
Because we're grown ups now, and its our turn to decide what that means.

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GM Comments

Started by Dracos, September 02, 2005, 01:18:55 PM

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I should've started this earlier =)

Anyhow, giving everyone a chance to react before I continue in any way.  Please try and organize your comments so I'm not hammered.  If you want to forgo your comment, fling a note here OR post a reaction without comment OR (don't) just be silent till tomorrow.

Well, Goodbye.


It's been 4 days since Ryder's last post.  There has been no notice publicly or privately of being away.  This is exaceberated by being in combat.  As these boards should be being checked at least daily, that's really not acceptable.

Ryder, you have until the end of today (10 pm my time) to either post in game or give me some reason here (a good one) why you aren't posting and where you went to the last four days of play.

Well, Goodbye.


Dex has indicated a severe personal issue.  We will be stalling that thread for the second.  The other players will be allowed to continue.  I expect to resolve this one way or another by monday or so.

We'll see how it goes.

Well, Goodbye.


Okay, I know I've been lax...but guys, what's up?

Well, Goodbye.


Statuses I've heard:

Olg: Out of it for the moment
Hal: Moving
Ryder: Moving
Shuk: ?
Rat: There.
Dex: Gone.


I'm declaring a break until saturday.

I'd like to see some manner of acknowledgement here.

I'm also trying to hunt down shuk and find what's out on that end.

We'll start hopefully on saturday morning with 3 or 4 of the players 'able to play'.

Well, Goodbye.


Well, Goodbye.


Poke at entire party?

Well, Goodbye.



If you have lost track of where we are, please read the last page or so to recenter yourself.

I'm thinking an IRC run 3 hours of gaming.  In #wasteland.  We'll post logs afterwards.

If there is disagreement, tell me.  I've got no disgruntlement as my focus is folks having fun.

Well, Goodbye.

Olvelsper : Then we will write in the shade.


Um... you know my situation.  I work nights on Saturday.
What sort of madness will I create today?"


I think, due to the reality of timing issues... that Ryder is going to end up dropping out.  I've talked with him on it and the reality as it stands is that I can't GM much post midnight and he can almost never play premidnight.  This is a genuine issue and while I've given some try to it...I don't think it's going to work out.  I'll take over his character in bringing him back and working him off camera and we'll see how it goes from there.

Well, Goodbye.


Quick Refresher for everyone:

Ryder left with Yomi to scout out one of the places on the map.  He should be back soon.  At current, it is believed he's character will be NPCed for the foreseeable future.  I'll likely work him out slowly so that I'm not dealing with two NPCs at once.

The rest of you meanwhile have taken a 'job' from the Don of the Wright family to figure out where this supply of a new drug is coming from.  Mr. Wright has indicated that he believes it is the Ronspecio family that is behind it.  The word on the street that Leets got though indicated the Targo family, and as such, you guys decided to go to the major Targo Casino near the center of town.  It's a pretty big place, but given lots of folks go in and out of it, you've had no trouble getting in and scouting about.  

Mei, at last action, was checking out the doors and discovered that there are a few guarded doors around the sides of the inside of the casino main floor.  She spotted what looked like some rich people heading through one past a bouncer.

Jan is at the bar trying to get some information from the local drunks and such.  There doesn't seem to be any direct Targo family here, and no one has seemed to know anything yet, but he noticed the bartender paying close attention for a moment when he brought up the drugs, almost as if he was nervous.

Clyde has entered the casino, but has not declared any actions yet.  It is assumed he's just sort of blending in with the crowd at the moment, possibly overwhelmed by the noisy and flashy culture inside.

Leets has entered the casino, but has not declared any actions yet.  It is assumed that he is blending in as is his expertise.  With such a crowded place, he'd be practically invisible.

Well, Goodbye.


I'll toss up logs before gametime tonight.

Well, Goodbye.


Okay, how is this pace for you guys?  Is it decent?  Too slow?

I can pull off a third session during the break or we could try for slightly longer sessions on weekends.

What do you guys think?

Well, Goodbye.


Okay, in repeated bad luck...this weekend is new years.

What do you guys want to do? :\

Well, Goodbye.