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Random DM nagging.

Started by Anastasia, August 06, 2011, 10:56:41 AM

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What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Quote from: Yuthirin on July 06, 2017, 01:10:22 PM
That moment when god-like beings get into a dick-measuring contest and they both wind up looking childish.


Not really? Slaad can be trouble under the best of circumstances, one does not allow a slaad lord to wander in a place like Thalasia freely. The PCs may be allowed - the few neutrals in Aurora are tolerated - but can you imagine what would happen if Renbuu appeared in Jovar out of the blue? Or if Primus decided to go poking around the Womb of Arborea? That sort of thing draws this sort of reaction because it's a big deal.

Renbuu's just willing to push the envelope when he feels like it since he's a slaad.

Deities have immense power, as do planar lords. It may be tolerable to have the PCs here, doubly so since they're largely good aligned. Renbuu is much more powerful, dangerous and not good aligned, not to mention part of a race of notoriously mercurial and unpredictable creatures.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Anastasia on July 06, 2017, 01:50:37 PM
Quote from: Yuthirin on July 06, 2017, 01:10:22 PM
That moment when god-like beings get into a dick-measuring contest and they both wind up looking childish.


Not really? Slaad can be trouble under the best of circumstances, one does not allow a slaad lord to wander in a place like Thalasia freely. The PCs may be allowed - the few neutrals in Aurora are tolerated - but can you imagine what would happen if Renbuu appeared in Jovar out of the blue? Or if Primus decided to go poking around the Womb of Arborea? That sort of thing draws this sort of reaction because it's a big deal.

Renbuu's just willing to push the envelope when he feels like it since he's a slaad.

Deities have immense power, as do planar lords. It may be tolerable to have the PCs here, doubly so since they're largely good aligned. Renbuu is much more powerful, dangerous and not good aligned, not to mention part of a race of notoriously mercurial and unpredictable creatures.
I get that Lathander's concerned, and I'm not saying he shouldn't be. What I'm trying to convey is this:

Quote from: Anastasia on July 05, 2017, 04:33:27 PM
As the three of you speak, all becomes sunshine. Brilliant sunshine, overwhelming in every way. Light pours in as you hear the sound of trumpets.

When you can see again, the sun stands before you. Lathander is hear, clad in full armor of light and gold, a heavy mace in hand. "Renbuu," he announces, stepping forward, "What is the meaning of this intrusion?" Gone is Lathander's normally jovial nature, face a mask of calm determination as he strides forward. "Aurora, what is the meaning of this?"
See, everything is fine, here. Lathander is reacting with all due haste, but is still taking a measured and reasonable response while remaining rational.
Quote from: Anastasia on July 05, 2017, 10:36:11 PM
Renbuu claps three times, glowing with all the lights of the rainbow. It's the most beautiful thing any of you have seen for a perfect moment, pure color overwhelming all of you. "I go to my allies here, to see to the Aurora's disgusting lack of color. Are you hungry? There will be food enough in there, food enough to hold us in the coming trials against Bel."
So far, everything is great. Even Renbuu is being both polite and affable.

Quote from: Anastasia on July 05, 2017, 10:36:11 PM"These sacred places are not for you. Leave." Lathander's voice is one and many together, the sun's light flashing tremendously bright. "Should you wish to hold court in Aurora, Aurora can meet you in places less holy than Thalasia."
his part here is where my understanding of Lathander's character breaks down. Lathander is Neutral Good, yes? Rationality should be something he's familiar with, and his sudden mercurial mood shift here is more characteristic of Renbuu than Lathander. Renbuu explained where he was headed, with story corroborated by PCs. He could just as easily (easily-er?) have monitored Renbuu's passage to Aurora and seen for himself the truth of such things. Instead, he summons angelic hosts and goes on the attack. Feels very OOC and dick-measury.

Quote from: Anastasia on July 05, 2017, 10:36:11 PMWhat happens leaves all of you blinded, but in that moment, you see you are surrounded. Legions of angels surround all of you, all focused on the slaad lord before you. Thousands and thousands at least, surely more beyond your field of vision.

"NO!" Renbuu declares, rainbows bursting out around him, transforming Lathander's sunlight around him into a prismatic cloak over the slaad's body. "THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT! THIS IS ART! THE MUSIC OF THE SPHERES MAY YET SHATTER IF BEL'S IGNORANT TASTES ARE ALLOWED DOMINION. IT IS NOT YET TIME TO CREATE A NEW MUSIC OF THE SPHERES." Wind blows against Renbuu, buffeting him as he holds his position. "DAWNBRINGER, YOU _ARE_ AN ARTIST! YOU CANNOT DENY THIS!"
Again, even with the yelling, Renbuu is the rational one here.

I'm just saying that this whole interaction is very strange. Even for beings with DvR.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Quotehis part here is where my understanding of Lathander's character breaks down. Lathander is Neutral Good, yes? Rationality should be something he's familiar with, and his sudden mercurial mood shift here is more characteristic of Renbuu than Lathander.

That assumes a bunch of things, like Lathander doesn't have a legitimate reason to tell Renbuu to leave. Lathander's certainly rational, he has entirely sane reasons for doing exactly what he did.

QuoteRenbuu explained where he was headed, with story corroborated by PCs. He could just as easily (easily-er?) have monitored Renbuu's passage to Aurora and seen for himself the truth of such things. Instead, he summons angelic hosts and goes on the attack. Feels very OOC and dick-measury.

Quick terminology note: When I talk about deities, I'm talking about DvR1+ here. This is an exception, as this usually includes DvR0 and counts as DvR0 creatures. So bear that in mind that this doesn't encompass something like Baleruk.

Lemme frame this another way, one that provides some perspective to how deities interact.

Deities are not treated the same as how non-deities are for a variety of reasons. This includes what happens when they choose to enter a plane under control of another deity or pantheon. It's not something that's ever subtle, more akin to tossing a cannonball into a pool. Deities are incredibly powerful representatives of their portfolio and domains, they project what they are as a part of what they are. To another deity, a deity entering the plane they rule is impossible to miss barring shenanigans.

