
"I sense a soul in search of answers.  I shalt eat him."

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Magic Knights Revolution

Started by Dracos, July 09, 2002, 09:45:11 PM

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Fuu softly bit her lip at Clef's words. He could teach them magic, REAL magic.

Given how her mother always was talking about how their world had gone to hell, Fuu could use the magic to protect her family if she managed to get back.

"Clef-san, I'll become a Magic Knight and help save Cephiro."

For family...

Bean Bandit

Umi grumbled. She was going to miss the tournament, and hence, she was in a sour mood.

However, even though she was inclined to be sulky, she had no intention of remaining here forever.

"Yeah, yeah...Whatever it takes to get back..."
I love the games I've played here.


Hikaru clapped, smiling cheerfully. "Well I'm game! I'm sure saving Cephiro won't take that long if we work together!"


Clef cracks his knuckles and points his staff at the 3 girls... "Mahoudenshou!"

As he speaks, a wave of fire spins around Hikaru...

A stream of water spirals Umi...

A gust of wind circles Fuu...

(Did I mention they were naked... nope, I didn't... ^_^;)

And one bright flash of light later, the 3 girls were standing in front of Clef with a shoulder-gaurd on thier left shoulder, white gloves with a big color-coodinated gem on the right, and new white boots... Hikaru with thigh-highs, Umi with ankle-high heels, and Fuu with traveling boots...

"Hmm... I was going to choose magic, but it seems the magic chose you instead..." Clef wondered...
What sort of madness will I create today?"


Fuu rapidly blinked as she noticed the new additions to her school uniform.

"Um...not to sound ingrateful Clef-san, but don't we need weapons to battle this threat?"

Blushing slightly, she added.

"Well, magic SEEMS like it should take a lot out of us."


"I can't give you weapons... You'll get them when you go to Presea's." Clef replies...
What sort of madness will I create today?"

Bean Bandit

Umi shot Clef a disbelieving look.

"So, basically, you're a munchkin fashion designer? What are these outfits supposed to DO, anyway?"
I love the games I've played here.


Taking time to jump up and whap Umi on the head with his staff, Clef muttered, "Where did Emeraude find these people?"

Then, pointing to Hikaru, he said, "Hikaru, you want to learn magic, right?"
What sort of madness will I create today?"

Bean Bandit

"Itai!" Umi complained, rubbing her head. She began muttering incomprehensible things about tiny, young-looking lecherous wizards in a dark voice.
I love the games I've played here.


"You mean you'll really teach us now?" Hikaru asked, bouncing excitedly. Her cheer seemed immune to Umi's dark mutterings.


Clef nodded, and replied, "Yes, but I can only teach one at a time.  Seeing that you're the most excited to go through with the duty of being a Legendary Magic Knight, you'll be the first to learn..."

With a sweatdrop, he added, "Could you kneel down too?"
What sort of madness will I create today?"


Blinking, Hikaru knelt down until she was eye level with Clef, then waited.

Bean Bandit

Umi watched, annoyed, and still rubbing her her head, until Clef spoke again. She moved her hand to her mouth, smothering a snicker.
I love the games I've played here.


Placing a hand on her head, Clef whispered, so only Hikaru could hear, "Hikaru... search deep inside.  Can you feel that the Power inside you... is different from the Power that you used to have?"
What sort of madness will I create today?"


Following Clef's instructions, Hikaru wisely ignored Umi's snickering (or she was completely oblivious to them) and concentrated. "I do feel something..." she murmured...

...just as her stomache growled.

"Uhm... I don't think that was what you meant, was it?" she asked, slightly embarrassed.