea to put a target on their back by naming them.
[22:10] <@Annerose> "Although, if must be said the war took us away from our preparations," Annerose adds quietly. "Once an armistice has come into place, our efforts will continue."
[22:12] <@Kotono> "The question remains: Who?" Queen Penelope asks.
[22:15] <@Annerose> "Me."
[22:17] <@Inari> Inari's ears twitch and she looks at Annerose questioningly.
[22:18] <@Kotono> Amanna turns to Annerose as well, as Queen Penelope laughs. A smile that shows sharp white teeth follows from her as she says, "I see we have an ambitious bitch here. It takes courage to start a new dynasty, let alone to face the civil wars as loyalists to the Malana family fight on."
[22:21] <@Annerose> "I like my chances," Annerose forges on. "What I don't like is this Smiling Man arranging things behind the scenes to bring Malana and Kabath to the brink of war, and not just because that has to take my attention. I came here, Your Majesty, because I thought you would feel the same. Are we to fight for his amusement?"
[22:24] <@Inari> "Oh, yes..." Inari's tails fluff out a bit as she composes herself. "It does seem like someone's been arranging things behind the scenes, releasing trolls onto highways deep in Malana, stirring up goblins with high powered elemental magic... I don't suppose there have been similarly strange things occuring in Kabath to leave things unsettled there as well?"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[20:23] <@Kotono> Erad settles in to wait. T leans against the wagon, bundled up. The only sign of life from him is his frosty breath misting in the air. Rock sits in the snow uncaringly, gnawing on another bone. Helena and Rek are inside the wagon, out of immediate sight. "Y'know," T speaks up, "Erad, I think there's a pretty good point there. Let's say we stop the war. Sure, we go after that laughing man,
[20:23] <@Kotono> ain't fixing what's broken, is it?"
[20:25] <@Erad> "I don't think we're yet in a position to know what paths we have in store for us." Erad says. "But I think what we've accomplished is a good start.  I mean, where would you be if you hadn't met everyone way back when?"
[20:31] <@Kotono> "Here and there," T waves a hand, "Yeah, stopping a war's a good first act. But hell, we can all see the kingdom's all rotted. What's next?"
[20:33] <@Erad> "I think that depends on what happens when we meet Househaven." Erad replies, looking over towards the Kabath camp. "There's a reason why we had divine intervention pointing us in that direction. Surely some good will come of it."
[20:35] <@Kotono> "Yeah." T grunts as he shivers and shifts, "Now if you ask me, I think we're gonna have to do something extreme eventually. Maybe Jack gets a knife in the back or Franzy retired to go bone servants and paint pictures somewhere. Maybe Househaven's the answer or the means."
[20:36] <@Erad> "He should be imprisoned forever for what he's done." Erad says with a look back at T. "If it comes to it, the world would be a better place without him in it."
[20:40] <@Kotono> "Which one?" T asks, "Now if you ask me, and I hate to say it, some people just need to get on to that whole afterlife thing. I think Maggen's one of them. He can go hump the snow in Auril's palace to prove his devotion for all I care. Now" T shakes his head, "King killing always sets a bad example and leads to trouble. Rebellions, disputed thrones, that sort of thing."
[20:41] * LobsterSquid ( has joined #dunes
[20:45] <@Erad> "I'm still not convinced Franz is completely at fault." Erad says, but has a look of more sourness come over him. "For some reason that I can't quite place, I have a bad feeling about Maggen. Something about him... It wouldn't surprise me to find out he had something to do with Ailan's grove being cursed."
[20:50] <@Kotono> "He's probably up to his neck in no good,"  T exhales a long sigh, "Cold as ice when we met him. He as probably hoping we'd end up face down in a field somewhere."
[20:52] <@Erad> "I don't like to kill people." Erad says firmly. "But in Bahamut's name, someone like him... someone just irredeemably evil... no. He should be punished somehow."
[21:01] <@Kotono> "Yep. Question is, how are we going to do it?" T says, "It's fine to sit here and bullshit about it, but what do we do to make it happen?"
[21:04] <@Erad> "I think we wait until we meet Househaven." Erad says. "Let's say he wants to cut out the corrupted growth within Malana. If we had his authority, we could probably do a lot more to Maggen than just kill him. Imagine his face when we took all of his friends away from him? What if he ended up being a powerless babe? There's a lot of ways to make that happen that don't involve ripping open his
[21:04] <@Erad> tent and killing him."
[21:09] * Rin ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[21:10] <@Kotono> "Eh," T wavers a hand, "I'd rather just be done with it. Imagine the reward when he's dead and gone."
[21:11] <@Erad> "That's..." Erad looks down. "...That's more difficult."
[21:12] <@Kotono> "Why's that?" T says, "He's a monster. What's so hard to imagine things being better with him being gone?"
[21:15] <@Erad> "We've skirted the line between what's good and what's lawful a lot." Erad says. "But I don't think we've ever crossed the line into something that's against the law -- we've acted in self-defense on a number of accounts... but it's hard for me to just step across that threshold. Don't get me wrong... I want him dead."
[21:21] <@Kotono> "Hey dragonman, let me give you some advice. The law's the law. Sometimes it's good and sometimes it's shit, just like anything we humans do. When it's really shit, you have to work against it or even break it. Them's the breaks."  T says.
[21:22] <@Erad> "I don't think I'd be judged by Bahamut for breaking a law to kill someone like him." Erad says. "But let's say for a moment that we somehow all go in there and manage to kill him. He's got soldiers around him, loyal ones. Do we kill them too?"
[21:24] <@Kotono> "That's why we do it sneaky and smart, so that we get him alone." T grins sharply at this, "Y'know, one thing you learn in my business is that women make better assassins. Know why? Easier for them to get a man alone. Ugly way to do it, but it works. Do it with the right poison and it just looks like his heart gave up on him. Anyway, point is that we think smarter instead of bloodier."
[21:25] <@Erad> "Yes, I suppose you do have first-hand experience with female assassins, don't you." Erad says with a glance over at him. "Do you have an idea?"
[21:27] <@Kotono> "Yeah, yeah. Point's true, though." T rubs his chin thoughtfully, "Got a few, doubt 'nari or any of the girls would want to play the eager strumpet for it. So we have to get back to basics. We really want to send him off, we need to get someone somewhere they can deal with him one on one. I'd say poison, but he's probably sucked on Auril's teats so long that it'll freeze in his bloodstream. "
[21:29] <@Erad> "Logically, Annerose makes the most obvious choice, I think." Erad says. "If he has some tricks, they're probably the type that she wouldn't even be harmed by."
[21:32] <@Kotono> "Yeah, but I bet he'll stop some of her tricks, too. Plus if I were him, I'd have some counters to what counters people would use agains tme." A long, thoughtful pause by T, "So best to assume that it'll help but not be decisive."
[21:34] <@Erad> "It's possible. I suppose I could try and do it, but I don't know if I have enough..." Erad waves his claws around. "Magic, you know?"
[21:39] <@Kotono> T grins hugely and places his hands just in front of his chest, "Neither of us have the magic for it," he leers, then laughs. "But hell, a sword or a fist kills just as well as a wand or spell."
[21:40] <@Erad> "That isn't the kind of magic I meant." Erad says with a shake of his head. "But you know what I mean -- he's surely an accomplished... something. I wonder if there's any way to neutralize that... Maybe we could petition Lathander for aid. Bahamut would probably protect me if It came to it, though..."
