
"If it has HP, we can kill it."

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The Great Log Posting: Arc V

Started by Halbarad, July 02, 2006, 11:20:58 PM

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[14:52] <Anastasia> ---
[14:52] <Anastasia> While that evening carries some quick dancing, Ikkuko just seems to nod and smile about it at this point, making extra food for two more guests at the table and setting up two futons in Usagi's room.
[14:54] <Anastasia> Thus, Tuesday passes in preparation. It's strange... you spend all your time around the Twins, at times feeling things from the others, and vice versa. Ptilol blushes at one point, mentioning on how she just remembered holding Rei and cuddling, for example, while Usagi got a vague memory of a woman much like Ptilol and Cyprine...
[14:56] <Anastasia> Despite things like that, the day goes go by... and Wednesday occurs, Usagi and Ptilol leaving this world for another Dead Zone just past lunch.
[14:57] <Anastasia> It's just near the end of Chorus class... which, because you are watching Chibi Usa, means you're sitting in the Witches office.
[14:58] <Anastasia> Chibi Usa has been getting restless all day, though, you note. "Can't we go do something, Rei-chan," she asks, squirming in her seat.
[14:58] * Rei-chan looks up from her homework. "Sure, if you want," she smiles at the child. "Anything in particular you'd want to do?"
[14:59] <Anastasia> "Just something besides sitting down here all day," she nods to you. "Can we go get some soda, Rei-chan?"
[14:59] * Rei-chan frowns a little bit. "That's bad for your... wait..." she trails off. "Have you lost your baby teeth yet, Chibi Usa?"
[15:00] <Anastasia> "I've lost one, Rei-chan," she replies, "But another is loose." To that, she reaches into her mouth, wiggling a front tooth just a bit..."
[15:02] * Rei-chan shrugs. "Well, if your adult teeth haven't come in, it hardly makes any difference." Taking a can of soda from her desk, she stands up and gives it to the child. "Now, how about we go out and see if we can find something more interesting to occupy ourselves until Usagi comes back?"
[15:03] <Anastasia> Nodding, "Thanks, Rei-chan," she agrees.
[15:04] <Rei-chan> Taking Chibi Usa's hand, Rei leads the girl out of the office and up into the school proper. "Hmm... guess we could go into the gardens. They're a nice way to kill some time, and we might bump into Tellu," she says thoughtfully.
[15:07] <Anastasia> "That sounds good, Rei-chan," Chibi Usa agrees.
[15:08] <Anastasia> As you walk through the hallways of Mugen, you feel something...(Soul check -3)
[15:08] <Rei-chan> roll 2d6-3
[15:08] * Hatbot --> "Rei-chan rolls 2d6-3 and gets 5."
[15:08] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[15:08] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 5."
[15:09] <Anastasia> Chibi Usa shudders, as a passing student turns transparent. Yet both of you stay solid, even though the little girl is shivering terribly. "Rei-chan!" she gasps.
[15:09] <Anastasia> OOC - All related in Mugen need to make the same check. Get rollin'. Disregard this, Usagi.
[15:10] * Rei-chan tenses. "Stay close to me, Chibi Usa," she says urgently, looking around for that hateful white figure. 'Dammit, it's too soon!'
[15:11] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[15:11] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 3."
[15:11] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[15:11] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 4."
[15:11] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[15:11] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[15:11] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[15:11] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 2."
[15:11] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[15:11] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 10."
[15:12] <Haruka> roll 2d6
[15:12] * Hatbot --> "Haruka rolls 2d6 and gets 6."
[15:13] <Ami-chan> roll 2d6-3
[15:13] * Hatbot --> "Ami-chan rolls 2d6-3 and gets 5."
[15:14] <Anastasia> Staggering to her knees, "It hurts, Rei-chan," she shudders completely.
[15:14] * Rei-chan kneels down to pick up Chibi Usa, holding her against her chest while looking around worriedly. "Shh, it's okay, Chibi Usa-chan. I'm here," she tries to soothe the child through her own rising panic.
[15:16] <Rei-chan> Deciding that sticking around would be a bad idea, Rei stands up, still holding Chibi Usa, and runs for the exit, aiming to put as much distance between themselves and the school as she can. This is not the time for any kind of confrontation.
[15:16] <Anastasia> "I'm cold, Rei-chan," she gasps.
[15:17] <Rei-chan> "Just hang on, Chibi Usa," Rei urges breathlessly as she runs.
[15:17] <Anastasia> As you run to it, you are interrupted by a white-clad figure appearing between yourself at the door. Unlike before, he stares intensely at Chibi Usa, almost salivating. "You... finally found you!" he says.
[15:17] * Rei-chan skids to a halt. 'Oh crap!' she thinks, promptly turning around and bolting the other direction with her passenger.
[15:18] <Anastasia> As you do so, he just appears in front of you as you run. "Cease," he calls, pointing at Rei! (Soul check at +1)
[15:18] <Rei-chan> roll 2d6+1
[15:18] * Hatbot --> "Rei-chan rolls 2d6+1 and gets 9."
[15:20] <Anastasia> Resisting the urge, you nonetheless have to stop lest you bowl into him. As this happens, a trio appears in the hallway - Usagi and the Twins. "Give it to me," he says, advancing on Rei... "Or perish."
[15:21] <Usagi-chan> "Get AWAY from her!" Usagi screams, dashing to position herself between Zirae and the other two.
[15:21] * Rei-chan shakes her head, backing away. "I won't let you hurt her," she says in as firm a voice as she can muster.
[15:23] <Anastasia> OOC - Initiative. He's not going to play nice.
[15:24] <Rei-chan> roll 1d6+10
[15:24] * Hatbot --> "Rei-chan rolls 1d6+10 and gets 12."
[15:24] <Usagi-chan> roll 1d6+9
[15:24] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 1d6+9 and gets 11."
[15:24] <Anastasia> roll 1d6
[15:24] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 1d6 and gets 5."
[15:24] <Anastasia> roll 1d6
[15:24] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 1d6 and gets 3."
[15:26] <Anastasia> "Begone, foul Princess," he says, pointing at her. "Freeze." (Soul check, +2)
[15:26] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6+2
[15:26] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6+2 and gets 8."
[15:26] <Usagi-chan> "Not a chance in hell," Usagi says, her eyes narrowed.
[15:26] <Anastasia> Terrible frost and cold swipes around Usagi, yet she stays firm and avoids being encased in the material! (10 frost damage from a burst of exposure.)
[15:28] * Rei-chan backs away, still clutching Chibi Usa protectively. She can't fight while protecting the girl, and even if she did fight, what good would it do? Her best attacks are nothing against Zirae...
[15:29] <Anastasia> 'Usagi, we aren't ready yet,' Ptilol thinks. 'We need to get her out of here!'
[15:30] <Usagi-chan> 'Where?!' Usagi thinks desperately. 'He knows who he's looking for, where could we hide her?'
[15:31] <Anastasia> 'Just away from here! We can't stop him in the middle of the school!" Cyprine fires back mentally.
[15:32] * Usagi-chan nods quickly, running over to Rei and Chibi Usa before thinking to the miko. 'I'm getting us out of here,' she sends. 'He'll follow us, but there's not much we can do here - there's no room to fight.'
[15:33] * Rei-chan nods quickly. 'Whatever you're doing, just do it fast.'
[15:34] <Anastasia> "AAAH!" Chibi Usa cries, a penetrating shriek of pain as the girl begins to glow silver.
[15:34] * Usagi-chan encircles the pair with her arms, quickly casting a teleport spell - taking the three to the rooftop of the school. Close enough that Ami and Haruka might still be able to arrive in time, but with enough room to maneuver.
[15:38] * Sailor_Uranus steps out of her classroom and into the hallway at the sound of Chibi Usa's cry and just catches Usagi and the others disappearing from view. "What the...?" she says aloud before looking around.
[15:42] <Anastasia> Zirae stays but a moment, thinking. "Above," he says, vanishing himself.
[15:42] <Anastasia> Appearing on the wide open rooftops, the sunshine beats down warmly... shining off the silvery girl in Rei's arms, who moans in pain.
[15:43] <Sailor_Uranus> "Above..." Haruka echoes before bolting for the stairs.
[15:43] * Rei-chan clutches Chibi Usa almost desperately. "What are we going to do, Usagi?" she asks, looking around, knowing Zirae won't be far behind them.
[15:44] <Usagi-chan> 'Ami-chan, Mako-chan, if you can hear me get here NOW! Zirae's here - he's found Chibi Usa and we're on the roof at Mugen - get here as fast as you can!' She gives Rei a determined look. "I'm not giving Chibi Usa up. We're going to fight him."
[15:44] <Anastasia> "Mommy," the girl wails. "It hurts! He's ripping me apart!"
[15:45] <Sailor_Mercury> 'Coming.' Ami replies shortly, all of her attention on sprinting for the stairs...
[15:45] <Anastasia> "Usagi," Cyprine starts. "If we're going to fight him, we need to get the Grail ready." Ptilol finishes.
[15:46] * Usagi-chan nods, shifting to the form of Serenity as she draws the Grail out of subspace.
[15:46] <Rei-chan> Shifting her grip on Chibi Usa to cradle her in one arm, Rei holds her transformation pen up with the other. Not sure what good it'll do, but... "Mars Holy Power, Make UP!"
[15:46] <Anastasia> A moment later from that Zirae appears a bit away. "Come to me, my Crystal," he says, ignoring the others. Chibi Usa screams, her body starting to give off bright silver light...
[15:47] <Sailor_Mars> "Stop it!" Rei nearly shrieks, backing away from the 'man' with Chibi Usa. "You're killing her!"
[15:47] <Serenity> "Hang on, Chibi Usa! Fight him!" Usagi calls out to her daughter, knowing that she has to hit Zirae with everything she's got to save her daughter's life.
[15:48] <Anastasia> OOC - Initiative. It's going to take you a full round to set up, Usagi, with the Twins.
[15:48] <Sailor_Mars> roll 1d6+10
[15:48] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mars rolls 1d6+10 and gets 13."
[15:48] <Anastasia> roll 1d6
[15:48] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 1d6 and gets 2."
[15:48] <Serenity> roll 1d6+5
[15:48] * Hatbot --> "Serenity rolls 1d6+5 and gets 7."
[15:48] <Anastasia> "Let's go, Usagi," Ptilol nods, her own power going with her sister's. "Let's hope the bond holds!"
[15:49] <Serenity> "It will," Usagi says determinedly. "It has to."
[15:49] <Anastasia> Ignoring Serenity for the moment, he turns to Rei. "You again impede me? No more! Be rended!" OOC - Soul check +2
[15:49] <Sailor_Mars> roll 2d6+2
[15:49] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mars rolls 2d6+2 and gets 8."
[15:50] <Anastasia> Cutting force and reality bloom next to Sailor Mars, all around her! Her fuku is slashed, but only a minor cut on her leg is scored! (10 damage)
[15:50] * Sailor_Mars winces, shifting her weight slightly to the other leg, but remaining upright and defiant!
[15:54] <Anastasia> Weaving the energy of the Grail along the link, the Twins prepare for the sustained attack!
[15:55] <Anastasia> "MOMMY!" Chibi Usa cries! In Rei's arm, the little girl turns to warmth, her body shifting into a smaller, silvery form. In Rei's hand is the Silver Crystal, a tiny pink dot in the center that reflects outward to give the entire gem a pink hue...
[15:56] * Serenity takes a deep breath, her expression one of focus and determination as she prepares to unleash the Grail's full might. The flash from Chibi Usa catches her eye, and her eyes widen in horror. "CHIBI USA! NO!!"
[15:56] <Sailor_Mars> The colour drains entirely from Rei's face. "Chibi Usa!" she screams, grasping futilely as the little girl in her arms dissipates into a tiny gem.
[15:56] <Anastasia> As this happens..."World SHAKING!" Ripping towards Zirae, the impressive attack stops close to Zirae! From the access stairs are Sailors Uranus and Mercury!
[15:57] <Anastasia> The Crystal is warm in Rei's hand, words echoing in her mind. 'MOMMY! SAVE ME, MOMMY!'
[15:58] <Sailor_Mars> 'Hang on, Chibi Usa!' Rei urges desperately, hearing the voice. 'We'll save you!'
[15:59] <Anastasia> OOC - Initiative. Usagi's initiative will be when the Grail attack starts.
[15:59] <Serenity> roll 1d6+5 and pray
[15:59] * Hatbot --> "Serenity rolls 1d6+5 and pray and gets 11."
[15:59] <Sailor_Mars> roll 1d6+10
[15:59] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mars rolls 1d6+10 and gets 13."
[15:59] <Anastasia> roll 1d6
[15:59] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 1d6 and gets 4."
[15:59] <Sailor_Mercury> roll 1d6+11
[15:59] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mercury rolls 1d6+11 and gets 14."
[16:00] <Anastasia> roll 1d6
[16:00] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 1d6 and gets 6."
[16:01] <Anastasia> "That's it," the white man smiles, gesturing at the Crystal with an open palm. "COME TO ME! COME!" The full unfelt/unbeing force of Zirae is felt on Rei's body, trying to pull away the Crystal!(Body check+3)
[16:01] <Sailor_Mars> roll 2d6+3 burning 40 EP
[16:01] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mars rolls 2d6+3 burning 40 EP and gets 12."
[16:01] <Sailor_Mars> do-over!
[16:01] <Sailor_Mars> roll 2d6+3 burning 40 EP
[16:01] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mars rolls 2d6+3 burning 40 EP and gets 7."
[16:02] <Anastasia> Resisting the pull, Rei feels a painful pop as her shoulder is blown by the force, pain welling into her senses!(20 damage) Yet, the Crystal is still in her hand!
[16:03] <Sailor_Mars> "Agh!" Rei cries, tears welling in her eyes as her left arm goes limp, while she cradles the Crystal against her chest with her right.
[16:03] <Anastasia> "Usagi! We're ready!" Cyprine calls quickly. "Hurry!" Ptilol urges.
[16:04] <Serenity> "LEAVE THEM ALONE!" Usagi screams. "You can't have her!" Bringing the Grail up, she grits her teeth as she looses its full force against the one in white, tears stinging the corners of her eyes.
[16:04] <Serenity> roll 2d6
[16:04] * Hatbot --> "Serenity rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[16:05] <Anastasia> Coming forth amplied and supported thrice, power roars out of the Grail like never before! A sea of holy energy crashes into Zirae, sending him several steps back as the two realities clash!
[16:06] <Anastasia> Slowly, like a nut cracking, the sense of incredible power is felt, Zirae's massive aura stunning!(All that can feel make a Soul check at +1 to resist being mesmerized by the full sight of it.)
[16:06] <Sailor_Mars> roll 2d6+1
[16:06] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mars rolls 2d6+1 and gets 10."
[16:06] <Serenity> roll 2d6+1
[16:06] * Hatbot --> "Serenity rolls 2d6+1 and gets 9."
[16:06] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[16:06] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[16:06] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[16:06] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 4."
[16:08] <Anastasia> "Urgh!" he grunts as the power washes just short of him, battling and pinning down the seal. "I can feel it!" he says with hope. "I can almost feel it now!"
[16:08] <Serenity> "You can't have her!" Usagi shouts. "I will NOT allow it!"
[16:08] <Sailor_Mars> Crying freely, Rei glares at the blurry figure of Zirae through her tears, clutching all that's left of Chibi Usa tightly, she focuses her own magic on Zirae in its rawest form. "Burn!"
[16:08] <Sailor_Mars> roll 2d6
[16:08] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mars rolls 2d6 and gets 11."
[16:10] <Anastasia> Through your tears of agony, you can see a bit of fire around Zirae, burning him! Yet he seems to barely notice, intent only on the prize in your hand!
[16:12] <Sailor_Mercury> Ami raises her hands over her head, feet planted firmly apart. Her heart pounding in her chest, she summons the most powerful attack she can muster! Sparkling water vapor strands begin spiraling inward to her outstretched hands to shape into a watery, glistening bird, then she spins around and opens her hands to fire it horizontally, with it solidifying into a jagged and lethal looking bird as it leaves her hands. "MERCURY FROST SHRIKE!"
[16:12] <Sailor_Mercury> roll 2d6
[16:12] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mercury rolls 2d6 and gets 9."
[16:14] <Anastasia> The Shrike slams full on into his chest, doing damage and ripping his clothes! Yet he doesn't even buckle, still utterly staring at Chibi Usa! Seeing that attacks are getting through, "World... Shaking!"
[16:14] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[16:14] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 11."
[16:14] <Anastasia> A powerful shot indeed, but errant.
[16:15] <Anastasia> OOC - Initiative.
[16:15] <Serenity> roll 1d6+5
[16:15] * Hatbot --> "Serenity rolls 1d6+5 and gets 7."
[16:15] <Sailor_Mercury> roll 1d6+11
[16:15] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mercury rolls 1d6+11 and gets 17."
[16:15] <Sailor_Mars> roll 1d6+10
[16:15] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mars rolls 1d6+10 and gets 15."
[16:16] <Anastasia> roll 1d6
[16:16] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 1d6 and gets 2."
[16:16] <Anastasia> roll 1d6
[16:16] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 1d6 and gets 4."
[16:18] <Anastasia> Power continues to course from Serenity and the Twins, bright light surrounding all three as the Twins support Serenity on either side! Covered in the light of a burning star, the Grail grows hot as it produces more power!
[16:19] * Serenity maintains a deathgrip on the powerful artifact, heedless of the heat it's generating as she focuses solely on defeating the monster that would take her daughter away from her.
[16:19] <Anastasia> Usagi's hands burn a bit, unnoticed to her! (3 damage)
[16:21] * Sailor_Mercury focuses on the avian avatar of her attack, sending it sweeping up into the sky, then diving back down at their foe!
[16:21] <Sailor_Mercury> roll 2d6
[16:21] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mercury rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[16:22] <Anastasia> Again it plunges into him, wracking his body yet drawing no blood, wounding nonetheless!
[16:23] <Anastasia> Grunting in pain, he still keeps a fanatical gaze on the Crystal! "Come to me from that interfering fool!" Power wracks Rei-chan again, trying to rip the Crystal away! (Body check+3)
[16:23] <Sailor_Mars> roll 2d6 (burning 30 EP)
[16:23] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mars rolls 2d6 (burning 30 EP) and gets 6."
[16:25] <Anastasia> Sailor Mars shrieks as her already injured arm is wracked by a loud crack, her main right armbone shattered four times over, a shard of bone poking through and letting blood pour down her arm! (25 damage.) With primal instincts, her hand nevertheless stays wrapped around it despite pain only rivalled by Orestes and Oxyite's hands!
[16:27] * Sailor_Mars screams even louder in agony, managing a deathgrip on the crystal even as her right arm now falls limp, close by her knees as she hunches over, desperately trying to collect herself.
[16:28] <Sailor_Mars> roll 2d6 for Rejuve
[16:28] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mars rolls 2d6 for Rejuve and gets 8."
[16:28] <Anastasia> Breathing heavily, Haruka lets loose a "World... Shaking, you bastard!"
[16:28] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[16:28] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 11."
[16:29] <Anastasia> Perhaps Haruka is nervous, her shot sailing high into the air and utterly useless!
[16:29] <Anastasia> As this happens, these is a shimmer as elf and Jupiter appear! "What's goin-Rei! Usagi!" Ann calls, eyeing both of them.
[16:31] <Sailor_Jupiter> Taking a quick account of the situation in addition to what Usagi said over the mental link, Makoto wastes no time attacking Zirae as soon as her eyes focus on him. "Supreme Thunder Dragon!"
[16:31] <Sailor_Jupiter> roll 2d6
[16:31] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Jupiter rolls 2d6 and gets 8."
[16:32] <Anastasia> Electricity shocks Zirae, charring him! Yet still, he is unmovable now, focused only on his long-denied prize!
[16:32] <Anastasia> OOC - Initiative.
[16:32] <Sailor_Jupiter> roll 1d6+13
[16:32] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Jupiter rolls 1d6+13 and gets 17."
[16:32] <Sailor_Mars> roll 1d6+10
[16:32] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mars rolls 1d6+10 and gets 14."
[16:32] <Sailor_Mercury> roll 1d6+11
[16:32] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mercury rolls 1d6+11 and gets 13."
[16:33] <Anastasia> roll 1d6
[16:33] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 1d6 and gets 4."
[16:33] <Anastasia> roll 1d6
[16:33] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 1d6 and gets 3."
[16:33] <Anastasia> roll 1d6
[16:33] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 1d6 and gets 5."
[16:34] <Sailor_Jupiter> roll 2d6
[16:34] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Jupiter rolls 2d6 and gets 2."
[16:34] <Sailor_Jupiter> roll 1d6
[16:34] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Jupiter rolls 1d6 and gets 6."
[16:36] <Anastasia> Coming forth from like a torrent of hellish power, a Thunder Dragon goes hard into Zirae! He is blown back, the power of the Grail following him as he craters hard near the edge of the roof!
[16:36] <Anastasia> The entire rooftop buckles with the force of the blast, rocking everyone there!
[16:37] <Anastasia> Yet, despite all logic... Zirae rises, floating and flipping up into a standing position. "ENOUGH!" he calls, despite a missing arm and battered body, a wave of pure white power coming from him! (Body checks + 4, all)
[16:38] <Sailor_Mars> roll 2d6+1 (burning 30 EP)
[16:38] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mars rolls 2d6+1 (burning 30 EP) and gets 11."
[16:38] <Sailor_Mars> do-over!
[16:38] <Sailor_Mars> roll 2d6 (burning 40 EP)
[16:38] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mars rolls 2d6 (burning 40 EP) and gets 10."
[16:38] <Serenity> roll 2d6
[16:38] * Hatbot --> "Serenity rolls 2d6 and gets 5."
[16:38] <Sailor_Jupiter> roll 2d6
[16:38] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Jupiter rolls 2d6 and gets 8."
[16:38] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[16:38] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 5."
[16:38] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[16:38] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 4."
[16:38] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[16:38] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 6."
[16:39] <Anastasia> The world goes white at this force, all hurtled to the rooftop like ants! (10 damage to all, but... stunned.)
[16:39] <Sailor_Mercury> roll 2d6+2 (Burning 20 EP)
[16:39] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mercury rolls 2d6+2 (Burning 20 EP) and gets 9."
[16:42] <Anastasia> Usagi is sent down hard, the Grail flying out of her hands. Looking up when her mind clears from the rush, she sees Zirae standing above Rei... the Silver and Pink Crystal firmly in his remaining hand. "At last," he breathes. "After all these eternities..."
[16:43] <Anastasia> Holding the Crystal, it vanishes...
[16:44] <Anastasia> ... only to reappear embedded in his forehead, shining like a star condensed into a perfect point. "It's finally here..." he actually smiles, his power starting to reach your senses again. "Finally..."
[16:44] * Serenity screams in despair, grabbing the Grail and unleashing her full power against Zirae. "YOU MAY NOT HAVE HER!" she screams, tears streaming from her eyes. "YOU CAN'T HAVE CHIBI USA!"
[16:44] <Serenity> roll 2d6
[16:44] * Hatbot --> "Serenity rolls 2d6 and gets 6."
[16:47] <Anastasia> His lost arm reappears, the damage down to his body repairing in an unseen instant. The power of the Grail hits him... but nothing. It's like pouring water into the ocean. Turning as if only a mild breeze were in his face, the starting to tinge pink man smiles. "You still live, Lunarian Princess? Excellent..." he says slowly. "My creator told me vengence was a wonderful thing..."
[16:48] <Serenity> "I'll never give up..." Serenity says, panting as she struggles to her feet. "I will never let you take my daughter away from me!"
[16:49] <Anastasia> As his clothes begin to bleed into a cotton candy pink color, "Foolish. You cannot stop me - that Grail is nothing to me now." Raising an almost dripping pink hand at you. "Prepare to meet oblivion, cursed Lunarian."
[16:50] * Serenity's eyebrows crease at the pink coloration creeping over the form of her foe, but she steels herself for whatever may be coming.
[16:50] <Anastasia> "Uhhh..." Ann moans weakly, trying to rise to her knees. "B... bastard..."
[16:51] <Anastasia> "U... usagi..." Cyprine moans, the girl face down and utterly drained.
[16:51] * Sailor_Mars shakes her head, recovering slightly only to gape in horror at the scene before her. "No!" she cries weakly, struggling to her feet and staggering onto Zirae, almost falling on his outstretched hand. "Don't hurt her!" she begs brokenly, fighting to ignore the pain wracking her entire body, focused around her arms.
[16:52] <Sailor_Jupiter> "What the hell does it take to take this guy down?" Makoto mumbles as she struggles to get back into a fighting position.
[16:52] <Anastasia> "You," he says, turning his attention to Rei. "Little Rei-chan," he says, as said voice begins to become higher and lighter. "Rei-chan... Rei-chan..."
[16:52] * Sailor_Mercury struggles to her feet, and stumbles after Rei. "Leave her alone!" She cries in assent with the fiery senshi.
[16:52] <Serenity> "What on earth?!" Usagi says, her mouth hanging open.
[16:52] <Sailor_Mars> "Wuh...?" Rei looks up at the... pink... man through pain-glazed eyes, her confusion apparent.
[16:53] <Anastasia> Eyes turning the color of Chibi Usa's, "Rei-chan? Mommy?" Chibi Usa's voice comes from his mouth. "Where are you?! It's dark and lonely here! I'm scared!"
[16:53] <Sailor_Mars> "Ch... Chibi Usa...?" Rei gapes, hope beginning to dawn in her defeated expression.
[16:53] <Serenity> "I'm here, Chibi Usa," Usagi says, her motherly instincts overriding her confusion. "Don't be afraid." She wonders how the girl is managing to do this, though...
[16:54] * Sailor_Mercury pauses, staring hard at Zirae, and taps on her earring, pulling down her visor, and hoping the power levels won't defeat any scanning attempts.
[16:54] <Anastasia> "He's here, Mommy! I can see him! Mommy, he's a monster like all the others! He... I can see in him, Mommy!" the girl cries through his lips, Zirae's hands going to his head and shaking it.
[16:55] <Serenity> "Fight him, Chibi Usa," Usagi says with determination. "You can do it, I KNOW you can. He IS a monster - but you can beat him!"
[16:55] <Sailor_Jupiter> "We're going to get you out, kid, just keep fighting Zirae and we'll do the same!" Makoto cries out while standing up with shaky knees. "Usagi's not letting you go and neither are we!"
[16:56] <Sailor_Mars> "You can do it, Chibi Usa," Rei chimes in her affirmation with the others, struggling to stand on her own feet. "We all believe in you!"
[16:56] <Anastasia> "He's... he's nothing but a weapon, Mommy!" Chibi Usa cries after a few mome moments as Zirae struggles. "He's just made to destroy things! It's..." the girl's voice shows tears, even if Zirae doesn't. "It's like those bad men from home, Mommy!"
[16:57] <Serenity> "That's right, Chibi Usa," Usagi says quietly. "And you have to stop him, Chibi Usa. I love you, and I believe in you - you can make him go away, forever. All you have to do is try your best."
[16:58] <Sailor_Mercury> "Keep fighting, Chibi Usa-chan!" Ami urges in agreement, trying to scan as she speaks. "You can do it."
[16:59] <Sailor_Mars> "He doesn't care about anything, Chibi Usa, but you do! Think of the people you love - we're right here with you!" Rei does her best to encourage her 'daughter', knowing the battle is plainly out of her hands and pinning everything on that one little girl.
[17:02] <Anastasia> "Okay, Mommy..." the girl says. Zirae shakes as if in a seizure, his body undergoing a battle far within, his energy fluctuating wildly. If it wasn't so bound, each fluctuation could shatter the world like a glass window...
[17:02] <Serenity> "You're doing it, Chibi Usa!" Usagi says, encouraging her daughter. "You're beating him!"
[17:02] <Sailor_Mars> 'Please, Chibi Usa. Everyone's counting on you...' Rei thinks, earnestly praying for the girl as she looks on.
[17:03] <Anastasia> As he shakes, you notice something. His garments and skin are beginning to whiten again...
[17:04] <Serenity> "Come on, Chibi Usa! Don't let him win!" Usagi shouts. "I believe in you - you've got what it takes to beat him!"
[17:05] <Sailor_Mars> "Don't give in! You're better than him!" Rei throws in desperately.
[17:05] <Anastasia> As white begins to creep back in, Chibi Usa's voice comes in with a certain distance to it. "Mommy, he's too strong!"
[17:06] <Serenity> "He's NOT too strong, Chibi Usa - don't give up! Don't let him take us away from each other!" Usagi says desperately. "I won't give up - and you shouldn't either!"
[17:07] <Anastasia> "Mommy... I'm trying!" she wails, even as the white spreads. There are a few moments of silence, then, as if from a great chasm of distance..."Mommy... said that a lady protects her friends... that Sailor Moon would give anything to save the people she loved... I love you... Mother Usagi..." Chibi Usa says, her voice barely audible. "I'll stop the bad man for you, just like Sailor Moon, Mama..."
[17:08] <Sailor_Mars> "Please, Chibi Usa! Have faith in yourself - you can do it, I know it!" Rei cries, her arms moving to grab Zirae's shoulders before a spasm of pain wracks her from simply trying to move the limbs.
[17:08] <Serenity> "Chibi Usa!" Usagi screams. "Please, you have to beat him!" she sobs. "We can't leave each other like this!"
[17:10] <Anastasia> "Love... you... Usagi..." a barest whisper is heard, overwhelmed by another sound. The sound of crystal shattering. A starpoint of light bursts from the forehead of Zirae, pure light blinding all and filling them... healing them with a warmth of love and caring. (EP/HP recovered fully for all)
[17:11] <Serenity> "CHIBI USA!" Usagi screams, realizing just what the little girl has done. "NO!"
[17:11] <Anastasia> The screams are lost in the roar that follows, as your senses are jarred into full awareness as your bodies and spirits are mended...
[17:13] <Anastasia> Slowly, the light clears and awareness comes back. Amid an undamaged rooftop is Zirae, kneeling and panting. Shards of crystal are stuck in his forehead, bleeding as bursts of energy surround him. "No... dammit... no..." he moans, holding his head. "One little soul did that..."
[17:13] * Serenity turns her gaze towards Zirae, tears streaming from eyes now blazing with fury. "YOU! This is all your fault!"
[17:14] <Sailor_Jupiter> "Chibi Usa..." Makoto whispers before also training her eyes on Zirae. "You evil bastard..."
[17:15] * Sailor_Mercury gasps, her eyes flying open wide as the implications come crashing down on her at once... "Chibi Usa..." She murmurs, tears streaming down her cheeks. "It's not right..." Ice suddenly fills her expression at Usagi's shout, and she turns her gaze on Zirae, no expression left on her normally placid face. "We will kill you."
[17:15] <Sailor_Mars> "You killed her! You monster!" Rei shrieks, falling on Zirae with a savage fury, her hands twisting into claw-like shapes as she seeks to physically rend him in near mindless rage and grief.
[17:16] <Anastasia> Getting near him, a burst of energy impacts Rei, doing no damage but halting her advance by throwing her back a bit as the man rises. "All of you... you pests... you accursed Lunarians again interfere with my purpose..." he says in a shaky voice, power flowing into him in odd rushes.
[17:17] * Sailor_Mars staggers back, glaring hatefully at him as she immediately produces her Ash Rods in hand. "Shut up and DIE!"
[17:17] <Anastasia> OOC - Initiative, I think.
[17:17] <Sailor_Mars> roll 1d6+10
[17:17] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mars rolls 1d6+10 and gets 13."
[17:17] * Serenity has a white-knuckled grip on the Grail, her normally kind blue eyes now cold as ice. "You've said it to us, and now it's your turn. Die." she says in a voice like a winter storm.
[17:17] <Serenity> roll 1d6+5
[17:17] * Hatbot --> "Serenity rolls 1d6+5 and gets 6."
[17:17] <Anastasia> roll 1d6
[17:17] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 1d6 and gets 3."
[17:17] <Sailor_Mercury> roll 1d6+11
[17:17] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mercury rolls 1d6+11 and gets 12."
[17:17] <Sailor_Jupiter> roll 1d6+13
[17:17] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Jupiter rolls 1d6+13 and gets 16."
[17:17] <Anastasia> "You... monster..." Ann says slowly, shaking her head. "We didn't even go as far as to kill innocent children..."
[17:18] <Anastasia> roll 1d6
[17:18] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 1d6 and gets 1."
[17:18] <Anastasia> Crying quietly, "Oh... Chibi Usa," Ptilol says, supporting her sister. "It's over for you, monster."
[17:18] <Anastasia> roll 1d6
[17:18] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 1d6 and gets 1."
[17:21] <Anastasia> Power flows into the arms of the killer, as he shouts, "I will rend your very soul apart into nothing, Serenity! Nothing is too terrible for your accursed kingdom now!" With that, he fires a blast of white power at Usagi with one hand, and a burst of burning red fire at Ann while the shattered Crystal shines all over! (Everyone makes a Soul check at +1 or loses 20 EP on failure.)
[17:21] <Sailor_Mars> roll 2d6+1
[17:21] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mars rolls 2d6+1 and gets 12."
[17:21] <Serenity> roll 2d6+1
[17:21] * Hatbot --> "Serenity rolls 2d6+1 and gets 8."
[17:21] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[17:21] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 11."
[17:21] <Sailor_Jupiter> roll 2d6+1
[17:21] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Jupiter rolls 2d6+1 and gets 6."
[17:21] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[17:21] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 9."
[17:21] <Sailor_Mercury> roll 2d6+1
[17:21] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mercury rolls 2d6+1 and gets 7."
[17:22] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[17:22] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 6."
[17:23] <Anastasia> The fire slams into Ann Grainger like a ball from Hell, burning her amid screams of agony! (75 damage) The girl flails as her body is burning brutually, the smell of fried flesh filling the air...
[17:32] <Sailor_Jupiter> "Ann!" Makoto shouts as she sees her elven friend attacked. "You bastard, stop hurting my friends!"
[17:32] <Sailor_Jupiter> Turning to Haruka, she shouts, "Uranus, let's take him down!" Getting a nod from the blonde, Makoto begins to gather the electrical energy through her tiara and into her hands. "Dragon..."
[17:32] <Sailor_Jupiter> roll 2d6
[17:32] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Jupiter rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[17:33] <Sailor_Jupiter> As Makoto gathers her own power, Haruka does the same, raising her palm upwards and as Makoto passes on the energy to combine the attack, she let's loose her own cry. "...Fissure!"
[17:33] <Sailor_Jupiter> roll 2d6
[17:33] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Jupiter rolls 2d6 and gets 9."
[17:33] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[17:33] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 4."
[17:36] <Anastasia> Blinking a moment, the force of Zirae evades the Dragon, not losing sight of his new target, Serenity!
[17:36] * Sailor_Mars glances at Ami, catching her eye and beginning her attack, hoping the blue-haired senshi understands the unspoken message.
[17:39] * Sailor_Mercury nods in return, her moves are direct and efficient, graceful, but lacking in the usual flourish. She raises her hands to launch her attack, her expression still grim. "ANTIPODE!" she cries, a glistening stream of blue firing from her outstretched hands!
[17:40] <Sailor_Mercury> roll 2d6
[17:40] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mercury rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[17:41] <Sailor_Mars> Timing herself perfectly with Ami, Rei matches the cry of "Antipode!" as she launches her own steam of superhot plasma at Zirae, aiming to annihilate him with the shock of the temperature differential!
[17:41] <Sailor_Mars> roll 2d6
[17:41] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Mars rolls 2d6 and gets 8."
[17:41] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[17:41] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 10."
[17:43] <Anastasia> The Antipode attack fries Zirae's vulnerable skin, cooking and freezing him all at once! He screams but stays up, damaged but alive!
[17:44] * Sailor_Mars wears a look of grim satisfaction at finally hearing Zirae cry out in pain, promising that it will only get worse for him, now.
[17:45] <Anastasia> Still screaming in pain, Ann flops about the ground, using that and her magic to put out the fire. Critically and horrifically burned, the girl just lays there, barely moving. Meanwhile..."Pitlol... Cyprine..." each Twin says to the other, a braided blast of red and blue forming between them and firing off!
[17:45] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[17:45] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 9."
[17:45] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[17:45] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 4."
[17:45] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[17:45] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 8."
[17:45] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[17:45] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 11."
[17:45] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[17:45] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 5."
[17:45] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[17:45] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 5."
[17:46] <Anastasia> As the braided blast slams into Zirae's gut, a gout of fire and a shimmering orb of water blast into his back, sending him rigid. "Fighting gracefully for a new age, Sailor Neptune is here!" Viluy cries, while Eudial just gives her a look, Flame Buster in hand.
[17:47] <Anastasia> From the stairwell entrance the two stand, just out enough now to fire. "Yeah, what she said," Eudial seconds, "We're gonna kick your ass."
[17:48] <Anastasia> Falling to his knees from the burst and holding his head again, light begins to escape from Zirae's body, slowly..
[17:48] * Serenity glares icily at Zirae. "My daughter gave her life to stop you," she says grimly. "I. WILL. NOT. let her have died in vain!" She raises the Holy Grail high, pouring her fury and grief into fueling the most powerful attack from it that she can manage!
[17:48] <Serenity> roll 2d6
[17:48] * Hatbot --> "Serenity rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[17:50] <Anastasia> The power slams into Zirae, the Grail going white hot in Usagi's hands! (15 damage from rather severe burns) Shining almost impossibly bright as it pours power onto him, Zirae buckles! Yet... Usagi can feel something wrong as she holds it. A stutter from the Grail, if you will.
[17:51] * Serenity frowns at the odd sensation from the Grail, grimacing in pain as the superheated artifact burns her hands. She doesn't release it, though - whatever the cost, she's determined to see Chibi Usa's death avenged.
[17:51] <Anastasia> OOC - Soul check +1, rabbit.
[17:51] <Serenity> roll 2d6+1
[17:51] * Hatbot --> "Serenity rolls 2d6+1 and gets 9."
[17:52] <Anastasia> The Grail burns even more as it pours energy into Zirae! There is a flash of light, then another, and another from him..."Damn... Damn you!" he calls, his voice weak now. "It's... My creator! Why? Why can they stop me if I was made to bring destruction?"
[17:53] <Anastasia> With a final flash of escaping light, the world goes dark for all...
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


[17:53] <Anastasia> ---
[18:28] <Anastasia> Stirring, Usagi's eyes slowly open. Atop the roof of Mugen, it's as bright as high noon. Something is giving off light...
[18:29] * Serenity squints a bit against the light, trying to figure out where it's coming from.
[18:30] <Anastasia> Where Zirae was, there is a bright light. To it from all around fly shards of beautiful Crystal, from all over Tokyo...
[18:31] * Serenity watches in a stunned silence, holding a hand up to shield her eyes from the brightness.
[18:31] <Anastasia> Tiny specks of Crystal continue to gather as Rei and the others begin to stir... all to that one central point.
[18:32] * Sailor_Mars pushes herself up on her forearms, squinting as she looks at the focal point of light.
[18:33] <Anastasia> In the center... something seems to be forming with the Crystal shards...
[18:33] <Serenity> "What... why is this happening?" Usagi whispers, staring at the reforming crystal.
[18:33] <Sailor_Jupiter> As Makoto stirs, she also begins to focus her attention on the light, staring in shocked awe at the reforming crystal. She can say nothing in reply to Usagi.
[18:35] <Anastasia> The light begins to fade as a remade yet dim Crystal now floats there, yet light is coming from near Usagi. Lying on its side on the ground is the Holy Grail, cracked and damaged - or it is before its form melts away, leaving nothing as it turns into a ball of white that flies to the Crystal.
[18:36] <Sailor_Mars> "The Crystal..." Rei breathes, before she chokes slightly on the bitter feeling rising up in her. 'Without Chibi Usa it's meaningless...'
[18:37] * Serenity glances over at the Grail, wincing as she sees the ruined artifact melt away into nothing. "What is it doing?" she repeats, looking back to the Crystal. "Why now?" she says, feeling tears begin to well up in her eyes.
[18:38] <Anastasia> The light flows into the Crystal, sparking it anew! Light pulses in it a moment as it glows softly, once again born. It floats there serenely a moment, before heading over to Usagi.
[18:38] * Sailor_Mars tracks the Crystal with her eyes, feeling a leaden weight in the pit of her stomach.
[18:39] * Serenity holds out her hand for the object, her tears flowing freely. "Why couldn't you have come back in time to save Chibi Usa?" she says brokenly.
[18:40] <Anastasia> The Crystal lands in your hand and glows once, shifting... with a flash of light, Usagi finds Chibi Usa in her arms, naked as the day she was born and asleep, her hair untied and loose all around her. In her forehead now rests the Crystal, as it did in Zirae, instead of a crescent moon, glowing with a soft, warm light.
[18:41] * Sailor_Mars starts, sitting bolt upright. "Chibi Usa?!"
[18:41] * Serenity gasps in astonishment for only a split second, before crushing the child to her chest. "Chibi Usa!"
[18:42] <Anastasia> The girl is warm in your arms as she snores softly, in time with her Crystal shining just a bit.
[18:42] <Sailor_Jupiter> "Oh my god," Makoto says with a relieved but still shocked tone.
[18:43] * Serenity holds on to Chibi Usa like she's afraid the child will disappear again, still weeping - but her tears have changed to joy.
[18:44] <Sailor_Mars> "It's a miracle..." Rei smiles openly, the tension melting off of her in massive relief.
[18:44] <Anastasia> "Uh... whathfuck?" Eudial moans as she rises, her Flame Buster still on. Seeing the scene in front of her, she smiles tiredly... before seeing Ann. "I hate to spoil this, but I think you two need to have a look at elf girl over here," she comments.
[18:45] * Sailor_Mars looks over. "My God, Ann!" she clambers to her feet, hurrying over.
[18:46] <Anastasia> Rushing over, you can see her greenish skin terribly burned, black in several places, her normal garb melted into her skin at places and gone utterly in others. Her aura is weak and flickering, her breathing shallow.
[18:46] * Serenity is too caught in the flood of turbulent emotions pouring through her to notice Eudial, simply rocking Chibi Usa back and forth in her arms.
[18:47] <Sailor_Mars> "Usagi!" Rei snaps loudly. "Ann needs healing. Now!"
[18:48] * Serenity finally snaps out of her reverie, looking over to Rei with a startled expression. "Huh?" Catching sight of the gravely wounded elf, she gasps, still carrying Chibi Usa as she rushes to Ann's side.
[18:49] * Serenity quickly settles down next to the elf, sitting Chibi Usa in her lap as she attempts to heal Ann's horribly burned body.
[18:52] <Anastasia> The healing energy flows into Ann, slowly but weakly mending her. As you do so, you feel a hand on yours. "M... mommy," Chibi Usa whispers.
[18:53] <Serenity> "Thank God you're all right, Chibi Usa," Usagi says tearfully, still trying to do what she can for Ann.
[18:54] * Sailor_Mars smiles down at Chibi Usa, her own eyes starting to shimmer. "You protected everybody, Chibi Usa... just like a real Lady."
[18:55] <Anastasia> The elf's skin slowly heals as you feel your own power start to give - enough to take her out of danger, but she's going to need more help. "I know, Rei-chan," she smiles happily. "I saw everyone fight, too."
[18:55] * Serenity breaks off, breathing heavily. "That's all I can do for her," she says, wiping sweat from her brow. "I don't have anything else to give her."
[18:57] <Anastasia> "Usagi-chan," Chibi Usa whispers. "Use me, Mommy..."
[18:57] <Serenity> "Use... you?" Usagi looks at the girl, not comprehending.
[18:58] <Anastasia> "I... I saw how with Zirae," she says quietly, the girl blinking a moment before a Crystal is in your hand again. 'I want to help you, Mommy.'
[18:59] * Serenity stares in shock at the Crystal - and at the voice in her head, looking at Chibi Usa with a stunned expression.
[19:02] <Anastasia> 'Mommy... Please, I want to help people.'
[19:03] * Serenity nods dumbly, closing her eyes as she focuses on the Crystal in her hand, reaching for its power and shaping it to heal Ann.
[19:03] * Sailor_Mars looks on in shock, but assumes Chibi Usa knew what she was doing just now.
[19:05] <Anastasia> From the Crystal, power flows out and mends Ann's body, healing the poor fallen girl. After that, Chibi Usa is again in your arms. "Thank you, Mommy. I... I would have gone away if you hadn't helped me, Mommy."
[19:06] <Serenity> "But I couldn't help you, Chibi Usa," Usagi says tearfully. "You... you broke the Crystal, and there wasn't anything I could do to help you."
[19:07] <Anastasia> "Mommy... you brought me back... if you hadn't brought those pieces back to me..." she hugs you. "With them, there was enough to heal me, Mommy."
[19:07] <Serenity> "I brought the pieces back?" she says numbly, returning Chibi Usa's embrace.
[19:08] * Sailor_Mars blinks a bit at what she's seeing from Chibi Usa's aura, but shrugs it off easily enough - given what she just saw the girl do, it's really no surprise.
[19:08] <Anastasia> The girl nods. "I... was going away, Mommy, but I felt you calling out to me and they started coming."
[19:09] * Serenity shakes her head, crushing the girl in another tight hug. "It doesn't matter how it happened," she says, beginning to cry again. "You're back now, and you're safe - that's all that matters."
[19:11] <Anastasia> Chibi Usa just hugs you back, tiredly. "Zirae... he scared me, Mommy. He hated you so much..."
[19:11] <Serenity> "He sure sounded like he did," Usagi says, rocking Chibi Usa back and forth in her lap. "But he's gone now - and good riddance."
[19:12] * Sailor_Mars pats Chibi Usa's head. "He might have been scary, but you stood up to him," she says proudly.
[19:13] <Anastasia> Sighing as she helps Viluy up, "Guess that's over," Eudial muses. "No more spending all day reading printouts."
[19:13] <Serenity> "You sure did," Usagi says with a proud smile, letting Chibi Usa go a bit so she can look at her daughter's face. "I'm really proud of you, Chibi Usa-chan."
[19:14] <Anastasia> The Crystal still shines in her forehead, bright and strong. As you look at her, you realise something. You can't see a difference between her aura and the aura of the Crystal now.
[19:14] <Sailor_Mars> "I know we say this every time and we never actually get round to it... but can we have a vacation, now?" Rei asks hopefully, grinning a bit crookedly.
[19:15] * Serenity isn't really all that surprised, given the events of the past few minutes - and the things she'd sensed in Chibi Usa back before this all happened. "I think a vacation sounds like a really good idea," Usagi agrees, smiling a bit past her tears.
[19:15] <Anastasia> "Yeah," Viluy agrees, sending Haruka a look. "How about we get Professor Tomoe to cancel classes for a few weeks and go to Hawaii?"
[19:15] <Anastasia> "Somewhere not so hot," Ann murmurs, her eyes opening. "Did we get the bastard?" she asks, shaking her head as she sits up.
[19:17] <Sailor_Mars> "He's just a bad memory, now," Rei nods, helping Ann up.
[19:17] <Anastasia> "Good," she smiles viciously. "Wish I'd gotten him, though."
[19:18] * Serenity just strokes Chibi Usa's hair gently, smiling down at her daughter. "I'm just so glad you're safe."
[19:31] <Sailor_Uranus> "I could go for cancelling classes," Haruka replies tiredly, giving Viluy a look of her own.
[19:32] <Anastasia> Viluy sends you another back, questioning. "Yeah, a break would be good - none of us really got a nice summer break, you know."
[19:32] <Serenity> "I'd say we've earned it," Usagi says, wiping her eyes on the back of her arm.
[19:33] <Sailor_Mars> "We always say we'll go on a nice holiday after beating the latest threat, but this time we mean it!" Rei declares, nodding quickly.
[19:35] * Sailor_Uranus simply tries to get across to Viluy that they need to talk later.
[19:35] <Serenity> "Yeah, but where should we go?" Usagi says with a smile, letting her arms rest around Chibi Usa in her lap.
[19:36] <Anastasia> Viluy smiles slightly at Haruka. "Why don't we all go downstairs," Sailor Neptune suggests. "In the air conditioning and celebrate our victory?"
[19:36] * Serenity nods to that, giving Chibi Usa a small grin. "And hopefully find someone some clothes," she adds.
[19:36] <Sailor_Mars> "When you can teleport, the world's your oyster," Rei grins, before nodding with Viluy's point. "Yeah, lets get back inside," she adds, briefly scanning the sky in case any newscopters have been watching or anything like that.
[19:37] <Anastasia> You don't see any around or any ground crews, Rei.
[19:38] <Sailor_Mars> Nodding in satisfaction, Rei starts towards the stairwell.
[19:38] * Serenity picks up her daughter, following Rei back inside the school.
[19:39] <Anastasia> Following, Eudial smiles a bit. "I think we should at least all call in sick the rest of the week," she muses, Viluy hesitating and waiting for Haruka.
[19:40] * Sailor_Uranus follows along after the rest, taking her place beside Viluy for the trip downstairs.
[19:41] <Anastasia> As you head inside, "Hey," Viluy says simply to Haruka. "You come out of this okay?"
[19:43] <Sailor_Uranus> "Yeah, I'm fine," Haruka tells her with a smile, the tension finally draining out of her with the conclusion of the battle.
[19:43] <Sailor_Mars> Walking down the stairwell, Rei detransforms with a sigh, rotating her arms a little bit, still surprised at them being healed like that.
[19:44] * Serenity follows Rei's example, returning to her normal form as she carries Chibi Usa. Her sense of relief that her daughter is safe has her feeling like she's on cloud nine, a brilliant smile on her face.
[19:45] <Sailor_Uranus> "Time to change out of work clothes," Haruka comments, dropping her guise with a happy sigh.
[19:47] <Anastasia> Following suit, "We... want to go talk, Haruka?" she asks suddenly. "I don't think they'll miss us right now."
[19:50] <Haruka> "Sure," Haruka replies then grins. "A nice quiet place would be good for a private chat, no?"
[19:53] <Anastasia> Viluy nods, stopping. "Why don't we just go back to the roof?" she suggests, her Mugen uniform sweaty but still somehow crisp and elegant. Someone's been ironing their shirts.
[19:56] <Haruka> "If you want," Haruka responds with a shrug. "Anywhere without much people is good, really."
[19:57] <Anastasia> Turning back around, Viluy heads back outside, going to the side of the roof access, in the shade, and sitting. "Come on," she smiles, patting the concrete next to her.
[20:00] * Haruka takes the seat besides her, shifting slightly to get comfortable.
[20:01] <Anastasia> "So..." she says quietly, staring ahead at where Zirae was. "I guess I'm not so perfectly graceful afterall, am I?"
[20:04] <Haruka> "I think you're perfectly graceful," Haruka comments, staring up at the sky happily. "Is that enough?"
[20:06] <Anastasia> "Yeah," she smiles to Haruka. "Maybe it is." At that, she gently takes your hand. "I still love you," she says plainly. "Or Michiru does... or is there even a difference now," she says with a small, tired smile.
[20:09] <Haruka> "There is a difference," Haruka tells Viluy, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "Michiru is Michiru, Viluy is Viluy," she says simply.
[20:10] <Anastasia> Smiling back, "Yeah... but..." she falters a bit. "I wish in a way I... that I should try to love you anyway, Haruka. I really do, but I just can't seem to."
[20:15] <Haruka> "Don't force yourself to do anything that doesn't come natural to you," Haruka scolds Viluy lightly, though the silent voices within her whisper otherwise.
[20:16] <Anastasia> "It doesn't, but..." she looks away. "I kind of want to be unnatural with you, Haruka. I want to hold you, kiss you, love you, even if it makes a part of me freak."
[20:20] * Haruka puts an arm around Viluy. Partly to comfort the confused girl, but partly to hide the sad smile that flashes across her feature. "I don't want you to change who you are for my sake, and I'm sure Michiru wouldn't really want that for you either..." she trails off softly.
[20:21] <Anastasia> Working her way into your arms a bit, "...Are you sure, Haruka," she asks strangely, almost torn.
[20:26] <Haruka> "I know we would make personal sacrifices for each other without hesitation," Haruka begins wistfully. "But forcing sacrifices onto others?" She pauses at that, rolling it around in her mind. "Who I am now, I don't think I could do it. Maybe my other self could've..."
[20:29] <Anastasia> Viluy closes her eyes, blowing out a breath. "If... if you're sure, I'll go, Haruka," she says quietly.
[20:32] * Haruka doesn't release her hold of Viluy though. "That's what my mind tells me at least..." she adds in equally soft tones. "But..." she trails off uncertainly, not sure if she should continue.
[20:33] <Anastasia> Viluy pauses, thinking several moments. "But...?" she asks softly, looking at you with more emotions than you can count. Confusion, hope, fear...
[20:38] <Haruka> "My heart and body are as stubborn and unreasonable as their master..." she whispers. "They don't want to let you go..." Haruka admits, choking slightly on the wild feelings bubbling and churning within her.
[20:40] <Anastasia> "..." Viluy looks down, taking out the Neptune Pen and holding it to her chest. "I... I..." she whispers. "It's your choice, Haruka," she says finally. "If you want to... I'll kiss you right now and we'll see what comes of it. If not... I'll go and we'll just be friends..."
[20:50] * Haruka touches foreheads with Viluy as she draws her close. "My choice is..." she begins slowly as her heart thunders in her chest. "I'm not letting you go," Haruka finishes by closing the distance between them and capturing Viluy's lips.
[20:52] <Anastasia> Viluy gasps as you take her close, her lips warm as her own tongue cautiously meets your own. Even as it does, it feels familiar somehow...
[20:54] <Anastasia> Her arms, though, start to work around you slowly, perhaps a glimmer of a forgotten feeling working as they embrace you..
[21:06] * Haruka simply holds Viluy close, losing herself in the new and old sensations that this contact brings. She is helpless to hold back the few trickles of tears that escape - joy, relief, all her emotions contained within each droplet.
[21:07] <Anastasia> Slowly, the kiss breaks, Viluy also crying with a strangely mixed smile. "I... love you, Haruka. We'll see how it goes... my love." she wipes her eyes, yet still crying, then moving in close to hug. "We'll see how it goes..."
[21:10] <Haruka> Not trusting mere words to describe her feelings, nor her lips to deliver them, Haruka simply holds Viluy close with an unspoken wish that this moment never end.
[21:11] <Anastasia> While it can't last forever... it does last a goodly long time, and when it ends... Sitting up a bit, "Let's go to your apartment, Haruka - not like THAT," she says hastily, smiling. "I... just want to be with you, read with you, watch a movie, eat dinner. Something like that."
[21:18] * Haruka stares blankly a moment at Viluy's quick correction before what she says trickles through, causing a chuckle to escape her. "I'd like that," she responds with a genuine smile at the other activities.
[21:19] <Anastasia> Smiling and again wiping her eyes, she rises. "Let's go, then. You have a car, Haruka?" she asks, remembering.
[21:24] <Haruka> "Indeed I do," she affirms. "The ride back home won't be so lonely now. Well, I hope Usagi and the others understand," she adds, while taking hold of Viluy's hand and leading her to the car.
[21:24] <Anastasia> "They will," Viluy smiles, squeezing your hand. "With Chibi Usa there and all that noise, they won't even notice us being gone."
[21:29] <Haruka> "Good. I love it when things work out," Haruka replies with a grin.
[21:32] <Anastasia> Smiling back still, "And they... they will."
[10:41] <Anastasia> ---
[10:43] <Anastasia> What a day. Zirae is gone, Chibi Usa is back... and in a way, so is the Silver Crystal. The girls gather downstairs, a rest of sorts after a fierce battle. Hotaru, Rei, Usagi and Chibi Usa (now clad in some loose gym clothes gotten on the fly) sit in one corner together, while Makoto, Ann and Tellu have ended up in another huddle. Eudial's gone off to get a few other people while the Twins linger near Usagi...
[10:44] <Anastasia> and now that you think of it, Haruka and Viluy aren't even here. This leaves you somewhat out of it, almost alone at the moment despite all the people here.
[10:48] * Ami-chan surveys the room, eyeing her friends, happy they've made it through... albeit somewhat narrowly, but they're still alive. Nonetheless, she feels somewhat at loose ends, and walks over to a seat near the wall, and sits down with a sigh.
[10:53] <Anastasia> A few minutes pass, until Eudial quietly enters again. Everyone is more or less wrapped up in their own conversations, so this goes largely without note. Until, that is, she comes up to you. "Ami, Professor Tomoe wants to see you," she nods. "We need to do some wrapup and put this stupid Zirae junk behind us."
[10:57] * Ami-chan blinks up at Eudial, nodding a little tiredly, but brightening at the prospect of something to do. She stands, nodding to the older girl. "Let's go."
[10:59] <Anastasia> Exiting out, Eudial doesn't seem to be talkative right now. If anything, she gives you the impression of being tired and out-of-sorts in her way. Though - you don't have too much time to think about it, as as you begin to head to the elevator, you come across a late arrivial - Herb.
[11:01] <Anastasia> "Hi," Eudial manages shortly. "Everyone's in the office... you just missed Zirae again."
[11:02] * Ami-chan blinks, suddenly realizing that their group had been short a member, and smiles to the senshi of dragons. She nods in greeting. "You missed the final festivities, I'm afraid."
[11:04] <Prince_Herb> "What happened? How did you get rid of him?" Herb asks. "Was anyone hurt?"
[11:06] <Ami-chan> "Yes, but we're all fine now." Ami supplies, stretching a little. "We're on our way up. Can the others fill you in?" she deflects politely.
[11:07] <Anastasia> Eudial nods. "Usagi or Rei will be more than happy to fill you in, Herb," she comments. "We're on our way to Professor Tomoe's office right now, so if you excuse us..."
[11:08] <Prince_Herb> "I'm sure they will." says Herb, "Rei-chan's especially good at that. I'll catch up with you two later, then."
[11:08] * Ami-chan waves, then turns, heading for the elevator.
[11:09] * Prince_Herb waves back and heads for the office, where hopefully, the queen and her paramour are still waiting.
[11:09] <Anastasia> Once in the elevator and rising, "Huh, surprised he missed that," Eudial notes. "That guy seems to have really bad timing."
[11:10] * Ami-chan smiles slightly. "He does. Though he gives it his all."
[11:13] <Anastasia> Eudial nods. "Everyone did," she says tiredly, then yawns cavernlously. "It's over, though... I'm so going to call in tomorrow and sleep all day."
[11:15] <Ami-chan> Ami smiles. "You earned it." she agrees. "I'm just happy this is dealt with... and that Usagi-chan got Chibi Usa back."
[11:16] <Anastasia> "Yeah," she says, glancing up at the lit 4 on the floor listing. "Poor kid's been through hell three times now? Four?" she asks as the door opens on floor five.
[11:18] <Ami-chan> Ami leans against the wall, shaking her head. "At least. She's an impressive little girl... I would have had a nervous breakdown by now if this had happened to me at her age..."
[11:20] <Anastasia> Walking out, "Yeah, if not for Usagi," she muses. "How many people can say that recently, Ami?"
[11:23] * Ami-chan nods, following Eudial as they leave the elevator. "Mm. True enough... with what we do, we really are fortunate, despite the difficulties."
[11:26] <Anastasia> Eudial nods, pondering that as you enter Professor Tomoe's office. "Ami, Eudial," he nods from behind his desk. "Congratulations."
[11:32] <Ami-chan> "Uhm... what for, professor?" Ami asks, puzzled, following Eudial in and closing the door behind herself.
[11:51] <Anastasia> "Just for having helped deal with Zirae," he smiles slightly. "I'm glad that mess is done with now."
[11:55] * Ami-chan smiles a little. "Thank you..." she murmurs warmly. "I as well," she agreed.
[12:00] <Anastasia> Eudial nods, agreeing. "Yeah, done with. What do you need us for. Professor?"
[12:07] <Anastasia> "Mainly to go over the data on Zirae's last hurrah," he nods. "And what happened afterward."
[12:09] * Ami-chan nods, suddenly interested. "I would like to see what the readouts say." She agrees, thoughtful. "There was a lot I didn't see, and what I did see I'm not sure I understood..."
[13:01] <Anastasia> Tomoe nods. "It seems a fair deal of what happened was too much for my sensors, but I did get a few readings."
[13:03] * Ami-chan leans forward a little, the curiosity almost visible in her eyes. "Was there anything significant, or just more pieces to the puzzle?"
[13:05] <Anastasia> Tome frowns just a bit, nodding. "Most of the readings from the roof were simply too much, but I did get something relevant at the end," he nods. "All of the energy around the city came together at one focal point - Chibi Usa. There was a massive influx of energy, much like the feat Usagi pulled off against Zirae last time."
[13:10] <Ami-chan> Ami blinks, a puzzled expression flitting across her face. "I wonder... was she duplicating Usagi's feat, or was it a type of interaction between the two shattered crystals, like it absorbed the grail?" Ami wonders. "Or something else entirely?"
[13:13] <Anastasia> Professor Tomoe shakes his head. "I'm really not sure, Ami. The energy readings are massive even for the ones we got, and I've barely had time to go over them."
[13:17] * Ami-chan nods a little, abashed, and coloring slightly. "Sorry. I got ahead of myself." she murmurs.
[13:19] <Anastasia> Smiling a bit to you, "That's alright, Ami. I wanted to give you a copy of the readings as well to go over."
[13:26] * Ami-chan nods, smiling back. "Certainly." she agrees, almost cheerfully now, the weariness post-battle pushed aside for the moment. "When can we start?"
[13:33] <Anastasia> "We can start tomorrow... there isn't a pressing need now, I suppose," he says after a moment of thought.
[13:37] * Ami-chan blinks. "I don't mind starting now." She offers, smiling a bit embarrassedly. "I don't have anything pressing at the moment..."
[13:41] <Anastasia> "Oh no," Eudial speaks up. "We ARE NOT going back down to that damn lab today," she says strongly. "If anything, we are going to celebrate kicking that bastard Zirae's ass."
[13:42] <Anastasia> Standing up swiftly, she heads over to Ami, hands on Ami's shoulders. "We're gonna go and have ourselves a celebration, right Ami?"
[13:43] * Ami-chan blinks in suprise at Eudial's vehemence. "We are?"
[13:46] <Anastasia> She nods, almost shaking you with her fervor. "Us three are going to go out and do JUST that," she nods to Professor Tomoe. For his part, the Professor looks on with a small smile at Eudial's outburst. "I... suppose a break and a celebration would be nice," he thinks. "We should see if any of the other girls wish to go, though, and do it proper."
[13:50] * Ami-chan blushes and nods, giving in. "It can't hurt..." she murmurs, giggling a little at the intensity of Eudial's fervor.
[10:57] <Anastasia> "Right," Eudial smiles back. "I'll go ask them right now... don't run off into a book, Ami," Eudial goes on, leaving quickly. Shaking his head after the Witch leaves, "I suppose a celebration won't hurt anyone..."
[10:59] * Ami-chan nods, giving the door Eudial fled out a bemused look. "We do have cause for it, I suppose." Ami shrugs, with a bemused smile.
[11:01] <Anastasia> "Yes," Professor Tomoe says quietly. "Hopefully... we'll be celebrating the end of the troubles in Tokyo, or at least a very long peace."
[11:05] <Ami-chan> Ami nods, leaning back in her chair. "I hope so." she sighed, brushing an unruly lock of hair behind her ear. "We've been through so much, recently..."
[11:08] <Anastasia> Meanwhile...
[11:10] <Anastasia> ---
[11:12] <Anastasia> It's over. The walk back down to the Witches office was almost a dream - you remembering running off to the locker room to get Chibi Usa some borrowed clothes of a sort, then heading to the office. It's not until you and Usagi are sitting and leaning on each other, with Chibi Usa on your lap and Hotaru having hijacked a chair and sitting nearby, that your senses really start to clear. The two rabbits are holding each other, half dozing after the extreme emotional toll of the day. The Twins are lingering nearby, strangely like hovering stars...
[11:13] * Rei-chan smiles tiredly, content to relax now with her 'family'. After what she's just been through, she really deserves it, she thinks, negligently rubbing her left shoulder.
[11:14] <Anastasia> "Is your shoulder alright, Rei-chan?" Hotaru asks on catching you doing that. As she asks, you idly note Eudial and Ami talking, the two leaving the room.
[11:16] <Rei-chan> "It's fine, now," Rei nods, stretching her arms a bit. "Good thing, too. With the way it got torn out I'd have been worried about it healing properly..."
[11:17] <Anastasia> "Torn out, Rei-chan?" Hotaru frowns at that. "Did... did Zirae do that?"
[11:19] * Rei-chan nods, frowning a bit herself. "When he was... trying to take Chibi Usa..." she says, glancing at said child with a relieved smile. At least everything's okay, now.
[11:19] <Anastasia> The girl frowns even more herself. "He's gone now, though," she reminds herself. "So Chibi Usa-chan and all of you are safe now?"
[11:22] <Rei-chan> "We are," Rei smiles. "Zirae won't hurt anyone ever again." She gently strokes Chibi Usa's cotton-candy hair as she speaks quietly to Hotaru, "Chibi Usa herself did most of the work, there..."
[11:24] <Anastasia> As this is spoken, the door to the office opens to admit Herb, Hotaru glancing over to him.
[11:27] * Rei-chan glances over briefly, before giving her attention back to Hotaru. "We're going to take a vacation after this, for sure," she informs her little sister. "Maybe Hawaii... or Okinawa. If you want to come...?" she offers.
[11:27] * Prince_Herb waves. "Hi there. Ami-chan told me I missed something big." he says, "and I'm sorry I let you down by not being on hand."
[11:32] <Rei-chan> "It's all over. Zirae's gone, Herb," Rei pipes up distractedly.
[11:37] * Prince_Herb nods. "How did it happen?" he asks, "Ami-chan said it was a tough one, and people got hurt, but she said you'd have the details."
[11:50] <Anastasia> Hotaru smiles at Rei, but demurs due to the other man. "Rei-chan was there."
[11:51] * Prince_Herb takes a seat in the office and waits to see if he's going to get anything more.
[11:51] * Prince_Herb looks at Rei-chan.
[11:52] * Rei-chan sighs tiredly. "I don't even really understand everything that happened, myself," she answers Herb. "Everyone's okay now, and Zirae's gone. That's enough for me."
[11:55] <Prince_Herb> "I suppose so. As long as Chibi Usa's safe again, then that's the main thing. I'm just curious about what I might have missed."
[11:57] * Rei-chan snorts lightly, trying not to disturb said dozing child. "You're lucky you missed it, really. But it all turned out well in the end."
[12:02] <Prince_Herb> "All's well, then. I guess I might as well just get on with things." Herb smiles, and picks up the work he left in the office earlier in the week. "I'll see you around." he says, and heads for the door. "I hear Bermuda is nice this time of year, if you were looking for a holiday spot." he says, and then is gone.
[12:03] * Rei-chan just nods as Herb departs, smiling down at Chibi Usa...
[11:11] <Anastasia> Still mostly resting and talking in their own groups, the relative calm is baseball-bat-to-a-window shattered by Eudial entering, a big grin on her face. "Hey," she calls.
[11:11] * Rei-chan looks over at the door. "Hey, Eudial," she replies quietly.
[11:13] <Anastasia> Tellu murmurs a greetign as well, glancing up from Makoto and Ann. The Twins do likewise, rather subdued themselves.
[11:15] <Anastasia> "Anyway," she nods quickly, "We're going to have a celebration for icing Zirae." Eudial says, as if that explains it all.
[11:16] * Rei-chan nods. "I know," she smiles, quite relaxed and making no movement. After all, the celebration can come after a nice long rest.
[11:18] <Anastasia> Still smiling, "C'mon, we're going to go out and have some fun," she nods, as the other Witches send each other various looks. "As in, right now, Eudial?" Tellu asks quietly.
[11:19] <Rei-chan> "We're all pretty tired right now, Eudial," Rei notes with a significant glance at the dozing rabbits.
[11:21] <Makoto> "Partying right now wouldn't be too much fun," Makoto says in agreement with Rei.
[11:24] <Anastasia> "Yeah," Cyprine says, sounding rather drained herself. "How about later, Eudial?" Ptilol nods.
[11:25] <Anastasia> The redhead sighs at the response, but at least has the good grace not to make an argument out of it. "Fine, fine. I guess none of you feel up to anything right now?" she asks, leaving it as a hanging question.
[11:25] * Rei-chan nods. "Right now I just want to relax," she says with a fond smile that encompasses Hotaru and the two Usagi's.
[11:30] <Anastasia> Deflating, "Yeah, I guess," she agrees. "How about tonight, or tomorrow?"
[11:31] <Rei-chan> "Tomorrow would probably be best," Rei offers, looking around for agreement from the others. "I'm probably going to have an early night, tonight."
[11:33] <Anastasia> "Sure," Cyprine shrugs, the girl right now looking on at Chibi Usa.
[11:38] <Anastasia> Nodding and retreating at that, Eudial goes off and out at a more... sedate pace...
[11:39] * Rei-chan chuckles softly. "I can't blame her for wanting to have fun now, but that battle just took a lot out of the rest of us... we'll make it up, tomorrow."
[11:42] * Makoto stretches on her seat. "I'm actually not feeling that bad, but it's no fun partying without everybody."
[11:45] * Rei-chan shrugs, covering a yawn with her hand. "I probably could manage myself by tonight, but... eh, I just want to take it easy, anyway."
[11:47] <Anastasia> "It's been a long couple of days," Cyprine agrees, Ptilol nodding. "Usagi looks exhausted..."
[11:48] * Rei-chan nods. "I hope we never have to go through a fight like that ever again."
[11:49] * Makoto also nods. "I was really scared about Chibi-Usa for a while there."
[11:51] <Rei-chan> Smiling a bit, "She really is a brave little girl..." Rei says.
[11:51] <Anastasia> "And a lucky one," Ptilol murmurs softly.
[11:52] <Rei-chan> "If she was lucky then she wouldn't have had to go through any of that... at least she's okay now, though. That's what matters most."
[11:55] <Makoto> "And hopefully, she won't have to worry about anything else until she grows interested in boys," Makoto says with a smile that turns into a grin as she adds, "...or girls."
[11:56] * Rei-chan snorts lightly at that, amused. "I'm sure she'll be causing enough worry herself by then."
[14:16] <Sailor_Anastasia> ---
[14:17] <Sailor_Anastasia> After Eudial comes and goes, Usagi continues to half doze, daughter in her arms. Finally, though, the little rabbit stirs slowly, looking up. "Rei-chan," she whispers, seeing as her mother is still snoring.
[14:18] * Rei-chan smiles down at Chibi Usa. "Yes?" she asks quietly, not wanting to disturb the blonde.
[14:18] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Can you take me to the bathroom, Rei-chan?" she says, wiggling out of the more soundly asleep Usagi's arms.
[14:20] * Rei-chan nods. "Sure," carefully working herself loose from Usagi and pushing her up a bit so she leans back on the couch rather than to the side, Rei gets up with Chibi Usa, leading her out the office and across to the Witches 'facilities'.
[14:21] <Sailor_Anastasia> Going to the small bathroom just outside the office, Chibi Usa surprises you. She reaches up for your hand as you walk out, almost hesitantly.
[14:22] * Rei-chan takes Chibi Usa's hand, giving it a squeeze as she smiles down at the child.
[14:23] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Rei-chan," she says quietly as you she takes it, smiling back up. "I... love Mommy, Rei-chan. Both of my Mommies... and I love my Daddies, too." Coming closer to your leg, "I don't want to be alone again like that, Rei-chan... no one will leave me alone again?"
[14:26] * Rei-chan shakes her head. "No, Chibi Usa. We'll never leave you alone..." She kneels down to be more level with the child as she speaks, her eyes shimmering a bit. "I... I love you too, and..." impulsively she grabs Chibi Usa in a tight hug, "Oh, God. I'm so proud of you, Chibi Usa," she gets out, sounding a little bit choked.
[14:30] <Sailor_Anastasia> Hugging you back, "Thank you... Daddy," she says, voice somehow clingy. "If I'm not alone, I know I can make it," Chibi Usa smiles at you. "Mommy wouldn't let me go, Rei-chan. She wouldn't let me go away and be alone again."
[14:32] * Rei-chan nods as she pulls back to look at the pink-haired girl, warmed by the sentiment even if she thinks it'll take some getting used to being called 'Daddy'. "Usagi would never let you go, Chibi Usa-chan. She loves you just as much as you love her."
[14:36] <Sailor_Anastasia> "I know," she smiles at you warmly now. "I'm not alone anymore... I have Mommy, Daddy, Mako-chan, Haru-chan, and all of those funny girls here, too."
[14:39] * Rei-chan smirks a bit at the 'funny girls' descriptor for her friends. "Yeah. We're all here for you, Chibi Usa," she replies, giving the girl's shoulder a squeeze. "Now go on and do your business so we can get back to your Mommy and all the funny girls," she adds, tilting her head towards the bathroom.
[14:40] <Sailor_Anastasia> ----
[14:40] <Sailor_Anastasia> Meanwhile...
[14:41] <Sailor_Anastasia> Stirring, Usagi finds only fragments of her day penetrating her mind amid one thing that gives her a strange thrill of terror. Chibi Usa isn't in hre arms or nearby.
[14:42] * Usagi-chan comes awake rather quickly, almost panicking as she notes the lack of her daughter. "Chibi Usa?!" She looks around wildly, wondering where the girl is.
[14:43] <Sailor_Anastasia> "She went to the bathroom with Rei," Cyprine says from beind you.
[14:44] * Usagi-chan looks over at Cyprine, relaxing a bit as she registers the words. "Oh... thanks." She blinks a bit, trying to clear her head.
[14:45] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Are you alright, Usagi," Ptilol asks, staring down with a touch of concern. "You look pale."
[14:47] * Usagi-chan nods slowly, still feeling a bit shaky between the day's exertion and the sudden shock she just woke up to. "I'll be okay... just need to rest, probably."
[13:54] <Ebiris> As Usagi and the twins converse, the door opens once more to admit Rei and Chibi Usa, the miko smiling at Usagi as she leads the pink-haired girl by the hand back to the couch.
[13:55] * Usagi-chan looks around at the new arrivals, visibly relaxing as she catches sight of Chibi Usa.
[13:56] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Mommy's awake," Chibi Usa smiles, letting go of Rei's hand to make a quick approach to Usagi, hugging away. "Thank you, Mommy... you didn't let me be alone again."
[13:56] * Rei-chan smiles at that, sitting down next to Usagi once more.
[13:57] * Usagi-chan gathers Chibi Usa into her arms gently, smiling as she embraces her daughter. "I couldn't let you just die like that, Chibi Usa-chan," Usagi says softly. "I'm just so glad you're safe."
[14:01] <Sailor_Anastasia> From in your arms, "You really kept your promise, Mommy. I'm not alone... not anymore." she hugs you. "Not like I was there with... it..."
[14:03] * Usagi-chan gently rubs Chibi Usa's back. "I told you I'd stay with you," she says reassuringly. "It doesn't matter who or what tries to get in the way - I'm sticking to my promises."
[14:04] <Sailor_Anastasia> Sighing happily in your arms, "But... that thing... you stopped him. I saw him and he scared me so much..."
[14:06] <Usagi-chan> "I couldn't have done it without you," Usagi says, giving the girl a tight squeeze. "I'm sorry it was so scary - I wish you hadn't had to go through it at all."
[14:07] <Sailor_Anastasia> "And... Mommy," she says, seriously in both tone and in how scared she sounds. "If... he kept seeing this face, Mommy. If that person comes here, you'll protect us from him, too?"
[14:08] * Rei-chan looks down at Chibi Usa a little worriedly. "His creator?"
[14:08] * Usagi-chan nods, remembering Zirae's words about his Creator. "I don't care who it is - I won't let anyone separate us. If he comes here, we'll take care of it then."
[14:09] <Sailor_Anastasia> Nodding, "Sailor Moon will stop him... and Sailor Mars, too."
[14:10] * Rei-chan nods, heartened by Chibi Usa's confidence. "We will, Chibi Usa. We will."
[14:10] <Usagi-chan> "Darn right we will," Usagi says, her smile broadening.
[14:13] <Sailor_Anastasia> Smiling, "Then... when that's done, we'll go home and have dinner, all of us and then I call fall asleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed?"
[14:14] <Usagi-chan> "You sure can," Usagi says with a smile, leaning back a bit from Chibi Usa. "We can all have a nice long nap."
[14:15] <Rei-chan> "Works for me," Rei nods her assent.
[14:20] <Sailor_Anastasia> Smiling up at Usagi, "Can we all go to bed together tonight in Mommy's room?" she asks, hopefully.
[14:21] * Usagi-chan makes a slight face. "I think Grandma might have something to say about Rei-chan sleeping over," she says wryly. "I'd love to do it, personally, but I don't think it's such a good idea."
[14:22] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Mommy," she half pleads, "Then... how about Rei-chan's house?"
[14:25] * Usagi-chan thinks for a minute. "I might be able to manage getting us up to the Moon in a few hours," Usagi says after a few moments consideration. "I'm just kind of wiped out after that fight right now."
[14:27] <Rei-chan> "Well, you two could stay at the Shrine tonight instead?" Rei offers. "No sense stressing yourself over the teleport when we're supposed to be relaxing."
[14:28] * Usagi-chan shakes her head. "It's not that big a deal as long as I take my time getting us there. And I'd like to sleep up there - it's been a while. We haven't really had time to spend up there lately."
[14:29] <Rei-chan> "If you're sure," Rei concedes.
[14:30] * Usagi-chan nods, smiling a bit. "I'm sure."
[14:31] <Sailor_Anastasia> "The Moon," Chibi Usa nods. "Grandmother mentioned it, but I haven't been up there..."
[14:32] * Usagi-chan nods. "We haven't really had time since we got back to visit up there much," Usagi agrees. "I hope things will settle down enough now that we can finally start doing things up there again."
[14:34] <Rei-chan> "Yeah," Rei agrees, "We've barely been up just enough to look after the plants, never mind getting any new work done."
? Missing line here?
[14:37] * Rei-chan chuckles. "I'd almost forgotten about that... at least that'll make things more convenient for those of us who can't teleport alone."
[14:38] * Usagi-chan frowns a bit, looking back over at the Twins. "Is the link still there?"
[14:42] <Sailor_Anastasia> "No," Cyprine says, blinking. "It was overloaded in the last use of the Grail." Ptilol nods too. "Yeah, it was a rather big blow up - we were able to help with the blast, then it just fell apart."
[14:42] * Usagi-chan smiles wryly. "Well then, I guess I get to welcome you guys to the group - I just heard you in my head a minute ago, Ptilol."
[14:43] * Rei-chan blinks, looking at the twins. "You've got a permanent link, now?"
[14:43] <Sailor_Anastasia> Both twins blink, Ptilol trying something. 'I imagine Usagi saying she is a giant marshmellow after she eats.'
[14:44] * Usagi-chan sticks her tongue out at the red-haired twin. 'I heard that, Ptilol,' she retorts.
[14:45] <Rei-chan> "Wow... I guess it isn't just for Sailor Senshi anymore, now?" Rei guesses at the silent byplay.
[14:45] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Apparently not," Cyprine shakes her head. "With the energy backlash from the Grail on the link and with the knowledge of how Usagi's other bonds were formed, it's no surprise."
[14:46] <Usagi-chan> "Sure looks that way," Usagi agrees, her brow creasing after a moment. "I wonder..." She looks down at Chibi Usa, experimentally trying to send her thoughts to the girl. 'Can you hear me too, Chibi Usa-chan?'
[14:46] * Rei-chan nods. "The original link between the senshi formed when we all joined power to fight Metallia. I guess it's no suprise something similar would happen with what you three were doing, there."
[14:47] <Sailor_Anastasia> Chibi Usa just sits in your lap, watching you talk to the other girls. "Indeed," Ptilol nods. "At least all of us are familiar with this sort of linking..."
[14:50] * Usagi-chan nods, guessing there's no link with her daughter. "True - I don't think it'll be any more trouble than the telepathy I've had up to now."
[14:53] <Sailor_Anastasia> Nodding, 'It shouldn't be," Cyprine sends. 'Usagi, is it possible to contact the other girls through this?'
[14:54] <Usagi-chan> '*I* can do it, but you can't contact any of the others directly, at least not as far as I know,' Usagi replies. 'I can talk to you two, Ami, Rei, and Makoto, but all of you can only talk to me - at least that's how this has worked so far.'
[14:56] <Sailor_Anastasia> 'I'm just poking it, but it should be possible... if you practiced being a central mental hub a bit, Usagi,' the Twins inform you. 'the groundwork is there.'
[14:56] <Usagi-chan> 'What would I need to do?' Usagi sends back, giving the Twins a curious look.
[14:57] <Sailor_Anastasia> 'It's... well, we'll discuss it later," Cyprine finally comments back. 'There isn't any hurry... and,' she smiles, 'Chibi Usa should come first.'
[14:58] * Usagi-chan nods to that, placing her hand on the little girl's head. "She does," she replies, giving her a smile.
[14:09] <Anastasia> Smiling back at her mother, "Then... can we go have a soda and then go, Mommy," she asks, hoping. "Or even some ice cream?"
[14:09] <Usagi-chan> "I think ice cream sounds PERFECT right now," the blonde replies with a grin.
[14:13] <Anastasia> Nodding, Chibi Usa goes on. "Let's go, then, Mommy," she asserts.
[14:14] * Usagi-chan smiles, rising as she takes Chibi Usa's hand. "Who's coming with us?" she asks.
[14:14] * Rei-chan stands up, obviously.
[14:15] <Anastasia> "Go on," Ptilol shakes her head. "I need to go back to the Other Place," Cyprine picks up at this point, "And I need to sleep."
[14:16] <Rei-chan> "See you guys tomorrow?" Rei offers. "We still need to plan our vacation," she adds with a grin.
[14:16] <Anastasia> "Sure thing," Cyprine nods, as the pair vanish.
[14:17] <Rei-chan> "What about the rest of you?" Rei looks at Hotaru, then over at Tellu, Makoto, and Ann.
[14:18] <Anastasia> Tellu shakes her head, as does Ann. "We," she means herself and Makoto, "should get going. Alan's kind of waiting on us, I think."
[14:22] <Anastasia> Hotaru considers, then nods and smiles.
[14:23] <Rei-chan> "Okay, then. Just us four," Rei nods. "See you guys later," she waves to Ann and the rest as she starts for the door.
[14:23] * Usagi-chan smiles. "Thanks for your help today, everyone!" Usagi says with a smile, waving as she too heads out of the room.
[14:25] <Anastasia> ---
[14:31] <Anastasia> A few days pass - Chibi Usa insists on sleeping with you the past few nights, after sleeping with both you and Rei the night after that terrible battle. Life goes on to Sunday, when...
[14:33] <Anastasia> Over a late breakfast - you slept in, Chibi Usa's warmth making that an easy task - Ikkuko pokes her head into the kitchen. "Usagi, you have a guest."
[14:34] <Usagi-chan> "Who is it?" Usagi asks, looking up at her mother over a forkful of sausage.
[14:35] <Anastasia> "Setsuna," she smiles a bit. "She asked to see you."
[14:37] * Usagi-chan blinks, slightly surprised. "I'll be out in just a minute," the blonde replies, quickly demolishing the rest of her breakfast - she was almost done, anyway.
[14:39] <Anastasia> It takes Usagi just about that to head into the living room and find Sailor Pluto there - the actual Sailor Pluto, she's wearing her work clothes today. "Your Majesty," she murmurs with a small nod.
[14:41] <Usagi-chan> "I wasn't expecting to see you today," Usagi admits quite honestly, returning the nod. "Is something wrong?"
[14:42] <Anastasia> "Not in the sense you are worried about, Your Majesty," she nods again. "I merely wished to come and discuss certain matters."
[14:43] <Usagi-chan> "Oh," Usagi says, not quite sure what to make of that answer. "Please, sit down," she says, gesturing the couch as she sits down in her father's armchair. "If we're going to talk, we might as well get comfortable."
[14:45] <Anastasia> Doing so, she turns to you. "You defeated Zirae, if at a price," she notes, opening the proverbial floor.
[14:46] * Usagi-chan nods. "I guess you mean the Grail," she says. "I'd rather have lost that than Chibi Usa, though."
[14:47] <Anastasia> "Among other things," she smiles slightly. "But you saved Chibi Usa and protected the Earth again. Well done, your Majesty."
[14:48] * Usagi-chan blushes very slightly at the compliment. "Thank you."
[14:50] <Anastasia> "And you've rebuilt some of your lost protectors, even if you lost another recently," she goes on, her reference clear.
[14:52] * Usagi-chan sighs. "I was hoping to talk to you about that, actually. What exactly is happening to Viluy?"
[14:54] <Anastasia> "The memories of Michiru are left behind in the domain of Neptune," she says, not really dancing around as she usually might. "As she inherited the power, she also inherited the memories."
[14:56] * Usagi-chan sighs. "Is the same thing going to happen if I appoint someone to take Minako's place?" she asks, getting to the question that's been weighing on her mind for a bit. "I'm not sure I'd want someone turning half into Minako, with the way things went with her towards the end."
[14:59] <Anastasia> "The memories of Minako," she says carefully, pondering. "I told you that you make your own destiny, Usagi. Every single person does... yet some people tread on paths that should not be tread on with this freedom." Pausing even more to consider her words, "There will be the memories of the real Minako, whomever she truly was."
[15:02] <Usagi-chan> "But who exactly is the 'real' Minako? The person she was in the Silver Millenium? The person we knew in this time?" Usagi sighs.
[15:02] <Anastasia> "That's something you," she points right at your heart, "will have to decide."
[15:03] <Usagi-chan> "Are you saying it's up to me to say who she really was?" Usagi says, rather surprised.
[15:04] <Anastasia> "It is your judgment, your Majesty," she demurs, smiling that damn smile of hers.
[15:05] * Usagi-chan sighs. "If you say so," she says, frowning a bit. 'I guess I WILL have to get used to the idea,' she thinks to herself.
[15:06] <Anastasia> Nodding, "Further, you still plan to restore the Moon." she asserts, not a question at all.
[15:06] * Usagi-chan nods. "Yeah, but that's nothing new," Usagi says. "We've been working on it for a long time now - why would we stop now?"
[15:08] <Anastasia> Setsuna just shakes her head. "As you say, your Majesty." At that, she rises. "Endymion is well, if you care to know."
[15:10] * Usagi-chan frowns a bit - why the abrupt subject changes? "That's good to hear - how are things going for you two?"
[15:11] <Anastasia> "We are... well," she smiles. "I believe that in time that Endymion will let go of his past."
[15:12] * Usagi-chan smiles a bit. "I just hope you two will be happy together," she says honestly.
[15:14] <Anastasia> "In time," she replies, smiling back. "We all... perhaps, if nothing else, we have time."
[15:16] * Usagi-chan smiles wryly at that. "I guess THAT's true enough," she admits.
[15:18] <Anastasia> Nodding, "Don't tell Chibi Usa I came," she says, beginning to walk out. "I agree with her... it will be best for her if she forgets her past, now. The Puu she sees in me is just a ghost of that."
[15:20] * Usagi-chan nods slowly. "All right," she says. "Take care of yourself, Setsuna - and good luck."She gives the tall senshi a smile.
[15:21] <Anastasia> As she turns her back and walks out fully, "Keep Chibi Usa safe and happy, Usagi," she concludes. "Don't make me regret not trying to win her heart for our own family instead."
[15:22] <Usagi-chan> "I will," Usagi says, frowning a bit at the implication.
[15:23] <Anastasia> At that, Sailor Pluto is gone... yet, as she leaves, you notice something where she was sitting, a glittering object.
[15:23] * Usagi-chan raises an eyebrow, getting up to go investigate the shining object.
[15:25] <Anastasia> It's the bare metal cap to what looks to be a henshin pen. Gray and colorless, it lacks a certain vitality that marks the other pens to you. With it is a small piece of folded up paper.
[15:27] * Usagi-chan frowns a bit, picking up the cap as she looks over the paper.
[15:29] <Anastasia> Folded up in the paper is the rest of the pen alogn with precise black writing. "The universe is vast, your Majesty. Perhaps there are other dreamers?" is the simple text written there.
[15:30] * Usagi-chan maintains her slight frown, studying the pen included with the paper.
[15:30] <Anastasia> It's completely non magical to your senses - just a gray henshin pen, minus a symbol atop it.
[15:31] <Usagi-chan> "Weird... a blank transformation pen?" she says, studying the two objects.
[15:34] <Anastasia> They are completely normal to you. The not ehas no further clues, either.
[15:34] * Usagi-chan shrugs as the pen reveals no secrets, placing the cap on it to keep the two items from getting separated before slipping it into her subspace pocket.
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


[15:37] <Anastasia> ---
[15:41] <Anastasia> A few more days pass. Heading home after one particularly nasty and long day at school(You barely passed a far harder than expected math test, you think), seeing Chibi Usa crying is one thing. Seeing Eiko standing in front of her and smirking is another, uncaring about the people watching in horror. "You're just the little lonely baby of a dyke and a whore," she smirks. "Tell me... Mommy probably passed it onto you, didn't she?"
[15:42] * Usagi-chan grits her teeth. "Get AWAY from her, Eiko," she snarls. "And leave her alone - go back to playing with the trash you usually hang out with."
[15:44] <Anastasia> On seeing you, Eiko's eyes narrow a moment, hand in her pocket clenching. "Usagi," she sneers. "Come back to pick up your baby, slut," she mocks. "Hey, everyone! Don't you just love a little slutty single mother who looks after her bastard children?" she calls, as the entire crowd just watches in horror.
[15:45] <Anastasia> "MOMMY!" Chibi Usa cries, darting right to you with almost super speed.
[15:45] * Usagi-chan ignores the cruel jibes, kneeling down to give Chibi Usa a hug. "It's okay, Chibi Usa - I'm here now. I won't let Eiko bother you anymore."
[15:47] <Anastasia> "Mommy!" she sobs into your chest brokenly. Meanwhile, Eiko just laughs, turning away. "Oh, I wouldn't count on it, bitch," she snorts. "I'll be around, Chibi Usa. Someone needs to put you in place since your mother didn't have the guts for an abortion."
[15:48] * Usagi-chan narrows her eyes at that - NO ONE talks to her daughter like that. But there's a time and a place - and this is neither. "Just ignore her, Chibi Usa," Usagi says gently, caressing the little girl's back.
[15:49] <Anastasia> Walking away with hand still in pocket, Eiko showers down cruel laughter as she leaves, the absolutely stunned crowd not trying to stop her.
[15:50] <Anastasia> Chibi Usa doesn't even manage words, just wave after wave of hurt tears...
[15:50] * Usagi-chan resolves to pay Eiko a little visit once Chibi Usa is settled down and taken care of, her daughter far more important than her brat of a cousin.
[15:51] <Anastasia> As Chibi Usa cries on your shirt, the spell over the crowd seems to break, so to speak, people finally acting. One warm hand ends on Usagi's shoulder, "Miss, why don't you take her in here," he offers, an elderly man with a nice smile.
[15:52] * Usagi-chan smiles at the older gentleman. "Thank you very much, sir," she says, picking Chibi Usa up and following him.
[15:53] <Anastasia> Leading you into a small little cafe that you've been to before - you think you met Endymion here, or your Dad after that one day at Mugen, it's not important enough to pursue right now - he takes you right to a corner booth. "I'll get you some tea," he offers, as Chibi Usa still cries. "I'm so sorry for you... I should have stepped in far before that."
[15:55] <Usagi-chan> "It's all right, it's just the usual with Eiko," Usagi sighs, settling Chibi Usa on her lap and rocking the girl back and forth gently. "I appreciate the help now, though."
[15:56] <Anastasia> Coming back with hot tea and a smile - he mentions his son and daughter in law run the place - he apologizes again and gives you your privacy. By this point, Chibi Usa has finally calmed a bit, rubbing her nose on her sleeve and whimpering.
[15:57] <Usagi-chan> "Are you feeling better now, Chibi Usa-chan?" Usagi says gently, giving her daughter a smile. "Don't take Eiko seriously - she doesn't know what she's talking about, and she's just trying to hurt you because she can."
[15:58] <Anastasia> Chibi Usa nods bravely, now thinking to reach for a napkin. "She scares me, Mommy. She's so mean..."
[16:00] * Usagi-chan retrieves a napkin for the girl, letting her blow her nose. "Don't let her frighten you, Chibi Usa-chan. I won't ever let her hurt you, no matter what." She leans down and kisses the top of the girl's head.
[16:01] <Anastasia> "Okay," she murmurs, resting her head in the valley of your chest. "Mommy will protect me again..."
[16:06] * Usagi-chan strokes Chibi Usa's hair, smiling as she reassures the girl. "Mommy will always protect you, Chibi Usa-chan."
[16:08] <Anastasia> Nuzzing in and closing her eyes, Chibi Usa seems to be in no shape to argue the point. In fact, you can hear her breathing starting to slow after a bit of that.
[16:09] * Usagi-chan smiles a bit, keeping up the soothing caresses - not a real surprise that the girl cried herself out.
[16:09] <Anastasia> Soon enough, you are home. That nice old man gave you a ride home, making it a nice and short trip. On carrying the girl in and to the couch, "Why's Chibi Usa asleep?" Shingo asks absently, as he plays some game or the other. Looks fantasyish, and it's not one of yours.
[16:11] * Usagi-chan sighs, covering her daughter with a blanket. "Eiko," Usagi replies shortly. "I don't know how or why, but she cornered Chibi Usa and started in on her. She left, but Chibi Usa cried herself to sleep after that. It was a horrible scene."
[16:12] <Anastasia> "Ugh," Shingo mutters, recalling his own incidents with the girl. "I'd hoped she'd gone back home already or something."
[16:13] <Usagi-chan> "No such luck," Usagi says with a scowl. "I'm definitely paying her a visit after dinner tonight - I am NOT going to stand around and let her do that to Chibi Usa. Insulting me is one thing, but Chibi Usa's been through so much already - she doesn't need to deal with Eiko on top of everything else."
[16:15] <Anastasia> Shingo nods, speaking with a slight grudge of his own. "Give her a kick in the butt for me, too, Usagi."
[16:16] <Usagi-chan> "With pleasure," Usagi replies.
[16:18] <Anastasia> After a rather nice meal that Chibi Usa sleeps through, Usagi has her task in hand. Armed with the address of Eiko, which Mom gave up without a fuss after hearing about the day's events, you can go visit her when you are ready.
[16:21] * Usagi-chan heads out right after dinner, a grimly determined expression on her face. Her daughter's lost one family and nearly lost her life, and she is NOT going to let some sheer bitch get away with tormenting the girl. She makes a beeline for Eiko's apartment, practically steaming with anger.
[16:22] <Anastasia> Her apartment is in Tokyo's outskirts, a decent if not great building. It's on the third floor, a quiet door in what looks to be a quiet apartment building.
[16:22] * Usagi-chan hammers on the door. "Eiko!" she calls out angrily.
[16:23] <Anastasia> A few seconds pass, the knocking echoing. Nada.
[16:23] * Usagi-chan narrows her eyes, checking with her aura sight to see if the bitch is even home right now.
[16:25] <Anastasia> She's not, you find.
[16:25] * Usagi-chan takes a deep breath, calming herself as she attempts to search Juuban for her cousin.
[16:26] <Anastasia> OOC - Soul check +2, rabbit.
[16:27] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6+2
[16:27] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6+2 and gets 9."
[16:28] <Anastasia> You... hm. Eiko's not around, somewhere in downtown Tokyo.
[16:30] * Usagi-chan wastes little time in taking to the rooftops, headed for downtown. As she goes, she sends a mental message to Rei. 'You there, Rei-chan?'
[16:31] <Rei-chan> 'Hm? Usagi?' Rei's mental voice replies momentarily.
[16:32] <Usagi-chan> 'I'm out dealing with Eiko right now,' Usagi sends back grimly. 'She had Chibi Usa in tears this afternoon, and I'm not going to sit still for that. But since I'm having to go downtown to find her, I figured I'd better let someone know where I was.'
[16:33] <Rei-chan> 'Eiko. Ugh... I had almost forgotten all about her.' Rei sighs. 'Just don't kill her, Usagi.'
[16:35] <Usagi-chan> 'It's a tempting thought, but I won't,' Usagi sends back. 'But I'm going to make damn sure she knows better than to mess around with my family again.'
[16:36] <Rei-chan> 'Quite right. Let me know how it goes,' Rei responds.
[16:36] <Usagi-chan> 'Will do,' Usagi replies, turning her full attention back to her search.
[16:42] <Anastasia> It leads you to a seedy love hotel in Tokyo - a slum version of what Gramps Hino suggested that one morning after Rei and yourself broached that barrier.
[16:43] * Usagi-chan grimaces in distaste, trying to place where in the building Eiko is, exactly.
[16:44] <Anastasia> She's in the front - it looks like she's coming out.
[16:45] * Usagi-chan drops down from the rooftop lightly, waiting in plain sight of the entrance - a deep scowl on her face.
[16:49] <Anastasia> Eiko soon enough comes out, right hand stuffed in her pocket while her left hand runs over her hair... and she stops when she sees you, sneering. "Hello, Usagi," she smiles. "Come here to get knocked up again? Going to add another disease-ridden bastard child for Chibi Usa to fuck?"
[16:50] <Anastasia> Staring at you, her eyes almost seem to burn with disdain, black and cold...
[16:51] * Usagi-chan wastes no time, attempting to grab Eiko by the shirt and slam her up against the nearest wall.
[16:51] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6
[16:51] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[16:52] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[16:52] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 11."
[16:53] <Anastasia> Grabbing her black shirt and doing said slam, she gasps a bit but stays more or less coherent. "Bitch," she snarls, spitting right in your face at close range and trying to push off. (Body check for her, +1)
[16:53] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[16:53] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 6."
[16:54] <Anastasia> She's stronger than she looks, but she can't manage to really get you to budge.
[16:56] * Usagi-chan bars her arm against the other girl's throat, giving Eiko an icy glare as she speaks. "I've sat by and watched you annoy the hell out of my family and friends. But I will NOT let you do another thing to hurt Chibi Usa. If I find out you've said ONE THING to her to hurt her feelings, you WILL be in a world of pain. That's a promise."
[16:57] <Anastasia> Unfazed by your threats, "Know your place," she hisses, annoyed. "I'll do to that little bastard bitch what I FEEL like..." she chuckles darkly. "She'd look even better with her ugly head under my boot and the curb."
[16:59] * Usagi-chan pulls her arm back and slams a punch into Eiko's face, still holding the girl pinned against the wall. "You won't do a damn thing to her, is that clear?"
[17:01] <Anastasia> There is a spritting out of blood as her lip is split by Usagi's blow, Eiko's head slamming back! Gritting her teeth she sends you a look that managed to send a shiver down your spine even now, "Fuck you," she manages despite her bleeding. "I told you... that little bitch is MINE to do what I want to."
[17:03] * Usagi-chan wastes no time in repeating the punch, a look of grim determination on her face. "Is that clear?!" she shouts. "You lay one finger on her and you WILL regret it!"
[17:05] <Anastasia> This time, you feel something surprising from Eiko. From her hand you can feel a surge of dark energy! "I said..." she says through a hurt nose, "fuck you... Serenity," she hisses, a close range burst of dark energy knocking you flying! (20 damage) Laughing despite a badly punched out face, EIko rocks a bit back and forth. "I'll kill that little brat, and then put all of you in your place..."
[17:06] <Anastasia> As she does so, she takes her right hand out, holding it in her left and laughing more.
[17:06] * Usagi-chan bounces back from the attack, staring at Eiko. "What the hell?" She jumps to her feet quickly, glaring at the other girl.
[17:07] <Anastasia> A black glow surrounds her hand and then her body... "I'll get both of you... you damn sluts..."
[17:08] <Usagi-chan> "You won't do anything to either one of us!" Usagi shouts, firing off a bolt of energy at her possessed cousin.
[17:08] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6
[17:08] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 6."
[17:09] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[17:09] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 3."
[17:09] <Anastasia> Holding out her hand open, you see a circular fragment of dark crystal embedded in her palm. The blast of silver energy goes to it and vanishes, Eiko laughing. "Is that it, bitch? You're nothing to me! Nothing but a pest that keeps getting in my way!"
[17:11] <Usagi-chan> roll 1d6+9
[17:11] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 1d6+9 and gets 10."
[17:11] <Anastasia> roll 1d6
[17:11] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 1d6 and gets 1."
[17:11] <Usagi-chan> "I haven't even gotten started," Usagi says grimly. Withdrawing her brooch from subspace, she holds it aloft. "Moon Purity Power, Make UP!"
[17:12] <Anastasia> That seems to cause an effect on Eiko, her beaten face going into a more angry mode. "Sailor Moon! I'll kill you, bitch! Nothing but a pest!" At that, a second bolt of black energy comes from Eiko!
[17:12] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[17:12] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 4."
[17:12] <Sailor_Moon> roll 2d6
[17:12] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Moon rolls 2d6 and gets 8."
[17:15] <Anastasia> Coming too quickly after her transformation, the second bolt hits Usagi right in the chest, sending her off her feet and up a bit before she slams down to the ground! (20 damage)
[17:15] * Sailor_Moon grunts in pain, slowly struggling to her feet a moment later.
[17:16] <Anastasia> "Come on, Usagi," she mocks. "I'm going to kick Chibi Usa's skull in tomorrow, don't you want to see that slut bleed to death? She'll die regretting that she never got a chance to go down on you!"
[17:16] <Anastasia> roll 1d6
[17:16] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 1d6 and gets 3."
[17:17] <Sailor_Moon> roll 1d6+12
[17:17] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Moon rolls 1d6+12 and gets 17."
[17:18] * Sailor_Moon whips her staff out of subspace with a silent snarl. "You've been asking for this for a long, LONG time. Moon Princess Hallation!" she cries, letting a powerful blast of magical energy rip towards Eiko!
[17:19] <Sailor_Moon> roll 2d6
[17:19] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Moon rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[17:19] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[17:19] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 10."
[17:21] <Anastasia> Slamming into Eiko at full force after she tries to bat it away, Eiko is sent flying with a pained cry, into the wall hard! She's not moving to get up, either, her aura flicking with darkness...
[17:25] * Sailor_Moon stalks over to Eiko angrily, grabbing the girl's right hand roughly.
[17:25] <Anastasia> The black crystal shard throbs in her hand, hateful energy radiating from it. You can see that Eiko is really rather badly injured from that Hallation, too..
[17:27] * Sailor_Moon shakes her head, letting Eiko's hand fall to the ground as she steps back and raises her staff again. "Moon Healing Escalation!" she calls out, sending a wave of purifying energy towards the fallen girl.
[17:28] <Anastasia> Eiko's right hand goes straight up into the air at it, the shard shimmering and cracking! With a strange, otherworldy cry, it shatters into a thousand sandy shards that vanish away in an instant! Eiko goes limp after that, bleeding and torn up...
[17:28] * Sailor_Moon maintains the wash of energy, finally letting its healing component take its effect on her cousin.
[17:30] <Anastasia> Her battered body slowly mends, the wounds healing. Though, Eiko stays most unconscious...
[17:31] * Sailor_Moon sighs. Removing her tiara, she holds it against the other girl's stomach, letting it form into a band to constrict her arms against her sides.
[17:31] <Anastasia> It does so, obeying your command as it always does.
[17:32] <Sailor_Moon> That done, Usagi hauls the other girl up and over her shoulder with a grimace before taking to the rooftops once again. 'THAT wasn't what I expected,' she sends to Rei as she heads back towards Juuban.
[17:33] <Rei-chan> 'Huh?' the miko sends back a moment later, puzzled.
[17:33] <Sailor_Moon> 'Guess who found a little shard of Black Crystal...' Usagi sends wryly.
[17:33] <Rei-chan> Silence for a moment, then, 'You're kidding me. Please tell me you're kidding me.'
[17:34] <Sailor_Moon> 'I'm not kidding you,' Usagi replies. 'I can't imagine what else it could have been. She hit me with a couple of energy blasts from it.'
[17:35] <Rei-chan> 'Well, you're obviously okay, now. What happened?'
[17:36] * Sailor_Moon frowns in the middle of her roofhopping. 'She was talking about kicking Chibi Usa's head in, and I kind of lost it. Hit her with a Hallation. She survived it, thank god, but only barely.'
[17:42] <Rei-chan> 'Thank God...' Rei sigh. 'She might have been a bitch, but... that doesn't deserve death. Did you dispose of the shard?'
[17:44] <Sailor_Moon> 'Yeah, I managed to purify her and the shard shattered completely - let out something like a scream, too. I'm guessing that was Wiseman. She's not in any danger now, but she's still unconscious. I've got her with me now and I'm headed back home.'
[17:45] <Rei-chan> 'Good. Hopefully she won't be too much of a problem, now.'
[17:46] * Sailor_Moon sighs. 'I sure hope not, but there's no telling. She was a bitch BEFORE she found the crystal.'
[17:47] <Rei-chan> 'True enough, but I can't imagine that shard was doing her mental state any favours. You do remember Petz, right?' Rei points out.
[17:48] <Sailor_Moon> 'Yeah, I do. I guess we'll have to see what she's like when she wakes up - and she'll HAVE to be dealt with. She saw me transform, and she knew I was Serenity, too - probably from Wiseman.'
[17:49] * Rei-chan blows out a long breath. 'Great. Well, if we're lucky she won't remember - that's happened often enough with people who've been possessed. If not... we'll think of something.'
[17:51] <Sailor_Moon> 'We'll have to,' Usagi replies glumly, giving the unconscious girl over her shoulder a glare. 'I swear, she's been nothing but trouble since the day she arrived.'
[17:52] <Rei-chan> 'How many more months until her own stupid parents are supposed to take her back?'
[17:54] <Sailor_Moon> 'She only got here about a month or so ago - so at least a few.' Usagi doesn't sound particularly pleased at that fact.
[17:57] <Rei-chan> 'Oh well... guess things can't ever be perfect.'
[17:59] <Sailor_Moon> 'We should be so lucky,' Usagi thinks back wryly, just entering Juuban.
[17:59] <Anastasia> Eiko is still out quite cold in your arms, lying there like a ton of bricks.
[18:01] * Sailor_Moon takes the last few hops towards home quickly, checking the street to make sure no one is around to see her before she drops down from the rooftops.
[18:02] <Anastasia> Hopping home with dusk settling in, you manage to find a place to get down, though you're still conspicuous as Sailor Moon.
[18:05] * Sailor_Moon gets into the house quickly, not willing to drop her transformation just yet - if she reverts to Usagi, her tiara disappears, and she wants to make sure Eiko is secured considering the events of the past hour.
[18:05] <Anastasia> Going in the back way, you find Ikkuko putting away dinner as you enter - some sort of pork in sauce. "Usagi!" she says in surprise, then her eyes narrow at Eiko. "You brought a guest," she notes.
[18:06] <Sailor_Moon> "Unfortunately," Usagi says with a scowl. "She was a little more trouble than I was expecting. Do you care where I drop her?"
[18:19] <Anastasia> "Chibi Usa went to her room, so use the couch," Ikkuko sighs, glaring at Eiko. "No need to make a mess on the floor."
[18:20] <Sailor_Moon> "Do we have anything we can use to tie her up?" Usagi says, bearing her burden into the living room.
[18:22] <Anastasia> "Not anything I can think of, Usagi-chan," she says after a touch of thought. "Maybe... maybe an old jump rope, if Shingo still has his?"
[18:23] * Sailor_Moon drops Eiko on the couch unceremoniously, then begins to look around for her little brother.
[18:27] <Anastasia> Shingo is still downstairs, having pauses his game - that SM game on the console, you note. "Did you have to bring her home, Dumpling Head," he grouses, staring in distaste.
[18:28] <Sailor_Moon> "Yes," Usagi replies with a scowl of her own. "Do you still have your old jump rope? I need something to tie her up with before she wakes up."
[18:29] <Anastasia> "Yeah, I think so," he smirks a bit as he stares at her. "Hold on, Usagi."
[18:29] <Sailor_Moon> "Thanks," Usagi replies, keeping an eye on the unconscious girl while Shingo runs off.
[18:30] <Anastasia> Coming back a short while later with a length of old cotton and plastic wrapped cord, he hands it to you without comment.
[18:31] * Sailor_Moon wastes little time in binding Eiko's arms and legs securely, finally letting her transformation lapse as she finishes her task.
[18:35] <Anastasia> AS it does so, Eiko continues to lie there. She's rather thoroughly out as her aura slowly readjusts to its normal human levels...
[18:36] * Usagi-chan simply settles down in her father's chair to wait, still watching the unconscious Eiko.
[18:38] <Anastasia> Three hours pass, later evening coming and starting to go. Eiko is still asleep, though her aura has stabilized.
[18:39] * Usagi-chan simply settles down in the chair to sleep, figuring if Eiko wakes up in the middle of the night she won't be shy about making her displeasure known.
[18:40] <Anastasia> Falling asleep quickly...
[18:40] <Anastasia> ---
[18:40] <Anastasia> That morning...
[18:40] <Anastasia> Waking just a hair past seven, Usagi is stirred by Shingo shaking her shoulder. "Hey, Meatball Brain," he says, "It's morning."
[18:41] * Usagi-chan blinks blearily. "Hmm?" she says groggily, stretching in the chair. "Thanks, Shingo," she mumbles as she tries to wake up.
[18:42] <Anastasia> "She's still there, though," he nods, glaring again at the still slumbering Eiko. "Can you get her out of here, Usagi-chan?"
[18:45] * Usagi-chan grumbles. "Where do you want me to put her? I've got to find out what she remembers when she wakes up, I can't just dump her somewhere."
[18:45] <Anastasia> "How about the city trash incinerator," Ikkuko observes sourly, poking her head in from the kitchenway. "Breakfast is ready. Will you be going to school today, Usagi-chan?"
[18:47] <Usagi-chan> "Probably not unless she wakes up in the next few minutes," Usagi says, climbing out of the chair. "She saw me transform last night, so I can't exactly let her go running around blabbing it to everyone she runs into." She heads towards the kitchen - breakfast sounds good right now.
[18:47] <Anastasia> Nodding, "Moooom! How come Usagi always gets to stay home," Shingo complains rather loudly, causing the poor woman to sigh.
[18:49] <Anastasia> "Fine, you stay home too, Shingo," she almost snaps off, shaking her head in not caring defeat. "Usagi, go ahead and serve yourselves, I'm going to lay down."
[18:49] <Usagi-chan> "Sorry, Mom," Usagi says apologetically. "I'll get her out of here as soon as I can."
[18:50] <Anastasia> "Please, Usagi-chan," she says, heading for the stairs as you and your brother head to the breakfast tables. Eggs is the order of the day, Shingo taking a large serving. "About time I got a free day off, even if Eiko is here," he nods. "You're so lucky, Usagi."
[18:51] * Usagi-chan sighs. "I wouldn't call it luck," she grumbles. "YOU get to have a day off to goof around. I'VE got to make sure Miss Congeniality over there doesn't remember anything from last night."
[18:52] <Anastasia> "But you get to keep missing days, and Luna says that you can get out of classes at school," the boy notes. "I wish I could just leave class."
[18:54] <Usagi-chan> "Doesn't mean I get out of the work though," Usagi says. "I still have to make everything up later - which is TWICE as much work."
[18:58] <Anastasia> "And you can have Ami-chan help you... she's the smartest girl in Tokyo," Shingo goes on. "At least Mika isn't bad at studying," he notes after that, thinking.
[19:00] <Usagi-chan> "Doesn't mean she does my homework FOR me," Usagi retorts. "It IS nice to have the help, but it's still just help. And we're all really busy even aside from school - having to take time out to make up a day is a real pain."
[19:01] <Anastasia> Grumbling, Shingo lets it drop as he stuffs his face with eggs. "Hey, once you get Eiko out of here... why don't we play some video games?" he offers, trying to be nonchalant. "Chibi Usa isn't any good at them at all."
[19:03] <Usagi-chan> "I guess we can if you want. I figured since I'm taking the day off anyway I'd head up to the palace and see what I can do to get things going back up there again, but it can wait." Usagi shrugs. "I just hope deailing with Eiko isn't too much of a pain."
[19:05] <Anastasia> "Okay," he nods, actually smiling a bit. "See ya after you get rid of Eiko, Usagi!"
[19:07] <Usagi-chan> "Have fun," Usagi says with a wry smile. "At least more fun than I will." She makes a face.
[19:07] <Anastasia> He probably does - Eiko doesn't stir for another half hour, finally coming to with a groan.
[19:09] * Usagi-chan keeps her face carefully blank as Eiko stirs, her arms crossed as she looks on at her cousin.
[19:12] <Anastasia> "oooh... fuck..." Eiko mutters, groaning. "... fuck did take?" she says a few moments later, opening her eyes a bit before closing them double time and moaning.
[19:12] * Usagi-chan blinks - the other girl's not making much sense. "Glad to see you're finally awake," she says levelly.
[19:13] <Anastasia> Wincing, Eiko slowly opens her eyes just enough to see. "Ugh... you..." she mutters. "Hell am I doing here again?"
[19:14] <Usagi-chan> "I brought you back here. We're going to settle a few things, here and now." Usagi replies.
[19:14] <Anastasia> "When did you bring me back here," she says, shaking her head very, very slowly. "Fuck, what day is it?" she asks a moment later, mostly in reflex.
[19:17] <Usagi-chan> "Last night," Usagi replies. "It's Wednesday morning."
[19:17] <Anastasia> "It was Thursday last," she half notes, "Ugh..."
[19:18] * Usagi-chan blinks. "What's the last thing you remember?" Usagi says, getting up to untie the other girl.
[19:19] <Anastasia> Usually docile, probably because of all the aftershock in her system, "Just broke in the apartment," she murmurs.
[19:21] * Usagi-chan pulls the rope away from Eiko's limbs, allowing the other girl a bit more freedom of movement. "Broke in? Do I want to know what you mean by that?"
[19:22] <Anastasia> "The fuck was I tied up for," she snarls a bit as you take the rope off, missing the latter question.
[19:23] * Usagi-chan gives Eiko a flat look. "Because before I hauled you back here last night, you were threatening to kill me and Chibi Usa. I wanted to make sure you didn't try anything when you woke up."
[19:24] <Anastasia> "You're lying, bitch," she says, falling back into old patterns. "I'd remember if I did that."
[19:25] <Usagi-chan> "The last thing you remember is it being Thursday," Usagi retorts. "I'd say there are a few things you DON'T remember."
[19:25] <Anastasia> Eiko sends you a glare, beginning to get up. "Fuck this shitheap," she mutters, standing.
[19:26] * Usagi-chan shoves Eiko back down to the couch roughly. "I didn't say you could leave. I'm serious - I have completely HAD it with you! What the hell is your problem?"
[19:27] <Anastasia> Falling hard back into the couch, the groans and holds her head for a moment before getting up again, glaring. "Do that again and I'll put you in your place, bitch. Go back to humping your girlfriend's leg, slut."
[19:30] * Usagi-chan puts her hands on her hips, scowling at her cousin. "You try to leave again and I'll do it again. Your call, not mine. And I'm still waiting on an answer - just WHAT is your problem?"
[19:30] <Anastasia> Grunting, she makes a rather strong push on you, making you take a step or two back. "Fuck off," she replies again, as she rubs her forehead and starts to walk off towards the door.
[19:33] * Usagi-chan grabs Eiko's wrist and jerks her back, none too gently. "I said sit DOWN, dammit!" She practically slings her cousin back down to the couch, visibly furious. "I will NOT put up with this any more!"
[19:33] <Anastasia> Getting up with a leap and a roar of fury, the seemingly downed girl explodes outward at Usagi! (Body check +1, rabbit.)
[19:34] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6+1 burning 30 EP
[19:34] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6+1 burning 30 EP and gets 9."
[19:35] <Anastasia> Getting you in a surprisngly strong body tackle, Usagi is knocked the the floor and winded slightly, a flurry of enraged blows doing some damage! (10 damage total. If you try to escape the old fashioned way, body check +2.)
[19:36] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6 burning 20 EP
[19:36] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6 burning 20 EP and gets 9."
[19:36] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[19:36] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 11."
[19:37] <Anastasia> While the struggling goes on, she doesn't manage and more effective shots.
[19:38] * Usagi-chan snarls, bringing her knee up and driving it into Eiko's midsection!
[19:38] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6
[19:38] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 10."
[19:38] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[19:38] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[19:38] <Anastasia> The knees doesn't really work, being blockes as the two of you scuffle, yet Usagi still isn't hurt again!
[19:39] <Anastasia> "Usagi!" Ikkuko cries, coming downstairs rather quickly.
[19:39] <Usagi-chan> "Get OFF me!" Usagi thrusts her hands out, sending a small charge of energy into the other girl's body to knock her away!
[19:39] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 6."
[19:41] <Anastasia> Sending her off and onto the floor again, Eiko is winded and coughing as Ikkuko rushes over to you. "ARe you okay, Usagi-chan," she asks quickly, kneeling down.
[19:42] <Usagi-chan> "I'm fine," Usagi says with a scowl, climbing to her feet and going to stand over Eiko - this time, prepared for any trouble. "Are you ready to say anything yet?" she says through gritted teeth.
[19:43] <Anastasia> "Usagi," Ikkuko glides in between the two of you. "That's enough of this in my house. Eiko," she says between gritted teeth, "Get out."
[19:45] * Usagi-chan moves past her mother. "Last chance, Eiko. If you're willing to talk I'll hear you out, but if you're not... get out." she says flatly, echoing her mother.
[19:46] <Anastasia> Slowly gettin gup, she just glares and begins to walk out on slightly unsteady but fast feet, just happy to get out at this point.
[19:49] <Anastasia> As she leaves, Ikkuko sighs deeply. "Usagi... stay away from her." she says tiredly. "I'm tired of all this drama."
[19:50] <Usagi-chan> "I'm not planning on finding her again unless she tries something with Chibi Usa again," she says with a sigh. "At least I know why she did it yesterday, and that much is over. I just hope Aunt Chisato takes her back soon."
[19:51] <Anastasia> "Yes, we can hope," Ikkuko murmurs, thinking. "We can hope dear sister Chisato comes by again."
[19:52] * Usagi-chan just heads over to the couch, flopping down on it with a groan. "I'm just tired of dealing with her, and even when I TRY to avoid her she pops back up again."
[19:53] <Anastasia> Heading into the kitchen, Mom just shakes her head again. "This should be the last time... I hope."
[19:53] <Usagi-chan> "You and me both," Usagi grumbles.
Some minor setup missing here...
[13:16] <Sailor_Anastasia> Sitting up now perhaps a pause of regret, "How about for some dinner? I missed lunch today," she smiles at you - because the two of you ended up sitting on the roof again, enjoying the view.
[13:18] <Haruka> "You just want to fatten me up so you'll have a more fluffed out pillow," Haruka says with an exaggerated sniffle, rubbing at her eyes.
[13:22] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Maybe," she smiles again, standing... but not truly rising to the bait. "Where did you want to go?"
[13:25] <Haruka> "I don't have any real preference," Haruka admits with a shrug. "If you've got any place in particular in mind we can go."
[13:25] <Sailor_Anastasia> "How about that ramen place we saw on the way here?" she just shrugs a bit. "I only have a bit of money on me, anyway."
[13:33] * Haruka tuts at that. "Don't worry so much over price as it's my treat," she jokingly scolds Viluy with a waggle of her finger. "But ramen does sound pretty good," she drawls.
[13:35] <Sailor_Anastasia> Smiling to that, "Let's go, then... you can drive, or do you trust me with your car, Haruka?"
[13:39] * Haruka cocks her head slightly at that in thought. "Hmm..." she says, peering closely at Viluy in examination. Haruka gives her a quick kiss on the nose before tossing her the keys. "I trust you."
[13:41] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Thanks," she smiles back, giggling a bit at the kiss. Leading you down and out, it's a short drive there. Viluy isn't a bad driver - not great, but passable enough. On parking, it's a simple walk in, seat yourself and order sort of place. Smells good, though.
[13:45] <Haruka> "Looks like a nice place," Haruka comments, taking a curious glance around the place. "I wonder if they've got anything interesting..." she says aloud, scanning the menu.
[13:46] <Sailor_Anastasia> It's not much to look at - simple plastic chairs, a main bar, et al. The menu is simple enough, and on the cheap side. Nothing unusual in Tokyo - it's the sort of thing you could find a hundred times over in the city.
[13:51] <Haruka> When the time comes, Haruka orders for the pair and, while waiting, she stares across the table at Viluy while kicking around some random thoughts in her head. She wonders what exactly goes through Viluy's mind on those occasions where she hesitates, as if battling to come to some decision before acting.
[13:53] <Sailor_Anastasia> Viluy does seem a bit distant for a bit as you order, but comes back to reality by the time you're done. "Fried noodles," she smiles at the choice.
[13:58] <Haruka> "Is it hard for you?" Haruka asks Viluy curiously in slightly quiet tones.
[13:59] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Hum," she asks, turning to you. "It's... something, yeah," she admits, looking away. "It's something I have to think about and deal with, Haruka."
[14:04] * Haruka nods a bit sadly at that. "I wish it wasn't so hard for you," she admits, giving Viluy a slightly apologetic look.
[14:05] <Sailor_Anastasia> "It's alright," she smiles back, a hint of tiredness on her face. "I love you, Haruka. It's just something I need to get used to."
[14:08] * Haruka simply nods back in reply before falling quiet. That Viluy has to struggle so, is just one of the worries that has been gnawing on Haruka lately. That the feelings she's expressing are truly Viluy's is yet another...
[14:12] <Sailor_Anastasia> The silence is matched by Viluy, and broken by someone you didn't really expect it to be broken by. "Haruka? Viluy?" the voice of Professor Tomoe breaks into your awareness, Hotaru's a moment later. "Haru-chan? Vil-chan," the girl smiles, still wearing her school uniform.
[14:14] <Haruka> "Yo," Haruka returns with a wave. "Fancy meeting you here, Prof." she begins before noticing the other guest. "Hey, Hotaru. How's it going?" she greets with a smile.
[14:18] <Sailor_Anastasia> 'Prof?' Smiling politely, "Hotaru and I are just stopping for a late lunch," he nods, Hotaru doing the same. "Good to see you."
[14:30] <Sailor_Anastasia> Hotaru smiles. "We're just picking something up - Dad rented movies for us to watch." Professor Tomoe nods, "We won't be here long, don't let us interrupt your meal."
[14:33] * Haruka smiles at that. "Sounds fun," she tells Hotaru before turning to Viluy in a whine. "Why don't we ever do anything fun like that?" Haruka teases, then failing to hold back, she lets a chuckle escape.
[14:34] <Sailor_Anastasia> Half-glancing at Hotaru and the Professor, "We can tonight," she offers, not really sure WHAT she wants to say at the moment.
[14:43] * Haruka sports a wide grin. "And just like that, Haruka has her way again," she notes with a satisfied nod.
[14:44] <Sailor_Anastasia> Nodding, "You two have been spending the last few days together, from what I've seen," he notes.
[14:46] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Uh... yeah, we have," Viluy says, most ungracefully.
[14:46] <Haruka> "True," Haruka returns, amusedly.
[14:55] <Sailor_Anastasia> Glancing at the two of you, Hotaru smiles suddenly, "Just like how Sis and Usagi-chan spend all their time together."
[14:56] * Haruka chuckles and smiles at Hotaru at that. "Right," Haruka says without any hesitation.
[14:02] <Sailor_Anastasia> Professor Tomoe raises one small eyebrow ever so slightly, but he merely nods. "Come on, Hotaru. The take out should be ready," as he herds her over he nods and smiles. "Have a good meal... and congratulations."
[14:04] * Haruka notes the reaction internally. "Interesting reaction by the Prof," she comments to Viluy with a smirk.
[14:05] <Sailor_Anastasia> Viluy nods just a bit, blushing a bit. "Maybe he didn't wish to intrude on our private time," she ventures, trying to play it off.
[14:08] * Haruka shrugs, the seeming issue below her concern at the moment as she waits for her order. "So, one of these days we'll get around to a music lesson, right?" she asks, shifting the topic and focus of conversation.
[14:09] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Yes," she nods, a bit more interested now by her gaze coming back to you. "We seem to keep getting interrupted whenever we try to make music."
[14:12] <Haruka> "And such sweet music we'd make," Haruka comments, before a grin makes its way onto her face, making plain the stray thought that entered her mind.
[14:14] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Ye-" she begins before her own eyes widen, blushing rather deeply and looking away. "Oh, look, the meal is here," she manages after an embarrassed pause, your order is indeed ready.
[14:17] * Haruka chuckles, finding the reaction to be highly amusing yet adorable at the same time. "Looks good," Haruka comments, taking the steaming bowl from the server and thanking them.
[14:21] <Sailor_Anastasia> Getting her own serving, Viluy gets her chopsticks and breaks them cleanly, stirring the hot food to cool it. "It does," she says quietly, a bit distracted. "Though... If Hotaru knows, she'll probably tell Rei soon enough, and then Usagi will know. And so on."
[14:23] * Haruka snaps her chopsticks then frowns as it snaps off-center, but uses it nonetheless. "Why, does it bother you?" she asks, looking up at Viluy curiously.
[14:27] <Sailor_Anastasia> Still stirring her food, "...That they know?" she asks curiously, but already knowing the answer. "I... wouldn't have made the offer if I couldn't live with it getting out," is her reply after a few thoughtful seconds. "It's not even that uncommon around these parts, is it?"
[14:31] <Haruka> "If you look at the couples who we know, then no, it's not all that uncommon, I guess," Haruka notes before slurping down some noodles.
[14:36] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Rei and Usagi... and I heard something about Ami as well," she says quietly, "And..." Viluy chuckles unexpectidly, "Perhaps Cyprine and Ptilol, though I'm glad they aren't here to hear me say that."
[14:58] <Haruka> "Rei, Usagi, and Ami I know about," Haruka replies with a nod, "But Cyprine and Ptilol?" She puts a finger on her chin at that. "Well, I guess..."
[15:01] <Sailor_Anastasia> Laughing ever so lightly now, "It's an old joke I told a time or two under Germatou's influence. It was meant to be catty at the time, but it's just kind of amusing now."
[15:05] * Haruka nods at that. "Honestly, I don't spend much time around most of the Witches outside of you and Eudial, so I wouldn't be able to tell fact from fiction if you mentioned it."
[15:07] <Sailor_Anastasia> "We didn't ever spend much time with each other," Viluy notes, beginning in on her noodles, a few at a time. "We've been doing it more lately, though. It's easy to relate to them since we've been through the same nightmare." At that, Viluy glances to you. "You and the other Senshi tend to be closer to each other than us... Eudial's kind of the exception."
[15:09] <Haruka> "There's nothing stopping you guys from doing the same," Haruka points out, savoring a spoonful of the broth.
[15:12] <Sailor_Anastasia> "We do see each other some," Viluy nods agreement, still picking away at her food slowly, "It's just that... we tend to break into those two groups without even meaning to sometimes. It's just the way it's gone. I like Usagi and respect her a great deal... but I'll probably never feel as close to her as, say, Tellu, the Twins... or even Eudial," the last is said with a small chuckle.
[15:17] <Haruka> "I can sort of relate," Haruka tells Viluy. "I may be one of the Senshi, but I still can't totally relate with the others," she admits, pausing briefly to gather her thoughts, "There's people, places, things that the inners have encountered together that I was never a part of so I'm always going to be slightly on the outside."
[15:22] <Sailor_Anastasia> Getting to her broth, Viluy lifts the bowl up with both hands, gently letting the broth run into her mouth - and not slurping. After doing so and lowering it, "It can't be helped, and there isn't anything wrong with it. I'd like to get to know Usagi, Rei and Makoto some more, though. I've had some time with Ami when we were working on the teleporter... she's a nice girl, if painfully shy."
[15:28] <Haruka> "I've been trying to work with her on that actually," Haruka says with a slight chuckle. "But darn if she isn't a tough nut to crack." Haruka frowns slightly at how fat the noodles have become and decides to just go for some of the soup for now.
[15:29] <Sailor_Anastasia> Pushing aside her half eaten bowl, "I think she's a loner," Viluy replies. "The type to stay in the library all day and read... kind of like me when I was a kid," Viluy smiles. "Or mess around with an old Apple Computer and reprogram it."
[15:35] * Haruka blinks then snickers as the image is so appropriate. "Yeah, that sounds like Ami," she admits before adding, "There's nothing wrong with that, really. It's just that sometimes I get the sense that she doesn't want to be alone though, but doesn't quite know how not to be. Like she's gotten too good at being a loner." Haruka rests her chin on her palm. "Or maybe it's just me looking too deep into it... Ah, what do I know," she says with a soft chuckle.
[15:40] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Perhaps," Viluy says, pausing as the tender passes to order a glass of water. "I think you may be right... we tried talking once... but she kept letting it lapse, even though she was really interested."
[15:43] * Haruka blinks, slightly curious at that. "Interesting. What was the topic about?"
[15:44] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Just something related to our classes," Viluy replies, nodding. "It wasn't even that important... she just kept having problems leading it on."
[15:53] * Haruka rubs her chin and hums thoughtfully in response then turns her gaze on Viluy. "It'll be yet another something to mull over for when I see her next. Such a difficult charge I have," Haruka tuts jokingly. "About ready to go? The day is young, and there are places outside the noodle stand to go and see, right?" she asks Viluy with a wink.
[15:55] <Sailor_Anastasia> Standing at that and reaching into her purse, "What did you have in mind?" she asks, as she takes out the needed yen notes.
[16:00] <Haruka> "I would tell you," Haruka begins teasingly, "But it's a secret," she finishes, with a drawl. She waggles her finger before Viluy then says, "It's for me to know, and for you to soon find out."
[16:01] <Sailor_Anastasia> Smiling slightly now and tapping her cheek with her forefinger, in a gesture that reminds of you of another, "We shall see, then."
[16:12] <Haruka> -----------
[16:13] <Haruka> A short ride in the car finds the pair nearing the coast, the sea breeze streaming through the open window and the cry of gulls in the air creating a nice setting. Parking the car and a short walk takes them to an unoccupied strip of beach with a tidepool nearby.
[16:16] <Haruka> "I hope you weren't already expecting this," Haruka asks Viluy, while stretching comfortably, taking in the scenery.
[16:21] <Sailor_Anastasia> "It's nice," she says quietly, glancing up at the still warm sun in the sky.
[16:23] <Haruka> The waves wash to and from the shore rhythmically as the wind blows steadily - cool, but not chilly. "Only nice? Well, hopefully I can do better in the future," Haruka returns, brushing her hair back away from her eyes. "This is one of my favorite places."
[16:24] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Well... I don't really like the beach, even now," Viluy murmurs, taking hold of one of her remaining white strands. "As a child, I went to the beach once... and with my skin, I had a terrible sunburn for a week. Never could really enjoy the beach after that."
[16:28] <Haruka> "One bad experience shouldn't keep you from visiting a nice place like this," Haruka says walking now to stand next to Viluy. "I hope you'll at least give it a chance to make better memories?" she asks hopefully, seeking Viluy's eyes to see if they say differently.
[16:32] <Sailor_Anastasia> Viluy's eyes are half lidded closed in the bright sunlight, though she smiles back with sparkling eyes. "We'll give it a chance," she agrees, "But..." glancing around, "I didn't even bring a bathing suit."
[16:37] <Haruka> "Oh, you don't REALLY need a bathing suit if you want to go swimming," Haruka points out with a nod.
[16:47] <Sailor_Anastasia> Turning away abrupty and hiding what must be a prize winning blush, Viluy is silent a bit... then turns with a slightly teasing smile, tapping her cheek again. "I don't know, Haruka. Why don't you show me?"
[16:53] * Haruka meets Viluy's teasing smile with a challenging grin. "One article of clothing for one article of clothing?" Haruka asks, and without waiting for a response she takes off her coat jacket then says, "Your turn I believe."
[16:56] <Sailor_Anastasia> Fumbling just a bit at being called on her bluff, "Why not," Viluy recovers quickly, removing a silver earring.
[16:58] <Haruka> "It's clothing for clothing, cheater!" Haruka points at Viluy accusingly, laughing. "Foul! I call foul! Where's the ref?" she pleads to the non-existent crowd around her.
[16:59] <Sailor_Anastasia> Giggling, "You're looking at her," she recovers. "Why don't you take off those slacks, if you're so serious about going to swim?"
[17:04] <Haruka> "I claim the dress if the price is my slacks," Haruka returns, turing her head away with a sniff. Peeking her head back towards Viluy to catch her reaction she goads, "Up to it?"
[17:05] <Sailor_Anastasia> Blushing even more so again and starting to lose her nerve, "Well... I don't know," she retorts. "I'd like to see what's there before if I decide if those slacks are worth it, Haruka."
[17:10] * Haruka cocks her head to one side, a grin gracing her face. "Oh? Is that your wish, princess?" Haruka teases, placing a hand on her waistband.
[17:10] <Sailor_Anastasia> Smiling again now as her blush starts to subdue, "Yes it is, Haruka. Going to do it?" she asks, staring intently... at you? Her gaze is slightly off center.
[17:16] * Haruka blinks, caught off-guard momentarily at Viluy's answer. 'Well, I did start this game afterall...' she thinks to herself then shrugs. "As you wish," is Haruka's reply as she slowly removes said article of clothing. She tosses it to Viluy when done, as her shirt drapes, trying vainly to cover in a futile attempt.
[17:17] <Sailor_Anastasia> Catching them slightly off balance, Viluy smiles sweetly now. "Haruka?"
[17:20] * Haruka twitches slightly at the 'sweet smile'. A sure sign that trouble was brewing... "Yes?" she ventures forth in reply, matching Viluy's sweet tones.
[17:20] <Sailor_Anastasia> roll 2d6
[17:20] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 9."
[17:21] <Sailor_Anastasia> "This," Viluy smiles still... as you feel a bit of water splashing into the back of your heel, the sand beneath you getting soaked... but you are mostly missed. Viluy blinks at that, suddenly blushing. "Damn." Playing it off, "No, nevermind."
[17:25] * Haruka feels the bit of water against her heel and turns around to look behind her. Suspicion and affirmation coming together slowly at Viluy's action. "You didn't just try to do what I think you just tried to do, did you?" Haruka asks Viluy, looking at the girl from the corner of her eyes.
[17:26] <Sailor_Anastasia> Laughing a bit with a tinger of nervousness, "You mean this," she asks in giggly humor.
[17:26] <Sailor_Anastasia> roll 2d6
[17:26] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 8."
[17:27] <Sailor_Anastasia> A burst of water comes from the ocean, salty and tangy..but too short again, only sending a few droplets to you and most of it to the sand. Viluy sighs just a bit at that, shaking her head. "I can get it to work so well in the bathtub, too..."
[17:31] <Haruka> "Oh, you're just asking for it!" Haruka says quickly, rushing towards Viluy in a try for a grab!
[17:31] <Haruka> roll 2d6-4
[17:31] * Hatbot --> "Haruka rolls 2d6-4 and gets 1."
[17:33] <Sailor_Anastasia> Getting the silver and green haired girl as she yelps in complaint, most ungracefully, is a simple matter, your arms going around her slender hips and lower ribs. Your pants caught between your arms and her body, you have her pinned down good.
[17:36] <Haruka> "Oh we do love playing with water," Haruka notes in whimsical tones. "But it's oh so much fun as a pair," she speaks into Viluy's ear as she makes a dash towards the water. "Ready, steady, go!" she crows.
[17:39] <Sailor_Anastasia> "But I'm still wearing my school uni-" Viluy protests as you dive in past your head, your entire bodies getting wet in the deeper than expected pool. Coming to the surface a moment later, Viluy blinks and rubs the water out of her eyes as she treads water.
[17:41] * Haruka breaks the surface of the water with a cry, shaking the water off her head like a wet dog. "Gah! Cold!" are the words that leaves her lips initially and she follows up by giving Viluy a mischevious grin. "Are we having fun?" she asks playfully.
[17:42] <Sailor_Anastasia> Trying to give you a disapproving glare, Viluy soon breaks into light chuckles instead. "Not quite yet," she says, cutting her arm up to send a splash of water right in your face! "Now I am," she nods, enjoying herself in a way. "I think I dropped your pants, though..."
[17:45] * Haruka blinks for a second. "I guess it's no big los-- WALLET! KEYS!!" she screams, making a frantic dive below the water for said pants.
[17:46] <Sailor_Anastasia> OOC - Unadjusted body check, Haruka.
[17:46] <Haruka> roll 2d6
[17:46] * Hatbot --> "Haruka rolls 2d6 and gets 8."
[17:47] <Sailor_Anastasia> Diving, you see that a current is starting to move your pants as they sink, but you can get to them before they get taken too far out, emerging with your prize!
[17:53] * Haruka emerges, wiping the water from her face as she secures her treasure. "Oh, yes. Getting home minus pants and all would've been interesting," she comments, grinning at Viluy.
[17:57] <Sailor_Anastasia> Still laughing warmly, "At least you have the legs for it," she teases you openly, matching your grin.
[17:59] <Haruka> "Do I?" Haruka tosses back playfully. "So you've been watching closely, eh?" she says with a chuckle.
[13:06] <Anastasia> That gets another hint of red in her cheeks, "Well... you really do," she admits, "You should wear dresses more often, Haruka. They really are pretty."
[13:11] * Haruka chuckles in reply. "I only do dresses for special occasions and upon request," she says with a nod, her tone slightly teasing at that.
[13:13] <Anastasia> "Maybe I should request that you wear more dresses," Viluy smiles fondly, really getting into it. "We could even go buy you some frilly, cute dresses after class tomorrow."
[13:16] <Haruka> "Frilly? Cute?" Haruka spits out, the two words rolling off her tongue strangely as she gives Viluy an incredulous look. "Haruka Tenoh may be many things, but 'frilly and cute'?"
[13:16] * Haruka shivers slightly at the thought, and it wasn't from the temperature of the water either.
[13:17] <Anastasia> Giggling again, "Certainly, Haruka. Grow your hair out a bit and with a nice bow? You'd really look like the Princess of Uranus."
[13:20] * Haruka sticks her tongue out at Viluy in reply. "I'm happy in my role being your prince, princess," she adds with a pout at Viluy's grandiose feminization ideas.
[13:23] <Anastasia> Starting to laugh in earnest, "Haruka... but you'd look so cute in that... or a really nice kimono..." Amid a sea of snickering, Viluy shakes in enjoyment.
[13:27] * Haruka pulls at a lock of her hair, studying it intently. "Well..." she begins, "It's not like I've gone to get it cut lately so maybe I'll let it grow out a bit." She turns her head quickly, looking at Viluy. "But I'll only go so far - nothing wacky, you hear?"
[13:42] <Anastasia> Still smiling, "You know..." Viluy teases, going further, "Since your pants are gonig to be soaking wet when we get out... why don't you borrow my dress," she offers.
[13:45] <Haruka> "Your soaking wet dress?" Haruka asks with an amused expression. "Leaving you with nothing?" she asks in clarification, with a finger on her chin. "Oh, I do like the sound of that." Haruka nods her head in approval. "So bold."
[13:49] <Anastasia> "Not like THAT," Viluy smiles, splashing you a bit more. "I was going to wear your pants in that event."
[13:52] * Haruka turns her head, taking the splashing on the back of her head instead as she chuckles. "You're quite adamant about getting me into a dress, aren't you?" she replies, sending a wave of her own towards her playmate.
[13:58] <Anastasia> "You look good in them," she nods, as she gets splashed full on. "And it's a shame that you hide your nice body underneath male clothing," Viluy admits further, pausing a moment. "You're really pretty, Haruka."
[14:03] * Haruka stops short at that, blushing now despite herself. "Uh... thanks, I guess..." she replies back rather lamely. She runs her hand through her hair in an awkward, nervous gesture shooting Viluy an uncertain glance. "I don't think anyone's really said that about me... I'm not quite sure how to take it..." she finishes, turning away slightly.
[14:07] <Anastasia> "You are," Viluy insists, gliding closer into the water, just by you now. "Your neck is so slender and pretty, your hair is healthy and shiny, you have a great figure..."
[14:14] * Haruka feels her heartbeat quicken a pace as she feels Viluy's presence draw nearer. She's at a loss as to how she should react or say. It felt strange, yet familiar at how quickly the supposed predator turns into prey.
[14:15] <Anastasia> Reaching out as it to lay a hand on your shoulder, Viluy hesitates instead. "So... yeah, you have a good body," she murmurs, suddenly turning away and blushing deeply.
[14:20] * Haruka was anticipating contact, almost feeling the warmth from Viluy's finger upon her shoulder, but when it did not come as expected, it left a pang of dissapointment and longing behind. The strange hesitation that Viluy suddenly exhibited only served to further muddle the feelings within her.
[14:23] <Anastasia> Starting to head to shore and having lost her smile, "Why don't get get going?" Viluy suggests. "We can sit on the beach and dry out in the sun."
[14:28] * Haruka sighs at that. "Sure..." Haruka answers, rather hollowly. 'Is this how it's going to continue?', she asks herself before following her up to shore.
[14:29] <Anastasia> Getting onto the beach, Viluy just lays down on it, a bit away from the tide. The sun shines down on her fair skin and wet clothes, the latter clinging tightly to her ample body. Her distracted, inwardly-sent gaze shows that she probably doesn't even really notice that...
[14:33] * Haruka takes a seat as well, not close, but not far either. She draws her knees against her chest then rests her chin upon them as she stares out at the ebbing tide, letting her thoughts take her.
[14:34] <Anastasia> This goes on for a little bit, a semi-comfortable/awkward silence falling over the two of you. Finally, as if the stress of it is too much, "Hey, Haruka," Viluy asks, staring up at the sky.
[14:36] * Haruka turns her head to regard Viluy, her face half obscured by her arms that she has pillowed on her knees. "Yes?"
[14:38] <Anastasia> Still staring at the sky, "It's funny, isn't it?" is all she says, smiling strangely.
[14:39] <Haruka> "What's funny?" Haruka replies questioningly.
[14:51] <Anastasia> "That I stopped," Viluy says, sitting up and inching towards Haruka, with in reaching range now. "I said I loved you, Haruka... but I stopped laughing when I was about to..." Looking down with some guilt on her face, she reaches out, taking your nearby hand. "...It's not so hard, and it shouldn't be so hard, right?"
[14:54] * Haruka allows her hand to rest in Viluy's, though she's unable to totally meet her eyes. "It shouldn't be..." she says, not hiding the sadness that colors her voice.
[14:58] <Anastasia> "Yeah," Viluy nods, inching a bit closer. "I... should be able to do this because I truly want to, right," With that, Viluy leans in, her lips brushing your own a moment before she backs off.
[15:03] * Haruka keeps her eyes closed on contact, savoring the feel, the smell - every little detail she could discern. 'Always drawing towards me then pulling away...' she notes with a mental whisper, as she opens her eyes to watch Viluy now, quiet.
[15:05] <Anastasia> "I want to do that with you, Haruka." Viluy turns to you, meeting your gaze. "I want the chance to be able to... even stronger now, after today. But... it's not easy. Can you be patient for me?"
[15:08] * Haruka searches within herself for an answer and the immediate reply was - 'I don't know if I can...' - but the words that left her lips: "Sure, I can wait." She even gives Viluy a smile for reassurance though where it could have come from she couldn't say.
[15:12] <Anastasia> "Thanks," she smiles again, again going out to meet your lips with hers, a moment longer this time. "I... think I want to try and work this out, Haruka. I really do."
[15:15] <Haruka> "I know you do," Haruka replies. 'And that's what makes this hurt more...' she finishes in the privacy of her own mind.
[15:17] <Anastasia> "Thanks," she smiles again, a touch more upbeat now. AFter a moment... "I... can I lay next to you," she asks, curiously.
[15:20] <Haruka> "You don't even need to ask," Haruka tells her, shifting slightly.
[15:21] <Anastasia> Coming over to lay side by side, the drenched girl is strangely warm. "I..." she says, a moment later gently exploring your shoulder to rest her head, "We're still young, Haruka. We'll have time to work this out, won't we? Whatever happens..."
[15:23] <Haruka> "Whatever happens," Haruka echoes, trying to draw comfort from the shared closeness.
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


[09:08] <Ana-breakfast> ---
[09:10] <Sailor_Anastasia> It's been a week or two since the Mugen rooftop battle, a few weeks since having reclaimed a normal life again. The drone of classes, studying and such picks up for Ami. On getting on a crosstown bus to finally head home after a long evening, Ami plops down in the first seat she finds. Even getting better, these... sessions still left her sore.
[09:13] * Ami-chan gingerly rubs her thighs, and rests her head on the window, suffering in silence as best she can.
[09:18] <Sailor_Anastasia> Your entire body aches from your rough-and-tumble practice, so it takes a few minutes to notice something. Out of the corner of your eye, you can just see the person in the seat next to you staring. You can't tell much about him/her at this angle, though, other than wearing a light summer shirt of some bright color.
[09:23] * Ami-chan blushes in mild embarrassment, the attention making her slightly uncomfortable. She shifts the angle of her head a little... and tries to get a better look at the person without actually catching them staring.
[09:24] <Sailor_Anastasia> roll 2d6
[09:24] * Musk-bot --> "Sailor_Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 8."
[09:25] <Sailor_Anastasia> Adjusting your view just so, you can kind of see some of the person. Blonde, curly hair, not too long, and a brand new, bright white T-shirt.
[09:28] * Ami-chan hesitates for a moment, her curiousity piqued, as the what she can see doesn't ring any bells. Exaggeratedly slowly, she turns her head, hoping they'll look away, so she can get a better look.
[09:33] <Sailor_Anastasia> As you do, the girl - it's a girl, you can tell, perhaps 15 - starts a bit. With a shoulder length spread of blonde hair around her head, orange eyes like amber and a slightly guilty expression at the moment, she rings a bell. "Excuse me," she says quickly, turning.
[09:36] * Ami-chan nods silently, looking on for another second, then resumes her original position, her mind working furiously to identify the girl. There's something about her that tickles at the back of her mind...
[09:37] <Sailor_Anastasia> You can't seem to recall it offhand, though a minute later, the faint sound of music is heard. Sounds like someone just put on a Walkman and headphones that don't quite keep the sound in all the way. Sounds pop-ish, maybe a female voice.
[09:40] <Ami-chan> Ami blinks, looking around for the source of the music curiously, taking the opportunity to take another quick glance at the blonde girl, and racking her brain for the reason she seems familiar...
[09:42] <Sailor_Anastasia> It's coming from the girl from before, as she holds a Walkman. The song is familiar after a few seconds, too. It's one of Full Moon's - Minako's - songs, though the girl in question frowns, the music cutting off. "Damn battery," she realises, sighing and taking the headphones off. Catching your eye as you pass, "Yes?"
[09:46] * Ami-chan blushes darkly at being caught. "I'm sorry." she murmurs. "I feel like I should know you... I mean... you look familiar to me, somehow." she stumbles, her blush darkening. "It's probably nothing. I'm sorry to disturb you."
[09:48] <Sailor_Anastasia> She frowns at that, then blinks. "Oh. It's probably nothing," she shakes her head quickly, almost too forcefully. Smiling then, "The name's Yurika Morifuji," she says, smiling.
[09:55] <Ami-chan> "I'm Ami Mizuno." Ami replies politely, smiling back. 'Well, she's nice enough, even if her reaction was a bit off... though, she did catch me looking. What do I say now?' Ami wonders nervously.
[09:56] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Nice to meet you," she goes through the rote nicely enough, forging on. "You don't happen to have a battery on you, do you? My Walkman just died..." she smiles, charmingly, "and I hate not having music to listen to."
[10:03] <Ami-chan> "I'm not sure..." Ami smiles slightly. "I'll check, though." She adds, happy to have something to guide her through the situation. As she roots through her satchel, she ventures a timid attempt at conversation. "Are you a Full Moon fan?"
[10:04] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Yeah," she smiles. "She had a lovely voice... and I even met her for a few days before she died," she smiles wistfully at that. "I didn't know it was her at the time, though."
[10:09] * Ami-chan locates a package of AA batteries at the bottom of her satchel for her own Walkman, though it isn't on her at the moment. "She did." Ami agrees regretfully, the occaisional memory flitting through her mind. "Are these okay?" She asks, offering them to Yurika.
[10:14] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Thanks," she lights up a bit, taking them as eagerly as a druggie takes their next fix, or as quickly as Ami takes her next soda. "These'll work." Nodding along as she changes batteries, "Yeah, I talked to her for a few days, but she left off on that last tour of hers before I really got to know her."
[10:16] * Ami-chan tries to decide if that's a good or bad thing. "What was she like?" she asks softly, overcome by curiousity.
[10:17] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Well," she says, closing the battery feed to her Walkman, "She was a nice enough girl, outgoing. A bit dramatic from what I saw, but it was showmanship, I think."
[10:22] <Ami-chan> With a tremendous force of will, Ami keeps a straight face, nodding slowly. "Mmhmm. She was good at that." she comments softly.
[10:26] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Really," she nods. Thinking a bit, she frowns as a small fragment or two connects in her mind. "Say... yes. She was a very gifted woman." At that, the bus stops, Yurika glancing up. "That's my stop, Ami."
[10:28] * Ami-chan blinks in surprise, then nods. "Well, It was nice to meet you, Morifuji-san." she replies, smiling.
[10:29] <Sailor_Anastasia> Standing, she looks on at you a moment, her smile slipping as she seems to consider something. "I won't be in town past tomorrow morning... I'm just visiting a friend," she says out of the blue. "Tell Eudial... that she won't have to worry about me trying to rig her car," Yurika says as she walks away, out onto the streets.
[10:31] * Ami-chan blinks... then blinks again as she watches Yurika leave. 'What??'
[10:32] <Sailor_Anastasia> The bus rolls on as Ami stares, leaving away from that one girl... and yet keeping all of the questions that Ami was just left with.
[10:34] <Ami-chan> 'I wonder... but... she knew Minako...' Ami shakes her head, waiting for her own stop, her mind spinning as she tries to remember where she'd seen her before. 'I definitely need to talk to Eudial, now...'
[10:46] <Sailor_Anastasia> The next day is a school day, so it's not a big deal to track Eudial down during lunch. Finding her enjoying sandwiches with Tellu in the gardens is a bit of a surprise, but it doesn't take you THAT long to track her down. "Hey, Ami," Eudial looks up from a meaningless conversation with the other Witch.
[10:48] * Ami-chan smiles. "Hi..." she greets, waving to both Tellu and Eudial as she approaches. "Have you got a moment?"
[10:51] <Sailor_Anastasia> 'Sure, sit down," Eudial gestures vaguely at the blanket spread out near the most wonderful-smelling bushes. Finishing off her lunch with a big, final bite, "What's up, Ami?"
[10:54] * Ami-chan smooths her skirt under herself and gracefully settles to the blanket, smiling faintly at the pleasant smell. The gardens never fail to impress and relax her. "I met someone on the bus yesterday." she begins slowly. "She seemed familiar, but I couldn't recall her - but she mentioned you. Do you know a Yurika Morifuji?"
[10:55] <Sailor_Anastasia> Shifting a bit so that her glasses clad face and white lab coat turn towards you, "Yurika? Nope, never met a Yurika." Eudial shakes her head, Tellu doing the same. "I knew a Yurika in elementary school, but that's it."
[10:57] * Ami-chan frowns. "You wouldn't have had a car then..." she mutters to herself. "I wonder what she meant? She said to tell you you didn't have to worry about her 'trying to rig' your car..."
[11:02] <Sailor_Anastasia> That causes Eudial to look up, much more interested now. "Rigging my car? Ami, what did this Yurika look like, anyway?"
[11:05] * Ami-chan blinks. "She was blonde, and had strange, amber colored eyes... kind of slight, and wearing new clothes." Ami ventures. "It was kind of distinctive... I still feel like I should know who she was..."
[11:08] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Mimette," Tellu blinks, Eudial following a moment later. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the hell was Mimette doing there, Ami?"
[11:12] * Ami-chan blinks. 'Mimette?' she wonders, then nods to herself. "That's who it was." she nods, then blinks at Eudial. "She said she was in town visiting a friend." Ami replies, shrugging.
[11:15] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Professor Tomoe mentioned that he heard she was moving out of the city," Eudial nods, her good mood gone into a slight frown. "Good for her, then."
[11:18] * Ami-chan nods hesitantly. "I guess that explains why she was staring at me." Ami sighs. "There was something very odd about that whole conversation... though, that could be just my reaction to her opinion of Minako." Ami sighs, leaning back on her hands. "So... It's nothing to worry about?" she asks Eudial tentatively.
[11:19] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Shouldn't be," she says after a moment, tersely. "That's right... she met with Minako a few days before she ran off - Germatou wanted to make her a Witch as well."
[11:20] * Ami-chan says nothing, but her horrified expression speaks volumes of her opinion on -that-.
[11:22] <Sailor_Anastasia> "She and Rei came into Mugen in the same exam class," the girl goes on, "and he wanted to use both of them. If Minako hadn't just picked up and vanished, she'd have been turned a few days after Rei was."
[11:24] * Ami-chan nods, sighing. "I feel bad about being glad she left." Ami admits. "But... it seems it really was for the best."
[11:27] <Sailor_Anastasia> Mood souring even more with an outright frown, "Yeah. She and I didn't get along, and she wasn't happy here after Germatou left."
[11:28] * Ami-chan nods, wincing at Eudial's expression. "I apologize for dredging up the topic." she murmured.
[11:32] <Sailor_Anastasia> Eudial is quiet for a bit, mood starting to stew. Standing up, "No, thanks for telling me, Ami," she says shortly. "Tellu should have some more sandwiches if you're hungry," she finishes, going off.
[11:33] * Ami-chan watches Eudial leave, then glances over at Tellu. "Will she be alright?" she asks softly.
[11:37] <Sailor_Anastasia> "I think so," she says quietly, nibbling on her own sandwich. "Mimette's just a sore spot for a few of us."
[11:39] <Ami-chan> Ami nods slowly. "Much like Minako is for us?" she ventures.
[11:40] <Sailor_Anastasia> A small nod from the green haired girl. "I think so, yes..." she pauses. "Want to trade stories, Ami?" she asks quietly, a bit uncertain. "I never got to hear that much about Minako, and I'd bet you're curious about Mimette."
[11:43] <Ami-chan> Ami nods, smiling equally tentatively. "If you don't mind, I'm willing." She agrees.
[11:44] <Sailor_Anastasia> Smiling a bit, she reaches over into a small bag, taking out a can of soda and a prewrapped meat sandwich. Of note, on getting it, you notice no lettuce or anything vegetable-like - just meat. "Do you want to start, or should I?"
[11:47] <Ami-chan> Ami smiles warmly, and nods her thanks, settling into a more comfortable position, unwrapping her sandwich. "If you would?" Ami asks, blushing a little. "I still have to decide -where- to start..."
[11:49] <Sailor_Anastasia> Smiling back a moment until she leans back and thinks, "Eudial and Mimette got off on the wrong foot from the beginning," she starts. "I don't remember what it was, but they got into a nasty argument within a few days. This was by the standards of the Deathbusters, too, Ami. We all kind of disliked and distrusted each other, but those two had some real hatred going on."
[11:52] * Ami-chan swallows a bite of her sandwich, blinking in suprise. "That's... fairly impressive." she mumurs.
[11:54] <Sailor_Anastasia> "No kidding," she smiles thinly. "Within a month, they nearly got into a fistfight, but Professor Tomoe stepped in. From there? They tried to undercut each other whenever they could. That thing about the car? Eudial caught Mimette trying something with her car once, or something. It's a miracle both of them were still alive after that."
[12:00] * Ami-chan nods, recalling the red-head's protective attitude toward her vehicle... well, besides exposing it to the intense danger of her own driving. "That sounds like a really bitter feud..." Ami murmurs. "Professor Tomoe didn't take steps to settle things?"
[12:01] <Sailor_Anastasia> Tellu just chuckles at that darkly, to clash with her normally brighter, quieter persona. "Germatou rarely stepped in if it didn't get in the way of their work. He seemed amused by it..." Shuddering, "Though, he also got amusement from other sick things."
[12:02] <Ami-chan> Ami wrinkles her nose. "Yes, he was... not only evil, but bizarre..." She agrees.
[12:04] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Insane," Tellu says with growing distaste. "He loved it when I created a hideous mutation on the Venus flytrap... feeding it lab rats made him howl."
[12:07] <Ami-chan> "..." Ami replies, having no good reply to that. "That's..." she trails off, shaking her head. "I can't think of a word strong enough..."
[12:09] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Monstrous. Demonic. Cruel," Tellu shudders again. "Once in awhile, he'd be so wacky and funny you could even relax a bit... then he'd do something that no one in their right mind would ever consider. And... we'd often laugh with him back in those days, too." Looking away quietly, "We even had a talk of making a bigger mutated fly trap, if the DNA hadn't been too unstable."
[12:12] <Ami-chan> Ami shakes her head. "There were some mitigating circumstances, Tellu." she says kindly. "It's not as though you wanted what happened. I'm just glad Usagi was able to help you all." she adds, tentatively.
[12:14] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Yeah," Tellu says, introspective. "We'd never have broken out if Usagi hadn't helped us, except for Eudial," she smiles at that. "And that leads me to the next part - Rei."
[12:15] * Ami-chan smiles and nods, taking another bite, and opening her soda, waiting for Tellu to continue.
[12:18] <Sailor_Anastasia> Taking a moment to sip at her own can of soda and take a few breaths, "Rei's coming along really started the beginning of the end of the Deathbusters, Ami. Eudial was assigned to get her integrated in smoothly, but something happened - they became friends instead." Smiling now, "Under Germatou, we really didn't have any friends or even want any. With the way they were acting, a few of us... Kaolinite, mainly, thought they were lovers instead of
[12:21] <Sailor_Anastasia> friends. It was really the only conclusion we could come up with, Ami. We didn't understand something like friendship once Germatou got his fangs into us." Taking another breath, "But I won't go into Kaolinite here... that was more of Rei's rivalry. Anyway, I don't think Mimette took it too well. Not in any sort of jealousy, but in the simple way that you hate to see someone you hate get ahead."
[12:26] * Ami-chan blinks, shaking her head, having fought off the urge to smile at thought of Eudial and Rei together. "That's... strange... and a little sad." Ami replies softly, taking a few sips from her soda. "It was just one more thing about Eudial, then?"
[12:27] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Yeah," is Tellu's simple reply. "Things got worse between them again, until there was a fight in the Witches office between Eudial and Mimette, only a few weeks before Sailor Moon came. Eudial broke Mimette's jaw, among other things."
[12:31] * Ami-chan winces, and nods slowly. "I can suddenly see why Eudial wasn't too happy about what I said." she says thoughtfully. "I can't imagine that helped things..."
[12:32] <Sailor_Anastasia> "No... and it was one hell of a fight," she recalls. "I was there for it... Eudial slammed Mimette's face into the bare concrete floor a few times, Ami. It just made things worse. But Sailor Moon came before it could reach critical mass."
[12:37] * Ami-chan bites her lip. "That's... a relief, of sorts." she sighs. "I wish we had found out sooner..."
[12:38] <Sailor_Anastasia> "It... would have been nice," is all Tellu says to that, quietly. "Be it as it may, you senshi saved almost all of us. But... the damage was already done in Mimette's case. Her and Eudial..." she trails off, thinking. "I doubt they'd have been friends even without Germatou, maybe even hated each other anyway."
[12:42] <Ami-chan> Ami sighs, shrugging. "That's as may be... there are a people like that, but what you describe... even if they hate each other, I doubt it would have come out so... brutally without -him-." Ami replies, frowning.
[12:43] <Sailor_Anastasia> "That's true," she concedes. "But it was there... and they really didn't make peace afterwards. And since Eudial was close to Rei and the rest of the Senshi, Mimette felt left out and out of place, so she left Mugen."
[12:47] <Ami-chan> Ami nods, slowly. "Do you think she still holds a grudge?" Ami asked, feeling guilty now about being a tool to irritate Eudial with.
[12:49] <Sailor_Anastasia> "I don't know... she only talked to Professor Tomoe before she left," Tellu shrugs. "I tried to talk to her once, but she didn't really want much to do with us."
[12:54] * Ami-chan nods. "If she is only here to visit a friend, she had me pass on the message to annoy Eudial?" Ami wonders. "Or maybe that... and a roundabout way of letting you all know she's alright?" Ami blushes. "Though, that may be reaching."
[12:54] <Sailor_Anastasia> "I hope it's that, Ami, I really do," she smiles a bit, blowing out a breath. "She's... a nice person, and I hope she's doing well wherever she is."
[12:57] * Ami-chan nods, smiling a little. "For what it's worth, she looked well." Ami offers, smiling back. "She was nice enough, smiling until it came time for her to get off the bus."
[12:58] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Good," Tellu smiles back, trying to banish the ghosts of the past. "Good for her..." Stopping to get another sandwich, "At this rate, no dinner tonight," she murmurs, then shrugs. "It's your turn now, Ami."
[13:11] * Ami-chan smiles sheepishly. "Mm." she nods, finishing her soda. "I don't know where to begin. Minako joined the senshi some time after Mako-chan, and things were ordinary enough, at first. Even her eventually admitting to feeling for Rei wasn't too out of the ordinary... but she began to show strange behavior patterns."
[13:12] <Sailor_Anastasia> Nodding, she stopst when feelings and Rei come up. "Wait. Rei and Minako were... together, Ami?"
[13:13] * Ami-chan blinks, blushing darkly. "I'm sorry. I've had so long to get used to the idea, I forget that not every knows that. But... yes, for a time, Rei and Minako were a couple."
[13:15] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Strange," she muses, mentally adding that to her view of Rei. "Anyway... go on, please."
[13:19] <Ami-chan> Ami leans back. "Where was I... Oh, right." she frowns. "Minako started out as simply irresponsible. For example, she once used a disguise compact to turn Artemis into her twin, and sent him to school in her place." Ami begins, wryly.
[13:20] <Sailor_Anastasia> That gets quite a blink from Tellu, before she just gawks. "That white cat who can talk... into a ... human girl?" she looks on. "To take her place at school?"
[13:22] <Ami-chan> "It gets worse." Ami confides. "The disguise magic was quite thorough... and it was 'her time'... Poor Artemis..."
[13:23] <Sailor_Anastasia> That gets a second blink. "As in... her time of... oh dear," she says, a tiny smile coming to her lips. "Oh DEAR."
[13:25] * Ami-chan smiles... just slightly. "Yes." she nodded. "It was amusing, but I think it traumatized him." she laughs softly.
[13:26] <Sailor_Anastasia> "I can't blame him," she smiles. "The first time was a bit of a surprise for myself, too," Tellu admits. "The burdens of being a girl are so great."
[13:29] * Ami-chan giggles. "True. And they always tell us we have it easy..."
[13:29] <Sailor_Anastasia> Giggling back, "They'd run screaming after the first bout of cramps," Tellu agrees.
[13:30] * Ami-chan covers her mouth, laughing harder. "Which describes his reaction almost perfectly." she admits, between snickers.
[13:31] <Sailor_Anastasia> Still chuckling, "The poor dear probably would have tried to use toilet paper instead of what he was supposed to."
[13:33] * Ami-chan manages to smother her laughter for a moment, grinning. "Actually... he didn't even do that... he panicked. Which... didn't do Minako's reputation any favors..."
[13:34] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Panicked? Oh dear," she says again, trying not to laugh. "What did he do... he didn't do something stupid, did he?"
[13:36] <Ami-chan> "I could never pry all of the details out of him." Ami replied, the corners of her mouth twitching. "But really, if you consider Minako was forced to transfer, it couldn't have been a pretty sight."
[13:37] <Sailor_Anastasia> Shaking her head and still amused, "So she transferred over to Mugen with Rei then?"
[13:40] * Ami-chan shakes her head. "Not quite. At first, she transferred to Rei's school." Ami replies, her mirth dropping off a bit. "Unfortunately... that's where the trouble started."
[13:41] <Sailor_Anastasia> Frowning a bit and thinking, "Rei went to that T*A Academy, didn't she?"
[13:44] * Ami-chan nods solemnly. "It didn't last long." she sighs. "On her first day, they managed to get expelled."
[13:45] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Wow," is her simple reply, glancing at her watch. "Guh," she mutters. "Ami, are you in a hurry?" she asks. "I lost track of the time... it's mid way through the next period now."
[13:47] * Ami-chan blinks, and glances at her own watch. "Eep." She looks up at the green haired girl apologetically. "I did as well." She groans softly.
[13:48] <Sailor_Anastasia> Sighing, "Well... I can just say that Professor Tomoe needed me and be all right. Heck, at this point, my teachers don't even ask for a note when I miss class," she smiles a bit. "It helps to know Professor Tomoe, at least... so if you want to stay..."
[13:51] * Ami-chan thinks a minute, then nods. "I'd like to." she smiles, settling back down. "If you don't mind, that is."
[13:51] <Sailor_Anastasia> "I don't," she smiles, standing. "I just need to run to the bathroom and we'll pick this up, alright?"
[09:11] <Ana-away> Coming back perhaps five minutes later, Tellu sits back down. "Go on, Ami. You were just saying something about Minako and Rei getting thrown out of that academy?"
[09:16] * Ami-chan smiles as Tellu returns, then leans back, partially reclining as she restarts her story. "Mmhmm. I can't tell you the whole story, as I'm not sure what Rei would like kept private..." she begins. "But Minako decided to involve herself in something she really shouldn't have... and as a result, got them both sent to the headmaster."
[09:19] <Ana-away> Nodding along, "Go on," she nods, idly wondering what Minako stuck her nose into.
[09:25] <Ami-chan> "Before I tell you the rest," Ami began seriously, "You have to understand Rei's state at the time. She'd suffered horribly at Metallia's hand, and was still recuperating when this happened." she explains. "But at any rate, as they were about to be punished, Minako decided to berate the headmaster." Ami sighs. "Poor Rei... but, in the ensuing argument... there was an incident. Involving a fire on the headmaster's desk."
[09:26] <Ana-away> "I can understand that," Tellu says quietly, a bit of her silent melancholia from before creeping back in. "Did Rei lose control, Ami?"
[09:30] <Ami-chan> Ami nods. "Fortunately, it wasn't too serious... only poorly timed. They were summarily dismissed from T*A Academy."
[09:31] <Ana-away> Thinking quietly, "So that's why they ended up coming to Mugen, Ami? Because T*A expelled them? Or..." she trails off, frowning and doing some mental math, "was there another school they went to between those or another incident?"
[09:44] <Ami-chan> "Well... They did have a month or so before the entrance exams." Ami adds, nodding. "I spent some time helping Rei prepare... but this was also during another difficult time for us." she glances at Tellu curiously. "Have you heard the others talk about Orestes, Oxyite, and Cynthia?"
[09:49] <Ana-away> "I've heard of Oxyite from Professor Tomoe," Tellu nods. "The man who blew up the city block? Germatou had a bit of a fit over it - he thought that sort of energy generator could have been extremly useful for us, and when I asked him about it, he told me something about it."
[09:55] * Ami-chan nods slowly, smiling a little. "It might have been nice to introduce them." She laughs softly. "Oxyite was... nearly unstoppable... his destroying that city block... it was a pyrrhic victory, at best." she sighs. "Ahem. That's a little off topic, though." Ami amends, blushing. "At any rate, we spent most of the time before their applications to Mugen trying to deal with that mess."
[10:00] <Ana-away> "I'd like to talk about Oxyite later, actually," Tellu says quietly, before letting Ami go on. "Professor Tomoe only spoke in broad terms about it, and I was curious as to what got that monster's attention like that."
[10:02] * Ami-chan nods, blushing slightly. "I'll answer your questions as best I can." she promises, inwardly wincing over how to explain that.
[10:03] <Ana-away> With a small smile, "Go on, Ami. Go on."
[10:10] * Ami-chan smiles back, and bites her lip thoughtfully. "Hmm... Minako began demostrating some disturbing qualities almost immediately thereafter." She begins. "Right after that fight, while Rei, Usagi and Minako were recuperating, they happened to see a news report about the battle with Oxyite. Apparently, Minako was offended that so few people had actually died... the words they told me she used were 'just like in a video game'.
[10:11] <Ami-chan> Anyway, the diatribe ended with her throwing her sword through the television." Ami finishes in mild distaste.
[10:12] <Ana-away> "Her... sword," Tellu murmurs, as her eyes make a fairly good widening impression as she soaks that in. "That sounds insane... like a breakdown, almost."
[10:14] * Ami-chan nods, sighing. "In retrospect, that's probably exactly what it was..." she sighs. "And her behavior got only more puzzling and upsetting from there."
[10:16] <Ana-away> Tellu frowns, but says quiet so Ami can keep speaking, only the slight rustling of the plants making any other noise.
[10:27] <Ami-chan> "During our battle with the final enemy... Rei was fairly seriously injured." Ami begins slowly. "I only mention that because that's the only reason I can see for what happened next." Ami pauses, shivering a little at the memory. "Minako managed to defeat Orestes... she was forced to kill him. But Cynthia... the others had managed to take most of the fight out of her... but she was still alive."
[10:30] <Anastasia> "And...?" Tellu asks quietly, half dreading what would happen next.
[10:36] <Ami-chan> Sometime during the fight... Minako had gone completely berserk." Ami adds reluctantly. "Orestes was dead, and Cynthia was in no shape to fight. Rei had gone over to her to yell at her..." Ami smiles wanly. "You know how she is. But while she was standing over her... Minako shot her." Ami falls quiet for a long moment. "She died in Usagi's arms."
[10:38] <Anastasia> Tellu sighs. "Was Cynthia... could she have been saved, Ami?" she inquires of you. "Or... did she just shoot her in cold blood?"
[10:40] <Ami-chan> Ami wrinkles her nose slightly. "I... it -looked- like it was in cold blood." Ami admits, sighing. "But she fainted shortly after, then denied knowing anything about it when she woke up."
[10:45] <Anastasia> Thinking and just looking away, "I see. Then what, Ami?"
[10:48] * Ami-chan sighs. "After some thought, Rei blamed herself for Minako's... incident." she sighs. "She concluded that Minako's closeness to her had affected her adversely, causing the situation... and broke up with her. Minako didn't say a word... only dropped her henshin pen and communicatior in my lap and disappeared."
[10:53] <Anastasia> "And just like that she ran off," Tellu sighs. "That's... she sounds like she was losing her mind from the way you're telling it, Ami."
[10:55] * Ami-chan winces slightly. "It does, doesn't it?" she agrees. "Seen from this perspective, I have to agree... At the time, though... we didn't know what to think."
[10:56] <Anastasia> "So... then what, Ami?" she asks, curious to see the tale go on.
[11:03] <Ami-chan> "To summarise... She refused to come home at all... and after a fairly intense fight with Artemis, she finally contacted Usagi, around Christmas day." Ami replies. "She spent a few weeks away to settle herself... and when she came back, she and Rei applied to Mugen."
[11:04] <Anastasia> "Had she calmed down and found herself again?" Tellu asks, curious. "Or did she at least find help while she was gone?"
[11:06] <Ami-chan> "I don't know." Ami admits, a mirthless smile on her face. "But... judging by her behavior on the moon, I don't think so." Ami frowns at the memories of -that-.
[11:14] <Anastasia> Almost wincing at the thought of something else going wrong with Minako, "What was the bombshell on the Moon?"
[11:24] * Ami-chan sighs. "Usagi and I brought the others up to the moon for the first time after we'd already done some work on it." She begins, showing a slight bit of uncharacteristic irritation. "It... well, I won't bore you with excessive detail. She was quite rude, and seemed to be going out of her way to annoy, but we managed to ignore her... for the most part."
[11:26] <Anastasia> "It sounds like she came back with a grudge," Tellu ventures after thinking a bit, idly pondering as she leans back and plays with her hair setup, letting one small orb free at a time as she rests.
[11:39] <Ami-chan> "That hadn't occured to me... but I wonder." Ami ponders, watching Tellu play with her hair with a wan smile. "That evening was really the final blow. Things got... strained, from that point. Shortly after, she left." Ami sighs.
[11:41] <Anastasia> Continuing to free her hair - it's looking to be rather long untied, flowing down her back in small waves as each is released, "I know how much you, Usagi and all the others value that project, too," she says, "And... how much I do, even, for the gardens up there."
[11:44] * Ami-chan idly admires Tellu's hair. Unbound, it's quite striking... "I'm... It seems egocentric, but I'm proud of what I helped accomplish up there." Ami sighs. "But... she made a mockery of the whole thing... it still grates on my nerves."
[11:47] <Anastasia> Fishing out a brush for her hair from her school satchel, "That..." she just shakes her head quickly, sending up a small flurry of green hair. "After all the work you must have put into it, she said that?" Pursing her lips, she frowns deeply.
[11:49] <Ami-chan> "... Yes." Ami replies softly, sighing. "I... I don't really know why, but there it is."
[11:51] <Anastasia> Beginning to brush her hair slowly, "That... that..." Tellu cuts herself off quickly before she can expound on that, however. "Was that the end of it, Ami?"
[11:54] <Ami-chan> "Essentially. Shortly thereafter, she left on tour... where she stayed until her accident." Ami smiles a little. "Not exactly lurid detail, but you know the whole story, now."
[11:59] <Anastasia> "Yeah," she says, still in a rather slight huff over Minako's almost long-ago antics. "Did... had she truly lost her mind? I heard some of her music, Ami, and it was really pretty. It's hard to reconcile that with the Minako I just heard about."
[12:03] <Ami-chan> "I... want to say yes, but... as you say, there were parts of her that were at a direct contrast to what she showed us..." Ami smoothes the grass with her fingertips. "I suspect we'll never know what drove her."
[12:06] <Anastasia> "Then... at the least, I hope she found some measure of peace in death, if she was such... such like an insane person." At that, she continues to brush, throwing the hair over her shoulder and working on it that way.
[12:13] <Ami-chan> Ami runs a hand through her short blue hair and smiles at Tellu. "It would be nice..." she agrees. "if possible, I'd like her to be happy."
[12:23] <Anastasia> "Yeah," Tellu replies. Laying back on the blanket and curling up her legs so you aren't given anything but the barest flash of white panties, "If she couldn't find peace in this world, may she find happiness in the next."
[12:27] * Ami-chan politely doesn't notice the glimpse, almost blushing. "I've never really thought about it much." Ami admits. "If there is another world, I hope so..."
[12:28] <Anastasia> Using her satchel as a headrest of sorts as she curls up at an angle to still be able to see Ami, "I think there is," Tellu says, voice low. "For people like Minako... or like Kaolinite, who may have not gotten a chance or any peace in this world."
[12:36] * Ami-chan nods slowly. "I hope so..." she agrees uncertainly. "Some really do need it." she adds. "I just... find myself doubting. Maybe I'm getting jaded..." She murmurs self-deprecatingly.
[12:39] <Anastasia> Looking up from her position, "With all that's happened... that why I believe so, Ami," Tellu goes on. "If there are monsters like Germatou and Pharaoh 90 somewhere out there, there must be others out there that are more... merciful, or even care about us."
[12:43] * Ami-chan smiles, a little wistfully. "That would be nice." she agrees. "I wish we could see them, though... it's hard to believe when you see people hurt and miserable..."
[12:46] <Anastasia> "Wouldn't it," Tellu smiles at you, full of hope. "An anti-Pharaoh 90, someone who would come and help us instead of a beast that wants to bring Silence..."
[12:53] * Ami-chan smiles at Tellu. "It would." She agrees. "Someone to even take up some of our work, protecting people..."
[12:57] <Anastasia> "So we could all live normal lives again," Tellu finishes softly. "No Deathbusters, no alternate worlds, no relics like Zirae..."
[13:00] <Ami-chan> "The senshi could retire..." Ami smiles slightly. "No more danger... or weighing down the team..." she sighs.
[13:02] <Anastasia> "Or just sitting in your greenhouse and hoping your friends don't get hurt," Tellu whispers, "Because you'd just get yourself and them hurt if you tried to help."
[13:02] <Anastasia> Tellu's slightly happy mood vanishes like ice cream in front of a known rabbit, a sadder expression taking the smile's place.
[13:07] * Ami-chan looks over at Tellu with a sympathetic smile. "We have something in common." she replies softly.
[13:08] <Anastasia> "Yeah... do... do you ever watch your friends fighting or helping out and just feel worthless, Ami," she asks slowly and quietly. "Like an extra part that should be cut off?"
[13:14] * Ami-chan nods, equally slowly. "Mmhmm. Like you want badly to help... but no matter how hard you try, you can't accomplish anything... and usually get hurt in the process?"
[13:15] <Anastasia> "Like the infected appendix of the Witches?" Tellu asks without a shred of humor, and maybe a touch of depression. "At best, you'll just leak out and make the others have more trouble?"
[13:17] <Ami-chan> "All the time." Ami sighs. "I've tried to improve... but the only effect so far is getting bruised on a regular basis..."
[13:18] <Anastasia> Tellu is quiet for a bit, then, finally speaking again. "You think we'd be able to help more if we tried to improve like that, too... but..."
[13:20] * Ami-chan smiles weakly, her own mood taking a turn for the worse. "Yes... but..." She trails off.
[13:21] <Anastasia> "It hasn't, has it," she finishes sadly
[13:26] * Ami-chan shakes her head, hugging her knees to her chest. "No..." she murmurs. "I've still been nearly killed..."
[13:30] <Anastasia> "While our friends come back just fine every time... you're lucky that if you had went, that they won't be carrying you back... or what's left of you."
[13:32] * Ami-chan nods. "And worrying about them getting hurt... or worse when you can't fend for yourself." She whispers in agreement.
[13:34] <Anastasia> "... yeah," Tellu murmurs, looking away, up at the greenhouse roof. "Just... yeah."
[13:39] <Ami-chan> Ami sighs softly. "Have you talked to them about it?" She asks, sighing.
[13:39] <Anastasia> "To Professor Tomoe," she says after a bit more. "He said that I should be happy doing what I'm doing - I didn't need to risk my life if I couldn't handle it."
[13:42] <Ami-chan> "I haven't been able to work up the nerve to mention it to Usagi, or the others." Ami admits. "I've tried learning on my own, but... I can't seem to get better, or stronger..."
[13:45] <Anastasia> "Mmmm," Tellu sighs. "Well... this is lovely," she says, trying to break out of this. "I'm depressed now."
[13:47] * Ami-chan laughs quietly. "Same here. Do you think they'd miss us if we went out?" Ami asks tentatively.
[13:48] <Anastasia> "Probably not... I wasn't planning on leaving the greenhouse today, anyway," Tellu sighs. "They'll probably just stop by the offices and go about their lives like they always do. I... I'm going to take a nap here and try to cheer up," she finishes after a short pause.
[13:54] <Ami-chan> Ami smiles slightly, nodding. "Alright..." she begins, then hesitates. "Tellu... do you want to be alone?" Ami asks softly. "Usagi says ice cream is a 'surefire cure for the blues', but I'd rather not go by myself..." She offers, a little shyly. "I promise to stop being depressing."
[14:04] <Anastasia> A short pause, the girl thinking. "...sure," she says finally. "I'm not in the mood to go to my last classes, anyway."
[11:33] <Anastasia> Heading out soon after, the two of you slip out of Mugen to the nearest ice cream parlor. It's a short trip, at least - these sort of places tend to spring up around schools for the obvious reasons.
[11:35] <Anastasia> It's a nice little place, a few Mugen students who ditched or got out of last class already there in a few of the booths.
[11:36] <Anastasia> Getting some vanilla ice cream for herself, Tellu goes for a booth - the general conversations you have are better kept private, obviously.
[11:40] * Ami-chan orders herself a small dish of chocolate ice cream... then goes ahead and asks for chocolate syrup and sprinkles, hoping that Usagi is right about that. Getting her order, she heads to the booth where Tellu is, smiling slightly as she seats herself. "If Usagi finds out about this, I'll never hear the end of it..." she comments wryly.
[11:41] <Anastasia> "Not sharing ice cream with Queen Serenity is a capital offense," she ventures, trying to lighten the mood.
[11:42] * Ami-chan giggles a little, nodding. "I expect if there's ever an economy on the moon, Usagi will try and base it on frozen treats." she agrees.
[11:43] <Anastasia> Smiling, "A Moon full of ice cream churneries," she muses quietly. "She'd make her own heaven up there."
[11:47] * Ami-chan smiles. "It -does- sound pretty close..." Ami admits, grinning as she spoons up a mouthful of frozen chocolate items. "Not many people don't like ice cream, and... mm." Ami comments, blushing. "It's been a long time... I'd forgotten how good it was."
[11:48] <Anastasia> Taking a small scoop out of her own ice cream and swallowing, Tellu nods. "I don't eat much ice cream myself," she comments. "Mostly just meats and bread. It's easy to forget how nice sugar is, too."
[11:51] * Ami-chan nods, smiling, and swallowing another bite. "Or addictive." Ami agrees, a little embarrassed.
[11:53] <Anastasia> Nodding again and licking a bit of stray vanilla off of her lips, "Yeah. It's easy to sit at home and go through a quart of this stuff..."
[11:55] <Ami-chan> "Or more, if you don't pay attention." Ami agrees. "Artemis would probably stop me, though."
[11:56] <Anastasia> Nodding as she continues on with her treat, "How is he? I've never seen much of him besides when the Holy Grail was summoned."
[12:00] * Ami-chan smiles. "He's fine... though he's pushing me to take better care of myself." Ami reveals, smiling a little. "It's kind of funny getting lectures on common sense from him, but the concern is nice."
[12:04] <Anastasia> Chuckling, "How so, Ami? Eat better, exercise, that sort of thing?>"
[12:07] <Ami-chan> "Actually, he wants me to cut back a little on my exercise." Ami replies, blushing. "Well, no, that's not quite right. He wants me to sleep better, and cut down my caffeine intake." She pauses frowning a little. "I'm not sure I can, though... I've come to kind of rely on it..."
[12:09] <Anastasia> Thoughtfully here after a short stop, "Yeah. Well... at least get some more sleep," Tellu suggests, then smiles. "I can show you a place to nap in the gardens if you want - it's warm and secure there, the plants will look over you. Take some time out and catch up on your sleep, Ami."
[12:14] * Ami-chan blinks, beginning to smile a bit. "That... thank you." Ami begins warmly. "That'd be really nice."
[12:14] <Anastasia> Smiling now, "Once I introduce you to the plants, they'll keep an eye on you," Tellu assures you.
[12:18] * Ami-chan nods. "They wouldn't mind my presence?" she wonders thoughtfully.
[12:20] <Anastasia> "They like company," Tellu reassures you again, smiling at the thought. "Give a plant a bit of love and attention and they'll be happy." Though, she does frown a bit then. "It's a miracle that even with my abilities that they survived the Deathbusters..."
[12:23] * Ami-chan nods slowly, and gently tries to deflect that line of thought. "I don't know..." she replies, smiling just slightly. "Judging from the changes at the shrine, you seem to be capable of working a miracle or two." she observes. "I envy your ability."
[12:25] <Anastasia> "Thanks, Ami," she almost glows at that. "It's a small gift... I just know how to talk to plants, it's mostly them once they get a few kind words."
[12:32] <Ami-chan> "I wouldn't downplay your part in it, Tellu. Mako-chan is good with plants, and I know a gardener down at a beautiful park near my home, but yours... Well, I've never seen anything like it." Ami smiles. "We're involved in battle a lot, but creating something beautiful is just as much an accomplishment."
[12:36] <Anastasia> Blushing now, "It's... I'd almost rather be able to help the rest of you in battle, though," she admits.
[12:40] * Ami-chan sighs a little, and nods. "I can understand that." she agrees softly. "I've been working at my own... deficiencies in that area... but at least we can strive to improve, right?" Ami ventures, hoping equally to convince herself and the girl across from her.
[12:41] <Anastasia> "I... I guess," she says finally. "I can't shoot lightning or hearts or fire like you girls can, or make things or spells like the other Witches to battle with. The one time I tried to help Rei and Eudial fight..." she shakes her head. "It failed completely, and did some damage to the surrounding plants."
[12:43] <Ami-chan> Ami ponders for a moment. "Maybe... I can help you, there." she suggests shyly.
[12:46] <Anastasia> "Really?" Tellu asks, a bit curious. "How, Ami?"
[12:48] <Ami-chan> "Well... I can't teach you any magic... I'm servicable with my senshi powers, but not a standout, like Rei or Usagi... but, if you like, I might be able to prepare something like Eudial's fire buster for you." she suggests. "Hmm... Well, preferably something more to your tastes, but..." she trails off, shrugging embarrassedly.
[12:53] <Anastasia> Thinking that over carefully, "I'd... I'd like that, Ami," she says quietly, smiling. "I don't know what you can come up with, but I like the idea."
[12:57] * Ami-chan brightens a little at Tellu's acceptance of the idea. "I'll think it over, and make some suggestions later... and you should, too. Then we'll see what we can come up with?" she offers.
[12:58] <Anastasia> Smiling, "Alright. How about tomorrow after class?" she suggests. "Since we'll both have makeup work to get?"
[13:00] * Ami-chan winces, then laughs ruefully. "True. That sounds fine." she agrees with another smile.
[13:03] <Ana-brb> ---
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


[12:07] <Sailor_Anastasia> ---
[12:10] <Sailor_Anastasia> It's been about three weeks since Zirae left this world. It's not a big event that breaks Makoto's pace of life, not at all. It's just that glancing at the date, she realises something. She's four days late for her time of the month, and not a trickle from down there. Nothing at all.
[12:19] <Sailor_Anastasia> Despite that, the day goes by without incident until lunch... when you find yourself idly craving hot sauce and peanut butter for your rice.
[12:28] * Makoto pauses a bit in thought but shrugs. She isn't really sure why she has the craving, and decides to ignore it, sticking to a normal lunch. 'Must be picking some weird cravings from hanging out with Alan and Ann...'
[12:29] <Sailor_Anastasia> The next two days go without note, until the third morning. On eating your breakfast, your stomach starts to get queasy and the faint taste of bile starts to rise in Makoto's throat...
[12:33] * Makoto covers her mouth as she starts to feel sick and rushes to the bathroom.
[12:34] <Sailor_Anastasia> You just make it in the nick of time, your stomach heaving its contents into the porcelain bowl. THis goes on for a bit, until you feel sick and empty, a final dry heave wracking you.
[12:38] <Makoto> "Ughh..." Makoto says outloud, feeling like crap. 'Why am I feeling crappy right now?' she asks herself, noting she felt just fine earlier. 'Maybe the milk was bad?'
[12:39] <Sailor_Anastasia> There is no answer, other than the fact that your stomach is telling you that school is probably best skipped today. Ugh...
[12:44] <Makoto> Not wanting to get into much trouble, she calls up the school to say she'll be absent today from sickness, then hunts for Dr. Mizuno's number about getting a checkup when she's feeling up to getting to her office.
[12:44] <Sailor_Anastasia> You are in luck in that respect - they are fairly open today, tomorrow and the day after. You could get an appointment on any of those days without too much hassle.
[12:47] * Makoto is feeling rather lousy, but feels it best to get it done today. She asks for an appointment in the afternoon though, so Alan can help her get there after school and so she can sleep in right now.
[12:50] <Sailor_Anastasia> On sleeping a dream-filled but forgotten sleep, Makoto wakens near noon - oversleeping indeed, and quite hungry. Her nausea is gone, replaced with the strangest hunger. Radishes. Taht's what you want - those fresh radishes in your refrigerator you bought last night.
[12:54] * Makoto, feeling really hungry, doesn't fight her urge, and goes to get the radishes from the fridge. Washing them and then slicing them into thin slices, she also gets some limes out and squeezes the lime juice and some salt on the radish slices before letting it settle for a bit, so that the lime juice and radishes can absorb into each other.
[12:55] <Sailor_Anastasia> As you do this, the smell of the radishes makes you almost go crazy with hunger...
[12:56] <Makoto> Feeling the twinge of hunger a bit too sharply, Makoto decides it's settled enough, even though it hasn't been even 5 minutes, and just starts eating the mix for her lunch.
[12:56] <Sailor_Anastasia> It's really rather good, you find yourself almost gulping it down machine gun style... perhaps the elves are rubbing off even more, as you finish it far quicker than normal.
[13:05] <Makoto> As she finishes her lunch, dabbing her mouth with a napkin, Makoto checks the time to see how much longer before Alan gets out of school so she can call him and she can head to see Dr. Mizuno.
[13:05] <Sailor_Anastasia> At least a few more hours - it's only just past noon. Strangely, you find yourself thinking about those hot beef bowls at that stand at the park while doing this... mmm...
[13:07] <Makoto> 'Mmm...a beef bowl would be so good about now...' Makoto thinks but shakes her head. She wasn't feeling well and shouldn't be going out until she saw the doctor. 'Maybe I should just lie down and sleep some more.'
[13:08] <Sailor_Anastasia> Makoto ends up doing so, failling into a light sleep on her couch. Come 3 PM, she wakes, knowing Alan should be home shortly.
[13:16] <Makoto> Figuring he should be home soon enough, Makoto decides to watch TV in the meantime. Alan should be home within half an hour or so.
[13:17] <Sailor_Anastasia> Within ten minutes, however, there is a knock on your front door. "Makoto," Alan calls. "Are you home yet? Makoto!"
[13:18] * Makoto blinks at that and heads to the door. "I didn't even call you yet," Makoto mutters to herself with a small smile before shouting, "Coming!"
[13:19] <Sailor_Anastasia> Alan is indeed there, a white undershirt worn with the gray student pants. HIs overjacket is slung across his shoulder, sweat trickling down his face. "Hey," he smiles, coming in... and going right to the refrigerator, pulling out a cold drink. "Thought I'd stop by, since I had to come this way anyway."
[13:21] * Makoto smiles and shakes her head. Some things just didn't change. "Thanks. I was actually going to call you in a while to ask if you could stop by. I haven't felt too well this morning and wanted to go to see Ami's mom."
[13:21] <Makoto> "I didn't want to go alone in case I start feeling bad on the way there..." she adds.
[13:23] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Sure," he nods, gulping down a can of juice rather quickly. "Just let me cool down and I'll teleport you over. If you're sick, you shouldn't go out in this heat."
[13:26] <Makoto> "Thanks, Alan," Makoto says appreciatively. Pausing she adds, "Can we stop at the park on the way? I've had this craving for some of the hot beef bowls there since earlier."
[13:27] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Alright," he agrees, taking a seat...then frowns a moment. "Say... Makoto...?"
[13:27] <Makoto> "Yeah?"
[13:28] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Maybe we should skip the beef bowls," he says diplomatically. "I don't have any money onhand, anyway."
[13:29] * Makoto rolls her eyes but replies, "Oh fine. I think the craving has somewhat passed anyhow..."
[13:30] <Sailor_Anastasia> Nodding, "That's good," he says, glancing at your midsection with another small frown. "Makoto... have you been eating a lot, lately?"
[13:37] <Makoto> "Uhm, maybe a bit more. But I'm still growing, so it's okay," Makoto replies in a defensive tone.
[13:38] <Sailor_Anastasia> Trying to smile a bit, his gaze goes a bit higher up. "I can see that," he tries to salvage, catching Makoto's tone.
[13:42] * Makoto frowns. "Anyway, are you ready?" she asks, trying to change subjects.
[13:43] <Sailor_Anastasia> He nods, seeing how THAT went sour in a hurry. "Sure," he smiles as best he can, taking Makoto's hand. "Ready?"
[13:43] * Makoto nods.
[13:44] <Sailor_Anastasia> At that, the apartment vanishes. Shortly there after, you are at the office. As you get signed in, "Do you want me to stay and take you home afterwards?" he asks. "If you do, I want to run home while you're in here."
[13:45] * Makoto nods. "Yeah, go ahead, just come back when you can, please."
[13:46] <Sailor_Anastasia> Nodding, he walks out as the receptionist gets you set up. "Doctor Mizuno will see you in about ten minutes, Makoto."
[13:48] <Makoto> "Thank you," Makoto says with a smile as she takes a seat in the lounge, and picking up a magazine, starts browsing through while she waits.
[13:48] <Sailor_Anastasia> It's a short wait, only about seven minutes before the door to the exam rooms opens. "Miss Kino," a nurse calls.
[14:14] * Makoto puts down the magazine as her name is called and heads towards the exam room. "That's me."
[14:16] <Sailor_Anastasia> Led inside to a rather typical exam room, the nurse takes your weight (you are up a grand total of two pounds), height, blood pressure, and a small gamut of questions about how you feel. On finishing, "Doctor Mizuno will be here shortly, Miss Kino."
[14:18] * Makoto nods as she sits and waits.
[14:19] <Sailor_Anastasia> It's a few more minutes before doctor Mizuno enters. "Makoto," she nods, holding the chart the nurse filled out. "You're complaining of stomach upset, yes?"
[14:29] <Sailor_Anastasia> Nodding, "Did you eat anything that tasted rotten or stale in the past twenty-four hours, or anything undercooked?"
[14:30] <Makoto> "I'm certain everything I ate was fine," Makoto replies. "And while I have had some odd cravings, I haven't really been paying attentions to them."
[14:30] <Makoto> "So I haven't eaten anything weird or such."
[14:30] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Odd cravings? Like what, Makoto?" the doctor asks, interested.
[14:31] <Makoto> "Uhm...well, yesterday I felt like having hot sauce and peanut butter on my rice," Makoto states as she makes a face. "I have no idea what I was thinking. Yech..."
[14:32] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Hm," she smiles a bit. "Makoto... have you and your boyfriend continued on intimate terms?" she asks, "I'm going to have some bloodwork taken, I think," she says as she goes over to a pullout drawer, getting out a needle.
[14:34] * Makoto blushes at Ami's mom's first question. "Uhm... y-yeah, did Ami tell you or something?"
? Missing a line or two here?
[14:40] <Sailor_Anastasia> Putting down the needle, Doctor Mizuno moves in, holding you on the shoulders. "Calm down, Makoto. I don't think you are anything. I just wish to do some bloodwork. Just in case."
[14:43] <Makoto> "O-o-okay," Makoto says a bit freaked, but a little calmer than at her outburst. "I'm not pregnant though, okay? I... I use protection, so I can't get pregnant."
[14:44] <Sailor_Anastasia> "That's right," she smiles, tying up you arm and making it go numb. "Just relax as I..." the prick of the needle going into your body makes you wince, as always.
[09:11] <Anastasia> Taking the blood sample, she smiles again at Makoto. "I'll be back with the results soon - bloodwork doesn't take too long, Makoto."
[09:18] * Makoto nods as she waits, albeit a bit nervously now that the good doctor has put the idea of pregnancy in her head.
[09:19] <Anastasia> There really isn't much to do as you wait - only a few pamphlets about minor health issues, and a few medical posters on the wall. Twenty minutes drag by before Doctor Mizuno comes in again, a small smile on her face. "Makoto," she nods. "The preliminary results of your blood work are in."
[09:19] <Makoto> "...and?" Makoto asks somewhat nervously.
[09:20] <Anastasia> "Ah... Makoto, as I told you, no form of protection is one hundred percent effective short of abstinence," Doctor Mizuno begins, trying to be professional and soothing. "Condoms can break, the pill can fail on occasion, human error can spring up..."
[09:33] <Makoto> "...oh god," Makoto says quietly as she lowers her head, putting her hands on her head.
[09:34] <Anastasia> Nodding, "You're about a month pregnant, Makoto," she goes ahead and drops the bomb. "Give or take a week either way, if the preliminary tests are correct."
[09:40] <Makoto> "A...a -month-?" Makoto says with shock, raising her head. "I've been pregnant for a month?"
[09:41] <Anastasia> "Roughly," Doctor Mizuno nods. "I won't know down to a week until the lab returns a full blood spectral analysis."
[09:46] <Anastasia> Going forward with a smile, "Makoto... do you want me to call Ami over and your friends?" she asks, guessing what the girl must be going through.
[09:48] * Makoto briefly considers the thought, but shakes her head. "...No. This is between me and Alan. And... and I don't want a party, and I know them well enough that'd they try to do something like that."
[09:48] <Anastasia> She nods. " Alan here? If not, I can go call him for you."
[09:49] <Makoto> "He left when he dropped me off, but he said he'd be back," Makoto says in a subdued tone.
[09:51] <Anastasia> "I'll go check the waiting room," she says, starting to go, but she stops. Instead, she heads over to Makoto, wrapping her in a light hug. "Makoto... I know you - you are a wonderful girl who has lots of good friends. You'll come out of this all right, and Ami and I will both be here for you."
[09:51] <Makoto> "I... thanks," Makoto says awkwardly, thankful for the support. "I don't know if I'm ready for this though..."
[09:52] <Anastasia> "Most mothers aren't," she admits. "I had wanted to wait a few more years before I had Ami... but things worked out fine in the end."
[09:55] <Makoto> "Is... is pregnancy as painful as I heard it was?" Makoto asks timidly.
[09:55] <Anastasia> "Morning sickness, swollen feet and arms, sore back... it can have its downsides," she admits openly, with a bit of a 'yuck' face. "But, it all seems worth it when you feel your baby kicking inside of you."
[09:59] <Makoto> "Am I gonna have more weird cravings? I don't want to wake up wanting something weird, like... like liver ice cream with ketchup," Makoto says, stating the first weird thing she can think of.
[10:01] <Anastasia> Smiling, "It's part of the package," she comments, thinking back. "Whenever I got hungry with Ami, I always wanted baked fish heads." Chuckling at the memory, "It's just your body getting the vitamins and minerals your baby needs, Makoto."
[10:03] * Makoto makes a face at the thought of baked fish heads. "I don't have to listen to the cravings, right?"
[10:04] <Anastasia> "You don't HAVE to," she smiles, "But I found my pregnancy went easier when I wasn't resisting the urge to run to the fish market every few minutes."
[10:05] <Makoto> "Can't I just get vitamin supplements or something?" Makoto says, still making a face.
[10:05] <Anastasia> She nods. "As a matter of fact, I'm going to prescribe you some - it's just that pregnancy wreaks havoc on your hormones and feelings. Your body needs so much to make a healthy and happy child, Makoto."
[10:08] <Makoto> "I don't suppose I get a doctor's note saying I won't be attending school for 9 months?"
[10:09] <Anastasia> Shaking her head with a smile at that, "No... you probably won't go for the latter half of your pregnancy..." At that, she frowns and thinks a moment. "Do you still go to Juuban Middle, Makoto?"
[10:11] <Makoto> "Yeah, I didn't move to Mugen with the others to stay near Alan. And that didn't turn out all that well," Makoto says with a grumble.
[10:11] <Anastasia> "Are you two still together?" she asks gently, dreading the subtext to that comment.
[10:12] <Makoto> "Huh? Of course we are," Makoto says confused. "I mean, I don't see him too much cause he's in high school, but we still see each other. Why?"
[10:13] <Anastasia> "Oh," she smiles again. "Nevermind, Makoto. Anyway... if that's the case, maybe you should talk to Ami about transferring to Mugen? All of you seem to know the headmaster there from what Ami and Artemis have said."
[10:19] <Makoto> "I suppose I could, but I mean, I get to see him next year in high school right? If I move to Mugen now, it'd be the same as moving back then," Makoto replies.
[10:33] <Anastasia> "It's something to bear in mind, Makoto," she goes on. "Being a pregnant teenager will bring it's own complications - but being with your friends and an understanding school will help allay this."
[11:20] <Anastasia> "Anyway," she rises, "I'll go get Alan now."
[11:29] <Makoto> "Thanks, Dr. Mizuno," Makoto says, wondering how Alan will react to the news.
[11:30] <Anastasia> Shuffling out there after, she soon returns with Alan in tow. "Hey," he smiles.
[11:37] <Makoto> "Hey," Makoto replies quietly, with her own awkward smile. "Did Dr. Mizuno tell you?"
[11:38] <Anastasia> "Tell me what," he asks, smiling back a bit oddly. "Is something wrong, Makoto," he then glances at your doctor. "Is Makoto alright, Doctor?"
[11:38] <Anastasia> Doctor Mizuno just shakes her head. "Makoto is fine, Alan. Why don't you two talk," she says, quietly leaving the room at that.
[11:41] <Makoto> "Alan..." Makoto starts to say, pausing a bit, before just saying it out. "...I'm pregnant."
[11:42] <Anastasia> Alan blinks once, face going slack. "Wait... you mean... like having a baby," he asks slowly, mind whirring and crashing, voice a bit off kilter.
[11:44] * Makoto nods quietly.
[11:45] <Anastasia> Blinking still, Alan manages to make his way over to the exam table and sit next to you. "You're going to be a mother," he asks. "And I'm going to be a...."
[11:45] <Makoto> "A father," Makoto finishes.
[11:46] <Anastasia> "It.. it's..." he stuggles for the right words. "...ah... early, isn't it?" he finally says, thinking.
[11:48] <Makoto> "...Yeah," Makoto replies quietly as she leans against Alan's shoulder. "Yeah it is."
[11:51] <Anastasia> Sighing as he wraps his arm about you, "I... kinda didn't want to go ahead that quickly," he finally says. "I mean... damn. If we were, I'd at least want to have gotten married first."
[11:57] <Makoto> Makoto's heart beats a little bit faster at the thought of marriage, but squelching the thought for now, and digging herself closer to Alan's warmth, she asks, "So what do we do now?"
[11:59] <Anastasia> "Well..." he says slowly, "You're going to have a baby. I guess... we'll get married," he shrugs finally, not really having much else to think about at the moment.
[12:03] <Makoto> "I don't think we -can- get married, Alan. We're not just young for having a kid, we're young for getting married..."
[12:03] <Anastasia> "Oh," he says eloquently. "Well... damn, we're early," he says again, floundering.
[12:04] * Makoto giggles, unable to help herself. "That's okay, we can wait, I suppose. And besides... there's no law against getting engaged as far as I know," she says, finishing her statement with a larger smile.
[12:07] <Anastasia> "Yeah," Alan manages, still thinking. "Then... we're engaged now?"
[12:07] * Makoto frowns and getting up whaps him. "At least propose nicely!" she admonishes.
[12:10] <Anastasia> Rubbing the back of his head, he chuckles nonetheless. "Well... hold on," he says, vanishing abruptly.
[12:16] <Anastasia> Reappearing about two minutes later, "Sorry... if I'm going to do this..." he says, kneeling. "Makoto Kino... will you marry me?" asking so, he presents a vaguely familiar gold ring with a small garnet on it.
[12:18] * Makoto smiles and getting down to hug him tightly she whispers into his ear, "Of course I will."
[12:20] <Anastasia> "Good," he says, slipping the ring onto your finger after a quick separation, then rehugging you. Damn, that ring... did you see Ann wearing it before?
? Missing a line here?
[12:28] <Anastasia> Separating a bit later, "Well... we'll get a better ring later," Alan admits, blushing and rubbing the back of his head. "I just borrowed one of Ann's for the moment, since all those proposals on TV have rings, I felt like I needed one."
[12:32] <Makoto> "That's fine for now, Alan," Makoto says with a shake of her head, though still smiling. "It at least felt right."
[12:34] <Anastasia> Grinning now, "So... when do we tell the others, Makoto?"
[12:37] <Makoto> "When I see them again, I suppose. I'm not that much in a hurry," Makoto replies.
[12:37] <Anastasia> He nods. "I told Ann already when I borrowed her ring," he admits, "But I told her to keep it quiet at first."
[12:49] <Makoto> "Thanks, although I don't picture her going off telling everybody either," Makoto replies. "Did you tell her about the pregnancy also?"
[12:51] <Anastasia> "Not quite," he shakes his head. "She'll probably be able to make a guess, though."
[12:55] <Makoto> "I suppose," Makoto replies. Pausing for a bit, she suddenly blurts out the question, "Should we, uhm, move in together or something? I mean, for the baby and since we're engaged and all?"
[12:56] <Anastasia> "I guess," he nods slowly, smiling. "It'll be your apartment, since Ann is still using the one the Tree created..." Looking up, "Living together and having a baby..."
[14:31] <Makoto> "Yeah... not what I pictured now, but it was something I pictured eventually. Do you think we'll be okay?"
[14:34] <Anastasia> "Yeah, we will," he nods. "We're going to have a baby, Makoto... so we'll be alright."
[14:35] <Makoto> "How do you think Ann will feel about being an aunt?" MAkoto asks with a small smile.
[18:43] <Usagi-chan> -----
[18:46] <Usagi-chan> It's been almost three weeks since the last time Natsume heard from Usagi. After her brief visit to the blonde's home, she once again missed her appointment for training the next Saturday, and it's not until the following Friday that Natsume sees Usagi again.
[18:47] * Usagi-chan is walking home with Rei, the pair taking the scenic route today - Usagi felt like saying hello to Naru, and the two find themselves in the vicinity of Juuban Middle after Usagi's short chat with her redheaded friend.
[18:54] * Natsume is just walking through the front gates as Usagi and Rei approach. She waves at the blonde as soon as she sees her, before noticing the raven haired girl walking next to her.
[18:55] * Usagi-chan blinks in surprise as she recognizes Natsume, returning the girl's wave. "Oh, hey, Natsume!" she says with a smile, then winces briefly. "Oh man, I missed last week, didn't I?"
[18:56] * Rei-chan notices the wave and raises an eyebrow, before comprehension dawns at Usagi's words. "This is the Natsume you told me about?"
[18:56] <Natsume> "Ah, its no trouble really," Natsume says. "I managed to train well enough on my own."
[18:57] * Usagi-chan nods to Rei. "Yeah, this is Natsume. Natsume, this is Rei Hino, a very... CLOSE friend of mine." That gets a grin out of the blonde. 'If I was any closer we'd be glued together.'
[18:58] * Rei-chan snorts slightly at the mental commentary. "Nice to meet you, Natsume," she bows briefly. "Usagi's told me a lot about you."
[18:58] <Natsume> "I see, I hope isn't wasn't anything bad," Natsume laughs before bowing herself. "Kusanagi Natsume, a pleasure to meet you."
[18:59] <Rei-chan> "No, actually," Rei chuckles a bit. "She mentioned how you were working hard in your training with her, and have a lot of natural ability."
[19:02] <Natsume> "I'm honored that Tsukino-san speaks so highly of me," she says, blushing a bit. "But I still have quite a ways to go."
[19:02] * Usagi-chan nods, smiling. "I wasn't even thinking about that, but I really should spend some time with you - I'm curious how you're doing on your own. I'm REALLY sorry about last week, but things kind of got busy again and I forgot about it." The blonde blushes at that.
[19:04] <Natsume> "Really, its no problem, I understand you have quite a few responsibilities."
[19:05] <Usagi-chan> "Yeah, but I still feel bad about missing," Usagi says with a sigh. "There wasn't anything THAT pressing last Saturday, it was more me just forgetting about it." She grimaces at that. "Anything I can do to make it up to you?"
[19:10] <Natsume> "Hmmm, there isn't anything I can think of right now," Natsume says after a bit of thought. "Lets just make it an IOU for now."
[19:11] <Rei-chan> "How about a training session right now?" Rei suggests. "I wouldn't mind seeing what you've been learning, Natsume."
[19:12] <Usagi-chan> "That would work for me - I don't have anything else to do this afternoon," Usagi says after considering for a moment.
[19:13] <Natsume> "That's fine with me," she agrees. "Its been a while since I trained with an audience."
[19:14] <Usagi-chan> "Let's go then!" Usagi says with a smile. The three head off shortly thereafter, arriving at Usagi's 'training spot' in the park about ten minutes later. As usual, the area is quiet, and the shade from the trees overhead gives a welcome relief from the summer afternoon heat.
[19:23] * Natsume relaxes and attempts to form two energy kunai, something she had great difficulty with before.
[19:27] <Natsume> roll 2d6
[19:27] * Hatbot --> "Natsume rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[19:27] * Musk-bot --> "Natsume rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[19:28] * Natsume forms both kunai at once, one in each hand.
[19:28] * Usagi-chan nods in approval. "Not bad."
[19:29] * Rei-chan examines Natsume's chi for a moment and how she focuses it into the two weapons. "That is impressive," she agrees.
[19:30] * Natsume aims for a nearby tree and throws one of the kunai with a flick of her wrist.
[19:30] <Natsume> roll 2d6
[19:30] * Hatbot --> "Natsume rolls 2d6 and gets 8."
[19:31] <Usagi-chan> The knife embeds itself into the tree's trunk up to the hilt noiselessly.
[19:31] <Rei-chan> Frowning at that, Rei gives Natsume a stern look. "You don't have to injure a tree just to show off."
[19:33] <Natsume> "Oh... well... I usually use the trees and rocks as target practice," Natsume explains. "I didn't really think that I was... injuring them..."
[19:34] <Usagi-chan> "Go easy on her, Rei-chan," Usagi admonishes. "She didn't mean anything by it."
[19:34] * Rei-chan shakes her head. "If Tellu was here she'd pitch a fit over this. Trees and plants are living things, too. You should respect them."
[19:36] <Natsume> "I see, I apologize, I'll try to use just the rocks from now on," Natsume says, not really understanding, but complying anyway. "Uhh... if I might ask... who is Tellu?"
[19:36] <Usagi-chan> "She's a friend of ours at Mugen," Usagi explains. "She really loves all kinds of plants - you should see her greenhouses sometime."
[19:37] <Rei-chan> "She works at Hikawa as well, recently. The place looks so much more alive since she started, too," Rei adds, smiling a bit there.
[19:39] <Natsume> "Ah, I'd like that," Natsume says about the greenhouse. "Hikawa... isn't the name of the Shinto shrine near here?"
[19:39] * Rei-chan nods. "It's where I live."
[19:40] <Natsume> "You live in a shrine?" Natsume says, surprised. "Are you a priestess?"
[19:42] <Rei-chan> "I'm too young to be a priestess," Rei says, smiling as she shakes her head. "I'm just a miko - my Grandpa's the priest."
[19:44] <Natsume> "Oh, well, its still amazing. I've never met a miko before," Natsume says.
[19:45] <Rei-chan> "Haven't you ever visited a Shrine?" Rei asks, it now her turn to be surprised.
[19:47] <Natsume> "Eheh, not really," Natsume says, feeling a bit embarrased. "My grandfather has I think, but I've never gone with him."
[19:48] <Rei-chan> "Not even at new year?" Rei asks pointlessly, before shrugging it off. "Oh, well. Shinto isn't for everyone," she concedes, letting it drop.
[19:49] * Usagi-chan just smiles. "The only time I ever used to visit a shrine was at New Year's myself, before I met Rei," Usagi says.
[19:52] <Natsume> "How long have you two known each other?"
[19:53] * Usagi-chan looks over at Rei, thinking for a minute. "A bit over a year now," she says.
[19:54] * Rei-chan smirks a bit, but remains silent. 'Depends whether you just count this life or not.'
[19:55] * Usagi-chan tries hard not to giggle at that. 'True... funny when you put it that way.'
[19:55] <Natsume> "Do you know magic as well, Hino-san?"
[19:56] <Rei-chan> "Oh, I know a trick or two," Rei demurs. "I'm not on Usagi's level, though."
[19:57] * Usagi-chan snorts. "She's better than I am in some areas," Usagi protests. "Not with actual spells or anything, but she's very good at what she CAN do."
[20:00] <Rei-chan> "Growing up in a Shrine can teach you a few things," Rei agrees, nodding.
[20:01] <Natsume> "By what my grandfather has told me, true Shintoists are able to are able to commune with nature spirits," Natsume says. "Is that what you do?"
[20:05] <Rei-chan> "Among other things," Rei nods. "I have a special rapport with the Kami of Hikawa, but I can open myself to others and gain their assistance."
[20:07] <Natsume> "Ah, I see now why you were so upset when I harmed the tree," Natsume says. "I apologize again."
[20:08] <Usagi-chan> "How's your sword coming along?" Usagi asks, deciding to move on. "Still been working on that?"
[20:09] <Natsume> "Ah, yes." Natsume holds her right hand out and forms the mystic katana, seemingly without any effort at all.
[20:11] * Usagi-chan studies the energy weapon. "Looks really good," she says with a smile. "It looks a lot better now than the last time I saw it - you look like you're more relaxed about using it now, too."
[20:12] <Natsume> "Yes, now I don't even to think about it really," she says. "It just happens on reflex now."
[20:12] <Rei-chan> "That's a fine weapon," Rei agrees, giving it a critical eye.
[20:13] <Usagi-chan> "I can tell - the energy flows look like they're almost completely natural now - that's definitely a good thing." Usagi smiles at that. "Any new tricks I HAVEN'T seen yet?"
[20:13] <Natsume> "I've also been working on a new form," Natsume mentions
[20:14] <Usagi-chan> "Let's have a look at it then." Usagi nods.
[20:14] <Natsume> "Since I have the katana for close range, and the kunai for long range, I decided to try and work on a weapon for in between,"
[20:16] <Rei-chan> "Naginata?" Rei guesses from the theme of Natsume's listed weapons.
[20:18] <Natsume> "Not quite, though I have tried that form before," Natsume answers. "I might not succeed, since what I have in mind is pretty complex..."
[20:18] <Usagi-chan> "Have you done it before, or will this be your first time?" Usagi asks, now curious.
[20:19] <Natsume> "I tried yesterday, though I had difficulty keeping the image in my mind," she admits. "I meant most of last night studying the weapon in detail."
[20:20] * Natsume relaxes again, and tries to form a kusari-gama.
[20:21] <Natsume> roll 2d6+2
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Natsume rolls 2d6+2 and gets 7."
[20:23] * Natsume forms a hand held sickle attached to a small weight by a chain.
[20:23] <Usagi-chan> The weapon appears in Natsume's hand, the long chain with its attached weight hanging motionless from the base of the handle.
[20:24] <Natsume> "Hah, it worked!" Natsume says in triumph.
[20:25] * Rei-chan blinks. "Um... isn't the use of that kind of weapon based on using its inertia as you swing it around a lot?"
[20:25] <Usagi-chan> OOC: Make another soul check, +1.
[20:26] <Natsume> roll 2d6+1
[20:26] * Hatbot --> "Natsume rolls 2d6+1 and gets 8."
[20:27] <Natsume> "Mm, something like that," Natsume says. "It's useful for trapping an enemy's weapon, or against large groups of opponents."
[20:28] <Rei-chan> "Isn't a weapon made of chi weightless?" Rei goes on. "They don't tend to follow the usual laws of physics."
[20:29] <Usagi-chan> "Yes and no," Usagi says, frowning a bit. "It basically follows what you want it to do, as long as you can maintain control over the energy - so if you want it to act like a real weapon, it will."
[20:29] <Natsume> "Whenever I create a weapon, I try to give it a semblance of weight."
[20:30] * Rei-chan shrugs. "You know best."
[20:30] * Usagi-chan still looks rather unhappy. "You're just BARELY managing to keep that thing here, Natsume. Are you sure you want to stick with it? It doesn't look like it'll be easy to use at all."
[20:32] <Natsume> "Yes, this is far more difficult to maintain than I thought it would be," Natsume says, only now noticing the beads of sweat forming on her brow from the concentration.
[20:32] <Natsume> "It seems the more dynamic the weapon, the harder it is to control...."
[20:32] <Usagi-chan> "I'd let it go," Usagi advises. "It looks like it'll be more trouble than it's worth to me."
[20:33] <Rei-chan> "Really, if you want to use your chi against a group, there are far more efficient ways to do it," Rei points out. "Just shooting out a fan of it in an arc would be better than trying to control that as you swing it around."
[20:33] * Usagi-chan nods. "You've seen me use energy bolts - with a little practice, you could probably do something like that yourself."
[20:35] <Natsume> "Ohhh, I never thought of that," Natsume says, letting the chain weapon dissolve into nothing.
[20:36] <Natsume> "How DO you shoot out chi like that?"
[20:38] * Usagi-chan shrugs. "Well, for me I start off by concentrating my energy in my hand, then sort of 'pushing' it in the direction I want it to go - sort of like making a bubble and then popping it. It took me a lot of practice to master it, though."
[20:39] <Natsume> "Hmmm..."
[20:39] <Rei-chan> "If you can throw a chi kunai it shouldn't be too hard for you to project chi outwards," Rei points out. "It's not glued to your hand."
[20:40] <Usagi-chan> "I'd really want you to be careful though. The first time I ever tried it, I, uh, kind of did a lot more damage than I expected." Usagi blushes a bit at that.
[22:01] * Natsume stares down at her hand and thinks to herself. 'Focus your chi into your hand....'
[22:05] * Usagi-chan and Rei both watch Natsume with some interest.
[22:05] * Natsume decides to try and focus on her index finger instead, guessing it might be easier to focus on a smaller area.
[22:05] * Natsume tends to feel her chi as a kind of warmth constantly surrounding her body. So she imagines, as best she can, a little bit of that 'warmth' moving to the tip of her index finger.
[22:06] <Usagi-chan> The sensation flows through Natsume's body, the tip of her finger indeed growing a bit warmer as she concentrates.
[22:08] <Natsume> "How do I know when I've gathered enough chi?" Natsume asks, still focusing on moving her energy.
[22:09] <Usagi-chan> "It's not really something I can explain," Usagi says apologetically. "Just let it build up until you think you have enough, then release it - you'll have to find the right balance for yourself."
[22:10] * Natsume concentrates until her finger begins to feel hot rather than just warm.....
[22:11] <Usagi-chan> It doesn't take long at all. If you keep this up much longer, you're going to get a blister, you think.
[22:12] <Natsume> 'I'm thinking this should be enough...' Natsume thinks to herself.
[22:12] * Usagi-chan simply waits, focused on Natsume's hand.
[22:12] <Natsume> "Now I just... project it outward you said?" Natsume asks for confirmation
[22:13] * Natsume aims at the lake, hoping Rei won't take offense to her attacking the water... or something...
[22:14] <Usagi-chan> "Pretty much, yeah. Don't really make any form, just let it go." Usagi confirms.
[22:14] <Natsume> 'Just...let it go....' she thinks.
[22:15] * Natsume , going by how she's holding her hand, imagines she's holding a gun...
[22:15] <Natsume> "Bang," she whispers, and imagines herself pulling the trigger...
[22:15] <Natsume> roll 2d6+2
[22:15] * Musk-bot --> "Natsume rolls 2d6+2 and gets 6."
[22:17] <Usagi-chan> A thin beam of energy issues from the tip of Natsume's finger, lancing out and disappearing into the lake in the space of a split second! A moment or two later, a large bubble bursts on the surface of the water.
[22:18] * Natsume stands there, frozen in shock....
[22:18] <Natsume> "W.... was that it?" she finally asks. "Did I just shoot my chi out?"
[22:18] * Rei-chan beams at Natsume. "Way to go, Natsume!" Rei smirks.
[22:19] <Usagi-chan> "That was it... a little small for an energy bolt, but you've got the right idea." Usagi confirms.
[22:20] <Natsume> "Hah! Amazing," Natsume says, beaming with joy. "That was much easier than making a kunai and throwing it."
[22:21] <Usagi-chan> Rei starts rather suddenly, glancing down at her watch. "Crap! I forgot, I was supposed to be helping Hotaru with the charms stand this afternoon," she says with a grimace. "I'll have to catch you guys later. Was nice meeting you, Natsume," she says, waving as she heads off into the park.
[22:21] <Natsume> "Ah, nice meeting you too, Hino-san,"
[22:22] <Usagi-chan> "See you later, Rei-chan!" Usagi calls after the rapidly disappearing miko.
[22:23] * Usagi-chan turns to Natsume. "Not bad at all for a first try," she says with a smile. "I doubt you'd do much damage with something like that, but it's at least a start."
[22:24] <Natsume> "Thanks," she says, blushing.
[22:25] * Usagi-chan grins, taking a seat on the grass with a grunt. "Geez, I'm tired. Long day today."
[22:25] <Natsume> "Oh? What were you up to?"
[22:27] <Usagi-chan> "Mostly just catching up at school, still. We took last week off to make up for the vacation we missed," Usagi explains. "The senshi spent most of our summer break 'working', so we took it easy last week instead."
[22:32] <Natsume> "Ahhh."
[22:32] <Usagi-chan> "Couldn't get out of our schoolwork, though, so we've been having to work double time this week to make it all up," Usagi grumbles. "But at least the vacation was worth it."
[22:35] <Natsume> "And you go to Mugen Gakuen right?" Natsume aks. "I can't imagine the kind of workload you get stuck with there."
[22:36] <Usagi-chan> "More than I'd like," Usagi grumbles. "It's tough, but I can usually manage with a little help. It's just been a busy week all around - even besides homework, there are a couple of other things that I've been trying to get going again, and that's been kind of bumpy."
[22:37] <Natsume> "What kind of things?"
[22:38] * Usagi-chan smiles a bit secretively. "Things you probably wouldn't believe, to tell you the truth. Even knowing who I am, you probably wouldn't believe me."
[22:42] <Natsume> "Oh? Try me."
[22:43] * Usagi-chan grins. "All right, I spent most of last weekend walking around the Moon."
[22:46] <Natsume> "..." Natsume just stares at the other girl flatly. "You're right, I don't believe you."
[22:47] <Usagi-chan> "Told you so," Usagi replies with a grin. "Anyway, it's been a busy week - but at least I don't have to worry about Chibi Usa anymore."
[22:50] <Natsume> "How is she by the way?" she asks.
[22:52] <Usagi-chan> "She's... safe," Usagi says with a smile. "She's been through a lot in the past couple of weeks, but I think she might finally be out of danger once and for all. We managed to take care of the man who was after her, although it was probably the toughest fight I've ever been in." The blonde glances down at her hands at that.
[22:54] <Natsume> "Ah, yes, that Zirae person," Natsume recalls. "I never had any doubt you would succeed eventually."
[22:55] <Usagi-chan> "We almost didn't," Usagi says quietly, looking down at her lap. "We managed to do it, but it's a miracle Chibi Usa is still with us after that fight."
[22:57] <Natsume> "What... happened?" Natsume asks, noting Usagi's suddenly downcast eyes.
[22:59] <Usagi-chan> "She sacrificed herself to give us a chance to beat Zirae," Usagi says, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "If it hadn't been for that, he would have killed all of us - probably gone on to destroy the entire world. But after he was dead, there was some kind of miracle - I don't understand how, but Chibi Usa was brought back to me, when she should have been dead."
[23:05] * Natsume is silent, absorbing everything that was just told to her.
[23:06] * Usagi-chan smiles a bit. "She's back with us and safe now, that's all that matters as far as I'm concerned," she says with a smile. "And there's no one left to try to hurt her again."
[23:07] <Natsume> "Thats good to know," she agrees. "She's such an amazing girl, I find it hard to believe she's only a child."
[23:09] <Usagi-chan> "I know... it just amazes me how much she's been through in her life, but she's still managed to get through it all pretty well so far." Usagi smiles. "But now you know why we went on vacation - with Zirae gone, we could finally afford to."
[23:11] <Natsume> "Indeed," Natsume says with a nod.
[23:12] <Usagi-chan> "What about you? Anything interesting happen to you since the last time I saw you?"
[23:12] <Natsume> "Oh, well, not really," Natsume says. "Practicing, trying to spend more time with Kurumi..."
[23:13] <Usagi-chan> "Kurumi's your sister, right?" Usagi says after a moment.
[23:14] <Natsume> "Yes, my younger sister," she confirms. "She's a year younger than me."
[23:14] <Usagi-chan> "That's cool," Usagi says with a smile. "It has to beat having a bratty little brother, that's for sure."
[23:16] * Natsume laughs a bit at that. "I'm able to talk to her about anything," Natsume says, before sobering a bit. "Though recently I've had to keep a lot of things from her, something I don't enjoy doing."
[23:17] <Usagi-chan> "About me, you mean?" Usagi says, her expression faltering a bit. "I'm sorry about that."
[23:18] <Natsume> "Oh, its not your fault, really," she assures her. "I'm sure I'll be able to tell her everything in time."
[23:21] <Natsume> "Though I really wish she could come with me, she's very adept at kyudo, so she knows alot about concentration and visualization," Natsume says. "Unfortunately she doesn't seem to have much interest."
[23:22] * Natsume laughs a bit. "I think its because she's alot more grounded in reality than I ever was."
[23:23] <Usagi-chan> "Oh well," Usagi says with a shrug. "I guess it's not for everyone," she grins. "Although I'm not sure what I could teach her - I'm really just making most of this stuff up as I go along," she admits with an embarrassed grin.
[23:27] <Natsume> "Really? I never noticed."
[23:29] * Usagi-chan giggles. "You're too kind, really. But I like getting to hang out with you - I don't spend a lot of time with many people outside of the other senshi, so getting to talk to you is a nice change of pace," the blonde says.
[23:31] <Natsume> "Well, I don't get to spend much time talking to Sailor Senshi either," she says, smiling. "So I guess its a nice change of pace for me as well."
[23:33] * Usagi-chan grins at that. "I guess so, it's not something most people can say they've done," she agrees, stretching a bit. "I HAVE been curious about one thing, though - how much do you know about the senshi from following them on your own?"
[23:35] <Natsume> "Eheh, well, not much admittedly," she says. "Most of what I knew came from what little tidbits appear on the news and the internet fansites."
[23:37] <Usagi-chan> "Actually, that's the kind of stuff I mean," Usagi replies. "I don't think any of us have actually looked at what's out there about us, except when we actually make the news."
[23:40] <Natsume> "Hm, well, most of the fansites don't really have anything substantial, just amusing gossip mainly," she says. "How old you might be, what guys you like, some people even write stories about you."
[23:41] <Usagi-chan> "Really? There are stories about us out there? What kinds of stuff do they write?" Usagi seems rather surprised.
[23:44] <Natsume> "Most of them are just corny romances about the author meeting their favorite senshi," Natsume recalls. "Some of them are articles by pseudo-intellectuals about things like how your powers work, why your skirts are so short, military applications for high heeled boots, things like that."
[23:46] <Natsume> "I've seen one or two that try to show the senshi in their daily lives," Natsume continues. "Those seem to be somewhat imaginative."
[23:46] * Usagi-chan laughs. "You'd have to talk to Mars about the high heels, she's the only one that really has to fight in heels. The short skirts... well, I don't know if they were INTENDED that way, but they're really easy to move around in during a fight, which is handy. And WE don't even understand how all of our powers work."
[23:47] * Usagi-chan seems rather intrigued by the second notion, though. "What do they think our daily lives are like, then?"
[23:55] <Natsume> "It depends really, some people you're j-pop stars in disguise, other people think you might be priestesses," she explains. "Hah, there was one where the author portrayed it as a kind of sitcom with all of you being college students living in the same apartment."
[23:57] <Usagi-chan> The mention of J-pop stars causes Usagi to become oddly pensive, although she chuckles briefly at the other two ideas.
[23:59] <Natsume> "Of course there's your typical adolescent male writer who believes you're all sex crazed lesbians," she recalls. "But those tend to be few and far between."
[00:00] <Usagi-chan> "Good," Usagi says, blushing a bit. "We've had enough problems with the doujinshi, frankly."
[00:02] <Natsume> "Sailor Mercury is the most popular senshi, I can't really explain why," Natsume says with a shrug. "I still prefer Jupiter myself, not to say you're not a close second yourself of course."
[00:04] * Usagi-chan smiles. "Mercury's actually pretty shy in real life," she says with a smile. "She'd probably be completely shocked to hear that if you told her. And I'm not really surprised that I'm not too high on the list - the others are a lot better at fighting than I am, for sure."
[00:06] <Natsume> "Other than the doujinshi, which you seem to already have experience with, theres not much else I can say."
[00:07] * Usagi-chan nods glumly. "We actually ran into those fairly early on - Venus was about ready to go raid the shops to get rid of them," Usagi says with a wry smile, shaking her head. "Never happened, of course, but it was a tempting thought."
[00:08] <Natsume> "Ah, yes, some of them can be rather disturbing," she says. "I guess it's just some people's way of showing their adoration for you."
[00:10] <Usagi-chan> "Really strange way of showing it," Usagi grumbles. "Some of the amateur stuff I've seen isn't bad, though - if you avoid the hentai stuff, there are actually some kind of fun stories out there about us." She smiles a bit at that.
[00:16] <Natsume> "Which ones have you seen?"
[00:18] <Usagi-chan> "Well, actually my little brother drew one that I was half tempted to take to a publisher - and before he knew who I was, too." She grins. "He's got the only doujinshi in the world autographed by all the senshi - I had everyone sign it for him last year as a Christmas present. There are a few other cute stories out there - Mars is a really avid manga collector, so she's seen quite a few of them."
[00:20] <Natsume> "Your brother must be very talented," she says. "I tried once, but stopped after I made Kurumi fall down laughing at how horrible it was."
[00:21] * Natsume blushes a bit in embarrasment. "I'm not too good at art, obviously."
[00:21] * Usagi-chan giggles. "He's better than I am at it, that's for sure. I'm not really very good at much of anything other than magic, it seems like." She scratches the back of her head in embarrassment at that.
[00:23] <Natsume> "Oh I'm sure you're just being humble," Natsume says. "I'm sure you're very talented at other things. You did get into Mugen Gakuen after all."
[00:26] * Usagi-chan snorts. "I never would have passed the exams," Usagi replies. "Professor Tomoe's daughter was kidnapped by one of our enemies, and as a reward for our helping to get her back he gave most of us scholarships to Mugen. I can do all right with the work there, but I'm hardly outstanding at it. I'm not much of a cook, and I can't draw - but I've actually picked up magic fairly easily, where none of the other girls have managed it."
[00:29] <Natsume> "Well, even then, being skilled at magic is no small thing," Natsume reminds her. "Being able to mold energy like you do must take amazing imagination."
[00:30] <Usagi-chan> "It might not seem like it, but that's not really something I consider magic," Usagi replies. "It's almost like a skill - just about all of the senshi can do that to some degree with their own elements. By magic, I mean more like casting actual spells and stuff, real old-fashioned magic."
[00:31] <Natsume> "Oh, like that healing spell you used the first time we met?"
[00:32] * Usagi-chan nods. "Things like that, yeah. I've really found it to be a lot more interesting than I ever expected it to be - but it seems like no one else can learn to do things the same way I can, at least not yet." The blonde sighs a bit at that.
[00:37] <Natsume> "You shouldn't be ashamed of such talent," she smiles. "Even though its not something you can show off publically, its still something that sets you apart from everyone else."
[00:38] <Natsume> "And the people who do know recognize how gifted you are," she says. "Which is really all that matters."
[00:38] <Usagi-chan> "I guess so,"  Usagi says with a small smile. "It can be kind of fun to play around with too." She grins, her lips moving silently for a minute - although there's no visible effect that Natsume can see.
[00:41] <Natsume> "What... did you do?"
[00:45] * Usagi-chan grins. "Turn around slowly - but try not to jump."
[00:46] * Natsume does so...
[00:47] <Usagi-chan> Standing behind the swordswoman is a very, VERY tall redhead. A slight sneer on her part reveals elongated canines, and a pair of bony spikes protrude from her shoulder blades. A globe of dark crystal is suspended just above a rod held in front of her.
[00:50] * Natsume nearly jumps back a mile even though she is trying not to.
[00:50] <Natsume> "What... is it?" she asks apprehensively.
[00:51] <Usagi-chan> "That would be Queen Beryl, the leader of the first enemies we fought last year," Usagi says with a grim smile. "Just an illusion, though - the real Queen Beryl's been dead for months now."
[00:53] <Natsume> "Ah, good," she sighs, before catching herself. "I mean, I wish was around back then, she would've felt the full wrath of my noble blade!"
[00:54] * Usagi-chan giggles. "Funny you should mention that - she died to a pair of sword strikes, actually." With a wave of her hand, the illusion wavers and disappears. "Right through the head."
[00:55] <Natsume> "Oh? Who delivered the final blow?"
[00:56] <Usagi-chan> "Sailor Mars did," Usagi replies. "I knocked down a pretty powerful energy shield she was using, then Mars finished her off."
[00:56] <Natsume> "She is a swordswoman as well?" she asks, intrigued.
[00:57] <Usagi-chan> "Not a trained one like you are, but she uses a sword from time to time, yes," Usagi agrees.
[22:45] <Natsume> "Sounds like it was a hard fought battle."
[22:47] * Usagi-chan smiles a bit. "It definitely was that," the blonde replies. "I can't tell you how glad I am that we won that one though."
[22:49] <Natsume> "Why are you showing me this?" Natsume asks. "You said magic was a fun thing to play with, but I'm sure there's more to it than that."
[22:51] <Usagi-chan> "Thought you might like to understand a bit more about what it is the senshi have run up against," Usagi responds. "And this is easier than describing it all to you."
[22:52] <Natsume> "Are all your enemies as ugly as she is?" Natsume wonders, still staring at where the... hologram? was.
[22:54] <Usagi-chan> "Some have been," Usagi makes a face at that. "Most youma or cardians were worse-looking than she was. Not all of them are ugly, though. Ann was an enemy of ours once, and I wouldn't call HER ugly."
[22:57] <Natsume> "Ah, yes, I think Ann mentioned that she used to an opponent of yours," Natsume remembers. "Knowing her, I'm not surprised...."
[22:59] * Usagi-chan smiles wryly. "She and her brother were draining people's energy because they thought it would help them survive. We managed to finally track them down and figure out what was REALLY going on, and they've been living peacefully ever since."
[23:05] <Natsume> "That's good to hear," Natsume says. "I'd much prefer her as a friend to an enemy."
[23:05] <Natsume> "I wish I'd thought the same when we first met," Natsume says with a laugh.
[23:09] * Usagi-chan gives Natsume a curious look. "What was it that first tipped you off that she was unusual, anyway? Ann never said, just that you thought she was a youkai or something."
[23:10] <Natsume> "I happened to catch her using her powers," Natsume explained. "Making things appear and disappear, levitating herself, making HERSELF appear and disappear."
[23:11] * Usagi-chan giggles. "I guess that would do it," she agrees. "I just thought it was weird since you don't seem to be able to sense things like that yourself - unless I missed something?"
[23:14] <Natsume> "Hm, I'm sure it was more luck than anything else," Natsume shrugs. "Good luck, since I've gotten to meet so many nice people because of it. Ann included... as shocking as that is."
[23:17] * Usagi-chan smiles. "She's not so bad once you get to know her - she just tends to seem a bit harsh at first. But I'm glad I've gotten to know you too - it's been nice to get to know someone new WITHOUT having to fight them first," she says with a grin.
[23:20] <Natsume> "I'm sure," she laughs. "Just how many enemies have become your allies?"
[23:22] <Usagi-chan> "Oh, good lord - you're going to make me count," Usagi says, making a face as she begins to tick off numbers on her fingers. "Nine, I think, that we're still in contact with anyway."
[23:24] <Natsume> "You must have some sort of magic touch," she says. "To make friends of enemies is a cherished gift, or so my grandfather says at times."
[23:27] * Usagi-chan smiles a bit at that. "I definitely look at all of them as a wonderful gift - I owe a lot of things to all of them. They help me out a lot."
[23:33] * Natsume stares back at the lake. "I wonder if I can make more than just bubbles..." Natsume says to herself.
[23:34] <Usagi-chan> "Hmm?" Usagi gives the other girl a curious look.
[23:35] * Natsume doesn't answer, and instead starting focusing her into her finger like the first time.
[23:37] * Usagi-chan simply watches, deciding not to disturb the other girl's concentration as she tries out her new technique once again.
[23:38] * Natsume keeps focusing, even after her fingers starts feeling hot like the first time...
[23:39] <Usagi-chan> "Be careful," Usagi murmurs.
[23:40] * Natsume's finger feels like it's on fire, but keeps charging anyway...
[23:42] <Natsume> 'I need to know how far I can take it,' she thinks to herself, while gnashing her teeth.
[23:42] <Usagi-chan> "Natsume..." Usagi says, beginning to get a bit worried. "Don't try to overdo it too much."
[23:45] * Natsume reaches her limit, aims at the lake, and prepares to fire...
[23:47] <Natsume> roll 2d6+4
[23:47] * Hatbot --> "Natsume rolls 2d6+4 and gets 10."
[23:47] <Usagi-chan> The beam lances out from Natsume's hand as before, a thin stream - but as it does so, it feels like someone's driven a red-hot needle right into her fingertip.
[23:49] * Natsume manages to bite back a scream, but still cringes at the horrible feeling.
[23:50] * Usagi-chan winces, having seen just what happened in a bit more detail than she'd like. "Oh my god, are you all right?" She quickly moves to Natsume's side. "Let me see it."
[23:54] <Natsume> "I... tried... to see how far I could go," Natsume says through the biting pain. "It feels like I got more than I bargained for."
[23:56] * Natsume shows it to Usagi once it stops twitching quite so much...
[23:57] * Usagi-chan takes Natsume's hand, looking at the other girl's injured finger. The bolt did quite a bit of damage, carving a deep series of gashes in Natsume's fingertip. Ignoring the blood, Usagi wraps her hands around the other girl's finger, beginning to chant her healing spell.
[00:01] * Natsume notes the pain fading as she chants the familiar spell...
[00:06] * Usagi-chan shakes her head as she removes her hands. "Don't try to overdo it - you can hurt yourself worse than that if you're not careful," Usagi says. "That's why if you saw me do it before, I fire them out of my palms - I can brace some of the shock better that way than just with a fingertip. You could break a finger if you're not careful doing it that way."
[00:08] <Natsume> "I see," she says, sighing in relief. Usagi's healing spell never ceases to amaze.
[00:09] <Usagi-chan> "I know you want to learn as much as you can, but don't push too hard," the blonde scolds. "Hurting yourself isn't going to make you learn any faster."
[00:12] <Natsume> "Hm, I guess," she says, staring at the now healed finger. "I guess I'm too used to pain and training going hand in hand."
[00:14] * Usagi-chan shakes her head. "Pain is nature's way of telling you that something's wrong," she counters. "There ARE times when you have to grit your teeth and go on, but not always."
[00:20] <Natsume> "So when will I be able to learn more complex applications, you think?"
[00:21] <Usagi-chan> "It's hard to say," Usagi replies. "I'd work on getting the small stuff down first, before you try to get creative with it. Make sure you know what you're doing, that way you're less likely to hurt yourself."
[00:23] <Natsume> "Just how much small stuff is there?" Natsume wonders.
[00:25] * Usagi-chan sighs. "Seems like I find more every day," she mutters. "For now, if you really want to push that technique forward I'd practice with small energy bolts like the first one you used today - just get a handle on keeping it under control and doing what you want first."
[00:28] <Natsume> "Hm, yes I think I could get in alot of practice with this," Natsume says. "I'm sure it'll surprise the heck out of grandfather."
[00:28] <Usagi-chan> "Just be careful about using it on a person," Usagi warns. "Even with as small as that was, it'll pack one heck of a punch."
[00:37] <Natsume> "I see..."
[00:40] <Usagi-chan> "Just promise me you won't try to overdo it like that again, all right?" Usagi asks.
[00:41] <Natsume> "Alright, I promise," she says, smiling a little.
[00:42] * Usagi-chan relaxes a bit. "Good," she says, smiling herself. "Anyway, I'd probably better not keep you - this was kind of a spur of the moment thing."
[00:46] <Natsume> "I still appreciate it nonetheless," she says. "I've learned a lot today."
[00:51] * Usagi-chan nods. "Give me a call if you need help with anything else, all right? the blonde says. "I'd better get going now before Chibi Usa wonders what happened to me."
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


[09:19] <Anastasia> ---
[09:25] <Rei-chan> After school lets out one pleasant mid-September day, Rei finds herself in the Witches office waiting for Hotaru to come out of her own last class so the two of them can head over to Hikawa for some mikoing and working on their spiritual talents. The office is currently empty except for the raven-haired girl, leaning against the side of her desk and drumming her fingers as she waits.
[09:31] <Ami-chan> A few moments later, Ami enters the office, her customary armload of books unusually light on this occasion, and at least half of the small pile are definitely not textbooks. She looks up in surprise as she enters, and smiles at Rei, not having expected to find anyone else here. She frees up an arm and waves to Rei as she makes her way to the desk. "Hi." she smiles faintly. "Waiting for Usagi?"
[09:32] <Rei-chan> "Hey, Ami-chan," Rei gives a small wave in reply. "Usagi already went home, actually. Just waiting on Hotaru, right now."
[09:36] * Ami-chan sets her books down, blinking. "Oh... that's right, I'd heard she was helping out at the shrine." Ami settles down in the chair. "How is she doing?"
[09:38] <Rei-chan> "She's been at it for months, now, Ami," Rei points out, a bit surprised at that one managing to get past the blue-haired girl. "She's doing really well, though. She's a hard worker and has a ton of spiritual potential," the miko nods proudly at that.
[09:50] <Anastasia> On this, the door to the office opens to reveal Hotaru. Coming in wearing her Mugen uniform and carrying a few books herself, "Hi, Rei-chan, Ami-chan," she says, walking over to Rei's desk and putting the books down.
[09:51] <Rei-chan> "Hi, Hotaru-chan. How was your day?" Rei asks, smiling at the younger girl.
[09:51] * Ami-chan blushes, nodding a little at yet another detail of her friends' personal lives getting mostly lost. She smiles a little sheepishly. "I haven't been... in touch as much as I should have been." she says regretfully, then looks thoughtful. She opens her mouth to add to that when Hotaru comes in, and smiles and waves at the younger girl.
[09:53] * Rei-chan gives Ami an understanding look, thinking of her situation with Makoto in that other world. "We all have our distractions," she offers diplomatically.
[09:53] <Anastasia> "Long, sister," she smiles nonetheless, "I had a test in Math class."
[09:54] <Rei-chan> "Think you did well?" Rei asks, knowing that if Hotaru didn't do well then it probably means they'll need to cut back the mikoing in favour of studying schoolwork.
[09:56] * Ami-chan smiles faintly, nodding as she watches the two 'sisters'. 'I really am falling out of touch.' she sighs inwardly, and immediately tries to squelch the depressing thought.
[09:57] <Anastasia> "I passed... Dad helped me study," Hotaru nods, heading over to the couch to sit. "Maybe a high B?"
[09:58] * Rei-chan nods approvingly, knowing that a high B at Mugen is easily worth an A anywhere else. "So, what are you up to right now, Ami?" she asks the blue-haired girl, stealing a glance at her books.
[10:03] <Ami-chan> Roughly half the books in Ami's small pile are textbooks, with the other half esoteric looking books on the nature of spirit and the soul, most likely borrowed from the witches, or Professor Tomoe himself. At the bottom of the pile an a notebook with a few loose leaves, one sticking out enough to make out a Lunarian reference. "Research." Ami admits, a little sheepishly. "I'd meant to ask you about it as well."
[10:04] <Rei-chan> "Oh?" Rei perks up, noting the topics on the spiritual books.
[10:08] * Ami-chan nods, turning to the pile. "I've... been trying to improve my senshi abilities." she begins, an undercurrent of dissastifaction in her voice. "But... physical training has't helped much. I've been exploring an alternative solution but... I really don't know much about this." she says in a chagrined tone, holding up one of the books. "Since it is more your field, I was hoping you could help me discover what I'm lacking..."
[10:10] <Rei-chan> "Oh," Rei repeats, briefly glancing at Hotaru before refocusing on Ami. "Like improving your control over ice and water?" she clarifies.
[10:12] * Ami-chan nods. "That's part of it." she ventures. "I think. But my general control and focus in senshi form is... not particularly impressive." she sighs.
[10:13] <Anastasia> Hotaru watches quietly, not really wanting to say anything since big sis is handling this matter.
[10:15] * Rei-chan blinks. "I wouldn't say that. I remember you were the first of us to be able to use your powers untransformed. And your attacks are easily as powerful as mine." Shrugging, she goes on, "But if you want to improve your focus, I might be able to help you." She gives Ami a penetrating look, "There's no quick fix, though. I've been working with Hotaru for months and she still has a long road ahead of her, even with all the progress she's made."
[10:19] <Anastasia> Hotaru DOES speak up at that. "It's a lot of work," she admits, "But Rei-chan is a good teacher, Ami."
[10:23] <Ami-chan> "I'm aware that it's hard work." Ami agrees, some discouragement showing. "I have been taking combat training for some time now, but it doesn't seem to help as much as I'd hoped." she turns at Hotaru's comment, then smiles slightly, and glances at Rei. "I'd appreciate your help, if you think I can be taught."
[10:27] <Rei-chan> 'Combat training?' Rei thinks, puzzled. Filing it away for later, she speaks up, "I'm happy to help you, Ami-chan, of course. It's the least I can do after you helped me with my studies so much last year."
[10:30] * Ami-chan smiles, a little embarrassed, but nods gratefully, then pauses as a thought seems to occur to her. "Um... should we arrange a time?" she asks uncertainly. "If you're already working with Hotaru-chan..."
[10:33] <Rei-chan> "I can probably work with both of you at once, really," Rei replies. "In any case, Hotaru and I will just be doing chores at the Shrine for the next hour or so, which probably doesn't interest you. But after that I'll be teaching her a few things and if you want to come along we can maybe get you started today as well?"
[10:36] * Ami-chan smiles slowly, nodding. "Sure." she agrees. "I'll finish my homework here, and then come over, if that's all right?" she asks, glancing at Hotaru's reaction to the arrangement as well.
[10:36] <Anastasia> Hotaru smiles at that to Rei, then to Ami. "Some company with Rei-chan would be nice... and maybe you could cook dinner for us, Ami-chan?" Hotaru asks, smiling hopefully.
[10:37] * Rei-chan winces. "Nothing wrong with instant curry..." she mumbles defensively.
[10:38] <Anastasia> "For months, Rei-chan," Hotaru says, deflating and sighing. "You'll cook dinner, right, Ami-chan?" she turns back to the blue haired girl. "Something that's not curry?"
[10:38] * Ami-chan blushes a little, giggling at that. "I could try." she agrees. "I'm not anything special as a cook, but it's the least I can do."
[10:39] <Rei-chan> Sighing, "Maybe I should ask someone for cooking lessons, I guess..." Rei admits. Shaking it off, she grabs her bookbag, "We'll see you in a little bit, then, Ami-chan," she waves, starting for the door.
[10:39] <Anastasia> Perking up a bit at that, "Thank you, Ami-chan," the girl replies, glancing now at her sister. "Sorry, Rei-chan."
[10:39] <Rei-chan> "It's alright," Rei sighs. "I know."
[10:40] * Ami-chan waves as she watches the pair leave, feeling considerably more upbeat.
[10:40] <Anastasia> "Maybe you could take a cooking class next semester," Hotaru suggests as you two walk out. "Or Home Economics?"
[10:40] <Rei-chan> "Okay, okay... I get it..." Rei whines.
[10:44] <Rei-chan> About an hour later, Rei bids farewell to the last visitors to the Shrine, heralding a quiet period as most people go home for dinner and such. As Hotaru puts away their brooms, Rei asks her Grandfather to keep an eye out for Ami before heading round to the meditation garden with her apprentice.
[10:48] <Anastasia> This doesn't take long - Ami joins you after perhaps ten more minutes, before you even get started in earnest...
[10:48] <Rei-chan> "Hi, Ami," Rei waves the other girl over, gesturing for her to sit on the ground with her and Hotaru.
[10:51] * Ami-chan smiles and waves back, quietly moving forward and settling herself on the ground to join them. "Hi." She greets softly, smiling at Hotaru as well, before turning her attention to Rei again. "I'm not late, am I?"
[10:54] * Rei-chan shakes her head. "We only just finished up with our chores a few minutes ago." Nodding to Hotaru, who is breathing easily with her eyes closed, seemingly unaware of their conversation, Rei goes on, "I've gotten Hotaru started on some deep meditation practice, so I can focus on you, now."
[10:55] * Ami-chan nods, and settles herself into an attentive posture, waiting for the raven haired miko to begin.
[10:58] <Rei-chan> "Okay," Rei nods herself. "You're interested in honing your senshi abilities, but we won't come directly to that for a while," she begins, in lecture-mode. "When we use our powers, we're basically trying to force our will on reality to make it do something it really shouldn't. Fireballs just don't burst out of thin air, after all," she smirks a bit at that.
[11:00] * Ami-chan smiles a little, nodding in agreement, but saying nothing, being accustomed to being taught this way, waiting for more.
[11:02] <Rei-chan> "Well," Rei goes on at Ami's nod, "What I'm going to start with is helping you to understand yourself." She puts a hand over her chest, "To see within your own soul. If you don't know yourself, you have no business trying to change the world. Understanding how you fit with the natural order makes it a lot easier to effect changes beyond simple brute force."
[11:04] * Ami-chan pauses at that, assimilating the statement before giving a tentative nod, once she thinks she's grasped what Rei means.
[11:07] <Rei-chan> "There's a lot more to it, but I'll explain as we go along rather than dumping it all on you right now. That's just a basic overview so you can understand why I'll be training you the way I do," Rei explains.
[11:08] <Ami-chan> "Alright." Ami nods in agreement, smiling a little to show she's following, so far.
[11:09] <Rei-chan> "Okay," Rei concludes her spiel, now asking a question. "How do you feel, Ami?"
[11:10] * Ami-chan blinks. "Nervous." she admits.
[11:13] * Rei-chan nods. "Can't be helped, but you'll have to overcome it. I'm not going to ask you to do anything stressful - exactly the opposite, really. But some people end up just getting even more stressed when they try to relax so completely in meditation." She smiles crookedly, "Believe me, I had troubles of my own when I first started this."
[11:14] * Ami-chan nods, relaxing a little and smiling back. "How did you overcome them?"
[11:17] <Rei-chan> "Practice, practice, and more practice," Rei admits. "There's no special trick or secret technique. You just have to keep at it and find what works for you. As you learn more about yourself, it becomes easier."
[11:18] <Rei-chan> "Take my sixth sense, for example. When I was ten I'd have to be in a deep meditatitive trance to sense the auras around me. Right now I can do that while focusing on several other things at once. It's all just a matter of experience and familiarity.""
[11:20] <Ami-chan> Ami actually brightens at that, nodding. "So as long as I commit myself to learning, barring something unfortunate, there's no reason I shouldn't eventually progress?"
[11:22] <Rei-chan> "Exactly," Rei nods, smiling. "Anyone can learn this. Some people have more natural aptitude, but that just makes it easier. It's still perfectly possible for anyone if they put the work in."
[11:27] * Ami-chan nods, returning the smile, nodding. "I'm glad." she says, encouraged by Rei's words, despite the long range nature of the project in front of her. She settles back, waiting for Rei to go on.
[11:30] <Rei-chan> "Okay. Enough talking and let's get started," Rei nods. "Simple meditation is just that - simple. I want you to close your eyes and regulate your breathing," Rei begins in a soothing tone, doing just that with her own breathing to give Ami an idea of what to aim for.
[11:33] * Ami-chan nods and closes her eyes, and pauses for a moment, trying to figure out how to manage a steady rate of breathing... and suddenly understands. Picturing herself in a swimming pool, she begin mimicing the breathing she uses while doing laps. 'In... Out... In... Out...'
[11:36] * Rei-chan watches Ami for a few minutes as she breathes rhythmically. "That's good," she says softly, "Now, turn your focus inwards... Not on your breathing, not on my voice. Just in. Ignore the rest of the world... Let it all flow right over you..."
[11:41] * Ami-chan frowns slightly, trying to figure out what Rei means, then forces herself to stop thinking, as she looks for a way to accomplish this.
[11:42] * Rei-chan notes the frown, but remains silent, waiting for Ami to either figure it out or ask.
[11:45] * Ami-chan bites her lip, but doesn't open her eyes. "Rei...?" She asks softly, still puzzling over it, "I don't understand how you can focus inward while ignoring everything."
[11:51] <Rei-chan> "That's the hurdle, isn't it?" Rei agrees, recalling a similar discussion with Hotaru several months back. Of course, the example she gave Hotaru to help her understand would probably fly right over Ami's head... "Hmm... how to explain it..." she ponders.
[11:51] <Rei-chan> "Don't actually focus on anything. That'll happen by itself. Just ignore all stimulus and clear your mind of thoughs. Don't try to block them - you'll just wind up focusing on the blocking. Just let it all drift over you."
[11:58] * Ami-chan nods and settles back on her breathing, keeping her eyes closed, looking for her rhythm again, and attempts to clear her mind, her expression slowly going blank as she tries to let heeself go, not even bothering to try to solve the problem before her... rather, letting the solution find her...
[11:59] * Rei-chan nods as Ami seems to be doing a bit better this time, keeping quiet and leaving her until she comes out of it by herself.
[12:08] <Ami-chan> Trying to maintain an unfocused viewpoint for the moment, Ami wonders briefly if she's somehow fallen asleep... but then relaxes her grip on that, feeling as though she's close... but then the feeling fades, and she opens her eyes slowly, a thoughtful expression on her face.
[12:08] * Rei-chan tilts her head at Ami as she opens her eyes. "Better, that time?"
[12:09] <Ami-chan> "I'm not sure." Ami smiles embarrassedly. "I don't think I actually got it right, but I have a vague feeling I was close..."
[12:11] <Rei-chan> "You did well for a first try," Rei offers encouragingly. "This is just the first step on the road, but it's an important one. Once you get this nailed the rest will flow naturally."
[12:14] * Ami-chan smiles, nodding. "I hope so." she agrees, hopeful, and a bit tentative. "My normal methods of approaching things may make it difficult..."
[12:15] <Rei-chan> "That is true," Rei concedes. "Trying to analyze everything makes it difficult to achieve the necessary state of mind we're looking for here."
[12:19] * Ami-chan nods slowly. "I'll keep trying." she smiles at Rei. "I appreciate this."
[12:21] <Anastasia> Finally stirring from her own meditative pursuits, Hotaru's eyes focus and open. "Sis," she asks, looking at said Rei and then Ami. "How did Ami-chan do?" she inquires further, smiling at Ami.
[12:25] <Rei-chan> "It's honestly no trouble," Rei smiles openly, glancing at stirring Hotaru. "She did well, Hotaru-chan. You remember how it wasn't so easy at first, right?"
[12:27] <Anastasia> Nodding, "It isn't easy at all at first," the darker girl assures Ami. "If Rei said you did fine, I'm sure you'll do great this, Ami-chan."
[12:29] * Ami-chan smiles at the young girl, nodding. "Rei-chan is a good teacher, like you said." she agrees. "Hopefully, I can progress as well as you have."
[12:32] <Rei-chan> "Well," Rei admits, "Hotaru's working here at the Shrine almost as much as I am. Unless you can find that much time yourself, you probably won't progress as quickly as she has. But there's no rush, and I'll be doing what I can to help you in specific areas you want to improve rather than the all-around Shinto training Hotaru does with me."
[12:34] * Ami-chan nods, smiling at Rei, this time. "Mm. I've no illusions about the speed I'll progress at." Ami assures Rei calmly. "It would be nice if it went quickly, but even if it doesn't, I'm prepared to keep at it until I can manage."
[12:35] <Rei-chan> "That's good," Rei agrees approvingly. "I know you, Ami-chan. You'll give this the serious work it needs to push yourself forward."
[12:36] <Anastasia> "That's good, Ami-chan," Hotaru seconds Rei. "It'll be nice to have more company, too," with a glance at Rei, "Rei's my sister, but..." Hotaru frowns a bit, "Other people can be nice, too. Other friends..."
[12:37] <Rei-chan> "Viluy and Tellu help us out here from time to time when it's busy," Rei supplies, "But they only work as casual mikos - Hotaru was my only student until today," Rei smiles a bit at that.
[12:43] * Ami-chan nods, smiling a little. "It must get a little slow when there's not many people around." she agrees. "It kind of is at home, too, when everyone's out."
[12:45] <Rei-chan> "Yeah. We're getting into fall, now. The place tends to be a lot quieter in this time of year," Rei huffs a bit, "Gives us more time to sweep up all the leaves, I guess..."
[12:50] * Ami-chan laughs softly. "How often during the week can I drop by?" she asks simply. "I'd like to visit, as well... I've... been too busy to see many people lately."
[12:53] <Rei-chan> "You're welcome any time, Ami-chan," Rei smiles warmly. "Of course, I'm not actually here all the time," she admits after a moment. "I guess we can work out some sort of schedule, but there's no real harm in just dropping by whenever you feel like it."
[12:57] * Ami-chan nods, smiling back, feeling more settled than she has in some time. "Thank you..." she nods, relaxing some more. "I think I will. I've missed spending time here."
[13:00] <Rei-chan> "Yeah. You've always seemed so busy lately, we hardly ever see you," Rei says. "What was that you said about combat training, anyway?"
[13:04] * Ami-chan blinks, looking a little put on the spot. "Um." she murumurs, smiling embarrassedly. "I've been learning martial arts from a friend of one of the students I tutor."
[13:05] <Rei-chan> "How's that been working out for you?" Rei presses.
[13:07] * Ami-chan shrugs, and a little of her frustration seeps back into her voice. "Not as well as I'd hoped. Physically, I've improved somewhat, but I haven't found anything that will help me 'pull my own weight', so to speak."
[13:08] <Rei-chan> "You mean fighting as Sailor Mercury?" Rei guesses. "Martial arts don't really apply very well when fighting monsters..."
[13:10] * Ami-chan nods. "It's true." she admits. "But it did help in small ways... I'm not being nearly killed in one hit anymore..." she replies, a slightly bitter expression on her face.
[13:14] <Rei-chan> "Generally it's a good idea to just not get hit at all," Rei notes ruefully. "Although in that regard I really don't see how you can consider yourself worse off than the rest of us. We've all taken our lumps, Ami."
[13:15] <Ami-chan> Ami smiled slightly. "That's true."
[13:16] <Anastasia> Frowning at that, "It is," Hotaru murmurs, glancing over at Rei.
[13:17] * Rei-chan deflates a bit there, knowing that she's the reason Hotaru got hurt fighting Zirae. "I'm sorry, Hotaru," she replies quietly, reaching over to give her hand a squeeze.
[13:19] <Ami-chan> Ami nods solemnly at Hotaru. "I'm not taking away from anything else you all have suffered in fighting. It's just... I often feel... ineffective, compared to the rest of you." she adds carefully. "I... can't seem to accomplish much."
[13:20] <Anastasia> Smiling back and squeezing your hand, Hotaru does look a little better. "I know, sister..." she murmurs, changing the subject by looking at Ami and her face dropping.
[13:21] * Rei-chan chews her lip thoughtfully at Ami's words. "Sounds more like a confidence issue, really. You're certainly not weak by any standard. I'd say martial arts could help if it wasn't for the fact that you sounded so dispirited when you mentioned them..."
[13:23] <Ami-chan> Ami smiles wryly. "I've been practicing for awhile, but... as you say, they're not as effective in a senshi battle..."
[13:26] <Rei-chan> "You should have talked to one of us about this sooner, Ami-chan," Rei can't help but observe. "I hope this training will help you to get better use out of your powers and feel more confident in battle... even though I'm rather hoping we don't have any more fights for a good long while after that Zirae mess."
[13:30] <Ami-chan> Ami looks slightly abashed. "Me too," she agrees softly, the words encompassing the whole of the statement Rei made, nodding and leaning back.
[13:35] <Rei-chan> "Well, I'll do my best to help you," Rei says, "But this is really something you need to confront and deal with on your own terms." Standing up, "Anyway, we'll see how it goes. But for now, how about dinner?"
[13:37] * Ami-chan nods, serious still, but a slight smile coming back. "Sure." she agrees, standing up as well, and glancing at Hotaru with an impish look. "Something other than curry, you said?"
[13:38] <Anastasia> "YES!" Hotaru says, with a surprising even to herself amount of feeling in her voice, before blushing red. "Yes, please, Ami," she repeats, standing and looking away from Rei, face ablaze.
[13:39] * Rei-chan manages to keep her composure, only blushing a little. 'I am SO taking Home Economics next term...'
[13:41] * Ami-chan claps a hand to her mouth to smother the bout of giggling threatening to burst out. Once she calms down a little, she turns to the younger girl, the mirth not completely gone from her voice. "I'll do my best." she tells Hotaru warmly. "Once you're done, can you come and give me a hand? I can cook a little, but It'll be easer with help."
[13:42] <Anastasia> Nodding, "Rei-chan can go take her bath, maybe," she suggests, wanting to keep her well away from the kitchen.
[13:43] <Rei-chan> "Sure, sure," Rei waves it off, knowing that any attempt to argue will just make her look even more pathetic.
[13:45] * Ami-chan gives Rei a lopsided, apologetic smile, and nods. "I'll go get started in the kitchen then. Come find me when you're ready?" she ventures, glancing at Rei to make sure the taller of the two has no problem with her commandeering the situation.
[13:46] * Rei-chan is already distractedly waving them off as she heads towards the bathroom with as much dignity as she can muster.
[13:49] * Ami-chan nods, heading off to the kitchen, letting Hotaru go to get changed...
[14:04] <Sailor_Anastasia> ---
[14:26] <Sailor_Anastasia> A few weeks pass in Herb's attempts to train Megumi. She's really rather meek about the whole thing - she's hard to get to open up, and to be bluntly honest, she's clumsy and bookish.
[14:28] <Sailor_Anastasia> By the end of the second week, while showing a touch of improvement, it's obvious she'd better find a career in more academic or non labor intensive work.
[14:31] <Sailor_Anastasia> Getting up from a small slip, she dusts off her PE clothes. "Teacher, are we going to continue?" the girl asks quietly.
[14:31] <Princess_Herb> "Megumi, are you finding things any easier now that you're out of the main class?" Herb asks.
[14:38] <Sailor_Anastasia> "A little bit," she replies after catching her breath. "I don't see them as much now..."
[14:42] <Princess_Herb> "Well, I have to take you for PE, but if you don't enjoy what we're doing, we can do something else. You're never going to be an Olympic champion, but that doesn't mean that you can't enjoy sports." Herb says.
[14:43] <Princess_Herb> "Do you think there's anything you might like? Something that might help you feel good about yourself?"
[14:45] <Sailor_Anastasia> "...I like flower arranging and poetry... I don't really have any favorite sports," she admits honestly, blushing.
[14:54] * Princess_Herb nods. "I can't see anything wrong with either of those, but I'm not really an expert in either. I don't think they're likely to fulfill the school's PE requirement either."
[14:55] * Princess_Herb muses. "What do you think your strong points are?"
[15:03] <Sailor_Anastasia> "I... I'm good at cooking... that's a strong point," she says finally. "My Mom says I'll make a good wife someday."
[15:18] <Princess_Herb> "It's certainly a start. Can you think of anything else you're good at, while we look at the sports we could try?" Herb says, as she spreads a selection of sporting pamphlets before Megumi. "I want to show you that it doesn't matter how good or bad you are at a thing as long as you know that you have the right attitude."
[15:21] * Princess_Herb looks at the pamphlets: track and field, gymnastics, swimming, equitation, skiing and others. "See, those girls couldn't call you a bad cook and get away with it because you know you're a good one, could they?"
[15:23] <Sailor_Anastasia> "I guess," she says, looking at the various items. "It's just that... I'll probably never play a sport again once I'm out of high school. I'll be a stay at home mother if anything, teacher."
[15:26] <Princess_Herb> "Why do you say that? If you're at Mugen, you must have a better brain than I do. There're plenty of things to do out there. Besides, if you do have kids, you'll need a ton of self-confidence, or they'll run you ragged."
[15:27] <Sailor_Anastasia> "My Mom and Dad make me go... I can manage, but I'm not really smart," Megumi says, going quieter. "Mom and Dad have stock in Sony and Toyota, so we're kind of rich. Otherwise, I'd just be going to public school..."
[15:30] * Princess_Herb smiles. "Then we're two of a kind. I'd not be in Toudai if it wasn't for something similar." Herb winks. "And goodness knows, even if you do decide to do nothing but raise a family, you'll still need to know how to deal with the women in the Mothers' Union. There'll be the equivalents of that nasty pair everywhere you go, I promise you."
[15:33] <Sailor_Anastasia> "I guess..." she murmurs, looking down.
[15:36] <Princess_Herb> "It's true." Herb says. "So, I want to show you that you can achieve something, and try to show you some techniques for defending yourself against those types as well, while we're at it."
[15:42] <Sailor_Anastasia> "If you say so, teacher," she replies, bowing.
[15:42] <Sailor_Anastasia> Her face hidden by that, you can see she is blushing a bit despite it...
[15:45] <Princess_Herb> "So, does anything here interest you?" Herb asks, "or will I just take one randomly from the pile?"
[15:47] <Sailor_Anastasia> Megumi simply shakes her head. "Maybe... the gymnastics," she ventures finally, not really having anything that strikes her fancy.
[15:52] <Princess_Herb> "That's cool. It's bound to improve your grace and balance, and make you stronger." Herb says, smiling. "And I'm sure I can think of other things to help."
[15:58] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Alright," Megumi agrees, nodding to the teacher's will. "I can start stretching for you, teacher."
[16:02] <Princess_Herb> "I'll give you hints on ways to deal with those bullies as we go along. To start with, I'll show you how to deflect the barbs they aim at you without getting hurt."
[16:04] <Sailor_Anastasia> Nodding in obdience, "As you say, teacher. When will we begin?"
[16:14] <Princess_Herb> "We're nearly at the end of this class, so in the next one we will begin the gymnastics training." Time that Herb will be needing to work out a practice schedule. "But here's something to think about. The verbal attacks that those girls launch on you will hurt less if you can think up a response that will show that you haven't taken them to heart. Rather than agreeing with them, if one of them says,
[16:15] <Princess_Herb> 'You're so plain, you'll never get a boyfriend', try saying 'I can see you think so'. That will give them less satisfaction, and less power over you because you've not agreed with them, or tried to confront them directly. Do you think that would work for you?"
[16:24] <Sailor_Anastasia> "I don't know," Megumi replies. "They are being honest... I'm not that pretty..."
[16:39] <Princess_Herb> "Well, no, but you're not ugly either. And you do have that traditional Japanese shyness to work with. Some guys go for that in a big way. But that's not important; what's important is not letting them score any points against you. And even if you were the ugliest girl in Japan, that wouldn't mean you were a bad person who deserved to be bullied. Those girls are good-looking, but nasty, remember,
[16:39] <Princess_Herb> so being beautiful isn't a sign of moral worth." Herb says.
[16:51] <Sailor_Anastasia> Megumi sighs to that, but not. "I guess... Teacher."
[16:57] <Princess_Herb> "And if you like, we can maybe even do something about that. I can't teach you how to make the best of your looks, but I know there are experts out there who can. If you like, I can take you for a makeover, my treat, if your parents agree." Herb says. "It'll be money well spent if it helps me fight those bullies."
[17:17] <Sailor_Anastasia> "I don't know," she says. "I mean... I don't really like makeup and all that." Looking up. "You don't have to go to the trouble..."
[17:19] <Princess_Herb> "Well, I don't have to, and you don't need to, but it would be cool if you could see how nice you can look if you try. Then you can hide the photos and no one need ever see them again. But you'd know, and that'd be the main thing. I can;t force you to go, though," Herb says, "but think about it, and we'll continue this next lesson. 'kay?"
[17:19] * Princess_Herb gives the girl her friendliest big-sisterly smile
[17:24] <Sailor_Anastasia> Megumi nods, smiling slightly. "I will, teacher," she manages, bowing.
[17:25] * Princess_Herb bows back.
[17:32] * Princess_Herb plans some simple floor exercises for the first lesson and picks up some videos from the sports section of the local store.
[17:42] * Princess_Herb blinks as she's about to head out of the sports section and turns back to pick up a leotard or two, just in case
[11:19] <Ana-away> ---
[11:22] <Ana-away> Ah, home. It's nice to get away and to rest as you head inside your house. Moreso when your residents haven't done anything that requires fixin', or some sort of apology/payoff/cleanup.
[11:24] <Anastasia> Nian is sitting primly on the living room couch, his feline form absorbed in his own thoughts. With a murmured greeting, he barely glances up. The TV is off, which is unusual, though.
[11:25] <Prince_Herb> "Hi, Nian. Not watching the 'I love Lucy' marathon on channel 13?" Herb says.
[11:27] <Anastasia> "No," is the slightly short reply, the cat shaking it's head. "Regardless, how was your day?"
[11:30] <Prince_Herb> "Not too bad, but I'm still worrying about that girl who was being bullied, o my advisor. I'm trying to give her some self-confidence, but I might need more help."
[11:33] <Anastasia> "Really? How has that been going? I am afraid I have lost track of your efforts in that field," Nian goes on, prompting you.
[11:41] * Prince_Herb tells Nian about what his girl-side has been doing with Megumi, trying to find something that she'd like to try and so on. "She's still afraid to try because she's scared of getting hurt, though, even with simple things. I don't know what the best approach is for her, really. I rather erred the other way as a kid, you know." Herb says, remembering receiving all manner of scrapes and cuts as a youngster.
[11:47] <Anastasia> Nian pauses thoughtfully at that, musing. "Well... certainly, you have to bear in mind that forcing her will only go so far. If you can not make her willing, it's pounding on a brick wall."
[11:47] * Prince_Herb nods. "I want something that will bring her out of herself," the dragon prince says, "so that she can go on to do things herself with confidence. I don't really know much about the way normal teenage girls think, either, which doesn't help."
[11:51] <Anastasia> "Then, why don't you ask the Queen and her Senshi? They are all teenage girls, at least, if not normal."
[11:55] <Prince_Herb> "It's my problem, Nian, not theirs. I don't want to bring the other senshi into it if I don't have to," Herb says, "and I don't think any of them ever had these kinds of self-esteem problems either, not even Hotaru."
[11:56] <Prince_Herb> "So, I thought I'd ask you, my advisor, since you're meant to be an expert on training teenage girls."
[11:58] <Anastasia> "If you insist," he nods simply, thinking a few moments. "Honestly, what I said before holds. Until she's confident enough to do those things, it won't do her much good."
[11:59] <Prince_Herb> "So how do I help her gain some confidence, furball?" Herb says, scratching his wise sensechal behind the ears
[12:06] <Anastasia> "If she's that meek... does she have anything she's good at?" he asks. "Build on those first?"
[12:09] <Prince_Herb> "She says her mother always tells her she's a good cook." Herb replies. "That's as much as we have to work with."
[12:31] <Anastasia> "Then start with that... why don't you ask her to make the both of you a lunch and work from there?"
[12:34] <Prince_Herb> "I'm not sure how I can work that into a teacher-student relationship, but I'll think of something." Herb says. "Unless you had something in mind for that as well?"
[12:35] <Anastasia> "Nothing beyond asking her outright," Nian shrugs.
[12:37] <Prince_Herb> "You know best, o my advisor," Herb nods, "so that's what I'll do."
[12:46] <Anastasia> ---
[12:46] <Anastasia> The next day...
[12:52] <Anastasia> Megumi comes to your office after class, as instructed, knocking on the door.
[12:57] <Princess_Herb> "Come in," Herb calls, opening the door for Megumi.
[13:01] <Anastasia> The girl comes in, short and meek in her Mugen uniform. "Hello, teacher."
[13:04] <Princess_Herb> "Hello Megumi," Herb says. "How are you feeling today?"
[13:06] <Anastasia> "Alright," she says, going to sit and bowing her head.
[13:08] <Princess_Herb> "Do you feel like doing something for extra credit?" Herb asks. "I have something I'd like to try."
[13:12] <Anastasia> "Yes, teacher," she asks, "What do you have in mind?"
[13:16] <Princess_Herb> "You said that your mother said you were a very good cook, I remember. I thought it would be a good self-confidence exercise if you made lunch for us both for the next class. How does that strike you?"
[13:33] <Anastasia> "Well... I suppose," she murmurs, coloring a bit.
[13:38] <Princess_Herb> "Good, that's settled, then," says Herb with a big smile. She hands the girl some money to defray expenses. "I'm looking forward to it already."
[13:44] <Anastasia> She takes it, nodding. "...Okay, until tomorrow, then," she asks, already mentally working.
[15:33] <Anastasia> --------
[15:33] <Anastasia> The next day comes... a bit cloudy and otherwise unremarkable, you note you have an appointment for lunch today.
[15:36] * Princess_Herb heads on down to meet Megumi, hoping that she's not too stressed out today.
[15:39] <Anastasia> Meeting her down in a small, quiet part of the school with an empty classroom - agreed on by her, you find Megumi waiting for you. Two pink boxed lunches are sitting on the front desk, the girl waiting with her gaze clearly introverted.
[15:42] * Princess_Herb waves to Megumi. "Hello there!"
[15:49] <Anastasia> Megumi startles a bit, coming out of her daydream. "H-h-hello, teacher," she manages, blushing brightly as she turns to you.
[15:51] * Princess_Herb sits down next to the girl. "What were you thinking about, Megumi? Something delicious?"
[15:54] <Anastasia> "Oh... n-nothing like that," she says, still blushing and looking at her shoes yet again. "It's... just..."
[15:55] <Princess_Herb> "Just...?"
[15:58] <Anastasia> "Nothing," she shakes her head, weakly gesturing to her two boxes. "Here you are, teacher..."
[16:01] <Princess_Herb> "Thank you, Megumi." Herb says. "Itadakimasu!" She opens her box and inspects it
[16:02] <Anastasia> White rice, fried chicken, shrimp, etc. The makings of a nice box lunch are all here, and smell decent. Looks well made enough. "Good eating," Megumi manages, as she opens her own box.
[16:09] * Princess_Herb tries some of the delicious looking food. "Your mother is right; you do cook well. I can just about boil water for ramen without burning it."
[16:14] <Anastasia> It's rather good. Not gold medal good, but it's nice and homestyle cookin'. Just what a mother should make, really. "Thanks," she murmurs, blushing as she reaches down and retrieves two still-cool cans of some carbonated drink. "Mom says I can cook well, at least."
[16:16] <Princess_Herb> "So, have you worked out why I asked you to make lunch today?" Herb asks as she eats.
[16:20] <Anastasia> This causes her to blush again, stopping. "No... but... My Mom thins she knows why," she ventures. "They want you to come over, teacher... they think... that... that..." she starts stammering, so red as to light up the room. "That... I have... a ... boyfriend and..."
[16:25] <Princess_Herb> "Oh dear. I probably will have to visit them, then, just to prove I'm not your secret beau." Herb says with a grin. "But can you make a guess as to why?"
[16:29] <Anastasia> "Mom saw me making two lunches," Megumi begins, clutching her drink in embarrassment. "And she thought it was for someone special."
[16:32] <Princess_Herb> "Well, maybe one day it will be for someone special, Megumi." Herb says, "but today the special person is really you."
[16:40] <Anastasia> Megumi just blushes, nodding.
[16:43] <Princess_Herb> "I asked you to make lunch to make a point, though." says Herb, "Not just so I could enjoy a home-made meal, either."
[16:48] <Anastasia> "Oh?" she asks, looking up slightly.
[16:53] <Princess_Herb> "How did you feel about all the dangerous things you had to do to make lunch?" Herb asks.
[17:09] <Anastasia> That causes her to blink, surprised. "Teacher?" she asks, not comprehending.
[17:12] <Princess_Herb> "All those sharp knives and the hot stove you were working with?" Herb prompts. "People often hurt themselves cooking, you know."
[17:24] <Anastasia> She blushes fiercely at that. "But it's not dangerous!" she protests. "I mean... it's... just... cooking?"
[17:26] <Princess_Herb> "What makes the difference is that you're confident about cooking, doesn't it?" Herb says. "You know the risks, and you know they're not great and that you can cope with them. Isn't that right?"
[17:33] <Anastasia> "Um... but... cooking isn't dangerous," she still protests, fumbling with the concept.
[17:37] <Princess_Herb> "Well, all right, I believe you. But will you believe me when I tell you that gymnastics isn't either?" Herb says
[17:58] <Anastasia> "But... it is..." she murmurs. "I mean... all that jumping around and all that..."
[18:02] <Princess_Herb> "What about all those sharp knives and hot stoves?" Herb asks. "It's all a matter of perspective, isn't it?"
[13:56] <Anastasia> "But..." Megumi still stammers, working with it.
[14:01] <Princess_Herb> "So, what are you frightened of?" Herb asks. "I know you're confident enough to control what happens in the kitchen, so what I want to help you do is bring that out in the rest of your life."
[14:34] <Anastasia> "But... I..." Megumi sighs. "It's not like cooking, though."
[14:38] <Princess_Herb> "Of course it isn't." Herb agrees. "But that doesn't mean you can't be as proud of what you can do in the PE class as what you can do in the kitchen."
[14:48] <Anastasia> This gets a thoughtful silence, as Megumi stares down and thinks... she seems to be considering your words, albeit quietly.
[14:55] <Princess_Herb> Herb smiles. "And what's true for cooking and PE is true for other things as well."
[15:06] <Anastasia> "I guess..." she finally murmurs, playing with her food a bit. "But..."
[15:07] * Princess_Herb waits for the girl to finish her thought.
[15:38] <Anastasia> "I... don't want to fail at them, either," she finally finishes.
[10:11] <Princess_Herb> "Failure is part of life, Megumi. But it's only part, not the whole. If you make a souffle which collapses, you don't give up cooking; you learn from it." Herb says.
[10:15] <Sailor_Anastasia> "But I fail at everything..." she says, almost not saying it so quietly. "I couldn't even handle it when those girls told me that..."
[10:22] <Princess_Herb> "That's a matter of self-belief, rather than competence, Megumi." Herb says. "If you can achieve confidence in yourself, then their attacks will not be able to hurt you."
[10:24] <Princess_Herb> "But to do that, you have to let go of your fears for long enough to learn how."
[10:30] <Sailor_Anastasia> A long silence, as Megumi stares at her shoes. "But... Teacher... as much as I try, I still keep failing like this..."
[10:32] <Princess_Herb> "How have you failed?" Herb asks. "Haven't you tried as hard as you can?"
[10:37] <Sailor_Anastasia> Megumi simply sighs - a deep, tired, sad sound. "It's... I'm only good at cooking," she replies. "I've tried hard at other things, but... I'm just not good at anything."
[10:45] <Princess_Herb> "You don't have to be good at something to enjoy it, or to gain self-confidence from it, Megumi." Herb frowns. "But being good at cooking is no small achievement. Remember I told you I can't even boil water without burning it?"
[10:53] <Sailor_Anastasia> "But cooking is easy," she points out automatically. "I can even do it... and you're good at all of this, so you should be way better than me..."
[10:57] <Princess_Herb> "It's not easy for me," says Herb, "and you're undervaluing yourself if you think it is."
[11:04] <Sailor_Anastasia> Megumi shakes her head, as the chime for next period rings. Where does the time go?
[11:07] * Princess_Herb thanks Megumi for the meal, and leaves for her own next class. "Am I getting through to her?" she ponders.
[11:08] <Princess_Herb> After school, Herb returns home to tell her cat about the day's news.
[12:42] <Ana-brb> ---
[12:43] <Ana-brb> And the next week starts. After class, Megumi comes as instucted, decked out for gymnastics - proper clothing for it, in other words. "What will we do first, teacher," the meek girl asks off the bat, curious.
[12:47] <Princess_Herb> "Well, we start with a little warm-up, to get the blood flowing and the muscles ready for work," Herb says.
[12:48] <Ana-brb> With a small nod, "Alright, teacher," Megumi states, waiting for said teacher to lead the way. The room is filled with various mats and gymnastics equipment, scattered about the room.
[12:50] * Princess_Herb turns on the CD player to provide a little light backing music and then proceeds to lead Megumi through the warm-up she's devised.
[12:51] <Ana-brb> While not an overly strenous workout, Megumi does stumble once. In spite of that, it goes by well enough, the girl managing to make it through without too many problems...
[12:55] <Princess_Herb> "This first lesson will mostly be about how to roll, so that you don't hurt yourself when you land," Herb says, thinking involuntarily of the many bad landings she's seen in the battles of the Sailor Senshi over the past year. "It's pretty important to know this stuff, since everyone falls off the bars and beams sometimes."
[12:58] <Ana-brb> A single nod there. "We'll be doing that today on the mats, teacher?"
[12:58] <Ana-brb> The girl glances at said mats, pondering a bit on how to do just that.
[13:02] <Princess_Herb> "Best place for it," Herb agrees with a smile. "I'll show you the basic rolls and then help you work through them."
[13:03] * Princess_Herb walks out onto the mat and begins the demonstration
[13:06] <Sailor_Anastasia> Watching Herb quietly, Megumi waits for her teacher to finish before attempting anything herself.
[13:10] * Princess_Herb beckons Megumi onto the mat and has her try the basic rolls for herself.
[13:12] <Sailor_Anastasia> roll 2d6
[13:12] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[13:12] <Sailor_Anastasia> Nodding once, "Okay..." she murmurs, trying a few. The first few basic ones go well enough, though on the fourth one she misjudges and ends up kinda flopping onto her side instead.
[13:17] <Princess_Herb> "That's not too bad," Herb say. "You didn't quite get that last one right, but otherwise pretty good.". Herb smiles and runs Megumi through the rolls again.
[13:18] <Sailor_Anastasia> MEgumi nods, brushing off her side as she tries again...
[13:18] <Sailor_Anastasia> roll 2d6
[13:18] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 6."
[13:19] <Sailor_Anastasia> This set goes a bit better, the girl making it through them without undue messes. On finishing, she stands a bit, dizzy but having managed a basic set.
[13:26] <Princess_Herb> "Good stuff. Now you know how to fall, we can really begin." Herb says. "I don't think I want to show you the equipment today; maybe next time. Perhaps something for your upper body. How are you at handstands?" Seeing that Megumi looks a little worried, she tries to reassure her. "Don't worry; I'll be holding you to begin with."
[13:31] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Not very good..." she murmurs, but she nods nonetheless. "I guess I can try..."
[13:32] <Princess_Herb> "Go for it!"
[13:36] <Sailor_Anastasia> roll 2d6
[13:36] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[13:36] <Sailor_Anastasia> The girl manages to at least try, though she tends to pitch forward the moment she tries to move to her head at all. Her balance for this doesn't look to be good at all...
[13:39] * Princess_Herb holds onto the girl, supporting her weight so that she can carry through the manoeuvre.
[13:40] <Sailor_Anastasia> OOC - Herb, Body check with -1 bonus.
[13:41] <Princess_Herb> roll 2d6-1
[13:41] * Hatbot --> "Princess_Herb rolls 2d6-1 and gets 3."
[13:42] <Sailor_Anastasia> Despite a miscalculation on her part that sends her going forward, you still catch and stop her easily enough. Holding her in position, she does achive the goal... even if she is rather wobbbly..."Ooooh..." she moans as you hold her legs.
[13:46] <Princess_Herb> "Careful there." says Herb, "you don't need to put quite so much energy into it as that.". She holds the girl in position for a few moments, then lets her go back onto her feet.
[13:54] <Sailor_Anastasia> The girl almost topples back over onto her backside, dizzy. "Oh... all the blood rushed to my head," Megumi manages, weakly.
[13:56] <Princess_Herb> "You'll get used to it, Megumi. It feels weird at first, though."
[14:02] * Princess_Herb continues the lesson until the allocated hour is up, teaching Megumi some of the basics of womens' gymnastics. "How do you feel now, Megumi? An hour ago you didn't even know how to fall, after all."
[14:02] <Sailor_Anastasia> "It's... hard," Megumi blushes, looking away from her teacher. "I keep feeling like I'm going to fall or hurt myself trying it."
[14:09] <Princess_Herb> "Well, you might. People sometimes get hurt playing sports, after all. But I promise you, this stuff is pretty safe, and you will get better at it, just like you did with swimming. And you'll feel a lot more confidence in yourself in everything you do once you have."
[14:11] <Sailor_Anastasia> Standing now and still shaky, "If you say so, teacher. It just kind of makes me sore right now, though..."
[14:18] <Princess_Herb> "You're using your muscles to do strange things; they'll hurt a little until you get used to it." Herb says. "Don't worry about it too much, Megumi."
[14:23] <Sailor_Anastasia> "Mmmm..." Megumi murmurs, shaking her head a second time to clear it. "I don't want to get hurt and torn up, though."
[14:34] <Princess_Herb> "I don't think I want you to be hurt either, but life isn't entirely safe for anyone." Herb says. "Part of what these special classes are about is to show you that life isn't a thing to be afraid of, and that you can work through your fears. Right now, you have a fear of getting hurt; if you can deal with that fear and achieve something in spite of it, you'll be that much closer to being able to deal with those bullies in the changing room."
[14:35] * Princess_Herb looks at Megumi quizzically to see if she understands.
[10:01] <Anastasia> "I guess so," she murmurs, blushing at the attention you give her. "It's just that..."
[10:02] <Sailor_Dragon> "Yes?" Herb asks, quite gently
[10:12] <Anastasia> "I..." Turning and blushing, Megumi studies the floor and mats. "Nothing, teacher."
[10:19] <Sailor_Dragon> "Megumi, there's nothing to be afraid of. Thinking of the bad things that could happen to you means you never see the good things. And there are a lot of those." Herb smiles again. "So, I'll see you next time, Megumi."
[10:20] <Anastasia> The girl just nods to you, leaving. "Until next time, teacher."
[10:22] * Sailor_Dragon changes and heads up to to the office to draft a letter to the girl's parents, arranging a home visit.
[10:29] * Princess_Herb heads home to get tips for dealing with the situation from her cat...
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


[11:00] <Anastasia> ---
[11:02] <Anastasia> Shopping! After spending a bit of schooltime on Saturday this fine September day, Rei and Usagi head off the shopping districts. With a fair deal of yen in each's pockets, it looks to be a fine day for all. And it is, leaving the first shop with a bag each... yet as you do, Usagi senses a familiar, strong aura.
[11:05] * Usagi-chan frowns slightly, trying to see if she can place what pinged her magical senses.
[11:05] <Anastasia> OOC - Soul check, Usagi-chan.
[11:06] * Rei-chan notes the frown and looks askance at the blonde.
[11:06] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6
[11:06] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 5."
[11:08] <Anastasia> It's one you've sensed here once before... and one that brings the slightest mental ping, the tugging at a notably bad memory - that one day, after the fall of Beryl...
[11:08] * Usagi-chan twitches slightly, her frown deepening. 'Not one of them...' she thinks with a grimace.
[11:09] <Rei-chan> "One of who?" Rei asks, some worry creeping into her tone.
[11:09] <Usagi-chan> "One of the criminals," Usagi says shortly, striking out towards the source of the aura with a grim expression on her face.
[11:10] <Rei-chan> "Hmm..." Rei blinks, following Usagi. "What if it is?" she asks, "Think he or she is going to try something, now?"
[11:10] <Usagi-chan> "I don't know, but I intend to find out," Usagi replies. "I hope not, but I'd rather be sure."
[11:11] <Rei-chan> "Guess so," Rei shrugs. "Just be nice - considering the lack of trouble, I'd say we're dealing with someone like Starfire who just wants to get on with life without a fuss."
[11:12] <Anastasia> The aura is a few blocks away, inside of a men's fashion boutique. The windows show rather pretty, well cut clothes.
[11:12] * Usagi-chan still looks rather determined as she heads into the shop, looking for the person at the source of the aura.
[11:13] * Rei-chan walks along beside Usagi, paying attention herself for any auras of note.
[11:14] <Anastasia> The person is in the back. You can just see him, browsing a rack of clothes. The description is familiar... a memory of Makoto telling you something coming to the surface.
[11:15] * Usagi-chan nods slightly, stopping to give the man a much closer inspection now that she can actually see him. He certainly doesn't LOOK like he's going to cause any trouble...
[11:15] <Anastasia> OOC - Soul check for the mystical end of this.
[11:17] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6
[11:17] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 8."
[11:18] <Anastasia> He's rather pretty, almost feminine in manner and makeup. His waist is even slender as a woman's, wearing a dark purple suit that looks nice and right on him. Sans a tie, it gives a certain casual impression despite the overall dressiness of it. His aura, however... his aura is truly something unusual. There is a bit of an almost Minako-like goldenness as a base, but it's small and almost buried by two other forces.
[11:19] <Anastasia> Beautiful, lively white and chill, black decay and death.
[11:20] * Usagi-chan blinks in surprise at the powerful contrast present in the man's aura, feeling not slightly nervous as she examines the man.
[11:20] <Anastasia> As you look, he looks up coolly at you, smiling charmingly. "Is there something here you like, laides," he asys in a smoothish voice.
[11:20] * Usagi-chan smiles hesitantly. "Just, ah, looking around for now, thanks."
[11:21] * Rei-chan smiles a bit more genuinely than Usagi. "Hello..." she trails off, expectantly waiting for a name.
[11:22] <Anastasia> He eyes first Usagi, then Rei, his smile growing. "Such lovely ladies," he purrs, abandoning his place to come over. "I swear, you two could be models or princesses with your beauty. Have you considered working in fashion, either of you?"
[11:22] <Rei-chan> "Funny you should say Princesses," Rei replies, deciding that it'd be pointless to pussyfoot around the matter. Orestes recognised Makoto just fine, and this guy probably can recognise them as well.
[11:23] * Usagi-chan puts a hand to her head. "Not really," she says absently.
[11:25] <Anastasia> Smiling still nicely at Rei, "Ah, I was hoping you would dance with me further," he sighs with a bit of melodrama. "Such a blunt, cold fish, even with a few millenia to think it over."
[11:26] * Usagi-chan's mind finally throws up a name. "Pytha, I assume?"
[11:26] * Rei-chan blinks, giving her head a minute shake to clear it. "Cold, me?" she replies, almost jokingly offended. "But you have me at a disadvantage, since my memories of a few millenia ago aren't quite as sharp as yours must be."
[11:27] <Anastasia> Nodding to Usagi, "Your Highness," he murmurs quietly, then to Rei. "Cold as ice, if the rumors were true. Cold as a Plutonian winter, without a flicker of her guardian's fire except in ire."
[11:28] * Rei-chan snorts lightly. "Rumours. Feh. I'm just misunderstood."
[11:28] <Usagi-chan> "I wouldn't say she's cold," Usagi says with a wry smile. "Trust me, if you think that you haven't gotten her mad."
[11:29] <Anastasia> "No," he chuckles. "Cynthia had you right, madam. So did Jadeite, I imagine." Shaking his head at that, "Regardless, perhaps we should take old business elsewhere?"
[11:29] <Rei-chan> "This is a bit public," Rei agrees, nodding.
[11:30] * Usagi-chan nods. "That would be fine with me."
[11:33] <Anastasia> "I have a lovely place just a few streets down," he nods, "Though, we'll have to rely on natural means. Such an annoyance in these barbaric summers," he snorts, putting on a bit.
[11:35] <Rei-chan> "I suppose this is your first summer in Japan, isn't it?" Rei notes, a bit amused by that.
[11:35] * Usagi-chan snorts. "You get used to it," she replies.
[11:37] <Anastasia> "Of course... sadly, that one annoying relic of the Moon Kingdom outlasted even the Kingdom that replaced it," with a slight chuckle, you head outside. "I should thank you, Princess," he goes on. "You got us out even quicker than we would have ourselves."
[11:38] <Usagi-chan> "Don't thank me," Usagi says with a scowl. "It definitely wasn't on my list of things to do."
[11:39] <Anastasia> "But I would be remiss otherwise," he smiles simply. "After all, you essentially gave us back our freedom from that noxious imprisonment, and disposed of the resident freeloaders as well."
[11:40] * Usagi-chan sighs. "Considering what happened BECAUSE of that, I'd really rather not have done it. As far as I'm concerned, that entire month was just one long nightmare."
[11:41] <Rei-chan> "At least you've had the good sense to take advantage of your fresh start, Pytha," Rei notes approvingly. "Most of them just went right back to getting themselves in trouble, again."
[11:45] <Anastasia> "No matter," he dismisses Usagi's comments. "You won, even against that beast of a thing Oxyite and that gruesome demon summoner. And I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart - both were terrible conversationalists, Oxyite never would get into it and that Cynthia always went on about 'Serenity is going to burn under the inferno' this and 'I will bring Hell to this world' that."
[11:46] * Usagi-chan 's expression tightens a bit at the former criminal's description of Cynthia, but she doesn't press the issue. "She changed her mind before the end," is her only reply.
[11:46] * Rei-chan winces a bit, giving Usagi a glance as Cynthia comes up in those terms.
[11:47] <Anastasia> "Good for her," he nods. "At least Jadeite could manage coherent conversation between rants again Queen Beryl and the Sailor Senshi... though Orestes always started up about Jupiter at that," he sighs. "And Guinvain... dear Goddesses. Not a good gossiper in the ground."
[11:48] <Rei-chan> "So... you were all AWARE in that prison for thousands of years with each other?" Rei asks in surprise, and not a little aghast.
[11:49] <Anastasia> "Oh, not all of it," he dimisses that with a wave, "Just near the end. That hack Beryl didn't know quite what she was doing with the sealing enchatment, and it began to crack the wards around it. It allowed us to percieve conscious thought and the passage of time."
[11:50] * Usagi-chan sighs. "Is that why it broke when I got into the room?"
[11:50] * Rei-chan nods. "That's a relief. Being conscious for all that time with nothing to do would be horrific..."
[11:51] <Anastasia> Entering a nice, stylish little buidling with clothes up front, a boutique, "We were making an effort to escape come the fall of the Dark Kingdom, but you managed to accelerate it."
[11:51] * Usagi-chan rubs her temples. "Don't remind me... I thought I was going to get killed on the spot."
[09:23] * Usagi-chan frowns. "More than a few of them tried it later on," she retorts.
[09:27] <Anastasia> Leading you a short flight of stairs to the second floor, "I considered having a tussle with you as well," he admits freely, face vaguely amused. "I'm still on the splits with your mother for sure because of that."
[09:28] <Usagi-chan> "I'm glad you didn't," Usagi says with a sigh. "And Mother... she passed away just before the prison was broken, although I expect you already knew that."
[09:29] <Anastasia> He nods. "I wasn't even aware she'd lived that long, the old bag," he says, down a hallway to a nice little office room of a short, colorful designs for clothes about. "Though, I was more surprised about Sailor Venus in this time. Reincarnation is a cruel mistress."
[09:30] * Usagi-chan scowls a bit at the man's description of her mother, but doesn't make an issue of it.
[09:30] <Rei-chan> "We all hope she's at peace now, at least..." Rei says softly as Minako comes up.
[09:33] <Anastasia> "Considering she went over-the-Moon crazy, I doubt it," he snorts prissily, nostrils flaring ever so slightly as he raises his head up. "Pity, though."
[09:33] * Usagi-chan's scowl deepens, but she'd rather not turn this into a fight.
[09:34] * Rei-chan frowns. "You shouldn't speak so ill of the departed," she reprimands.
[09:35] <Anastasia> "Why?" he says, sitting and putting one leg up over the other. "They aren't here to hear it. But regardless... you should thank her. She was the one who convinced me not to go after you in a way, Serenity."
[09:36] <Usagi-chan> "What do you mean?" Usagi says, frowning a bit.
[09:38] <Anastasia> Leaning forward and resting his head on his hand, "It's simple, really. I watched Minako for a little bit after being freed." Stopping to wave a hand dismissively and limp-wristed, "Oh, don't get me like that. I'm not a obssessed idiot like Orestes was. I was merely curious to see how she had turned out in this age."
[09:39] * Rei-chan winces, knowing that seeing Minako in December wouldn't have given a very good picture at all.
[09:39] <Usagi-chan> "And?" Usagi says, wondering what he thought of Minako's actions - although she's already got a fair guess from his earlier description.
[09:41] <Anastasia> "She lost it so very fabulously," he smiles just a bit. "She was dating a girl while having hissy fits big enough to outshine Queen Serenity and driving away her friends."
[09:41] * Rei-chan can't bring herself to refute that...
[09:41] * Usagi-chan frowns at Pytha's choice of words, but can't really find any flaw in his argument.
[09:44] <Anastasia> "And I realised... with the hell she put you through along with all the other criminals, what was the point?" he smiles slightly nastily, cattily, a thin, narrow smile. "I could have come along right after Jupiter-boy and Cynthia got themselves killed and finished you off, but... I can't say I have the heart to kick a cat while it's down."
[09:44] * Rei-chan glares. "Good thing for all concerned that you listened to your better nature."
[09:45] <Usagi-chan> "You're too kind," Usagi replies dryly, clearly angry.
[09:46] <Anastasia> "Isn't it," he smiles right back to Rei, a acidic facial expression if you've ever seen one. "And after all... revenge or not, I had a life to continue. This planet is the only show in town now, so I've decided to make a name for myself here."
[09:49] <Usagi-chan> "As long as you don't start any trouble, I could care less what you do," Usagi replies, still frowning.
[09:51] <Anastasia> "Good, smashingly good." With that, he nods. "I suppose from what I've seen and felt that you've done a reasonably good job of keeping this city in one piece."
[09:52] <Rei-chan> "We do try," Rei replies flatly.
[09:54] * Usagi-chan nods to Rei.
[09:54] <Anastasia> "So... I suppose you've finished your social call here, or is there anything else? I really should be getting to work." Standing, he smiles. "Oh, and I am serious... I could use a few more models to work with, and a splash of other blood would be nice amid all these Earthians."
[09:55] <Usagi-chan> "I'll pass, thanks," Usagi says in a flat tone.
[09:56] <Rei-chan> "Sorry," Rei replies, not really meaning it, "But we're so awfully busy what with making sure the city remains in one piece..."
[09:58] <Anastasia> "Of course," he nods. "Well, you can see yourselves out, I'm sure," he nods, his charm rather gone. "For what it's worth, Serenity, I don't bear too much of a grudge against you as much as against your mother. Hopefully, the daughter will take after her father more."
[09:59] * Usagi-chan's eyebrow quirks up at that, but she doesn't bite, simply rising from her seat. "I'm sure we can," she replies, turning to leave.
[10:00] * Rei-chan gives Pytha a small bow. "Good luck with your life on Earth, Pytha," she offers, before following Usagi out.
[10:03] <Anastasia> With a small nod to Rei, "And I hope yours goes well, Princess Mars. But... tell me," he decides after a moment. "I'm curious about this, actually."
[10:03] * Rei-chan pauses at the door, giving him a curious look.
[10:03] * Usagi-chan stops in the door, turning her head to look at the former criminal.
[10:04] <Anastasia> "Does Minako still like flowers?" he asks, mildly curious.
[10:06] * Rei-chan furrows her brow slightly in thought. "Actually... in all the time I knew her this lifetime, she never mentioned anything about flowers except to say she hated roses."
[10:12] <Anastasia> "Ah well... I'll avoid roses," he nods, turning away. "Good luck on surviving the upcoming centuries..." he says with a slight grimace. "The culture here is SO unaccepting of you once you've lived past 100 years, I swear."
[10:12] <Usagi-chan> "Thanks," Usagi says, continuing on her way out of Pytha's office.
[10:13] <Rei-chan> "I'm sure you'll manage," Rei offers a small smile. "Goodbye, Pytha." With that, she steps out.
[10:15] <Anastasia> ---
[09:52] <Anastasia> It's a fine afternoon in the early fall as the various girls gather in the Witches office after class. Perhaps in keeping with the cool weather, your teachers were merciful across the board. Yet, as you gather... Professor Tomoe is waiting downstairs for the group of you.
[09:53] <Anastasia> Nodding to Rei, "Hotaru won't be joining you today," he says simply. "She's ill again," with a touch of worry, he goes on, "The flu."
[09:53] * Usagi-chan looks a bit sad at that. "Hope she's feeling better soon," she says. "I'll see if Mom can make her up some chicken soup or something."
[09:54] * Rei-chan nods understandingly. "The cold weather isn't very good for her. She should just take it easy for a few days."
[09:55] <Anastasia> Glancing up from her heavy book of science and yawning, "That poor girl..." Viluy half murmurs, partially asleep. "We should get some flowers and visit her."
[09:56] * Haruka simply nods from her seat next to Viluy as the others have already said what was on her mind.
[09:56] <Rei-chan> "Hmm... she really should just be resting, but she would be happy if we visited," Rei agrees with Viluy.
[09:57] <Princess_Herb> "We should." Herb agrees. "It can't be fun to be ill."
[09:58] <Anastasia> Nodding personal agreement, "If you want - just don't keep her up late, she needs her rest."
[09:59] <Usagi-chan> "Well, if she's not feeling well I'd rather not stay for too long - just say hi and check up on her." The blonde smiles a bit at that.
[09:59] <Rei-chan> "Don't worry, Professor," Rei smiles, "We'll just stop by to let her know we're thinking of her and chat for a little bit."
[10:02] <Anastasia> At that, "Some black orchids?" Viluy muses, glancing at Haruka.
[10:05] * Haruka meets Viluy's glance, but honestly has no clue about the flower choice. "I suppose," she returns, with a shrug of cluelessness on the matter.
[10:06] <Anastasia> He nods simply. "I trust you to do so. There are some face masks outside of her room, if you wish - the flu is terribly contagious this year."
[10:07] * Rei-chan nods. "I was sick with it last year. I'd rather not get it again."
[10:07] * Usagi-chan nods. "We'll be careful."
[10:08] <Anastasia> After a small side trip to procure a small vase and flowers, you arrive at the Tomoe residence. Let in by a nice old lady, "Are you here to see Hotaru, dears?" she asks. The insides of the house have been throughly done over - lighter colors, sunroofs, more windows... an altogether more friendly abode.
[10:09] * Usagi-chan nods. "If she's awake, yeah," Usagi answers.
[10:12] <Anastasia> Nodding slightly as she holds the vase in her hands, "Yes, ma'am. She has the flu?" Smiling, Viluy nods again to the woman.
[10:16] <Anastasia> "Yes, Hotaru is bedridden," the maid says, leading you back to her room. A table is set up there, with a box of face masks and tissue on it.
[10:16] * Usagi-chan takes one of the masks, recalling the Professor's warning - she doesn't want to get sick herself, and she certainly doesn't need to take the flu home.
[10:17] * Rei-chan also dons a facemask, waiting for the others to be similarly attired before heading inside.
[10:17] * Princess_Herb follows the Queen's example. "A dragon with the flu might be really alarming, you know."
[10:18] <Haruka> "Alarming or silly?" Haruka comments, donning her own mask as well.
[10:18] <Anastasia> Viluy does the same, "The last time I had the flu," she murmurs thoughtfully, putting the mask on. "Just before Germatou..."
[10:18] * Rei-chan snorts lightly at Haruka's comment, amused as she goes inside Hotaru's room.
[10:19] <Usagi-chan> "I haven't had the flu in a couple of years now," Usagi says, following Rei into Hotaru's bedroom.
[10:20] <Haruka> "I always seem to catch something every year..." Haruka mumbles as she follows Usagi.
[10:21] * Princess_Herb follows the younger senshi into the room where the youngest senshi lies sick
[10:21] <Anastasia> Going inside, you see Hotaru, lying back on her bed amid a small sea of tissue boxes, juice bottles and a nearly full trash can. "Rei-chan? Herb-chan?" she murmurs weakly, face flushed. "Daddy? Mommy?"
[10:22] * Usagi-chan blinks. "No, Daddy's still at Mugen, Hotaru-chan," Usagi says quietly. "It's Usagi, Haruka, and Viluy."
[10:22] <Rei-chan> "Hey, little sis," Rei says gently, approaching the bed. "We heard you were sick so we came to check up on you."
[10:23] <Anastasia> Viluy comes forward with a smile. "We brought you some flowers, Hotaru-chan," she says, setting them on her nightstand.
[10:23] <Anastasia> Hotaru smiles sickly, eyes watery. "Rei-chan...?"
[10:23] <Rei-chan> "It's me, Hotaru-chan," Rei confirms, taking the girl's hand. 'Boy, this flu is really doing a number on her...'
[10:24] <Usagi-chan> 'Sure is,' Usagi replies, taking a seat near the foot of Hotaru's bed. "How are you feeling, Hotaru-chan?"
[10:26] <Anastasia> "Mmm... it's hot in here," she says, the girl under the blankets to her chin, sweaty.
[10:27] <Rei-chan> "You're burning up," Rei observes, a tad worriedly. "You just rest, Hotaru-chan," she goes on, trying to sound soothing. "Best if you sleep through the worst of it."
[10:27] * Usagi-chan nods. "Just take it easy for now - I'm sure you'll be feeling just fine in a few days."
[10:28] <Anastasia> "Mmmm..." she moans tiredly. "Can't you bring a fan in here, Rei-chan?"
[10:29] <Rei-chan> "I'll ask the maid about it," Rei agrees quietly, standing up. "Just rest, little sis. You'll feel better in the morning."
[10:30] <Anastasia> "Okay... but read me a story, Rei-chan," Hotaru says after that, as you rise.
[10:31] <Anastasia> Watching on, Viluy glances at Haruka again. "Poor child," she murmurs. "Can't Usagi help her?"
[10:31] * Rei-chan blinks. "Okay, Hotaru," she nods after a moment, before leaving the room in search of the maid to procure a fan.
[10:32] <Usagi-chan> "I can try, but I'm not sure what to do, exactly," Usagi says apologetically. "It's not exactly like getting hurt where I can tell what needs to be fixed."
[10:35] <Haruka> "Strange to hear that there are things you CAN'T do," Haruka comments to Usagi with a chuckle.
[10:35] <Princess_Herb> "I can try to draw off some of the fever's heat by manipulating the ki energy around you," says Herb, "But you have a strong soul, and it might make it harder to work on."
[10:36] * Rei-chan returns a moment later with a small fan that she sets up on Hotaru's nightstand, on the lowest setting. Walking over to Hotaru's bookshelf, she looks over the books available. "Any special story you want me to read, Hotaru?"
[10:36] * Princess_Herb thinks of cool mountain springs and spring breezes as she touches the outer shell of Hotaru-chan's soul
[10:37] <Princess_Herb> roll 2d6+2
[10:37] * Musk-bot --> "Princess_Herb rolls 2d6+2 and gets 9."
[10:39] <Anastasia> "Mmm... just read me one..." she murmurs, as Herb's effect and the fan start to wash over her. At that, she weakly throws off her cover, revealing a very sweaty girl in a sports bra and sweat pants. She tries to sit up, facing the fan...
[10:40] <Usagi-chan> "Hotaru-chan, just relax," Usagi says, moving forward to press the girl back down into bed. "You shouldn't try to get up right now."
[10:40] * Rei-chan takes a book at random and returns to the bedside. "Just lie down, Hotaru. Going straight from hot to cold won't help you at all," she reprimands gently.
[10:41] <Anastasia> Crumbling under your touch, the girl slumps back down in her bed. She's feverish to the touch... just like that one time with Shingo when you were nine. She's quite hot.
[10:42] * Usagi-chan tries to do what she can, murmuring quietly as she attempts to heal the girl. If nothing else, hopefully the magic can help her to relax and feel a bit better.
[10:44] <Anastasia> Your magic reaches the girl, having minimal effect. Her weak body doesn't seem to be helping your cause. As Rei reads on, Hotaru does at least relax at her storytelling..
[10:44] <Anastasia> Eyes dropping as Rei goes on, the girl begins to smile amid her reddened cheeks...
[10:44] * Rei-chan reads on in a soft, soothing voice - she doesn't want to make it too interesting, it's just background noise to help lull the girl to sleep.
[10:44] * Usagi-chan shakes her head slightly, withdrawing her hand as the magic fades.
[10:46] <Anastasia> As Rei finishes, Hotaru looks to be on the verge of falling back asleep. "Mmm... thank you, sister..." she manages, smiling. "Tell Mom we'll go with her to the store..."
[10:46] * Rei-chan smiles wanly. "I'll tell her, Hotaru," she agrees in a whisper, setting the book down and rising quietly so as not to disturb her.
[10:47] * Usagi-chan follows suit, standing silently before heading out of the bedroom.
[10:47] <Anastasia> Viluy smiles once more at the girl, following.
[10:48] * Princess_Herb quietly follows the queen out of Hotaru's sickroom.
[10:49] * Haruka goes last, closing the door softly behind her. "Rest well," she whispers.
[10:49] <Anastasia> Once outside, Viluy takes off her mask, frowning. "I hope she won't be going to the hospital soon, but the way she looked?"
[10:50] * Usagi-chan nods, frowning. "Definitely not good... I just hope she doesn't get any worse."
[10:50] <Rei-chan> "Her constitution isn't the best," Rei agrees sadly. "I hope she'll be okay in a week or so."
[10:53] <Anastasia> "I hope," Viluy nods. "Is there anything you can do if it gets worse, Usagi?" Viluy ventures out.
[10:53] * Usagi-chan shakes her head. "Short of Chibi Usa's help, I doubt it," she says sadly. "My healing magic didn't seem to have any effect on it at all."
[10:55] <Rei-chan> "She'll ride it out on her own. It might not be fun, but she'll be okay in a while so long as she gets plenty of rest and proper food."
[10:55] <Princess_Herb> "Rei-chan's story worked the best of all of us," Herb suggests.
[10:57] <Haruka> "The mysterious powers of a dedicated miko was at work," Haruka jokes, shooting Rei a grin.
[10:57] <Anastasia> The old maid comes up during this, "Did it? Miss Rei," she asks Rei carefully, "Even with her Dad's lunchtime visit, she's been asking for him and you all day."
[10:58] * Usagi-chan smiles a bit at that. "I'm not surprised... I'd want my family around if I was feeling sick too."
[10:59] * Rei-chan nods. "I just read a random chapter from one of her books. I'm not even sure what it was about," she admits, a bit embarrassed. "It just gave her something soothing to focus on so she could drift off to sleep, I think."
[11:00] <Anastasia> She nods. "Since her father isn't able to be with her today because of that conference, could you stay with her until he gets home, Miss Rei? I know it's a inposition, but I think Hotaru would like that."
[11:01] * Rei-chan smiles. "Considering how hard she works at the Shrine, I suppose it is the least I can do. I don't mind," she nods. "She's sleeping, but I can be here in case she wakes up."
[11:02] <Haruka> "I never got anywhere near this much attention whenever I got sick," Haruka comments with a slight pout. "I'm feeling kind of jealous..."
[11:03] * Usagi-chan giggles. "I'll bring you some soup the next time it happens - how's that, Haruka?" Usagi says with a wink.
[11:03] <Anastasia> Smiling a bit at that, "I'll baby you the next time you get sick, Haruka," Viluy says, teasing the girl just a bit.
[11:03] <Rei-chan> "And now you're all popular," Rei teases.
[11:03] <Haruka> "Promises, promises," Haruka replies with a chuckle.
[11:06] * Usagi-chan giggles. "You want me to stay with you, Rei-chan? I don't have anything to do this afternoon, so I could keep you company while you're waiting - if you want."
[11:07] <Anastasia> Thinking a bit, "I wouldn't mind staying as well," Viluy speaks up, "If Haruka doesn't mind staying as well... I feel bad for Hotaru, being sick and alone."
[11:07] <Rei-chan> "If you like," Rei nods. "Won't be very exciting with her asleep, though - we'll have to be really quiet."
[11:08] * Haruka shrugs at Viluy's suggestion. "If it's not an incovenience," she says, looking at the maid at that.
[11:10] <Princess_Herb> "Well, while you girls stay here, I'm going to go down to the store and see if I can find a plushie with healing powers for Hotaru-chan." Herb says. "Or failing that, a cute one."
[11:11] * Princess_Herb has an idea.
[11:13] * Princess_Herb bows to the collected senshi and the maid, and heads off.
[11:14] <Anastasia> The maid shakes her head. "I'll set out more places for dinner," she smiles.
[11:14] <Usagi-chan> "Sorry to impose like this," Usagi says apologetically.
[11:14] <Anastasia> "It's fine," she smiles warmly. "Hotaru won't be so lonely with this many guests here."
[11:15] <Rei-chan> Nodding, Rei quietly pushes the door open and heads into Hotaru's room, making herself comfortable by the bedside to watch over the sickly little girl.
[11:16] <Anastasia> Following after getting a new mask, Viluy goes in ahead.
[11:17] * Usagi-chan follows Viluy's example, taking another mask before settling in near Rei.
[11:17] * Haruka hangs around outside the door for the time being as the others enter.
[11:21] <Anastasia> About a half hour passes, Haruka coming in and out of the room while the others kill time and watch over the girl. It's during one of Haruka's trips outside that she runs into Professor Tomoe - his white lab coat gone, down to just a dress shirt and slacks, tie undone. Nodding to you as he passes, "Are the rest still visiting with Hotaru?"
[11:22] * Haruka nods in reply. "Hotaru is sleeping right now," she tells him. "She got a healthy dose of storybook time from Rei."
[11:23] <Anastasia> Pausing as he reaches for a mask, "Ah..." he murmurs. "Hotaru loves hearing stories before bed, even now."
[11:25] * Haruka smiles at that. The mental image was cute on a cavity-inducing level, but it seems to match Hotaru in her mind. "Hopefully she recovers quickly," she comments.
[11:26] <Anastasia> "I hope so, as well," he says, strapping the mask on. "If not..." he trails off, banishing thoughts he'd rather not ponder, doing so by entering inside of the sleeping girl's room.
[11:27] * Haruka sports a puzzled frown at the implication of that last part, but stows it away mentally for the time being.
[11:28] <Anastasia> Coming in, he looks shortly at Hotaru, then the girls. "How has she been," he asks simply, getting to the chase.
[11:28] <Rei-chan> "She's been sleeping peacefully," Rei replies quietly. "She seemed pretty out of it when she was awake."
[11:30] <Anastasia> "And her fever," he asks, going over to feel her forehead himself, frowning and then extracting a thermometer from the bedstand drawer.
[11:31] <Rei-chan> "She was burning up, earlier," Rei says unnecessarily as he works with the thermometer.
[11:31] <Usagi-chan> "Still seems really high," Usagi says with a frown. "I tried healing her, but it didn't seem to have much of effect."
[11:32] <Anastasia> Tomoe frowns at that, setting up the instrument in his daughter's mouth. "I was going to suggest that... but your magic seems to have limited effect on her."
[11:33] <Rei-chan> "Just have to let it work through her system naturally, I suppose," Rei sighs quietly.
[11:34] <Usagi-chan> "I think part of it is that I just don't know what to have it DO. With a cut, I know what it has to fix - but I don't know enough about this to really help it any."
[11:35] <Anastasia> "The actual infection is all over her body and bloodstream," he says briefly, checking her temperature. "103," he frowns even more, wiping it off with a kleenex.
[11:36] * Usagi-chan nods. "And I don't know what to do to make it go away. It's not like with a cut or a burn where I know the difference between the way it is now and the way it's supposed to be."
[11:38] <Anastasia> "A limitation of technique," he comments idly. "It took her two weeks to get over the flu the last time she had it, and that was with Germatou and Mistress 9 interfering." Frowning, "Perhaps we can find a way to do something about that."
[11:39] <Usagi-chan> "If you can tell me what I need to do, just let me know - I'd love to help her get over this quicker if I can," Usagi replies.
[11:42] <Anastasia> "After dinner, perhaps," he says after a pause. "I need to consider how best to approach the problem." At that, he stands. "Speaking of such, dinner is the least I can offer for your troubles."
[11:43] * Usagi-chan smiles. "Thanks for the offer, but it's really not any trouble at all."
[11:46] <Anastasia> "It's not any trouble from my end, and I'd like to offer it to you all." At that, he rises. "If you wish... dinner will be served in a few minutes."
[11:46] <Rei-chan> "Thank you," Rei nods gratefully.
(scene unfinished)
[11:11] <Anastasia> ---
[11:15] <Anastasia> Fall sets in early this year - by mid October, it's 60ish degrees and cool as a high, with chilly nights. The leaves are falling early, though not like it matters in the Witches office, with it being underground. To your pleasant surprise, you find Viluy there, actually fiddling with a computer for once.
[11:17] <Anastasia> "Hi, Haruka," she says, semi-absently, as she messes with an opened-up computer tower, her hair half falling in front of her face as she leans over.
[11:18] * Haruka approaches from behind, peeking over Viluy's shoulder. "This is a rare sight, of late," Haruka comments with a grin.
[11:20] <Anastasia> "I know," she smiles warmly. "I haven't felt much like it lately, but one of my hard drives gave out." With a small grimace, she stands, shaking her hair back. "I feel more like having my nails done than doing my computers right..." she trails off, with a small scrunchy not-smile/not-frown. "Anyway," she picks up a moment later, not really wanting to wallow in that, "I was waiting for you. Do you have plans for the day?"
[11:23] * Haruka plops down in a vacant seat before answering. "No, nothing that I can think of anyway," she replies. "Why, something up?" Haruka asks with a curious tilt of her head.
[11:25] <Anastasia> Smiling now and gazing at you with her head half cocked, causing a bit of hair to fall, "I thought we could spend some time together this afternoon, since the weather is so nice."
[11:27] <Haruka> "Yeah, sure," Haruka answers back casually, leaning forward now in interest. "Anywhere in particular?"
[11:31] <Anastasia> "They're starting to sell warm chestnuts," she smiles, peering at you. "This little shop down in Juuban." Not saying anything else, though her gaze tells you quite a bit.
[11:34] * Haruka smiles and nods at that. "We'll head off whenever you're ready," she tells Viluy.
[11:38] <Anastasia> Nodding, "Right, just let me get this back together." With that, she heads back to her computer for a spell...
[11:38] <Anastasia> ---
[11:39] <Anastasia> Roughly an hour later, the two of you are in Haruka's car. Driving in the breezy, cool weather is refreshing after a day indoors, the smell of turning over leaves and a land ready to sleep again tinging the air. With Viluy's directions, it's not a long trip to the place in question - a tiny eatery, Ayamaya-Ps. Simple glass window with a few tables inside... nothing special.
[11:42] <Anastasia> With checkerboard white and red tablecloths and wooden seats, it evokes a feeling of a grandmother's kitchen... Smiling even as she gazes at it, "Come on, Haruka," Viluy takes your hand without pause today, a strangely eager smile on her face.
[11:45] * Haruka is caught off-guard by this, but allows herself to be led nonetheless. She wonders slightly though at the shift from 'norm' for Viluy... Haruka says nothing, but keeps it in mind for now.
[11:48] <Anastasia> The inside is warm and bright, a few waitresses about. Garbed in white aprons and blue calf length dresses with white and blue ribbons, "Hi," the oldest waitress, no more than 20 or so, greets you. "Welcome to Ayamaya-P... Viluy?" the girl smiles, coming forward to lay a hand on the girl's shoulder before hugging her. "You need to keep in touch, Viluy-chan! I haven't seen you in nearly a year!"
[11:47] <Anastasia> "I've been busy, Sadoka," she hugs her back lightly, but detangling quickly. "Lots of homework these days." With her own warm smile, "This is Sadoka, a childhood friend. Sadoka," she nods at Haruka, "This is Haruka Tenoh."
[11:48] * Haruka smiles, extending a hand to Viluy's friend in greeting. "A pleasure to meet you," she says.
[11:49] <Anastasia> Nodding and smiling, "But what did you do with your hair, Viluy," she frowns, nabbing a hanging strand of it. "You have such pretty white hair, and you did THAT to it?"
[11:50] <Anastasia> Blushing slightly, "Don't worry about it... it's a long story, Sadoka." Brushing that aside, "Anyway, this is Haruka," she repeats, the other girl blinking.
[11:51] <Anastasia> "Oh, I'm sorry," she nods, bowing to Haruka. "I was just distracted by that mess Viluy-chan made of her har."
[11:52] <Haruka> "Don't worry about it," Haruka manages to get out, waving her apology off, though the snub did hurt her ego some...
[11:53] <Anastasia> With a winsome smile now, "Right. A table for two," she asks, taking out a writing pad and scribbling on it. "Here for your favorite, I'm guessing... and what do you want, Haruka?"
[11:53] <Anastasia> "With apple cider, if you've imported any yet," Viluy nods to that, which gets a small nod back from the other girl.
[11:55] * Haruka goes for something fairly light, and order a sandwich from the menu.
[11:56] <Anastasia> With that taken care of, you are taken to the window table. Nice view of Juuban, with a hint of leaves being blown in the breeze. "I'll be back with your food in a few," she notes. "Though... it's slow today, so it shouldn't be long." In fact, you're the only customers at the moment.
[11:57] <Anastasia> Smiling once more as Sadoka leaves, "Heh, Sadoka seems to like you," Viluy notes, turning to face you.
[11:58] * Haruka blinks at that with a puzzled look painting her feature. "Really? I didn't get that impression at all," she admits with a chuckle.
[11:59] <Anastasia> "She does," Viluy insists, folding her hands together. "She's a good friend, and... I don't have too many of those, so could you two make sure to get along," she asks, firmly, yet with a slight undercurrent of... something.
[12:04] <Haruka> "If madam so wishes," Haruka replies with aplomb, trying to inwardly examine what these 'hints' that she keeps picking up from Viluy might be about.
[12:05] <Anastasia> Grinning back at you, "Thanks. Sadoka... my Dad used to take me here all the time," she begins, turning her gaze out the window. "And Sadoka's mom runs the store and kept her around, so we became friends."
[12:06] * Haruka nods, allowing Viluy to continue.
[12:08] <Anastasia> "Makes sense, since this is one of the few things he could drag me out from messing with computers and hardware to do," Viluy does indeed go on, then stops. "Anyway," Turning the page like that, Viluy turns her attention back to you. "Thanks, Haruka." Leaning slightly, she reaches out and gives your hand a pat after a split-second delay.
[12:13] * Haruka smiles in reply, though on the inside the disappointment was clear at the ever present hesitancy on Viluy's part. Take the good with the bad, she tells herself. "It's nice to see the parts of your life I wasn't around for," she tells Viluy, taking in the sights of the restaurant.
[12:14] <Anastasia> "This is one of the big ones... there isn't much to see besides all the computers I've worked on." Voice firm, there is still a vague note to it. Something you can't pinpoint. "Between school and that, this is one of the few other things I ever did."
[12:18] * Haruka catches the 'hint' of something again and decides to push forward here. "Is there something you want to talk about?" Haruka asks reassuringly, giving her hand a squeeze. "I hear one thing, yet I get the feeling you want to tell me something else. I'm a good listener, if nothing else," she offers.
[12:24] <Anastasia> "I..." she smiles warmly at you, taking your hand strongly. "I guess. I don't have much of a childhood like this... and I guess I just want you to see what I do have."
[12:28] * Haruka smiles warmly in reply. "That you want to bring me closer, showing me your past and your friends, makes me happy," she tells her.
[12:29] <Anastasia> Leaning forward a bit, "I want to... and it makes me happy, too," she says quietly, eyes sparkling. "It's not much, but..." she leans forward, giving you a peck on the cheek. "It's good to be happy."
[12:32] * Haruka smiles again, something she's been doing a lot of lately. "Definitely," she concurs with Viluy's sentiments.
[12:33] <Anastasia> "Hey, you two," Sadoka calls, as she comes back up. Viluy blinks, blushing and drawing back at the attention. "One bowl of warm chestnuts and cider, and one sandwich and soda," she says, putting both down before getting a seat and sitting yourself. "Viluy-chan, are you and Haruka together," she asks with a nice smile, glancing between the two of you.
[12:34] <Anastasia> "Well..." she flounders just a moment, red faced. "Yeah..."
[12:35] * Haruka simply grins amusedly, letting the pair play this little scene out.
[12:35] <Anastasia> "Oooh, you got yourself someone special," she grins outright, clapping Viluy on the shoulder. "I was afraid you'd marry one of your computers at this rate, or build a cyber boyfriend!"
[12:36] <Anastasia> "Guh... SADOKA!" Viluy protests, blushing beet red now.
[12:37] <Anastasia> "I'm kidding, Viluy," she giggles, turning to Haruka. "You're treating Viluy right, aren't you?"
[12:41] <Haruka> "She deserves nothing less," Haruka replies with a nod. "And with a good friend watching out for her interest, I'm sure you'll help keep me in line, right?" Haruka grins at Sadoka.
[12:57] <Anastasia> "Damn right," Sadoka laughs, returning Haruka's nod. "I don't see any new jewelry on her fingers, though. Should do something about that... or maybe some earrings," she goes on, as Viluy just blushes.
[12:58] * Haruka hums at that, sharing a wide grin between Viluy and Sadoka. "Should I be taking notes?"
[12:59] <Anastasia> "Yes," Sadoka nods, as Viluy just blushes and plays with her drink. "Oh... what did Viluy want? She'd do good with diamond earrings and a pearl necklace from you, Haruka."
[13:03] <Haruka> "Hmm... I don't know," Haruka begins with a thoughtful look. "She was playing with a computer earlier so I'd be smart to make sure she's not cheating on me before I buy those," Haruka finishes, shooting Sadoka a cheeky grin at that.
[13:20] <Anastasia> "Haruka!" Viluy protests, as her friend is lost in her own laughing. Almost pouting, she turns to her drink, taking a good portion of it down.
[13:22] * Haruka takes a sip of her soda and casually ignores Viluy's outburst as she smiles innocently in reply. "Yes?"
[13:23] <Anastasia> "Hmmph," Viluy murmurs at that, cutely turning her head away. "Don't pout," Sadoka chides. "It's in good humor. Anyway..." she rises, "I should at least look like I'm doing some work."
[13:26] * Haruka chuckles at Viluy's reaction before turning her attention to Sadoka. "It was nice to be able to meet you. Maybe we can meet again when you're not on the clock," Haruka tells her.
[13:28] <Anastasia> "Sounds great," Sadoka grins. "The three of us can go out and hit the town... how about tomorrow night?" she offers, which would be a Friday.
[13:29] <Haruka> "Sounds fine to me," Haruka replies, glancing at Viluy at that.
[13:30] <Anastasia> Viluy nods once, recovering. "Sure," she nods. "We can meet at my house, since all three of us know where that is."
[13:33] <Haruka> "Sure," Haruka says. "We'll work out the time and stuff later, I'm guessing?"
[13:34] <Anastasia> Sadoka nods. "I'll call Viluy tonight for the gory details," she grins. "We'll have fun... and hopefully make it home under our own power!" With that and a final grin, she goes off, another pair of customers arriving.
[13:37] <Haruka> "Methinks she has a wild night in mind," Haruka points out to Viluy with a chuckle.
[13:41] <Anastasia> "I think so, too," Viluy chuckles. "She doesn't mean it like that, I think, as much as just to have a blast in general."
[13:44] * Haruka simply nods then begins on her sandwich. "As nice as it was chatting with Sadoka," she begins, "I'm enjoying spending quiet time alone with you more."
[13:46] <Anastasia> "Yeah," she nods in agreement, starting on her food. "Why don't we head back to my house after this?"
[13:48] * Haruka raises an eyebrow ever so slightly at that, but replies, "Sure, sounds like a plan."
[18:36] <Rei-chan> ------------
[18:38] <Rei-chan> One rather warm October evening after her dinner, Usagi decides to go visit Hikawa Shrine in order to spend some quality time with her girlfriend. Ascending the Shrine steps, she sees the Shrine is now rather quiet. No one is seen outside, although the lights are on inside the house. (soul check +2 to notice something)
[18:38] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6+2
[18:38] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6+2 and gets 11."
[18:39] <Rei-chan> Something does actually seem odd as you approach. Inside Rei's room... it's almost as if you can sense two of her...
[18:40] * Usagi-chan blinks in surprise, quickening her steps a little. Rather than bother with the front door, she knocks directly on the door leading from outside into Rei's room. "Rei-chan? Are you all right?"
[18:41] <Rei-chan> "Fine..." comes Rei's reply, sounding more than a little bit stressed and distracted at the moment.
[18:42] * Usagi-chan pushes the door open, looking more than a little worried.
[18:43] <Rei-chan> Inside you see the back of Rei, the miko sitting against the side of her bed in a relaxed posture. And then on the other side of the room you see a partially transparent Rei sitting in the same pose, although her eyes are clenched tightly shut and she seems to be focusing immensely on something.
[18:45] * Usagi-chan blinks, watching for a moment. It's clear that Rei is projecting herself astrally, but why to a place in the same room is a mystery. She stays quiet for the moment, not wanting to disrupt the miko's concentration any further than she already has.
[18:47] <Rei-chan> Letting out a loud sigh after a few moments, the astral Rei vanishes, her physical counterpart picking herself up rather groggily. "Hey, Usagi," she greets you, sounding rather dispirited.
[18:47] <Usagi-chan> "What's up?" Usagi asks, frowning just a bit.
[18:48] * Rei-chan sits down on the bed, patting it for Usagi to do the same. "I'm trying to figure out how to teleport, actually," she snorts. "You can guess how well I'm doing."
[18:49] * Usagi-chan does as requested, sitting down right next to Rei. "Not too well, from the look on your face. How are you trying to do it?"
[18:51] <Rei-chan> "Well," she begins, sighing, "I figure projecting myself like that gives me a leg up - if I can move my spirit elsewhere, it's just a matter of pulling my body along, right? But it's easier said than done..."
[18:53] <Usagi-chan> "You'd THINK so," Usagi agrees. "But I don't know enough about projecting yourself like that to really know if it helps or not. Any idea what the problem is that you're running into?"
[18:55] * Rei-chan shrugs. "I don't know, and it's driving me nuts. I mean, the Sailor Teleport is easy - I just think I want to be somewhere, and I am," she snaps her fingers. "But I can't do that by myself, and it's draining as heck unless we have a big group of us." She frowns slightly, "As to the other way I was able to teleport once, I understand that even less..."
[18:57] * Usagi-chan frowns slightly at that, but doesn't pursue the issue. "Well... I don't know if it'll help, but I can explain how *I* look at teleporting - maybe it'll make something click into place for you?"
[18:58] <Rei-chan> "Couldn't hurt," Rei agrees, nodding. "I tried asking Ann, but she was no help at all. Seems like it's just as easy for her as the Sailor Teleport is for us."
[19:00] <Usagi-chan> "Well, try thinking about it this way. You've got your telekinesis, right? Think about opening a locked door with it - I know you've done that more than a few times. All you do is move the lock around and you can open the door, right?" Usagi says, giving Rei a questioning look.
[19:00] <Rei-chan> "Uh huh," Rei nods, waiting for Usagi to go on.
[19:02] <Usagi-chan> "But if you were strong enough with it, you COULD just break the door down completely. The way I look at teleporting is like that. Something like the Sailor Teleport is breaking the door down - you use a lot of power and FORCE the effect you want. Something like what I do with my spell, and probably what Ann does, is like opening the lock - it's just a tiny little trick that's a small part of the whole thing,
[19:02] <Usagi-chan> but once you figure it out, the whole thing just falls into place."
[19:03] * Rei-chan smiles mirthlessly, "Figuring out that trick is a real hurdle, though."
[19:07] * Usagi-chan nods, a wry smile on her face. "That's the hard part, yeah. I THINK I can explain what the magic is doing when I teleport - maybe that'll help. For me, it's like unraveling a sweater, except you're unraveling your shape. What the magic does is find the end of the yarn and give it a pull so it starts unraveling, and then helps to make sure everything gets put back together right on the other end when you arrive."
[19:08] * Rei-chan nods slowly, digesting that. "Hmm... unravelling, eh?" She bites her lip, looking thoughtful.
[19:09] * Usagi-chan nods. "You have to take apart everything you're teleporting with you - including your body - or else you'd just be duplicating yourself somewhere else, not teleporting."
[19:12] <Rei-chan> "Well, I've just been trying to... well, pull my whole body as whole..." Rei replies. "Maybe that's the problem, though - trying to yank it all at once is maybe too much for me?"
[19:14] <Usagi-chan> "Yeah, I don't expect that would work too well. If it works the way I think it will for you, try to pull just a small part of yourself - like your hair, since that won't be any real problem if you mess up - and pull just that little part. If it does what I think, it'll stay connected to you and just pull the rest of your body along with it."
[19:15] <Rei-chan> "And that's how your spell works?" Rei confirms.
[19:16] * Usagi-chan nods. "What it does is set everything up and sort of kicks things into gear - the actual teleport is almost automatic, it just pulls where I'm going out of my mind."
[19:17] <Rei-chan> "Hmm... I doubt I'll be able to do it exactly the same as you - those spells of yours are just so different from anything I can do. But it's something to think about..." Rei says contemplatively, drawing her legs up onto the mattress.
[19:19] * Usagi-chan nods. "It MIGHT use the same basic process. I've never really studied Ann or the Twins' teleporting, but I wouldn't be surprised if it works the same way mine does and we all just start off the process in a different way."
[19:20] <Rei-chan> "I think I'll give it another try before I call it a day," Rei decides, closing her eyes as she visibly relaxes.
[19:21] * Usagi-chan moves back to give Rei a little more room. "Good luck, Rei-chan," she says with a smile.
[19:23] <Rei-chan> Rei nods slightly before her body slumps, the astral miko appearing crosslegged on the other side of the room, her eyes tightly shut in concentration. To Usagi's eyes, Rei's spiritual aura is at about half its usual intensity surrounding both her body and her astral form, although the astral form is slowly building as the body weakens...
[19:24] * Usagi-chan crosses her fingers, silently willing her encouragement towards the miko - she doesn't want to break Rei's concentration by speaking.
[19:28] <Rei-chan> It happens with so little fanfare that you'd almost miss it, if not for Rei's pained yelp - her astral form having been hovering a foot off the floor. While her clothes on the bed suddenly collapse without a body to hold them up, the quite naked miko rolls on the floor, rubbing her bottom and her stomach as she moans piteously. She looks rather pale and queasy, you'd note if you happened to pay attention to any details beyond the nudity.
[19:30] * Usagi-chan blinks in surprise, not having expected it to snap into place quite so quickly. She turns her head, looking between the pile of clothes on the bed and the quite naked (and more than a little distracting) form of Rei on the other side of the room. "You did it!"
[19:31] <Rei-chan> Rei's only response is to empty the contents of her stomach on her nice carpet.
[19:32] * Usagi-chan is rather dismayed by that, quickly jumping off the bed and going to Rei's side. "Rei, are you all right?" she says worriedly.
[19:34] <Rei-chan> "Unh..." Rei groans, her eyes glazed and unfocused. Shivering a good amount, she curls herself up, knees held over her stomach with arms wrapped protectively over them.
[19:35] * Usagi-chan kneels down next to Rei, wrapping her arms around the miko as she tries to comfort her love. "Are you all right?" she repeats more quietly.
[19:37] <Rei-chan> "No..." Rei manages weakly, her eyes clearing a bit before she closes them in pain. "I feel ill..."
[19:38] * Usagi-chan hugs the dark-haired girl tightly, rocking her back and forth. "Just take a minute or two, I bet it'll go away soon," she says soothingly.
[19:39] <Rei-chan> Rei's shivering ceases after a few minutes of your soothing treatment, her form relaxing somewhat. "Urgh..." she groans. "It gets easier, right?"
[19:40] <Usagi-chan> "I expect it would," Usagi says, not really sure. "Might just be something you have to get used to." Mentioning the fact that she can't ever remember having gone through teleport sickness wouldn't be a good idea right now, she surmises.
[19:41] <Rei-chan> "I hope so," the miko mumbles, straightening up. Blinking a moment... "Where are my clothes?"
[19:42] <Usagi-chan> "Over on the bed," Usagi replies with a slight smile. "I think I forgot to mention that you have to set up an area in your mind that you're teleporting, or you won't get anything to go with you. Including clothes."
[19:44] * Rei-chan sighs. "At least I'm doing this in the privacy of my own home..." Standing up on wobbly legs, she goes over to begin dressing, only managing to get her underwear on before a dizzy spell forces her to sit down rather rapidly. "Oooh..." she holds her head. "This is going to be really inconvenient if I can't get used to it..."
[19:46] * Usagi-chan goes over to sit down next to Rei on the bed, caressing the other girl's back gently. "Well, just take your time getting used to it," she says. "There's no real hurry."
[19:47] * Rei-chan nods as she slides her skirt on, lifting her bottom up off the bed for a second. "At least the hardest part's over with," she agrees.
[19:48] * Usagi-chan nods. "I was really surprised - I didn't expect it to catch for you quite so fast."
[19:51] <Rei-chan> "Well, I have teleported on my own before. I think I just needed a trigger to make it fall into place..." she frowns, working her blouse on. "I've never got sick like that before, so I must have done something wrong, though..." Glancing over at the puddle of vomit, she gains an expression of distaste. "Better go wash my mouth and get the carpet shampoo..."
[19:52] <Usagi-chan> "You take care of yourself, I can get the carpet," Usagi offers, although she too can't hide an expression of distaste at the mess on the floor. "You still look a little shaky after that."
[19:54] * Rei-chan shakes her head. "It's my mess. I'll get it." Standing up, she goes to leave the room, heading for the bathroom to clean herself up a bit before stopping by the closet for carpet cleaning supplies.
[19:55] * Usagi-chan simply sighs, letting Rei go. As the miko returns with the cleaning supplies, "Are you sure you don't want any help with that?"
[19:57] <Rei-chan> Kneeling down as she gets to work, Rei shakes her head. "It's my mess. It's only fair that I take care of it."
[19:58] <Usagi-chan> "I KNOW it's your mess. That doesn't mean I can't offer to help clean it up - I mean, it's not like you're making me do it," Usagi replies, getting off the bed as she goes over to where Rei works.
[20:02] <Rei-chan> Looks like Rei had plenty of vegetables for dinner. The miko has just finished clearing up the more solid matter as she begins liberally applying carpet cleaner to the stained area. "It's not that big a deal, Usagi. I have to clean up vomit a couple of times a week, here." She frowns a bit sourly, "Of course, it's a lot easier to get off the flagstones than it is from my bedroom carpet..."
[20:04] * Usagi-chan shakes her head. "You usually don't have to do it when YOU'RE the one that just threw up, either. But I'm not going to make a big deal about it - I just wanted to help."
[20:06] <Rei-chan> "I don't throw up often," Rei sighs, looking a bit embarrassed as she leaves the foam to work its magic on the carpet and leaves the room with her cleaning supplies, returning a moment later. "I think I'll give practicing a miss until tomorrow," she remarks, blushing.
[20:07] * Usagi-chan smiles wryly. "Probably a good idea - but I'd say you did really well for your first try. Feeling better now?"
[20:08] * Rei-chan nods, going to sit down on the bed. "I felt like I'd been put through a blender, there. But I'm okay, now."
[20:10] * Usagi-chan walks around the bed, taking a seat behind the miko. She sits crosslegged, facing Rei as she begins to massage the miko's shoulders. "Well, I'm glad to hear it," she says with a smile. "I was just kind of surprised to see you trying to do it on your own."
[20:13] <Rei-chan> "Well, being able to teleport IS an incredibly handy skill," Rei points out. "I've been trying to figure out how I could do it for quite a while, now."
[20:14] * Usagi-chan grins. "Well, it definitely comes in handy when I'm running late for school," she admits. "I just teleport from home into the office and go."
[20:16] <Rei-chan> "There is that," Rei nods, "But I was more thinking of using it to get places I can't normally get by walking." She smirks a bit, "Not to mention it can be really handy in a fight." Her expression falls, there, "Provided I don't wind up puking my guts up, that is..." she sighs.
[20:18] <Usagi-chan> "I've never really thought about using it in a fight," Usagi says thoughtfully. "Although I don't think mine would be much good - I've got it down to about as fast as I can get it to go for now, and even at that battles just move too fast for me to really use it." She gives Rei a small smile. "You could probably use it more often on Earth than I do, actually."
[20:20] <Rei-chan> "Not much time to chant a spell during a fight," Rei agrees, "But if I can get this figured out and do it on reflex," she snaps her fingers, "Well... it's pretty hard to fight someone if you can never tell which direction they'll come from next." 'And it means I can get away in a hurry if things go badly...' she thinks in the back of her mind, but most certainly doesn't acknowledge out loud.
[20:22] * Usagi-chan nods, more to the unspoken point than to the verbal one. "I just wish I could project myself the way you can - it would be REALLY handy for teleporting places. I could actually see where I'm going to end up before I get there."
[20:25] <Rei-chan> "It is handy," Rei agrees, "I don't project myself unless I'm safe at home, though." She shivers, "Always makes me feel nervous to leave my body unattended like that."
[20:26] <Usagi-chan> "Do you actually feel like you're at two places at once when you do that?" Usagi says curiously. "Or do you just notice things from where your spirit is?"
[20:28] <Rei-chan> "Only my spirit," Rei confirms. "Phobos and Deimos have tried to get my attention a few times while I've been projected elsewhere, and nothing at all works."
[20:32] * Usagi-chan shakes her head, smiling as she slips her arms around the miko's waist. "At least it's not something you NEED to do all that often," the blonde replies. "I have to admit, I get jealous sometimes - you can do a lot of stuff that I can't figure out at all."
[20:34] * Rei-chan snorts lightly, leaning into Usagi. "That works both ways. I'm left pretty far behind by a lot of your magic." 'At least I've narrowed the gap a little, today...'
[20:36] <Usagi-chan> "I heard that," Usagi says with a grin, giving Rei a playful swat on the stomach. "Guess I'll have to keep working on MY end too - can't let you get caught up to me, can I?" she says with a giggle.
[20:38] * Rei-chan has the good grace to look a little embarrassed. "Eheh," she chuckles lamely. "I just don't want to be left too far behind, is all."
[20:42] <Usagi-chan> "You won't be," Usagi says with a smile. "I'll help you keep up, if I can. The Professor's really helped me out a lot lately - he's given me a few books on magic to study, and it's helping me a lot."
[20:43] <Rei-chan> "I just don't have any aptitude for your kind of magic, it seems," Rei notes. "But I don't mind - my own skills serve me well enough."
[20:45] <Usagi-chan> "I guess so," Usagi says with a small sigh. "I just wish I could share some of it with you. You know me - I usually hate studying. But for some reason, learning about magic is really a lot of fun - almost exciting in a way."
[20:46] <Rei-chan> "The practical benefits are a lot more obvious than with math," Rei notes with a teasing smile.
[20:48] * Usagi-chan giggles. "That's for sure. And it's a lot more fun to try to work out how to make a new spell work than it is to dissect a frog," Usagi says, making a face. "It can be kind of frustrating sometimes, but it's a really cool feeling to have been working on something for a month and finally get it right."
[20:49] <Rei-chan> "Except when it makes you throw up," Rei adds with a grimace. "Ah, who am I kidding?" she grins, "It's worth it, anyway."
[20:50] <Usagi-chan> "That's what you call a slight drawback," Usagi says with a grin. "But you can even work those out fairly quickly, once you have the basic idea down right."
[20:51] <Rei-chan> "I hope it's just a matter of fine-tuning or getting used to it," Rei sighs. "I'd hate to only be able to teleport on an empty stomach."
[20:52] <Usagi-chan> "It probably will be," Usagi says encouragingly. "I've... well, let's just say I've been working on a project of my own recently, and I JUST managed to get the last of the bugs out of it the other day."
[20:52] <Rei-chan> "Oh?" Rei looks interested.
[20:53] * Usagi-chan grins. "I'm not telling you what it is yet, though. You'll find out," she says secretively.
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


[09:33] <Rei-chan> --------
[09:35] <Halbarad> The senshi gather for Motoki's wedding... Ed.
[09:36] <Anastasia> The kicker is getting to miss a Saturday's worth of schooling, you find. Getting ready early and gathering at Usagi's for a carpool, the talk soon coming to one subject in the living room of Usagi's house - Makoto's baby, and how it is living with someone like Alan...
[09:38] <Anastasia> Coming over to the sitting Makoto, "Congratulations, Makoto dear," Ikkuko smiles. "I heard from Usagi about your uncoming bundle of joy."
[09:40] * Makoto blushes. "Uhm, thanks Mrs Tsukino..." Makoto says quietly, a bit unused to so much attention.
[09:41] <Usagi-chan> "So what's it like?" Usagi asks with some interest.
[09:41] <Anastasia> Smiling, "Here," she says coming over and taking an ottoman. "You should put your feet up," she says, putting it down next to Makoto.
[09:42] <Makoto> "You mean outside of the morning sickness?" Makoto says with a face. "Not much different right now, to be honest. It's nice to be showered with attention though, especially by Alan."
[09:43] <Makoto> "Thanks, Mrs Tsukino," Makoto replies even if she didn't really think she needed the ottoman.
[09:43] <Rei-chan> "How's living with him been?" Rei asks. "He helps around the apartment, right?"
[09:44] <Anastasia> "Let me get you some milk and tea," she nods. "And make sure to take it slow and careful at the wedding today. You don't want to wear out your baby, Makoto."
[09:45] <Makoto> "He tries, though at the moment, I prefer to clean up myself," Makoto answers Rei. "Ami's mom says it's okay for now, but eventually I'll have to slow down."
[09:46] <Usagi-chan> "Just don't push yourself too hard - you can always call us to help out if you need it," Usagi replies.
[09:46] * Makoto nods to the blonde's mother. "I know, I'll watch what I do as things go along. I'm not really trying to do anything strenous at the moment."
[09:46] * Rei-chan nods. "Yeah. You don't want to push too hard, but just sitting around and doing nothing is no fun at all."
[09:49] <Anastasia> "That's true," Ikkuko answers, coming back with tea and milk. "It's harder, especially when the baby starts kicking." Glancing at Usagi as she hands Makoto the goods, "If you have a baby as strong as Usagi, you'll wear out your stomach by the time it's done."
[09:49] * Usagi-chan giggles. "Was I THAT bad?"
[09:49] * Makoto raises an eyebrow at the thought of Usagi and strength together. "Usagi? A strong baby?"
[09:50] <Anastasia> "You did kick a lot, Usagi-chan," Ikkuko smiles at her daughter. "Always when I got hungry, too."
[09:50] <Makoto> "Ah, the healthy appetite, now -that- I can imagine," Makoto says.
[09:50] <Makoto> "If the baby takes after Alan in that respect, I'll probably get a few of those too then," Makoto grumbles.
[09:51] <Rei-chan> "Have you given any thought to names yet?" Rei asks, leaning forward with interest.
[09:53] * Ami-chan sits quietly, smiling as she pays half attention to the conversation, smiling every so often, but not contributing anything for now.
[09:55] * Makoto nods. "I haven't really talked with Alan, he might have some other thoughts, but I was hoping for Sakura if it was a girl, or Seijuurou if it was a boy."
[09:55] <Rei-chan> "They're both good names," Rei nods her approval.
[09:56] * Usagi-chan nods in agreement. "Do you know when you'll find out whether it's a boy or a girl, or are you waiting until the baby's born?"
[09:58] * Makoto frowns a bit in thought. "I'm... not really sure," she replies honestly. "I hadn't thought about asking for the baby's sex or anything until you mentioned it. I suppose I could, but I dunno right now."
[09:58] <Anastasia> "You should wait, Makoto," Ikkuko speaks up again. "It's part of the experience to find out as you hold him or her in your arms." Smiling in memory, she sits as well.
[10:00] <Makoto> "I'll talk to Alan about it, but I'll keep that in mind."
[10:05] <Anastasia> After the light chit-chat, and a ride out, you find something you didn't expect. The wedding is being held at a newly opened cathedral, based on a small island in Tokyo Bay. Called the Marine Cathedral for this, it's new and shiny and very nice indeed. Reika's parents sure have money, it looks like...
[10:07] * Serenity steps out of the car, clad in her now-familiar white royal gown. An illusion conceals the gossamer wings on her back and the crescent marking on her forehead, but other than those minor differences, she appears as she always does as the Queen of the Moon Kingdom.
[10:09] <Rei-chan> Dressed in an elegant floor length dress of vibrant scarlet, with a lighter shade of red straight down her front before it becomes lost in the folds near her calves, Rei steps out after Usagi. In addition to the dress of her Silver Millenium days, she wears the phoenix pendant Usagi got her last Christmas, and a red choker.
[10:14] <Ami-chan> Ami slips out after the others, dressed in a simple gown, a shimmery midnight blue fabric, trimmed in black with thin spaghetti straps slipping over her shoulders, and an onyx pendant, with matching earrings that Artemis and Luna had presented to her on her birthday.
[10:15] <Makoto> Stepping out as well, holding onto the hem of her lime green dress, Makoto's most noticeable change is that her hair is down, with a vibrant green hairpiece keeping it down, as opposed to her usual ponytail. The dress is simple and just loose enough to not show off her beginning pregnancy. The only decorations she wears are an imitation emerald pendant hanging from a small choker, and her standard clip-on rose earrings.
[10:19] <Anastasia> In a simple child's dress of pale pink with straps and with clip-on earrings and a plain necklace, Chibi Usa steps out with her mother, looking around at the gathering of cars and exiting people.
[10:21] <Anastasia> The crowd is led inside, at least a couple of hundred people. The ladies are pretty and dripping with jewelry, the men plain yet dashing in suits and tuxedos. Between that and the general assortment of cars, it indeed does seem to be an upper class affair. As you walk into to be seated, you can see your group is getting a fair deal of attention...
[10:22] * Serenity is a bit surprised that they'd be gathering much attention at all, given the generally high-class affair that this is turning out to be.
[10:23] * Rei-chan isn't surprised, knowing that they do look fabulous, after all. She takes in the attention with good grace, continuing on to their seats on the groom's side.
[10:25] <Anastasia> Nonetheless, you are lead into the main hall of the Cathedral. A huge, spacious hall, with a large organ behind a oaken altar, pews arranged with statues of angels lining the walls. The edges of the floor are strangely sunken, filled with tangy sea water to give this place a strange, oceanic smell...
[10:26] <Serenity> "Where are we supposed to sit?" Usagi whispers to Rei. "I've never been to something like this before."
[10:26] * Ami-chan raises an eyebrow as she looks down, but smiles slightly, approving of the ambiance, and looks for the usher.
[10:26] <Anastasia> There are a few black suited men herding the people along, looking like nothing more than butlers of a sort.
[10:27] <Rei-chan> "Just follow the ushers," Rei replies quietly to Usagi, doing just that.
[10:27] * Serenity nods, taking Chibi Usa's hand as she follows Rei's lead.
[10:28] * Makoto follows after them, staring a bit in awe at the beautiful cathedral. "Beautiful place, isn't it, Ami?" she asks her quiet friend.
[10:28] <Anastasia> Following along as you head to a middle row of pews, "Rei-chan," Hotaru's voice is heard from behind, the girl approaching in a velvet-like black dress, light and somehow brooding on her. Simple straps keep it up, the hem just below her knees and fading from cloth into ruffles...
[10:29] * Ami-chan nods, smiling back at Makoto. "Yes... it's more... comfortable than I expected."
[10:29] * Rei-chan turns to Hotaru and smiles. "Hi, Hotaru-chan. That's a really nice dress," she compliments her little sister.
[10:30] <Anastasia> "Thanks, Rei-chan," she smiles, blushing. "What are you doing here?"
[10:31] <Serenity> "Hi, Hotaru-chan," Usagi says with a smile. "I wasn't expecting to see you here today."
[10:31] <Rei-chan> "We're friends of Motoki and Reika," Rei supplies. "What about yourself?"
[10:31] <Makoto> "Heya Hotaru," Makoto greets with a nod as she continues to admire the place.
[10:32] <Anastasia> "They sent Dad an invitation," she explains, nodding ot Makoto as she goes on. "He said they invited everyone important and with money - the bride's parents are really rich or something."
[10:32] <Serenity> "Sure looks that way," Usagi agrees, looking around at the extravagant arrangements.
[10:33] * Rei-chan nods as well. "They're certainly going all out for this."
[10:34] <Anastasia> The girl nods again. "Dad didn't even want to come at first," she goes on, "But... I really wanted to wear this dress," she admits. "And... big sis taught me how much fun it can be meeting new people."
[10:35] * Serenity smiles. "It sure is a lot of fun - I'm glad you could make it, Hotaru-chan. Where are you and your dad sitting?"
[10:37] <Anastasia> "He's back talking to an old friend, I think," Hotaru replies, "And... I saw you, so I asked if I could sit with you. He said it was alright..."
[10:37] * Rei-chan nods. "You're welcome to join us - we'll be on the groom's side, since we've known Motoki longer."
[10:39] <Anastasia> "Thank you, Rei-chan," she says, falling in step with you. "Dad's been kinda busy lately," she admits, "With some new planning for the school. I haven't even seen him much since last Sunday."
[10:40] <Serenity> "Really? Has he said anything about it?" Usagi asks, giving Hotaru a rather puzzled look - it's the first she's heard of it.
[10:40] <Rei-chan> "New planning?" Rei raises an eyebrow. "Do you know what he has in mind?"
[10:41] <Anastasia> "No," she shakes her head. "I... he's been talking to his friends in colleges, and old working friends," Hotaru frowns a bit. "Whatever it is... he hasn't even wanted to tell me yet."
[10:42] <Rei-chan> "Maybe he's planning it as a surprise?" Rei offers. "I'm sure we'll find out soon enough, anyway."
[10:42] <Serenity> "Hmm... guess we'll have to ask him about it later then," Usagi says with a shrug, finding a pew that has enough space for the entire group on Motoki's side of the cathedral. "I think we can sit here," she offers.
[10:44] <Anastasia> AS the girls get seated, "He's interested in it, though, whatever it is," Hotaru goes on, sitting next to Rei and Makoto. "He's been staying up late with it."
[10:45] <Rei-chan> "Hmm..." Rei looks thoughtful. "Something for the school, and he's been talking to work friends... perhaps he's going to expand classes or something?"
[10:45] <Serenity> "I know the feeling," Usagi says with a wry smile - she's spent an inordinate amount of time working on the Palace at times. "I hope it's going well, whatever it is."
[10:47] <Anastasia> As you sit and chat, more and more people file in, a minister... (Rei notes him as the Cardinal of Tokyo, easily remembered due to her T*A background) filing in as well and going to the altar.
[10:47] * Ami-chan eyes the procession quietly, not chipping in as she suspects the proceedings are about to begin.
[10:47] <Rei-chan> "That's the Cardinal of Tokyo," Rei whispers to her companions, rather impressed although unsurprised with how the guest list has looked so far.
[10:48] <Serenity> "Wow," Usagi says, a bit impressed herself. "They really went all out for this, didn't they?" she whispers.
[10:48] * Rei-chan nods mutely in agreement.
[10:49] <Anastasia> Soon, the pews are full enough. From the organ behind the altar and cardinal, a suited player sits, beginning to play a haunting, lovely version of the wedding march...
[10:50] * Serenity smiles, settling back in her seat in silence as the proceedings begin.
[10:51] <Anastasia> Going quiet, Motoki soon comes out, dressed in a white tuxedo and with a single brilliantly red rose in his lapel. He walks to the altar, happy but clearly nervous...
[10:51] * Ami-chan watches the proceedings with mixed emotions, smiling a little at the tune, and a little wider as Motoki comes into view.
[10:53] <Serenity> 'He looks really nervous,' Usagi thinks to Rei with a small smile. 'I can't even imagine what he must be feeling like right now.'
[10:54] * Rei-chan smiles as Motoki takes his place at the altar, glancing back down the aisle to see if Reika is coming. 'I don't expect Motoki is used to this kind of big fuss,' she replies back to Usagi.
[10:56] * Serenity starts to play with something in her hand, still watching Motoki with a faint smile. 'I bet that's part of it - but I bet part of it is just that he's getting married, too.'
[10:57] <Rei-chan> 'No doubt,' Rei replies, still keeping an eye out for Reika.
[11:01] <Anastasia> Soon enough, the wedding march starts again - this time, the organ assissted by a unseen harp and supporting sounds, Reika comes out. In a pure white dress that glides down her body with a long train and dotted with shiny points of light - some sort of glassy material? - and with elbow length gloves and a veil, she slowly proceeds, an object of lovelyness. In her hands is a bouquet of red roses, with a single purple one in the center.
[11:02] * Serenity smiles broadly. 'She's beautiful,' she thinks, admiring Reika's beautiful dress.
[11:03] <Anastasia> "Wow," Hotaru breathes, staring. "She's... so pretty," the girl says to Rei, softly.
[11:05] * Ami-chan nods as she hears Hotaru's comment, smiling a little as she silently agrees.
[11:06] <Anastasia> Rei nods to Hotaru's comment, staring as well. Chibi Usa smiles widely at it, "Mommy... she's really pretty, like you are today."
[11:07] <Serenity> "She sure is, Chibi Usa," Usagi agrees. "And I'm glad you think I look nice," she whispers, smiling.
[11:09] <Anastasia> At a enticingly slow pace, Reika walks to the altar, rustling slightly as she passes. Her face is radiant from the little you can see past the veil, smiling despite all her efforts otherwise. On reaching the altar, the ceremony begins... the cardinal starting prepared remarks about marriage and so forth.
[11:11] * Serenity holds a finger to her lips for Chibi Usa before turning her attention back to the ceremony.
[11:12] <Anastasia> Settling in, Hotaru glances at Makoto, thinking... "Mako-chan," the girl whispers, just audible, "Aren't you and your boyfriend going to do the same thing soon?"
[11:13] * Makoto blushes at the question. "We plan to, Hotaru. We plan to. Just... not until we're a bit older," she whispers back.
[11:15] <Anastasia> Nodding, Hotaru turns back to the ceremony. It goes on for a bit, before it settles into the individual vows. Both are rather saccirine and romantic, Motoki promising to 'Give you a happy, full life and to love you forever...'
[11:16] * Rei-chan smiles sappily at the romantic lines.
[11:16] * Serenity smiles, trying not to cry - and only half succeeding.
[11:18] <Anastasia> Chibi Usa smiles, though a bit sadly, as this goes on. Finally, the 'I do's come, a brilliant diamond ring for the bride and a golden ring for the groom...
[11:19] * Serenity takes a deep breath, smiling past her tears as she watches.
[11:20] <Rei-chan> Rei's hand finds Usagi's as she watches intently, clasping their fingers together even as she keeps her full focus on the newlyweds.
[11:21] * Serenity gives Rei's hand a squeeze, dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief.
[11:22] <Anastasia> With that, the two meet in a long and gentle kiss, a roar sounding composed of clappings and a few shouted congratulations...
[11:22] * Makoto smiles as she also stands up clapping.
[11:22] <Rei-chan> Standing up, Rei frees her hand so she can join in the applause showered on the happy couple.
[11:23] * Serenity does so as well, smiling as she joins in with the congratulations.
[11:23] * Ami-chan follows suit, clapping as she can't help but smile at the moment.
[11:24] <Anastasia> Hotaru stands, clapping lightly and sniffling, then coughing once, twice...
[11:24] * Rei-chan pauses her clapping to rub Hotaru's back, giving her little sister a slightly worried look.
[11:25] * Serenity also pauses for a moment, glancing over at Hotaru to make sure she's all right.
[11:25] <Anastasia> "I'm okay..." she manages, smiling a bit. Righting herself, she starts to clap again...
[11:25] <Rei-chan> "Just take it easy," Rei asks quietly, before resuming her own applause.
[11:26] * Serenity begins to clap again herself, keeping one eye on Hotaru as she congratulates the happy couple.
[11:27] <Anastasia> As the applause goes on, a happier tune is struck, the couple walking down the aisle now. The ladies all seem to be filing out... which means one thing...
[11:28] * Rei-chan gently nudges Usagi so they can join the rest all leaving.
[11:28] * Serenity nods quickly, taking Chibi Usa's hand before heading for the exit.
[11:29] <Anastasia> Reika and Motoki reach it first, standing it front of it as the crowd gathers in front of them. Taking off her veil, "It's time," she smiles broadly, holding her gathering of roses.
[11:29] * Rei-chan bounces slightly on her heels in anticipation, grinning herself.
[11:29] * Makoto joins the girls as well as she stands in her attempt to catch the bouquet.
[11:30] * Serenity grins, wondering whether she can manage to beat the crowd.
[11:30] * Ami-chan snickers softly at Rei's enthusiasm as she watches her friends jostle for position.
[11:31] <Anastasia> Hotaru stays back, quiet. Chibi Usa stays by Usagi, smiling all the while.
[11:31] <Anastasia> With a toss, the bouquet is thrown high! (OOC - Body checks, all.)
[11:31] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[11:31] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 6."
[11:31] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[11:31] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 6."
[11:31] <Serenity> roll 2d6 burning 50 EP
[11:31] * Hatbot --> "Serenity rolls 2d6 burning 50 EP and gets 4."
[11:32] <Makoto> roll 2d6 burning 10EP
[11:32] * Hatbot --> "Makoto rolls 2d6 burning 10EP and gets 7."
[11:32] <Ami-chan> roll 2d6
[11:32] * Hatbot --> "Ami-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 11."
[11:33] <Rei-chan> roll 2d6 burning 20 EP
[11:33] * Hatbot --> "Rei-chan rolls 2d6 burning 20 EP and gets 7."
[11:33] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[11:33] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 9."
[11:34] <Anastasia> It flies up in an arc, coming down near the girls! You might get it! Leaning and reaching as it comes down...
[11:34] * Rei-chan lunges forward desperately for the prize!
[11:34] * Serenity jumps, trying to get to the bouquet first!
[11:35] * Ami-chan eyes the enthusastic contenders, and decides it might be safer to concede the trophy, backing off.
[11:35] * Makoto moves towards the bouquet as it flies, though she doesn't put too much effort, more careful about getting hit where it might hurt her unborn child.
[11:36] <Anastasia> Leaping up, Usagi just snatches it before it would land in Rei's hands, landing... right on Rei's foot, causing a yelp from the other girl as Serenity holds her prize!
[11:36] <Rei-chan> "Ow!" Rei yelps, hopping back, before recovering her poise and pouting jealously at Usagi.
[11:37] * Serenity blushes and giggles, clutching the bouquet protectively. "I got it!"
[11:37] <Anastasia> Amid a few calls of 'Congratulations!', Reika even glances over, as well as her husband. "Good catch, Usagi," he calls, smiling.
[11:37] <Makoto> "You can still catch its counterpart, Rei!" Makoto says with a giggle and a cheer, not really annoyed at not catching the bouquet. She knew she was going to get married eventually.
[11:38] * Ami-chan smothers a giggle at that, grinning at Rei.
[11:38] <Serenity> "Thanks, Motoki!" Usagi says with a grin, admiring her prize. 'Sorry about your foot, Rei-chan,' she thinks apologetically.
[11:39] <Rei-chan> "It's not the same," Rei pouts, even as her lips do twist into a smile at Usagi's expression as she holds the bouquet. 'Don't worry about it.'
[11:39] <Anastasia> "Okay," Reika calls, readying the second and final prize of the celebration! "Good luck," she calls, tossing it out! (OOC - Body check if you're gonna go for it.)
[11:41] <Rei-chan> roll 2d6
[11:41] * Hatbot --> "Rei-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[11:41] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[11:41] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 5."
[11:41] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[11:41] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 8."
[11:43] <Anastasia> Perhaps fate is on your side today... as the garter comes straight away at Rei, almost without a struggle as she easily nabs it.
[11:44] * Rei-chan snatches the garter out of the air triumphantly. "Mine!"
[11:44] * Serenity giggles. "Good catch, Rei-chan!"
[11:45] <Anastasia> "Congratulations, sister," Hotaru smiles wanly.
[11:45] * Ami-chan giggles a little. "Poetic, in it's way, if unorthodox."
[11:46] <Makoto> "No kidding. I bet there's a lot of guys groaning in the crowd though," Makoto says with a grin.
[11:46] * Rei-chan twirls the garter around her finger before glancing at Usagi and blushing. 'Oh, my...'
[11:47] * Serenity blushes as she catches the look on Rei's face. '...are you going to...?'
[11:48] <Rei-chan> 'I don't know!' Rei's face becomes even more crimson, surreptitiously glancing around at the other guests.
[11:48] <Ami-chan> Ami eyes Rei. "They won't be groaning much longer..." Ami predicts with a slight smile.
[11:49] <Anastasia> Indeed, there is some attention on you two now. "Is she going to do it..." one man nearby wonders idly.
[11:49] * Serenity blushes a bit brighter. '...It's up to you, Rei-chan. I'll do it if you want to.'
[11:50] <Rei-chan> Coughing, Rei decides 'Why the hell not?' "Usagi?" she kneels down a bit by the blonde's leg.
[11:50] * Serenity nods shyly, raising one foot through the hem of her dress for Rei.
[11:51] <Rei-chan> Trying to control her blushing, Rei slips the garter around Usagi's foot and begins working its way up her leg, the miko's fingers trembling just a bit.
[11:52] * Ami-chan blushes. "Oh my..." she shakes her head, laughing softly. "We can't take them anywhere..."
[11:53] * Serenity practically glows red, both from the attention and from the feeling of Rei sliding her hands up her leg.
[11:53] <Anastasia> The crowd is indeed watching on...
[11:54] <Rei-chan> Rei's embarrassment gets worse at the commentary, rushing a bit as she hurries to get this over with. And incidentally lifting Usagi's dress a bit higher than she meant as she finishes putting the garter in place. 'Gah!' She hurriedly swats the material back down to cover everything and stands up with as much decorum as she can muster. "There you go," she offers in a small voice.
[11:54] <Serenity> "Thanks," Usagi says shyly, ducking her head a bit.
[11:56] <Anastasia> Once done staring, the crowd begins to move again. "The reception is down the hall on our right," Motoki annouces...
[11:56] * Serenity moves quickly, having had quite enough attention from the onlookers. "Sounds good to me!"
[11:57] * Rei-chan nods mutely, hurrying to follow the directions.
[11:57] * Ami-chan follows the pair, smiling faintly as they move toward the reception.
[11:59] <Anastasia> The reception hall is a converted large room, with a huge table and chairs. Looks to be a formal sit-down event, down to crystal wine/champagne glasses and beautiful real silverware.
[12:00] * Serenity is quite amazed at the lavish arrangements. "Wow..." she says, her embarrassment forgotten as she takes in the room.
[12:00] <Anastasia> Chandeliers have been added, shedding light filtered by glass arrangements decorating them. It gives the entire room a warm glow, like a pleasant reading room.
[12:01] <Rei-chan> "This really is something..." Rei says in wonder, taking in the extravagant but tasteful decor.
[12:01] <Anastasia> "It's reminding me of the Crystal Palace," Chibi Usa says quietly to her mother. "It's really nice here."
[12:02] * Serenity nods. "Reminds me of some of the dinners back in the Silver Millenium," Usagi replies in much the same tone.
[12:03] * Ami-chan looks around, impressed, but feeling more out of place than she did in the cathedral itself. She walks behind the trio, keeping her hands to herself.
[12:04] <Anastasia> The same ushers as before are seating, high-backed darkwood chairs padded with soft cushions the seating. "Please, sit," the guide each of you, on the side of the groom, again.
[12:05] * Rei-chan does so gratefully. "This is almost too fancy for words..." she can't help but note, sinking into her chair.
[12:05] * Serenity nods, arranging her dress carefully as she takes her seat next to Rei. "Brings back a lot of memories," she says with a quiet smile.
[12:05] <Anastasia> Hotaru begins to sit... but is cut off halfway, as a spasm of coughs rack her, the girl holding onto her chair as she hacks away...
[12:06] <Makoto> "Hotaru, are you okay?" Makoto says as she stands up just after sitting, moving towards the young girl worriedly.
[12:06] * Ami-chan glances worriedly at the girl, this bout sounding worse than the last...
[12:06] * Rei-chan looks at Hotaru in alarm, rising quickly to pat her back and help her get through the coughing fit.
[12:07] * Serenity looks over at Hotaru worriedly, wondering if she should try to find the Professor.
[12:07] <Anastasia> "I'm... okay," she says weakly, her answering smiling face pale with dazed eyes. "I'm..." she murmurs, leaning forward as she collaspes across her chair, belly down.
[12:07] <Serenity> "Hotaru!" Usagi says, quickly getting out of her chair and going over to check on the girl.
[12:07] <Ami-chan> "Hotaru!" Ami exclaims, hurrying over.
[12:08] * Makoto frowns as she looks at Motoki. "Is there a doctor or something around this crowd?" she asks worriedly.
[12:08] <Anastasia> Rushing over amid a few other people coming - mostly the help - you can see Hotaru is pale, with warm, sweaty skin and a very slight wheeze as she breathes.
[12:09] * Ami-chan frowns. She doesn't know much about Hotaru's illness, but the symptoms are fairly serious, and she scans for the Professor.
[12:09] * Rei-chan frets over Hotaru for a moment before realising there's really nothing she can do, so she looks up, searching for the Professor.
[12:09] * Serenity grabs the closest napkin at hand, wiping Hotaru's brow with it, dipping it in a water glass to help cool the girl down.
[12:10] <Anastasia> Motoki himself is coming over, as is Professor Tomoe from the other side of the room. "Hey, is she alright?" the groom asks, coming over at a brisk clip. "Do we need to call a doctor?"
[12:10] <Ami-chan> "She doesn't look well." Ami replies softly, glancing at the Professor for confirmation.
[12:10] <Rei-chan> "I don't know," Rei answers, wringing her hands. "She's normally frail, but this looks a lot worse than normal..."
[12:11] * Serenity keeps her focus on Hotaru, doing what she can to ease the poor girl's suffering - although it isn't much.
[12:12] <Anastasia> Coming over himself, "She's sickly... and I think she's getting ill again," he says with a hint of worry. Coming over and slowly picking her up in her arms. "I'm going to take her home and call our doctor... she'll need some bedrest."
[12:12] <Ami-chan> "Do you need help?" Ami offers.
[12:13] * Serenity stands, looking rather upset. "Will she be all right? Do you need any of us?"
[12:13] <Anastasia> Tomoe shakes his head. "No...Just, could all of you stop by later?" he says. "After the doctor has come and gone this afternoon?"
[12:13] <Serenity> "We'll be there," Usagi agrees.
[12:13] * Ami-chan nods in agreement.
[12:14] <Anastasia> Taking her out with an escort from the helpers, "Until then," he says quietly, focusing on his daughter as the table in general watches this unfortunate incident...
[12:14] <Rei-chan> "Can I come, now?" Rei asks, biting her lip in worry for her little sister.
[12:14] <Anastasia> Tomoe stops, looking at Rei. "If you insist," he says after a moment.
[12:15] <Rei-chan> "I do," she nods, bowing to Motoki. "I'm terribly sorry I can't stay. I hope you and Reika have a wonderful marriage," she offers, before hurrying after the Professor.
[12:15] <Serenity> 'We'll come by after the reception, Rei-chan,' Usagi sends. 'I really hope it isn't anything serious.'
[12:16] <Rei-chan> 'Me too,' Rei thinks back earnestly as she leaves.
[12:16] * Serenity sighs, a sad expression on her face as she takes her seat once again.
[12:18] * Ami-chan settles into her own seat, her distraction even more increased, now.
[12:18] <Anastasia> After the two depart, the meal resumes in earnest... it's a seven course thing, with some rather nice foods. Or you think... as you have a distraction, now.
[12:19] * Serenity eats heartily enough, but her mind isn't really on the food, her focus more turned towards Hotaru's condition.
[12:22] <Anastasia> The rest of the time goes well enough, breaking to dancing... yet the girls find this rather boring...
[12:24] * Serenity spends no time at all with the dancing, seeking out Motoki and Reika almost immediately once dinner is over.
[12:26] <Anastasia> The two are having discussions with a few people you don't recognize, you find.
[12:27] * Serenity waits politely for them to finish their discussion before stepping up herself.
[12:27] <Anastasia> It takes a bit, but Motoki notes you after a bit. With a nod, "Usagi," he calls a bit. "Is your friend alright?"
[12:28] <Serenity> "I don't know yet, that's why I wanted to talk to you. I've really enjoyed everything today, but I'd really like to take off to make sure she's all right, if you don't mind." Usagi says somewhat apologetically.
[12:30] <Anastasia> He nods. "That's fine...and I hope she does better," he smiles. "Thanks for coming."
[12:31] * Serenity gives the newlyweds an honest smile. "Thank you for inviting us. I'll see you later, and best of luck!" she says, waving as she heads for the exit, Chibi Usa in tow.
[12:34] <Anastasia> The girls head out and are soon on the way back to Tokyo... but not to Usagi's house, but to the house of one Hotaru Tomoe...
[12:37] <Anastasia> Arriving shortly there after, you are admitted inside without incident. Going to Hotaru's room, you find the girl lying in bed, Rei and Professor Tomoe in there.
[12:37] <Serenity> "How is she?" Usagi says worriedly as she enters the room.
[12:38] <Anastasia> "She has a fever and a cough," Professor Tomoe says simply, "I'm hoping it's just a bit of a cold."
[12:39] <Serenity> "Is there anything we can do to help her?" she asks, looking over at the pale girl in the bed.
[12:40] <Anastasia> Taking off his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose, "I don't think so... I think she just needs to rest a while again."
[12:40] <Rei-chan> "How was the reception?" Rei asks, now dressed in a simple skirt and blouse.
[12:41] <Serenity> "We didn't stay for the whole thing," Usagi replies. "The food was good, but I was too worried about Hotaru to really enjoy it."
[12:42] * Rei-chan nods understandingly.
[12:43] <Anastasia> "I think she'll be alright," Professor Tomoe nods again. "She's not so badly off this time to be worried about, I hope."
[12:44] <Ami-chan> "That's nice to hear." Ami nods, casting a glance at the girl in bed.
[12:44] * Rei-chan nods. "She's gotten a lot better since we first knew her... it's easy to forget how frail she really is..." the miko notes with some self-recrimination.
[12:44] <Anastasia> Sleeping, Hotaru is still a bit sweaty and sickly-looking, but it's not as bad as it was at the banquet, you think.
[12:46] * Serenity nods glumly, glancing over at Hotaru. "I just can't help wishing there was something more I could do for her... I just don't know what, though."
[12:48] <Anastasia> "Don't beat yourself up over it," Professor Tomoe murmurs after a few seconds, running a hand through his hair. "Hotaru will be better in a couple of days."
[12:48] * Serenity sighs, nodding in agreement.
[12:51] <Anastasia> "Could you watch over her for a little bit, Rei?" he says after a moment, rising. "Usagi, could you come with me?"
[12:52] * Rei-chan nods silently, her attention mostly on Hotaru anyway.
[12:52] <Serenity> "Of course," Usagi agrees quietly, following the Professor out of the room.
[12:52] * Makoto stays with Rei, watching quietly over Hotaru as Usagi leaves with the professor.
[12:53] <Anastasia> Leading Usagi out with the other girls, he heads into the kitchen. It's a nice enough place, nice windows and a view of a backyard. After extracting a can of juice, "Help yourself if you like," he says, closing the refigerator door and going over to sit down at a small kitchen table.
[12:54] <Serenity> "Thank you," Usagi says, taking a can for herself and joining the Professor at the table. "What's on your mind?"
[12:55] <Anastasia> "A couple of things," he nods, taking a decent drink. "And... something to get my mind off of poor Hotaru for a bit," he smiles thinly. "I can burn myself to death with worry about her if I let it go that far."
[12:56] * Serenity nods sadly. "I kind of know that feeling," she agrees. "So... if you'd rather keep your mind off Hotaru, what else are you thinking about?" she says with a small smile.
[12:57] <Anastasia> "First," he nods, "Do you plan on going around like that often?" he asks curiously, glancing at Serenity's dress. "It's a beautiful dress, Usagi, but it gives me pause at times."
[12:58] * Serenity giggles a bit. "Not really," she answers, letting the dress dissipate. "I just thought it would be appropriate for the wedding today." Her 'normal' self is dressed casually, in a long skirt and blouse.
[13:00] <Anastasia> He nods once, with a small twitch of his lips. "It was... but I get the distinct feeling Germatou would have loathed that on sight, and it spills over a bit at times." Speaking about the former possessing monster, "I've been meaning to talk to you about him, Usagi."
[13:01] * Usagi-chan makes a face. "Seems a LOT of people dislike that when they see it," she replies, thinking of Zirae, Cynthia, Metallia... a rather large roster of people with grudges against the Moon Kingdom or the Princess Serenity. "His memories aren't giving you any problems, are they?"
[13:03] <Anastasia> "No," he says after a moment. "I'd rather not understand how to breed daimons or summon the Pharaoh, but the majority of them..." Tomoe smiles, some honest happiness in his face. "Germatou did a lot of various work and research. Much of it is somewhat farther advanced than what is par for Earth."
[13:03] * Usagi-chan gives the older man a curious look. "What kinds of things was he researching? Besides the obvious, I mean."
[13:05] <Anastasia> "Besides the Holy Grail and sorcery? He was interested in techonology and my knowledge on it, taking it in directions no human would think of." Taking another drink, he grimaces. "Some of the applications are simply inhuman things that will never be known by another person besides myself. Yet some," his grimace lessens, "are useful, advanced methods of techno and magical techonology."
[13:10] <Usagi-chan> "At least we know the nastier stuff he was looking into won't ever happen now," Usagi muses. "But what sorts of other things could we use now?"
[13:12] <Anastasia> "Yes, Usagi," he smiles. "Advanced energy generation, genetic engineering, magical science, alchemy and magic based chemistry... Germatou used many of these as elements in his creation of daimons. Yet each can be converted to more applicable means."
[13:13] * Usagi-chan nods, giving the Professor an interested look as she waits for him to go on.
[13:14] <Anastasia> "Much of it needs further work on it to be finished," he admits. "But hundreds of years' worth of fundamentals are in place, all up here." Turning away to the window, he changes gears. "Germatou was planning on making Mugen a complete educational ladder, from kindergarten to graduate school. We had only established as far as high school before he was dealt with....but..."
[13:16] <Usagi-chan> "All the way through college?" Usagi asks, rather impressed.
[13:17] <Anastasia> "Yes. The upper tiers would serve as further researching agents as well as time passed, to accelerate his work tenfold." Turning back to Usagi, "I believe that there is much benefit to be gained from the accidentally benign work he had done, and that his model could be used for good instead for bringing the Silence all the sooner."
[13:20] <Usagi-chan> "So you want to go ahead and expand Mugen the way he was originally planning to," Usagi lays the idea out plainly. "It sounds like a good idea to me - I mean, there's no harm in keeping the better parts of that research going, and it could probably help in a lot of ways."
[13:22] <Anastasia> Tomoe nods. "It can... and I'm telling you because I also believe it could be useful for your Moon Kingdom in the coming years," he says simply. "Not only to develop new technologies... but because you will need a base of professonals to help on the technical side of matters."
[13:24] * Usagi-chan nods. "I've thought about that, and to be honest that's one of the biggest problems I've run into so far. I can kind of see how everything will go up until the time when we declare the Kingdom to the world, but after that... things start to get a little messy. We have to bring more people in then, but deciding who and what they'll have to do is the hard part."
[13:28] <Anastasia> "It is," he agrees. "Once you announce it, it will be messy. But having a prepared group of essential personnel to help guide things will make it far smoother."
[13:29] * Usagi-chan nods. "I'd appreciate any help or suggestions you can give me there," she says with a smile. "I really want to see this succeed, but sometimes I feel like I've just picked up something way too big for me to handle, and I don't know what to do at times."
[13:34] <Anastasia> He smiles at that, "The best thing I can tell you to do is start getting people you'll want and need up there well in advance, Usagi. Having a basic setup ahead of time will make it easier. Myself, the Witches and your Senshi are something, but it's far from enough."
[13:35] <Usagi-chan> "I know, it's just hard to figure out how to break the idea to other people. Telling people - even people you KNOW well - that you'd like their help in colonizing the Moon won't fly too well, I get the feeling," she says with a wry smile.
[13:36] <Anastasia> Professor Tomoe nods. "I have that in mind," he says, turning againt to the window. "I'm going to propose that the graduate school have a secondary purpose, Usagi. To find and select suitable people to help on the Moon, as well as helping with the research of Germatou's knowledge."
[13:37] <Anastasia> "With the material they'll be working with, it should be easier to break it to them - they'll already be dealing with things the rest of the scientific community would laugh at."
[13:40] <Usagi-chan> "I guess that's true enough," Usagi agrees. "And it would probably be fairly easy to get to know them all if they're at Mugen - I wouldn't ask anyone I didn't trust, but that shouldn't be a problem if they're all studying with you," she muses, smiling a bit. "That would be a great way to find people."
[13:47] <Anastasia> He nods a second time. "It's something to work on as well," he agrees, rising. "We'll talk about it further another time, I should get back to Hotaru."
[13:48] * Usagi-chan nods, rising as well. "I really can't thank you enough for all your help, Professor," she says with a smile, following him back up to Hotaru's room.
[10:20] <Anastasia> ---
[10:26] <Anastasia> Another fun day in Juuban - Ami, Rei and Usagi going out like old times, Chibi Usa trailing along in a good mood in the November chill. After a stop in at the Crown and a nice lunch, you head out again...
[10:26] <Anastasia> "Mommy," Chibi Usa asks, holding your hand as you again suffer the coolish air of November, "Can we go do something else now? See a movie, maybe?"
[10:27] * Usagi-chan smiles. "Sure, we could do that. Did you have anything you wanted to go see?" Usagi asks her daughter.
[10:27] <Anastasia> "Maybe the park before it gets too cold to go there," Chibi Usa suggests as well, glancing up at Rei.
[10:28] <Rei-chan> "Anything's fine with me," Rei replies easily, happy enough just to be spending time with the others whatever they're doing.
[10:29] <Usagi-chan> "Is that all right with you, Ami-chan?" Usagi asks, glancing over at the blue-haired girl.
[10:29] * Ami-chan raises an eyebrow, half smiling at the energetic child, nodding in agreement with Rei, and just quietly following.
[10:29] * Ami-chan nods. "I have a free day today." she agrees. "For a change." she adds, under her breath.
[10:31] * Usagi-chan grins wryly at that. "You should arrange them more often - but it sounds like a good idea. To the park, then!"
[10:33] <Anastasia> Smiling at her mother, Chibi Usa lets her friends guide her to the park. The trees are nearly barren now, a small wind going through the branches. Only a few people are about, the prime summer season long gone. Yet one person remains, a familiar face to Ami as he inspects a flowerbed, setting it up for the long winter haul.
[10:36] <Anastasia> Finishing with it he stands slowly, rubbing his back before he sees the crowd. "Ami," he smiles slightly, not having expected company.
[10:40] * Ami-chan smiles to herself, and waves to him as they approach. "Good afternoon, Ojisan." she returns, smiling warmly. "It's been a long time."
[10:41] <Anastasia> "Hasn't it?" he smiles back. "You've been busy," he asks, nodding to your friends. "We've met before, haven't we?"
[10:42] * Usagi-chan smiles. "I think so, but just once - it's been a while."
[10:43] * Ami-chan nods, a wry smile touching her face just slightly. 'Understatement'. "Unfortunately... I keep meaning to come by, but..." she shrugs apologetically.
[10:43] * Rei-chan nods. "Nice to see the park is still here. Have they given up on the plans to put up office buildings here?"
[10:43] <Anastasia> "It's exam time for you, isn't it?" he asks, dusting off his pantlegs. "As a matter of fact... not only have they, but the city government has bought the land for it to be an official park now."
[10:44] <Usagi-chan> "That's wonderful!" Usagi says with a bright smile. "It's good to know - this place will be around for a long time, then."
[10:45] * Ami-chan nods in agreement, smiling softly. "I'm glad... I would have missed it if things hadn't worked out so well."
[10:46] <Anastasia> "Indeed," he nods. "There's so little green around here anymore... and we nearly lost this little patch of it."
[10:46] <Rei-chan> "Would have been a shame," Rei agrees earnestly.
[10:48] <Usagi-chan> "It's really a shame that there's so few natural areas around anymore," Usagi nods. "I wish there was something we could do about it."
[10:49] <Anastasia> "You have to go outside of Tokyo to see a real forest now," he comments, "Or nature at all." Shaking his head slightly, "But... enough of that. I don't want to bore you with an old man's ramblings."
[10:51] <Ami-chan> "You've never bored me, Ojisan." Ami smiles. "In fact, I have a friend I'd very much like you to meet. She loves plants... I think she'd really like it here."
[10:59] <Anastasia> "Really," he smiles. "It's kind of the off season, but by all means, bring her over," Nodding, "Why don't we go in for tea, then? It's rather chilly today."
[10:59] * Rei-chan nods her approval of that plan.
[10:59] <Usagi-chan> "Thank you, that's very kind," Usagi says, smiling.
[11:00] * Ami-chan smiles, and nods. "Thank you." she says, letting him lead the way.
[11:01] <Anastasia> Leading you back to a nice little cottage that seems to serve as a workhouse, information desk and residence all rolled into one for the park, you soon have cups of steaming tea. It's a bit cluttered, though. "Excuse the mess... it's always like this in the rush to finish everything before the first frost."
[11:02] * Rei-chan nods. "It's alright," she waves it off, sipping her tea and enjoying the pleasant warmth it provides.
[11:02] * Usagi-chan giggles. "It's not any worse than my room at home," she says. "Thanks for the tea, it's very good."
[11:03] <Anastasia> Chibi Usa sits between Rei and Usagi, working on her own tea. "It's really nice here," she speaks up, smiling at him. "M-Usagi-chan needs to take me here more," she says, glancing up at the rabbit.
[11:03] * Usagi-chan smiles at Chibi Usa, nodding as her daughter remembers to use her name. "We can sure try, but there's not going to be a lot to see or do here in the winter, I expect."
[11:04] * Ami-chan raises the cup to her lips with both hands, sipping carefully, and giggling a little at Chibi Usa's comment. "How has everything been?" she asks softly.
[11:06] <Anastasia> "Well... ever since the planning commission withdrew, it's been a little unsettled," he admits. "Until last month, when the city bought the land from them and established it as a park." At that, he smiles. "Not only is it safe, we'll be provided with some funding as well."
[11:07] <Usagi-chan> "Do you have any plans for the park, then?" Usagi says curiously.
[11:11] <Anastasia> "We can't really expand, so I'd just like to make it as beautiful as possible," he smiles, leaning back with his tea. "Purchase more flower seeds, install a fountain, perhaps get some bigger boats for the lake."
[11:12] <Usagi-chan> "I'm sure whatever you do will be beautiful," Usagi says with a smile. "This place has always looked great."
[11:12] <Ami-chan> "Wow..." Ami nods in agreement with Usagi. "I can't wait to see the results."
[11:13] <Rei-chan> "I've always enjoyed coming here," Rei agrees.
[11:17] <Anastasia> "Thank you," he says in earnest. "That means a lot... I'm glad other people realise all that's here." Smiling at Ami gently, "Ami... you should bring your friends here more... or even your boyfriend," he says warmly.
[11:18] * Ami-chan blushes darkly and coughs. "I'm not... I mean... I don't..."
[11:18] <Anastasia> "It's alright," he smiles quickly. "When you do, then. The lake is wonderful for a romantic date, or so I hear."
[11:19] * Usagi-chan nods, glancing over at Rei.
[11:20] * Ami-chan stares at her tea. "I'll... I'll keep that in mind." she replies, getting her blush under control, and looking up again, smiling.
[11:20] <Anastasia> Chibi Usa smiles as well. "Does that mean that Mommy and Daddy can come here with me for a lake trip, or is it just for two," the child asks.
[11:21] <Usagi-chan> "You could probably fit three people in a boat, although it'd be a squeeze," Usagi admits.
[11:21] <Anastasia> "It's fine for that, too," he smiles. "And when we get some bigger boats, it won't be a squeeze at all."
[11:22] <Rei-chan> "We'll look forward to it, then," Rei smiles.
[11:25] <Anastasia> "Good," he smiles, getting up. "I really need to get back to work... Ami, feel free to stay here as long as you want. I trust you not to run off with anything."
[11:26] <Ami-chan> "Mm!" Ami agrees, smiling. "Thank you for the hospitality."
[11:28] <Usagi-chan> "Thanks again for the tea," Usagi says to the old caretaker as he leaves.
[11:31] <Rei-chan> "Thank you," Rei adds her gratitude, clasping the hot cup with both hands.
[11:31] <Anastasia> After he leaves, "We will come here more, Mommy... Daddy?" Chibi Usa asks, staring up at the both of them.
[11:32] * Ami-chan grins and watches the three, quietly sipping her tea.
[11:32] <Rei-chan> "Of course, Chibi Usa," Rei smiles down at the pink haired girl.
[11:32] <Usagi-chan> "Sure we will, Chibi Usa," Usagi agrees. "Maybe not so much right away, but definitely next spring - it's really beautiful here when all the flowers start blooming."
[11:33] <Anastasia> "The cherry blossoms?" she says, not quite sounding sad as she goes on. "Mommy liked the cherry blossoms a lot, too."
[11:34] * Usagi-chan strokes Chibi Usa's hair. "They really are beautiful, yeah. We'll have to have a big cherry blossom picnic next year with everyone."
[11:34] <Rei-chan> "That'd be really nice," Rei nods approvingly.
[11:35] <Anastasia> "With everyone?" she asks, smiling. "Mommy..." she begins, sounding slightly nervous now. "I... want to talk to you about everyone, Mommy?"
[11:36] * Usagi-chan gives Chibi Usa a curious look. "What's on your mind, Chibi Usa-chan?"
[11:40] * Ami-chan blinks, looking to the little girl as she sets down her cup, curious at what's on Chibi Usa's mind.
[11:42] <Anastasia> "All of your friends... and all of those ladies go to Mugen," she starts, "And I was there for awhile. They have younger classes, don't they?" she asks. "I'd like to go to school with Mommy and her friends..." she smiles up at you hopefully, eyes pleading. "I like my other school, but I want to be with you, Mommy... and Daddy and everyone, too."
[11:43] * Usagi-chan smiles. "I'd like you to be there too, Chibi Usa," she says. "Tell you what: I'll talk to the Professor tomorrow and see what it would take to get you enrolled, okay?"
[11:47] <Anastasia> "Thanks, Mommy," she smiles, hugging you. "We can even go to and from school together," she beams.
[11:48] <Usagi-chan> "You bet," Usagi says with a grin. "We can even work on our homework together in the office after school."
[11:51] <Anastasia> Smiling again, "How about some ice cream and soda to celebrate," she asks hopefully, giving Usagi pleading eyes again.
[11:51] * Rei-chan snickers a little at that.
[11:52] * Usagi-chan giggles. "I'm not sure... I don't know if I WANT any ice cream right now..." she says with a thoughtful look.
[11:53] <Anastasia> "Mom!" Chibi Usa protests, "Rei-chan, is Mommy sick?"
[11:53] * Ami-chan smothers a giggle at that.
[11:54] <Rei-chan> "It is rather cold for ice cream," Rei notes.
[11:55] <Ami-chan> "That's never stopped her before." Ami observes mildly.
[11:56] * Usagi-chan still wears her thoughtful expression, trying hard not to smile. "I don't know, Rei-chan might be right this time."
[11:56] <Anastasia> "Rei-chan," Chibi Usa stares, honestly surprised. "But... it's ice cream," she fumbles, looking up at the both of you.
[11:57] * Ami-chan bites her lip, trying not to laugh at Chibi Usa's flummoxed expression.
[11:58] * Rei-chan nods. "Ice cream is all well and good when it's hot, but really with it being so chilly... wouldn't you prefer something to warm you up instead?"
[11:59] * Usagi-chan nods, warming up to Rei's idea. "Something hot DOES sound pretty good right now, actually..."
[12:00] <Anastasia> "Um..." Chibi Usa, still rather surprised, does try to cope with that. "Well, Grandmother said taiyaki is good in the winter..."
[12:01] <Rei-chan> "How about hot fudge or something?" Rei offers with a small smile, deciding that Chibi Usa's dessert horizons badly need expanding if all she can think of is ice cream.
[12:02] <Usagi-chan> "Ooh, I could go for that," Usagi says with a grin. "Or maybe fresh pie? This is the BEST time of year for apple pie..."
[12:03] <Anastasia> Chibi Usa does nod there. "That would be nice," she agrees, forgetting about the ice cream.
[12:08] <Usagi-chan> "You have any preferences, Ami-chan?" Usagi asks, looking up at the other girl.
[12:08] * Ami-chan shrugs, shaking her head. "I'd like a coffee, or a soda, but I'm not really hungry." she admits.
[12:10] <Usagi-chan> "I guess a kissaten would be our best bet then - do you know of any good places near here, Rei-chan?"
[12:11] <Rei-chan> "I'm sure we can find one without looking too hard," Rei shrugs. "Those places spring up around parks, after all."
[12:11] * Usagi-chan nods in agreement, rising from her seat. "Are we going, then?"
[12:12] * Rei-chan drains the last of her tea and sets the cup down. "Sure," she agrees, standing.
[12:12] * Ami-chan does likewise, a smile touching her lips as she nods. "Mm."
[12:16] <Usagi-chan> "Let's go!" Usagi says with a grin, leading the small group out of the cottage - and in search of snacks!
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


[11:59] <Anastasia> ---
[12:01] <Anastasia> November blues... it's the second week of the month, and cool weather has locked in. A certain melancholy can be felt, even if it's a blessedly peaceful one. School has gone on now, free and clear without anything since Zirae. Thank God.
[12:02] <Anastasia> Yet as you head home one chill and windy day, a black car is waiting at your house, mostly blacking the way inside. A tinted window rolls down, revealing a man in sunglasses and with a dour enough expression to sink a ship. "Miss Tsukino?"
[12:02] * Usagi-chan frowns a bit, looking at the man in the car. "Yes?"
[12:04] <Anastasia> "The dietman would like to speak with you," the man says, "The side door is unlocked."
[12:05] * Usagi-chan's frown deepens a bit, but she obeys the silent instruction, opening the side door of the car and getting inside.
[12:06] <Anastasia> It's a nice enough backseat, nothing of note about it. The moment you get in, he hits the gas, beginning to go.
[12:06] * Usagi-chan remains a bit tense, wondering what Rei's father wants to speak to her about.
[12:10] <Anastasia> The drive isn't a long one - to a nice little eatery that looks to be closed. The driver opens your door, however, "The Dietman is inside," he nods once.
[12:11] <Usagi-chan> "Thank you," Usagi says, climbing out of the car and heading inside.
[12:15] <Anastasia> Inside is indeed quiet, save for one Dietman Hino, two black suited bodyguards, and a prim woman in her late forties, light glasses and business-like suit giving her an important apperance.
[12:16] * Usagi-chan gives the woman a careful look, wondering who she might be.
[12:17] <Anastasia> "Usagi," he nods once solemnly. "Meet Chi Kiroshu," he nods. "This is the woman I told you about," he nods. "Usagi, she is an up-and-coming member of our council, and the strongest supporter of meeting with the senshi instead of violence."
[12:18] <Usagi-chan> "Nice to meet you," Usagi says politely, nodding to the woman. "What did you need from me?" she asks, getting right to the point.
[12:20] <Anastasia> "Usagi..." he schools his expression neutrally. "I believe it would be beneficial for you to speak at the council as soon as possible."
[12:20] * Usagi-chan's expression sours a bit at that. "Things aren't going well?" she asks.
[12:21] <Anastasia> "They are going well, actually," she goes on. "We have the other faction at a disadvantage now... and we can finish them if we act decisively." Speaking up for the first time, "Sailor Moon."
[12:22] * Usagi-chan is unruffled by the woman's knowledge of who she is; considering that Hino had her here, she was expecting something of the sort. "What would you want from me at this council meeting?"
[12:23] <Anastasia> "Enough information to soothe the council further," Hino goes on. "I would like Sailor Mars and perhaps a few others there as well. A  unified statement can finally put this matter to rest."
[12:24] <Usagi-chan> "I'll be there for sure myself, and I expect Mars will agree to come as well. I'll have to see who else is willing to come along, though." Usagi replies.
[12:25] <Anastasia> He nods. "We wish to hold it in four days, on Sunday," he goes on. "We will pick you up at Rei's Shrine."
[12:26] <Usagi-chan> "We'll be there," Usagi replies.
[12:38] <Anastasia> That day...
[12:38] <Anastasia> Having been told to meet, the two get there early, having decided to just make it the two of them.
[12:39] * Sailor_Moon leans back against Rei's bed, seated on the floor in the miko's bedroom. "Wonder what they're going to ask us today," she muses.
[12:40] <Sailor_Mars> "Probably the same kind of things Father asked," Rei replies, "just so they can get it direct from the source and ask any follow-up questions they might have come up with."
[12:41] * Sailor_Moon nods. "Have to admit I'm a little nervous about this... it seems like it's going to be a pretty big deal."
[12:42] <Sailor_Mars> "Least it's not public," Rei sighs. "Just try not to let them rattle you. Have to show them that we're dependable protectors of the peace, after all," she smirks a bit, there.
[12:43] * Sailor_Moon giggles a bit at that. "I'll try. I just hope they're not all as... gruff as your dad is."
[12:44] <Sailor_Mars> "Comes with the territory," Rei sighs. "They might be all smiles at election time, but... business is business."
[12:46] <Sailor_Moon> "I guess so," Usagi says, frowning a bit. "I just can't help wondering what will happen, though - even if I know it probably won't be anything major."
[12:47] <Sailor_Mars> "We'll find out soon enough..." Rei leans her head back, contemplatively.
[12:49] <Anastasia> It doesn't take too long for the ride to arrive - a black, unmarked sedan. The expected agents lead you to it, driving you without comment.
[12:50] * Sailor_Moon remains quiet throughout the trip, trying to calm her nerves.
[12:50] * Sailor_Mars also remains quiet, used well enough to riding around in government cars like this. Though never in uniform...
[12:52] <Anastasia> The drive doesn't take long, leading you to a government office deep in Tokyo. In an underground parking lot, there is a secured lot, which is where you end up parking. The men lead you out and to a speedy elevator, up and up and up...
[12:55] * Sailor_Mars looks to be the perfect picture of cool poise and composure, not giving anything away by her posture.
[12:56] * Sailor_Moon seems to have composed herself on the car trip, looking almost like her normal cheerful self.
[12:58] <Anastasia> Finally the elevator stops, opening up to a simple hallway area, then down to a meeting room of sorts. Large and slightly dim, there is a table with about twelve seats. Each one is filled, Rei's father at the head. Opposite it are two chairs, waiting for you. There is a murmur from the assembled politicians, staring on.
[12:59] * Sailor_Moon glances around the room fairly calmly, nodding once to Rei's father before taking a seat.
[13:00] <Sailor_Mars> Entering, Rei gives a respectful bow to the assembled politicians, waiting for Usagi to sit before doing the same.
[13:06] <Anastasia> "Welcome, Sailor Moon... Sailor Mars," Hino begins briskly. "We've asked you here today so that we can clear up some issues regarding your actions in the past year."
[13:07] * Sailor_Moon nods. "I understand, and we'll be happy to answer any questions you might have."
[13:08] * Sailor_Mars nods slightly, letting Moon handle the talking unless anything specific to her comes up.
[13:08] <Anastasia> "We'll start with an overview," he nods. "Tell us about yourselves, senshi."
[13:09] * Sailor_Moon blinks, then shrugs. "There's not a lot to say, really. We were both awakened about a year and a half ago to fight the forces of the Dark Kingdom that were threatening Tokyo at the time, and we've been active as senshi ever since."
[13:14] <Anastasia> "Awakened?" an older man asks, gnarled but sharp eyed. His voice is soft yet audible, said brown eyes fixed on you.
[13:14] * Sailor_Moon nods. "Before that, we were all just normal people."
[13:16] <Anastasia> Going on at that, "So... was this change random, or was there a determining factor?"
[13:17] <Sailor_Moon> "It wasn't random. There are specific things that decided that we would all be senshi, determined when we were born for most of us." Usagi replies. "It's not something that just anyone can do."
[13:20] <Anastasia> "What determines this senshihood?" A second man, young and brown haired, asks. More reserved than the other, he wears light sunglasses to hide his eyes.
[13:21] <Sailor_Moon> "It's... a bit hard to explain. The best I can tell you is that it's something that all of us were born with." Usagi hedges.
[13:23] <Sailor_Mars> "Do you believe in reincarnation?" Rei speaks up to the assembly.
[13:23] * Sailor_Moon glances over at Rei, somewhat startled. 'Rei...?'
[13:24] <Sailor_Mars> 'It's the best way to get them off the idea of dissecting us, I think,' Rei replies mentally. 'Don't worry, I won't tell them anything about the Kingdom.'
[13:24] <Sailor_Moon> 'All right,' Usagi replies, turning back towards the panel.
[13:28] <Anastasia> "Excuse me?" a withered old man, even older than the first, speaks up.
[13:30] <Sailor_Mars> "That's what happened," Rei confirms. "From what we gathered fighting the Dark Kingdom last year, we used to be protectors of the Earth - thousands of years ago, from a time even before legend. The Dark Kingdom also existed back then, and we sealed it away in the final battle. We were reincarnated in this time to finish the job as the seal on the Dark Kingdom weakened and they began attacking again."
[15:47] <Anastasia> A short pause as that is considered. "That's impossible," he asserts a moment later.
[15:47] * Sailor_Moon shrugs. "Whether you think it's impossible or not, it's the truth," Usagi replies.
[15:47] * Sailor_Mars frowns a bit. "As impossible as magic?"
[15:51] <Anastasia> A small grimace from him, Rei's father interjecting. "Be that as it may... continue, Sailor Moon. Tell us about the incidents you've dealt with... and about the Infinity school."
[15:51] * Sailor_Mars falls silent, again letting Moon take the fore.
[15:54] * Sailor_Moon nods. "I was the first of the senshi to be awakened to fight the forces of the Dark Kingdom, two years ago next March. The first of their generals went by the name Jadeite." She stops. "If you'd like, I can show you who I'm talking about as I go on."
[15:56] <Anastasia> Dietman Hino nods. "Go on and do so, and continue."
[15:58] * Sailor_Moon nods, muttering a few words - and a semi-transparent image of the first of the Dark Kingdom's generals appears in the center of the room. "This was Jadeite. He oversaw the Dark Kingdom's operations in Juuban for the better part of three months, mostly gathering energy to reawaken their leader, Metallia." Moon goes on, outlining the awakenings of Mercury and Mars, and culminating in the image of Tokyo in flames and the battle at the airport.
[16:02] <Anastasia> There is some discussion about that. "We thought that was an elaborate prank at the time," Hino's right-hand woman notes. "Or some unexplained phenomenon."
[16:03] * Sailor_Moon shakes her head. "It was a big illusion, but it did actually happen. I don't know if Jadeite actually would have had the power to follow through on that threat, but he never got the chance. After he disappeared at the battle at the airport, he was imprisoned for his failures by Queen Beryl - I'll get to that in a bit."
[16:09] * Sailor_Mars nods silently, agreeing with Usagi's version of events.
[16:10] <Anastasia> "Go on," Dietman Hino says again, sending looks across the room, unspoken commands in each.
[16:12] * Sailor_Moon nods, and the wavering image shifts to Nephrite. "Nephrite was the second of the Dark Kingdom's generals, and he took over operations in our area after Jadeite was removed." Again, Usagi outlines the events of Nephrite's career, ending with the fact that he fell in love with a human (not mentioning Naru's name) and was betrayed by another one of the generals. "We would have tried to help him if we'd had the chance,
[16:12] <Sailor_Moon> but he was killed before we could do anything for him." She finishes, a bit sad at that.
[16:15] <Anastasia> There are quite a few looks at the image of the general, for sure. "That's Masato Sanjoin," one notes, while another outright gasps. "That's what the squad reported..."
[16:15] <Sailor_Moon> "That was the name he used while he was here, yes," Usagi nods.
[16:18] <Anastasia> There is a rough underrcurrent there, but Hino cuts it off. "Go on... we'll do questions afterwards."
[16:20] <Sailor_Moon> "All right," Usagi agrees, and the image shifts once again - to Zoisite this time. Usagi can't hide a scowl as she launches into the tale of the rainbow crystals and the Silver Crystal, although in the story of Starlight Tower she omits all references to uncovered identities or the Moon Princess - merely that the ginzuishou emerged.
[16:22] <Anastasia> Nodding, Hino mutely encourages you to go on.
[16:24] * Sailor_Moon does so, going on into the story of those last few hectic weeks between the capture of Mamoru and the fall of Metallia. She makes no mention of Rei's fall, only that Tokyo was heavily damaged in Metallia's invasion while the senshi were lured elsewhere as a distraction. "After the defeat of Metallia, history was somehow rewritten by the ginzuishou so that all of the damage to Tokyo was undone completely. That's why no one
[16:24] <Sailor_Moon> other than the senshi remember what really happened over those two days."
[16:30] <Anastasia> "Balderdash," the oldest member of the council objects. "This goes too far, Sailor Moon! It's simply not possible!"
[16:30] * Sailor_Moon shakes her head. "Whether you believe it or not, that's what happened," she insists. "I have absolutely no reason to lie to you about it."
[16:33] <Anastasia> "She's telling the truth," another member of the council, a portly man with nasty, narrow eyes points out. "My evidence suggests so."
[16:34] <Sailor_Mars> "You have evidence of time being shifted?" Rei speaks up curiously there, wondering exactly how that could be acquired.
[16:44] <Anastasia> "We have... an inkling," he smiles nastily at you. Turning his gaze to Hino, "Why don't I take the fl-" With a surprising snap, "Denied." he says flatly to the other man. "Go on about the incidents in December, Sailor Moon."
[16:46] * Sailor_Moon eyes the man suspiciously, but nods to Hino. "Shortly after Metallia's defeat, a group of criminals imprisoned for several thousand years - from the senshi's original time - escaped their prison. We don't know for sure ourselves, but we've guessed that somehow Metallia's defeat weakened the seals on it." With a sigh, she launches into the tale of the prisoners' defeats, including Makoto's capture and the incidents with Oxyite and Orestes.
[16:50] <Anastasia> Nodding along, "The cause of those 'terrorist attacks'," one member snorts deeply.
[16:52] * Sailor_Moon nods, sighing a bit. "Unfortunately. No one expected Oxyite to react like that when he died, and I'm deeply sorry for the deaths that happened because of that. But by the time we realized what was happening, there was no time to do anything."
[16:54] <Anastasia> The portly one from before speaks up, "So you let an entire block be destroyed," he says with slight, stinging contempt.
[16:55] <Sailor_Mars> "We didn't LET anything happen," Rei fires back quickly. "There are always risks when you deal with the kind of threats we do. Be grateful it wasn't far worse, because it easily could have been."
[16:56] * Sailor_Moon remains calm and pensive. "What happened was unavoidable. There was no way of knowing that was going to happen, for anyone."
[17:01] <Anastasia> "Bah." he snorts, shaking his head. "That's just you saying you don't care that you saw a city block and innocents die."
[17:02] * Sailor_Mars glares at the man. "Don't presume to judge us. I don't see you risking your life out there to protect everyone."
[17:02] * Sailor_Moon glares at the man. "How DARE you! I was mortified when I found out that innocent people died - but what could I do at that point?" Usagi shoots back hotly. "I tried my best, and it wasn't good enough that one time - so I've worked hard to make sure it doesn't happen again!"
[17:03] <Anastasia> "What I see are a couple of threats running around like they own this city," he snorts back, glaring at Sailor Moon. Cut off again, however, "Enough, Daikoku." Hino says coldly. "You WILL let them speak and finish before throwing about your baseless accusations."
[17:04] <Anastasia> The council as a whole reactions mutely, a few showing quiet support for Daikoku... but must are simply quiet, keeping their gaze on the senshi.
[17:06] <Anastasia> "Go on," he says after a moment, meeting the portly man's gaze with steel.
[17:06] * Sailor_Moon takes a moment to compose herself, still scowling as she goes on. "Things were pretty quiet for several months after the defeat of the last of the criminals, until March. This is where Mugen enters the picture." Going on, she outlines the activities of the Deathbusters and the elves, noting that all of them were purified save for Kaolinite. "They're all close friends of ours now, and they help us out from time to time."
[17:09] <Anastasia> "So these... people are still in Tokyo," Chi speaks up at this, curious
[17:11] * Sailor_Moon nods. "I'd rather not say where they are, since all they want for now is a chance to live in peace. They don't really need to be bothered too much. If there's any more trouble from any of them - which I really doubt - we're prepared to take care of things, but I doubt it'll be necessary."
[17:14] <Anastasia> Nodding, "That's good," Hino says. "We'd like to meet a few of them if possible - on friendly terms, of course, just to make sure that there aren't any more... issues."
[17:14] <Sailor_Moon> "I'll ask, but it'll be up to each of them," Usagi replies. "I don't have any problem with them talking to you myself."
[17:15] <Anastasia> "We would appreciate that," another member says, a young man looking rather dapper. "Perhaps we could even come to terms with them."
[17:16] * Sailor_Moon smiles. "I don't think it'll be necessary to do that separately - you can consider any terms you come to with us to apply to them as well. But I have no problem asking them to come anyway."
[17:17] <Anastasia> "Good," Chi speaks up. "Have these been the end of the incidents, correct?"
[17:18] * Sailor_Mars shakes her head. "That only takes us as far as the end of March. You all know about the news footage from July, of course..." she trails off to let Usagi take charge once more.
[17:19] <Sailor_Moon> "There's only been one other series of incidents to speak of, in July and August." Usagi takes a deep breath before beginning the tale of the Black Moon and the alternate universe. Chibi Usa is never named in the story, just as the girl who came from the other dimension.
[17:27] <Anastasia> Nodding as you go along, "And this threat has been dealt with as well?" he asks quietly, for the sake of the audience of others.
[17:28] * Sailor_Moon nods. "The last of it was dealt with in the other dimension, and the last person searching for the girl was taken care of about a month later. In the process of that, the Silver Crystal was reformed and is now in my possession again."
[17:33] <Anastasia> Speaking up yet again to your chargin, "This Crystal, what is it," the portly man asks, still not sounding friendly in the least.
[17:34] <Sailor_Moon> "It's a powerful magical artifact dating from far beyond any recorded history," Usagi replies, frowning slightly. "More than that, I couldn't tell you - I don't know a lot more than that about it myself."
[17:36] <Anastasia> "Why don't you tell us anything more you know?" the dapper man suggets, interested. "I'd like to hear more about this mythical object."
[17:39] <Sailor_Moon> "Like I said, I don't know all that much more about it myself. I know it was an heirloom of my family back in the original period when the senshi existed. And it's extremely powerful - it DID manage to completely rewrite two days worth of history."
[17:45] <Anastasia> "Then... can we see it," he presses on, interested. "I'd like to see it myself, then."
[17:48] * Sailor_Moon nods, producing her daughter - in crystal form - from just inside her fuku, holding the item up for inspection. "Here it is."
[17:50] <Anastasia> Gleaming in the light with the slightest pink cast, the Crystal rests in Usagi's hand. All assembled stare openly at it. "That's...." Chi whispers quietly... "Amazing," another says.
[17:51] * Sailor_Moon nods. 'They have no idea just HOW amazing,' she thinks to Rei with a slight smile.
[17:52] <Sailor_Mars> 'Probably for the best,' Rei thinks back, making no outward display of emotion.
[17:55] <Anastasia> Shaking his head, "That's enough, Sailor Moon. You can put it away now," Hino says, having stared at it himself.
[17:56] * Sailor_Moon does so, storing it just inside the collar of her fuku.
[17:57] <Anastasia> "Now, then," he says, taking control. "If you have any REASONABLE questions, by all means. The floor is open."
[17:58] <Anastasia> Taking advantage now, "Nephrite... the one behind the demise of our first squad. He has been confirmed to have been dealt with?"
[17:58] * Sailor_Mars grimaces. "Yes. We saw that quite clearly."
[17:58] * Sailor_Moon nods, a slightly sad look on her face. "I watched him die myself... there was nothing we could to for him by that point."
[18:00] <Anastasia> "Good," the portly man nods. "Now that he's out of the way... our next squad should be more capable."
[18:00] * Sailor_Moon frowns at that. "Everyone we've fought since then has been significantly more powerful than Nephrite was. I doubt any other squad you could form would do any better if any more threats appear."
[18:03] <Anastasia> That gets a slight frown, but another picks up. "Regardless of that... is this the end of the affair?" Chi asks. "Do you know of any further attacks?"
[18:04] <Sailor_Mars> "Every time it ends, we think it's over..." Rei sighs. "I just hope if there are more threats, they won't continually be stronger than the last..."
[18:04] <Sailor_Moon> "Everything's been quiet since the middle of August," Usagi confirms. "We can't say for sure whether there will be any more attacks or not - neither the Deathbusters nor the Black Moon family were something we expected to run into. But we're prepared to fight again if it's necessary."
[18:06] <Anastasia> "Mmmm," the portly man speaks up yet again. "'s just a matter of time before you have an excuse to cause more damage to this fair city?" he asks, digging in.
[18:07] * Sailor_Moon rolls her eyes. "I'm HOPING there won't be any more attacks at all. And we certainly don't intend to cause any damage to the city if we can help it - it's usually the people we're fighting that cause the real damage."
[18:11] <Anastasia> He snorts again, but is cut off by another.
[18:12] <Anastasia> "And what of the other Senshi? And... for that matter, of Sailor Venus?" another brings up. "We've noted from all reports that she's gone missing."
[18:13] * Sailor_Moon grows solemn at that. "The other senshi couldn't make it today. As for Sailor Venus, she's no longer with us. She was killed in a car accident several months ago."
[18:15] <Anastasia> A shocked murmur ripples through, Dietman Hino sighing slightly. "We mourn for your loss," he says politically to Usagi.
[18:15] <Sailor_Moon> "Thank you," Usagi says sincerely. "It wasn't something any of us were expecting."
[18:22] * Sailor_Mars just stares at the table in front of her, not meeting anyone's eyes right now.
[18:46] <Ana-brb> Going on, "As am I," the dapper man smiles. "There is another matter, however. Are you familiar with demons, Sailor Moon?"
[18:46] * Sailor_Moon frowns. "Unfortunately, yes. One of the criminals that escaped in December was a demon summoner."
[18:48] <Anastasia> Nodding, and glancing at Dietman Hino's nod before going on, "It has so happened we have procured the services of one as well," he says, driving to the point.
[18:48] * Sailor_Moon's frown deepens at that, but she doesn't reply.
[18:49] * Sailor_Mars frowns as well, looking up. "Striking bargains with demons is complete foolishness."
[18:52] <Anastasia> "Be that as it may, we would like for you to meet this person. We have concerns of our own, but are unable to fully assess the situation."
[18:53] <Sailor_Moon> "I can do that," Usagi replies. "I'd like to meet them anyway - the summoner we dealt with back in December was a close friend of mine once, and I'd hate to see what happened to her happen to anyone else."
[18:57] <Anastasia> "Thank you," he nods, smiling slightly. "He's... something, but I think you'll be able to handle him."
[18:57] * Sailor_Moon raises an eyebrow slightly at that, but doesn't continue.
[18:59] <Anastasia> The portly dietman looks to be extremely annoyed at this point, but doesn't venture out. Instead, "And of another matter," Chi goes on. "You have civilian lives as well?"
[19:00] <Sailor_Moon> "We all do, yes. But I'd rather keep our identities confidential." Usagi nods.
[19:01] <Anastasia> "I can understand that," she nods. "As I don't believe it would be prudent at this time to divulge them at any rate." Speaking so openly, she goes on. "Nonetheless... we would like to improve our communications and trust level, Sailor Moon. The vast majority of us understand what you have to do and simply want to be able to cope with the aftereffects."
[19:02] <Sailor_Moon> "I don't have a problem with that," Usagi says with a smile - she's glad to see someone so willing to cooperate. "The only thing I want to do is for things to be peaceful. That's all we're really fighting for."
[19:03] <Sailor_Mars> "Tokyo is our home, too," Rei speaks up. "We just want to live here peacefully and ensure it's peaceful for our friends and everyone else."
[19:05] <Anastasia> Nodding with a smile. "I'm glad to hear that."
[19:09] <Anastasia> Taking over, "I think we've heard enough," Hino says, glancing at the now openly angry Daikoku. "The men will see you out... we have matters to discuss."
[19:09] * Sailor_Moon also looks at Daikoku, a slight frown marring her own features as she stands. "We'll be going then. It's nice to have met you all."
[19:10] * Sailor_Mars rises and silently bows to everyone, turning to the door once done.
[19:12] <Anastasia> Waiting outside are the men from last time, faces impassive. "It's time?" the one asks, glancing at Sailor Moon.
[19:13] <Sailor_Moon> "They said they're finished with us," Usagi confirms.
[19:13] <Anastasia> With a curt gesture, he leads out down and out in short order, the car seat familiar. "Where do you want to be dropped off," he asks. "I haven't been instructed on any particular place."
[19:14] <Sailor_Moon> "It doesn't really matter to me," Usagi replies. "Anywhere is fine."
[19:14] * Sailor_Mars nods her assent with that.
[19:15] <Anastasia> Nodding, he drives you on back to near the Shrine, on a slightly back road with no one really about right now. "You can get out here," he instructs. "...It was interesting meeting you," he follows up a minute later. "Thought you might be twenty feet tall with fangs."
[19:15] * Sailor_Mars chuckles a bit at that. "Not disappointing, I hope?" she asks, opening the door.
[19:15] * Sailor_Moon giggles a bit at that. "We're mostly normal," she says with a smile. "You probably wouldn't blink if you ran into one of us on the street."
[19:16] <Anastasia> "Good," he says, honest. "I saw one of those monsters one time and I'm glad you're not like them."
[19:16] <Sailor_Moon> "Really?" Usagi says curiously. "Where was it?"
[19:17] <Anastasia> "I was picking up my daughter from Toudai," he says, letting his business mask slip a bit. "She's in the kendo club, and one of those monsters did something to them before one of you showed up and chased it off."
[19:18] * Sailor_Mars furrows her brow a moment. "Think that was Sailor Dragon, back in Febuary?"
[19:19] * Sailor_Moon nods to Rei. "Yeah, I remember that one."
[19:19] <Anastasia> He nods. "Yeah. Scariest thing I've ever seen." Shuddering, "She was in the hospital for a few days after that."
[19:20] * Sailor_Moon nods sadly at that. "I've got one friend who's been a victim in a lot of attacks - she's been to the hospital a few times."
[19:22] <Anastasia> "Poor her," he nods, the smiles. "Get going before anyone sees you, alright? And thanks... for everything."
[19:23] <Sailor_Moon> "Sure," Usagi says with a smile, climbing out of the car. "It was nice meeting you - take care!" she calls into the car from outside.
[19:24] * Sailor_Mars waves as well as the car drives off.
[19:24] * Sailor_Moon glances over at Rei. "Do you think that Daikoku guy had us followed?"
[19:25] <Sailor_Mars> "Maybe. Let's roofhop a bit then teleport," she suggests quietly.
[19:26] * Sailor_Moon nods in agreement, taking to the rooftops and heading off in a random direction. "What did you think of it?" she asks as the two put some distance between themselves and the Shrine.
[19:28] <Sailor_Mars> "I think we handled ourselves okay. Not sure if we've actually reassured all of them, though," Rei replies, keeping pace with Usagi.
[19:29] * Sailor_Moon nods. "That woman was the one who talked to me with your dad to set this up. I have to admit, I do like her," Usagi says with a small smile. "I hope they manage to talk the rest of the council around - although I bet that Daikoku guy won't listen to a thing."
[19:30] <Sailor_Mars> "Just stubborn, I guess," Rei shrugs. "Hopefully he'll fall in line with the decision of the rest without too much fuss."
[19:30] <Sailor_Moon> "I couldn't believe he accused me of not caring when those people died!" Usagi says angrily. "He doesn't even know me!"
[19:31] <Sailor_Mars> "I know," Rei replies with a frown of her own. "I'd like to see him risk his neck fighting some of the things we've faced."
[19:32] * Sailor_Moon nods sharply. "And putting together another 'squad' - your dad said the first one died pretty quickly, right?" she says, looking over at Rei. "Compared to what we've fought recently, I'd say Nephrite's youma were pretty tame."
[19:33] <Sailor_Mars> "Hopefully if anything does appear we can deal with it well before anyone else can get sent on a suicide mission," Rei says unhappily.
[19:34] <Sailor_Moon> "Yeah," Usagi agrees in much the same tone. "And I don't know what to think about this demon summoner they've found - if it's someone like Cynthia, I just hope I can talk him out of it before something really bad happens."
[19:35] <Sailor_Mars> "They'll want us to help him improve his skill," Rei says distastefully. "They don't seem to realise that you can never control demons. They just go along with you and manipulate you for their own ends until it's too late to back out even if you want to."
[19:36] <Sailor_Moon> "I know. I certainly don't plan on helping him at all - if I do anything, I'll try to block off his power. But I'd rather try to talk him out of it without resorting to that." Usagi shakes her head.
[19:37] <Sailor_Mars> "For all we know, perhaps he doesn't want to use it himself?" Rei offers. "Anyone with an ounce of sense knows demons are bad news. But if the government is pressing him without really understanding what's involved..."
[19:38] <Sailor_Moon> "No way of knowing until I get to talk to him," Usagi replies, dropping down into a deserted alley. "I think this should be far enough."
[19:39] * Sailor_Mars nods. "Where to?"
[19:39] <Sailor_Moon> "Straight home..." Usagi glances back at Rei, a small smile on her face. "Unless you wanted to go to the Palace for a while?"
[19:40] <Sailor_Mars> "Let's go home," Rei replies with an odd expression. "I think Chibi Usa would prefer that, too."
[19:41] <Sailor_Moon> "She's probably taking a nap," Usagi says. "That's what she usually does when I need the Crystal for a while. But home is fine too."
[19:41] * Sailor_Mars nods, waiting for Usagi to teleport before she does the same.
[19:42] * Sailor_Moon closes her eyes and chants, teleporting herself directly to her own bedroom.
[19:43] * Sailor_Mars follows a second after Usagi vanishes.
[08:59] <Ana-away> ---
[09:03] <Ana-away> Late November... it's been a nice few days... though, unusually for this time of year, a snowstorm has blown in. One that brings several inches of snow, winds and wintry weather, rare enough for Tokyo as is, more so this early in the year. The weathermen even compare it to the great Tokyo Blizzard of last year as Usagi and Rei spend it keeping quite warm under blanekts with Chibi Usa...
[09:05] <Ana-away> Chibi Usa snuggles with Usagi and Rei, half asleep as she smiles and curls up. "This is nice," the girl murmurs, resting into Usagi's side.
[09:06] <Usagi-chan> "Sure is,"  Usagi says with a smile, one arm wrapped around her daughter's side. "Snow's not so bad when you don't have to go out in it."
[09:06] <Rei-chan> "Seconded," Rei murmurs.
[09:07] <Ana-away> "We didn't have much snow at home," the girl comments, "So it's nice to have it here... Mommy said it was colder back when Sailor Moon was around."
[09:08] <Rei-chan> "I suppose it's a nice novelty," Rei concedes. "I just hate cold weather..."
[09:08] * Usagi-chan giggles a bit. "I can't imagine why... although I have to admit I like summer better myself."
[09:10] <Ana-away> Nodding as the weatherman goes on about the two blizzards, noting the fact that they fell within a few days of each other, "Mommy said it was a result of..." she frowns, thinking, trying to recall the words. "the Big Freeze?"
[09:10] <Usagi-chan> "Big Freeze?" Usagi looks puzzled at that, glancing up at the TV.
[09:11] * Rei-chan also gives Chibi Usa a curious look at that.
[09:11] <Ana-away> "I don't remember what she exactly called it, but she said things got really cold for a very long time... Ice age, like in my schoolbook," she nods.
[09:13] <Rei-chan> "Wow..." Rei thinks back to her own science lessons. "I wonder if we're due for something like that here?" With all the doomsaying about the environment, and the simple fact that it has been a long time since the last Ice Age, it isn't so far-fetched...
[09:13] <Ana-away> The TV weatherman blathers on, nothing how unusual it is to have a single November blizzard, yet alone two years running.
[09:13] <Usagi-chan> "Did she say when it happened?" Usagi asks.
[09:14] <Ana-away> "Someone did something bad, and Sailor Moon couldn't stop them for a long time," Chibi Usa says quietly, a touch more concerned with working her side into Usagi and her legs by Rei's own warm tights and calves.
[09:15] <Usagi-chan> "Huh..." Usagi muses. "Wonder if it might have been Celcia?" she says, looking over at Rei. "The criminals hadn't escaped in Chibi Usa's home world, yet."
[09:16] <Rei-chan> "Hmm..." Rei mulls over that. "It's... possible, I guess. If she'd built up her power a lot before the senshi realised what was happening? Or even if not her, someone just like her?"
[09:17] <Usagi-chan> "Yeah. It DID take us a while to figure out that it was someone actually causing the blizzard, so if they didn't catch on fast enough..." Usagi shrugs. "If it WAS her, though, at least we won't have to worry about it happening here."
[09:19] <Rei-chan> "Not that long. She'd only been out for a day before we fought her," Rei points out, recalling that exhausting walk through the blizzard after teleporting to the Moon and back. "But if she'd went somewhere besides Tokyo..."
[09:20] <Usagi-chan> "Yeah," Usagi nods. "Could have taken a long time to find her if she hadn't come straight here."
[09:21] <Ana-away> As Chibi Usa starts to doze, the weatherman goes on again. "We expect up to a foot of snow in the Greater Tokyo area, with some spots recieving as much as 16 inches.  Juuban district seems to be getting the worst of it from our reports, with Nerima and Shibuya also having a wintry day. If you do not need to go out in this, we urge you not to go..."
[09:22] <Rei-chan> "Anyway, no sense worrying about it today. We'd have sensed something if this blizzard wasn't natural, I'm sure," Rei asserts, squirming slightly to adjust into a position more comfortable for accomadating Chibi Usa's legs.
[09:23] * Usagi-chan nods, smiling a bit. "True enough," Usagi agrees, leaning over to give Rei a peck on the cheek. "Besides, it gives us all a good excuse to cuddle up," she says with a wink.
[09:24] <Rei-chan> "Like we need an excuse," Rei retorts playfully.
[09:25] * Usagi-chan giggles. "Well, no, but it's nice to have one," she says. Looking up at the TV, "Looks like the whole city might shut down again this year."
[09:26] <Rei-chan> "Probably," Rei nods. "I sure know I'm not going to shovel any of that snow out there until the weather improves."
[09:27] <Usagi-chan> "I'm half surprised you aren't heating up the whole shrine again this year," Usagi says with a grin.
[09:28] <Rei-chan> "No real reason to bother," Rei replies with a small shrug. "Everyone's indoors, and if I melt the snow it'll just turn to ice overnight when I stop keeping it warm."
[09:29] <Usagi-chan> "I guess that makes sense - don't want to turn the courtyard into a skating rink," she says with a grin.
[09:30] <Rei-chan> "That would actually be kind of fun," Rei smiles a bit. "But turning those steps into a deathtrap would be less fun."
[09:31] * Usagi-chan groans. "Don't remind me - it was hard enough trying to get up them when they were covered with snow, I don't even want to imagine what they'd be like with ice."
[09:32] * Rei-chan nods. "Especially for old people."
[09:33] <Usagi-chan> "Oh well... guess it'll just have to be me and Chibi Usa to enjoy the shrine for a few days," Usagi smiles, snuggling up closer to Rei and Chibi Usa. "It's a burden, but I think we can manage."
[09:33] <Rei-chan> Snuggling up with the other two girls under the blankets, Rei turns the volume down on the TV, no longer terrible interested in the constantly repeating weather report. "I won't complain."
Most of the events of the Splinter Game take place at approximately this point.
[16:29] <Usagi-chan> -----
[16:31] <Usagi-chan> The Christmas holidays are always an enjoyable time of the year, more so when peace on Earth - or in Tokyo, at least - is a reality. After nearly a month of planning, Usagi and Rei head to the mountains for a well-deserved vacation at a popular skiing resort. A full week of relaxation lies in store for the pair... or so they hope.
[16:33] * Usagi-chan opens the door to the cabin the two have rented for the week, bundled up in coat, mittens, scarf, hat, and two more layers of clothing besides. "Brrr... too cold out there!" she says as she sets her suitcase down.
[16:38] * Rei-chan is dressed much as protectively as Usagi, with a warm coat and insulated trousers along with a scarf wrapped tightly around her neck and lower face. Shaking off the snow from herself as she follows the blonde inside and drops off her own baggage. "Have to get used to it if we're spending a week up here," she manages, her voice muffled beneath the scarf.
[16:40] * Usagi-chan closes the door, unwinding the scarf from around her face. The cabin is rather chilly - it wasn't heated before the two arrived - but it's sheltered from the wind and snow at least. The blonde looks around the small building with an appraising eye; it's a fairly small one-room cabin, with a kitchenette, a large fireplace, a couch, and a somewhat small bed. "Looks like it's a fairly nice room at least," she says hopefully.
[16:42] <Rei-chan> "Yeah," Rei nods, unwrapping her on scarf and gesturing at the fireplace, which promptly erupts in a pleasant little blaze. "So, what do you want to do, first?" she asks, moving her baggage off to besides the couch.
[16:43] * Usagi-chan grins. "Hot chocolate sounds good for the moment, but if you mean outside, I'm not sure. I want to do some ice skating, but I'd like to try skiing too - I've just never skiied before, and I've heard a lot of stories of people breaking their legs when they're learning to ski," she says, making a face.
[16:45] <Rei-chan> "Skiing is great fun," Rei nods quickly. "I learned when I was at T*A - we had trips up to the mountains in wintertime."
[16:46] * Usagi-chan smiles. "Maybe you can teach me how, then," she says. "I remember I used to ice skate a LOT back in the Silver Millenium - I was really good at it, too. But I've never tried it in this lifetime."
[16:47] <Rei-chan> "You should be fine," Rei affirms, opening her jacket. "You're not as klutzy as you used to be, after all."
[16:48] * Usagi-chan pulls off her mittens, unzipping her parka as well. "Thank god for that," she says with a grin. "I swear I used to trip over air."
[16:49] <Rei-chan> "You did," Rei replies flatly, though with a teasing smile.
[16:52] <Usagi-chan> "Geez, don't go easy on me or anything, Pyro," the blonde replies wryly, pulling off her jacket and draping it over the back of the couch. "You might hurt my feelings!" she says with a dramatic sigh, then breaks into a fit of the giggles as she explores the contents of the kitchen cabinets - the cabin was supposed to come stocked for the week.
[16:53] <Rei-chan> "Toughens you up," Rei retorts cheerfully, also coming over to see what they have for eating around here.
[16:55] <Usagi-chan> The cabinets are well-stocked enough.... if your roommate wasn't Usagi, that is. Most of the supplies are canned goods, although a note inside the pantry reveals the location of a nearby market where more food (and fresher foods) can be purchased. Usagi finds the hot cocoa mix, pulling down a couple of packets before going to fill a kettle and put it on to boil.
[16:57] <Rei-chan> Leaning against the counter as the kettle boils, Rei goes on, "So, after we get ourselves warmed up in here, we'll go over and get some skis and hit the slopes?"
[16:59] <Usagi-chan> "I guess that'll work," Usagi nods, going to stand next to Rei. "I'm really glad we could get to come up here together," she says with a smile. "Big group vacations are nice, but I've been wanting to do something a little smaller for a while, too."'
[17:02] * Rei-chan nods, smiling. "I just hope everyone back home can survive without us for a whole week," she says, putting an arm around the blonde's waist.
[17:07] <Usagi-chan> "I just guess they'll have to," Usagi says with a grin, leaning over to give Rei a kiss on the cheek. The two remain in that pose for several minutes until the kettle begins to whistle. Usagi perks up rather quickly, heading over to pour the cocoa mix and boiling water into a pair of mugs, handing one to the miko as she sips gingerly at her own. "There, I've done my share of the cooking for this week," she giggles.
[17:09] * Rei-chan snorts lightly, before drinking her cocoa a bit more enthusiastically than Usagi. After a few gulps, "Well, I have been trying to expand my reportoire," she admits. "I've been getting more and more complaints about instant curry being all I ever make..."
[17:11] <Usagi-chan> "Well..." Usagi says with a small smile. "You're definitely GOOD at instant curry," she says diplomatically, unable to really deny the charge.
[17:12] * Rei-chan sighs. "Yeah, well... Grandpa isn't exactly the person to teach a young girl how to cook, you know?"
[17:13] * Usagi-chan grins. "I'd think you'd be sick of instant meals by now, then."
[17:14] <Rei-chan> "I like curry," Rei pouts. "You can get all kinds of different meats and sauces, so it's not like there's no variety."
[17:15] <Usagi-chan> "Well, *I* can't say too much - I can barely cook anything either. Mom taught me to make blueberry pancakes once, and they came out all right, but she spent the rest of the morning cleaning up the kitchen."  Usagi blushes a bit at that.
[17:19] * Rei-chan chuckles, easily picturing that. Draining the last of her hot cocoa, she puts her mug in the sink before turning back to Usagi. "You're lucky, though. Your mother is a great cook - I'm sure you could pick things up from her given time."
[17:20] * Usagi-chan grumbles. "After the pancakes she refuses to let me in the kitchen, unless it's just to stir soup or something," she pouts, taking a long drink from her cocoa. "She's really taught Chibi Usa a lot, though."
[17:21] <Rei-chan> "It'll be embarrassing if she becomes a better cook than us..." Rei says with a slightly sickly smile. "I think I'm definitely taking home economics next year at school."
[17:22] <Usagi-chan> "At least someone in the family would be able to cook," Usagi mumbles, not too eager to take home ec herself - she remembers her last course in that at Juuban all too well.
[17:23] <Rei-chan> "Oh, well," Rei offers in a consoling manner, "When you're Queen you can just have your servants cook for you."
[17:25] <Usagi-chan> "That goes for you too, you know," Usagi says with a smile, rinsing out her now-empty mug in the sink. "You might not be the Queen yourself, but we'll still be together."
[17:26] <Rei-chan> "True," Rei nods, "But until then I have to fend for myself. You've still got your mother to cook for you most days."
[17:27] <Usagi-chan> "Well, if YOU don't mind instant curry, why worry about learning to cook?" Usagi replies. "I mean, you don't have to cook for other people THAT often these days - we barely ever meet at the Shrine anymore."
[17:29] <Rei-chan> "It's the principle of the thing!" Rei protests. "Besides, Hotaru has dinner at the Shrine with me at least a couple of days each week."
[17:29] <Usagi-chan> "So THAT'S the real reason!" Usagi says with a grin. "You just want to impress your little sister!"
[17:33] <Rei-chan> "Well... yeah..." Rei admits, blushing. "I didn't think she minded, but then when I started giving Ami lessons at the Shrine she jumped on having someone else cook." She snorts, "Ami's no better than I am, really, but just because it isn't curry everyone acts like it's manna from heaven or something..."
[17:59] <Usagi-chan> "So what's the harm in that?" Usagi says. "If you really want to learn it go ahead, but just because she likes Ami's cooking more than yours doesn't mean she thinks any less of you."
[18:03] <Rei-chan> "I don't like not being good at something," Rei admits plainly. "If it's possible to improve, then I should strive to improve. Besides," she adds, "You should be glad. If I become a good cook then I'd cook for you, too."
[18:05] * Usagi-chan giggles. "Well, I definitely wouldn't complain about that, but you don't have to do it for my sake," the blonde replies with a smile, heading over to retrieve her coat. "I just think you should do it because that's what you want to do, not because you think that's what someone else wants you to do."
[18:07] <Rei-chan> "I do want it," Rei affirms. "It's not like I'm making some big lifestyle change - I'm just broadening my horizons and learning a useful new skill. That's always a good thing."
[18:09] <Usagi-chan> "Well then, I guess it's no big deal," Usagi says, shrugging. "Sorry I made such a big deal of it - just seemed like it came out of nowhere."
[18:12] <Rei-chan> "It did?" Rei blinks. Seemed to flow along the conversation quite naturally to her. "Oh, well. Anyway, shall we be off to see about skiing?"
[18:14] <Usagi-chan> "Sounds like a plan to me," Usagi says with a smile. "You lead the way, though - I have no idea what I need to do for this."
[18:16] <Rei-chan> Replacing her scarf, Rei goes to open her suitcase, producing two ski masks and handing one to Usagi. "We'll head over to the lodge to rent skis and then we'll go the beginners slope until you get the hang of it."
[18:17] * Usagi-chan dons the mask, giggling a bit. "I feel like a bank robber or something in this."
[18:20] <Rei-chan> "Heh," Rei chuckles a bit, only carrying her mask for now. "What would people say about their heroine of justice, then?" she asks, grinning until she opens the door and is hit by the frigid air. "Brrr!" she quickly zips up her jacket, waiting for Usagi.
[18:21] * Usagi-chan quickly zips up her jacket, scurrying after Rei and shutting the door - hopefully the fire will keep things nice and warm for the two when they get back.
[18:26] <Rei-chan> Renting out their equipment at the lodge is a simple enough matter, and the pair soon find themselves at the top of the beginners slope after taking the skilift up, Rei explaining the finer points of the pastime to her companion.
[18:29] * Usagi-chan nods, listening carefully to her raven-haired instructor. "Okay... you go first," she says a bit nervously, clutching her ski poles tightly.
[18:31] <Rei-chan> Nodding, Rei places her goggles over her eyes and starts off down the slope. Twisting this way and that, she builds up quite a bit of speed, while refraining from any kind of fancy stunts or anything. Shearing up a decent spray of snow as she comes to a stop at the bottom, she turns and waves up to Usagi.
[18:33] * Usagi-chan follows at a rather slower pace, keeping the points of her skis pointed together to keep herself from going too fast as she slowly makes her way down the hill. She ALMOST makes it to Rei's position when she chances onto a small hummock in the slope, and in swerving to avoid it she goes over in a cloud of powdery snow.
[18:35] <Rei-chan> Taking exaggerated large steps, Rei works her way up to Usagi's position, leaning over the prone blonde. "You alright? You were doing okay up until the end, there."
[18:38] * Usagi-chan sits up, spraying snow everywhere as she shakes her head. "Brrr! Stupid bump," she mutters, casting a glare in the direction of the offending mound. "I was trying to go around it but I guess I didn't do a very good job of it."
[18:40] <Rei-chan> Shifting one of her poles so she holds them both in one hand, Rei offers her now free hand to Usagi. "You were going a bit too slow, there. If you went faster you could have made the turn without overbalancing. Or just jumped over the bump."
[18:41] <Usagi-chan> "Well, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to stop if I went any faster," Usagi mumbles, taking Rei's hand as she gets to her feet. "I guess we can try it again though."
[18:43] <Rei-chan> "That's the spirit," Rei nods approvingly, starting back towards the skilift.
[18:44] * Usagi-chan follows. On reaching the summit, she takes a deep breath, straightening herself as she approaches the beginning of the slope. "Okay, I'll go first this time," she says with a nod. "Besides, even if I leave before you do you'll probably still get to the bottom before I do," she says, grinning at the miko before she pushes off once again.
[18:46] <Rei-chan> "Good luck," Rei calls as Usagi starts down the slope.
[18:48] * Usagi-chan does a bit better this time, managing to go a bit faster as she makes her way down the slope. Upon reaching the bottom, though, she turns her skis to stop the same way Rei did - and promptly overbalances, flailing her arms as she flops over face first in the snow.
[18:59] * Usagi-chan has struggled up to a sitting position by the time Rei arrives at the bottom of the hill, frowning behind her mask. "Somehow I don't think skiing and I agree with each other very well."
[18:59] <Rei-chan> "Come on," Rei cajoles cheerfully, "You've only been at this, what, five minutes?"
[19:00] <Usagi-chan> "I'll give it one more try today, I guess," Usagi grumps. "So much for not being a klutz." She manages to regain her feet on her own this time, although it's a struggle.
[19:02] <Rei-chan> "Don't give up so easily," Rei chastises the blonde, slowly skiing backwards towards the lifts. "It's great fun once you get the hang of it."
[19:03] <Usagi-chan> "Well, we still have the rest of the week," Usagi counters, following Rei. "And it's fun for you, you're good at it. I keep worrying about making a mistake or something."
[19:05] <Rei-chan> "Alright, alright," Rei concedes, mollified that they'll at least do this again tomorrow. "How about after this we go find us some hot springs?"
[19:06] <Usagi-chan> "I guess that would be okay, but I was thinking about heading down to the lake. I'm kind of curious to see how much I can remember about skating - but it can wait for later if you want."
[19:07] <Rei-chan> "That works, too," Rei nods, unfussed as the pair settle into the lift to return to the top of the slope.
[19:07] * Usagi-chan snuggles up to Rei as the chair works its way towards the top of the gentle slope. "I have to admit, THIS part of skiing I like," she says with a giggle.
[19:10] <Rei-chan> "Well when we go to the steeper slopes we can do it for longer," Rei grins, eagerly snuggling back and indicating the far more treacherous looking areas higher up the mountain.
[19:11] * Usagi-chan shudders as she looks up towards the steeper slopes. "Are they safe?" she says a bit tremulously.
[19:13] <Rei-chan> "Depends," Rei shrugs, slipping off the lift as the complete their ascent. "If you're good enough, you won't have any problem. But if you aren't ready, or unlucky..." she shrugs again, "Breaking a few bones isn't unheard of."
[19:14] <Usagi-chan> "I'm DEFINITELY going to take my time before I go up there myself, then," Usagi declares. "But don't let me stop you if you want to go yourself."
[19:15] <Rei-chan> "I probably will, tomorrow," Rei nods. "Anyway, let's go," she pushes off down the slope, this time going slow enough for Usagi to keep up with her.
[19:16] * Usagi-chan does her best to match Rei's pace, actually pulling out ahead of the miko a bit as she pays less attention to the skiing and more to her partner. "Huh... hey, slow down!" she yells at her own skis, which resolutely refuse to listen.
[19:18] <Rei-chan> "Just relax, Usagi," Rei calls, increasing her pace and briefly cutting in front of the blonde before pulling up along her side. "Half your problem is you're too tense."
[19:19] <Usagi-chan> "I'm trying, but I keep worrying about messing up and getting hurt!" Usagi says back, sounding a bit panicked.
[19:23] * Rei-chan snorts. "Don't worry. Just trust in your body to know what it's doing. Here," she pulls ahead, cutting in front of Usagi once more as she arcs into a gentle curve, "Follow my lead," she suggests, slowing down as she gradually converts her momentum.
[19:24] * Usagi-chan does her best, finding her speed dropping as the two come around to the bottom of the slope in a graceful arc. Finally she stops... miraculously still upright.
[19:25] <Rei-chan> "There. Was that so hard?" the miko asks brightly, peeling off her goggles.
[19:26] <Usagi-chan> "I guess not," Usagi admits, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. "It's just... I can't stop very well yet, and it makes me nervous."
[19:28] <Rei-chan> "Like in all things, practice will fix that," Rei nods sagely at her own wisdom, before starting towards the lodge. "So, ice skating, now?"
[19:29] * Usagi-chan nods, clumsily following Rei to the lodge in her skis. A few minutes to change their footwear and the pair emerge from the lodge, both wearing figure skates. Usagi manages to walk in her skates a bit more ably than in her skis, although her steps are still a bit wobbly.
[19:31] * Rei-chan follows Usagi, her own steps careful and measured as the pair start towards the frozen lake.
[19:33] * Usagi-chan stops for a moment at the edge of the lake to remove the plastic guards from the bottom of the skate blades before gingerly stepping out onto the ice. A bit of arm-flailing follows as the blonde tries to maintain her balance, but she manages to stay on her feet, finally calming down after a minute.
[19:34] <Rei-chan> "Anything coming back to you?" Rei asks, following suit onto the ice.
[19:36] <Usagi-chan> "A little bit," Usagi nods, pushing off as she joins the skaters making their circuits of the lake. Her first circuit is remarkably good, the blonde maintaining a steady stance as she progresses around the lake.
[19:37] * Rei-chan watches Usagi go, before cutting across the lake to join her halfway through her first circuit. "Better than skiing, at least," she smiles.
[19:38] <Usagi-chan> "Definitely that," Usagi says with a grin. "Let's see...." she says, a look of concentration on her face. With a small hop, she turns around in midair, landing to go coasting across the ice backwards - while keeping a close eye out behind her to make sure she's not about to run into anyone.
[19:40] * Rei-chan claps politely, lagging a few feet behind the blonde now facing her. "Looks like you've got a knack."
[19:41] * Usagi-chan giggles. "It's easier than I thought it would be - I still remember what to do, it's just a matter of putting it to practice," she says with a grin. Cutting out of the ring of skaters heading around the ice, she heads for the center, where a couple of figure skaters are going through their routines. Selecting a section of ice well away from the other two, she begins to skate, first executing a neat figure-of-eight pattern at high speed.
[19:43] * Rei-chan follows Usagi to the centre, although she skids to a stop to watch the blonde practice her moves.
[19:45] * Usagi-chan takes a deep breath, a broad smile on her face as the familiar motions bring the memories rushing back, of days long past. With a quick check to make sure her path is unobstructed, she closes her eyes, tensing as she springs into a single axel - and lands agilely on one skate, coasting across the ice backwards. "I did it!" she beams.
[19:48] <Rei-chan> Applauding at the display, and grinning at the triumphant expression worn by her girlfriend, Rei coasts over to rejoin her. "No sign of a klutzy Dumpling Head, here," she teases.
[19:49] * Usagi-chan giggles, panting a bit as she coasts to a stop. "I didn't think I'd be able to pick up that much so fast," she says with a broad grin. "I know I used to be REALLY good, but I expected it would take a while for me to even get close to that again."
[19:52] <Rei-chan> "Considering you can already remember most of everything from back then, I'm not surprised," Rei notes. "Got any more tricks to show off?"
[19:53] <Usagi-chan> "Maybe," Usagi says with a slight frown. "I MIGHT be able to do a double, but I'm not sure - it gets a LOT trickier when you try to do more than one turn."
[19:54] <Rei-chan> "Don't push yourself," Rei advises. "Just do what you're comfortable doing and work your way up gradually."
[19:55] * Usagi-chan nods, her frown fading. "I'm just excited that I can do as much as I can - I always had a lot of fun with ice skating," she says with a smile. "What about you?"
[19:57] <Rei-chan> "I'm no expert," Rei admits. "I've done it once or twice - and a few times back in the old days. But I don't really know any tricks like you just did."
[19:59] <Usagi-chan> "Maybe I can teach you a few things then," Usagi says with a smile. "Nothing TOO fancy, but pairs skating can really be a lot of fun."
[19:59] <Rei-chan> "I'd like that," Rei nods happily.
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


[15:40] <Rei-chan> ---------
[15:43] <Usagi-chan> It's been a cold, snowy day in December, a few short days before Christmas and the celebrations for the holiday have been coming thick and fast. Between attending (and throwing) parties and various other events, the senshi have all been rather busy during the past week or so, but things are beginning to settle down.
[15:45] <Usagi-chan> Today was the day of the senshi's Christmas party at Usagi's home, and as the sky darkens to twilight the girls begin to break up for their own homes. Gifts were exchanged between all the senshi, with one major exception - Rei noted the lack of any gift from Usagi, although the blonde has promised that she has something for the miko. The two are the only ones left at the house, Usagi's parents and Shingo having left to
[15:46] <Usagi-chan> attend parties of their own, and Chibi Usa taking a nap after the day's festivities, while her 'parents' clean up the remainders of their own afternoon party.
[15:47] <Usagi-chan> "Thanks for your help cleaning up, Rei-chan," Usagi says with a smile, currently up to her elbows in soapy dishwater. "This would have taken me ages to do by myself."
[15:48] <Rei-chan> "Not a problem," Rei smiles back, leaning down to put a plate in the cupboard before grabbing another one and giving it a swift towel dry and repeating the previous action.
[15:50] * Usagi-chan finishes off the last of the dishes with a sigh, opening the drain to let the water out of the sink. "It's always fun to have a party, but I just can't get over how much WORK it actually can be." Usagi smiles briefly, and only Rei's long acquaintance with the blonde reveals the flash of nervousness hidden inside it. "I'd say it was worth it, though."
[15:52] <Rei-chan> "I sure enjoyed it, and I think everyone else did, too," Rei says as she finishes drying and putting away the last of the dishes before straightening to look at Usagi, wondering what she has in mind.
[15:53] * Usagi-chan finds it rather hard to meet Rei's gaze, knowing what she has in mind. "You can head on out to the living room, Rei - I'll be out in just a minute, want to make sure everything here is done." Usagi gives her love a brief smile again.
[15:54] * Rei-chan nods, a slight smirk playing on her lips. "Of course," she agrees easily, heading through to make herself comfortable on the couch in the living room.
[15:57] <Usagi-chan> The living room is fairly dark, a few cinnamon scented candles still lit from the party. The main source of illumination is the light from the Tsukinos' Christmas tree, prominently displayed in the front window next to the door. It's a good couple of minutes before Usagi comes out of the kitchen herself, looking visibly nervous now. Both hands are clasped behind her back as she comes in, taking a seat on the couch next to Rei.
[15:59] * Rei-chan puts her arm across Usagi's shoulders as the blonde sits, sighing in contentment. "So..." she begins, leadingly.
[16:00] * Usagi-chan pulls away gently, trying to steel her resolve. "Wow, I didn't think this would be so hard," she says with a half smile. "Sorry I didn't give you your present earlier, Rei-chan, but I didn't... I wanted to wait until we were alone." With that, she brings a small black box from behind her back, a tiny red bow perched on top of it.
[16:01] * Rei-chan makes the obvious assumption that it's jewellery of some sort, although remains a bit curious as to why they have to be alone... Reaching out for the box in Usagi's hands, "May I?"
[16:01] * Usagi-chan nods. "Go ahead," she says with a smile.
[16:02] <Rei-chan> Taking the box, Rei brings it close for inspection as she pops it open.
[16:02] <Usagi-chan> Inside the small black velvet box is a ring of yellow gold. The centerpiece of the ring is a sizeable diamond, easily a carat and a half, surrounded by a curved crescent moon of white gold inlaid with diamonds. Strangely, the central diamond seems to have a slightly reddish cast to it, although as it's turned in the light the coloration flickers in and out of vision.
[16:04] <Rei-chan> Blinking, Rei eyes the ring for a moment before she delicately picks it up, her mouth falling open as she turns it this way and that to examine. "Usagi..." she breathes, "This is... this is beautiful!" 'How could she afford it?'
[16:05] <Usagi-chan> As Rei reaches in to remove the ring from its box, the stone begins to flare, the diamond in the center shading into a vivid orangeish-red color as her hand draws closer to it. When she touches it, it seems to leap to life, almost but not quite giving off a light of its own - it's amazing how vivid the coloring is. And the color is never still, varying between an almost cherry red and an orange so pale it's nearly yellow -
[16:05] <Usagi-chan> although it does usually remain nearly the same orange-red hue as it originally had, only changing very slightly most of the time.
[16:06] * Rei-chan starts slightly at the light show. 'What in the...? How is it doing that?'
[16:07] * Usagi-chan smiles a bit. "It kind of goes along with the question of how I afforded it," Usagi says shyly. "I made the main diamond myself - there's an effect with the stone that makes it do that when it's close to a strong magical field - like your aura. It'll always stay that color while you wear it, but if you concentrate you can keep it from flickering like that."
[16:09] <Rei-chan> "I'm not sure that I'd want to..." Rei observes, still captivated. "It really is-" she stops, looking up at Usagi in surprise. "You MADE this?"
[16:10] * Usagi-chan nods, blushing slightly. "Using magic, yeah. Naru's mom made the ring and put it all together, but I made the stone."
[16:11] * Rei-chan shakes her head, grinning. "You never stop surprising me, Usagi." Standing up, she enfolds her girlfriend in a tight hug. "Thank you so much. I'll treasure it."
[16:11] * Usagi-chan still looks nervous as Rei releases her. "That's... not all of it," she says slowly.
[16:12] * Rei-chan tilts her head, eyeing Usagi curiously as she waits for her to go on.
[16:14] <Usagi-chan> "I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about... us." Usagi begins, swallowing hard. "I love you with all my heart, Rei-chan, and I want... I want to spend the rest of my life with you," she says in a sudden rush of words. "It may not happen for a long time, but I felt like I had to ask now - Rei Hino, will you marry me?"
[16:18] * Rei-chan blinks, looking at Usagi in stunned surprise for a long moment as she parses that. 'Marriage... but... I...' Giving herself a swift mental kick, she somehow regains her poise. "Usagi, I... I love you. With everything I have. And I never want to leave you. But..." she blushes quite radiantly. "We're both girls. Marriage isn't, um... y'know..." she flounders a bit at the end.
[16:20] * Usagi-chan smiles a bit. "That's... why I said it'd probably be a while. In case you forgot, I DO happen to be a queen - and the queen's word is law. If I say we can get married... we can. And I do say it."
[16:22] <Rei-chan> Blinking again, 'I am such an idiot.' Rei shakes her head as she tries to clear it. Smiling broadly, she slips the ring onto her ring finger, before grabbing Usagi in a hug once more, showering the blonde with kisses. "My answer is yes, then," she concludes, finally parting. Holding her left hand up, she admires how the ring looks, before a frown mars her pretty features. "I'm going to have a tough time topping this for your ring, you know?"
[16:25] <Usagi-chan> "You don't have to top it, Rei-chan," Usagi says, beaming at the positive answer. "I wanted this to be something extra special, just for you. Just hearing you say yes is enough of a gift for me." She draws the miko into a tight hug at that
[16:26] <Rei-chan> "As if there was any doubt," Rei snorts softly, nuzzling comfortably against the blonde. "I belong to you. Forever and always."
[16:29] * Usagi-chan rests her head on Rei's shoulder. "I didn't think you would, but it was... I was still really nervous the whole time," Usagi admits. "But we'll be together now - forever and always, just like you said."
[16:31] <Rei-chan> "That's right," Rei murmurs, before separating and giving Usagi an impish smile. "So... Rei Tsukino or Usagi Hino?"
[16:32] * Usagi-chan giggles. "I was HOPING for Rei Tsukino, but you don't have to change your name if you don't want to."
[16:37] <Rei-chan> "Hmm..." Rei looks thoughtful. "It does have a nice ring to it. Depends on your mother and father's approval, of course..."
[16:38] <Usagi-chan> "I know, and I don't expect any kind of ceremony until the Moon Kingdom is almost ready to go," Usagi admits. "I know it's probably rushing things a lot, but I wanted to ask you now."
[16:39] <Rei-chan> "Why the rush?" Rei asks, taking Usagi's hand and guiding the blonde to sit down on the couch with her.
[16:41] <Usagi-chan> "Well, we're almost like our own family already - I mean, you and I are like Chibi Usa's parents in a way even now. And Mako-chan's going to be starting HER own family soon. It really got me to thinking about it, and... well, I wanted to make it 'official'." She smiles a bit at that, taking a seat next to her love - now her fiancee.
[16:42] * Rei-chan nods. "You're right... should have thought of it myself, even."
[16:43] * Usagi-chan smiles. "I'm glad I got to surprise you, though. I worked on that diamond for a long time."
[16:45] * Rei-chan brings up her left hand to admire the glittering jewel. "I'm not surprised." She leans over to give Usagi a quick peck on the cheek. "It's the best ring in the world."
[16:47] <Usagi-chan> "I don't know about the BEST," Usagi says wryly, admiring her own handiwork as it glows on Rei's hand. "But I'd say it turned out pretty well."
[16:48] <Rei-chan> "You won't ever hear any complaints from me," Rei agrees, wrapping an arm around her new fiancee.
[16:49] * Usagi-chan smiles. "I didn't think I would," she says, reciprocating the action as she snuggles up to the miko. "Merry Christmas, Rei-chan."
[16:49] <Rei-chan> "And a happy new year," Rei finishes, making herself comfortable.
[09:07] <Anastasia> --
[09:18] <Anastasia> Just past New Year's, Professor Tomoe calls Usagi, Rei and everyone else to his office. Except poor Haruka, who had the misfortune to have a nasty cold. It's unusual - he's calling you in just past lunch, right in the middle of your after lunch class. Odd...
[09:22] <Anastasia> As you gather, you note he looks slightly excited, unusually animated. Extra chairs have even been brought in, so that there is plenty of seating for all...
[09:22] * Usagi-chan gives the Professor a curious look as she enters. "What's going on, Professor?"
[09:23] <Anastasia> "Sit down, sit down," he begins with an easy smile. "It's nothing bad at all - no new threat to worry about."
[09:23] <Anastasia> "That's a relief," Tellu notes, doing just that - sitting.
[09:23] * Ami-chan smiles faintly, settling herself into a chair. "A nice change." Ami agrees.
[09:24] * Rei-chan takes a seat, looking on curiously but remaining silent for now.
[09:24] * Usagi-chan takes a seat as well, her curiosity still piqued - she hasn't seen the Professor this excited in some time.
[09:26] <Anastasia> The other Witches follow suit, curious but quiet - except for Eudial, who looks a bit amused herself. "I've broached this matter with a few of you before - about expanding Mugen's role." Beginning now that everyone is seated, "I believe Usagi is familiar with the concept, as well as Eudial and Viluy."
[09:27] * Usagi-chan nods in recognition.
[09:28] * Rei-chan nods as well, having heard about it from Usagi.
[09:29] <Anastasia> "I heard about it myself," Cyprine nods, "And," glancing over at Usagi, "We heard something about it as well on a stray thought."
[09:29] * Ami-chan raises her eyebrows, glancing back at the others briefly, then at the professor.
[09:30] * Usagi-chan blushes a little at Cyprine's words... she's been TRYING to get better about that, but it's slow going.
[09:34] <Anastasia> Ptilol smiles at Usagi, 'We need to sit down and practice sometime... you have potential, Usagi,' the Twin sends.
[09:35] <Anastasia> Nodding as the conversation yields, "Yes. I've been doing some inquiries as well as prodding, and I have come to the conclusion that such an enterprise is not only viable, but almost needed at the current time."
[09:37] * Rei-chan nods again, waiting for him to go on.
[09:37] * Ami-chan does likewise, curious to see the scope of the professor's intentions.
[09:38] <Anastasia> Professor Tomoe goes on from that, "I'm not the only of my collegues who have stumbled into matters such as this in a manner, and with all the semi-public incidents along these lines... a number are beginning to question new fields of research."
[09:39] <Usagi-chan> "Have you talked to some of them about it? What did they have to say?" Usagi asks.
[09:41] <Anastasia> "I have broached the matter in certain ways, and..." A short pause as he pushes up his glasses, taking a breath. "Without giving much away, there is interest. Not only in a college for the regular scieneces, maths, philosophies and such, but also in more unorthodox research. Just showing them a little..." A shadow plays across his face a moment, "Along with some basic evidence has been enough to arouse a great deal of interest."
[09:43] * Usagi-chan frowns just a bit at the shadow across the Professor's face, but she nods. "When do you think you'd be getting things started?"
[09:44] <Rei-chan> "No doubt," Rei nods. "So... if we did run more esoteric classes, how would we decide who to teach? And how to entice prospective students without giving too much away?"
[09:44] <Anastasia> "Makes sense," Viluy muses, tapping her knee as she thinks. "I remember how excited I was when I learned how to use my magic to enhance my machines."
[09:46] * Ami-chan just sits back and listens to the discussion, taking in the information as it comes.
[09:47] <Anastasia> "At the moment, I would propose to teach any who sincerely seem interested and who don't show overtly corrupt intentions." Smiling, "Regardless... most of the first wave would be other researchers and such who would desire to learn more about these things. As for the latter," He turns to Usagi, "I defer that matter to her... though, that leads to my second point. This project will need teachers for this,
[09:47] <Anastasia> and the magically inclined with any knowledge at all are few and far between," he says, looking at all of you meaningfully.
[09:49] <Usagi-chan> "To me?" Usagi seems rather surprised.
[09:49] <Rei-chan> "I'd be more than happy to teach whatever I can," Rei agrees quickly, having greatly enjoyed teaching Hotaru and more recently Ami in spiritual matters. Not to mention she probably won't get the chance to do much teaching in the future once they start up their kingdom on the moon...
[09:49] * Ami-chan blinks, startled at the idea, and frowning as she considers...
[09:49] <Anastasia> "It is your Kingdom, Usagi," he says simply. "And what better way for you to judge them... by teaching them yourself, hands on?"
[09:50] <Anastasia> "If anyone else has a talent for plants, I wouldn't mind teaching them," Tellu ventures quietly but firmly, looking around at the others for reactions.
[09:51] * Rei-chan gives Tellu a supportive smile. "You helped Makoto a lot with that, didn't you?"
[09:52] <Usagi-chan> "I guess, I just thought... you probably know more about that stuff than I do... you really think I could do it? I mean, I'd like to do it, but I'm not sure I'd be any good at it." Usagi stammers.
[09:54] <Anastasia> Smiling now, "You've managed quite a few impressive feats, Usagi. I know how hard teleportation is... Germatou couldn't even quite pull it off himself, and he was quite talented. Not only can you do it, you recovered the main magic yourself as well as crafting your own spells. With a bit of help, I believe you should be fine."
[09:55] * Usagi-chan nods, still looking a bit nervous. "I'll do my best," she says with a smile.
[09:56] <Rei-chan> "You'll be fine," Rei assures her. "There's no substitute for practical experience, and you've got a ton of that."
[09:57] <Anastasia> "I suppose we can do the same as well... and teach Usagi any gaps she has in her basic magic," Cyprine suggests. Ptilol nods. "We need to spend time with her anyway."
[09:58] <Usagi-chan> "Thanks.... I can definitely use all the help I can get with this," she says wryly.
[10:03] <Anastasia> "We'll all work on it," Eudial says, "And... Professor Tomoe," she glances at him. "We will be getting paid for our services, correct?"
[10:04] <Anastasia> Said Professor blinks twice, honestly caught unaware on that. "Uh... well..." he fumbles eloquently, his composure rather dented by one line. "If... you need the money, I suppose?"
[10:05] * Rei-chan smirks slightly, shaking her head at Eudial's not really unexpected question. Considering how expensive customising her car is, it's no real surprise.
[10:06] * Usagi-chan giggles a bit at that. "I'm not too worried about the money... considering how much help this will be with the Kingdom, I should probably be paying you," she says with a grin.
[10:06] <Anastasia> Cyprine just shakes her head, suppressing a small laugh. "We are getting free educations," she does point out.
[10:07] <Rei-chan> "I don't really need to be paid for it, myself," Rei agrees with Cyprine.
[10:09] * Ami-chan smiles slightly, fiddling with her pen, and wearing a non-committal expression.
[10:18] <Anastasia> Recovering now and plastering a nice smile on his face, "Regardless of that, yes. Are there any questions so far?"
[10:19] * Usagi-chan glances around at her companions before speaking up. "I guess the only one I have is the same one I asked before - when would you actually be starting this up?"
[10:23] <Anastasia> "Within a year," is the reply, "Mugen still has a strong academic record and a large facility, so expanding will not be overly difficult. Filling the more traditional teaching positions shouldn't take terribly long... I'm hoping within a year or two."
[10:24] * Rei-chan nods. "Plenty of time to get ready, then."
[10:25] * Ami-chan nods in agreement.
[10:25] * Usagi-chan nods as well.
[10:27] <Anastasia> "Then..." Eudial nods. "We have something to work for to again?"
[10:30] <Usagi-chan> "It sure looks that way," Usagi agrees, a small smile on her face.
[16:33] <Anastasia> ---
[16:36] <Anastasia> Sunday morning is your favorite time of the day, maybe. Sleeping in pleasant, more so as you hover on the edge of awareness, a warmth in your arms...something warm...
[16:38] * Usagi-chan yawns as she comes slowly into consciousness, blinking sleepily as she opens her eyes.
[16:40] <Anastasia> As you awaken, you see Chibi Usa worked her way into your bed again. The girl is curled up in her light green, frilly nightgown, head buried in your mid chest as she snores softly.
[16:40] * Usagi-chan smiles a bit, stroking the back of the young girl's head gently. She makes no move to get up, not wanting to disturb her sleeping daughter.
[16:42] <Anastasia> Naturally, this goes on just a bit before Chibi Usa wakes. Opening her eyes and staring at you, "Mommy," she murmurs sleepily, reaching up to rub her eyes.
[16:43] <Usagi-chan> "Morning, sleepyhead," Usagi says with a smile. "Did you sleep well?"
[16:45] <Anastasia> "Mmm...I did," Chibi Usa says, her now more or less clear eyes open. "And you promised to take me to the park today, Mommy..."
[16:45] <Usagi-chan> "Sounds like a good plan to me," Usagi says with a smile. "But let's go get some breakfast first, all right?"
[16:51] <Anastasia> With a nod, Chibi Usa stretches and rises with a spectacular yawn. A short bit later the two of you head downstairs, your daughter sniffing the air. Something smells notably good, Mom must be making a nice breakfast. Cooking bacon...
[16:52] * Usagi-chan also sniffs the air as she enters the kitchen. "What's for breakfast?" she asks, a smile on her face. "Bacon and...?"
[16:54] <Anastasia> Ikkuko stands over a sizzling pan, a small stack of bacon on a paper towled plate to drain. Eggs are cooking in another pan, a mess of scrambled ones. "Bacon and eggs, Usagi-chan," she answers back, wiping her forehead with her forearm before removing two more crispy strips of pork from the pan.
[16:55] <Anastasia> "Can we eat now," Chibi Usa pipes up, smelling the food quite happily. Her stomach even rumbles a bit - by God, it does smell good in here.
[16:56] <Usagi-chan> "Smells wonderful," Usagi says with a grin. "And yeah, can we get started yet? I'm starving!"
[16:57] <Anastasia> "Not yet," she says just a touch sharply. "We're going to eat together - Your father and Shingo should be back with juice and rolls soon, Usagi-chan."
[16:58] <Usagi-chan> "All right," Usagi says, pouting just a little and resisting the temptation to swipe a piece of bacon anyway. "What's the big event? Seems like you're going all out this morning."
[16:59] <Anastasia> Turning just a bit, "Eiko's mom is coming tomorrow," Ikkuko smiles honestly there. "Aunt Chisato is going to be picked up from the airport at 10 AM sharp."
[17:00] <Usagi-chan> "Oh really..." Usagi says, not bothering to hide a smile. "I guess Eiko is going home?"
[17:01] <Anastasia> "Oh yes," Ikkuko smiles more, though hidden by the fact she turns back to the pan. "In a few days."
[17:02] <Usagi-chan> "I'm guessing you're planning on having a little talk with her?" Usagi asks 'innocently' - and resolving to find some way to listen in on said talk.
[17:05] <Anastasia> "Yes," Ikkuko says, interrupted by the front door opening and two shouts of "We're home!" As Chibi Usa hurries to get a seat she likes, Dad and your little spore of a brother enter, bearing a bag with both hot rolls and cold juice. "Hey, Usagi-chan," Dad says as he sets the objects down on the table.
[17:07] <Usagi-chan> "Morning, Daddy!" Usagi says, giving her father a kiss on the cheek. "Does this mean we can eat now?"
[17:09] <Anastasia> "Not yet, Usagi," Mom butts in again, putting more bacon on. "We'll eat together, when I'm done cooking. If you're so impatient... go wash some silverware for everyone, Usagi. I forgot to do it myself last night." Mom doesn't sound mean or anything, though she is just a touch... forceful about it.
[17:10] <Usagi-chan> "All right, I'll get it," Usagi grumbles, heading over to the sink to do just that. "I'm just hungry!"
[17:14] <Anastasia> "Like always," Shingo snorts, sitting down next to Chibi Usa.  "Hey, Chibi," he smirks, leaning in. "Guess what?" Shingo is whispering, but you can just hear it anyway.
[17:15] * Usagi-chan shoots her tongue out at her little brother as she washes the silver, but remains quiet - she's wondering exactly what Shingo has to say to Chibi Usa.
[17:22] <Anastasia> "What," Chibi Usa replies, also leaning in, ear to Shingo's mouth. "I got that new video game just now... and we'll play it tonight, okay? We'll both get good at it before Usagi can." Chibi Usa giggles a bit at it, glancing up at Usagi. "Okay! I'll get to play Mommy, too!"
[17:23] * Usagi-chan looks over at Shingo, raising an eyebrow - although she decides not to step in on the two's fun. 'Finally must have released the home version of the senshi arcade game,' she muses.
[17:25] <Anastasia> Shingo snickers, but Ikkuko speaks up as you finish rinsing off the silverware. "Alright, Usagi. Breakfast is just about ready!"
[17:26] <Usagi-chan> "Finally!" Usagi says, drying off the last few pieces of silverware before bringing them to the table. "I'm hungry enough to eat a Mau!"
[17:28] <Anastasia> "Usagi!" A protesting cry is heard from atop the refrigerator. Luna is atop there, almost to the roof and primly sitting there. A small saucer is by her, that you can just see. "We are not snack food!"
[17:29] * Usagi-chan giggles. "I'm only teasing, Luna. I'll stick to bacon and eggs anyway."
[17:32] <Anastasia> "I'll pass," Luna nods, turning her nose up in faux annoyance. "I need to keep my figure, after all."
[17:33] <Usagi-chan> "Yes, you do. You're looking pretty trim again - I'll have to thank Artemis," she says with a grin.
[17:36] <Anastasia> Luna hmmps a bit at that, but smiles despite it. "I suppose so," she allows. At that, you notice your plate is being passed to you, loaded down with an Usagi-sized portion.
[17:36] * Usagi-chan accepts it gratefully, starting in on her meal with no further ado!
[17:38] <Anastasia> Your mini-mountain of food is demolished in no small order. As you get down to the bottom of it and the others get started in earnest, Chibi Usa speaks up. "Don't spoil your appetite, Mommy," Chibi Usa points out, waving a strip of bacon. "You promised me lunch, too!"
[17:40] <Usagi-chan> "As if I could ever ruin my appetite," Usagi replies with a grin. "Don't worry, we'll still have a good lunch together."
[17:44] <Anastasia> Nodding and going back to her meal with a smile... from there, the meal goes without incident. The rest of the day goes by as well - almost frightfully quick, as a matter of fact. Past eight, you find yourself sitting on your bed in the early night, brushing out your unbound hair with Luna perched nearby on the bed. "Usagi, you heard about your Aunt Chisato this morning, didn't you?"
[17:45] <Usagi-chan> "Yeah," Usagi agrees. "Mom said she's coming in tomorrow morning."
[17:46] <Anastasia> The cat nods. "Ikkuko invited me to come with her - in human form - to pick her up," the cat says casually.
[17:46] <Usagi-chan> "Lucky you," Usagi says with a small grin. "Hope she's not too much like Eiko."
[17:50] <Anastasia> "I hope not," Luna agrees, watching you idly as you work through your long tresses. "But... heh. I think you should be home when we arrive, Usagi-chan. Can you leave school early tomorrow?"
[17:51] <Usagi-chan> "I can probably arrange that," Usagi agrees. "Heck, I could probably go with you to pick her up at the airport if you really want - all I'd need to do is call the office at school in the morning."
[17:52] <Anastasia> "No," Luna shakes her head firmly. "I already asked, and Ikkuko doesn't want you to come." A bit of annoyance is there in her voice, notable to you. "But I don't think the fireworks are going to happen in the car, or at least the important ones. And for those, I want you here, Usagi-chan."
[17:53] <Usagi-chan> "I'll be here," Usagi agrees. "What time do you think you should get back? Around 11 or so?"
[18:32] <Anastasia> "About," Luna nods. "Be here by ten thirty, Usagi."
[18:33] <Usagi-chan> "I will," Usagi replies. "Good luck with her tomorrow. Here's hoping the trouble DOESN'T start before you get home."
[18:40] <Anastasia> Luna nods..and thus, the next day comes. Mom and Luna eating breakfast together when you come down, your alarm snatching you away from sleep.
[18:41] * Usagi-chan yawns and stretches as she enters the kitchen. "Morning everyone," she says. "Today's the day, huh?"
[18:44] <Anastasia> "Yeah," Mom says quietly, sipping at some tea. "Today's the day..."
[18:44] * Usagi-chan grabs a couple of slices of toast before sitting down at the table. "You worried?" she asks, looking at her mother.
[18:47] <Anastasia> "Of course not," she replies, smiling now. Not a 'good' smile, oh no. "I've been waiting for today for six months now."
[18:48] * Usagi-chan glances over at Luna. "Do you want me to come with you?" she asks, not buying it for a second. "I'm sure I could get out of school for a day - I haven't needed to skip in a long time."
[18:52] <Anastasia> "No, Usagi," Ikkuko quickly shakes her head. "You don't need to."
[18:53] <Usagi-chan> "All right," Usagi agrees, looking over at Luna and nodding slightly.
[19:07] <Anastasia> And thus, the two leave just as you are supposed to 'leave for school...'
[19:09] * Usagi-chan decides to simply call in, since the two are leaving before she does - no sense merely heading in to school for a matter of a couple of hours. After walking Chibi Usa to school, she returns home to await her mother's arrival with her 'beloved' aunt Chisato.
[19:14] <Anastasia> And thus, ten approaches... ten twenty... ten forty... ten fifty... the slam of a car door wakes you from your reverie...
[19:15] * Usagi-chan peeks out of her bedroom window to make sure it's her mother and not one of the neighbors.
[19:21] <Anastasia> It is indeed your mother... with a hatted woman and Luna. Aunt Chisato's face is hidden, but Mom's isn't. It's a carefully composed mask at the moment...
[19:23] * Usagi-chan bites her lip, wondering how things are going so far. Not wanting to add to her mother's stress any further, she remains upstairs as the three enter, although she does listen to the conversation in the living room from the top of the stairs.
[19:25] <Anastasia> The three head in, going into the living room. A short silence there, until a Western accented voice speaks. "Now, Ikkuko, dear..." she says, slightly... you aren't quite sure what, but it rubs you the wrong way. Like she thinks she's a tier up on you and knows it...
[19:25] * Usagi-chan frowns a bit, but simply listens in silence.
[19:27] <Anastasia> "Shut UP," Ikkuko cuts her off. "What was THIS, Chisato? What the hell have you been doing with Eiko?" Voice rather angry, you don't hear an immediate reply. "She's a damn self-destructive terror!"
[19:29] * Usagi-chan grimaces, padding quietly down the stairs as she tries to peek in at the scene unobtrusively.
[19:29] <Anastasia> "Ikkuko, dear," Chisato begins again, in that same voice as before. Slam. "No dear, Chisato. Start TALKING! I've had to blow a large part of Kenji's paycheck on an apartment for that little pyscho you call a daughter!"
[19:29] <Anastasia> Creeping down, you can't quite see from here. But any lower, and... you'll have to take a risk to see, really.
[19:30] * Usagi-chan decides to risk it - it sounds like Mom is about ready to blow her top, and Usagi would like to try to blunt that a bit if she can. Not for Chisato's sake, of course, but she knows her mother is going to wind up with another headache at the rate she's going.
[19:34] <Anastasia> "Ikkuko," Chisato sighs a bit. "Of course I pawned her off on you. You're the little domestic goddess, you should be able to handle her better. You don't have a career to worry about besides feeding your kids, after all."
[19:36] * Usagi-chan frowns deeply at that, half-tempted to step in - but not yet.
[19:37] <Anastasia> On getting down a bit, you can see that Chisato is sitting in Dad's seat, and the other two at the couch. Ikkuko looks furious, while Luna is just being quiet and composed.
[19:38] * Usagi-chan looks over at Luna - remaining as well out of sight as she can, but not taking any extreme measures to keep herself hidden, either.
[19:40] <Anastasia> Luna doesn't turn her head, and it doesn't look like anyone notices you yet. "So, you just figured you DUMP her on me?" Ikkuko grinds out. "Because you couldn't manage your own kid? Didn't you bother teaching her anything growing up?"
[19:41] * Usagi-chan doesn't really need to be a mind-reader to know the answer to that question, but she waits for it anyway.
[19:43] <Anastasia> "Don't blame me, sis," she snorts, tossing her hair back. Long and black underneath a black wide-brimmed ladies' hat, it's kinda reminding you of Rei's, only even darker. "If anything, it's your fault that you didn't pull her together."
[19:44] * Usagi-chan snorts herself at that assertion. She dumps off her problem daughter and expects Mom to take care of her in a matter of days?
[19:45] <Anastasia> That gets Mom to light up like a red Christmas light, her nails going into a palm bound destination in her hands. "Chi-sa-to," she says, trying to stay calm. "Don't even PULL this! This isn't like your goldfish that you can expect me to feed! What, did you let your boyfriends raise her?"
[19:47] * Usagi-chan grimaces, willing her mother to calm down. 'Calm down a little, Mom,' she thinks. 'I'm mad too, but losing it isn't going to help anyone.'
[19:54] <Anastasia> A snort, as Chisato's slightly aloft expression changes for poorer. "Well, excuse me for wanting some more freedom," she tosses her head back. "Lord knows I can't take Eiko anywhere, and this South American tour was an absolute BLAST."
[19:54] <Usagi-chan> "Freedom?!" Usagi says, unable to hold her tongue any longer. "You had a daughter and all you can think of her is how much you don't want her around so you can have more freedom?" she says contemptuously. "No wonder Eiko's so messed up."
[19:58] <Anastasia> This causes all three to look up at your position, Ikkuko scowling. "Usagi! Why aren't you at school," she asks, clearly not a happy little mother.
[20:00] <Usagi-chan> "Luna asked me to be here when you got home," Usagi replies. "And knowing what was up, I thought it was a good idea. I've already called, so the office knows I won't be in today - I'll just make everything up tomorrow like I usually do."
[20:07] <Anastasia> "Ah, your daughter," Chisato glances at you. "Isn't she a pretty little thing! Fiesty, too, to miss school like that."
[20:08] <Usagi-chan> "I've got special arrangements with my school," Usagi replies coolly. "They're pretty understanding about it when I need to miss a day."
[20:11] <Anastasia> "Usagi, I told you go to school," Ikkuko replies, still not happy at all.
[20:13] <Usagi-chan> "And Luna asked me to be here when you got back," Usagi answers. "Missing a day of school isn't going to kill me - you know I've had to make up worse."
[20:18] <Anastasia> "Anyway," Chisato rises, taking the opportunity to rise. "If you tell me where Eiko is, I suppose the two of us should be going, sis."
[20:26] <Usagi-chan> "Good question," Usagi says with a frown. "God only knows where she probably is right now. I'll bet anything she's not at her apartment."
[20:34] <Anastasia> "Well, I'll find her, I'm sure," Chisato waves distantly. "It's just a matter of time, especially if you cut off her money."
[20:36] * Usagi-chan shakes her head at the callous indifference her aunt is showing towards her daughter's welfare. It explains volumes about Eiko, really. "I can go look for her if you want, Mom," Usagi says, bypassing Chisato entirely. 'It'll probably get both of them out of here quicker anyway.'
[20:38] <Anastasia> Ikkuko twitches twice, shaking her head. "Usagi... just... get her out of here," she says, holding her head and trying to restrain herself. The strain is notable, her aura brightening a bit.
[20:40] * Usagi-chan frowns a bit, placing a hand on her mother's shoulder. "I'm going, Mom. Just... try to take it easy until I get back, okay?" With a sigh, she heads out into the city, her first destination Eiko's apartment. Knowing the other girl, it's a long shot, but it's as good a place to start as any.
[20:48] <Anastasia> OOC - Soul check
[20:48] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6
[20:48] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 11."
[20:49] <Anastasia> Sensing out as you leave the volatile house, it takes you a bit to get a lead on Eiko. She's not at home... she's reasonably far away, on the other side of the city. Figures.
[20:51] * Usagi-chan sighs, keeping a lock on Eiko's location as she heads for the train station. Roofhopping wouldn't be any faster with that much distance to cover.
[20:52] <Anastasia> As the train circles the city, you begint o get a better lock. Shibuya, home of fashions and shops. Of course.
[20:57] * Usagi-chan shakes her head, heading into the multitude of shops throughout the district as she tries to get a better fix on Eiko.
[20:58] <Anastasia> Heading onward, near the edge of the district, you sense Eiko. A fair bit away from her, you sense another very strong aura, a familiar one. At least she's not near Pytha, though the latter's aura is somewhat flaring. You get a strange sense of annoyance from it. Curious.
[21:00] * Usagi-chan frowns, quickening her pace a bit as she heads towards Eiko's location. She idly wonders if her charming cousin has had a run-in with the former criminal - it would definitely explain the annoyance.
[21:02] <Anastasia> Hustling, you find Eiko in a small little beauty spa. She's deeply inside 'Prieere's', you think.
[21:03] * Usagi-chan shakes her head, wasting little time in going into the spa. She has to wonder where Eiko is getting the money for all this... although considering some of what she's seen Eiko get into, perhaps it's better not to know.
[21:31] <Ana-chan> Inside the earthy place, you are quickly assailed by a girl wearing a simple smock. "Excuse me, can I help you?"
[21:32] <Usagi-chan> "Yes, I'm looking for someone - I thought I saw her come in earlier. Her name is Eiko." Usagi explains.
[21:35] <Ana-chan> "She's in the back, I think, in the spa," she replies. "Go on, it's right through there."
[21:35] <Usagi-chan> "Thanks," Usagi says with a smile, heading through into the spa itself.
[21:36] <Ana-chan> It's a small steam room, actually. A few women are here and there, Eiko in there with a towel over her face and half dozing.
[21:37] * Usagi-chan sighs, hoping she can do this without creating a scene - and not holding out too much hope. Heading over to Eiko's side, she taps the other girl on the shoulder gently. "Eiko..."
[21:38] <Ana-chan> Eiko stirs slightly, her towel clad form shifting slightly but not really waking.
[21:39] * Usagi-chan takes Eiko's shoulder a bit more firmly, shaking her a bit to try to wake her. "Come on, Eiko, you need to wake up."
[21:40] <Ana-chan> Eiko stirs now, looking up and removing the face towel. "The hell do you want, bitch," she murmurs sleepily, shaking her head a bit.
[21:41] * Usagi-chan frowns a bit, but stands her ground. "Your mom arrived this morning. She's waiting at my house to take you home."
[21:47] <Ana-chan> Eiko stirs once, face going rather still. "Yeah." Rising, she wordlessly goes to get dresses, only a single towel keeping her partially decent.
[21:49] * Usagi-chan gives the dark-haired girl a sympathetic smile as she returns. "I'll give you a hand getting ready if you want... although I can understand if you're not in any hurry."
[21:51] <Ana-chan> No reply, Eiko coldly brushing past you and away.
[21:52] * Usagi-chan simply shakes her head, staying close behind the other girl as she leaves.
[21:56] <Ana-chan> Soon enough, you wait... and can sense that Eiko is leaving without you shortly thereafter.
[21:57] * Usagi-chan doesn't make an issue of it, simply following the other girl out and away from the spa.
[22:00] <Ana-chan> Eiko goes along, not turning back for you at all. She heads to the subway, working her way into the crowd...
[22:01] * Usagi-chan follows Eiko unerringly, thankful to whatever powers that might be for the gift of her aura sight.
[22:06] <Ana-chan> Just making the train she gets on, you are stuck standing a far ways from her, no seats available...
[22:06] * Usagi-chan grumbles to herself at the uncomfortable conditions, but little more than that.
[22:10] <Ana-chan> It's a long, cramped ride. Amid the unpleasant feeling of other bodies crammed into your own - it's a packed ride today - thirty minutes pass. Finally, the masses begin to shuffle out after arriving...
[22:11] * Usagi-chan tries to keep Eiko in sight as she exits in the crush of passengers.
[22:15] <Ana-chan> It's hard, but your aura sight helps a bit. By the time you get out, she's a fair bit ahead of you.
[22:17] * Usagi-chan quickens her pace a bit. Eiko might not want to walk with her, but she's not letting the other girl get out of sight, either.
[08:28] <Anastasia> Heading along, Eiko sets a fairly brisk pace. You just keep up with her, as you get closer to the Tsukino household...
[08:30] <Usagi-chan> 'Not even going home for her stuff?' Usagi thinks, surprised. She attempts to close the gap between the two as they enter her own neighborhood - at least there aren't so many people here.
[08:35] <Anastasia> Eiko makes it to your house a bit ahead of you, going right inside. You can sense all three are in the area, at least.
[08:36] * Usagi-chan just shakes her head, wasting no time in following Eiko into the house.
[08:40] <Anastasia> By the time you get inside, Eiko is near her mother. The expression between the two... could probably burn steel if it was placed between it. "Come on, Eiko," Chisato says tightly. "Let's go."
[08:42] * Usagi-chan frowns, shaking her head. Seeing Chisato... doesn't excuse Eiko's actions, but it does go a long way towards explaining them.
[08:45] <Anastasia> Eiko frowns, but obeys. "Bye, Ikkuko, dear," Chisato says as you head out, waving to the woman on the other side of the room. "Maybe we'll drop by for Christmas if we're in town!"
[08:46] * Usagi-chan scowls, simply moving out of the way to let the two pass. She doesn't want to slow down her aunt's departure in any way whatsoever.
[08:54] <Anastasia> As they walk out... Ikkuko just simmers, as one problem hopefully leaves your life for good. Hopefully.
[08:54] * Usagi-chan sighs as she walks over to give her mother a hug. "It's okay, Mom. They're gone."
[09:01] <Anastasia> Ikkuko sighs herself, trying to compose her mind. "Gone... finally..."
[09:03] <Usagi-chan> "Yeah," Usagi says with a frown, looking over at the door. "At least it's over now."
[17:54] <Anastasia> ---
[17:58] <Anastasia> And thus, Eiko is gone. Mom goes to make a lunch - which for her, turns out to simply be coffee. There is stuff in there for you, if you like, though she makes no move to make it herself.
[18:01] * Usagi-chan just grabs something simple - a few leftovers from dinner last night - and sits down at the table with her mother. "Are you all right?" she asks a bit hesitantly.
[18:03] <Anastasia> Looking up from her cup of steaming coffee, you note your mother's eyes are rather clouded. "I'm fine... just tired," she says, shaking her head.
[18:05] <Usagi-chan> "You sure?" Usagi asks gently. "I know it had to be rough dealing with Aunt Chisato - I was only listening to it and I was getting mad."
[18:08] <Anastasia> Looking down at her drink, "It was... but I'll be fine, Usagi-chan. Eiko's gone now, and I doubt we'll ever see Aunt Chisato again."
[18:11] <Usagi-chan> "If you're sure," Usagi says somewhat dubiously. "I'm just worried about you - everything about Eiko has been driving you crazy ever since she got here."
[18:17] <Anastasia> "Heh... but she's gone now," Ikkuko smiles wanly. "No worries anymore, besides if anything else shows up to destroy the Earth."
[18:18] * Usagi-chan gives her mother a smile. "And there's no sense worrying about that unless it actually happens. I'm still hoping Zirae was the last trouble we'll have to worry about - at least for a long time."
[18:23] <Anastasia> "It's been a few months now, so maybe you're right," she agrees, taking a sip. "Chibi Usa's getting used to going to school, and she's happy again. My own granddaughter... before you managed to finish high school, and yet I'm proud of you."
[18:24] * Usagi-chan blushes a bit at that. "It definitely wasn't anything *I* was expecting for quite a while, but I'm glad she's here with me." She smiles up at her mother. "Thanks."
[19:05] <Anastasia> "I wasn't expecting it yet, Usagi... short of circumstances that neither of us would want, and something that can't really happen now."
[19:07] * Usagi-chan goes a bit redder in the cheeks. "I'm... not so sure of that. It's nothing I'm going to worry about for a good while, but... I have thought about it happening sometime in the future."
[19:11] <Anastasia> Shifting her attention onto you more interestedly, "Really, Usagi? What did you have in mind for it. Your current, ah, situation has certain problems regarding that."
[19:13] * Usagi-chan looks down at the table, still a bit embarrassed. "Well... I've been doing a lot of work learning about magic in general lately, and I think... it might be possible for either Rei or me to have children using it. I haven't got all the details worked out yet or anything, and it'd be a long time in the future before we'd try it, but I think it could happen."
[19:20] <Anastasia> That gets a bit of a thoughtful blush from Ikkuko, but she smiles. "That would be nice, Usagi-chan. You should have a child or two... you're not a bad mother at all."
[19:20] <Usagi-chan> "Thanks," Usagi says, smiling a bit. "I had a good teacher."
[19:26] <Anastasia> That gets a warmer smile back from Mom. "Thank you, Usagi."
[19:27] <Usagi-chan> "Well, it's true," Usagi says. "I know I don't say it very often, but you've done a lot. How many other moms out there have to cope with their daughters going out to risk their necks fighting who knows what that are planning to destroy the world?" she says with a grin. "I'm half surprised *I* haven't made you flip out yet."
[19:31] <Anastasia> "You came close," Mom smiles now, mood brightening. "Being Sailor Moon, being a Princess, being a l... intersted in other women, being a mother already..."
[19:34] * Usagi-chan giggles a bit. "I almost can't believe half of it myself, and I've lived through it all! I have to pinch myself every now and then just to make sure I'm not dreaming all of this - it just seems so surreal sometimes. But I'm glad you've been so understanding about everything - it's made it all a lot easier."
[19:39] <Anastasia> She nods. "It's been easier... Usagi-chan," she begins, frowning. "I don't know why, but after that hot springs accident..."
[19:41] * Usagi-chan 's smile fades a bit at the mention of that. "I'm really sorry about that," Usagi says quietly. "I was so wrapped up in my own problems that I didn't do my job, and you got hurt because of it."
[19:43] <Anastasia> "It wasn't your fault, Usagi. You were in such a terrible depression, and it all happened so fast..." she looks away, to the window, thinking and seeing that day again. "One moment we were bathing together, and the next that monster was coming at me."
[19:44] * Usagi-chan shakes her head. "It... I can't really excuse it. Seeing Endymion there really rattled me, and I was pretty shaken up over what happened at the Tower, but I still should have done something. Not nothing."
[20:06] <Anastasia> "Usagi-chan... you can't have expected to run into that there. No one could have." Reaching out, "I don't blame you, Usagi-chan, even when I see the scars in the mirror."
[20:08] <Usagi-chan> "I know you don't," Usagi says, giving her mother a weak smile. "But I do. In a way, I guess it was a good thing - it really woke me up more than anything else could. All of a sudden it wasn't just a game anymore - you almost died because I didn't do what I needed to do. I'm just thankful that Rei was there - I don't want to imagine what might have happened if she hadn't been."
? Missing line here?
[20:13] * Usagi-chan gets up, going over to give her mother a hug. "You didn't, Mom. Yeah, I screwed up, and what happened might or might not be my fault, but you're still with us now. That's the most important thing."
[20:16] <Anastasia> "IT is...but it breaks my heart to think of what would have happened if I wasn't..." she says quietly. "You were hurting so much already, Usagi-chan..."
[20:18] <Usagi-chan> "Then don't," Usagi says quietly. "It DIDN'T happen - there's no sense in worrying about what might have happened. I had to learn that lesson, too."
[20:21] <Anastasia> Ikkuko nods. "I know, but... looking at all this, I keep thinking on how easy it would have been for something to happen. For you not to be here, or me, or Shingo, or Chibi Usa..."
[20:24] <Usagi-chan> "I know," Usagi whispers. "When I saw the Crystal shatter... it was like a huge pit had opened up inside me. I don't know what I would have done if things had stayed that way."
[20:26] <Anastasia> "Yes... or when you were gone to that television station... or..." Ikkuko sighs. "I was so worried for all of those battles, Usagi. What if you never came back?"
[20:28] * Usagi-chan takes her mother's hand, giving it a tight squeeze. "But I did. Yeah, we've all had some tight scrapes, but we've always managed to come through all right in the end. And hopefully there won't be anything else like that again. I don't know for sure, but I can always keep hoping."
[20:32] <Anastasia> Rising, she smiles. "I hope so as well, Usagi-chan. I hope so every day."
[20:34] * Usagi-chan smiles. "What do you say we head out and do some shopping or something else to relax this afternoon? I haven't gotten to spend much time out with you in what seems like forever."
[20:35] <Anastasia> "That sounds good, Usagi," Mom smiles. "That sounds fine indeed."
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


[13:49] <Anastasia> ---
[10:33] <Ana-games> May 5th, 2005. A day that will live in Makoto's memory, as the day her lovely baby boy was born. Or in infamy, as a twenty-something hour labor is really not that fun.
[10:34] <Anastasia> Yet two days after that, as you lie in bed and feed young Seijuurou, it doesn't seem to matter at all... moved back home under watch by Ami's mother, it doesn't seem to matter at all...
[10:34] <Anastasia> And of course, when there is baby... there are visitors.
[10:39] <Anastasia> Coming to Makoto's front door right from school, Rei, Usagi and Ami approach and knock, Alan answering the door. He looks a bit tired, even though he's wearing a rather big smile. "Hey," he nods, Makoto's normally tidy living room a bit rumpled behind him. "Coming to see Makoto and Seijuurou?"
[10:39] <Usagi-chan> "Sure, if we're not disturbing you guys," Usagi says with a smile.
[10:40] * Ami-chan smiles a little at Alan, nodding. "How are you holding up?"
[10:41] <Anastasia> "Sure," he says, moving back to let you in. "Tired," he smiles right back to Ami. "Between well-wishing and taking care of Makoto, it's been busy."
[10:42] * Rei-chan nods as she enters, looking around briefly. "Makoto in bed right now?"
[10:42] * Ami-chan nods sympathetically as she follows the others inside.
[10:42] <Anastasia> "Yes," he nods simply, leading you back into Makoto's room. Hair unbound and shirt loose as as her child feeds, Makoto looks far older than her 15 years...
[10:43] <Rei-chan> "Hey, Mako-chan," Rei waves, smiling softly at the mother-and-son pair.
[10:43] * Makoto smiles at her guests. "Hey, everyone."
[10:43] * Usagi-chan smiles brightly. "How are you doing, Mako-chan?"
[10:45] * Ami-chan smiles and waves, moving into the room quietly behind the others.
[10:45] <Makoto> "I'm fine, and so is little Sei-chan," Makoto says as she holds on to her beautiful child.
[10:45] <Anastasia> Alan comes forward, leaning down and kissing Makoto on the cheek before smiling at his baby. "How's he doing," he asks, the child's green tinted skin and pointy ears obvious even now, though his barely-open eyes show Makoto's genes there...
[10:47] <Usagi-chan> "He's beautiful," Usagi says with a smile, kneeling down to get a closer look at the baby.
[10:48] <Rei-chan> "He has his daddy's ears," Rei adds, grinning as she looks on.
[10:49] * Ami-chan moves a little closer, peering at the child with interest, and blushing just a bit, though keeping a safe distance back.
[10:49] <Anastasia> "He does," Alan smiles, going around to Makoto's other side. "You did great, Makoto," he says as he kneels next to her.
[10:54] <Makoto> "He has a lot of his father's traits, Rei," Makoto says with a small smile. "But he has some of mine too, right Alan?"
[10:55] <Usagi-chan> "I can see he has your eyes," Usagi says with a smile.
[10:56] <Anastasia> "Yeah," Alan smiles, leaning forward to whisper in Makoto's ear. "And I bet your Mom and Dad are happy to see such a nice grandson, too," he says kindly to Makoto, still staring down at the feeding newborn.
[10:58] <Makoto> "I wish they were around to tell me that themselves," Makoto says with a wistful smile. "Or at least yell at us, I suppose."
[10:59] <Usagi-chan> "I'm sure they're really proud of you, Mako-chan," Usagi says reassuringly.
[11:01] * Rei-chan nods. "Of course they are," she smiles. "With all the good you've done, and bringing a beautiful new life into the world... they've got every reason to be proud of you, Makoto."
[11:02] * Ami-chan nods in agreement, not having anything to add.
[11:05] <Anastasia> Nodding himself, "They have to be, Makoto. You've given us a wonderful, healthy baby boy.
[11:11] <Anastasia> Interruped by a knocking on the front door, "More guests," Alan muses, standing. "I'll be back in a second."
[11:12] <Makoto> "I wonder who that is?" Makoto muses in bed.
[11:13] <Anastasia> Coming back a moment later is Ann with Alan, the former smiling broadly. "Hey," she nods, "How's the little tyke doing?" she asks fondly.
[11:14] * Usagi-chan smiles up at Ann. "Hi, Ann... how's it feel to be an aunt?" she says with a grin.
[11:15] <Makoto> "Hey Ann," Makoto replies with a smile. "Sei-chan is doing fine. Do you want to hold him? I think he's about done feeding for now."
[11:16] <Anastasia> "Sure..." Ann nods. "And, you know... we should take him to see the Tree once he grows up a bit more," she says thoughtfully, taking the baby and holding the wrapped bundle in her brown shirted arms.
[11:17] <Rei-chan> "I'm sure the tree would like that a lot," Rei agrees.
[11:17] <Anastasia> On being held, the baby begins to cry, a surprisingly loud sound. "Guh," Ann grunts, quickly passing the baby back to Makoto. "Guess he wants his mom."
[11:22] <Anastasia> Ann frowns a bit, though. "The other two babies I've seen did the same thing when I held them," she half complains. Glaring at Alan, "You'd better have not been right about that."
[11:23] <Ami-chan> Ami blinks curiously. "Right about what?"
[11:24] <Anastasia> "That babies hate Ann," Alan chuckles. "Maybe they just know a desperate woman when they see one?"
[11:24] * Usagi-chan covers her mouth, trying not to smile... if Alan has a deathwish, that's his problem.
[11:24] <Anastasia> "ALAN!" she protests, annoyed and glaring. "Babies do not hate me! They just..." Ann fumbles slightly, "aren't used to me yet!"
[11:25] * Makoto raises an eyebrow and she raises Seijuurou up so she can see him in the face. "You'd better not grow up with your daddy's mouth, you hear me, Sei-chan?"
[11:25] * Usagi-chan giggles at Makoto's comment. "You'll have to make sure he doesn't, Mako-chan."
[11:25] <Anastasia> The baby gurgles a bit, warm in her mother's hands.
[11:26] <Anastasia> "If you say so," Alan idly dismisses Ann, turning back to his son.
[11:26] <Usagi-chan> "Can I try holding him?" Usagi asks a bit shyly.
[11:27] <Anastasia> Ann fumes a bit, but lets it go for now, turning to the main scene in the room - Makoto's baby.
[11:27] <Makoto> "Sure, Usagi. Just don't drop him if he starts crying," Makoto warns.
[11:28] <Usagi-chan> "I'm not going to drop him," Usagi retorts, carefully taking the baby from Makoto and cradling him in her arms.
[11:31] <Anastasia> The baby opens it's eyes ever so slightly, staring up at the Dumpling Head holding her. Smiling slightly, the baby curls into your arms quietly, resting after a nice meal.
[11:31] * Usagi-chan smiles widely as the baby snuggles up to her. "He's just so cute!" she says.
[11:38] <Makoto> "Figures he'd be comfortable with you, without a thought at all," Makoto says with a shake of her head.
[11:40] <Ami-chan> "I think you've found a babysitter." Ami observes with a tiny smile. "...For when he's older."
[11:40] * Usagi-chan just smiles down at the tiny infant in her arms, more enamored with the baby than the commentary going on around her.
[11:45] <Usagi-chan> "Babysitter?" Usagi finally glances up. "Me?"
[11:45] <Rei-chan> "You've already got plenty of experience looking after Chibi Usa," Rei chimes in, amused.
[11:45] * Usagi-chan looks a bit flustered. "Chibi Usa isn't QUITE this young," she hedges.
[11:46] <Anastasia> "It can't be that hard, though," Ann chimes in. "Just change the diaper and sing to them and they'll be yours."
[11:46] <Ami-chan> "You'll need the practice, won't you?" Ami asks innocently, a slight glint in her eye.
[11:46] <Usagi-chan> "I..." Usagi goes distinctly red at Ami's comment.
[11:47] <Rei-chan> "Ami did say for when he's older," Rei points out.
[11:49] * Usagi-chan still looks really flustered, turning her attention back to little Seijuurou to escape the others' attention.
[11:50] <Makoto> "Don't worry about it too much, Usagi," Makoto says, seeing her friend flustered enough. "I don't have any plans of leaving Sei-chan alone."
[11:51] <Usagi-chan> "I don't mind babysitting," Usagi offers. "I'm just not sure about the practice part," she says, rather embarrassed.
[11:57] <Anastasia> "That's alright, Usagi. At least we won't have too many problems with sitters," Alan muses, glancing at Makoto.
[11:58] <Rei-chan> "Will you be able to disguise him when you take him for walks?" Rei asks curiously, "Since I doubt he can do it himself, yet."
[12:00] <Makoto> "I'd rather not take him out yet, just because I don't want him to catch anything and get sick or anything just yet," Makoto answers. "So I haven't really thought about it too much."
[12:01] * Makoto does look at Alan though, curious if he can extend his disguise magic onto Seijuurou.
[12:01] <Usagi-chan> "How did the delivery go?" Usagi asks, glancing up at Makoto. "Was it just Dr. Mizuno there?"
[12:03] <Anastasia> "It was kind of long," Alan explains, remembering THAT all too well. "And she did the delivery."
[12:07] * Makoto nods in agreement.
[12:10] <Rei-chan> "How badly did it hurt?" Rei asks, just a little bit nervously.
[12:13] * Makoto snorts and shakes her head, remembering her own questions on the matter for Dr. Mizuno. "It hurts enough to make you want to choke something... or someone. But it's worth it. Really."
[12:13] * Usagi-chan smiles a bit. "Well, Alan looks like he's still here, so I guess you managed not to," she says with a slight giggle.
[12:14] <Anastasia> Laughing a touch nervously, "Not for a lack of trying."
[12:14] <Rei-chan> "I guess it is worth it..." Rei nods, smiling down at little Sei-chan.
[12:20] * Usagi-chan tickles Sei-chan under the chin a bit, smiling. 'Someday...'
[12:22] * Rei-chan winces a bit, catching Usagi's thought as she fusses over the baby. She quickly schools her expression, "So, Mako-chan. Any idea when you'll be going back to school?"
[12:24] * Makoto shakes her head. "It won't be any time soon. Not like I can take Seijuurou with me to classes. I'll need to get a home tutor who can stick it out for a while, really."
[12:29] <Usagi-chan> "You should talk to the Professor," Usagi urges, returning Seijuurou to his mother. "I'm sure he could work something out for you for this."
[12:34] <Makoto> "I guess I should," Makoto replies as she secures her hold on her son again. "Even if I was never the best student, I do sort of miss the environment a bit now."
[12:35] * Rei-chan nods. "It's funny how you miss those things, isn't it?"
[12:40] <Makoto> "I suppose," Makoto says in agreement. "I don't miss Ms. Suzuki one bit though." 'Damn old bat.'
[12:41] * Usagi-chan giggles at that. "I can't argue with that," she says with a grin. "Anyway, I should probably let you guys get some rest - you both still look pretty tired."
[12:43] * Rei-chan nods with Usagi. "Yeah, we don't want to wear you out. Just take it easy, Mako-chan."
[12:43] * Ami-chan nods, waving. "We'll come back later, if that's okay?"
[12:44] <Makoto> "Bye guys. Thanks for visiting," Makoto states while smiling.
[12:44] * Usagi-chan waves as she heads out the door with Rei. "Take it easy, Mako-chan!"
[12:45] * Ami-chan follows the others out of the room, waving as they leave.
[12:48] * Usagi-chan stays close to Rei, smiling a bit as the pair make their way out into Juuban. "Sei-chan was just so adorable!" Usagi chirps. "And he didn't cry once while I was holding him!"
[10:44] <Anastasia> ---
[10:47] <Anastasia> It's been a long, tiring road, you have to admit. High school... what started with the embers of your middle school days and spread through three long, interesting years has come to a climax. Graduation from high school is today!
[10:50] <Anastasia> With Mugen now filling a good deal of its own students' college need, though, it's not QUITE the grand event that has been marked before. Nevertheless, as a gaggle of students gather in the waiting wings of the auditorium, there is a buzz of excitement, a certain group of friends in particular...
[10:52] <Anastasia> A few teachers are managing the entire affair, as they funnel students to the front rows as the ceremonies begin...
[10:53] * Rei-chan bounces slightly on her heels with nervous energy. "Can't believe school's over for good..." she remarks quietly.
[10:53] * Usagi-chan smoothes out her skirt as she takes a seat in the front of the auditorium, visibly nervous. "I can't believe we finally made it," she says with a smile.
[10:54] <Ami-chan> Ami smiles slightly, looking ahead. "We've come a long way." She observes.
[10:55] <Rei-chan> "We sure have," Rei agrees. "So much has happened... even if things have been quieter in some respects than they were when we were in junior high," she finishes with a slight smirk.
[10:56] <Usagi-chan> "Thank goodness for that," Usagi says with a grin. "Seems like we're busier than ever though."
[10:57] <Rei-chan> "Still not as hectic as some of our younger days, though," Rei says with a slightly nostalgic smile, looking back on certain hellish events through rose-tinted glasses.
[10:58] <Ami-chan> Ami laughs softly. "The best is yet to come?" She muses.
[10:58] * Usagi-chan reaches over to squeeze Rei's hand. "I'm just so excited!" she whispers, a broad grin on her face.
[10:58] <Rei-chan> "I suppose we've still got a lot ahead of us," Rei nods to Ami, returning Usagi's squeeze. "University, and then beyond..."
[11:00] <Anastasia> Coming to the podium now is Professor Tomoe. "Attention," he begins, smiling. "Welcome to the High School Graduating Class of 2006," he begins, going into a short speech about academic achievement and such. Pretty typical so far...
[11:00] * Usagi-chan falls silent as the Professor begins to speak, still holding Rei's hand tightly.
[11:00] * Rei-chan keeps quiet, her attention forward.
[11:01] * Ami-chan settles down to watch the cermonies.
[11:02] <Anastasia> It goes on for about fifteen minutes, before he wraps that part. "AT this time, I would like to call on the valedictorian of the class to have a few words... Miss Ami Mizuno, would you please come up?"
[11:03] * Ami-chan blinks twice, then blushes a little, heading up to the stage, outwardly composed, but inwardly desperately battling stage fright...
[11:04] * Usagi-chan applauds enthusiastically as Ami takes the stage. 'Good luck, Ami-chan!' she thinks to the blue-haired girl.
[11:04] <Anastasia> Stepping away from the microphone just a bit, "Ami, please tell everyone a bit of a speech... it doesn't have to be too much," he says, the PA system not covering that. At least.
[11:05] * Ami-chan gives Usagi a wan smile as she approaches the podium. 'Help.' she replies with a touch of panicked humour. She nods nervously to Professor Tomoe before composing herself, and approaching the podium.
[11:07] * Usagi-chan giggles a bit to herself, turning her attention to Ami. 'Just relax, you'll do fine,' she says reassuringly.
[11:12] * Ami-chan takes a deep breath, and opens her mouth, and begins to speak... desperately dredging up the memory of every speech of this nature she's ever heard. "I'm not much good at public speaking," Ami admits shyly to the crowd. "So I'll be brief. My high school years have been some of the best times of my life. With my friends..." she pauses, looking out at the crowd, her eyes flitting over the assembled senshi,
[11:16] <Ami-chan>  "And good, dedicated teachers..." Here she paused again, smiling faintly at Professor Tomoe and the assembled Witches. "They're memories I'll treasure forever..." Ami seems to lose herself in the words, and begins to relax, and goes on to relay her own, heartfelt hope for the future because of her time at Mugen, with a long, hesitant pause. "...uhm... thank you." she stammers, blushing as she seems to remember where she is again, and departs the stage as gracefully as she can.
[11:17] * Rei-chan stands up and applauds enthusiastically for her friend's speech as she departs the stage.
[11:17] * Usagi-chan applauds Ami's speech with a smile. 'That was really good, Ami-chan.'
[11:17] <Anastasia> There is some polite applause, few matching Rei's fervor for it. It goes on for just long enough to be acceptable, then ceases.
[11:18] * Ami-chan returns to her seat, red-faced, and smiles slightly at Usagi. 'Thanks...'
[11:18] <Anastasia> Though... from the guest seating, "Way to go, Ami-chan," Artemis calls as he stands, having been wrangled into semi-normal clothes for this. Your mother half stands and smiles at you was well, beaming.
[11:18] * Rei-chan sits down as Ami returns. "That was a very nice speech."
[11:19] <Usagi-chan> "It was really good," Usagi says with a smile. "You did great once you relaxed a little bit."
[11:20] <Ami-chan> "Thanks." Ami replies, taking in all her friends and family at once. "Literally. You all inspired it."
[11:21] * Ami-chan smiles warmly, calming down a bit more.
[11:22] <Anastasia> After that, the salutatorian is called, a quiet boy who gives another short speech of little note. After that, "Would all the graduates form a line?" he asks, a few teachers now instructing you what to do. "We'll hand out the diplomas now."
[11:22] * Rei-chan takes her place in line without fuss, looking over towards the rear of the auditorium at the guests for this event.
[11:23] * Usagi-chan rises as she takes her place in the line, still fidgeting with her skirt a bit as she looks out over the rather full auditorium.
[11:24] <Anastasia> Your grandfather - still going strong all these years - is there, as well as Hotaru sitting with him.
[11:24] <Anastasia> The line begins to move, each getting a sealed diploma and a handshake from Professor Tomoe. "Next is... Rei Hino," he smiles, as Rei slowly moves to the front of the line.
[11:25] * Rei-chan gracefully steps up onto the stage to accept her diploma.
[11:25] <Anastasia> Handing it to you with one hand and giving you a light handshake with the other, "Congratulations, Rei," he says fondly. "You've done a lot of good since you came here."
[11:26] <Rei-chan> "Thanks, Professor," Rei smiles back, stepping away from the podium and giving a wave to her Grandpa and Hotaru, as well as to the Tsukino family, before heading down once more to join the graduates.
[11:27] <Anastasia> All concerned smile and cheer back, as the next comes. And the next, and next...and so on, until it's Ami's turn. "Next is... Ami Mizuno," he says with the same smile, taking another sealed diploma out from the stack.
[11:27] * Ami-chan steps up to the professor with her dignity reassembled, and smiles.
[11:29] <Anastasia> "Good work, Ami, and congratulations," he smiles back to you. "Thank you, for every bit of help you've given us."
[11:30] * Ami-chan nods. "Thank you, as well... for everything." Ami replies warmly, turning away to leave, and smiling up at Artemis and her mother as she does.
[11:32] <Anastasia> With a wave back, the next few come... and so forth, until... "Usagi Tsukino, would you step forward," he asks, holding a diploma, glancing a moment to the wings of the stage.
[11:32] * Usagi-chan steps forward nervously, giving the Professor a slight smile.
[11:34] <Anastasia> "Usagi... Serenity," he smiles, speaking low so the microphone won't catch it, "What can I say? You've done so much for us... you, Rei, Ami, Makoto, Haruka, all of your friends." Handing you the diploma, "Thank you... all of you, again."
[11:35] * Usagi-chan shakes her head. "You've done just as much for all of us," she says with a smile, also speaking softly. "Thank YOU for the opportunity you've given all of us." She accepts the diploma from the Professor, bowing her head in thanks.
[11:36] <Anastasia> Nodding to Usagi as Mom, Dad, Shingo, Chibi Usa and Luna cheer heavily, "Get going... besides, you'll be back tomorrow for that lecture," he half laughs in gentle amusement.
[11:37] * Usagi-chan giggles. "Yes, sir," she agrees, giving her family a small wave as she steps back into her place in line.
[11:39] <Anastasia> The rest of the line proceeds quickly enough, soon the last student getting a diploma. "Congratulations, class of 2006," Professor Tomoe says, "Now... many of you are going on and staying in this school. Regardless if you are or not," he smiles, "I want to see you doing the best for yourself that you can. This is a fine school... live up to it."
[11:40] * Usagi-chan nods to the Professor, speaking up in unison with most of the other students as she agrees to do so.
[11:43] <Anastasia> "Now... go forth into this world, and do proud everyone!" he calls, ending the ceremony. "Refreshments will be served in the rooms near the auditorium," he annouces, "Once again, congratulations and good luck, all of you."
[11:44] * Usagi-chan takes a deep breath, clutching the black case holding her diploma tightly as she makes her way off the stage.
[11:45] <Rei-chan> Cheering with the rest of her class, Rei promptly rejoins Usagi. "Well, we finally did it," she grins.
[11:45] <Usagi-chan> "We sure did," Usagi says with a bright smile, finally relaxing. "Hard to believe that school is over - well, in one sense anyway," she grins.
[11:46] <Rei-chan> "In a sense it's just a new beginning," Rei nods, leading the blonde through the throng of students to meet their families.
[11:58] <Usagi-chan> "It's just... I knew it was coming, but to actually be able to say I've graduated - it's really a neat feeling," she grins.
[12:00] <Rei-chan> "I know," Rei replies, grinning herself. "And hey, graduating from Mugen is a real accomplishment. We've got a lot to be proud of."
[12:01] <Usagi-chan> "That's for sure," Usagi says with a slight grin. "Did you ever imagine yourself being here after you got kicked out of T*A?" she says, giving the miko a wink.
[12:02] * Rei-chan snorts. "I was pretty confident up until I actually had the entrance exam. After that I was surprised I got in at all."
[12:03] * Usagi-chan giggles. "I know *I* sure never expected to be graduating from Mugen," she says with a grin. "Even after I got here it seemed sort of surreal for the longest time."
[12:05] <Rei-chan> "And now it's over..." Rei shakes her head. "Where does the time go?"
[12:11] <Usagi-chan> "I know," Usagi says with a slight smile. "It seems like it was just yesterday that I was thirteen and without a care in the world."
[12:16] <Rei-chan> "Amazing, isn't it? All that's happened to us..." Rei links her arm with Usagi's. "I just can't help feeling nostalgic, today..."
[12:17] * Usagi-chan draws up close to Rei's side, smiling. "Definitely," she agrees. "I'm glad we've gotten to come this far together, though."
[12:19] <Rei-chan> "Yeah..." Rei smiles wistfully. "Hard to imagine the way we were back when we first met..."
[12:20] <Usagi-chan> "That's for sure," Usagi says with a giggle. "I definitely have no complaints now, though."
[12:23] <Anastasia> "Congratulations, Usagi," Dad smiles at you, as Hotaru and Gramps come up. "Good job, sis," the blossoming young lady smiles at you, wearing an old outfit of Rei's - a red dress and white shirt underneath it.
[12:23] <Rei-chan> "Thanks, you guys," Rei smiles back at her loved ones, clutching her diploma in her free hand.
[12:23] * Usagi-chan sweeps her daughter up in a big hug. "Thanks, Chibi Usa-chan." Straightening up, she gives her father a brilliant smile. "Thanks, Daddy... I still can't believe I actually made it."
[12:24] * Princess_Herb is there too, smiling and offering congratulations.
[12:25] <Anastasia> "Neither can I," Shingo snorts, glancing at you. At your eye level already, the little brat is showing that he's probably going to be a tall one.
[12:25] * Usagi-chan shoots her tongue out at her not-so-little brother, not bothering to hide her grin.
[12:27] <Anastasia> "Shingo," Ikkuko warns with a small chuckle. "Usagi... I'm soooo proud of you," she gushes, hugging you tightly just as Chibi Usa really was detaching.
[12:28] * Usagi-chan hugs her mother back just as tightly. "Thanks, Mom... I couldn't have made it without all of you guys."
[12:38] <Anastasia> Coming up himself to Rei as Usagi's family warms her, "Good work, Rei," he says quietly, with a strangely sincere smile. "You've grown up."
[12:39] <Rei-chan> "Aww, thanks, Grandpa!" Rei envelops the old man in a hug.
[12:41] <Anastasia> "Usagi has as well," he chuckles, glancing at a certain prominent part of Usagi's body. "So have all of your friends..."
[12:41] <Usagi-chan> "Gramps!" Usagi says with a blush, giving the old priest a playful swat.
[12:42] * Rei-chan gives a long suffering sigh as she releases him, though doesn't hide her fond smile.
[12:44] <Anastasia> "Anyway," he goes on, smiling despite it all, "We've planned something just for you back at the Shrine - no visitors to worry about today... since we're going to give you the best graduation party you've ever seen!" Detaching himself from Rei, "You deserve it, Rei."
[12:44] * Usagi-chan giggles. "That sounds great!" Usagi says with a grin.
[12:45] * Rei-chan nods her eager assent to that plan. "Works for me!"
[09:43] <Anastasia> ---
[09:45] <Anastasia> It's been a few months since high school finished for Usagi Tsukino. While starting her college courses at Mugen, there is another duty she has. Namely, the basic classes for magical theory and application have begun... and that means she actually has to try her hand at teaching.
[09:47] <Anastasia> Up on one of the higher floor is the setup - a simple lecture room, filled with youngish to middle aged scientists, all looking far more intelligent and knowledgeable than you as you enter...
[09:49] * Usagi-chan can't help but feel rather unnerved as she enters the lecture hall - from the looks of things, every other person in the room is a good deal older than she is. Hesitantly, she heads for the podium at the front of the room, her notes tucked under her arm.
[09:50] <Anastasia> The various men (exclusively men, you note) gaze on, a middle-aged man with a slight gut and heavy beard eyeing you. "Young lady, when will the lecturer arrive?"
[09:51] * Usagi-chan coughs. "I, um, AM the lecturer," Usagi replies, blushing a bit.
[09:53] <Anastasia> "You're joking," an old, gray haired man says. "Some little girl is arranged to teach us? This is absurd!"
[09:54] <Anastasia> The first man nods in agreement. "Is that bastard Tomoe trying to play a stupid joke on us?"
[09:54] * Usagi-chan frowns a bit. "I'm NOT joking," she says, a bit aggravated. "You're here for the lecture on magical theory and application, right?"
[09:56] <Anastasia> "That's right," a third one points out, a younger and more mild mannered man noes. Hair greased back, he eyes you in interest - for what you may have, and for the fact that you're pretty, too. "You're really the lecturer?"
[09:57] <Usagi-chan> "I really am," Usagi confirms, sighing a bit. "I know I'm young, but I already know a lot about magic and how to use it."
[09:58] <Anastasia> "Balderdash!" the first one rumbles. "Some slip of a baby girl is supposed to know about this?"
[09:59] <Anastasia> A good part of the assembled scientists nod, at least ten of them. "He has a point," another one calls out calmly. "This does feel rather like a load of bullshit right now."
[09:59] * Usagi-chan scowls at the rather rude man. "Do I have to prove it?" she shoots back.
[10:00] <Anastasia> "By all means," he snorts, spreading his hands out. "By all means."
[10:02] <Usagi-chan> "You asked for it.." A bit peeved at the man's attitude, she quickly crafts an illusion - a large tiger quickly appears next to the podium, circling Usagi and the podium once before bounding straight at the first scientist! It plants its paws right on his chest - and passes through harmlessly.
[10:06] <Anastasia> "Aaaah... Guhhh..." the man freaks, eyes going wide... then gurgles and winces in agony, hand flying to his chest. "Ugh..." he groans, flopping over onto the floor from his seat, moaning weakly... "Shit!" another man calls, already whipping out a cellphone despite everyone else staring on...
[10:07] * Usagi-chan grimaces, not having anticipated that. Quickly she runs to the man's side, placing her hands on his chest as she attempts to heal his heart - she's no doctor, but she's seen the symptoms enough on TV to realize what's happening. A soft white glow quickly surrounds her hands as she works her magic...
[10:08] <Anastasia> roll 2d6
[10:08] * Hatbot --> "Anastasia rolls 2d6 and gets 6."
[10:08] <Anastasia> The magic flows outward warmly, engulfing the man. His reddening face starts to suck in air again, his heart mending... "Ooooh... uh...." he manages, vision clearing. "Oh... amazing... that's..." the murmurs of the rest of the crowd are heard as you work your magic...
[10:09] * Usagi-chan sighs. NOT what she'd been hoping for in her first 'class', but she honestly didn't have any idea of what to expect in the first place. Letting the magic fade, she gets back to her feet, shaking her head a bit. "Believe me yet?" she says with a frown.
[10:11] <Anastasia> The afflicted man slowly rises, shaking visibly. "That's magic," he gasps, holding himself on the top of the desk he was sitting at.
[10:11] <Usagi-chan> "That's magic," Usagi confirms, making sure the man is doing all right on his own before heading back to the podium at the front of the room.
[10:12] <Anastasia> He heavily sits in his desk, most of the class watching either you or the student with quite a bit of interest. "So it is," the younger one says again, putting away his cellphone. "Tomoe was actually serious about this?"
[10:13] <Usagi-chan> "He was," the blonde nods. "Magic is just as real as anything else out there - the only difference between it and most other things is that almost no one believes in it."
[10:14] <Anastasia> "Then how come it hasn't been proven before?" another one calls from the crowd. "If even a few people could do just as you did..."
[10:16] <Usagi-chan> "Magical talent is fairly rare, for one thing," Usagi replies. "And for the few people that actually DO have it, only a tiny number of THEM know how to actually use it the way I just did. Magic isn't something that just any person on the street can do."
[10:29] <Anastasia> "Still, though," he insists. "If something like that happened..."
[10:30] <Usagi-chan> "Then what?" Usagi prompts him to finish the thought.
[10:31] <Anastasia> "Certainly, it would be in public eye, and it would be researched and developed," he finishes.
[10:32] <Usagi-chan> "And what about the people that can do it? What would happen to them?" Usagi goes on. "Do you think we WANT to be 'researched'?"
[10:43] <Anastasia> He frowns at that, thinking it over more carefully. "Likely not," another comments. "They'd be put on a pedestal or shuffled off to some basement where they'd be studied to death."
[10:45] <Usagi-chan> "Which is exactly why most of the people who are capable of doing magic make sure people don't find out about it," Usagi finishes. "Professor Tomoe's been polite enough to work with us rather than 'on' us, which is a lot different in my book."
[10:47] <Anastasia> "How many of you are there?" another asks, curiously. "Tomoe has something of a reputation for unorthodox studies... and he's rumored to be unusual himself."
[10:49] <Usagi-chan> "That's really not part of what this lecture is about, is it?" Usagi replies. "Now, I'm not sure what expectations you all have coming into this, so for today at least I'll just be taking questions. I can go into things more in depth later."
[10:50] <Anastasia> "Why don't we start there, then," the one from before asks, still more or less composed and cool, his brow sweatless despite the heavy, greased back hair he has. "I met Tomoe once... gave me the creeps with that damn smile of his."
[10:52] * Usagi-chan sighs. "I'm not going to give you a list of all the magically inclined people I know, but yes, Professor Tomoe is one of them. I won't be going into the details of what he can do though - if you want to know that much, you'll have to ask him yourself."
[10:53] <Anastasia> "Explains a lot," one person mutters. "So... if there is magic... does this tie into all the unusual happens in Juuban a few years back? The government never gave us a straight answer at all."
[10:54] <Usagi-chan> "It does, yes. Most of what happened in Juuban a few years back was magical in origin, in one way or another." Usagi nods.
[10:55] <Anastasia> Another nod, Mr. Calm still prying. "So... if you know about that, were you related to the incidents at all, Miss... I'm sorry, I haven't caught your name yet."
[10:56] <Usagi-chan> "Miss Tsukino," Usagi replies. "I know quite a bit about them, yes," she replies, evading a direct answer to the question. "I kept up to date on most of them as they were happening."
[10:57] <Anastasia> "Is that sort of information passed freely in your circles with the other so inclined persons," he pries on. "I'd love to know more about those unexplained happenings."
[10:59] <Usagi-chan> "Depending on how these lectures go, I might explain some of it later. But I'm not going to go into the whole thing today," she says firmly. "Did anyone else have a question?"
[11:00] <Anastasia> "Actually, yes," he butts in again, eyes staring at you, in a way that makes you feel he's examining every bit of you. "I have another question, Miss Tsukino. Those Sailor Senshi that were seen during those times... are they known to you? They would seem to possess some sort of magical or otherwise supernatural ability, yes?"
[11:03] * Usagi-chan fixes the man with a stern glance. "I've already said that I'm not going into the details of what happened in Juuban today. If you've got a question about magic in general, go ahead - otherwise, you're going to have to wait for another day."
[11:05] <Anastasia> He matches your gaze coolly, unimpressed. "I see..." he murmurs, ungiving. "I suppose we can discuss this another day, then," agreeing for the moment, he relents finally.
[11:08] <Usagi-chan> "Did anyone else have any questions?" Usagi asks, glancing around the classroom.
[11:08] <Anastasia> "How does this magic work?" another pipes up.
[11:10] * Usagi-chan smiles, this question being one of the ones she was expecting today. "As best I can explain it, what magic does is use the mage's personal energy - maybe with a bit extra from an outside source, shaped by their mind through an incantation or another method, to create the effect the mage wants to happen. A good example was the tiger I made earlier today - I visualized the image of a tiger in my mind and used magic to bring that into reality."
[11:12] <Anastasia> Some nodding. "What exactly can generally be done with this magic, then?"
[11:14] <Usagi-chan> "I'm still researching that myself," Usagi says with a small smile. "I'm not even close to knowing everything there is to know about it, but from what I've seen so far, there doesn't seem to be much it CAN'T do - it's just a matter of figuring out how to make it do what you want."
[11:17] <Anastasia> "Really? So anyone who can do it could theoretically do anything?"
[11:19] <Usagi-chan> "There are limits, depending on how much power you have," Usagi replies. "There's no way I could do something like, say, teleport everyone in this room to the North Pole by myself - I just don't have enough energy to do it on my own. There are ways to use more power than you have yourself using magical artifacts or by borrowing energy from other people with magical ability, but there's always going to be a limit to how much power you can use."
[11:21] <Anastasia> "So," yet another speaks up, "There are practical limits to what you can do."
[11:23] * Usagi-chan nods. "Pretty much, yeah," she says. "Personally, I have a fairly high ability for magic, so there's quite a bit I can do on my own - but I can't do just anything by myself."
[11:25] <Anastasia> "What exactly can you do, for example?"
[11:28] <Usagi-chan> "Teleportation is probably the most complicated thing I can do," Usagi answers. "It's not particularly draining unless I take several people with me, but it's not an easy process to learn. I can also create small items made of crystal from nothing, and you've all seen me use both illusions and healing magic this morning. I can also magically repair items, and I can manipulate raw energy pretty well."
[11:32] <Anastasia> Some assorted nodding at that. "If so... what are the practical applications of this? Can other people do different things?"
[11:34] <Usagi-chan> "Some people have more abilities in certain areas than others do, yes. I'm personally not sure if it's something they're born with or just the way they learned their abilities, but I know it's there." Usagi replies. "As far as practical applications go... teleportation is kind of handy when you're running late to school," she says with a grin. "At least if you have a place to appear where no one's going to freak out when they see you."
[11:37] <Anastasia> A chuckle there, as the class settles in. The questions seem to have subsided at the moment, at least...
[11:40] * Usagi-chan smiles. "If there aren't any more questions for today, I'll go ahead and let you all go - we'll start with the actual lectures next time, okay?"
[11:42] <Anastasia> Some murmuring as the class begins to rise...
[11:44] * Usagi-chan takes a deep breath, collecting her notes as her 'students' begin to make their escape. Harder than she'd thought it would be, but not a disaster, at least.
[11:45] <Anastasia> As you do so, "Miss Tsukino," an already familiar voice asks smoothly, his suit creaseless and bland. "A word with you?"
[11:45] <Usagi-chan> "Yes?" Usagi says, looking up at the rather insistent man from earlier as she puts her notes in her bag.
[11:46] <Anastasia> "Such an interesting subject you have to teach," he begins, smiling ever so slightly.
[11:47] <Usagi-chan> "I enjoy it," she says with a smile. "Not something that most people have a lot of belief in, but that really doesn't matter to me."
[11:48] <Anastasia> "Indeed..." he chuckles. "What secrets are sitting in that head of yours, I wonder? Quite a few?"
[11:49] * Usagi-chan 's smile fades as she glances up at the man. "More than a few," she says evenly. "I wouldn't expect to get any of them if I were you."
[11:50] <Anastasia> "Oh," he smiles even more, face twisting just enough for it, "I wouldn't be so sure, Miss Tsukino. I don't know about the rest of those saps, but I'd say you've given me most of what I need already." With that, he nods. "G'day, teacher." Heading off, he leaves you then.
[11:51] * Usagi-chan frowns deeply, marking the man's face and aura as he leaves the classroom - heading off in search of Professor Tomoe as soon as possible.
[11:52] <Anastasia> HIs aura, while slightly focused - not unheard of in normal people with a strong drive or mind - isn't noteworthy. Professor Tomoe is in the new offices on the 60th floor, in a new, almost executive-style office. If it wasn't for the rows of bookcases and the sunshine spilling in, you could mistake it for one. "Usagi," he asks as you enter. "How did it go?"
[11:53] <Usagi-chan> "A little bumpy at first," Usagi admits. "Although after I gave one of them a heart attack by accident and then healed him, I think they were all ready to take me seriously finally," she says with a wry smile. "But I had a question about one of the people that was there - I don't like what he was implying before he left."
[11:54] <Anastasia> He nods at the entire thing, smiling slightly at the story about the heart attack. "Which one, Usagi?"
[11:55] * Usagi-chan crafts an illusion of the man's face, greasy hair and all. "He didn't give his name, but he was really pushy about the senshi's activities, and after class he said I'd already given away some of my secrets."
[12:01] <Anastasia> Letting his face frown slightly, "That's Mihara Kanzuki," he replies, "A young, rising star biologist/geneticist. Very intelligent from what I've gathered."
[12:02] <Usagi-chan> "Pretty arrogant too," she says with a frown, remembering his words. "From the way he was pushing, I wouldn't be surprised if he's already guessed about me being Sailor Moon - I'm just not sure what I should do about it, since I have no idea what he plans to do with that information."
[12:07] <Anastasia> Thinking quietly, "If he's figured that out already..." he shakes his head. "That would be both impressive and scary. Hopefully, he's just fishing for hints and using guesswork if anything."
[12:10] <Usagi-chan> "I hope that's all it is," Usagi replies, frowning slightly. "I don't like the feeling I got from him though." Shaking her head, she gives the Professor a wry smile. "Anyway, other than that it went fairly well - although apparently a lot of people think you have a weird smile," she says with a slight grin.
[12:11] <Anastasia> That causes him to frown a moment, before actually smiling. "I suppose I understand why," he says after a second. "But... I'll ask the Twins to keep an eye on Mr. Kanzaki, just in case. If he has figured it out... and further managed to spirit up some sort of supporting evidence, we'll need to call him out on our terms, before he makes it on his terms."
[12:13] <Usagi-chan> "That'd make me feel a little better," Usagi says with a slight smile. "I just don't want to turn around and find my face on the news out of the middle of nowhere," she says, making a face.
[12:13] <Anastasia> "Agreed," Tomoe comments, thinking of his own set of friends and family. "At this point... I don't think it would do us any favors, though we'd at least be able to go to the Moon if need be."
[12:16] * Usagi-chan sighs. "Yeah, but it's a lot earlier than I'd like to do it. I was hoping to at least get my degree first," she grumbles. "Anyway, I appreciate your help - and thanks for giving me the opportunity to teach. It looks like it might be fun." She smiles at that.
[12:17] <Anastasia> "You're qualified for it," he nods. "And... think of it this way. Managing a group of pesky students shouldn't be too much different than managing pesky lobbyists."
[12:20] * Usagi-chan makes a face. "Don't get me too excited about it," she says, giggling a bit. "Anyway, thanks for your help, Professor. I'll let you know if I hear from Mr. Kanzuki again myself." Giving the older man a wave, she departs, heading down towards the teachers' lounge - she could use a break before she heads off to her own next class.
[12:27] <Anastasia> The one you go to is the most familiar one you know - downstairs quite a way, you head into it. It's more or less empty at the moment, a pot of tea and one of coffee simmering on hotpads.
[12:28] * Usagi-chan pours herself a cup of tea - despite a few attempts at dressing it up a number of different ways, she's never acquired a taste for coffee. Settling back on one of the couches in the room, she sips at her tea, glancing over her notes and wondering what she should try to cover with the next lecture.
[12:31] <Anastasia> As you do so, you lose yourself in this. It's easy to forget about someone coming in, until... "Usagi?!"
[12:32] * Usagi-chan glances up quickly at the sound of the voice. "Huh?"
[12:33] <Anastasia> "What are you doing in here, Usagi?!" Miss H sputters, her held sheaf of papers nearly escaping her arms. "Didn't you graduate last summer?"
[12:34] * Usagi-chan quickly hides her papers in her lap, not wanting the teacher to see them. "Miss H? I was just going over my notes for my next lecture - I didn't hear you come in."
[12:39] <Anastasia> "Wait, wait, WAIT," the teacher half blinks in shock. "Lecture? As in..." her voice is thunderstruck, "Teach?"
[12:40] * Usagi-chan giggles a bit, nodding.
[12:41] <Anastasia> Now dropping her papers as her arms go slack. "Usagi... Tsukino... teaching... here?"
[12:42] * Usagi-chan nods, trying to hide her laughter - the look on Miss H's face is absolutely priceless right now.
[12:42] <Anastasia> "But... but... that's..." Miss H just fumbles, her papers forgotten at her feet.
[12:43] <Usagi-chan> "Really weird? Yeah, I know, it was a surprise when the Professor asked me, too," she says, grinning as she puts her notes back in her bag, setting it aside as she gets up to help pick up Miss H's lost papers.
[12:49] <Anastasia> Letting you do so, "That's..." she sits heavily into a chair, simply mindblown. "Usagi gets into Mugen... graduates... and gets a teaching job here..."
[12:50] <Usagi-chan> "Oh come on, it's not THAT much crazier than getting in in the first place," Usagi smiles, neatening up the stack of papers and dropping them in Haruna's lap.
[12:54] <Anastasia> "It's..." she shakes her head. "What are you teaching, Usagi," she asks, still reeling.
[12:55] <Usagi-chan> "Um..." Usagi blushes, a bit caught off guard by the question. "It's... kind of hard to explain," she hedges.
[12:57] <Anastasia> "Right," she murmurs absently. "I'll believe that..."
[12:58] * Usagi-chan feels a bit of sympathy for her old teacher, and decides to come clean with her - at least partially. "Do you believe in magic, Miss H?" she asks plainly.
[12:59] <Anastasia> That causes her to look up yet again, still processing. "You're saying you cast magic to get here?" she nods, grasping onto anything at this point. "That explains a lot..."
[13:00] * Usagi-chan sighs. "Yes and no," she replies. "Yes, I can do magic, and that's actually what I'm teaching - the Professor is having a lecture series on the theory and application of magic, and I'm the lucky person who got picked to be the lecturer," she says, making a bit of a face.
[13:02] <Anastasia> "Oh." she nods, like it's obvious. "That makes sense, too."
[13:02] * Usagi-chan blinks. "It does?"
[13:05] <Anastasia> "Otherwise, it just didn't make sense," she nods quickly. "There has to have been something that got you this far."
[13:07] * Usagi-chan frowns a bit. "I got this far WITHOUT magic, Miss H. It's definitely the reason I got into Mugen, but all my grades were just hard work - I graduated on my own."
[13:24] <Anastasia> "Haruna," she murmurs, still coping by shaking her head.
[13:27] * Usagi-chan sighs, shrugging - she can't make her former teacher believe her. "I won't bother you with it any more... Haruna," Usagi says, finding it odd to be calling her something OTHER than Miss H. "I need to get going to my next class anyway, so I'll see you later."
[13:29] <Anastasia> "Right," she nods, just... coping, and not very well.
[13:31] * Usagi-chan sighs, patting the redhead on the shoulder before she heads out of the lounge, bound for her next class.
[11:34] <Anastasia> ---
[11:35] <Anastasia> Being as the lectures are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you have a short gap until your next one. Everyone shows, including that one biologist who gave you a hard time. His gaze settles on you the moment you enter the room, not flickering at all. A smile works it's way onto his face a moment, before nodding to you.
[11:38] * Usagi-chan doesn't acknowledge the man in particular, doing her best to remain composed before getting started on the lecture. As opposed to the first session, Usagi has actually come with a planned topic for the day, and most of the class is spent on lecturing as to what magic really is - a force applied by the human mind to shape the world around the mage.
[11:39] <Usagi-chan> Towards the end of the class, Usagi stops, allowing the room to ask questions.
[11:42] <Anastasia> There are a few at first, mostly clarifying questions and none of note, until... "Miss Tsukino," a familiar, annoying voice speaks up. "So, if you suppose that magic is the force of the mind, this would lead credence to theories about using the other 80% of the human brain normally unused?"
[11:45] <Usagi-chan> "I couldn't really say," Usagi answers. "I don't know that much about the brain myself. I wouldn't tend to think so, though; magic isn't something that comes OUT of your mind, it's something that's just shaped by your mind. Psychic abilities and other things like that are more directly related to the mind, I think - but they're not exactly the same thing as magic."
[11:47] <Anastasia> "I see..." he muses, "So, the mind is capable of controlling such powers with the proper talent and training." He smiles simply. "Thank you, Miss Tsukino, that's all."
[11:49] <Usagi-chan> "It's not just training," Usagi replies. "If you don't have the talent for it - and there's no other way I know of to have the talent for magic aside from birth - all the training in the world won't make any difference at all. You could be the biggest expert the world's ever seen on magical theory and never manage to light a candle by yourself."
[11:51] <Anastasia> Chuckling, he just nods, letting you go on.
[11:53] * Usagi-chan glances around the room, letting the question drop. "Were there any other questions?"
[11:58] <Anastasia> There are no more, it seems. Most everyone has enough to digest as is...
[12:00] * Usagi-chan smiles, closing her notebook. "I guess I'll see you all on Friday then," she finishes.
[12:05] <Anastasia> The class generally rises, groups leaving as they chat amoungst themselves. All more or less head on out... except one, of course. He lingers, coming over to you as the last few leave.
[12:06] * Usagi-chan sighs as the man approaches the podium, simply continuing to get her things together. "Is there something I can do for you?"
[12:07] <Anastasia> He stares at you a moment, eyes dissecting you like a lab rabbit, before shaking his head. "No, on second though. I've gotten quite enough today, Miss Tsukino."
[12:08] <Usagi-chan> "I'll see you on Friday then," Usagi says shortly, putting her notebook back in her bookbag before heading out of the room.
[12:08] <Anastasia> "Until then," he says with a hint of interest, as you leave.
[12:10] * Usagi-chan frowns just slightly, heading off to get some lunch from the cafeteria downstairs before heading off to her own classes.
[16:51] <Anastasia> The rest of the day passes without note, as does Thursday... and onto Friday. Again the class is filled up, the students waiting for Miss Tsukino...
[16:51] * Usagi-chan enters the class with a smile... other than her one 'problem' student, this lecturing thing isn't so bad.
[16:52] <Anastasia> He's there today as well, keeping a reserved eye on you and waiting for today's lecture.
[16:55] * Usagi-chan opens her notes as she takes the lectern, beginning today's lecture - an overview of the ways in which different magical techniques, such as incantations or runes, actually work to shape the magical forces produced by a mage.
[17:02] <Anastasia> The class takes it in, asking various questions as the lecture goes on and on...
[17:02] <Anastasia> Yet the one student stays strangely quiet, almost observing.
[17:06] * Usagi-chan notes her 'nemesis's' silence, but she doesn't let the unusual behavior bother her. She does give the man a bit of surreptitious observation as the class proceeds, however; from what he's said, she's half expecting he's going to try some sort of magical experiment on his own.
[17:09] <Anastasia> By the end of the class, he simply stays in his seat at the others leave, idly flicking through a notebook he brought.
[17:10] * Usagi-chan glances up at the man as she gathers her notes. "Is something wrong?" she says warily.
[17:11] <Anastasia> He takes a moment to look up from his reading, eyes glimmering. "Oh, no. Nothing at all - I was just mentally distracted."
[17:12] <Usagi-chan> "By what?" she asks, leaning on the podium to give him her full attention.
[17:13] <Anastasia> putting down his notebook, "Nothing important," he smiles slightly. "Just a bit of inner reflection, I suppose you could say."
[17:15] * Usagi-chan shrugs. "All right then. But if you're not all that interested in the class, I'll have to drop you from it. This isn't like most other classes - I only want to be dealing with people who have a real interest in what I'm talking about." 'And that I feel like I can trust not to abuse what they're learning here,' she doesn't add.
[17:16] <Anastasia> "Oh, I'm interested," he goes on smoothly. "I just preferred to let the others question you today."
[17:17] * Usagi-chan frowns a bit. "What is it you're hoping to get out of these lectures? Most of the others here seem interested enough, but you're different. What is it that you're after?"
[17:19] <Anastasia> "I'm getting quite a bit of interesting information about magic - and about yourself, Usagi," he says, switching to your first name with ease. "Filling in some holes, even?"
[17:20] <Usagi-chan> "There's nothing that interesting about me," Usagi says, shaking her head. "Other than being able to do magic, I'm not anyone that special."
[17:21] <Anastasia> "Are you now?" he raises an eyebrow, but lets it drop. "Well, then. Do have yourself a good weekend...and I shall see you on Monday."
[17:24] <Usagi-chan> "Monday, then," Usagi replies, snapping her bag closed. Today she lets her feet return her to the Professor's office - she's curious whether he's found anything out about the man since Monday.
[17:25] <Anastasia> The Professor is in his office, at least, going over what looks to be paperwork as you enter. "Ah, Usagi," he smiles briefly. "How was the lecture?"
[17:27] * Usagi-chan smiles a bit. "They're going a lot better after that first bump. Everyone seems to be pretty interested in what I have to say, and it's actually kind of fun to be able to talk about magic. But... that one guy I told you about still seems like a problem. Have you been able to find out anything else about him?"
[17:32] <Anastasia> "Mr. Kanzuki," he asks. "The Twins didn't find anything suspicious about him - past this, he spends all his time on his work." Professor Tomoe thinks a moment, frowning. "I did some asking - it keeps coming back that he's an absolute genius, but erratic and off on his own paths."
[17:34] <Usagi-chan> "Doesn't surprise me," Usagi says with a slight sigh. "I'm almost sure he's connected me with Sailor Moon, and from something he said on Wednesday I half wonder if he's not trying to figure out some way of doing magical experiments of his own."
[17:55] <Anastasia> Professor Tomoe is silent for a bit, thinking. He turns in his chair, to the glass wall view of the sunny city below. "It's possible, I suppose. If he has..."
[17:58] <Usagi-chan> "Yeah, that's what worries me. I don't think he'll tell anyone about it, but for some reason he creeps me out. I don't like the idea of him knowing who I am." Usagi frowns a bit at that.
[17:59] <Anastasia> He nods, barely seen by you. "If you like, I can remove him from your class, or even talk to him personally," he offers, pondering.
[18:00] <Usagi-chan> "No, I can take care of myself if he tries anything weird. I'm just... I don't know. Something strikes me as being wrong about him - I can't really put my finger on what it is though." She sighs a bit at that.
[18:03] <Anastasia> "Perhaps I should meet him myself, then," Professor Tomoe decides after a moment, turning back to you. "I'd like to see myself if he's really an issue. Usagi, would you object to my sitting in your Monday lecture?"
[18:05] * Usagi-chan smiles. "Not at all - even if you already know most of what I'm talking about. I hate to bother you if you're busy, though."
[18:05] <Anastasia> "It's no bother," he says, shaking his head. "I'm curious to meet Mr. Kanzaki myself, now."
[18:07] <Usagi-chan> "I guess I'll see you in class on Monday, then," the blonde says with a smile. "I have to admit it'll be weird to have you in there."
[18:57] <Anastasia> Professor Tomoe smiles, "It's been a long way, indeed. I did look up your previous academic records, Usagi - back in middle school, imagine going here, or even higher."
[18:57] * Usagi-chan makes a face. "Don't remind me," she says, grinning. "I think some people STILL can't believe I managed to graduate on my own."
[18:59] <Anastasia> "I can imagine," he agrees. "One of your teachers who teaches here mentioned 'Usagi the legendary teacher's room amusement provider' and your tests from Juuban.""
[19:00] <Usagi-chan> "Miss Haruna," the blonde says, shaking her head. "I actually ran into her in the teachers' lounge after I got done talking to you on Monday."
[19:04] <Anastasia> He nods. "That's her. Nice woman, actually," he says, going on. "I suppose if I didn't know who I did, her stories about you would have been amusing. Don't worry," he raises a hand, "They weren't nasty or spiteful. Simply how you were before you got things together, from how she tells it."
[19:05] <Usagi-chan> "I understand," Usagi says with a smile. "I'm sure she's got a lot of good ones - I was really, REALLY bad about school before I got my act together, especially after I became Sailor Moon. I used to sleep in class a ton, and I'd never do homework unless Luna forced me to."
[19:10] <Anastasia> He nods quietly, thinking. "I can understand that..." he says, thinking. "You must have been busy with both a normal life and being Sailor Moon back inthose days, just you and your Senshi?"
[19:12] * Usagi-chan nods. "That and the fact that I really didn't WANT to do much of anything. Not my homework - skipping that went back WAY before Sailor Moon ever showed up. Not senshi business - Rei used to hound me almost constantly about how I wasn't paying enough attention to my responsibilities, like finding the Princess or getting better at fighting." Usagi smiles faintly at the memories. "I really was bad about it at first."
[19:14] <Anastasia> "It's hard to imagine from what I know of you," he comments plainly, with a smile. "Were your early days particularly busy or bad? You make it sound more carefree in a way."
[19:15] <Usagi-chan> "It was, kind of," Usagi says with a smile. "We rarely saw more than one youma a week, and between fights I never really did much at all. Rei and Ami were usually doing something to try to figure out what the Dark Kingdom was up to, or track down the Princess, but back then there wasn't a whole lot I could do to help - even if I'd felt like helping at all."
[19:17] <Anastasia> Thinking on that, and on one long ago conversation with Rei, "It sounds almost idyllic compared to the times I've known you being active."
[19:20] <Usagi-chan> "It was, really. It was just the three of us for the longest time - between fights, about all senshi business amounted to was getting into arguments with Rei and Ami trying to calm both of us down." She shakes her head a bit. "Most of the rest of my time was spent hanging out at the Crown Arcade and occasionally arguing with Mamoru."
[19:28] <Anastasia> He chews that for a moment. "Mamoru... he was Endymion, yes?" Not waiting for a reply, "Even he was... innocent back then? It's hard to believe with what I've heard later on."
[19:30] * Usagi-chan smiles at the memories. "He was... a lot like Rei in a lot of ways at first. None of us had any clue that he was Tuxedo Kamen, not even him - from what he said later, he didn't figure it out until after he'd gotten one of the Rainbow Crystals that combined to make the Ginzuishou. It was around then that we stopped acting like mortal enemies and got to know each other a little more, too.
[19:31] <Usagi-chan> The day I remember the most with him was when Yumeni Yumeno asked us both to model for her - she was one of the rainbow crystal carriers, and a lot of her paintings look like they came from the Silver Millenium. That one painting of the five of us that's in my study in the palace was done by her."
[19:36] <Anastasia> This evokes a quiet bit of thinking from him, before he goes on. "I see. And that went on until the Crystal appeared?"
[19:39] <Usagi-chan> "Pretty much," Usagi says with a sigh. "Luna and Rei were riding me pretty hard around then, since the Dark Kingdom and Tuxedo Kamen were taking all the crystals, and then things came to a head at Starlight Tower." She looks a bit pensive as she goes on. "I'm sure you know what happened there, it's just not something I usually talk about much. A lot... well, EVERYTHING changed that day, really."
(Unfinished scene)
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


[19:06] <Usagi-chan> -----
[19:09] <Usagi-chan> Another weekend has come and gone, and once again Usagi finds herself headed to class. But as is becoming part of her routine, this is one class she's not attending to listen to the lecture, but to give it. Heading into the classroom a few minutes before the class is scheduled to begin, she heads up to the lectern at the front of the room, arranging her notes for the day.
[19:25] <Anastasia> The class files in as per usual, even your special student. He gives you a light smirk before sitting, his expression unusually open and cheerful.
[19:29] * Usagi-chan acknowledges the class as a whole, refusing to give the gifted biologist any particular attention. Once the class begins in earnest, she begins her lecture, picking up from where she left off the week before.
[19:30] <Anastasia> It goes fairly well, with all asking questions here and there. As usual, HIS are the most pointed, but it's nothing too brutal as things go on. Small relief, perhaps?
[19:32] * Usagi-chan is grateful for the slight reprieve, although she can't help but wonder what's got him in such a chipper mood today. As the alloted hour ends, she wraps up her lecture, dismissing the class as usual.
[19:32] <Anastasia> AS usualy, he tarries, coming to you. "Hello, Usagi," he says, trying to keep a chipper edge out of his voice. "Are you well today?"
[19:36] <Usagi-chan> "I'm doing fine, thanks," Usagi replies, keeping her tone light. "Anything I can do for you?"
[19:41] <Anastasia> "Yes, actually. I'm curious...and I would imagine you would know about this. Those monsters from a few years ago... were any, oh say, test tube babies?"
[19:41] * Usagi-chan blinks. "Excuse me?"
[19:42] <Anastasia> "I would imagine someone with the right DNA of a special sort could make all sorts of interesting creatures, don't you think?" he asks, smiling. "A bit of hair, a skin scraping, a vial of blood...and some good old DNA manipulation, I'd reckon."
[19:47] * Usagi-chan narrows her eyes at that. "Mr. Kanzuki, I'd be very careful what I played around with."
[19:50] <Anastasia> "Oh, I'm not interested in creating monsters," he says dismissively. "Energy, souls, whatever they were taking don't interest me. Besides, I'm far too skilled to fall into a petty trap like that. However..." his eyes narrow. "I would believe that there are other paths for it... don't you think?"
[19:53] <Usagi-chan> "People far more 'skilled' than yourself have fallen into 'petty traps' like that before. Don't consider yourself immune." A clear scowl is on Usagi's face now as she begins to lock the sense of Kanzuki's aura into her mind - it's about time she paid him a visit at home.
[19:56] <Anastasia> He simply smiles. "Then... why don't you come over, Miss Usagi? I'm sure you'd love to see the applications of this, as a fellow researcher of these things?"
[19:57] <Usagi-chan> "I think I'll take you up on that," Usagi says levelly. "I'll admit, you have me curious." 'And not slightly worried.'
[19:57] <Anastasia> "Of course... if you are free, we can go right now," he says, nodding. "I'm sure you don't want to wait to satisfy your intellectual curiosity?"
[19:59] <Usagi-chan> "I don't have any other classes today, so that should be fine." The blonde finishes putting her notes in her bookbag before sending out a mental message. 'Cyprine? Ptilol? Are either of you around?'
[20:02] <Anastasia> 'Usagi,' the latter twin replies in your mind. 'What's up?
[20:02] <Anastasia> ''
[20:03] <Usagi-chan> 'Wanted you to give the Professor a heads-up if you can,' Usagi replies as she follows Kanzuki out of the classroom. 'I'm headed over to Kanzuki's lab right now - he's offered to show me what he's up to, and frankly I don't like the sound of it. But since I'm not sure what I'm walking into, I figured I should let you know.'
[20:04] <Anastasia> 'Alright,' Ptilol replies. 'Be careful... but don't get into trouble, either.'
[20:05] <Usagi-chan> 'I'll keep you guys filled in,' Usagi replies. 'If I don't report back in about four hours or so, you might want to come looking for me. I don't THINK he could do anything to me, but I'd rather play it safe.'
[10:29] <Ana-breakfast> Good idea. Don't get in over your head, Usagi.' With that reply, you feel the presence leave.
[10:30] * Usagi-chan looks over at Kanzuki as the pair leave Mugen, waiting for him to lead the way.
[10:30] <Ana-breakfast> He does so, leading you to a rather un-noteworthy Toyota car. Not in bad shape, but not a prizewinner - average all around. It's tidy enough, at least, as he lets you in.
[10:31] * Usagi-chan stays on her guard as she settles into the passenger's seat, keeping one eye on Kanzuki as he circles around the vehicle.
[10:34] <Ana-breakfast> He gives you a slightly smirky look as he settles in. "It's not a short drive," he says, making a nod towards the radio.
[10:34] <Usagi-chan> "Where are we going, exactly?" the blonde says, giving the biologist a curious look.
[10:37] <Ana-breakfast> "My laboratory, of course," he says, beginning to drive out of the school lot. "I can't show you much from my living room, can I?"
[10:38] * Usagi-chan sighs, rolling her eyes a bit. "I meant where IS your laboratory?"
[10:40] <Anastasia> "It's on the other side of Tokyo," he comments. "It's a goodly drive even on the best roads."
[10:44] * Usagi-chan sighs, simply settling back into her seat. "Fair enough," she replies, waiting for the trip to conclude.
[11:07] <Anastasia> It's about an hour or so - he's rather quiet for it until near the end, as you go through a fairly busy part of Tokyo. "Life's just a series of DNA strands, perhaps bound with an inner force, Miss Tsukino," he asks, out of the blue.
[11:08] * Usagi-chan glances over at the man. "You're entitled to your opinion, but I definitely don't agree."
[11:09] <Anastasia> "He goes on past that, after a momentary pause. "But... that's the question. Is the DNA responsible for this magic, or is it something beyond that?"
[11:11] * Usagi-chan thinks back to the brief time spent in another world, several years ago, and to the way things were there. "I'd say it's up to the person. Where they get the potential, I don't know, but potential doesn't mean anything if you don't use it."
[11:18] <Anastasia> "That's well and good, but I'm interested in the potential itself," he says dimissively of your ramblings about the person. "If the potential is of the DNA, anyone could be bred to have excellent skills in it, yes? Just as it soon will be possible to breed those with strong bodies or excellent minds?"
[11:19] * Usagi-chan frowns. "People aren't animals to be 'bred' like that," Usagi replies.
[11:21] <Anastasia> "Really? You act as if improving ourselves would be a bad thing," he comments, as he pulls into a rather nondescript facility, a four story, rather crammed building. Hajimoto Laboratories, you note.
[11:23] <Usagi-chan> "You can't take away people's freedom to choose what they want," Usagi insists. "And a breeding program would have to do that." She climbs out of the car, studying the building carefully - and looking for anything odd about it with her aura sense.
[11:24] <Anastasia> "And what if they choose to be enhanced," he asks plainly, chuckling as you exit the car. It's nothing special aura wise - just another part of Tokyo.
[11:26] <Usagi-chan> "What if no one WITH that potential wants to be a part of your program?" Usagi counters, hanging back to let Kanzuki go first. "You're not going to get very far if that happens."
[11:27] <Anastasia> "Oh, I'm sure there will be volunteers enough," he says easily, leading you to a simple side door, with a keycard ID. A quick swipe from him takes care of that, though.
[11:28] * Usagi-chan follows Kanzuki into the building, not replying.
[11:34] <Anastasia> It leads you inside, through a few hallways, to an elevator up. To the third floor you go - a lab from the getgo, into a small office. It's his office, his name of the door. "Come, come inside," he offers, into the reasonably tidy space. Nothing notable about it, save for a sheaf of papers on the desk, as well as a closed metal box.
[11:34] * Usagi-chan does so, looking around the office and lab curiously.
[11:36] <Anastasia> Entering, he gestures to a wooden chair, as he goes to the hefty pile of papers. "I took the liberty of a left behind bit of hair from you in our early sessions, Usagi," he says plainly, handing you a folder filled with what looks like computer print outs. "I'm sure you'll find the summarized data interesting."
[11:37] * Usagi-chan narrows her eyes, scanning over the information in the folder.
[11:39] <Anastasia> It's been put in as much plainspeak as possible - it looks like an analysis of the DNA of a sample. While the technical aspects are a bit over your head, the gist of it is that the conclusion is that the DNA may indeed have a role in 'alpha potential'.
[11:39] <Usagi-chan> "You never asked my permission," Usagi says abruptly, closing the folder.
[11:41] <Anastasia> "I didn't," he agrees. "Of course, I don't particuarly ask if one happens to want to keep a bit of shedded hair they left behind after class." Dismissing it, "But enough. I'm not planning on using it as anything but a needed first analysis. You can put your hackles down, Usagi. It's given me what I needed to know."
[11:42] * Usagi-chan puts the folder back down on the desk, giving Kanzuki a level look. "You haven't given me much of a reason to trust you, Mr. Kanzuki. What exactly are you planning to do with this?"
[11:43] <Anastasia> Sitting, he eyes you. Greasy hair shining in the light, he looks almost metallically shiny. "I believe that with the proper work and effort, magical potential may be just like any other DNA trait."
[11:46] <Usagi-chan> "And so what if it is?" Usagi asks. "So some people are born with blue eyes or brown, light hair or dark, and some might have magical potential. It's nice to know, but it doesn't really mean anything."
[11:47] <Anastasia> "At the current level of technology, that is correct. Yet even now, science advances. Soon enough... within ten years, twenty or thirty at the most, genetic engineering in humans will become viable." He eyes you at that, eyes passionate. "And at that point, it will be FAR from useless."
[11:49] <Usagi-chan> "And you think people are just going to sit back and let you experiment on people?" Usagi says, frowning.
[11:51] <Anastasia> "In a word, yes. Mothers wish the best for their children, fathers wish for strong, capable offspring. What better way to ensure that than the ability to affect the world on that special, primal level?" On saying that, he can't help but smirk a bit. "Some may certainly refuse, but many more will be interested."
[11:53] <Usagi-chan> "And what about the consequences of that?" Usagi says, still frowning. "What are you going to do if power ends up in the hands of someone that really shouldn't have it? And that's leaving out the point about what kind of parents would do that to their kids. I can understand a parent putting their child through that to heal them of some kind of genetic disease, but not just to make them stronger."
[11:55] <Anastasia> "And what if it does? I would wager it is not the first time it would have happened?" he jabs out, not deterred at all. "Surely there was some dark, sinister force behind at least afew of those incidents, one that you would have been happier with if it never had it's mystical or special powers, hm?" Then, he just shakes his head. "A loving parent would, who wishes to instill a powerful gift to their child.
[11:56] <Anastasia> Who else but someone who cares that much would bestow that gift onto them?"
[11:57] <Usagi-chan> "Then let it happen naturally, the way it has until now. Most people don't NEED to worry about magic." Usagi shakes her head. "And you're right - there HAVE been some pretty nasty people with access to magic. Would YOU want to be the one who was responsible for giving them the power to make that much trouble?"
[11:59] <Anastasia> "When we can control nature as we are doing so even in this day, it is our right to let it happen how we please," he says strongly, forcefully. "And if magic is how you say it is, then as it becomes more common... perhaps the one without magic will be the outcast instead? And once it is common, one with bad intent with it would be no more troublesome than a street punk with a knife and an attitude."
[12:02] <Usagi-chan> "What makes it a right?" Usagi says, scowling now. "Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD do it. Nature's been taking care of itself for a lot longer than we've been able to mess around with it, and the world hasn't exploded yet. Just leave things the way they are."
[12:04] <Anastasia> "Why? We already control the stones in the ground, the air we breathe, the minerals below, the ailments that plague our body." Snorting, "We are born with the desire to control nature - it is imperfect, yet we improve it each year we live. This is merely another step by mankind to bring it's world to its beck and call. Our right, our desire, our BEING is this!" Finishing with a fair bit of energy, he rises.
[12:05] <Anastasia> "To let nature run as it will is folly and dereliction!"
[12:11] <Usagi-chan> "Why?" Usagi protests. "Why not work WITH nature instead of trying to twist it into what you want it to be? It takes a lot less effort and it's a lot less likely to backfire on you."
[12:15] <Anastasia> "Nature is limited if we do not alter it - we possess the skill, the ability and the power to do so. I believe that we can, in time and with work, be far more than we are now. Your magic only confirms this, Usagi."
[12:19] <Usagi-chan> "Nature isn't THAT limited," Usagi argues. "If what you're saying is right, then it's what made me the way I am. Why do you have to change the way that works out? Let the people who are born with magical talent have it and the people that don't, don't. It's not something everyone wants or needs anyway - most people are happy enough in their lives WITHOUT magic. It wouldn't make any difference to them if they had the potential."
[12:24] <Anastasia> 'People could said to have been happy before modern medicine, or electricity, or before farming, yet we wouldn't imagine life without it now," he points out. "Ignorance is bliss, yet is it something to be wiped away as life improves for the better! Just as for those other things, in centuries beyond this, ones will wonder how we lived without that force or myriad other things we have used to bring our world to our desires."
[12:26] <Usagi-chan> "And magic's existed for as long as there have BEEN people with the talent for it," Usagi says. "It's not like electricity or medicine - before those were invented, there wasn't anything else like them around. Magic's BEEN around - and it seems like it causes almost as many problems as it helps. It's not just some toy that everyone could have fun with if they had it."
[12:39] <Anastasia> "As does medicine and electricity, if you will. Wars over oil, expenses over keeping the elderly alive, all sorts of downfalls. Yet we keep going to improve it and build on it. Magic is much the same, Usagi."
[12:43] <Usagi-chan> "And you want to rush out and give it to everyone so the same things can happen over it? The LAST thing I want to see is a war where people are throwing around magic as a weapon - for ANY reason. And if everyone gets their hands on it, that's what will happen." Usagi shakes her head. "Things are just fine the way they are, Mr. Kanzuki - just leave well enough alone. It's not worth the trouble it's going to cause."
[12:47] <Anastasia> He sighs. "Then you sentence yourself to have it happen outside of your control or seeing. I would offer to work with you on this... but even if I do not, one will outside your notice sooner or later. Advancement cannot be stopped, Usagi, no matter what you believe."
[12:49] <Usagi-chan> "I have no problem with you wanting to research how biology is related to magic," Usagi replies. "But I won't give my okay to giving magical potential to anyone and everyone. WHAT you want to know is fine, it's what you plan to DO with it that's a problem."
[12:52] <Anastasia> "I simply plan to improve humanity further along, as we have done as a species for millenia. Nothing more than what we are to do as a species every day we live."
[12:57] <Usagi-chan> "And we don't have to do it by force," Usagi says, standing. "I'm sorry we can't see eye-to-eye here, but I've heard everything I need to know, I think. I can't stop you - or anyone else - from doing this, but that doesn't mean I have to help you with it, either."
[13:01] <Anastasia> He sighs and shakes his head, partly in disgust. "It's ultimately your loss... I had hoped you would understand this, I truly had. You seemed so bright, too. Walk away... and leave this great thing to ones other than yourself."
[13:06] <Usagi-chan> "I just hope you come to your senses before it's too late," Usagi replies. "What you're doing could cause far more trouble than I think you realize." With that, she turns towards the door, leaving Kanzuki where he is.
[13:06] <Anastasia> As you walk out, he stops you. "Usagi... I do have one last question."
[13:06] * Usagi-chan looks back over her shoulder. "What is it?"
[13:08] <Anastasia> "As Sailor Moon, Mars, Mercury, or whichever one of them you were, what did you see? You speak as if you have experience on this matter." Saying so plainly, he keeps his face openly neutral.
[13:12] * Usagi-chan considers for a moment, turning her face away from Kanzuki. "I saw people so driven by rage and hate that they didn't care who or what they destroyed to get what they wanted. I saw friends turned into a complete mockery of who they used to be because of the forces they made contact with. I've seen people with so much power that nothing else mattered to them - not other people's lives, not anything except the pursuit of more power."
[13:14] <Usagi-chan> "There was one woman - my best friend, once - whose mind was so twisted because of the kind of magic she used that she stopped being who she was - the dimension she tapped into completely took over her mind. I grew up with her - and the last time I saw her, before she died, she cursed me for betraying her - which I never did - and tried her hardest to kill me, all while trying to bring Hell to Earth.
[13:15] <Usagi-chan> Do you really want to take the risk of that kind of power falling into the hands of anyone in the world?"
[13:16] <Anastasia> "Tyrants and fools," he says simply. "The bane of humanity since the beginning. You... you are still wrong, Sailor. Until we grow enough to leave those behind, those people are merely a part of being human. And that cannot stop us from going forward."
[13:17] <Usagi-chan> "And one tyrant or fool with that kind of power runs the risk of bringing the entire world crashing down on our heads - I know, I've seen it firsthand more than once. I won't take that risk." Usagi opens the door to the lab at that, stepping outside the small office.
[13:24] <Anastasia> Leaving the bioengineer behind, Usagi leaves and soon teleports home, this part of her business done for now...
[17:56] <Anastasia> ---
[18:34] <Anastasia> A few months later...
[18:37] <Anastasia> Usagi happens to be finishing going over her notes in the teachers' lounge, in preparation for another lecture. It's a relatively quiet day, really, though you've just been disturbed. 'Usagi,' Cyprine sounds in your mind.
[18:37] <Usagi-chan> 'Hmm? What's up, Cyprine?' Usagi says, snapping out of her reverie.
[18:38] <Anastasia> 'Professor Tomoe's looking for you,' the voice says through your mental highways.
[18:39] <Usagi-chan> 'Where is he? Tell him I'll be there in just a minute,' Usagi replies.
[18:43] <Anastasia> 'He's in his office,' Cyprine replies in your midn.
[18:43] * Usagi-chan wastes no time, heading up to the Professor's office without delay.
[18:46] <Anastasia> One fairly long elevator ride takes you there, the Professor waiting with his paperwork and such put aside. "Usagi," he nods, fairly composed and calm.
[18:47] <Usagi-chan> "Cyprine said you wanted to see me?" Usagi asks, closing the door behind her.
[18:48] <Anastasia> "Yes. Sit down, Usagi," he says, getting to it even as you do this. "Our mutual friend Doctor Kanzuki has been busy, Usagi."
[18:48] * Usagi-chan sighs. "Do I want to hear this?" Usagi says, scowling. "No, I probably don't - but I'd better anyway," she says, answering her own question.
[18:51] <Anastasia> Tomoe nods, taking out a fairly thick looking mini book. "Doctor Kanzuki has privately released a new research paper among a certain few scientists this week."
[18:52] <Usagi-chan> "What does he have to say?" Usagi asks, frowning as she looks at the book. "Anything we haven't heard already?"
[18:55] <Anastasia> It's untitled, bound in a white plastic cover. "The content of it is that he believes DNA has at least some role in 'extra sensory perception and ability' and that it may be viable to control the relevant DNA to increase the potential for magically talented subjects."
[18:57] * Usagi-chan sighs. "So basically he's going public with what he told me," Usagi says, sighing. "Not all that surprising, really, since there's not a lot I can do to stop him."
[18:58] <Anastasia> Professor Tomoe shakes his head again, going on. "He's only released this to a very select group, Usagi. The few whom got this would either know it or suspect as much already. It's hardly going public, at least." At that, he puts it down. "Usagi, he delivered this copy to me personally, as well as having a long discussion."
[18:59] <Usagi-chan> "What did he have to say?" the blonde asks quietly.
[19:04] <Anastasia> "That his work is proceeding slowly, but it is proceeding. He then asked if I would be interested in collaborating with him."
[19:05] <Usagi-chan> "And?" Usagi says, prompting him to go on. Working with Kanzuki has an entire range of possibilities to go along with it, as does refusing to do so.
[19:06] <Anastasia> "He's certainly talented," Professor Tomoe agrees. "But I gathered the two of you had something of a falling out, yes?"
[19:08] <Usagi-chan> "He wants to use this idea to try genetically engineering people to have magical ability," Usagi says with a sigh. "Having seen what just a few people have managed to do with that ability, I refused to help him. I WANT to believe that everyone out there would use any magical potential they might get for the right reasons, but after meeting some of the people I've seen I know it wouldn't always work out that way," Usagi says somewhat sadly.
[19:09] <Usagi-chan> "Why increase the risk of having someone go bad with a lot of power at their control?"
[19:18] <Anastasia> He nods. "I share your reservations, personally. That said... I also have reservations about leaving him to his own devices. I don't think he means any harm, but I don't really want him going off on his own about it, either."
[19:19] * Usagi-chan nods. "I understand... I just didn't know what else I could do. If I help him he moves that much faster with his research, and he wouldn't listen to anything I had to say when we talked."
[19:22] <Anastasia> "Yes, that's a concern... but leaving him alone isn't really something that I feel is a good idea. He's talented enough where he'll likely end up at the same place alone than with our help... and if we are helping him, we can at least try to guide him constructively and as usefully as possible."
[19:22] * Usagi-chan nods. "So you're going to work with him, then," Usagi confirms. "I hope you have more luck in getting him to see the dangers than I did."
[13:32] <Anastasia> "We shall see," is his reply, with a small nod. "I don't know if his research will go anywhere, but I'd certainly not turn a blind eye to it regardless."
[13:34] <Usagi-chan> "At least the way he made it sound, he can't do anything with whatever he finds out for a long time," Usagi says with a slight frown. "Hopefully we can figure out how to deal with it in the meantime."
[13:39] <Anastasia> Professor Tomoe nods to you, then goes on. "Regardless, I think it's just a matter of time and waiting, now."
[13:41] * Usagi-chan nods, sighing a bit. "Was there anything else you needed from me?"
[13:42] <Anastasia> "Yes, actually," he nods. "I haven't been up to the Moon recently due to business. How are the repairs going?"
[13:44] <Usagi-chan> "The repairs are done, actually," Usagi replies. "Most of what's left is just cleaning up the palace and replacing things like furniture and decorations, as well as getting things to grow again. There's not a whole lot left to do there, until the time comes to move up there for good."
[13:53] <Anastasia> A simple nod, Professor Tomoe's face lightly composed. "Speaking of such, I have another matter about that to discuss. Usagi," he pauses a moment, withdrawing a simple photograph from his pocket. It's of the Tree on the Moon, having grown several feet in the past few years. "We've been running tests on the Tree, and the results are interesting."
[13:54] * Usagi-chan leans over the desk, examining the picture. "What have you found?"
[13:57] <Anastasia> "In essence, the range of the atmosphere in the moon has increased by about a one mile radius in the past year," he replies, thoughtfully. "On talking to the Elves on the matter, they said it should be able to sustain life - and I suspect that's what it's doing here, or trying to do."
[13:59] <Usagi-chan> "That much?" Usagi says, looking a bit surprised. "That's wonderful! I doubt it'll cover enough of the Moon by the time I want to start the Kingdom again, but if it can help keep the atmosphere going once it's full grown that'll be wonderful."
[14:06] <Anastasia> "I think so... if its power continues to mature, it will be potent indeed. Further..." he goes on, taking out a printout and scanning it a moment. "Ah, here. I think that in its prime, the Tree will be capable of a high level of power and effects, more so once more elves are about. There seems to be a fundamental link between them and the Tree."
[14:07] <Usagi-chan> "I guess that makes sense," Usagi agrees. "It made the elves, after all - it's Alan and Ann's 'mother' in a way. And I'm sure there will be more elves before too long."
[14:10] <Anastasia> "I think so... not anytime soon, though." Pausing to reread the numbers, "At best, a rough guess would peg it at ten years before that, at the minimum."
[14:12] * Usagi-chan nods. "I'm not in any hurry for it to happen; I'm sure the Tree will make them again when it's ready to."
[14:17] <Anastasia> "It will indeed..." he muses, thoughtful. "Though, it does lead to another question."
[14:18] <Usagi-chan> "What's that?" Usagi asks.
[14:19] <Anastasia> "This Tree creates elves. Are they it's offspring or something else? And if they are not, can the Tree make more of it's own kind?" On asking, he takes a more thoughtful expression.
[14:21] <Usagi-chan> "I... don't know." Usagi says, pausing a moment to think. "I'd guess the Tree itself would be able to answer that question better than anyone; is it old enough to talk again yet?"
[14:27] <Anastasia> "No," he shakes his head. "Ann and Alan both commented that they've tried and failed to establish contact on a meaningful level. To them, it's still a young child."
[14:29] <Usagi-chan> "I guess that'll change with time too," Usagi says, frowning just a little. "I guess we ARE worrying about it a lot - it IS still pretty small. Hopefully we'll be able to tell more about it once it gets older."
[14:31] <Anastasia> "I think so. In fact... I have hopes for it on many levels once it matures. Usagi... it and the elves are lifeforms beyond this world. Being able to do things we can't normally imagine..." He pauses, turning to stare out at the excellent view of the skyline. "A way to boost and maybe even create an atmosphere could be invaluble not just to us, but to perhaps Earth or even other worlds."
[14:35] <Usagi-chan> "I know," Usagi agrees, thinking of the other worlds once inhabited during the Silver Millenium so long ago. "It's hard to imagine how much of a gift we've gotten in the Tree and the elves - there's so much that we can learn from each other."
[14:37] <Anastasia> Smiling as he stares out, "Indeed. So much indeed... and I wonder. What else is out there? I took the time to discuss with Ann and Alan what they had seen before Earth... and I believe there is much indeed."
[14:54] <Usagi-chan> "I know it's definitely possible." Usagi says, thinking back. "We had contact with a lot of other systems back during the Silver Millenium - whether any of them are still around or not I don't know, but I know there at least USED to be lots of other populated worlds out there."
[15:17] <Anastasia> He nods. "There were aliens in that group of criminals, yes?"
[15:19] * Usagi-chan nods. "Oxyite was one of them, and there may have been others - some of them left the system as soon as they managed to escape. Don't ask me HOW, but we haven't found any signs of them since."
[15:28] <Anastasia> Tomoe simply nods to that. "I would expect that even if they are far away, there must be others."
[15:32] <Usagi-chan> "That's something I DO want to look into, but it'll be a long time. My main concern is getting the Kingdom itself back up and running, first; once that's done, I'll worry about exploring more." Usagi replies.
[15:55] <Anastasia> "Agreed. After that... we shall see." Turning, "But that's just speculation now, the here and now is important. Speaking of such, don't you have a class in a few minutes?"
[15:56] <Usagi-chan> "Yeah, I was getting my notes together when Cyprine told me you wanted to see me," Usagi replies. "Not that I really need to, I just like double-checking them before I actually go in to talk."
[15:59] <Anastasia> "Well, then..." he glances at his watch. "You'd best hurry."
[16:01] * Usagi-chan grins. "For this class, I think I'll just teleport down," the blonde replies. "After what happened on the first day of class, I don't think anyone will be TOO shocked." Rising from her seat, she smiles at the Professor. "Thanks for letting me know about Kanzuki. I'll see you later, Professor." And with that, Usagi does as she said she would, simply teleporting down to her classroom.
[08:41] <Ana-chan> Ugh...that was strange. Rubbing your eyes and looking up from your perch in the Witches office, you shudder. You don't remember much, but that was one of your odder dreams lately. And damn, you're almost late to your lecture on magic now...
[08:42] * Usagi-chan grimaces, yawning a bit as she collects her notes. At least this is one class she can teleport up to - it shocked her students the first time, but after a brief explanation of what happened, they seem to have adjusted to it. Mostly. With everything she needs in place, she does just that, appearing in the lecture hall a few moments later.
[08:44] <Ana-chan> "Ah, Usagi," Professor Tomoe says a moment later. Amid the normal throng of students - including your less than favorite one - he sits aside, near the wall. Oh yes...he had mentioned wanting to have a word with your class at the end of the session.
[08:45] * Usagi-chan smiles, a bit surprised to see the Professor there - she'd almost forgotten about his request to speak to the class. "Did you need something, Professor?" she asks.
[08:46] <Ana-chan> "No, go on," he nods, politely enough. "I'll speak at the end of the class.
[08:46] <Ana-chan> "
[08:47] * Usagi-chan nods, putting her notes on the podium and proceeding into her lecture.
[08:49] <Ana-chan> It's a pretty good one, about magical effects on the human body. As usual, you get a fairly rapt class and plenty of good questions as you go on...
[08:49] * Usagi-chan does her best to answer the questions posed, a good deal of the class spent on the processes involved in magical healing.
[08:51] <Ana-chan> Professor Tomoe nods along to most of it, even asking a good lead in question for the sake of the class. Thus, most of the time slips by, the end of the lecture nearing.
[08:52] * Usagi-chan wraps up her lecture, taking any final questions from the class.
[08:53] <Ana-chan> As you wrap, Professor Tomoe rises. "That was a fascinating lecture, Usagi. Excellent work." Praising you in front of your class and seeing mostly agreement from the assembled personages around, he goes up to the lectern with you. "Could you stand aside, Usagi," he asks, "I need to bring some slightly distressing subject matter to hand."
[08:54] <Usagi-chan> "Of course," Usagi says, stepping to the side to allow the Professor to speak to the class.
[08:56] <Ana-chan> As he settles in and clears his throat, you note the strong auras of the Twins, just outside the room. "Ahem. It has come to my attention that certain members of this class have begun their own personal expeditions into arcane lore and magicks." Turning a glance to Usagi, he nods and waits to see if you wish to add anything.
[08:57] * Usagi-chan's expression becomes rather serious; she simply crosses her arms, letting the Professor do the talking for now.
[08:59] <Ana-chan> "Your teacher," he nods to Usagi again, "Is aware of at least one incident thus." Your favorite student, sitting in the back today, scowls ever so slightly, putting his head in his hand as he waits for him to go on.
[08:59] * Usagi-chan turns her attention to her 'favorite' student for a moment, but only for a moment - it's obvious the Professor has more to say.
[09:01] <Ana-chan> "Now... I can't outright forbid you to make your own inquiries into these fields. Even if I did so, I suspect many of you would give into your curiosity sooner or later in spite of my words." Turning again to you, he yields momentarily to see if you wish to add any more.
[09:02] * Usagi-chan smiles slightly. "Being curious is fine - most of what I've learned myself is from being curious about what I could do and how. But magic can be dangerous to play around with if you don't understand what it can do if things go wrong."
[09:03] <Ana-chan> "Exactly," Professor Tomoe nods in agreement. "There are things out there that, given an opening, will ravage you like a beast. Or even a simply misused item or spell can seriously maim or kill."
[09:04] * Usagi-chan nods... the Professor himself is all too familiar with that.
[09:07] <Ana-chan> "You see... what lurks in the d-" Professor Tomoe begins, before a cough cuts him off. Rising and brushing back his lanky, greasy hair, "Excuse me," your favorite student speaks up.
[09:07] <Usagi-chan> "Yes?" Usagi says rather flatly.
[09:09] <Ana-chan> "I wonder... both of you seem rather intent for us to merely follow along your simple example. I'm sure a few here will agree," he says, the class mutely watching on. "But really..."
[09:10] * Usagi-chan sighs, having expected something like this. "Most of you are teachers or professors yourselves, or you have been - is that right?" she asks.
[09:13] <Ana-chan> A general murmured consensus there. "Many of us are," he says, not letting you get to ride any momentum from it. "And I daresay most of us can see when we're being led around by the nosehairs in the dark."
[09:14] <Usagi-chan> "Then consider it this way. If you were teaching a chemistry class to a group of students who had never taken it before, would you want them grabbing chemicals at random and just start mixing them together? Or would you want them to understand what they're doing before they try to experiment on their own?"
[09:18] <Ana-chan> "There is a difference between a simple level chemistry course and... this," he smirks. "And I daresay we are far more intelligent than your typical crop of snotty teenagers hoping to pass chemistry with a C."
[09:21] <Usagi-chan> "Yeah, there is," Usagi retorts. "In a chemistry course, an accident might at worst be an explosion or maybe getting burned. An accident with magic... you'd be lucky if that was all that happened. The darker side of magic is a very, VERY nasty place, and what I want is for you all to know how to avoid it. That may mean we have to start simple."
[09:23] <Ana-chan> Professor Tomoe raises a hand, almost moodily with a slight grimace of annoyance. "Usagi is correct in her entirety," he points out. "Sit down."
[09:24] <Ana-chan> Said student scowls deeper, glaring at both of you in rare anger, before finally sitting.
[09:28] * Usagi-chan quiets down, allowing Professor Tomoe to go on - her point has been made.
[09:29] <Ana-chan> Professor Tomoe takes a breath, closing his eyes a moment. "The rest of you may go now. But will you," his gaze and tone leaves no dissention on who he means, "stay behind?"
[09:31] * Usagi-chan gives the rest of the students a slight smile as they depart, avoiding her 'favorite'.
[09:44] <Ana-chan> Once they leave, Professor Tomoe nods to you before turning to your problem student...
[09:44] * Usagi-chan keeps her expression carefully bland as she does the same, giving Kanzuki a flat stare.
[09:47] <Ana-chan> He returns it, clearly piqued. "Mr. Kanzuki," Professor Tomoe begins, dimplomatically enough. "I respect your hunger to explore this field, but... perhaps at least some caution is advised. Things really do lurk in the dark."
[09:49] * Usagi-chan nods in agreement... she's seen too many of them to want to see any more.
[09:55] <Ana-chan> "Perhaps so," he snorts, dismissing it like leaves in the wind, "But I fully intent to take things as far as they will go...after all, I don't believe for a moment that these things are so difficult as you make it out to be. If a waif of a girl," he vaguely nods to Usagi, "can do it..."
[09:57] * Usagi-chan narrows her eyes at that. "I'm not going to explain myself to you, Mr. Kanzuki. But I have a lot more experience than you'd think with magic, and some pretty unique teachers. I'm very fortunate to have learned as much as I have. But just because I'm young and good at it doesn't mean that magic is automatically easy to do or understand."
[09:58] <Ana-chan> "Perhaps..." he snorts again, rising. "But we shall see..." With that, he simply leaves.
[09:58] * Usagi-chan sighs as the young man departs. "He just won't listen."
[10:00] <Ana-chan> "Indeed..." Professor Tomoe muses quietly, thoughtful. "Bullheaded and intent on his research. I suppose... that's admirable in most cases, just... perhaps this is the wrong case for it."
[10:02] <Usagi-chan> "I guess all we can do is hope he DOESN'T have any accidents," the blonde replies. "I can't really stop him from experimenting unless he DOES get tangled up in something like the Dark Kingdom."
[10:06] <Ana-chan> "...Hm. I don't want to stop his work or his mind, but..." Slowly, Professor Tomoe rises, quietly thoughtful. "A small... demonstration of what could happen would at least instill a measure of caution in him."
[10:07] * Usagi-chan glances up at the headmaster. "What did you have in mind?"
[10:09] <Ana-chan> "I'm not entirely sure yet," he admits openly. "But... between your illusions, the Twins, and perhaps..." he says, almost more to himself than anything else.
[10:10] <Usagi-chan> "Hmm..." Usagi begins to turn over the idea herself. 'An illusion....'
[10:19] <Ana-chan> "Perhaps... but for now... hm."
[10:20] <Usagi-chan> "What are you thinking of trying?" Usagi asks.
[10:23] <Ana-chan> "If there is anything that may get through to him... perhaps the vision of the old Deathbusters would."
[10:23] <Usagi-chan> "Are you sure you want to do that?" Usagi asks hesitantly. "It probably would, you're right, but..."
[10:24] <Ana-chan> "Not the full thing," he shakes his head, "Just... the leader, if you will, would suffice."
[10:25] * Usagi-chan nods, knowing that even now the Professor's Germatou 'impressions' are pretty creepy. "All right... is there anything I can do to help?"
[10:33] <Ana-chan> "Hm...I have an idea, actually. Yes..." Nodding, "Let's go up to my office."
[10:34] <Usagi-chan> "All right," Usagi agrees, following her employer and friend up to his office on the top floor of the building.
[10:47] <Ana-chan> A short trip later, you arrive thusly. "What I have in mind... you've made mention of summoning before, yes?" he begins, waiting for your answer.
[10:49] <Usagi-chan> "In my lectures? I've just touched on it, and said that it was probably the single riskiest thing you can do with magic." Usagi replies. "Mainly because there's no way to be sure you can control what you summon."
[10:52] <Ana-chan> He nods. "That's accurate, and it's something to play off of."
[10:53] <Usagi-chan> "How would you set it up, then?" Usagi asks.
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


[14:00] <Ana-breakfast> -----
[14:03] <Ana-breakfast> "Mommy, mommy," Chibi Usa knocks on your headboard twice, stirring you from slumber. "Dad's here!" As you rise and rub your eyes, your daughter's nearly teenage form gets your attention - has she grown another inch since last night? "You overslept, Mom!"
[14:04] * Usagi-chan blinks groggily, slowly climbing back to the waking world. "Hmmm... wha?" she says blearily.
[14:04] <Ana-breakfast> "You overslept again," she chides you. "It's nearly ten. Did you stay up too late over college work again," she asks, tsk-tsking and waving her finger, as if she is the mother here.
[14:05] <Usagi-chan> "I'm up, I'm up," Usagi complains, sitting up in the bed and stretching. "You can go ahead and bring her up, I'm getting dressed."
[14:07] <Ana-breakfast> She nods, then smiles. "Oh, and Grandmom didn't save you any breakfast," she giggles, "Or she didn't stop Shingo and I from having seconds." Sadly, considering it's a teenage boy and a nearly teenage girl, breakfast not surviving isn't a great shock.
[14:08] * Usagi-chan grumbles. "Thanks a lot," she gripes. While her appetite has faded a bit with the passing of her own teenage years, it's still quite healty indeed, and missing breakfast is never a prospect she enjoys. Climbing out of the bed, she heads over to her closet to begin dressing. "Head downstairs and wait with Rei, I'll be down in a minute."
[14:09] <Ana-breakfast> "We'll stop for something," she promises, licking her lips in a familiar manner. "There wasn't even that much breakfast, anyway," she notes as she heads out, her pink sweatshirt and jeans hinting to dress warmly as it's been a early, chilly fall.
[14:11] * Usagi-chan shakes her head, grabbing a white turtleneck and a full-length, sky blue skirt from her own closet. Getting dressed quickly, she heads down the stairs to see the rest of her family.
[14:12] <Ana-breakfast> Mom and Dad aren't around, but you see that Shingo - grown up rather nicely, fulfilling the off chance he had to be a cute teenage body after all - having dragged Rei into playing a video game. Right now, it looks like Rei's karatewoman is in fierce combat with Shingo's fanservicy girl. My, how do they stay decent with so little? Chibi Usa watches the two, enjoying the specticle.
[14:13] * Usagi-chan leans on the back of the couch, not wanting to disturb the pair in the middle of their game.
[14:14] * Rei-chan wrestles with the controls almost comically, not quite as experienced at these games as the Tsukinos. "Come on..." she mumbles, pressing a determined assault that somehow doesn't get past Shingo's guard.
[14:15] <Ana-breakfast> Shingo grins, as his girl does a combo both extremely close to this side of NC-17 and anatomically challenging. It does end the fight, though. "Heh, gotcha," he smiles, turning halfway. "Oh hey, Usagi."
[14:16] <Rei-chan> "Be easier if I knew the special moves," Rei gripes, before looking up and smiling at her girlfriend. "Morning," she says, brightening.
[14:17] <Usagi-chan> "Morning, Shingo. Heya, Rei-chan," Usagi says, smiling a bit - but not before she reaches over to flip Shingo in the back of the head with her finger. "Thanks for leaving some breakfast for me."
[14:18] <Ana-breakfast> "Hey, you slept in," he gripes back, glaring only with minimal annoyance. "Besides, Mom ran out of eggs, anyway, so there wasn't much. She left you money to get some food of your own," he says, reaching into his pocket to withdraw a trio of 1,000 yen notes.
[14:20] <Usagi-chan> "Thank you," Usagi replies in clipped tones, pulling the bills out of Shingo's hand with a swift motion. "Breakfast out sounds good - have you eaten yet, Rei-chan?"
[14:20] <Rei-chan> "I had breakfast around six," Rei replies. "I wouldn't mind a late morning snack, I guess."
[14:21] <Ana-breakfast> "Mom gave me money, too," Chibi Usa smiles, digging into her nearby, stationary purse to reveal a trio of 2,000 yen bills. "You don't get much pocket money if you sleep in, too," she teases with a smile. "Dad taught me to get up early, but you must've not been paying attention."
[14:23] <Usagi-chan> "I don't ALWAYS sleep in," Usagi complains. "I swear, I do it once and the whole world is against me!" She puts an arm to her forehead in a dramatic pose. "Just because a girl needs her beauty sleep!"
[14:24] <Rei-chan> "I wasn't complaining," Rei notes, "Although if you'd been up it'd save me some humiliation from your little brother," she adds, dropping the game controller.
[14:25] <Usagi-chan> "He just likes showing off," Usagi says, passing it off. "Where to for breakfast, though?"
[14:27] <Rei-chan> "Okonomiyaki?" Rei shrugs, not really caring.
[14:28] <Usagi-chan> "Works for me," Usagi says, linking arms with her fiancee. "Shall we be off, then?" she says with a grin.
[14:29] * Rei-chan nods, standing up. "I'm ready. Have to pass on that rematch, Shingo-kun," she adds to the teenage boy.
[14:35] <Ana-breakfast> Chibi Usa falls in line, "Okonomiyaki for breakfast?" she says, curious.
[14:35] <Usagi-chan> "Sure, why not?" Usagi says. "It's not very expensive, at least, and they serve it all day."
[14:36] <Rei-chan> "It's a good way to start the day... for those of us who haven't already, anyway," Rei comments with a sidelong look at Usagi.
[14:37] * Usagi-chan sticks her tongue out at the miko. "I knew it was just a matter of time," she says with a giggle.
[14:37] <Ana-breakfast> Chibi Usa giggles as the three of you head out, though Shingo calls just as you exit. "Oh, Usagi," he half yells. "Mom said that Makoto called for you - she wants you to babysit Sei-chan today if you can."
[14:37] <Usagi-chan> "Okay, I'll get in touch with her," Usagi calls back. "Wonder what Mako-chan has planned that she needs a babysitter for?" the blonde muses.
[14:40] <Rei-chan> "Pretty much anything that involves spending time without her son," Rei shrugs. "Oh, well, better to ask you than her sister-in-law."
[14:41] <Ana-breakfast> Chibi Usa smiles even more at that. "Can we, Mom... he's so cute," she says, referring to the 5 or so  year old fondly. "Oh, he's almost like the younger brother I don't have."
[14:42] * Usagi-chan shakes her head and smiles. "You feel up to babysitting by yourself, Chibi Usa?" Usagi says, raising an eyebrow as she looks at her daughter.
[14:44] * Rei-chan raises an eyebrow at Usagi, hoping she's not serious.
[14:45] <Ana-breakfast> "Well..." Chibi Usa hems a bit, ever so slightly caught off guard. "I could watch him, sure," she nods. "Just keep him out of the fridge and make sure he doesn't fly on top of the cabinets again?"
[14:46] * Usagi-chan catches the look, speaking to Rei mentally. 'I started babysitting Shingo for Mom and Dad when I wasn't much older than Chibi Usa is now, and I'd say she's a lot more responsible now than I was then.' "You let Makoto tell you how much he's allowed to eat, and yes, keep him out of trouble. I'll check with her to be sure it's okay first, but I think you can handle it."
[14:47] <Rei-chan> 'I'm pretty sure Shingo was a lot less trouble than Sei-chan can be,' Rei replies, rather worried.
[14:49] <Ana-breakfast> "I can," Chibi Usa nods again, strongly.
[14:49] <Usagi-chan> 'We'll see what Makoto thinks,' Usagi replies. 'If she's not comfortable with it, we can stay ourselves.' The blonde heads for the park as the trio head through the streets of the city, knowing that there are usually a few okonomiyaki vendors there.
[14:51] <Rei-chan> 'I've never babysat, so I guess I wouldn't know...' Rei concedes, still rather reluctant at the idea.
[14:51] <Ana-breakfast> There are, or at least one. A young girl with chestnut brown hair chats away with her few customers, the smells rather tasty even from here.
[14:53] * Usagi-chan heads up to the vendor's cart with a smile, ordering a couple of the okonomiyaki for herself. "What did you guys want?" she asks, turning to her two companions.
[14:53] <Ana-breakfast> "Egg," Chibi Usa nods.
[14:54] <Rei-chan> "Vegetable," Rei offers.
[14:56] * Usagi-chan relays the orders to the vendor, pulling the money that Shingo gave her out of her purse to cover the purchases.
[14:56] <Ana-breakfast> The food comes quickly, the girl smiling and going back to her chat with her other patron - a tired-looking young woman with flaming red hair - and taking your money with a smile. "Thanks," she says, as you get your meal.
[14:58] * Rei-chan digs into her meal at a leisurely pace, in no particular hurry to get filled. "Wonder what time we should get to Mako-chan's?" she wonders aloud.
[14:59] * Usagi-chan nods to the girl with a smile, moving off to the side to eat her breakfast. "Hold on, I'll check," the blonde replies. 'Mako-chan?' she sends mentally to the brunette. 'Are you there?'
[14:59] <Ana-breakfast> 'Usagi?' she asks back, sounding harried. 'Thank God!'
[15:01] <Usagi-chan> 'What's wrong?' Usagi sends back, frowning a little.
[15:02] <Ana-breakfast> 'Well... gah!' she thinks, her train of thought moving away from that. 'Gotta get him down... not again...' you hear, Mako's thoughts loud and transparent. 'Gah! Not the couch!'
[15:03] * Usagi-chan sighs aloud. "Sounds like Sei-chan's having one of his more rambunctious days," Usagi says wryly. 'Take your time, Mako-chan,' Usagi sends back.
[15:04] <Rei-chan> "Maybe she doesn't have any plans for today besides just foisting him on someone else?" Rei asks, sighing a bit. No way they can dump that on Chibi Usa by herself.
[15:05] <Ana-breakfast> 'Ah... ah... gotcha!' she sighs mentally. 'Oh, Usagi... heh...' she sounds abashed. 'Erm...he seems to have figured out how to teleport some the last few days...'
[15:06] <Usagi-chan> "It wouldn't surprise me," Usagi says, shaking her head. "Although given just how much of a handful he is, I suppose I can't blame her for wanting to get away... from... him..." she says, facepalming as she picks up Makoto's thought. 'Already? Didn't Alan say he wouldn't pick that up until he was older?'
[15:07] * Rei-chan gives Usagi a worried look at that conclusion.
[15:07] <Ana-breakfast> 'He said that about flying and floating, too,' she shoots back, not sounding amused. 'And now while he's off with his sister and that tree of his...'
[15:08] <Ana-breakfast> You notice the other patron and chef half watching your conversation curiously.
[15:10] * Usagi-chan notices the curious looks, moving a bit further away from the stand to prevent the two from overhearing anything further. "Apparently he's managed to pick up teleportation in the past couple of days," she tells her companions in low tones, letting them assemble the rest of the picture themselves.
[15:10] * Rei-chan echoes Usagi's facepalming gesture of a moment ago. "Please tell me there's a range limit, at least."
[15:11] <Usagi-chan> 'How far has he managed to go?' Usagi sends back, almost dreading the answer.
[15:12] <Ana-breakfast> 'Just around the hou... gah! Get off the table, Seijuurou Hiroku Kino!' she thinks as she speaks it.
[15:13] <Usagi-chan> "Just around the house, apparently," Usagi says, shaking her head. "And Alan's off with Ann doing some gardening - I'd say you're probably right, she's looking for a break for a while."
[15:14] <Rei-chan> "Oh, well," Rei sighs, tucking into her okonomiyaki with a bit more urgency. "Might as well help her out sooner rather than later."
[15:15] * Usagi-chan looks over at Chibi Usa apologetically. "Sorry, Chibi Usa - looks like you won't be taking care of him by yourself today, but you're welcome to stay and help out if you want."
[15:16] <Ana-chan> She nods. "I wish I could do that... right now," she sighs, and as if a bad teaser, the Crystal's energy - her energy - flares ever so slightly. "Would help on late mornings."
[15:18] <Usagi-chan> "We can work on it sometime if you want," Usagi offers. "It's not too hard once you learn the trick to it, it's just learning the trick that takes a while."
[15:19] <Rei-chan> "I doubt it'd be much trouble for you to figure out," Rei notes, finishing off her meal. "You've got plenty of people to learn from, after all."
[15:20] <Ana-chan> "Really... can we learn tonight?" she asks, curiously. "School's cancelled tomorrow because of the holiday, so I can stay up late. Please?"
[15:20] <Rei-chan> "Probably take more than..." Rei trails off, glancing between the two Usagis. "Or... maybe you'd be able to do it the exact same way as Usagi?"
[15:21] <Usagi-chan> "All right, we'll work on it tonight," Usagi says smiling a bit. "As long as we all survive babysitting." That earns a mock grimace.
[15:21] <Rei-chan> "I'm sure we can handle Sei-chan," Rei declares with confidence that hopefully isn't misplaced.
[15:22] <Ana-chan> Chibi Usa nods. "He can't be that bad for such a cute kid, right?"
[15:24] <Ana-chan> ---
[15:24] <Ana-chan> Oh my.
[15:26] <Ana-chan> On arriving at Makoto's apartment, it's easy to note a problem. The door usually doesn't FLY open, a totally wrecked, hair unbound and wild and tired looking Makoto answering the door. Nor does she usually have assorted types of peanut butter and jelly smeared on her front.  "Hey, guys," she nods quickly, reaching and grabbing what looks like a medium-sized clothes bag. "He's asleep right now, and I'm off to the bathhouse. Ciao!"
[15:27] <Ana-chan> Dashing off, you are left with her dust in your wake, door open, as she zooms away.
[15:28] * Rei-chan holds up her hand in an aborted wave, her greeting/farewell dying on her lips. "I always thought motherhood would really suit her, too," she remarks.
[15:29] <Usagi-chan> "You and me both," Usagi says, staring after the rapidly disappearing brunette.
[15:29] <Rei-chan> "Can't be that bad," Rei shrugs, stepping inside the apartment with no hesitation.
[15:30] * Usagi-chan follows with a bit more trepidation, having babysat for Sei-chan before. And every time, it was a highly memorable experience.
[15:31] <Ana-chan> Chibi Usa follows. Inside, you notice that there is a note pinned to the fridge, just inside the entrance to the kitchen segment. Also, there is something of a mess on the floor, along with a mop and bucket. Smells like sandwiches in here... or is that peanut butter and jam?
[15:32] * Rei-chan idly reads the note, glancing down at the mess on the floor.
[15:32] * Usagi-chan sighs at the mess, heading over to the sink to get some paper towels.
[15:33] <Ana-chan> It's peanut butter, strawberry jam, and some bread. It's spread out, needing mopping and cleaning. "Sorry, guys," she says. "But... well, it's only a small mess, right?" it finishes, a small smiley face with a rough brown ponytail added to it on the side.
[15:34] * Rei-chan can't help but chuckle a little bit, getting busy with the mop. "What are friends for?"
[15:34] <Ana-chan> It's not too hard to clean up between the three of you, at least. As you finish... "Mmmm, I'm hungry again," Chibi Usa says, putting aside the paper towels she took and going to the cabinet.
[15:34] * Usagi-chan doesn't reply, disposing of the more solid parts of the mess in the trashcan before heading over to check on the young boy while he's still asleep.
[15:36] <Ana-chan> Sei-chan is in his little room, decorated with this and that, plants as well as his normal childhood things. Stuffed animals - vaguely famiilar, a whole mess of them - line the area, as well as sloppy drawings made by the child hang about. Most of are of his parents (you think), his friends or the Moon, one of the Tree hanging prominently.
[15:36] <Rei-chan> "Peanut butter and jelly sandwich?" Rei asks her daughter with an amused smile.
[15:37] * Usagi-chan gives a quiet sigh, making sure not to disturb him while he's still asleep. Shaking her head a bit, she heads back to the kitchen to rejoin Rei and Chibi Usa.
[15:37] <Ana-chan> "No... crackers," she decides, coming out with a box of tuna flavored munchies. That one is a bit odd, even by standards.
[15:38] * Rei-chan shrugs. "Just don't have too many," she advises, not really minding. Spotting Usagi come back, she asks, "He definitely asleep?"
[15:38] <Usagi-chan> "For the moment," Usagi confirms. "No telling how long it'll last, though."
[15:39] <Ana-chan> Muching away as she hovers, Chibi Usa tears into the box. My, she's been eating a lot, lately by normal standards. By rabbit standards? Mom must be proud. "How about some TV until then," she suggests.
[15:40] <Rei-chan> "Works for me," Rei shrugs, picking up the remote and plopping down on the couch as she turns the TV on.
[15:40] <Usagi-chan> "Okay with me, just keep the volume down. Trust me, the longer he stays asleep, the better."
[15:41] * Rei-chan shakes her head, not getting why everyone always seems so worried about Sei-chan - the boy is always an absolute angel whenever she sees him.
[15:44] <Ana-chan> The TV goes on with a special about the small festival tomorrow. It doesn't really involve Rei's temple, at least, so it's not something on her radar as anything beyond a free Monday. About twenty minues pass, before...
[15:46] <Ana-chan> Atop the TV, Sei-chan appears suddenly. His greenish skin and slightly pointed ears show, as he is wearing only his pants. He smiles, as he holds a dart gun in one hand. "Hold it! In the name of Jupweter, I'll stop robbers," he declares, pointing the gun at Chibi Usa and firing! A dart flies, pinging her right in the forehead and sticking there.
[15:47] <Usagi-chan> "Sei-chan, off the TV," Usagi says sharply, having known that the peace wouldn't last for too long.
[15:47] <Ana-chan> "Aaaah!" Chibi Usa starts back, reaching up and plunking the dart off.
[15:48] <Ana-chan> "Auntie Usagi! Auntie Rei! Auntie Chibi-tan," he smiles, blinking as he appears in Rei's lap. Hugging onto her, "Mommy said you were coming over!"
[15:49] * Rei-chan pats Sei-chan's head, smiling. "That's right, she asked us to babysit you. Now apologise to big sister Usagi for shooting her."
[15:49] <Ana-chan> "But she was a robber! We were playing that last time," he objects seriously, turning to her. "I win, too!"
[15:52] <Ana-chan> Chibi Usa manages a smile as she quietly puts the dart aside. "Okay," she nods agreeably enough, showing the crackers to Sei-chan. He prompty reaches forward, taking a messy handful. "Thanks, Chibi-tan! Mommy never lets me have these, but you do," he smiles warmly, chomping away.
[15:52] * Usagi-chan gives Chibi Usa a warning look, shaking her head a bit.
[15:52] * Rei-chan sweatdrops. "Why doesn't she let you have them, Sei-chan?"
[15:53] <Ana-chan> "Mommy says I need to eat lots of fruits and vegetables when I'm not by Tree," he says. "But those are really good, better than that bro.. bro.. broccoli she made me eat last night," he grumps, words slightly garbled as he finishes his snack.
[15:54] <Rei-chan> "Well, don't spoil your appetite for lunch, then," Rei tells him. "I'll make you a nice fruit salad, okay?"
[15:54] <Ana-chan> He nods, hugging onto Rei again. "Oh, and auntie, can I show you something," he asks, looking up.
[15:55] * Usagi-chan gives Seijuurou a rather dubious look, but lets Rei answer for herself.
[15:55] <Rei-chan> "What do you want to show me, Sei-chan?" Rei asks, smiling down at the cute little boy.
[15:56] <Ana-chan> "It's a secret, I haven't shown Mommy yet," he smiles widely. "Can I?"
[15:57] <Rei-chan> "Oh, it must be really special, then," Rei grins, playing along.
[15:58] <Ana-chan> He nods, "It is!" he nods. "Come on, can I?"
[15:58] * Usagi-chan braces herself - hopefully it's really as innocent as it appears, but tending to doubt that such is the case.
[15:59] <Rei-chan> "Sure, but you'll have to get off my lap, first," Rei points out cheerfully.
[16:00] <Ana-chan> He nods, hopping off and reaching up, as if for you to take his hands. "Okay, auntie..." he says, waiting.
[16:00] * Rei-chan stands up, brushing crumbs off her lap with one hand as she takes Sei-chan's with the other.
[16:02] <Ana-chan> There is a strange moment when you tingle, then....GAAAAAAAAAAH! You jerk back and forth, hair going up on its ends as purple lightning sparks in Sei-chan's hands! Gaaaah! (5 damage) You shake with it, nose clearing up perfectly at the treatment. "Isn't it cool?" he grins, still holding Rei's hand.
[16:03] <Rei-chan> "Aaah!" Rei yelps, jerking her hand back. "Sei-chan..." she looks down at the little boy, her eyebrow twitching ominously. "That wasn't a very nice thing you just did."
[16:03] * Usagi-chan winces, cringing as she sees the electrical energy spark between Rei and Seijuurou.
[16:04] <Ana-chan> "But it's really, really rad," he grins. "It's like those stories about Sailor Juptweter she tells me! I got the second robber!"
[16:05] * Usagi-chan raises an eyebrow. So THAT's how he's going to play this game. She resolves to remain on her guard, having had enough experience with the boy to know that he's not done yet, by a long shot.
[16:05] <Rei-chan> "I'm not a robber," Rei points out, trying to sound reasonable. "And you just hurt me, Sei-chan. Hurting people is a good way to make them stop liking you." As she speaks, she attempts to smooth down her hair.
[16:05] <Ana-chan> "Ouch..." Chibi Usa observes. "Are you okay, Dad?"
[16:06] <Rei-chan> "It's okay, Chibi Usa," Rei nods. "But Sei-chan needs to learn a bit more about responsibility."
[16:06] <Ana-chan> It's smoothing, but a real brushing would probably be preferable. "But you still like me, don't you, Auntie?"
[16:07] <Rei-chan> "Only because I know you didn't know any better," Rei says, kneeling down. "But now that you do know better..." she pokes his forehead, "You'd better not do it again."
[16:08] <Ana-chan> "Okay..." he agrees. "I won't do it to you again, Auntie."
[16:09] <Usagi-chan> "You won't do it again at all, will you, Sei-chan?" Usagi says warningly.
[16:12] <Ana-chan> "I promise," he nods, one hand darting behind his back.
[16:12] <Usagi-chan> "No crossing fingers either," Usagi says, staring at the little boy levelly.
[16:12] <Ana-chan> "Okay, okay," he says, as you see his toes wiggle about.
[16:13] * Usagi-chan covers her face with one hand, shaking her head.
[16:13] <Rei-chan> "Sei-chan," Rei says, her tone remaining stern, "Don't lie to your aunts."
[12:25] <Ana-chan> "Okay..." he frowns, sighing. "I won't do it again to you." With that, he suddenly smiles. "Then can we play a game?"
[12:26] <Rei-chan> "To anyone, Sei-chan," Rei insists. "What you just did was very naughty!"
[12:27] <Ana-chan> He nods, though not really happily about it.
[12:28] * Rei-chan nods, satisfied. "Okay, we can play a game in a minute - first I need to brush my hair." Reaching into her handbag to produce a brush, the miko begins working through her long raven tresses.
[12:29] <Ana-chan> It's going to take a few - lightning really does seem to mess up your hair. "Sei-chan, how did you learn to do that," Chibi Usa asks. "Did your Mom teach you?" With that, Chibi Usa gives Usagi a sidelong glance.
[12:29] * Usagi-chan shakes her head a bit, sighing. "Later," she mouths to her daughter.
[12:30] <Ana-chan> She nods to that, as Sei shakes his head. "Nope! I played as Sailor Juptweter and I could do it. Dad says I'm really tal... talented for my age," he grims proudly.
[12:31] <Rei-chan> "You're really something," Rei agrees, not really hiding the double meaning as she replaces her brush. "So, what game do you want to play, Sei-chan?"
[12:33] <Ana-chan> "Hide and seek," he grins, vanishing in an instant! "Come find me!" are the last words he gets out as he blinks somewhere else.
[12:34] <Rei-chan> "Oh, where could you be?" Rei asks loudly, standing up and resisting the urge to try and sense his location. Might as well play fair, after all.
[12:36] * Usagi-chan gets up as well, although she's less inclined to play fair - knowing Sei-chan, there's no telling where he is, or what he's getting into. Extending her senses, she tries to locate the boy.
[12:36] <Ana-chan> OOC - Soul check.
[12:37] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6
[12:37] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 4."
[12:38] <Ana-chan> He's in the kitchen... you aren't quite sure exactly where, as you'd have to go in to see the lay of the room to be sure
[12:39] * Usagi-chan heads for the kitchen, to at least make sure he's not getting into trouble. She'll let him have a few minutes to hide, but...
[12:39] <Rei-chan> "Are you... behind the couch?" Rei asks, her voice loud enough to carry through the apartment as she pokes her head round the back of the furniture.
[12:40] <Ana-chan> Entering, you quickly sense he's in the upper left cabinet. Must be a tight fit. He doesn't call out to Rei's attempt, as she finds nothing there. Chibi Usa lingers with Rei, idly searching under the coffee table.
[12:41] <Rei-chan> Briefly checking any other hiding spaces available in the living room, Rei moves onto Sei-chan's room, since Usagi has the kitchen covered. "What about in here, hmm?" she asks.
[12:43] <Ana-chan> Poking around his room, you don't find him - but you do notice a drawing of Sailor Jupiter, Mars and Mercury. Why do people always make your butt look too big, even when it's a 5-year-old with crayons?
[12:44] * Usagi-chan takes her time in searching around the kitchen, going through the ground level cabinets first of all. "I wonder where he could be..." At least Makoto doesn't keep any food in that cabinet. She thinks.
[12:45] * Rei-chan sighs a bit. It's the thought that counts, right? Yeah. With that in mind, she forgives the boy and continues her search, poking around under his bed.
[12:46] * Usagi-chan starts searching through the higher cabinets. "Sei-chan, where are you?" she calls out in a singsong voice, moving ever closer to the boy's hiding place.
[12:46] <Ana-chan> As you rustle around, you feel a slight teleport, the boy going from cabinet into the oven. Mako-chan has a large one, but that doesn't really strike you as safe. Rei looks around, finding bits of childhood about, including a drawing of Makoto, pregnant - a crude arrow to her huge belly with 'me' on it is there.
[12:47] * Usagi-chan grimaces, heading directly for the oven. The time for fun and games is over; opening the door, she frowns a bit. "Sei-chan, come out of there!"
[12:47] <Rei-chan> "Awww," Rei grins sappily at the picture, replacing it before she leaves the bedroom, going to investigate the bathroom, next.
[12:48] <Ana-chan> OOC - Body check, Usagi.
[12:48] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6 burning 10 EP for body
[12:48] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6 burning 10 EP for body and gets 3."
[12:49] <Ana-chan> You jerk back as a dart whistles out, a rubber cup projectile missing you! As this happens, Rei pokes around the bathroom. Not really of note is out, though they do have a big medicine cabinet.
[12:50] * Rei-chan doubts there's space to hide in the medicine cabinet with all the shelves, no matter how big it is. Departing the bathroom, she goes to join Usagi in the kitchen.
[12:53] <Usagi-chan> "Come on, Sei-chan - you can't hide in the oven!" Having dodged the boy's 'attack', she reaches into the oven to extract the child.
[12:54] <Ana-chan> He grins as you do so, blinking away again!
[12:54] <Ana-chan> Rei enters, just in time tos ee the vanishing act!
[12:55] * Usagi-chan sighs, frowning. "Great..."
[12:55] <Rei-chan> "Hey, now!" Rei calls, "It's cheating to vanish after Usagi found you, fair and square."
[12:57] * Usagi-chan shakes her head, frowning. "I wouldn't bother, Rei-chan. I swear, he doesn't know the meaning of the word 'fair'."
[12:59] <Rei-chan> "He's just rambunctious," Rei blithely excuses the darling little boy, still waiting on a response.
[12:59] <Ana-chan> None comes from the child, as Chibi Usa glances around. "Where'd he go now?" she asks, curious.
[13:01] <Rei-chan> "Seijurrou?" Rei presses, her voice carrying through the apartment, as she senses out - if he's cheating, so will she.
[13:01] * Usagi-chan closes her eyes, sensing out.
[13:01] <Ana-chan> OOC - Both of you soul check and 12.
[13:01] <Rei-chan> roll 2d6
[13:01] * Hatbot --> "Rei-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[13:06] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6
[13:06] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[13:08] <Ana-chan> He's just teleported again, to above the door to the kitchen from the living room.
[13:09] * Rei-chan makes her way to the door, before quickly darting out and leaping up to grab Sei-chan, with a triumphant "Gotcha!"
[13:10] <Ana-chan> "Gah!" he calls, as something flies out of his hands and drops right onto your forehead! Water blinds you for a moment, bits of overly stretched and colorful rubber falling with the wave of water. You do have a grip on him now, water ballons be darned.
[13:11] * Rei-chan lands, still holding him. "Sei-chan," she begins with rather astounding calm, "Hasn't your mother ever told you not to use water balloons inside the house?"
[13:11] <Usagi-chan> "Yes, she has," Usagi says with a frown. "And so have I."
[13:12] <Ana-chan> Water spills down your face, wetting your hair and blouse nicely. "Aw, but..." he begins.
[13:13] <Rei-chan> "No more games, Seijuurou," Rei says sternly. "It's time out for you."
[13:14] <Ana-chan> His eyes go wide at this, sniffling. "But Auntie Rei-tan," he says in a cute, pleading voice.
[13:15] * Usagi-chan crosses her arms, unmoved by the display. "She said time out, Sei-chan," the blonde says firmly. 'And stay there, please. The last thing I want to have to do is set up an anti-teleport field in the middle of Mako-chan's house...' she thinks unhappily.
[13:15] * Rei-chan shakes her head, unmoved. "You know what you did was wrong, Sei-chan. Now we're going to have to clean up the mess you made, and you're going to sit in your room and think about what you've done."
[13:17] <Ana-chan> He slumps, before letting out a loud, loud, LOUD wail. "I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't wanna!" he sobs.
[13:19] <Rei-chan> "And I didn't want to get wet," Rei points out, starting towards his room with the crying child still in her arms. "Now be quiet like a good boy and you can come out at lunchtime."
[13:19] <Ana-chan> "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" he cries, slight tingles of electricity coming from his body. It doesn't hurt you, but you can feel your wet hair conflicting with the sparking up. Sigh, gonna need to rebrush and buy good conditioner at this rate.
[13:20] * Rei-chan drops Seijuurou on his bed. "There are worse things in life than time out, Sei-chan," she notes with disturbing cheerfulness, before departing and closing the door behind her.
[13:21] <Ana-chan> Chibi Usa waits for you, frowning. "Are you alright, Dad?" she asks. "I thought you were going to get shocked again."
[13:22] <Rei-chan> "Nearly did," Rei sighs, heating herself up to evaporate the water on herself before once again retrieving her hairbrush. "I just don't know what's gotten into him, today."
[13:23] <Ana-chan> "He's usually so sweet," Chibi Usa agrees. "Is he excited because he figured out those new tricks?"
[13:24] <Rei-chan> "That's probably it," Rei nods. "It's a little worrying that he can do so much at such a young age. I mean, I was fourteen and I still managed to set fire to my headmaster's desk at T*A by mistake - who knows what he'll do when he starts kindergarten?"
[13:26] <Ana-chan> "Provide free power," she says, totally straightfaced, before smiling stupidly and giggling. "Maybe Mako-chan will need to homeschool him?"
[13:27] <Rei-chan> "Considering the hurry she left in, I doubt she'd be keen on that," Rei chuckles as she works through her hair once more.
[13:29] <Usagi-chan> "I wouldn't be either," Usagi says, shaking her head. "I know she's not that easy on him, but he never listens to anything anyone says, it seems like."
[13:30] <Ana-chan> The next hour passes, Sei-chan quiet in his room. The TV's offerings are good enough, and the time glides by. Chibi Usa looks up first, her stomach rumbling. "Lunch time," she annouces.
[13:31] <Rei-chan> "I'll see what I can cook up," Rei says, getting up and going to investigate the kitchen. "Should be enough for that fruit salad I promised..."
[13:31] <Usagi-chan> "Think I'll check on Sei-chan," Usagi says, getting up to do just that.
[13:32] <Ana-chan> CHibi Usa goes with Rei, as you check on Sei-chan. The boy in question is floating in the air, clutching a pillow as he naps amid the dust motes near his ceiling.
[13:37] * Usagi-chan sighs, heading for the kitchen. 'I hope Makoto gets home soon,' she thinks, not really holding out much hope for that to be the case.
[13:37] <Rei-chan> "Sei-chan behaving himself?" Rei asks as the blonde enters, getting to work on preparing enough food for all four of them.
[13:37] <Ana-chan> In there, you find Chibi Usa at the table, starting her meal with an apple that's vanishing rather quickly.
[13:38] <Usagi-chan> "Sleeping at the moment," Usagi replies. "On the ceiling, not that that's really a surprise."
[13:38] * Rei-chan shakes her head a bit. "Weird that he can even float while asleep," she comments.
[13:42] <Ana-chan> "I wish I could do that..." Chibi Usa murmurs again.
[13:43] <Rei-chan> "You know, Chibi Usa," Rei begins, "There's probably very little that you can't do, if you put your mind to it. Why all the sudden interest in learning?"
[13:44] <Ana-chan> "Well... Mom's taught me a lot about focus, but we never get around to doing anything like Sei-chan can," she notes. "It's enough to make a girl jealous."
[13:45] <Usagi-chan> "Well, it's a lot more important for you to learn focus than it is for most people," Usagi counters. "You're about ready to start learning other things, but you have to be more careful because of the Crystal."
[13:48] <Ana-chan> She nods. "We should do that," she agrees, even as you frown. If you aren't mistaken, that was Sei-chan blinking again.
[13:48] * Rei-chan looks up as she senses the change. "Sei-chan, lunch is nearly ready," she calls.
[13:49] <Ana-chan> No reply offhand, as Chibi Usa rises to take some of what you've made.
[13:50] <Rei-chan> "Can you go get him?" Rei asks Usagi, setting out portions for everyone.
[13:52] <Usagi-chan> "Yeah, hold on," Usagi says, frowning as she tries to sense his new location.
[13:52] <Ana-chan> It's in the bathroom.
[13:52] * Usagi-chan shakes her head, heading for the bathroom. "Come on, Sei-chan, it's time for lunch!"
[13:53] <Ana-chan> "Could you come in here, auntie Usagi," he calls cheerfully.
[13:56] * Usagi-chan stops outside, raising an eyebrow. "Why?" she says doubtfully.
[13:57] <Ana-chan> "Um..." A pause, then, "I got my pants stuck," he tries, wheedling in his tone.
[13:59] * Usagi-chan frowns, not believing him for a minute but figuring if she doesn't, he'll just try something else. Warily, she enters the bathroom. "How did you get your pants stuck?" she says, standing in the doorway.
[13:59] <Ana-chan> He's inside the tub, so that you can only see his head. "Um... it was an accident," he tries. (Mind check.)
[14:00] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6 burning 10 EP
[14:00] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6 burning 10 EP and gets 6."
[14:00] <Ana-chan> You notice the floor glistens with something - not water, but it's shiny.
[14:01] <Usagi-chan> "What are you doing in the bathtub, Sei-chan?" Usagi says, her arms crossed - but not entering the bathroom just yet.
[14:02] <Ana-chan> "Uh... I wanted to get my toys in here," he tries, raising up a rather worn and well-used rubber boat.
[14:03] <Usagi-chan> "Why do you need your toys? It's lunchtime." Usagi replies.
[14:04] <Ana-chan> "I wanted to play with them," he offers. "Could you just come here, Usagi-tan?"
[14:05] <Usagi-chan> "Come on out, Sei-chan," Usagi says firmly, not biting. "It's time to get some lunch."
[14:05] <Ana-chan> "But I'm stuck," he insists, looking down at what you can't see.
[14:06] <Usagi-chan> "Is that the truth?" Usagi says, giving the boy a level stare.
[14:08] <Ana-chan> He nods quickly, trying to pass it off. "Uh... yes, Usagi-tan."
[14:10] * Usagi-chan sighs, shaking her head. Keeping one hand firmly on the counter to steady herself - she fully expects the floor to be slippery - she heads into the bathroom to retrieve the boy.
[14:10] <Ana-chan> OOC - Body check, -2 bonus.
[14:10] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6-2 burning 10 EP
[14:10] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6-2 burning 10 EP and gets 2."
[14:11] <Ana-chan> Woah! It's slick as hell, your feet nearly going out on you a few times. Yet you remain standing, much to the clear disappointment of Sei-chan. As you approach, you notice an empty tub of petroleum jelly in the tub.
[14:13] * Usagi-chan plucks the boy out of the tub with a frown. "Very funny, Sei-chan - you'll get to clean all that up after lunch," the blonde says. Not wanting to risk walking over the floor again - especially with Sei-chan in her grasp to create even more trouble - she simply teleports back to the kitchen herself.
[14:13] <Ana-chan> He slumps, sniffling. As you reappear, "But... but..." he says. "Mom says nothing gets that out but water and work," he complains.
[14:14] <Usagi-chan> "Then it looks like you'll be busy for a little while, won't you?" Usagi replies. "Maybe you should have thought about that before you put it all over the floor."
[14:14] <Rei-chan> "What'd he do?" Rei asks tiredly, already sitting at the table with Chibi Usa.
[14:15] <Usagi-chan> "Spread petroleum jelly all over the bathroom floor, trying to make me slip when I came to get him," Usagi replies, depositing the boy in his chair at the table. "I told him he could clean it up after lunch."
[14:15] <Ana-chan> He grumbles, putting his head down and sulking instead of going after his fruit salad.
[14:16] <Rei-chan> "Yeah, you will clean it up," Rei nods. "You can't just do things like that and expect everyone else to clean up after you."
[14:17] <Ana-chan> He sniffles, but stays with his head down. Chibi Usa merely continues at her lunch at an insane pace.
[14:18] <Rei-chan> "Don't pout," Rei adds.
[14:22] <Ana-chan> He looks up, giving you a childish and annoyed stare. "Hmph."
[14:23] <Usagi-chan> "Don't you give me that look," Usagi chides. "You made the mess, you get to clean it up."
[14:24] <Ana-chan> He just puts his head down again, supremely annoyed.
[14:26] <Rei-chan> "Eat your lunch, Sei-chan," Rei tells him, before glancing at the pink-haired girl, "Or I'll make sure it doesn't go to waste, regardless."
[12:25] * Usagi-chan can't help but smile a bit at that - Chibi Usa will definitely polish off anything Seijuurou doesn't eat.
[12:26] <Ana-chan> He just grumps instead. "I wish Daddy was here... he said we'd have a nice lunch," he complains.
[12:27] <Rei-chan> "Well don't eat it and go hungry, then," Rei shrugs, uncaring. "Maybe if you'd been a little easier on your mom, today, she'd have made something nicer than what I did."
[12:28] <Ana-chan> "Mommy didn't want to play today," he says sullenly. "She got mad when I was in the roof..."
[12:30] <Rei-chan> "Even mommies need time out, now and then," the miko observes. "Now are you going to eat or not?"
[12:31] <Ana-chan> "I'm not hungry," he grumps again. "Hmph!" With that he flickers and vanishes.
[12:31] <Rei-chan> "Help yourself, Chibi Usa," Rei says, gesturing to Sei-chan's plate as she senses for the location of said wayward child.
[12:32] <Ana-chan> She nods eagerly, setting into it with a rabbit's hunger. He's in his room now, you sense.
[12:32] <Rei-chan> "He's in his room. Might as well leave him there," Rei shrugs, finishing off her lunch.
[12:33] * Usagi-chan simply shakes her head. 'Sometimes I'm glad Chibi Usa was never like this,' Usagi sends mentally, not wanting her daughter to overhear.
[12:33] <Rei-chan> 'Maybe she was, but we just missed it,' Rei notes impishly.
[12:33] <Usagi-chan> 'Either way, I'm happy for it,' Usagi replies wryly.
[12:34] <Ana-chan> Finishing the salad, Chibi Usa glances at Usagi's lunch. "Are you going to eat that, Mom," she asks, giving it an eyeing.
[12:35] <Usagi-chan> "Yes, I am!" Usagi replies curtly. "You've already had two helpings!" Not willing to risk losing it to her ever-hungry daughter, she starts in on her own meal with a will.
[12:37] <Ana-chan> Chibi Usa sighs, before rising to check Mako-chan's fridge. "Mmm, leftover dumplings," she comments. "She made a lot... either of you want any?" she asks, taking out a rather big pot.
[12:38] <Rei-chan> "I'll pass," Rei waves it off, gathering the plates. "Just don't eat poor Mako-chan out of house and home."
[12:38] <Usagi-chan> "Yeah, she's got two people that try to do that already," Usagi says with a grin. "We can always go out for something after Makoto gets back."
[12:38] <Ana-chan> "I'll only have some," she promises, getting a bowl out for the microwave. It's a fairly big bowl... damn, is that a small plastic mixing bowl she co-opted?
[12:39] <Rei-chan> "Where do you put it all?" Rei marvels, shaking her head. "You had two helpings of breakfast and an okonomiyaki just over an hour ago."
[12:41] <Ana-chan> "I dunno, I'm just hungry," she offers eloquently, hauling her stash to the microwave. "I've been eating like a pig the past couple of weeks. Grandmom says I'm taking after Mom." she adds with a smile.
[12:42] <Rei-chan> "I suppose you have been in a pretty major growth spurt, lately, too," Rei concedes. "Just don't make yourself sick by eating too much."
[12:44] <Ana-chan> A nod, as she fetches her second lunch and starts eating even before she gets back to sit. "Grandmom said Mom would understand," she adds, another smile to Usagi.
[12:47] * Usagi-chan sighs. "I understand, yes, but you don't get to eat MY food, either!" The blonde scowls a bit.
[12:47] <Rei-chan> "Like you ever bothered about snatching here and there from everyone else," Rei notes, starting on the dish-washing.
[12:49] <Usagi-chan> "I got better," Usagi says, pouting a bit. "After you yelled at me enough times." That earns a small grin.
[12:55] <Ana-chan> Chibi Usa finishes the bowl, but doesn't get a chance to say anything. "Hey, where's Makoto," Alan asks, strolling in. Unlike his wife, he appears fresh and composed, as if he hasn't been home past 7 AM today.
[12:56] <Rei-chan> "She went to the bathhouse about an hour ago," Rei tells him. "We're watching Sei-chan for her."
[12:57] <Ana-chan> He nods, going to sit and grinning. "How's he been today?"
[12:58] <Ana-chan> In human form, he's still cute, even if he's adjusted it to age to a full adult figure. Sitting back, he idly waits for what will likely be an interesting story.
[12:59] <Rei-chan> "He's learned a fun new trick," Rei smiles in a slightly ominous manner.
[12:59] <Ana-chan> "Oh," he asks, smiilng. "What now?"
[13:01] <Rei-chan> "You could hook him up to the TV and save on electricity bills, let me put it that way," Rei sighs, distractedly smoothing down her recently-brushed hair.
[13:01] <Ana-chan> He blinks once, before he grins in comprehension. "He's managed something with electricity?" he asks, getting to the point. "Not something from my end of the family?"
[13:02] <Rei-chan> "Now he can punish robbers in the name of Jupweter," Rei can't help from smiling a little bit at that. He did seem so proud of his trick, after all.
[13:02] <Usagi-chan> "I'd guess not, no. Oh, and you might want to watch your step if you need to use the bathroom." Usagi says, frowning a bit.
[13:03] <Ana-chan> Still clearly proud, "Hm?" he asks Usagi. "Did he overflow the bathtub again?"
[13:06] <Usagi-chan> "No, not that. Try petroleum jelly all over the floor," Usagi says, a bit angry at Alan's easygoing demeanor. "I was lucky I spotted it before I went in to get him - I probably would have broken my neck otherwise."
[13:11] <Ana-chan> That does get a small frown. "He does need to stop playing like that," he agrees, "But thunder?" his smile returns. "I'll clean that up, if you haven't. I'm home now, so you don't have to stay here if you don't want to."
[13:13] <Rei-chan> "We did tell Sei-chan he should clean it up, but you're the dad," Rei nods, standing up.
[13:14] * Usagi-chan nods in agreement. "It's your call," Usagi agrees, standing as well. "I'd have him clean it up if it was me, but you can take care of it if you want to."
[13:16] <Ana-chan> "I'll deal with it one way or another," he says, waving it off. Chibi Usa stands as well, as Alan goes towards Sei-chan's room. "Can we go now," she asks, letting her exasperation show ever so slightly.
[13:16] <Usagi-chan> "I'm ready to go if you guys are," Usagi agrees.
[13:17] <Rei-chan> "Sure, sure," Rei nods, patting Chibi Usa on the head. "Bye bye, Sei-chan!" she calls towards his room, heading out.
[13:18] <Ana-chan> Finally, freedom! As you head out and to the elevator, it opens. Inside is a clean and more relaxed Makoto. "Hey guys," she smiles. "Alan got home?"
[13:18] <Rei-chan> "Just a minute ago," Rei nods. "Feeling better?"
[13:52] <Ana-chan> "Yeah," she nods. "I... I wish he wasn't such a fast learner," Makoto sighs.
[13:52] <Rei-chan> "No kidding," Rei nods. "He'll be shooting Supreme Thunders around before he's ten, at this rate."
[13:53] * Usagi-chan winces at the thought. "I sure hope not," Usagi replies. "Although I wouldn't be surprised, at the rate he's going."
[13:32] <Ana-chan> "Heh... I hope that doesn't come with everything else," she mutters to herself, walking past.
[13:33] <Rei-chan> "Good luck, Mako-chan," Rei calls as the brunette departs.
[13:37] * Usagi-chan waves to Makoto, heading into the recently-vacated elevator.
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


[13:37] <Ana-chan> The three of you head down and out. AS you do so, "Now what?" Chibi Usa asks, now that you're off the hellchild hook.
[13:39] <Usagi-chan> "I was just hoping to have an afternoon off, really," Usagi says, shrugging a bit. "Any ideas?"
[13:40] <Rei-chan> "Maybe watch a movie?" Rei shrugs.
[13:41] <Usagi-chan> "Anything you want to do, Chibi Usa?" Usagi says, looking over at her daughter. "A movie would be okay, but I haven't heard of anything that's out right now that I just HAVE to go see."
[12:34] <Ana-chan> "A movie would be good," she smiles. "How about the new movie with idol Amana," she asks. Notably, the movie is rated R and it's come up before.
[12:34] * Usagi-chan looks over at Rei skeptically. "What do you think, Rei?"
[12:36] <Rei-chan> "I think you're a little bit young for that one..." Rei hedges, although she doesn't sound entirely certain. Really, with all Chibi Usa's experienced in real life, what could a movie with mature content hurt?
[12:37] <Ana-chan> "Aw, but I'm old enough for it," she pleads, giving the both of you big, prying eyes.
[12:38] * Rei-chan weakens noticably. "You're probably right..." she looks at Usagi, obviously leaving the decision in her hands.
[12:43] <Ana-chan> Chibi Usa nods, turning to Usagi as well. "We'll go, right, Mom?"
[12:47] * Usagi-chan sighs. "All right, we can go this time. But don't expect it all the time," she says warningly.
[12:47] <Rei-chan> "It's a special treat," Rei chips in cheerfully.
[12:48] <Ana-chan> "Thanks, Mom," Chibi Usa gives you a hug, happy.
[12:49] * Usagi-chan smiles. "All right, let's go then. It'll be less if we can get to an early showing, anyway."
[12:50] <Ana-chan> And thus you go. You get a ticket to a showing without incident, loading up on snacks - or, well, Chibi Usa does - from the concessions before heading in.
[12:52] * Rei-chan buys a small tub of popcorn for herself. Normally she'd just share Chibi Usa's, but the way she's been eating today, that's not too likely.
[12:55] <Ana-chan> Usagi comes along as well, her own popcorn purchased. The theater is nice today, only half filled and a good selection of seats. "Where do you want to sit, Dad," she asks. "Can we sit up front?"
[12:57] <Rei-chan> "You have to crane your neck at the front," Rei complains. "The back is better - it's empty enough that we don't have to worry about some freakishly tall idiot sitting in front."
[12:59] <Ana-chan> "Well... I guess," she agrees, nodding to you.
[13:10] * Usagi-chan shrugs, not really having a preference. "I usually like it in the middle myself, but the back is fine with me."
[13:11] <Ana-chan> And thus, the three of you head back. Settling in, a high school boy and girl take the seats right in front of you, as the previews start.
[13:11] <Ana-chan> The lights are dimming already, so you don't get a good look at them.
[13:13] * Usagi-chan settles back in her seat, waiting for the previews to start.
[13:14] <Ana-chan> The two do as well - the school uniforms look like Mugen ones, you think, but you aren't sure as you barely got a glance. They settle in, only the tops of their heads visible.
[13:14] * Rei-chan doesn't pay any attention to the other moviegoers, her attention on the screen.
[13:15] <Ana-chan> The previews are nice enough - nothing of note, however, then the movie starts. As it does, you see the guy on the left leaning into the girl slightly.
[13:17] * Rei-chan munches on her popcorn, already recalling what most people at the back of the cinema do during these type of films. Whoops. Just never made the connection, since she's used to taking Chibi Usa to see more innocent entertainment where nobody does that...
[13:19] <Ana-chan> Indeed, as the movie starts in earnest, the two look be be doing just that. Chibi Usa glances at them, blushing before turning her attention to the movie instead.
[13:20] * Usagi-chan smiles just a bit - she's done the same with Rei herself a time or two, although they usually make sure to get the VERY back row. She too turns her attention to the movie, settling back in her seat as she munches on her popcorn.
[13:22] <Ana-chan> It's a lurid tale of a singer who gets invovled with the Japanese Mafia. Besides having a few unneeded and rather fanservicy shower/nude scenes - which show that this new idol has an excellent, perhaps enhanced body - the tale winds on. Chibi Usa watches, showing no great reaction to the general antics.
[13:23] * Rei-chan watches on, reasonably entertained. It's not riveting, but it's an enjoyable enough way to kill an hour or two.
[13:24] * Usagi-chan watches with only mild interest - movies like this are usually just a way for a particular person to show off - good enough to kill an afternoon, but nothing too exciting.
[13:25] <Ana-chan> The two in front of you keep going at it, heads sinking beneath the view of the seats entirely. Yet, softly, you can hear noises from them, oh yes. Chibi Usa begins to really blush, even as she keeps an eye on the movie.
[13:26] * Usagi-chan glances over at Rei at the... rather impassioned noises. Necking she can understand, but this is sounding a bit more... energetic.
[13:27] * Rei-chan tries not to pay attention to the noises coming from in front. None of her business, really. Catching Usagi's look, she offers a small shrug in reply.
[13:29] <Ana-chan> The movie winds on, the noises from in front of you continuing. Just as the movie goes on, *THUMP!!* The sound of a fall, a cry and a loud impact is heard in front of you, then a, "Get off me, you idiot," a female voice hisses, as the entire theater turns to look in front of you. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to knock us over..." you hear a male voice say, half apologetic and half annoyed.
[13:30] * Usagi-chan sighs, shaking her head.
[13:31] <Rei-chan> "Quiet," Rei hisses. They can do what they damn well like, but there's no need to disrupt the movie.
[13:32] <Ana-chan> The duo rises, half-disheveled and rumpled. Blushing under the gazes of all, they scurry out of the theater, the girl making sure her skirt stays up.
[13:32] <Ana-chan> Chibi Usa stares, still blushing and... "Can we sit in the front next time, Mom," she asks quietly.
[13:33] <Usagi-chan> "I think so," Usagi agrees, keeping her voice pitched low to keep from disturbing things further.
[13:33] * Rei-chan just shakes her head with a small smile. Really, you can't help but laugh, sometimes.
[13:34] <Ana-chan> The movie ends a little while later, with the heroine only in a short skirt and nothing else. Really, she may as well have just posed for a magazine by the end, as it was clearly a cheap ploy to use her body for publicity. As you head out, "I thought it would be better," your daughter comments.
[13:34] <Rei-chan> "The reviews were probably written by young men," Rei replies, half amused.
[13:37] <Ana-chan> Chibi Usa nods. "I mean... I wish I grow out as well as her," she says, glancing down at her sweatshirt, "But it was BORING."
[13:38] * Usagi-chan giggles a bit at that. "They usually do make those with guys in mind," the blonde agrees. "And I'm sure you'll fill out just fine," she adds reassuringly. "Just give it some time."
[13:39] <Rei-chan> "And I'm sure you won't need surgery like many famous idols," Rei nods in addition.
[13:40] <Ana-chan> Turning an eye to Usagi's bosom, "Thanks, Mom. I hope I will, like you," she admits.
[13:43] <Usagi-chan> "You'll be fine," Usagi says with a grin. "Just be patient - it took me a while to start growing much, so it might be the same for you, too."
[13:46] <Ana-chan> A nod, as you head out. "So... now what?" she asks, blinking as you come out into the sunlight.
[13:49] <Rei-chan> "It's a nice day," Rei comments, stretching as the warm sun hits her. "How about spending a little while at the park? Feed the ducks, or something."
[13:50] <Usagi-chan> "I wouldn't mind that," Usagi says with a smile. "Just take time to enjoy doing nothing."
[13:52] <Ana-chan> "Okay," Chibi Usa agrees, and the three of you head to the park! It's pleasant and green here, as you head to the large lake in the center. OOC - Both of you soul check.
[13:52] <Rei-chan> roll 2d6
[13:52] * Hatbot --> "Rei-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 6."
[13:55] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6
[13:55] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 9."
[13:58] <Ana-chan> As you head to the lake, you think you feel Ann's energy, as well as Natsume's. They are somewhere on the other side of the lake - energies are up enough to indicate some sort of battle, or maybe even a sparring.
[13:59] <Rei-chan> "Looks like Ann's beating up Natsume, again..." Rei notes, shaking her head.
[13:59] <Usagi-chan> "She still won't give up on that fight," Usagi says with a wry smile. "I swear I've talked to both of them at least a dozen times, and they still go off and do it anyway."
[14:01] <Ana-chan> "Maybe Natsume will win today, but Ann sure seems to have her number," Chibi Usa agrees. "That fight I saw of theirs was pretty rough."
[14:01] <Rei-chan> "At least they're keeping themselves in shape," Rei concedes. "Been years since the last time I really cut loose..."
[14:02] <Usagi-chan> "I've told both of them they have to talk to Hotaru if they get hurt fighting each other if they want help," Usagi says, shaking her head. "I don't mind practicing, but those two get into it a little too much."
[14:02] * Rei-chan begins walking in the general direction she senses the pair. "Come on, let's go say hello."
[14:04] <Usagi-chan> "Why not?" Usagi says, shrugging a bit.
[14:04] <Ana-chan> Heading around the lake, the auras begin to slow, Natsume's faster and more abruptly. Ouch. On reaching a little clearing with a few trees, you see Natsume leaning against one, rubbing her bruising arm while Ann shakes her head, sitting near her.
[14:05] <Rei-chan> "Hey guys," Rei calls, waving as they approach. "Having fun?"
[14:11] <Ana-chan> Natsume startles at your arrival, wincing as her arm moves. "Ah, Usagi, Rei," she nods quickly.
[14:11] <Ana-chan> "Hey," Ann nods, resting down and looking a little tired
[14:12] * Usagi-chan nods to the pair. "Having fun?" she says with a knowing grin.
[14:13] <Ana-chan> "Hehheh," Natsume rubs the back of her head. "Um... kind of," she says, as Ann snorts and smiles. "Fun enough."
[14:14] <Rei-chan> "At least nobody's unconscious," Rei notes. "What's the score, now?"
[14:17] <Ana-chan> "3-0 this month," Ann smirks knowingly. Natsume grumbles, "My new technique will win next time..."
[14:18] <Rei-chan> "What new technique's that?" the miko asks, only half-interested. New techniques tend to be overrated. Especially with a record like Natsume's.
[14:21] <Ana-chan> "It's a secret," Natsume replies solemly, while Chibi Usa wathces on.
[14:22] <Rei-chan> "You showed Ann, didn't you?" Rei points out sardonically.
[14:38] <Ana-chan> That gets a blush and a mumble, Natsume fudging as Ann laughs, blinking besides Natsume. "Come on... we should get to Hotaru for that arm of yours," she notes.
[14:39] <Rei-chan> "Don't take advantage of her better nature, too much," Rei warns, waving as the pair look about to depart.
[14:40] <Ana-chan> Natsume blushes again, but nods as Ann takes her arm, the two vanishing.
[14:48] <Ana-chan> "Natsume should win more, but..." Chibi Usa shakes her head. "She must have bad karma with her."
[14:50] <Rei-chan> "Ann's just better than she is," Rei shrugs. "I remember when she was our enemy... Natsume's lucky she doesn't have to go against Ann fighting like that."
[14:53] <Ana-chan> "I guess..." Chibi Usa shrugs, as she turns towards the lake. "Did you bring bread, Dad?"
[14:54] <Rei-chan> "I didn't plan ahead, Chibi Usa, I was being impulsive," Rei smiles. "But they usually sell some, by the lake. Come on, let's go over."
[14:57] * Usagi-chan follows along a few steps behind, letting Chibi Usa and Rei have some time together. While they do spend plenty of time with each other, more often it's herself and Chibi Usa that do things together.
[14:59] <Ana-chan> You do find a vendor, and soon are at the lake. Chibi Usa tears off a chunk of it, and tosses it. She smiles as the ducks swarm into it, a goodly number of them about.
[15:01] * Rei-chan does likewise, dropping little pieces here and there so all the nearby ducks have a chance at it.
[15:03] <Ana-chan> A quacking storm comes as you continue to toss bread, though Chibi Usa munches on a bit before coughing. "Gah, this is stale," she complains, sputtering.
[15:04] <Rei-chan> "Of course it is," Rei smiles indulgently. "The ducks don't care."
[15:07] <Ana-chan> Turning and coughing more, rather unladylike, she grumbles. "I guess..." she says, tossing more. "Can we stop for a snack after this?"
[15:08] <Rei-chan> "Sure," Rei shakes her head, sighing in an amused fashion, "At the rate you're going, I really don't think it'll spoil your appetite for dinner."
[15:12] <Ana-chan> She nods, "Let's make it ice cream," she decides, marvelling at the flock of birds gathered.
[15:13] * Rei-chan nods. "If you like," she agrees, leaning down to handfeed one of the nearby ducks. Albeit carefully so it doesn't nip her fingers.
[15:14] <Ana-chan> OOC - roll 2d6, Rei.
[15:14] <Rei-chan> roll 2d6
[15:14] * Hatbot --> "Rei-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 6."
[15:16] <Ana-chan> You avoid being nipped, the ducks feasting on your offering. "Thanks, Dad," she smiles, sitting on the bank of the lake, almost dangerously so. Kicking her feet just above the water, "Say, can we go to the pool after that?"
[15:16] <Rei-chan> "If you want to go swimming, it's best to go before you eat," Rei points out.
[15:17] <Usagi-chan> "Actually..." Usagi says, coming up to her daughter. "If you're serious about learning tonight, no more snacks."
[15:17] <Ana-chan> Turning, "Why not, Mom?" she complains. "I'm really hungry, and what does that have to do with it?"
[15:18] * Rei-chan glances up at Usagi, half curious as to what she's talking about.
[15:19] <Usagi-chan> "Because learning to do that on your own can be hard on your stomach," Usagi says, looking over at Rei. "There's no sense in eating a lot if you're going to throw it up later."
[15:20] * Rei-chan blinks, before comprehension dawns. "Oh, that! But it never affected you so badly, right? And if she goes about it my way, there's not much chance of actually doing anything on the first day of learning."
[15:21] <Usagi-chan> "We'll see - I don't know how you'll do it on your own, Chibi Usa, but I'd rather be safe. You'll just have to hold off until after we practice."
[15:22] <Ana-chan> She sighs, but nods. "I guess..." she nods, idly rubbing her stomach.
[15:22] <Rei-chan> "Oh, the hard sacrifices a girl must make, eh?" Rei chuckles, nudging her daughter playfully.
[15:22] * Usagi-chan smiles. "I'll take you out for something afterward, so don't worry about it too much. I'm not trying to be mean."
[15:23] <Ana-chan> roll 2d6+2
[15:23] * Hatbot --> "Ana-chan rolls 2d6+2 and gets 7."
[15:24] <Ana-chan> Chibi Usa begins to reply but wobbles slightly at the nudge, crying out as she loses her precarious balance and plunges into the lake! "Aaaah!" she cries, as droplets of clear water splash around you from the impact.
[15:24] <Usagi-chan> "Chibi Usa!" Usagi cries in alarm, rushing to the water's edge to help the pink-haired girl out.
[15:25] * Rei-chan blushes, looking incredibly guilty as she reaches down to help Chibi Usa up.
[15:26] <Ana-chan> OOC - Body checks -2, both of you.
[15:26] <Rei-chan> roll 2d6-2
[15:26] * Hatbot --> "Rei-chan rolls 2d6-2 and gets 6."
[15:26] <Usagi-chan> roll 2d6-2
[15:26] * Hatbot --> "Usagi-chan rolls 2d6-2 and gets 9."
[15:30] <Ana-chan> Gah! As you reach for her, she grasps on, taking your hands. Problem is, the edge is kind of wet and slippery and easy to fall off of, and the weight of Chibi Usa causes Usagi to lose her balance. Doing a header into the water, Chibi Usa falls back and out of Rei's grasp as both rabbits are dunked.
[15:31] <Usagi-chan> "GAH!" Usagi comes up spluttering, utterly soaked to the skin. Spraying water, she makes her way to the edge of the lake, stone-faced as she climbs out.
[15:32] * Rei-chan shakes her head, refraining from making any comments about klutziness. Making very sure she won't share their fate, she offers a hand to Usagi first, as the blonde is nearer.
[15:33] <Ana-chan> This time, at least, the two finally get out. Chibi Usa stares at herself and her really soaked outfit, arms out as she drips.
[15:34] * Usagi-chan refuses Rei's help, not wanting to risk pulling the other girl in as well - no sense in all three of them being wet. "It's okay, I can manage," she says, climbing out with an effort. Her clothes cling to her uncomfortably as she bends over to wring the excess water from her skirt.
[15:34] <Rei-chan> "I can dry you if you want," Rei offers, "But it might be a bit too hot. Probably best if we just go home so you can change."
[15:36] <Usagi-chan> "Yeah," Usagi agrees with a frown, already starting in that direction. "Come on, Chibi Usa - it's too chilly out to stay out with wet clothes."
[15:36] <Ana-chan> She nods, down cast. "Sorry, Mom," she mumrurs, wet, embarrassed and quiet.
[15:37] * Rei-chan puts a hand on Chibi Usa's shoulder. "Don't worry," she whispers, "It's just another way you're taking after her," she finishes with a wink.
[15:38] <Usagi-chan> "It's not your fault, Chibi Usa," Usagi says with a sigh. "Being wet never hurt anyone." Rei's last comment earns a scowl from the blonde.
[15:38] * Rei-chan gives Usagi an innocent smile back. 'Darn her ears.'
[15:39] <Ana-chan> Chibi Usa smiles slightly at that, to Rei in a whisper, "Mom was like that, too?"
[15:40] <Rei-chan> "Like you wouldn't believe," Rei nods seriously. "Couldn't take her anywhere, I swear."
[15:41] * Usagi-chan simply trudges on, offering no comment.
[15:42] <Ana-chan> Chibi Usa nods, turning to Rei again.
[15:45] <Rei-chan> "Don't worry," Rei continues, "You'll grow out of it, just like she did. I guess she'd just finished a growth spurt or something right before I met her - same as you, now. Some people just have a bit of trouble adjusting when their body changes so quickly."
[15:49] <Ana-chan> With that, the three of you head home. On getting there, both rabbits head to change, while you find yourself in the living room with Usagi's mother. She's watching TV and relaxing, the smells of early dinner wafting  from the kitchen. "How's your day been," she asks. "I saw Usagi and Chibi Usa looking soaked - how did that happen?"
[15:50] <Rei-chan> "Chibi Usa fell into the lake at the park," Rei neglects to mention her part in that, "Then Usagi slipped in when we tried to help her up."
[15:53] <Ana-chan> A nod, and a small smile. "I suppose it's not that surprising," she agrees.
[15:55] <Rei-chan> "With the way her appetite's gone up lately, no. I just hope she doesn't become as ditzy as Usagi used to be, as well," Rei chuckles.
[15:56] <Ana-chan> "It's probably just a phase... and she should grow out of it sooner than Usagi did," Ikkuko agrees. Giggling lightly, "I don't want to see her grades hurt too much - she's doing so well."
[15:58] <Rei-chan> "I'm sure it won't come to that. It'd just be too weird," Rei agrees. "But even if she does start slacking in school, I wouldn't trade her for what Mako-chan has to put up with from Sei-chan, lately. That boy's really gone off the rails."
[15:59] <Ana-chan> "Oh," she asks. "I haven't seen them since last month, but poor Makoto looks so worn out. She really has a little troublemaker," she frets.
[16:01] <Rei-chan> "He's picked up a few magic tricks with potential for mischief, and isn't shy about using them," Rei nods. "And even regular pranks - did you know he covered their entire bathroom floor with petroleum jelly, today?" she adds, sounding faintly disbelieving.
[16:02] <Ana-chan> "Oh my!" Ikkuko frowns, shaking her head. "The entire floor? That's terrible! That child has a real troublesome streak... it must come from his father."
[16:02] <Rei-chan> "He used to be so nice," Rei protests. "A perfect little gentleman whenever I saw him. Now..." she shakes her head, "It's like a completely different little boy has replaced the sweet Sei-chan I know."
[16:03] <Ana-chan> "Every child goes through a phase of that, but he seems to be doing so in spades," she frets, agreeing. "And magic, too? What can he do now? I thought his floating was bad enough."
[16:05] <Rei-chan> "He can teleport - can you imagine the trouble that'll cause if he leaves the house? And give people electric shocks by touching them. I don't envy Mako-chan one bit, anymore."
[16:06] <Ana-chan> "Oh dear..." she murmurs, shaking her head. "Makoto must be going insane with that sort of trouble."
[16:08] <Rei-chan> "She looked very grateful to see us," Rei nods. "At least she's not hurting for potential babysitters. Even with as bad as he might get, none of us would want Mako-chan to endure it alone."
[16:11] <Ana-chan> Another nod, "I'll invite her over tomorrow to watch him," she decides with a firm nod.
[16:12] <Rei-chan> "Hope you have better luck than we did," Rei offers. Still, she's pretty sure Seijuurrou will respond better to Ikkoku's firm motherly presence than to Auntie Rei and Usagi.
[16:13] <Ana-chan> "I'll try," she smiles understandingly. After a short pause, "How else are things going today," she asks, curious.
[16:15] * Rei-chan furrows her brow slightly. "Chibi Usa wants to learn magic," she announces. "I think she's jealous of Sei-chan."
[16:16] <Ana-chan> "Hmmmm, can she?" she asks, to the point. "I don't understand everything about her, but..."
[16:17] <Rei-chan> "Oh, not one iota of doubt, there," Rei nods emphatically. "Potentially, she could be way more powerful than Usagi or any of the senshi."
[16:34] <Ana-chan> "My Granddaughter, that powerful...I should be used to it," she says with a small smile, "But it's still amazing sometimes, to see magic like that or talked about."
[16:37] <Rei-chan> "Almost routine, now, isn't it?" Rei comments wryly.
[16:41] <Ana-chan> "Almost..." she agrees, with a faint smile.
[10:35] * Usagi-chan finally comes back down the stairs, toweling her hair. She's changed into a dry outfit, and she sighs as she enters the room. "I'll still need to wash my hair tonight, but I really don't feel like going to all that trouble right now," she says, still slightly grumpy.
[10:36] * Rei-chan looks up and smiles at the blonde. "Chibi Usa washed up, too?" she asks.
[10:38] <Usagi-chan> "She's getting changed right now," Usagi replies. "She should be down in a minute or two."
[10:41] <Ana-chan> Ikkuko gives Usagi a critical eye, before smiling. "How has your day been, dear?"
[10:42] <Usagi-chan> "Other than the unexpected bath, not too bad," Usagi says, smiling a bit. "I think I was lucky to make it out of Mako-chan's apartment in one piece, though."
[10:43] <Rei-chan> "I was just telling her about Sei-chan," Rei nods. "Poor Makoto."
[10:47] <Ana-chan> "That's such a burden for her... she'll go grey early, at this rate," Ikkuko clucks, sadly.
[10:48] <Rei-chan> "Hopefully it's just a phase and he'll be back to his old self, soon," Rei offers optimistically.
[10:49] <Ana-chan> "I hope so," she nods, turning to Usagi. "Oh, if you see Makoto soon, tell her I'm inviting her and Sei-chan over here tomorrow on the holiday."
[10:49] <Usagi-chan> "I sure hope so," Usagi agrees. "I remember Shingo used to pull a lot of pranks, but he was never that bad - even without magic."
[10:49] <Usagi-chan> "All right, I will," Usagi says with a smile.
[10:50] <Ana-chan> As you speak, Chibi Usa comes down. This time, it's a cotton candy pink dress with a light overcoat.
[10:51] <Rei-chan> "Feeling better, Chibi Usa?" Rei asks her arriving daughter.
[10:51] <Ana-chan> "Yes, Dad," she nods. "Sorry, Mom," she repeats, as she sits next to the former.
[10:52] <Usagi-chan> "It's all right, Chibi Usa," the blonde says with a smile. "It was an accident - not your fault."
[10:52] <Rei-chan> "No harm done," Rei nods encouragingly.
[10:55] <Ana-chan> A smile, pure. "So... can we go learning now," Chibi Usa asks, giving you a winning look.
[10:57] <Rei-chan> "Your mother's probably more apt to teach you the kind of things that'll come naturally for your skills," Rei says, a bit regretful, "But I'll help if I can."
[10:58] * Usagi-chan looks heavenward for a moment. "All right, all right," Usagi says, shaking her head a bit. "We can give it a try now. You mind if we use the living room, Mom?" Usagi asks. "It'll be kind of cramped in my bedroom with all three of us in there."
[10:58] <Ana-chan> "Um,  Usagi-chan," Ikkuko stops. "If you're going to practice magic, don't you have the Moon to do that?"
[10:59] <Usagi-chan> "I guess, but I just didn't feel like going up there today. If you don't want us in here, though, we can go up there to practice."
[11:00] <Ana-chan> "Usagi-chan," Ikkuko gives you a nice smile. "I know you mean well, but I already cleaned up the living room once today."
[11:01] * Usagi-chan smiles. "All right, I can take a hint. You want to do the honors, Rei, or should I?"
[11:02] <Rei-chan> "If she's going to learn to do it the same way you do it, why not go ahead?" Rei suggests, standing up and putting a hand on Chibi Usa's shoulder. "Now pay close attention to the words your mother says for the teleport spell, okay?"
[11:02] <Ana-chan> "Usagi," Ikkuko interjects.
[11:02] <Usagi-chan> "Hmm?" Usagi pauses, having been about to begin her incantation. "What is it, Mom?"
[11:03] <Ana-chan> "Could I come with you?" she asks. "Dinner is just simmering, and I've been wanting to see the Moon again," she admits with a pleasant smile.
[11:05] <Usagi-chan> "Sure," Usagi says with a smile. "Just come a little closer and I'll take you up too." Nodding to Chibi Usa. "I'll go slow, so pay attention carefully." Slowly and deliberately, Usagi walks through the full incantation, the magic building around the four as they teleport to the great hall of the Moon Palace.
[11:07] <Ana-chan> Chibi Usa listens raptly, as your magic weaves you to the Moon.
[11:09] <Usagi-chan> The four appear in the center of the great hall, the palace well-lit now. Budding gardens are once more visible outside the large room, although the Earth is too high in the sky to be visible from this vantage point. Usagi smiles as the last shreds of the magical energy dissipate, looking over at Chibi Usa. "That's the basic spell I use to teleport with - think you can manage that?"
[11:11] <Ana-chan> Nodding eagerly, "Sure I could," she says to you, eyes gleaming.
[11:14] <Usagi-chan> "Okay, just a couple of things to keep in mind. The words just shape the magic - where you're going comes from your mind. It'll help to close your eyes at first - just picture where you want to be, and then cast the spell. Don't go far for your first time, though - just across the hall, or maybe into the next room."
[11:14] <Ana-chan> Chibi Usa nods, as...
[11:14] <Ana-chan> roll 2d6+2
[11:14] * Hatbot --> "Ana-chan rolls 2d6+2 and gets 10."
[11:14] <Ana-chan> She quickly chants what is probably a bad imitation of your own words, nothing happening. Ikkuko steps back, glancing up to the Earth and around, as if taking in the decor.
[11:15] <Rei-chan> "Maybe you should write the words down for her?" Rei suggests.
[11:17] <Usagi-chan> "Slow down, Chibi Usa. You have to get the words exactly right, and you have to visualize what you're going to be doing as you cast the spell. Just saying the words won't have any effect if you don't really envision what you're going to do. Do you need me to write the spell out for you?"
[11:17] <Ana-chan> "No, I can do it," she shakes her head again, strongly. "really."
[11:17] <Ana-chan> roll 2d6+2
[11:17] * Hatbot --> "Ana-chan rolls 2d6+2 and gets 6."
[11:17] <Ana-chan> Again chanting out the words, you feel a small upswing of power, but nothing happens.
[11:18] <Usagi-chan> "Just take it slow and easy," Usagi cautions. "You got it better that time, but you can't rush learning this. And usually, I'd start you out with something a lot simpler than teleporting - it's really a pretty complex process."
[11:19] <Rei-chan> "How about starting with something simpler, to get an idea of how teleporting works in general?" Rei suggests. "We were all able to do the Sailor Teleport with no difficulty."
[11:20] <Usagi-chan> "We can try it, I guess," Usagi says, considering. "You'll get a better feel for what it's like to be a part of a teleport, but the process is different."
[11:25] <Ana-chan> "Let me try again," she nods, working the words slower now.
[11:25] <Ana-chan> roll 2d6+1
[11:25] * Hatbot --> "Ana-chan rolls 2d6+1 and gets 7."
[11:25] <Usagi-chan> "Take it slow," Usagi says. "There's no hurry."
[11:25] <Ana-chan> Another nod, as Ikkuko heads to the throne of the Moon. "Right, Mom," she nods, her voice distracted as she concentrates.
[11:25] <Ana-chan> roll 2d6+1
[11:25] * Hatbot --> "Ana-chan rolls 2d6+1 and gets 11."
[11:26] <Ana-chan> Again she goes, but she clearly trips over the words, not a thing coming close to happening this time.
[11:27] <Usagi-chan> "We'll work on it," Usagi says. "It'll help if you have the incantation memorized first - messing up on part of that can mess the entire thing up."
[11:28] <Ana-chan> Sighing a little bit in annoyance, Chibi Usa nods. "Okay..." she nods, "Could we go through it again?"
[11:30] <Usagi-chan> "One more time - but don't get too frustrated. It'll take some time to learn it - when I first was learning magic back in the Silver Millenium, it used to take me weeks to master most spells. Even the stuff I WANTED to learn took me a few days." Slowly, Usagi chants once more - the energy gathering, but not creating any effect. As the incantation fades, the energy does as well. "Did you catch that, or should I go through it again?"
[11:31] <Ana-chan> "Again," Chibi Usa nods, waiting.
[11:32] * Usagi-chan nods, chanting once more. This time, she completes the spell, teleporting to the railing at the edge of the hall, a few yards away.
[11:35] <Ana-chan> She nods. "Okay, i think I have it," Chibi Usa says, face concentrated and confident. "Can I try now, Mom?"
[11:37] <Usagi-chan> "Go ahead, just take your time," Usagi stresses again. "It'll work no matter how fast you do it, but it won't work at all if you get it wrong. So just go slow and be sure it's right."
[11:37] <Ana-chan> roll 2d6
[11:37] * Hatbot --> "Ana-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 9."
[11:43] <Ana-chan> Again she chants out - the words are slightly fumbled, the energy not flowing how it should.
[11:45] * Rei-chan represses a sigh, producing some paper and a pen from subspace. Quickly enough, she jots down the words - she's heard them often enough to know them by heart. "Here," she holds it out to Chibi Usa. "Just read them off as you focus like Usagi told you."
[11:47] <Ana-chan> She takes it, blushing lightly as she reads. "Okay, Dad," she murmurs, reading off the page.
[11:47] <Ana-chan> roll 2d6
[11:47] * Hatbot --> "Ana-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 5."
[11:49] <Ana-chan> This time, while the words do come out correctly, the energy flow isn't quite right. She blinks... and gasps, as you can only see her torso and above. Her legs seem to be somewhere beneath the floor as she yelps. "Ah! I... I'm stuck in the floor," she wails, batting at the ground with her hands.
[11:50] * Rei-chan goes bug-eyed. "Turn into your crystal form!" she urges quickly.
[11:51] <Ana-chan> "Dad," she asks, wailing at the floor. "Um... I don't know. I think I'm kind of stuck," she says lamely. "Can you help me out? I can't really concentrate right now..."
[11:52] <Rei-chan> "I'll try," Rei says, kneeling down and putting her hands on Chibi Usa's shoulders. Focusing carefully, she teleports herself and her daughter, sans floor, a couple of feet higher than their current locale.
[11:52] <Ana-chan> That does it, as the two of you appear safe and sound. Chibi Usa sighs, bending over to feel her legs. "Thanks, Dad," she blushes. "That was insane," she murmurs.
[11:53] <Rei-chan> "That... could have been really dangerous," Rei gets out, catching her breath. "I definitely think we should hold off on teleportation for a bit. What if you'd appeared all the way inside the ground?"
[11:54] <Usagi-chan> "You have to concentrate carefully on where you'll appear," Usagi says, shaking her head as she heads over to join her daughter and fiancee. "If you were to slip up teleporting between Earth and the Moon, you could wind up in deep space, and I don't think I need to tell you that that's not a fun idea."
[11:54] <Ana-chan> Red raced in the extreme, she nods. "Ooops... well... how about something else," she offers.
[11:55] <Rei-chan> "Anything in particular you'd like to learn?" Rei asks.
[11:56] * Usagi-chan thinks for a few moments. "Probably the easiest place to start is with simple elemental effects, if you want to start from the ground up," Usagi replies. "Lighting a candle is probably the easiest thing to learn."
[12:19] <Ana-chan> "Now that I know I could do," Chibi Usa nods quickly, Ikkuko making a study of the Earth from this view.
[12:20] <Usagi-chan> "I'm sure you can," Usagi says with a smile. "But if you really want to learn how to do this on your own, that's where we'll need to start."
[12:22] <Ana-chan> "Sure, so we need a candle," she nods, waiting on that.
[12:22] <Rei-chan> "I'll get one. Wait here," Rei says, departing to go get one from their bedroom.
[12:23] <Rei-chan> She then stops. "Why a candle? Why not just a bit of paper or something?"
[12:23] <Usagi-chan> "Doesn't have to be a candle, that's just what I learned with," Usagi explains.
[12:24] * Rei-chan shrugs. 'I guess my methods aren't appropriate.' "Well, just try to ignite that bit of paper i gave you, then," she tells her daughter.
[12:25] <Ana-chan> "How," she asks, turning to Rei. "Do I just concentrate on it?"
[12:26] <Rei-chan> "I don't know how Usagi does it, and her way is probably more likely to work for you than mine," Rei shrugs apologetically.
[12:27] <Ana-chan> "Mom," she asks, turning back to USagi.
[12:28] <Usagi-chan> "It's probably fairly similar, actually," Usagi says. "The simplest way to do it is to focus your energy and concentrate on creating the effect you want. You can use all sorts of methods to help you GET that focus - like spells or mystic diagrams or whatever - but that's what's at the heart of all magic. With fire, Rei's got a natural focus, so anything involving fire she can do really easy. You and I can do the same thing, but it
[12:29] <Usagi-chan> takes a lot more concentration on our part to get the same effect she can with almost no effort."
[12:30] <Rei-chan> "Same with Ami and ice, or Makoto and electricity," Rei pipes up helpfully. "But none of us can touch on the others' specialty."
[12:32] * Usagi-chan nods to Rei. "It's sort of the price they pay for their specialization," the blonde adds. "They've got a very easy time using their own native element, but it's way, way harder for any of them to touch another element than it would be for you or me, Chibi Usa. It all balances out in the end."
[12:35] <Ana-chan> She nods along as you speak. "So... what I need to do is to focus on it and try and figure out how to make it so," she ventures.
[12:37] <Rei-chan> "Got it," Rei nods. "Willpower is the most important thing in magic - you've already covered a lot of the basics with that when Usagi taught you to keep your energy under control. Now you need to let some of it out, exactly how you want it."
[12:39] <Usagi-chan> "That's correct," Usagi says, slipping into lecture mode a bit. "The basics are really there to teach you how to control how much of your energy you release, and the basic ways of shaping it when you do. All you have to do from there is build on what you already know, once you've got that."
[12:40] <Ana-chan> Nodding thoughtfully, "And Sei-chan is more of a natural like the Senshi are with their elements," she asks. "A narrow focus but more skill within that?"
[12:41] <Usagi-chan> "I think so, yeah. I haven't really studied Ann and Alan much, but I think they've got natural inclinations towards certain abilities, like teleportation and illusion."
[12:42] <Rei-chan> "I think a lot of it is innate from the tree," Rei pipes up. "For them it's no more magical than walking or talking is for us."
[12:48] <Usagi-chan> "That might be it, then," Usagi says. "Rei understands a lot more about the tree than I do."
[12:48] <Ana-chan> A nod again, "Hmmm... I wonder if some of the same come from the Crystal," she asks, "And I just haven't discovered it yet?"
[12:49] <Rei-chan> "I'd say that's almost a certainty," Rei confirms. "But with the difference that the Crystal can do near anything. But it also happens to be very dangerous to use, so you be very careful with how much you cut loose."
[12:49] <Usagi-chan> "As far as that goes, I don't know of anything specific the Crystal was ever used for," Usagi replies. "I doubt it has any kind of inclination towards one ability over another."
[12:52] <Ana-chan> She nods, thinking. "Was the Holy Grail used for anything?" she asks finally, curious.
[12:54] <Usagi-chan> "Purification, if anything," Usagi says, thinking for a moment. "I'm not sure if it was ever summoned before, but if so it was probably used in religious ceremonies, something like that."
[12:55] <Ana-chan> Nodding, "I guess I can't try anything like that out..." she muses, raising the bit of paper in her hand. "Fire... hm?"
[12:55] <Ana-chan> roll 2d6
[12:55] * Hatbot --> "Ana-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 9."
[12:58] <Ana-chan> You feel her energy rise and stir somewhat, and maybe even a faint wisp of smoke, but nothing of note happens.
[12:58] <Rei-chan> "That's it," Rei nods, "Just put a little bit more oomph into it."
[12:58] <Ana-chan> Nodding, she continues to try.
[12:58] <Ana-chan> roll 2d6
[12:58] * Hatbot --> "Ana-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 7."
[12:59] <Usagi-chan> "Just be careful," Usagi says. "You don't want to overdo it, or you're likely to burn yourself, too."
[12:59] <Ana-chan> This time, there is a spark, then another, then... the paper catches, burning smokily. "Hey, I got it," she grins, as the smell of burning paper fills the room.
[12:59] * Usagi-chan smiles. "Not bad for your first day practicing."
[13:00] <Rei-chan> "Now put it out," Rei challenges.
[13:00] <Ana-chan> "Huh," she turns to her father. "Um... I'll try," she nods, as it encroaches on her fingers...
[13:00] <Ana-chan> roll 2d6
[13:00] * Hatbot --> "Ana-chan rolls 2d6 and gets 5."
[13:00] <Ana-chan> Just a hair away, it winks out, ashes falling as the flames cease.
[13:01] <Rei-chan> "Good job," Rei grins. "It's easy enough if you just have the fire in midair to put it out, but when it has actual fuel to burn, it's a bit harder to put out just by stopping the energy."
[13:02] * Usagi-chan nods. "That's one of the tricks to certain kinds of magic," Usagi says. "Magic can be used to start something, and then regular processes keep it going without you having to do anything yourself."
[13:05] <Ana-chan> "Hm," Chibi Usa nods. "So, you are just the spark to start it?"
[13:07] <Usagi-chan> "Pretty much," Usagi says. "The globes I use to light up the palace are an example of that. When no one's around, they go dark, and they absorb any light that hits them and store it. Then when someone comes near one, they use that stored energy to light up again - sort of like a battery. Once I made it, it works all by itself - unless I want them to be brighter than usual, I don't have to do anything to them."
[13:12] <Ana-chan> "Usagi," Ikkuko calls, from the other side of the hall.
[13:12] <Usagi-chan> "What's up, Mom?" Usagi calls over, looking up from her discussion.
[13:16] <Ana-chan> She is examining one of the tapestries on the wall, curious as to it. "I just want to ask you about this, dear," she calls back.
[13:16] * Usagi-chan heads over to see what's caught Ikkuko's attention. "What is it?" she asks again, close enough to speak in normal tones.
[13:22] <Ana-chan> The tapestry is an old favorite, of Queen Serenity's court in the Moon Kingdom. Princess Serenity sits at her side, as she attends to the grand needs of the kingdom. "Oh, I just wanted to ask you about this, dear," she smiles, looking at your likeness.
[13:23] * Usagi-chan smiles at the tapestry. "That's Queen Serenity, and you probably already recognized me there next to her," Usagi explains.
[13:23] <Ana-chan> "I see... was this what the old Moon Kingdom looked like," she asks, the scene of everyday splendor radiant even on cloth.
[13:25] <Usagi-chan> "Pretty much," Usagi says, reminiscing as she looks at the tapestry. "Hopefully it'll look that way again, someday."
[13:34] <Ana-away> She nods, enjoying the view. "It looks lovely..."
[13:36] * Usagi-chan glances back at the hall behind her. "It's getting there," she says with a small smile. "I'm just waiting for the day when this whole place will be full of people - actually ALIVE again."
[13:41] <Ana-away> Another nod, mother looking back at Chibi Usa and Rei. "It's getting there, yes," she agrees quietly.
[13:45] * Usagi-chan sees her mother's look. "Is there something on your mind?"
[13:48] <Ana-away> "No," she shakes her head. "Just thinking." With that, she smiles and heads back to Chibi Usa and Rei quietly.
[13:51] * Usagi-chan stays over to the side of the hall for a moment, watching her family.
[14:07] <Ana-away> Ikkuko goes to them, speaking a moment to Chibi Usa before standing next to her.
[14:08] * Usagi-chan heads over to rejoin the other three, curious what Chibi Usa is up to.
[14:10] <Ana-away> Nodding to you, "I'm REALLY hungry, Mom," Chibi Usa complains, her stomach growling. "Can we do this after dinner or in the morning?"
[14:11] <Usagi-chan> "We're done with teleporting, so we can go back for some dinner," Usagi agrees.
[14:12] <Rei-chan> "Didn't make you sick anyway, so no need to worry about it in future," Rei notes.
[14:13] <Usagi-chan> "Are you all ready to head back now?" Usagi asks. "If you're done practicing for today, I didn't have anything else to do up here."
[14:16] <Ana-away> "I'm ready," Chibi Usa nods quickly.
[14:17] * Usagi-chan nods, wasting little time in teleporting the group back into the Tsukinos' living room back on Earth. "What time will dinner be ready tonight, Mom?" Usagi asks.
[14:20] <Ana-away> "In a little while, if you want to go upstairs," she nods, as Chibi Usa hauls to the kitchen. "It needs to simmer a little longer."
[14:23] <Usagi-chan> The blonde stretches. "That sounds good... I wouldn't mind taking a load off for a few minutes."
[14:27] <Ana-away> "Alright, dear, I'll call you and Rei when dinner is done." With that, she heads off after Chibi Usa, hopefully preventing her from demolishing the kitchen.
[14:41] * Usagi-chan beckons to Rei as she heads up the stairs, falling into a seated position on her bed once she reaches her bedroom. "It's nice to have a day off," Usagi says, smiling as she flops back on the bed.
[14:42] * Rei-chan nods, sitting next to Usagi on the bed and leaning back on one of her elbows. "It's been busy enough," she comments idly.
[14:49] <Usagi-chan> "That's for sure," Usagi says wryly. "Sei-chan was definitely a handful, and I definitely wasn't expecting a bath today. I'm going to have to wash my hair tonight," she grouses a bit. "And I only washed it a couple of days ago, too."
[09:57] <Anastasia> ---
[10:03] <Anastasia> If there is one thing that Usagi Tsukino has come to enjoy, it's the Earthrise. Each morning, she is woken not by a loud alarm, but by the rising of the blue planet and its shining light. This morning in particular is one to savor, as it's a very special day...
[10:05] * Usagi-chan stretches and yawns, blinking a bit at the sight of the Earth just outside her balcony.
[10:08] <Anastasia> As you stretch your twenty-something, now eternal body in the light of the sun, Rei stirs and snores a bit near you. By the rise of the Earth, you should have a few more minutes before Naru comes along... no time to really talk to her as you normally do, though. Not today.
[10:10] * Usagi-chan slowly climbs out of bed, making sure not to disturb Rei - it's fairly rare for the raven-haired senshi to sleep in, and she can get started without Rei's help today. Heading into her closet, she deposits her pajamas, before transforming for what should be the very last time.
[10:12] <Anastasia> As you putter about a bit - going to freshen up, use the facilities and so forth, the normal threerap on your door reaches you as you finish brushing your teeth. "Usagi-chan," Naru calls out, raising her voice softly, just enough to carry.
[10:13] <Serenity> "Morning, Naru-chan," Usagi replies, spitting out the last mouthful of her rinse water. "Today's the big day."
[10:14] <Anastasia> You hear your long time friend enter, shutting the door quietly behind yet. But as always, she can't manage to shut it just quietly enough, the slightest noise from it echoing. "I brought up some breakfast... between the final atmosphere spell and the announcement..." Trailing off, you hear the soft metallic clatter of a tray set on your bedroom balcony table.
[10:16] <Serenity> "Thanks," Usagi says with a smile, emerging from the bathroom. "I'm... would you believe, for once I'm not actually hungry? I know I should eat - I've got a TON of stuff to do today - but I'm too nervous."
[10:18] <Anastasia> On the tray are still hot breakfast rolls and miso soup, along with a small decanter of Lunar wine - the first real crop, the sweet liqiud rather popular among the few that have tasted it. "I don't believe it," she smiles back, "I remember you eating four sundaes before the 7th grade final, Usagi-chan."
[10:19] * Serenity giggles. "Yeah, but I didn't really CARE about my 7th grade final," Usagi admits. "This... is a little bigger than that." She fidgets a bit with her dress. "I just hope everything goes well today."
[10:22] <Anastasia> Nodding and carefully sitting down in her denim jumper and shirt - nothing out of the ordinary, really - "It should go fine. In fact... with how excited Chibi Usagi is, she's almost ready to try it herself." Thinking of the teenager as she takes a warm roll for herself and a small glass of refreshment, Naru reinforces her smile at you.
[10:23] * Serenity grins. "Not like anyone WE knew at that age, right?" She shakes her head a bit. "Is everyone else ready to go?"
[10:24] <Anastasia> Another nod. "More or less. I didn't go in the lab on my way, but I heard enough noise from it so I suspect as much."
[10:26] * Serenity glances over at Rei, still sleeping. "I guess I should get started... I can't afford to be late today. Where's Chibi Usa right now?"
[10:27] <Anastasia> "She's in the garden, waiting for you." Referring by familiarity to your personal garden of your past life, where two best friends have spent time with you, whiling away slow days; Naru nods. "Tellu promised her a special flower for the day, and for Sei-chan to have one as well."
[10:29] * Serenity smiles at that. "It's definitely a special day for it." Taking a deep breath, she straightens up. "I suppose I'd better get down there and get things moving."
[10:30] <Anastasia> Naru simply nods again, munching on her breakfast. "I'll stay here and wait for Rei to wake up. So get going."
[10:31] <Serenity> "I'm going, I'm going!" Usagi says, grabbing a roll as she heads down to the garden.
[10:34] <Anastasia> Rushing out as musical bell chimes fill your ears, the familiar tone soothing, Naru waves. "Good luck, Usagi-chan!"
[10:36] * Serenity quickly makes her way down to the garden through the pristine marble hallways of the palace, her footsteps echoing through the long corridors. 'Didn't oversleep and I'm STILL running late.'
[10:39] <Anastasia> Sprinting along, Usagi passes a few scant people. Of the ones here, most are obvoiusly already gathered in the lab or the garden. Passing through a side door - one that led you deeper in so many years ago, a surprising image of the Dark Kingdom flashing in your mind as you pass through, the garden opens up in front of you. Full of blossoming flowers and vibrant life, the fountain in the center spews out a gentle stream of water to complement it.
[10:44] * Serenity shakes her head a bit at the thought of the Dark Kingdom - Beryl and all her followers have been dead for years, and the damage they've done has been mostly reversed. Today is a day for new beginnings - not dwelling on past failures. As she enters the garden, she begins to look around for Chibi Usa. "Usagi!" she calls out.
[10:48] <Anastasia> There is a semi-distant reply of, "Over by the view point, Mom!" The place where the wall is lowered a bit and a platform of granite with nice chairs are there for viewing the Lunar landscape and Tree ahead. "Usagi, over here," Tellu calls a moment later, from roughly the same location.
[10:49] * Serenity quickly hurries over to the overlook, picking up her skirts a bit to keep them from dragging in the dirt. It's not hard to clean the magically-created dress, but it's still something she'd rather not have to do at all.
[10:50] <Anastasia> Winding you way through the path of the garden, you find Chibi Usa and Tellu sitting, the latter gazing at the Elven Tree in the distance. A lake is around it, the effect of one of the more recent spells to enhance the enviroment. Not a planned one, but the Tree seems to have wanted one, and Ann said the tree said as much, so it goes. The Tree itself is a young, growing tree now, perhaps forty feet tall and with branching limbs.
[10:51] <Anastasia> Sei-chan stands next to Tellu, the older child's gaze taking in his Tree. His slightly elven slanted eyes seem drawn to it naturally, so that it's not rude when he's not looking at you because of it.
[10:53] <Anastasia> The child is growing into a fine young man, his Makoto-brown hair slightly long and moving a bit in a breeze. Wearing simple clothes from Earth in brown and green, he looks comfortably at home here. "Hey,'s time, isn't it?"
[10:55] * Serenity nods, a small smile on her face. "Yeah, it is. Are you ready?"
[10:57] <Anastasia> Chibi Usagi nods back, smiling and almost bouncing. "I am, Mom. Come on..." At that, she takes off at a fast walk... in her hair over here ear is a single, vibrant red rose that nabs your attention. It's really pretty in her hair...
[10:58] * Serenity hurries to keep up with her daughter, her attention drawn by the rose. Is it... "Where did you get the rose, Usagi?"
[11:02] <Anastasia> As you leave the other two behind, Usagi stops and turns a bit. "Tellu gave it to me...I love roses like this," she smiles. "They make me feel good, Mom."
[11:03] <Serenity> "I can imagine," the queen replies, smiling a bit. "They're beautiful, aren't they? I've always liked them too."
[11:05] <Anastasia> "They even smell so good..." she muses, thinking. "I like to remember a dream I had from when I was a kid, Mom. Like a giant crystal palace and roses..." Her smile turns slightly sad now, but she goes on. "What do you think, Mom?"
[11:08] * Serenity's smile matches Chibi Usa's. "I think it was a wonderful dream - it's just a shame that it had to end. But either way, I'm glad you're here with me now."
[11:11] <Anastasia> "Yeah... I think so, too." Chibi Usagi laughs a bit, lightly. "Oh... It was silly of me to even bring it up, Mom. Let's go... everyone's waiting on us."
[11:13] <Serenity> "I know, I know!" Serenity says with a grimace. "I've been running late all morning!"
[11:15] <Anastasia> With that, you hurry along to the magical laboratory set up for this. It's packed today, the center energy focus point surrounded by... pretty much everyone. Rei and Naru have made it now, the former in her Senshi uniform and the latter smiling broadly. At the front is Professor Tomoe, waiting. "Good morning, Serenity," he says, mananging to sound more or less calm as ever.
[11:15] <Serenity> "Good morning, Professor," Usagi says, smiling a bit nervously. "I guess everything on your end is ready to go?"
[11:17] <Anastasia> "Yes. As soon as you and your daughter are ready..." he trails off, stepping aside for you to pass.
[11:18] * Serenity glances over at Chibi Usa. "I'm ready when you are," she says, stepping into the focus.
[11:21] <Anastasia> With a shimmer, Chibi Usa is gone, the slightly pink tinted Silver Crystal resting in your hand. It's time...
[11:23] * Serenity takes a deep breath, composing herself for the effort she knows is coming. She's researched and prepared for this day for many years, and now it's time... Focusing on the Silver Crystal in her hand, she shapes and molds the immense magical power available through it, sending it out across the face of the Moon to do as she wills - restoring air, water, and weather to the Moon's long-dead surface.
[11:29] <Anastasia> Light springs from Usagi and her Crystal as they become bright as a star! Spinning around them are the raw, elemental powers, called forth for one great act. Noiseless sound fills Serenity's ears, lightless brightness her eyes. Only the Crystal is known to her, as her spirit gives it her all..
[11:30] * Serenity concentrates on controlling the mighty flow of power, doing her utmost to keep it from pulling away everything she has.
[11:31] <Anastasia> But... but... as she does so, she can tell. It's going! Slowly, but it's going...! ....! ....! ....!!!!!.... "Serenity!" Professor Tomoe's voice calls out. "The energy field is in flux! You need to bring it under control!"
[11:32] <Serenity> "I'm trying!" Serenity says through gritted teeth, bending all of her will into keeping things on course and stable.
[11:35] <Anastasia> It's hard... as you do so, the light around you fades slightly, the view of the palace room coming back slightly. It's strangely empty, but you hear voices behind you. "Serenity's going to do it... I told you that she would... A new world..." As you automatically begin to turn, the light returns, as another surge of power rips through you...
[11:37] * Serenity grimaces under the strain. 'Come on, Usagi, keep it together! I can't mess this up now... not after everything I've put into it!'
[11:41] <Anastasia> As you do so... the power flows through you, a moment of perfect clarity as you can feel all the forces working through you! Everyone is around you, here and... there, as the Moon is reborn! The Tree's mystical weight joins your own, buttressing your work and supporting it!
[11:46] <Serenity> 'Is it done?' Usagi thinks, feeling the drain of the massive magical effort as she lowers the crystal. "Is it..."
[11:59] <Anastasia> As the light fades from you, your senses outward reach out. Life, air, wind, water... it's all there, flowing freely as if released from a great spigot.
[12:01] * Serenity takes a deep breath, trying to fight the feeling that her insides have just been completely sucked out of her. "It's done... the Moon's going to be able to live again..."
[12:05] <Anastasia> You feel someone - Rei, you think - holding you as the world spins, words of cheer and concern echoing in your dazed ears... "Good job, Usagi! Serenity, you did it! Way to go, Dumpling Head! Mom! You did it, Ser!"
[12:06] * Serenity smiles, her eyes closed. "Thanks, everyone - I couldn't have done it without all your help." Leaning back against her love, she takes a deep breath. "I just wish I could go take a nap right now, but I know I can't."
[12:08] <Anastasia> "Serenity," Professor Tomoe's voice chimes in. "It will take a little while to set up the amplifier for your announcement. You can rest a for a short time if you need to."
[12:09] <Serenity> "Thanks... I think I'd better." Shakily, she regains her own footing, although she's notably wobbly on her feet. "Have someone come and get me once things are ready to go."
[12:12] <Anastasia> With that, Serenity is taken back to her room, where she passes out for a short while. It's a dreamless sleep, waking coming when Rei gently wakes you, telling that it's time for your speech. By amplification device, it will be broadcast on all the television signals across the world...
[12:14] * Serenity comes back to wakefulness groggily - she feels a bit better, but considering what she just finished, she could use a heck of a lot more sleep. "All right - is the throne room ready?" she asks as she climbs out of bed.
[12:16] <Anastasia> "It is," Rei nods, as you carefully head there. Indeed, it's set up to be as respectable and impressive as possible, within reason.
[12:16] * Serenity takes a seat on the new crystalline throne nervously, going over what she wants to say as she waits for the signal to go ahead.
[12:17] <Anastasia> The signal comes all too soon, a surge of magic telling you that it's go time...
[12:20] * Serenity puts on her best smile and begins. "Hello, to everyone on Earth. My name is Serenity, and I'm speaking to you from the surface of the Moon." Taking a deep breath to compose herself a bit, she continues. "Some of you may have seen the Moon change today; I don't know exactly what it would have looked like myself, but I expect it glowed, and it probably looks quite a bit different now.
[12:23] <Serenity> That was my doing. My people lived on the Moon once, long, long ago, and due to a terrible tragedy thousands of years ago, it was abandoned. But I've come back to what was once my family's home many years ago, and I'm making the Moon a place for people to live again - that was what you saw today. As it did so many years ago, the Moon now has air and water, and plants will grow. This will be a place for people to live - for some
[12:25] <Serenity> of you, possibly. I know there are governments around the world watching this now, so I'd like to reassure everyone there that I have no harmful intentions towards the Earth or anyone on it; I simply want my kingdom here to live again in peace. At the end of this message, you'll see the ways to contact us here, if you're interested in what we stand for and what we want to do. Thank you all for your time, and I'm looking forward to a
[12:25] <Serenity> long future of peace and goodwill between the Earth and the Moon."
[12:30] <Anastasia> At that, there is a feeling of fleeing power, then a nod. Rei smiles from just outside of view, "Good job, Usagi."
[12:31] * Serenity smiles weakly. "Thanks... feels like I could have done a lot better, though. This is all just so new..."
[12:36] <Anastasia> "You did fine, Usagi. And now..." Rei smiles, taking your hand. "It's time to make our future."
[12:37] <Serenity> "We're only just starting," Usagi says, smiling back.
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.