
"I sense a soul in search of answers.  I shalt eat him."

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Random DM nagging 2: Endless nagging

Started by Anastasia, August 29, 2014, 12:50:41 AM

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Iron Dragoon

Just for the notation, I'm interested, but I'll hold saying/doing anything until you guys get to scheduling since that'll likely be what cuts me out.
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


Quote from: Corwin on April 05, 2015, 12:41:47 PM
There isn't much in way of concrete detail, but I'm interested. Still hoping to play a fey, likely a Savage Species-style since it's been something I wanted to do in a long game for ages. Doesn't look to be a problem.

Yeah, actual world and game prep will take some time. A few notes on that.

- It'll likely be a largely corrupt/darkened country. Not 100% gone, but not a great place to live. A lot of the struggle will be internal.

- Evil faiths will have some sway there. Umberlee will be a factor at least (the eastern and northern borders are coastlines), with any beyond that still to be determined. Due to other games, Shar and devils (maybe Bane by extension since they're really similar) will likely be cameos/summon monster bait at best.

- The southern border has some mountains. The majority of the area otherwise is flat plains. Not a ton of natural defenses. Pirate attacks on the coast are a problem.

- More than anything else, the people are battered down, weary and afraid. Many are turning to darker places for promises of safety and power. Evil cults and deities grow in influence. Lately, all would be heroes just seem to fizzle out, or to be as miserable as the rest of the realm. Something

So on and so forth. All of that's subject to change since I'm super early in my prep.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Iron Dragoon on April 05, 2015, 12:50:03 PM
Just for the notation, I'm interested, but I'll hold saying/doing anything until you guys get to scheduling since that'll likely be what cuts me out.

Fair enough, Iddy. G'luck.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


[12:06] <Cat_of_Space> 3, 1, 5, 3, 3 = 11
[12:06] <Cat_of_Space> 6, 6, 2, 5, 6 = 18
[12:06] <Cat_of_Space> 3, 3, 1, 4, 4 = 11
[12:06] <Cat_of_Space> 3, 5, 1, 5, 4 = 14
[12:06] <Cat_of_Space> 4, 6, 1, 3, 4 = 14
[12:06] <Cat_of_Space> 4, 6, 3, 1, 6 = 16
[12:06] <Cat_of_Space> Nephrite's Scores: 18, 16, 14, 14, 11, 11
[12:06] <Nephrite> !rollchar
[12:06] <Cat_of_Space> 4, 4, 5, 1, 4 = 13
[12:06] <Cat_of_Space> 6, 4, 2, 6, 3 = 16
[12:06] <Cat_of_Space> 4, 3, 5, 1, 1 = 12
[12:06] <Cat_of_Space> 6, 6, 1, 2, 6 = 18
[12:06] <Cat_of_Space> 6, 3, 3, 3, 5 = 14
[12:06] <Cat_of_Space> 2, 6, 5, 1, 3 = 14
[12:06] <Cat_of_Space> Nephrite's Scores: 18, 16, 14, 14, 13, 12

Going with 2 because I am not stupid.


[17:09] <Cat_of_Space> Ebiris's Scores: 17, 16, 15, 15, 14, 13


So is it more a case of a powerful and corrupt minority leading the way with everyone just scared and hopeless rather than basically everyone being an asshole to some degree or another?


Quote from: Ebiris on April 05, 2015, 01:11:46 PM
So is it more a case of a powerful and corrupt minority leading the way with everyone just scared and hopeless rather than basically everyone being an asshole to some degree or another?

It's mostly a slow, steady decline. The world needs heroes. The people can certainly be saved, but they need a spark. They need hope. They need something better than they have now. They need heroes to inspire, ones that won't end up going out and never being seen again, found in a gutter or becoming part of the problem.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Previews are just that: Previews. Nothing here is final yet, so make sure to reread when the information is posted later, as things may change. Mechanics in particular as they go through balancing.

This is meant to be a small reward for choosing exalted alignment, since it'll be taking a firm stand against the evil of the realm. You'll attract attention, for good and ill.

Preview 1: Exalted Characters

To choose to be an exalted character is a commitment. In a darkened realm such as this, it is a brave and bold statement that you will stand up to the darkness all around you. Yet such brave heroes do not stand alone. Those that embrace righteousness are blessed by the Heavens Above. This blessing manifests as a bonus exalted feat of your choice that you qualify for.

