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Started by Dracos, September 18, 2005, 09:37:36 PM

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Name: Sir Gavin    Telleran   Race: Human   Gender: Male   Age: 23
Class: Fighter      Alignment: Lawful Good   Height: 6'6''  Weight: 230
Kit: Knight of Solmania

Level: 7
Total XP: 121920 XP Next: 150000

[14:37] <Drac-work> 12, 15, 17, 11, 15, 17.  

Strength: 16
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 17
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 12

Attribute bonuses:
Str: +1 dam,  Weight 70, Max 195, open: 9, Bend bars 10 percent
Dex: +2 reaction adj, +2 missile attack adj, -4 defensive adjust
Con: +3 hp per level, 97 system shock, 98 ressurrection
Int: +4 lang/non-weapproficiencies
Cha: 5 henchmen max

Max HP: 64 = 7d10+21
Thaco: 14
AC: -7 = 10 - ( 9 for full platemail + 4 for dex + 4 for shield)

Weapon cheatsheets:
Broad sword +1, +2 vs Frostkin:
Thac0: 10 (Thaco-1(enchant)-3(skill))
Damage: 2d4+5 vs normal, 1d6+6 vs large. (extra damage/to hit against frostkin)
Size: M
Type: S
Speed: 5 ( 3 with INIT!)
Attacks: 2/1

Mace of Disruption +2 : Does something to undead
Thac0: 14 (Thac0 -2 (untrained) + 2(enchant))
Damage: 1d6+4 versus normal, 1d6+3 versus large
Size: M
Type: S
Speed: 5 (7 - 2 init)
Attacks: 3/2

Broad sword:
Thac0: 11
Damage: 2d4+4 vs normal, 1d6+5 vs large.
Size: M
Type: S
Speed: 5 ( 3 with INIT!)
Attacks: 2/1

Light Crossbow:
Thac0: 12
Damage: 2d4
Size: M
Speed: 8 ( 6 with init)
Attacks: 2/1
Range: 60, 120, 180
Remaining Ammo: 30 bolts of 2d4

Thac0: 16
Damage:  (I'll look it up if I knife someone)
Size: S
Speed: 2
Attacks: 1/1

Horse Lance (only used on horse:
Thac0: 14
Damage:  1d8+1 vs small, 3d6 vs large, double on charge
Size: L
Type: P
Speed: 8 (6 with init)
Attacks: 1/1

Saving throws:
Paralyzation, Poison or Death: 11
Rod, Staff or Wand: 13
Petrification or Polymorph: 12
Breath Weapon: 13
Spell: 14
NOTE: Pin grants +4 versus Paralysis, Fear, 'Evil Magic'
Note: Periapt grants  +4 versus poison

Weapon Proficiencies: Total:6 = 1 bonus + 4 init + 2 level up bonus
Broad Sword: ***
Lance: *
Armor: *
Shield: *
Crossbow: *

Possible: 2 points more broadsword
Crossbow, possible 1 more point
Possible 1 point more lance

Non-Weapon Proficiencies: 9 = 3 default + 4 int bonus +1 Kit bonus(prespecified) + 2 level up bonus
Language: Common (free)
Bonus Proficiency: Knight Lore/History (A knight of solmania is always taught the history of the order from a young age) *
Etiquette *
Heraldry *
Hunting *
Endurance **
Riding(land based) *
Animal Training(Horses) *
Animal Handling *
Cooking *

Animal Lore *
Healing ***
Running *
Set Snares *
Swimming *

Spells Memorized: None.

Current Money: 2 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp

1 potion of cure serious.
1 small potion of something healing from guardsman
1 heavy horse lance   15 lbs
1 Rose Pin (Divine Pin of Protection, grants +4 to saves against  
Paralysis, Fear, Evil Magic)                 0 lbs
1 Periapt of +4 vs poison  0 lbs
Basic Clothing (Free)  5 lbs
Full Plate Mail                 70 lbs *desc below*
Broad sword   10 gp   4   M   S   5   2d4   1d6+1
Knife      5 sp   ½   S   P/S   2   1d3   1d2
Helm, Basinet   8 gp   5 lbs.
Medium Shield   7 gp   10 lbs. : Steel, plain, +1 enchantment.  Equipped
Medium Shield   7 gp   10 lbs. : Steel, with symbol of crown
Soft Boots   1 gp
Gloves      1 gp
Small Tent   5 gp   10 lbs.
Sword scabbard, hanger, baldric   4 gp
Large Belt pouch 1 gp   1 lbs.
Dry rations (per week)   10 gp
(Solmanic)Tabard 6 sp  
Wineskin   8 sp   1 lbs.  : Filled, with water
Signal whistle   8 sp   *
Winter blanket   5 sp   3 lbs.
Iron pot   5 sp   2 lbs.
Flint and steel   5 sp
Large sack   2 sp   ½ lbs.
Belt      3 sp
Knife sheath   3 cp
Whetstone   2 cp   1 lbs.
Light Crossbow 35 gp 7 lbs
30 light crossbow bolts
Silk Rope
1 heavy warhorse *Desc below*
2 torches
Total Weight:

Note: Rations/odd things kept in saddle bag.

Kit Info:
Knight of Solmania based on the Tales of the Lance / / mixture of fighter's handbook.

   The knights of Solmania are an ancient order of knights dedicated to the god Paladine and to the upholding of the oath, a strict covenent "My honor is my life", and the Measure, a voluminous set of laws and regulations that dictate out how a knight is supposed to act (For simplicity, following orders, protecting the helpless, never showing cowardice, knightly stuff).  Trained from a young age, knights are defenders of the land around them, often viewed with regard and respect for their dedication.  They routinely seek to drive back evil wherever it may be found, most often represented in the tests for rank in which a knight is sent to perform some deed of merit, testing his devotion to the order and his heroism.
   The knighthood is divided into three ranks: Crown, Sword, Rose.  The knights of the crown value loyalty above all and are the lowest ranking knights.  They are lead by the high warrior, the highest ranked knight of the Crown.  The knights of the sword value heroism and courage above all.  They are lead by the high clerist, technically the spiritual leader of the knights.  Finally there is the Order of the Rose, technically the royals, who are most concerned with wisdom and justice.  They are lead by the High Justice.  These three knights work together with the Grand Master, a former leader of one of the orders who now concerns themselves with the leading of the entire order of knights.  There may only be one of any of these at any time.  High leveled knights, otherwise, are considered senior knights.

On Gavin's Platemail:

Upon Gavin's initiation into the rank of the sword, a fresh fullplate was forged for him as suiting a knight of his stature.  Engraved on each shoulder of the platemail is the traditional symbol of the Knights of the sword, signifying the armor to almost anyone as being worn by a knight of the sword.  Well made and designed to fit him, it does not hamper his swift motions, the strong metal joints agile and flexible and showing expertise rarely found outside of the dwarven halls or the knights forges.   Across his chest is engraved his family crest, a sword over a shield, designating whom the armor was made for.  Any with knowledge of heraldry would be able to instantly recognize and place him as a member of the Telleran family, a family with a reasonably long and noble history among the knights.  The armor is almost fully covering, excepting the helmet which while part  of it and covers the back sides and top of his head, does not shield his face directly.  The helmet is well forged, but plain compared to the armor, baring no special markings or metal twists in it.  Over his armor, he tends to wear the solmanic talbard complete with the symbol of the kingfisher over top of the symbols of the solmanic order, specific weavings around the sword indicating his rank.

On Gavin's Steed:

Fredrick is a large warhorse of a chestnut coloring.  A purebreed of stern temperment.  Standing at about six and a half feet at the top of his head, he's a large one and pretty fierce too, preferring to rush in and hurry when possible.  Generally hard to shake, but he doesn't like waiting much and enjoys getting out to run around.  Generally, when not stabled, he's protectively covered in heavy chainmail barding covered itself with a blue tabard(?) that bears his family crest (sword over shield) on either side of the horse making it clearly recognizable as both a knight's steed and as his.  On the back side of the horse, a large saddle back is carried where Gavin stores things from time to time.

