
"Destiny Challenged us and so we chose to end the world.  There was nothing to regret.  Nothing."

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Started by Anastasia, August 22, 2003, 10:41:53 PM

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Episode 15, where Mamoru wakes up and they realise that memory sucks.

<Sword_Magess> The party went on. Usagi stayed by Mamoru's side while the others did this and that.
<Sword_Magess> As it got later, Venus, Herb and Jupiter ran off to the store again. The Senshi were going through food and drink tonight. Rei and Ami found themselves watching Usagi and chatting quietly, hashing over the events of the day again.
<Sword_Magess> It was then a groan escaped the lips of Mamoru.
<Sword_Magess> "Ugh... my head..." These words slip out from his lips, soft and dazed.
* Usagi-chan jerks her head up. "Mamoru? Are you all right?"
<Sword_Magess> ""
<Sword_Magess> He gasps, slowly blinking.
* Usagi-chan throws her arms around him. "I'm so glad to see you... I thought I'd lost you..."
<Sword_Magess> He groans again and struggles to look up. "What... what train hit me?" he says, trying to smile.
* Rei-chan smiles. "That would have been Sailor Dragon," she puts in from across the room.
<Sword_Magess> He starts to speak, but blanches instead. "The Rainbow Crystals!" he exclaims, weakly trying to sit up. "What happened?"
* Rei-chan blinks and narrows her eyes "You don't remember any of it, do you?"
* Usagi-chan sits up, a worried expression on her face.
<Sword_Magess> "Usagi, what happened to the Crystals?" he asks, alarmed.
<Usagi-chan> "They're safe... we got the Silver Crystal."
<Sword_Magess> "We did? That's good..." he says, relaxing. He lies back down and closes his eyes. Soon his breathing is regular and peaceful again.
<Ninja_Ami> "He doesn't remember," Ami mutters quietly.
<Usagi-chan> "How are we going to explain to him? Or should we even?"
<Rei-chan> "Dammit," Rei whispers, clenching a fist. "He was our best hope of finding a way to attack the Dark Kingdom..."
<Ninja_Ami> "He'll have to know sometime."
* Ninja_Ami quietly puts in, "What with the broken hand and all."
<Sword_Magess> "Yes, he will," Artemis agrees quietly, from back where he had been lurking in the corner.
<Rei-chan> "Yeah..." Rei winces slightly. She was grateful to Herb for crushing the crystal and freeing her grandpa, but it surely wouldn't have been too difficult to remove it from the guy's hand first...
<Sword_Magess> "And honestly, I doubt it could stay a secret even if his hand was intact."
* Rei-chan sighs, "Hopefully, it'll come back to him. Any information he has on the Dark Kingdom would be incredibly useful to us."
<Ninja_Ami> "I'm just happy he's back, right, Usagi?"
* Usagi-chan nods. "No kidding. Maybe once he's rested a little more he'll remember something."
<Rei-chan> "Yeah... with him back on our side, and if my suspicions about Kunzite are true, we've really managed to hurt the Dark Kingdom today. I just wish we could finish this once and for all..." Rei trails off, clenching a fist.
<Usagi-chan> "What exactly DID happen when you got Mamoru back?"

There's a reason Rei is the Exposition girl.

* Rei-chan takes a deep breath as she prepares yet another exposition on recent events. "Endymion had already kidnapped everyone except Urawa, when he and Kunzite both showed up at the Shrine..."
<Rei-chan> "Kunzite distracted me and Minako while Endymion entered the shrine to get Urawa... Kunzite escaped, but he felt so weak, I think he might have died after teleporting."
<Rei-chan> "Then when we entered the shrine, Sailor Dragon had already knocked Endymion out. Venus used her Love Crescent Shower to purify him, but then Beryl tried to teleport him away..."
<Rei-chan> "But," Rei puffs up with pride "I used one of my wards to negate the teleport and keep him here," the miko concludes her story.

Pride before the fall. I don't blame Rei, but it's kinda obvious in retrospect.

<Usagi-chan> "I hope Kunzite really is dead, but I wouldn't count on it. Seems like they're impossible to kill sometimes." Usagi sighs.
* Rei-chan looks askance at Usagi, surprised that Usagi would actually wish for the death of anyone, even someone as evil and deserving as Kunzite.

Yeah, a short little wrapup log. It was rather fun to read again, more than it was to play. I don't know why, but I don't rememeber this session fondly.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Let's see Minako try and hook up with Hiro again!

And see him vanish afterwards. Corwin, all things considered, would you have bothered with Hiro if you had to replay it?

