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Cephiro, Elven Province

Started by Carthrat, October 20, 2003, 09:51:10 AM

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"You're correct," says Toshi. "I believe the most likely possibility is the Doji, a breakoff clan from the Daidoji. The Doji loathe the Daidoji for a number of reasons, not least of which is the fact that they were once part of the same clan and were exiled."

He strokes his chin, thoughtfully. "I cannot be sure, however. It may be a ruse within a ruse within a ruse. The webs some people weave are altogether too thick for my liking.

So I have decided to have you lead a small party of soldiers to scout out the Matsu camp in more detail," he finishes. "Only three of my nine scouts returned," he says. "The three that survived spoke of their allies being slain via magic, instead of arms, as the Matsu would be prone to do. Instead of sending scouts, I would rather send some people with a little more experiance in the human world," he says, giving a rare smile.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


"We would certainly be interested in getting to the bottom of this matter, especially if it could avert another war with the Matsu," Fuu says, smiling as she recalls their last trip to human lands. "So when would you have us leave, Master Toshi?"


"Within an hours time," replies Master Toshi. "I will see to preparing a group to travel with you.

I do not wish to fight this sort of battle. While I am certain we would be the 'victor'.. I do not believe there is any real way to 'win' a war, if you understand what I mean.

How you approach the Matsu is up to you. Through stealth or by approaching them with the right of parley. As Samurai, they will be obligated to give you safe conduct.. though I am not so sure they would be so willing anymore."
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Fuu rises and bows respectfully. "Very well, Master Toshi, we shall see to our preperations and be ready to depart within the hour."


Toshi himself rises, and bows. "Is there anything you wish to know or add before we begin?"
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


"Master Toshi, if we use the right of parley," Umi asks, cocking her head, "and attempt to reason with the heads of the Matsu, how much discretion could we use? And, again, if that fails and they choose war?"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Toshi ponders.

"Normally, you would have the right to demand their reasons," he says. "Honor dictates they answer, and the Matsu are- well, were an honorable can.

Were being the point in clause. You are not samurai. This brings advantages and disadvantages, as I'm sure you're well aware of. While morally, it would be wrong to kill you if you chose to parley, I believe that if the Matsu really are bent on sheer destruction.. it would not be wise to go in without an escape plan.

If they being to march towar, don't bother reporting to me. Head straight to the capital and tell the Sakura, Clan Champion. I have already dispatched a runner to inform her, but she would not know if they were actually marching."
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


"Perhaps it would be best to try and observe the situation before revealing our presence," Fuu muses.


Toshi nodded. "As I thought. Well, I must see to preperations now. In an hour.."

With that, he walks out, one hand on his katana.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Hikaru blows out a breath as she leads Umi and Fuu out of Toshi's home. "Definitely not what I had in mind when I was hoping for a scouting trip. I hate all this political stuff.

"I like Fuu's idea though. If these guys are really just out to destroy everything, I want to make absolutely sure we've got a way out before we try talking to them. I just hope we can get our soldiers out too."
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


"Of course we will!" Umi tells Hikaru. "I'm not accepting any plan that sacrifices them so that we could get away."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


"Well, as Master Toshi said, the Matsu are an honourable clan. It wouldn't surprise me if our mysterious third party is putting pressure on them to attack in this manner. Honourable warriors tend to chafe at being forced to act against their usual code. We might be better served by not commiting to any negotiations until we have a clear idea of who is instigating them, and then helping the Matsu to understand that they would be better served by remaining on our good side, over the other group," Fuu suggests as they enter their home.


"He said they were honorable. What if they're so determined to get revenge that they've let their honor fall aside? I know we don't know that yet, but it could still be true."
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


Fuu's smile slips. "If that is the case, then nothing we can say will change their course. Our only option, then, would be to try and stymie the efforts of their army before getting word to Sakura-sama so that our forces can rally to defend the forest."


"And maybe, more options will be open to us when we know more about the situation," Umi adds, smiling. "Let's not be so pessimistic!"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake