
Started by Bean Bandit, September 02, 2002, 04:14:32 PM

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Bean Bandit

The driver looked at Wolfwood for a moment, then shrugged.

"I'm not heartless enough to leave a priest out here...Hop on. when we're closer to civilization, we'll talk about fares..."
I love the games I've played here.


"Thanks alot, you're a lifesaver."

Ginn grabbed the cross, and stepped on the bus, looking for a seat.

Bean Bandit

The driver stopped him as he was getting on.

"Sorry father, but this'll have to go up on the luggage rack," he insisted.

At Ginn's words, he shrugged. "Don't thank me...I wouldn't have noticed you if it weren't for them..." He jerked his thumb toward the back of the bus, where a small woman with short, dark hair was loudly chastising a blonde man in a red leather coat, whose hair, oddly enough, was standing on end, in a psuedo-punk spiked haircut.

As they argued, a cheerful seeming brown-haired girl looked on, smiling...
I love the games I've played here.


My god, its Vash and company... O_o

Ginn desparatly tried to find another empty seat.

Bean Bandit

Unfortunately, all the other seats were taken, and more than a few passengers looked on him pityingly, though not so much as to take the seat in the back in his stead, where the crazy woman kept hitting that blonde man...
I love the games I've played here.


Well, fuck... I wonder if they'll act differently if since I do too...

Ginn slowly walked to the back, and tried to interuppt the seemingly married couple.


Bean Bandit

The dark haired woman turned at his approach, and the anger seemed to vanish, replaced by a friendly, if slightly reserved smile.

"Oh! Hello. Nice to meet you, Mister....?"

The blond man eyed him curiously, with a faint hint of a grin about his mouth.

The big girl beside the dark-haired woman simply smiled cheerfully.
I love the games I've played here.


Oh god... how... unpredicatable.

Ginn pointed at the empty seat.

"Ummm, is that seat open?"

Bean Bandit

The dark haired woman looked slightly miffed at the dodging of the question, but the blonde man simply nodded and scooted over, still eyeing him curiously.

The dark haired woman persisted, however.

"What were you doing, walking around in the desert like that?"
I love the games I've played here.


OOC:  How many people ask you your name on the bus?  o_O

IC:  Ginn thanked the blonde man first.


Ginn turned to the dark haired woman.

"Err, getting some exercise?  I'm not exactly sure myself...  I'm kinda just wandering for now..."

Edit:  Ginn kicks spelling in the face!

Bean Bandit

The blonde man nodded amiably, and continued watching, a hint of a grin on his face as he glanced at the dark haired woman.

The dark-haired woman's eyebrow twitched. "You're...not sure?"

The brown haired girl smiled. "Oh dear! You must be very thirsty, walking out in the desert like that..."
I love the games I've played here.


Ginn frowned for a second at the twitching of dark hair, before responding to brown hair.

"Slightly, I guess, I haven't been walking out there for that long."

Bean Bandit

The dark haired woman blinked at that. "Not that long? You're a day's walk from the nearest town, nothing else is closer in any direction...How...?"

The blond man just watched the conversation, his attention on Wolfwood, but not overtly so.
I love the games I've played here.


Ginn smirked at dark hair.


Bean Bandit

The blond man chuckled, and the dark haired woman blinked in disbelief, then began to open her mouth to make a retort.

However, she seemed to stop herself mid-sentence, and began scowling at the seat in front of her, mumbling about 'men' and how they were all aggravating.

The blond man leaned over and whispered conspiritorially in Wolfwood's ear. "You're in for it now. She's very cranky...OW!"

The darkhaired woman sat back down, withdrawing her fist from the blond man's head, ignoring his now-watering eyes.

The blond man uttered a single word through his watering eyes. "Scary...."
I love the games I've played here.