   The knights are protectors of the land.  Sometimes involved in government, but more often the shield which protects the people.  They support themselves usually via voluntary funding by the local population who in turn get the protection and order knights provide.

Weapon Proficiencies: Required Sword and Lance.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus Proficiency: Knight Lore/History (A knight of solmania is always taught the history of the order from a young age)

Equipment:  No special rules excepting where it would openly violate the spirit of the knighthood (e.g. wearing black platemail marked with skulls).

Special Benefits:
1 bonus weapon proficiency: A knight is trained from the beginning in a variety of weapons.  This may be placed to any knightly weapon to represent the training in such things.

A knight may specialize in weapons as a fighter.  This is representative of their dedication to the combat arts and their general position as the primary repository of fighting knowledge in the lands where they hold sway.

A knight that is not adventuring and is currently garrisoning any knight outpost may draw wages as considered appropriate by the GM in accordance with his level and rank.

A knight of at least Knight of the Sword rank may cast spells as a paladin, presuming he has upheld his devotion to his order.  This is a direct representation of his bond with them and instantly is revoked upon breaking his vows and/or being dismissed from the order.

   Paladin   Casting       Priest Spell Level
   Level   Level   1   2   3   4
     9       1   1   --   --   --
   10       2   2   --   --   --
   11       3   2   1   --   --
   12       4   2   2   --   --
   13       5   2   2   1   --
   14       6   3   2   1   --
   15       7   3   2   1   1
   16       8   3   3   2   1
   17       9*   3   3   3   1
   18       9*   3   3   3   1
   19       9*   3   3   3   2
   20*       9*   3   3   3   3

   * Maximum spell ability

A knight is seen as a force for good and justice in any area where the Knights reign, defend, or are viewed friendly.  This results in a generally positive reaction from those in these areas towards the knight.  This also means that they are more likely to contact any knights in the area to deal with conflicts (such as bandits) that are harassing them.

Special Hindrances:
A knight uses the paladin xp table.  This slower advancement represents the more stringent training a knight must undergo.

A knight must always uphold the oath (My honor is my life) and the measure, seeking to protect the populance and uphold the honor of the knighthood whenever possible.  There is extremely limited flexibility in this regard, and violating these precepts results in being removed from the order.  Being removed from the order results in all non-inherent bonuses being removed.

A knight must always follow the orders of a higher ranking (level or 'rank') knight excepting in rare circumstances (if it contradicts with their direct commanding officer while they are part of a troop for example And/Or if the order directly violates the oath or the measure).

A knight who is not actively seeking to disguise themselves is recognized by chaotic or evil beings and generally disdained by them.  This represents itself in a general negative reaction to knights.  This can be simply making things more difficult for them up to actively planning ambushes in order to rid the world of any knight foolish enough to travel alone and lightly armed.

We won't use this but: A knight will only employ henchmen that are lawful, neutral or good.

Gold: Standard warrior gold.
Races: Human only.

Saving throws table:
0   16      18   17   20   19
1-2   14      16   15   17   17
3-4   13      15   14   16   16
5-6   11      13   12   13   14
7-8   10      12   11   12   13
9-10     8      10     9     9   11
11-12     7        9     8     8   10
13-14     5        7     6     5     8
15-16     4        6     5     4     7
17+     3        5     4     4     6


Gavin is the only son of Sir William Telleran, a knight of the Sword who has been stationed in Paxburg for as long as Gavin can remember.  One of many honored knights in the realm and a senior knight of the realm, Sir William laid out Gavin's life for him from a young age, as is the way with most first sons of knights.  On the up side, Gavin was pretty good at it, an athletic youth who took well to the rigors of training, progressing swiftly from a young page, to a squire, to entering the lowest ranks of the knighthood.  Not completely inexperienced, Gavin is still fresh though, and as is expected, will likely soon go on a journey about the lands as young knights often do both to prove themselves and to stay in touch with the people they're protecting.  Sir Gavin, for the moment, is under the direct command of Sir Anitoch, senior knight of the knights of the crown in Paxburg.  A somewhat stern fellow, Anitoch and his men tend to see to the protection of the walls and the nearby territories as needed.
   Gavin himself is a reasonably light hearted individual.  While trained to the rigors of combat, he has not of yet grown truly hard about such things.  A friendly sort, he combines a plain image with a genial personality that tends to draw folks to him, making him fairly well liked among his fellow young knights.  Friends with Seryf from his time as a squire, he holds a fair bit of respect for her skills and her strength, having accompanied her with a few knights on hunting trips.  He's also friends with Elain, a regular to the Broken Bow both for the company and for it being one of the better places to interact and hear tales of abroad.  Friends with Elaine, he's also encouraged her more times than she can count to try joining up with the knights directly.

Gavin has through quests and bravery shown his right to proceed to the knights of the sword.  Promoted upon capturing the fell rogue Jeras, he's currently a knight of the sword under the command of Sir Siegmund - tall, lean and quick. A pointy mustache and he uses a refined rapier. His wit can be as quick as his blindingly fast sword, but he has a reputation for being a fine commander.

XP table:
            Paladin/   Dice
   Level        Fighter      Ranger   (d10)
     1                 0                0     1
     2          2,000          2,250     2
     3          4,000          4,500     3
     4          8,000          9,000     4
     5        16,000        18,000     5
     6        32,000        36,000     6
     7        64,000        75,000     7
     8      125,000      150,000     8
     9      250,000      300,000     9
   10      500,000      600,000   9+3
   11      750,000      900,000   9+6
   12   1,000,000   1,200,000   9+9
   13   1,250,000   1,500,000   9+12
   14   1,500,000   1,800,000   9+15
   15   1,750,000   2,100,000   9+18
   16   2,000,000   2,400,000   9+21
   17   2,250,000   2,700,000   9+24
   18   2,500,000   3,000,000   9+27
   19   2,750,000   3,300,000   9+30
   20   3,000,000   3,600,000   9+33

        Weapon         Nonweapon
     Proficiencies        Proficiencies
Group   Initial   #Levels   Penalty   Initial   #Levels
Warrior   4       3     -2      3       3
Wizard   1       6     -5      4       3
Priest   2       4     -3      4       3
Rogue   2       4     -3      3       4

XP Record:

Adventure 1: 1030 gained.
Adventure 2: 860 gained.
Adventure 2.1: 25 gained.
Adventure 3.1: 305 gained
Adventure 3: 2023 gained : Corrected, thanks Merc.
Adventure 4: 4751 gained and +1 str bonus
Adventure 5: 6725 gained, +1 dex gained from level
Adventure 5a: 200 gained
Adventure 6: 3250 gained
Adventure 7: 5146 gained
Adventure 8: 10000 gained
Adventure 9.1: 2585 gained
Adventure 9.2: Platemail gained, got knight of sword stuff.
Adventure 9.3: 3000 gained.
Adventure 10.0: 1000 xp gained.
Adventure 10.1: 6650 gained.
Adventure 11: 4500 gained.  Boo travel loss =p
Adventure 10.2: 2050 gained.
Adventure 12: 18000 gained
Adventure 13: 49870 gained
Adventure 14: ...
Well, Goodbye.


Updated apperance a little, reflecting lessons learned in the past month for Saul.


An elven orphan picked up by a group of wandering merchants, Saul might have started off with grim prospects, but he soon found himself with a practical silver spoon. With plenty of years to grow up in, grow up he did- and along the way, he learnt the art of the deal, quickly becoming a useful member of his troupe. The group was ever-changing, but was predominantly run by a dwarven cleric and a gnomish mage. They were virtual parents to Saul, for while humans were constantly coming and going into their troupe, never staying around long enough for him to take notice, Brandag and Tomopholosoman were always there.

They taught him the tricks of their trades- Saul was eager to learn more about Waukeen, who's ethics of trade and just commerce he had been immersed in all his life- but magic was a strange new art on his own, one that fascinanted him as much as the deal ever had. Perhaps more importantly, though, he learnt ethics and loyalty from them- even though his upbringing was hardly painful, he still knows that he is an orphan, and that in the world he lives in, there are many who shared his initial situation- and were not so lucky as to come across such a good bunch of people.  