Moreover, even a DvR1 is a powerful threat that can do lots of damage. One does not allow a deity to wander about or simply enter your realm lightly, this is understood and seen as being gauche and impulsive at best to being a direct act of war at worst. Letting them wander unchecked in places important to your plane is the utmost height of folly or an act of trust so profound that it borders on the foolhardy. While a deity may get away with it in certain places within reason*, a response is likely in the cards. Additionally, when it's a powerful and important place like Thalasia, the response is going to be proportional to that.

In this case, the response is for Lathander to come rolling in deep and tell Renbuu to get the fuck out, so he doesn't go full artiste and possibly damage something important to Elysium for the sake of his art. Slaad are completely unpredictable, this is an entirely valid concern. Moreover, it's possible Renbuu will choose to fight since slaad, so he's coming ready to wage a completely unfair and one-sided war. Lathander would be derelict in his duties and responsibilities to the heroic souls that rest within Thalasia to do anything less. Renbuu may be your ally and see Aurora favorably, but he's still an unpredictable lord of chaos who can be incredibly destructive when he disapproves of his art or when the mood hits him.

It says a lot about Renbuu's nature that he was more than willing to hop in and take his chances with Aurora's location. Slaad. There's diplomacy and ways for deities to do this sort of thing rather than just dropping in. There's almost no reason Renbuu could give to get him access to Thalasia, it would take something extreme, but the framework's there.

*Limbo in general is a good example due to the nature of it, so long as deities avoid the Spawning Stone and anything Ssendam cares about and otherwise don't raise trouble. The 1st layer of the Abyss is another, due to its general nature, though attention is usually quickly accrued nonetheless. Ysgard is not, as you recently heard about Chourst finding out directly.

QuoteAgain, even with the yelling, Renbuu is the rational one here.

I'm just saying that this whole interaction is very strange. Even for beings with DvR.

Not really, Lathander simply isn't willing to risk Renbuu doing serious harm here. It's not strange, it's Lathander stepping up and taking care of business.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


A bit of polishing, and a few changes. Thoughts? Feel free to tell me if you think part or all of this is stupid.
I can take it.

The Sunfire Purifier

The sunfire purifier is a titanic engine of destruction built by a cooperative alliance between Aurora and Lathander. It appears as a 50 foot tall, 70 foot long, and 20 foot wide golem, fashioned into the shape of a tarrasque. The body is made of pure adamantine, except for the creature's carapace. The carapace is striated with bright yellow gold, and emits a heat-haze radiance reminiscent of the effects of heavy sunlight on hot metal.

Size/Type:Colossal Construct
Hit Dice:48d10+48+96+144+80 (848 hp)
Initiative:-1 (Dex)
Speed:20 ft. (can't run)
Armor Class:57 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +50 natural
Base Attack/CMB/CMD:+48/+83/92
Attack:Slam +67 melee (6d10+54), Bite +62 melee (6d8+2d6+27)
Full Attack:2 slams +67 melee (6d10+54), Bite +62 melee (6d8+27+2d6)
Space/Reach:30 ft./30 ft.
Special Attacks:Trample, bask in my radiance, the breath of life, rampage.
Special Qualities:Damage reduction 45/adamantine and epic, fast healing 30, magic immunity, unmovable, crushing blows, toughness, constructed toughness, construct traits, sunfire engine, the light of dawn, improved grab, into the sunfire engine.
Saves:Fort +35, Ref +14, Will +15
Skills:Jump +31
Epic Feats:Epic Toughness(B)
Abilities:Str 64, Dex 9, Con Ø, Int Ø, Wis 11, Cha 1

Trample (Ex)
As a standard action during its turn each round, the sunfire purifier can literally run over an opponent at least one size category smaller than itself. The trample deals 8d12+60 points of bludgeoning damage. Trampled opponents can either attempt attacks of opportunity at a -4 penalty or Reflex saves (DC 65) for half damage. The DC is Strength-based and includes a +4 racial bonus.

Adamantine Bulwark (Ex)
The bulk of the sunfire purifier is almost impossible to move, unless it wants to. It cannot be tripped, bull rushed or knocked prone, nor can effects move it back.

Toughness (Ex)
The sunfire purifier is constructed of blessed adamantine, giving its construction greater strength than adamantine would normally have. It gains a +20 bonus to Fortitude saves and may substitute a Fortitude save for a Reflex save. It has an additional 3 hit points per hit die.

Constructed Toughness (Ex)
The sunfire purifier gains toughness and epic toughness as bonus feats. It has maximum hit points per hit die.

Magic Immunity (Ex)
The sunfire purifier is immune to all magical and supernatural effects.

Sunfire Engine (Ex)
The sunfire purifier is powered by a complex and esoteric half-alive mechanism called a sunfire engine. The engine is both a source and reservoir of holy power, as it contains a semisolid core of churning goldenfire. This grants the sunfire purifier a number of benefits.

Sunfire Strikes: The sunfire engine empowers the blows and strikes of the sunfire purifier. The golem applies double its Strength modifier to damage rolls with all of its natural attacks. It threatens a critical hit on a roll of 15-20 and inflicts triple damage on a critical hit. In addition, the sunfire purifier's strikes move with alacrity beyond what a creature of its size should possess, giving it improved base attack bonus growth.

The Sun's Searing Light: The golden glow of sunlight emanates from the sunfire purifier's claws and teeth. All of the sunfire purifier's natural attacks have the holy property, and are treated as good, adamantine, and epic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. The sunfire purifier's natural attacks have a +14 sacred bonus. This is a natural occurrence due to the power imbued into its body. In addition, the golem's bite attack deals an extra 2d6 damage as holy, due to overflow from the sunfire engine inside its chest.

The Power of the Sun: The sunfire engine's power constantly leaks into the body of the sunfire purifier, strengthening and restoring it. The sunfire purifier gains an additional 5 points of fast healing and damage reduction.

