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Gauging interest: BESM 3e mecha game

Started by Namagomi, May 28, 2010, 09:28:57 PM

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I apologize in advance that I cannot write a sales pitch for a game well at ALL.


Yes.  I've decided I wanted to try and GM something--and more specifically, a mecha game.  Anyway, as such, I have several ideas as far as where to fall on the scale of 'real vs. super' (Though I doubt I'd end up going so far on the real side I'd end up emulating Battletech).  However, before going further, I'd rather check to see if there's enough people interested.

I'm going with BESM 3e despite the obvious balance issues, on the basis that it's something I could actually understand well enough to try and GM for. 

Looking for 4-6 players, anyone posting please state your preferences as far as style goes (Real vs. Super, how real or how super.  Scale, scope, general power level, etc.) as well as any ideas you may have yourself if you so desire.  Suggestions will be taken into consideration.

Before anyone gives suggestions, though, a few restrictions I would be placing:

1- Multi-piloting is likely to be at a minimum.  I could be convinced in favor of two-seaters, but anything more would be a GMing nightmare.  4-5 pilot mecha?  Nightmare to GM for.

2- RE:Extra Actions: I'm placing the restriction right now that to benefit from it in-mecha, both the pilot and the mecha need to have Extra Actions; the lesser of the two is used.

3- For the same reasoning as 1, no Gestalts (Combiner mecha, basically).  Same kind of nightmare to GM for.

4- Subplots are fine, but I will be iffy if people tried to be the main character.  Try not to make a phlebtonium museum once/if PC generation comes around, on that note.

5- This isn't Battletech, and it's doubtful that it'll be TTGL.  Just keeping that in mind on the scale.

That aside, hoping there is interest.  I've had bad luck with GMing before, and I hope I can shake it this time.


You already knew of my interest, but posting just in case.

As I said, I don't care either waybetween real vs super robot, I'd probably play same type of character either way.

Point 1 and 3 makes me sad. So no combining robots? No Voltron or Megazord or Gurren Lagann? Combination is a man's SOUL!

As for bad luck with GMing, hey, I've got -tons- of bad/unfinished games to my name! Sooner or later you'll get it right!
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


You've got to keep trying!  Be energetic!  It's rare the DM that can says all of their games succeed.  Rare and generally found beside flying pigs.
Well, Goodbye.

Iron Dragoon

I'm interested. I'd like more real than super, though.
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.