[21:50] <@Kotono> "It's the magic that makes thew orld go 'round," T laughs, letting it pass. "Anyway, that's getting into the realm of hoping for help. That's always out of your hands, you know? You can't make the forces beyond us help us, unless you're a really old wizard."
[21:51] <@Erad> "Maybe." Erad says. "But always calling on divine aid, even if you're just faking it. It always seems to work, doesn't it?"
[21:52] <@Kotono> "Eeeeh..." T wavers his hand, "Less askinga nd more of taking without permission. Sort of."
[21:54] <@Erad> Erad gives him a bit of a look. "Well, Bahamut hasn't given me a missive to punish you, so I'm sure it's fine, whatever it is."
[21:55] <@Kotono> "Give it time," T remarks, looking out towards the camp. "Wonder how they're doing?"
[21:57] <@Erad> "I'm certain they're fine." Erad says. "Probably smoothing everything over with Penelope now."
[21:59] <@Kotono> "Heh, yeah," T says, and afte ra pause, "'course, if soldiers start coming our way all soldier like, we'll have a hell of a lot of fun with our last stand."
[22:01] <@Erad> "Wonder if the wagon transforms in a pinch." Erad says with a look back at it. "Still can't believe it just popped out like that."
[22:05] <@Kotono> "If in trouble, expand wings and fly off. Sure," T just laughs some more.
[22:06] <@Erad> "You never know." Erad says. "It did come from a deity, after all."
[22:13] <@Kotono> "If only it would grow some nice tits," T says, as Helena emerges. She stops and turns to him, flicking a snowball at him from nowhere. He goes on as it flies, "Sinc-" Right in the side of the face, knocking him off balance and causing him to do a header into the snow.
[22:13] <@Kotono> "Ahem," Helena smiles, "My timing's getting better. So any sign of a return yet or activity?"
[22:15] <@Erad> "Nothing yet." Erad says with a look over at her. "How're you holding up with your sudden transformation into snow-loving?"
[22:17] <@Kotono> Amid T's grumbles and getting up, "Oh, well enough," Helena says, "I can just stare at the snow and smile for hours. Did you know old snow's different than new snow? There's so many different stages of snow, from when it first forms until it finally melts."
[22:19] <@Erad> "Fascinating." Erad says. "So if you were to take a guess, how long is this snow going to last for?"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[20:09] <@Kotono> "There may be, but do you have the slightest proof of this?" Queen Penelope challenges back, "This...Smiling Man. Does he have a name? A noble title? Or is he a wizard, as ghostly as spirits of the past?"
[20:15] <@Kotono> "He is a legend spoken of in my monastery," Amanna speaks up, "They have met his machinations, and one of their companions saw him personally."
[20:17] <@Inari> "One of the trolls I mentioned," Inari supplies helpfully.
[20:20] <@Kotono> "I do not deal in legends," Queen Penelope scowls, "I deal in facts and cold steel. The Foehammer has no time for such flippancy, Stalwart." Her voice is a whipcrack, "If someone conspires against us, we will crush him - after Malana is dealt with."
[20:21] <@Kotono> "But to wage war like this is suicide," Amanna says, blurting it out and meeting the Queen's gaze. "You know that as surely as I. We have been outplayed, maneuvered into this. Perhaps by Malana, perhaps by this Smiling Man."
[20:30] <@Annerose> "While the soldiers outside talk of Aurilites abducting children from Kabath to sacrifice so that this storm could be brought upon your army, surely Your Majesty is wise enough to recognize this wouldn't have been likely with your army right here and the approaches all well-defended?" Annerose tries.
[20:36] <@Kotono> "Regardless,' Queen Pelenope looks ot them, "How strong are your words?"
[20:37] <@Inari> Is this going to be another duel? Inari keeps her mouth shut and lets Annerose field it in that case!
[20:40] <@Annerose> "I have very good reasons to doubt Malana committed atrocities to Kabath, and I likewise doubt Kabath did the same to Malana. But if lies caused the war to start, I see a certain beauty in having truth bring it to a close," Annerose responds, smiling slightly. "That truth is as strong as it needs to be."
[20:42] <@Kotono> Amanna stiffens and goes stone silent. She glances at Annerose, "Strong as it needs to be," she echos. "I have concerns, both of this Smiling Man and of our state in the war. Tempus teaches us that hubris must not overcome good military strategy, and right now strategy dictates that we must parley or at least find a better position."
[20:48] <@Kotono> "Then show me your strength, the three of you," Queen Penelope declares, standing up. "Do your words give you the courage to face me, or are they the whimpering cries of defeatists?"
[20:50] <@Inari> "Er... three on one?" Inari says, looking at all the guards around. "Isn't that a bit unfair, your majesty?" She can feel a lot braver with numbers on her side, though!
[20:51] <@Annerose> "Mere words are useless to prove our worth, and the worthiness of our cause," Annerose agrees, for her part. "Would Her Majesty be so kind as to name the rules?"
[20:52] <@Kotono> One of the guards goes behind the throne and brings out an axe. A battleaxe carved of shiny steel, chipped and worn from use. Queen Penelope takes it, "To submission or knockout," she says, "Three of you may prove a worthwhile distraction for me - briefly." Brandishing her axe, "Come them, I'll prove how weak your words are."

[20:52] <@Kotono> OOC: Init here.
[20:53] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+5+5 nerveskitter
[20:53] Erad invited Serith into the channel.
[20:53] * Serith ( has joined #evildunes
[20:53] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+5+5 nerveskitter
[20:53] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=2]
[20:54] <@Inari> roll 1d20+4
[20:54] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=12]
[21:00] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 Amanna
[21:00] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=18]
[21:00] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 Penelope
[21:00] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=13]
[21:01] * Kotono changes topic to 'Queen Penelope(23)>Amanna(22)>Inari(16)>Annerose(Mikoed)'
[21:03] <@Kotono> Queen Penelope strides forward to Amanna before anyone can react. "Prove me my words," she demands, battleaxe striking out with the flat, lighting fast.
[21:03] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+14 (-0 nonlethal, -8 PA)
[21:03] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 31 > [d20=17]
[21:04] <@Kotono> roll 1d8+26+2d6 nonlethal Amanna
[21:04] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 34 > [d8=3][d6=1,4]
[21:06] <@Kotono> Amanna's smacked right in the face, caught completely flatfooted. Her nose breaks, blood spraying out. From the crack of bone, her cheek or jaw broke as well. She staggers back, a blood-choked cry from the strike. It's all she can do to stay up, blood pouring down her face as she grasps her sword and swings.
[21:06] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+16 (+4 smite)
[21:06] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 36 > [d20=20]
[21:06] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+16 (+4 smite) crit?
[21:06] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 36 > [d20=20]
[21:06] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+16 (+4 smite) crit? wow
[21:06] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 34 > [d20=18]
[21:07] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+11 (+4 smite)
[21:07] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=4]
[21:09] <@Kotono> Reeling from the blow, Amanna stabs out and gets Queen Penelope. Her blade slides into her left shoulder, a heavy push bringing the two face to face. They meet each other's eyes briefly before Queen Penelope kicks her off, sword going right back out. "Using lethal force, eh?" Queen Penelope smirks slowly, "Yes, offer blood ot Garagos, who serves as the Foehammer!" OOC: Inari.
[21:11] <@Inari> She can do more good by keeping their heavy hitters up, so Inari moves up behind Amanna to bestow some quick healing on her!
[21:11] <@Inari> roll 3d8+7 healz for Amanna
[21:11] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 18 > [d8=1,7,3]
[21:11] <@Inari> OOC: wait, I used all my 3rd level spells on resist energy
[21:11] <@Inari> roll 2d8+7 strike last
[21:11] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 23 > [d8=8,8]
[21:18] <@Kotono> Healing washes over Amanna, broken nose fixing itself immediately. OOC: Annerose.
[21:18] <@Annerose> "Lethal force is not against the rules," Annerose smoothly points out, stepping into the breach. Her shield covers Amanna, presenting herself as a more interesting target, and her own attack should hopefully cement that for Queen Penelope. "Not as long as we stop at knockout." Her hand snakes out, as fast as she can send it, and reaches for the open wound!
[21:18] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+11 K:L
[21:18] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=3]
[21:19] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+8+1 touch
[21:19] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+8+1 touch
[21:19] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=1]
[21:19] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=4]
[21:25] <@Kotono> But Queen Penelope's too fast, sidestepping the touches and generally shifting out of the way. She whirls around in a split second, concentrating...
[21:25] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+18 concentration
[21:25] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=7]
[21:26] <@Kotono> roll 2d8+26 actual damgae, forgot to roll it. Duuuur.
[21:26] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 28 > [d8=1,1]
[21:26] <@Kotono> "Tempus, let loose the fortunes of war!" Queen Penelope shouts, as suddenly weakness overtakes them all. OOC: Fort saves, you three.
[21:26] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 Amanna
[21:26] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=17]
[21:26] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+10
[21:26] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=11]
[21:28] <@Inari> roll 1d20+7
[21:28] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=19]
[21:29] <@Kotono> Waves of weakness buffer the party and Annerose feels weak. Blood leaks from her nose, trickles into her mouth. Her color becomes paler, her body shaking. She feels bruised all over, exhausted. OOC: You take damage equal to one half of your maximum hit points and this can't reduce you below 1 hit point. Inari and Amanna made thes ave.
[21:29] <@Kotono> OOC: Amanna's up.
[21:53] <@Kotono> Amanna commits to the battle now, "Then I'll stand as strong as I can," she vows, sword slicing out.
[21:53] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+12
[21:53] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=3]
[21:53] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+7
[21:53] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=4]
[21:54] <@Kotono> But this time her blows are easily stopped, a few parries and strikes overcoming all of Amanna's attacks. OOC: Inari.
[21:54] <@Inari> Inari keeps Annerose in the fight with some more timely healing! "You can do it!" she encourages her and Amanna, staying safely behind them.
[21:54] <@Inari> roll 2d8+7
[21:54] <Serith> Inari roll for Serith < 17 > [d8=6,4]
[21:56] <@Kotono> Annerose'w sounds partially heal, her energy returning to her. OOC: Annerose.
[21:57] <@Annerose> "Thanks, Inari!" Annerose calls back, creaking her neck as her arms frost over. A thin mist surrounds her as she circles around to keep Queen Penelope's attention properly divided-- and then she strikes!
[21:57] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+8+1+2 touch, frozen hand as move
[21:57] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=10]
[21:58] <@Annerose> roll 2d6+3+1+2d6 cold
[21:58] <Serith> Annerose roll for Serith < 12 > [d6=2,1,1,4]
[21:58] <@Annerose> OOC: Fort DC17 if evil for Golden Ice
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[20:08] <@Kotono> "I'm not sure it'll melt entirely before winter comes, or winter may have alrady come early. It's unseasonably cold here," Helena says with some consideration, "All of what that ceremony did may well mean an early and prolonged winter."
[20:11] <@Erad> Erad sighs. "There's not much getting around how difficult of a winter this is going to be for some people. I wonder if there's anything at all we can do about it."
[20:12] <@Kotono> "With this storm, those that survive willb e in even worse straits. The rest of the kingdom will be deeply pressured by it." Helena matches that sigh, "This may well be a victory paid for in blood."
[20:12] <@Kotono> "Yeah," T grumbles, "You know all that stuff of the bad winter? This just made it worse."
[20:13] <@Erad> "I wonder... If Kabath will have the same problem." Erad says with a glance towards the camp. "If they don't, they might have extra food... hm."
[20:16] <@Kotono> "Yeah, but like they'll hand it over easily," T says, "Unless it's a bribe for peace." He suddenly grins, "Say, I like the sound of that, don't you?"
[20:17] <@Erad> "I was thinking we'd just buy it." Erad says. "We did manage to make quite a sum of money for the Shining Light. This wouldn't be so different."
[20:33] <@Kotono> "Maybe," T says, "But I like my idea better."
[20:34] <@Erad> "You want to go suggest it?" Erad asks with a glance at the camp.
[20:41] <@Kotono> "When they get back," T says, "If this goes anywhere and we aren't making a fighting retreat.
[20:41] <@Kotono> "
[20:41] <@Erad> "I doubt that'll happen. They're persuasive." Erad says with a bit of a smile.
[20:47] <@Kotono> "I hope they are," Helena murmrus, looking out to the snowy camp.
[20:53] <@Erad> "Hm..." Erad considers. "T, how long does your invisibility work for?"
[20:59] <@Kotono> "Couple of minutes. 5, 6? Up to 10 on a good day." T says, "Something like that."
[21:09] <@Erad> "You could always go check on them." Erad offers.
[21:19] <@Kotono> There's a longer silence before T shakes his head. "Right now the die is cast. Let it fall where it may. Besides, going into a camp like that's asking for a short ab rutal end."
[21:20] <@Erad> "I suppose." Erad says. "I'm sure they're all right, though."
[21:20] <@Erad> Erad does, however, say a silent prayer for them to Bahamut to see them through their trials.
[21:53] <@Kotono> This silent prayer joins in the night, as farther away battle rages...OOC: Lemme pause yo uas ec and resolve this battle.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[20:05] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 Fort
[20:05] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+15 Fort --> [ 1d20=15 ]{30}
[20:06] <@Kotono> The touch makes the Queen shiver, but she stands her ground with a defiant snort. "Petty fake Aurilite," she declares, turning on Annerose and focusing the wrath of her weapon all on her.
[20:07] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+18 (-0 nonlethal, -4 PA)
[20:07] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+18 (-0 nonlethal, -4 PA) --> [ 1d20=3 ]{21}
[20:07] <@Annerose> OOC: AC29
[20:07] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+13 (-0 nonlethal, -4 PA)
[20:07] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+13 (-0 nonlethal, -4 PA) --> [ 1d20=16 ]{29}
[20:07] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 (-0 nonlethal, -4 PA)
[20:07] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+8 (-0 nonlethal, -4 PA) --> [ 1d20=14 ]{22}
[20:08] <@Kotono> roll 1d8+18+2d6 does not beat your DR, nonlethal
[20:08] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d8+18+2d6 does not beat your DR, nonlethal --> [ 1d8=1 2d6=3 ]{22}
[20:09] <@Kotono> Annerose dodges the first strike, but the second is much too fast. The flat of her axe hits her right in the hip, a wince of pain from the loud impact. OOC: Amanna.
[20:10] <@Kotono> Amanna focuses the little advantage she has, grimacing as she focuses on the battle. "For Tempus!" she cries.