[17:39] * Ana-wakingup sets mode: +m
[17:39] <Ana-wakingup> It's a day after the events at Rei's temple.
[17:39] <Ana-wakingup> Since Minako is currently between schools, she slept in late.
[17:40] <Ana-wakingup> It's not until early in the afternoon that she leaves home.
[17:40] <Ana-wakingup> It's still before the out of school rush, so it's not too hard to get to where you want to go.
[17:41] <Ana-wakingup> The park is back up and running now, and several adults can be seen around, taking in the sights.
[17:42] <Ana-wakingup> And the same man is manning the ticket booth as before...
[17:42] * V-chan walks up to the man, and buys a ticket.
[17:43] <Ana-wakingup> "Say, didn't you come here recently?" he asks as he takes your yen. "Just before that incident, wasn't it? I remember that hair of yours."
[17:43] * V-chan nods. "Yep, I came with a couple of friends. Terrible, what happened here, isn't it?"
[17:44] <Ana-wakingup> "I say it is. Really, that poor woman..."
[17:44] * V-chan flinches.
[17:45] <V-chan> "Umm, can I have my ticket now, please?"
[17:46] <Ana-wakingup> "What a way to go...In one of those nasty unexplained inci... oh, sure," he says, handing it over.

Captain Tact fails again.

[17:46] * V-chan takes it, and moves quickly inside the park.
[17:48] <V-chan> Once inside, Minako makes a beeline for a public restroom.
[17:48] <Ana-wakingup> Inside, you come to the gift shop/bathroom area that you remember from last time. Inside, the bathroom is buzzing as two ladies chat away at the sinks.
[17:49] * V-chan frowns, but then takes out her make up kit, and begins to apply eye shadow while essentially waiting for the ladies to leave.
[17:50] <Ana-wakingup> They take thier sweet time, needing more than five minutes to pack up and gone. In the meanwhile, three other ladies come in to use the facilities.
[17:51] * V-chan sighs, and giving her image in the mirror a wink, leaves the bathroom area.
[17:52] <Ana-wakingup> As you exit, you realise your lucky stars must be shining today. Hiro is outside, working on the glass window pain for the gift shop.
[17:52] * V-chan walks straight back into the bathroom, enters a stall, and closes the door.
[17:52] * V-chan then proceeds to sigh.
[17:56] * V-chan takes off her jacket and jeans, and then uses her compact to transform her to her sixteen-year-old self, clad in pleated miniskirt and a matching sweater.
[17:57] <Ana-wakingup> The transformation glows over you, and you change.
[17:58] <Ana-wakingup> You hear no questions or surprised sounds, so it looks like no one noticed.
[17:58] * V-chan looks herself over, and then exits the stall and the bathroom, holding her old clothing in front of her face.
[17:58] <Ana-wakingup> You manage to get out without banging into anything.
[17:59] <Ana-wakingup> Hiro is still working on the window, scrubbing it down.
[17:59] <V-chan> Inwardly cheering, Minako attempts to stuff her discarded clothing, or at least her jeans, into her handbag.
[18:00] <Ana-wakingup> It isn't happening. Even your petite, beautiful jeans are too much for a common handbag. me....nothing in this case.

[18:01] * V-chan shrugs, and deciding she can't have everything just keeps the bundle of clothing in her arms.
[18:01] * V-chan walks up to Hiro, and greets him with a cheerful, "Hey there!"
[18:02] <Ana-wakingup> He turns, nearly slipping as he does so. Desperately reaching out to the window to balance himself, he manages to save himself from a nasty fall.
[18:02] <Ana-wakingup> "Hey, it's Minako, isn't it?" he says, grinning.
[18:02] <V-chan> "Nice save!" Minako cheers. "Yeah, it's me, Minako-chan!"
[18:04] <Ana-wakingup> "How are you doing?" he asks, putting his cleaning rag in a pocket of his work outfit - a pair of slacks and a dark colored button shirt.
[18:05] <V-chan> "Same old, same old," Minako replies with a smile. "Changing schools, that kind of thing. You?"
[18:07] <Ana-wakingup> "Just working, as usual." he says, smiling. "Say, do you want to get a drink?"
[18:07] <V-chan> "Sure!" Minako readily agrees.
[18:09] <Ana-wakingup> He quickly foists off his work to another, and gets you down to a juice bar.
[18:09] * V-chan orders apple juice.
[18:10] <Ana-wakingup> He gets an orange juice, and you are seated. "So...Minako..." he starts.
[18:10] * V-chan bats her eyelashes at him. "Yes, Hiro?"
[18:11] <Ana-wakingup> He blushes and stammers for a moment. "W..well, you seem to be awfully...friendly," he starts.
[18:11] <V-chan> "I try!" Minako chirps.
[18:12] <Ana-wakingup> "And, well... do you want to, say, meet later?" he asks, managing to say it without stammering.
[18:12] <V-chan> "Later?"
[18:13] <Ana-wakingup> "Like, tonight or the night after? Maybe we could... er... see a movie?"
[18:13] * V-chan smiles. "Sure, that sounds great! I haven't gone to the movies in like forever!"
[18:16] <Ana-wakingup> "Cool!" he exclaims. "How about the new Jackie Chan movie from Hong Kong?"
[18:17] * V-chan pouts. "I heard Masked Crimefighter Pretty Ballerina Princess Tutu was out...."
[18:17] <Ana-wakingup> " is? Do you want to see that?"
[18:19] * V-chan nods excitedly. "It's supposed to be such a cool movie! Almost like a true story of a masked heroine, fighting evil in high heels!" Minako blinks. "Except _she_ doesn't have high heels, since Tutu uses the Power of Ballet to vanquish her enemies."
[18:20] <Ana-wakingup> "Sounds like a fun movie," he says, rubbing the back of his head. "Like a manga?"
[18:20] * V-chan shrugs. "Lots of manga are based on real people and events. Take the Sailor V-chan manga, for example."
[18:21] <V-chan> "For all we know, there could really be a beautiful girl in a leotard dancing away to Tchaikowsky."
[18:21] <Ana-wakingup> "That's based on something real?" he asks. "That's kinda farfetched... A real Sailor V?"
[18:22] <V-chan> "I know Sailor V-chan exists," Minako insists. "I've seen her, she's as real as, well... me!"


[18:22] <Ana-wakingup> ", I guess so. But still, a girl who runs around in a mask and short skirt fighting crime?"
[18:23] <Ana-wakingup> "It's like those tabloid news stories lately, about those girls who run around Tokyo."
[18:23] <V-chan> "Umm, is it?" Minako tugs down on her mini-skirt self-consciously. "'Cause, you know, this skirt is shorter than V-chan's...." She turns to look at him worriedly. "You don't think my skirt's too short, is it? Maybe I should put my jeans back on?"
[18:24] * V-chan glances at the jeans in her lap.
[18:24] <Ana-wakingup> He lights up like a Christmas tree. "Er... NO, don't do that! Um... it looks good on you!" he staggers out, waving his hands wildly.


18:24] <V-chan> "You're sure?"
[18:25] <Ana-wakingup> "VERY sure!"
[18:25] * V-chan nods to herself. "Right, then."
[18:26] <V-chan> Suddenly curious, Minako swerves in her seat to face Hiro fully. "Say, if you saw Sailor V-chan... what would you say to her?"
[18:27] <Ana-wakingup> "Um..." he mutters, staring into his drink. "I'd ask her if..." The rest is said too softly to hear.
[18:29] * V-chan leans closer. "What was that?"
[18:30] <Ana-wakingup> "If she'd go out on a date," he finishes, repeating himself. "She's really... talented, you know."

Talented....all those Sailors have talent, alright.

[18:31] * V-chan nods. "I'm glad people recognize her talents. It'd be kinda difficult to date her alongside me, though," she says, tapping her chin thoughtfully.
[18:32] <Ana-wakingup> "Er... um..." he stammers, trying to get out something that didn't end with him looking like a moron.
[18:34] <V-chan> "Besides," Minako continues, shrugging. "She could very well be taken."
[18:34] <Ana-wakingup> "Yeah!" he says, leaping on that like Artemis on a fresh fish. "I mean, she would have suitors lined, up, right?"
[18:35] * V-chan visibly wilts. "You'd think that, won't you?"
[18:36] <Ana-wakingup> "Yep!" he says, nodding. "She'd be school queen, with loads of gifts and flowers each day, too!"
[18:38] <V-chan> "Something tells me she's a failure at love," Minako says sadly. "And that she'd love to get someone she could spend a date with, but they usually just turn out to be evil minions, or interested in her for all the wrong reasons. Or so I imagine."
[18:39] <Ana-wakingup> "She couldn't be a loser like that," he says. "Surely someone that cool would be better than that!" he says it with the conviction of a man digging himself out of a deep hole.

She's taking on water, cap'in! Critical hit!

[18:41] <V-chan> "..."
[18:42] <Ana-wakingup> "But anyway," he forges on, "So...what time do you want to meet for that movie?"
[18:43] * V-chan remains silent for a bit longer, before forcing a smile on her face. "When do you finish working?"
[18:43] <Ana-wakingup> "At... seven, I think," he says. "I can be ready by eight."
[18:45] <V-chan> "I... well, I actually didn't really visit this part before, what with that monster attack and everything." Minako shrugs. "I guess I can spend the day here. You've got a video games booth, right?"
[18:45] <Ana-wakingup> "Yeah, there is one down past the gift shop," he says.
[18:46] <V-chan> "Does it have a Sailor V game, by chance?"
[18:46] <Ana-wakingup> "I think it does. I play Capcom vs SNK, mostly."

Draw from that what you will.

[18:47] * V-chan nods. "Let's just meet there at eight? I'll be setting the new high score on the games."
[18:47] <V-chan> "Characters that throw Huge Golden Beams of Demondeath are my favorites!" she adds.
[18:48] <Ana-wakingup> "Okay," he looks down at his watch. "I really should get back to work if I don't want to run late, Minako."
[18:48] * V-chan waves at him, and returns her attention to her drink.
[18:49] <Ana-wakingup> He runs off, back towards the gift shop with a final goodbye, leaving you alone.
[18:49] * V-chan orders more juice.
[18:49] <V-chan> "Loser... huh."

I can see V-chan storing that away in her brain for future angst sessions, like an angst camel.

[18:52] <V-chan> Finished with her drink, Minako goes to find a safe keeping box to deposit her extra clothing at.
[18:52] <Ana-wakingup> You get one, and the clothing goes inside without a hassle.
[18:53] <V-chan> Putting the newly acquired key to that box inside her handbag, Minako goes to take a look at the various attractions in the park, not really seeing them the first time she was there.
[18:55] <Ana-wakingup> As you may guess, they are water based. Fish exhibits, various water and sculptures, aquatic life, that sort of thing.
[18:56] * V-chan finds it all very interesting.
[18:56] * V-chan wonders whether there are dolphins, and tries to check.
[18:57] <Ana-wakingup> There are, but it's for special shows only - there is not one until the evening.
[18:57] * V-chan pouts, and makes up her mind to come and see one some day.
[18:59] <V-chan> Stopping at a stand to get cotton candy, Minako takes out her cellular phone, fishes the number of Usagi's home from its memory, and calls.
[19:01] <Ana-wakingup> It rings several times, before a woman answers. "Hello? Tsukino residence."
[19:01] <V-chan> "Hello!" Minako greets her. "Are you Usagi's mom?"
[19:02] <Ana-wakingup> "Um, yes I am. May I ask who is calling?" she replies, composed.
[19:03] <V-chan> "It's Minako! I'm one of Usagi-chan's friends," Minako introduces herself. "Are you feeling better, now?"
[19:04] <Ana-wakingup> "Oh, hello there. Yes, I'm recovering nicely." she says.
[19:04] <V-chan> "I'm glad to hear that! Umm... is Usagi home?"
[19:05] <Ana-wakingup> "No she isn't. I think she went to school today," she replies.
[19:05] <Ana-wakingup> "I know she went out...where else would she have gone?"
[19:05] <Ana-wakingup> "Is there...something I should know?" she asks, raising her voice a minor degree.

Ergh. That was way too good of her to pick up on that. -_- I think I jumped the gun.

[19:06] * V-chan coughs. "I, err, kinda went to a water park and wanted to invite her?" Minako sighs. "I guess she went to visit Rei-chan, then."
[19:07] <Ana-wakingup> "Wait, she isn't in school?" she asks, leaping on that last part.
[19:10] <V-chan> "Well, at _my_ last school, classes always ended at one p.m.," Minako replies, fumbling with words, "so I thought it was the same for Usagi. I guess different schools have different classes?" She laughs nervously.
[19:11] <Ana-wakingup> "I guess so," she says. "Well, I'll tell Usagi you called... Minako, was it?"
[19:12] * V-chan nods, before realizing she can't be seen over the phone. "Yes, Mrs. Tsukino. Err, I guess I should go. Have a quick recovery!"
[19:12] * V-chan closes the cell, and walks to a nearby wall, proceeding to hit her forehead against it.
[19:16] * V-chan goes to play video games.
[19:17] <Ana-wakingup> The arcade has the brand new, latest Sailor V title! Sailor V versus the Demon Hordes!
[19:18] * V-chan checks for tentacles.


[19:19] <Ana-wakingup> The machine seems to be tentacle free.
[19:19] * V-chan checks the pictures of the demons on it, too.
[19:20] <Ana-wakingup> They look like typical demons - winged, horned and ugly. A cute picture of V-chan blasting one of them is on the side.
[19:21] <V-chan> Satisfied upon finding the machine and demons tentacle-free, Minako starts it up!
[19:22] <Ana-wakingup> It's a tad bit harder than the last Sailor V game, and the demons seem more... persistent than you remember.
[19:23] * V-chan doesn't give up, using her skills to defeat them!
[19:24] <Ana-wakingup> You continue to game, getting closer and closer to the High Score each try.
[19:24] * V-chan is determined to set a new high score that won't be beaten easily.
[19:25] <V-chan> "A high score amongst high scores," Minako mumbles, her tongue hanging out of her mouth slightly.
[19:25] <Ana-wakingup> Finally, with a good zapping, the lead demon falls! You get a large bonus for slaying the monster, and make the High Score!
[19:28] * V-chan ponders, and just enters 'V' as her initials, looking at them with pride as they are displayed over the first place.
[19:29] * V-chan spares a moment of silence for the high score, before moving on to the Lovely Fight game.
[19:30] <Ana-wakingup> You continue to game, and the hours slip away...

---Meanwhile, at the temple---

[19:31] <Ana-wakingup> Mamoru has been sleeping for the most part today.
[19:31] <Ana-wakingup> You took the off from school to stay at his side, and he's been resting in a bed at the Temple.
[19:31] <Ana-wakingup> Yuuchiro has been around off and on in the day, but that's it. Rei is also around.
[19:31] <Ana-wakingup> It's early in the afternoon. Mamoru stirred again right after lunch, but has been asleep since.
[19:31] <Ana-wakingup> It's then that Yuuchiro shatters your mood...
[19:31] <Ana-wakingup> "Usagi? There's a phone call for you," he says, peeking into the room. Remembering that he knows you're around but that no one thought to actually say anything to him...
[19:31] * Usagi-chan looks up. "For me? Who'd be calling me here?" She gets up and follows him to the phone. "Hello?"
[19:31] <Ana-wakingup> "Hello, Usagi," the voice of your dear mother is on the other line. "I thought you were going back to class today." She sounds... unamused. Highly unamused.

"Hi, Mom! I'm at Rei's new tradition Shinto Middle School now. Aren't you glad I'm getting in touch with my ethnic roots while I learn?"

[19:31] <Usagi-chan> "Mom!! I was just, uh... that is, I was..." Usagi panics, trying to come up with SOME sort of excuse for not being in classes.
[19:33] <Ana-wakingup> "You were what? Cutting class, Usagi?" she says.
[19:34] <Usagi-chan> "I swear I've got a really good reason, but I can't explain it..." She glances back at the room where Mamoru is still asleep.

She probably shouldn't have conceded the skipping point so easily by essentially admitting to it here.

[19:35] <Ana-wakingup> "What, Usagi?" she says, in the parental voice of DOOM.
[19:36] <Usagi-chan> " ...nothing."
[19:37] <Ana-wakingup> "So you have a reason you can't explain? Do I sound that stupid, Usagi?"
[19:39] <Usagi-chan> "I've got a friend who got hurt really badly and I was just making sure they're all right."
[19:40] <Ana-wakingup> "Really, Usagi?" she says, softening a bit. "But why would you be at Rei's temple instead of at a hospital? Is Rei hurt?"
[19:41] <Usagi-chan> "She's, um, been resting here-she didn't want to bother with the hospital."
[19:42] <Ana-wakingup> "What's wrong with her?" she asks, sounding less like the parental unit of doom.
[19:44] <Usagi-chan> "She got a really bad cut on her chest... I'm just trying to make sure she doesn't overdo it while it's healing."
[19:45] <Ana-wakingup> "Why didn't you tell me, Usagi, especially if you were going to miss more class time?"
[19:46] <Usagi-chan> "I didn't want to worry you about it, especially since you just got over your own hospital stay."
[19:48] <Ana-wakingup> "Oh, Usagi." She sighs. "Will you go to class tomorrow?"
[19:48] * Usagi-chan sighs. "I will, I promise."
[19:49] <Ana-wakingup> "Okay, Usagi. We'll talk when we get home, okay? Oh, and who is Minako, dear?"
[19:50] * Usagi-chan is startled by the question. "She's a friend of mine, but why are you asking about her?"
[19:52] <Ana-wakingup> "She called a few minutes ago, looking for you, Usagi," she says.
[19:52] <Usagi-chan> "Oh really..." Usagi's voice drops a couple of tones.

There should have been a catfight about this. Dammit!

[19:53] <Ana-wakingup> "Yes," she says.
[19:55] * Usagi-chan brightens up a little again. "Sorry I didn't tell you before. I'll be home in a couple of hours, see you then." Usagi hangs up the phone.
[19:55] <Usagi-chan> "Minako...!!!" Usagi clenches her fist.
[20:13] * Rei-chan enters the room dressed in her miko robes, which are mostly covered in soot. "Ugh... You would not believe how dirty the Sacred Fire can get..." she says before noticing Usagi's foul temper. "What's got you so upset?"
[20:18] <Usagi-chan> "That Minako! She called my house and now my mom knows I wasn't at school today." Usagi fumes a bit more.
[20:19] <Rei-chan> "You mean you didn't tell your mum beforehand? I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind if you explained that you were wanting to look after a sick friend," Rei says, indicating the comatose Mamoru.
[20:21] * Usagi-chan sighs. "I told her I was staying with you because you were injured. I just didn't want to get her worried since she's still resting up some herself."
[20:22] * Rei-chan shrugs. "Don't be hard on Minako. I'm sure she only meant well."
[20:23] * Usagi-chan deflates a bit. "I know, but I'm lucky I didn't get grounded."
[20:24] <Rei-chan> "I guess that'd be bad... and you'll need your mum to write an excuse for the school to explain why you weren't in today..."
[20:25] <Usagi-chan> "I didn't even think about that." Usagi sighs. "How is your side doing, anyway?"
[20:26] * Rei-chan waves dismissively. "I've had worse. This little scratch is barely worth mentioning." She taps her side lightly to show that it doesn't hurt.
[20:27] <Usagi-chan> "I hope my mom doesn't check up then. I made it sound a lot worse than that."
[20:27] * Rei-chan gives Usagi an incredulous look. "And you didn't say a word about Mamoru-san?"
[20:27] <Rei-chan> "You are such a dumpling head!"
[20:30] * Usagi-chan glares at Rei. "What, I should have told her that I was waiting for my boyfriend to wake up from a coma and then explain why he's here and not at the hospital?"
[20:36] <Rei-chan> "You could have said that he was banged up a bit, but not seriously enough for hospital. Like any good friend, you want to take care of him. Geez, I doubt your mother would begrudge you that."
[20:38] <Usagi-chan> "Maybe she wouldn't, but I'm stuck now," Usagi mumbles. "If I change my story now, I probably WILL get grounded for lying."
[20:40] <Rei-chan> "I doubt your mother would demand to inspect me for injuries. I can pretend to be a little poorly if she does come round, but I don't think she'll want to actually see the wound..."
[20:41] * Usagi-chan nods. "Thanks, Rei-you're a lifesaver!" Usagi rushes back to Mamoru's room.
[20:42] * Rei-chan gives a small sigh and smiles bemusedly. "I try," she mutters.
[20:45] <Sailor_Ana> -----------
[20:45] <Sailor_Ana> Aaalllllrighty.
[20:46] <Sailor_Ana> The hours go by, until it is creeping up on seven PM. You've played through the machines, racking up several high scores and putting a dent in your pocketbook.
[20:49] <Sailor_Ana> And paused. I just got rushed. Pick up tomorrow before anything else?
[20:49] <V-chan> Sure
[20:49] * Sailor_Ana sets mode: -m
[20:49] <Sailor_Ana> least it happened now before we got started.

Well....Gooooo Usagi/Minako!
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Picking up where the last log left off. I blame Russia and those fucking commies.

[16:35] * Anastasia sets mode: +v V-chan
[16:41] * V-chan notices the time, and decides to put on a coat, since it could be chilly outside.
[16:42] * V-chan tries to find a secluded area to use her compact.
[16:42] <Anastasia> The bathroom looks to be empty at the moment. The main show is going on, and much of the crowd is in there for it.
[16:43] * V-chan congratulates her luck, and heads for the bathroom.
[16:44] <Anastasia> You transform without incident.
[16:44] <Anastasia> As you head back, your watch shows it is 8 PM on the dot. You head back, only to run right into Hiro.
[16:45] * V-chan waves at Hiro.
[16:46] <Anastasia> "Hey, Mina!" He is dressed in casual clothes now, a black T-Shirt and jeans.
[16:47] <V-chan> "Hey!" Minako greets. "Hurricane Minako swept away the high scores of old, only to emerge on top!"
[16:48] <Anastasia> "Cool," he says. "What games?"
[16:48] <V-chan> "All of them!"
[16:50] <Anastasia> He nods. "Well, there's a theater a block or so down, if you're ready..."
[16:50] <V-chan> "Sure," Minako agrees with a shrug. "Lead the way!"
[16:52] <Anastasia> You exit outside, noting the cold air and the very cold breeze.
[16:53] * V-chan is glad to have taken a coat.
[16:54] <Anastasia> You walk outside. It's dark but well lit by streetlights, and there is an odd smell in the air. Snow? You remember the weatherman mentioning it could snow in the next few days as a cold front moved through...

I guess this is super duper foreshadowing...>_>

Or the GM is a snow whore. Whichever.

[16:56] <Anastasia> Hiro shivers. "Man, fall didn't last this year," he comments as you walk through a puddle of light caused by a street lamp.
[16:58] * V-chan nods, not really having anything to say.
[17:00] <Anastasia> The movie theater is another newish building, large and bright. A small line forms outside the box office, and Hiro goes to the end of it.
[17:00] * V-chan resists her _skills_ and stays with Hiro
[17:01] <Anastasia> The line moves slowly, and you have no choice but to wait and endure the cold...
[17:02] * V-chan wonders how long it'll take them to get inside.
[17:03] <Anastasia> About ten minutes later, you reach the box office. A pimply teen mans it, a study in boredom.
[17:03] <Anastasia> "What movie, Sirs?" he says, not even trying to make eye contact.
[17:04] <V-chan> "Masked Crimefighter Pretty Ballerina Princess Tutu!" Minako cheerfully announces.
[17:04] <Anastasia> "That will be 1700 yen," he says. Reaching his pocket, Hiro extracts a wallet and the money.
[17:05] <Anastasia> You quickly scamper inside the nice, warm lobby.
[17:05] <Anastasia> "Do you want anything to drink," he asks.
[17:06] * V-chan ponders this for a moment, tapping her lips with her right index finger. "Well, maybe a coke. But we just _have_ to get popcorn!"
[17:28] <Anastasia> "Popcorn and a Coke, Minako?" he asks, getting out his wallet again.
[17:29] * V-chan nods. "Popcorn makes the movie better," she says sagely.
[17:32] <Anastasia> "Yeah," he agrees, nodding. "I just wish movie food wasn't so expensive." he says as he gets at the end of the line for concessions.
[17:33] * V-chan smirks. "Leave it to me, then!"
[17:33] <Anastasia> "Huh?"
[17:33] * V-chan uses her _skills_ to push to the top of the line, then order her snacks.
[17:36] <Anastasia> You get several shouts, nasty looks and a stray obscene gesture, but you make it through and get the food.
[17:36] * V-chan returns with the food to Hiro, and flashes him a V sign.
[17:39] <Anastasia> "Wow, Minako..." he says, stunned.
[17:40] <Anastasia> "That was...awesome..." He clearly looks awed.
[17:40] * V-chan blushes. "Aww, it's nothing...."
[17:41] <Anastasia> "I think you really pissed off that one lady in the muumuu, though." he says, chuckling.
[17:42] <V-chan> "Umm, it's okay. She seemed grumpy from the start." Minako shrugs. "Some people are like that. No fun whatsoever."
[17:43] <Anastasia> "Yeah, but she looks really mad," he says, as you walk away. "Like she's going to bust an artery or something."
[17:45] <V-chan> "I can call an ambulance for her, if that's what you mean," Minako says, eyeing the woman. "Honestly. Old folks shouldn't go to the movies if they have a heart condition!"
[17:45] <Anastasia> "Or Minako will get'em," he says, falling over into laughter.
[17:45] <Anastasia> "Sorry," he gets out between laughs.

That was nasty comment, I think. I didn't really see it at the time, but Hiro ended up being a bit of a jerk when he let is mouth run. Maybe I spilled into him a bit?

[17:46] * V-chan tries to find their seats.
[17:47] <Anastasia> You get into the theater with a few minutes to spare and get decent seats in the middle.
[17:48] * V-chan relaxes in the seat, and takes a sip from her coke.
[17:49] <Anastasia> In a few minutes, the previews start.
[17:50] <Anastasia> The first is for some high powered, explosive American movie featuring impossibly beautiful people and more explosions than you can count. Hiro looks rather interested in it.
[17:51] * V-chan compares herself to the beautiful women.
[17:52] <Anastasia> In your mind, they stack up rather nicely.
[17:53] <Anastasia> The next is for a super cute anime movie - S-Chan's Magical Sugar Castle Adventure!
[17:54] * V-chan looks at the cute pet sidekicks with disapproval, just _knowing_ that they must be evil and have to be punished.
[17:55] <Anastasia> The sidekick, a flying cat like creature, spouts wisecracks and advice to the heroine, drawing laughs from the crowd.
[17:55] * V-chan scowls at it.
[17:57] <Anastasia> The final preview is of what looks to be a softcore hentai movie about...well, girls, girls and girls. This one has the bulk of the male audience hanging on every jiggle.
[17:57] * V-chan blushes furiously.

That could be the start of a hentai omake....*Gets shot*

[17:57] <Anastasia> "Nice..." Hiro murmurs, taking in the barely covered cleavage with appreciation.
[17:58] * V-chan stops herself from nodding with an impressive show of will.
[17:58] <Anastasia> Finally, the main show starts...
[17:58] <Anastasia> You soon lose yourself in the adventures of Princess Tutu and her crazy cast of friends.
[18:00] * V-chan takes notes from Tutu's masked crimefighting adventures.
[18:01] <Anastasia> Hiro dutifully pays attention, but you get the feeling he's not all that interested in the movie.

Welcome to dateland, Hiro.

[18:02] <Anastasia> You catch him taking a few peeks at you, however, in places of varying modesty.
[18:02] * V-chan isn't sure what to make of it, never actually having a decent, uninterrupted date in her entire life.
[18:04] <Anastasia> Just as the film reaches it's climax...The print skips for a moment before stopping. There is a murmur of annoyed voices before the lights come back on. "Excuse me," says an usher, addressing the entire theater, "But we've had a technical malfunction. If you would exit to the left..."
[18:05] <V-chan> "No way!" Minako exclaims, leaping to her feet. "Princess Tutu was just about to have a duel with Princess Kraehe!"
[18:06] <Anastasia> "Damn movie theaters... rip off..." Hiro says, grumbling.
[18:06] <Anastasia> "If you would just exit to the left quietly..." the usher repeats.
[18:07] <V-chan> "Turn it back on or I'll punish you in the name of Tutu!" Minako commands loudly.
[18:07] <Anastasia> The usher turns to you, an old man dressed in an official-looking theater outfit. "Ma'am, would you please exit quietly?" he asks again.
[18:08] * V-chan twitches, her hands closing around an imaginary scrawny neck.
[18:10] <Anastasia> "Minako... maybe he's just doing his job, even if he's being dicky," he whispers, leaning over.
[18:10] * V-chan deflates, nodding mournfully.
[18:10] <V-chan> "Let's go complain!" she announces, and walks briskly towards the exit
[18:10] <Anastasia> "C'mon, I'll treat you to some ice cream," he says, grinning.
[18:11] <V-chan> "First, we get our money back!"
[18:12] <Anastasia> "Okay," he agrees. "Do you want to go see the manager?"
[18:14] * V-chan nods.
[18:16] <Anastasia> After a bit of protesting to the nearest employee, you are escorted to see the manager. He is a bald, plump man, rather old and saggy looking. His brown eyes aren't terribly friendly.
[18:16] <Anastasia> "Yes, can I help you?" he says when you meet him.
[18:17] <V-chan> "We paid to watch Masked Crimefighter Pretty Ballerina Princess Tutu and it was cut off in the middle! What are you going to do about that?!"
[18:18] <Anastasia> "It was cut off in the end, for one thing," he says coolly, "And nothing. Our policy is not to give refunds or rain checks to movies more than halfway completed."
[18:18] <V-chan> "I don't care about that! I want to see the end of that movie!"
[18:19] * V-chan frowns at the man.
[18:19] <V-chan> "How could you cut it at the very climax?! Now, we'll never know if evil is truly in Princess Kraehe's heart!"
[18:20] <Anastasia> "I'm sorry, ma'am," he says, not sounding sorry at all. He maintains an air of detached arrogance. "If there are any complains, you may complain to my superiors."
[18:20] <V-chan> "But I want to complain to you!" Minako yells. "I want to complain till I'm red in the face, and then complain more and more and MORE!"
[18:21] <V-chan> "Don't you feel sorry for Princess Tutu?"
[18:22] <Anastasia> "I'm sorry, but you'll have to see my supervisor." is all he says.
[18:22] * V-chan sniffles. "That's... so MEAN!"
[18:22] * V-chan begins wailing in his office.
[18:22] <Anastasia> "If our business is are free to leave, Ma'am," he says, ignoring the tears.
[18:22] <Anastasia> Hiro, throughout this, has stayed quiet.
[18:23] * V-chan cries even louder, trying to reach Usagi's levels.
[18:23] <Anastasia> "Ma'am...I'm sorry, but would you remove yourself before I am forced to take action?"
[18:23] <Anastasia> "HEY!" Hiro finally pipes in, telling the manager angrily, "Isn't that enough?"
[18:28] <Anastasia> "Jesus, you made her cry, you bastard!" he growls.
[18:28] <Anastasia> The manager shows no pity. "Ma'am, if you would remove yourself..."
[18:29] * V-chan slams her palms against the manager's table with all her strength, glaring at him. "My heart shares the pain Princess Tutu feels RIGHT THIS VERY INSTANT."
[18:32] <Anastasia> "You..." Hiro mutters angrily. Quite coldly, he walks up to the manager and delivers a calculated punch to the jaw. "How can you do that to such a cute girl? Let's go, Minako!"

And he has life. Fear.

[18:32] <Anastasia> The manager, for his part, is knocked down and visibly stunned.
[18:32] * V-chan sniffles loudly one last time, and kicks the manager in the shin, before following Hiro.
[18:33] <Anastasia> You exit out of the theater rather quickly. Once outside, Hiro goes into a rather colorful description of the service of the theater.
[18:33] * V-chan nods in all the right places, still sniffing occasionally.
[18:35] <Anastasia> "Anyhow," he says, winding down from showing the most life he has the entire date, "What about that ice cream?"
[18:36] <V-chan> "Yeah, let's get two strawberry-flavored scoops. They were Tutu's favorite...."
[18:39] <Anastasia> And this is paused now.

[18:39] <Anastasia> Question - Do you want to finish out the ice cream bit or pause it. I'd honestly like to get to the main plot, but it's your call.
[18:39] <V-chan> Main plot
[18:39] <Anastasia> Okay.
[18:39] <V-chan> It's a nice stopping point, here. And we could always continue it later, if need be.
[18:40] <Anastasia> Yeah.
[18:41] <V-chan> If you want to just wrap up the date, have them eat ice-cream for half an hour or so, and then go their separate ways, Minako promising to come visit him again.
[18:41] <V-chan> Unless you planned further evil?
[18:41] * Anastasia nods.
[18:41] <Anastasia> That'll work for the moment.

Anyway, I think that was it for this and the first arc! Good going, girls!  You survived round 1!

Tune in next topic to see the Senshi battle Beryl, Metallia, HLS demons and Evil Rei!
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


On this arc...does anyone have any comments on the logs?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?