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The "What Are You Playing Today" Thread

Started by Dracos, December 29, 2005, 01:48:34 AM

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Trying out the Mechwarrior 4 series this week, theoretically.

Lots of work.
Well, Goodbye.


Romance of the Three Kingdoms X  -- Which is mindless and time consuming, which fits my mood.

Seven Sins  -- which was nod quite as horrible as I thought it would be.  

Will probably return to Radiata Stories soon, since I put that up for DQ 8 and hadn't returned to it yet.
he secret of tomb has been revealed, do nothing!


Fixing to finish up Radiata Stories fairly soon.  Y'know, for a game with charm to spare, it has some genuinely creepy moments.  Of course, it also has that weird talk/cancel same-button thing, which you get used to until you have to set the game down for a while.

Made a hasty rerun through of all of Aliens v. Predator 2.  Scripting and some of the voice acting need some fine-tuning, but apart from that they capture the feel so freaking well... I would pay much for a proper adaptation of Aliens, and the AvP games give me hope that this is possible.

Just started a replay of Lunar: EB.  I need my fix  :)
eaning back in my chair.  Oh yeah!
I'm living on the edge, I'm so hardcore!


I be playing Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse...  In which mine family be falsely imprisoned and now, after dickering with the Genie Lords, I travel through the old dungeons, seeking to find the truth behind the nameless masters whom took control of the family genie.

And I hear the lunar bit. :)  Was pondering replaying it or playing Lunar:EB a bit ago.

Well, Goodbye.


Was recently inspired to reinstall Half-Life 1 (not Source), on the part of Afraid of Monsters, a Silent Hill-ish mod which is both successfully spooky and irritating on very fundamental levels.

To illustrate one: take Doom 3.  Make it darker - in fact, make some sections pitch black, no lighting whatsoever, and force you to stumble around in them while super-fast zombies spawn and beat the hell out of you.  Now make the flashlight suck copious amounts of ass, as Half-Life's most certainly did.

If you can survive the first level - something tough to do even on Easy - the rest of the game is substantially better, with some genuinely good scares and excellent sound/graphics work.  Still, the makers are a little too in love with the "make the player run through a dark stretch of area while under attack" concept, which wasn't fun the first time and only got less annoying when I gave in and turned my monitor's brightness up.
eaning back in my chair.  Oh yeah!
I'm living on the edge, I'm so hardcore!


The indian empire  rises again!

Well, Goodbye.


On a Half-Life modding kick, specifically all three episodes of They Hunger.

The voice-overs are kinda weak, a little weird, and obviously unprofessional, and some of the levels get repetitive and lack a natural sense of direction.  You also lose your arsenal of goodies a few too many times.

Those, however, are my only real complaints, and they're minor in the big picture.  Hunger has some welcome additions to the HL arsenal (silenced pistol, flamethrower, minigun), and some of the best level design and scripting I've seen this side of the original Half-Life.  The new beasties are, of course, reskins of other monsters with different attack patterns - some mundane, like dogs, while others are a bit more... weird - but they're by and large very well done.  And I can't come down too hard on a game that features a most excellent helicopter duel.

Fun + free = Win and God. (b^.^)b
eaning back in my chair.  Oh yeah!
I'm living on the edge, I'm so hardcore!


Well, Goodbye.


GTA 1.

And Civ 4.
Together?  How he heck does that work?  Cops wouldn't stop chasing you, so you ordered your catapult to flatten them?  ^_^


And then sent in tanks to level the city before  high flying it to the next  one on the great merchant caravan.

Alongside this, I picked  up Lufia 2 and C&C:Red Alert.  RA single player well...I remembered it better than it was.

Well, Goodbye.


Nothing of late. :\  Too much dev work to do.

Well, Goodbye.


Tales of Legendia.
Ten Hours in and loving it!
he secret of tomb has been revealed, do nothing!


Played some more lufia 2 this morning.  Through to Gades, who got beaten like a red-headed schoolboy.

Well, Goodbye.


Well, I tried beating Dark Cloud 1 but ended up having to do somel leveling.

Since I got a little tired of that, I decided to take a break and play some Shadow of the Colossus. Great game, with some of the best battles I've seen in an action game (one of the best games to actually include Strategy in a boss fight - EXCELLENT!). OF course, it reminded me a lot of Link, from which it borrowed quite a bit... (though I still think ICO was better for some reason...)

Also went back and played a little Lagoon. The classics should never be forgotten... (Lufia 2 / Estpolis Denki 2 WAS one of the best, even if it had a LOT of bugs...)

After that, I just couldn't resist anymore and decided to finally play my .hack games (I've been waiting patiently since I finished //SIGN and after spending a year to hunt down the last two games...). Currently: Infection. I think I'm hooked...

As they say, you can sleep when you're dead...


Zeux World, obtainable from

This game isn't great and has several questionable design elements, but it's playable, and since I'm a sucker for big platformers with lots of secrets and stuff, I gave it a whirl and got hooked.  Couple days later, it is beaten at last.  Mostly.  I can't figure out how to get to the Grasslands Castle, can't find the secret exit in Metropolis 3 (these two may be related...) , and the Z shown at the start of Yog-Sothoth eludes me yet.  Probably won't pick it up much more, though, unless someone else grabs it.  

Yog-Sothoth, by the way, is a level where gravity is reversed, left and right are reversed, your character is invisible, your field of view is limited to the center of the screen, the entire level is made of blocks that are invisible until you touch them, and the background flashes constantly in siezure-inducing colors while disco music plays.  Most aptly named.