Refractive Haze: The sunfire engine creates tremendous heat, and some of this heat is transferred to the carapace of the sunfire purifier. The carapace is hot enough to cause the air around it to warp, making it difficult to see. All attempts to strike the sunfire purifier are affected by a 20% miss chance.

Sun-Tempered Carapace: Creatures not  in front of the sunfire purifier while attacking are instead forced to strike its carapace. The carapace of the sunfire purifier is several feet thick and made of tempered adamantine laced with veins of sun-touched gold. This gives it incredible durability as well as covering any perceivable weak points. The sunfire purifier cannot be flanked.

On Wings of Light: At will, the sunfire purifier can manifest a massive set of wings made of sunlight as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. The sunfire purifier gains a fly speed of 40 ft. (clumsy).

While flying, the sunfire purifier cannot make a full attack. It is able to make one single claw attack, use its breath weapon, or drop onto other creatures to use its trample special attack. When dropping from a height of greater than 40 ft., the sunfire purifier's trample attack may be used on creatures of any size. All falling damage is negated and half of it is transferred to all creatures affected by the trample attack. If this special trample attack fails to hit any creatures, the sunfire purifier takes falling damage as normal.

These wings last for 5 minutes before dissipating into scattered light. 

The Breath of Light (Ex)
Once every ten minutes, the sunfire purifier can empty the constantly-regenerating reservoir of sunfire and holy power within its sunfire engine. In doing so, it spews forth a tremendous gout of concentrated goldenfire in a 120 ft. x 10 ft. line. All living creatures in the sunfire purifier's gullet and all detritus swallowed in the last round are expelled into the gout, spraying out 60 feet in front of the sunfire purifier. All creatures, including those expelled, take 36d8+48 holy damage and are subject to a banish spell (caster level 25). Using this ability forces the central eye closed until the golem's next turn. 

Alternatively, the sunfire purifier can release a titanic roar along with a gout of blinding fire, unleashing a blast of sound in a 60 ft. cone in front of it. All creatures caught in the cone take 16d6 sonic damage and are permanently blinded and deafened. Fort DC 61 halves damage and negates blindness/deafness This DC is Strength-based.

Bask In My Radiance (Ex)
The sunfire purifier's carapace is laced with sun-touched gold. This gold acts as a conductor for the holy power contained in and produced by the sunfire engine.

Every 4 rounds, the sun-touched gold that weaves through the golem's carapace overloads, emitting a pulse of filtered goldenfire. This acts as a purified sunburst spell (caster level 25th, DC 61). This DC is Strength-based.

The Light of Dawn (Ex)
The sunfire purifier has three eyes; one mounted on each side of its head, and a single large eye in the center. The central eye of the sunfire purifier is a sun-bleached eye the size of a dinner table which projects a constant cone of dawn's golden sunlight. All creatures caught in this light are affected as though they stand in an anti-magic field. This cone affects creatures up to 120 feet away so long as the eye is open. As a side effect, the colors of evil creatures' arms and armor are bleached away so long as they stand in the light. The sunfire purifier can redirect its gaze as a free action once per turn.

Rampage (Ex)
While the sunfire purifier cannot run, it is capable of great forward strides due to its powerful legs. As a full round action, the sunfire purifier can fixate on a single opponent no further away than 120 ft., and go on a rampage. It charges at its target, crushing everything in its path. All creatures and objects are subject to the sunfire purifier's trample attack. Difficult terrain and structures are ignored, as the sunfire purifier smashes them aside in its rage. The fixated creature is affected as though the sunfire purifier charged it, and the sunfire purifier may take a full-round action to attack its fixation. This fixation lasts until the fixated creature or the sunfire purifier is destroyed, and the sunfire purifier cannot attack another creature or fixate upon a new creature until the prior fixation is destroyed.

Improved Grab (Ex)
To use this ability, the sunfire purifier must hit a Huge or smaller opponent with its bite attack. It can then make a CMB check as a free action to start a grapple without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the check, it establishes a hold and can try to swallow the foe the following round.

Into the Sunfire Engine (Ex)
Creatures swallowed by the sunfire purifier are dropped into the golem's internals, which are impossibly bright and filled with churning holy power and threshing metal gears. Swallowed creatures are blinded (DC 61) and take 24d8 damage for each round spent inside, half as holy and half as crushing. Creatures inside must smash their way through threshing blades and grinding gears by dealing 180 damage or making a Strength check (DC 61) to hold the gears back. They can then attempt to smash or cut their way free through the sunfire purifier's hide. As the sunfire purifier is not a living creature, there is no muscular action to close this hole. However, the sunfire purifier's fast healing restores the internal mechanisms near instantly, and thus requires any subsequent creature to force their way past once again. The sunfire purifier's gullet can hold 2 Huge, 8 Large, 32 Medium, 128 Small, or 512 Tiny or smaller creatures. The DCs are Strength-based.


Sun-Touched Gold
Gold purified in the fires of the Sun, the creation of sun-touched gold is a secret known only to those who serve Lathander. Unlike normal gold, sun-touched gold is a brilliant, shining yellow akin to the sun in the sky. Sun-touched gold is designed to channel goldenfire, and filter out some of its negative effects.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?

Iron Dragoon

Feat Swap-a-dilly-do:

Swapping my level 1 feat from Improved Counterspelling to Eschew Materials.
Swapping my Grand Weaver 6 Bonus Feat from Monitor Tapestry to Improved Tapestry.
Swapping my level 21 feat from Improved Tapestry to Ignore Material Components.
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


Did Renbuu fill up Lucy's super awesome Rod of Wonder with some lovely chaos?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Quote from: Corwin on July 13, 2017, 02:15:43 PM
Did Renbuu fill up Lucy's super awesome Rod of Wonder with some lovely chaos?

Whoops, fixing that with a Lucy topic incoming.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Is it possible to do something like a fastball special with a character and Telekinetic Thrust? RAW, I can propel up to 15 objects or creatures up to 270 feet in a single round, essentially giving them a free move action with a speed of 270 in a direction I choose. While unwilling creatures would get a save, willing creatures could decline it.

