
Because we're grown ups now, and its our turn to decide what that means.

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Adventure 10: Dances With Werewolves

Started by Ebiris, August 19, 2007, 02:57:31 PM

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5 sets of werewolf teeth - 2,500gp
1 holy symbol of Malar - 2,000gp
50gp (for Alveria only)
Lots of black pearls - 4,200gp
2 rubies - 4,800gp
Adamantine Scalpel - 160gp

Magic Items -300gp

1 arrow (moderate evocation)
1 large Transmuting Greataxe +1 - 18,000gp
- Upon striking a foe with any kind of damage reduction, the axe will then bypass said damage reduction for ten rounds, unless it strikes a something with different damage reduction, whereupon it switches to bypass whatever that is.
1 Golem Key Ring - 1gp
- This ring is keyed to a particular golem, which will treat the wielder as its master.
1 Decanter of Endless Water - 9,000gp

Scrolls and spellbooks

Halt Undead - 375gp
Magic Circle Against Evil - 375gp
Animate Dead - 1,050gp
Enervation - 700gp
Lesser Planar Binding - 1,125gp


5 flasks of orange goo
1 flask of white goo


2 Generic Werewolves (warrior 3) - 450XP
2 Generic Werewolves (warrior 3) - 450XP
1 Werewolf Cleric of Malar (cleric 7) - 1,000XP
2 Dire Wolves - 220XP
3 Undead Treants - 3,600XP
1 Diseased Dire Wolverine - 115XP
1 Nymph (Souleater 4) - 1,100XP
1 Air Necromental - 400XP
1 Earth Necromental - 400XP
3 Skeletal Bears - 60XP
1 Skeletal Badger - 20XP
1 Undead Vinespawn - 500XP
1 Fire Necromental - 400XP
"You're not much for wordplay, are you, Amonet?" - 500XP
Gourash's XP for being behind - 710gp


[15:23] <Ebiris> "What the Silvanus?!" you hear a startled exclamation along with several other similar alarmed yells as Alveria, Amonet, and Gourash all blink into existence slap bang in the middle of Moonhaven! Fortunately everyone has the good sense *not* to angrily accost the people able to startle them with high level magic, although you do catch a few glares and baleful muttering as people resume their business.
[15:23] <Ebiris> Besides the rude welcome, Moonhaven seems much as you remember. Several serpentine streets wind off from the town square, with the Drunken Dragon inn which you stayed at previously just off the side of the square. Towards the Northwest side of town you can see the tower of the wizard Alastor Engerwood, while the garrison and temple and other notable structures aren't quite visible from here, you can certainly remember where they are.
[15:25] <Alveria> After shaking off the post-teleportation sparkles from her vision, Alveria starts walking towards the garrison, gesturing for her friends to follow. "This is the right city, yes?" she asks, sounding a little doubtful.
[15:25] <Amonet> "Just as I remember it," Amonet affirms.
[15:26] <Ebiris> roll 1d100
[15:26] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d100 and gets 13." [1d100=13]
[15:28] <Ebiris> The garrison is easily reached. In addition to the rather slovenly militia you remember from before, there now seems to be a number of figures in gleaming plate, armed with silvered swords and carrying heavy shields. No sign of the piked heads of those bandits you brought in so long ago, but the bounties noticeboard is still up there.
[15:29] * Gourash nods.  "Been a while since we were here....  Let see..." Heads along with them towards the garrison.
[15:31] * Gourash heads over to the noticeboard interestedly first.
[15:32] * Amonet heads inside and looks for whomever seems to be in charge!
[15:34] <Ebiris> The noticeboard has a rather weathered and torn notice requesting the capture or death of Flynn Muckgray, a woodsman who apparently slaughtered his wife and children. Reward is 200gp. There's another notice saying 500gp per pair of werewolf teeth (it mentions they have a way to check the origin, even if the werewolf turns back into a human when you kill it), and 2,000gp for their leader, a cleric of Malar.
[15:35] <Ebiris> Inside the garrison itself, Amonet finds a scarred young woman in studded leather armour at the front desk, wearing a rather sour expression. She smiles half-heartedly at the visitors, "Somethin' you need, citizen?"
[15:36] <Amonet> "Hello!" Amonet greets her, smiling. "We heard that you had a werewolf problem, and would like to offer our help in resolving the matter!"
[15:38] <Ebiris> "General store sells belladonna, fifty gold a sprig," she drawls out. "Buy some of that before you go hunting, at the very least. Don't want fools addin' to the werewolf population, after all."
[15:39] * Amonet doesn't seem overly bothered by the woman's curtness. "Is there anything you could tell us about said population?" she asks. "Such as how many there are, how powerful their leader is, and where one could find them?"
[15:42] * Gourash heads in with Amonet, listening.
[15:42] <Ebiris> "If you go into the woods, they'll find you, sure enough," she replies, slowly getting to her feet. "Time was there was a half dozen rangers that'd patrol these woods, keep us up to date on what happens in them, but none of them have been seen for months, so we're not too well informed." She *almost* sounds apologetic.
[15:43] <Ebiris> "Werewolves started showing up a few weeks back. Been a few attacks on the farms, which we've stepped up patrols to see off, but we're not too sure what's in the deeper forest. Talk to lieutenant Farmes at the gate - he fought a few of them, so could tell you what to expect."
[15:44] <Amonet> "While werewolves do have this quite justified reputation, I feel that I must ask anyway... they attacked farmers with no provocation, correct?"
[15:45] * Alveria rolls her eyes and leans against the wall, coughing a little.
[15:46] * Gourash snorts.
[15:46] <Ebiris> "Hard to tell with some, since they just leave mangled corpses and no witnesses," the guard replies sarcastically. "Been a few survivors though, and if they did somethin' to upset the wolves' delicate sensibilities, they ain't tellin'."
[15:47] <Amonet> "I see," Amonet says, nodding. "Thank you for your help! We'll return with news soon enough." She turns towards Alveria and Gourash. "Let us go towards the gate, then?"
[15:48] <Alveria> "Alright," replies Alveria. "We needn't bother to check the farmer's credentials. As followers of Malar, the lycanthropes have already damned themselves."
[15:49] <Amonet> "I agree," Amonet responds. "After all, if we cannot believe the authorities here, whom can we trust?"
[15:49] * Gourash nods. "About pay...  the deal is 500 per head, 2000 for  leader?  Paid here?"
[15:50] * Gourash looks at her as he normally does, as if sizing up a take, a brutish if businesslike air around him.
[15:51] <Ebiris> "That's right," she nods, giving Gourash an appraising look, her own scarred features mirroring his in their hardness. She might have been pretty once, but that must have been a long time and several maimings ago.
[15:51] <Ebiris> "Bring back the two canine teeth of any werewolf you kill - we've got this potion that'll tell if it came from a real werewolf or not, and you'll pay for the potion if you turn out to waste our time. Bring back the holy symbol of their leader for that bounty."
[15:53] <Gourash> Gourash nodded, familiar enough with such styles of pay.  "What about for killing them all?  Any extra?"
[15:55] <Ebiris> "How'll we know if you killed all of them?" she asks doubtfully. "'Sides, I'm sure there's enough that that five hundred gold each will add up pretty fast," she smiles grimly, "If yer able, anyway."
[15:55] * Gourash smirks toothily.  "Fair 'nuff.  How many ranger did you lose?"
[15:56] <Ebiris> "Used to be seven that'd drop by every now and then... just they stopped coming back in Autumn. No one's seen or heard nothing of them," she shrugs apathetically.
[15:57] <Gourash> "Did they have lodgings in the woods you know about?"
[15:57] <Alveria> "Did they possess magical bows?" queries Alveria, curiously.
[15:59] <Ebiris> "Some lived in town, others... hell, I dunno," she shrugs again. "Know one of 'em had some ancestral elven court bow or somethin' like that. What was his name... ah, San'a... something like that. He'd show it off to the children during the harvest fair, most years."
[16:01] * Alveria nods introspectively, but starts heading for the main gate.
[16:02] * Amonet bows in thanks, and follows.
[16:02] <Ebiris> Reaching the town gate, you see the pair of halberd toting guards in chainmail from your last visit, though now accompanied by a trio of more heavily armed and armoured Knights in Silver. Among them is a familiar face, from when you slaughtered a family of Wyverns a few months ago...
[16:03] * Alveria doesn't show any recollection, however.
[16:03] <Amonet> "Why, hello there!" Amonet greets the lieutenant.
[16:04] <Ebiris> "Mornin'," Farmes nods politely, before recollection dawns on his face. "Well I'll be! I didn't expect to see you three here. What happened to that other big guy - Varul, wasn't it?"
[16:05] <Amonet> "He bought a farm," Amonet responds.
[16:05] <Ebiris> "Huh. Didn't seem the type..." Farmes mutters, before perking up. "So, what brings you three out to this neck of the woods?"
[16:06] <Alveria> "Werewolves," replies Alveria. "Can you tell us anything?"
[16:06] <Amonet> "We are here to stop the spread of their evil!" Amonet helpfully adds.
[16:07] <Ebiris> "Ahh," he nods grimly. "That I could - just last week me and a few others were patrolling the edge of the forest when we saw three of them coming our way from one of the homesteads, claws and teeth already as bloody as you like." He scowls, gathering his thoughts a moment before going on. (more)
[16:10] <Ebiris> "We challenged them, and one turned into a wolf while the other two stayed upright. One of 'em was a bit bigger than the others... had these huge deformed claws that dripped poison. Wouldn't you know it, that's the one that came right at me? Beast was like nothing I'd ever heard about werewolves - seemed able to contort and stretch itself in ways you wouldn't believe, caught me right by surprise as I ran to meet its charge." (more)
[16:12] <Ebiris> "The other two ganged up on poor Thurmston, bowled him right over, savaged him something fierce, then carried him right away into the woods while the rest of us had our hands full with the one left. Managed to nick it a few times, but it got some good hits and bites in reply... Honestly, I thought I was done for, but some others heard the ruckus and came running with bows - it ran off after taking a few arrows." (more)
[16:13] <Ebiris> He looks somewhat sickened, "When I got back, the captain forced me to eat some belladonna since I'd been bit - better safe than sorry, anyway. Was sick for days after that."
[16:13] * Gourash nods, frowning a bit at the story.
[16:14] <Amonet> "Better sick than a werewolf," Amonet affirms, nodding gravely. "Do you know of other encounters with the werewolves? Did any of them carry bows?"
[16:14] <Alveria> "They must be 'recruiting'," remarks Alveria, with a tinge of morbid amusement. "We will put a stop to this."
[16:14] <Ebiris> "Well, I don't doubt your abilities after how you took care of those wyverns," he nods respectfully, "But you three be careful out there. These aren't ordinary werewolves."
[16:17] <Gourash> "Yeah...  you guys be careful," Gourash looked at the others.  "Ready to go?  We can try the outskirt homes."
[16:17] <Alveria> "One more thing," says Alveria. "How far out do the werewolves usually strike? That is, how many hours of travel beyond Moonhaven?"
[16:19] <Ebiris> "You can see the outlying farms from the town, it's no more than a half hour's walk," Farmes shakes his head. "Be a good idea to ask around there, though. The folks that are left are tough, and they can tell you what they've seen of other attacks."
[16:21] <Alveria> "Alright. We'll ask about archers there." With that, she begins striding out the gate, idly tapping the hilt at her side.
[16:21] * Gourash nods. "Thanks," He began down the path from the village towards the farms.
[16:23] <Ebiris> Circling around from the South facing gate, the party can see the forest in the distance, mostly dominated by still green pine trees, although a few skeletal decidious ones are in evidence. Several farms are seen, most of their frost-covered fields lying empty for now, though a few have grazing cattle and sheep being watched over by armed shepherds.
[16:24] <Gourash> "Amonet, you should lead...  so that they stay calm."
[16:24] * Alveria heads over to the nearest Shepherd, giving him an appraising look. "Excuse me. We're investigating the werewolves. Can you tell us anything about their recent activities?" she queries, before twisting to give Gourash a rather pointed look.
[16:27] <Ebiris> "Hmph, sure can," the grizzled looking middle aged man nods, briefly turning to scan the woods. He carries a bow and a quiver filled with silver tipped arrows, and has a shortsward sheathed at his belt. "Already lost four cows to those bastards," he hocks loudly before spitting on the ground. "Could be worse, though, least they haven't attacked my family... yet."
[16:27] <Alveria> "Have you noticed anything unusual about them?" asks Alveria, nodding and smiling.
[16:30] <Ebiris> "Only seen 'em at a distance myself," he sniffs loudly, leading to a rather disgusting noise coming from the back of his throat. "Heard from Evanson," he cocks his head in the direction of a farmhouse to the Northeast, near the edge of the forest, "They got in his house, but he scared them off before they were able to do any damage. 'Reckon they must be pretty timid in that case, mind."
[16:31] <Amonet> "These werewolves all attack in packs?" Amonet asks the man. "Do their numbers change, for the attacks you know of?"
[16:33] <Ebiris> "I'm pretty good at readin' tracks," the shepherd replies, scratching his bushy brown beard for a moment. "When one of my cows was killed the day before yesterday, I'm certain it was only one of them that did it. But last week I saw three of them attack a couple of those fancy guards - got out there right quick to lend a hand, I did," he reassuringly pats his longbow.
[16:35] <Gourash> "The guard owes you his life," Gourash commented.  "They been recruiting," He frowned.  "Any guesses where they may be hiding out in the area?" Assuming the tracker/farmer might know of such weird places.
[16:37] <Ebiris> "Haven't went out lookin' fer trouble," he shakes his head. "Can't leave the farm unattended, after all. Could be anywhere in there, but I'd guess they're not too far in."
[16:37] * Gourash nods.  "Thanks...could you show us any tracks they've  left near here?"
[16:40] <Ebiris> "Aye," he nods, shouldering his bow and gesturing you to follow him. "These're the ones from the the day before yesterday. Might want to check with Evanson for somethin' more recent, since he's closest to the woods, but he's pretty skittish of visitors. Chased me right out when I checked up on him the other day after hearin' all the ruckus."
[16:40] <Alveria> "Did he seem wounded? Was he prescribed some Belladonna?" asks Alveria, raising an eyebrow.
[16:41] <Ebiris> "Wasn't wounded that I saw..." the shepherd furrows his brow for a moment. "Said he chased them away before anyone was hurt, but I didnae see his daughter..."
[16:42] <Alveria> "Let us speak to him before we proceed," murmurs Alveria, nudging Amonet towards the distant house.
[16:43] * Gourash nods in agreement, not totally heartless.
[16:43] * Gourash follows the farmer though, wanting to see the tracks.
[16:44] * Amonet agrees that checking up on this Evanson is worth a detour.
[16:44] <Ebiris> Reaching the corner of the field that coincidentally happens to be closest to said farmhouse, your host points to some furrows in the earth that are stained a dirty brown/red. "Already buried the cow," he explains, deadpan, before pointing at the ground. "Ye can see the tracks just barely, though - it was one of them, standin' upright. Came and went straight from the woods."
[16:44] <Ebiris> He gestures to some scratches on the fence and then to the ground past it.
[16:47] * Gourash looks over it, doing his best to memorize it so if he sees it later he can follow or recognize it.  "Mmm..."
[16:47] <Ebiris> OOC: survival check
[16:49] <Gourash> roll 1d20+13
[16:49] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+13 and gets 22." [1d20=9]
[16:50] -> *Gourash* You think you can make out some of the tracks, at least in the field itself. The ground past that is too hard for you to really identify anything... Still, the depressions and scuffmarks left here are recognisable enough that you should be able to tell if tracks belong to a werewolf in future, assuming you can spot them.
[16:53] <Gourash> "Thanks," He grunted, rising up from the tracks and heading back to the others.  "I know the tracks," He commented back, ready to go.  "Let go check on farmer."
[16:54] <Ebiris> Heading on to the nearby farmhouse you can see its fields lie empty, the front door facing roughly towards the town and bearing a coarse welcome mat in front of it. The windows are all shuttered against the cold, and likewise, the adjacent barn is closed shut.
[16:55] * Amonet looks around... for evil!
[16:56] -> *Amonet* You see no evil.
[16:56] <Amonet> Satisfied, Amonet proceeds to the front door and knocks on it, calling out, "Mister Evanson, are you home?"
[16:57] <Ebiris> "Who is it? What do you want?" an irritable voice calls back after a moment, shuffling sounds heard from within.
[16:58] <Amonet> "My name is Amonet!" she calls back. "My friends and I have come to investigate the problem this area is having. Do you think you can help us, and tell us of your recent experienced with the werewolves?"
[16:59] <Ebiris> "We don't want to talk about it! Go away!" he yells back. "Go into the woods if you're so interested in werewolves!"
[17:01] <Amonet> "'We'?" Amonet asks him.
[17:03] <Ebiris> "Me, myself, and I - who do you think? The people that live here - now get off my land!" the irascible Mr Evanson yells shrilly, before the door bursts open, revealing a rather tall and reedy man in weathered homespun clothes. He brandishes a club menacingly, but... well, lets face it, you guys have killed dragons. A guy with a club doesn't really register.
[17:05] <Amonet> "Were any of your family members injured in a werewolf attack?" Amonet asks the man, trying to seem as disarming as she can in her golden full plate. "If so, perhaps we could help!"
[17:05] <Ebiris> OOC: diplomacy check
[17:06] <Amonet> roll 1d20+16
[17:06] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+16 and gets 33." [1d20=17]
[17:10] <Ebiris> In the face of Amonet's charming countenance, the farmer deflates, arms falling to the sides. "We're fine, you don't need to worry yourself about us. If it's werewolves you want, you just need to take a few steps that way and I'm sure you'll find plenty," he gestures weakly towards the nearby treeline.
[17:11] * Amonet nods, and gives the man a genuine smile. "Thank you," she tells him. "Do you think you could help us more, and tell us about any werewolf attacks you have witnessed? It would help us prepare for what we are facing."
[17:13] -> *Amonet* You think he's lying about being fine. He seems to occassionally dart his eyes back into the house, as if hiding something. (I rolled seekrit sense motive vs bluff)
[17:14] <Ebiris> "Unless you've got silver, you'll want acid or fire or something like that... Do I look like a fighter? I'm sure you know better than I would," he replies, his surliness seeming almost forced.
[17:16] <Amonet> "Sir," Amonet says then, approaching Evanson. "I cannot help but notice that you seem tense. We are here to help, not harm you or your family in any way."
[17:17] <Ebiris> "Who wouldn't be tense with werewolves all over the place and heavily armed strangers knocking on his door?!" he counters irately. "Look, I've already told you what you asked, what more do you want?"
[17:19] <Amonet> "I just have one more thing to discuss with you, then, Sir," Amonet tells him. "If, hypothetically, your daughter got wounded in a werewolf attack, then we would be in a position to help her. We have healer friends, among other thing."
[17:25] <Ebiris> Evanson is silent for a long moment as he looks between the three adventurers, before he shakes his head. "I don't know what you're talking about. Please leave." And with that, he closes the door.
[17:26] * Amonet frowns, and looks at the others.
[17:26] * Alveria shrugs.
[17:27] <Amonet> "We can return afterwards, I suppose," Amonet says slowly.
[17:29] <Alveria> "If you wish," replies Alveria, starting to walk away. "Shall we proceed into the forest?"
[17:29] <Amonet> "Yes," Amonet responds. "Perhaps we would even find a clue about this situation in the camp of these werewolves."
[17:30] <Alveria> "I suspect the werewolves will find us first," replies Alveria, dryly. "Excuse me a moment, I must cast some spells."
[17:33] <Ebiris> And so the group march into the woods, looking for trouble!
[17:33] <Ebiris> OOC: any particular direction/methodology here?
[17:33] * Gourash nods and checks the sky for time.
[17:33] <Amonet> OOC: G has the tracking thing, yeah?
[17:33] <Gourash> OOC: Looking for tracks near the farm and following them iff they're found
[17:34] <Ebiris> It's midmorning, still a few hours till noon.
[17:34] <Alveria> OOC: How thick is the treeline?
[17:34] <Ebiris> The trees are fairly thick, some areas simply to dense and choked with undergrowth to be easily navigable, but it's not too hard to pick out a path for whichever way you're going, if you don't mind ducking and taking the occassional detour.
[17:35] * Alveria floats just under the top of the trees, and hovers over her allies, keeping an eye out as best as she can.
[17:36] * Gourash heads keeping an ear listening as he tries to follow what tracks he can.
[17:36] <Gourash> OOC: Survival?
[17:36] <Ebiris> OOC: go ahead
[17:38] <Gourash> OOC: *takes ten actually for 23
[17:38] <Gourash> OOC: Being careful about it after all
[17:39] <Ebiris> Gourash does find some tracks after a little searching on the other side of Evanson's house, they're not too hard to follow to the trees, heading roughly North Northwest. But once into the forest they become too hard to make out, so it's hard to tell if they continue in that direction.
[17:39] <Ebiris> Alveria finds she can't see much at all from that high up, continually having to dodge branches and pineneedles as she goes. Really, she needs to be no more than 10 feet high to realistically see the forest floor for any distance.
[17:41] <Gourash> "Hard to follow in the woods...  let just keep going this direction...  I'll keep my eyes out for sign that we heading the right way," Gourash grunted, doing just that, walking along keeping watch for any hints that wolves had passed this way as they go.
[17:42] * Amonet nods, looking for any movement of fresh tracks as well.
[17:42] <Ebiris> roll 1d20
[17:42] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20 and gets 17." [1d20=17]
[17:43] <Ebiris> After about half an hour, Gourash thinks he can see similar tracks... mixed in with others that seem to come from the regular four legged kind of wolf, heading west to east across your current path. They seem pretty fresh in the soft earth here, too.
[17:45] * Gourash roll 1d20+13 as he tries to follow them, pointing them out to the others and starting eastward. "We were lucky..."
[17:45] <Gourash> roll 1d20+13
[17:45] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+13 and gets 27." [1d20=14]
[17:45] <Ebiris> OOC: you guys making any effort to be stealthy?
[17:45] <Alveria> OOC: Kinda.
[17:46] <Amonet> OOC: The lance is even sheathed and everything!
[17:46] <Alveria> OOC: The karach isn't, but it's non-glowy, I hope.
[17:46] <Ebiris> OOC: move silently checks
[17:46] <Alveria> roll 1d20+1
[17:46] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+1 and gets 7." [1d20=6]
[17:47] <Gourash> OOC: Gourash isn't.  Gourash IS making efforts to pay attention to his surroundings.  Can listen/Spot if you want)
[17:47] <Ebiris> OOC: do both of them instead, then
[17:48] <Gourash> roll 1d20+13 listen
[17:48] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+13 listen and gets 23." [1d20=10]
[17:48] <Gourash> roll 1d20+3 spot
[17:48] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+3 spot and gets 4." [1d20=1]
[17:48] <Amonet> roll 1d20+10 spot
[17:48] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+10 spot and gets 27." [1d20=17]
[17:50] <Ebiris> Following the tracks for a few minutes - they change direction a few times but seem to be consistently moving east, Gourash can see them joined by another set, belonging to a hooved creature. It's not long after that when they can see a dead stag up ahead, which looks to have been freshly killed and only half eaten.
[17:50] -> *Amonet* You can see a pair of black furred wolves retreating into the undergrowth on either side of the dead stag from a distance as you approach.
[17:51] * Amonet points at a pair of wolf-shaped creatures in the distance that she spots.
[17:52] * Alveria squints after them, trying to see if they're coming or going.
[17:53] <Ebiris> Alveria can only barely make out their shapes before they're lost in the surrounding forest. Definitely going.
[17:53] <Amonet> "Let us follow?" Amonet suggests, doing just that.
[17:53] * Gourash frowns. "They're getting backup...  they'll likely swarm us come nightfall, let's follow them for now."
[17:53] * Gourash nods.
[17:54] <Ebiris> One went to the South and one went to the North.
[17:54] <Amonet> "We'll take the one headed south?"
[17:54] <Gourash> "mmm.. they were heading north earlier...let's head north,' He shook his head in answer.
[17:55] <Alveria> "Good idea," replies Alveria. "Wait a moment, though."
[17:55] * Alveria claws her way through the trees and floats around above the line, looking for any sign of a clearing, or the like.
[17:55] * Gourash stops, glancing back.
[17:55] <Ebiris> roll 1d20
[17:55] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20 and gets 11." [1d20=11]
[17:57] <Ebiris> Alveria  can see a gap in the trees to the Northeast... seems to be a fairly long line, perhaps a river? There's also a clearing around some pretty tall jagged rocks some ways to the West, past where you started heading East after these recent tracks.
[17:58] * Alveria floats back to her friends. "There are two landmarks not so far from here," she states. "A river, I think, and a rocky clearing. I suspect they use the river for water and likely reside in the open area..."
[17:59] * Gourash nods. "Good work...let's go there then.  Ignore the one to the south for now."
[17:59] <Alveria> OOC: How far away were they?
[18:00] <Ebiris> OOC: the river was fairly near, maybe half a mile. The rocky clearing perhaps two miles.
[18:01] <Ebiris> You can hear a baleful howl echo from the North.
[18:01] <Alveria> "Let us go to where the flow of the river is closest to the clearing," states Alveria, frowning at the howl. "And proceed inwards from there."
[18:01] * Gourash nods.  "Follow the river."
[18:02] * Alveria points the direction the party should head in! It's up to them to follow.
[18:02] <Ebiris> With the way the river curves, you don't think you'll get any part of it closer to the clearing than the part that's closest to you right now.
[18:04] <Alveria> "-or, no, it would be easiest to simply head to the clearing," mutters Alveria, re-angling the party.
[18:04] <Ebiris> As the party debates, a second howl is heard from far to the west.
[18:04] * Gourash nods and heads towards the clearing. "They know we're coming of course, let's be as ready as we can."
[18:06] <Alveria> "Naturally," murmurs Alveria. OOC: Estimated time of arrival to the clearing for us?
[18:06] <Ebiris> OOC: little under an hour. Woods are slow to travel through.
[18:06] <Gourash> OOC: *nods*
[18:07] <Alveria> OOC: Cool beans
[18:07] <Alveria> OOC: If nothing happens before we're roughly 15 minutes away, let me know
[18:07] <Ebiris> OOC: it's been about 2 hours since you entered the woods
[18:07] <Gourash> OOC: *marks silversheen, 50 minutes remaining on his scratch sheet* coating ten minuteish before arrival, relatively... or intending to.
[18:08] <Alveria> OOC: Oh!
[18:09] <Ebiris> The party backtracks along the way they came, trudging through the preternaturally still forest. No birdsong, no wind... yes, it is very quiet, only the sound of Amonet and Gourash's rhythmic footsteps crunching over the forest floor to provide any background noise.
[18:09] <Alveria> OOC: Ah, never mind.
[18:09] * Gourash looks over the clearing, listening for more howls getting closer.
[18:09] -> *Gourash* Except... you think you heard some rustling... from the North? No... straight ahead... or both?
[18:11] * Gourash gestures to the others. "I think they're watching us..."
[18:11] * Gourash grins toothily.
[18:13] <Ebiris> OOC: let's roll init. Surprise round, Gourash and attackers act.
[18:13] <Ebiris> roll 3#1d20+6
[18:13] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 3#1d20+6 and gets 45." [3#1d20+6 = 18, 18, 9]
[18:13] <Alveria> roll 1d20+6 nerveskitter'd
[18:13] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+6 nerveskitter'd and gets 26." [1d20=20]
[18:13] <Gourash> roll 1d20+1 Gourash is ready to swarm!
[18:13] <Alveria> OOC: Take that, bitches
[18:13] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+1 Gourash is ready to swarm! and gets 4." [1d20=3]
[18:13] <Amonet> roll 1d20+1
[18:13] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+1 and gets 5." [1d20=4]
[18:15] <Ebiris> No sooner does Gourash give his warning than a trio of wolves burst out of the surrounding trees! One comes from almost straight ahead while two others come from both North and South! The one coming from ahead is in full lupine form, while the other two stand erect, overly muscled humanoids with shaggy brown fur and a vicious wolf's snout on their faces!
[18:16] <Ebiris> All three of them converge on Amonet, a wolfpack descending upon the aasimar!
[18:16] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10 bite
[18:16] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 bite and gets 18." [1d20=8]
[18:16] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+11 claw
[18:16] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+11 claw and gets 24." [1d20=13]
[18:16] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+11 claw
[18:16] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+11 claw and gets 30." [1d20=19]
[18:16] <Ebiris> OOC: flat footed AC?
[18:16] <Amonet> OOC: 24
[18:17] <Ebiris> roll 2d6+6
[18:17] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d6+6 and gets 14." [2d6=4, 4]
[18:17] <Ebiris> While the first wolf is unable to find purchase against her armour with its teeth, the other two are able to flank her and rip past her defences with their claws!
[18:17] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Gourash
[18:18] <Gourash> OOC:  *blinks* Wow...Lucky
[18:19] * Gourash growls, his eyes reddening as his arms stretches ripping his axe into the nearest humanoid as he steps forward.
[18:19] <Gourash> OOC: Raging
[18:20] <Gourash> OOC: +18 hp
[18:21] <Gourash> roll 1d20+20-4 Strike one!  VIOLENCE
[18:21] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+20-4 Strike one! VIOLENCE and gets 35." [1d20=19]
[18:21] <Gourash> roll 1d20+15-4 Strike two!  VIOLENCE
[18:21] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+15-4 Strike two! VIOLENCE and gets 25." [1d20=14]
[18:21] <Ebiris> OOC: 2 hits
[18:23] <Gourash> roll 1d12+13+3+8
[18:23] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+13+3+8 and gets 30." [1d12=6]
[18:23] <Gourash> roll 1d12+13+3+8
[18:23] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+13+3+8 and gets 34." [1d12=10]
[18:25] <Ebiris> Gourash finds his silvered axe cuts through the werewolf's hide like a hot knife through butter, carving a vicious gash in its flank, and then  crashing straight through its ribcage before it can even react! With a strangled cry, it falls, fur seeming to recede and body shrinking as a quite dead human dressed in leather armour falls mangled at Gourash's feet!
* Retrieving #dunes modes...
[18:25] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie
[18:25] <Ebiris> OOC: oh, cleave!
[18:25] <Ebiris> OOC: Go ahead, G, you can cleave the four legged wolf.
[18:28] * Gourash growls and swings with fierceness at the next one in line, using the momentum from the horizontal blow.
[18:28] <Gourash> roll 1d20+15-4 Strike two-C!  VIOLENCE
[18:28] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+15-4 Strike two-C! VIOLENCE and gets 17." [1d20=6]
[18:29] <Ebiris> This wolf is able to react in time, flattening itself against the ground to let Gourash's horizontal stroke sail overhead!
[18:29] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie
[18:29] <Alveria> OOC: Who do I risk owning if I try to hit the two bad guys with glitterdust?
[18:30] <Alveria> OOC: I'm hoping to just target them and possibly Amonet. 10ft radius.
[18:30] <Ebiris> OOC: Amonet and Gourash
[18:30] <Alveria> OOC: Aww. Man, dudes have this well in hand
[18:31] <Ebiris> OOC: holding, then?
[18:31] * Alveria hovers above, gazing at the wolves with a rather large amount of contempt- surely they can't hope to seriously harm her friends?
[18:31] <Alveria> OOC: Yeah
[18:31] <Ebiris> The wolf that just dodged Gourash's attack makes a single attack on the barbarian before fleeing back to the West!
[18:31] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+8
[18:31] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+8 and gets 27." [1d20=19]
[18:32] <Ebiris> roll 1d6+4
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d6+4 and gets 5." [1d6=1]
[18:32] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+4
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+4 and gets 19." [1d20=15]
[18:32] <Ebiris> OOC: G, make a strength check
[18:32] <Gourash> roll 1d20+10 you got to be kidding me
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+10 you got to be kidding me and gets 27." [1d20=17]
[18:33] <Gourash> OOC: And doesn't his retreat get an AoO
[18:33] <Gourash> OOC: Since he's leaving my threatened range after attacking?
[18:33] <Alveria> OOC: Could have spring attack.
[18:33] <Gourash> OOC: pretty sure it still invokes one
[18:33] <Gourash> OOC: Spring attack just lets him move
[18:33] <Alveria> OOC: Nah, spring attack explicitl doesn't.
[18:33] <Ebiris> The wolf sinks its fangs into Gourash and tries to bring him to ground, but finds itself unable to match the barbarian's prodigious strength! As it turns tail and runs however, it exposes itself to an attack from the barbarian!
[18:34] <Ebiris> OOC: make your attack. ALso, make a fort save!
[18:34] <Alveria> OOC: The point appears to be moot!
[18:34] <Gourash> roll 1d20+13 Fort GO!
[18:34] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+13 Fort GO! and gets 30." [1d20=17]
[18:34] * Gourash brings his axe down with finality on the wolf.
[18:35] <Gourash> roll 11d20+20-4 AoO!
[18:35] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 11d20+20-4 AoO! and gets 135." [11d20=4, 15, 14, 16, 18, 8, 9, 11, 4, 12, 8]
[18:35] <Gourash> OOC: ...oops
[18:35] <Gourash> roll 1d20+20-4 AoO!
[18:35] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+20-4 AoO! and gets 21." [1d20=5]
[18:35] <Gourash> OOC: that's better, kinda
[18:35] <Ebiris> OOC: hit
[18:35] <Gourash> roll 1d12+13+3+8 MASSACRE AXE!
[18:35] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+13+3+8 MASSACRE AXE! and gets 34." [1d12=10]
[18:36] <Ebiris> Gourash strikes a tremendous blow down on the werewolf's spine, eliciting an agonised howl! Yet nonetheless it crawls away from beneath his axe, fleeing fifty feet to the west!
[18:36] <Alveria> OOC: Oh, can I go, then?
[18:36] <Ebiris> OOC: go for it.
[18:37] * Alveria flings a volley of magic missiles after the fleeing werewolf, unwilling to let any get away if she can help it.
[18:37] <Alveria> roll 1d6+6 CL go
[18:37] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+6 CL go and gets 12." [1d6=6]
[18:37] <Alveria> roll 5d4+5
[18:37] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 5d4+5 and gets 18." [5d4=4, 1, 4, 1, 3]
[18:38] <Ebiris> That did it! With a volley from Alveria, she's able to bring the creature down, which morphs into a human woman in tattered rags, falling spreadeagled on her belly in the dirt!
[18:38] <Ebiris> The last remaining werewolf decides not to even bother with a parting shot, and simply flees to the North, away from the fearsome adventurers and into the forest!
[18:39] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[18:39] <Ebiris> OOC: wolf is 80 feet away, you have to move half speed in the woods.
[18:40] * Amonet opts not to give chase, and decides to instead wait on Gourash.
[18:40] <Ebiris> OOC: you're up, manly barbarian orc
[18:42] <Gourash> "Let's go...!" Gourash hurried after it for the moment, growling as he moved...80 feet, catching up but not able to attack.
[18:44] * Alveria bites her lip, floating to keep pace with Gourash. "Keep our destination in mind!" she hisses, before catching her breath for a moment.
[18:45] <Ebiris> The wolfman continues to race desperately through the forest, away from Gourash and the certain death that awaits!
[18:45] * Amonet has no choice but to follow!
[18:45] * Gourash growls and stops, reigning in his temper and turning back.
[18:46] <Ebiris> Weighed down by her armour, Amonet can't really keep up, and the wolf soon vanishes into the distance once Gourash gives up the chase.
[18:46] <Alveria> "Calm yourself, Gourash," states Alveria. "Stories often speak of wolves slowly wearing their enemies down- we cannot afford to expend our energy until the right moment."
[18:46] * Amonet thinks they'll end up getting all the werewolves in the end, anyhow, and heals herself up with her wand.
[18:47] <Amonet> roll 1d8+1
[18:47] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+1 and gets 5." [1d8=4]
[18:47] <Amonet> roll 1d8+1
[18:47] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+1 and gets 5." [1d8=4]
[18:47] <Amonet> roll 1d8+1
[18:47] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+1 and gets 4." [1d8=3]
[18:47] * Gourash growls back...then relaxes, letting the battle rage fade and nods.  "Hopefully they'll come more seriously next time.  Though we have to find their leader."
[18:48] * Gourash stomps back to the fighting spot, working on adding the two sets of teeth to his bag.
[18:48] <Ebiris> Amonet's wand soon has the paladin feeling right as rain!
[18:48] <Amonet> "The northeast, was it?" Amonet asks, placing the wand back into its special sheath in her shield.
[18:48] <Alveria> "It would be better if we found them, but I suppose that's impossible," considers Alveria. "Still. They are at least partially human. It is possible they will wish to defend what passes for their home."
[18:48] <Ebiris> It takes a bit of muscle, but that's something Gourash has in abundance, and he swiftly wrenches two pairs of canines out of their jawbones, ripping a chunk of cartilidge and gum fibre along with.
[18:49] * Alveria briefly checks where the clearing is once more, and then continues to guide the team onwards.
[18:50] * Gourash continues on, keeping a fast pace as he keeps his eyes out, knowing that the oil only lasts so long.


[15:29] <Ebiris> Losing the third werewolf in the forest as it flees for dear life from Gourash's wrath, the three brave adventurers regroup and see to the grisly task of detoothing the two now human-shaped werewolves lying dead of grevious axe wounds and magic missiles.
[15:30] <Ebiris> All around them the woods are deathly silent in the aftermath of the carnage, only a faint breeze that barely manages to jostle the pine-needle covered branches above your heads to signify that time hasn't stopped for the rest of the world...
[15:31] * Alveria still lurks in the upper reaches of the forest, but keeps a worried eye about. "We should hurry. In these environs, staying still is not... bright."
[15:31] * Amonet nods. "Let's go, then."
[15:33] * Gourash nods, continuing with the party towards the clearing.
[15:33] * Alveria orients the party towards the clearing again, once again intending to pause briefly before they reach it- if they get that far.
[15:34] <Ebiris> Marching onwards through the forest, the party find themselves unmolested as they approach the clearing Alveria spotted earlier from above. It's hard to see too far ahead through the thick trees and undergrowth, but Alveria thinks it's just barely out of sight now, if she wants to pause and do anything before reaching it...
[15:35] * Alveria wants to bash through the trees and take a better look, of course.
[15:35] <Alveria> Vertically, though.
[15:36] * Amonet activates her protection from fire, just in case, since she is near Alveria.
[15:37] <Ebiris> Up the elf goes! Forcing her way through the tree canopy, Alveria can see her goal about two hundred feet or so ahead, a large and roughly circular clearing set around a tall and slanted formation of grey rock that reaches about as high as the tallest trees.
[15:39] * Alveria flies slightly higher, trying to get a look around the area- does there appear to be anyone there?
[15:39] <Ebiris> OOC: spot check
[15:40] <Alveria> roll 1d20+3 'keen elf eyes' looked like a better deal at the time
[15:40] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+3 'keen elf eyes' looked like a better deal at the time and gets 23." [1d20=20]
[15:41] -> *Alveria* You can see something on the far side of the rocks. Looks like a large bear sunning itself on one of the flatter outcroppings that's well positioned to catch a sunray.
[15:42] -> *Gourash* As you wait on Alveria, you think you can hear a wolf howl from the Northeast. It's faint, though, coming from a great distance.
[15:42] <Gourash> "I hear more howls...far off though...that way," he pointed to the north east.
[15:43] * Alveria frowns, and dives back into the forest. "I didn't see any wolves. But I did see a bear..."
[15:44] <Amonet> "We can go around it," Amonet proposes. "Is it far from us?"
[15:45] <Alveria> "It's in the clearing, opposite the rocks," replies Alveria, shrugging. "I can't see anything in the forest from the sky, the trees are too thick."
[15:47] <Amonet> "Then how about circling the clearing and continuing in the same direction?"
[15:47] <Alveria> "You're not telling me you're scared of one bear?"
[15:48] <Gourash> "Sure bear not also wear thing?"
[15:49] <Amonet> "I see no reason to harm a bear, and I'm not trained to deal with wild animals nonviolently," Amonet responds curtly. "How about yourself?"
[15:51] <Alveria> "Firstly, it would be better to examine one of the few landmarks of the area," replies Alveria, pointedly. "Secondly, if, as Gourash suggests, it is another werebeast, then I believe we came here to fight them, not to evade them. Thirdly, you will have to excuse me for not extending the same rights to a bear as I do to humanoids."
[15:51] * Gourash shrugs.  "Let's just take closer look.  Leave bear alone if so.  Animals don't attack usually just all of a sudden."
[15:51] <Amonet> "Very well," Amonet agrees.
[15:52] * Alveria floats onward, iron-faced as is her norm, lately.
[15:55] <Ebiris> Advancing onwards, the party finally breaks through the cover of trees and foliage to emerge into the clearing! The ground here is somewhat muddy, covered in sparse patches of yellowish grass, and about fifty feet ahead lies the rock outcropping... it almost looks like several enormous stone megaliths have been clumped together and then given a harsh kick by a giant to put them at an angle. No sign of any bears from this vantage.
[15:59] <Gourash> "Alvie sure she saw bear?" Gourash looked around.
[15:59] <Alveria> "It was around the other side," replies Alveria, pointedly.
[16:02] <Gourash> "Strange place for a bear...  druids?"  Gourash headed around, careful not to move quickly around anything he couldn't see.
[16:02] <Ebiris> OOC: making any effort at stealth?
[16:02] <Alveria> "A possibility," replies Alveria, sticking to the border of the forest and floating around as well.
[16:03] <Amonet> OOC: Not really, glowing weapon/shield, etc
[16:03] <Alveria> OOC: I totally am! If I even need to.
[16:04] <Ebiris> OOC: unless you're flying through the tree branches, you're silent by default. If you want to hide then you have to move through the branches and check for both, though.
[16:04] <Gourash> OOC: Gourash not understand this stealth thing.  Gourash understand only "Not make extra noise"
[16:04] <Alveria> OOC: Can't I HIDE IN SHADOWS?
[16:04] <Alveria> OOC: I mean, I'm kidding, I'll do both
[16:04] <Alveria> roll 1d20+1
[16:04] <Alveria> roll 1d20+1
[16:04] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+1 and gets 14." [1d20=13]
[16:04] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+1 and gets 4." [1d20=3]
[16:04] <Alveria> OOC: in alphabetical order, laf
[16:05] <Gourash> roll 1d20 move not noisely
[16:05] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20 move not noisely and gets 3." [1d20=3]
[16:05] <Ebiris> As Alveria creeps around at the fringes of the clearing, both Gourash and Amonet brazenly walk around the rocky protrusion! As they take a few steps into the clearing, however, a loud cawing noise is heard from above!
[16:06] * Alveria looks up, as you do.
[16:06] * Amonet looks up, lance ready!
[16:07] <Ebiris> Just taking flight from the peak of the rocks, a black feathered bird of prey begins to circle around above your heads, cawing loudly! It looks like a buzzard or mid-sized hawk of some kind.
[16:08] <Gourash> "Ignore  it... it just letting wolves know where we are." Gourash remained unflappable, checking out the terrain, also from a defendable standpoint.
[16:09] <Ebiris> The ground around you is pretty soft and muddy. Past that there's a rather thick treeline, quite hard to see more than a few feet through. And to the interior are the rocks, whick look easy enough to climb onto the base of, and could provide a defensible high ground.
[16:10] <Alveria> But no bear.
[16:10] * Gourash circles around it entirely, making sure of no bear that for some reason REALLY wants to encounter humans.
[16:11] <Amonet> Now glowing with Horus-Re's divine power, Amonet circles the rocks from the other direction.
[16:12] <Ebiris> Circling around, Gourash and Amonet can both see the bear Alveria mentioned. It seems to be in the process of waking up, only slowly and lethargically picking itself up atop the rocky outcropping its splayed out upon. It's pretty big, but not a dire bear, at least.
[16:12] * Amonet leaves the bear to Gourash.
[16:13] * Gourash shrugs, and stays a bit away, not trying to frighten the bear by approaching, just watching.
[16:15] <Ebiris> Rising up on its hind legs, the bear rubs its face with the back of its paws, emitting a rumbling growl before it leans forward to stand on all fours, looking around inquisitively at both Gourash and Amonet. It doesn't seem to mind their presence, at least.
[16:15] <Ebiris> The buzzard continues to make a racket up in the sky, however.
[16:16] * Alveria floats around the stones, briefly checking them out for any markings or otherwise interesting features.
[16:16] <Ebiris> OOC: search check
[16:17] <Alveria> roll 1d20+8 I don't even need ranks! THough maybe I need to take 10.
[16:17] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+8 I don't even need ranks! THough maybe I need to take 10. and gets 24." [1d20=16]
[16:18] -> *Alveria* At the base of where the outcropping the bear is on meets the upwards jutting rocks, you think you can see some sort of markings... hard to tell without getting closer, since they're very faint. Could just be animal scratches, or could be writing.
[16:19] * Gourash watches the bear a bit longer to see if it is going to attack, and then heads back around the bend, just  keeping tabs on if it moves by noise.
[16:19] <Ebiris> OOC: to clarify, by 'bend' you mean to the other side of the rocks?
[16:19] * Amonet moves to regroup with Gourash.
[16:20] <Alveria> OOC: How much space do the rocks take up >_>
[16:20] <Ebiris> OOC: rough radius of 30-40 feet
[16:20] <Gourash> OOC: Yes, I'm assuming the rocks are a large formation
[16:21] <Gourash> "This place pretty good...let wait for them on rocks.  Bird let them know easily we here.  We pretend to be settling down for night."
[16:22] <Ebiris> The bear watches Gourash and Amonet go, not moving at all. They can't hear it coming after them once they're out of sight, either. Though a fairly loud growl is heard a moment later, competing with the incessant cawing and screeching of the bird in the air.
[16:22] <Alveria> "There's some scratches near the base of the rock," remarks Alveria, pointing to where the bear is. "Could be writing... ugh, remind me to buy a crossbow."
[16:23] <Alveria> After that, though, she dutifully floats away, taking up a point over the forest from which she can see the clearing.
[16:24] * Gourash climbs up on top of the rocks, making sure they've got a good enough spot on top.
[16:24] <Ebiris> OOC: the very top?
[16:26] * Amonet looks for a spot some twenty feet up she could easily reach and then settle down at.
[16:30] <Ebiris> OOC: climb check if you're climbing. One for every 1/2(move speed) you're ascending.
[16:31] <Amonet> roll 1d20
[16:31] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20 and gets 7." [1d20=7]
[16:31] <Gourash> roll 1d20+19 I even need to roll?
[16:31] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+19 I even need to roll? and gets 30." [1d20=11]
[16:32] <Gourash> roll 1d20+19 aid other with climbing for amonet too
[16:32] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+19 aid other with climbing for amonet too and gets 25." [1d20=6]
[16:32] <Ebiris> Gourash scrambles upwards to find a nice perch, while Amonet slips and falls in the mud, despite the half-orc offering her a hand.
[16:33] * Amonet asks Gourash to lower her a rope to spare further indignities.
[16:33] <Ebiris> The buzzard thankfully decides to shut up at this point, going to perch itself on the peak of the rocks above Gourash and Amonet.
[16:34] * Gourash lowers her a rope.
[16:35] <Ebiris> And with the aid or a handy rope, Amonet is soon able to join Gourash, sitting on the rocks on the other side of the no doubt still present bear, while Alveria hovers over the trees in the distance and the buzzard roosts directly above.
[16:35] <Ebiris> OOC: Alvie make a spot check, Gourash make a listen check
[16:35] <Alveria> roll 1d20+3
[16:35] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+3 and gets 8." [1d20=5]
[16:35] <Gourash> OOC: Take 20? Or no so?
[16:35] <Ebiris> OOC: can't take 20 with these
[16:35] <Gourash> roll 1d20+13 listen
[16:35] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+13 listen and gets 31." [1d20=18]
[16:35] <Gourash> roll 1d20+3 spot
[16:35] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+3 spot and gets 15." [1d20=12]
[16:36] <Amonet> roll 1d20+10 let's spot!
[16:36] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+10 let's spot! and gets 11." [1d20=1]
[16:40] <Ebiris> A few hours pass for the group, the day dragging on to early afternoon as the sun arcs through the sky ahead. The bear is seen not long after midday, snuffing loudly as it pads over the ground below, heading Northeast into the forest and seemingly ignoring Amonet and Gourash, if it noticed them at all.
[16:43] <Ebiris> Alveria notices that she doesn't have that much time left on her spells as the bear wanders off. Maybe an hour, tops.
[16:44] * Alveria swoops down briefly to inspect those markings near the base of the stones. "Time's almost up," she reports, briefly. "Tymora was not agreeable today."
[16:45] <Ebiris> They look like runes of some sort... dwarven? It's not a language Alveria recognises, anyway, if she could even make them all out clearly. They cover a section about 5 feet wide and ten tall, but are faded and worn.
[16:47] * Alveria starts scribbling them down on the back of a scroll for later perusal. On a whim, she casts detect magic and looks around.
[16:48] <Ebiris> The buzzard up above emanates faint magic.
[16:48] <Alveria> WHAT KIND?!
[16:49] <Alveria> roll 1d20+22 it's unpossible I fail this check!
[16:49] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+22 it's unpossible I fail this check! and gets 36." [1d20=14]
[16:49] -> *Alveria* Enchantment.
[16:55] * Alveria mutters something under her breath. "The buzzard's been dominated. Amonet, can you dispose of it?"
[16:55] <Amonet> Nodding, Amonet gets out her fiery bow and tries!
[16:55] <Ebiris> OOC: go ahead and attack
[16:55] <Amonet> roll 1d20+7
[16:55] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+7 and gets 8." [1d20=1]
[16:55] <Amonet> roll 1d20+2
[16:56] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+2 and gets 15." [1d20=13]
[16:56] <Ebiris> OOC: critfail check
[16:56] <Amonet> roll 1d20+7
[16:56] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+7 and gets 12." [1d20=5]
[16:56] <Ebiris> OOC: roll 1d100
[16:56] <Amonet> roll 1d100
[16:56] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d100 and gets 65." [1d100=65]
[16:57] <Ebiris> OOC: that one's moot
[16:57] <Amonet> OOC: I'll keep on shooting if it's there
[16:57] <Ebiris> Drawing forth her bow, Amonet lets loose a pair of flaming projectiles which sail widely to either side of the buzzard! The avian spreads its wings and emits an alarmed screech at that, preparing to take flight!
[16:57] <Ebiris> OOC: init~
[16:57] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+3 bird
[16:57] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+3 bird and gets 17." [1d20=14]
[16:58] <Amonet> roll 1d20+1
[16:58] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+1 and gets 10." [1d20=9]
[16:59] <Ebiris> The feathered fiend(?) takes to the air, swooping down and soaring off into the forest to the West, a large body of rock now blocking it from Amonet's field of fire as it escapes her Alveria mandated punishment!
[17:00] <Amonet> "Well, it's gone now," Amonet says, half-apologetically.
[17:00] <Alveria> "I believe we should follow suit," admits Alveria, slightly worriedly.
[17:01] <Gourash> "We want them to find us though," Gourash disagreed slightly.
[17:01] <Amonet> "You don't want to see whether the werewolfs would attempt to attack, now?" Amonet asks. "This position is surely better than facing them somewhere in the woods."
[17:03] <Alveria> "I would rather they attacked when I'm ready for them than when I'm not," argues Alveria. "They've also had ample time to attack if that's what they wished."
[17:04] <Gourash> "It not night yet..." Gourash shrugged.  "We leave, we get caught in woods, or have to go hunting again."
[17:05] <Alveria> "We're not the ones doing the hunting," replies Alveria, pointedly. "Well, if you insist, we will wait, though it is rapidly seeming a dubious tactic." Moving away from the forest edge, Alveria settles herself down on some segment of the rocks that is high up and provides at least some degree of cover.
[17:07] <Ebiris> The peak is pretty high, and assuming you don't slip and fall off, it provides some cover from any side simply by crouching on the opposite side.
[17:07] * Alveria is confident she'll surely teleport away before she falls off.
[17:08] * Gourash shrugs and keeps watch, the eventual darkness not hindering his senses at all.
[17:08] * Amonet helps Gourash be on the lookout, at least.
[17:08] <Ebiris> And so the gang settles in to wait some more... another two hours pass, Alveria's spells leaving her for the day. The sun is starting to descend, but it's still rather light for the moment.
[17:08] -> *Gourash* You think you hear some rustling in the trees to the North. It's consistent enough to make you think you can hear something decently big is moving around there.
[17:11] <Gourash> "I think the bear is coming back...  Alvie, can you see?" Gourash called up.
[17:11] * Alveria looks for the bear.
[17:11] <Ebiris> OOC: spot check
[17:11] <Alveria> roll 1d20+3
[17:11] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+3 and gets 5." [1d20=2]
[17:11] <Amonet> roll 1d20+10 let's spot bears!
[17:11] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+10 let's spot bears! and gets 17." [1d20=7]
[17:12] <Ebiris> No one can see any bears in the immediate vicinity.
[17:12] * Gourash tries to look as well
[17:12] <Gourash> roll 1d20+3
[17:12] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+3 and gets 22." [1d20=19]
[17:12] <Gourash> OOC: Keeping an eye on where I hear the sound from anyway
[17:12] <Alveria> "I can't see any bears."
[17:12] -> *Gourash* You think you saw some sort of brown furred creature... it vanished amidst the undergrowth as soon as you caught a glimpse, however.
[17:13] * Gourash nods. "I saw it... I think...  It went back into the trees though."
[17:13] * Gourash goes back to paying closer attention to sounds, sitting so he can watch that direction for now.
[17:14] <Ebiris> OOC: listen check
[17:14] <Alveria> "Exciting," drawls Alveria, continuing to wait. "This place does not look particularly important to them, and it would be obvious we are the ones in wait."
[17:15] <Gourash> roll 1d20+13
[17:15] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+13 and gets 31." [1d20=18]
[17:16] <Gourash> "We are," Gourash shrugged, having not always had every mission involving charging in.
[17:16] -> *Gourash* You can hear someone talking in the forest... you think. From the North comes a droning incantation in a tongue that's unfamiliar to you.
[17:18] <Gourash> "They're north of us..." Gourash said quitely, gesturing the others near. "sounds like some kind of we want to go bring it to them?"
[17:19] <Alveria> "How far?"
[17:19] <Ebiris> roll 1d4+1
[17:19] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d4+1 and gets 2." [1d4=1]
[17:20] <Gourash> "Not sure...  close if I can hear them speaking," Gourash readied his blade with silversheen.
[17:20] * Amonet calls upon Horus-Re's power once more!
[17:20] <Ebiris> As Gourash warns the others, a pair of black leathery shapes spring into existence in the air past the treeline! Two furry dire bats beat their wings furiously and fly towards the party!
[17:20] <Ebiris> OOC: init
[17:20] * Alveria grunts, herself, waving her hand and sheathing herself in another spell. (Extended Shield)
[17:20] <Alveria> (OOC: Gack)
[17:20] <Gourash> roll 1d20+1
[17:20] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+1 and gets 14." [1d20=13]
[17:21] <Amonet> roll 1d20+1
[17:21] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+1 and gets 16." [1d20=15]
[17:21] <Ebiris> roll 3#1d20+6
[17:21] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 3#1d20+6 and gets 55." [3#1d20+6 = 16, 18, 21]
[17:21] <Alveria> roll 1d20+1
[17:21] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+1 and gets 10." [1d20=9]
[17:21] <Ebiris> OOC: er, should be 2, so 16 and 18
[17:21] <Alveria> OOC: Does my spell resolve?
[17:22] <Ebiris> OOC: No, neither does Amonet's divine thingy. Gourash can do his silversheen, though.
[17:23] <Gourash> OOC: *nods*
[17:23] <Ebiris> The first of the bats swoops down low towards Amonet!
[17:23] <Ebiris> OOC: AoO for you
[17:23] <Amonet> roll 1d20+13
[17:23] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+13 and gets 21." [1d20=8]
[17:23] <Ebiris> OOC: hit
[17:24] <Amonet> roll 1d8+8
[17:24] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+8 and gets 15." [1d8=7]
[17:25] <Ebiris> Amonet scores a clean hit, carving up part of the bat's chest nicely! Yet even as blood rains upon her, it doesn't stop, beating its wings furiously as it barrels into the aasimar!
[17:25] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[17:25] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 14." [1d20=7]
[17:25] <Ebiris> OOC: strength check, Amonet
[17:25] <Amonet> roll 1d20+4
[17:25] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+4 and gets 17." [1d20=13]
[17:26] <Ebiris> Digging her heels in, Amonet resists, refusing to budge despite having 200 pounds of furious nocturnal mammal charge into her!
[17:26] <Ebiris> Meanwhile, the other bat ascends, beelining straight for Alveria!
[17:26] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[17:26] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 20." [1d20=13]
[17:26] <Ebiris> OOC: strength check, Alvie
[17:26] <Alveria> OOC: What, I don't get an AoO?
[17:26] <Alveria> OOC: For shame!
[17:27] <Ebiris> OOC: Oh, is your weapon out? Sure, go ahead.
[17:27] <Alveria> roll 1d20+1 YESSSSSSS
[17:27] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+1 YESSSSSSS and gets 8." [1d20=7]
[17:27] <Alveria> roll 1d20-2 then it's time for that strength check I guess
[17:27] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20-2 then it's time for that strength check I guess and gets 18." [1d20=20]
[17:27] <Ebiris> OOC: your to hit is +1?
[17:28] <Gourash> OOC: It can't be that low..can it?  Shouldn't it at least be BAB?
[17:28] <Alveria> OOC: I have a strength of 6!
[17:28] <Ebiris> OOC: Oh god, it is.
[17:28] <Alveria> OOC: You did remember that when you made this whole plot about a sword, right?
[17:28] <Ebiris> OOC: Hey, I didn't tell you to keep it!
[17:29] <Alveria> OOC: It'd have been such a waste to not keep it!
[17:29] <Ebiris> Alveria fails to so much as scratch the bat with her clumsy strike, before being caught off balance and shunted off the peak!
[17:29] <Ebiris> OOC: want to make a jump or tumble check to try and reduce the damage?
[17:29] <Alveria> OOC: It has to make a strength check to bull rush me off!
[17:29] <Ebiris> OOC: it did, it won. 20 to your 18.
[17:30] <Alveria> OOC: Oh, right. I thought that was it's to-hit.
[17:30] <Alveria> OOC: But bullrushing doesn't have them! Right.
[17:30] <Ebiris> OOC: no attack roll on bull rush
[17:30] <Alveria> OOC: I can't make a tumble check, so I guess a jump check will have to do.
[17:30] <Alveria> roll 1d20-2
[17:30] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20-2  and gets 15." [1d20=17]
[17:30] <Ebiris> OOC: -10 feet. You're 70 up, so...
[17:30] <Ebiris> roll 6d6
[17:30] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 6d6 and gets 21." [6d6=5, 5, 3, 2, 3, 3]
[17:31] <Ebiris> Plummetting downwards at gravity's harsh call, Alveria is barely able to attempt a breakfall as she impacts the far too solid ground below! It still hurts like hell, though.
[17:31] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[17:33] <Amonet> Wrapping herself in Horus-Re's divine gift, Amonet jumps down next to Alveria, to better protect her!
[17:33] <Ebiris> OOC: jump check
[17:33] <Amonet> roll 1d20
[17:33] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20 and gets 13." [1d20=13]
[17:33] <Ebiris> OOC: hey, you're 20 up. You'll take damage no matter what. Sure about this?
[17:34] <Amonet> OOC: Temp hp>damage
[17:34] <Ebiris> roll 2d6
[17:34] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d6 and gets 5." [2d6=1, 4]
[17:35] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+5 hey, it so gets an AoO if you move away, though
[17:35] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 hey, it so gets an AoO if you move away, though and gets 25." [1d20=20]
[17:35] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+5 hey, it so gets an AoO if you move away, though crit check
[17:35] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 hey, it so gets an AoO if you move away, though crit check and gets 15." [1d20=10]
[17:35] <Ebiris> roll 1d8+4
[17:35] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d8+4 and gets 6." [1d8=2]
[17:35] <Ebiris> Amonet is bitten as she turns her back and jumps down, probably twisting her ankle in the process. But thanks to Horus Re's benevolence, she doesn't even feel it!
[17:36] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Gourash
[17:36] <Gourash> OOC: Yarr.  Are any of them within slashing range out of curiousity?
[17:37] <Ebiris> OOC: the one that attacked Amonet
[17:38] * Gourash quickly cuts down the bat and leaps to the ground below.
[17:38] <Ebiris> OOC: you can't do both!
[17:39] * Gourash leaps down and heads into the woods to the north, chasing the spellcaster...
[17:39] <Ebiris> OOC: jump check
[17:39] <Gourash> roll 1d20+23 yeah right
[17:40] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+23 yeah right and gets 38." [1d20=15]
[17:40] <Ebiris> roll 1d6
[17:40] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d6 and gets 3." [1d6=3]
[17:41] <Ebiris> Leaving his nubile female comrades to the tender mercies of the bats, Gourash races off to the woods to the North! Getting closer, he can see several upright lupine figures in the woods just ahead, and a few of the four-legged persuasion as well!
[17:42] <Ebiris> OOC: sec while I insert these guys into init. They were holding before.
[17:42] <Gourash> OOC: *nods*
* Retrieving #dunes modes...
[17:42] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie
[17:44] * Gourash roars a battle cry at them.
[17:45] * Alveria lies on the ground for what seems a very, very long moment, briefly questioning the entire chain of events that have led her life to this point (the point being 'incredible pain'). And.. then, she gets up, wipes her head, looks *exceptionally* miserable, and casts Shield upon herself.
[17:48] <Ebiris> The werewolf in the middle of the group bares its fangs at Gourash, holding up a large black furred claw to forestall the others, before it begins to gesture vaguely, intoning some of the same gibberish Gourash heard before, until it concludes and emits a triumphant howl, calling in common, "The hunt is on!"
[17:49] * Gourash laughs boldly.  "Bring it, beast," He gestured with his axe.
[17:49] <Ebiris> At that, two of the dire wolves both lope forward to come at Gourash on either side to flank him and attack!
[17:49] <Ebiris> OOC: they're moving through your threatened squares, so you can AoO one
[17:50] * Gourash swings swiftly at the one on the left.
[17:50] <Gourash> roll 1d20+18-3 MASSACRE
[17:50] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+18-3 MASSACRE and gets 34." [1d20=19]
[17:50] <Ebiris> OOC: it is a hit
[17:50] <Gourash> roll 1d12+13+6 A rare unraged attack!
[17:50] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+13+6 A rare unraged attack! and gets 30." [1d12=11]
[17:52] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+15
[17:52] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+15 and gets 33." [1d20=18]
[17:52] <Gourash> OOC: Hit
[17:52] <Ebiris> OOC: that wasn't to hit, actually
[17:52] <Gourash> OOC: Oh thanks
[17:52] <Ebiris> Gourash cuts a huge gash in the flank of one of the wolves, shattering ribs and ruining flesh with his might! The wolf he just injured seems to hesitate, yet a bark from one of the werewolves seems to let it keep its resolve, causing both to lunge in on either side of Gourash!
[17:52] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+15
[17:52] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+15 and gets 27." [1d20=12]
[17:53] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+15
[17:53] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+15 and gets 30." [1d20=15]
[17:53] <Ebiris> roll 2d8+20
[17:53] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d8+20 and gets 24." [2d8=3, 1]
[17:53] <Ebiris> OOC: -4
[17:53] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+11
[17:53] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+11 and gets 26." [1d20=15]
[17:53] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+11
[17:53] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+11 and gets 23." [1d20=12]
[17:53] <Ebiris> OOC: make 2 strength checks
[17:54] <Gourash> roll 1d20+8 strength check 1
[17:54] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+8 strength check 1 and gets 23." [1d20=15]
[17:54] <Gourash> roll 1d20+8 strength check 2
[17:54] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+8 strength check 2 and gets 22." [1d20=14]
[17:54] <Ebiris> Hemmed in, Gourash is savaged by a pair of terrific bites that chom into his flesh, the canines using the leverage to drag the mighty barbarian to the ground!
[17:56] <Ebiris> Three of the werewolves lope forward, yet rather than attacking Gourash they move around him, perhaps intending to block retreat, while the last one, a hulking grey-furred brute with hugely oversized and deformed claws lopes forward, running on all fours despite being in a bipedal form, and lashes out at Gourash, its mouth foaming with rage!
[17:56] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+17
[17:56] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+17 and gets 21." [1d20=4]
[17:56] <Ebiris> OOC: +4 since you're prone
[17:56] <Ebiris> roll 1d8+10-2
[17:56] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d8+10-2 and gets 15." [1d8=7]
[17:56] <Ebiris> Away from all this, Amonet and Alveria have their own problems as a pair of bats dive down at them, one for each!
[17:57] <Ebiris> OOC: Amonet, you get an AoO
[17:57] <Ebiris> OOC: crap, I never described the hit on G. Sec
[17:57] <Ebiris> Moving in between the two dire wolves, this lycanthropic beast bats Gourash's head with a massive claw covered limp, knocking the prone barbarian for six!
[17:58] <Ebiris> OOC: Right, now go
[17:59] <Ebiris> OOC: You still get your AoO, since bat 1 is targetting you
[17:59] <Amonet> roll 1d20+13
[17:59] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+13 and gets 24." [1d20=11]
[17:59] <Alveria> My AC is 21!
[17:59] <Amonet> roll 1d8+8
[17:59] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+8 and gets 16." [1d8=8]
[18:00] <Ebiris> The first bat is speared by Amonet's lance, suddenly becoming a limp weight falling on the paladin... and vanishing into nothingness just before it strikes!
[18:00] <Ebiris> Meanwhile the other one divebombs straight at Alveria!
[18:00] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[18:00] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 9." [1d20=2]
[18:00] <Ebiris> But it misses, left hovering in the aira next to Alveria and too close to Amonet's lance for any sort of healthy living.
[18:00] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[18:01] * Amonet strikes at the bat assaulting Alveria, intent on ridding them of the most immediate threat!
[18:01] <Amonet> roll 1d20+13
[18:01] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+13 and gets 28." [1d20=15]
[18:01] <Amonet> roll 1d20+8
[18:01] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+8 and gets 21." [1d20=13]
[18:01] <Ebiris> OOC: 2 hits
[18:01] <Amonet> roll 2d8+16
[18:01] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 2d8+16 and gets 29." [2d8=8, 5]
[18:02] <Ebiris> The bat is struck most grievously, but somehow clings onto its summoned existence, remaining to harass Alveria yet!
[18:02] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Gourash
[18:03] * Gourash howls in rage and pain, (raging) his axe lashing out to tear open the wounded dire wolf.
[18:04] <Gourash> roll 1d20+20-4-3 (Prone and -3 PA)
[18:04] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+20-4-3 (Prone and -3 PA) and gets 29." [1d20=16]
[18:04] <Ebiris> OOC: hits
[18:04] <Gourash> roll 1d12+13+3+6 DAMAGE
[18:04] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+13+3+6 DAMAGE and gets 31." [1d12=9]
[18:05] <Gourash> OOC: Cleaving if it kills
[18:05] <Ebiris> The left wolf is struck a fatal wound, yelping in agony and falling away from Gourash!
[18:05] <Ebiris> OOC: go ahead, you can cleave either the dire wolf or the big werewolf
[18:06] * Gourash twists, a dangerous presence even downed as his axe slashes across to his other side.
[18:06] <Gourash> roll 1d20+20-4-3 (Prone and -3 PA)
[18:06] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+20-4-3 (Prone and -3 PA) and gets 23." [1d20=10]
[18:06] <Gourash> OOC: Other dire wolf
[18:06] <Ebiris> OOC: hits
[18:06] <Gourash> roll 1d12+13+3+6 DAMAGE
[18:06] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+13+3+6 DAMAGE and gets 31." [1d12=9]
[18:06] <Gourash> roll 1d20+15-4-3 (Prone and -3 PA)
[18:06] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+15-4-3 (Prone and -3 PA) and gets 11." [1d20=3]
[18:06] <Gourash> OOC: And the third one is almost certainly a miss
[18:07] <Ebiris> Hacking wildly from his prone position, Gourash severely maims the other dire wolf, but not so badly as to put it down just yet!
[18:07] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie
[18:08] <Alveria> "That damned fool," growls Alveria, backing away from the bat and pulling out a scroll. Pressing it against the ground, she closes her eyes and whispers some words for a moment! Suddenly-
[18:08] <Alveria> roll 1d3
[18:08] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d3  and gets 3." [1d3=3]
[18:08] <Alveria> -three shining bisons appear!
[18:09] <Alveria> "Go, help him! Kill the wolves," she snaps in Celestial towards them, pointing where she heard Gourash's voice!
[18:09] <Ebiris> OOC: make a CL check for them, since this may be relevant
[18:09] <Alveria> OOC: I don't have to.
[18:09] <Alveria> OOC: Scroll gogogo
[18:09] <Alveria> OOC: CL 7
[18:09] <Ebiris> OOC: Ah, gotcha
[18:09] <Alveria> OOC: Anyway I can't command them, but they're running after gourash and attacking any filthy lupines
[18:09] <Ebiris> The bison charge around the rocks and out of sight from Amonet and Alveria! Gourash may notice them if he happens to look that way, but he probably has other concerns.
[18:09] <Alveria> OOC: If they can't reach him, well, they'll run in anyway!
[18:11] <Ebiris> The werewolf still at the edges of the forest snarls at the sight of the golden hued bison charging this way, and gestures towards them dismissively. "Bah, summoned beasts are unworthy prey!"
[18:11] <Ebiris> roll 3#1d20+7
[18:11] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 3#1d20+7 and gets 68." [3#1d20+7 = 18, 24, 26]
[18:12] <Ebiris> And with a shimmer of light, all three bison vanish from sight, sent back from whence they came!
[18:12] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+15
[18:12] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+15 and gets 31." [1d20=16]
[18:13] <Ebiris> The injured dire wolf hesitates, but a barked command from one of the werewolves forces it to stiffen and remain where it is, lunging down to clamp its jaws around Gourash's back!
[18:13] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+13
[18:13] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+13 and gets 30." [1d20=17]
[18:13] <Ebiris> roll 1d8+10-2
[18:13] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d8+10-2 and gets 12." [1d8=4]
[18:14] <Ebiris> The other three werewolves then rush in to take up the space emptied by the dire wolf Gourash slew, surrounding the stalwart barbarian and slashing viciously at him with their claws!
[18:14] <Ebiris> roll 3#1d20+12
[18:14] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 3#1d20+12 and gets 61." [3#1d20+12 = 30, 17, 14]
[18:14] <Gourash> OOC: No AoO?
[18:14] <Gourash> OOC: but I probly don't threaten prone anyway @_@
[18:15] <Ebiris> OOC: +4 for prone, I forgot. 2 hits.
[18:15] <Alveria> OOC: actually
[18:15] <Alveria> OOC: You do get AoOs!
[18:15] <Alveria> OOC: Technically.
[18:16] <Gourash> OOC: Ooh?  Eb, I want to smack one of those bitches for coming near then!
[18:17] <Ebiris> OOC: Okay, you get one. They probably could move around enough to avoid any, but I guess they're bloodthirsty and stupid.
[18:17] <Gourash> OOC: Yay
[18:18] <Gourash> roll 1d20+20-4-3 (Prone and -3 PA)
[18:18] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+20-4-3 (Prone and -3 PA) and gets 22." [1d20=9]
[18:18] <Ebiris> OOC: hits
[18:18] <Gourash> roll 1d12+13+3+6 DAMAGE
[18:18] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+13+3+6 DAMAGE and gets 29." [1d12=7]
[18:18] <Ebiris> roll 2d6+6-4
[18:18] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d6+6-4 and gets 6." [2d6=1, 3]
[18:20] <Ebiris> Gourash manages to hack out the ankles of one, but doesn't stop the assault from coming as a series of claws rend viciously into his back! Meanwhile, the biggest werewolf throws back its head and howls triumphantly, before lunging down to savagely bite and claw into Gourash's exposed back!
[18:20] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+26
[18:20] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+26 and gets 42." [1d20=16]
[18:20] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+26
[18:20] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+26 and gets 46." [1d20=20]
[18:20] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+26 crit check
[18:20] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+26 crit check and gets 31." [1d20=5]
[18:20] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+26
[18:20] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+26 and gets 30." [1d20=4]
[18:20] <Ebiris> roll 3d8+30+1d8+13-6
[18:20] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 3d8+30+1d8+13-6 and gets 60." [3d8=4, 8, 8][1d8=3]
[18:22] <Ebiris> Gourash can't resist at all as the feral madman turned half-animal abomination rips and tears and rips and tears, leaving bare ragged strips of green flesh hanging onto exposed muscle and bone!
[18:22] <Ebiris> OOC: fort save
[18:22] <Gourash> roll 1d20+13
[18:22] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+13 and gets 29." [1d20=16]
[18:23] <Ebiris> The last remaining bat decides to ignore Alveria, instead moving in close to Amonet and trying to hook its claws into her!
[18:23] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+5
[18:23] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 and gets 12." [1d20=7]
[18:23] <Ebiris> OOC: touch AC?
[18:24] <Amonet> OOC: ...12
[18:24] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10
[18:24] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 and gets 19." [1d20=9]
[18:24] <Ebiris> OOC: grapple check
[18:25] * Gourash lets loose a roar of pain, seeing nothing but blood around him and only his rage keeping him alive.
[18:25] <Amonet> roll 1d20+11
[18:25] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+11 and gets 29." [1d20=18]
[18:25] <Ebiris> But Amonet is easily able to shove the beast back before it can find any purchase on her armour!
[18:25] <Ebiris> OOC: your go, paladin-chan
[18:27] * Amonet strikes at the bat!
[18:27] <Amonet> roll 1d20+13
[18:27] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+13 and gets 26." [1d20=13]
[18:27] <Amonet> roll 1d8+8
[18:27] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+8 and gets 16." [1d8=8]
[18:27] <Ebiris> That did it! Piercing the bat's chest, Amonet efficiently and neatly dispatches the bat, which promptly vanishes!
[18:27] <Amonet> "Come on, we have to help Gourash," Amonet tells Alveria, after taking the bat down, and moves in the direction of the fierce cries of pain.
[18:27] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Gourash
[18:28] * Gourash flails in utter maddened rage at the werewolf that injured him so.
[18:29] <Gourash> roll 1d20+20-4-4 (-4 Prone, -4 PA... Whimper if miss)
[18:29] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+20-4-4 (-4 Prone, -4 PA... Whimper if miss) and gets 17." [1d20=5]
[18:29] <Gourash> roll 1d20+15-4-4 (-4 Prone, -4 PA... Whimper if miss)
[18:29] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+15-4-4 (-4 Prone, -4 PA... Whimper if miss) and gets 17." [1d20=10]
[18:30] <Ebiris> Perhaps his injuries are too much, for Gourash finds himself unable to strike to any great effect, only banging the flat of his axe worthlessly against the werewolf's legs!
[18:30] <Ebiris> As she rounds the rocky crags, Amonet can just see in the distance a cluster of furry bipedal creatures and an overgrown wolf all surrounding and laying into something unseen, and no sign of Gourash.
[18:30] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie
[18:31] <Amonet> "Wolves and werewolves, an entire cluster of them!" Amonet calls back to Alveria. "All centered around something!"
[18:31] * Alveria trudges around the corner, instantly assesses the situation, spits angrily, and flings a cloud of glittery sparkles over the crowd of werewolves!
[18:31] <Ebiris> OOC: DC?
[18:32] <Alveria> OOC: Will DC... 18.
[18:32] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+8 dire wolf
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+8 dire wolf and gets 22." [1d20=14]
[18:32] <Alveria> roll 1d6+6
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+6 and gets 7." [1d6=1]
[18:32] <Alveria> OOC: Ah yes, 7 round duration.
[18:32] <Ebiris> roll 3#1d20+7 werewolves
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 3#1d20+7 werewolves and gets 49." [3#1d20+7 = 24, 13, 12]
[18:32] <Gourash> roll 1d20+6 heeeelp!
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+6 heeeelp! and gets 18." [1d20=12]
[18:32] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+8 big werewolf
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+8 big werewolf and gets 10." [1d20=2]
[18:36] <Ebiris> The werewolf in the forest presumably does... something. Gourash can't really see what with being face down in the mud and surrounded by other nasty creatures, one of which is trying to bite him!
[18:37] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+19
[18:37] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+19 and gets 25." [1d20=6]
[18:37] <Ebiris> roll 1d8+10-2
[18:37] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d8+10-2 and gets 13." [1d8=5]
[18:39] <Ebiris> This bite surely broke something in Gourash, from the unhealthy crunching noises that emanate from his prone form, while another of the werewolves lashes out with tooth and claw to perhaps end his life for good?
[18:39] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+16
[18:39] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+16 and gets 32." [1d20=16]
[18:39] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+16
[18:39] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+16 and gets 26." [1d20=10]
[18:39] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+17
[18:39] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+17 and gets 25." [1d20=8]
[18:39] <Ebiris> roll 2d6+6+1d6+4-6
[18:39] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d6+6+1d6+4-6 and gets 17." [2d6=5, 6][1d6=2]
[18:40] <Ebiris> And succeeds! With a final sickening crunch and shredding noise, the werewolf holds aloft Gourash's heart triumphantly ahead, dripping blood and ichor freely! The other werewolves seem a bit confused and blinded, milling around and sniffing loudly as they start to drift back towards the woods.
[18:41] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[18:41] * Amonet calls upon Horus-Re's might as she approaches!
[18:41] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie
[18:43] <Alveria> "If this is how we usually do things," growls Alveria, scathingly, "We must barely break even with the clerics." Cupping her hands together, an enormous conflagration appears within her palms, and flies out towards the forest, where it detonates with a dull roar!
[18:43] <Alveria> roll 1d6+7
[18:43] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+7 and gets 11." [1d6=4]
[18:44] <Alveria> roll (10d6)*1.5 reflex DC 21
[18:44] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls (10d6)*1.5 reflex DC 21 and gets 54." [10d6=3, 4, 2, 4, 1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 2]
[18:44] <Ebiris> OOC: targetting blindly into the forest or centring it on the werewolves in sight?
[18:44] <Alveria> OOC: Centering on what I can see, yeah
[18:44] <Alveria> OOC: Hence the previous question
[18:44] <Ebiris> roll 2#1d20+9 for the two that can actually survive this
[18:44] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2#1d20+9 for the two that can actually survive this and gets 41." [2#1d20+9 = 21, 20]
[18:45] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10
[18:45] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 and gets 21." [1d20=11]
[18:47] <Ebiris> With a tremendous explosion, Alveria vents her fiery fury upon the lycanthropes! The one holding aloft Gourash's heart is flash-burned in an instant, and one of his blinded comrades fares little better. The wounded dire wolf is likewise immolated into a sooty stain on the ground. But two of the others, including the huge grey-furred one, both survive, able to deflect the worst of the blast!
[18:48] <Ebiris> The two remaining blinded werewolves bumble off into the forest, their fur charred and smoking!
[18:48] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[18:52] * Amonet approaches the large, sparkly werewolf, circling around it to cut off any retreat.
[18:54] <Ebiris> As she gets closer, Amonet can see a non-sparkly werewolf approach the big grey sparkly one, seeming to be casting a spell.
[18:54] <Ebiris> roll 3d8+7
[18:54] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 3d8+7 and gets 15." [3d8=4, 3, 1]
[18:58] <Amonet> roll 1d20+5 spellcraft
[18:58] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+5 spellcraft and gets 24." [1d20=19]
[18:59] <Ebiris> Growling a bit, the big sparkly werewolf gets down on its haunches and shifts form into a four-legged wolf, before moving further into the woods, seeming to be moving rather aimlessly.
[18:59] -> *Amonet* Cure Serious Wounds
[18:59] <Amonet> "Alveria, a healer amongst them!" Amonet calls out.
[18:59] <Ebiris> The other werewolf is a bit further away, and does the same thing.
[18:59] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[19:00] <Ebiris> OOC: Oh, my bad. Got confused with the short turns. It's Alvie, and she's technically before the wolves did anything.
[19:01] <Alveria> OOC: I guess it would be unsporting to pretend I held? >_>
[19:02] <Alveria> OOC: Ah well
[19:02] <Ebiris> OOC: you can if you want
[19:02] <Alveria> OOC: How far apart are the two enemies?
[19:03] <Alveria> OOC: And in relation to Amonet?
[19:03] <Ebiris> OOC: healer and big wolf are adjacent and 20/25 feet from Amonet. Other wolf is about 30 feet from them and, ah... 40 feet from Amonet?
[19:05] * Alveria raises a hand, and... a morass of terrible tentacles swarms up around the two wolves, grappling and binding them as they try to escape!
[19:05] <Alveria> OOC: I'm trying to angle it so, basically, the quickest way out of them is right towarsd Amonet
[19:06] <Ebiris> OOC: CL check so we can figure out its grapple bonus?
[19:06] <Alveria> OOC: Critters move at half-speed through the tentacles, which form a 20-ft radius spread.
[19:06] <Alveria> OOC: Yeah, getting to that
[19:06] <Alveria> OOC: Amonet should be able to hit them while they're grappled, too. :)
[19:06] <Alveria> roll 1d6+6
[19:06] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+6 and gets 7." [1d6=1]
[19:06] <Ebiris> OOC: so +15. Roll for both
[19:06] <Alveria> roll 1d20+15 Big
[19:06] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+15 Big and gets 20." [1d20=5]
[19:06] <Alveria> roll 1d20+15 Cleric
[19:06] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+15 Cleric and gets 18." [1d20=3]
[19:07] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+17 big
[19:07] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+17 big and gets 37." [1d20=20]
[19:07] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+9 cleric
[19:07] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+9 cleric and gets 18." [1d20=9]
[19:07] <Ebiris> OOC: higher mod breaks tie. Cleric is grappled
[19:08] <Alveria> OOC: And!
[19:08] <Alveria> OOC: I want to move closer now.
[19:08] <Alveria> OOC: +30ft distance go
[19:08] <Alveria> roll 1d6+4 bludgeoning to cleric, btw
[19:08] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+4 bludgeoning to cleric, btw and gets 10." [1d6=6]
[19:08] <Ebiris> OOC: that only applies on subsequent rounds
[19:08] <Alveria> OOC: oh wait
[19:08] <Alveria> OOC: That is done later
[19:08] <Alveria> OOC: 'kay
[19:09] <Ebiris> While the larger werewolf snarls and easily bats aside the annoying tentacles and continues to move deeper into the woods, yet still within the field of the tentacles, the spellcasting wolf howls in rage and humiliation as he's captured by the eldritch tentacles!
[19:09] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[19:09] * Amonet takes a step towards the pair of werewolves, and her arms extend unnaturally, the holy lance glowing with Horus-Re's divine energy as it tries to smite the werewolf cleric!
[19:10] <Amonet> roll 1d20+22
[19:10] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+22 and gets 25." [1d20=3]
[19:10] <Amonet> roll 1d20+17
[19:10] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+17 and gets 21." [1d20=4]
[19:10] <Ebiris> OOC: hit
[19:10] <Ebiris> OOC: hit x2
[19:11] <Amonet> roll 2d8+10+4d6+22
[19:11] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 2d8+10+4d6+22 and gets 60." [2d8=5, 6][4d6=5, 4, 5, 3]
[19:12] <Ebiris> Defying the laws of nature, Amonet's arms slink out like they were made of rubber, snaking through the trees and undergrowth to stab the werewolf cleric of malar twice! He roars in agony, straining futilely against his bonds as he's assailed!
[19:13] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+9
[19:13] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+9 and gets 24." [1d20=15]
[19:13] <Ebiris> OOC: grapple check, Alvie
[19:13] <Alveria> roll 1d20+15
[19:13] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+15 and gets 19." [1d20=4]
[19:13] <Alveria> OOC: Aww.
[19:15] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+13
[19:15] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+13 and gets 14." [1d20=1]
[19:16] <Ebiris> Breaking free of his bonds, the werewolf attempts to cast a spell while keeping his guard up against Amonet's attacks, only to have his spell fizzle! Meanwhile the other two remaining werewolves continue fleeing aimlessly into the forest!
[19:16] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie, can try and grapple cleric again, too
[19:16] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+9
[19:16] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+9 and gets 29." [1d20=20]
[19:16] <Alveria> roll 1d20+15 STAY ON TARGET
[19:16] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+15 STAY ON TARGET and gets 27." [1d20=12]
[19:17] <Ebiris> Despite this, however, he's able to bat away the tentacles trying to violate his lupine space!
[19:17] <Alveria> OOC: Where does the big werewolf go?
[19:17] <Alveria> OOC: Would he not be AoO'd by Amonet?
[19:17] <Alveria> OOC: Or he'd withdraw, yeah
[19:17] <Ebiris> OOC: He cast defensively. Failing fizzles the spell but still prevents an AoO
[19:17] <Alveria> OOC: No, not him, the other one
[19:17] <Ebiris> OOC: he left earlier
[19:17] <Alveria> OOC: Oh. Missed it! Ok.
[19:18] <Ebiris> OOC: He's out of the tentacles now but still visible thanks to the pixie dust
[19:19] * Alveria flings another fireball at the clerical lycanthorpe, discharged from a smoky rod and clouding the area with smoke!
[19:19] <Alveria> roll 1d6+7
[19:19] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+7 and gets 13." [1d6=6]
[19:19] <Alveria> roll 10d6+10 fiery fireball has DC 21
[19:19] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 10d6+10 fiery fireball has DC 21 and gets 46." [10d6=2, 5, 5, 4, 2, 6, 1, 4, 5, 2]
[19:19] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10
[19:19] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 and gets 14." [1d20=4]
[19:20] <Ebiris> Caught by the blast, the werewolf cleric of Malar is blasted and charred to oblivion! As the smoke clears, an all too human corpse is seen laying on his back amidst the tentacles, skin charred beyond recognition!
[19:21] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[19:21] <Amonet> OOC: If I move half speed for 20ft, would any werewolf be within 20ft range?
[19:21] <Ebiris> OOC: No.
[19:21] <Amonet> OOC: Where's the closest one?
[19:22] <Ebiris> OOC: Closest one is on the other side of the tentacles, about 70 feet away. Other one is to the Northwest and say 80 feet away.
[19:22] <Alveria> OOC: Oh
[19:22] <Alveria> OOC: +15 feet towards the closest one
[19:22] * Amonet decides to pursue the werewolf closest to her for the time being.
[19:22] <Alveria> OOC: Er, the big one
[19:23] <Ebiris> OOC: Going through the tentacles?
[19:23] <Alveria> OOC: Heck no
[19:23] <Amonet> OOC: Cutting off his retreat by going deeper into the forest around them
[19:23] <Ebiris> OOC: Again, you can't cut off retreat if he's moving away from you and faster than you. You can block certain avenues, but not the one he's headed in.
[19:24] <Amonet> OOC: strike, then
[19:24] * Amonet glances at Alveria. "I can't catch up to them like this. Do you have anything to help us, or do we stop here?"
[19:25] <Alveria> OOC: They're going in opposite directions, yeah?
[19:25] <Ebiris> OOC: Kinda. One's Northeast, the other's Northwest.
[19:26] <Alveria> "It's too much trouble," replies Alveria, stalking paralell to the larger, blinded werewolf. "By my reckoning, we can slay but one, and I'll see the larger one dead myself. I doubt a lone werewolf will be much danger to the people here."
[19:27] <Amonet> "Alright," Amonet agrees, discarding her lance for a bow, and fires at the werewolf Alveria decided to leave along.
[19:28] <Amonet> roll 1d20+9
[19:28] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+9 and gets 13." [1d20=4]
[19:29] <Ebiris> The flaming arrow is sadly lost in the woods, failing to hit its mark. And no sooner does Amonet shoot than the glowing werewolf suddenly disappears! Or at least stops glowing, making its suddenly faster and more sure movements a lot harder to make out.
[19:30] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie
[19:30] <Alveria> OOC: How far away is the one that vanished, or can I not see it at all?
[19:30] <Ebiris> OOC: you can barely see it. It's say 130 feet from you.
[19:30] <Alveria> OOC: That'll do.
[19:31] <Alveria> Clenching a fist and biting on something, a flurry of teeth springs all around the werewolf, and begin biting down on him with vicious abandon.
[19:31] <Alveria> OOC: Big werewolf, yeah, empowered manyjaws
[19:31] <Alveria> roll 1d6+6
[19:31] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+6 and gets 12." [1d6=6]
[19:31] <Alveria> roll (10d6)*1.5 DC 19 roflroflroflwin
[19:31] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls (10d6)*1.5 DC 19 roflroflroflwin and gets 54." [10d6=4, 6, 2, 2, 4, 3, 6, 3, 4, 2]
[19:32] <Alveria> OOC: Reflex half.
[19:32] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10
[19:32] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 and gets 18." [1d20=8]
[19:33] <Ebiris> There's a howl of pure agony from ahead as the magical teeth tear into the werewolf from all sides, ripping and tearing into its flesh!
[19:33] <Ebiris> OOC: Amonet
[19:33] <Alveria> OOC: I'll move 30ft closer to it.
[19:34] <Alveria> OOC: Manyjaws persists for 3 rounds, but if he goes out of range (that's 220 feet from me) it stops working.
[19:34] * Amonet decides to shoot at the werewolf Alveria is attacking with her fearsome magic!
[19:34] <Amonet> roll 1d20+9
[19:34] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+9 and gets 18." [1d20=9]
[19:34] <Amonet> roll 1d20+4
[19:34] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+4 and gets 6." [1d20=2]
[19:35] <Ebiris> Both of Amonet's arrows are misses, sadly, as the grey-furred beast yelps and rushes off into the forest and hopefully away from these fiends! It's all too swiftly lost amidst the undergrowth ahead, and out of sight...
[19:35] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie
[19:37] <Alveria> Alveria grunts. "Well, that's done, then," she mutters. "The usual custom would be to gather the belongings of our enemies, and in this case, their teeth? Let us be about it."
[19:37] <Amonet> "Yes, let us," Amonet says sadly, picking up her lance.
[19:41] * Alveria is all business as she goes about sawing off jaws with her prismatic blade; neither enthusaism nor despair seem to cross her thoughts.


[11:36] <Ebiris> After flying a wide radius around the clearing where Gourash met his untimely end, Alveria can find no trace of any bows with her eldritch magicks. However, before giving up entirely, she soars alongside the river, curving to the North and deeper into the woods... it's here where she finally picks up a contact! It's below her, and only a dozen or so feet from the riverbank!
[11:37] <Alveria> Sounds worth checking out! Alveria dispatches an invisible floating eyeball to have a look for her.
[11:37] <Ebiris> The weather today is much like yesterday, clear and crisp. The wind is little more than a soft breeze, and the sun shines brightly down from blue skies. If one could ignore the temperature, it would seem almost summery. Regardless, though, the frozen North still requires one to wrap up warmly.
[11:43] <Ebiris> Floating downwards, the eye passes over the slow-flowing river and into the woods beyond. It's only by triangulating with her locate object spell that she's able to find her quarry, however - the bow lies half buried in dirt and weeds near one of the ever-present pine trees. The ground here is rather soft and muddy, ground frost seeming to have melted away... the trees aren't even that close together, either, allowing some degree of freedom of movement beneath the canopy.
[11:43] <Ebiris> What Alveria can see of the bow where it's exposed, it seems rather neglected, no doubt from being exposed to the elements too long. Its string is slack and fraying, while the shaft itself appears to have acquired some fungal growths.
[11:45] * Alveria has the eye look around the rest of the area for a bit before floating down herself and checking for magic (or any other stuff lying around.)
[11:45] <Ebiris> OOC: search check
[11:45] <Alveria> roll 1d20+8
[11:45] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+8 and gets 23." [1d20=15]
[11:56] <Ebiris> Alveria does find two arrows, one embedded in a tree trunk and another in the ground. Their construction seems rather ornate, noticable even with the ravages of the elements that have likewise affected the bow she found. The feathers, while dirtied and frayed, are a soft gold colour, while the arrowhead visible on the one not stuck in a tree is decorated with loops and whorls over its viciously barbed surface.
[11:56] <Ebiris> The arrow on the ground emanates a moderate magical aura.
[11:56] <Ebiris> From the angle, it appears they were fired from the West by someone shooting towards the river. Besides that, there's a noticable patch of ground that's elevated above the surroundings, dirt clumped up together and then patted down again, but not enough to blend in completely.
[11:57] * Alveria picks up that arrow and heads over to the patch of ground. "Finder's keepers," she quips to herself, kneeling down and seeing if she can dig a hole without too much trouble.
[11:58] <Ebiris> Well, she'd have to get her hands dirty, but Alveria's never been afraid of that, right? Also it's kind of cold, but yes, she could dig away in the earth like a dwarf if that's what she really wanted.
[11:59] <Alveria> OOC: How large is the patch of ground?
[11:59] <Ebiris> OOC: about 5x3 feet
[12:00] <Alveria> OOC: A corpse! A corpse!
[12:00] * Alveria shifts the karach into an axe/shovel/thingy and starts scooping away! Her interest has been piqued!
[12:02] <Ebiris> It takes some work, and Alveria starts sweating from exertion fairly quickly, but she nonetheless manages to shovel away a good portion of the dirt before hitting something with a different consistency with the surrounding earth. There was a slight amount of give before hitting something harder - a rock?
[12:03] * Alveria clears away a bit of dirt and then has a look down.
[12:05] <Ebiris> Alveria appears to have found a leg! And another just below it, as if some human-sized person is laying in a foetal position under the ground. Sturdy cloth trousers with leather patches sewn into them are seen through the exposed area she's cleared so far.
[12:07] * Alveria winces, figuring this to be one of the rangers. OOC: Can I pull the body out the grave?
[12:08] <Ebiris> OOC: with a bit more digging, sure. Lets say you do.
[12:08] <Alveria> OOC: Ok.
[12:08] <Alveria> OOC: I assume it is actually dead.
[12:08] <Alveria> OOC: If it's not, this could get pretty funny.
[12:08] <Ebiris> OOC: good fake, otherwise
[12:12] <Ebiris> With a bit more digging, Alveria is able to fully expose the cadaver. Fortunately the freezing conditions over winter appear to have preserved it fairly well, keeping the stench to a minimum. Nonetheless, a few worms and similar creatures wriggle free from his clothing and face as the body is moved. Looks to be a male human approaching middle age. Skin is deathly pale, naturally. Has a red beard and thinning hair on top.
[12:12] <Ebiris> Wearing leather armour that's starting to crack and stiffen. There's a backpack also in the grave, which the body was curled up around, and a few more arrows are seen - hafts broken off, now, whether by Alveria's manhandling or by the burying itself its hard to say. No magic emanates from him, and he has what looks to be a sheathed short-sword on his belt.
[12:13] <Alveria> Nothing in the backpack?
[12:16] <Ebiris> Searching the backpack reveals: Some dried meat and mushrooms, the latter of which appear to have multiplied while underground. There's also three sealed ceramic flasks. A winter blanket, iron pot, knife, wrapped canvas sheet, waterskin (empty), whetstone, torch, and finally a pouch containing 50gp (some of it in silver and copper) rounds things out.
[12:17] <Ebiris> And a quiver with two dozen or so arrows in it. They don't match the others you've found, here.
[12:22] * Alveria puts the gold away and leaves the rest of the stuff where it is, making a very small effort to dump the body back into the grave and heap a bit of dirt back on it. But then she considers the trajectory of the arrow, and decides to follow it for a bit.
[12:22] <Alveria> OOC: I'm just looking around this segment of forest, and if I don't find anything I'll go home.
[12:22] <Ebiris> OOC: search check
[12:22] <Alveria> roll 1d20+8
[12:22] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+8 and gets 11." [1d20=3]
[12:22] <Alveria> OOC: Should really take 20, but I wouldn't IC
[12:23] <Alveria> OOC: Furthermore, forest is creepy!
[12:23] <Ebiris> OOC: and full of werewolves that hate you!
[12:23] <Alveria> OOC: Yeah. >_>
[12:25] <Ebiris> Heading a little bit to the West, Alveria fails to find anything terribly interesting this way. Considering how long ago it must have been, tracks are an impossibility, and no other arrows or other clues present themselves.
[12:26] <Alveria> Time to go back to Moonhaven, then. Though, this time, she politely teleports to the gate instead of elsewhere.


Translating the runes she copied, Alveria finds that they mostly list seasons and festivals, largely trivial and meaningless to her, but interspersed amongst them are various curtly written descriptions of events over the past thirty or so years. Sadly parts of the runes were illegible to her when she looked at them before, so some sections remain untranslated.

Circle of Moonwood formed
Pact made with Black Hunt - disturb not their hunts and __________ they keep themselves to Northern forest
________ Mithral Hall - section of Western forest permissable for logging. Those who defy Silvanus outside that area will face ___________.

Orcish horde threatened to spill forth from Spine of World. Abbintraxius consumed horde at Lowstar ______.

Velsper ________ burned ______ part of forest. Slew two of circle before being brought down. Silvanus watch over the souls of Dawn Merryoak and Piotr Bitterleaf, for both chose his embrace over reincarnation.

Trolls of Lammermuir growing rapidly in population. _____________________ in battle. Area now blighted and devoid of life. Silvanus have mercy.

Lyfes Helsthorn discovered ancient Netherese ruins in Northern forest, near Lake Nast. Great number of undead released, contained with help of Black Hunt. Area cursed - do not approach. Protections have been placed to ___________.

Drow raiders breached surface near Moonhaven. All were slain, though toll was ______. Caves to _________ have been _______.

_____ Helsthorn has left us, desiring to study the cursed ruins. Warnings for naught, he has been cast from _______. Guardians of nature will watch over area to prevent __________.

Circle is dead. Hierstone Bloodvine and Alexis Helsthorn both missing, can find no trace of either. Animals speak of strange elves that stalk the forest, but have not seen others of the Circle. Silvanus watch over us, I shall search for Lyfes Helsthorn if he still resides in the North of the Moonwood, for I am not strong enough alone.


The temple of Selune in Moonhaven can raise Gourash for 5,280gp, btw.



1) Ask around Moonhaven about Lyfes Helsthorn, and about what's north of the moonwood. Procure maps and the like.

2) Alveria will fly to Lake Nast (or anywhere else indicated by the moonhaven inquiries) and conduct an aerial survey seraching for netherese ruins and the like before teleporting back to moonhaven and discussing what's she's found.

3) ???

4) Profit!
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Further details pending, but FYI, the Moonwood is big enough that it'll take at least 2 days flying to get there.

Someone make a gather info check, too.


Some enquiries around town soon furnishes Alveria with directions to Lake Nast, which is far to the Northeast of the Moonwood. She's warned that no one's actually been there for years and years, but the lake shouldn't have moved - someone also starts to warn her about the fact that lycanthropes infest that part of the forest before remembering that A: The werewolves are a lot farther South, lately, and B: Alveria and her friends just killed a bunch of them.

Asking around Moonhaven while Alveria's gone, Amonet has little luck finding information regarding Lyfes Hesthorn until conversation with one of the clerics at the temple of Selune comes onto the subject. She mentions that while exploring the forest perhaps seven or eight years ago, she found a wounded badger and healed it. Shortly afterwards, while still in the woods, the badger found her again, along with a man called Lyfes Hesthorn, who thanked her and mentioned that the badger was his important companion. They talked for a bit about their respective faiths, although Lyfes apparently seemed unsure regarding his own, occassionally mentioning mysteries beyond Nature that he wished he could understand better.

She also mentions that he said he was able to cast 3rd level spells.


[13:37] <Ebiris> Leaving Amonet behind to try and gather information about this missing druid, while Gourash is raised at the temple of Selune, Alveria takes off from Moonhaven and soars off to the North over the forest!
[13:37] <Ebiris> The weather isn't too kind to her, today, with low lying clouds drizzling snow and rain enough to make the journey unpleasant and hamper visibility. She could fly above the clouds for a more peaceful trip, but that would pretty much remove all visibility.
[13:38] <Alveria> She probably does fly above the clouds for the most part, at least until she's close enough to the lake that it's worth dipping back below. It's just forest, she's seen plenty of that before and if she can't see anyway...
[13:40] <Ebiris> After spending most of the day flying, the duration on her spell is close to running out and it'll still take the better part of tomorrow before she nears the lake. Will Alveria brave the wilds and camp alone, or does she have an ace up her sleeve?
[13:40] <Alveria> Alveria has a charge on her rod of extend spell, and thus uses it to sleep overnight in a long-lasting rope trick.
[13:41] <Ebiris> OOC: spot check
[13:41] <Alveria> roll 1d20+3
[13:41] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+3 and gets 9." [1d20=6]
[13:43] <Ebiris> Alveria lands without incideny, dropping into the creepy cold forest and randomly setting up her rope trick - it's not like it matters where she sticks it, right? Rousing herself the following day, she's fortunate to find that the weather has improved somewhat, while still somewhat cloudy above, no rain nor snow falls down from the sky.
[13:44] <Ebiris> OOC: make another spot check once you take off
[13:44] * Alveria stretches for a bit, eats a little food, and then emerges from the forest, flying once again!
[13:44] <Alveria> roll 1d20+3
[13:44] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+3 and gets 12." [1d20=9]
[13:48] <Ebiris> The vast expanse of the Moonwood lies below Alveria as she takes off, and on the horizon she can see the very beginnings of the Spine of the World, where darker clouds seem to be gathering. That's still far away from where she's going, so hopefully they won't come here. After flying for a few hours, she thinks the lake should become visible shortly - apparently it's more of a glorified pond, so not visible from a great distance.
[13:48] <Ebiris> OOC: knowledge nature check, or int if you lack it
[13:48] <Alveria> roll 1d20+6 I have int! But my knowledge base is not broad.
[13:48] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+6 I have int! But my knowledge base is not broad. and gets 9." [1d20=3]
[13:50] <Ebiris> As she flies over masses of skeletal trees below, Alveria happens to notice something curious. While barren trees are hardly rare in Winter, the Moonwood is filled with evergreen pines - indeed, when she left Moonhaven, the forest was a verdant green all around, but below she can see a vast swathe of grey and brown, stretching in all directions. Only at the limits of her vision, to the West and South, can she see any strong showing of green.
[13:51] * Alveria keeps her eyes peeled for any kind of structure as she heads to the lake, which she intends to circle a couple of times.
[13:54] <Ebiris> After another half hour or so, Alveria thinks she can see Lake Nast, It's roughly the shape of a wine bottle, and glistens with a sheen of ice over the top. Skeletal trees surround it quite densely, making the ground below difficult but not impossible to make out details on.
[13:54] <Ebiris> OOC: spot check
[13:54] <Alveria> roll 1d20+3
[13:54] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+3 and gets 9." [1d20=6]
[13:54] <Alveria> OOC: and we begin to plummet down again
[13:55] * Alveria flies a bit closer to the ground around here; only a few dozen feet above it so she can get a better look.
[13:57] <Ebiris> OOC: flying down over the lake or in amidst the trees?
[13:59] <Alveria> OOC: Over the lake for now, about 60 feet up
[14:01] <Ebiris> Despite her aerial vantage, Alveria can't see any sign of manmade structures nearby. A thin mist clings to the ground that she can see from the banks of the lake, some grey and likely dead undergrowth visible amidst the trees that ring the lake. No signs of life at all...
[14:06] * Alveria flies higher for a while, checking to see if she can pinpoint the centre of the unnatural plague on the wildlife.
[14:10] <Ebiris> Flying to the base of the clouds, Alveria can see for miles in all directions. It appears that the 'dead' zone extends to the East and North as far as the woods themselves extend, while to the South and West it extends for perhaps thirty/thirtyfive miles by her reckoning. That would make the centre say... ten or so miles to the Southwest? Thereabouts, anyway.
[14:10] * Alveria goes thataway!
[14:15] <Ebiris> Flying along that course, Alveria doesn't go far at all before she notices a few things below. Firstly, there's a pond even smaller than Lake Nast, perfectly circular and frozen over, with a likewise frozen waterfall and stream that seems to run in the direction of the lake. Further, the trees are a bit thinner herabouts, and she thinks she can see some suspiciously regular and angular rocks or stones amidst them.
[14:17] * Alveria flies a bit closer, just above the treeline to check out these rocks and stones.
[14:17] <Ebiris> OOC: spot check
[14:17] <Alveria> roll 1d20+3
[14:17] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+3 and gets 4." [1d20=1]
[14:19] <Ebiris> Looking closer, Alveria thinks they could be bricks and pillars, remnants of some destroyed structure which nature has overtaken... even if said nature appears to have recently expired, itself. They're spread around a fair bit, jutting out from the earth as if they were buried and then partially dug up, and frequently covered by brown and grey creepers and vines that look dry and brittle.
[14:23] * Alveria spends a goodly amount of time just inspecting the perimetre and details of the structure from above without quite floating down to look, unless she sees something particularly interesting.
[14:23] <Alveria> OOC: i.e. I'll take 20 on a spot/search check?
[14:24] <Ebiris> OOC: still above the trees, though?
[14:24] <Alveria> OOC: Yeah. I'll be hacking through all this with amonet later anyway.
[14:25] <Alveria> OOC: Hmm. Well, actually, I'd go below the treeline
[14:25] <Alveria> OOC: But I wouldn't *land*.
[14:26] <Ebiris> OOC: the tallest trees are say 50 feet tall, the shortest more like 30. How far do you want to go?
[14:27] <Alveria> OOC: Probably around 30 feet. I figure that if I can't see it from there I'd miss it normally anyway.
[14:28] <Ebiris> Descending down below a good portion of the branches, Alveria hears a faint creaking noise, as if a tree were being blown in the wind... but the air is still.
[14:31] <Alveria> Getting rather antsy at the surroundings (nevermind the corresponding legends), Alveria throws an extended invisibility on herself while she pokes around.
[14:31] <Alveria> roll 1d6+6
[14:31] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+6 and gets 10." [1d6=4]
[14:39] <Ebiris> OOC: can you make a move silently check? (since you're having to weave around branches and stuff while flying)
[14:40] <Alveria> roll 1d20+1 ok
[14:40] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+1 ok and gets 16." [1d20=15]
[14:40] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+11
[14:40] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+11 and gets 14." [1d20=3]
[14:44] <Ebiris> Vanishing away from sight, Alveria descends and takes a good look around her surroundings. The ruins appear to encompass the frozen pond, for a few fragments are seen on all sides of it, but it looks to be right on the edge, for they extend further to the South and West. Despite the cloying mist that clings to the ground up to a height of perhaps ten feet, Alveria is able to make out a few details...
[14:44] <Ebiris> What appear to be skeletons and bones litter the ground in places, shattered and immobile for the most part, though a few seem reasonably intact. A decently sized pit appears to have been dug up around one of the protruding structures, perhaps to access a doorway - the frame is somewhat visible, although the door itself is utterly choked with dark grey vines.
[14:44] <Ebiris> And surprisingly enough, Alveria does find life! Leaning against small broken pillar near the frozen pond stands what appears to be an elf. She's exquisitely formed, as evidenced by her complete nudity, showing off a lithe and toned body that many in Evermeet would spend decades trying to achieve.
[14:44] <Ebiris> Her hair is a soft red, like autumn leaves, and she stares at the pond with glassy eyes, seeming lifeless were it not for the soft rise and fall of her pert chest. If she noticed Alveria's invisible flying around, she gave no indication, nor does she seem bothered by the biting cold.
[14:47] * Alveria catches herself for a moment and observes the elf for a couple minutes, before gazing at the pond herself. She doesn't make any sudden movements, though.
[14:50] <Ebiris> The frozen pond is a mixture of white and grey, when water is occassionally visible through its frosty surface. Doesn't appear to be anything spectacular. The elf merely sits and stares at the pond, an odd expression on her face, something that seems almost longing, but at the same time confused and unsure.
[14:50] <Ebiris> At one point she tilts her head, causing a lock of reddish-gold hair to fall before her eyes, which she slowly brushes aside, showing that she could probably use a manicure. Besides that, though, she does nothing...
[14:52] <Ebiris> It is worth noting, that despite the water's frozen state, the ground and trees themselves are barely showing any frost at all on them.
[14:53] <Alveria> OOC: Is the pond itself shrouded by the trees?
[14:54] <Ebiris> OOC: their branches do extend a bit over it, but not enough to render it invisible from the air. You saw it earlier, after all.
[14:54] <Alveria> OOC: Can I get out and back to it without further move silent checks?
[14:54] <Ebiris> OOC: Sure, since you're already really close to it anyway, I figured, if you wanted to observe it and the woman
[14:55] <Alveria> Alveria quietly swoops away from the pond, casts detect magic, and returns to take a closer look at what's going on here.
[14:56] <Ebiris> Alveria can detect a faint aura on the elf, and a moderate aura emanating from within the water.
[14:56] <Ebiris> *ice
[14:56] <Alveria> roll 2#1d20+21 for spellcraft checks (+23 for evocation.) Both to check school and see if I can identify spells or unique effects.
[14:56] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 2#1d20+21 for spellcraft checks (+23 for evocation.) Both to check school and see if I can identify spells or unique effects. and gets 55." [2#1d20+21 = 31, 24]
[14:58] <Alveria> OOC: er, +22 there, sorry.
[14:59] <Ebiris> There seems to be a necromantic spell on the woman. Since it has no visible effects, Alveria cannot tell what it is. An aura of transmutation is felt from below the ice coating the pond.
[14:59] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+16
[14:59] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+16 and gets 30." [1d20=14]
[14:59] <Alveria> OOC: something happen?
[15:01] <Ebiris> While Alveria thought she flew far away enough to not be heard casting her spell, she notices that the woman has stood up properly and is now peering in the direction she went in. "Hello?" she calls tremulously, her voice sounding scratchy for a moment before she clears her throat, "Is someone there?" she tries, more strongly this time, her tone still a bit husky but nonetheless pleasant to hear.
[15:04] * Alveria floats closer to the woman, within about twenty feet or so, and peers down, curious. "I didn't expect to be noticed," she responds, sounding rather dubious. "I must compliment you on your senses, Miss..."
[15:06] <Ebiris> She looks up in the direction of Alveria's voice, seeming entirely unashamed of her ungarbed state. "Whoever you are, you should leave, quickly," she calls, her dark eyes wide enough that you can just barely see flecks of white in their corners. "Please... hurry," she adds, shivering and looking around warily.
[15:07] <Alveria> "Forgive me for being overconfident, but this place intrigues me," responds Alveria. "What is it that I should fear?"
[15:10] <Ebiris> "It... changes, people..." she shivers briefly. "Surely you have seen and felt the wrongness in the forest? Even I..." she shudders and brings up a delicate hand to her face, biting down on her knuckles for a moment. "Leave now, while you still can!" she adds stridently after a moment, before moaning and swaying unsteadily on her feet. "So hungry..."
[15:15] <Alveria> "Do you wish to accompany me?" queries Alveria, dubiously. "There is a town I can bring us to, if you wish," she carries on, drifting a little closer ot the lake and trying to peer through the ice.
[15:15] <Ebiris> OOC: spot check
[15:16] <Alveria> roll 1d20+3
[15:16] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+3 and gets 4." [1d20=1]
[15:19] <Ebiris> Alveria can't see anything through the mostly opaque ice. "No, never a town!" she recoils as if struck. "Civilisation... no, it was *they* who were responsible for this!" she scathingly sweeps her hand around the ruins surrounding her. "Nature took it back, but... we did not know on what we sank our roots, and now there is only death!"
[15:19] <Ebiris> Following Alveria's position as she talks and moves, "He showed me another way, how to live... but still it only brings death! You must leave, before I forget myself!" Through this, Alveria can hear another sound of creaking wood, nearby, though still the air lies still.
[15:25] <Alveria> "Pitiable creature..." murmurs Alveria. "Go, then, to whatever fate you've found for yourself." After that, she swoops in a long, lazy loop, away from the clearing... but still watching it even as she departs.
[15:26] <Ebiris> OOC: flying away amidst the trees?
[15:26] <Alveria> OOC: Nah, I'm just going up.
[15:26] <Alveria> OOC: But I want tow atch and plan to dispatch an invisible eyeball shortly.
[15:28] <Ebiris> Soaring up into the sky, Alveria can barely see the nude elven woman sit down and curl up her knees to her chest, resuming her moody scrutiny of the pond. She seems a bit more animated now, though Alveria's too far away to really see exactly what she's doing as she sits on the misty ground far below.
[15:30] * Alveria creates a floating eye to go down and watch the woman from the trees nonetheless. No elf could survive this temperature for long without magic, but she seems more like some kind of fae than anything else...
[15:33] <Ebiris> Spending ten minutes casting said spell, Alveria sends down her floating eyeball to spy below, as her invisibility nears its end. The woman seems more moody and less vacant in expression as she stares at the pond, now, occassionally she rubs her arms, scratching white lines in her flesh from her nails.
[15:35] * Alveria flies away but leaves the eye there to observe the woman for the sake of inquiry.
[15:36] <Ebiris> OOC: heading home?
[15:36] <Alveria> OOC: I'll teleport home, I'm just getting out of sight even after my invis wears off.
[15:37] <Ebiris> The woman does not seem to do anything terribly exciting or titillating as Alveria slowly flies away, splitting her concentration between movement and her scrying spell.


[17:07] <Ebiris> After spending a day trying to find out about that druid, Amonet has some time to herself while waiting for Alveria to return. Gourash is off presumably enjoying his return to life with either whores or booze, and Alveria isn't expected back for another day or so, leaving Amonet free to do as she likes with Moonhaven's limited distractions and entertainment...
[17:08] * Amonet decides to pay Evanson another visit, hoping that if she came alone this time around, he would not get intimidated.
[17:10] <Ebiris> Despite slaying a few werewolves recently, Amonet can see that the farmers have not relaxed, a few well armed shepherds visible to her as she approaches Evanson's farmhouse at the edge of the forest...
[17:12] * Amonet repeats her previous actions, coming unarmed, though this time she leaves her armor behind. She knocks on the door, calling out, "Mister Evanson? It's Amonet, again. Can we talk?"
[17:13] <Ebiris> "What is it?" Evanson's gruff voice calls back, floorboards audibly creaking as he approaches the door, but it doesn't open. "Don't want no visitors!"
[17:16] <Amonet> "I just wanted to make sure that you and your family were alright. Is that so disrupting that you can't spare a moment or two to see me?" she asks him in a reasonable tone of voice.
[17:18] <Ebiris> "Yes! Chauntea damned busybodies, can't you go bother someone else?" he demands crankily through the door.
[17:20] <Amonet> "Perhaps people would stop bothering you if you let someone see that nothing was the matter?" Amonet asks the irate man. "If you truly don't wish to keep on receiving visits from well-wishers and other people who care about how your family is doing, why not show someone that everything was fine? They could then relate it to others, and you would be left in sad solitude if you so wish."
[17:26] <Ebiris> "Are you callin' me a liar, missy? If I were a few years younger, I'd... I'd..." he falters a bit, as if realising there's no way to end that sentence and not look like a tool. "Look, just clear off!" he adds huffily.
[17:26] <Ebiris> A second voice interrupts, however, "Oh, but she's right, Betram, people are just going to keep bothering us, aren't they?" a female voice wails unhappily.
[17:27] <Amonet> "I'll be sure to dispel everyone's worries for you if you wanted me to," Amonet offers through the closed door. "I can be very persuasive!"
[17:29] <Ebiris> "Look, there's nothing to worry about, okay - we're just fine, and don't you be thinking different," Evanson's voice sounds a bit muffled, before he raises it back to its previous volume, "And you, if you're so keen to be killing werewolves, why don't you just clear off and go look in the forest? That's where they all are!"
[17:31] <Amonet> "There is more to life than the pursuit of werewolves," Amonet says defensively. "We did, in fact, come here because we heard that werewolves were attacking people, but that shouldn't stop us from trying to help those in need, and checking up on some people when their friends and neighbors are worried about them!"
[17:33] <Ebiris> "What kind of help?" the female voice asks tremulously, before Evanson makes a loud shushing noise.
[17:33] <Ebiris> "Miriam, don't you be getting any ideas!"
[17:34] <Amonet> "Anything within my power, Miss," Amonet says, talking to the woman. "And if I can't do something, I have many friends who share my views! They would help, too!"
[17:37] <Ebiris> roll 1d20
[17:37] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20 and gets 9." [1d20=9]
[17:37] <Ebiris> OOC: listen check
[17:38] <Amonet> roll 1d20+6
[17:38] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+6 and gets 10." [1d20=4]
[17:40] <Ebiris> Amonet can hear muffled conversation on the other side of the door for a moment, but their voices are too low for her to make out any details. Finally, however, the door opens, revealing the same cranky and skinny old man from the other day, along with a weary looking woman, short and somewhat overweight.
[17:40] <Ebiris> She seems to size Amonet up for a moment before saying, "Why don't you come in, dear?" While Evanson himself glares and grumbles under his breath.
[17:41] <Amonet> With a dazzling smile at the two, Amonet follows the invitation!
[17:43] <Ebiris> Evanson stops grumbling and looks away from the sheer force of Amonet's smile, while his wife closes the door after the paladin enters. "We're only poor farmers, you understand," she begins apologetically. "And... things being the way they are, we didn't think there was anything else we could do..."
[17:44] * Amonet nods sympathetically. "But you have other options, now, with me here!" she tells the woman. "Please don't be discouraged!"
[17:48] <Ebiris> "When the werewolf came, I scared it off with a jar of acid I'd bought from that sleazy Calishite when this scare started," Evanson admits with clear reluctance. "But not before it took a bite out of our Muriel..."
[17:48] <Ebiris> "We healed her with a potion we'd kept in case of accidents, and even had her eat some belladonna, but it was no good..." Miriam picks up tearfully.
[17:49] * Amonet looks aghast. "The belladonna didn't work? I thought that was impossible...."
[17:52] <Ebiris> "It's a matter of luck and how strong a body is..." Evanson grunts. "We didn't know if it'd worked or not, so we wanted to keep things quiet till we were sure she was alright, but the following night... she changed."
[17:52] <Ebiris> "I heard that once you change, only powerful magic can cure you after that, and we just can't afford that sort of thing! Even worse, those hunters and guards would just kill her if they knew!" Miriam goes on, dabbing at her moist eyes.
[17:53] * Amonet nods at Miriam's words, offering the poor woman a handkerchief. "Did you keep Muriel safe, then? Where is she now?"
[17:54] <Amonet> roll 1d20+8
[17:54] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+8 and gets 28." [1d20=20]
[17:56] -> *Amonet* Amonet knows that lycanthropy can only be cured after the initial affliction + 3 days by a remove curse or break enchantment spell during one of the 3 days of the full moon (the recipient must make a will save for it to work, and the caster knows if it failed).
[17:57] -> *Amonet* The head cleric of Selune in Moonhaven is 7th level, and it's an important tenet of their faith to help lycanthropes - it's very unlikely that they'd charge anything for this service.
[17:59] <Ebiris> "Yes... we have to keep her chained up in her room so she doesn't hurt herself... or anyone else," Miriam sighs as she accepts the handkerchief. "She's been so brave, but it's hard on all of us. She... she scares easily, and that triggers the change."
[18:04] * Amonet considers her next words carefully, reflecting on her studies. "I know a few things about werewolves," she finally tells the couple. "The only way to deal with lycantropy at this stage of infection is as if it were a magical curse. The head of the temple of Selune, here, is capable of such magics, I am certain." She sighs. "It is a shame I did not get here earlier. Had it been but three days since the infection, treatment would be
[18:05] <Amonet> treatment would be much easier...."
[18:07] <Ebiris> Both Evansons wince and look especially guilty at that. "What do you think the temple would charge?" Betram asks after a moment, rubbing his thinning pate. "We can't afford that sort of magic..."
[18:14] <Amonet> Amonet thinks about it, and finally withdraws a hundred and fifty gold coins. "This would be enough," she tells the couple. "I don't believe servants of Selune would take money for what they consider to be following one of the tenets of their faith, but it never hurts to be prepared for everything." Her back straightens up slightly, and her tone acquires a note of lecturing to it, as if of a teacher or a student reciting a passage from a
[18:14] <Amonet>  book. "The spell to remove the curse of lycantropy may only be cast on the three nights of the full moon. The priest would know whether his prayers were answered immediately. Should the spell fail, it can be repeated." She smiles again, then. "It does not seem like you would have to wait long to get your daughter back."
[18:17] <Ebiris> The pair gape openmouthed at the amount of money Amonet just offered. "You're so... oh, child, are you an angel sent from heaven?" Miriam asks tearfully, looking at Amonet with adoration. Bertram just rubs the back of his head and seems at a loss for words.
[18:19] <Amonet> "Would you like me to contact the head priest of Selune's temple?" Amonet changes the topic, flushing lightly. "I could ask the temple to be discreet until they manage to lift the curse."
[18:22] <Ebiris> "Yes..." Betram Evanson swallows a lump in his throat, before nodding. "Please... and thank you, Lady Amonet. I'm... I'm sorry for how I treated you, before. I see now how foolish I was being."
[18:24] <Amonet> "I'll leave a way to contact me with the clerics," Amonet informs the couple. "If there are further expenses, or any other kind of help, please don't hesitate to pass a message on. I'll try to get here as soon as possible!"


[15:29] <Ebiris> It's late evening in Moonhaven, and few are about to see as Alveria, Amonet, and Gourash all join hands and vanish into thin air. Re-appearing, they find themselves deep in the forest, with no recognisable landmarks in sight. All around are thick skeletal trees, their bark flaking off to reveal greyish rotting wood beneath, a thin and cold mist cloaking your surroundings.
[15:29] <Ebiris> Thick clouds blanket the sky, blocking out any moon or starlight, leaving Alveria in pitch blackness, although Amonet and Gourash are not so hampered.
[15:33] <Alveria> "I don't belive I was off-target," states Alveria. "Of course, I cannot tell at the moment. Well, I'll rest." She frowns to herself, drifting one hand across a nearby tree. "It feels like I'm taking a risk in the name of caution... well, then." Kneeling on the ground, she briefly flings an alarm spell across the area, before closing her eyes and meditating.
[15:33] * Amonet takes watch!
[15:34] <Ebiris> roll 1d100
[15:34] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d100 and gets 63." [1d100=63]
[15:35] <Ebiris> The evening passes without incident, the surrounding forest deathly silent and nothing appearing to disturb Alveria's rest...
[15:38] * Alveria deftly closes her book after barely fifteen minutes reading. "Alright. If my conjurations were accurate, we should be about an hour's south of our destination," she states. "Let me remind you that this place is the sort of area where one doesn't tread lightly," she adds, standing up. "The wilderness isn't the only thing it may corrupt."
[15:43] * Amonet proposes waiting a few more hours before setting off.
[15:44] <Alveria> "This forest itself is dangerous," replies Alveria, frowning. "I suppose we should be alright."
[15:44] <Ebiris> As the party settles in to wait for highsun so that Amonet may accept the blessings of Horus Re, an hour or so passes before they hear a dry rustling and cracking in the undergrowth to the South. Something's approaching, and making no effort to conceal itself.
[15:45] * Amonet gets her lance out, unwilling to risk being caught unprepared.
[15:46] * Alveria waves her hands and shields herself in more than one way. OOC: Mage armour, stoneskin. That'll do for now.
[15:46] <Alveria> roll 1d6+6
[15:46] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+6 and gets 10." [1d6=4]
[15:46] <Alveria> roll 1d6+6
[15:46] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+6 and gets 12." [1d6=6]
[15:48] <Ebiris> As the party readies themselves, the intruder reveals itself, what looks like an enormous and muscular weasel emerges from the decaying foliage perhaps thirty feet away. It looks emanciated, and pustules of sickly red flesh jut out from its coarse brown fur. Nose twitching, it looks towards the party with rheumy bloodshot eyes and emits a shrill hiss, baring a mouth of yellowed fangs and receding gums.
[15:48] <Ebiris> OOC: init
[15:49] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+3
[15:49] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+3 and gets 20." [1d20=17]
[15:49] <Alveria> roll 1d20+3
[15:49] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+3 and gets 20." [1d20=17]
[15:49] <Amonet> roll 1d20+1
[15:49] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+1 and gets 21." [1d20=20]
[15:49] <Gourash> roll 1d20+1
[15:49] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+1 and gets 16." [1d20=15]
[15:52] <Amonet> For Amonet, it takes a moment's decision to charge the diseased beast in an attempt to put it out of its misery. As she gets close to it, her arms elongate suddenly, the lance snaking out to strike from incredible range!
[15:52] <Amonet> roll 1d20+15
[15:52] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+15 and gets 24." [1d20=9]
[15:52] <Ebiris> OOC: hit
[15:53] <Amonet> roll 1d8+8
[15:53] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+8 and gets 11." [1d8=3]
[15:54] <Ebiris> Amonet's lance cuts deeply into the animal's flesh, drawing forth a spurt of red blood flecked with yellow pus! But it seems undeterred, driven mad by disease and starvation as it charges the paladin in hopes of a meal!
[15:54] <Ebiris> OOC: AoO
[15:54] <Amonet> roll 1d20+13
[15:54] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+13 and gets 19." [1d20=6]
[15:54] <Ebiris> OOC: hit
[15:54] <Amonet> roll 1d8+8
[15:54] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+8 and gets 12." [1d8=4]
[15:55] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+9
[15:55] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+9 and gets 11." [1d20=2]
[15:56] <Ebiris> Again Amonet stabs a vicious path through its body, feeling bones crunch and snap from the force of her attack! Mouth flecked with foam, the wolverine nonetheless charges madly forward and claws uselessly at her armour, unable to harm her!
[15:56] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie
[15:56] * Alveria looks at the wolverine rather curiously, but doesn't make a move to engage it. (I'll hold.)
[15:56] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Gourash
[15:57] * Gourash steps over to cut the offal off of Amonet with swift swings of his axe.
[15:57] <Gourash> roll 1d20+17-4 attack 1
[15:57] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+17-4 attack 1 and gets 27." [1d20=14]
[15:57] <Ebiris> OOC: you're not close enough to full attack. That hits.
[15:58] <Gourash> roll 1d12+13+8
[15:58] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+13+8 and gets 33." [1d12=12]
[15:59] <Ebiris> With a crunching blow into the creature's spine, the wolverine goes limp and collapses bonelessly, wheezing pathetically as blood bubbles up through its mouth and nostrils, death perhaps seconds away even without any further aid...
[15:59] * Gourash snorts.  "Wild beast."
[16:01] * Amonet ends the beast's sorry existence, making it quick.
[16:01] <Alveria> "Let's get away from it," replies Alveria, mildly disgusted. "I've no wish to catch what it has on it."
[16:02] <Ebiris> A quick stab with her lance is all it takes to efficiently dispatch the animal, its movements and breath ceasing.
[16:02] * Gourash nods, cleaning off his axe on a handy tree and heading onward when the others do.
[16:02] <Amonet> "A moment, please," Amonet requests. "Can we stay and observe for a while? If this land is cursed and makes the dead rise again, it would be nice to know in advance."
[16:05] <Alveria> "If you wish... I don't recall seeing any undead creatures previous," admits Alveria.
[16:05] * Gourash shrugs. "That wasn't dead."
[16:06] <Ebiris> OOC: how long will you wait?
[16:06] * Amonet suggests waiting half an hour before moving on.
[16:08] <Ebiris> As Amonet watches, the corpse remains inert. No insects come to consume it, but flies are somewhat rare this far North in wintertime to begin with, nevermind if any could survive whatever malady plagues the Moonwood...
[16:08] * Amonet doesn't draw any conclusions from this, and finally decides to move on, after quickly replacing her bracers.
[16:10] <Ebiris> OOC: loitering around until noon or going to the ruins now?
[16:10] <Alveria> "Little would change for us if the dead did return," muses Alveria. "Unless, I suppose, if the ressurection was virtually instantaneous..."
[16:10] <Alveria> OOC: Loitering around, I think.
[16:10] <Amonet> "I believe we've determined it is not instanteneous, if it does occur," Amonet responds. "Unless there is a certain proximity to the ruins required."
[16:11] <Alveria> *Alveria, yes.
[16:14] * Alveria shrugs. "Maybe you've been reading too many stories?" she remarks, laughing a little as she points the group towards the ruins.
[16:15] * Gourash heads along with the sane mage.
[16:16] <Ebiris> Onwards the party marches, through the mist-wreathed dead forest until Alveria can see the glint of ice and grey stone in the distance that marked out the ruins she viewed from above the other day...
[16:17] * Alveria murmurs another pair of spells to herself, dimly peering towards that frozen waterfall. OOC: Extended See Invisibility and ExtendeD shield, yeah
[16:18] <Alveria> roll 1d6+6
[16:18] <Alveria> roll 1d6+6
[16:18] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+6 and gets 12." [1d6=6]
[16:18] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+6 and gets 7." [1d6=1]
[16:21] * Amonet protects herself from fire, friendly or otherwise.
[16:21] <Ebiris> Having protected themselves, the party begins once more advancing towards the ruins!
[16:21] <Ebiris> OOC: spot checks
[16:21] <Alveria> roll 1d20+3
[16:21] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+3 and gets 17." [1d20=14]
[16:22] <Amonet> roll 1d20+10
[16:22] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+10 and gets 21." [1d20=11]
[16:23] <Gourash> roll 1d20+1
[16:23] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+1 and gets 19." [1d20=18]
[16:29] <Ebiris> Advancing towards the ruins, the party finds them still and bleak... sporadic grey pillars covered in dirt and mold jut out from the earth amidst gnarled tree roots, while fragments of some larger structure are occassionally seen poking up from the dirt. A large hole has been dug in one area, descending to what looks like an entrance, albeit one choked in greyed vines.
[16:29] <Ebiris> To one side lies a frozen pond, where a figure emerges from between several collapsed pillars. Perfectly nude, the elfmaiden familiar to Alveria from her last visit looks at the party with concern. "Travellers!" she speaks in a melodic lilting voice, "This place is dangerous, you must leave at once!" If she's bothered at all about being naked in front of several complete strangers, she hides it well.
[16:30] * Gourash eyes Alveria as if to say "Kill her now?"
[16:31] * Amonet searches in her backpack for a spare cloak, before offering it to the woman with a hesitant smile.
[16:31] <Alveria> Alveria's lip curls at Gourash's pointed glance, but she doesn't say anything in response just yet.
[16:31] <Amonet> "Aren't you cold in that?" Amonet asks, taking a step closer.
[16:32] <Ebiris> The woman backs away from Amonet, maintaining a distance of about twenty feet. "I require none of your civilised trappings. Please, go - while you still can!" she pleads, briefly looking around before shuddering and wrapping her arms around her stomach.
[16:32] <Gourash> "We not leaving.  Just got here," Gourash  informs directly.
[16:33] <Amonet> "But you're shuddering from cold," Amonet argues. "It doesn't seem very pleasant. And I have some food, too, if you're hungry!"
[16:35] -> *Gourash* You can hear a creaking from the surrounding trees, as if they're being blown in the wind. But the air is still.
[16:36] <Ebiris> "Hunger..." she looks up at Amonet with a beseeching expression on her perfect features, "Please do not tempt me further. Go, while I can still make the offer!" she calls stridently, gesturing back in the direction you came.
[16:36] <Amonet> "Is there something in particular you want to eat?" Amonet asks in concern. "I might have it...."
[16:36] <Gourash> "Strange woman...What she afraid of?"
[16:37] <Alveria> "Herself, perhaps," murmurs Alveria, shrugging.
[16:38] <Ebiris> The elf's head snaps up in Alveria's direction, staring in shock. "You..." she gasps. "You came back... and you brought others?" Her expression twists into a feral, wild look. "No, I cannot show mercy to the blind!"
[16:38] <Ebiris> OOC: fort saves, all
[16:38] <Alveria> roll 1d20+5
[16:38] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+5 and gets 10." [1d20=5]
[16:39] <Amonet> roll 1d20+21
[16:39] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+21 and gets 39." [1d20=18]
[16:39] <Gourash> roll 1d20+11
[16:39] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+11 and gets 15." [1d20=4]
[16:41] <Ebiris> The woman's features seem to become more and more radiant as the party looks at her, an impossible beauty blooming on her face as she stands proud and tall... So beautiful that Gourash and Alveria find themselves suddenly robbed of vision, as if accepting on some level that no sight could possible compare to what they just saw. Amonet isn't that impressed, since she has access to mirrors and can see such perfection whenever she desires.
[16:41] <Ebiris> OOC: lets do init, here
[16:42] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+3 nymph
[16:42] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+3 nymph and gets 8." [1d20=5]
[16:42] <Alveria> roll 1d20+3
[16:42] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+3 and gets 15." [1d20=12]
[16:42] <Ebiris> roll 3#1d20 ???
[16:42] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 3#1d20 ??? and gets 27." [3#1d20 = 10, 16, 1]
[16:42] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+6 ???
[16:42] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+6 ??? and gets 16." [1d20=10]
[16:42] <Gourash> roll 1d20+1
[16:43] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+1 and gets 10." [1d20=9]
[17:01] <Amonet> roll 1d20+1
[17:01] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+1 and gets 20." [1d20=19]
[17:02] * Gourash gasps, rubbing his eyes. "W-what's going on...where'd she go?"
[17:02] <Alveria> "Dispatch her, Amonet!" snarls Alveria, disgusted at herself. "She is exercising her fae powers! Kossuth burn me, she's blinding to behold!"
[17:04] <Amonet> "That was very rude," Amonet tells the naked woman, proffered cloak dropping to the ground. "I still hope we can be friends, but first, I must show you the error of your wicked ways!"
[17:04] <Ebiris> OOC: make another fort save unless you're averting your gaze, Amonet
[17:04] <Amonet> roll 1d20+22
[17:04] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+22 and gets 31." [1d20=9]
[17:05] <Ebiris> OOC: Carry on. Doing anything or holding?
[17:05] <Amonet> With a thought and a murmur of a prayer, Amonet charges the blindingly beautiful apparition!
[17:05] <Alveria> "Oh, for the love of the stars, you can't make friends with the seelie..." groans Alveria.
[17:06] <Amonet> roll 1d20+22 charging smite~
[17:06] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+22 charging smite~ and gets 23." [1d20=1]
[17:08] <Amonet> roll 1d20+22
[17:08] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+22 and gets 31." [1d20=9]
[17:08] <Ebiris> OOC: what's the second roll for?
[17:09] <Amonet> OOC: Crit fail?
[17:09] <Ebiris> OOC: Ah, I forgot. Yes, just a miss.
[17:09] <Ebiris> Amonet's lance whiffs to the side of the naked elf, who only gives the Aasimar a regretful look in reply. "I tried to warn you..." she mutters, even as one of the nearby trees wrenches itself bodily out of the ground, lumbering towards Alveria and slamming downwards with a huge branch!
[17:09] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10
[17:09] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 and gets 28." [1d20=18]
[17:09] <Alveria> OOC: Oh god it hurts! Does it have darkvision?
[17:09] <Ebiris> OOC: yes.
[17:10] <Alveria> OOC: Curses
[17:10] <Amonet> "We can still stop this," Amonet responds, "if you would quit harming my friends!"
[17:10] <Ebiris> roll 2d6+9
[17:10] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d6+9 and gets 15." [2d6=4, 2]
[17:10] <Ebiris> roll 1d3 to see which spell Alvie loses
[17:10] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d3 to see which spell Alvie loses and gets 1." [1d3=1]
[17:10] <Ebiris> OOC: you lost Empowered Fireball and have been level drained 1 level
[17:10] <Alveria> OOC: I've been level drained by a tree? This is ignomy!
[17:11] <Ebiris> The branch slams viciously into Alveria, knocking the wind out of her and permeating her form with a seeping coldness that chills her to the bone!
[17:12] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alveria
[17:12] <Alveria> OOC: Do we get listen checks to hear anything else running around?
[17:13] <Ebiris> OOC: I rolled them secretly earlier. You can take a move action to make another.
[17:13] <Alveria> OOC: Hmm. Can I still 5ft step?
[17:13] <Ebiris> OOC: Yes, but you don't know how close the tree is. You might not be leaving its threatened area.
[17:14] <Ebiris> OOC: Or for that matter if the direction you move is away from it.
[17:16] * Alveria winces and fumbles for her components blindly, relying on painstaking years of study and effort to divorce the need for sight from her spells, stepping away from where the branch hit her and casting a protective barrier about herself and Gourash!... probably.
[17:16] <Alveria> roll 1d20+14 concentration check DC 19 iirc
[17:16] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+14 concentration check DC 19 iirc and gets 20." [1d20=6]
[17:16] <Ebiris> OOC: What spell?
[17:16] <Alveria> roll 1d6+5
[17:16] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+5 and gets 9." [1d6=4]
[17:16] <Alveria> OOC: resilient sphere
[17:17] <Alveria> OOC: Sec, not sure if it actually has a visible effect
[17:17] <Ebiris> OOC: globe of shimmering force
[17:17] <Alveria> OOC: 'kay.
[17:19] <Alveria> "Gourash, there's a potion of cure blindness in my left pocket," gapes Alveria, groaning. "You're going to have to drink it. Don't look back at that bitch when you do."
[17:21] * Gourash growls, "Gotcha..." he reached over where he last saw her, keeping his eyes down and grabbing for her left pocket to get the potion.  Drinking it if he can get it.
[17:22] <Ebiris> Gourash... drinks the potion! And finds himself enclosed with Alveria in a semi-opaque sphere of force with a large animated tree looming directly over them!
[17:22] <Ebiris> As this happens, another tree wrenches itself from the soil and lumbers over, slamming viciously downwards on the sphere and causing it to reverbate, but hold firm!
[17:23] <Gourash> "Thanks," He growled, readying his axe to tear the tree to shreds.
[17:23] <Alveria> "*Listen*," mutters Alveria, wiping her face. "I let you drink that because I can cast spells blind. I'm going to cast a few more and then let the sphere drop. Whatever you do, don't look back at the nymph until I yell, alright?"
[17:24] <Ebiris> "It's far too late for that," the nymph replies as she steps closer to Amonet, grossly violating her personal space as she reaches up to caress the brave paladin's armoured form!
[17:24] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10
[17:24] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 and gets 15." [1d20=5]
[17:24] <Ebiris> OOC: touch AC?
[17:24] <Amonet> OOC: 12
[17:24] <Ebiris> roll 4d6
[17:24] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 4d6 and gets 18." [4d6=4, 3, 6, 5]
[17:26] <Ebiris> Amonet feels a deathly chill from the touch, while the nymph's pale skin flushes with vigour, emitting a throaty gasp of pleasure from the contact. "Don't struggle," she murmurs, almost affectionate in her tone. "I promise I'll try to make it painless."
[17:26] <Amonet> roll 1d20+5
[17:26] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+5 and gets 12." [1d20=7]
[17:27] <Ebiris> Meanwhile a third tree uproots itself and lumbers towards Amonet and the nymph! The nymph herself looks up and says something in a language that Amonet can't understand, which makes the tree hesitate a second before it resumes its course.
[17:27] <Ebiris> OOC: AoO
[17:28] <Amonet> roll 1d20+13
[17:28] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+13 and gets 24." [1d20=11]
[17:28] <Amonet> roll 1d8+8
[17:28] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+8 and gets 15." [1d8=7]
[17:29] <Amonet> roll 2d6
[17:29] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 2d6 and gets 6." [2d6=1, 5]
[17:29] <Ebiris> OOC: hit
[17:31] <Ebiris> Amonet's lance has trouble penetrating the wooden creature's form to great effect, and it doesn't stop at all as it stomps towards her, myriad branches reaching out to grasp the paladin!
[17:31] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10
[17:31] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 and gets 20." [1d20=10]
[17:31] <Ebiris> OOC: grapple check
[17:31] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+20
[17:31] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+20 and gets 31." [1d20=11]
[17:31] <Amonet> roll 1d20+11
[17:31] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+11 and gets 29." [1d20=18]
[17:32] <Alveria> OOC: YOu peered in #e!
[17:32] <Ebiris> While she's spared a harsh impact and live leaching from the tree's attack, Amonet is nonetheless grasped firmly, held up like a prize before the nymph!
* Retrieving #dunes modes...
[17:32] <Amonet> "Let go, curse you!" Amonet cries out, struggling in the tree's grasp.
[17:32] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[17:34] * Amonet struggles to break free of the tree's grasp!
[17:34] <Amonet> roll 1d20+11
[17:34] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+11 and gets 29." [1d20=18]
[17:34] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+20
[17:34] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+20 and gets 37." [1d20=17]
[17:35] <Ebiris> It's no good, the decaying branches have a grip like iron, preventing Amonet from freeing herself!
[17:35] <Amonet> Defeated, Amonet calls upon the protection of her medal, summoning sanctuary to herself.
[17:35] <Ebiris> OOC: what's the DC?
[17:36] <Amonet> OOC: CL3 to craft, but no DC listed. I bet it's pretty low.
[17:36] <Ebiris> OOC: Sanctuary is level 1, so I guess it'd be 11.
[17:37] <Ebiris> The first treant waits outside the sphere, not wasting effort on attacking it after seeing how easily its comrade was rebuffed.
[17:37] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie
[17:39] * Alveria waves a hand and turns invisible, fidgeting in the tight confines of the sphere. "Always knew this one would save my life," she mutters.
[17:39] <Ebiris> OOC: Gourash
[17:41] * Gourash holds his axetion, waiting until the moment was right.
[17:42] <Ebiris> The other treant likewise waits patiently outside the sphere, while the nymph flexes her hand briefly, exposing her somewhat sharp fingernails. "Please, stop fighting it. I don't want you to have to suffer," she whispers to Amonet, before reaching up to scratch the paladin's cheek.
[17:42] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10
[17:42] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 and gets 29." [1d20=19]
[17:43] <Ebiris> roll 1d3
[17:43] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d3 and gets 2." [1d3=2]
[17:43] <Ebiris> The scratch is a trifling wound, but with it, Amonet feels some of her precious vitality being sapped away!
[17:43] <Ebiris> OOC: only one spell left, so you lose heat metal. 1 level drained.
[17:43] <Amonet> "That seems unlikely while you're molesting me with your friends," Amonet says through gritted teeth.
[17:45] <Ebiris> "If you had not come here, this would be unnecessary," the nymph retorts, shivering slightly at the influx of Amonet's life force. "You cannot imagine what I've had to endure, ever since *he* changed me!"
[17:45] <Ebiris> The last treant seems content to hold Amonet, not doing anything more.
[17:45] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[17:45] <Amonet> "We could have helped you!" she protests, struggling.
[17:45] <Alveria> "Keep your pathetic story to yourself, fae!" snarls Alveria.
[17:46] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+16
[17:46] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+16 and gets 24." [1d20=8]
[17:46] <Ebiris> OOC: she saved
[17:46] * Amonet has no better options than trying to escape!
[17:46] <Amonet> roll 1d20+11
[17:46] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+11 and gets 31." [1d20=20]
[17:46] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+20
[17:46] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+20 and gets 36." [1d20=16]
[17:47] <Ebiris> It's a herculean effort by Amonet, but despite giving it everything she has, the treant refuses to slacken its grip in the slightest!
[17:47] <Ebiris> OOC: treants are holding, so go Alvie
[17:51] * Alveria drops the sphere and dizzily backs away from the trees, leaving Gourash to do what he does best...
[17:52] * Gourash growls, his muscles straining with rage as he slams into the waiting treant without a moment's delay, his ready axe cleaving violently.
[17:52] <Ebiris> As soon as the sphere drops, both treants likewise strike at Gourash!
[17:52] <Ebiris> OOC: roll your attack first
[17:53] <Gourash> roll 1d20+19-5 attack 1 on treant 1
[17:53] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+19-5 attack 1 on treant 1 and gets 24." [1d20=10]
[17:53] <Ebiris> OOC: hits
[17:53] <Gourash> roll 1d12+16+10
[17:53] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+16+10 and gets 37." [1d12=11]
[17:54] * Gourash turns into another hacking action on the same tree.
[17:54] <Ebiris> OOC: Attacking again? (you're not close enough to cleave the other one, anyway)
[17:54] <Gourash> OOC: Oh, boo.  *nods*
[17:54] <Gourash> roll 1d20+14-5 hit!
[17:54] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+14-5 hit! and gets 13." [1d20=4]
[17:55] <Ebiris> Gourash cuts a deep gouge into one of the treant's bark-covered hides, but doesn't fell it quite yet, as he suddenly finds himself caught between the pair and subjected to a barrage of attacks!
[17:55] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[17:55] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 21." [1d20=9]
[17:55] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[17:55] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 22." [1d20=10]
[17:55] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[17:55] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 26." [1d20=14]
[17:55] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[17:55] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 16." [1d20=4]
[17:55] <Ebiris> OOC: AC?
[17:56] <Gourash> OOC: 21.  3 hit.
[17:56] <Gourash> OOC: shall I roll 3 fort saves?
[17:56] <Ebiris> OOC: you don't get to save against these
[17:56] <Gourash> OOC: ACtually less, 19.
[17:56] <Ebiris> roll 6d6+19
[17:56] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 6d6+19 and gets 37." [6d6=1, 1, 6, 1, 5, 4]
[17:56] <Ebiris> OOC: -3
[17:57] <Gourash> OOC: -3 levels? *nods*
[17:58] <Ebiris> The branches slam viciously into Gourash, beating him black and blue while all the while sucking out his indominatable barbarian spirit!
[17:58] <Ebiris> "I'm far beyond help, little one. Shhh, now," the nymph carols, continuing to draw Amonet's blood.
[17:58] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[17:58] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 20." [1d20=8]
[17:58] <Ebiris> OOC: flat footed AC?
[17:59] <Amonet> OOC: Mine? 24
[18:00] <Ebiris> But Amonet is able to shift just a bit in the Treant's grasp, letting the nymph catch her nails on the collar of her armour!
[18:00] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[18:03] <Amonet> Ceasing her struggles, Amonet prays to Horus-Re for strength!
[18:03] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alveria
[18:04] <Alveria> OOC: Can I actually cast spells like haste by ear?
[18:05] <Ebiris> OOC: No, you can cast area spells, but nothing that requires a target.
[18:05] <Alveria> OOC: Figures. Alright then
[18:05] <Alveria> OOC: Well, except on myself, I presume
[18:05] <Ebiris> OOC: duh
[18:06] * Alveria mutters another spell and rises from the ground, feeling amazingly dizzy and light-headed as she *can't see where she's going*
[18:07] <Ebiris> roll 1d100 for chance of being within reach of a treant (hope for more than 30)
[18:07] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d100 for chance of being within reach of a treant (hope for more than 30) and gets 58." [1d100=58]
[18:07] <Ebiris> Alveria ascends without incident, not impacting any branches or anything at this altitude.
[18:08] <Ebiris> OOC: Gourash and treants go
[18:08] * Gourash flails, angry and bloody as he tries to bring down the treants.
[18:08] <Gourash> roll 1d20+18 strike one
[18:08] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+18 strike one and gets 27." [1d20=9]
[18:10] <Gourash> roll 1d12+16
[18:10] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+16 and gets 28." [1d12=12]
[18:10] <Ebiris> OOC: 2 hits
[18:10] <Ebiris> OOC: wait, that was damage.
[18:10] <Ebiris> OOC: that kills it, but since they go simultaneously it still gets to attack you.
[18:10] <Ebiris> OOC: want to spend your move action doing anything?
[18:11] <Alveria> Is he sucking a full attack no matter what?
[18:11] <Ebiris> OOC: yes.
[18:11] <Gourash> OOC: Hmm
[18:12] <Ebiris> OOC: I'll resolve their attacks while you decide.
[18:12] <Gourash> OOC: Two full attacks actually, joy joy
[18:12] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[18:12] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 29." [1d20=17]
[18:12] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[18:12] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 29." [1d20=17]
[18:12] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[18:12] * Gourash moves towards the remaining one, closing with it.
[18:12] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 14." [1d20=2]
[18:12] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[18:12] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 17." [1d20=5]
[18:12] <Gourash> OOC: 5 feet step
[18:12] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10 AoO
[18:12] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 AoO and gets 27." [1d20=17]
[18:12] <Ebiris> OOC: cancel the AoO, then
[18:12] <Ebiris> roll 4d6+18-3
[18:12] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 4d6+18-3 and gets 30." [4d6=2, 1, 6, 6]
[18:13] <Ebiris> Gourash is able to fell one of the Treants with a savage chop right through its trunk, but not before taking a faceful of tree branch, cracking several bones and continuing to sap at his lifeforce!
[18:14] <Ebiris> The nymph seems entirely focused on Amonet, saying something in an unfamiliar language that makes the Treant holding Amonet tense and try to force the paladin down into easier reach!
[18:14] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+20
[18:14] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+20 and gets 34." [1d20=14]
[18:14] <Ebiris> OOC: grapple check
[18:15] <Amonet> roll 1d20+10 I can't actually win
[18:15] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+10 I can't actually win and gets 14." [1d20=4]
[18:15] <Ebiris> Amonet finds herself pinned down on her knees, eliciting a predatory smile from the nymph as she moves in once more!
[18:15] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[18:15] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 21." [1d20=9]
[18:16] <Ebiris> roll 1d3+2
[18:16] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d3+2 and gets 5." [1d3=3]
[18:16] <Ebiris> roll 1d4 for spell lost
[18:16] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d4 for spell lost and gets 4." [1d4=4]
[18:16] <Ebiris> OOC: you lose shield of faith
[18:17] <Ebiris> This scratch felt more forceful than the last one, causing more of Amonet's blood to well up as she feels her energy drained!
[18:17] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[18:17] <Alveria> "Amonet!" yells Alveria. "Shout!"
[18:18] * Amonet holds still at Alveria's voice, before calling out her name at the top of her lungs!
[18:18] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alveria
[18:21] <Alveria> "On thee I call, Kossuth! Ten score candles I light for thee; as a funeral for those whom I oppose; take my will and shape my ashes!" A blazing line of azure fire erupts across Amonet, the treant, and the nymph, burning furiously across the snow!
[18:21] <Alveria> roll 1d6+6
[18:21] <Ebiris> OOC: listen check to see if you can aim it correctly
[18:21] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+6 and gets 10." [1d6=4]
[18:21] <Alveria> roll 1d20+3 oh come on!
[18:21] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+3 oh come on! and gets 8." [1d20=5]
[18:22] <Ebiris> Unable to see for herself, Alveria misaims, though her wall of flame is enough to catch the treant just barely, neither Amonet nor the Nymph are affected!
[18:22] <Ebiris> OOC: what's the damage?
[18:23] <Alveria> roll 2*(1.5*(2d6+10))
[18:23] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 2*(1.5*(2d6+10)) and gets 51." [2d6=4, 3]
[18:23] <Alveria> OOC: It emits fire to the, oh, let's say south.
[18:23] <Alveria> OOC: 2d4 damage to anyone within 10ft, 1d4 to any within 20 on my round.
[18:23] <Ebiris> OOC: can you clarify all the mods on that?
[18:24] <Alveria> OOC: 2d6+10 = raw damage, 1.5 due to empowered, 2x damage vs undead
[18:24] <Ebiris> OOC: Ah. +50% because treants are vulnerable to fire.
[18:24] <Alveria> roll 51*1.5
[18:24] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 51*1.5 and gets 76.5."
[18:25] <Ebiris> The Treant burns like it was made of very dry wood, emitting a shrill scream as it collapses, letting go of Amonet as the branches go slack and snap apart like kindling!
[18:25] <Ebiris> OOC: sec, ???? is going, now
[18:28] <Ebiris> OOC: Nevermind, Alveria's too far away for it to care. Go Amonet.
[18:28] * Amonet gets her bearings, and looks at the nymph with actual menace. "I'm sorry, but the time for nonlethal force is long past. While I'll try to, I can't guarantee saving you in the end."
[18:28] <Alveria> "Kill the stupid bitch before we all fucking die!"
[18:29] <Amonet> roll 1d20+18 smite 1
[18:29] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+18 smite 1 and gets 33." [1d20=15]
[18:29] <Alveria> roll 2d6+10*1.5
[18:29] <Amonet> roll 1d8+8+2d6+5
[18:29] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 2d6+10*1.5 and gets 22." [2d6=5, 2]
[18:29] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+8+2d6+5 and gets 27." [1d8=8][2d6=3, 3]
[18:29] <Ebiris> OOC: 2 hits
[18:29] <Ebiris> OOC: 1 hit. Carry on.
[18:30] <Amonet> roll 1d20+13 smite 2
[18:30] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+13 smite 2 and gets 27." [1d20=14]
[18:30] <Amonet> roll 1d8+8+2d6+5
[18:30] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+8+2d6+5 and gets 23." [1d8=3][2d6=6, 1]
[18:31] <Ebiris> Amonet strikes truly, although she finds that her mithral weapon has a hard time penetrating the nymph's flesh, both muscle and holy power win the day, causing her pristine skin to bubble and char from contact with the holy weapon!
[18:31] <Ebiris> Meanwhile the last treant continues to pound on Gourash!
[18:31] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10
[18:31] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 and gets 23." [1d20=13]
[18:31] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10
[18:31] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 and gets 22." [1d20=12]
[18:31] <Ebiris> OOC: AC?
[18:32] <Gourash> OOC: 19
[18:32] <Ebiris> roll 4d6+18-3
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 4d6+18-3 and gets 24." [4d6=2, 1, 3, 3]
[18:32] <Gourash> roll 1d20+14 attack 1
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+14 attack 1 and gets 22." [1d20=8]
[18:32] <Gourash> OOC: Well,w ait, I'm assuming I can five foot step in reach
[18:32] <Gourash> OOC: I bet I can't, can I?
[18:33] <Ebiris> OOC: You can still act, but you're 10 feet away. You were 15 to start with.
[18:33] <Amonet> OOC: Didn't you 5ft step the previous round, too? Now you're 10ft closer!
[18:33] <Ebiris> OOC: he five foot stepped away from this one towards the opposite one.
[18:34] <Gourash> OOC: Well, I charge and try and kill it clearly on the same beat it rapes me to death 2.
[18:36] * Gourash tries to flee, struck down by the brutal barrage of tree branches.
[18:36] <Ebiris> Gourash flees, struck soundly and collapsing from his wounds even as he clears some distance away from the threatening foliage!
[18:43] <Ebiris> The nymph, expression twisted in pain from Amonet's attacks, runs away, fleeing around the surrounding pillars and thankfully inanimate trees towards the frozen pond!
[18:43] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet. She's 120 feet away.
[18:44] * Amonet gives chase after the nymph, coming within range of her.
[18:45] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie
[18:46] * Alveria flings a fireball at that treant, hoping to reduce another one to nothingness! OOC: Fiery fireball gogogo
[18:46] <Alveria> roll 1d6+6
[18:46] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+6 and gets 9." [1d6=3]
[18:47] <Alveria> roll (9d10+9)*1.5 reflex DC 21
[18:47] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls (9d10+9)*1.5 reflex DC 21 and gets 109.5." [9d10=3, 9, 8, 8, 4, 4, 9, 10, 9]
[18:47] <Alveria> OOC: gack
[18:47] <Alveria> OOC: d6s laf
[18:47] <Alveria> roll 9d6+9*1.5
[18:47] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 9d6+9*1.5 and gets 42.5." [9d6=5, 4, 3, 2, 2, 5, 2, 5, 1]
[18:48] <Ebiris> OOC: should be 57. It multiplied the 9 and nothing else.
[18:48] <Alveria> OOC: ah, alright
[18:48] <Ebiris> Alveria's fireball isn't perfectly aimed, but given the sizes involved, it doesn't have to be. The fiery explosion rocks the treant, burning off several branches and eliciting a dull roar of pain! But if anyone looks, they can see it remains upright!
[18:49] <Ebiris> roll 1d100
[18:49] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d100 and gets 98." [1d100=98]
[18:49] <Alveria> OOC: aaaaand I'll fly up another 30ft.
[18:49] <Ebiris> Gourash continues bleeding heavily where he lays, while the treant lumbers after Amonet and the nymph!
[18:50] <Ebiris> "Why do you not take the opportunity to flee when it presents itself?" the nymph wails, rounding on Amonet and slapping at her!
[18:50] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[18:50] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 27." [1d20=15]
[18:50] <Ebiris> roll 4d6
[18:50] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 4d6 and gets 15." [4d6=5, 6, 2, 2]
[18:51] <Ebiris> Again Amonet feels her lifeforce being sucked out by contact with the nymph, while the fae creature's own wounds appear to mend themselves at the same time!
[18:51] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[18:52] <Amonet> "I'm not the one fleeing," Amonet notes, wincing, and steps back to better position herself before attacking the nymph anew.
[18:52] <Amonet> roll 1d20+11
[18:52] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+11 and gets 31." [1d20=20]
[18:52] <Amonet> roll 1d20+11 confirm
[18:52] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+11 confirm and gets 29." [1d20=18]
[18:52] <Amonet> roll 1d20+6
[18:52] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+6 and gets 21." [1d20=15]
[18:52] <Ebiris> OOC: crit and a hit
[18:53] <Amonet> roll 3d8+24+2d6
[18:53] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 3d8+24+2d6 and gets 40." [3d8=2, 5, 5][2d6=3, 1]
[18:53] <Amonet> roll 1d8+8+2d6
[18:54] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+8+2d6 and gets 20." [1d8=4][2d6=6, 2]
[18:54] <Ebiris> OOC: she's standing, so pick an attribute and roll damage for it
[18:54] <Amonet> roll 1d4 con
[18:54] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d4 con and gets 2." [1d4=2]
[18:55] <Ebiris> Amonet's lance stabs out viciously, easily bypassing her defences to skewer right through the nymph's stomach! Her eyes bug out and she gasps in agony, stumbling backwards only to take a second stab in the shoulder! Vibrant red blood flows freely from her horrific wounds as her skin rapidly develops a sickly yellow cast, the maimed spirit of nature coughing and gasping as she tries to recover!
[18:56] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alveria
[18:56] * Alveria floats closer to where she hears these screams of combat, and the rapier in her hand shifts form ever-so-slightly as well, becoming more like an enlogated dart than a rapier.
[18:56] <Alveria> OOC: I'm switching it to a throwing, spell-storing rapier.
[18:56] <Alveria> OOC: still loaded with an empowered combust!
[18:57] <Ebiris> OOC: Sure, you're say 125 feet from the action.
[18:57] <Ebiris> roll 1d100 for Gourash
[18:57] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d100 for Gourash and gets 94." [1d100=94]
[18:57] <Amonet> "Surrender now, and survive!" Amonet declares, holding her lance warningly.
[18:58] <Ebiris> As Amonet postures, the last remaining treant bellows a vegetative warcry as it rushes forward to club the back of her head with several stout, albeit charred, branches!
[18:58] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[18:58] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 18." [1d20=6]
[18:58] <Amonet> OOC: AC25
[18:58] <Ebiris> But her armour is more than up to the task of warding off this attack, protecting her from any harm!
[19:01] <Ebiris> The nymph gives Amonet a rather pathetic look as blood dribbles from her lips, to match what flows freely from her horrific injuries. "Perhaps this is best..." she begins, before coughing and sputtering, "But I'm afraid to die... Please, I beg of you to leave here." And with that, she steps backwards into a glowing silvery doorway that springs up to greet her, vanishing from sight!
[19:01] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[19:03] <Amonet> Angry and frustrated, Amonet whirls around, assaulting the next available target, the treant going after her!
[19:03] <Amonet> roll 1d20+11
[19:03] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+11 and gets 21." [1d20=10]
[19:03] <Amonet> roll 1d20+6
[19:03] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+6 and gets 26." [1d20=20]
[19:03] <Ebiris> OOC: two hits
[19:04] <Amonet> roll 1d8+8+2d6
[19:04] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+8+2d6 and gets 23." [1d8=5][2d6=4, 6]
[19:04] <Amonet> roll 1d8+8+2d6
[19:04] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+8+2d6 and gets 19." [1d8=5][2d6=3, 3]
[19:05] <Ebiris> Despite the tough bark offering some resistance, Amonet is nonetheless able to land a pair of telling blows, causing the treant to lurch and finally collapse, inanimate and still.
[19:05] * Amonet looks around the area, searching for any lurking evil auras.
[19:05] <Ebiris> OOC: spot check
[19:05] <Alveria> "Amonet, what's going on? Did you finish the treehugger off?" growls Alveria.
[19:06] <Amonet> roll 1d20+10
[19:06] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+10 and gets 14." [1d20=4]
[19:06] <Ebiris> Amonet can only sense the lingering evil of the treant she just killed, slowly fading away to nothingness.
[19:06] <Amonet> "It's gone," Amonet reports, the anger that still dominates her seeping into her voice. "Where is Gourash?"
[19:06] <Ebiris> roll 1d100
[19:06] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d100 and gets 38." [1d100=38]
[19:07] <Ebiris> Gourash continues to bleed in the dirt.
[19:07] <Alveria> "I don't know. I think he fell," groans Alveria. "Blast..."
[19:07] * Amonet doesn't need more to rush back to where they were ambushed by the nymph.
[19:08] <Ebiris> Rushing over, Amonet can see Gourash laying in an expanding puddle of blood not too far from a hacked apart Treant, just past Alveria's still crackling wall of fire.
[19:08] <Amonet> Her hands glowing, Amonet puts all of her Horus-Re granted power to bring Gourash back from the brink of death!
[19:09] * Alveria dismally floats back towards where she thinks Amonet is, no doubt bashing into a few trees along the way.
[19:10] * Amonet helps Alveria touch down safely, guiding her.
[19:10] <Ebiris> This does happen. Fortunately none of the trees attack her, and the group is soon regathered.
[19:11] <Ebiris> OOC: teleporting away?
[19:11] <Alveria> "I will no longer assumed veiled threats are necessarily idle," vows Alveria, visualizing Moonhaven and speaking a few arcane words...
[19:11] <Ebiris> roll 1d100
[19:11] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d100 and gets 89." [1d100=89]
[19:11] <Amonet> "We should regroup in Moonhaven," Amonet agrees, stating the obvious and holding onto both of her friends.


[15:41] <Ebiris> Teleporting to the north of the Moonwood after a few days to recuperate, Alveria sets about doing reconaissance. Right now she's invisible and airborne, flying high above the forest with the ruins barely visible below. A light drizzle of rain pours down, but not enough to really effect vision, other than simply contributing to the bleak and miserable appearance of the forest.
[15:43] * Alveria clicks her fingers and wishes she'd remembered her hat, but dispatches her floating eye in any case, sending it winding down towards the hole in the ground.
[15:43] <Alveria> roll 1d6+7 minutes
[15:43] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+7 minutes and gets 9." [1d6=2]
[15:44] <Ebiris> Spending ten minutes performing said spell, Alveria's invisibility reaches the end of its duration, although her long lasting flight spell remains solid. As the eye winds its way down to the dead forest below, the fallen corpses of the three treants are clearly visible from a distance...
[15:44] <Ebiris> roll 1d100
[15:44] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d100 and gets 40." [1d100=40]
[15:46] <Ebiris> Descending further, she can see that the nymph is present amidst the ruins, standing over the bones of some large animal. She looks paler than before, a somewhat sickly cast to her features. Nonetheless, she seems heedless of the rain, seeming to busy herself by setting small black stones into the corpse's eye sockets.
[15:57] * Alveria is quite distant from the nymph, but opts to cast the better version of invisibility on herself before floating down to a more suitable level to fight (about, say, a hundred feet up)! From here, she creatures an onslaught of pulsating tentacles, each of which stretches out to grasp the corrupted fae!
[15:57] <Alveria> roll 1d6+7
[15:57] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+7 and gets 9." [1d6=2]
[15:57] <Alveria> roll 1d20+17 grapple check
[15:57] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+17 grapple check and gets 27." [1d20=10]
[15:57] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+16 (not grapple)
[15:57] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+16 (not grapple) and gets 19." [1d20=3]
[15:58] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7 grapple
[15:58] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 grapple and gets 25." [1d20=18]
[15:58] <Ebiris> The nymph cries out in alarm as she's grappled, dropping a handful of shiny black stones as the tentacles wrap around her lithe nude form!
[15:58] <Ebiris> OOC: init
[15:58] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+3
[15:58] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+3 and gets 4." [1d20=1]
[15:59] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+11
[15:59] <Alveria> roll 1d20+9 ok I would've used nerveskitter
[15:59] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+11 and gets 19." [1d20=8]
[15:59] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+9 ok I would've used nerveskitter and gets 24." [1d20=15]
[15:59] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alveria
[16:01] * Alveria snorts. "Too easy," she mutters, throwing out a wall of purple fire to cook the nymph as she's held, helpless. OOC: for the record, can the tentacles even beat her DR?
[16:01] <Alveria> roll 1d6+8 wall of fire
[16:01] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+8 wall of fire and gets 11." [1d6=3]
[16:01] <Ebiris> OOC: what's their damage?
[16:01] <Alveria> OOC: 1d6+4 bludgeoning
[16:01] <Ebiris> OOC: No.
[16:02] <Alveria> roll (2d6+8)*1.5 wall damage
[16:02] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls (2d6+8)*1.5 wall damage and gets 22.5." [2d6=3, 4]
[16:02] <Ebiris> OOC: does that get a save?
[16:02] <Alveria> OOC: Nah.
[16:02] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+14
[16:02] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+14 and gets 34." [1d20=20]
[16:03] <Ebiris> The nymph shrieks in pain, but suddenly vanishes from Alveria's sight, no longer seen amidst her tentacles and flames!
[16:04] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+5
[16:04] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 and gets 18." [1d20=13]
[16:04] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie
[16:05] * Alveria curses to herself, and goes back to her remote eye, sending it floating towards the entrance to the ruins.
[16:06] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+16
[16:06] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+16 and gets 20." [1d20=4]
[16:07] <Ebiris> As the eye moves closer to the vine encrusted doorway, Alveria happens to note something in her peripheral vision, sharing her airspace. It's a large semi-humanoid creature formed of twisting and tangible air currents. It's flying around just above the treeline, but doesn't appear to have noticed her.
[16:09] <Ebiris> OOC: your go
[16:10] <Alveria> OOC: Hmm. I don't really want to spend long on scouting when the others are ready to play
[16:10] <Ebiris> OOC: you can retreat if you want to.
[16:10] <Alveria> OOC: I was hoping for a summary, actually, but I suppose I can retreat.
[16:11] * Alveria teleports away, somewhat unwilling to hang around without help when her presence has been revealed. Ah, what a waste of time...
[16:14] <Ebiris> ---------
[16:14] <Ebiris> roll 1d100 Gourash
[16:14] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d100 Gourash and gets 36." [1d100=36]
[16:14] <Ebiris> Preparing to teleport in for another sortie, the party have a chance to cast any defensive spells they like beforehand...
[16:14] <Ebiris> OOC: declare any here
[16:15] <Amonet> Amonet's shield glows with its fiery protection, while she embraces the divine blessings of Horus-Re!
[16:18] * Alveria kind of casts a bunch of spells without any real visible effect. [Mage Armour, Shield(Extended), Stoneskin, See Invisibility for me.]
[16:19] <Ebiris> OOC: Okay. Everyone ready?
[16:19] <Gourash> OOC: Gourash not dead yet! =)]
[16:19] <Ebiris> roll 1d100 teleport mishap?
[16:19] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d100 teleport mishap? and gets 59." [1d100=59]
[16:20] * Alveria also casts it on Amonet, rather hastily. Somehow. And Gourash. Yes.
[16:20] <Alveria> OOC: Er, yeah.
[16:22] <Alveria> roll 6#1d6+7
[16:22] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 6#1d6+7 and gets 66." [6#1d6+7 = 10, 12, 12, 13, 8, 11]
[16:22] <Ebiris> And with Alveria's eldritch magicks, the party find themselves whisked away from the save confines of Moonhaven, and plunked slap bang in the middle of the surface ruins! No sooner do they arrive, however, than several large skeletal animals rouse themselves from the surroundings, turning with eerie synchronicity to regard the interlopers!
[16:22] <Ebiris> OOC: init
[16:23] <Amonet> roll 1d20+1
[16:23] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+1 and gets 15." [1d20=14]
[16:23] <Ebiris> roll 3#1d20+8 bears
[16:23] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 3#1d20+8 bears and gets 52." [3#1d20+8 = 10, 19, 23]
[16:23] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+8 badger
[16:23] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+8 badger and gets 21." [1d20=13]
[16:23] <Alveria> roll 1d20+9 shit what nerveskitter
[16:23] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+9 shit what nerveskitter and gets 11." [1d20=2]
[16:23] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+3 nymph
[16:23] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+3 nymph and gets 11." [1d20=8]
[16:23] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+11 ????
[16:23] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+11 ???? and gets 30." [1d20=19]
[16:24] <Ebiris> roll 1d20-1 ???2
[16:24] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20-1 ???2 and gets 1." [1d20=2]
[16:24] <Gourash> roll 1d20+1
[16:24] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+1 and gets 14." [1d20=13]
[16:24] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+6 ???3
[16:24] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+6 ???3 and gets 25." [1d20=19]
[16:26] <Ebiris> The first of the skeletal bears rears up and charges Alveria! It's small, probably only a black bear or a young brown bear if it was alive, sadly all skeletons look alike, so there's no way to know what it once was.
[16:27] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[16:27] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 13." [1d20=6]
[16:27] <Alveria> OOC: AC of 21, 20% miss chance vs. non-darkvision
[16:27] <Ebiris> But its claws only flail uselessly against her protections!
[16:27] <Alveria> OOC: Well, I supposed I'm flat-footed, so AC 20.
[16:28] <Ebiris> Another bear rushes over to tackle Amonet in a heedless charge!
[16:28] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[16:28] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 9." [1d20=2]
[16:28] <Amonet> OOC: AC of 26, 25 flat footed
[16:28] <Ebiris> But again its claws are of little effect against her stout armour!
* Retrieving #dunes modes...
[16:28] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[16:29] <Amonet> Stepping away from her attacker, Amonet wards it and the one assaulting Alveria off with her lance.
[16:30] <Amonet> roll 1d20+14 bear1
[16:30] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+14 bear1 and gets 23." [1d20=9]
[16:30] <Amonet> roll 1d20+9 bear1
[16:30] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+9 bear1 and gets 28." [1d20=19]
[16:30] <Ebiris> OOC: both hit
[16:31] <Amonet> roll 2d6+1d8+8 bear1
[16:31] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 2d6+1d8+8 bear1 and gets 16." [2d6=5, 2][1d8=1]
[16:31] <Amonet> roll 2d6+1d8+8 bear2
[16:31] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 2d6+1d8+8 bear2 and gets 16." [2d6=2, 3][1d8=3]
[16:34] <Ebiris> Amonet strikes both of them, but her lance has trouble doing much damage against their bony forms, only managing to shatter a few ribs without disrupting the whole!
[16:35] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Gourash, you'll resolve at the same time as the badger
[16:38] * Gourash charges at the other bear, (rage) leaping towards it and bringing his axe down on its skeletal frame.
[16:39] <Gourash> roll 1d20+19+2-5 rawr
[16:39] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+19+2-5 rawr and gets 32." [1d20=16]
[16:39] <Ebiris> OOC: hit
[16:39] <Gourash> roll 1d12+13+3+10
[16:39] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+13+3+10 and gets 32." [1d12=6]
[16:40] <Ebiris> Gourash has better luck than Amonet did, his axe crunching viciously through the bear's spine and causing it to collapse in a pile of inanimate bones! Meanwhile, the skeletal dire badger charges at Alveria, risking Amonet's wrath in the process!
[16:40] <Ebiris> OOC: AoO, paladin-girl
[16:41] <Amonet> roll 1d20+14 sure!
[16:41] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+14 sure! and gets 19." [1d20=5]
[16:41] <Ebiris> OOC: hit
[16:41] <Amonet> roll 2d6+8+1d8
[16:41] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 2d6+8+1d8 and gets 23." [2d6=5, 2][1d8=8]
[16:42] <Ebiris> Amonet pierces its skull and shatters several vertebrae, doing even more damage as the lance exits through the side of its skeletal body, but somehow the badger retains some force to drive it as it barrels headlong into Alveria!
[16:42] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+5
[16:42] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 and gets 9." [1d20=4]
[16:42] <Ebiris> But it merely bounces off her protections, unable to accomplish anything!
[16:43] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie, you'll resolve same time as the evil nymph
[16:43] <Alveria> OOC: I'm surrounded?
[16:43] <Ebiris> OOC: Not flanked, but you do have a badger and a bear threatening you.
[16:46] * Alveria steps to one side of the badger and bear, so that she's got them both in a line, and fires off a ray of blistering heat! OOC: Not even bothering to cast defensively. Fiery spell.
[16:46] <Alveria> roll 1d6+8
[16:46] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+8 and gets 13." [1d6=5]
[16:46] <Alveria> roll 5d8+5 damage, reflex half DC 20
[16:46] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 5d8+5 damage, reflex half DC 20 and gets 31." [5d8=1, 5, 7, 6, 7]
[16:46] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+5 the bear will take an AoO
[16:46] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 the bear will take an AoO and gets 12." [1d20=7]
[16:46] <Ebiris> OOC: no point saving. What spell is that?
[16:47] <Alveria> OOC: Scorch.
[16:47] <Alveria> OOC: See spell compendium. (Agannazar's scorcher is the faerun variant.)
[16:47] <Alveria> OOC: But scorch is quicker to type.
[16:50] <Ebiris> The bear attempts to swipe at Alveria but it's to no avail, merely bouncing off the layers of defensive magic she's crafted. An instant later and both of them are flash fried by the sudden rush of fire lancing out from the witch!
[16:51] <Ebiris> OOC: this is going to be a pain, but can you list the CLs of all the buffs you've cast on yourself and Amonet, Alvie?
[16:51] <Amonet> OOC: The fire res is CL11
[16:52] <Alveria> Mage Armour, Shield(Extended), Stoneskin, See Invisibility, (Amonet)Stoneskin 10, 12, 12, 13, 8
[16:52] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+8 DC 22 Amonet's fire res
[16:53] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+8 DC 22 Amonet's fire res and gets 27." [1d20=19]
[16:53] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+8 Alvie's see invis
[16:53] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+8 Alvie's see invis and gets 18." [1d20=10]
[16:53] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+8 Alvie's stoneskin DC 23
[16:53] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+8 Alvie's stoneskin DC 23 and gets 24." [1d20=16]
[16:53] <Alveria> OOC: For the record, dispelling targets the most powerful spell first.
[16:53] <Alveria> OOC: General rule.
[16:54] <Alveria> OOC: Don't really care though
[16:54] <Alveria> OOC: (well, until I start casting it)
[16:55] <Ebiris> As Alveria dispatches the two skeletons, however, both she and Amonet are stripped of some of their protections by an unknown source! Amonet loses her fire resistance, while Alveria loses her stoneskin!
[16:57] <Ebiris> From the direction of the frozen pond, the group can see the same elemental creature that Alveria described previously, flying towards them! It's about thirty feet high and seventy feet distant, so far.
[16:57] <Ebiris> The last remaining skeletal bear continues its silent and likely futile task of assailing Amonet's form!
[16:57] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+5
[16:57] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 and gets 25." [1d20=20]
[16:57] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+5 crit lol
[16:57] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+5 crit lol and gets 13." [1d20=8]
[16:58] <Ebiris> roll 1d4+4 wait, that can't even beat DR
[16:58] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d4+4 wait, that can't even beat DR and gets 7." [1d4=3]
[16:58] <Alveria> OOC: How fast is that air elemental thingy moving?
[16:59] <Ebiris> OOC: speed 100
[16:59] <Ebiris> Despite managing to pierce Amonet's guard with a lucky strike, the bear only scratches its skeletal claws against her stone-like skin, not inflicting any injuries!
[16:59] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[17:00] * Amonet responds in kind, deciding to eliminate the fodder before worthier enemies approach, incidentally taking a step closer to Alveria.
[17:00] <Amonet> roll 1d20+14
[17:00] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+14 and gets 25." [1d20=11]
[17:00] <Amonet> roll 1d20+9
[17:00] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+9 and gets 12." [1d20=3]
[17:00] <Ebiris> OOC: 1 hit
[17:00] <Amonet> roll 1d8+8+2d6
[17:00] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+8+2d6 and gets 26." [1d8=6][2d6=6, 6]
[17:01] <Ebiris> Amonet slays the bear! And let us not question the matter further.
[17:01] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Gourash
[17:02] * Gourash turns, quickly searching for more enemies as he stands over his crushed opponent.
[17:02] <Gourash> roll 1d20+1 I miss having spot ranks.
[17:02] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+1 I miss having spot ranks. and gets 19." [1d20=18]
[17:04] -> *Gourash* The only enemy you can see at the moment is the flying humanoid creature composed of winds that's about 90 feet away from you.
[17:06] <Gourash> "Elemental, heading this way," Gourash moved back towards the others, closing ranks.
[17:06] <Ebiris> Gourash gets within five feet of Alveria as it is her turn to shine!
[17:10] <Alveria> Alveria presses a hand to the ground, and a number of white-furred wolves appear before her!
[17:10] <Alveria> roll 1d6+7 CL
[17:10] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+7 CL and gets 8." [1d6=1]
[17:10] <Alveria> roll 1d3 rofl oh dear
[17:10] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d3 rofl oh dear and gets 1." [1d3=1]
[17:16] <Ebiris> As Alveria incants her spell to summon upon the forces of all that is good and holy, the earth around the party shakes, and suddenly a massive creature of mud and rock erupts from the ground! It looks only vaguely humanoid, like something a child might sculpt from clay, and appears partially dessicated and broken in parts. Nonetheless, it still thunders out at Amonet, shoving her away from her friends and towards the approaching air elemental!
[17:17] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+14
[17:17] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+14 and gets 31." [1d20=17]
[17:17] <Ebiris> OOC: strength check for Amonet
[17:20] <Amonet> roll 1d20+8
[17:20] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+8 and gets 13." [1d20=5]
[17:22] <Ebiris> Barrelled over, Amonet can barely keep her balance as the rampaging colossus shoves her violently for fifteen feet or so, while the creature of wind swoops in to launch its own attack on her!
[17:22] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[17:22] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 17." [1d20=5]
[17:22] <Alveria> roll 1d20+16 planes
[17:22] <Ebiris> However, the beleagured paladin is still able to ward off the attack, keeping her wits about her!
[17:22] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+16 planes and gets 27." [1d20=11]
[17:22] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[17:23] -> *Alveria* It's a Necromental. Both are, actually. Undead elementals that can regenerate and inflict energy drain with their attacks.
[17:25] * Amonet decides on a tactic of buying time, keeping both elementals at bay while allowing her friends to come to her aid, or utterly crush their summoner while she keeps the pets occupied.
[17:25] <Alveria> "These creatures are undead elementals!" mutters Alveria, darkly. "They can drain our energy away... ugh. Druids shouldn't study these topics..."
[17:25] <Amonet> roll 1d20+21 air, smite
[17:25] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+21 air, smite and gets 36." [1d20=15]
[17:26] <Amonet> roll 1d20+16 earth, smite
[17:26] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+16 earth, smite and gets 21." [1d20=5]
[17:26] <Ebiris> OOC: both hit
[17:26] <Amonet> roll 1d8+13+2d6 air
[17:26] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+13+2d6 air and gets 25." [1d8=2][2d6=4, 6]
[17:26] <Amonet> roll 1d8+13+2d6 earth
[17:26] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+13+2d6 earth and gets 18." [1d8=1][2d6=2, 2]
[17:27] <Ebiris> Amonet shreds a large hole in the midst of the whirling air elemental with her lance, though it manages to reform itself instantly, as befitting a creature of air. The earth elemental resists her attack somewhat as well, looming large and undaunted over the brave paladin!
[17:27] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Gourash
[17:28] * Gourash leaps at the back of the earth elemental to prevent it from double teaming amonet.
[17:28] <Gourash> OOC: Charging, probably invoke AoO that will of course hit :\
[17:29] <Ebiris> OOC: thanks for reminding me. I'll do that first.
[17:29] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[17:29] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 32." [1d20=20]
[17:29] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12 crit
[17:29] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 crit and gets 32." [1d20=20]
[17:29] <Alveria> OOC: oh wow what
[17:29] <Ebiris> OOC: good thing NPCs don't get exploding crits
[17:29] <Alveria> OOC: I'll, uh, use my FATESPINNER HAX here
[17:29] <Gourash> OOC: :\
[17:29] <Alveria> OOC: NO CRIT FOR YOU
[17:29] <Ebiris> OOC: Oh, sure, go ahead
[17:29] <Ebiris> OOC: so it has to reroll its first attack?
[17:29] <Alveria> OOC: Yeah.
[17:30] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[17:30] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 17." [1d20=5]
[17:30] <Alveria> OOC: The relevant flavour is invisible.
[17:30] <Alveria> OOC: As it happens en-tirely within my mind!
[17:30] <Ebiris> The Earth Elemental lashes out with a vicious backhand at Gourash, but he's able to leap over the clumsy attack, ready to sink his axe in!
[17:30] <Ebiris> OOC: go ahead with your attack
[17:31] <Gourash> roll 1d20+19+4-6 attack from above!
[17:31] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+19+4-6 attack from above! and gets 18." [1d20=1]
[17:31] <Ebiris> OOC: critfail check. Karma's a bitch
[17:31] <Gourash> roll 1d20+19+4-6 attack from above! ...critfail
[17:31] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+19+4-6 attack from above! ...critfail and gets 35." [1d20=18]
[17:31] <Ebiris> However, Gourash's strike is errant and clumsy, only glancing off the elemental's rocky hide, as...
[17:31] <Ebiris> OOC: ???3 is going, now
[17:33] <Ebiris> With Alveria now alone and vulnerable, a large mound of greying and cracked vines in a roughly humanoid configuration lunges out from the undergrowth, charging at Alveria!
[17:33] <Ebiris> OOC: you can EITHER AoO it or get a reflex save, but if you AoO you forfeit your save against this
[17:33] <Alveria> OOC: What am I dodging, exactly?
[17:33] <Alveria> OOC: And I'll save, like I can hit it, whatever it is
[17:34] <Alveria> roll 1d20+5
[17:34] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+5 and gets 10." [1d20=5]
[17:34] <Ebiris> OOC: It's a large sized humanoid mass of vines with lots of viney tentacles and a big mouth of planty teeth
[17:34] <Alveria> OOC: Ah, so it's trying to eat me!
[17:34] <Alveria> OOC: And it appears to be succeeding!
[17:36] <Ebiris> Alveria tries to dodge out of the way, but before she can even take a single step, the creature opens itself up and practically falls over her, wrapping her in a cocoon of musty and dead, but still preternaturally flexible vines! So entrapped, she cannot resist as the creature contracts its innards around her, crushing her into submission!
[17:36] <Ebiris> roll 2d6+12
[17:36] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d6+12 and gets 16." [2d6=1, 3]
[17:37] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie, you're considered grappling with it.
[17:40] <Alveria> The rapier in Alveria's tightly-clenched fist begins to contract, becoming a much smaller weapon more suitable for stabbing!
[17:40] <Alveria> roll 1d20+16
[17:40] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+16 and gets 31." [1d20=15]
[17:43] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[17:43] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 22." [1d20=10]
[17:43] <Ebiris> OOC: touch AC, Gourash?
[17:44] <Ebiris> OOC: well, that probably hits
[17:44] <Ebiris> Meanwhile, a spectral hand flies out from the forest and touches Gourash, sapping away at his vitality and life force before it vanishes back the way it came!
[17:44] <Ebiris> roll 4d6
[17:44] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 4d6 and gets 12." [4d6=4, 3, 1, 4]
[17:45] <Ebiris> The Earth Elemental splits its attacks, clubbing down at Amonet before turning and throwing a backhand at Gourash!
[17:45] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12 A
[17:45] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 A and gets 20." [1d20=8]
[17:45] <Ebiris> OOC: +2 for flanking
[17:46] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12 G
[17:46] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 G and gets 18." [1d20=6]
[17:46] <Ebiris> OOC: ACs?
[17:46] <Gourash> OOC: 19
[17:46] <Amonet> OOC: 26 vs earth, 30 vs air
[17:47] <Ebiris> Gourash is able to parry aside the blow with his axe, while Amonet simply lets her armour absorb it, remaining unhurt, even as the air elemental focuses its full fury upon her, fists of coherent wind ramming down with the force of a hurricane!
[17:47] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+14
[17:47] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+14 and gets 15." [1d20=1]
[17:47] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+14 critfail
[17:47] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+14 critfail and gets 21." [1d20=7]
[17:47] <Ebiris> roll 1d100
[17:47] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d100 and gets 58." [1d100=58]
[17:47] <Ebiris> roll 1d4 this hurts since it uses weapon finesse and has huge dex
[17:47] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d4 this hurts since it uses weapon finesse and has huge dex and gets 2." [1d4=2]
[17:47] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[17:47] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 11." [1d20=4]
[17:48] <Ebiris> The air elemental has an even worse time, lashing out and seeming to wound itself in the process, its first fist errant while the second is a feeble strike that Amonet barely has to shift aside for it to miss completely!
[17:48] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[17:49] <Amonet> "Gourash, let us destroy the creature of earth together, before dividing our attention!" Amonet suggests, before trying to implement her suggested plan.
[17:49] <Amonet> roll 1d20+16
[17:49] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+16 and gets 27." [1d20=11]
[17:49] <Amonet> roll 1d20+11
[17:49] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+11 and gets 26." [1d20=15]
[17:49] <Amonet> roll 1d8+8+2d6
[17:49] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+8+2d6 and gets 24." [1d8=8][2d6=2, 6]
[17:49] <Amonet> roll 1d8+8+2d6
[17:49] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+8+2d6 and gets 19." [1d8=5][2d6=5, 1]
[17:50] <Ebiris> It's a solid assault by Amonet, battering the earth elemental back with the fury of her blows, but it still remains up, perhaps for Gourash to finish off?
[17:50] <Ebiris> OOC: Go G
[17:51] * Gourash lashes forth with a quick and powerful strike across the broad chest of the creature.
[17:51] <Gourash> roll 1d20+19+2-4
[17:51] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+19+2-4 and gets 36." [1d20=19]
[17:51] <Ebiris> OOC: hit
[17:51] <Gourash> roll 1d12+13+3+8
[17:51] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+13+3+8 and gets 31." [1d12=7]
[17:52] <Gourash> OOC: I'll hit again if it is still up, I believe there's nobody I can cleave against.  Moving within attack range of the vine monster if it isn't.
[17:52] <Ebiris> With a single mighty blow, Gourash is able to rend the elemental apart, causing it to collapse in a pile of stricken mud and rubble!
[17:52] * Gourash growls, glancing back and heading to go tear free Alveria from her viney prison.
[17:53] <Ebiris> As Gourash moves to engage the vine monster attacking Alveria, it lashes out with one of its long vine whips at the barbarian as he approaches!
[17:53] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+11
[17:53] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+11 and gets 25." [1d20=14]
[17:53] <Ebiris> roll 1d8+6
[17:53] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d8+6 and gets 13." [1d8=7]
[17:53] <Ebiris> OOC: -1 level
[17:53] <Gourash> OOC: *whimpers and nods*
[17:55] <Ebiris> The creature hisses unintelligibly at Gourash as its innards constrict around Alveria, who finds to her horror that one large and bulbous vine covered with nasty looking thorns is descending from the creatures guts straight towards her mouth!
[17:55] <Ebiris> roll 2d6+12 nonlethal
[17:55] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d6+12 nonlethal and gets 18." [2d6=1, 5]
[17:55] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+16
[17:55] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+16 and gets 22." [1d20=6]
[17:55] <Ebiris> OOC: grapple check, Alvie
[17:55] <Alveria> OOC: I can't make that!
[17:56] <Ebiris> roll 1d6+8 this is lethal
[17:56] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d6+8 this is lethal and gets 9." [1d6=1]
[17:57] <Ebiris> Her struggles fruitless, Alveria is unable to resist as the horrific appendage forces its way down her throat, burrowing down into her stomach! No chance to even scream as her throat is grossly violated, while the viney creature attempts to lumber away from Gourash's threatening presence!
[17:57] <Ebiris> OOC: AoO, G
[17:57] <Gourash> roll 1d20+19+2-4
[17:57] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+19+2-4 and gets 27." [1d20=10]
[17:57] <Gourash> roll 1d12+13+3+8
[17:57] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+13+3+8 and gets 36." [1d12=12]
[17:58] * Gourash doesn't let it get away unscathed, demonstrating excellent gardening skills.
[17:58] <Ebiris> Gourash chops away several vines, catching a brief glimpse of Alveria's colourful robes within before the creature shifts its anatomy to fill in the gap as it retreats!
[17:58] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie
[17:59] * Alveria flails madly!
[17:59] <Alveria> roll 1d20-3 This.. this is not a good day
[17:59] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20-3 This.. this is not a good day and gets 8." [1d20=11]
[18:02] <Ebiris> Alveria flails around, but can't make solid purchase with her rapier, while the nymph is finally seen emerging from the forest, perhaps 140 feet away, but no longer attempting to hide as she perhaps senses victory and sends her spectral hand after Amonet, now!
[18:02] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[18:02] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 26." [1d20=14]
[18:02] <Ebiris> roll 4d8+8
[18:02] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 4d8+8 and gets 22." [4d8=2, 1, 6, 5]
[18:03] <Ebiris> The merest brush of said hand is enough to chill Amonet, sucking away some of her precious life force before it retreats away and back to the nymph!
[18:04] <Ebiris> Stricken, the air elemental nonetheless continues its assault on the paladin!
[18:04] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[18:04] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 9." [1d20=2]
[18:04] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[18:04] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 20." [1d20=13]
[18:04] <Ebiris> But neither attack can penetrate her solid guard!
[18:04] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[18:05] <Amonet> As the cries from the entangled Alveria have stopped abruptly, Amonet decides to expose her flank to the air elemental and charge the undead monster strangling her magely friend, a spell to Horus-Re cast on the fly!
[18:05] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[18:05] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 16." [1d20=9]
[18:06] <Ebiris> The air elemental tries once more to hit her, but fails utterly!
[18:06] <Amonet> roll 1d20+16
[18:06] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+16 and gets 17." [1d20=1]
[18:06] <Ebiris> OOC: critfail check?
[18:06] <Amonet> roll 1d20+16
[18:06] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+16 and gets 36." [1d20=20]
[18:07] <Ebiris> Amonet charges bravely to the rescue of her friend, but finds herself slipping at the last second, just missing the horrific creature by the barest margin!
[18:07] <Ebiris> OOC: Go G
[18:08] * Gourash rushes after the vviney beast, not letting it get far away and hacking an opening in its vines.
[18:09] <Gourash> roll 1d20+18+2-2 charge
[18:09] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+18+2-2 charge and gets 26." [1d20=8]
[18:09] <Ebiris> OOC: hit
[18:09] <Gourash> roll 1d12+13+3+4
[18:09] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+13+3+4 and gets 32." [1d12=12]
[18:11] <Ebiris> Gourash lands a solid blow, again exposing some of Alveria's stricken form to sight! The creature seems to have had enough, at this point, disengaging the root from Alveria's stomach in a none too gentle manner, which shreds part of her already grieviously abused throat, before it gives her another constrict and attempts to flee, retreating towards the now non-vine covered doorway!
[18:11] <Ebiris> roll 1d6 lethal
[18:11] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d6 lethal and gets 2." [1d6=2]
[18:11] <Ebiris> roll 2d6+12 nonlethal
[18:11] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d6+12 nonlethal and gets 18." [2d6=5, 1]
[18:16] <Ebiris> Alveria lapses into unconcsiousness at all this horrific abuse, carried along as an unwilling passenger as the creature flees, while the nymph moves closer and again sends her spectral hand out towards Gourash!
[18:16] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[18:16] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 29." [1d20=17]
[18:16] <Ebiris> OOC: fort save
[18:16] <Gourash> roll 1d20+11+2-1
[18:16] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+11+2-1 and gets 16." [1d20=4]
[18:17] <Ebiris> roll 1d6+2
[18:17] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d6+2 and gets 6." [1d6=4]
[18:17] <Ebiris> OOC: fort save, Amonet
[18:18] <Amonet> roll 1d20+23
[18:18] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+23 and gets 24." [1d20=1]
[18:18] <Amonet> roll 1d20+14 go away
[18:18] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+14 go away and gets 16." [1d20=2]
[18:18] <Gourash> roll 1d20+18
[18:18] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+18 and gets 33." [1d20=15]
[18:19] <Ebiris> OOC: the hand should have been killed earlier, assuming someone was willing to not attack say an elemental or vinespawn. I'll call it a wash, however.
[18:21] <Gourash> OOC: It would've gotten Cleaved when I killed the earthe elemental
[18:23] <Ebiris> The nymph moves closer and casts a new spell, causing a mass of thick black rubbery tentacles to suddenly erupt all around Gourash and Amonet!
[18:23] <Ebiris> OOC: grapple checks
[18:23] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+16 G
[18:23] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+16 G and gets 25." [1d20=9]
[18:23] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+16 A
[18:23] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+16 A and gets 36." [1d20=20]
[18:23] <Amonet> roll 1d20+16
[18:23] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+16 and gets 34." [1d20=18]
[18:24] <Gourash> roll 1d20+18
[18:24] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+18 and gets 30." [1d20=12]
[18:24] <Ebiris> Gourash is able to bat the tentacles aside with ease, while Amonet is not so lucky, one snaking around her legs while two more pin her arms!
[18:24] <Ebiris> At this, the air elemental flies onwards to attack Gourash!
[18:25] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[18:25] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 18." [1d20=11]
[18:25] <Ebiris> But it fails, missing him as it hovers above the tentacles of rape!
[18:25] <Ebiris> OOC: Go A
[18:26] * Amonet struggles mightily, calling upon Horus-Re to deliver her from a fate worse than death!
[18:27] <Amonet> roll 1d20+16
[18:27] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+16 and gets 21." [1d20=5]
[18:27] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+16
[18:27] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+16 and gets 21." [1d20=5]
[18:27] <Ebiris> OOC: reroll
[18:27] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+16
[18:27] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+16 and gets 24." [1d20=8]
[18:27] <Amonet> roll 1d20+16
[18:27] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+16 and gets 35." [1d20=19]
[18:27] <Ebiris> With a tremendous effort, Amonet breaks free, the tentacles snapping back rapidly from the force of her divinely inspired strength!
[18:28] * Amonet wades through them, headed after the tentacled creature and its victim, Alveria!
[18:28] <Ebiris> Amonet just barely reaches the edge of the tentacles, escaping their evil grasp!
[18:29] <Ebiris> OOC: Go G
[18:29] <Gourash> roll 1d20+23 jump check prelim to desc
[18:29] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+23 jump check prelim to desc and gets 30." [1d20=7]
[18:30] <Ebiris> OOC: you jump 15 feet. You have 25 feet of movement left, and only 5 feet of tentacles and 10 feet of regular terrain to reach the vinespawn. You CAN attack.
[18:31] * Gourash tears through the tentacles, charging with the fury only an orc can bring to his trapped comrade.
[18:31] <Gourash> roll 1d20+18+2-2 charge
[18:31] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+18+2-2 charge and gets 25." [1d20=7]
[18:31] <Ebiris> OOC: hit
[18:31] <Gourash> roll 1d12+13+3+4
[18:31] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+13+3+4 and gets 24." [1d12=4]
[18:32] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7 AoO for air elemental, forgot
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 AoO for air elemental, forgot and gets 19." [1d20=12]
[18:33] <Gourash> OOC: Hits.  But doesn't that mean its in the spell radius and has to make a grapple check?
[18:33] <Alveria> OOC: It could fly above the radius.
[18:33] <Ebiris> OOC: it's a spread, not a sphere
[18:33] <Gourash> OOC:Yeah *nods*
[18:33] <Ebiris> roll 2d6+2
[18:33] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d6+2 and gets 7." [2d6=1, 4]
[18:34] <Gourash> OOC; No damage...but it probably still does nasty shit
[18:34] <Ebiris> With a herculean effort, Gourash clears most of the tentacles and bursts through the remaining distance to deliver terrible vengeance to the vinespawn's back, ignoring the feeble attack of the air elemental, even if it does suck away some of his life force! The other creature collapses in a tangle of broken vines, depositing a comatose Alveria who falls to the floor with blood leaking from her mouth.
[18:36] <Ebiris> Meanwhile the nymph approaches even closer, before firing a beam of coruscating black energy at Amonet! "Run for your lives and your souls, fools!" she cries shrilly.
[18:36] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10
[18:36] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 and gets 20." [1d20=10]
[18:36] <Ebiris> OOC: fort save
[18:36] <Amonet> roll 1d20+24
[18:36] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+24 and gets 32." [1d20=8]
[18:37] <Amonet> OOC: Sorry, +23, so 31
[18:37] <Ebiris> While Amonet resists the worst of it, she still feels drained and tired after the beam hits!
[18:37] <Ebiris> The air elemental flies onwards to attack the paladin at the same time!
[18:38] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[18:38] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 27." [1d20=15]
[18:38] <Ebiris> roll 2d6+2
[18:38] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d6+2 and gets 12." [2d6=6, 4]
[18:40] <Ebiris> Getting past the exhausted paladin's guard, the elemental is finally able to inflict some pain on her, sapping her vitality further!
[18:40] <Ebiris> OOC: Go A
[18:41] <Amonet> Amonet is angered at the attack, and wishes to avenge herself on both the air elemental and the nymph who dared send tentacles after her. However, looking after her allies comes first, which means she has to get to Alveria and tend to her injuries before the unthinkable happens. And as Alveria gathers her strength, Amonet intends to stand over her watchfully, rather than fighting away from the mage and exposing her to further danger.
[18:41] <Ebiris> OOC: withdrawing?
[18:41] <Ebiris> OOC: or moving to heal?
[18:42] <Amonet> OOC: No, going to Alvie to use LoH
[18:42] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[18:42] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 27." [1d20=15]
[18:42] <Ebiris> roll 2d6+2
[18:42] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d6+2 and gets 8." [2d6=3, 3]
[18:43] <Ebiris> Again Amonet takes a punishing blow for her troubles, nonetheless moving to Alveria's aid! As she bestows her healing magic, the elf's wounds close up, mending the horrific damage done to her innards by the vinespawn!
[18:44] * Gourash moves around the horde of tentacles, heading with vengence in mind for the foul nymph.
[18:45] <Ebiris> OOC: fort save, G.
[18:46] <Ebiris> OOC: also, we'll resolve you after Alvie goes
[18:46] <Gourash> roll 1d20+11+2-2 (Yay rage, boo level drain)
[18:46] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+11+2-2 (Yay rage, boo level drain) and gets 13." [1d20=2]
[18:46] <Gourash> (Boo dice)
[18:47] * Alveria points a finger at the nymph, causing an abrupt flurry of identicle tentacles to spring up around her once again. Foul curses escape her mouth, cracked and pained-sounding, but filled with very real venom.
[18:47] <Alveria> roll 1d6+7
[18:47] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+7 and gets 8." [1d6=1]
[18:47] <Alveria> roll 1d20+17 grapple check
[18:47] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+17 grapple check and gets 30." [1d20=13]
[18:48] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7 why
[18:48] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 why and gets 11." [1d20=4]
[18:49] <Ebiris> "Eeeek!" the nymph cries as the tentacles get into all of her lovely nooks and crannies! Unfortunately, Gourash is struck blind by the incredible sight of a naked nature spirit being violated by all sorts of stretchy appendages as he approaches!
[18:49] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+16
[18:49] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+16 and gets 20." [1d20=4]
[18:49] <Ebiris> However, before she gets too intimate with the tentacles, she abruptly vanishes from sight!
[18:50] <Ebiris> OOC: strike that
[18:50] <Ebiris> The nymph bounces around amidst the tentacles, struggling and unable to escape!
[18:51] <Ebiris> Meanwhile, the air elemental flies over to continue pummelling Amonet!
[18:51] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[18:51] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 18." [1d20=6]
[18:51] <Ebiris> But this time she keeps her wits about her, warding off the blow!
[18:51] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Paladin
[18:53] * Amonet acts as she set out to be, as a guarding for Alveria. Positioning herself better, she protects the mage from any thoughts the air elemental might have about attacking her.
[18:53] <Amonet> roll 1d20+12
[18:53] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+12 and gets 31." [1d20=19]
[18:53] <Amonet> roll 1d20+7
[18:53] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+7 and gets 16." [1d20=9]
[18:53] <Amonet> roll 1d8+8+2d6
[18:53] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+8+2d6 and gets 17." [1d8=5][2d6=1, 3]
[18:54] <Ebiris> Amonet manages to spear the elemental, but it's not a telling blow, the creature seeming relatively undiminished.
[18:54] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie
[18:55] * Alveria picks herself up off the ground, and looks more like her old self than she has in quite a while; her ordeal has left her clothes tattered and dishevelled, with a familiar twisted smirk. "Loviatar's decided on you, nymph," she gloats, as a surreal ring of fire appears and begins it's painful work.
[18:56] <Alveria> roll 1d6+8
[18:56] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+8 and gets 9." [1d6=1]
[18:56] <Alveria> roll (2d6+9)*1.5 what's with rolling 1s for all of these
[18:56] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls (2d6+9)*1.5 what's with rolling 1s for all of these and gets 28.5." [2d6=5, 5]
[18:56] <Ebiris> OOC: what's that spell?
[18:56] <Alveria> OOC: Empowered Wall of Fire!
[18:56] <Alveria> OOC: You can have it configured to be a ring.
[18:57] <Alveria> I chose this because it's smaller than a wall, so if she runs away somehow we'll see where she's going and I can continue raping her.
[18:57] <Ebiris> The nymph wails in purest agony as she's burned by Alveria's fiery flames of rage, held helpless by the thick tentacles that seem unharmed by those same fires.
[18:57] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Gourash
[18:57] <Alveria> OOC: It also means if she runs in *any direction that isn't away from us*, she'll have to go through fire to do it.
[18:57] <Alveria> OOC: Er, that *is* away from us.
[18:58] <Ebiris> OOC: So she's not in the fire, then? It's only around her?
[18:59] <Alveria> OOC: Nah, she's in it
[18:59] <Alveria> OOC: It's more that the ring is focused to stretched out behind her
[18:59] <Alveria> OOC: With her on the apex of the side facing us
[18:59] <Ebiris> OOC: I get what you mean. Anyway, G?
[19:01] * Gourash flails blindly as the light takes him, trying to find his way.
[19:01] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[19:01] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 11." [1d20=4]
[19:01] <Gourash> roll 1d20+13 listen
[19:01] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+13 listen and gets 21." [1d20=8]
[19:03] <Ebiris> The nymph's screams are coming loud and clear enough for Gourash to tell where she is, while Amonet and Alveria can clearly see the fey spirit's flesh is blackening and and cracking from the fires that consume her, even as she's jostled and molested by unsympathetic tentacles!
[19:03] * Gourash tries to plow towards her screams, slashing violently around, a danger to all.
[19:03] <Ebiris> OOC: grapple check for G and tentacles
[19:03] <Gourash> roll 1d20+17 no.
[19:03] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+17 no. and gets 23." [1d20=6]
[19:03] <Alveria> roll 1d20+17 you could just wait for us to kill her
[19:03] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+17 you could just wait for us to kill her and gets 35." [1d20=18]
[19:04] <Ebiris> Gourash suddenly finds himself ensnared by the traitourous tentacles, sharing the same fate as the lovely, albeit now rather brutalised looking, nymph as she burns to slow and agonising death!
[19:04] <Ebiris> OOC: fire damage?
[19:04] <Alveria> roll (2d6+9)*1.5
[19:04] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls (2d6+9)*1.5 and gets 22.5." [2d6=2, 4]
[19:05] <Ebiris> Despite the screams and agony coming from that direction, the air elemental continues its grim attack on Amonet!
[19:05] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[19:05] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 24." [1d20=12]
[19:05] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[19:05] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 15." [1d20=3]
[19:05] <Ebiris> OOC: AC?
[19:05] <Amonet> OOC: Still 30 vs it
[19:06] <Ebiris> However, Amonet keeps a solid guard despite her fatigue, keeping the elemental at bay!
[19:06] <Ebiris> OOC: Go A
[19:08] * Amonet feels it fruitless to continue her actions, but all she has to do is swallow her pride and gain enough time for Alveria to dispose of the elemental once and for all. Not a difficult task, all in all.
[19:08] <Amonet> roll 1d20+11
[19:08] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+11 and gets 15." [1d20=4]
[19:08] <Amonet> roll 1d20+6
[19:08] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+6 and gets 19." [1d20=13]
[19:08] <Ebiris> The elemental moves with stunning alacrity to dodge both of Amonet's strikes, the duel continuing with no clear resolution!
[19:08] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie
[19:09] * Alveria gives the elemental a rather irritable look, before pointing a finger at it and attempting to blast it into nothinginess.
[19:09] <Alveria> roll 1d6+8
[19:09] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+8 and gets 11." [1d6=3]
[19:09] <Alveria> OOC: Er, fiery scorching ray, yeah
[19:09] <Alveria> roll 3#1d20+6
[19:09] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 3#1d20+6 and gets 48." [3#1d20+6 = 22, 19, 7]
[19:09] <Ebiris> OOC: 2 hits
[19:09] <Alveria> roll 8d6+8
[19:09] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 8d6+8 and gets 37." [8d6=1, 6, 5, 3, 6, 4, 2, 2]
[19:10] <Ebiris> The elemental is burned horribly by Alveria's attack, air turning to sickly smelling smoke and wafting away rapidly! It tenaciously hangs on, but there's no doubt at all that the creature is now on its last legs!
[19:10] <Ebiris> OOC: Go G
[19:11] <Gourash> roll 1d20+18
[19:11] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+18 and gets 33." [1d20=15]
[19:11] * Gourash tries to tear free angrily.
[19:11] <Alveria> roll 1d20+17
[19:11] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+17 and gets 21." [1d20=4]
[19:11] * Gourash moves towards the screams slashing away
[19:11] <Ebiris> Gourash does just that, easily breaking free of the tentacles! The screams of the nymph beckon him onwards invitingly...
[19:12] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+7
[19:12] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+7 and gets 17." [1d20=10]
[19:12] <Ebiris> OOC: fire damage?
[19:12] <Alveria> roll (2d6+9)*1.5
[19:12] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls (2d6+9)*1.5 and gets 21." [2d6=4, 1]
[19:13] <Ebiris> With a final hoarse cry of agony, the nymph throws her head back and then falls silent, though she remains limply suspended by the tentacles amidst the flames, she does not resist their continued jostling as she burns away...
[19:13] <Ebiris> The air elemental appears ignorant of its poor situation, mindlessly slugging away at Amonet despite clearly being on the losing side.
[19:13] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[19:13] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 31." [1d20=19]
[19:14] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+12
[19:14] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+12 and gets 15." [1d20=3]
[19:14] <Ebiris> roll 2d6+2
[19:14] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d6+2 and gets 11." [2d6=3, 6]
[19:14] <Ebiris> One blow connects, rattling Amonet despite her myriad protections and sapping away at her energy even further!
[19:14] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Amonet
[19:14] * Amonet tries to end the creature's sad existence, the battle's outcome long past any doubt.
[19:15] <Amonet> roll 1d20+10
[19:15] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+10 and gets 27." [1d20=17]
[19:15] <Amonet> roll 1d20+5
[19:15] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+5 and gets 15." [1d20=10]
[19:15] <Ebiris> OOC: 1 hit
[19:15] <Amonet> roll 1d8+6+2d6
[19:15] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+6+2d6 and gets 23." [1d8=7][2d6=5, 5]
[19:15] <Ebiris> With a final decisive strike, Amonet ends the elemental's tortured existence, the creature expiring on a chilly breeze as it is discorporated.
[19:16] <Ebiris> OOC: Go Alvie
[19:16] <Alveria> OOC: Isn't, like, nobody left?
[19:16] <Ebiris> OOC: the nymph is! But she won't be by the end of the round.
[19:16] * Gourash thrashes about cutting things in the tentacles.
[19:18] * Alveria leans rather tiredly against one of the nearby walls, and massages her throat a little. "The body forgets pain so quickly," she murmurs. "Ah, but only revenge can cure humiliation."
[19:19] <Alveria> With a casual gesture, a flurry of miniature meteors discharge from her hand and batter that already-abused body of the nymph.
[19:19] <Alveria> roll 1d6+7
[19:19] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+7 and gets 9." [1d6=2]
[19:19] <Alveria> roll 5d4+5
[19:19] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 5d4+5 and gets 19." [5d4=4, 4, 1, 4, 1]
[19:20] <Ebiris> The missiles batter the already still body of the nymph, who remains suspended by the tentacles and swiftly burning away to nothingness even as the enraged and blinded Gourash reaches her assuredly deceased form and begins to abuse it even further!
[19:21] * Alveria snaps her fingers and the wall- and tentacles- dissapear.
[19:21] <Ebiris> Gourash finds himself free of irritating tentacles, but there's still something soft and meaty nearby for him to sink his axe into! Just a shame it isn't screaming...
[19:21] * Gourash continues  to flail blindly for a moment, cutting the nymph apart before realizing things have changed  and turning around listening for approaching danger.
[19:22] <Ebiris> OOC: listen check
[19:22] <Gourash> roll 1d20+11
[19:22] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+11 and gets 27." [1d20=16]
[19:22] * Amonet decides to cure herself of her unnatural tiredness before anything else.
[19:23] -> *Gourash* You can hear Amonet casting a spell nearby, but not much else.
[19:26] <Alveria> "As expected, most of the lore down here will be necromantic in nature, and thus useless to us," muses Alveria. "But few of the schools of Netheril were dedicated to a single study. I still find it very unusual that a druid would seek out such ideas, though..."
[19:29] <Gourash> "Have we gotten them all?" Gourash headed towards their voices.
[19:30] <Amonet> "Quite," Amonet responds tiredly.
[19:30] <Alveria> "There are no foes remaining on the surface," responds Alveria, promptly. "They were not reinforced by the enemy within. I believe we should rest here, however. It will take a day or so for you to regain your strength after facing those... undead elementals."
[19:31] * Gourash nods. "We need something to protect against those magics....  they sap."
[19:32] <Alveria> "It's the province of the divine, those protections. We'll have to make do..."
[19:34] <Amonet> roll 1d20+3
[19:34] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+3 and gets 19." [1d20=16]
[19:35] <Amonet> Noticing Gourash's infliction, Amonet casts a spell from a scroll Alveria had purchased for this very purpose, attempting to restore the half-orc's sight.
[19:39] * Gourash nods rubbing his eyes. "Thank Amonet."


[15:06] <Ebiris> After slaying the nymph and her cohorts, the party sets up camp on top of the ruins, thankfully unmolested as they settle in to recuperate from the battle before braving their mysterious depths...
[15:07] <Ebiris> roll 1d100
[15:07] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d100 and gets 71." [1d100=71]
[15:08] <Ebiris> The night passes without incident, deathly silence permeating the forest around them. The following day, the group wakes up, mostly refreshed apart from Amonet who still feels some residual stiffness from the elemental's energy draining attack. Regardless, everyone is as fit as they can be under the circumstances, and ready to press on in search of adventure.
[15:09] * Alveria casts a range of powerful enchantments upon herself!... probably.
[15:09] <Alveria> roll 1d6+7 mage armour
[15:09] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+7 mage armour and gets 8." [1d6=1]
[15:09] <Alveria> roll 1d6+7 stoneskin
[15:09] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+7 stoneskin and gets 13." [1d6=6]
[15:10] <Alveria> roll 1d6+7 extended shield w00t
[15:10] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+7 extended shield w00t and gets 12." [1d6=5]
[15:10] <Alveria> roll 1d6+7 see invisibility
[15:10] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+7 see invisibility and gets 13." [1d6=6]
[15:10] * Amonet is content with being speedy and well-protected from fire!
[15:10] * Gourash pokes the fearsome lake with a handy nearby branch, out of worry that it may be part of the problem.
[15:11] <Ebiris> The lake is frozen solid over its surface. Gourash may have to poke it pretty hard if he wants to decipher its hidden mysteries.
[15:12] <Alveria> "I'm sure the lake isn't going to do anything anytime soon," says Alveria, shivering slightly in the cold. "Come on, we're heading in now."
[15:12] * Gourash nods and heads into the ruins, leading the way, unbothered by the morning chill due to his own harsh temperment.
[15:14] <Ebiris> With the entrance no longer covered in suspicious vines, ingress is easily accomplished. Gourash can see even without his darkvision thanks to the pale light seeping in fro m the doorway, seeing a spiral staircase that descends perhaps fifteen feet, opening out into two paths, one straight ahead from the stairs and one to the left. A faint flickering blue glow lights the bottom, coming from the left passage.
[15:16] * Gourash gestures at the left one. "This way?"
[15:16] * Amonet stays next to Alveria, walking by her side.
[15:17] <Alveria> "Let's get a closer look at that light," agrees Alveria.
[15:18] * Gourash nods and heads down the left passage at a steady walk, keeping an eye out for any undead tree roots or such things.
[15:18] <Ebiris> The stairs are wide, easily enough to accomodate a large creature with room to spare. The same for the corridors below. The one directly opposite the stairs extends out of sight, too dark to see its end. A pair of doors are visible next to each other on the right hand side about fifty feet away. (more)
[15:19] <Ebiris> The left hand passage is shorter, opening out into a larger chamber perhaps thirty feet away. Numerous bones are seen scattered around its floor, visible even from the stairwell, but the main feature of the room is a large blue bonfire, burning away merrily in the centre and blocking view of what lies beyond. There's no obvious fuel source for it.
[15:21] <Alveria> roll 1d20+16
[15:21] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+16 and gets 22." [1d20=6]
[15:21] -> *Alveria* It's a fire necromental. You can just barely make out the body, hunched over and prone amidst the consuming flames.
[15:24] <Alveria> "Ah. Amonet, I believe you're the most suited for dealing with this thing," reflects Alveria, chuckling a bit. "It's another of those necro-elementals. As you can see, fire is it's particular element."
[15:25] <Amonet> "So you want me... to hit it with a lance?" Amonet asks in confusion, eyeing the merrily-burning thing warily.
[15:27] <Alveria> "There's a body in the centre of it," replies Alveria. "Try to look a bit more closely. Once you see it, you'll sh- ow!" Withdrawing a hand from her robes, Alveria seems to have pricked her finger on something.
[15:28] <Goruash> "ow?" Gourash glanced back at Alveria.
[15:28] * Amonet does look more closely, lance held towards the creature as she approaches it slowly.
[15:28] <Alveria> "Always leave the bloody needles in the wrong pocket," she mutters.
[15:28] <Ebiris> OOC: How close are you getting, Amonet?
[15:28] <Amonet> OOC: 70ft? How close do I need to be to see the creature in the fire?
[15:29] <Ebiris> OOC: You can see it from where you are with Alveria's prompting. You're already about 50-60 feet away.
[15:29] <Amonet> OOC: Then 20ft away. If it doesn't react, I'll attack!
[15:32] <Ebiris> Amonet makes her way down the passageway and into the chamber beyond. Entering, she can see the right hand side is dominated by large windows, which seem rather pointless underground. They're flooded with huge mounds of earth and dirt, encompassing most of that side of the room. At the far end she can see lots of shattered furniture and other debris, seemingly piled up and cleared to the side.
[15:32] <Ebiris> Most of the remaining empty space in the room is dominated by innumerable charred bones - dozens of corpses must have gone into filling this chamber, too many to count in their scattered state. As she crosses the threshold, however, the fire elemental rears up, appearing as a headless humanoid mass of blue flame!
[15:32] <Ebiris> OOC: init
[15:32] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+9
[15:32] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+9 and gets 29." [1d20=20]
[15:33] <Alveria> roll 1d20+3
[15:33] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+3 and gets 13." [1d20=10]
[15:33] <Gourash> roll 1d20+1
[15:33] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+1 and gets 18." [1d20=17]
[15:33] <Amonet> roll 1d20+1
[15:33] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+1 and gets 10." [1d20=9]
[15:35] <Ebiris> With a hissing noise of crackling flame, the undead elemental glides toward Amonet with deceptively light footsteps for its bulk. It lashes out to smack Amonet with a flaming fist, before it moves around her and to the side of the doorway, out of sight for Alveria and Gourash!
[15:35] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10
[15:35] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 and gets 18." [1d20=8]
[15:35] <Ebiris> However, Amonet's armour is up to the task of warding off the blow!
[15:37] <Ebiris> OOC: Gourash
[15:38] * Gourash holds his action until Amonets turn.
[15:38] <Ebiris> OOC: Amonet
[15:40] <Amonet> Amonet's arms extend unnaturally, snaking towards the fiery elemental as they deliver the lance of holy vengeance to its target!
[15:40] <Amonet> roll 1d20+13
[15:40] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+13 and gets 30." [1d20=17]
[15:40] <Amonet> roll 1d20+8
[15:40] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+8 and gets 16." [1d20=8]
[15:41] <Ebiris> OOC: 1 hit
[15:41] <Amonet> roll 1d8+2d6+8
[15:41] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+2d6+8 and gets 19." [1d8=2][2d6=6, 3]
[15:42] <Ebiris> The necromental recoils from Amonet's freakish attack, suffering a stab in the chest that briefly discorporates it before the flames rush in to fill the void, and it twists aside to avoid her follow up attack!
[15:42] <Amonet> "Prepare to be destroyed!" she tells it, pointing her lance at the elemental menacingly.
[15:42] * Gourash moves forward, staying a bit behind the well armored woman ready to aid her if she can't handle the demon. And to slice it into ribbons if it tries to go past her or close with her.
[15:43] <Ebiris> OOC: Alvie
[15:43] * Alveria stays where she is, getting ready to blast away when the creature appears again.
[15:44] <Ebiris> The creature moves in to attack Amonet once more, a fist composed of far too solid fire rushing towards her chest before it retreats back, diagonally to the left of the room and deeper within, getting thirty feet of distance from Amonet.
[15:44] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10
[15:44] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 and gets 24." [1d20=14]
[15:44] <Ebiris> But Amonet is able to parry aside the blow as her elongated arms retract back in to their normal length!
[15:45] <Ebiris> OOC: Amonet
[15:47] * Amonet decides to approach the elemental normally, without bothering to charge, and strikes at it once she is within range.
[15:48] <Amonet> roll 1d20+13
[15:48] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+13 and gets 29." [1d20=16]
[15:48] <Ebiris> OOC: hit
[15:48] <Amonet> roll 1d8+2d6+8
[15:48] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+2d6+8 and gets 19." [1d8=7][2d6=3, 1]
[15:48] <Ebiris> Amonet strikes a blow that would surely fell most foes, but alas the necromental is not a normal enemy of flesh and bone, and reforms itself in a whoosh of blue fire even as she wounds it!
[15:48] <Ebiris> OOC: Go G
[15:51] * Gourash delays until Fire elemental's turn.
[15:51] <Ebiris> OOC: Alvie
[15:51] <Alveria> OOC: So amonet and the fire thing are around the corner, basically?
[15:51] <Ebiris> OOC: Yes. If you move to where Gourash is you could see them.
[15:52] <Alveria> OOC: izzat 30 feet?
[15:52] <Ebiris> OOC: yes
[15:52] * Alveria ambulates towards Gourash, and then fires off a volley of magical missiles at the cursed elemental!
[15:52] <Alveria> roll 1d6+7 not 1 kthx
[15:52] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+7 not 1 kthx and gets 9." [1d6=2]
[15:52] <Alveria> roll 5d4+5 wheeeeeee
[15:52] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 5d4+5 wheeeeeee and gets 17." [5d4=1, 3, 1, 4, 3]
[15:54] <Ebiris> Alveria's magic missiles spiral forth into the chamber and blast viciously against the necromental's form, rattling it badly! Its flames now starting to diminish and cool around the vaguely more solid humanoid form, it makes a sputtering noise like crackling glass and lashes out at Amonet with both fists!
[15:54] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10
[15:54] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 and gets 12." [1d20=2]
[15:54] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10
[15:54] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 and gets 30." [1d20=20]
[15:54] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10 crit
[15:54] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 crit and gets 12." [1d20=2]
[15:54] <Ebiris> roll 2d6+2 no point rolling fire damage
[15:54] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d6+2 no point rolling fire damage and gets 5." [2d6=1, 2]
[15:56] <Ebiris> While the first strike is errant and easily dodged, Amonet leaves herself open for the follow up, a driving slam into her stomach that knocks the wind out of her and leaches at her life force! Even as her shield glows brightly for an instant to ward off the rush of heat, she still takes a solid physical impact!
[15:56] <Ebiris> OOC: Amonet
[15:56] * Amonet strikes back furiously, unwilling to take more hits from the undead elemental! Her lance curves towards the creature's shoulder, seeking to send it tumbling and unable to guard from a sharp stab straight into what passes for its gut!
[15:57] <Amonet> roll 1d20+12
[15:57] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+12 and gets 32." [1d20=20]
[15:57] <Amonet> roll 1d20+7
[15:57] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+7 and gets 14." [1d20=7]
[15:57] <Ebiris> OOC: 1 hit
[15:57] <Amonet> roll 1d8+2d6+8
[15:57] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d8+2d6+8 and gets 17." [1d8=5][2d6=1, 3]
[15:58] <Ebiris> Her first strike is good, sending the creature reeling as its flames gutter out, only barely clinging to unlife! Nonetheless, its still able to lift itself and dodge the follow up, intact by the slimmest of margins!
[15:58] <Ebiris> OOC: Gourash
[15:59] * Gourash seeing Amonet take the blow, Gourash leaps over her, swinging down with his axe.
[15:59] <Gourash> roll 1d20+18
[15:59] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+18 and gets 34." [1d20=16]
[16:00] <Gourash> OOC: that was to hit. I can roll jump if needed, but I think take 1 of 24 is enough.
[16:01] <Gourash> roll 1d12+13
[16:01] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+13 and gets 17." [1d12=4]
[16:01] <Ebiris> As Gourash rushes in, the elemental lashes out at the opening he presents!
[16:01] <Ebiris> roll 1d20+10
[16:01] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 1d20+10 and gets 21." [1d20=11]
[16:01] <Ebiris> OOC: AC?
[16:02] <Gourash> OOC: ..Ac 21 it hits.
[16:02] <Ebiris> roll 2d6+2+2d6-2
[16:02] * Hatbot --> "Ebiris rolls 2d6+2+2d6-2 and gets 12." [2d6=4, 4][2d6=1, 3]
[16:02] <Gourash> OOC: DR 2/-
[16:03] <Ebiris> Despite taking a burning wound to his arm that chills his very soul, Gourash is able to deliver a final attack that bisects the elemental in two, its flames flickering away into nothingness and leaving the chamber in complete darkness... or it would if Amonet's lance didn't glow like the noonday sun.
[16:04] * Amonet shivers. "Facing these things had been most unpleasant," she says sourly.
[16:04] * Gourash shakes, brushing his burned arm slightly and rising from his strike. "You okay? Didn't think it'd manage to hit you."
[16:05] <Amonet> "It got lucky. Everyone and everything is bound to, once in their life," Amonet responds, waving off Gourash's concerns. "Nevertheless, I am fine. Are you, yourself?"
[16:05] <Alveria> "There's no such thing as certainty in combat, but I think this is the best result we could have hoped for," muses Alveria, looking around the room now that the fire has gone.
[16:06] <Ebiris> The floor is littered with innumerable bones, only a few corpses anything close to intact. The majority appear to be small humanoids of some description. Towards the far end is a decent sized pile of rotten wood and wrecked furniture, a few glints of metal seen amidst them. The right hand side of the room is dominated by vast piles of dirt that have spilled in through the expansive windows on that side.
[16:07] <Gourash> "A bit chilled,' Gourash looked around, also exploring the room, heading towards the mess of furniture.
[16:07] <Alveria> "Over there," points Alveria, indicating the furniture with a pointed blade.
[16:08] * Gourash nods and tries to clear the wood with his hands.
[16:08] * Alveria promptly heads over there to have a look.
[16:08] * Amonet says a prayer for the souls of the fallen, as her friends search the furniture.
[16:08] <Gourash> roll 1d20 aid another search
[16:08] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20 aid another search and gets 20." [1d20=20]
[16:09] <Alveria> roll 1d20+10
[16:09] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+10 and gets 18." [1d20=8]
[16:09] <Amonet> roll 1d20 I'll try to aid!
[16:09] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20 I'll try to aid! and gets 19." [1d20=19]
[16:10] <Amonet> Finished with the rites, Amonet approaches the others. "Find anything of import, or do we continue?"
[16:10] <Ebiris> Clearing aside the wreckage, most of the furniture is rotten and burnt to varying degrees. A few flecks of gold filigree visible here and there... this stuff was probably once quite ostentatious and valuable, but is now so much trash. However, amidst all this, you do find one item of interest, tucked inside a tiny locked box thats had its sides rotten through enough to get inside:
[16:10] <Ebiris> An elaborate ring of iron, with a design on its surface that looks like a cog. It is embossed and protrudes out a quarter of an inch from the ring's surface. Whomever made it must have had an eye for detail, considering how intricate the design is.
[16:11] * Alveria slips the ring on and tests how it feels.
[16:12] <Ebiris> It hasn't rusted at all, unlike the rest of the metal present amidst the debris. It seems a bit too big for Alveria's dainty fingers, but as soon as she slips it on it contracts to form a perfect fit.
[16:13] <Alveria> Well, it's clearly time to blindly activate the ring to see what it does!
[16:14] <Amonet> It's clearly time to step back from Alveria, who looks very scary right now!
[16:14] <Alveria> roll 1d20+13 here we goooooooo DC 25!
[16:14] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+13 here we goooooooo DC 25! and gets 23." [1d20=10]
[16:14] <Alveria> Aww.
[16:14] <Ebiris> Nothing happens.
[16:15] <Amonet> "I felt like something quite dangerous was narrowly avoided just now," Amonet murmurs, tentatively approaching the mage.
[16:15] <Alveria> "I believe you worry too much," replies Alveria, pausing for a moment. "...strangely, this doesn't seem like an unfamiliar thought..."
[16:16] * Alveria starts heading back to the last junction.
[16:16] * Gourash heads back as well, taking the front.
[16:17] <Ebiris> It's a short walk back, barely taking a few seconds. As before, Alveria can see a long passageway stretching to the limits of her low-light vision before it seems to open into another chamber she can barely make out. Closer, though, are two adjacent doors on the right hand side of the passage. The closest is partially ajar, while its neighbour seems to have been knocked mostly off its hinges, just barely hanging in place.
[16:18] * Amonet goes towards the door open widely, taking a glance inside the room beyond.
[16:21] <Ebiris> Inside, Amonet can see a square room, with a large stone golem hunched over in the centre. Around it are several workbenches holding an array of tools, most of which appear corroded to uselessness. One does catch her eye, what appears to be a jet black scalpel that still glints with a faint metallic sheen.
[16:21] <Ebiris> On one of the benches is what looks to be a replacement arm for the golem, ending in an enormous axehead instead of a fist. The axehead is of shiny steel, decorated with precious stones - diamond, onyx, ruby, and sapphire in evidence, while the blade itself is inlaid with silver and black admanant.
[16:21] <Ebiris> The golem itself seems somewhat weathered by the ages, its surfaces rounded and smooth from the passing of years. The design seems to be that of a humanoid wearing very simple but effective looking full plate, and its face appears concealed by a helmet and mouthguard, only allowing its sapphire eyes to be seen. On its chest is a small cog shaped indentation, the only real distinguishing mark upon its form.
[16:22] * Gourash quirks his head. "Doesn't look recent...maybe being changed?" Gourash wondered.
[16:22] <Alveria> OOC: Can I knowledge these?
[16:23] <Alveria> OOC: Ancient netherese golems or something?
[16:23] <Ebiris> OOC: arcana
[16:23] <Amonet> "Perhaps your ring is the key to activating it?" Amonet suggests.
[16:23] <Alveria> roll 1d20+19
[16:23] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+19 and gets 31." [1d20=12]
[16:23] <Alveria> "Probably," replies Alveria.
[16:24] * Gourash eyes the thing. "Let not activate it."
[16:24] <Alveria> "It would be interesting to have such a creation as a guardian, but there's no telling what it'll do if I tried," admits Alveria.
[16:25] * Amonet decides to look in the other room, in the meanwhile.
[16:25] -> *Alveria* Oddly, golemcraft was not a speciality of Netheril. They were more common than today, as they could be easily powered by a Mythallar rather than a bound elemental, but that also means that very few have survived in any working order. This one looks like a fairly generic stone golem to Alveria, although that arm on the table is certainly not factory standard.
[16:26] <Ebiris> In the adjacent room, Amonet finds a large circular weapon rack, albeit most of the weapons on it are pitted with rust and useless looking. Three cabinets line the far wall, barely holding themselves up from the weight of the years, it seems.
[16:26] <Alveria> "In any case, the equipment here- that's intact, anyway- is likely quite valuable," muses Alveria, searching the room for any texts or notebooks.
[16:26] <Amonet> "I am going to explore this armory," Amonet informs the others, before doing just that, moving with caution.
[16:26] <Alveria> "Do be careful."
[16:27] * Gourash nods, examining the axe head. "We should not get slowed. There still whoever the real trouble is somewhere."
[16:28] <Ebiris> Alveria can find no writings within the golem chamber. Merely the golem itself, the spare arm, and numerous ruined tools. Gourash thinks he could probably wield the spare arm like an oversized greataxe, but it may be more clumsy than his own axe.
[16:28] * Alveria eyes the arm and the golem, seeing whether the arm could be easily attached.
[16:28] <Ebiris> OOC: how are you searching, Amonet? Checking out the weapon rack or the cabinets? Touching anything?
[16:29] <Amonet> Amonet's lance has touched a great many things it shouldn't have, and she uses it once more to tap at the cabinets, nudging them open cautiously.
[16:29] <Ebiris> Attaching the arm would require detaching one of the golem's current arms. That would probably require some work.
[16:30] * Gourash picks up the arm and the scalpel, adding them to his bag. "Just for safety. Later we look this over more. Let go."
[16:30] <Ebiris> The door of the first cabinet crumbles a fair bit at the contact with Amonet's flask, though opening it finds it to be bare. The next one contains six clear glass flasks of some viscous orange goop. The last one contains a single flask of white goop.
[16:31] <Ebiris> OOC: AMonet's lance
[16:31] * Alveria waves the ring around in front of the golem for a bit, but barring something exciting happening, shortly departs.
[16:31] <Ebiris> Gourash can pick up the arm with ease, although it's a bit of a struggle to fit it in his pack.
[16:32] <Ebiris> Nothing happens to Alveria's ring waving.
[16:32] * Amonet decides to go through the weapons, next, looking for any that seem like they still work, or would be expensive.
[16:32] <Gourash> "Amonet?" Gourash steps towards the exit of the room, but waits for her.
[16:33] <Amonet> "There are some flasks, here, that Alveria might find interesting," she tells Gourash.
[16:33] <Ebiris> As Amonet touches the weapon rack to sort through the armaments still on it, she finds herself jolted with a brief stab of cold, numbing her arm for an instant! (1 damage)
[16:34] * Alveria glances quizzicaly at Amonet, before advancing towards one of the orange flasks and peering curiously at it.
[16:34] <Alveria> roll 1d20+23 spellcraft, I suppose, I don't have alchemy though.
[16:34] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+23 spellcraft, I suppose, I don't have alchemy though. and gets 26." [1d20=3]
[16:35] <Ebiris> They don't appear to be magical potions, as far as Alveria can tell. Perhaps alchemist's fire? She can't really tell.
[16:35] * Alveria grabs one and flings it far away! From her friends.
[16:36] <Ebiris> OOC: an orange one or the white one?
[16:36] <Alveria> OOC: The orange one.
[16:36] <Ebiris> The glass shatters, depositing a thick gooey orange substance on the far wall! It seems stuck there, only sliding downwards at gravity's call with a glacial pace.
[16:37] <Alveria> "Interesting."
[16:37] <Alveria> "I don't know what this stuff is."
[16:37] <Alveria> "Let's, uh, leave it here for now."
[16:37] * Alveria inspects the white stuff, too.
[16:38] <Ebiris> It appears to have a similar consistency as the orange stuff. The only difference would be the colour.
[16:39] * Gourash shrugs and heads back out to the corridor.
[16:39] <Ebiris> The corridor is much the same as before!
[16:40] * Alveria grabs one vial of each, anyway, and points in the other direction. "Come on, let's go."
[16:40] * Gourash nods, leading the way with traditional orcish diligence.
[16:42] <Ebiris> Onwards the trio go, finding an alcove at the far end of the corridor on the left hand side with stairs spiralling downwards. Just past it, the corridor opens out into a large room predominantly filled with dirt and rock that seems to have fallen in through the exposed skylights.
[16:42] <Ebiris> No telling how big the room is, since you can only access a small part, though the mosaic patterned floor and raised sections filled with more neatly arranged soil suggests it may have once been a flower garden.
[16:43] * Gourash shrugs, examining the collapsed room before heading downstairs.
[16:43] * Alveria peers around the room, looking to see if it actually goes anywhere, or if there's anything of interest.
[16:45] <Ebiris> There seems to be various twisting paths around the raised sections, but you can only really get about ten or so feet into the room before it becomes choked with earth from floor to ceiling. An exposed piece of white stone juts out from the wall of dirt at about head height, looking like the sculpted elbow of a statue.
[16:46] * Alveria shrugs, and heads back to that alcove.
[16:46] * Gourash does as well, heading down the stairs
[16:49] <Ebiris> The stairs spiral downwards, opening out onto a small hallway with double doors straight ahead. They're made of heavy looking stone, but stand partly ajar, enough for a medium sized creature to squeeze through.
[16:49] <Ebiris> The corridor to the right swiftly opens out into a large flooded chamber, with a ten foot wide walkway down the centre over brackish and stagnant water. Halfway down the walkway, a pair of heavy looking spiked steel balls hang down from chains, suspended from the ceiling.
[16:51] * Alveria walks to the edge of the water, peering down to see how deep it goes.
[16:51] * Gourash heads and tries to pull the doors further open, seeing mainly if they'd be trapped if they closed.
[16:52] <Ebiris> Entering the room, Alveria can see a series of fountains featuring well formed and naked humans dotting either side above the water, though they lie still and are covered in mold. The water itself is too filthy for Alveria to really tell the depth.
[16:52] <Ebiris> OOC: strength check, G
[16:53] <Gourash> roll 1d20+8
[16:53] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+8 and gets 14." [1d20=6]
[16:53] <Ebiris> The walkway itself is coated with a filthy black looking slime, making it seem rather unsafe to walk on. No doubt aided by the huge spiked balls that likely would fall down on any passers by, if the scene in the middle of the walkway is any indication.
[16:53] <Ebiris> Gourash finds that he cannot budge the doors.
[16:54] * Alveria pokes the slime with her sword.
[16:54] * Gourash frowns, letting go. "We might have trouble if someone manage to close these after we went through."
[16:55] <Ebiris> Alveria feels a very faint resistance, as if there was a film of... something, over the water. Nonetheless, its little more than popping a bubble, and she sticks her sword in the murky depths. Nothing solid is felt.
[16:56] * Alveria cycles the sword through a variety of elemental configurations before withdrawing it, flicking the water and the slime on the walkway a little.
[16:56] <Alveria> OOC: You know, acidic->frost->shock->fiery
[16:58] <Ebiris> The acid doesn't seem to do much, though the frost does cause a faint misting of the water within a few inches of her sword. Little seems to happen with the shock enhancement, aside from causing a rather unpleasant smell, which abruptly becomes worse as the water starts to bubble and boil from the fiery enhancement.
[17:00] * Gourash waits by the doors for Alvie to finish.
[17:00] * Gourash seeing she's done, leads the way through the doors.
[17:01] * Amonet decides to move next to Gourash this time.
[17:01] <Alveria> "I'm finished. Sorry for taking so long," says Alveria, stepping back towards the doors. "Honestly, what novel barriers..."
[17:01] * Gourash nods. "Smelly ones too."
[17:02] * Amonet also... switches bracers!
[17:03] <Ebiris> Squeezing through the doorway, Gourash finds himself in a long and vaguely oval shaped room, soon followed by his comrades. Four rotten wood pews line this chamber, with a grey and tattered carpet marking the path towards a raised altar at the far end. Behind the altar stands a statue of a large humanoid figure, cloaked in robes and wielding a stone scythe.
[17:03] <Ebiris> Its eyes glitter with refracted light from Amonet's lance, a red glint shining in response to the golden glow it emits. To the rear left side of the room, a passageway leads off to the side, an extremely ragged and tattered black curtain that hangs over it as a threadbare barrier.
[17:04] * Gourash lifts his axe eying the statue as he moved into the room, ready if it came alive.
[17:05] <Ebiris> The statue does not seem particularly animate.
[17:05] * Alveria bravely inspects the alter. And the eyes of this humanoid figure.
[17:07] <Ebiris> The eyes appear to be fist-sized rubies, most of the facial features obscured by the cowl it wears. On the altar itself is an engraving of a skull with a parchment clenched beneath its feet and a feathered quill rising up behind it.
[17:07] <Ebiris> OOC: knowledge religion to ID him if you care
[17:07] <Amonet> roll 1d20+6 I always care!
[17:07] * Hatbot --> "Amonet rolls 1d20+6 I always care! and gets 26." [1d20=20]
[17:08] <Alveria> roll 1d20+7 I suspect Amonet is smarter than me.
[17:08] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+7 I suspect Amonet is smarter than me. and gets 12." [1d20=5]
[17:08] -> *Amonet* It's Jergal. Currently a minor demigod in service of Kelemvor, in ancient times he ruled over all aspects of Death, until he lost most of his portfolio to Myrkul, Bane, and Bhaal.
[17:09] -> *Alveria* You have no idea. Lots of nasty deities like skulls, but you dunno who this one is.
[17:10] <Amonet> "Jergal, a one-time ruler of Death itself," Amonet muses, observing the the statue and the altar.
[17:10] <Gourash> "So this an old death cult place?" Gourash guessed, swiping the cloth barrier out of the way and probably destroying it in the same step.
[17:11] <Amonet> "It would certainly explain the presence of the unnatural elementals and that nymph...."
[17:11] * Alveria snaps her fingers. "I couldn't recognize the symbol, but I remember the name," muses Alveria. "To think that he gave up godhood out of ennui..."
[17:11] <Ebiris> The cloth does disintegrate fairly readily at the slightest touch. Gourash can see a room beyond with eight stone slabs sized for a humanoid to lay down on. The walls are arrayed with racks containing various rusted tools - clamps, saws, drills, that sort of thing. A trough is visible on one side, and the floor is slightly sloped, with a grated drain at the far end.
[17:12] * Gourash nods. "Bleh...Torture rooms." Gourash guesses as he steps into the next room, looking around.
[17:12] * Alveria gives a short bark of laughter. "Some things are better forgotten, I suppose," she says, amused.
[17:12] <Ebiris> The tools on the walls are certainly useless, although Gourash can see a glint from within the trough...
[17:13] * Gourash steps closer to see what the glint is.
[17:14] <Ebiris> Looking inside the trough, Gourash can see hundreds of black pearls, filling it to the halfway mark... there must be thousands of gold worth of jewels, there.
[17:14] * Gourash grins and scoops them into the pack for later.
[17:14] <Ebiris> There's way more than will fit in his pack, especially since it has a bladed golem arm in it.
[17:15] <Gourash> "Yo," He waves the others over to share carrying.
[17:17] <Alveria> "We might actually turn a profit!"
[17:18] <Alveria> "You know, there must be a lot of failed adventurers out there who don't manage to match their earnings with their expenses."
[17:18] * Gourash gets up and examines the room more carefully.
[17:19] <Gourash> roll 1d20 search
[17:19] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20 search and gets 18." [1d20=18]
[17:20] <Ebiris> The drain on the far end is clogged quite thoroughly with... something. It's black and muddy, one supposes. The stone slabs themselves seem clean enough, albeit a bit dusty, while the tools hanging from the wall are corroded and pitted with rust, useless for any practical purpose.
[17:22] * Gourash tests the muddy stuff with one of the rusty tools to see if anything is in it, but if not, heads back out to the death god's chamber.
[17:22] <Ebiris> The mud gives way to the tool's prodding. It doesn't react much beyond that.
[17:23] * Gourash checks behind the statue for any hidden doors that are too blatently obvious.
[17:23] <Ebiris> There are no blatantly obvious hidden doors. How would that work, anyway?
[17:24] <Gourash> OOC: Hollow sounding walls, doors under carpets or whatnot or just hidden by 'nobody looks behind the statue'
[17:25] <Ebiris> OOC: well, regardless, you find none of them
[17:25] <Gourash> "Grab the jewels and go?" Gourash suggests, heading back to the center of the room.
[17:25] <Alveria> "Yeah, alright." OOC: Hey, can we actually carry the jewels between us?
[17:26] <Ebiris> OOC: the black pearls? Yeah, your packs will be pretty weighed down, though.
[17:26] <Gourash> OOC: *nods*
[17:26] <Gourash> OOC: Gourash don't notice such weight =)
[17:26] <Alveria> OOC: Like *I'm* carrying any
[17:27] <Alveria> OOC: I can barely lift my own spellbook
[17:27] * Gourash tries to pry free the rubies from the statue!
[17:27] <Ebiris> OOC: strength check, G
[17:27] * Gourash uses the scalpel if needed!
[17:27] <Ebiris> OOC: nevermind the check, then
[17:27] <Gourash> OOC: Can I take 20?
[17:28] <Ebiris> Gourash is able to cut away at the eye sockets, his adamantine scalpel cutting through stone easily enough. Yet, as soon as he pulls the gems out, they dull, turning black as the light level fades, draping the entire room in pitch blackness that not even Amonet's lance nor darkvision can penetrate!
[17:29] * Amonet tries to summon the power of the sun to their aid!
[17:29] <Gourash> "Did everything go black or am I blind again?"
[17:30] <Ebiris> Amonet's powers are no match for whatever eldritch murk has enveloped the party!
[17:31] <Amonet> "It is quite dark."
[17:31] <Ebiris> Yet, after a moment, the darkness seems to retreat, fading and retreating... into Gourash. The rubies glisten in his hand, as red as they were before, and bright light spills forth from Amonet and her lance, washing away the darkness as it is compressed until it appears to hug Gourash's body entirely, and then vanishes!
[17:32] * Gourash blinks. "What just happened?"
[17:32] * Amonet winces. "You were cursed? Probably."
[17:32] * Gourash nods, putting the gems away. "Don't feel any different... We see later."
[17:32] * Gourash hops down.
[17:32] * Alveria switches on her magivision.
[17:33] <Alveria> OOC: i.e. detect magic, yeah. What's on G?
[17:33] <Ebiris> OOC: spellcraft
[17:33] <Alveria> roll 1d20+23
[17:33] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+23 and gets 24." [1d20=1]
[17:34] <Ebiris> While magic clings to Gourash, Alveria cannot identify its nature.
[17:35] <Ebiris> There is also magic on the golem arm poking out of his backpack, and the ring Alveria wears. (you can roll for them if you want)
[17:35] <Alveria> roll 1d20+23 well, it's hard to fail the 'know what school it is' check, at least
[17:35] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+23 well, it's hard to fail the 'know what school it is' check, at least and gets 29." [1d20=6]
[17:35] <Alveria> roll 1d20+23 well, it's hard to fail the 'know what school it is' check, at least
[17:35] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d20+23 well, it's hard to fail the 'know what school it is' check, at least and gets 24." [1d20=1]
[17:35] <Alveria> OOC: this won't stop the dice TRYING. arm->ring
[17:36] -> *Alveria* The arm radiates strong transmutation, and the ring faint abjuration.
[17:39] <Alveria> "Let's return to the bridge. I should be able to summon some creatures to fly us to the other side," states Alveria.
[17:40] * Gourash nods and heads back to the bridge.
[17:41] <Ebiris> It is as you left it, a slick and grimy stone bridge above still and black waters, a doorway visible at the far end perhaps a hundred and thirty feet away, where the walkway widens. A set of metal legs seem to be standing next to the far doorway, perhaps armour for some giant sized creature.
[17:42] <Alveria> "I'll some some hippogriffs to take us across," states Alveria, pressing her hands into the ground and whipping up a set of shining, celestial pseudo-mounts!
[17:42] <Alveria> roll 1d6+7
[17:42] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d6+7 and gets 13." [1d6=6]
[17:42] <Alveria> roll 1d4+1
[17:42] * Hatbot --> "Alveria rolls 1d4+1 and gets 3." [1d4=2]
[17:43] <Ebiris> The eagle/horse hybrids appear in a flash, their feathers shining magnificently as they caw to herald their triumph, before waiting on Alveria's commands.
[17:43] <Alveria> "Take us across to the other side," instructs Alveria, pointing.
[17:43] * Gourash grins. "Nice, Alvie." Gourash got onto one after she gave her order to them.
[17:44] <Ebiris> Each of the hippogriffs then rears up, attempting to gently grapple the three adventurers as Alveria asked!
[17:45] * Alveria suddenly realises she's made a terrible mistake, but figures it'll just sting a bit, as opposed to actually hurt.
[17:45] * Amonet sniffs at the indignity of it all.
[17:46] <Gourash> "wha?" Is surprised enough to be hauled up by the creature.
[17:47] <Ebiris> With no resistance, the three creatures take to wing, fortunately having enough room in this wide chamber to flap across to the other side! The one carrying Gourash lags a bit, but nonetheless they deposit the party without incident on the far side.
[17:47] <Alveria> "Very good! See if you can tear down those spiked balls, too," adds Alveria. "Well, later." Leaving her weird mystical things to do their best, Alveria points to the door. "Shall we?"
[17:48] * Gourash shakes off as they land. "You've got weird way of getting us over. Let go," He nodded and headed onward, opening the door if need be.
[17:49] <Ebiris> With angry screeches, the hippogriffs take off and go to attack the chains! It doesn't take much, and a pair of mighty splashes herald their success even as the party leaves them behind. Through the door, they find a corridor running from left to right, an open chamber at the far end to the left from which faint silvery light emanates, while the right curves away and out of sight.
[17:50] * Alveria starts towards the left.
[17:50] * Gourash does as well.
[17:50] * Amonet sees no reason to disagree.
[17:53] <Ebiris> Heading into the room beyond, the party see four rune enscribed binding circles, three of which glow with faint silvery light. The first, and unlit one, is scorched, pitted, and cracked, as if it were struck with a gigantic burning hammer. Its neighbour holds a humanoid skeleton, albeit one with a boney wing structure splayed out behind it, laying forlorn on its back on the floor.
[17:53] <Ebiris> The third is empty, while the last contains a small red-skinned humanoid creature with bat-like wings and a scorpion's tail. It flutters up into the air as soon as you enter, waving and calling over with an insistent "Hey!" before its eyes settle on Amonet and roll up into the back of its skull as it falls insensate to the floor with a thud.
[17:54] <Alveria> "Did it ever occur to you that radiating raw goodness could have an effect on some?"
[17:54] * Gourash laughs.
[17:54] * Amonet blinks. "Well, I-- surely, it is all as Horus-Re intends!"
[17:54] <Alveria> "That's the first intelligent thing I've seen down here, and you knocked it out!"
[17:55] <Alveria> "By existing! And it could've told us some things about this place, I'll wager."
[17:55] <Amonet> "It must have been looking at me funny!" Amonet exclaims in exasperation.
[17:55] * Alveria looks at Amonet funny.
[17:55] * Amonet shivers.
[17:55] <Ebiris> After a few seconds, the creature picks itself up blearily. "Oooh, hells, just my luck..." it squints as it flies back into the air, averting its gaze from Amonet as it regards Alveria and Gourash. "You two look more reasonable, please, get me out of here!" it squeals.
[17:55] * Gourash laughs all the harder, barely paying much attention to the new room in light of the tomfoolery.
[17:56] <Amonet> "Why do they look more reasonable?" Amonet asks, sounding mildly offended.
[17:56] <Alveria> "Ah, you're in a binding circle? So it would take just, say, a slight disturbance to it to free you?" guesses Alveria.
[17:56] <Alveria> "Because we don't radiate raw goodness!"
[17:56] <Alveria> "Haven't you ever had too much sugar with your tea?"
[17:57] <Amonet> "Since when is goodness bad? See, it doesn't even make sense when you say it out loud!"
[17:57] <Alveria> "Nothing is good for you in excess, including positive energy and... goodness!"
[17:58] <Amonet> "That's just stupid," Amonet responds with a huff.
[17:58] <Ebiris> "Yes, that!" the imp nods rapidly. "The elf and the orc seem like the types I can deal with, but... oh, hell, I've been stuck here for two thousand years, I can't be choosy - please get me out of here, I can help you, and stuff!"
[17:59] <Alveria> "I disagree. I know all about devils 'helping' us mortals," replies Alveria, crossly.
[18:00] <Gourash> "No one else around?" Gourash wondered, slowly ending his laughter.
[18:01] <Ebiris> "Hey, you're here to loot all of Belpheron's research, aren't you?" the imp asks slyly. "I can help you decipher it - but not before you let me out! I already got tricked by that last guy!"
[18:01] <Gourash> "Last guy?" Gourash wondered, seeing how much the creature would rant on it.
[18:03] <Ebiris> "Yeah, Lyfes Helsthorn. That bastard, he said he'd let me out if I helped him with some of the rituals, but he just left me here," the imp snarls, clenching a tiny fist angrily. "I was desperate, so I let myself get hoodwinked!"
[18:04] <Alveria> "Ah, that man. What are HIS goals here?"
[18:06] <Ebiris> "Well, he was just some sanctimonious tree hugger when he first showed up, but he got really into all that death stuff Belpheron was into. Even managed to work out a few new tricks - with my help!" the imp sputters indignantly for a moment. "I think he must have been a bit touched in the head."
[18:08] <Alveria> "I'll tell you what," replies Alveria, frowning. "We're likely to come to blows with this fellow. You tell us what he's up to- now- and then I'll let you go, and you'll tell us about this research while you're at it. Seems you might get a little revenge out the deal. What say you?"
[18:11] <Ebiris> The imp eyes Alveria for a good long moment. "Alright," it nods. "Deal." Rubbing its hands together briefly as it flutters around in the air, "He got real obsessed with death, but said the old rituals were inefficient. Worked out some of his own that let him draw power from killing plants and stuff, and then he pissed off and left me here. That was about a year ago." Looking down at the magic circle, "Now, your end of the bargain?"
[18:13] <Alveria> "Of course. Gourash, free the poor devil," replies Alveria.
[18:13] <Amonet> "You can't free a devil, even if it is pathetic!" Amonet objects.
[18:14] <Alveria> "You're not much for wordplay, are you, Amonet?"
[18:14] * Gourash eyes alveria, then turns, grinning as he promptly 'free's it, with a swift axe strike at it.
[18:14] <Gourash> roll 1d20+18-2 attack!
[18:14] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+18-2 attack! and gets 36." [1d20=20]
[18:14] <Gourash> roll 1d20+18-2 attack! Crit?
[18:14] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d20+18-2 attack! Crit? and gets 17." [1d20=1]
[18:15] <Ebiris> OOC: hit
[18:15] <Gourash> roll 1d12+13+4
[18:15] * Hatbot --> "Gourash rolls 1d12+13+4 and gets 27." [1d12=10]
[18:16] * Amonet twitches.
[18:16] <Ebiris> The imp barely has time to widen its eyes in alarm before Gourash's axe smushes through its skull, the creature dying without even a whimper as its corpse proceeds to evaporate into a thin red mist.
[18:18] <Alveria> "If this Belpheron had a wider level of study, I might have seriously considered the thing's offer," muses Alveria. "Necromancy... ugh. Did you know that most who favour it came to their studies later in life, already feeling the tugs of age? Such a self-indulgent school..."
[18:19] <Amonet> "Yes, unlike evocation."
[18:19] <Alveria> "Pardon?"
[18:20] * Amonet coughs, looking at her most innocent.
[18:20] <Gourash> "Well...bad guy is gone. Imp is gone. Let us finish looting?" Gourash shrugged.
[18:21] <Alveria> "It wouldn't surprise me if this man was still here," replies Alveria, shaking her head. "All the life about here is still dead, and that nymph felt she was guarding something... he's just not *here*, in this room."
[18:23] <Alveria> Alveria frowns. "Rituals that kill plants to gain power... there would be a lot of mages and druids who could use such powers. Especially the enemies of the woodlands. I feel we should find and confront him."
[18:24] <Amonet> "Stopping the spread of his evil would surely be a worthy cause!" Amonet agrees perkily.
[18:25] * Alveria starts searching the rest of the room, though.


Nothing of interest is found within the binding chamber, beside the skeletal winged corpse.

Inside the library, numerous books and scrolls appear to have been pulled off the shelves and then meticulously arranged on tables of rotten looking wood that nonetheless is as sturdy as iron.

A cursory inspection of them finds notes by the original occupant pertaining to the nature of souls. He seems to have had a great interest in their uses, and there appears to be some sort of ritual detailed that goes into great detail on how a person can be strengthened by feeding on the souls of others. There's also various points on the difficulties of using Outsiders in this manner, due to the dual nature of their souls and bodies, but it appeared to be a challenge Belpheron was doing his utmost to overcome.

A Knowledge Arcana check is required to decipher these particular writings

There are then further notes in another hand, seemingly written by the druid researcher, who has his own theories, after performing various experiments on the guardians that were put here by the circle, about how to draw upon the power of nature in a way that conflicts quite rashly with traditional druidic beliefs.

A Knowledge Nature check is required to decipher these writings

In addition, several magic scrolls are found: Halt Undead, Magic Circle against Evil, Animate Dead, Enervation, and Lesser Planar Binding