
"It occured to me while drunk, so it must have been genius."

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Adventure 8 EXP notes.

Started by Anastasia, March 24, 2006, 11:39:45 AM

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Main award: Jeras captured; Ankiroth escaped. The latter isn't really held against the PCs for obvious reasons. Bar of mythril retrieved! Mission accomplished! 5000 EXP


Kill awards:

Gladiator x 1: 500 EXP (Elaine only.)

Jeras Ironmelt x 1 2000 EXP (All but Darius.. This is a reduced award via circumstances.)

Three Ruby Illusion Golems x 3 3000 EXP. (See below in Saul's section. I'm giving a partial award here since it was a mix of dumb luck and good thinking that prevented them from going. All but Darius get this award.)


Roleplaying notes and feedback:

Gavin -

Session A: Very well played this week. Did a good job of main party roll of leading defensive tank. He did pretty much exactly what he should have done by and large.

Session B: Again solid. Played well by and large as well as coming up with a few good odds and ends ideas. The last bit withthe High Clerist was well played.

Seryf -

Session A: Kind of quiet in the middle, but came through with a good plan with Moon. Not bad at all and generally in character. Nice.

Session B: Seryf is making a killing with Moon. That said, another excellent showing. While she felt a bit weak when she hung back, Seryf tended to have a large impact when she made plans. I also laugh at the image of the cute blonde elf girl lowering down the knights.

Elaine -

Session A: NPC land. Hope you can make it next time, El-chan!

Session B: Elaine was fine when she was here. The only problem was being here. I felt like she was a little behind by missing the first session, and never quite caught up. Had some amusing lines when she went, though.

Saul -

Session A: Generally active and idea worthy. Ran into a nasty trap(GM snicker here) but has used his brain well in general. A worthy performance so far for one with a high end intelligence and wisdom.

Session B: See session A. There's also an irony that's a mix of luck and genius. Ankiroth's illusion was going to say a command work to wake up the three golems when it finished and waved at them. This would awaken them and chaos would ensue. However, Saul's Silence spell rather nipped that in the bud. The fundamental plan for the silence was sound, and he hit a home run. Go him?

Darius -

Session A: Distracted and not in his best element. Had af ew lines, but is mostly background right now. Not horrid in the few cases when he did something, but that he's out of his element shows.

Session B: NPC land.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Gladiator?  Solo stuff still getting counted in?  

Anyhow, I think we could've been a bit faster this week or at least, a bit less obvious about being distracted.  It was a bit slow waiting for for Seryf and losing the early momentum and would probably be good with dungeon scenes to try and minimize that as it's real easy to have a dungeon turn into 'we moved 2 rooms today!'  

I have to admit, Seryf's idea with moon was neat.  Wouldn't have thought of that myself.   Overall, I agree with what's been said on the RP notes.

Here's hopes for finishing up next friday =)
Well, Goodbye.


Quote from: "Dracos"Gladiator?  Solo stuff still getting counted in?  

Anyhow, I think we could've been a bit faster this week or at least, a bit less obvious about being distracted.  It was a bit slow waiting for for Seryf and losing the early momentum and would probably be good with dungeon scenes to try and minimize that as it's real easy to have a dungeon turn into 'we moved 2 rooms today!'  

I have to admit, Seryf's idea with moon was neat.  Wouldn't have thought of that myself.   Overall, I agree with what's been said on the RP notes.

Here's hopes for finishing up next friday =)

In this case? Yes, since she won a legitamate fight. Pinot had her fight a gladiator to strut her stuff, and she came through in spades. It's not bonus EXP, it's experience she won from battle directly.

Mmm. I wouldn't mind a faster pace myself. As a note, can we try to focus on speed a hair more next week?

EDIT - Oh, and yes. Seryf's idea with Moon was neat. Nearly forgot! <_<
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


First post updated with full adventure EXP.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?