Additionally, several new exalted feats are available for this campaign. They're listed below. These feats are meant to be at least marginally better than the ones in the BoED, as many of those are somewhat underpowered.  Being exalted is a serious commitment and should be rewarded as such.

Links are included in certain entries for relevant fluff. They'll be in the feat's name.

Angelic Battlelore [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Skill Focus (Knowledge: Planes)
Benefit: You gain a +5 bonus on knowledge checks about evil outsiders and undead, as well as the lower planes.

Arch-Angel's Mystery [Exalted] Second relevant link
Prerequisite: Knowledge (Planes) 15 ranks, Words of Creation, int 17, cha 17
Benefit: You study the secret lessons of the 77+7 arch-angels of Elysium and learn how to hide yourself from detection. This allows you two ways to use the Words of Creation, ways pioneered by them as they sought to escape the notice of all.

Obscurity: You can hide yourself from the detections of others, creating an effect that shields you while allowing the glories of others to be humbly seen instead. This is identical to a nondetection spell with a caster level equal to your hit dice. Using the Words of Creation in this way deals 14d4 points of nonlethal damage to you.
Invisibility: You can create a cloak that turns aside the eyes of the wicked. This is equivalent to an invisibility spell, except that it only affects evil creatures. Using the Words of Creation in this way deals 7d4 points of nonlethal damage to you.

Eladrin Joy [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Participated in a revel or celebration in Arborea, cha 15
Benefit: Once per day as a standard action, you can infuse yourself and any allies within 30ft with the zest for life of the eladrin host. This is identical to a good hope spell with a caster level equal to your hit dice. This is a supernatural ability.
Special: Deities who offer the joy domain offer variants of this feat. The exact revel prerequisite and name of the feat vary, but it is otherwise the same. The best known example is Lliira's Laugh.

Exalted Endurance [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Endurance, con 13
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to saving throws against pain based effects, such as symbol of pain, wrack and physical torture. Additionally, you gain 2 hit points for every exalted feat you have, including this one.

Exalted Glow [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Aura of Courage, Nimbus of Light, cha 17
Benefit: Creatures within the radius of the light shed by your nimbus of light (10ft) are immune to fear. This replaces the +4 morale bonus your aura of courage grants.
Special: If you have another aura that grants you immunity to an effect or condition and nearby allies a bonus (such as the aura of sanctity alternate class feature), creatures within the radius of your nimbus of light are also immune to what that aura protects against.

Exalted Healer [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Heal 10 ranks
Benefit: Creatures under long term care from you (by the heal skill) can heal vile damage as if it were normal damage. This requires complete rest. Additionally, you can heal ability drain at a rate of 1 point per day of complete rest, this requires a DC 25 Heal check.

Exalted Protection [Exalted]
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on saves against spells and spell-like abilities with the evil descriptor.

Exalted Weapon Mastery [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Weapon Mastery (Melee or Ranged)
Benefit: Weapons that are affected by your weapon mastery feat are infused with righteousness. Any such weapon counts as good aligned to overcome damage reduction. Further, when wielding a weapon affected by your weapon mastery feat, you gain an additional +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against evil creatures. This stacks with weapon mastery, weapon focus, weapon specialization and similar feats.
Special: A fighter may select exalted weapon mastery as a fighter bonus feat.

Favored of Nature [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Animal Friend
Benefit: No animal will attack you unless compelled by mind-affecting abilities or of evil alignment. If you are in the wild, small animals will stay around you, offer you food, provide warmth and other such things.

Guardian Angel [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Any other exalted feat
Benefit: Once per day as an immediate action, you gain can any one of the following benefits: A +4 sacred bonus to a single saving throw, a +4 sacred bonus to armor class against one attack or a protection from evil effect for 1 minute.

Holy Terror [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Intimidate 8 ranks, cha 15
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to Intimidate checks against evil creatures.

Ilmater's Resolve [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Exalted Endurance, con 17
Benefit: You are immune to pain based effects, such as symbol of pain, wrack and physical torture. You can bear any pain without the slightest noise or reaction, should you need to. You gain an additional hit point per exalted feat you have, this stacks with the benefit from exalted endurance.

Lathander's Rites [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Vampire Hunter
Benefit: Vampires and vampire spawn reduced to zero hit points and gaseous form by you have the time they have to reach their coffin home before death reduced to a half hour. As a standard action, you can sense the location of any vampire or vampire spawn so afflicted, as well as what direction they are traveling in.

