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Mystery at Ussura - Session 2

Started by Dracos, August 08, 2009, 03:45:46 PM

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Aug 01 18:11:45 <Admiral_Dracos>   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Aug 01 18:14:57 <Admiral_Dracos>   Last session, our mighty heroes, flush with their new pirate ship of being undergunned, had decided that wealth was one of their important problems to solve along the route to breaking into to the unbreakable grand fortress.  To this end, they decided to take mercenary work for the very people they were trying to beat, the Montaigne empire.  Through harsh skies and stormy weather, they made their way west, to the south
Aug 01 18:14:57 <Admiral_Dracos>   ern tip of Ussura, a land considered almost lost in time itself.  Though the journey was hard, they saw in the near distance, the trading post that marked the Ussura border.
Aug 01 18:16:59 *   Rolland yawns as he wanders the decks, looking over the cannons with a warm mug of coffee..
Aug 01 18:20:44 *   Glubtz hunches his way over to the edge of the ship to look at the approaching post.
Aug 01 18:25:50 <Admiral_Dracos>   It was quite a different scene from the Voddacce marketplaces and the heated  sands of the red Moon.  Here under the green lit sky of Ussura, the posts seemed to be almost made of wood, floating lightly in the sky before them, and not traversed with dozens of merchants.
Aug 01 18:26:31 <Rolland>   "Well, here's step two, I suppose.."
Aug 01 18:26:43 *   Rolland turns and bellows at the 'crew.'
Aug 01 18:28:21 <Admiral_Dracos>   "Aye," the crew was much aboard, quickly, if not so skillfully getting them tied up at the port.
Aug 01 18:28:27 *   Glubtz peers at the bellowing man doubtfully over the top of his spectacles.
Aug 01 18:29:08 *   Rolland glances down at Glubtz and 'accidentally' spills some coffee towards him..
Aug 01 18:30:51 <Leon>   "Looks like we got a decent bunch for a crew. Certainly work hard," Leon observes quietly around his companions.
Aug 01 18:31:19 *   Rolland shrugs.
Aug 01 18:31:29 <Leon>   "Although I suppose your bellowing was rather motivating," he adds with a smile.
Aug 01 18:31:57 <Rolland>   "Aye, that counts for something.. Might have to pull them back on board for a day or two before we leave to show them the ropes a bit better, though."
Aug 01 18:33:39 *   Glubtz peers again. "Your skills are barely adequate. You are sure you want to teach?"
Aug 01 18:33:57 *   Rolland shrugs.
Aug 01 18:34:07 <Rolland>   "At least I can reach the ropes."
Aug 01 18:35:24 *   Glubtz appears to think something is wrong with the talkative fellow, and hunches away from him.
Aug 01 18:35:42 <Admiral_Dracos>   The pleasant tropical winds blew across the sails as they disembarked, a pleasant half inn/half trading post awaiting, with all sorts of old tribal fare decorating it, particularly masks.
Aug 01 18:37:00 *   Rolland stretches a bit.
Aug 01 18:37:26 <Rolland>   "So, what's our first order of business? Deal with the local merchants, or try to work out a supply route with the 'lord' around here?"
Aug 01 18:40:43 <Leon>   "Did we have a deadline on delivery? I know you and Carlos got us set up with some cargo for our trip," Leon asks.
Aug 01 18:41:20 <Rolland>   "Well, the contact is supposed to be around here anyway.. I figure we'd run into him soon or later."
Aug 01 18:44:09 <Glubtz>   "Why don't we actively seek him out instead?  Instead of figuring?"
Aug 01 18:44:20 <Leon>   "Hrm, well, do we know who to look out for? I'll have the men keep an eye out for our contact while we relax for a while. It -was- a somewhat hard voyage, so I'm sure we're all up for a fresh source of intoxication, women and barfights before we get down to initial business."
Aug 01 18:44:26 <Admiral_Dracos>   The local merchants seemed to be a single older man, wearing a straw hat and dressed otherwise quite casually as he waited for them to finish their business.
Aug 01 18:45:51 *   Glubtz hunches his way to peer at the masks.
Aug 01 18:46:43 <Admiral_Dracos>   They were well carved, and far different than what they'd seen out east.  No one would wear such strange masks, seeming like they were monsters or twists on human faces.  They were all carved of wood, and then painted afterwards, occassionally adorned with feathers.
Aug 01 18:47:13 *   Rolland notices the older man and nods his head towards him, alerting Leon and heads over to greet him.
Aug 01 18:47:42 <Rolland>   "A good morn to you, sir. Can we help you with something?"
Aug 01 18:48:35 <Admiral_Dracos>   "oh?  With that accent, you must be from out east...  Many of you have been coming of late," the darker skinned man considered.  "I guess you want directions to the camp?"
Aug 01 18:48:54 *   Rolland shrugs.
Aug 01 18:49:06 <Rolland>   "Couldn't hurt, I suppose."
Aug 01 18:50:55 *   Glubtz scratches his beard excitedly. "How much are the masks?"
Aug 01 18:51:15 <Admiral_Dracos>   "Well, the rest of you folks have been setting up about a few hours travel north of here and a bit inland."
Aug 01 18:51:38 <Admiral_Dracos>   "The masks?  Well...10-20 guilders, depending on which one you like."
Aug 01 18:56:13 *   Glubtz points to the scary ones. "What about those?"
Aug 01 19:01:55 <Admiral_Dracos>   "Ah the mask of the king of the abyss, Abaddon.  That will be eighteen guilders,"  He gestured to a blackened mask with crow feathers coming from it.
Aug 01 19:02:44 *   Glubtz has quit (Ping timeout)
Aug 01 19:04:31 *   Penuche ( has joined #skies_of_arcadia
Aug 01 19:06:53 *   Glubtz ( has joined #skies_of_arcadia
Aug 01 19:07:15 <Rolland>   "Would there happen to be anyone who'd be interested in trading?"
Aug 01 19:09:24 <Glubtz>   "I'll take it!"  Glubtz carefully counts out the money.
Aug 01 19:11:00 <Leon>   "You actually going to wear that?" Leon asks.
Aug 01 19:11:41 <Glubtz>   "Yes!"  Glutbz looks happy at the idea.
Aug 01 19:12:42 <Admiral_Dracos>   The man smiled and took the money.  "It is yours."
Aug 01 19:13:16 <Rolland>   "Knowing our luck, something weird will happen. We'll be in the jungle somewhere, and some tribe will refrain from ending us because he has that mask."
Aug 01 19:13:16 <Admiral_Dracos>   "That would be me.  What do you have?"
Aug 01 19:17:42 <Rolland>   "Weapons. Of varying types.. Mainly pistols and rifles. A few larger gems, though."
Aug 01 19:17:52 *   Glubtz ignores the boring procedures and starts experimenting on the best way to wear the mask.
Aug 01 19:19:07 <Admiral_Dracos>   "Mmm, are they on your ship?"
Aug 01 19:19:58 <Admiral_Dracos>   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Aug 01 19:20:32 <Admiral_Dracos>   A little while later they were on their way south (corrected directions to match last session), toward the Montaigne outpost.
Aug 01 19:22:00 <Admiral_Dracos>   The steelly outpost looked hastily made as it floated alongside the coast, a number of ships nearby.
Aug 01 19:25:26 <Glubtz>   "What are we supposed to be doing here again?"
Aug 01 19:26:12 <Rolland>   "We've got a contract for some type of merc work.
Aug 01 19:26:52 <Admiral_Dracos>   A small ship flew out to greet them, "Hail, this is the southwind yourselves."
Aug 01 19:27:42 *   Rolland steps forward and makes a sweeping bow.
Aug 01 19:27:51 <Rolland>   "Rolland d'Aiguillon, at your service."
Aug 01 19:28:30 <Admiral_Dracos>   Eying their ship, the shouter made a guess. "Mercenaries?  Alright, Rolland's band, make your way to the dock.  The count will explain the work there."
Aug 01 19:29:03 *   Rolland rubs his chin.
Aug 01 19:29:29 *   Glubtz fiddles with his new mask. "Rolland's band? With that name we surely be slaughtered..."
Aug 01 19:29:37 <Rolland>   "Hmm.. Rolland's Band... Needs work, but not bad.. A bit unimaginative, but we can deal with that.. Good starting point, though."
Aug 01 19:30:04 <Glubtz>   "Oh dear, his hat will be a little tighter now."
Aug 01 19:31:43 *   Rolland runs his hand through his hair..
Aug 01 19:32:04 <Rolland>   "But.. I don't wear a hat.. Think I should get one? Wonder if I can find one that looks good.."
Aug 01 19:34:21 <Leon>   "I'm sure you'd make a fine captain, Rolland. You like to talk enough to give orders, I like being lazy enough to not give orders. It works out."
Aug 01 19:34:38 <Rolland>   "Hmm.. Captain.."
Aug 01 19:34:42 *   Rolland rubs his chin..
Aug 01 19:35:01 <Rolland>   "Nah. Too much responsibility. I'd rather just shoot people. Go with what you know and all."
Aug 01 19:35:09 <Leon>   "Though, really, we need a better name than 'Rolland's Band'. It...rhymes too much."
Aug 01 19:35:17 <Admiral_Dracos>   Their men docked them cleanly enough.
Aug 01 19:36:58 *   Glubtz hunches his way down to the dock, still fiddling with his mask.
Aug 01 19:37:28 *   Rolland disembarks, taking in the dock and port.
Aug 01 19:42:45 <Admiral_Dracos>   Heading out, they met a rather eccentrically dressed man, a sort of glass tube over his head as he went about in a spotty brown suit, several soldiers about him. "Ah, the new mercenaries...good, good.  I am Count Loco, your employer.  I trust that you have no previous comitments for a while?"
Aug 01 19:43:34 *   Rolland pats Leon on the back... Shoving his dear 'Captain' forward to greet the Count.
Aug 01 19:44:48 *   Glubtz , much to his distress, agrees with Rolland and helps.
Aug 01 19:46:32 *   Leon frowns, as he's pushed, and he throws a look at his companions before smiling at the count. "Greetings, Count. I would be Leon, these are my companions. Don't worry, no commitments for a while."
Aug 01 19:52:47 <Admiral_Dracos>   "Good, good...  Well, you can count this as your base...  I'm searching for a certain treasure in the area, and want as many hands as possible looking for it," he had a sort of whiny tone to his voice, somewhat nasally.  "There is the usual pay and a five hundred guilder reward for actually bringing it to me," He smiled deeply, handing over a picture of a strange green crystal...that somewhat looked familiar.  It was s
Aug 01 19:52:47 <Admiral_Dracos>   omewhat similar to the treasure they poached, and lost again, from the Montaigne's back before they devestated Pirate Island.
Aug 01 19:54:06 <Glubtz>   "Shiny...may we ask about its function?"
Aug 01 19:55:48 <Admiral_Dracos>   "No."  Count Loco laughed.  "What a silly question."
Aug 01 19:56:46 *   Leon clears his throat. "A different question then. How much...well, competition, is there?" Leon asks regarding other mercenaries.
Aug 01 19:58:28 <Admiral_Dracos>   "Ah, well, there's roughly ten mercenary troops, and our own men searching.  The Ussura jungles are quite difficult to navigate."
Aug 01 20:00:20 <Admiral_Dracos>   "Is there anything else?" the count prompted.
Aug 01 20:00:50 <Glubtz>   "Yes, where can I get a tube like yours?"
Aug 01 20:01:29 <Leon>   "Hrm, not particularly, I don't think, besides Glubtz's random ones. Actually, are the groups assigned to looking in specific areas, or just pretty much 'first come first served' theme?"
Aug 01 20:04:02 <Admiral_Dracos>   "First come first serve," He smiled and turned to leave.  A nearby soldier stepping up. "If you're tired from your trip, feel free to rest here."
Aug 01 20:05:01 *   Leon just nods, wishing to acquaint himself with the base if nothing else.
Aug 01 20:05:15 *   Glubtz frowns at the captain. "My question was very valid."
Aug 01 20:06:08 <Leon>   "You just got a mask for eighteen guilders. Get some wear and tear out of it before you go looking forsomething new," is the retort given at that.
Aug 01 20:06:26 *   Rolland chuckles at this.
Aug 01 20:08:06 <Admiral_Dracos>   As they headed into the base, they noticed a bulletin board: "Air Pirate executions to take place in one month at the Montainge captial, in the colloseum."
Aug 01 20:08:33 *   Rolland rubs his temples.
Aug 01 20:08:44 <Rolland>   "Figures. It just.. Figures."
Aug 01 20:09:57 *   Leon frowns and tries not to think about it.
Aug 01 20:10:42 <Glubtz>   "Hum.  Strange that they would announce that way out here."
Aug 01 20:11:11 <Rolland>   "Bait?"
Aug 01 20:11:28 <Glubtz>   "Bait for what?"
Aug 01 20:12:00 <Admiral_Dracos>   It seemed to be part of a newspaper clippings for the soldiers at a closer look, with various events about the homeland around it.
Aug 01 20:12:11 <Rolland>   "Certainly not us. They've no idea who we are.. But, the Captain did have a lot of friends.."
Aug 01 20:13:10 <Leon>   "Not any that'd be willing to stage a rescue," Leon snorts. "No, it's no bait, just something more simple. Macho posturing over the capture of the fifth most wanted. Try not to think too much about it right now"
Aug 01 20:14:10 <Glubtz>   "Going to be hard not to.  We have a month to come up with a plan and the money, skills and tools neccessary."
Aug 01 20:17:27 <Admiral_Dracos>   There was, just beyond, some pleasant enough rooms.  No real claim or order to them, as they were open to whoever among the mercs happened to be staying.
Aug 01 20:17:37 <Admiral_Dracos>   No one else at the moment it seemed.
Aug 01 20:18:12 *   Rolland walks up to one of the rooms and dumps his gear at the foot of the bed.
Aug 01 20:19:07 <Admiral_Dracos>   The beds are a bit tight, but there's plenty of room for each of them to have a bed.
Aug 01 20:22:16 *   Glubtz selects a bed, then starts looking for a place to wash his clothes.
Aug 01 20:27:07 <Admiral_Dracos>   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Aug 01 20:27:41 <Admiral_Dracos>   The next day, they set out...  having a few choices on where to go, whether to scour the small islands off the coast, head overland on boat, or land and try and navigate some of the jungle on foot.
Aug 01 20:34:12 <Leon>   "Since we still don't really know the lay of the land, I think we should head overland on boat, just get acquainted with the area and any potential landmarks we can use to find our way if we separate or get lost for whatever reasons," Leon suggests. "Any complaints or better ideas?"
Aug 01 20:35:29 *   Rolland shrugs, still not fully awake.
Aug 01 20:36:19 <Glubtz>   "We have quite a broad area to search, how do we narrow it down?"
Aug 01 20:38:13 <Rolland>   "I'd say we spend the first day reconing where the other mercs are, and then trying to plan a route to cover the most area.
Aug 01 20:39:32 <Glubtz>   "How big is this crystal and how hard will it be to spot?"
Aug 01 20:43:14 <Glubtz>   "I say we make a grid on a map of the area, and start crossing out where the others have searched."
Aug 01 20:44:10 <Admiral_Dracos>   "We're ready to launch captain," One of the sailors saluted.
Aug 01 20:44:36 <Leon>   "Well, we don't want to fully trust where people have already looked. They could just be crap at their job unlike us, remember," Leon points out. "Still, it'd be a good idea to know roughly what areas have been searched before, especially if it's been searched heavily by lots of teams.
Aug 01 20:44:38 <Leon>   "
Aug 01 20:46:42 <Glubtz>   "Well then, let's begin."
Aug 01 20:47:53 *   Leon agrees and boards the ship and leaves the mapmaking to Glubtz (or Rolland).
Aug 01 20:50:01 <Leon>   !yarr 2k2
Aug 01 20:50:02 <Penuche>   Leon invokes Penuche's magic: < 9, 4 >
Aug 01 20:50:03 <Penuche>   Leon keeps: < 4, 9 > {13}
Aug 01 20:50:22 <Rolland>   !yarr 2k2
Aug 01 20:50:24 <Penuche>   Rolland invokes Penuche's magic: < 10, 9 >
Aug 01 20:50:24 <Penuche>   Rolland keeps: < 9, 10 > {19}
Aug 01 20:50:24 <Penuche>   DICE EXPLODED! < 3 > Rolland's New Total: {22}
Aug 01 20:51:54 <Glubtz>   !yar 2k2
Aug 01 20:52:01 <Glubtz>   !yarr 2k2
Aug 01 20:52:03 <Penuche>   Glubtz invokes Penuche's magic: < 5, 6 >
Aug 01 20:52:03 <Penuche>   Glubtz keeps: < 5, 6 > {11}
Aug 01 20:55:24 <Admiral_Dracos>   As they were traveling northward over the thick jungle, it was starting to seem impossible that they'd get much information at all.  The trees here were some of the largest they'd ever seen and the animals around here were quite massive as well.  With the sun beginning to set, Rolland spotted something interesting...what looked like thatch huts alongside one of the larger trees.
Aug 01 20:56:09 *   Rolland points those huts out to Leon.
Aug 01 20:59:36 <Leon>   "Boys, looks like Rolland found something. Follow the man's finger and let's see if we don't have ourselves a nice quick bit of money to reward our troubles!" Leon yells out to the rest of the crew.
Aug 01 21:00:30 <Admiral_Dracos>   There didn't seem much of a place to dock...but they could lower near one of the trees and rope down.
Aug 01 21:01:33 <Glubtz>   "Question, why ARE we investigating the huts?"
Aug 01 21:02:29 <Rolland>   "Whoever they are, it's a good bet they've been here longer. They might have found it and not know what it is, or at the very least, know an easy way to navigate the jungle.
Aug 01 21:03:44 <Leon>   "Hopefully. I imagine it's unlikely that they'd -have- the crystal since I'd be shocked if we're the first to find their huts, but it might be worth our trouble to give a visit, even if it's in the way of a guide."
Aug 01 21:07:16 *   Glubtz tugs on one of his braids. "Maybe they'll have grass kilts."
Aug 01 21:08:31 <Leon>   "Glubtz, why don't you go first? If they're not friendly, I'm sure your mask will intimidate them or make them think you're a new form of god, or some such."
Aug 01 21:10:30 *   Glubtz secures his claymore and starts to head down.
Aug 01 21:12:39 <Admiral_Dracos>   Scuttering down the rope and then further down the tree, Glubtz lead them far down to the ground below, the strange huts not too far away...though they found themselves greeted first, strange clicks and clucks coming from the woods.
Aug 01 21:14:43 <Glubtz>   "Rolland, they same to speak your language, interpret."
Aug 01 21:16:10 *   Rolland doesn't even respond to the idiot.
Aug 01 21:16:45 <Glubtz>   "Oh good, you CAN keep your mouth shut."
Aug 01 21:17:08 *   Glubtz adjusts his cloak and peers around.
Aug 01 21:18:01 <Admiral_Dracos>   A few more came out, before something was returned in the common tongue.  "Halt, go no are not welcome here."
Aug 01 21:21:53 *   Glubtz cotemplates saying he didn't want to be anywhere near people that lived in grass huts, but decided not too.
Aug 01 21:22:23 <Glubtz>   "Perhaps you could give us some information?"
Aug 01 21:25:42 <Admiral_Dracos>   "Information.....Where are you from?"  The voice sounded a bit surprised.  "Why are you wearing such a mask?"
Aug 01 21:28:05 <Glubtz>   "I'm the Mighty Pirate Glubtz!  From...the east I guess.  And the mask is to strike fear into my enemies!"  He frowns.  "Are you not afraid?"
Aug 01 21:36:14 <Dracos>   Surprise, than Laughter came from the woods.  "Tourists...Why are you so deep in the woods of Ixa?"  A few came out, wearing masks as well.
Aug 01 21:37:57 <Leon>   "Huh, guess Rolland was right about the mask coming in handy," Leon mutters as he watches the proceedings down in the ground. If nothing else, Glubtz wasn't dead yet.
Aug 01 21:38:44 *   Glubtz is delighted. More masks! Maybe they can start a mask club! On the other hand, he's a pirate, and that's probably club enough.
Aug 01 21:39:35 <Glubtz>   "We're looking for shinies, one in particular.  And I must commend you on your choice of face wear."
Well, Goodbye.