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Adventure 13 setup: Capital City of Almekia

Started by Anastasia, June 08, 2006, 01:02:13 AM

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QuoteAt last the weary party has arrived! The trip north has turned into a joyride! With such potent cargo and fearsome arms on display, none dare intrude on your journey. So the wagon, dragonscale and horse laden group arrives! There is only one grand gate into the city - an arch of brown stone that reaches hundreds of feet into the air. It admits dozens in and out, stout guardsman, dirty peasants and rich nobility all looking the way of your motley band!

This is just a rough outline. Feel free to ask for more reasonable information or followups on anything here. If there is something you're curious about but don't see here, feel free to ask for more in a post. Rat, I know there isn't spell info and you'll bug me for some. I'd rather get the rest of this up than way two days until I feel like wading into that mess'o'work. We'll get together on that on the side.

Regarding dragonscale, armor and everything related to that, I want to sit down and have a talk in #weekly with you about it. That's why it's not here.

Feel free to ask about other things if you want more information.


Rules: The security at the various markets has been increased recently by edict of King Leo. Theft of under 5 Griffons of value is punishable by a day in the stockades, two days of hard labor, or a week in a cell. Theft of 5-50 Griffons is punishable by loss of a hand, and over 50 is a capital offense. This edict has cut down thievery considerably, but many grumble about King Leo's unusually harsh hand with this matter. Guardsmen and knights are generally on each street.

Farmer's Market: Foods and fruits of all sorts are sold here. This is the generic shopping bazaar of Paxburg - it deals only with domestic foods, and besides occasinal long range traders, has little of direct interest for most PCs. Great for when you wanna make a big meal, though. It is located on the edge of the city, so for farmers to make less mess when they bring animal goods into the bazaar. Security is slightly lighter here - really, most of the theft is over the pettiest type. Animals are a good deal harder to swipe than a head of lettuce, after all.

Merchant's Market: The vast quantity of non high end goods are sold here. Imported foods, trade goods and so forth are all bartered here. Those of all stations are seen coming and going, coin passing through hands by the second. If not covered by the other three markets, it's here. Located in the heart of town, the castle can be seen in the distance if one looks to the sky.

Magi's market: Also known as the local guild. This is not an open bazaar, but a discreetly run operation selling in magic. Many adventurers and some nobles come here, as well as many mages and clerics of all stripe. Business is done byb oth coin and barter - a rare item or two can be found here, but it is easier said than done! Note that there is some crossover with the other markets regarding spell components.

Noble's market: In the very shadow of the king's castle sits the noble's markets. Great buildings of elegant marble and tents of silk hold treasures - jewels, gold, spices, rare goods from across the world. If it's expensive, arty or rare, it goes here. Security is tight and few thieves venture here with the more recent, draconian rules about theft. Occasional magical items are also sold here when they cross interests with noble pursuits.

Street performers: These are generally about - mostly in the markets. They attempt to earn gold by performance, generally being better as the value of goods sold around them improves. They have no guarantees - the guard is within their rights to boot any and all of them at will, or not. Unlucky ones often gripe of losing coin to elss principaled guardsmans. While technically against the rules, some guard captains will ignore or outright condone this behavior.


Low end/seedy:

The Humidor
Delia's Dirk

Mid value:

Black Troll
Grisen's Bleeding Arrow
Seraphin's Red Heart
The Dragon and the Scout

High end:

Thrall's Axen
The Cat and the Canary
The Grand Royal


Catheral of Elysium (Temple to Orial) - Located in the better part of town.
Palace of Wealths (Temple to Waukeen) - Located near the noble's market.
House of Mercy (Temple to Diala) - Defunct due to the Goddess' demise at the hands of Zamzar. It is upkept by a few old school priests of Orial, as much a tomb and monument to the lost Goddess as anything else. Miracles are not had here, only history and memories. There are considerable tombs underneath.
More temples to other gods can be gotten into on request.


They have a large garrison here, albiet more ceremonial than in Paxburg. The Throne of Roses is the name, over 1,000 strong. They are very well integrated into the city function, serving as town guardsman, a well trained set of shock troops, and often noble/royals guards. (However, the king also has a personal guard of his own unrelated to the knights) Sir Ashe Karthum is the Knight Commander. Knights can find personal room and board on request.

The Royal Castle:

A vast, sprawling old keep with dozens of towers and myriad underground areas. A vast maze that few know much about - the front is open to the public at times, but most of the castle is rarely seen save by those that work there. If one listens to the alehouse tales long, they will be certain to here interesting things!

Notable places:

Manorhouse Serenity: A large, opulent house recently built by a newcomer to Almekia. Owned by Chris Bladescale, a strange man from 'beyond the wastes'. Little is known about him, but he has been quietly spending money in interesting corners. Gossip holds that he has an agenda, but what is unknown.

Johannes' Alehouse: A bar near the Merchant's market. It has become a conflux for certain types, namely adventurers. Those with a mercenary bend can find work here, those of less so can still find good conversation and warm beds if need be. An agreement with the local knights(A commander is known to be an old patron) keeps a few knights around at all times, to 'keep the peace'. Considering the patrons, this is quite prudent for both the tavern and all nearby.

King's Square: A square near the knight's garrison. Stockades, scaffolds and open air cells are here to be used when needed. Public penances are paid here, a place often avoided by many, save for those few that seem to enjoy seeing those as such. There's enough of those sort to make sure any in the stockades have a very unpleasant time of it. Doing more than throwing trash is prohibitied - a female stockader was gangraped a few years back, and all concerned ended up on the scaffolds instead. A dual mistake, considering the victim was a relative of a minor noble - just enough pull to really make it a stink. No one in town is going to make that mistake for a long time after THAT display.

Black Monument: A black obelisk of oynx in a small town square. Said to have been purchased by a rich noble several hundred years ago, it stands as a strange landmark. Rumors occasionally swirl about it - about strange lights or odd people who speak insane tongues seen. But no magic is ever detected from it, and most consider these stories rubbish.

Gallery of the Forgotten: A series of crypts for older nobility. Situated well away from most interlopers to theside of the main castle, it is a place of forgotten families and long dead heritages. Grave robbers occasionally try their hand at theiverey, but results are said to be mediocre - not only is there a competent guard there, is noted that many crypts are protected with old magic. Further...there are occasional rumors of something nastier deep below. Many treasure hunters never come back.

Enddays of Bastardry: The old execution site of the Kingdom. Situated at the very  back of the royal castle, it is now locked up, fenced and forgotten. It was used to execute many a noble in darker days as well as illegitamate royal offspring. This gave this grim ground it's name.

Magical Item list:


Dagger+1, Brightstriker: 2000 Griffons

Dagger+5, returns to the thrower on a miss automatically: Lance of The Night Stalker 89000 Griffons or trade: Bag of Holding.

Dart+2, Hornet: Trade: Magical Poison Protection, will hear all reasonable offers.

Lance+0, Flamestrike: 10,000 Griffons.

Spear+4, Dragonslayer: 200,000 Griffons or trade: Gold Dragon Scales of an ancient wurm, enough to compose a set of armor.

Mace+2, Disruption: Trade: Scroll of Agazari's Eternal Branding.

Long Sword+1, +4 on critical hit confirmations and damages.: 10,000 Griffons or trade: Elven Chain, any.

Bastard Sword+2, +3 vs Elves: Trade: Arrow of Slaying, Dwarves.

Two Handed Sword+3, Attention getter: 5,000 Griffons.


Hide Armor(Elephant, exotic)+2= 14,000 Griffons.

Brigandine+1= 3,000 Griffons or trade: Cube of Force.

Robes of the Archmagi: Special. Contact for information.

Chain Mail+1= 5,000 Griffons.


Amulet of Life Protection: 8,000 Griffons

Bag of Holding: 15,000 Griffons

Bag of Holding: Special. Contact for information.

Cloak of Snows: 10,000 Griffons.

Dust of Tracelessness: 4,000 Griffons.

Gauntlets of Ogre Power: Special. Contact for information.

Girdle of Dwarvenkind: Trade: Girdle of Masculinity/Femininty[/quote]
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Overall Party Budgeting and Desires Post:

Purpose of post: To keep a current list of everything we are interested in and their prices so that intelligent decisions can be made on what do we purchase and when.  This is not a list of quests, nor does it include anything we've 'stopped' going after.  If User is in blah/blah order, that's priority based on those asking for it so far.  Ordered in semi priority.  Stuff at the top has priority, stuff below that is not really ordered.
Format:  Item (User) : Cost/details

Suit of Dragon Mail (Darius): 10000 GP (ALREADY IN PROGRESS)
Suit of Dragon Mail (Seryf): 10000 GP (Has Priority)
Saul's Magic ThingeeAmulet (Saul) : 5000 gp
Scroll of Mirror Image (Saul/Elaine): 500 gp
Scroll of Clairvoyance (Saul/Elaine): 600 gp
Potions of 3d6+3 Healing (Party): 5-pack for 35k
Potions of 1d8 Healing (Party): 5 in stock, 250 each.
Bag of Holding (Party) : 15000 gp or quest.  We may want two.
Gauntlets of Ogre Power (Gavin) : Quest.  We are doing =p
Longsword +1/+4 crit (Seryf): 10000 gp or Elven Chain (likely elven chain trade)
Cloak of Snows (Saul/Gavin): 10000 gp.
Lance of flamestrike (Gavin): 10000 gp
Amulet of Life Protection (Saul/Elaine): 8000 gp.
[11:58] <Carthrat> "Saul must research Throw Person."
[11:58] <Carthrat> "Cost: The dignity of the rest of the party."

Note: Until we're out of town, let's keep this updated, removing stuff we've bought from the list.  This is up to date on what's been asked for and seconded in interest (rather than just 'what's that?').


I want, in rough order of 'we should investigate this'...

1) Robes of the Archmagi (hahahahahahahaha but it's worth a look.)
2) Bag of Holding, but I'm not necessarily going to want to spend a vast sum on it.
3) To break the sword of anti-elf. Racist bastards. I'm tempted to just waylay whoever buys the thing.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Quote from: "Carthrat"I want, in rough order of 'we should investigate this'...

1) Robes of the Archmagi (hahahahahahahaha but it's worth a look.)
2) Bag of Holding, but I'm not necessarily going to want to spend a vast sum on it.
3) To break the sword of anti-elf. Racist bastards. I'm tempted to just waylay whoever buys the thing.

1. As that's an obvious hook, we'll want to RP that out on the side. We can do it tonight or tomorrow morning once we hash out the dragonstuff.

2. Okay. I know Drac is interested as well - there's one for raw purchase and one you'd need to pursue. Which interests you?
3. <_<
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


2. Well, both; let's look at the 'special' to get details.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Quote from: "Carthrat"2. Well, both; let's look at the 'special' to get details.

Okay. That's another RP out hook. Let me wait for Drac and others to comment on that first?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


4) And, that cloak of snows. Wanna find out what it does, first.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Addendium of 'Dune sucks!':

Where are you guys planning to crash and how? This doesn't need to be RPed out, but what are you going to do/where are you going to stay/whoa re you going to tap?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


There are only two choices, and Seraphin's Bleeding Heart is the cheaper of the two.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Quote from: "Carthrat"4) And, that cloak of snows. Wanna find out what it does, first.

Okay. This one can be done without RP:

The go between that handled these matters is a twitchy little half elf. Short and stubby, hands straying to daggers on his belt. "Says here that it's protection from cold - cuts down on the effect of...lessee. Cone of Cold, Chill Touch, that sort of thing, and makes you walk through winter like it's summer."
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: "Carthrat"There are only two choices, and Seraphin's Bleeding Heart is the cheaper of the two.

That'll be 15 GP a week for food, board and a small 'tiger fee'. The owner is oddly understanding, a mysterious woman who is rarely seen. At least they didn't call the city guard? You're all sure as hell getting a lot of looks, though!
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


THINGS GAVIN BE INTERESTED IN...Or gavin's player, which is not always the same thing.  Poor puppet knight.


Making a small (by whatever's considered standard reasonable rate, gavin would know) donation to Waukeen and Orial's temples, as well as dropping by.  Brushes with death encouraging thanking the gods =)

Gavin would drop by, meet the knights, check out if there's any commands/missives for him, and (following finding out how long he's here for) checking if there's anything he can be doing for the knights around here.  Probably not too much near such a great stronghold of power.

Assuming (Big assumption) there is not any such things for a knight of the sword on errant questing from the folks in charge...  Gavin would drop by Johannes Alehouse and see what's up there, the news, the dungeons, whatnot.

Would be interested in that lance of flamestrike, though not sure if I'd buy it.  Definitely see if he'd want to trade  it for the mace though!  Well, assuming we don't hear much better from elsewhere.

If that long sword was a broadsword, I'd be extremely interested there.  We could even make that deal easily enough, but as it stands I'd  be losing my mastery bonus somewhat fierce.  Seryf might want to look there though.   She can use a spare  longsword right?

Want to definitely talk to whoever is trading the lance on why the hell he's asking for gold dragon scales.  Especially in a good city like this =p

What's  the amulet of life  protection?

Interest  in bag of holding, both of them.  Think saul is checking that out.

Definite interest in cloak of snows.  I'd like that yes =)  Though I think any of us would and I suppose Saul has dibs.

Gauntlets of Ogre Power.  I definitely want to look into this.


Well, Goodbye.


QuoteMaking a small (by whatever's considered standard reasonable rate, gavin would know) donation to Waukeen and Orial's temples, as well as dropping by. Brushes with death encouraging thanking the gods =)

We can RP this out at some point.

QuoteGavin would drop by, meet the knights, check out if there's any commands/missives for him, and (following finding out how long he's here for) checking if there's anything he can be doing for the knights around here. Probably not too much near such a great stronghold of power.

Pretty much; already done.

Most of the rest of this I think Saul is handling. If not poke me.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Seryf wants to see if there's a local elven embassy/base/what have you. Courtesy call, maybe she has an aquaintence.

The longsword is intresting, yes, but efficiency wise, we need to wait until a second suit of dragonscale is confirmed before anything can be done about it.

Otherwise...I assume she's hanging with/working for our dwarf friend. Barring something like troll sightings, she'll likely spend her time off practicing.

Well, Johannes Alehouse sounds vaguely interesting, but she never was one for the bar scene. She might make an appearance anyway.
lt;Kotono>  (Currently looks like a 16-year-old girl):I walk up to the leader and say, "Are you so sure you want our money?" and use my alter self ability to grow a massive bulge in my pants.


1. WE can RP that our or sum it up. Your call depending on if you wanna get into it. Seryf would know the presence is pretty minimal - Paxburg is the focus in Almekia for the elves.

2. Figured. Okay, we'll see how your money situation pans out.

3. Fine on both. Poke me if you feel adventurous in there.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


QuoteMagi's market: Also known as the local guild. This is not an open bazaar, but a discreetly run operation selling in magic. Many adventurers and some nobles come here, as well as many mages and clerics of all stripe. Business is done byb oth coin and barter - a rare item or two can be found here, but it is easier said than done! Note that there is some crossover with the other markets regarding spell components.

Noble's market: In the very shadow of the king's castle sits the noble's markets. Great buildings of elegant marble and tents of silk hold treasures - jewels, gold, spices, rare goods from across the world. If it's expensive, arty or rare, it goes here. Security is tight and few thieves venture here with the more recent, draconian rules about theft. Occasional magical items are also sold here when they cross interests with noble pursuits.
Might want to just look through these two places. No particular reason.

I'd probably want to dress up for the noble's market though, and be escorted by Gavin, just to make impressions as I'm passing through. And to have some fun messing with the stiff nobles. =)

QuoteStreet performers: These are generally about - mostly in the markets. They attempt to earn gold by performance, generally being better as the value of goods sold around them improves. They have no guarantees - the guard is within their rights to boot any and all of them at will, or not. Unlucky ones often gripe of losing coin to elss principaled guardsmans. While technically against the rules, some guard captains will ignore or outright condone this behavior.
Eh, I'd rather see about asking the inn to perform there for a reduced/free stay than performing on the streets. Better for reputation besides no risk of loss of money to corrupt officials. Seraphin's Red Heart I guess we settled on? Nice names on some of them though. No monk or wizard inns though... Kethean and Maz must have continued adventuring while Seraphin and Thrall settled down and became competing innkeepers. >_>

QuoteJohannes' Alehouse: A bar near the Merchant's market. It has become a conflux for certain types, namely adventurers. Those with a mercenary bend can find work here, those of less so can still find good conversation and warm beds if need be. An agreement with the local knights(A commander is known to be an old patron) keeps a few knights around at all times, to 'keep the peace'. Considering the patrons, this is quite prudent for both the tavern and all nearby.

Some idle curiosity/interest in the place.

QuoteMagical Item list:
Dagger+5, returns to the thrower on a miss automatically: Lance of The Night Stalker 89000 Griffons or trade: Bag of Holding.

Waaaaaaannnnnnntttttttt!!!! @_@

So expensive though, and Rat says the trade option was a typo so can't buy the 15k bag to trade... ;_;

It's the only thing remotely interesting for Elaine though. ;_;

QuoteAmulet of Life Protection: 8,000 Griffons
Girdle of Dwarvenkind: Trade: Girdle of Masculinity/Femininty

What do these two do? Just idle curiosity. Rat said something about soul protection for the first, and I'd imagine Constitution boost or something for the girdle?
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.