Saul used to favour elegant, flowing clothes, but since his stint in active adventuring, he's found they're not terribly durable. He now opts mainly for practicality, wearing well-made but wearable clothes- a light shirt and dull-red jacket. He still prominently wears the symbol of Waukeen on it, however, making the whole world know his profession- or, at least, one of them.

Neutral Good Elf

Level 7 Cleric of Waukeen / Level 7 Mage

Cleric XP: 60474 (55,000)
Mage XP: 60474 (40,000)

Strength: 12 (Weight Allow: 45, Max Press: 140, Open Doors: 7, Bend Bars: 4))
Dexterity: 13 (-1 bonus to dex checks)
Constitution: 16 (+2 HP/Level, System Shock: 95%, Res. Surv: 96%,)
Intelligence: 17 (Max Spell: 9th, Chance: 75%, Max # spells/level: 14, 6 Langauges)
Widsom: 18 (Magical Defense Adj: +4, Bonus Spells, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4)
Charisma: 13 (5 Henchmen, +1 Reaction Adj.)

HP: 37
AC: 10 (8 vs. missiles.)
Mage Armour AC: 6 (4 vs. missiles. Always on.)
THAC0: 16
Base Movement: 12

Weapon Profs

Quarterstaff: ** (THAC0: 16, 1d6/1d6, B, Speed Factor: 4, 3/2 attacks)
Mace: * (THAC0: 16, 1d6, B, Speed Factor: 5, 1/1 attacks)
Warhammer: * (THAC0: 16, 1d4+1/1d4, B, Speed Facotr: 4, 1/1 attacks)
Sling: * (THAC0: 16, 1d4+1/1d6+1, B, Speed Factor: 6, 2/1 attacks)

Non-Weapon Profs

Spellcraft: * (15)
Religion: * (18)
Langauges (Dwarven): *
Ancient Languages: *
Animal Handling: * (17)
Etiquette: * (13)
Appraising: * (17)
Swimming: * (12)
Ride, Horse: * (15)
Healing: * (15)
Theory of Magic: * (17)
Tailoring: * (14)
Herbalism: * (15)



All saves +4 vs. Mind Effects
Save vs. Para/Poison/Death: 7
Save vs. Rod/Staff/Wand: 9
Save vs. Petr/Polymorph: 11
Save vs. Breath: 13
Save vs. Spell: 10
90% Sleep/Charm Resist
60ft. Infravision
Detect Secret Doors

Mage Spells (All saves at -1)
1:4, 2:3, 3:2, 4:1, 5:0, 6:0, 7:0, 8:0, 9:0

Known Spells

1st Level

Charm Person
Colour Spray
Detect Magic
Gaze Reflection
Magic Missile
Read Magic
Shocking Grasp

2nd Level

Alter Self
Burning Sphere
Darkness, 15-ft Radius
Greater Shocking Grasp
Hypnotic Pattern
Ray of Enfeeblement
Spectral Hand
Searing Ashes of the Cremated

3rd Level

Melf's Minute Meteors
Explosive Runes
Lightning Bolt
Feign Death

4th Level

Wall of Fire

Priest Spells
1:5, 2:5, 3:3, 4:2, 5:0, 6:0, 7:0

Important Equipment

Holy Item: A coin on a chain, with Waukeen's profile etched on it.
Augury Tool: An enchanted golden coin, designed to draw allure towards it.
3 Pyrolisk quills.
Sling, 25 Sling Bullets
Balphon's Spellbook
Magic Tube
Undead Mage Ash (1 unit, 5th level +3d8)
Tiefling Cleric of Zamzar Ash (4 units, 13th level, +7d8)
Draft Horse and Cart
500gp Material Component for Minute Meteors
4 pieces of parchment with Explosive runes on them

Arcanist's Red Dracoflint

Forged by boiling the heart, liver, and lungs of a young adult red dragon, then literally stewing a perfect ruby in the soupy mixture that results, the Red Dracoflint is now a smouldering, dull-red ball that sits enclasped in a chain. When inspected closely, one can see muted fire burning deep within the creation.

Of great value to arcane spellcasters, the amulet causes all arcane spells cast by the wearer to be treated as though they were a level higher than they are. Additionally, when they are used to cast a fire-based spell of any kind, they again increase the power of the spell by one caster level. These effects stack; whenever the caster utilizes the power of the amulet, it glows brightly for a moment, channeling the spiritual and mystical power of the dragon spirit trapped within.

The amulet, however, has strange effects on the wearer. His skin darkens, slightly, and his eyes turn an unmistakable red whilst weilding the amulet. Likewise, his shadow elongates and, occasionally, seems to be reflecting a small dragon rather than the owner himself.

A hint of brimstone follows the caster after he casts any spell, the thick scent cloying in the air for a few moments before dissapating.

1x Scroll of Sandalphons Unerring Projectile
3x Scroll of Magic Missile
1x Scroll of Gaze Reflection
1x Scroll of Shield
1x Scroll of Wraithform
1x Scroll of Knock
2x Scroll of Melf's Minute Meteors
1x Scroll of Searing Ashes of the Cremated
1x Scroll of Searing Ashes of the Cremated (Dragonifed; +50% effectiveness)
1x Scroll of Extension I
1x Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+3 HP)

1x Green Ball of Revitilisation

Ring of Missile avoidance. -2 bonus to AC vs missiles. +2 bonus to any saves invovling projectiles.

Ring of Wizardry I - Doubles 1st-level mage spell slots.

You find a colorful map: Of a great sea cliff, a cave shown underwater.
Written underneath this is the following: "Hark! Those that desire this treasure - be cursed! Xan'Trea of the Sea's horde lies in this fell cave, as do the bones of my dead men. The treasures - gold and jewels higher than the eye can see! A magical plate capable of surviving even the harshest blizzard! A circlet the black robed mages have slain over! So lost to us. Ahead is only death.  Cry off!"

Not-So-Important Equipment

Basic Clothes (phah!): Free
Soft Boots
Silk Jacket
5 Small Belt Pouches
Flint and Steel
1/w Rations
Scroll Case
5 Sheets of Parchment
Vial of Ink

Delsarandin (Del)

3 HD Cat

Str - 9*
Dex - 18
Con - 9
Int - 4
Wis - 5
Cha - 12

*Feline strength is scaled to human standards. By cat standards, Del is perfectly strong and fit.

HP - 20 (8+8+3+1) The +1 is a GM's gift to bump it up to an even 20 HP.

AC - 6 (2w/ Mage Armour)

Mv - 14

Initiative: 1d10+3(For claw or bite.)

Attacks -

Claw x 2 or Bite x 1 - 1d3 x 2 or 1d6 damage.

THACO - 18

Saves - As a second level warrior.

Move silently - 55%
Hide in shadows - 30%
Climb walls(Within reason) - 20%

Bonuses to self:

+3 intelligence
+7 bonus to THACO rolls against small targets a cat is designed to hunt - mice and birds.
+1 bonus to HP

Bonuses given:

Saul is able to use Del's eyes and nose.
-1 bonus to dexterity checks.
-1 penalty to all of Saul's spells that require a save. Exception - if a save is not normally allowed but granted by a

magical item(A ring of spell turning, for example), this does not apply.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Name: Elain Silverwind ........ Race: Half-Elf
Sex: Female ........................ Class: Blade (Bard Kit)
Lvl: 9 ................................... Align: Neutral Good

Weight: 145 lbs ................... HitPoints: 47
Height: 5'9" ......................... THAC0: 16
Age: 21 ............................... AC: 0

Base Movement: 12 ............. EXP: 116,659 (Next:160,000)
Current Money: 38 gp, 4 sp, 2 cp

[Str 16] Wgt 70, Press 195, Door 9, Bend 10%, Dmg+1
[Dex 18] reaction +2, missile +2, def adj -4
[Con 13] HP +0, Shock 85%, Res 90%
[Int 16] Non Profs +5, Chance to Learn Spell 70%
[Wis 06] Mag Def -1 to mind affecting spells
[Cha 15] Reaction Adjust +3

Saving Throws for Rogues Lv 1-4
11 : Paralyzation, Poison or Death Magic
11 : Rod, Staff, or Wand
10 : Petrification or Polymorph
14 : Breath Weapon
11 : Spell

Broad Sword +1. It respresents the will that lurks in even the weakest heart when

there is something that -must- be overcome. Gives a +2 to bonus to saves versus charm,

mind magic or control(Including Geas and Quest spells, if applicable) when in the

possession of Elaine. This extends solely to her.