[20:10] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 (+2 flanking)
[20:10] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+15 (+2 flanking) --> [ 1d20=17 ]{32}
[20:10] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 (+2 flanking)
[20:10] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+10 (+2 flanking) --> [ 1d20=4 ]{14}
[20:13] <@Kotono> roll 1d8+6
[20:13] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d8+6 --> [ 1d8=3 ]{9}
[20:14] <@Kotono> The two continue to fence, blade against axe as they go. Amanna can't manage her advantage into a strike, so she pressed in close, weapons held against each other. Her had lashes out, a headbutt that makes a loud CRACK as Penelope's nose breaks, just like Amanna's did moments ago. OOC: 'nari.
[20:15] <@Inari> Inari winces at the headbutt, ears flattening against her head, but she dilligently keeps up her role as support by healing Annerose from the wound she just received!
[20:15] <@Inari> roll 2d8+7 healz
[20:15] <Rei-chan> Inari rolled : 2d8+7 healz --> [ 2d8=8 ]{15}
[20:17] <@Kotono> Annerose's injuries heal, the pain in her hip subsiding to a dull ache. OOC: Anneros.e
[20:17] <@Annerose> "Who's an Aurilite?!" Annerose exclaims, igniting with a holy fury. There's only so much she can take, and she's not even hiding her affiliation or disdain for them this time, so why do people always assume-- She strikes twice, swiftly!
[20:18] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+8+1+2 touch, dragonfire wrath
[20:18] <Rei-chan> Annerose rolled : 1d20+8+1+2 touch, dragonfire wrath --> [ 1d20=8 ]{19}
[20:18] <@Annerose> roll 1d20+8+1+2 touch, dragonfire wrath
[20:18] <Rei-chan> Annerose rolled : 1d20+8+1+2 touch, dragonfire wrath --> [ 1d20=19 ]{30}
[20:20] <@Kotono> OOC: Two hits.
[20:20] <@Annerose> roll 2d6+3+1+2d6+1d8 cold, good
[20:20] <Rei-chan> Annerose rolled : 2d6+3+1+2d6+1d8 cold, good --> [ 2d6=11 2d6=7 1d8=8 ]{30}
[20:20] <@Annerose> roll 2d6+3+1+2d6+1d8 cold, good, Golden Ice fort dc17
[20:20] <Rei-chan> Annerose rolled : 2d6+3+1+2d6+1d8 cold, good, Golden Ice fort dc17 --> [ 2d6=10 2d6=3 1d8=2 ]{19}
[20:22] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15
[20:22] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+15 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{16}
[20:23] <@Annerose> roll 1d6 dex
[20:23] <Rei-chan> Annerose rolled : 1d6 dex --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[20:24] <@Kotono> The touches knock Queen Penelope back, to the point where she sweeps her axe all around her. It mkaes the party step back, "Enough." she says, "The rage needed to kill not worth it, since warriors like you deserve to die in war, not in a duel." OOC: Free act.

[20:25] <@Annerose> The brightly glowing coldfire around Annerose subsides as she schools her expression into a neutral one.
[20:26] <@Inari> "Thank you for the compliment," Inari smiles winsomely now that the fighting's over.
[20:28] <@Kotono> Despite her injures, Queen Penelope strides back to her throne and sits. Her voice is muffled from her broken nose, yet she does nothing to stop the blood running down her chin and onto her armor. "Go then and talk to Malana," she commands.
[20:31] <@Kotono> "Yes," Amanna briefly kneels and bows her head, then stands. She turns and goes, leaving the tent.
[20:32] <@Inari> "We'll let them know you're now disposed towards ending the war then, yes?" Inari clarifies so there's no misunderstandings.
[20:33] <@Kotono> You get a terse nod at that.
[20:34] <@Inari> And so Inari sweeps away after Amanna!
[20:34] <@Kotono> OOC: Heading on back to camp?
[20:35] * @Annerose follows suit after a respectful bow to the queen.
[20:37] <@Annerose> OOC: Yes
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:38] <@Kotono> Time passes as the party waits...and waits...until at last Inari and friends return. "Hey 'nari," T calls, "No soldiers chasing after you, good!"
[20:39] <@Annerose> "We won the duel," Annerose elaborates. "It is the way things are done with Kabath. Though I'm unclear on something. Amanna, why did Queen Penelope not order her forces to retreat? I thought we were suggesting that very thing."
[20:40] <@Erad> Erad looks over at the group as they return. "Duels sure are popular things to Tempus' faithful."
[20:41] <@Kotono> Amanna merely  gestures at teh snowscape around you. "To what end?"
[20:42] <@Inari> "Well if they just retreat they'll only get run down I suppose?" Inari says charitably. "I think we need to find Househaven now and get him to accept terms for peace if we can, and if he has the clout for it."
[20:44] <@Erad> "What do we do if we run into Maggen's cronies?" Erad asks.
[20:44] <@Kotono> "Good question," T says, "That's the grand kicker, so we go for Househaven and hope for the best."
[20:45] <@Kotono> Helena frowns at that, "I don't like it, but I think that's about right. If we can shove a peace down before Maggen has a chance to capitalize on this...."
[20:45] <@Annerose> "I just thought it would be easier to accept the terms for peace if there was more of a distance between the armies," Annerose admits. "So! We make haste towards Adamantine, and if Maggen's servants cross our path we misunderstand the command as to where we must go. We could bluff them long enough to reach the fortress, I believe."
[20:46] <@Inari> "Well Adamantine is closer than where his camp was when we left, and we don't know if it's moved or where to. It only makse sense that we'd go there, wouldn't it?"
[20:47] <@Annerose> "We could improve our chances if Erad scouts ahead while hidden from view, or if Inari could cloud us from similar scouting from the air?"
[20:49] <@Inari> "I can't really obscure our tracks when we're shovelling through snow I'm afraid," Inari says apologetically. "Just wheeltracks dirt or mud is one thing but we're actively modifying the terrain to make room for our passage and that's more than the spell can handle."
[20:49] <@Kotono> "No helping it, then," T says, "We'll just have to go and hope our luck holds."
[20:51] <@Kotono> OOC: Any more plans or ready to move along then, y'all?
[20:52] <@Inari> OOC: lets go
[20:55] <@Kotono> OOC: Forging further on into the night then?
[20:55] <@Kotono> OOC: Or resting first?
[20:56] <@Inari> OOC: lets push on?
[20:56] <@Erad> OOC: We'll go into the night, I'll recover people from exhaustion or fatigue as needed
[20:56] <@Annerose> OOC: agreed
[20:57] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[20:57] <@Kotono> roll 1d100+10
[20:57] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d100+10 --> [ 1d100=12 ]{22}
[20:57] <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d100+10 --> [ 1d100=50 ]{60}
[20:57] <@Kotono> OOC: Strike. I forgot Kobot was active and in here. Go ahead and close Rei.
[20:58] * Rei-chan ( Quit (Quit: )
[20:58] <@Kotono> roll 1d100+10
[20:58] <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d100+10 --> [ 1d100=61 ]{71}
[20:58] <@Kotono> roll 1d100+10
[20:58] <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d100+10 --> [ 1d100=77 ]{87}
[21:02] <@Kotono> It's dawn by the time the party approaches Adamantine at last. The fortress stands firm, the colors of Malana flying in the first rays of the day. It's still a little ways away, but it's quite visible now.
[21:04] <@Annerose> Feeling not all that different from all the shambling undead she'd had to face recently, Annerose stares ahead at the fortress.
