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The "What Are You Playing Today" Thread

Started by Dracos, December 29, 2005, 01:48:34 AM

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A couple hours into Cold Fear.  If I ever get tired of shooting zombies - wherever and however they appear - may I be decapitated by way of shotgun to ensure I do not come back as one  :)

Also, replaying Myth.  I never did get good at it, but I do appreciate the challenge as something that can be overcome.  9 times out of 10 when I lost, the enemy did something other than just Zerg Rush until breaking my defenses, which I respect.
eaning back in my chair.  Oh yeah!
I'm living on the edge, I'm so hardcore!


Command and Conquer: Red Alert?

Oh man, I remember that game! That was the Age-Of-Empires style one with the Soviet shocktroopers, right?

I should try to find a copy of that. Looking at the site, it seems there were a lot of sequels and spin-offs.

DannyCat|somewhere: Watch out, Huitzil. Encredible froce is being swang here.



They recently released a collection pack.  Like 20 bucks for the whole series if you want it.

It's much better multiplayer than singleplayer though.

Anyhow been playing (beating) Lufia 2 recently.  As awesome as ever, really.

Also been playing some Baldur's Gate 2, which this time is not getting locked up.  Something I appreciate greatly.

Well, Goodbye.


Punch out is the poison of the day.

Those end guys are hard too.

Ding ding Ding ding...

Well, Goodbye.


Just one more ending to get in Disgaea. Then back to Grandia 3, and then on to ToP. Which reminds me, gotta pick up ToP. >_>


Baldur's gate 2 be my poison of choice at the moment.  Today I wander through the dark halls of the underdark, slaughtering the unwary drow who stand in my way.

And write reviews for the half dozen games I beat on my plane trip =)

Well, Goodbye.

Dexie Oblivion

ShinMegaTen: Nocturne and Space Channel 5: Special Edition.

Up up down down chu chu chu~
Pet my snake, pet my ssssnaaaake. :P


Some galciv.  Some ducktales 2.

Some reading!


Well, Goodbye.


I'm playing Shadow Hearts: From the New world, which is fun.  I loaded up Oblivion since I have no patience, so I'll be splitting time.  Oh, Oblivion is gorgeous, simple gorgeous!
he secret of tomb has been revealed, do nothing!


Well, beat Outbreak and just started Quarantine. I've really been enjoying them, and I look forward to the GU set when they manage to get their way over here. If only they'd consider Fragment...

It's funny that in the process of beating these four games, I've managed to actually get four more... (two Wild Arms, Subsistence, and Kingdom Hearts 2)... talk about a battle you'll never win...



For some reason, I've been at a lot of SNES gaming lately. I finished SF Alphs 2 on the most difficult setting and got through Fatal Fury (KOF). The latter was harder than the former. Oh, and I've been Katamariing again, but I can't get past one of 'em.
So yeah, nothing really new. >_>

DannyCat|somewhere: Watch out, Huitzil. Encredible froce is being swang here.


Mario and Luigi again.  Just about to beat it.

Well, Goodbye.


About 15 hours into Wild ARMs: ACF.  It's a good total conversion from the WA3 engine (sorta like making Half-Life: Source, I would imagine), but they unfortunately didn't bother to fix most of the problems with WA3 before morphing it into the first one.

Pros: Purty to look at, good character customization (swappable skills FTW), tons of extra stuff to do, new playable characters are fun, plot is a *little* clearer this time around, music is tasty as ever, search system is way more tolerable (marking undiscovered locations on the map, while paradoxical, is very helpful in keeping on-track), they've somewhat alleviated the Tiny Town Syndrome.

Cons: The battle system has seen no real improvement, virtually no in-game economy (no healing items in stores + no weapons/equipment = FAIL), they still have the search system (it's tolerable, but it's still not fun), camera is either awkwardly far back from the player or character models are undersized (take your pick), some of the dialogue is still strange, some scenes are *really* underpopulated or are otherwise less dramatic than their PSX counterparts.

Overall: Solid, but they could have done a lot better in several spots.
eaning back in my chair.  Oh yeah!
I'm living on the edge, I'm so hardcore!

Dexie Oblivion

Kingdom Hearts 2. <3

It's better than the first game in almost every single way imaginable.
Pet my snake, pet my ssssnaaaake. :P


Got farther than I did.  I got infuriated at the dialogue.  They really totally halfassed  it and I don't care if it was that way in the original, it should've gotten rescripted. :\

Well, Goodbye.