The name means 'Stout Hearted', and was given for resisting the ego/greed of the magic

sword Greedslaker (a longsword+4,defender type)

+X dagger of frost. ???

Pendant of Protection +1
(+1 AC Bonus) A heart shaped locket of white metal - it's not quite silver, either,

and it's heavy. Not silver or iron, cunningly carved. As you hold it the clasp is

undone, a tiny picture of a beautiful woman inside, stylized.

Quite pretty - flowing blonde hair, a gentle face. Rather alluring blue eyes - nice

for a human, really. Or perhaps a half elf - the ears aren't shown enough to be sure.

Magic Boots
[08:50] <Elaine> On a random note - You ever find the boots' info?
[08:50] <Kotono> Oh, no, but I threw together a secondary on it. Doubles movement

rate, 30% bonus to move silently/hide in shadows.

Weapon Profs: 2
Daggers: ** (Expertise)
Size: S ....................... ROF: 4/1
Type: P ...................... Range S: 10
Speed: 2 ................... Range M: 20
Dmg: 1d4+1 ........... Range L: 30
THAC0: 14/16 (thrown/melee)

Broad Sword: ** (Expertise)
Attack Roll: +1 for Silmara
Size: M
Type: S
Speed: 5
Dmg: 2d4+1 (2d4+2 for Silmara)
THAC0: 16 (15 for Silmara)
Attacks: 3/2

Penalty for other weapons: -3

Non-Wpn Profs: 8
Kit Bonuses: Juggling *, Blind Fighting **, Local History *
Bard Bonuses: Musical Instrument *, Singing *

Free: Language * (Native Language), Read/Write *

Blind Fighting **
Crowd Working ** - Cha 16
Etiquette * - CHA 15
Heraldry * - INT 16
Juggling * - DEX 17
Jumping * - STR 15
Language ** (Common & Elven) - INT 17
Local History * - CHA 15
Musical Instrument * (Clarsach) - DEX 17
Reading Lips ** - INT 14
Reading/Writing * - INT 17
Singing * - CHA 15
Tumbling * - DEX 18
... Atk+2 Unarmed
... Def adj -4 w/init + no attack
... 1/2 dmg from 60 ft falls
... 0 dmg from 10 ft falls
Ventriloquism * - INT 14

Rogue Skills:
Pick Pockets ............... 55/25
Detect Noise .............. 100/95
Climb Walls ................ 85/50
Read Languages ....... 20/20
(Values as No/Chain Mail Percentages)

45% chance to decipher purpose of a magical item
On a 1d20, a roll of 5 (thac0-level-dex_bonus) or higher allows Elaine to catch a

weapon thrown at her with the intent to harm her.

+2 bonus on called shots (trick throw)

Cantrips (Lv 1)
Charm Person (Lv 1)
Detect Magic (Lv 1)
Grease (Lv 1) (Critical Learn)
Hypnotism (Lv 1)
Magic Missile (Lv 1)
Read Magic (Lv 1)
Alter Self (Lv 2)
Darkness (Lv 2)
Scare (Lv 2)
Invisible (Lv 2)
Fly (Lv 3)
Melf's Mini Meteors (Lv 3)
Wraithform (Lv 3)

Chance to Learn Spell: 70%
Casting Ability: Three lv 1 spells, Three lv 2 spell, Two lv 3 spell.

Outfit: Basic Outfit, Belt, Magic Boots, Gloves, Elven Chain Mail, Sword Scabbard, Vest, Dagger Sheath x8, Black Cloak

Weapons: Daggers (x8), Broad Sword+1 (Silmara), Silver Dagger, Magic Dagger (Frosthammer)

Backpack, Candle (x3), Flint/Steel, Soap, Winter blanket, Whetstone, Dry Rations per

week, Tent (small), Wineskin (w/water), Spellbook, Diary, Weaponblack, Harp

Racial Sidenotes:
30% resistance to sleep and charm-related spells.

Infravision - Can see up to 60 ft in darkness.

Secret/Concealed Doors - Roll 1d6
-Passing within 10 ft: Find on roll of 1
-Searching for Secret Door: Find on roll of 1-2
-Searching for Concealed Door: Find on roll of 1-3


Going with a bard kit called "Blade". Information on the kit (as well as the non-weapon proficiency "Crowd Working") are pasted on this post, from the "Complete Bard's Handbook" which can be downloaded off Rat.



Specialty: Assassin/Spy/Weapon Master.

Qualifications: Blades must have a Dexterity of 13 or more, an Intelligence of at least 13, and a Charisma of 15 or more.

Description: Blades are master artisans with bladed weapons. Everyone has seen a Blade in action at fairs and carnivals. They are the knife throwers who pop balloons while blindfolded and swallow slender sabers such as those used by lawless pirates on the high seas.
Blades also perform amazing displays of weapon skill and control as they flash various weapons all about their bodies with deadly precision. Oriental Blades are perhaps the most skilled at this particular art form. Using weapons such as the three-piece rod, nunchaku, or the katana, Oriental Blades put on amazing displays of rapid weapon movement, including offensive and defensive spins, katas, and ritual dances. Occidental Blades are also impressive, as they rapidly spin short swords, quarterstaves, or sickles about them.
Besides rapid displays of weapon skill, Blades also perform slow, elegant dances, involving incredibly precise movement and timing. These dances include thrusts, lunges, leaps, graceful arcs, etc.
If there is a showy way to wield, throw, or perform with a weapon, a Blade knows how to do it better than anyone.

Role: Blades have great reputations as the most deadly weapon masters in the land. This is generally far from the truth. Any warrior is more skilled than most Blades at successfully attacking opponents. Blades don't understand offensive and defensive weapon maneuvers, nor do they know the locations of vital body parts. Blades can be effective in many combat situations, however, as they use flash and flare to enhance their attacks.
Imagine what an orc would think if it was trapped in a cavern with only two exits and a man blocking each. One man (a warrior) wears plate mail and is calmly holding a long sword; the other (a Blade) is dressed in solid black studded leather armor and is grasping a halberd. Both men advance upon the hapless orc, but the Blade begins rotating his halberd in an ever-quickening offensive spin, demonstrating masterful control of his weapon. Which opponent will the orc choose?

Blades are valuable aids to any party, as their amazing displays can have significant effects upon the resolve and morale of opponents.
For every Blade who leads an adventurous life, there is another who serves in the role of assassin. Blades make perfect killers, as they know how to climb walls, cast wizard spells, and use any weapon they choose. Furthermore, Blades can use their performing personae to gather information and even get themselves invited to perform within the homes of their victims.

Secondary Skills: Armorer, Bowyer/Fletcher, Gambler, Weaponsmith.

Weapon Proficiencies: At least half of a Blade's weapon proficiency slots must be selected from the following: sword (any), dagger, knife. Blades are also limited to expending but one slot on a purely missile weapon (one that cannot be used in melee combat). This does not include such weapons as spears or hand axes, which can be thrown or used in melee.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonuses: Reading/Writing (native tongue), Local History, Blind-fighting, Juggling. Suggested: Blacksmithing, Bowyer/Fletcher, Disguise, Poetry, Weaponsmithing.

Armor/Equipment: To complement their entertainment image as mysterious and fearsome men, Blades often dress in black garb, even going so far as to wear masks, facial wraps, or black headgear. Their weapons are always kept in perfect condition and highly polished for maximum effect during a performance. A man dressed in solid black, flashing gleaming silver blades, is truly an awesome sight.

