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Prologue Unto Greatness: Redux

Started by Dracos, October 13, 2004, 10:17:36 AM

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And lo did the great heroes meet the short king, getting recognized as the light warriors, saviors of the world.  This was not, one might note, a cause for celebration.  For they were told a tale most grim, a story of the world as it stood and the horrors that waited with baited breath to destroy the world.

They were the first, last, and only line of defense against these indescrible horrors from beyond the world.

They were lead by the ex-pirate Craig Amythest, flamboyantly dressed elf of adventure, his eyes brightly shining as he headed through the castle following the great smith Grensayer.

To his left was a yawning young warrior, Alex of Cresent Lake, a lazy swordsman, always looking for his next easy hit and not quite sure why he was hanging around on this adventure to begin with except that it was a good way out of getting another job at the moment.

To his right, the humble black magus Zack Blackmane, chosen among many for his skills and prowess... or ability to be in the right place when Matoya grumbled and smacked him aside the head telling him to go down and join a group of warriors who would be gathering there.

And finally, taking up the rear, was Quatre, a cheerful smiling white mage, his robes kept clean as can be, his blue-green eyes shining brightly as he followed Craig's lead.

These warriors might not look like much... but they recently captured the foul villian Garland, mightiest swordsman in the land of Corneria and returned victorious.

Having received the holy dynamite from the hands of the master smith Grensayer, we now continue the story...


"Oh well. Thanks for all the help, though. We'd better be off." Craig started off, they were kinda on a schedule, sorta. He briefly paused at the door. "Do you happen to know where Seer Matoya lives?" He turned to look at the smith.

He knew something had slipped his mind.


"To the north.  Across the northern Cornerian bridge, a few days by horse."

Well, Goodbye.


Quatre smiled and bowed to the smith. "Thank you very much for your time and assistance." He said, then turned back to his allies.

"Do we need to do anything before we start heading there? I mean... should we get horses, or just try walking?" He asked, looking thoughtful, as if he, too, was trying to remember anything he had forgotten.


"Do we even HAVE hourses," Alex asks to that as the party goes. "Probably take at least double that on foot." Scowling, he wonders once again why he got into this.

Worst, I can use it as a cheap and safer way to get to Pravokia...
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


"Well, I don't... But maybe we could request some? I mean, it isn't like we're asking for an army, and... we -are- relatively important to the safety of everyone, aren't we? Not like I want to take advantage of that or anything, but... I think it would help us a lot." Quatre said, smiling a little bit. "Worst case scenario, we just have to walk. It's not that big of a deal, right?"


Alex begins to nod, then stops as he suddenly feels very stupid. "Er...Craig," he turns to the pirate. "Did the King not say something about horses, now that I think on it?"
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


"Hm. We haven't received the harp either, come to think of it. We go back and get it and the horses?" Craig shrugged. : Then we will write in the shade.


"I have no problems with that idea." Quatre said and smiled to the others. "Just do whatever seems natural, I certainly won't complain."


"Right. Let's go, then." Craig nodded and lead the others to the king's chambers to pick up the artifact that they'd need on their trip. "I just hope he has the horses ready for us." : Then we will write in the shade.


"Well, I'd hope so too!" Quatre said, smiling. "Or at least give us a reason why he can't let us have them... hm... well, we'll find out when we get there, I'm sure." He nodded resolutely, mostly to himself, though.


The guards outside the king's room stopped them as they arrived.  "Halt, do you have more business with the king?"

Well, Goodbye.


"Yeah, he forgot to give us that artifact that we needed. And we need to find out if he managed to arrange transportation for us to Matoya's place." : Then we will write in the shade.


The guards blinked.  "Your horses are waiting for you by the palace gates, with the stable keeper, Joseph, as by his excellency's order."

Well, Goodbye.


Quatre smiled. "Oh, really? That's wonderful! Now, ah... what about that artifact?" he rubbed the back of his head a bit.


The guard cast Quatre a LOOK.

" also with the horses."

Well, Goodbye.


"Oh!" He smiled, laughing a little, either oblivious to the look or too dense to get it. Who knows. "Well then, I suppose we should be on our way, everyone!"