[21:05] <@Erad> Erad looks around for any paths that might have been carved out around the fortress that they might be able to use for the wagon!
[21:05] <@Inari> "Now we just have to hope they let us in and don't drop boiling oil on us," Inari says, her usual cheer slightly diminished by the raw state of her hands. Even with cold resistance, hand-shovelling miles of snow isn't fun.
[21:06] <@Kotono> T's head is down and his shoulders are slumped, "So tired," he mutters around a yawn. Helena's also sagging, "We just have to do that, yeah. How about you fly on, Erad, so there's no misunderstandings. Bring a big white flag to wave ro something."
[21:07] <@Kotono> Amanna's face is steely, but she's moving slower than she was before. "That may be wise," she admits, "An army expecting the enemy is prone to attack first."
[21:07] <@Erad> "Oh, yeah, I suppose I can. Let me take one of the things we uncovered from the catacombs, too." Erad says. "That way I can prove... well, I can at least show them what we're bringing."
[21:11] <@Kotono> OOC: What are you taking?
[21:12] <@Erad> OOC: I'll take Volcano Tongue.
[21:15] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, off to evil with you.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[21:18] <@Kotono> You fly onto Adamantine. The massive fortress has its big outer wall as well as towers. You can see soldiers on them, eyes far below on you as you approach. One could land on the outer wall, inside the courtyard or on a tower. OOC: Describe how you're coming in and all that stuff.
[21:18] <@Erad> OOC: Okay.
[21:19] <@Erad> Erad will keep his hands up, waving a piece of white cloth with the staff on his back at he goes. He'll opt to land in the courtyard, as that's the least offensive option -- or so he hopes, anyway. He'll also slow his descent as he gets closer in case someone tells him not to land!
[21:23] <@Kotono> Erad lands in a courtyard with hundreds of troops, all armed. He waves his improptu flag, a s malls pace cleared for him as he lands. A man in full plate armor approaches, a dark blue cape fluttering behind him. "Who goes?" he demands.
[21:24] <@Erad> "My name is Erad. It's a bit of a long story, but my friends and I are friends of Malana. I need to speak to Lord Househaven." Erad responds.
[21:29] <@Kotono> Your reply is a curt nod, "You'll be searched first," he says, "In case the barbarians are trying trickery."
[21:30] <@Erad> "By all means. You can prove the truth of my words with magic if you need." Erad responds.
[21:32] <@Kotono> Erad is promptly patted down and searched. His gear, save for his clothes, are put aside and gone through. "We may do that," The soldier says.
[21:33] <@Erad> "Of course." Erad responds. "I'd rather Lord Househaven know that truth anyway."
[21:38] <@Kotono> Once done, Erad is escorted into Adamantine. It is a place of vast fortifications and soldiers, lead by a box of them through the corridors, up stairs, through more halls, taking a left, then a right, down more's a long blur of movement. He finally ends up in a small antechamber, a few chairs besides a door inside. "Sit," the soldier commands.
[21:40] <@Erad> Erad dutifully takes a seat.
[21:40] <@Kotono> The soldiers leaves Erad be for a bit, soldiers outside and inside, but none in the chamber with him. OOC: Going to do anything while you have relative solitude for a sec or just wait?
[21:41] <@Erad> OOC: Just wait.
[21:47] <@Kotono> It's perhaps two minutes before the soldier comes out. "Lord Househaven will see you," he says. "Enter."
[21:48] <@Erad> Erad will stand and move to where he should!
[21:53] <@Kotono> Erad enters. Within you find a small office - a desk dominates most of it, huge. Papers and other such things are stacked neatly about it. A map of Malana hangs on the back wall, as well as several flags, including that of Malana. The man who sits there is tall, broad shouldered and strong. He wears a breastplate, sitting behind his desk with his hands folded. He has brown hair and a trimmed
[21:53] <@Kotono> beard, both with hints of white in them. "Erad," he says, "Have a seat," he says, a few chairs before the desk. "Malana thanks you for your bravery. I understand you have a message?"
[21:57] <@Erad> Erad will step in and offer a small bow before he takes a seat. He'll take the staff and place it on the desk. "Yes. My comrades and I have traveled far, from Misty Harbor and Ailan and further even still to get here. We have been waging a war against the corruption that has taken hold in Malana, a way of righteousness as well as sense." He starts. "It has been our mission to try and bring
[21:57] <@Erad> goodness back to Malana and to save it from the clutches of those who follow Auril and those who would do further harm to this place that we love. Here -- this item, it's a staff from a ruined catacomb that my friends and I recovered on the orders of Jack Maggen. Know this, and know that I realize I am placing my cards on the table -- we have no love that for that man. We want to rid Malana
[21:57] <@Erad> of evil and those who follow Auril. If you have need of proof of that, then I think our actions at the Shining Light Cathedral will speak for them."
[21:58] <@Erad> "I am not diplomat -- not a speaker." Erad follows. "I can only deal in the truth, so if you want flowery speeches or impassioned ideals, I cannot offer them. I am not very charismatic, I've been told."
[22:06] <@Kotono> OOC: Indeed, that is a big speech, so make a diplo check to see how well you did. +4 bonus.
[22:08] <@Erad> roll 1d20+9 brick of diplomacy
[22:08] <Kobot> Erad rolled 1d20+9 brick of diplomacy --> [ 1d20=9 ]{18}
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[21:16] <@Kotono> Once Erad has flown off, T promptly goes to the wagon and plops down hard. Helena falls face first into the nearest snowdrift, supporting her weight. Amanna sags and slowly rolls her shoulders, "Exhausting work," she comments aloud.
[21:17] <@Inari> "Hopefully we can have a few quiet days once this is all said and done," Inari says, going to sit at the front of the wagon and patting a horse in passing.
[21:18] <@Annerose> "And the true challenge lies ahead," Annerose says tiredly, still staring at the fortress. "You will act at Queen Penelope's emissary, and we'll support you as much as we can, but it would be hard enough to convince Lord Househaven to agree to the truce. Enforcing it, or enlisting him for our goals for Malana, now...."
[21:19] <@Kotono> T closes his eyes and responds, "Yeah. Even if we get Househaven on board, we still have go through Franzy boy and all the problems there. Maggen'll have kittens when he hears about a truce, I bet. Let alone anyone else who's seeing an free shot here, all at the cost of massacring an an entire army."
[21:20] <@Kotono> "We're almost there," Helena murmurs, voice muffled by snow. "We'll get nice rooms, we'll get a truce and we may just have a chance this winter. I know we will."
[21:24] <@Annerose> "Should we even mention anything aside from the truce at this time?"
[21:24] <@Kotono> "Dunno," T says, "We  need to get a feel for Househaven first, I say."
[21:30] <@Kotono> Helena flops over, "If we succeed, though...who would have ever imagined?"
[21:31] <@Inari> "It's still going to be a long and hard winter for everyone. There's no way to neatly wrap this mess up with a bow, is there?"
[21:31] <@Annerose> "It can be longer and harder for a lot less people if we fail," Annerose points out with a sigh. "And perhaps something can still be salvaged."
[21:33] <@Kotono> "We still need to do something after this. Even if Malana makes it through this winter, I think something will give. I hate to use the R-word, but if things get too bad, rebels start to pop up. That gets us back to the fun of getting rid of old Franz, all treasonous and all."
[21:36] <@Annerose> "Which means support. From Lord Househaven, and from other likeminded people we could trust to do good for Malana's people."
[21:37] <@Kotono> "Yep." T says shortly.
[21:37] <@Kotono> "Which means making them support you, Your Majesty," Amanna nods to Annerose. "I want to know - do you have a true blood claim or do you intend to start a new line?"
[21:40] <@Inari> "Oh yes, I meant to ask!" Inari says, startled by Amanna's statement. "How's that going to work?"
[21:43] <@Annerose> "We've decided to take action to save Malana," Annerose responds at length. "The quickest way to accomplish that is by relying on my claim. But doing so publically before gathering the necessary support means death for everyone connected to me."
[21:46] <@Kotono> "That is true, but is it a true claim?" Amanna presses, "Do you have royal blood or are you a pretender?"
[21:46] <@Kotono> T looks up but stays silent, while Helena says, "It doesn't matter. Royal blood got us Franz and all this," she says, "If Annerose's blood is as common as mine, it's still better than his."
[21:47] <@Kotono> Amanna snorts at that, "Spoken like a commoner with no grasp of nobility."
[21:48] <@Kotono> Helena stands up at that, "Well, excuse me! All I know is that our royal and noble blood is full of disgraces!"
[21:50] <@Annerose> "It's a true claim," Annerose tells Amanna. "I was just quite bad at dying when my cousins made their move." Glancing over at Helena, she adds, "I trust you won't begrudge me that?"
[21:53] <@Kotono> "Then there's no problem," Amanna smiles, turning away from Helena. "It's merely a question of which line of the royalty leads, not a true rebellion. That is far easier and more palatable."
[21:54] <@Kotono> "Of course not," Helena reddens and looks away, "But far off the line are you? Centuries?"
[21:54] <@Kotono> "One catch," T speaks up, "It's gonna be tough selling you as royal blood when you aren't human. 'less you wanna start kissing Auril's feet and claiming this is her gift to you."
[21:55] <@Inari> "She's not obviously nonhuman though," Inari says. "I mean yes her abilities stand out, but if you just looked at Annerose in a village she wouldn't seem out of place."
[21:56] <@Annerose> "I could always spread ice with a touch," Annerose muses. "Maybe that's why I didn't mind much when I became more attuned with it later on?"
[22:06] <@Kotono> "Maybe," T says thoughtfully, "But it's still at ougher sell."
[22:07] <@Annerose> "I wish I could say the royal family is taught during childhood a secret spell that reveals their lineage to all when invoked, but if such things exist they must be a closely-guarded secret indeed."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[20:05] <@Kotono> The staff gets a brief look, then Househaven murmurs, "Yes, you have put aside your shield and opened your guard for a killing blow, were I inclined. I am not. Do you know what Maggen's servants needed to conjure this wintry miracle?"
[20:07] <@Erad> "I think I would rather not." Erad says with a grimace. "My guess would be sacrifices to that whore of a deity he worships."
[20:11] <@Kotono> "Precisely," Lord Househaven says, "On both counts. Malana is saved, but at what price? What price is worth a nation's soul?"
[20:14] <@Erad> "There is none." Erad says. "But that is why I am here -- why we have come here. My comrades should be on their way, they're coming in a wagon. If you have the time -- I think it would be in our best interests to all speak to you. I have reason to believe that Maggen never intended for these weapons to really make it to this fortress at all."
[20:17] <@Kotono> "It may be so, it may not. My suspicion is that he wished to obtain them outside of Malana's notice for his own purposes." Lord Househaven says, nodding slightly. "Have them approach the rear gate and fly a white flag."
[20:18] <@Erad> "I appreciate you taking us seriously." Erad says. "I realize it may have come as a bit of a shock."
[20:21] <@Kotono> "No greater than others in these dark days, and one far more welcome." He stands, offering his hand out, "Malana is sick and dying. I fear only harsh medicine will remedy this situation."
[20:24] <@Erad> Erad will offer him a firm handshake. "I think you are correct. Hopefully we've already begun that process. By your leave, Lord Househaven." He nods afterwards and will go find his way back to the others!
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake



[20:06] <@Kotono> "We'll have to work from there," Amanna says, "I know there is magic to confirm a bloodline and other magics to confirm the truth of your words. Those should be sufficient."
[20:08] <@Annerose> "Tough sell or not, are you up for it, T?" Annerose asks.
[20:12] <@Kotono> "Hell, why not? I'm calling dibs on a Lordship if you win, though," T remarks.
[20:14] <@Annerose> "I foresee a lot of opening, given what we discovered at the capital."
[20:15] <@Inari> "I've not been particularly impressed by what I've seen of Malana's nobility, no," Inari chimes in.
[20:16] <@Kotono> "I'm a Lord, you're a Lord, everyone's a Lord," T grins, "Hell, if we're going to risk treason, may as well get something out of it."
[20:16] <@Kotono> Helena sighs a little bit, "Okay, so we decide to do this. How do we get from this to getting rid of Franz?"
[20:18] <@Annerose> "If Lord Househaven will stand with us, we can hear from him about possible allies and move to recruit their support. In the meantime, he can use the prestiege from stopping the invasion and has command of no-doubt loyal troops, if I understand how soldiers at a fortress can be."
[20:27] <@Kotono> "Makes sense," T says, "Now we just need to know if he's on the level."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:30] <@Kotono> As the party chats and waits, Erad returns from the sky. OOC: Go ahead.
[20:31] <@Erad> Erad will land, notably without the staff he left with. "It was surprisingly easy to get an audience. He asked us to take the wagon to the rear entrance and wave a flag."
[20:32] <@Inari> More snow shovelling then, but for a worthy cause!
[20:33] <@Annerose> "It does tend to happen when a dragon lands in your keep, I'm told."
[20:36] <@Kotono> T groans, "I'm going to sleep for a week after this.:
[20:36] <@Erad> "Ah, just ask for some respite from whichever deity you're faking today." Erad says as he goes down to help with the snow.
[20:37] <@Annerose> "I recommend Savras."
[20:39] <@Kotono> Thus the party makes lsow headway to the back of the fortress. It's miserably hard going in the snow, most of the night gone by the time you make it through the massive drifts. But the gates open as you approach, soldiers standing with torches. "Enter!"
[20:40] * @Annerose makes sure her holy symbol pendant is visible over her armor and her gloves are firmly on, though she stays in the wagon until they get into the fortress proper.
[20:41] <@Inari> Once they're close enough to not need to dig Inari takes a seat at the front of the wagon to guide the horses in, waving to the soldiers as she approaches. "Hello there!"
[20:44] <@Kotono> T stumbles tothe back of the wagon and flops down, while Amanna marches on with the wagon. Annerose merely glides over the snow as you're escorted in. Once you're in and the gates closed, "We'll take the wagon. Lord Househaven wishes to see you immediately."
[20:44] <@Inari> "Lead the way then," Inari says genially.
[20:45] <@Annerose> "Yes, please do," Annerose agrees quite happily.
[20:46] <@Erad> Tired, but not that tired, Erad merely nods.
[20:46] <@Kotono> A tired, sore and snowy party is lead to Lord Househaven's office. More chairs have been added, the owner of the office standing as you come in. He offers his hand out, "Congratulations on your successful mission, no matter the source of it."
[20:48] <@Inari> "Thank you," Inari says, reaching out to shake his hand before making way for someone else. "We got turned around a bit by the whole blizzard thing but here we are in the end. My name's Inari."
