
Because we're grown ups now, and its our turn to decide what that means.

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Started by Brian, October 05, 2004, 02:02:19 AM

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"Doesn't sound like we're in any immediate danger without it, so might as well," Albert mutters, before straightening in his seat. "I, uh, mean," he coughs, "Permission granted," he issues a decisive nod before wincing and clutching his head.


Kelly goes ahead then with the operation, turning off hale's voice for now as he works on repairing it.

Well, Goodbye.


This takes about three hours.  In that time, Hale is unable to communicate, but when it's all over, and runs the test, he says, "No events or alarms have been triggered.  All systems are operating at the same efficiency as they were prior to release into quarantine."

The voice is obviously masculine, very mellow, and (now, at least) stable, instead of warbling and tripping over itself.
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


"Good to hear.  How is the orbital entry going, Hale?  And how much longer do we have here in Quarentine?"

Well, Goodbye.


Kieran, while Kelly has been busy, has woken himself up, checked his own messages, and been digging around to see what he can find in the way of system diagnostics.  The AI has been sounding a little . . . unhealthy, so it's quite possible it's missed things.
Hangin' out backstage, waiting for the show.


"We are currently operating on cached gravimetric data -- our sensory array is not able to pierce our own thrust trail.  Last information reported a world most similar to Landon in quality.  Notable Old Earth landmarks were not recognizable at that angle.

"Another four days and fifteen hours remain before we have completed the braking operation.  Another 13 hours remain of quarantine."

Eric grimaces, at this.  "That's a long wait," he mutters.  "I guess we sleep in the pods?  Might as well be at full steam once they let us out of here."

Hale considers this for a moment, and replies, "This is acceptable.  Life support and health monitoring equipment in the pods will identify if you have successfully passed quarantine."
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


Finn sighs.  "We just got out of the damn fings," she mutters, and then shrugs, sweeping up her twenty-third game of solitaire.  "Don't see much option, though."


"I'd like to examine the state of the ship, but I suppose it can wait until braking is complete," Albert agrees lethargically, still rather stunned by it all.


"Hey, we're only sleepin' 'til quarantine's done, that being anovver thirteen hours, Cap'n," Finn points out.  "And then we gets to work our little butts off.  You can see what sorta wreck you are now officially responsible for, an' I'll do what it takes for you to call back an' apologize."  She winks, and then laughs.


"Lovely," Albert sighs and massages his temples. "Oh, well, not like they can blame me if the disaster happened on the first crew's watch." Rubbing his eyes and trying to wake up some more, he starts looking over the messages.


The messages are all everyday things you'd expect on a long range science mission.  Mission control doesn't report and suggest changes in trajectory, as they can only monitor the ship at the speed of light (and it moves faster than that).  Generally, when things break and the First Crew wasn't able to fix them, mission control sent suggestions for how to manage it, but that only happened twice.

Once for a stuck airlock control, and once for one of the maintainence robots running out of battery power too quickly.

The other messages are just standard, "Greetings from Congress," and "Such-and-such city on such-and-such world has declared today to be their Say Hello To The Eidolon Crew Day!".  Most of it is really not noteworthy.

Eric doesn't immediately go back into his pod to sleep, instead he seems to be thumbing through some activity logs from before the accident.  "Everything looks routine so far," he mutters, "but there are five years of logs to sort through...."
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


"Just think how much this war story will impress all the girls," Kieran chimes in from his console, "So there I was, covered in cryo-glop, trying desperately to find myself some coffee before I passed out . . ."
Hangin' out backstage, waiting for the show.


Kelly silently eyes the fellow before taking a break to start reading through his mail from his sisters and students.

Well, Goodbye.


Kieran's diagnostics yeild some results.  It looks like the sensory arrays aren't damaged, per-se, the ship just picked up a lot of dust on that side, which clogged them.

Also, it'd take a bit of math, but if the logs of ship's attitude and alignment were taken from before the incident, and then Hale were to help out with some calculations, it may be possible to figure out how long the ship was drifting before it actually came back online by its direction and velocity when 'Hale' became active, and the relative density of dust in the area.

An accurate answer will require someone leaving the ship and measuring the depth of the dust on the hull, and again in the sensor grooves, however.
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


The schoolchildren are asking questions like, "What is it like to live in space?" and "Do you miss your mommy?" as well as, "Do you have to fight aliens?"  A few of them are more intelligent, asking how relativistic speeds affect your perception of time (though, they're not worded that neatly), but there doesn't otherwise seem to be anything particularly interesting about them.
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~