Special Benefits:
Weapons Display: For this ability to have an effect, the Blade must whirl a non-missile weapon about his body. The observer must be close enough to the Blade to see the display (e.g., a darkness spell negates the effect). The display has no effect upon those already engaged in close combat, as they are too busy to pay attention to the show. Also, Weapons Display works only on those of Low (5) or better Intelligence, who can either use weapons or have seen them used. (It is impossible to impress green slime by twirling a dagger in your fingers.) Likewise, a highly intelligent creature that has never seen a weapon used will also be unintimidated by the Blade's display.
By whirling a melee or hurled weapon about, a Blade can affect the morale and courage of others. Such a display of skill, precision, and deadly grace lowers opponents' morale by 2 (but it does not require an immediate morale check) and inspires allies, giving a +1 bonus to allies' attack rolls.
The display must occur for a full round without interruption. During this time, any successful attack upon the Blade, or failed saving throw by the Blade, disrupts the display.
Weapons Display may be used only once per encounter; the display lasts for one round per level of the Blade.
This ability requires a lot of room; it cannot be done in a narrow corridor. Specifically, the Blade must be able to stand with his arms extended while holding out the weapon and be able to move his arms in all directions without contacting any obstructions.
Handle Weapon: Blades train and perform with weapons in both hands. Although all thieves are allowed to attack with two weapons (see Chapter 9 of the PHB), Blades suffer no penalty to their main weapon and only a -2 penalty to the attack roll with their secondary weapon.
Blades are considered to be ambidextrous. They can shoot a bow equally well with either their left or right hand, they can wield a sword in either hand, and they can throw daggers with either hand-all with no penalties.
When a Blade tries to catch small weapons that are thrown at him, the attack roll (see the juggling proficiency) is made using the Blade's level as a bonus.
Trick Throw: Although this ability is called "trick throw," it functions the same for both missile weapons and hurled weapons. Trick throw enables a Blade to perform called shots (as per Chapter 9 in the DMG). The usual -3 attack roll penalty is lessened by 1 for every five experience levels of the Blade (round fractions up). Thus 1st- through 5th-level Blades suffer only a -2 penalty, 6th- through 10th-level Blades suffer only a -1 penalty, and so on.
Because Blades throw weapons blindfolded, they extend the blind-fighting proficiency to include hurled weapons and missile weapons (to a maximum range of 30 feet).
Defensive/Offensive Spin: Defensive and offensive spins are elements of a good weapon display. They have other uses as well.
A defensive spin is a specialized form of parrying (see Chapter 9 of the PHB ) in which the Blade whirls his weapon to create a deadly shell about his body. A Blade may not attack during any round in which he is performing a defensive spin. The Blade's Armor Class is lowered by half the Blade's level (round fractions up) during this maneuver. In addition, any creature that makes a melee attack on the Blade must roll a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation or suffer damage equal to half the Blade's level (round fractions up; the damage is limited to the weapon's maximum damage, including any bonuses of the weapon). A defensive spin may be used only once per combat; it lasts for a maximum number of rounds equal to the Blade's Constitution. A successful hit upon the Blade disrupts his concentration and ends the defensive spin.
An offensive spin is a much more threatening maneuver. The Blade creates a fearsome-looking display of skill directed at a specific opponent. The spin must last for the entire round, during which the Blade does not attack (nor does he receive any Armor Class adjustment, as he would for a defensive spin). On the next round, the Blade makes a normal attack roll. If this hits, the victim must roll a successful morale check or it will try to stay at least ten feet from the Blade (going off to attack other members of the Blade's party or fleeing in terror if the Blade is the only available opponent). Offensive spins may be attempted only once on a particular creature. Furthermore, the Blade cannot have been damaged by that creature prior to the offensive spin attack (a creature won't fear someone it has already injured). This is a difficult condition to fulfill, as the creature gets a free round to attack while the Blade is the first round of the offensive spin. Offensive spins function only against creatures of Low (5) or better Intelligence.
If the Blade's spin is interrupted (either voluntarily or by a successful attack), the Blade does not get an attack that round.

Special Hindrances: Unlike many other bards, Blades do not gain the 10th-level ability to use all forms of written magical items. Blades study weapons, not scrolls, maps, and books.

Notes: Although Blades do not receive a single bonus to damage or attack rolls, and they fight as rogues, they are still some of the flashiest combatants you'll ever meet or play.


Crowd Working
Slots: 1
Stat: Charm
Relevant Mod: +0

Almost every bard is familiar with the ways of a crowd. However, those who take crowd working learn all the tricks of the trade. Such bards are skilled at observing crowds and adjusting their performances accordingly.
Any bard who is using a special ability to adjust the encounter reactions of a crowd (e.g., influence reactions) can make a crowd working proficiency check. If this check is successful, the bard can alter the reactions of the crowd by two levels instead of the typical one.
If the bard or his group is soliciting money from a crowd, a successful proficiency check indicates that the bard is particularly appealing and the crowd willingly donates twice as much money as it normally would (or conditions improve one category if using the performance rules earlier in this handbook).



Elaine's fondest memory is getting caught pickpocketing. Strange, is it not?

However strange, it was the event that changed her fate, from the possibly harsh life of a petty thief, to that of a well-liked entertainer.

Born to a young human woman by the name of Meridith, she was raised as best could be in the slums of Paxburg, the area known as Giant's Underfoot, where those wishing to remain annonymus and forgotten resided along with the shadier aspects of society.

Her mother was a proud woman, who taught her as best she could about right and wrong, and struggled to give her a decent childhood. She never spoke much about herself, except possibly in some bedtime tales.

Bedtime tales were shared of a brave and beloved adventurer, an elf named Rewyn... whose love was true and strong and whose battles were grand and mighty. An elf named Rewyn who one day went in search of one final grand adventure...and has yet to come home.

But whether they were bedtime stories or something more, the youthful Elaine did not place much thought into them (besides a twinkle of admiration that is). More exciting things awaited her in her future, but would they wait for her if she did not work to reach them? Taking to some small amateurish shows in the streets of, her charm primarily aided in making some pocket change rather than skill, as she worked to amass a future for herself.

She got a bit greedy however and decided to dabble in some pickpocketing. And she went for the wrong man. Or was it the right one?

With an 'Eeep!' and a stern glance from one talented tavern proprietor, her dreams of thievery were dashed, and the girl began to babble anything that might let her escape. For whatever reasons, one might never know (was it charm? or a hint of potential? Who knows? It was certainly never revealed to Elaine), the proprietor broke into a grin and soon took the suspicious girl and her mother in, and offered them a home in exchange for their help with the business, no strings attached. While the half-elf was quite pleased with herself for finding them a better home, Elaine did not much appreciate the resounding smack she got to the head when her mother found out she had been picking pockets however and the long lecture that followed. Nor did she appreciate the tavern owner's booming laughter at her suffering.

Life in the tavern was...interesting, to say the least. The tavern owner was a man of many talents apparently, besides catching pickpockets, and he seemed to pour as much of his knowledge as he could into Elaine. An odd collection of knowledge it was at that, but it was definitely knowledge that the girl admired. The man's ability with daggers was amazing, and the crowds that gathered for his shows certainly did not disagree.

Her mother at times distressed over the knowledge she accumulated, and tried to drill in some varied knowledge such as etiquette and heraldry into her head, as well as playing the clarsach and singing, which she felt was more fitting.

Elaine's preference when it came time for her to do some shows herself, was not for the musical entertainment her mother favored, but the flashy and dangerous displays of the blade her uncle (for that was what she came to consider the tavern owner) had taught her.

She did of course vary what her shows might contain, lest the crowds become bored.

Both her mother and the tavern owner did agree that she should have some connection to her roots, and requested a elven cleric named Saul to teach her on the matter of the Elven language. The two became friends of sorts, in the manner that some students and teachers do, and Elaine has come to respect his opinion and knowledge in many matters.

She does find herself a bit uncomfortable though with his occassional joke about how she would fetch a nice amount of hops if he should sell her. While some might find that complimentary in a way, Saul had a way of speaking that she was never fully certain if he was joking or actually considering it.

Elaine has also acquainted herself with Seryf, another elven friend of Saul, as well as a human knight called Gavin, both of whom along with Saul frequent the tavern for a drink and the varied shows. Gavin has at times commented on her ability and suggested in his own subtle way that she should join the knights.

Not one for the (in her opinion anyhow) suffocating amount of rules, regulations and commanders, she has yet to accept his encouragement, preferring her more entertaining style of life. She has appreciated that on his free time, Gavin has taught Elaine a bit about using the broadsword as opposed to merely using it for some flashy trick. She has rewarded him (in her opinion, though perhaps not his) by on occassion teasing and flirting with him, much to the amusement of his fellow knights when they catch a show.

Elaine has in recent times begun to yearn for a bit more excitement in her life, perhaps using her abilities to slay a dragon, enact a rescue from a dungeon or some such.... to bring to reality tales of her -own- adventures in the world outside the city limits of Paxburg.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.

Iron Dragoon

Name: Darius Cyrridaan
Age: 25
Height- 5' 10
Weight- 150
Alignment- Neutral Good
Race- Half Elf
Class- Beast Rider (Warrior)
Level: 7
EXP: 67,657
Wealth- 0 gold (personal stores)

Health- 59/59

Movement- 12

Strength     -16
Dexterity    -17
Intelligence -13
Wisdom     -12
Charisma   -15

Stat Adjustments:
Str- +1 Dam; 70 weight
Dex- +2 React; +2 Missile, -3 Defense
Con- +1 Hit Point
Int- 3 Languages
Wis- none
Char- +3 Reaction

30% resist to Sleep, Charm
Infravision- 60 Ft.
1d6 chance of spotting Hidden Doors
-Passing within 10 ft.: Find on roll of 1
-Searching for Secret Door: FInd on roll of 1-2
-Searching for Concealed Door: Find on Roll of 1-3

Short Bow
Weapon Specialization: Scimitar
Weapon Mastery: Scimitar
Two Weapon Fighting
Beast Rider Fighting Style

Animal Training- Simidolon
Riding (Land-Based)- Simdolon
Animal Handling (Simdolon)
Direction Sense
Animal Lore (Simdolon)
Languages; Elvish
Weather Sense

Common, Elvish

Combat Stats:


1) Fangs of the Mighty Tiger (Power of the Totem's Jaws)
[ +2 damage; +1 to all checks based on STR]

2) Bloody Claws of the Tiger(Leathalness of the Totem)
[+2 to hit; on a sucessful roll of 17 or higher the Beast Rider has a 15% chance of inflicting a 'Bleeding Wound,' dealing 1d2 Hit Points of damage per round for 1d4+1 rounds. Does not affect creatures that would otherwise not bleed, I.E.- Golems, Elementals, Undead.]

3) Stance of the Swift Hunter (Agility of the Totem)
[-2 AC; +1 to all checks based on DEX]

4) The Cornered Beast (Tenacity of the Totem)
[Beast Rider can stay concious and fighting normally up to -10 HPs; +1 HP per character level added upon entering stance; if the Beast Rider does not kill his foe, he/she goes into shock; must make a System Shock check, and a 1d4/2d4 roll to see how many days he/she will be in a 'coma.']

Initiative/Reaction: -2

Armor Class: 1

Attacks: 3/1

Scimitar +1/Quickness (Main Hand):
Damage: 1d8+5
THAC0: 10
Speed- 5
Quickness- Attack first every round.

Scimitar (Off Hand):
Damage: 1d8+4
THAC0: 11
Speed- 5

Short Bow:
Damage (Short Bow Arrow): 1d6+1
THAC0: 12
Speed- 7

Quiver (Back): 36 arrows
Total: 144

Scimitar (x2) [Dam- 1d8]
Scimitar +1/Quickness [Dam- 1d8+1]
Short Bow [Dam- 1d4]
Splint Mail armor
Saddle, Riding
Saddle Bags, Small
Quiver (x4) [36 arrow capacity]
Short Bow Arrows (Dam- 1d6): 144

Lantern, Hooded
Oil, Lamp (x2)
Winter Blanket
Tent, Small
Waterskin (x5)
Flint and Steel
Rations (7 days)
Mirror, Small Metal

Boots, Riding
Cloak, Good Cloth, Forest Pattern
Sword Scabbard (x2)
Basic Clothing

Saving Throws:
Paralyzation, Posion, Death Magic- 11
Rod, Staff, Wand- 13
Petrification, Polymorph- 12
Breath Weapon- 13
Spell- 14 (5% Resistance to Fire)
Fire: +3

System Shock: 90%
Resurrection Survival: 94%

Name: Serith
Gender: Female
Race- Simdolon

Health- 66/66

AC- 3

Str- 17
Dex- 16
Con- 16
Int- 6
Wis- 6
Cha- 6

Movement- 12

Reaction: -1
To Hit: +1 (STR)

1 Bite/ 2 Claw Swipe per round

Claw Swipe (x2):
Dam- 1d4+1
Thac0- 12(Base)
Speed- 3

Dam- 2d6+1
Thac0- 12
Speed- 3

Pounce: +1
Damage- 1d8+2
Thac0- 12
Speed- 3

Special traits - A Smilodon is only surprised on a surprise check of a 1.

Pounce- This represents a great cat's ability to take down prey in one lunge. Should Serith choose to do this, she makes a single attack that round, a vicious predator's attack. If it hits, it scores 1d8+1 damage (Before strength mods) However a shield of medium or larger size imposes a -5 penalty to the attack - having a solid and sturdy barrier in place really crimps her style. If the pounce hits, the target is knocked down. This may or may not forfeit it's action for the round, but it leaves it in quite a nasty position! Note that large targets(Large sized, generally) are harder to knock down and may get bonuses, as may extremely dense or heavy persons.

Must be static for a single combat round to get to attack the following round, if mounted.

Carrying Capacity:
Equivilent to:
                               Base Move.          2/3 Move.          1/3 Move.
Horse, medium   0-220 lbs.            221-330 lbs.    331-440 lbs.

(Note: All pet/mount equipment comes from personal equipment pool)
Saddle, Riding
Saddle Bags, Small
-Rations, 7 days worth
-Flint and Steel
-Waterskin (x2)
Quiver (x2) [24 Arrow Cpacity; one on each side of saddle]

Direction Sense (-4 bonus [Natural Tracking])


Kit Info:


Description: The Beast-Rider is a warrior in a tribe or clan (usually a barbarian tribe) which has a strong affinity for one type of animal. The animal is the totem of the tribe, and the Beast-Rider makes friends very easily with that type of animal and can train it into a riding-beast. . . even if it's a type of animal not normally considered a riding-beast.
In a campaign, the Beast-Rider is an exotic warrior who is notable for his kinship with his animal; like the Barbarian, he brings a wild, outsider's attitude into the adventuring party. His animal also has abilities which can benefit the adventuring party. However, the more unusual the animal is, the harder it is to accommodate in all situations: It's no problem to stable a horse at the inn, but just try stabling a great white wolf, a wild boar, or a dolphin!
To be a Beast-Rider, the character must have a Charisma of at least 13. (Naturally, there are members of the Beast-Rider's tribe who are not themselves Beast-Riders; the Beast-Riders are the tribe's elite warriors.)
Role: As mentioned, in his own society, the Beast-Rider is the elite warrior, and he commands a lot of respect among his own kind. Outside his tribal grounds, however, he's very definitely an outsider. His barbarian mannerisms and his obvious and very unusual friendship with his animal set him apart from most societies. Because of this, the Beast-Rider may become especially attached to the other player-characters (if they treat him as an equal and not a freak), even if he'd never admit it to them.
The DM needs to reinforce this social role by having NPCs react to the Beast-Rider's strangeness. For instance, NPCs will be leery of speaking to or negotiating with the Beast-Rider if there's a more "civilized" character on hand to perform those functions. The DM needs constantly to use the Beast-Rider's reaction modifiers, listed below under "hindrances."
Secondary Skills: If you're using the Secondary Skills rules, the character must take the Groom (Animal Handling) secondary skill.
Weapon Proficiencies: Required: None. Recommended: All the weapons commonly associated with mounted warriors—Bow (composite short, and short), Horseman's flail, Horseman's mace, Horseman's pick, Lance (any, according to the size of the animal), Spear, Bastard Sword, Long Sword.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus Proficiencies: Animal Training, Riding (Land-based). The character must declare which one sort of animal both these proficiencies pertain to. Recommended: General—Animal Handling, Direction Sense, Fire-building, (Priest) Healing (specifically veterinary), (Warrior) Animal Lore, Hunting, Mountaineering, Set Snares, Survival, Tracking.
Equipment: When he is first created, the Beast-Rider may only have Hide, Leather, or Padded armor (plus shield and helm). Later in the campaign, he may switch to more advanced forms of armor. . . as long as his mount can carry him and the armor both, of course. When first created, he may have only weapons from the list above under "Weapon Proficiencies." (The DM may change or add to this list to reflect specific cultural details of the Beast-Rider's tribe.)
Special Benefits: The Beast-Rider has an amazing rapport with one type of animal. The animal must be of a species normally strong enough to carry the Beast-Rider and act as a mount. With the DM's permission, the Beast-Rider character gets to decide what sort of animal this is; the DM is encouraged to disallow any sort of animal that will give the Beast-Rider a great advantage in the campaign (for example, a pegasus or griffon).
The Beast-Rider gets a +5 positive reaction adjustment whenever dealing with these animals. He finds it easy to make friends with them; on a die-roll result of 9 or less (on the "Hostile" column of the Encounter Reactions Table, Dungeon Master's Guide page 103), he can even persuade attacking animals of this sort to leave him and his allies alone.
Additionally, the Beast-Rider begins play in the campaign with one of these animals as his personal friend and mount. This animal is devoted to him and will risk (or even sacrifice) its own life to save the character; and the character is expected to behave the same way toward his mount. (If he doesn't role-play this attachment to his animal, the DM should decide that the character has abandoned this Warrior Kit, as per the guidelines given later in this chapter.)
The Beast-Rider has a telepathic rapport with his animal. When in contact or visual line of sight with his animal, he can tell what the beast is feeling, even thinking if it has some intelligence; he and the animal can communicate with one another without appearing to. When the two are not within line of sight with one another, each will know the other's emotional state and whether or not the other is hurt; each will know the direction to travel to find his friend, and the approximate distance (a hundred yards, an hour's travel, several days' travel, for instance).
If the animal ever dies, the Beast-Rider can choose another animal of the same type as his companion. However, the DM must include this situation as part of the campaign story: The character must seek out another such animal, and may only be satisfied with the healthiest, strongest, greatest examples of this animal (in other words, if the character appears to be content to settle with less, the DM tells him, "You sense you won't be able to bond with this animal . . . "); then there must be some sort of bonding ritual between beast and man (for example, a physical combat where the human must be able to saddle and ride the animal in spite of its spirited attempts to throw him). Only then can the character have his new animal.
Following is a list of many animals which are appropriate mounts for the Beast-Rider. Note that not all of them are included in the Monstrous Compendium® series; if a player chooses one not included there, and the DM approves the choice, the DM will have to work up the animal's abilities.

Bat, Huge *+ (mobat) (gnomes and halflings only may ride)
Dolphin &
Dragon *+ (only allowable in very high-powered heroic campaigns) Elephant
Griffon *
Hippogriff *
Lizard (Fire, Giant, or Minotaur)
Lobster, Giant &
Pegasus *
Ray, Manta &
Sea-Horse, Giant&
Tiger, Wild
Unicorn (traditionally, only virgin lawful-good females may ride)
Wolf, Dire (evil characters could bond with a Winter Wolf)

* Flying animals do tend to change the nature of a campaign, especially a low-level campaign, by making it easy for characters to go long distances quickly, to avoid difficult terrain, etc. The DM should disallow any such choice if it will cause problems in his campaign.

+ Since many of these creatures are evil, the DM may have to introduce into his campaign a nearly-identical race with neutral or good tendencies.

& This species only works if most of the campaign takes place in watery domains.

To calculate the weight-bearing abilities of these animals, compare them to the list on page 78 of the Player's Handbook. Choose the animal from that list most resembling your animal in size and mass, and then use the values for that animal.
Special Hindrances: As mentioned earlier, the Beast-Rider is out of place in most societies. He takes a –3 negative reaction adjustment when meeting NPCs from any culture but his own. (The player-characters do not have to be hostile to the Beast-Rider if they do not wish, however.)
Also, should the Beast-Rider's animal ever die, whether it's in the Beast-Rider's presence or far away, the Beast-Rider immediately takes 2d6 points of damage and must make a saving throw vs. spells. If he fails the saving throw, he behaves as if he were a magic-user hit with feeblemind for the next 2d6 hours. Even if he makes the saving throw, the player should role-play the character's reactions—he's just felt, through their telepathic link, the death of his beloved friend, after all.
Wealth Options: The Beast-Rider gets the ordinary 5d4x10 gp for starting gold. Like the Barbarian, however, he must spend it all (before starting play) except 3 gp or less.
Races: This is a kit that is especially appropriate for demihuman characters. It's easy to envision dwarves on boars, elves on dire wolves, sea-elves on giant sea-horses, and so on.
Notes: It adds a lot of detail and color to a campaign if the DM does a certain amount of work creating the society of each Beast-Rider tribe. The tribe's behavior and activities would be dictated by the type of animal it was tied to: Horse-Riders would live on the plains, riding far and wide, while Boar-Riders would live in forests and moist bottom-land, few ever travelling more than five miles from their home village.
Beast Master Fighting Style

A sort of mix between the Elven Bladesinger, similar principles of Kung-Fu, and mysticism similar to Native Americans. The style consists of multiple 'stances' or 'forms.' Each stance/form brings out a specific aspect, both phsically and mentally, in the Beast Rider that relates to the Totem animal and his mount.

Each stance lasts for one round per character level. During this time the PC is gains the noted benefits of that stance as well as takes on a mental aspect related to the stance. On a related note, be aware that the more a stance is used the more that stance's mindset affects the character.

In order to learn this style, at the first rank the Beast Rider must return to his Tribe. He must then be found worthy by his fellow Beast Riders. His worth is proved through various tests, each determined by the Beast Rider giving the test. After the character has proven his worth to a number of fellow Beast Riders determined by the GM, the Tribe's Holy Man takes the character to a Holy Place of the Tribe.

At this Holy Place, the character is put into a trance and the spirits of past Beast Riders and their Totem Mounts are called forth. The character is then tested by these spirits. The Totem tests the character first, to determine if he/she is able to form a stronger connection to the Totem Beast.

During this test by the Totem, the character has the aspect related to the stance/form he is attempting to learn brought out in him/her, to the point where it dominates his/her personality, reducing him/her to an animalistic state. The character must then be able to regain his own personality in order to pass the test (or however the GM determines to test the PC). After the character passes the Totem's test, he is then confronted by the spirit of the Beast Rider.

The character must engage the spirit in combat and defend himself/herself against the stance he/she is attempting to learn. Once this test is passed, the spirit of the Beast Rider then imparts the knowledge to the character. This testing must be done for each individual stance attempting to be learned.

Note that the character may not be able to learn all stances, as the character's personality may be incapable of bringing forth some aspects. I.E.- a character who is massively huge and has almost no skills in stealth or a low Dexterity score may not be able to attain the Agility inherant in the Totem to learn the corraspondant stance.


As noted, each stance lasts for 1 round per character level. A stance must be declared at the start of the round. Initiative and action modifiers vary by stance, check each stance's description for details. When in effect the aspect of the totem explified comes to the forefront - a trait of agility or stealth would influence how Darius approaches a battle differently than how an aspect of ferocity would.