Preacher [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Diplomacy 7 ranks
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus on Charisma based checks to spread the world of your deity, attract new faithful, gather tithes and promote your church. If you have a Profession skill that accomplishes the same thing, such as profession (preacher), it applies to checks with that skill as well.

Ravagesmith [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Craft(Poisonmaking) 5 ranks
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to Craft(Poisonmaking) checks to create ravages. You can increase the DC of a ravage by up to 10, as if you have skill focus(craft:poisonmaking).

Reveal Evil [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Detect evil class feature, paladin level 5th
Benefit: At will, you may use blessed sight as a spell-like ability. You gain a +2 bonus to any caster level checks to overcome nondetection or similar effects that would prevent you from detecting a creature's evil.

Shining Example [Exalted]
Prerequisite: Sacred Vow
Benefit: You strive to be the best you can. You gain a +2 bonus on Charisma-based checks when you attempt to inspire, lead or instill hope in others. If you perform an act of good while attempting such a check (such as relieving a suffering enemy's pain while you try to negotiate with them), this bonus increases to +4 until the end of the encounter.

I'd link Seira in the last one, but it's obvious plus I'm trying to avoid that. Assume I'll avoid references like that unless PC induced. But yeah, that one is so Seira.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Previews are just that: Previews. Nothing here is final yet, so make sure to reread when the information is posted later, as things may change. Mechanics in particular as they go through balancing.

As this one is purely flavor, bear in mind I may tweak some things.

Preview 2: The kingdom of Malana.


Government Type: A kingdom divided into 5 districts.
Leader: Dynast Franz Malana.
Flag: A blue flag with a white stripe down the middle.
Capital: Misty Harbor

Malana is an old nation, one that has existed in several forms for over a millenia. For the last few centuries the Malana Dynasts have ruled the kingdom and given it its name. While the land is good and plentiful on the surface, problems have worn down the country in the past century. Pirate attacks are depressingly common, raiding both ship sat sea and ports. Krygur in the south has menaced, though natural barriers have lessened that threat. Kabath to the west has routinely waged war on Malana, as there are no natural barriers to prevent an army from marching in. The most recent Malana-Kabath war was 8 years ago and resulted in the concession of several border territories from Malana to Kabath.

The current dynast, Franz Malana, has ruled since his father died in the most recent war. He is now only a man of 20 years and spends most of his time in the palace. It is commonly said that he allows others to do as they please, lost in his own amusements. His reign has seen the legalization of the Church of the Bitch Queen, long forbidden by dynast edict. He has loosened the ban on the slave trade, allowing slave ships to dock in the kingdom's ports and even sell their wares there. Taxes have risen as well, all said to pay for the dynast's pleasure palace parties. The dynast's lax attention has allowed bribery to flourish and corrupt practices to reign. These days, it is said gold and knives are merchant's best friends.

The common people struggle under these burdens. Taxes sap the money of all but the rich, while corruption ensures that cronyism is the order of the day. Those that seek the help of the dynast find a disinterested court more interested in the next celebration or civil servants openly demanding bribes for anything. The army is overstretched and mainly focused on the borders, allowing pirates to savage the coasts, with only the navy to try and interdict them. Requests for aid are routinely turned down, as military manpower is overtaxed.

Those that turn to religion find a harder path yet. The old churches are all in decline, having lost the favor of most. The Shining Light Cathedral of Lathander has lost the support of the nobility and has fallen on hard times. The Order of the Whirling Fury was wiped out a generation ago by an unknown disaster and has yet to reform, an entire order of crusaders against the dark gone. The Technos of Gond survive, but recent years have seem them lost in their own work, caring less and less of the common man. Other smaller churches have likewise suffered setbacks.

The Church of the Bitch Queen is a wealthy church and rising, for the priests claim to be able to shield ships from the wrath of the sea and pirates - for the right offerings, of course. The Church is more interested in sating their own interests and the wrath of Umberlee, having no interest in aiding those without gold.

The Order of the Senses likewise has a fair deal of patronage these days, but it is an open secret that they engage in demon worship. Yet the women of the cult are beautiful and they have gold enough, so the authorities allow this to run unchecked. It is whispered that those that oppose the cult have their souls sucked out by women so beautiful that a man can do nothing but allow it to happen.

The Frozen are a cult that is established in the southern mountains. They serve Auril and offer protection from winter's ravages. On the surface they seem beneficial, and indeed have a few benefits. Yet the areas under their stewardship become cold and unfeeling, as do the people. Neighbors become uncaring of other neighbors and the snowy streets run red when the wrath of the faithful is stirred.