I have images in my head of launching Afina and/or Jaela into combat from afar and scaring the hell out of devils.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Quote from: Yuthirin on July 13, 2017, 04:35:17 PM
Is it possible to do something like a fastball special with a character and Telekinetic Thrust? RAW, I can propel up to 15 objects or creatures up to 270 feet in a single round, essentially giving them a free move action with a speed of 270 in a direction I choose. While unwilling creatures would get a save, willing creatures could decline it.

I have images in my head of launching Afina and/or Jaela into combat from afar and scaring the hell out of devils.

RAW I'd have to read the movement rules since I remember one niggling one, but I think it's Jump specific.

I'd probably allow it since it's amusing and a reasonable usage.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Crystal gains the eladrin hero template. She gains the following benefits.

- Her type becomes outsider with the good and chaotic subtypes.
- A fly speed inferior to her racial one, so it's discarded.
- +2 bonus to her natural armor.
- A slam attack. Not that useful for her, but there's worse options.
- A bunch of new SLAs. In addition to the mandatory and automatic ones, she selects the following: haste(3), gate(12), greater heroism(17), empowered righteous smite(24), delayed blast fireball(31), time stop(40). She's mostly mimicking Afina here. I'm also going to be employing a fair deal of rule zero so she doesn't abuse at will time stops. I may change that later, it's more cheese than I normally like, but I can't think of anything better offhand.
- Darkvision 60ft.
- Immunity to electricity and petrification.
- Resistance to cold and fire 20.
- Damage reduction rises to 20 and now requires evil to bypass.
- Inferior spell resistance she doesn't need.
- Tongues as the eladrin subtype ability.
- +4 racial bonus vs poison.
- Gains hero of the story. A useful boost she may get use out of once or twice.
- Morwel's gift selects the epic feat option, which bestows her epic toughnessx2. Not dying is good. Her new hit points are now 392.
- Gains a courre's ball of light alternate form.
- Gains the ability score boosts from the template.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Yuthirin on July 10, 2017, 06:44:50 PM
Spoiler: ShowHide
A bit of polishing, and a few changes. Thoughts? Feel free to tell me if you think part or all of this is stupid.
I can take it.

The Sunfire Purifier

The sunfire purifier is a titanic engine of destruction built by a cooperative alliance between Aurora and Lathander. It appears as a 50 foot tall, 70 foot long, and 20 foot wide golem, fashioned into the shape of a tarrasque. The body is made of pure adamantine, except for the creature's carapace. The carapace is striated with bright yellow gold, and emits a heat-haze radiance reminiscent of the effects of heavy sunlight on hot metal.

Size/Type:Colossal Construct
Hit Dice:48d10+48+96+144+80 (848 hp)
Initiative:-1 (Dex)
Speed:20 ft. (can't run)
Armor Class:57 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +50 natural
Base Attack/CMB/CMD:+48/+83/92
Attack:Slam +67 melee (6d10+54), Bite +62 melee (6d8+2d6+27)
Full Attack:2 slams +67 melee (6d10+54), Bite +62 melee (6d8+27+2d6)
Space/Reach:30 ft./30 ft.
Special Attacks:Trample, bask in my radiance, the breath of life, rampage.
Special Qualities:Damage reduction 45/adamantine and epic, fast healing 30, magic immunity, unmovable, crushing blows, toughness, constructed toughness, construct traits, sunfire engine, the light of dawn, improved grab, into the sunfire engine.
Saves:Fort +35, Ref +14, Will +15
Skills:Jump +31
Epic Feats:Epic Toughness(B)
Abilities:Str 64, Dex 9, Con Ø, Int Ø, Wis 11, Cha 1

Trample (Ex)
As a standard action during its turn each round, the sunfire purifier can literally run over an opponent at least one size category smaller than itself. The trample deals 8d12+60 points of bludgeoning damage. Trampled opponents can either attempt attacks of opportunity at a -4 penalty or Reflex saves (DC 65) for half damage. The DC is Strength-based and includes a +4 racial bonus.

Adamantine Bulwark (Ex)
The bulk of the sunfire purifier is almost impossible to move, unless it wants to. It cannot be tripped, bull rushed or knocked prone, nor can effects move it back.

Toughness (Ex)
The sunfire purifier is constructed of blessed adamantine, giving its construction greater strength than adamantine would normally have. It gains a +20 bonus to Fortitude saves and may substitute a Fortitude save for a Reflex save. It has an additional 3 hit points per hit die.

Constructed Toughness (Ex)
The sunfire purifier gains toughness and epic toughness as bonus feats. It has maximum hit points per hit die.

Magic Immunity (Ex)
The sunfire purifier is immune to all magical and supernatural effects.

Sunfire Engine (Ex)
The sunfire purifier is powered by a complex and esoteric half-alive mechanism called a sunfire engine. The engine is both a source and reservoir of holy power, as it contains a semisolid core of churning goldenfire. This grants the sunfire purifier a number of benefits.

Sunfire Strikes: The sunfire engine empowers the blows and strikes of the sunfire purifier. The golem applies double its Strength modifier to damage rolls with all of its natural attacks. It threatens a critical hit on a roll of 15-20 and inflicts triple damage on a critical hit. In addition, the sunfire purifier's strikes move with alacrity beyond what a creature of its size should possess, giving it improved base attack bonus growth.

The Sun's Searing Light: The golden glow of sunlight emanates from the sunfire purifier's claws and teeth. All of the sunfire purifier's natural attacks have the holy property, and are treated as good, adamantine, and epic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. The sunfire purifier's natural attacks have a +14 sacred bonus. This is a natural occurrence due to the power imbued into its body. In addition, the golem's bite attack deals an extra 2d6 damage as holy, due to overflow from the sunfire engine inside its chest.

The Power of the Sun: The sunfire engine's power constantly leaks into the body of the sunfire purifier, strengthening and restoring it. The sunfire purifier gains an additional 5 points of fast healing and damage reduction.

Refractive Haze: The sunfire engine creates tremendous heat, and some of this heat is transferred to the carapace of the sunfire purifier. The carapace is hot enough to cause the air around it to warp, making it difficult to see. All attempts to strike the sunfire purifier are affected by a 20% miss chance.

Sun-Tempered Carapace: Creatures not  in front of the sunfire purifier while attacking are instead forced to strike its carapace. The carapace of the sunfire purifier is several feet thick and made of tempered adamantine laced with veins of sun-touched gold. This gives it incredible durability as well as covering any perceivable weak points. The sunfire purifier cannot be flanked.

On Wings of Light: At will, the sunfire purifier can manifest a massive set of wings made of sunlight as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. The sunfire purifier gains a fly speed of 40 ft. (clumsy).

While flying, the sunfire purifier cannot make a full attack. It is able to make one single claw attack, use its breath weapon, or drop onto other creatures to use its trample special attack. When dropping from a height of greater than 40 ft., the sunfire purifier's trample attack may be used on creatures of any size. All falling damage is negated and half of it is transferred to all creatures affected by the trample attack. If this special trample attack fails to hit any creatures, the sunfire purifier takes falling damage as normal.

These wings last for 5 minutes before dissipating into scattered light. 

The Breath of Light (Ex)
Once every ten minutes, the sunfire purifier can empty the constantly-regenerating reservoir of sunfire and holy power within its sunfire engine. In doing so, it spews forth a tremendous gout of concentrated goldenfire in a 120 ft. x 10 ft. line. All living creatures in the sunfire purifier's gullet and all detritus swallowed in the last round are expelled into the gout, spraying out 60 feet in front of the sunfire purifier. All creatures, including those expelled, take 36d8+48 holy damage and are subject to a banish spell (caster level 25). Using this ability forces the central eye closed until the golem's next turn. 

Alternatively, the sunfire purifier can release a titanic roar along with a gout of blinding fire, unleashing a blast of sound in a 60 ft. cone in front of it. All creatures caught in the cone take 16d6 sonic damage and are permanently blinded and deafened. Fort DC 61 halves damage and negates blindness/deafness This DC is Strength-based.

Bask In My Radiance (Ex)
The sunfire purifier's carapace is laced with sun-touched gold. This gold acts as a conductor for the holy power contained in and produced by the sunfire engine.

Every 4 rounds, the sun-touched gold that weaves through the golem's carapace overloads, emitting a pulse of filtered goldenfire. This acts as a purified sunburst spell (caster level 25th, DC 61). This DC is Strength-based.

The Light of Dawn (Ex)
The sunfire purifier has three eyes; one mounted on each side of its head, and a single large eye in the center. The central eye of the sunfire purifier is a sun-bleached eye the size of a dinner table which projects a constant cone of dawn's golden sunlight. All creatures caught in this light are affected as though they stand in an anti-magic field. This cone affects creatures up to 120 feet away so long as the eye is open. As a side effect, the colors of evil creatures' arms and armor are bleached away so long as they stand in the light. The sunfire purifier can redirect its gaze as a free action once per turn.

Rampage (Ex)
While the sunfire purifier cannot run, it is capable of great forward strides due to its powerful legs. As a full round action, the sunfire purifier can fixate on a single opponent no further away than 120 ft., and go on a rampage. It charges at its target, crushing everything in its path. All creatures and objects are subject to the sunfire purifier's trample attack. Difficult terrain and structures are ignored, as the sunfire purifier smashes them aside in its rage. The fixated creature is affected as though the sunfire purifier charged it, and the sunfire purifier may take a full-round action to attack its fixation. This fixation lasts until the fixated creature or the sunfire purifier is destroyed, and the sunfire purifier cannot attack another creature or fixate upon a new creature until the prior fixation is destroyed.

Improved Grab (Ex)
To use this ability, the sunfire purifier must hit a Huge or smaller opponent with its bite attack. It can then make a CMB check as a free action to start a grapple without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the check, it establishes a hold and can try to swallow the foe the following round.

Into the Sunfire Engine (Ex)
Creatures swallowed by the sunfire purifier are dropped into the golem's internals, which are impossibly bright and filled with churning holy power and threshing metal gears. Swallowed creatures are blinded (DC 61) and take 24d8 damage for each round spent inside, half as holy and half as crushing. Creatures inside must smash their way through threshing blades and grinding gears by dealing 180 damage or making a Strength check (DC 61) to hold the gears back. They can then attempt to smash or cut their way free through the sunfire purifier's hide. As the sunfire purifier is not a living creature, there is no muscular action to close this hole. However, the sunfire purifier's fast healing restores the internal mechanisms near instantly, and thus requires any subsequent creature to force their way past once again. The sunfire purifier's gullet can hold 2 Huge, 8 Large, 32 Medium, 128 Small, or 512 Tiny or smaller creatures. The DCs are Strength-based.


Sun-Touched Gold
Gold purified in the fires of the Sun, the creation of sun-touched gold is a secret known only to those who serve Lathander. Unlike normal gold, sun-touched gold is a brilliant, shining yellow akin to the sun in the sky. Sun-touched gold is designed to channel goldenfire, and filter out some of its negative effects.

Still waiting on feedback for this, FYI.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Quote from: Yuthirin on July 17, 2017, 03:36:03 PM
Quote from: Yuthirin on July 10, 2017, 06:44:50 PM
Spoiler: ShowHide
A bit of polishing, and a few changes. Thoughts? Feel free to tell me if you think part or all of this is stupid.
I can take it.

The Sunfire Purifier

The sunfire purifier is a titanic engine of destruction built by a cooperative alliance between Aurora and Lathander. It appears as a 50 foot tall, 70 foot long, and 20 foot wide golem, fashioned into the shape of a tarrasque. The body is made of pure adamantine, except for the creature's carapace. The carapace is striated with bright yellow gold, and emits a heat-haze radiance reminiscent of the effects of heavy sunlight on hot metal.

Size/Type:Colossal Construct
Hit Dice:48d10+48+96+144+80 (848 hp)
Initiative:-1 (Dex)
Speed:20 ft. (can't run)
Armor Class:57 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +50 natural
Base Attack/CMB/CMD:+48/+83/92
Attack:Slam +67 melee (6d10+54), Bite +62 melee (6d8+2d6+27)
Full Attack:2 slams +67 melee (6d10+54), Bite +62 melee (6d8+27+2d6)
Space/Reach:30 ft./30 ft.
Special Attacks:Trample, bask in my radiance, the breath of life, rampage.
Special Qualities:Damage reduction 45/adamantine and epic, fast healing 30, magic immunity, unmovable, crushing blows, toughness, constructed toughness, construct traits, sunfire engine, the light of dawn, improved grab, into the sunfire engine.
Saves:Fort +35, Ref +14, Will +15
Skills:Jump +31
Epic Feats:Epic Toughness(B)
Abilities:Str 64, Dex 9, Con Ø, Int Ø, Wis 11, Cha 1

Trample (Ex)
As a standard action during its turn each round, the sunfire purifier can literally run over an opponent at least one size category smaller than itself. The trample deals 8d12+60 points of bludgeoning damage. Trampled opponents can either attempt attacks of opportunity at a -4 penalty or Reflex saves (DC 65) for half damage. The DC is Strength-based and includes a +4 racial bonus.

Adamantine Bulwark (Ex)
The bulk of the sunfire purifier is almost impossible to move, unless it wants to. It cannot be tripped, bull rushed or knocked prone, nor can effects move it back.

Toughness (Ex)
The sunfire purifier is constructed of blessed adamantine, giving its construction greater strength than adamantine would normally have. It gains a +20 bonus to Fortitude saves and may substitute a Fortitude save for a Reflex save. It has an additional 3 hit points per hit die.

Constructed Toughness (Ex)
The sunfire purifier gains toughness and epic toughness as bonus feats. It has maximum hit points per hit die.

Magic Immunity (Ex)
The sunfire purifier is immune to all magical and supernatural effects.

Sunfire Engine (Ex)
The sunfire purifier is powered by a complex and esoteric half-alive mechanism called a sunfire engine. The engine is both a source and reservoir of holy power, as it contains a semisolid core of churning goldenfire. This grants the sunfire purifier a number of benefits.

Sunfire Strikes: The sunfire engine empowers the blows and strikes of the sunfire purifier. The golem applies double its Strength modifier to damage rolls with all of its natural attacks. It threatens a critical hit on a roll of 15-20 and inflicts triple damage on a critical hit. In addition, the sunfire purifier's strikes move with alacrity beyond what a creature of its size should possess, giving it improved base attack bonus growth.

The Sun's Searing Light: The golden glow of sunlight emanates from the sunfire purifier's claws and teeth. All of the sunfire purifier's natural attacks have the holy property, and are treated as good, adamantine, and epic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. The sunfire purifier's natural attacks have a +14 sacred bonus. This is a natural occurrence due to the power imbued into its body. In addition, the golem's bite attack deals an extra 2d6 damage as holy, due to overflow from the sunfire engine inside its chest.

The Power of the Sun: The sunfire engine's power constantly leaks into the body of the sunfire purifier, strengthening and restoring it. The sunfire purifier gains an additional 5 points of fast healing and damage reduction.

Refractive Haze: The sunfire engine creates tremendous heat, and some of this heat is transferred to the carapace of the sunfire purifier. The carapace is hot enough to cause the air around it to warp, making it difficult to see. All attempts to strike the sunfire purifier are affected by a 20% miss chance.

Sun-Tempered Carapace: Creatures not  in front of the sunfire purifier while attacking are instead forced to strike its carapace. The carapace of the sunfire purifier is several feet thick and made of tempered adamantine laced with veins of sun-touched gold. This gives it incredible durability as well as covering any perceivable weak points. The sunfire purifier cannot be flanked.

On Wings of Light: At will, the sunfire purifier can manifest a massive set of wings made of sunlight as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. The sunfire purifier gains a fly speed of 40 ft. (clumsy).

While flying, the sunfire purifier cannot make a full attack. It is able to make one single claw attack, use its breath weapon, or drop onto other creatures to use its trample special attack. When dropping from a height of greater than 40 ft., the sunfire purifier's trample attack may be used on creatures of any size. All falling damage is negated and half of it is transferred to all creatures affected by the trample attack. If this special trample attack fails to hit any creatures, the sunfire purifier takes falling damage as normal.

These wings last for 5 minutes before dissipating into scattered light. 

The Breath of Light (Ex)
Once every ten minutes, the sunfire purifier can empty the constantly-regenerating reservoir of sunfire and holy power within its sunfire engine. In doing so, it spews forth a tremendous gout of concentrated goldenfire in a 120 ft. x 10 ft. line. All living creatures in the sunfire purifier's gullet and all detritus swallowed in the last round are expelled into the gout, spraying out 60 feet in front of the sunfire purifier. All creatures, including those expelled, take 36d8+48 holy damage and are subject to a banish spell (caster level 25). Using this ability forces the central eye closed until the golem's next turn. 

Alternatively, the sunfire purifier can release a titanic roar along with a gout of blinding fire, unleashing a blast of sound in a 60 ft. cone in front of it. All creatures caught in the cone take 16d6 sonic damage and are permanently blinded and deafened. Fort DC 61 halves damage and negates blindness/deafness This DC is Strength-based.

Bask In My Radiance (Ex)
The sunfire purifier's carapace is laced with sun-touched gold. This gold acts as a conductor for the holy power contained in and produced by the sunfire engine.

Every 4 rounds, the sun-touched gold that weaves through the golem's carapace overloads, emitting a pulse of filtered goldenfire. This acts as a purified sunburst spell (caster level 25th, DC 61). This DC is Strength-based.

The Light of Dawn (Ex)
The sunfire purifier has three eyes; one mounted on each side of its head, and a single large eye in the center. The central eye of the sunfire purifier is a sun-bleached eye the size of a dinner table which projects a constant cone of dawn's golden sunlight. All creatures caught in this light are affected as though they stand in an anti-magic field. This cone affects creatures up to 120 feet away so long as the eye is open. As a side effect, the colors of evil creatures' arms and armor are bleached away so long as they stand in the light. The sunfire purifier can redirect its gaze as a free action once per turn.

Rampage (Ex)
While the sunfire purifier cannot run, it is capable of great forward strides due to its powerful legs. As a full round action, the sunfire purifier can fixate on a single opponent no further away than 120 ft., and go on a rampage. It charges at its target, crushing everything in its path. All creatures and objects are subject to the sunfire purifier's trample attack. Difficult terrain and structures are ignored, as the sunfire purifier smashes them aside in its rage. The fixated creature is affected as though the sunfire purifier charged it, and the sunfire purifier may take a full-round action to attack its fixation. This fixation lasts until the fixated creature or the sunfire purifier is destroyed, and the sunfire purifier cannot attack another creature or fixate upon a new creature until the prior fixation is destroyed.

Improved Grab (Ex)
To use this ability, the sunfire purifier must hit a Huge or smaller opponent with its bite attack. It can then make a CMB check as a free action to start a grapple without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the check, it establishes a hold and can try to swallow the foe the following round.

Into the Sunfire Engine (Ex)
Creatures swallowed by the sunfire purifier are dropped into the golem's internals, which are impossibly bright and filled with churning holy power and threshing metal gears. Swallowed creatures are blinded (DC 61) and take 24d8 damage for each round spent inside, half as holy and half as crushing. Creatures inside must smash their way through threshing blades and grinding gears by dealing 180 damage or making a Strength check (DC 61) to hold the gears back. They can then attempt to smash or cut their way free through the sunfire purifier's hide. As the sunfire purifier is not a living creature, there is no muscular action to close this hole. However, the sunfire purifier's fast healing restores the internal mechanisms near instantly, and thus requires any subsequent creature to force their way past once again. The sunfire purifier's gullet can hold 2 Huge, 8 Large, 32 Medium, 128 Small, or 512 Tiny or smaller creatures. The DCs are Strength-based.


Sun-Touched Gold
Gold purified in the fires of the Sun, the creation of sun-touched gold is a secret known only to those who serve Lathander. Unlike normal gold, sun-touched gold is a brilliant, shining yellow akin to the sun in the sky. Sun-touched gold is designed to channel goldenfire, and filter out some of its negative effects.

Still waiting on feedback for this, FYI.

Thanks for that, I'll do that today.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Quote from: Anastasia on July 18, 2017, 01:30:14 PM
Quote from: Yuthirin on July 17, 2017, 03:36:03 PM
Quote from: Yuthirin on July 10, 2017, 06:44:50 PM
Spoiler: ShowHide
A bit of polishing, and a few changes. Thoughts? Feel free to tell me if you think part or all of this is stupid.
I can take it.

The Sunfire Purifier

The sunfire purifier is a titanic engine of destruction built by a cooperative alliance between Aurora and Lathander. It appears as a 50 foot tall, 70 foot long, and 20 foot wide golem, fashioned into the shape of a tarrasque. The body is made of pure adamantine, except for the creature's carapace. The carapace is striated with bright yellow gold, and emits a heat-haze radiance reminiscent of the effects of heavy sunlight on hot metal.

Size/Type:Colossal Construct
Hit Dice:48d10+48+96+144+80 (848 hp)
Initiative:-1 (Dex)
Speed:20 ft. (can't run)
Armor Class:57 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +50 natural
Base Attack/CMB/CMD:+48/+83/92
Attack:Slam +67 melee (6d10+54), Bite +62 melee (6d8+2d6+27)
Full Attack:2 slams +67 melee (6d10+54), Bite +62 melee (6d8+27+2d6)
Space/Reach:30 ft./30 ft.
Special Attacks:Trample, bask in my radiance, the breath of life, rampage.
Special Qualities:Damage reduction 45/adamantine and epic, fast healing 30, magic immunity, unmovable, crushing blows, toughness, constructed toughness, construct traits, sunfire engine, the light of dawn, improved grab, into the sunfire engine.
Saves:Fort +35, Ref +14, Will +15
Skills:Jump +31
Epic Feats:Epic Toughness(B)
Abilities:Str 64, Dex 9, Con Ø, Int Ø, Wis 11, Cha 1

Trample (Ex)
As a standard action during its turn each round, the sunfire purifier can literally run over an opponent at least one size category smaller than itself. The trample deals 8d12+60 points of bludgeoning damage. Trampled opponents can either attempt attacks of opportunity at a -4 penalty or Reflex saves (DC 65) for half damage. The DC is Strength-based and includes a +4 racial bonus.

Adamantine Bulwark (Ex)
The bulk of the sunfire purifier is almost impossible to move, unless it wants to. It cannot be tripped, bull rushed or knocked prone, nor can effects move it back.

Toughness (Ex)
The sunfire purifier is constructed of blessed adamantine, giving its construction greater strength than adamantine would normally have. It gains a +20 bonus to Fortitude saves and may substitute a Fortitude save for a Reflex save. It has an additional 3 hit points per hit die.

Constructed Toughness (Ex)
The sunfire purifier gains toughness and epic toughness as bonus feats. It has maximum hit points per hit die.

Magic Immunity (Ex)
The sunfire purifier is immune to all magical and supernatural effects.

Sunfire Engine (Ex)
The sunfire purifier is powered by a complex and esoteric half-alive mechanism called a sunfire engine. The engine is both a source and reservoir of holy power, as it contains a semisolid core of churning goldenfire. This grants the sunfire purifier a number of benefits.

Sunfire Strikes: The sunfire engine empowers the blows and strikes of the sunfire purifier. The golem applies double its Strength modifier to damage rolls with all of its natural attacks. It threatens a critical hit on a roll of 15-20 and inflicts triple damage on a critical hit. In addition, the sunfire purifier's strikes move with alacrity beyond what a creature of its size should possess, giving it improved base attack bonus growth.

The Sun's Searing Light: The golden glow of sunlight emanates from the sunfire purifier's claws and teeth. All of the sunfire purifier's natural attacks have the holy property, and are treated as good, adamantine, and epic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. The sunfire purifier's natural attacks have a +14 sacred bonus. This is a natural occurrence due to the power imbued into its body. In addition, the golem's bite attack deals an extra 2d6 damage as holy, due to overflow from the sunfire engine inside its chest.

The Power of the Sun: The sunfire engine's power constantly leaks into the body of the sunfire purifier, strengthening and restoring it. The sunfire purifier gains an additional 5 points of fast healing and damage reduction.

Refractive Haze: The sunfire engine creates tremendous heat, and some of this heat is transferred to the carapace of the sunfire purifier. The carapace is hot enough to cause the air around it to warp, making it difficult to see. All attempts to strike the sunfire purifier are affected by a 20% miss chance.

Sun-Tempered Carapace: Creatures not  in front of the sunfire purifier while attacking are instead forced to strike its carapace. The carapace of the sunfire purifier is several feet thick and made of tempered adamantine laced with veins of sun-touched gold. This gives it incredible durability as well as covering any perceivable weak points. The sunfire purifier cannot be flanked.

On Wings of Light: At will, the sunfire purifier can manifest a massive set of wings made of sunlight as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. The sunfire purifier gains a fly speed of 40 ft. (clumsy).

While flying, the sunfire purifier cannot make a full attack. It is able to make one single claw attack, use its breath weapon, or drop onto other creatures to use its trample special attack. When dropping from a height of greater than 40 ft., the sunfire purifier's trample attack may be used on creatures of any size. All falling damage is negated and half of it is transferred to all creatures affected by the trample attack. If this special trample attack fails to hit any creatures, the sunfire purifier takes falling damage as normal.

These wings last for 5 minutes before dissipating into scattered light. 

The Breath of Light (Ex)
Once every ten minutes, the sunfire purifier can empty the constantly-regenerating reservoir of sunfire and holy power within its sunfire engine. In doing so, it spews forth a tremendous gout of concentrated goldenfire in a 120 ft. x 10 ft. line. All living creatures in the sunfire purifier's gullet and all detritus swallowed in the last round are expelled into the gout, spraying out 60 feet in front of the sunfire purifier. All creatures, including those expelled, take 36d8+48 holy damage and are subject to a banish spell (caster level 25). Using this ability forces the central eye closed until the golem's next turn. 

Alternatively, the sunfire purifier can release a titanic roar along with a gout of blinding fire, unleashing a blast of sound in a 60 ft. cone in front of it. All creatures caught in the cone take 16d6 sonic damage and are permanently blinded and deafened. Fort DC 61 halves damage and negates blindness/deafness This DC is Strength-based.

Bask In My Radiance (Ex)
The sunfire purifier's carapace is laced with sun-touched gold. This gold acts as a conductor for the holy power contained in and produced by the sunfire engine.

Every 4 rounds, the sun-touched gold that weaves through the golem's carapace overloads, emitting a pulse of filtered goldenfire. This acts as a purified sunburst spell (caster level 25th, DC 61). This DC is Strength-based.

The Light of Dawn (Ex)
The sunfire purifier has three eyes; one mounted on each side of its head, and a single large eye in the center. The central eye of the sunfire purifier is a sun-bleached eye the size of a dinner table which projects a constant cone of dawn's golden sunlight. All creatures caught in this light are affected as though they stand in an anti-magic field. This cone affects creatures up to 120 feet away so long as the eye is open. As a side effect, the colors of evil creatures' arms and armor are bleached away so long as they stand in the light. The sunfire purifier can redirect its gaze as a free action once per turn.

Rampage (Ex)
While the sunfire purifier cannot run, it is capable of great forward strides due to its powerful legs. As a full round action, the sunfire purifier can fixate on a single opponent no further away than 120 ft., and go on a rampage. It charges at its target, crushing everything in its path. All creatures and objects are subject to the sunfire purifier's trample attack. Difficult terrain and structures are ignored, as the sunfire purifier smashes them aside in its rage. The fixated creature is affected as though the sunfire purifier charged it, and the sunfire purifier may take a full-round action to attack its fixation. This fixation lasts until the fixated creature or the sunfire purifier is destroyed, and the sunfire purifier cannot attack another creature or fixate upon a new creature until the prior fixation is destroyed.

Improved Grab (Ex)
To use this ability, the sunfire purifier must hit a Huge or smaller opponent with its bite attack. It can then make a CMB check as a free action to start a grapple without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the check, it establishes a hold and can try to swallow the foe the following round.

Into the Sunfire Engine (Ex)
Creatures swallowed by the sunfire purifier are dropped into the golem's internals, which are impossibly bright and filled with churning holy power and threshing metal gears. Swallowed creatures are blinded (DC 61) and take 24d8 damage for each round spent inside, half as holy and half as crushing. Creatures inside must smash their way through threshing blades and grinding gears by dealing 180 damage or making a Strength check (DC 61) to hold the gears back. They can then attempt to smash or cut their way free through the sunfire purifier's hide. As the sunfire purifier is not a living creature, there is no muscular action to close this hole. However, the sunfire purifier's fast healing restores the internal mechanisms near instantly, and thus requires any subsequent creature to force their way past once again. The sunfire purifier's gullet can hold 2 Huge, 8 Large, 32 Medium, 128 Small, or 512 Tiny or smaller creatures. The DCs are Strength-based.


Sun-Touched Gold
Gold purified in the fires of the Sun, the creation of sun-touched gold is a secret known only to those who serve Lathander. Unlike normal gold, sun-touched gold is a brilliant, shining yellow akin to the sun in the sky. Sun-touched gold is designed to channel goldenfire, and filter out some of its negative effects.

Still waiting on feedback for this, FYI.

Thanks for that, I'll do that today.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?