
I have a dream that one day, men will be punched in the face not for the color of their skin, but for the awful content of their character.

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Started by Anastasia, April 30, 2021, 02:03:40 PM

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"First is Asani. She's been on a Prime called Gallayn. From what we know she likely provoked a bloody civil war in a large kingdom there. She may or may not be pregnant, there was some information along those lines but it's unconfirmed." Antenora begins, "We're of the opinion that part's probably false, but who can say for certain? Ebony reminded us of the Child of Lifasa and that evil will even pervert the miracle of life and birth."

As Kascha writes Elle listens, "It seems odd for most Sharrans to have children. It doesn't fit the dogma."

"It varies, and I doubt Shar would stop a pregnancy from happening. The heartbreak of stillbirth or miscarriage is far sharper," Antenora's tone is openly offended now, "Don't forget that our enemy is a monster." A pause to clear her throat. "Ahem. There's also unconfirmed reports she was seen in Grumbar's court. Relatedly, Moore may be involved, as he has some business in that court."
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


"Does Moore know about her or have any intention to capture her?"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


"Moore is aware you'd have to contact him on that for more," Antenora says, "We're all juggling a great many things."
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


"In that case, Kascha, please be sure to contact him and ask for how it's going. If he intends to go after her and needs help, we'll provide it. And if he's not doing anything about her, we'll step in."

Nodding to herself, Seira returns her attention to Antenora. "This was the first. And after her?"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Today in small transitory posts to move things while Cor's asleep and I don't want to waste game time on it.

"Now?" Kascha asks, "I can message him right now if you like."
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Seira nods her agreement to Kascha, listening to Antenora in the meantime.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


"Next is Ryn, who came across Gathgorian in Gathgorian's hunt for a divine seed." Antenora doesn't smile, but she doesn't look the least bit troubled. "Gathgorian won and captured him. He's no longer a threat."

"Oh. Well, it's not a bad thing," Kascha says a little sadly, "At least he's pulling his end of it. But oh, I so hate to see devils succeed like that!" Her wings droop and she looks down a bit, a soft sigh.

"I know," Antenora reaches out and gently pats Kascha's head, which perks her up. "There's no sin in joy that a monster has been stopped, even if another monster is the one who did it. While after this we will rue whatever strength Gathgorian obtains, until that time let us be grateful for another ally."

"It's still better than demons," Kascha agrees as well, "At least the devils will keep their word."

"No matter how vile, even if they try and twist it within the bounds of that," Antenora sits back now, "Gathgorian personally confirmed the capture when asked."

"Did he lie, by any chance?" Elle asks at this point. "Like how fishermen always exaggerate their catches?"

"No," Antenora disagrees, "To what end? It would be a silly lie, a meaningless one. Sooner or later the truth would come out. Gathgorian's direct, like a storm. It's not his style. That and his master likely has no desire for a meaningless argument with Zaphkiel over such matters."
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


"And it's still a better fate for Ryn than what Shar would provide," Seira mutters. "Right. Next on the list?"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


"The last was Zylvelyn, who Marie and I took care of," Antenora finishes. "In other words, we've made progress against them."
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Seira blinks. "I was sure there were more!"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


"Well," Antenora smiles a little bit, "When you k eep succeeding, you thin the numbers down."
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


"Well then, let's first see how Moore's doing with the one we know," Seira voices, gesturing at Kascha to contact him. It was a bit of a surprise, but she returns Anternora's smile, accepting her point.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


"Ah. I already did," Kascha clears her throat. "He's not planning to move there anytime soon, and we're welcome to. I get the impression he's occupied otherwise."
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


"Okay. We'll move into Asani," Seira decides. "Elle, pass on to Donald that I want to see what he might turn up on top of what Antenora graciously shared with us?"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


"I will," Elle promises, as meanwhile Kascha gets up.

"Now let me show you some of what we found," She offers Antenora as...

Anything to add here or good to move along? If so, you said you had something to do semi IC?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?