Beyond religion, dark things move in the wilderness. Goblins, always a small problem in seaside caves, have grown lately and have been seen further inland. Basilisks, a problem thought exterminated in the plains, have shown signs of a resurgence. Darker things yet are said to be moving, leaving the rural populace in a state of growing uneasiness. Do they turn to the corrupt kingdom, the uncaring nobility or the cruel churches on the rise? Where are the heroes to turn to? Are they doomed to stand alone and afraid?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Not the best place for it, but what happens if you are a lvl6 character, Monk5/Pal1, and you take the Practiced Spellcaster feat for Paladin. Do you get Paladin CL 1-3+4=2? Or does it do nothing until you get to lvl9 with Monk5/Pal4, where it suddenly activates and you get Paladin CL 4-3+4=5?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Quote from: Corwin on April 09, 2015, 05:34:23 AM
Not the best place for it, but what happens if you are a lvl6 character, Monk5/Pal1, and you take the Practiced Spellcaster feat for Paladin. Do you get Paladin CL 1-3+4=2? Or does it do nothing until you get to lvl9 with Monk5/Pal4, where it suddenly activates and you get Paladin CL 4-3+4=5?

Paladin doesn't have a caster level until level 4, so it doesn't apply until then.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Previews are just that: Previews. Nothing here is final yet, so make sure to reread when the information is posted later, as things may change. Mechanics in particular as they go through balancing.

As this one is purely flavor, bear in mind I may tweak some things. I'm in that phase where i have to do a lot of the background work, so stuff like this is the norm.

Preview 3: Noble rankings in Malana


The undisputed ruler of the realm, though the title also goes to the Dynast's spouse. They are styled His Most Wise Royal Majesty along with any other ranks, honors or titles. The Dynast is an absolute king and his word is law. There is no appeal to his decisions and he is the final arbiter of anything within Malana.

The current Dynast is Franz Malana, styled as His Most Wise Royal Majesty Franz Malana, Lord of Misty Harbor and Commander of the Serene Sea. He has no wife as of yet, and it is common knowledge that he has many mistresses. No (acknowledged) children have come of these dalliances. He rarely addresses the problems of the common people, instead dealing with the issues of the nobility and his own personal interests.

Note that it is customary and correct to capitalize Dynast at all times. Franz is the fourth such Dynast to carry that name, though a Dynast's title does not reflect that until after death. He will be known as Dynast Franz in life and Dynast Franz IV in death.

Prince or Princess

The children of the current Dynast. They are automatically next in line for the throne and are groomed as such. They are styled His Most Wise Royal Highness along with any other ranks, honors or titles. The spouses of princes and princesses are not bestowed this title, they are instead given the title scion of the realm.

There are no current princes or princesses, as Dynast Franz was an only child and none of his father's siblings survived the last war with Kabath.

Scions of the Realm

Royalty that is not in the immediate line to inherit the throne. This is usually a title held by family branches that result from Dynasts with large families. They are styled Lord Scion along with any titles, ranks or honors. In common usage they are simply called scions. Should a scion become in line to inherit the throne, they obtain the title or prince or princess. They are ranked below the Dynast and princes and princesses, equal to scions of the district and above all other nobility.

An example scion is Lord Scion Jonah Malana-Willsworth, Marshal of the Western Front and Umberlant. He is a known cleric of Umberlee and said to be an adviser of the Dynast. He's known to be a capable warrior, though he rose to military rank after the last war with Kabath, so his military skill is unknown. It is no secret that he is quite wealthy, though most of the wealth is said to be tossed into the sea for Umberlee.

Scions of the District

The highest non-royal rank, scions of the district rule one of Malana's five districts. They report directly to the Dynast and are equal in rank to a scion of the realm. Unlike scions of the realm, scions of the district usually use their full title. They are styled Lord Scion along with any ranks, titles and honors. They see that Malana's districts are fruitful and benefit the crown. The position is hereditary, though the Dynast can remove a family from this rank.

An example scion of the district is Lord Scion Garrond DuMarier. A former knight during the last war, he was one of the few commanders to hold his position and adequately oppose the Kabath army. He was once a wandering hero, but accepted an invitation from the previous Dynast to join the army. His fortunes have soared since them, as has his wealth.


Nobles who serve the scions of the district or who have been honored by the crown. They generally hold property and deal with the day to day problems. These days, most are noted to be remarkably uncaring and self-absorbed. They are styled Lord with no further ranks noted, save for military ones. They are below scions of the district but above the rest of the nobility.

