
"It occured to me while drunk, so it must have been genius."

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DM Nagging: It's pretty much my job

Started by Anastasia, April 12, 2018, 12:35:58 PM

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Or you could just post in B3's nagging threat, y'know.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?



<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Just in case, out of the stuff on my sheet, I'm leaving the following behind:

Spoiler: ShowHide

Dragon's Grace: Shortsword+7. This blade seeks out the weak spots of it's victims, increasing it's wielders sneak attack damage by 2d6. In addition it functions as a staff of fiery power with 50 charges and without it's retributive strike.
Powerbow: Longbow+5, "Power". When used to shoot arrows, the user may use Power Attack for those shots, converting hit and BAB to damage potential. This works as the trait of the same name. Effectively a +6 weapon.
Greatsword+7, fiery blast. This weapon's flames are pure gold, ignoring fire resistance and halving fire immunity(As if the flames were searing.) It is made of a material like gold, but far harder. Celestial runes cover the blade, calling on the wrath of Raziel to smite evil.
Crystalvein Greatsword. This greatsword functions as a greatsword+6, keen and wounding. This greatsword ignores any armor bonuses granted by force effects such as shield or mage armor. If a target is successfully hit by this greatsword, any force effects active on them or force spells being maintained by them are treated as being targeted by a dispel magic effect with a dispel modifier of +21.
Crystalvein Dagger x2. This dagger functions as a dagger+6, keen and wounding. These daggers ignore any armor bonuses granted by force effects such as shield or mage armor. If a target is successfully hit by one of the daggers, any force effects on them or force spells being maintained are treated as being targeted by a dispel magic effect with a dispel modifier of +21.

Nevaeaf: This ring grants the wearer damage reduction 5/-, or damage reduction 10/- if they are of the blood of the Daoin. Unlike normal types of item granted damage reduction, those with the blood of Daoin can stack this damage reduction with a permanent impenetrable damage reduction.

Soothsayer's Spite:

This flawed agate stone is said to have been passed down into the Malmuthian Royal Family by a vengeful seer. The truth of this matter has been lost to the ebb and flow of time, but the stone remains.  When worn, the pendant offers power to those who can manage the future. On your turn as a free action, you may predict a spell you are going to cast the next round as well as the target(s) it will be targeted at. If you are correct on both counts, the spell gains a +4 bonus to DC. If it is a damage dealing spell, it gains a bonus +1 damage per damage die.

Soothsayer's Spite may be used three times per day. Incorrect uses count against its daily uses. Soothsayer's Spite may only be used in battle. Soothsayer's Spite counts as a minor artifact; it's beyond current mortal means to reproduce.

Book of What May Have Been

Once a day, this book can show you a history that never was. It grows hazier the further in the past the point of departure is and around extremely powerful entities.

Sword of Yesterday

This greatsword+1 becomes a greatsword+8, keen and temporal banishing when in the past instead of the Present. A temporal banishing weapon that strikes a time traveler forces them to make a Will save (DC30) or be forced back to the time they came from.

Shield of Yesterday

This shield is a heavy steel shield+2 in the present. When in the past, it becomes a heavy steel shield+8, temporal fortress. A temporal fortress weapon grants a +6 bonus to saves versus chronomancy.

Eladrin gown (black, tinted with a fiery red): This gown or formal wear is of fine make beyond that of mortal tailors. When worn, it grants a +6 enhancement bonus to charisma. It takes up the armor slot. [not worn]
Fancy of Music: This baton can be waved to create any music the user can imagine. A DC 10 charisma check is required to use it. [14,000gp]
Slender Book titled Estorica:  Grants a +5 bonus on knowledge: arcana checks. It must be consulted for 2 hours to grand this bonus on a check; the check is made at the end of the reading. [3,000gp]

Mage's Friend: Once per day as a swift action, this ring grants you a +1 insight bonus to the save DC and caster level of the next spell you cast this turn. 15000 gold.

Let's also say for convenience's sake that I have a basic bag of holding for all the scrolls I have listed n the magic page to carry with me.

Finally, I'm bringing the Cauldron's petty cash (118,708.7gp) and Asmodeus's Dis-relevant items with me.

Asmodeus's items in question:

1. Knowledge of a secret passage into the Iron Tower.
2. A special token that will provide some level of access in the Iron Tower.
3. An amulet that will protect the wearer an those close to him protection from the passive scans of the Iron Tower's sensory magics.