[20:50] <@Annerose> "Thank you, Lord Househaven," she echoes Inari. "I am Annerose. Of more immediate importance, however, is the lady accompanying us." Annerose gestures at Amanna, confident in her ability to introduce herself and her mission.
[20:50] <@Kotono> Hands are shaken, T next, "Thanks," is all he says, going to sit. "Sorry, but we've been going all day and now all night through that mess out there. My legs are about to fall off and my shoulders are one giant throb."
[20:51] <@Kotono> "I am Amanna and serve Queen Penelope and Tempus," she introduces, "Queen Pelenope concedes the situation is what it is and would request terms."
[20:52] <@Kotono> Lord Househaven barely gets a glance at T before Amanna speaks. "Excellent news," he says mildly, "Though so far all of my attempts at diplomacy have been rebuffed. What provokes this change of heart?"
[20:52] <@Annerose> "To that, I would wish to add, My Lord, that it is doubtful either Malana or Kabath were responsible for the initial skirmishes that lead to the war, and Queen Penelope became aware of such things." She smiles in wry amusement. "The winter has helped, of course."
[20:52] <@Erad> Erad can't help but smile a bit at that.
[20:54] <@Inari> "Unfortunate given the source," Inari observes. "But I suppose it evens out with Kabath's fortress-breaking superweapon."
[20:58] <@Kotono> Lord Househaven is silent at that, holding up a hand, "If neither Malana or Kabath were responsible, then who?"
[20:58] <@Kotono> "Both sides played the best weapons they had. Strange they both had such strong ones at the same time," Helena murmurs, "Isn't it?"
[21:00] <@Erad> "I'm not much of a strategist, but... the way I look at it, if we hadn't stopped the storm, the end of the war would've been awarded to Maggen and Auril, right?" Erad asks. "So in doing so, they cement their hold on Malana as 'war heroes.'"
[21:00] <@Annerose> "There is a being we heard called the Smiling Man, perhaps because he keeps a constant smile on his face," Annerose responds. "We have with us a troll that was part of a group that person released from underground on the road just outside the capital. Later, we met a seer following Savras who mentioned the same Smiling Man being responsible for countless deaths. And from Amanna, we heard of his previous efforts at instigating civil war in Kabath."
[21:01] <@Erad> Erad gestures in agreement to Annerose. "My guess is somehow or another Maggen was influenced by this person to carry out his scheme."
[21:03] <@Kotono> "The Smiling Man," he says it slowly, "At the outbreak of war, our stocks were threatened by an unexpected occurance of shocker lizards. They are not native to this area, but somehow our storage basements had an unexpected infestation. Fortunately, we were able to contain it before it got out of hand. The culprit was a petty wizard who claimed to have been directed by a man who always smiled."
[21:04] <@Kotono> "That does sound like him," T says, "Seems to run long on setting thigns in motion and letting them play out."
[21:04] <@Annerose> "We heard similar stories while traveling through the land. Some might be genuine disasters, but still... hasn't the harvest been bad? Wasn't it expected to be a bad winter even before the war?"
[21:05] <@Kotono> "Horrible," Lord Househaven says with a gloomy frown, "Rationing is inevitable and that will still not prevent famine. This storm here...even those that survive to dig out of it will doubtlessly lose crops and stored foods. We cannot eat snow."
[21:05] <@Kotono> "That bad?" Helena says, "We've heard things going around the past several months."
[21:06] <@Erad> "We were talking earlier," Erad says with a nod to T. "That considering the circumstances, getting food from Kabath might not be a bad way to angle this."
[21:06] <@Kotono> "Yes. The royal estimations are that up to 1/6th of Malana's population will be lost." He grimaces now, "Lord Maggen and others suggest this is with acceptable bounds, especially if we get favorable terms from Kabath."
[21:06] <@Annerose> "It would have been even worse if we hadn't stopped it," Annerose agrees grimly, deciding to test the waters with Househaven. "The next step in Auril's ritual was to summon the undead throughout the frozen lands."
[21:07] <@Inari> "Will your nation have enough food to feed themselves, Amanna?" Inari asks, since starving Peter to feed Paul doesn't sound like an improvement.
[21:09] <@Kotono> "I do not put it past Maggen." Househaven grimly matches Annerose's expression. "No, I do not at all."
[21:10] <@Kotono> "We will survive, but it will be tight," Amanna says, "But our harvests showed signs of being better, at least around the monasteries. The villages who serve us have fields blessed for plenty."
[21:11] <@Annerose> "Can it stand to be tighter, so our own people would not starve to death?"
[21:11] <@Kotono> Amanna purses her lips, "Maybe. You'd have to make concessions to Her Majesty for that, doubtlessly. I hope you have good negotiators."
[21:11] <@Annerose> "Will it be like the previous negotiation?"
[21:12] <@Kotono> "I doubt it." Amanna remarks, "For a variety of reasons."
[21:13] <@Erad> Erad considers for a moment, looking down at the floor with his arms folded. "I wonder, I know it's a bit of a stretch... but considering what you all did at our grove in Ailan... I don't think praying to Eldath will solve all of our problems, but... hm." He takes a breath. "I don't think that grove can supply food for the entire country, but... hm. I don't know. I'm probably grasping at straws."
[21:13] <@Annerose> "What if we kept it simple? Amanna? Lord Househaven? A truce, a peaceful return to prewar borders and the food Malana needs to get by this winter for a reasonable price?"
[21:18] <@Kotono> "It might be worth a try, 'cept growing season's over," T remarks, "Good to keep in mind for later."
[21:19] <@Kotono> Amanna is quiet as she considers, "It's not an unreasonable position to take. You'd need to demand more and make it your fallback position. By diplomatic niceities aren't important to the point that it could be done."
[21:19] <@Kotono> "Yes," Lord Househaven says, "Then on behalf of the Dynast, I will accept negotiations. Lady Amanna," He pauses to get quill and paper, "I will compose a reply and you will deliver it to Queen Penelope."
[21:20] <@Kotono> As he starts to write, "This will not leave this office," he says, "But if I have a treaty done and written, not even the Dynast can easily ignore that, no matter how Maggen and others howl."
[21:21] <@Erad> Erad nods to Brent, but then clears his throat and straightens his posture a bit. "I actually was thinking, is it at all possible for us to be considered directly under you, Lord Househaven? I have my concerns that Maggen may try something to demand us to return the weapons and possibly try and accuse us of treason for stopping his plot."
[21:22] <@Erad> "I don't consider myself part of the Malana army, but... I think this is the best course of action to ensure our actions can continue to do good." Erad clarifies.
[21:22] <@Annerose> "There is no need to advertise outside this room that the plot was discovered, much less stopped," Annerose voices. "As for the weapons, I was constantly under the impression they were needed to defend Adamantine. If the instructions for the mission we accepted were unclear, well...."
[21:23] <@Inari> "No, that was my understanding as well," Inari agrees. "We've brought the weapons, as well as additional supplies, I think we can say we've discharged our obligation quite well on that score."
[21:26] <@Kotono> "For now, you rest under my protection," Lord Househaven says, "There is much to discuss, but it is extremely late and tomorrow will be an important day. Lady Amanna, you will be given proper transportation to Queen Penelope. The rest of you will be provided rooms."
[21:27] <@Erad> "Do you have a clergy here?" Erad asks. "I have something I need to do before I retire for the evening."