An example lord is Lord Jack 'Silver' Maggen. He holds a large deal of property in the Whitepack Mountains to the south. Is known as 'Silver' for his preferred method of executing troublemakers - by drowning them in free-flowing frozen silver. These public spectacles are mandatory for the subjects of his lands to attend. He is a known sadist and is known to revere Auril. Some claim that he is one of her clerics, but it is not confirmed.


A noble title above square but below all the others. It is bestowed to military officers who distinguish themselves. Knight is still a fairly common title to be used for armored warriors, and not every person who calls himself a knight is a knight of this rank. They are styled Knight along with any military titles they have. They serve in the military and seldom hold land until retirement, at which point is is customary for the crown to reward them with a holding.

An example knight is Knight Willis Umgard, General of the Western Shield. A big, burly and bearded man, he is noted for his personal lusts. While he is an adequate officer, he is primarily known for his assortment of bastard children. It's known he doesn't take particularly good care of them, and he often forces more troublesome ones into the army.


The lowest form of nobility. They are above commoners but below everyone else and are not landed. This title is given for a variety of distinguished deeds and accomplishments. It's something of a catch-all and the title is held by a broad spectrum of people. Any noble of knight rank or higher can nominate a commoner the title of squire, but the decision rests solely in the hands of the Dynast. Success and failure usually comes down to politics more than any merit.


The general term for the common folk. Goodman is used as well, but the term has fallen out of favor in recent times. The nobility seldom cares to differentiate between freement, but the common folk tend to refer to themselves based on their profession. For example, a butcher may be called Butcher Freeman, a seamstress as Seamstress Freewoman and so forth.


The lowest rank, until recently forbidden by law. It is still illegal to make a citizen of Malana a slave, but foreign slaves are now tolerated. A slave has no rights and is simply property.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Previews are just that: Previews. Nothing here is final yet, so make sure to reread when the information is posted later, as things may change. Mechanics in particular as they go through balancing.

As this one is purely flavor, bear in mind I may tweak some things. I'm in that phase where i have to do a lot of the background work, so stuff like this is the norm.

Preview 4: Assorted tidbits


Government Type: A reformed tribal federation.
Leader: Queen Penelope II
Flag: A black banner with a white lightning bolt in the middle
Capital: Tempalar


Government Type: Kingdom
Leader: Prince Alan-Greenholm
Flag: A blue field decorated with white stars, with a silver stripe down the center
Capital: Kryguros

Misty Harbor

The capital city of Malana. It is named for the fact it is routinely foggy. In spite of that, it's home to an amazing natural harbor and is the main port of call for Malana. The fog also gives some protection from pirate raids, though other cities on the cost are not so lucky.


A city that sits in the higher foothills of the southern mountains. It is a the main coordination point to the defenses of Whitepack Pass and forces rotate between there and Whitepack Pass commonly. Martial law prevails in the city, as the military brooks no interference with its duties. This protects the city from most threats but leaves them open to whatever the army wishes to do.

Fortresses Highspire, Tyr's Spite, Adamantine, Jellan, Breakshield and Iron Resolve

A series of western border fortresses. They coordinate the defenses against Kabath. They also serve as places for travelers to rest - and to be interrogated, as the stories say. Especially travelers from Kabath.


A port town south of Misty Harbor. Once prosperous, pirate raids have crippled the town. Many sailors have left, families have moved and only the resilient remain. Despite all the losses, the pirates continues to attack.

Known races in Malana


The dominant species. Ages ago, Malana was elf dominated. Time and weather patterns peeled the forests into plains, and the elves largely left with them. Humans moved in from the west and south and the rest is history.


A few handfuls of elves remained in Malana. They aren't many and tend to be considered 'human' elves and are raised amid humans. Foreign elves have an extremely low opinion of them. Native elves have all the rights of humans in Malana and racism is generally low. However, they're rarely part of the nobility, leading to tensions.


A recurring problem in seaside caves. They have a tribal society and love to start wars, raid and generally be pests. Some are pirates, but most are simply menaces. They're growing more numerous lately.

Earth Genasi

An odd sect of humans and elves moved underground about 5 centuries ago. What happened isn't clear, but they vanished and eventually earth genasi came to set up a few villages beneath Malana. They are an isolated, warlike and xenophobic society. Fortunately, they don't usually make trouble for surface dwellers unless provoked. They worship strange deities such as Grumbar, Ogremoch, Entemoch, Sunnis and others yet.

They aren't citizens of Malana, but they're generally ignored so long as they don't make trouble. A few efforts to stomp them out have lead to entombed divisions and general failure.

Deep Dwarves

Evidence suggests deep dwarves once lived beneath Malana, but all that's left is ruins. It's a mystery, but the earth genasi make exploring it difficult.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


And yes, there are half-elves for obvious reasons as well as mixed breeds. More on that later.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Previews are just that: Previews. Nothing here is final yet, so make sure to reread when the information is posted later, as things may change. Mechanics in particular as they go through balancing.

The vile feats are examples. There's more you aren't seeing, but I'm making toys for the bad guys as well as for y'all. Sweet poisons is from Cherry over in the characters and monsters topic, by the way.

Preview 5: Various feats, including racial and vile feats.

Blended Blood [Racial]
Prerequisite: Ancestry of at least three different races
Benefit: Choose one of the races in your heritage. You are treated as that race for the sake of effects, as well as for qualifying for feats and prestige classes.
Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level.

Born Under a Dark Omen [Vile]
Prerequisite: Evil alignment
Benefit: You gain the evil subtype. If slain, you may choose to rise as a ghost or other undead (DM's discretion). If you do, you cannot be resurrected by any means until you rise as undead and are destroyed.
Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level.

Dark Champion [Vile]
Prerequisite: Born Under a Dark Omen
Benefit: You may smite good once per day. This is identical to a blackguard's smite evil, except that you gain a +4 bonus to your attack roll and deal extra damage equal to your hit dice. If you already have the ability to smite good as a class feature, you instead gain an additional +2 bonus to your attack and weapon damage rolls when you smite good.

Elf Blood [Racial]
Prerequisite: Elven ancestry, do not have elf subtype
Benefit: You are treated as an elf for the sake of effects, as well as qualifying for feats and prestige classes. You count as an elf to use magical items keyed to elves. You gain a +2 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.
Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level.

Frozen Body [Vile]
Prerequisite: Must serve Auril, con 13
Benefit: Your body becomes as cold and unfeeling as Auril's blizzards. You gain resistance to cold 10, this resistance stacks with any other permanent resistance to cold you possess, but not with temporary effects or magical items.

Frozen Mind [Vile]
Prerequisite: Must serve Auril, Frozen Body
Benefit: Your mind becomes numb as Auril's power caresses it. You gain a +4 profane bonus to saving throw against mind-affecting effects.

Frozen Soul [Vile]
Prerequisite: Must serve Auril, Frozen Mind, Evil Brand
Benefit: You gain the cold subtype, granting you immunity to cold and vulnerability to fire. You are surrounded by winter's chill at all time, which causes any weapon you wield, including natural weapons and unarmed strikes, to deal an extra 2d6 points of cold damage. Your evil brand changes to radiate cold power, which allows evil creatures with the cold subtype to know your patron on sight and that you have her favor. This increases the circumstance bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks against such creatures to +4. This power does not come without a price, as you lose the ability to feel emotions, except for cold rage and icy contempt. 

Hybrid Vigor [Racial]
Prerequisite: Blended Blood, con 13
Benefit: You gain a +2 racial bonus to Fortitude saves. You may reroll any roll of 1 or 2 when rolling your hit points.

Malanese Elf [Racial]
Prerequisite: Elf, raised in Malana
Benefit: You gain an additional skill point at each level (4 at 1st level).
Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level.

Smite of the Northern Wind [General]
Prerequisite: Ability to smite good, must serve Auril
Benefit: When you smite good, you may choose to imbue your smite with the power of winter. This adds an extra 1d6 points of cold damage to your smite. In addition, all the damage your smite deals is cold damage. This means it bypasses damage resistance, as all the damage is now energy damage. If you smite a creature that is not good, the smite is still wasted and has no extra effect.

Sweet Poisons [General]
Prerequisite: Must serve Malcanthet, Craft(Poisonmaking) 10 ranks, cha 17
Benefit: You may use your Charisma modifier in place of your Intelligence modifier with Craft(Poisonmaking) checks. In addition, you may choose to change the taste of any ingested poison you create to anything you wish. Doing so increases the Craft DC of the poison by 3.
Special: Several enterprising succubi have sold the knowledge of this feat to the highest bidder. As such, the requirement of serving Malcanthet can be ignored if a teacher is found.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?