1. You can enter the Iron Tower from Gaggar's Bank. Merely go there and ask to speak to Gaggar and show the attendant there the amulet and he'll take you to the secret passage.

2. You are also given an iron token made of metal and in the image of a tower. It's small and easily fits into your hand.

3. An iron amulet that hangs heavy on the neck.  It has no particular shape, close to being a simple lump of iron, but it should work.

Just carry the token and possibly present it if someone challenges you.

The amulet does not radiate magic that you can see at all. The amulet would allow her to enter Dis like that, but not another divine realm. The passive scans are the various scans and defenses of the Iron Tower.

Gaggar is a unique devil that runs one of the many banks in Dis. A very minor servant of Dispater made good. He's a nasty sort but pretty hands off, he lets his investments and money work while he toils to get more gold and souls that do him no real profit at all.

It'll cover at least the outer areas.

The radius is indeed 30ft.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Incidentally, I have a question about divine powers. When a deity (or avatar!) uses a SLA from one of the domain spells, ie a divine SLA, no one can actually tell it's any different from a regular SLA, correct? What about using divine will? Is it distinguishable from Wish/Limited Wish? How about divine creation, if done out of sight?

Basically, what I'm asking here is whether this stuff leaves some sort of divine aura, and if so, is it something that always happens, or something you can show/hide as you wish, as your actual divine aura or like how you can artificially lower your CL or abilities (such as charisma) for any given task.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Emily's spells mostly updated for eldritch knowledge. Most of them is backfilling lower level spells that don't matter much or adding versatility at higher levels.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Realm updates are soon, probably tonight. The weekend got away from me, it has a habit of doing that.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Or tomorrow, just need a little RL time.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Or when I'm less of a wreck in general. I may take my non eye doc time Monday for that.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Sometimes a bonus post doesn't work out. This is one such example. I think it's a case of a bad mix of people, things just didn't spark. I may retry it with a different composition later.

Personally, I think its cardinal sin is that it's boring.

It's also a first, unfinished draft so it has some issues regardless.

Interview Roundtable featuring Antenora, Cresiel, Dana, Emily and Kascha.

By Cryssa, Pixie Reporter.

Cryssa: Welcome to Pixie Interviews. I'm your host, Cryssa. Say hello to our guests Antenora Reynes, Cresiel, Dana Langersun, Emily Aryn and Kascha. You'll excuse me if I don't use your fancy new titles.

Kascha: It's no problem. I'm not used to them yet, either.

Dana: Speak for yourself, bitch.

Antenora: No offense taken.

Cryssa: Fantastic. Today's entertainment is all about your quest to save Creation. It's taken several twists and turns, so let's talk about them. We'll start with Antenora. Antenora, what do you think of your chancees of success?

Antenora: As long as we do not surrender, there is yet hope as long as Creation endures.

Emily: Absolutely! We're fighting so that we have all the tomorrows that we need. We aren't going to -

Dana: Oh bullshit. What sort of interview has all these answers that sound like you stayed up all night jerking yourself off while writing them? I'll tell you what's going on, we're all scared out of our fucking minds, that's what. We're like mice who can't be seen by the cat even once, and have to somehow glue another cat back together, all to get another cat out of a damn cage.

Cryssa: That's what I'm talking about. Tell me more about your fears.

Antenora: I don't get scared. Courage is near and dear to my heart, as it is every noble paladin. But...I confess that mentally, I am scared of this. We've talked about this privately, and it's a quest so difficult and so weighty that one mistake dooms all of Creation. It's also more reason to fight on. We're in a battle where surrender is meaningless and impossible.

Kascha: So often we face enemies that we can fight. A demon, a devil, an undead, something tangible. No amount of strength will avail us here. We're all used to the fact that our efforts alone won't destroy evil, not the true evil that rots in the Lower Planes, but this is on another level from that.

Cresiel: Hope is the only armor we have.

Cryssa: That's so boring. Okay, let's start this at something that's not going to put our audience asleep. Hobbies, do you have them besides sounding like motivational speakers? Isn't Moore enough of that for all of you?

Kascha: I like spending time with Surraruthru, studying magic and watching my old homeland continue to come out of a long dark age.

