
"With great power comes the opportunity to abuse that power."

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#037: I meant the trick with the bell.

Started by Soul, October 23, 2013, 04:30:41 PM

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(6:44) <Kotono> ------
(6:46) <Kotono> OOC: Okay, the rest of you finished your business in Serrendale, so it was just the engine. Lehko, you wanted to study it?
(6:47) <Lehko> OOC: Yep. You said it would take time and rolls, though.
(6:47) <Kotono> OOC: Which you now have. Make a tinkering roll.
(6:47) <Lehko> OOC: Need a bot.
(6:49) <Kotono> OOC: Fire up Serith if yo uhave her. Otherwise I'll get Kobot in a sec.
(6:49) <Lehko> OOC: Don't. Forgot to transfer her.
(6:49) <Kotono> OOC: There you go.
(6:50) <Lehko> roll 2d6+9 Tinkering: Study the engine
(6:50) <Kobot> Lehko rolled 2d6+9 Tinkering: Study the engine --> [ 2d6=3 ]{12}
(6:51) <Kotono> OOC: Going to blow any destiny on it? You failed rather roundly.
(6:51) <Lehko> OOC: Yeah. I'll spend two Destiny.
(6:51) <Lehko> roll 2d6
(6:51) <Kobot> Lehko rolled 2d6 --> [ 2d6=7 ]{7}
(6:51) <Kotono> OOC: Roll another 2d6 then and post the destiny expenditure.
(6:52) <Lehko> OOC: Do I need to spend more? =/
(6:52) <Kotono> OOC: No.

(6:53) <Kotono> Lehko spends days with the engine. The tech is completely alien to him - it's obscenely powerful but works on principals he has to begin to discover as he works. It's an almost unlimited source of power - it has enough juice nad magic to float an entire castle for Shiva only knows how long. But hooking it into something will be the trick.
(6:55) <Lehko> "Hmm.. Well, it's incridible, I can tell you that... It's power is nearly unlimited... Problem is creating an interface for it..."
(6:55) * Lehko grumps and gets to work on creating an interface ssystem for it...
(6:56) <Kotono> OOC: Make another tinkering check.
(6:56) <Lehko> roll 2d6+9 Tinkering: Interface
(6:56) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+9 Tinkering: Interface and gets 17." [2d6=3, 5]

(6:57) <Kotono> It's early one morning. The party is rising from the inn beds when they can hear it - Lehko's whoop of success! He did it! One interface is done!
(7:00) * Lehko kicks open the door to the room and crows!
(7:00) <Lehko> "I've done it! I can get it to power something!"
(7:00) * Lehko spins the moogle into the mushroom!
(7:00) * Penelo is still half asleep as she is spun. "huh..wha..?"
(7:00) <Kotono> Slowly Jessica emerges from her room, yawning and stretching. "Morning. You...YAAAAAWN got what working now?"
(7:00) <Mycol> "Augh!"
(7:00) <Mycol> "Wha...what?"
(7:01) <Lehko> "The engine! I got it running *and* I made a direct interface to the transfer the power into a capacitor system that will allow use for whatever I want!"
(7:01) * Lehko then gets an intense look on his face has he rubs his chin and mutters to himself.
(7:02) * Mycol stretches awake and wiggles
(7:02) <Kotono> "'snice," Jessica yawns again, rubbing her eyes. "How does it make gil? Say, what are you even going to put it in?"
(7:02) <Lehko> "Though I'm limited to one interface right now.. I could maybe splice a second one off to power an additional system bed.."
(7:02) <Mycol> "Well, that's something"
(7:02) * Lehko looks at Jessica with an intense gleam in his eye with a toothy grin that shows off all his sharp teeth.
(7:03) <Penelo> Penelo yawns, stretching out her wings. "What do we plan to do with it now, kupo?"
(7:03) <Lehko> "*An airship.* A fully funcitonal airship running off of the natural magic of the world."
(7:03) <Lehko> "And one with *cannons.* Cannons firing pure, raw, destructive magic....."
(7:04) * Lehko trails off as he gets a far-away look in his eyes, staring off into nothing.
(7:04) <Kotono> "Niiiice." Jessica blinks her eyes clear of sleepiness, "But won't that cost a lot of money to make?"
(7:04) <Lehko> "no..maybe not raw... I might be able to use materia as a lens...."
(7:04) * Lehko starts pacing...

(7:05) <Mycol> "Mn"
(7:05) <Lehko> "But I would have to have materia strong enough to withstand the magical input.. Unless.. I just spread it out through *many* materia..."
(7:05) * Lehko spins to the others with the same intense look.
(7:05) <Lehko> "What's better? One *big* cannon, or many, *many* that can rain destruction at multiple targets?"
(7:06) <Lehko> "Maybe gimbal mounted? Hmm.. Able to achieve 180 degree engagement arcs?"
(7:06) <Kotono> "Good morning," Ebenezer emerges from his room, yawning himself. "I say, what's all the noise about?"
(7:06) <Mycol> "Not needing a canon." (He leans over to Ebenezer) "Any news on the fiends, the stone, or the demons?"
(7:07) <Lehko> "I got it working! I still need to make at least one interface system for the weapons, in addition to the current one for the flight system... Maybe a third for a shield system..."
(7:07) <Kotono> Leaning towards Mycol, "Nothing. I think our best bet is to visit Raymondo in Paslch." Looking over to Lehko at that, "Excellent news!"
(7:07) * Mycol nods.
(7:08) <Mycol> "So the old plan sticks. That's something."
(7:09) <Kotono> "So," Jessica goes on, "How do you even go about building an airship in the first place?"

(7:10) <Kotono> "It is," Ebenezer agrees, "We should go soon and stop dallying." Raising his voice to be heard by others besides Mycol now, "Speaking of that, we still have a trip to Paslch to take care of."
(7:10) <Penelo> "Lots of gil we do not have, kupo."
(7:11) <Lehko> "Well... We have the engine.. We need lumber, labor, and metal for the bindings and such. Basically, we need money. As for that, we can try for sponsorship, I guess. Find a kingdom willing to fund us for primary rights for further construction? Perhaps eventually open our own shipyard."
(7:11) <Kotono> As Morrie hangs back and watches, a bit of lightning dances over his head. Ramuh appears there, "Speaking of that, I may be able to help a little bit with money."
(7:11) <Lehko> "I mean, there have got to be plenty of countries willing to pay for a flying airship of death-- You can?"
(7:11) * Lehko slowly turns to stare at Ramuh intently.
(7:11) <Mycol> "I was unaware of this spell"
(7:13) <Penelo> "Tell us, kupo! Tell us!"

(7:15) <Kotono> "I recently saw omens that one of our kind is stirring in the swamps to the south." Ramuh begins, "Morrie's dreams have been plagued by it, but it is not his nature to remember them. His name is Catoplebas, the Great Boar. He is difficult to make a pact with and is terribly slothful, but he tends to accumulate treasure."
(7:16) <Lehko> "Done."
(7:16) <Lehko> "Airship death awaits."
(7:17) <Kotono> "South? That means more Malboros," Jessica wrinkles her nose at that, "They don't pay that great, but the rest of it sounds good."
(7:17) * Lehko rests a hand on Jessica's shoulder.
(7:18) <Lehko> "Think of this. If we can get the airship built, with fully functioning weapons and shields....
(7:18) <Penelo> "Another of your kind?" She frowns a little at Lehko. "Does it have to be an airship of death? Why not a airship of peace?"
(7:18) <Lehko> .... We'll be the single most powerful mercanry force on the continent. And mercanries get *paid.*"
(7:18) <Kotono> "Oh. That works," Jessica says quickly.
(7:18) <Lehko> "Peace, the old fashioned way. Peace has always been gaurenteed through threat of force of arms."
(7:18) * Lehko nods.
(7:19) <Mycol> "Weren't we supposed to be saving the world, and not extorting it for money?"
(7:19) <Kotono> "Who says it can't be both," Jessica smiles, "Heroes should get rich too! It's only fair."
(7:19) <Lehko> "I'm not extorting anyone! It's just.. If someone needs help and we have the arms to do so... Well."
(7:19) * Lehko shrugs.
(7:19) <Lehko> "And the more arms we have, the more we can help!"
(7:20) * Lehko grins toothily.

(7:20) <Kotono> "Ahem." Shiva appears in a whirl of snowflakes, sitting atop Lehko's head. "An airship would be marvelously useful. Playing empire builder less so, but we have to get there first. Let's not forget about Marilith, the Zodiac demons or the Atma beneath Galimond.""
(7:20) <Lehko> "See, that!"
(7:20) <Lehko> "How much easier would those fights have been with a death cannon?"
(7:21) * Lehko nods and grins at Shiva.
(7:22) * Penelo folds her arms a bit. "I do not understand your kind sometimes. Us Moogles have no problems getting along."
(7:22) <Kotono> "So we take to the roads again," Ebenezer says, "To Paslch and then to the swamps?"
(7:23) <Lehko> "Sounds right.. Though I wonder what would happen if I plug the engine into the wagon in the interim..."
(7:23) <Mycol> "We don't exactly have the best track record with holding onto our artifacts"
(7:23) <Mycol> "What happens if we somehow lose our death canon?"
(7:23) <Lehko> "We deal with it as it happens!"
(7:24) <Lehko> "Just like we do with everything else..."

(7:25) <Kotono> OOC: Ready to move on, y'all?
(7:25) <Penelo> OOC: Yes!
(7:25) <Mycol> OOC: Sure
(7:25) <Mycol> OOC: Palsch is -before- the swamps, anyhow, right?
(7:26) <Kotono> OOC: Yes.
(7:26) <Kotono> OOC: It's midway between Serrendale and the swamps.
(7:26) <Kotono> OOC: Any prep or purchases before you leave?
(7:27) <Kotono> OOC: Going once, going twice...
(7:27) <Kotono> OOC: Okay, moving y'all on then.
(7:27) <Kotono> roll 2#1d100
(7:27) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2#1d100 and gets 163." [2#1d100 = 91, 72]

(7:31) <Kotono> It's a sunny day when the party leaves towards Paslch. Under this pleasant weather the party heads north. Yet it's barely two hours out just happens that suddenly a shadow falls over the party, in spite of it being perfectly clear and cloudless weather.
(7:31) * Lehko looks up, trying to find the source of the shadow.
(7:32) <Kotono> Lehko looks up! Above...Holy FUCK A GIANT FLAMING METEOR IS COMING DOWN RIGHT AT THE PARTY, DOUBLE FAST! Standing atop it is a Red Giant, smirking with his arms crossed.
(7:33) <Lehko> "Uh... BRAKE LEFT!"
(7:33) * Lehko screams in a panic, hoping to avoid the impact area.
(7:33) <Kotono> Ebenezer looks up, "BRAKE LEFT!" he seconds, taking the controls and doing exactly that! "DODGE! TAKE COVER!"
(7:35) * Mycol looks up at the meteor, magical energy drawing up
(7:35) * Mycol Enervates it.

(7:35) <Penelo> OOC: I as going to try an Obliterate on the meteor.
(7:36) <Mycol> OOC: Oh, didn't check in there.
(7:36) <Mycol> OOC: Which do you think would make more sense?
(7:36) <Lehko> OOC: Do both! See what happens when they mix!
(7:36) <Kotono> OOC: Go for it. Both of you can do it if you care to.
(7:36) <Penelo> OOC: It's a force check and I get +4 to my check, so here goes?
(7:36) <Kotono> OOC: But both will resolve at once since you don't have leisure to study and observe, since huge meteor falling.
(7:36) <Kotono> OOC: So you'll have to commit without knowing how each does.
(7:36) <Mycol> OOC: Sounds fair.
(7:36) <Penelo> roll 2d6+11 Obliterate the Meteor!
(7:36) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+11 Obliterate the Meteor! and gets 19." [2d6=3, 5]
(7:37) <Penelo> Penelo tries to obliterate it without thinking!
(7:37) <Kotono> OOC: Okay. Going to throw an enervate as well, Mycol, or did you change your  mind?
(7:37) <Mycol> OOC: Yes. MP Expended
(7:37) <Kotono> OOC: Okay.

(7:39) <Kotono> Ebenezer dodges as two of the party look up! The meteor rapidly ages, becoming brittle and eroded! At the same time stress lines appear all over it, before it EXPLODES APART! A massive burst of fire momentarily dazes the party, slamming to the side! The wagon is knocked back from the force! Amid the smoke and ruin you hear laughter. The Red Giant emerges, clapping. Following him are a pair of
(7:39) <Kotono> flaming Agama and a pair of Grey Bombs. "Not bad! I'd have sulked if the heroes who beat Lich died to a mere meteor strike!" He raises his fist up to the air, "Marilith sends her regards! They'll keep you warm until I send you screaming to Hell!" OOC: Init here. There's medium distance between the bad guys and the party as a result of the dodging and destroying the meteor.

(7:43) <Kotono> OOC: Take the surprise round, Santos.
(7:43) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>GB2=A2(12)>Mycol(11)Morrie(10)>GB1(9)>Santos>A1(7)>Penelo=Wolf(6)>Red Giant(5)>Helper(0)'
(7:43) <Lehko> OOC: they are range, or melee distance?
(7:44) <Kotono> OOC: Medium distance, so they aren't in melee range.
(7:44) <Lehko> Santos lazily raises his gunblade, firing off a round at the Red Giant, naturally starting things off by going for the big guy boss!
(7:44) <Lehko> roll 2d6+5 ATK!
(7:44) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+5 ATK! and gets 11." [2d6=3, 3]
(7:44) <Kotono> OOC: Hit.
(7:45) <Lehko> OOC: 60 Damage
(7:45) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>GB2=A2(12)>Mycol(11)Morrie(10)>GB1(9)>Santos>A1(7)>Penelo=Wolf(6)>Red Giant(5)>Helper(0) | RG: 55'

(7:45) <Kotono> A gunshot echos as Santos speedily fires! It catches the Red Giant in the shoulder, momentarily slowing him down. But he takes it like a champ, still up! OOC: Lehko, go.
(7:46) * Lehko follows up Santos' rounds with a pair of his own!
(7:46) <Lehko> roll 2d6+3 ATK!
(7:46) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+3 ATK! and gets 8." [2d6=2, 3]
(7:47) <Lehko> OOC: Do I need to reroll?
(7:47) <Kotono> OOC: No, it's a bare hit.
(7:47) <Lehko> OOC: 31 Damage
(7:48) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>GB2=A2(12)>Mycol(11)Morrie(10)>GB1(9)>Santos>A1(7)>Penelo=Wolf(6)>Red Giant(5)>Helper(0) | RG: 81'

(7:49) <Kotono> The shot follows, hitting the giant in the chest! He keeps going in spite of it, "No pain!" he declares, thumping his chest with one fist. Meanwhile, the second grey bomb begins to swell up! It's shaking all over, like it's gonna blow! OOC: Second agama's up.
(7:49) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>GB2(charging)=A2(12)>Mycol(11)Morrie(10)>GB1(9)>Santos>A1(7)>Penelo=Wolf(6)>Red Giant(5)>Helper(0) | RG: 81'

(7:49) <Kotono> The agama closes in to close range, ready to spit fire at the party! OOC: Mycol, you're up.
(7:50) * Mycol begins drawing in magical power, ready to summon gouts of water.
(7:50) <Mycol> OOC: I assume my quick cast was my Enervate
(7:51) <Kotono> OOC: Right.
(7:51) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>GB2(charging)=A2(12)>Mycol(11 charging)Morrie(10)>GB1(9)>Santos>A1(7)>Penelo=Wolf(6)>Red Giant(5)>Helper(0) | RG: 81'

(7:52) <Kotono> Mycol begins to charge, orbs of water dancing around him! As he prepares...OOC: Morrie.
(7:53) <Mycol> Morrie will call upon the plains they are in to release a blast of wind at their foes.
(7:53) <Mycol> (OOC: Sec.)
(7:53) <Kotono> OOC: Sure.
(7:55) <Mycol> OOC: If I'm reading his sheet it's 95+roll? When did it get that high?
(7:55) <Kotono> OOC: When he got two boosters for it.
(7:55) <Kotono> OOC: Anyway, that sounds right, so make the attack roll.
(7:55) <Mycol> OOC: AH.
(7:56) <Mycol> 2d6+3
(7:56) * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+3 and gets 13." [2d6=4, 6]
(7:56) <Kotono> OOC: That be a big hit...but who are you targeting?
(7:56) <Mycol> OOC: Targetting the charging bomb
(7:56) <Kotono> OOC: Right, damage.
(7:57) <Mycol> OOC: 105.
(7:57) <Kotono> roll 105*1.5
(7:57) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 105*1.5 and gets 157.5."
(7:57) <Kotono> roll 4#1d100
(7:57) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4#1d100 and gets 214." [4#1d100 = 68, 15, 68, 63]
(7:58) <Kotono> The ripping blast of wind comes from above, neatly bisecting the charging bomb. It falls apart into gil, leaving behind a burning blade in the grass! OOC: One down. GB1 is up.
(7:58) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>A2(12)>Mycol(11 charging)Morrie(10)>GB1(9)>Santos>A1(7)>Penelo=Wolf(6)>Red Giant(5)>Helper(0) | RG: 81'

(7:58) <Kotono> The first bomb also begins to swell and begin to explode! OOOC: Charging. Santos.
(7:58) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>A2(12)>Mycol(11 charging)Morrie(10)>GB1(9 charging)>Santos>A1(7)>Penelo=Wolf(6)>Red Giant(5)>Helper(0) | RG: 81'

(8:01) <Lehko> OOC: Still at medium range?
(8:01) <Kotono> OOC: Yes, except the second agama, which closed in.
(8:02) <Lehko> Santos changes opponents, targeting the second agama since it made the fatal mistake of coming into blade range of his gun blades!
(8:02) <Lehko> roll 2d6+5 ATK!
(8:02) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+5 ATK! and gets 14." [2d6=4, 5]
(8:03) <Kotono> OOC: That be a hit.
(8:03) <Lehko> OOC: 59 Damage, also the weapon has Monster KIller: aerial, if it applies. Also, we seem to have skipped the wolf.
(8:03) <Kotono> OOC: Wolf goes after Penelo.
(8:04) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>A2(12)>Mycol(11 charging)Morrie(10)>GB1(9 charging)>Santos>A1(7)>Penelo=Wolf(6)>Red Giant(5)>Helper(0) | RG: 81 A2: 52'

(8:04) <Lehko> OOC: Ah, I confused Santos' first strike with going first in init.
(8:05) <Kotono> Santos charges in, hacking at the brave agama! He scores several slashes across it, battering and slashing it all about! He dodges a gout of flame with a tumble, coming up to slash it bottom to top! Meanwhile, the first agama also closes in! OOC: Now in close range. Penelo, go.
(8:06) <Penelo> Penelo looks at the Red Giant! She holds up her staff, channeling the quick cast to move in and strike him with a Blizzara!
(8:06) <Penelo> roll 2d6+126 Blizzara on the Red Giant
(8:06) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+126 Blizzara on the Red Giant and gets 129." [2d6=2, 1]
(8:06) <Penelo> OOC: ... ooch
(8:06) <Kotono> roll 129*1.5
(8:06) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 129*1.5 and gets 193.5."
(8:07) <Kotono> roll 190+81
(8:07) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 190+81 and gets 271."
(8:07) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>A2(12)>Mycol(11 charging)Morrie(10)>GB1(9 charging)>Santos>A1(7)>Penelo=Wolf(6)>Red Giant(5)>Helper(0) | RG:271 A2: 52'

(8:08) <Kotono> A great spike of ice rises up from the ground, impaling the Red Giant through the crotch! He makes a strangled, high pitched eep as he winces, staggering about as he's flash frozen! OOC: Owwwwww. He's not looking so hot. Wolf's up.
(8:08) <Lehko> "Bjomolf! Kill!"
(8:08) * Lehko points at the bomb!
(8:08) <Lehko> roll 2d6+4 ATK!
(8:08) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+4 ATK! and gets 10." [2d6=5, 1]
(8:09) <Lehko> OOC: 26 Damage if that hits
(8:09) <Kotono> OOC: The bomb at medium range?
(8:10) <Lehko> OOC: Thought it moved into close range? Or whatever was at close.
(8:10) <Kotono> OOC: Those were the agamas.
(8:10) <Lehko> OOC: Ah, that, then.
(8:10) <Kotono> OOC: The wounded one, I presume? Okay.
(8:11) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 | Lehko>A2(12)>Mycol(11 charging)Morrie(10)>GB1(9 charging)>Santos>A1(7)>Penelo=Wolf(6)>Red Giant(5)>Helper(0) | RG:271 A2: 71'

(8:12) <Kotono> The flaming lizard gets a wolf in its face, biting away at its burning face! As it's bitten and harrassed? The Red Giant stumbles forward, closing in! Then...OOC: Spending destiny to take another action.
(8:12) <Kotono> The giant looks around the battle, "Taste my fist!" he declares, fist spinning about to plummel the party!
(8:12) <Kotono> roll 2d6+4 AVD and ARM, y'all.
(8:12) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+4 AVD and ARM, y'all. and gets 10." [2d6=3, 3]
(8:12) <Kotono> OOC: 46 base damage, just for reference.
(8:13) <Mycol> OOC: Morrie is 6 and 3
(8:13) <Lehko> OOC: 9 AVD for me, 7 for wolf. 35 ARM for me, 4 for wolf.
(8:13) <Mycol> OOC: I'm 6 and 10
(8:13) <Penelo> OOC: 6 avd 11 arm, which would take 35 off Penelo to pretty much take her to 41 hp?
(8:14) <Lehko> OOC: 7 AVD for Santos, 35 ARM
(8:14) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 105/148 Santos: 94/105 Lehko: 103/114 Penelo: 41/76 Mycol 73/109 | Lehko>A2(12)>Mycol(11 charging)Morrie(10)>GB1(9 charging)>Santos>A1(7)>Penelo=Wolf(6)>Red Giant(5)>Helper(0) | RG:271 A2: 71'

(8:14) <Kotono> OOC: 42 to the owlf.
(8:15) <Kotono> WHAM! Fists slam into the party as the giant punches everyone! The party is knocked back and momentarily dazed by the assault! OOc: Want the helpers to chip anything in, y'all?
(8:15) <Mycol> OOC: I think we're OK, personally.
(8:16) <Penelo> OOC: Yeah we're fine.
(8:17) <Kotono> OOC: Okay. Go Lehko.
(8:17) * Lehko moves to snap rounds off at the Red Giant as he moves to cover Penelo! OOC: Cover on Penelo.
(8:17) <Lehko> roll 2d6+3 ATK!
(8:17) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+3 ATK! and gets 11." [2d6=3, 5]
(8:17) <Lehko> OOC: Add 1 to that.
(8:18) <Kotono> OOC: Hits. Damage?
(8:18) <Lehko> OOC: 34.
(8:18) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 105/148 Santos: 94/105 Lehko: 103/114 Penelo: 41/76 Mycol 73/109 | Lehko>A2(12)>Mycol(11 charging)Morrie(10)>GB1(9 charging)>Santos>A1(7)>Penelo=Wolf(6)>Red Giant(5)>Helper(0) | RG:300 A2: 71'

(8:19) <Kotono> Another shot rocks the Red Giant, who staggers and falls to a knee. "Damn, you're tough!" he swears, gasping for air. As he does this, the agama turns to Penelo and emits a great gout of flaming breath - but at the last moment, Lehko dives in to take the blow! OOC: M.ARM and any fire res, Lehko>
(8:19) <Kotono> roll 2d6+56 fire M.ARM damage
(8:19) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+56 fire M.ARM damage and gets 60." [2d6=3, 1]
(8:19) <Lehko> OOC: 35, no res. Need to get on that.
(8:20) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 105/148 Santos: 94/105 Lehko: 78/114 Penelo: 41/76 Mycol 73/109 | Lehko>A2(12)>Mycol(11 charging)Morrie(10)>GB1(9 charging)>Santos>A1(7)>Penelo=Wolf(6)>Red Giant(5)>Helper(0) | RG:300 A2: 71'

(8:20) <Kotono> The flames roast Lehko as he absorbs the shot, burning but not down! He's taken worse, even if it hurts! OOC: Mycol. Your water spell finishes. Direct it at your target and roll damage.
(8:20) <Mycol> OOC: Right. Targetting the Giant
(8:21) <Kotono> OOC: Sure thing. Roll damage.
(8:21) <Mycol> 2d6+27
(8:21) * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+27 and gets 38." [2d6=5, 6]
(8:21) <Kotono> roll 38*1.5
(8:21) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 38*1.5 and gets 57."
(8:22) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 105/148 Santos: 94/105 Lehko: 78/114 Penelo: 41/76 Mycol 73/109 | Lehko>A2(12)>Mycol(11 charging)Morrie(10)>GB1(9 charging)>Santos>A1(7)>Penelo=Wolf(6)>Helper(0) | A2: 71'

(8:22) <Kotono> roll 4#1d100
(8:22) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4#1d100 and gets 277." [4#1d100 = 10, 80, 87, 100]
(8:22) <Kotono> The water is too much for the giant! He's put out like a fire, withering away into gil and a pile of metal! Got him! OOC: Mycol, normal turn now.
(8:23) * Mycol will begin charging more water, which seems to be very effective against this type of opponent
(8:23) <Kotono> OOC: Right. Morrie.
(8:23) <Mycol> Morrie will cross direction from where one Bomb was, to another, summoning the power of the wind on this second target.
(8:23) <Mycol> 2d6+3
(8:23) * Hatbot --> "Mycol rolls 2d6+3 and gets 9." [2d6=1, 5]
(8:23) <Kotono> OOC: Hit. Don't even bother with damage. It's d-d-d-d-deadski.
(8:24) <Kotono> roll 4#1d100
(8:24) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4#1d100 and gets 164." [4#1d100 = 14, 64, 55, 31]
(8:24) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 105/148 Santos: 94/105 Lehko: 78/114 Penelo: 41/76 Mycol 73/109 | Lehko>A2(12)>Mycol(11 charging)Morrie(10)>Santos>A1(7)>Penelo=Wolf(6)>Helper(0) | A2: 71'

(8:25) <Kotono> The wind tears the bomb limb from limb, reducing it to little more than gil and a bomb fragment! It falls apart neatly, sliced to windy perfection. OOC: Ow again. Santos, go.
(8:25) <Kotono> "That's it!" Ebenezer calls, "Just cleanup now. Finish them, I say!"
(8:26) <Lehko> Santos continues his unreasonable and unrelenting assault on his foe!
(8:26) <Lehko> roll 2d6+5 ATK
(8:26) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+5 ATK and gets 8." [2d6=1, 2]
(8:26) <Lehko> roll d6 reliable 1
(8:26) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls d6 reliable 1 and gets 1." [d6=1]
(8:26) <Lehko> roll d6 reliable 1
(8:26) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls d6 reliable 1 and gets 6." [d6=6]
(8:26) <Kotono> OOC: Hit.
(8:26) <Lehko> OOC: I think he gets two, right?
(8:26) <Kotono> OOC: Yes.
(8:27) <Lehko> OOC: 62 Damage
(8:27) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 105/148 Santos: 94/105 Lehko: 78/114 Penelo: 41/76 Mycol 73/109 | Lehko>Mycol(11 charging)Morrie(10)>Santos>A1(7)>Penelo=Wolf(6)>Helper(0) |'

(8:27) <Kotono> roll 2#1d100
(8:27) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2#1d100 and gets 88." [2#1d100 = 53, 35]
(8:27) <Kotono> With a final slash, the agama becomes gil for your pockets! Only one remains now! It turns to Penelo, again trying to finish her off - but instead meets Lehko!
(8:28) <Kotono> roll 2d6+54
(8:28) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+54 and gets 63." [2d6=5, 4]
(8:28) <Kotono> OOC: +2 for 65, or 30 after defenses.
(8:28) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 105/148 Santos: 94/105 Lehko: 48/114 Penelo: 41/76 Mycol 73/109 | Lehko>Mycol(11 charging)Morrie(10)>Santos>A1(7)>Penelo=Wolf(6)>Helper(0) |'

(8:28) <Kotono> More fire wracks Lehko, but he stands tall even as he's set on fire! OOC: Ows. Penelo's up.
(8:29) <Kotono> OOC: Penelo's in the bathroom, so go ahead and go while we wait, Bjomolf.
(8:29) <Penelo> OOC: I'm back!
(8:29) <Penelo> OOC: I just sat down.
(8:30) <Kotono> OOC: Right.
(8:30) <Penelo> OOC: Who is left?
(8:30) <Kotono> OOC: Just one agama.
(8:30) <Penelo> With only the Agama left, she spends her second quick cast to blizzara once more!
(8:30) <Penelo> roll 2d6+126 blizzara!
(8:30) * Hatbot --> "Penelo rolls 2d6+126 blizzara! and gets 131." [2d6=1, 4]
(8:31) <Kotono> roll 2#1d100 it's dead
(8:31) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2#1d100 it's dead and gets 91." [2#1d100 = 87, 4]
(8:32) <Kotono> With a final burst, the agama collapses into gil and a potion! Victory! OOC: Loot post. Free act.
(8:33) * Lehko spins and holsters his pistols.
(8:33) <Lehko> "So, I guess friends of lich are still around?"
(8:33) * Mycol powers down
(8:33) <Mycol> "Mn.
(8:34) <Mycol> "If this keeps up, these are useless."
(8:34) * Mycol flips out his Maracas, showing their flaming streaks"
(8:34) <Penelo> "Marilith sends her regards, it said..."
(8:34) <Lehko> "Better to have and not need..."
(8:34) <Mycol> "I agree, which is why I keep alternate equipment.
(8:35) <Kotono> "You need some cold ones too," Ebenezer says, "Yes, I heard that about Marilith. We beat the Fiend of Earth and now the Fiend of Fire awakens." Ahead, the ground is blasted from the impact and battle. Hunks of burnt and burst meteorite litter the ground.
(8:35) * Mycol flips his hands around again, this time producing a pair of Cold Iron Maracas
(8:35) <Mycol> "These would work on the Agamas, at least."
(8:35) * Mycol switches back to the flaming ones
(8:36) * Kotono changes topic to 'Morrie: 148/148 Santos: 105/105 Lehko: 114/114 Penelo: 76/76 Mycol 109/109 '

(8:36) <Mycol> "It's something for me to think about, at least."
(8:36) <Lehko> "Bullets work on everything."
(8:36) * Lehko nods.
(8:36) <Mycol> Morrie mentions the vision of the cold mountain.
(8:37) * Penelo walks around their wagon to see if it was damaged by the surprise attack. Doesn't know how to fix it, but would notice if something was wrong.
(8:38) <Kotono> The wagon doesn't look damaged, at least to Penelo's untrained eye. OOC: If you have ranks in tinkering or anything lik ethat, speak up, Penelo.
(8:38) <Penelo> OOC: She doesn't. She's just looking for 'on fire/looks smashed'.
(8:41) * Lehko gives the wagon a quick inspection, just to be safe, before loading up...
(8:41) <Kotono> OOC: Quick tinkering check, Lehko.
(8:41) <Lehko> roll 2d6+9 Tinkering
(8:41) * Hatbot --> "Lehko rolls 2d6+9 Tinkering and gets 15." [2d6=2, 4]
(8:43) <Kotono> The wagon's okay. It could use a bit of upkeep after that, but nothing that can't wait until you're in town. It's not anything serious.

(8:43) <Kotono> OOC: Ready to omve on then, y'all?
(8:43) <Lehko> OOC: Yep.
(8:43) <Kotono> roll 1d100
(8:43) * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 69." [1d100=69]

(8:45) <Kotono> The rest of the trip is mercifully without incident. You reach Paslch without incident. Finding Raymondo isn't too hard. He has a large house on the edge of town, a sprawling country manor. The front door has a rope attached to a bell, dangling just above it.
(8:45) * Lehko raises and eyebrow, but yanks on the rope.
(8:47) <Kotono> Huh. The moment Lehko goes to pull it, the bell rings. It's a clear sound, and a split second later, all before Lehko can grasp the rope, the door opens. A blushing black haired maid looks out and curtesies to the party, "Hello. Do you have business with the master of the house?"
(8:47) <Mycol> "Cute."
(8:47) * Lehko continues his raised eyebrow, simply transfering it from the rope to the maid.
(8:47) <Kotono> "Ah!" The maid blushes deeper and looks away, "S-s-sir mushboom, please! I'm working!"
(8:48) * Penelo idly tugging on one of her own ears as she watches the maid.
(8:48) <Mycol> "I meant the trick with the bell."
(8:48) <Kotono> Now the maid frowns, "What do you mean, it was the trick with the bell? Hmph!" Reddening all over again and raising her nose up at the mushboom, "So what business do you have here, sirs?
(8:50) * Mycol shrinks down demurely, wondering what happened
(8:50) <Lehko> "Excuse him, he's not used to humans, yet. I am Lehko Mocorho. We're here to speak to Master Raymondo. An aquaintence of ours, a Master Taley pointed us towards him as a master of teleportation magic."
(8:50) * Lehko grins at the maid.
(8:50) <Mycol> "And a fellow student of time."

(8:52) <Kotono> "Please come in, then," She smiles slightly at Lehko, turning and sauntering off. My, that skirt is short. You're taken through the house and behind it. Here a large picnic table sits, a wizened old man with a conical cap sitting at it. He seems to be unblinkingly staring at the sun, occasionally scribbing down bits of information. "Master Raymondo," the  maid says, "You have guests."
(8:52) * Lehko tracks the hem of the skirt. For it's movement, of course. Cats like tracking moving targets, after all.
(8:53) <Kotono> "Yes, I know," he says, voice barely paying attention, "Thanks for visiting. I can already see the introductions, so we can skip those." Scribble-scribble goes his pen, eyes locked on the sun. "What's this about a stone and teleportation now?"
(8:55) <Mycol> Morrie will take the lead in explaining about the stone, the White Mage Guild Leader, the Zodiac Demons, his request for teleportation magic, and being directed to Raymondo.
(8:55) <Penelo> "" Penelo was ready to introduce herself, so falls into an awkward silence now, looking at the maid a few times before looking back to Mycol and Lehko. Huh.
(8:56) <Mycol> "That's the long and short of it," he'll finish.

(8:58) <Kotono> "Teleportation magic does exist. It's time magic, as a matter of fact." Nodding to himself, "Potent but difficult." Turning to Mycol, "You understand how everything's cyclic? It's manipulating that. Since you'll eventually be there, why not be there now? It doesn't really matter to time, does it? It's why it only works if you've been there in the past several months." Reaching up to stroke his
(8:58) <Kotono> beard as he puts his pen down with the other hand, "You'll probably figure it out if you put your mind to it and study more time magic."
(8:59) <Mycol> "I've been forced to branch out, but I feel like I always come back."
(9:00) * Mycol thinks
(9:00) <Mycol> "This is troubling, though."
(9:01) <Kotono> "You never left, if you look at it the right way," Raymondo retorts, "But you've already left before you got there. Isn't paradox wonderful?" Chuckling at that, "Some magical creatures can do it at will, but they're rare. Demons, you said?"
(9:01) <Mycol> "I'm less familiar with them, personally, than Lehko, Morrie, and Ebenezer, here"
(9:03) <Lehko> "We've had to deal with a few.. things. Lich, specifically."
(9:05) <Kotono> "Hmmm..." Trailing off as he squints, "As for the Zodiac Stones and Demons, I don't know. I think I might know in the future, but it's blurry from here." He closes his eyes, "I can't focus on them. The future gets uncertain around those stones." Looking over, "Oh yes, I already heard you say that. You can skip the Lich story, well done. He had it coming. Those wizards were tiresome. But where
(9:05) <Kotono> was...right. The castle. As I was about to have been saying, I'd have to go investigate that zone. But based on what you say, there was a powerful relative effect. Like making time move faster inside a bubble.

(9:05) <Mycol> "Yes, something like that."
(9:06) <Mycol> "There was a ghastly time mage spirit, but he was easily defeated. I doubt he was solely responsible."
(9:06) * Lehko stares at the mushroom.
(9:06) <Lehko> "It's like talking to *you.*"
(9:06) <Kotono> "This is just guesswork, but the stones could have the power to manipulate time," he says, "It would fit, especially if they can shield themselves from the past from the future. Tricky, sticky wicket, that. No, from what you already will have told me, I doubt it. He would have used greater magic."
(9:08) <Penelo> "... This conversation is a little beyond me, kupo."
(9:08) <Kotono> "I have a headache," Jessica adds, rubbing her temples.
(9:08) <Kotono> "Fascinating," Ebenezer listens, rather raptly.
(9:09) <Kotono> "Oh, and those shards you just mentioned a few minutes later?" He stops at that, "Black glass shards? That's powerful time magic. If the broken shards of something did that and will have done that when I touch them, the unbroken device must have been incredibly powerful."
(9:09) * Lehko blinks at looks at Jessica.
(9:09) <Lehko> "Sorry, I stopped paying attention. What?"
(9:10) * Mycol blinks

(9:10) <Penelo> Penelo gently pats Jessica on the leg, since she's too short to part on the shoulder. There, there.
(9:11) <Mycol> "I think even I got turned around on that one."
(9:12) <Kotono> "Well, this was informative," Raymondo rises, "But I have a trip to Serrendale and those ruins to see to. Don't worry, I already packed." Dusting his robes off, "Oh, you told me in the future about glass shards in a ruin where you found the first Zodiac stone," he says, "So you will have told me that, except now you didn't because the future happened and now hasn't happened. Paradox," he waves
(9:12) <Kotono> a hand. "If you ever work on time magic again, drop by. You'd be a good student."
(9:12) <Mycol> "Oh, I see. That's simple enough"
(9:12) <Penelo> "We.. What?"
(9:13) <Mycol> "He was talking to me, like always. ....well, Usually, anyhow."
(9:14) <Kotono> "It is," Raymondo agrees, "Oh, and here," He reaches into his robe and passes over a potion bottle, "This is what we will have never agreed to trade for it." He passes a sealed bottle to Mycol, "You'll be needing this in the future. You already paid me back."
(9:14) <Kotono> OOC: Loot post.

(9:15) <Penelo> "..." Penelo rubs her face now. She has a sour expression, a rare thing.
(9:15) <Mycol> "I think he liked the dance he never saw. If I had to hazard a guess."
(9:17) <Kotono> "There's some beds made for you if you'd like to rest for the night," Waving a hand, Raymondo goes off. The maid approaches and bows, "I see your business is concluded."
(9:17) * Lehko scratches an ear, flicking the other one.
(9:17) <Lehko> "I suppose a good night's rest is always inviting."
(9:17) <Penelo> "I have a headache now.."
(9:18) <Kotono> "We all do," Jessica groans, "Mycol, how did you have any idea what he was talking about?"
(9:18) * Mycol shrugs
(9:18) <Mycol> "I just followed the flow of the conversation to it's logical endpoint"
(9:18) <Mycol> "Which in this case was mostly the middle and a little of the beginning. Is that clearer?"
(9:19) <Penelo> "Please stop, kupo. I don't know how much more I can take."

(9:19) <Kotono> OOC: Okay ,what's the party's plan now? Rest up and...anything else to do in Paslch?
(9:20) <Mycol> OOC: Not so far as I know.
(9:20) <Lehko> OOC: I dont' have anything specific.
(9:20) <Penelo> OOC: No ideas for the town here!
(9:22) <Kotono> OOC: Okay. I'm going to pause us here. Y'all are going down into a dungeon, and I don't want to start that with half a party since it's exploration/combat oriented. I hate do it since we're behind already with last week, but the situation's just crummy for it.