On the end of the stance, the Beast Rider is slightly dazed - he suffers a -2 to all attack rolls, a +2 to saves, a +2 to initiative, and a +2 to armor class, as well as losing any dexterity bonuses. This lasts one round unless noted otherwise. A stance can be ended early at the Beast Rider's discretion. Penalties deminish by a factor of 1 per rank in the style.

Per rank in the style, the Beast Rider can mix one extra stance into his movements. The Beast Rider must, however, be in the first stance for half of the maximum number of rounds possible. After the half-way point is met, he may then add in the bonuses of a second, which will last half of maximum rounds as well. Upon reaching the 'time limit' the dazed effect come into play, but at half again normal penalties. I.E.: -3 on Attack rolls, +3 on Saves, +3 to Initiative, +3 to Armor Class.



1) Fangs of the Mighty Tiger (Power of the Totem's Jaws)
[ +2 damage; +1 to all checks based on STR]

2) Bloody Claws of the Tiger(Leathalness of the Totem)
[+2 to hit; on a sucessful roll of 17 or higher the Beast Rider has a 15% chance of inflicting a 'Bleeding Wound,' dealing 1d2 Hit Points of damage per round for 1d4+1 rounds. Does not affect creatures that would otherwise not bleed, I.E.- Golems, Elementals, Undead.]

3) Stance of the Swift Hunter (Agility of the Totem)
[-2 AC; +1 to all checks based on DEX]

4) The Cornered Beast (Tenacity of the Totem)
[Beast Rider can stay concious and fighting normally up to -10 HPs; +1 HP per character level added upon entering stance; if the Beast Rider does not kill his foe, he/she goes into shock; must make a System Shock check, and a 1d4/2d4 roll to see how many days he/she will be in a 'coma.']



Darius, having been given a Holy Quest by his people, left his homelands to track down and find his spirit totem and tame it, returning to his people as the newest Beast Rider of the tribe. Beginning his journey, he travels to Paxberg, in hopes of finding someone who has heard rumors of the Simdolon. Awed by the city, he spends a few days in Paxberg. While staying there, he frequents the local tavern, the Broken Bow.

While there, he befriends a cleric named Saul. Saul, intrigued by the outsider listens to his tales and stories about his homelands. Eventually asking why Darius is so far from his home, he learns of the quest to tame the Simdolon. Impressed by the resolve and courage of Darius, Saul relates to him rumors of sightings of such a beast. Over joyed by the news, Darius leaves the city the next day, only to return weeks later, wounded and with infection beginning to set in. Seeking aid, Darius wanders to the closest temple, that of Waukeen. Rumors of the savage spread through the temple, catching Saul's ear. Recognizing the description, he remembers his tavern friend and goes to see if it is the same man.

Upon sighting Darius, Saul greets him and invites him for a night at the tavern. Agreeing, Darius leaves with him, and in the midst of the haze of alcohol, tells Saul of his success. Saul, unbelieving, challenges Darius to show him the beast. With that, they part ways for the night, agreed to see the animal the following day, who is sleeping outside of the town, hiding its self from the town guard.
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


Name: Seryf Telanya | Race: Elf | Gender: Female | Age: 124 | Group: Warrior | Class: Stalker | Alignment: Lawful Neutral | Height: 5'7" | Weight: 153 lb | Level: 6 | Experience: 68210/75000

Strength 19 (Weight: 485; Max Lift: 640; Doors: 16(8); Bars: 50%; +3/+7 Hit/Damage)

Dexterity 16 (17) (Reaction: +1(2); Missile Attack: +1(2); Defense: -2(3))

Constitution 14 (System Shock: 88%; Ressurect: 92%; Poison: 0)

Intelligence 13 (Languages: 3)

Wisdom 14 (Bonus Spells: 1st)

Charisma 10 (Max Henchmen: 4)

Elven Natural Abilities: 90% resistance to sleep and all charm related spells, -4 to opponent surprise rolls if not in metal armor or with only elves or halflings in not metal armor, or 90 feet from the party. Infravision 60 feet. 10 foot 1 in 6 detection of concealed doors. If actively searching, 1 in 3 chance, or 1 in 2 to discover a concealed portal.

Stalker Abilities: Tracking profficiency, two weapon style (1 slot), move silent and hide in shadows (half in non-natural settings), may befriend non-hostile or domestic natural animals automatically with proper approach, hostile or trained attack animals make saving throw vs rod at -1/3 Stalker levels. Favored Enemy. (Conditional on a studded leather or ligher armor)

Favored Enemy: Trolls. Move Silently: 52% (57%); Hide in Shadows: 47% (52%)
Totals when armored: Move Silent - 47%; Hide in Shadows - 52%

AC: 2 (Chainmail 5 -2 Dex -1 Gloves of Dex increase) HP: 42/42 Init: +2
thac0: 15

Weapon Cheatsheet:
Longsword (R) (Sun) - thac0: 7 Damage: 1d8+10
Longsword (L) - thac0: 9 Damage: 1d8+8
Shortsword (L) (Moon) - thac0: 10 Damage: 1d6+7
Longbow - thac0: 13 Damage: 1d8+7 Range: 50/100/170
Attacks: Swords - 3/2 (R), 2/2 (L); Longbow - 2/1

Saving Throws:
Paralyzation/Poison/Death Magic - 11
Rod/Staff/Wand - 13
Petrify/Polymorph - 12
Breath Weapon - 13
Spell - 14
Sleep/Charm: 90%

---Weapon Profficiencies---- (4 init, 1 inherent)
Longbow: *
Longsword: *** (Improved Expertise)
Two Weapon Style ** (Stalker)
Shortsword: *

----Non-Weapon Profficiencies---- (4 init, 2 Intelligence, 1 inherent, 1 from level up)
Language: Common
Language: Elven
Tracking (Stalker)
Direction Sense


Belt (3sp)
Soft boots (1gp)
Breeches (2gp)
Good Cloak (8sp)
Gloves (1gp)
Tunic (8sp)
Scabbards x3 (18gp, Sun has a nice scabbard!)
Backpack (2gp) 2lb
Belt pouch--large (1gp) 1lb
Flint and steel (5sp)
Silk Rope (10gp) 8lb
Knife Sheath (3cp)
Grappling Hook (8sp) 4lb
Wineskin (8sp) 1lb
Winter Blanket (5sp) 3lb
Book on Swordplay

Studded leather armor (20gp) 25lb
Longsword x2 (30 gp) 8lb
Knife (5sp) .5lb
20 Sheaf Arrows
10 Sheaf Arrows +2

Sun - A sword+2 - it adapts to either a long sword, a short sword, a scimitar, a bastard sword or a two handed sword at the will of the wielder. It counts as +2 to hit/damage, scoring triple damage on trolls or regenerating creatures. Such creatures cannot heal the pain from this sword via regeneration. (However, magical healing such as clerical magic mends it correctly.)

Moon - A glove. No weapon can be used in this hand when it is worn, yet none needs to be. A tiny disc of force appears over this mythril mesh gauntlet, moving in time with it. It can be used in one of two ways at first - as a shield that counts as a buckler(Effective vs one attack per round) or as a short sword/dagger.
Further, the hand wearing this gauntlet is nearly invincible - nothing normal will cut it, flames fail to heat it, frost does not chill it. Effectively, the gloved hand is immune to damage of anything less than a fourth level spell - however, dipping up tyour arm in acid will eat through the forearm to shoulder just fine - only the hand is safe.
Should the glove be directly targeted by an effect that can damage it, it possesses 20 HP. It heals 1 HP per hour, and breaks apart forever if it runs out of HP.

Weight Carried: 52.5 pounds.

36 golds, 10 silvers, 3 coppers.
lt;Kotono>  (Currently looks like a 16-year-old girl):I walk up to the leader and say, "Are you so sure you want our money?" and use my alter self ability to grow a massive bulge in my pants.