Cryssa: Thrilling. *sighs*

Kascha: I also like spending time at Aurora, learning ancient languages but that's too easy now

Cryssa: Yes? Is it sewing next? Stamp collection?

Kascha: I have impure thoughts about Finnegan!

Dana: Well fucking finally!

Emily: Really, Aunt Kascha? Well, he's cute but he's a bit of a...a...

Kascha: *blush*

Cryssa: Tell me more! Tell me all about it! Now!

Kascha: Oh, I well...I like to well...Imagine that we're together and...

Dana: Holy shit, a celestial with a libido?!

Antenora: It's not THAT rare.

Kascha: Having a picnic together.

Cryssa: *groans out loud*

Kascha: *giggles*

Cryssa: Wait a moment, did you trick me? Oh ho, there's a shred of entertainment here after all!

Kascha: *smiles* It's entertaining to me, isn't that enough?

Cryssa: Now that's spoken like a true fey. Cresiel, what about you?

Cresiel: I enjoy creating musical instruments, as well as the study of weaponsmithing. I'm also a historian-

Cryssa: Aaand that's enough from you for awhile. Historian! Were you born 50 years old and balding?

Cresiel: Seriousness does not correlate with being uninteresting. Lives and souls hang in the balance of my actions, or my inactions.

Cryssa: At least I knew you were going to be the straight man going into this. Okay, simple challenge. One of you say something interesting to talk about. Besides Dana, she's proven herself.

Dana: Damn right.

Kascha: I had a small girlcrush on Seira.

Emily: *chokes*

Cryssa: There we go, entertainment! Go on!

Kascha: I'm not really interested in other women, but when I first met Seira she was so strong and commanding, so powerful I got wrapped up in her. I suppose I wanted to be like her, like an older sister. I always admire how strong and how sure she is.

Emily: Oh.

Kascha: I've learned most of her magic, even if some of it isn't as good for me as it is her.

Emily: If you put it like that, I have a girlcrush on Alyssa. She's strong and confident, and it makes me want to be like her. Not romantically, but I look up to her.

Dana: She's a cold fucking fish if you ask me. Does she ever even smile or is it all Guild this, magic that?

Emily: Alyssa is not a cold fish! She doesn't need to sound like a...gutter slut to be interesting!

Dana: Hah, did your balls just drop, bitch? Want to say that again, right in my face?

Emily: *stands up and draws her sword* Yes, I do.

Dana: *grins* About damn time! Bring it on!

Cryssa: Unfortunately I'm oath bound to prevent fights here, as entertaining as it would be. Sit down.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


God bless Dana, patron saint of fuck you.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Quote from: Yuthirin on June 13, 2020, 10:33:27 PM
God bless Dana, patron saint of fuck you.

It's like her portfolio is just waiting for her.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quick hit since it came up in PM:

The as written God-Blooded Creature template in the MMV isn't used this game. The actual template used for this mainly swaps the temporary DR in exchange for maximum hit points per hit die. Since it comes up and it's the sort of thing y'all could employ, I'll write it up this weekendish for public consumption. Most of the additional info in it comes down to various uses of divine blood and how it can be employed.

As mentioned in Alicia's thread, a version of this was the gift from Sehanine Moonbow.

It's not really direct gameplay useful, but it's a tool in the toolchest that could be handy.


In related news, I'm feeling better. There's still some burnout but that's fading with time and good gaming. I hope to run with more energy tomorrow, health permitting.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Posting as requested.


"Moore-Blooded" is an acquired template that can be added to any good living creature that has a Charisma score of 16 or higher.

Once a year, on the day marked by Moore's faith as that when he ascended, Moore considers all of the good deeds, hope and inspiration that his faithful have spread across Creation.

He decides among them who has brought themselves the furthest from despair and into hope. The individual has a dream of Moore gently placing a finger, covered in blood, on the middle of their forehead down to their nose. When that individual wakes up, they find themselves bolstered by the power of their god.

Saves: A Moore-blooded creature gains a +4 bonus on saves against fear and despair effects.

Special Actions:

Moore's Inspiration (Su): Once per day, as a swift action, Moore-blooded creature can call upon the blood invested in him to spread hope and inspiration around them. The next attack, skill check or save receives a +4 inspiration bonus.

Special Qualities:

Moore's Charisma (Su): A Moore-blooded creature gains +2 to all Charisma-based checks.