Part 4: Enter the Vault

Started by Dracos, June 23, 2005, 08:56:24 PM

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Dexie Oblivion

"...You've been to hell?"
Pet my snake, pet my ssssnaaaake. :P


"Oh, I see. Do you know the directions to the nearest pub? I feel like having myself a drink and a sandwich or something after that long walk." : Then we will write in the shade.


"Yeah, but I'm not talking about that... there was this prison, and this prisoner fancied himself as The Devil.  Had tattoos all over his body, and piercings wherever there weren't tattoos.  I beat him in poker once, and he proceeded to attempt to kick my ass for the 3 months I was there."
What sort of madness will I create today?"


"huh?  Didn't the guard tell you at the gates?  You can get drinks, but there's no alcohol in 'em."

Well, Goodbye.

Dexie Oblivion

"A better question.....why were you in prison?"
Pet my snake, pet my ssssnaaaake. :P


"Meh... I was doin' some time for stealing some electronics... I think, the memories of that event are just a little fuzzy.  Doesn't matter really, they let me go pretty easily."
What sort of madness will I create today?"

Dexie Oblivion

"A thief.....I'll have to watch you close, girl."
Pet my snake, pet my ssssnaaaake. :P


"I only did it because I was in with some bad people in the worst way... anyway, it was fun beating the shit out prisoners every day.  I think the most fun I had was when 20 people ganged up on me and the guards had to break the fight up for THEIR protection..."
What sort of madness will I create today?"


"um..." The woman looked at them and went to her phone, speaking into it rapidly.

Well, Goodbye.


"What? What's wrong?" Jan blinked at the woman. Then turned to look at Darx and Ryder. "What the heck did you two say that set her off?!" : Then we will write in the shade.


He could hear her saying something about an announced criminal in the city.

Well, Goodbye.


Ryda leaned over and whispered into Jan's ear... "Hey, I'll meet you guys later..."

And with that, she ran outside, into an alley... and was gone in a whoosh of static.
What sort of madness will I create today?"


A few seconds later, two large guards entered, heavily armored, their faces obscured.  "Where is the criminal?"  They blocked the entrance to the shop.

"I'm sorry, she ran off." The woman answered, giving a description of Ryder.  "I think these folks knew her?"

Well, Goodbye.


Jan mentally weighed the pros and cons before coming to a quick decision. "We don't know her. Sorry." : Then we will write in the shade.


"Anything you can tell us about the disruption?  We have on record that you entered with her."

Well, Goodbye.