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Brazil Arc

Started by Dracos, July 09, 2002, 09:18:00 PM

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The bunny hugged  tightly on Raya's head as they charged up the stairs.

Parts of the ceiling began to fall around the sorceror as he reopened his eyes at the noise.

"What?  Those Idiots.....   Arg... Gya..."  Dodging  back he barely avoided getting smashed by the roof.  "This isn't the end of it." Suddenly a wood door appeared behind him and opened as he stepped back into it.

Shutting  it vanished from existence...

Fearless Leader
Charge up those stairs, dramatic  my friend olg
Well, Goodbye.


The world began to tunnel before Yosho as he lead the charge up the stairs.

Energy surged through his body as he followed Funaho's directions, a ballet of motion as he dodged the crumpling building.

Slowly, ever so slowly the world began to slow....sights and sounds beginning to weaken and fade as he threw himself to the Fates, trusting in his partner to lead him and the others to safety.

A flash of light...

Tenchi-ken was drawn, in a blur of motion its blade cleaving the debris in their path.

Only to find a dead end at the top of the stairs.

"ARGH!" Yosho smashed a fist into a nearby wall, the flesh on it tearing slightly.

Seemed his promise to Sasami was going to go unfullfilled, after all.


OOC: Go bunny GO!  Dies  Irae..his theme plays..


The cruel joke of  the wall mocked Yosho's attempt to survive...the ceiling  creaking as dust and  rubble slowly began to be released..the  hallway behind him vaporizing as the ceiling collapsed... no where  to run.

The rabite's eyes opened and it opened it's mouth, a beam of dark energy flooding forth to vaporize the stone, slicing a tunnel through the rockface.

Fearless  Leader
Well, Goodbye.


Yosho briefly made a note to treat the rabite better before ran down the newly created tunnel.

Their steps sounded unbelievably loud to Yosho's ears as they raced against time itself.

Any moment now.


Leaping free of the tunnel just in time a wave of dust and rubble followed the proud prince of Jurai as he rolled free of the collapsing temple to land sprawled on the floor, the charred unconscious form of Rouge under him.  Raya rolled beside him.   "Wheee!"  A huge grin on her face.

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


Yosho took one look at Raya's smugged face and burst into laughter.

"Well, someone seems to be having a lot of fun at a poor old man's expense." He stated mirthfully.

Slowly getting off the kunoichi, he suddenly turned serious.

"Now then, what to do with our guest." He idly mused, looking at the unconscious woman.

A long moment of silence descended on the group.

"Raya-chan, please heal her, but make certain not to undo the shiatsu's effects. We mustn't let a healed enemy get the drop on us."

"And...can you please summon your dragon?"

Looking at the remains of the ruins, Yosho softly stated.

"I'm done here, time to fulfill my promise to Sasami-chan."


"Tee hee.. 'kay Yosho-san!" Raya chirped back.

Spinning with her staff, a bluish aura  surrounded her as rain began to fall on Rouge, healing her wounds but leaving her unconscious.

Turning she drew forth a strange drum and began dancing about, seemingly randomly hitting the drum as she pranced.  Meanwhile the bunny rabite hopped on Yosho's head and went back to sleep.

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


Yosho smiled at Raya, finding that the girl's actions really did do his attitude a world of good.

Feeling his head shake slightly, the prince breathed a sigh of satisfied happiness.

Even the rabite would be missed.


OOC: Go Bunny Go!


With a roar the white dragon swooped down from above,  landing upon the ground nearby, his wings blasting dirt everywhere.  His beautiful eyes large as he waited patiently  for his master.

Raya skipped over and hugged the huge dragon's head.

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


Following after Raya, Yosho took a moment to consider his quest as a whole.

He had survived...but something still seemed 'off' with the whole thing.

Narrowing his eyes in rememberance, he once again vowed to rush back to Sasami.

Those things recognized the Juraian Power, who knew how much time it'd take before they could track Sasami down.

Noting the fact that the poor rabbit type creature must be hungry, Yosho picked up some berries and grass as he walked towards the dragon.

"Here you go. If you ever want any carrots, make sure to drop by my home." He softly told the rabite, holding up a shiny red berry for it to eat.


The rabite ate the berries as  the sun made a brilliant backdrop as it dipped below the horizon, suddenly plunging the darkening area into night.

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


"Hmm...actually, I do believe all of us should head somewhere to eat." Yosho stated, getting on Flammie's back.

"Any suggestions, Raya?"


OOC: this is awkward and really  getting close to deus ex machina-_-


Raya looked up at  Yosho and her eyes watered, stomach grumbling at the reminder of missing food.  "Waaaaaaaah!"

The bunny leaped off Yosho's head all of a sudden and dashed off into the woods.

fifteen minutes later....

The bunny appeared....dragging with it's ears a large north American brown bear.

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


" least we'll have food." Yosho mumbled, looking at the bunny very oddly.

He began to set up a small fire.

One hour later...

Yosho sat back, stroking his stomach in contentment.

"Well...I do believe we should head out."


"Where though Yosho-san?"

Fearless Leader
Reminds you it's late night
Well, Goodbye.