[21:27] <@Annerose> "A proper place to rest would be quite appreciated," Annerose says gratefully. "Thank you, My Lord."
[21:29] <@Inari> "It has been a trying few days," Inari agrees. "Thank you for the hospitality."
[21:30] <@Kotono> "There is a chapel, though it is open to all faiths," Lord Househaven says.
[21:30] <@Erad> "That will be sufficient." Erad says with a nod.
[21:33] <@Kotono> OOC: Y'all just gonna rest or...?
[21:33] <@Annerose> OOC: Yes, and be on hand for whichever is needed
[21:35] <@Erad> OOC: Erad's going to go to the chapel to get rid of that stone that I keep forgetting about.
[21:39] <@Kotono> OOC: Which stone?
[21:41] <@Erad> OOC: The evil one.
[21:41] <@Erad> OOC: Specifically, the evil one from the tower that I got a vision about that I forgot about again. (again)
[21:43] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, sure.
[21:46] <@Kotono> Once Erad's errand is done, the night passes into the day. Not that the party is awake for it, collasping into their beds and sleeping like the dead.  It's past noon when they rise, a shared meal going uneventfully in the big, shared room they've all been given. "Not bad. Not 5 gold worth of not bad, but still pretty passable." But as T says that, the door opens and Amanna comes in. She's
[21:46] <@Kotono> dragging, eyes with dark rings around them and a slump to her shoulders.
[21:48] <@Inari> "Oh Amanna, while we've been resting you've been up all night!" Inari says, rising and going to usher Amanna towards a seat. "Please, sit and eat, and you can tell us how you got on?"
[21:49] <@Annerose> Still sleepy, Annerose only nods at Amanna in greeting.
[21:52] <@Kotono> Helena barely looks up, dozing at the table.
[21:52] <@Kotono> "Hey," T says, "So yes, tell us."
[21:53] <@Kotono> Amanna stands, "Help me out of my armor, please," she manages, fumbling at the straps. "I'm so tired my hands barely work."
[21:53] <@Kotono> Rock sits in a corner, gnawing on several chicken bones. He looks up and sniffs several times, before going back to what he was doing.
[21:55] <@Inari> Inari's fingers are agile enough to do just that! "Just sit and relax, let me do the work," she insists.
[21:58] <@Erad> Erad will move over to give Amanna a energy boost so she's not quite so tired. OOC: Using 10 points of lay on hands to move her from exhausted -> fatigued -> not fatigued
[22:00] <@Kotono> Amanna straights and Erad's touch, Inari meanwhile unarmoring her. Down to her underpadding and underclothes, she sits. "Thank you. Queen Penelope and Lord Househaven are meeting right now, along with associates. I suspect that success or failure, an accord will be reached soon. Jack Maggen may not wait if he gets wind of this."
[22:01] <@Annerose> "What do you propose? For us to seek him out and keep him busy?"
[22:02] <@Kotono> "For now? Nothing." Amanna says, "We're to rest and wait. In Lord Househaven's own words, we've done our part for the moment.'
[22:03] * @Annerose nods her understanding, covering a yawn with a hand. "You can't be expected to do everything, and sometimes you need to delegate to trustworthy people and trust in their competence? Something like that?"
[22:03] <@Inari> "Hopefully all that digging through the night will pay off and let this be done and dusted before Maggen or his ilk can be ready," Inari says, setting Amanna's armour up neatly in the corner before getting back to her own food.
[22:04] <@Kotono> OOC: Anyone going to do anything or just going to wait?
[22:06] <@Erad> OOC: Just gonna wait
[22:12] <@Kotono> The rest of the day passes and tomorrow comes. Come early morning you're called to meet with Lord Househaven once more. He his shoulders drop, his eyes ringed with black and his armor disheveled. Nonetheless he greets you by saying, "It's done. Provisional copies of the truce and treaty have been sent to all quarters, including the Dynast. Including aspects of the public, so that word will
[22:12] <@Kotono> spread. Will be spreading right now if our couriers are as fast as I hope."
[22:14] * @Annerose sighs in relief. "I could only wish it happened sooner. But many people will be saved by this treaty."
[22:15] <@Inari> "It was all worth it," Inari says, echoing Annerose's sigh of relief.
[22:16] <@Kotono> T slumps back and closes his eyes, "I can't believe we did it," he utters.
[22:16] <@Kotono> Helena laughs and claps, "It's done? It's done!"
[22:16] <@Erad> "As much as I'm sure we want to rest on our laurels," Erad says, "We can't forget about the people who schemed this war. They won't just be gone because of our efforts."
[22:17] <@Kotono> "It's a first step and an important one, but..." Lord Househaven remarks, "You're absolutely right. Malana is sick, diseased and dying. It's time to fix that."
[22:18] <@Annerose> "I happen to agree," Annerose voices. "How strange, that I've wanted to meet you to discuss that before our paths crossed in such a way, Lord Househaven."
[22:22] <@Kotono> "Well met, then," He sits down heavily in his chair, "Maggen and all the rest are going to want a pound of flesh from you, when they find out. I'm safe because of my station, but all of you are not. To affect change in Malana requires your continued life."
[22:23] <@Inari> "We picked up a few enemies back in the capital before the war necessitated a change of scenery," Inari says. "It seems they're piling up, but we do what we have to."
[22:26] <@Annerose> "And a friend as well," Annerose points out. "Just as I'm hoping we have here. I'm glad you will be safe, My Lord. At the same time, I would accept more than my share of risk if it means we could change Malana for the better together as a result."
[22:26] <@Kotono> "I'd like to make an offer - servants of my house," He holds up a hand, "Which is a simple way of extending you my protection and stop most reprisals. In exchange I want one thing." After a moment to pause, "Once this treaty is done and Maggen is gone, I want you to march southwest, smash the Aurilites and end Jack Maggen."
[22:27] <@Erad> Erad snorts. "I'd've done that one for free."
[22:27] <@Kotono> "Well, well," T smirks, "A man after my own heart. I've said a few times old Jacky needs a knife in the back."
[22:28] <@Inari> "I had been wanting to clean out those mountains when we were done in the city," Inari says, smiling at the thought of putting all those awful 'tributes' to rest.
[22:29] * @Annerose inclines her head. "A fine start, ridding Malana and the world of Aurilites."
[22:31] <@Kotono> "I think we can agree this is a good idea." Helena looks about, "Are we willing to accept this deal, all of us?"
[22:31] <@Inari> Inari nods her assent.
[22:32] <@Annerose> "Certainly."
[22:33] <@Erad> Erad nods. "It's another good step."
[22:34] * @Annerose glances over at Amanna.
[22:35] <@Kotono> "I cannot accept," Amanna shakes her head, "For I need to return to my monastery. If the Smiling Man is about, I need to find out more about him. When I do, you'll get a message from me. Queen Pelenope charged me with dealing with it - my discovery, my problem." She purses her lips, "I cannot disobey that order."
[22:37] <@Annerose> "Of course. And we might have your support later?"
[22:37] <@Inari> "That's fine, I've enjoyed spending time with you and I hope we'll meet again Amanna," Inari says. Even if their first meeting involved her beating the crap of Inari she was nice enough about it and she's been a good companion.
[22:38] <@Kotono> Handshakes are given all around as agreements are made...OOC: Let's pause here, we're over and it's the perfect spot.
[22:38] <@Erad> Erad smiles. "I'm sure it would be a great victory for Tempus to finally be ahead of that Man."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake