
"Why do you call it soulriders?"
"Because we grind your souls, hopes, and dreams down ... and ride the wave."

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Started by Anastasia, December 10, 2009, 03:24:53 AM

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I'm going to cover some of the events of the downtime here, ones that don't need RPing. Some of them do need a bit of time devoted to them and a few are in flux depending on things you do(Seira's doctrine stuff for Waukeen, for example), so don't treat this as a definitive list. 

Part 1: Kingdoms of the world.


Come spring and the onset of summer, the known world is healing from the ravages of the Dark Six. To the east of Balmuria, Malmuth begins to pick itself up. The capital city has been restored, magic and hard work replacing hundreds of years of history.

The Empire continues to wobble along, Purinn staying in the Empire, but reports say that it's coffers are almost empty and instability bubbles beneath the surface. At the same time, Queen Tant seeks greater ties with the United Baronies, while managing diplomacy and a fractured nobility. Whispers say that some prefer a return to King Ferdi's style, believing the Empire cursed for it's weakness by the Gods. Others support Queen Tant, arguing that this is a time of recovery and not revanchist expansion.  A third splintering sect is far more nasty, said to advocate the complete dissolution of the Malmuthian Empire. Calling themselves Vitalists, they claim that Malmuth must break apart into healthy, vital kingdoms or the entire rotten body will perish. Such views are akin to treason, being declared treasonous. Far to the east, what few reports come of the free city-states there claim that there is a rising murmur of war there, rumors that this is now the time to strike. The truth of this isn't known, but it spreads like wildfire in the taverns of northeastern Malmuth.

To the north, the Elven Kingdom of Pallanth is tranquil. It's eternal ebb and flow is as it always is if one only looked to the surface. Beneath the surface lies several changing paradigms. At the royal council, the addition of House Aryn has altered the landscape. Scion Aryn has preoccupied himself with diplomatic matters, including the drafting of an expanded treaty of alliance with the Baronies. While Scion Aryn has been received well by most of the other noble houses, the political reality has reasserted itself. Arguments over mundane and serious matters occupy Scion Aryn's time, the course of Pallanth beginning to swerve. Away from the council, Pallanth profits from the trade with the Baronies and the growing influence of Waukeen. While some elves are embracing it, a growing counter-reaction is attempting to reassert the traditional Seladrine pantheon, claiming the pursuit of pure opulence is contrary to Corellon Larethian's wishes. Contrasting this, reports of fey and fantastical creatures has risen astronomically in the past few months.  A few elven villages have changed radically, or even vanished.  These matters are under investigation. Amid all this there is some concern about Malmuth's situation, but traditional de-attachment prevails so far.

To the west of the United Baronies, the Desert Fiefdoms continue as they have before. Being spared the worst of the wrath of the Dark Six and with the diabolical invasion a safe memory, the Pasha continues his rule. Seira's intelligence reports do provide an insight into the Palace, murmurs that certain types of trade revenue and taxes are down. Seira's portal network is largely blamed, though the Pasha does not seem to be addressing the matter. Military intelligence from Lord Salman also notes that there is a renewed interest in the southern border of the Fiefdoms.

Farther to the west, Kelara continues a shaky road to reform. The stories Alicia hears from her family say that Lord Roth is slowly making concessions and expanding the protective military presence in Kelara's hinterlands, but that he faces strong opposition from the entrenched city nobility. Intrigue runs rampant, a thousand conspiracies and murmurings. The Temple of Mystra in Kelara is staying above it as best they can, expanding magic and sending arcanists deeper into Kelara, complimenting and picking up slack for the local guard. Quietly, Dweomerkeeper Taldeer reports there is a growing cult of Saint Alicia. Doctrine is loose and varies, but it is said she is considered a living saint, a daughter of Mystra incarnated into a mortal body to lead the faith.

In the lands past the wild jungles, spring has come. The battlefields are dry, no rivers of blood and tears to moisten them.  For now a fragile peace holds, a peace of money and force of will. All armies are still on alert, but nothing has disturbed this delicate balance of Saxant, Evrai and Kesse. Agathaiel and the servants of Waukeen work at a torrid pace, going all out and all over in a desperate race to keep the peace from crumbling. Gold and toil are spent each day, as the summer blossoms.

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Part 2: Balmuria and the United Baronies.

Come the spring, Lord Salman travels on Seira's portal network, coming to Balmuria. He spends several days inspecting the troops, the city and it's defenses. After seven days of this he addresses the citizens in a great open air rally. By his proclamation he declares Balmuria a free city in personal union with the United Baronies, independent but connected intimately. The Crimson Guard is declared to be given a new charter by his order, one drafted by Commander Oberuth. In this, the Crimson Guard is not loyal to just the United Baronies, but the peace loving peoples of all the world, this one and beyond.  The people of Balmuria have a sacred duty, beyond that of simply protecting one kingdom. They are the hope and sword-arm of this new world, one that thrives of magic and the renewed mercy of the Gods.

The charter presented states that the Crimson Guard shall be henceforth be composed of chapters. Each chapter is ruled by a Commander, having a seat at a grand council hall to be constructed. As of now there is only the chapter in Balmuria, but Commander Oberuth vows there will be more soon. Further, Seira, Alicia and Demedais are each awarded the title of Commander as recognition of their longstanding deeds and superlative valor in service to the Guard.  While technically below the rank of Commander Oberuth in Balmuria, they still command almost anyone else in the Guard.

Meanwhile, Balmuria continues to grow richer. Trade sends a constant wave of gold into it's coffers, magic and sorcery blossoming fully. More expansion to the west is anticipated, a new city quarter desired by next mid-winter. The elven mission is expanding, seeking to change into a fully developed block with stores, cultural ties and an ambassadorship. Malmuth and the Fiefdoms follow suit, sending diplomats to make ambassadorships, as well as formal treaties and other diplomatic niceties.

The various religions of Balmuria continue to grow. Helm's temple grows the fastest, a sudden influx of pilgrims and worshipers. It is said that the Prophet Demedais has left the mortal realm to guide the faithful to Helm's side, visions of ethereal crystal stairways. The religious and knowledgeable speak of a new place, a new passage and transmigration for souls after death. This is echoed by the other churches, albeit with much less vigor and focus.  Waukeen's church continues it's steady growth as more wealth comes into Balmuria. A web of trading outposts connect all the kingdoms and empires here, and the favor of Seira's teleportation networks only strengthens this. The Mystrians are also blossoming, magic and magic seekers coming to pay homage and learn Mystra's will.  Of note is that Alicia's old home has been found to be hallowed and sanctified after she left. Many claim this as a miracle of Mystra or Alicia herself, though Shankar has withheld comment on this matter for now.

The church of Torm has been toeing a distinctly meek and quiet tone, all eyes on them but nothing coming of it for now. The Church of Gond continues it's work, doing this or that and connecting with other upstart churches. There are splashes of other faiths as well. There is some angel-worship, which is generally discouraged, mostly tracing back to the angelic aid during the attack of the Dark Six and it's aftermath. Relatedly, many of the visiting eladrin promoted the Seladrine, resulting in a few isolated worshipers among the humans. Darker whispers murmur of diabolical cults and the demonic, but nothing obvious has been seen of them.

Beyond Balmuria, the United Baronies continue to thrive. The residual profit from the trade routes enriches the farmlands. Victoria continues to build itself under Lord Salman's direction, but is still a far second place to the splendors of Balmuria. To the north and in Pilltain, several pilgrims of Helm have begun to build a temple, claiming this to be where the Prophet Demedais took on his great duty of guiding souls under Helm's direction.  Farther to the north, Armasea is quietly prosperous, out of the way and ruled by Lady Lyselle. To the south, among the northern reaches of the Galkass mountains, Parsifal has recovered from the plague and mining continues unabated.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Regarding appearance changes, Alicia's going to keep mostly the same physical structure (I strongly considered changing to large size for reach/stat boosts and to better stand up in comparison to most other deities and planar lords of the same stature, but it'd inconvenience daily life too much). Her complexion will change from her tanned/Mediterranean colouring to a more even golden hue (kinda like Amber, why not) while her feathery white wings will gain a bluish-silvery colour.


Post 3: The world beyond the world

The Realms Beyond continue along a well, changes small and great taking place as eternity continues it's endless procession. Word of the Well of Souls has made some impact in the divine realms. It is reportedly said that Kelemvor's fury was akin to the rage of Talos himself, and to follow this, there have been reports of conflicts between worshipers and servants of the two powers.  More interestingly, there are reports that some aid to Helm and the Triad has come from Nature's Heart, though reports of this and possible ramifications are currently not known, but hugely speculated. Many of the knowledgeable postulate that a divine war is in the offing, a titanic clash between Kelemvor and Helm, and by extension Jergal, the Triad and perhaps Talos.

In Gehenna, the old Oinoloth and much of the old regime has fallen in the fires of the Helmite's crusade. In the aftermath a being styling itself as the Adversary has taken control as the the crusade has retreated back and ceased. Questions run rampant, to the curious, to the thoughtful, to the claims that the 'loths and the Heavens have some unholy pact and the Adversary is a ruler suitable to all sides, somehow.  The Adversary has kept his head down thus far, though whispers of a brutal purge as followup after the crusade spread far and wide. The identity of the Adversary is also a common topic of discussion, with a million answers and a million more questions. Anthraxus has been mentioned as a possibility, as well as the Adversary being a front for Shar. Others wonder if an enterprising Bane or Cyric is taking the reigns, or if a planar lord has struck it big.

Baator is as unchanging as Asmodeus wills it to be. The Blood War rages in Avernus, while the lower layers continue their depredations of the soul and all that is righteous. The diabolical forces, ravaged by Zquujaj's fury, are said to be at their lowest ebb in over a hundred thousand years. The kicker is that sources whisper that transfers to Avernus are at an all time high, with powerful positions ripe for the picking. Bel himself has come out ultimately unscathed, tested but successful. Interestingly, opposition to his regime has all but vanished in the aftermath of Zquujaj's attacks.

The Abyss howls. Androlynne has become a realm of gray nothing-ness, where a dozen demonic armies fight for supremacy. It is known that various Abyssal  Gods, Princes and Lords have stakes in this affair, such as Demogorgon, Orcus, Zquujaj, Torm, Malcanthet and others uncounted. Pale Night's will has not made itself known; be she in Androlynne or in her fortress within Baphomet's maze, or somewhere else in Creation. Surely it is Pale Night's realm to lose, but she's making no signs of doing anything but losing it.

In far more palatable realms, Celestia and the Triad grow closer. It is said that Helm has begun to embrace the lessons of the rest of the Triad, shifting them closer to Celestia than Arcadia. Some of the Triad's servants deny this, others support it and yet others are not quite certain yet. Perhaps the matter is not settled, or perhaps the Triad does not wish to address it at this time.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Unless Commander Oberuth or Queen Tant request my aid, I won't attempt to intervene in Malmuth.

I regret the temporary decline of the Desert Fiefdoms, although I won't do anything there unless the Pasha or Lady Malika ask it of me. After all, I asked them if they wished to be included and they had the chance to see how the network was working elsewhere for months beforehand. Wasn't my choice to make, and the Pasha must realize, same as me, that in the end he'll come out better off. I could help proselythize on his behalf if he wants me to....

My interest in Kelara is limited strictly to encouraging Waukeen's nascent temple in the area. Being inclusive, Waukeen wouldn't see any need to clash with any existing, strong religions, but merely to fill her own niche.

Agathaiel has my full support, in person should she need it, or by way of funds.

Victoria is lead by Lord Salman? Clearly, I must bug you for that chat I wanted with Claris, as it doesn't seem he has recovered even in all these months.

So Oberuth made us his jedi masters. I'm not sure what chapter I'm supposed to be in charge of, to be truthful.

Don't intend to do a thing about Torm for now. What about Talos, however? Do we have non-abandoned temples to him anywhere in the world?

Good luck to Zquujaj with his conquest of Androlynne!

So. This leaves Pallanth. As I indicated, this is one land I actually intend to intervene directly. I see two issues. The first is that villages are going missing, likely due to fey. This has got to stop, and I intend to join the investigation with all the skill and magic at my disposal. The second is the ideological split within Pallanth. I will try to argue that Corellon wishes for elves to go out and seek new experiences as part of his dogma, but if my conciliatory efforts don't make a difference, I will strive to get an audience with Corellon or his wife. Needless infighting is the last thing either of us wishes, I can bet, and it would either allow us to reach a compromise if the split has real basis, or allow us to come out united against it and hope to sway the elves at large.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Sylica takes a vast amount of time and attention at this juncture, so Alicia won't be poking her head out too much.

She will however make a point of infiltrating any nascant cults in her name (Marie can do the same) in disguise just to make sure they're acting in a manner she approves of, and offering some help along the way to anyone who catches her eye.

If she has any influence among the big names, she'll use it to try and get Kelemvor to cool down and focus his attention on the real guilty party, Shar. I don't think she has any significant contacts in the realm of the dead aside from her good relationship with the temple of Kelemvor in Kelara, though, so it's doubtful she can have any impact here.

I recall Rosamund mentioned will o' wisps in the forest. I'll get Marie to see if she can find any of them (she can pass herself off as one in her ball of light form and is immune to electricity) to see what sort of threat they could pose.

I'll attempt to do some limited information gathering in Gehenna. Hugo's nightmares seem fairly likely to refer to the new Oinoloth which gives me some degree of personal involvement if it affects him. Unless I lucked out and recruited an awesome spymaster I won't risk probing too deeply.

And if Seira wants to investigate the vanished elven villages Alicia would be interested in tagging along since she mostly gets on well with fey and is hopeful there's a non-bad explanation.


Something I didn't consider at the time, but I'll do from time to time quietly is study up on Mechanus law. Is there some sort of skill for it that I could grab for flavor? Eventually, I'll try to defend the crazy inevitable guy from his imminent death.

And I recall mentioning suitable planes to forge better, official ties with, but didn't list them. I'm thinking... after Mechanus, the Plane of Fire (Kossuth, perhaps the City of Brass as well), Corellon's pantheon, Queen Morwel's realm via Honeydip, Celestia, Brightwater since it makes perfect sense. Maybe Alicia, Marie and Jessica could intro me to someone in Elysium I could chat with about this. Lathander and Mielikki's realms, since I think they'd be receptive. Triad and Talos, since they might well be receptive, all things considered. Am I forgetting anything suitable?

Some of that could happen IC, as much as you require.

EDIT: I'm forgetting Bahamut. Celestia, sure, but still.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


What exactly happens if I choose to transform from a red dragon to a golden dragon before being locked out of that option by how finite the transformation reads? Can I?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Quote from: Ebiris on March 09, 2010, 06:13:26 AMVisiting deities and planar lords whom I have friendly relations with to ask for advice and talk up the benefits of them letting their followers know Sylica is a cool place to live. Directly approaching friendly individuals to offer them roles in Sylica, and getting them to spread the word even if they choose not to come over themselves. In particular, the planar lords/deities Alicia would approach are Barachiel (already done IC), Pistis Sophia, Raziel (assuming Latha can swing an introduction), Queen Morwel, Gwynharwyf, Mystra, and Empress Sulia.

Pistis Sophia and Raziel are both helpful, offering advice to the nascent planar lord of righteousness.  None of you can quite remember the night that happened in the Court of Stars after, save for blissful, longing glimpses of Queen Morwel and a promise that what is right will happen for the heroes of Androlynne. Naeys assures you that Mystra will aid your cause, as you have served her will for your long, difficult mortal life. Empress Sulia is a bit more of an open question and one that will be covered IC.

EDIT: I'm aware it's a little odd that you might meet all of them but Mystra for this, but I'd rather not trivialize contact with her.

QuoteIndividuals I'd like to personally recruit are Strength of Light, Lady Honeydip, Spawn of Jormungandr, Hopiel, and Jamais. I'd also ask Mial to do some PR work for us in Brightwater, but wouldn't actually try and poach Sulia's reformed succubus.

These will be all done IC besides for Mial. I'd have your recruitment spiel worked out if I were you.

QuoteMarie, Latha, Syala, and Dawnhope hopefully have cool friends of their own they can approach directly.

Yes. Getting Celestials to your banner isn't hard. The famous Alicia Reynes, defiant of Agares and hero of Androlynne will recruit many a curious celestial and spreading the word helps further. Beyond that, do you want to recruit anything else besides good outsiders?

QuoteOnce I actually have people coming into Sylica, I'll set up my cabinet/bureaucracy to get into the details of actually running a small country, assigning people jobs and duties as befits their skills.

You can hash this out IC or OOC once you know who's coming. For minor things and minor posts, feel free to create your own minor celestials. I'm not going to stat up a dozen low/mid HD ones for roles that are of minimal importance. It's your and Syala's realm, your will constantly and subtly shapes it.

QuoteSylica right now is a pretty but empty shell. By growing its population and establishing it as a legitimate interplanar power, it will become a secure base with which to fight against evil and help the innocent, granting resources to affect things on a scale far beyond what any individual hero can accomplish.

Yes. What about names, locations, all of that? Once you establish Sylica and have it populated, how are you going to organize it? This ties into the above and doesn't have to be IC, but figure this out for down the line.

QuoteI'll still visit my friends and family on the prime such as Darlina, Taldeer, Rosamund, the Reyneses, and of course everyone in Balmuria.

How open are you going to be about telling them about your new duties and showing them how you're changing?

QuoteAround the first month of Spring I'll stop by Kesse to make sure Winter isn't overstaying its welcome. If it is I'll have words with Snowflake.

Spring comes without incident. Nothing noteworthy here, besides the region being a powder keg like the Balkans but with even less charm.

QuoteI'll finish up furnishing and warding the secret library Copy-Alicia lives at.

Goes without incident, by and large.

QuoteShe will however make a point of infiltrating any nascent cults in her name (Marie can do the same) in disguise just to make sure they're acting in a manner she approves of, and offering some help along the way to anyone who catches her eye.

This is something to be done IC. It's your first possible worshipers, y'know.

QuoteIf she has any influence among the big names, she'll use it to try and get Kelemvor to cool down and focus his attention on the real guilty party, Shar. I don't think she has any significant contacts in the realm of the dead aside from her good relationship with the temple of Kelemvor in Kelara, though, so it's doubtful she can have any impact here.

Your feelers will be politely but firmly ignored.

QuoteI recall Rosamund mentioned will o' wisps in the forest. I'll get Marie to see if she can find any of them (she can pass herself off as one in her ball of light form and is immune to electricity) to see what sort of threat they could pose.

IC in some manner or another. How exactly you desire to tackle it is a question I'll leave to you.

QuoteI'll attempt to do some limited information gathering in Gehenna. Hugo's nightmares seem fairly likely to refer to the new Oinoloth which gives me some degree of personal involvement if it affects him. Unless I lucked out and recruited an awesome spymaster I won't risk probing too deeply.

How are you going to be doing this? By yourself? By proxy? Going to try and establish links or use magic to find out answers?

QuoteAnd if Seira wants to investigate the vanished elven villages Alicia would be interested in tagging along since she mostly gets on well with fey and is hopeful there's a non-bad explanation.


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Corwin on March 12, 2010, 05:39:38 PMUnless Commander Oberuth or Queen Tant request my aid, I won't attempt to intervene in Malmuth.

Okay, noted.

QuoteI regret the temporary decline of the Desert Fiefdoms, although I won't do anything there unless the Pasha or Lady Malika ask it of me. After all, I asked them if they wished to be included and they had the chance to see how the network was working elsewhere for months beforehand. Wasn't my choice to make, and the Pasha must realize, same as me, that in the end he'll come out better off. I could help proselytize on his behalf if he wants me to....

Okay. We'll see how this shakes out IC.

QuoteMy interest in Kelara is limited strictly to encouraging Waukeen's nascent temple in the area. Being inclusive, Waukeen wouldn't see any need to clash with any existing, strong religions, but merely to fill her own niche.

Of course, that assumes that the other temples are willing to live and let live, but noted anyway.

QuoteAgathaiel has my full support, in person should she need it, or by way of funds.

She is thankful and very busy. When she needs more funds to spread Waukeen's will she'll be asking.

QuoteVictoria is lead by Lord Salman? Clearly, I must bug you for that chat I wanted with Claris, as it doesn't seem he has recovered even in all these months.

Yeah, that's 1 or 2 on the agenda for you, since it got pushed back.

QuoteSo Oberuth made us his jedi masters. I'm not sure what chapter I'm supposed to be in charge of, to be truthful.

Right now, none. But you're angling to expand and there may come a time when you've moved beyond Balmuria. This is for that time, when and if it happens.

QuoteDon't intend to do a thing about Torm for now. What about Talos, however? Do we have non-abandoned temples to him anywhere in the world?

Talos doesn't have a huge presence in the region except for the jungles. However, Seira's information and a bit of poking reveals there may be more forming in Malmuth. She could investigate more IC or send someone OOC if she cares to.

QuoteGood luck to Zquujaj with his conquest of Androlynne!

The unholy scion of the Abyss and damnation thanks you for your support, vowing to make a realm suitable to torment your spirit for all time in.

QuoteSo. This leaves Pallanth. As I indicated, this is one land I actually intend to intervene directly. I see two issues. The first is that villages are going missing, likely due to fey. This has got to stop, and I intend to join the investigation with all the skill and magic at my disposal. The second is the ideological split within Pallanth. I will try to argue that Corellon wishes for elves to go out and seek new experiences as part of his dogma, but if my conciliatory efforts don't make a difference, I will strive to get an audience with Corellon or his wife. Needless infighting is the last thing either of us wishes, I can bet, and it would either allow us to reach a compromise if the split has real basis, or allow us to come out united against it and hope to sway the elves at large.

This will be mostly IC, though I figure you knew that.

QuoteSomething I didn't consider at the time, but I'll do from time to time quietly is study up on Mechanus law. Is there some sort of skill for it that I could grab for flavor? Eventually, I'll try to defend the crazy inevitable guy from his imminent death.

Profession(Lawyer) or something like that relating to Mechanus would cover it. Do be aware that Seira would know that defending him is mostly a formality. This is very much a Cardassian trial, as you two put it.

QuoteAnd I recall mentioning suitable planes to forge better, official ties with, but didn't list them. I'm thinking... after Mechanus, the Plane of Fire (Kossuth, perhaps the City of Brass as well), Corellon's pantheon, Queen Morwel's realm via Honeydip, Celestia, Brightwater since it makes perfect sense. Maybe Alicia, Marie and Jessica could intro me to someone in Elysium I could chat with about this. Lathander and Mielikki's realms, since I think they'd be receptive. Triad and Talos, since they might well be receptive, all things considered. Am I forgetting anything suitable?

Query: As yourself, as the Crimson Guard, as Balmuria or what? Now Mechanus is happy to make treaties with everyone and anyone since it's about spreading the cosmic Law. Others vary a lot depending on how you approach them and in what capacity.

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Corwin on March 13, 2010, 06:26:03 PM
What exactly happens if I choose to transform from a red dragon to a golden dragon before being locked out of that option by how finite the transformation reads? Can I?

You mean the transformation of the ED?

Transformation (Ex)

At level 21 the being's type changes to outsider and it gains the (native) subtype within its own realm. At the being's discretion it may take any alignment subtypes that match its alignment, but once chosen the choice cannot be undone. The being may change its appearance to suit its new station, changing size category by one larger or smaller, changing any natural attacks (for example swapping claws for slam attacks, although the damage values should remain the same), or other cosmetic changes. Once chosen, these alterations cannot be undone.

Lessee. It's mostly cosmetic changes, so I'd just rule you have golden scales but a red dragon's statline otherwise.

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Aside from good outsiders, Alicia will welcome other extraplanar creatures of a similar moral bent - I know dragons and fey are common enough out there, and they'll be happily welcomed. We have something of an interest in reformed fiends, although chances are that any who've come that far already have patrons of their own, but the door is open. This will probably result in us being infested with spies in the short term, which we'll have to be careful of, but it's a risk I'm willing to take.

I'll add names for places and institutions to the Sylica post at some point once I have an idea of who lives in my realm.

Friends and family will be told exactly what's happening, and I'll even give them visits to Sylica if they're interested in seeing for themselves.

As for the new Oinoloth, I'd prefer to use spies of my own if I manage to acquire anyone with appropriate skills. I don't know if my travel restriction will be in place during downtime, if it's not I might attempt a visit to Gehenna myself, if not I'll delegate it probably to Marie and Latha.


Clarification note: Seira, your info about what you were researching on the Astral is going to happen IC.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Ebiris on March 14, 2010, 08:19:01 AM
Aside from good outsiders, Alicia will welcome other extraplanar creatures of a similar moral bent - I know dragons and fey are common enough out there, and they'll be happily welcomed. We have something of an interest in reformed fiends, although chances are that any who've come that far already have patrons of their own, but the door is open. This will probably result in us being infested with spies in the short term, which we'll have to be careful of, but it's a risk I'm willing to take.

I'll add names for places and institutions to the Sylica post at some point once I have an idea of who lives in my realm.

Friends and family will be told exactly what's happening, and I'll even give them visits to Sylica if they're interested in seeing for themselves.

As for the new Oinoloth, I'd prefer to use spies of my own if I manage to acquire anyone with appropriate skills. I don't know if my travel restriction will be in place during downtime, if it's not I might attempt a visit to Gehenna myself, if not I'll delegate it probably to Marie and Latha.

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I'm interested in the Talos angle. However, I believe I will delegate the task of the creation of initial ties. Is Mia interested?

Aww, Zquuj, he's such a softy.

Cardassian trials are fine. I don't suppose an insanity plea exists?

My initial idea was for the Crimson Guard, representing Balmuria, with myself as the prime contact. Do I have cause to believe this is a bad approach?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake